College Changes A Boy - Part 6 free porn video

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Thanks again to everyone for your interest in my story. I'm sorry it took so long to get this chapter posted. I'll do my best to get the next done sooner. I still have lots of ideas for all the characters! **** College Changes a Boy - Part 6 Taylor Jordon Nikki was crushed by the blow-up with his new friends, and could only think of getting out of sight before he burst into tears. He gave Aiden a sad look and was partially relieved at Aiden's reassuring whisper and gentle pat on his arm. Nikki felt tears forming in his eyes and knew he had to seek refuge to collect himself, so he started walking back toward the gate separating the two neighbors. Taylor knew his brother was upset and followed, wondering how his 'studly jock' brother could possibly look so at ease in the two-inch wedge-heeled sandals, with the white gauzy cover-up barely hiding his bright blue two-piece bikini. Taylor had never had so many confusing highs and lows in a single day, and he never dreamed that he'd have a steady stream of these crazy days in the coming weeks. Nikki was happy to get back to the kitchen in his family home with his composure still in tact. He didn't understand why, but he had been getting so emotional lately. He figured it probably had something to do with that crazy fitness program that he'd been on. Probably just fatigue or stress or something like that, he figured. Nikki never dreamt that the 'protein powder' he'd been using recently was affecting him in ways he never imagined. He just knew it must be healthy stuff because his complexion had never been clearer and his hair seemed so shiny and full. Nikki had to admit that his roomie, Chris, was so nice to look after his health that way. Needing time to get over the trauma with his new friends, Nikki retreated to the media room and plopped down on the big sectional sofa, flipping through the DVR playlist looking for something to watch. Taylor knew he had pissed off his brother and figured he'd better apologize if he wanted Nick's help. Taylor soon forgot about making amends, though, when he walked into the media room and saw Nick sitting on the sofa, one leg folded girlishly under, still wearing the white sheer gauzy cover-up over the blue two-piece bikini. "Damn bro! I figured you would have at least changed out of that girly crap when you got away from our crazy neighbors. Don't get me wrong, Jordy's hot and everything, but that girl is a little weird. And don't EVEN get me started on her faggy lil bro! Ha ha!" "OK Taylor that does it! I've, like, totally had it with you insulting my friends. They're really sweet, and they were totally nice to me!" "Aww crud ... there I go again... sounding SO gay!", Nikki thought to himself. "I'd better show Tay who's boss around here! I don't want him thinking I'm weak or anything." Without thinking any more about it, Nikki got up from the sofa and grabbed Taylor from behind, using the wrestling hold he'd relied on for years when he needed to teach his little bro a lesson. Unfortunately, that didn't work so well now that Nikki was so much lighter and weaker than Taylor. Before he knew what was happening, Nikki found himself tossed on the sofa, face up, with his little brother sitting on top of him laughing hysterically. "Oh dude you should see the look on your face! I wish I had a camera, Nikki! I pinned you in nothing flat, dude! I can't believe how weak you are, bro! I guess you really should be wearing that girly shit. You're like a 98 pound weakling, dude!" As Nikki lay there looking up at Taylor sitting on top of him, crotch- to-crotch, he couldn't help thinking how cute Tay looked in the skinny jeans and tight t-shirt. Despite his brother's teasing over the wrestling conquest, Nikki was getting that tingly feeling again. "Oh shit! I can't believe I'm feeling horny wrestling with my lil bro. I gotta get outta here before he notices!", Nikki thought to himself. "You asshole! Let me up! Get off me, Tay, or I'm gonna ...uhmm." "Ha ha that's a laugh. You're gonna what ... tell Mommy, Nicholas?", Taylor taunted mercilessly. He knew how to push his brother's buttons, and calling him 'Nicholas' made him feel like such a helpless little kid. That put Nikki over the edge. His eyes started watering before he knew it, and his only hope was a quick escape before his younger brother witnessed the crumbling. Taylor had loosened his grip, so Nikki squirmed free and ran upstairs. Taylor chuckled as he watched the waifish, feminine boy retreat upstairs. He didn't know what had happened to his studly big brother while he'd been away at school, but Taylor was definitely enjoying being the dominant teen in the house for a change. As he laid back and started flipping channels, he could hear Nikki rolling his luggage down the hall and into the bedroom right above the media room. Taylor thought that was weird, since that bedroom belonged to his older sister, Nicole. It was even stranger when he heard the water running in Nicole's bathtub. He wondered why Nick would be using Nicole's bedroom. After seeing Aiden's stylish bedroom, Nikki realized that he really needed to update his own bedroom. