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Entangled. Chapter 1 There was an air of anticipation in the room as the five men looked to wards the door and the imminent arrival of their guest tonight, or, as they were always known as amongst the group, their 'victim'. Four of the guys there were aged between early forties to mid sixties but one, Michael, was just 22 and felt very privileged and lucky to be admitted as one of their number. He had applied to join the group more in hope than in expectation of being allowed in but, after an online interview and submitting photos and personal details he was eventually invited to meet a couple of the guys who ran the group and was delighted to be asked to join. The group called themselves 'The Aficionados' and whilst they were open about what they were and did they were very secretive about their membership and only when you were admitted to the inner circle were you granted your online password and able to view the website in full as well as partake in the group meetings. The Aficionados members had one thing in common and the group existed to give them an opportunity to partake in their strange fascination. All enjoyed being macho men but loved using and abusing transvestites, specifically they enjoyed being a gang of guys with one helpless transvestite as the centre of their attention. Of course the TV was always a willing subject but when she had submitted herself as the centre of entertainment for the group she was helpless to prevent anything happening to her, she would have an idea of what she was letting herself in for of course, but the Aficionados would fiendishly devise something new for any girl returning for a night of fun. Strangely, there were no shortage of TV volunteers but the group was fussy about who they invited to be their victims, the girl had to be under 35 years old, quite convincing and willing to sign a disclaimer that, effectively, said she would be helpless to protest and had no comeback against any group members. She would not be paid for the evening but sometimes would be treated to a free makeover and beauty treatments so that she could be made as pretty as possible for the gratification of the members. What the TV did not know was that she would be secretly filmed during her makeover and throughout the evening, the members then sold the films and made a very good supplementary income out of the hapless girls misfortunes. All the girl got out of it, apart from the makeover, was an evening of strict control, bondage, torture, abject humiliation and a great deal of sex, both her orifices would be well and truly used many times over. Nevertheless, the group had a hard core of five girls who willing subjected themselves time and again with the occasional new victim to supplement the regular girls. Tonight was Michael's first group meeting and he was very excited. They were all assembled in the basement of one of the leaders of the group. It was a large house and the basement was one room that extended the whole area of the house, the walls were painted red and black the lighting could be turned up or down to suit the mood as required. Around the room there were various items, a large cross on a pivoting platform, a vaulting horse, a large uncomfortable looking wooden chair that looked like a film prop for a Victorian Gothic film, a table that looked very much like an operating table except that it could be set at all different angles and the area where the legs would be was divided into two halves. All these pieces had a multitude of leather straps to hold the victim securely in place allowing the Aficionados to do exactly what they liked with her. Around the walls were mirrors so the victim was able to see exactly what was happening to her, or at least she was able to when she wasn't blindfolded! A wooden rack mounted on wheels was pushed into one corner, containing all manner of whips, canes, ropes, vibrators and dildos for use on the hapless victim. On one side of the large room was a bar area where the members could relax and have a drink, usually whilst their victim was strapped to some devious and ingenious device with something vibrating deep inside her, the guys would sit and chat for a while, laughing at the very obvious discomfort of their victim as she writhed and squirmed within her relentless bondage, muffled screams barely audible from under her tightly gagged mouth as she could only wait helplessly for the group to have their fun with her. As the guys waited for their lates victim all eyes went toward the staircase as the heard the door opening. Max, the group leader and owner of the house ushered in their latest victim, this was her second time as a victim and the group had deliberately given her a fairly easy time on her first night so as not to frighten her away, tonight, though, unbeknown to her, she was in for a torrid time and a very long night. The victim was known as Debbie and was in her early 30's, a lifelong t-girl and naturally submissive. She seemed very tall but that was probably as much to do with her 5" stiletto court shoes which had a little ankle strap to keep them in place, she was blonde although her long hair was kept in check by a blindfold effectively tied around her head, her bright red lips perfectly held in an O shape by a large ball gag. She wore a red cocktail dress of silk and gossamer like chiffon that came to about 6" above her shapely legs but her arms were tied behind her back exactly as if they had been casually crossed in front of her. Michael stared in open-mouthed wonderment as Max guided her down the steep staircase as