Ashley free porn video

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Ashley By Heather St. Claire The streetlights were beginning to dim; it was dawn already. Probably getting too late for one more trick. Ashley decided to call it a night - - her first night as a member of the world's oldest profession. Time to head back to her apartment for a nice, cleansing shower, and then...a battery recharge. If anyone saw the tall, well-built prostitute walking along the downtown streets in the early dawn, they would never have guessed the two most amazing truths about her: that she had been born a man, and that she was now a robot. The path that had led her here was filled with violence and sex, sex and violence....Ashley smiled, and thought to herself her life would make a good movie script; except no one would believe it. In the days to come, many of Ashley's customers would note her resemblance to a TV star, the woman on the TV show "Third Rock From the Sun." Ashley had to agree, they both had the same long, silky hair, perfect figure, legs that went on forever...and like Kristin Johnston's character, she had had no plans of becoming a female. It had just sort of happened. She had been born 33 years earlier as Mark McCracken. Mark's life had been unremarkable until he had landed a job as a personal assistant to Michael Magnuson, a wealthy, brilliant and more than slightly eccentric scientist. Magnuson was in his fifties at the time he had hired Michael as an all- purpose gofer. By that time Magnuson was a millionaire several times over, thanks to a series of patents in the field of robotics. For more than a decade, he had dropped out of sight from the scientific and business communities. The only rumors were that he was pursuing some strange personal passion. Someone from the outside who could have visited his lab would have said he was playing with dolls -- life-sized, mechanical ones. His goal was to build the perfect female sex robot. The day he hired Michael was the only day he offered any kind of explanation for his quest. He bit down on his pipe and muttered, "Every damn woman in real life has disappointed me in some I'm going to build one to my specifications." Mark didn't understand any of the science involved in his boss' work.. He saw him as a bit eccentric, but what the hell....the work wasn't that challenging; he spent his days running errands, fetching supplies, running royalty checks to the bank, and the like. He usually got to spend several hours each day assisting around the lab with menial tasks, and got to watch his boss at work. His creations certainly were beautiful, and appeared lifelike, he had to admit. Some looked like celebrities, while others were beauties of Magnuson's own devising. There was just one problem; none of them really worked. Oh, some managed to mimic the basic human sex act quite nicely; but they always seemed to lack a real spark of passion; call it creativity, imagination, unpredictability; humanity; Magnuson wanted his robot to embody all these traits, while at the same time possessing an unquenchable thirst for sex. "I'm trying something new," Magnuson told his employee one morning, several months before the incident that changed their lives forever. "As much as I'm a believer in robotics, I just don't think the capacity is there yet to create a true human robot without the human element." "Huh?" a sleepy Mark mumbled. He had been partying very late the night before. Magnuson sighed. "I'm talking about what you might call a cyborg, Mark. A merging of man -- or woman -- and machine. In other words, a human brain animating a robotic body." Mark's head was beginning to clear. He asked, "So...if you can do this...what's to make her act the way you want her to act?" Magnuson's eyebrows arched in surprise. "A spark of life! Maybe there's hope for you yet, my boy! Anyway, it's all a matter of programming...the same computer that controls the robot's functions will also interface with her brain, and, to a large degree, stimulate and control her desires and responses. Of course, I'll need a donor brain, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." "Interesting," Mark said, not really understanding. "Well, good luck boss." Mark had forgotten all about that conversation the morning the men broke into the lab. This wasn't supposed to happen...Magnuson had all kinds of security gizmos...but the thugs were there...and they were there to get what they wanted. Unfortunately, Magnuson didn't have it. The two men trained their AK-47s at Magnuson and McCracken. "We hear you've got something really valuable in here....we want it, and right now," the first one demanded. "This is preposterous!" Magnuson cried. Mark, foolishly, decided to play the hero. What was he doing leaping at two men armed with submachine guns? He was quickly cut down in a hail of bullets. As the two intruders searched