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he just knew that he had to have a more stylish room. Nikki was glad that Nicole was away from home now. He knew she wouldn't mind if he borrowed her bedroom for a few days till his was redone. In addition to being more stylish, Nicole's room also had a huge closet and adjoining bathroom with a nice big whirlpool tub. When Nikki saw the tub, he instantly knew that's what he needed ... a nice relaxing bath! He filled the oval whirlpool tub with warm water and some of Nicole's expensive bath salts. As he laid back in the lavender scented bath, Nikki made a mental note to ask Nicole where she got those bath salts. They were sooo nice! After drying off with the fluffy pink towel and blow-drying his hair, Nikki decided he would try a fresh start with Tay. They had always been close, and he couldn't bare the thought of not having his big... uhmm LITTLE bro's support with all the stress of his new look. This would be a good time to give Tay the new iPod loaded with all his favorite music and those awesome relaxation soundtracks that Chris, his UCLA roomie, had made for him. "Hmmm... if I'm going to get a fresh start, then I'm going to wear the stuff that Tay's used to seeing me in", Nikki reasoned. The only problem was that he didn't have those clothes any longer. Then Nikki thought of the perfect solution. He and Taylor had always borrowed each other's stuff, so it would be no big deal to borrow a few things until he could do some shopping. He just hoped Chris, his roomie, never got wind of it, or there would be hell to pay. Taylor was hanging out in the media room watching some lame Real World reunion show when he looked up to see Nick plopping down on the sectional a few feet away. When he saw the big smile on Nick's face he realized that he was still wearing Nick's skinny jeans outfit from the ill-fated 'game' at the neighbors. Taylor didn't say anything, but he knew he was busted. If Nick asked him, he'd have to admit that he kinda wanted to try some more edgy stuff. He would have been totally embarrassed to admit how nice the blue satin panties felt, but he could chalk that up to his freshly shaved body. Something didn't look right with Nick, though. As Taylor looked him over, he realized that Nick just didn't look right wearing boxers and an undershirt. They just didn't go with Nick's silky smooth waifish body, trendy blond hair and perfectly waxed eyebrows. He was just about to start the brotherly teasing when he noticed that Nick was holding a bag from the Apple store. Other than a hot girl, nothing got Taylor's attention quicker than cool electronics. He broke out in a big grin as Nick passed the bag to him. "I got you a present, Tay. It's the newest high-end iPod, and I cloned my entire music library and loaded it for you!" "No way! Really, dude? That's awesome! You're the best big ....uhmm LITTLE bro around!" Taylor couldn't help chuckling as he teased Nick about being his little brother. He knew it was a lot to ask, but he was kinda hoping Nick would go along with that story long enough for him to get back on Jordy's good side. "Ha ha... VERY funny, Tay!" Of course, Nick was also hoping to keep up the charade for a while, since that made it easy for him to get along with Aiden. "Well... you can be a real pain in the as...uhmm ... butt, but I figured I'd bring you something since I missed Christmas with the family this year. It's a lot more than I normally get you, so you can thank Chris, my roomie, for that. He kind of insisted I get something cool. He even helped me load some of these awesome training soundtracks. It's performance training his psych class developed to help with relaxation and concentration. I thought it was kinda hokey, but they seem to really help. You HAVE to give 'em a try, Tay!" "Yeah sure, dude," Taylor promised. "I'll give 'em a try. Thanks for the present. That was really nice of you. I'm ...uhmm... I'm sorry about giving you all that shit next door. I should have known you were just trying to suck up to Jordy! Isn't she totally HOT?!" "You know, Tay, I can see you're all horny for Jordy, baby. Baby BRO, I mean! Well... since I'm only here for a few weeks, I don't want to mess that up for you, so I'll go along with being the little bro if that helps you out. You just have to promise to be a really good BIG bro!" "Really?! You'd do that for me? You're awesome, Nikki! I promise I'll make it up to you! Hey... not that I mind or anything, but how come you're wearing my boxers and t-shirt? Didn't you bring your own stuff in all that luggage we hauled home?" "Yeah Tay I brought lots of clothes home with me, but I figured you weren't too crazy about my new style so I'd borrow some of yours for a while." It pained Taylor to see his big brother feeling so self-conscious and insecure. He knew he had to do something to help him get his mojo back! "Hey Nikki it's cool, dude. I know the styles are different out in LA and you need to fit in out there, so don't worry about me, bro. Just be yourself and wear your normal stuff!" Nikki could hardly contain his excitement. He realized then that Taylor was really a cool kid ... so much more open-minded and mature than he had been at his age. "Aww that's really sweet... uhmm COOL, I mean! Ha ha ... they even talk different in LA!" Nikki blushed as he tried to cover up his fem slip- up. He was feeling so comfortable with Taylor now, he was starting to relate to him like his boy toy friends back in West Hollywood. Taylor figured he needed to lighten the mood, so he put on his best lispy voice and swishy wrist. "Oh my GAWD, Nikki. You're, like, the cutest lil bro EVVVER! Why don't you go and change into something comfy, and I'll fix us some popcorn so we can watch some TV." Nikki was on the verge of tears again, thinking his brother was mocking him. Then he saw Taylor chuckling, and realized it was just some good- natured joking around. He felt like he needed to please Taylor, so he scampered back upstairs to change into his own clothes. Nikki was so excited at his brother's apparent open-mindedness, he virtually