Greg (the Aficionados official camera man) came closer to film her uncomfortable progress. When she reached the bottom of the steps another member rushed forward with armfuls of rope soon Debbie's ankles, knees and thighs had been bound and she was unable to move, the man who had tied her, a very large black West Indian called George lifted her over his shoulder and carried her across the room, he steadied her in position with one hand obviously under her dress and groping her bottom mercilessly, when he got to the vaulting horse he was obviously enjoying him self and stood there for a moment with the girl trussed and helpless on his shoulder, her dress had written up exposing her round bottom clad in a pair of white silk and lace panties, taught suspenders from her corset holding her stockings in place as George kneaded her bottom, his hand sliding inside the leg of her panties, she tried to kick out but was helpless as the rest of the guys laughed at her predicament. After a while he put her carefully down at the vaulting horse, she was turned so as to face towards the length of the horse and a leather strap was wound between the ropes binding her ankles before being buckled to keep her feet in position. Someone then pushed her shoulders down so she lay along the horse, another leather belt that was fixed to the sides of the horse was slid up between her arms and buckled together at around the level of her bra strap, she was effectively bound and held in position bent at 90 degrees from the waist. Max addressed their helpless victim. 'Now then young lady, you will remember you first night here about two months ago I'm sure. Well, for your information, we were deliberately quite easy on you that night even though you may not have thought so at the time. But tonight, you will find out what the Aficionados are really all about!' Debbie stretched trying to ease herself from her bondage but was ineffectual in her efforts, just causing the men to laugh at her helplessness. 'Yes, you may well try to escape but believe me girl, you are ours to do with what we want for the next few hours, it may be as little as seven hours or as long as sixteen, that depends upon how we feel and how much stamina we have, but it's our decision alone, you have had the luxury of a first class makeover at our expense and now, Sweetheart, it is payback time!' Max turned to Michael. 'Mikey, it's your first time here, would you like to be first to show our victim what is in store for her tonight?' Mike stepped forward eagerly as the rack was pushed over towards him. At Max's suggestion Michael chose a cane reminiscent of the type used by strict schoolmaster to hand out punishment to delinquent schoolboys in a bygone era, he wielded it in the air swishing it loudly a few times noticing how the girl tensed within her bondage at the sound. Slowly and quite deliberately Max lifted Debbie's dress and slip and placed them carefully on her back before slowly peeling her knickers down to reveal her plump, shaved bottom. 'OK Mikey, she's all yours! Only six mind you, we all want a turn with a few different toys we have here, so make sure each one counts.' Michael positioned himself to one side and lifted his arm bring it down smartly with a resound 'thwack' squarely across Debbie's bottom. She jumped within her bondage and a muffled squeal came from behind her ball gag, Michael waited a moment before giving her another caning, this time on her left cheek, again she jumped and squealed before another blow rained down on her right cheek, left again, then right, each time the girl reflex jumps and squeals increased and the other guys laughed heartlessly, thoroughly enjoying seeing her pain and humiliation. With just one blow left Michael determined to make it extra special and took a few paces away from the girl whose bottom was now streaked with five red lines, he could see her bottom clenched in anticipation of what was inevitably about to happen to her, Michael could only wonder what she must feel like bound tightly and strapped down with no possible escape from her fate. She still had her blindfold in place so was unable to see anything only able to listen for any sign of the next impending blow. Michael waited, savouring his moment before skipping a couple of steps and bringing his cane down on her rump with an almighty sound, her whole body jumped in a reflex movement and all the guys could hear the pain in her pitifully futile scream, they laughed all the more louder as they congratulated Michael on his first caning of a t-girl. Sadly for Debbie her ordeal had just begun, Michael was only the first and all six of them had a go at her, each giving six of the best but each using a different implement. 30 minutes later Debbie was still strapped in position but her bottom was striped and very red from 36 different blows, six from Michael's cane, six from a large wooden paddle, six from a long and very flexible piece of rubber tube, six from George's massive bare hand, six from a large size trainer one guy removed from his foot and finally Max gave her six very hard blows using a metal extendable cane that looked very much like a car aerial. Michael watched it all incredulously, as each blow descended upon her unprotected bottom Debbie jumped and whimpered, all that came from behind her gagged mouth was very muffled but Michael knew her screams would have been very loud if not for her gag. As he watched her continuing torment he could not help but think how she must be feeling, helplessly bound and knowing she could do nothing to prevent what they were doing to her, not knowing when her fate