the lab, Magnuson cradled his dying assistant in his arms. "Oh, God, no!" he cried. He could tell Mark was minutes from bleeding to death and no conventional medicine could save his life. Magnuson was barely aware that hearing one of the intruders exclaim, "Nothin' but a bunch of fuckin' dolls! Let's get the hell out of here!" Despite the gravity of the situation, Magnuson managed a hint of a smile. Yes, he thought to himself a bunch of fucking dolls, indeed. Now, as he carried Mark to a gurney, he knew what he had to do to save his life. Mark remembered leaping toward the intruder; the flash of gunfire; the searing pain; and then blackness. How long had he been out? Where was he? Was he dead? He remembered a void...then a feeling as if he was being ripped from his body. Now, he didn't feel...didn't feel anything at pain, nothing at all. He realized he couldn't move, speak, or even open his eyes. Now he was gripped by a real terror! Had he survived the shooting, only to end up blind, and paralyzed? Was he in the hospital? What the hell was going on? Suddenly, he heard Magnuson's voice. "Mark, Mark, can you hear me? God, I hope you can. I hope you can hear me. And I hope you can understand what I've done to you. I have saved your life, in the only way possible...but you may be unable to forgive me for it." Now, he found he could open his eyes, and see his boss; though he was otherwise still paralyzed. God, he must have been badly hurt! He knew it was Magnuson talking to him; but the words made no sense! What the hell did he mean about being unable to forgive him for saving his life? Suddenly, he began to put two and two together....oh, God no, he thought....he couldn't have! The bastard couldn't have! "Mark, you may have guessed by now, that I transferred your brain into the latest robot I was working on. So you're now female, and a robot, besides, but you're alive! You're alive!" The words echoed in his head; he was alive; maybe he could deal with things somehow; maybe Magnuson could remodel this body into a male form? "Now Mark, I'm going to activate you with this control. Don't try any hasty motions; it's probably going to take you a little while to get used to this body." Magnuson held what looked like a television remote in his hand. Mark couldn't believe that this piece of electronics now controlled his ability to move and speak. How odd it seemed; odder still, that the idea seemed to be carrying him toward some form of sexual arousal! His boss punched a sequence of buttons; suddenly, Mark could move again. He tentatively turned his head from side to side; lifted one arm and then the other; then muttered in a sultry, feminine voice he couldn't yet accept as his own, "My God, it's true." He took one tentative step forward, then another; despite never having walked on three-inch stiletto heels in his former life, he found he could now navigate on them quite easily. He was wearing a shiny silver spandex halter top and matching shorts; his high-heeled pumps were also of that shimmering color. "Where'd you come up with this body, boss? One of your wet dreams?" Then he glanced in the full length-mirror. "Oh God!" he -- or from here on, we will say she -- cried out. "I'm a copy of that woman from that TV show, right?." Magnuson nodded. "Right." He took a deep breath. "How do you...feel....Mark?" Mark laughed. "How do I feel? Well, that's a good one...I feel strange, certainly...but good, in a way, very good. Incredibly energetic...and incredibly horny." What was troubling to Mark was that her new body was filling her brain with cravings for male companionship. "Sit down, please," Magnuson said, beckoning to a small work table with a couple of chairs by it. "Let me tell you more about your new body." Mark listened in amazement as her boss explained that her new body contained no flesh or bone, or organic materials, outside of her brain. It was all plastic, latex, titanium and microprocessors. Her brain would be kept alive and nourished by a rudimentary pulmonary-digestive system; she would breathe, could eat, though her body would simply pass out most of what it took in; all the nutrients needed to keep her brain alive could come through a glass of Ensure and a multi-vitamin daily. "I deliberately made the body as low-maintenance as I could," he said with a grin. "But that's as far as your brain is concerned. As for your robot body, it will require a daily battery recharge. There's a contact point inside your right ankle; it will require a minimum four-hour charge in every 24 hours." He showed her the charger; it was a small, self-contained unit that strapped around the leg sort of like an ankle weight. "While you're charging, you'll be in a state of sort of suspended animation, unable to move or speak. Of course, the control can freeze you at any time, as well." Magnuson went on to tell her about some of the superior