skipped back to his bedroom. Well ? it was his sister Nicole?s bedroom, but that?s the one he was using this week and he had unpacked everything into the extra space in her enormous closet. He went straight for his favorite outfit for hanging out at home. Nikki removed the boxers and t-shirt he had been wearing and folded them neatly, as always. Then he pulled on one of his favorite thongs ? the white satin one. He slipped that on, strangely proud of the nice flat front with this little thingy tucked away. He didn?t dare dwell on just how much it shrank over these last few months. That had to be a temporary side-effect from the extreme weight reduction program, he assured himself. Next was a pair of footed white lycra dance tights, with a slim fitting powder blue tank top. Nikki touched up his clear lip-gloss, checked his hair, and ran back downstairs ? eager to get back on good terms with his brother. As Nikki plopped down next to Tay on the sectional and took a few kernels of popcorn, he couldn?t resist a little brotherly teasing of his own. ?So? looks like my BIG bro is kinda liking the new outfit, huh? I have to admit, Tay, it looks totally awesome on you!? ?Yeah bro ? I figured you can?t be the ONLY one around the house that?s all ?LA cool?. If Jordy likes it, that?s good enough for me. You got more stuff I can borrow till I get some of my own?? ?REALLY?! Oh that would be great, Tay! I have tons of really cute stuff. Of course, you might have to drop some pounds. All this stylish stuff is really made for the thin model look.? ?Yeah yeah ? I already got that from Jordy. I can?t believe she said I needed to lose weight! But ? what the hell, bro, it?s a small price to pay to get in THOSE panties, huh?!? As the words left his lips, Taylor remembered that he was wearing blue satin panties under the skinny jeans. That thought gave Taylor an unfamiliar mix of embarrassment and excitement. He didn?t quite know what to think, but just chalked it up to teen hormones and kinky curiosity. He just hoped Nikki didn?t bring it up. He wasn?t ready to talk about THAT with his brother. As Taylor gulped down the popcorn by the handful, he noticed Nick was nibbling just a few kernels at a time. He started to tease him about the girly eating, but figured they?d had enough tension for one day, so he?d lay off. Taylor knew his brother was tired from traveling, but he was still surprised when Nikki nodded off and slumped down, lying against him. Just a year ago, Taylor would have shoved Nikki off him and laughed when he fell on the floor. But now that didn?t seem like the right thing to do. As Nikki lay against his brother sleeping, he looked so content and relaxed, like he was finally where he belonged. He also looked like some kind of frail prettyboy, especially in the outfit he was wearing. Taylor took a good look at his prettyboy brother lying against him, and noticed that the white tights showed virtually no bulge in front ? it was all flat like you?d see on a girl. He KNEW his brother had a big studly cock when he left home last year, so Taylor figured he must have some kind of padding in the tights that just made them LOOK flat. Nikki was sleeping soundly now, snuggled against his brother, so Taylor couldn?t resist feeling the tights to see if they were padded. Taylor wasn?t at all prepared for the reaction he got from his sleeping brother. ?MMMM that feels so good, Chris. I love when you pet my cute little boiclitty.? Nikki seemed to be talking in his sleep, and snuggling closer to Taylor like they were spooning ? pressing his bubble butt into Taylor?s crotch and moaning softly. Taylor was so shocked he didn?t know what to do. He was afraid to wake Nikki in this position ? knowing it would be embarrassing for both of them. He felt trapped as he laid on the sectional, his prettyboy brother spooning in front of him. Taylor was even more shocked when he realized his own bulge was growing. He was mortified that this could be happening, but he quickly rationalized that Nikki looked and smelled so girly, it was a normal reaction any kid his age would have. ?Yeah, that?s it?, he assured himself. Taylor was feeling stressed out by all this brotherly togetherness, but he couldn?t face the embarrassment if he woke Nikki up and he a raging hard-on. He spotted the new iPod sitting on the table and remembered that Nikki has loaded it with the relaxation and performance recordings, so he carefully reached over to look at the iPod and find those recordings. He selected #1 and hit ?play?. Taylor was surprised that the recording just sounded like waves crashing. There may have been some faint voice talking in the background, but he couldn?t make out what they were saying. He laid back listening, and was soon asleep with Nikki still spooning against him. It was about 3 am and the boys were still snuggled together on the sofa when Nikki woke up to feel something hard grinding against his bubble butt. As the fog lifted, he realizing it was Taylor who was spooning behind him, holding him tight and dry humping him. Nikki turned his head and realized that Taylor was sound asleep, listening to his iPod. Nikki figured this would be a good time to extract himself from this awkward entanglement, so he carefully slid off the sofa. He was proud of himself for doing it without waking Taylor. He would have been mortified to wake him and face the embarrassment. As Nikki sat on the floor next to the sofa, he couldn?t help noticing that Taylor?s fly was unbuttoned and his hard cock was straining the blue satin panties. Nikki smiled at the sight, thinking it was so cute that his brother was still wearing his skinny jeans and panties. He