would end but very aware that her body was going to used as the sole receptacle of six strong and virile men for several hours to come. Frightening as he found the thought, Michael could not help but feel some excitement at the idea of being in her position, completely feminised and helpless. He tried to banish such thoughts from his mind very quickly as he looked at her trying to ease her pain. They left her lying there for a little while, after all, the men were in no particular hurry, Debbie wasn't going anywhere and they knew the anticipation of what was to happen to her and watching her distress was all part of the fun for them. Eventually they unstrapped her, pulled her panties back up then carried her over to the bed that looked like an operating table and laid her down, they removed all the ropes from her arms, thighs, knees and ankles so she was momentarily free, but within seconds they had buckled straps around her arms, neck, chest, thighs, knees and ankles so she was again totally helpless. Now her blindfold was removed and for the first time Michael could see her prettily made up eyes, though her mascara was a little streaked from her tears of pain. She looked at all six of the guys including staring at Michael, who could see the fear in her face but it was also couple with a look of fearful anticipation as well, again Michael found himself wondering what it must be like to be in her position. Max spoke to her. 'I hope you enjoyed your little taster session Debbie, now we are going to let you have a sit down for a a while, not sure how long but we are all going to have a drink and perhaps something to eat at the bar while you rest. But just so you don't get bored we have a new toy we haven't tried on any girl yet, so you are very lucky to be the first!' With that he produced a fearful looking thing, it was a realistically shaped rubber penis but it was huge, at least 2" in diameter and about 10" long, the girls eyes went very wide at the sight of it. But then Max produced a small remote control with several buttons and a dial marked 1 to 10. He turned the thing on and it started to vibrate, another button and it started to decrease in length from it's original 10" down to 6" and then grow again, repeating the process every 10 seconds or so. The Aficionado's grinned at the t-girls obvious distress but max pushed another button and this time the tip started to gyrate, then he flicked a switch, pushed all three buttons and it did all three movements at the same time, Debbie's eyes went wide but when max turned the dial up to position 10 her face went wide as the thing started to gyrate wildly and extremely fast, so much so that it jumped out of Max's hands and landed on her tummy where it writhed uncontrollably until Max pressed the off button. Debbie looked with a pleading look in her eyes that was only greeted by laughs of derision from the watching group of men. Now the bed was moved, her legs were fastened down separately and it was folded at her waist so that the bed was positioned with her head down and her legs up almost back over her shoulders, the legs were moved apart leaving a view of her white panties. Not that they remained in place for long as a couple of guys eased them down to her thighs for her, Michael could now see that her small penis was encased in a tiny chastity device that was also locked in place around her shaven balls, even if she wanted relief Michael realised it would be impossible for her to achieve it. He also noticed two tiny screws at the base of the chastity device and he wondered what purpose they could possibly serve. He didn't have much time to ponder on that though as he saw Greg the cameraman turn on a monitor above Debbie's head which gave her the view through the camera lens, Greg went down to the business end and set the camera on a tripod, Debbie had a very clear view of her unprotected bottom and, try as she might she was unable to drag her gaze away. The dildo had been stopped in the 6" position and Max at least had the decency to liberally coat it with lubricant before placing it at the entrance to Debbie's bottom, very slowly he applied pressure and on her monitor Debbie could see, as all her captors could also see, her passage start to open as the monster was forced inexorably inside her. Behind her gag the hapless girls breathing increased in short sharp explosive bursts as her passageway was opened wider, the guys knew she was in pain but she was also unable to stop staring at the screen as the head eventually slipped inside and her sphincter closed in a vice like grip around it. Her breathing slowed as the worst of the pain was over but still Max pushed relentlessly onwards until the whole thing was inside her. She carried on watching as max proceeded to loosen the small screws on Debbie's chastity device using a small electricians screwdriver, then he wound the ends of two small wires round the screws before screwing them up tightly in place, The TV now had two wires dangling from her each about 10 feet long, these were threaded under her panties which were now pulled back on her trapping the dildo inside her. The bed was put back into the horizontal position and all her straps were removed, but she had no time to enjoy her freedom as George bodily carried her over to the heavy upright chair and put her down, her arms were seized by two other guys and she was forcibly made to sit down on the hard wooden seat, a loud gasp escaped from behind her gag as the huge dildo was forced even further inside her and she was forced to sit uncomfortably on the two simulated balls that were now pressed hard