features of her robotic body; she would have inexhaustible energy and sex drive; her senses were far more acute than a human's; she was impervious to disease, or most injury. Her skin couldn't easily be cut or punctured. "A gunshot at point-blank range would do a lot of damage, though, so don't try playing hero again," Magnuson said. "All very interesting, boss," Mark said. "And not that I'm not impressed with your scientific wizardry, I am, but is there any way to put my brain back in a human body again?" "No, I'm afraid the process is irreversible." Mark sighed, and fought back a desire to wrap her arms around her boss and seek a way to have him penetrate her as quickly as possible. "O-K, then. How about converting this body to a male form?" "That I might be able to do, but it's going to take some time...we're probably talking months. In the meantime, I suggest that you continue to work as my assistant. We'll call you.....Ashley....Ashley Stevens." Mark--or Ashley raised her thin, perfectly arched eyebrows. "Any significance to that name?" "My first Playboy bunny....I met her...and took her home...almost 25 years ago." "O-K," Ashley said. "Whatever makes you happy." Things went along uneventfully for about a month. Ashley acquired a female wardrobe (hoping she wouldn't need it for too long) learned how to hook up her battery charger each night, and began trying to adapt to her new robotic life. She continued as Magnuson's errand runner and assistant; but found it increasingly hard to concentrate on even simple tasks due to libido that was surging through her mind and body. "You got do something about this, boss, or I'm going to start raping guys or something.," she pleased. "Patience, Ashley, patience," he said and bit down on his pipe. "Easy for you to say," Ashley thought. You haven't been shot and had your brain removed from your body and placed in an automated love doll! On the way home that night, Ashley stopped at an adult bookstore. She had frequented this place as a male from time to time, but had never seen a woman in there; but she knew what she needed was behind the counter inside. She walked out minutes later, a small package under her arm. That night, she had placed the batteries into the vibrator, and carefully inserted it into her artificial vagina for the first time. She had tried mightily to deny the needs of her new sex; but the craving was just too strong. The feeling of having something inside of her was strange and wonderful. She couldn't believe the sensitivity of the artificial nerves down there; suddenly, waves of a climax were breaking over her, and she found herself panting for the first time since she had awakened in this body. The orgasm left her feeling spent, exhilarated, embarrassed, overjoyed. She reached for the vibrator, and started the process all over again. It was almost 3 a.m. by the time she reluctantly put the vibrator aside and strapped on the recharger. The next morning, when Ashley entered the lab, she had a feeling that something was wrong; perhaps her enhanced senses could detect trouble? "Morning, boss!" she called cheerily. "Any progress yet?" There was no response. A moment later, she found Magnuson, barely conscious, slumped over a work table. "Ashley," he gasped. "My an ambulance." The next hours were a blur, although if she had so wished, Ashley realized later she could recall them in perfect detail. All that remained in her mind was the scene in the waiting area when a grim-faced doctor had come walking out towards her. "Miss? I have some bad news about your boss. We weren't able to save him." "Oh my God!" Ashley had cried, as much for herself as her boss; for she realized that she was now imprisoned in this female robotic form for life. Ashley didn't leave her apartment for several days. It took her quite a while to absorb all that had happened to her; and to try to formulate a plan for her next steps. Although her needs were few, it seemed obvious that she would have to have money; she would have to find a job! But how, with no work history? Magnuson had helped her establish a legal "identity" with a social security number and a few other basics...but they hadn't gone beyond that. The next day, Ashley found a job, waitressing. It was for an early shift; it meant coming in at 5 a.m. and leaving at noon; that was no problem., as her body no longer required sleep; the battery charge could easily be done at any time. Staying on her feet, carrying trays of heavy food for hours was no problem, as her robot body could not be exhausted. What was a problem were the meager wages, and the stingy tips. "This job sucks," Ashley told herself one morning about a month later. When the cook, a grizzled character tired to grope her, she punched him in the face, smashing one of his eye sockets; fortunately, he didn't lose his sight, and each agreed not to sue the other. Ashley's job hunt