hoped that would continue ? it would certainly make Nikki feel more comfortable if Taylor got more interested in stylish clothes. As Nikki studied the outline of the nice boycock straining the panties, he realized he was licking his lips. Next he was thinking that Taylor really had been so sweet to cuddle with him tonight, he really should do him a little favor. Within a minute of seeing the bulging panties, Nikki found himself carefully slipping them down so he could get his mouth around that juicy cock. He didn?t want to wake Taylor, so he figured he?d just give a quick little ?thank you suck?. Well ? it had been almost six hours since Nikki had Brandon?s hot meat in his mouth, and that was just too long! He sucked harder as the throbbing pole engorged to show its appreciation. This just felt sooo right, Nikki couldn?t stop. He was so thankful that Taylor was sleeping so soundly. Of course, Nikki didn?t realize that Taylor was in fact awake, but was feigning sleep because he was too shocked to deal with this surprise. And it felt so good; he didn?t want it to stop. He realized his brother was a bona fide sissy cocksucker. He walked, talked, and acted like one, so ? hard as it was to believe ? his formerly studly brother was a full-fledged gay boy! Taylor was crushed at the realization, but the blowjob was just sooo amazing, he didn?t dare interrupt it. Besides, that would have been really embarrassing for both of them. So Taylor laid quietly, pretending to be asleep, as his brother brought him to the most incredible orgasm he?d ever felt. The surprises just kept coming, as Taylor felt Nikki eagerly sucking every drop of cum from his throbbing cock. As Taylor laid back in his post-orgasmic bliss, he was fantasizing about Jordy, the hot neighbor girl, giving him a blow job next. He was laughing inside as he wondered if she could possibly be as good as Nikki! As Nikki tucked his brother?s soft cock back into the blue satin panties, he saw the contented smile on Taylor?s face. He wondered if people smiled when they were sleeping. He certainly hoped so? he could never face his brother again if he knew what he had just done. Nikki slipped away quietly up to Nicole?s girly bedroom. He stripped down to his white satin thong, slipped on the matching satin camisole with lace trim, and climbed into the luxurious bed. As Nikki nestled in under the pink and white satin duvet cover, he relished the feeling of the fine bedding on his silky smooth legs. As he drifted off to sleep, Nikki made a mental note that he?d definitely need to upgrade his bedding when he goes back to LA for school next month. Nikki woke up a few hours later with light streaming in through the big windows in his adopted bedroom. He picked up his watch on the nightstand and saw that it was only 8:10. Nikki was craving coffee and he knew his brother wouldn?t be up this early on a Summer day, so he figured it was safe to just run down to the kitchen for a quick cup of coffee before he hopped in the shower. Nikki giggled as he walked downstairs, seeing himself in the big mirror in the foyer. He wouldn?t ever admit it, but he thought he looked really cute in the satin panties and cami. Nikki couldn?t resist fluffing his hair a bit, then he got the shock of his life as his little brother was coming out of the kitchen just in time to see him admiring himself in the mirror. ?Damn Nikki! Do you have to run around the house half naked? If you?re gonna be into all the girly stuff, you gotta cover up!? Nikki was crushed. He couldn?t believe his brother caught him running around the house in panties and a camisole. Especially when Taylor was looking like a total stud. Here he was, standing there in the foyer in his red and white baseball uniform, looking like such a cute little jock. Nikki couldn?t help noticing what a hot body Taylor had as he stood there trying to discreetly adjust the tight white baseball pants. ?Umm sorry Tay. I didn?t think you?d be up already. It?s just, like, eight o?clock or something. Where are you going this early?? ?Nikki ? it?s like 10:15. What are you? still on LA time or something? I?m playing in a tournament today, so I have to grab some breakfast and get going. I?m kinda glad you?re up, anyway. Why don?t you fix us some breakfast and let me tell you about my plan.? ?Well, I guess so. Lemme go put on a robe or something.? ?Nah ? don?t worry about that, Nikki. I don?t have much time. Come on ? you can fix me some eggs while I tell you what I have in mind.? Nikki wanted to get something to cover up. He couldn?t imagine serving his little brother breakfast wearing just a white satin thong and camisole, but he saw the impatient look on Taylor?s face and he didn?t want to make him late. He went into the kitchen and started fixing breakfast, curious to hear what kind of ?plan? his brother had mind. Taylor sat down at the kitchen table, watching Nikki buzz around the kitchen in his white satin lingerie. He still couldn?t believe this was Nick, his studly brother who had left a year ago to start college at UCLA. He was so thin now, and everything about him screamed ?girl? ? from his highlighted hair to his tiny waist, his round girly butt, his smooth legs and his perfectly manicured toenails with powder blue polish. As he caught himself checking out Nikki?s smooth body yet again, he knew that the plan he had concocted this morning would be the only way for both of them to survive Nikki?s visit. ** End of Part 6 I hope you?re enjoying the story. If so, please write a quick review and let me know! I have plenty of ideas for Part 7 and beyond, so encouragement is definitely appreciated! Thanks, tay ([email protected])