into the cheeks of her bottom. Now she was strapped in place, large 2" wide leather straps went round her neck (though quite loosely here), her chest, waist, thighs to stop her from trying to lift her body up to relieve the pressure of the dildo. Her knees were strapped together whilst her ankle were pulled apart to each be strapped to a leg of the chair, her heels were just an inch off the floor so again there was no possibility of her being able to relieve any pressure. Now her arms were strapped to the chair arms and finally a strap over each wrist so she was completely immobilised. The look in her eyes was pure terror as she watched max wheel a machine in front of her, this looked like a car battery charger but had a row of lights along the bottom with a small switch at the end. There was a trailing electric cord attached to the machine and Max plugged this into a socket in the wall before stooping to pick up the two wires that were now laying on the floor between the terrified girls widespread legs. He attached the wires to two spring clips on the back of the machine before turning to face Debbie and grinning evilly at her. 'Shall we just try it out and see what it's like sweetheart?' Max mocked the pretty TV who was now obviously very scared, she tried shaking her head but knew everything was outside of her control. Max continued. 'This, my little princess, a random voltage generator, nothing too serious or damaging you will be glad to hear, but you will most definitely feel it, why is it random I hear you ask, well it is graded from 1 to 10 with 10 being the most severe and there is also a random timer that will administer the shock to you at anything from half a second through to five seconds, so you will have no idea when the next shock is coming, how long it will last or for how long. Now couple to this I have linked in your little toy as well. Rest assured that it will always be on but it can range from level one through to level ten quite randomly and each session could last anything between one minute and 5 minutes. Are you clear on that Debbie?' Looking aghast at the situation the TV found herself in she could do nothing other than plead for mercy with her eyes, but knew she had absolutely no alternative other than to sit there and try and endure what was to happen. Max grinned. 'I think we would all like to see the effects of our little toys wouldn't we boys?' Five heads nodded enthusiastically although Michael was again trying to imagine what it would be like for poor Debbie. 'I am going to give you a level one shock for 3 seconds Sweetheart, just to give you a taster of what is to come.' Max told the girl, whose eyes were fixed on Max's hands hovering over the machine. He turned a dial and flicked a switch sending a small charge down the wires to the TV's metal encapsulated penis, she jumped and her muscles tensed as she was gently shocked, even though it was extremely uncomfortable for her, she knew it was just about bearable, she relaxed when the generator stopped after 3 seconds. Everyone grinned except the hapless girl whose mouth was forced open around her ball gag Max turned the dial all the way to level ten and again flicked the switch, this time the girl literally jumped within her straps, every muscle tensed and her eyes flew wide open, her breathing stopped and she would have screamed if not for her gag, even so a high pitched moan pervaded the quiet of the room before the voltage shut down after 3 seconds. The girl relaxed but the fear showing on her face was now palpable. Max then demonstrated the dildo to everyone and set the level at one for 30 seconds, suddenly everyone could hear a faint whirring as the dildo did it's vibrating, gyrating and pulsating for 30 seconds inside the helpless TV victim, her eyes closed and everyone could tell she actually found it quite pleasurable. But after so seconds max turned the dial to 10 and things changed for the girl as all hell broke loose in her rectum, a loud buzzing emanated from within her as her squirmed and wriggled within her straps in a vain attempt to escape from its assault on her rectum. Eventually it was over and all the men laughed at her, including Michael though he still not rid his mind of wondering just how she felt to be totally at the mercy of all these strong masterful men. Max approached Debbie with a black bag which he pulled down over her head, there was a drawstring around the bottom of the bag and he drew that tightly around her neck, so shutting out all light and rendering her effectively blind. He flicked the switch and the machine started immediately the dildo at level 5 and an immediate shock at level four for five seconds set the unlucky transvestite immediately on edge. The men retired to the bar area and poured some drinks leaving her to the fate of the random generator, every now and then there would be a combination of electric shocks and high levels of the dildo that would make the poor girl squirm and writhe inside her bonds, occasionally she would try screaming behind her gag and his made the group laugh at her all the more. When she had been there for about 20 minutes, Max turned to Michael. 'Well Mikey, what do you think about the plight of out victim, how do you think she is feeling right now? Would you like to be in her stilettos right now?' Michael was suddenly aware that the other five guys were all listening very intently for his answer and he could feel himself blushing. He could no longer deny that the thought of being in such a helpless and humiliating position as Debbie was really turning him on. What did all this mean? To be continued.