over the next three weeks was fruitless. The only prospective employers who seemed to be interested in her didn't seem to be focused in what she could bring to the was clear their minds were on extra-curricular sorts of activities. At her apartment that night, Ashley thought about the characters who had leered at her in interview after interview and muttered to herself, "I'll be damned if I'll give it away," as she slipped the vibrator into her moist pussy. If it had been a cartoon, a light bulb would have gone off over her head at that point. Now she knew what she would do. She would become a prostitute. It seemed like a crazy idea; but it also made perfect sense. "The money? Sure to be better than anything else I can get! This body? Sure to get plenty of customers! It's a cash-only business! Plus, it should help relieve these damn urges...better than the vibrator! And I can't get a sexually-transmitted makes a crazy kind of sense!" she told herself. This would be a way to put away some real money. And with money, there would be freedom and possibilities. Find a scientist, someone as smart as Magnuson. Have him (or her) figure out how this body worked, how to keep it running, how to remold it into a male form. But all that would be down the road. That afternoon, Ashley went shopping for what would be "career wear"..her list was simple: anything spandex, latex, leather; anything tight, short or shiny. Ashley had mastered the basics of makeup by this time, but now worked on a new, more intense look. She spent that evening driving the areas of town where the streetwalkers worked; the next night, she would join them. She wore fishnet stockings, a black leather mini-skirt, and a low-cut red silk blouse. She parked her car, looked for an empty corner, and tried to strike a pose that she hoped conveyed that she was available. The first car stopped within half an hour. It was a new BMW, and the guy wore an expensive looking suit. Ashley couldn't think of anything more original to say than, "Looking for a good time, mister?" as she leaned into the car window. But it worked. She tried to sound as confident as she could when she told him. "It's a hundred bucks an hour, and the meter starts now." He was fairly quiet as they drove to a nearby motel and he rented a room. He introduced himself as -- of all names -- Mark. "This is too weird," Ashley thought. It was the kind of hotel that seemed to attract businessmen and families on a budget. Respectable, but nothing fancy. As Mark closed the door to the clean, simply-furnished room, Ashley thought she felt her artificial heart beating more rapidly. "Just my imagination," she told herself. She smiled, and reached out to him. Wrapping her arms around his neck. She began showering him with hungry kisses, which he quickly returned, his tongue rapidly probing her mouth. When she was able to break away, Ashley dropped to her knees, unbuckled his belt, and unzipped his pants. For the first time as a female robot, she felt a warm, hard dick. She wrapped her long, slim fingers around his manhood and then took it into her mouth. She began to suck it, and saw his complexion grow a bit pale while a look of incredible pleasure spread over his face. It seemed to be happening too quickly, for he stopped her at this point, and signaled for her to stand up. He began unbuttoning her blouse; he did the same for his shirt. Soon, Ashley's leather skirt was dropping to the floor, revealing a pair of very wet panties beneath. She groaned with ecstasy as his hands cupped her breasts. She began to moan as he took one rock-hard nipple, then the other into his mouth and began to suck greedily. The waves of pleasure shooting through her told her that this was what she had been programmed for; this was her true purpose. Soon, they were on the bed, Mark on top of her. He entered her juicy love nest. As thrust mounted onto thrust, Ashley felt herself losing control; for one scary moment, thought she might be suffering some kind of electronic overload; but soon realized it was just an orgasm....Just an orgasm? It was like no pleasure she had ever experienced in her life. Ashley was ready to go again almost right away, but poor Mark, only being a man, and human besides, needed a longer recovery time. The second time turned out to be just as profitable -- and even more pleasurable -- than the first. When she looked back later, Ashley decided that must have been the moment when her plans changed. Yes, she would still seek a scientist who could keep her body running smoothly....but she realized this was her body now...and forever...and it would do just fine, thank you. Who knows, maybe she would find a nice guy and settle down someday. He'd have to be open-minded enough to accept a wife who was an ex-hooker and a robot, though. And damn horny, to boot. No, this would be her life now. And it would do just fine, thank you.