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Black Mans White Pussyboy

I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...

2 years ago
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College Boy Master

by Honey West  Life in a small town could be pretty dull. As a native Californian, Tom was completely out of synch with his new environment. His parents had shipped him off to a small "bible belt" college in the middle of a cow pasture, hoping against hope that the conservative atmosphere would reform his wild and wicked ways. What were those wild and wicked ways? Many and varied. By 18, he'd saved a tidy sum of money from mowing lawns, running weird errands for a local porn shop, and...

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college boy part 2

if you read "the college boy" you know that my wife and i are a retired couple. i am bi and she is into younger cock like the college boy we found at a local college. he is 19 with a nice thick 8" cut cock with a beautiful big,pink mushroom head. i sucked him off the first time and the wife wanted to try his young cock in her old pussy.when he came in we were sitting on the couch in our bathrobes. while he was getting naked we took off our robes and she sat on the edge of the couch and started...

4 years ago
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Pantyboy Honeymoon

Pantyboy Honeymoon By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- The Wedding Day "You have to stop crying, Stacey," Daddy said. "You want to look pretty for Mr. Biggenstiff, don't you? The man's so excited about marrying you, he's practically jumping out of his skin." "But, Daddy," Stacey bawled. "I don't want to marry Mr. Biggenstiff! Or any man. I'm too young. I won't even be 18 until tomorrow. And I'm a boy!" Well. Stacey Wigglebottom was right on both counts. But Daddy...

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Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy Son

Mom Gets Angry With Pussyboy SonStory about a pussyboy son who is turned into a sissy cockwhore by his mother.At 31 years of age, I shouldn’t be planning on moving back in with my mother, but I was recently divorced, my ex-wife kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a roof over my head.It was with mixed feeling that I went back through the front door of my old home and my mom. Mom is 61 but still looks great and of course I wouldn’t want her to know it, but she turns...

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PussyBoy Forever

I've always been the type of man into really feminine boys. I like skinny little twinks who want to be fucked and roughed up by a real man. Nothing makes me harder than a pussyboy begging to ride my hard cock and moaning "Daddy" as I slide in and out of his tight hole.I'm 6'-2", solid muscle and proud of it. Little fag bitches go weak when they see how big my arms are and picture how hard I could fuck them. When I finally get them on their knees and my hard 9" thick cock is in front of their...