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Hi guys, I am back with another story after the This time it is about a MILF/Bhabhi. This was during the lockdown when we were all trapped in our houses (the initial phase). I was going crazy at home at first. But later, I figured I had to keep myself mentally and physically fit at a time like this. I started waking up at 5 in the morning to stretch on my building terrace. Do some warm-up and then head down to go for a jog in the streets or do some cycling at home. Going to the terrace was my...

4 years ago
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You were Amazing

So there I was at work. Down on my knees weeding. Hot as hell and I was sweating like a pig. Weeding doesn't require an immense amount of brainpower or concentration, so, as usual, my mind was wandering here and there. As is usual, it wandered to thoughts of you and what I would like to do with you. These thoughts brought on an amazing hard on, of course. As I moved to get the weeds, my work pants rubbed against my hard cock. In my mind, it was you rubbing my cock. The end result was that I was...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Gand Ki Mehek

I’m a new iss member so if any errors in story occur please excuse Mera nam xyz hai.I m a maharshtrian.Mai medical padh raha hu aur 3 saal me doctor ban jaunga . Mai iss bahut saalo se padh raha hu so isislye socha apni ek kahani bhi likh du . Ti chalo kahani pe aate hai. Meri kahani hai meri aunty k bareme. Unka figure bahut hi kadak hai rang sawla hai. Unki height 5”4 hai.Unke mamme jaise ki ras ki dukan aur gand jaise bada sa makan. Baat aise shuru hui ki mai hamesha chuttiyo me aunty ko...

1 year ago
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My examination was not done properly

I was sixteen and lying on a bed in a quiet room, down a side corridor in my local hospital. I had arrived two hours ago and the pain in my stomach was excruciating, so I lay in the fetal position, knees drawn up to my chin, trying desperately, to ease the discomfort.I heard the door opening and whoever it was moved behind me, but I just laid perfectly still, as turning would aggravate the pain and that was the last thing I wanted.When he spoke to ask me a few questions, his voice was soothing...

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sex wrestling club

In this club every kinky thing are possible. There are many worker and wrestler in this club . The most stocks owned by A true Amazon called Storm. She is a giant blond that stood a stunning 7 foot tall. A true Amazon like Greek goddess. Her face had a stunning beauty that stops men in their tracks. Her body was beyond beauty. It oozed sex sometimes causing men and woman to ejaculate at the sight of her. She can give any one a heart attack during sex. So they called her black widow. She married...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Pastime Chapter Three

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you wish to publish or adapt this work outside of this license, please contact me for options. The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright © 2013-2016 Sam Dynes. All rights reserved. It was difficult to get out of bed the following morning. I had awoken...

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AllGirlMassage Jessica Ryan Maddy May Massage A La Carte

Maddy May leads her regular massage client, Jessica Ryan, into the studio. She asks Jessica why it’s been so long since her last visit- is everything going okay? Jessica sighs and explains that she recently broke up with her girlfriend and decided to focus exclusively on work after that. In fact, all this mental exertion has led to Jessica feeling incredibly stressed and creatively blocked. She knows she needs to do SOMETHING to relax, which is why she’s come back to her...

1 year ago
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its too dirty for mom

I sat down at the kitchen table and waited for mum to start. She had called me down from my room, interrupting my personal time. Or my furious wanking to whatever I found hot in the moment. I usually came as quick as I could, wanking more to release stress than to get pleasure. As my dad said when they were looking for antonyms for patience and carefulness they just put my name down. I was the type of guy who skipped the talking parts of movies for the action. What did I care if I missed some...