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-Lexi- chapter 02I was handcuffed and blindfolded with a ring gag in my mouth, dressed like a schoolgirl slut, trapped in a service building in the park near my house, sitting on this stool and sucking my first cock ever. It was barely past 10am, and my mystery blackmailer had the day to play with his new toy..."That's good, swirl your tongue around the head more. Mmm yes, you've gotten some good practive with your dildo, I've seen how much you like to slobber all over it. Not bad for your...

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Yea I let here fuck her ex so what

Introduction: 100 percent true story LONG TERM SATISFACTION FOR YOUR HOT WIFE Ok Im not sure where to begin I might as well start 8 years ago. I met my current fiancee at the grocery store we were both working at in Oklahoma. I was new in town, from California, I was 19 and she was 17,inexpierienced. I remember the first time that I saw her..she was tiny, only 411, roughly 90lbs., beautiful blue eyes and (innocent) tight little body. I knew I wanted her and after awhile she wanted me. I...

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The Interrogation

Story ideas The Interrogation. "That's him. Uthmaan Sedek."Hedya Zwieg sighed inwardly as the S?gen mishne pointed at the man on the monitor. Of course it was him, he was the only one in the room. Hedya was a woman who disliked irrelevancies, and the five minutes she had spent with the young officer had been more than enough to convince her that he was the type of man who would chatter on endlessly when there was simply no need.Her face showed no sign whatsoever of her irritation. Hedya's ...

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She lured me in with the simplest, more direct of invitations. I was at a rather good party while not in the best of moods, so I hadn't really gotten into the vibe of the music or the conversation. All that I had gotten convincingly into was a rather good bottle of bourbon. I was leaning against a column, off to the edge of the impromptu dance floor, letting the taste of the whisky linger in my mouth while I ogled a few of the more attractive women guests. All of this contributed to my...

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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 30

Mom moved back home without so much as a squeak. And since Prudie had given him instructions on how to remodel the house down the last detail, I wasn't surprised. She was happy. Dad was happy. And I was back home. All was right with their world, again. On Friday night, the day before I was not taking Beth out on our date, Maggie and her family came to the house for supper. Mama cooked meatloaf, mashed potatoes with the peelings left in them, corn on the cob, and homemade rolls. Dessert was...

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Finding HomeChapter 25

December looks to be bright and beautiful, nothing worth reporting as changing. The state play-offs final is the first weekend of December, and my school is in it for the first time, ever. This is very good for the school. The Board of Governors is very pleased with Mr Hills, because they see the change in school morale, the big reduction in parent complaints about bullying, and the improvement in the important sports activities all happening due to the new approach he brings to the...

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Getting your own back

Getting your own back. 18 year old boy gets a misterious power and turn the tables on his 3 bullies Dylan was running as hard as he could, his chasers had been after him for 5 minutes. He rounded the corner to find a dead end, coming to a halt he turned to see the 3 lads who had been chasing him, they had been bullying him for years, at 18 he was hoping it would stop but hadn't yet. He cowered down perpering to get the useral beating, they would give him. This time something was...

2 years ago
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That escalated quick Part 1 Five guys

"HOLY FUCK, you look hot," Sammy proclaimed. This is the first time I'd shown anyone how I looked dressed up as a girl. I'd chosen a tight, little black dress, modestly padded bra, stilettos and dark, but subtle, make-up. I've had plenty of time to practice applying make-up while home alone and had gotten pretty good at it. I'd also been keeping my body hair-free for a long time too. "You know," she continued, "I could probably give you you're fantasy?" I'd come out to her not long ago...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Nina North Trades cable package for pussy

Nina North is one of those hot chicks that makes a box of rocks look smart. Nina’s cable is out and she can’t figure out why. Maybe that explosion in the middle of the night that screwed up cable in the entire neighborhood had something to do with it, her cable repair man politely points out. Nina is not so sure and that’s when the cable guy makes a mental note this is a hot chick who can probably be easily seduced. The repair man pretends fixing her cable is going to be a costly and time...