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Playboy Hardboy

Calvin was at the playboy mansion talking to Pamela Anderson when she felt a tingle in her pants. It was her cell phone. She answered the phone and told Calvin she would be right back. Calvin decided to head down to the grotto and chill in the hot tub. There were the usual playboy bunnies down there. There were a total of six girls and Calvin didn’t mind getting in the grotto with them. Calvin had on his orange Hawaiian style bathing suit that went down to his knees. He hopped in and sat near...

2 years ago
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Fairy Boy and Tomboy

Fairy Boy and Tomboy by Peggy Sue I was always a fairy boy, even before I started dressing in girl's clothes. I always cried at sad movies and stopped to admire flowers. I had long pretty hair from the time I was seven. The bullies taught me early that I'd better learn to defend myself, so I was a tough street- fighter when attacked. None of the bullies ever picked on me twice. I lived alone with my mother. I must have had a father once but no one ever talked about him. By the...

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Black Knight Takes White Pawn Pussyboy

Black Knight Takes White Pawn Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white teen pussyboy who becomes the sex slave of a couple niggers who use him for gang bangs and fuck films.I first met Arnim, my future nigger buck master, when we both worked for a well-known department store in London: in the packing and returns department at the rear of the building. Mr. Potter, the person in charge of the department, was a hard man to please. He was ex-army and arrived for work each morning dressed in a...

4 years ago
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I Warmed Up Paperboys Cold Extremities

I opened the door. The paper boy was walking down the path. He come up to the door and handed me the paper. Bless him, he was shivering and his fingers were blue. It was a freezing cold winter’s day. I took him inside so he could get warm and I sat him down on the sofa. He was freezing. I rubbed his hands one at a time. He got embarrassed. I rubbed his hands one at a time between my hands.“Your hands are like ice.”“It’s all right. I’m used to it.”I carried on rubbing his hands to get ‘em...

3 years ago
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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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Femboy Autocracy

In 2027, a mad horny scientist unleashed her diabolical weapons in an attempt to turn the world into her sexual paradise. She released two custom-made viruses. one that would affect men, and one women. They rapidly spread to the entire population, brining their effects with them. For women, the effects caused futafication, causing all women to grow massive dicks, the smallest of futa dicks are around 16in, and they can grow up to even 36in and beyond in some cases, with balls to match the...

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WhiteBoy Gets a Real Man PT 2 Blacken

"Yo, man, it's Jay. Come on over. Yeah. In the bedroom. Just come on in. Front door's not locked. You bet he is. He'd say hi, but he's got his mouth full." Jay laughed. I stared up at him in shock, but unable to protest his inviting someone over while my mouth was full of his cock. I wondered if it was that guy, Bobby, who had been on the phone the other day. The thought of another young black stud making me service his cock was exciting. But then I realized it could just as easily be anyone,...

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White PussyBoy Blacken Gay

I led Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...

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Black Mans White Pussyboy Pt1

I led Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...

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Houseboy for Hire

1        A two part story of a man whose lucrative business evolves into a true vocation.  As with most of my stories it develops slowly, and I hope readers will stick with it into the second part.Houseboy For Hire, Part One        Rory retrieved the key from under the third flower pot and let himself in the back door.  He had a similar working arrangement with most of his clients, so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered letting him in every time, or even have to be home when he was there. ...

3 years ago
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Another month passed since Steve got his promotion and we had any time away from the k**s. That previous night alone was another memorable one in which I bought him a nice black pair of thigh highs and a black lacy garter belt that matched his black satin bikini panties. He was so aroused he came in his panties as I rubbed his crotch on the drive home from dinner. The rest of the night was memorable as well because Steve had described different panties and pieces of lingerie that he had...

1 year ago
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Mom forces Me To Take Cock Sissy Pussyboy story

Mom forces Me To Take CockIf you don't already know, I'm a pathetic 31-year-old pussyboy son who is regularly dominated by his whore mother. Today she stood towering over me. I was on my knees in front of her, my nose pressed against hard against her skirt, in-line with her pussy. It is very prominent pussy with big, fleshy fat pussy lips and a large swollen clit and I love the fact that her pubic hair is now so sparse and thin that it looks like a shaved pussy. I am a slave to her magnificent...