2 years ago
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Briannas Big Brother Chapter 2

Brianna's Big Brother - Chapter 2 Copyright 2008 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As my sneakers crunched the gravel underfoot, I breathed in the sharp scent of pine sap brought by the gentle breeze whispering through the scrubby pine trees crowding the overgrown path I'd been following. The morning had already started getting hot back at the campground, but it was still cool in the shade of the surrounding trees where only little beams of sunlight were allowed to peek...

4 years ago
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Looking after sister Pt 3

Introduction: She said it would be dirtier next time…. This is part three of a story. If you havent read parts one and two you may like to do so before you read this. As with previous parts, this story is fictional. It involves sexual acts between a 12 and 14 year old brother and sister which includes peeing. If you are not into this sort of thing then perhaps it is not the story for you. I, in no way, condone any of the activities portrayed in my story. ...

2 years ago
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Might as well try part 2

After my last experience with Jesper where he came on my face, I went home the morning after. I said hello to my beautiful girlfriend and lived my day as if nothing had happened the night before. I went to work the rest of the week and went home to my girlfriend every day. I texted with Jesper in the meanwhile as well, mostly about sport, but also talking about things we could do around the weekend. Maybe catch a football game together or a movie. We starting making a list of things possible...

3 years ago
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How To Make a Superhero

How To Make a Superhero By Zedd The man had great powers. That he knew, which was why he found himself at the address before him. He had been contacted secretly stating that for him to be a superhero, he must look the part, and for a nominal fee, to come to the 'Super Lab'. They could help. His name was Max. Getting in proved quite easy, as they had been expecting him. He was made comfortable and told anything he wanted to know. His questions didn't faze them at all; 'them'...

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Seduction at Belindas Place Ch 01

It was a few years later and Belinda and James were now living together. It was late on a sunny Friday afternoon and James had spent the day working from home.“Hi darling, I’ve finished,” his smiling voice flowed freely through the intercom.There was a short delay as Belinda’s bare feet skipped across the kitchen and retrieved her intercom from underneath a pile of washing.“Are you sure?” she asked teasingly, looking out at the late afternoon sun shining in across the courtyard. She was still...

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Cals Sexcapades 1 A Raise

I had just turned off my computer, and I was leaning back in my chair thinking of the night that lay ahead. My girlfriend was waiting for me at home...we hadn't had sex in almost a week. Tonight was supposed to be our night, and my 8-and-a-half inch cock was more than ready for some action. Oh wait, you don't know who I am yet, do you? Cal Adams here. I'm 35, male (although I'm sure you've guessed that by now) and a lawyer. Nice to meet you. Now, where was I...oh yes. I remember now. As I was...

Straight Sex
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I Told You So Ch 13

Just a short chapter this time, and also very light on the naughty bits. ,) Hope you don’t mind. The remaining chapters are ready to go and should be posted soon. +++ It wasn’t a complete surprise when, a few months later, Joe told us it was over between him and Mia. He left for a business trip right after giving us the news so we didn’t have a chance discuss it with him. What was unexpected was Mia calling me later that week to suggest we get together. She asked if I could bring the things...

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Tims Breasts

Tim's Breasts by Vickie Tern She loves her hubby, and wants to share her other men with him. So she needs to make him more attractive to them. He never guessed why! I'd been indifferent to my husband for a few years, but at last I figured out how to revivify my marriage, how to return erotic desire to our intimacies. For a few years I'd been merely pecking at his cheek -- at most -- when he came home from work. But now I began kissing him...

1 year ago
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Naughty Night Nurse

--- Naughty Night Nurse (MF, con, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- The following happened to me a few years ago in Autumn. I had been at a movie theatre (watching Titanic, if you must know) when all of a sudden my stomach cramped horribly and I doubled over in pain. Naturally some of you will blame the movie -- I actually thought it was good, and was seeing it for the second time. Rushing out of the theatre, I collapsed to the sidewalk and stayed there for a while,...

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Fun at the marina

Sue asked if I had anything to drink. I told her I had water. She said "Alcohol." I told her I had some rum and coke. She said that was good. I gave her the drink and she took a few sips. She looked right at me and said" I am horny as hell." That caught me off guard. I asked her if she wanted to go the berth and we could take our clothes off. She agreed. She was so drunk, I took all of her clothes off for her, and it was a production. She had very short brown highlighted hair....