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EvilAngel Brooklyn Gray Throat Challenge

Sharp, shorthaired brunette Brooklyn Grey has a pretty face and a tight, tan, tattooed body. She teases in stylish, sheer black lingerie, stiletto heels and a CUMWHORE choker. The dirty-talking girl says she’s ready for the challenge of taking young, tattooed stud Damion Dayski’s shockingly huge big Black cock down her throat. Brooklyn gives him a worshipful, wet blowjob with two-hand stroking. Thick slobber covers his towering, super-hard erection, ball sac and thighs as she sucks...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 69 The Times They Are a Changing

October, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning when Penny arrived, I thought about what Anala had said. I watched every move and listened to every word and decided that Anala was correct in her assessment of Penny. And I realized would need to decide pretty much immediately to put a stop to it, or else I had to be prepared for what was certain to come in the future. It was a tough question in my mind. If Penny asked immediately, I’d say ‘no’. If she asked in two years, I’d probably say...

2 years ago
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Magic Words

Dazed and barely conscious, Eric slumped forward against his steering wheel. As blood began to pulse from the gash in his forehead his mind went totally blank. And for a second or two, nothing registered, not even the loud ringing in his ears. Then as the red fluid began to drip from the end of his nose, flashes of memory started to return. But they were too disjointed ... too out of place ... and too distant for him to make sense of. Suddenly, somehow ... somewhere in all the muddle, Eric...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XVI 8211 Out Door Sex

I am enjoying my sex life in a beautiful way which I wanted to. There are so many other things and a lot of responsibility in life other than enjoying the sex but I am very happy and feel proud that I could make such adjustments and have successfully organized the balance in all the necessary things in regular, happy and sexy life. A lot of credit goes to my loving husband for his guidance, understandings and love for making our life so beautiful, so lovable and so sexy. You all are aware that...

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Tyler and Jenny Part 2

Introduction: I received many great comments about part 1 of this series and I am pleased to say that Tyler and Jenny Part 1 reached a very solid rating. That was before it was deleted by the site. From the notice posted, I can only assume it was deleted because it was deemed to be a pedophile story. I am a little confused because the definition of pedophilia as I know it is anyone over the age of 16 engaging in sexual acts with anyone age 13 or younger. In the original story, Tyler was 13 and...

3 years ago
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MAUREEN By Emma "Here she comes." I folded my legs; bum perched on the edge of the video monitor station, and sniggered as I saw Maureen come out of the staff changing room on the little black and white monitor. Max, the store security guard chuckled too. "Look at her," I said, "Imagine having an arse like that." Max laughed. "I don't know who designed the uniforms at this store but they didn't give a second though to fashion, did they?" "Nope. They certainly...

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Mamaji Ki Beti Aur Main

Hi all. I am Sooraj, 29 years old good looking guy from Delhi currently living in Sydney. This incidence occurred last month when I traveled back home for my sister’s wedding.I’m a fairly good looking guy and have enjoyed a number of women. I’m married now and have a good sex life with my wife. I won’t bore you with the dick size n all the crap and honestly I’ve never measured it too. But any ladies interested in secret talks or emails (or more) can get in touch with me at Privacy assured. I...

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The Adventures of Agent Long Agent 96

Agent Long was searching around the headquarters of the Evil Wicked Wanda, looking for his partner, Agent 96. She was last heard from while working undercover here. She had called in saying she had discovered something very important when her connection was abruptly cut off. Suddenly, Agent Long felt a sharp stinging sensation in his neck and then everything went black. Several guards quickly carried him before Wicked Wanda, who ordered that the agent be stripped naked and tied spread eagled on...

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My sweet Alexis

An incredible first threesome with my lovely wife! My wife, Alexis and I have been married for many years and for most of those years I fantasized about her fucking another man, however, I always wanted the man to be well-endowed. I always expressed this fantasy while in bed and she would always get turned on and would have wild sex and multiple orgasms whenever we discussed it. Conversely, Alexis would never discuss this subject with me when we were out of the bedroom causing me great...

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Jack In The Box Ch 2 Checking In

The hotel lobby overflowed with teenage athletes from all the competing schools. Coach Moore struggled to keep her noisy boys and girls in one group as Coach Buchanan checked everyone in at the front desk.Jack admired his coach's sexy ass for several minutes before sneaking up behind her. "Did you like the show on the bus, Sylvia loves to suck my cock, and I know you wanted it to be you."The sudden voice and soft breath on her ear surprised her. Staring into Jack's piercing eyes, she lost...