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Lucky Bitch pussyboy doggy slut

Lucky Bitch (pussyboy doggy slut)Story about a sissy pussyboy who becomes a dog bitch.Some mornings the smell of cum is so thick in the kennel that it could knock me on my ass--if I wasn't already on all fours with a fat dogcock jerking and spurting inside me. On a good day I'll take on a half dozen or more mutts. On a very good day, my owner, Ed, comes by to watch me get dog fucked.I'm used to being watched. Ed pimps me out every chance he gets. I've taken on the chief of police (a mean...

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The Making of a Houseboy Anal Initiation

My jaw ached and it was worth it for the exhilaration I felt. I looked up at Xavier and caught the beads of sweat resting just below his hairline. He was panting, flustered perhaps in the manner to which I responded to his rushed announcement.At the point of climax, I was sure that Xavier’s knees weakened. Clasping his thighs, I felt his body tremble leading up to his release. His bucking hips stilled as I struggled to suck his swollen meat. Hot and with a tensile velvet, I eased it from my...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Sissyboy Conversion Therapy

One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...

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Sissyboy Conversion Therapy

One The ProblemI know I have high standards, Doc, Matt Studley said to his ther****t, Dr.Freudist. But it s more than that. Dr. Freudist nodded and said, Um hum. Can I be honest with you, Doc Matt asked.They always ask that, Dr. Freudist said to himself. I ve been listening tothis guy ramble on about his issues for seven weeks, twice a week, andNOW he s going to be honest But Dr. Freudist merely nodded and said, Of course. This is a safe place. And then he waited.And waited.Finally,...

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College Boy Part 1

I knew I was gay all through high school, but growing up in a town of eight hundred in West Virginia I never really had a chance to explore my sexuality with others. By the time I moved into the dorms at a small art school in Boston I was ready to do some experimenting!My roommate in the dorms was another Midwestern boy who played lacrosse on the schools team. He was cute and a bit jockish but he seemed very aggressively hetero and I didn't really think he was the best person to come out to for...

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Mr Boyd

My first day at my new job was coming to an end when my boss called me into his luxurious office to have a word with me. I didn’t know what it was about, but I felt confident that I had gotten off to a good start with all my responsibilities.“Hey, I just wanted a quick word with you,” he said, looking up at me with his handsome smile from his chair.“Sure,” I said, sitting down in one of the two chairs in front of his desk.He slightly raised his right hand off the desk and said, “Carol, I know...

3 years ago
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Thai Ladyboy Interview

An Afternoon With Some Thai LadyboysI spent this afternoon with 6 Thai ladyboys. No, don't go thinking that I tried them out. I didn't. I spent a few hours chatting with them, finding about them, trying to understand what makes them tick and learning about their experiences and the guys who utilise their services.The 6 ladyboys are all with, a ladyboy escort service. We met up in a central Bangkok bar and over a pleasant lunch we chatted about life in general, and...

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Hello LadyBoy

How many of you get off to fucking ladyboys? Well, if you know what I’m talking about, then you know precisely the kind of sexy people I’m referring to. But for those whose brains are melting at the term of ladyboys, let’s keep it simple for them. A ladyboy is an Asian transsexual. But then again, if you didn’t know that, you probably are not into this kind of porn in the first place!On the other hand, if you are or are curious, allow me to invite you to Hello Ladyboy. This series has been a...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
1 year ago
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College Boy Master

Life in a small town could be pretty dull. As a native Californian, Tom was completely out of synch with his new environment. His parents had shipped him off to a small "bible belt" college in the middle of a cow pasture, hoping against hope that the conservative atmosphere would reform his wild and wicked ways. What were those wild and wicked ways? Many and varied. By 18, he'd saved a tidy sum of money from mowing lawns, running weird errands for a local porn shop, and even putting in a...

3 years ago
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Fucking your Femboy Party Member

The sun was setting as you finally calm down from earlier. You open the door. You place your adventuring pack to the side of the small house you and your partner built. She enters as well. As exhausted as you also are. You remember her being stung by that plant thing. And you wave Drista a goodnight sleep. Drista is a human archer. She seemed fit but not too fit. She doesn't talk much. She just one day asked to join you on your small quest to help people around. She usually wore black...

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Femboy Domination

In this world, femboys have risen to a position of power and domination over other genders. They are admired for their beauty, grace, and intelligence, and their society is built on a foundation of power. sex and femboy domination. The world is united into one empire, led by a powerful femboy queen who rules with a cruel and domineering. Femboys are respected for their leadership skills, and they have created a society that values intelligence, fear, and cruelty above all else. Femboys are free...