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Haley sodomized by her older brother

Haley was a nice young girl who grew up in a small town where nothing much happened. She had a cute little body that hasn't turned into the full woman she would be, she had silky blond hair that reached to her shoulders and the most innocent sky blue eyes. She had one older brother, Brandon. Haley's love for Brandon bordered on worshipping him. He was as far as she could remember taller than her, stronger, he always held her hand taking her to and back from school, he sometimes carried her bag...

4 years ago
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The Cancer Series

This story was the result of a request by a client of mine who possesses a cancerfetish. I couldn't identify with this scene he is into, however, I was intriguedenough to come up with the cross between Robin Cook and Dean Koontz-type horror,with a smattering of Clive Barker. CONVERSION (Part One of Three) The plane touched down with a thud. Atlanta International Airport, nice day. It was so good to be home. Cory stretched his long, muscular frame, forcing the seatback to submit tohis six-foot...

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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, me sandy aap logo je samne fir se hajir hu meri kani ka agla part pesh karne ke liye … Meri kahani padhkar muje dher sare mails aaye khas kar ke gujrathi bhabhis ke unko me bhohat bhohat dhanya wad deta hu ki unhe meri story pasand aai .. Jino ne meri story ka pahala part nahi padha hoga to pls reqeat hai ki pahale aao oha part jarur padhe fir yeha padhna tho hi maza aayega khar … Pls mail me if u like or disline my story Thoda recap Sabhi ladis ekata hoti hai aur sunday ke planing...

2 years ago
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Panties Chapter 2

Introduction: Chapter 2: Jaclyns Discovery (Nick ventures into Jaclyns room) This story was originally written by scotsmitch2001 for me and I took his base idea and modified and expanded it into this story here. ————————————————————————————————————————————————- The Panties Chapter 2: Jaclyns Discovery (Jaclyn comes home and finds out) Jaclyn drove up to the house and pulled in the driveway. She was a little tired and felt grungy after having just come straight home from basketball...

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Annie and Me Our Early DaysChapter 2

Her mum threw a surprise party for her on Friday night, to celebrate leaving school, so I left my second job an hour earlier and ran home to dive in the bath and get changed to go with her. We managed to be fashionably late because we ended up enjoying a sixty nine on the bathroom floor before we got dressed, she looked absolutely gorgeous in a pink flowery dress cut daringly low to show off her lovely breasts, new shoes with new stockings completed her ensemble, oh and some very sexy new...

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Fellas, let's talk about boobs. Melons, puppies, lady lumps, jugs, or whatever the fuck you call them. There is no denying that every grown man loves the sight of boobs. Why are fellas so obsessed with this specific part of the female physique? Well, I think the better question would be, why the hell not? I mean, if for nothing else, titties are sexual and aesthetically pleasing. Look away now, my gay readers. Y'all can go check out the gay content on mygaysites.com. See? The Porn Dude has...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Man Opposite Door Part 8211 2

This indian sex story is a continuation too, ‘The Man Opposite Door’. Even if you have not read the previous part, you carry on with this part. Though for more details about the protagonist and their stats, refer to the older part. For feedbacks and suggestions, message me on . I could feel a heavy arm around my waist and could feel a strong chest instead of my pillow. And slowly the happenings of yesterday night came to mind. I could feel the warmth from Arjun’s body, spreading into mine....

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BadDaddyPOV Jessa Rhodes Says You Made Me This Way

Jessa Rhodes is in her room topless and on the phone. Her step father over hears something suspicious and takes a moment to listen. This young blonde whore is having phone sex for money. He busts in the room and catches his step daughter in the act. He scolds her for smoking and confronts her on her slutty behavior. Jessa doesn’t miss a beat. She tells her step father that all the times he came into her room and fucked her tight teenage pussy has turned her into a whore. She says he is...

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Switch Casey Calvert Victoria Voxxx Embodiment

‘Hi, I’m Lauren Phillips, and I am super excited to introduce you to my new project, ‘Switch: Embodiment.’ ‘I really wanted to show the switch of a female and how you don’t have to be just submissive or just dominant — that you can actually be BOTH. You can have a power exchange depending on the person you’re with in the scenario. I also wanted to introduce BDSM that’s more on the lighter side to hopefully cast you in. ‘I really hope...

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I love you grandpa

I am NOT the author.am simply sharingshort story about a granddaughter's love.My parents knew that I visited my grandpa often. We told them I was doing chores for him around the house in return for some pocket cash because at sixteen, they knew I needed it. This wasn’t exactly the truth. The truth was that my grandpa and I had been having sex most days after school.I’m about to tell you one of my favorite stories. As I drive to his house I become very horny. I’ve been thinking about this all...

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The Venus Idol

Disclaimer: This story is pure trite crammed onto a hunk of silicon. But I don't care. I like it, and I'm going to send it in anyway, because there are no other pages I really want to send it to. If you only read original, fresh stories (and _you're_ surfing a TG fiction page?!), then keep looking. Otherwise, continue on. So I can't come up with an original story. Sue me. Gotta warn ya, though, my lawyer's a psychotic mutant. Moving right along... The Venus Idol By Tanto Brandon...

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Threesome reposted

The three of them had just come back from walking though the town. They didnt get together often so this was a special weekend for them. More special than they realized. Steve hadnt seen his sister Hayley for the last 6 months. They were extremely close and talked every week on the phone. Hayley and Akiko his little asian girlfriend had become good friends as well, they both loved her brother immensely and had discovered that they had many things in common over the years – especially their love...

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A crush on my Perverted Friend

My name is Justin and I am 18 years old. I am well built, with light tan skin, probable 155 lb and I am Filipino. I am 5'8 and a closet bisexual, because everyone thinks i'm straight. My good friend, Kenneth, is also 18 and Filipino. He has a nice build with a sexy tan, probable about 165 lb. He is 5'10 and I am in love with him. I've known Kenneth since 6th grade and we have grown closer and closer. Something about his body or a man's body will just turn me on. So today I'm going over...

Gay Male
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Helpful WifeChapter 3

One month to the day after Tim Cartwright had flown to New York City, his wife stood in the ladies room of the Dew Drop Inn, primping her hair before a large oval mirror over the wash basins. She was a little inebriated, although far from being drunk, and a crystal stem-glass filled with a Brandy Alexander stood beside her elbow on the ceramic ledge of one sink. Lord! she muttered under her breath as she reached for the glass, she had eaten nothing since a quick lunch, and here it was after...

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Hell to Pay Ch 01

copyright January/2011 Constructive comments and emails are appreciated and welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my story. Please enjoy. ******************** The world has gone to hell, Casey Stewart thought as he made his way up the steep trail to his cabin in the hills. This area of southern Missouri was known as the Gateway to the Ozarks. The closest big city, St. Louis, was nearly two hundred miles away, the closest small town was fifty miles, and his closest...

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Michael Phillips Part Nine

“Just out of curiosity, without a lover how did you handle life after Tim?” “Mainly I jacked off to cute guys in school. I would look whenever I could, and whenever people got suspicious I would produce a girlfriend for a little while.” “When did you finally get guy you could fool around with?” “Believe it or not, it wasn’t until I was18!” “Wow, that’s a long time to wait!” “Tell me about it, I thought I would have to jack off for the rest of my life.” “I’d quit school and went to work. I...

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Swear To God Chapter 2

"Girl, get dressed."But, she was almost already there."I don't have a brush, but, I have a comb."I reached for my wallet, extracted my license and military ID card."Cully, oh, goodness. How fast were we going?"She'd included herself at "we."I hated to tell her for a myriad of reasons."At least 110.""Cully." A sense of calm emanated from her voice.She clutched my hand."Tell the truth, Cully. Whatever you do.""Yes, Girl. Here he comes."Ah shit, he'd pulled his...

2 years ago
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Sex with 2 Trannys in Amsterdam

Thanks for reading my first ever story I hope you enjoy it. This story is 100% genuine and describes my first ever experience with 2 sexy and naughty TV’s. I am a 25 year old bi male 5’11” normal build, good looking with a 7” cut cock. I’m usually straight but after a few drinks and poppers, men and especially TV’s get me so horny. A few weeks ago I went to Amsterdam with a straight friend, it was not my first time so I knew that sexy trannys were available and had been with them twice before...

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