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White PussyBoy PT2 Blacken Gay

After the second day with Jay when I agreed to the reduced rent, I waskind of in a state of shock over what I had let him do to me. I was evenmore shocked by the fact that I had been a willing participant. However, Idecided that would be the last of my encounters with him of a sexualnature. I dated women. I fucked women. I'm not gay. I couldn't keep letting a guy useme like that. With my new resolve, I didn't call Jay and even avoided thebuilding in which he lived as much as I could. Wednesday...

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Black Mans White Pussyboy 2

After the second day with Jay when I agreed to the reduced rent, I waskind of in a state of shock over what I had let him do to me. I was evenmore shocked by the fact that I had been a willing participant. However, Idecided that would be the last of my encounters with him of a sexualnature. I dated women. I fucked women. I couldn't keep letting a guy useme like that. With my new resolve, I didn't call Jay and even avoided thebuilding in which he lived as much as I could. Wednesday...

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Inheritance Includes a Houseboy Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** PRELUDE I woke up in the queen size bed on Saturday morning and looked over at the lovely person sound asleep next to me. It was a beautiful sight. We were both still naked from the marathon of sex from the night before. In spite of that however, I had a raging morning woody and I was ready for more. The bed sheets covered the lower...

1 year ago
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When I was a busboy

This happened many years ago. I got a job working as a busboy.This was a very classy restaurant and I was almost getting used to talking to customers. Some customers were kind of snippy, but some were also very nice. This story is about what happened on a week night. The place was kind of busy but not slammed like it would be on a Friday or Saturday.I had just watered the tables (poured water into empty or mostly empty glasses). I had had left, after watering a table with an older couple...

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Femboy Funtime 1 Luke Myers

Look, I run a business, alright. Everyone needs to make a living, and I make mine. Sure, some people shit on the e-girl lifestyle, I get it. They're uncomfortable with video games, uncomfortable with promiscuity, and they're stuck in a backwards mindset of what constitutes real work and what doesn't. But what they don't realize, is that I make more in 3 months than they do in a year, and a girl has to pay for college somehow, right? The thing is, streaming the standard stuff can only earn...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 16 Road to Recovery

Keith Boyd- Fred Boyd his brother. Alice Boyd his sister in law. Nephew John 15 Niece Gabby 13 Jo Anne Wall old girl friend Windy Wall her ex husband. Lewis and Ellie Keith’s in laws. Sarah Marsh retro hippie General Briggs rd Doris owner of the consignment shop. Jo Anne Joyner Wall : Keith’s first girlfriend. Three girls 16 13 10 oldest daughter ginger Mr Jessup buyer of Keith’s scooter. Rebecca Avondale deacon and keith’s client. Marsha stylist to Rebecca Gulfcrest hotel/casino Elanor, Mark...

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A LadyBoy For My Wife

I have been happily married to my sexy Thai wife Lisa for three years now. My wife is Thai is petite (5'1") with a stunning figure, a tight ass and long waist length black hair. We had met in a bar in Thailand and subsequently we were married back here in the UK. She was very loving with me but not very sexually adventurous. My attractive wife and I have sex often as we watch porno movies. Often we role play and we fantasize about my wife fucking other guys. Since my visit to Thailand I often...

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Tyrones Crossdressing White Pussyboy

Submissive whiteboi becomes a sissy faggot pussyboy for his nigger master.It was to be a night of romance. My Nigger lover, Tyrone, gruntedas he pulled his glistening cock from my aching, cum filled asscunt. Hehad just shot a massive load of man slop into my steamy, grippingentrails. Our lovemaking had been a brutal affair, as it always is, which is just the way I like it. I am a subjugated fuck slave, nothing but a sissy faggot sperm receptacle for my dominant nigger lover.Tyrone is the envy...

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Playboy Hardboy Hardcore

“What’s your name?” “It’s Jina, who are you?” “I’m Calvin. Why are you rubbing me, not that I mind.” “I thought you were sexy and I had to start rubbing you, I’m sorry it was instinct.” “Alright, keep on doing it.” Jina kept massaging Calvin but then suddenly, she started making out with Calvin’s neck. “Come down in the water if you want to make out”, Calvin said. Jina slipped into the water and took her top off. They started making out passionately and Calvin was massaging her...

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