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Her Gentle Man

The waitress leaves to get the check after we tell her, ‘No, thank you.’ to the request ‘How about some dessert?’ I look over at Ann. With a smile I say, ‘Would you like to do something a little different tonight?’ Her blue eyes narrow slightly, showing her laugh lines and she says, ‘Maybe. No ropes?’ ‘No ropes.’ Her smile is a little bigger now. ‘No blindfold?’ ‘No blindfold. I know you don’t like that. And no ice, I promise.’ Her smile is now a knowing grin. ‘What will I have to do?’ ...

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Halle Part 3

HALLE Part 3 "What did I do?" "You'll see. Come with me little girl!" I started upstairs, with Halle right behind me, heading for the computer room. As we walked in, I said, "Sit down." She sat at the computer desk. "Okay.", I said, "Now clear the screen saver, and tell me what you see." She moved the mouse, the screen saver cleared, and there was one of the two web sites in question. She slowly turned her head and looked at me a little frightened. "Care to explain?", I...

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Body and SoulChapter 2

When the timeless moment passed they were standing on a featureless white plain. Dan looked around him. "Is this Heaven?" The angel smiled. "No, a waiting area if you like. My boss will be along soon and he'll take you through admission. Ah, here he is now." A man was striding across the plain towards them, he looked to be about sixty and was dressed in a dark suit also. "Jothan! What have you done now!" He said sharply to the younger angel. Jothan looked nervous, "I've brought Mr...

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Getting Knocked Up By Some Black Thugs Seed

I'm not gay. Really. I'm not. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I'm bisexual. I a married, 42 year-old father of four with a wife, a girlfriend and a career as a fitness consultant for a national media chain. I own a home in a California suburb and another three properties from an Arizona mini-ranch to a duplex in Oakland, CA. Now I'm not queer but every man has a vice right? Mine gets a little nasty. Every few weeks I'd retreat to one of my homes and spend some quality "alone"...

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He took me2

I never told anybody about what happened. Especially not to my girlfriend. Speaking of her, let me describe her. Her name is Susan, she is 10 cm smaller than me, green eyes, has black hair, cup B and a quite slender body. She’s 19 years old and we’re dating for 8 months now. On a lazy Sunday morning we had just finished sex in my room and were cuddling, when my phone suddenly rang. I looked at the screen and saw an unknown number. I answered. “Hello?” “Hello”, a very familiar...

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Deputy MarshalChapter 2

"Jeb, do either you or Josh know how to handle a shotgun?" "No, neither one of us ever fired any sort of gun." "OK, we'd better get you fixed up with some, then. Let's find a gun shop and see what we can do. You're going cross country with that there mining equipment, so you'll need some way to protect the oxen. Back on the train, we weren't bothered by wolves and such, but you might be, being that you'll be a lone wagon." "Josh, tell your sister that we'll be gone for a...

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A multiple Screw

This time around she stepped in first and as I heard the clatter of water, I decided to move away for a while and take a breath of fresh air. Unknown to me, and by some strange chance the next door occupant threaded into our room by mistake and without a hiss when straight into the bathing area. I still did not know and I imagined that my GF would come out soon so I could than proceed to have my refresh. As it took her a long time to finish up, I went over to the shower and to my surprise; I...

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Dark Temptations Sweet Indulgence Part 3

Rin's POV Jayden and I had been staying at Reid's penthouse for a couple of weeks now. We'd had sex nearly every day for the first week until Jayden said we needed a break from it, saying he worried my pussy would get used to his dick and it wouldn't feel as good. I found it funny. I could never get used to Jayden's dick. I awake in Jayden's bed alone. There are no windows in the room counting on the fact a vampire owned the home. The only way to tell what time of day it is, is by looking at...

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DominiqueChapter 6

After the weekend, Andrew gave me some space to get my head together, which was good. To be honest, I was 'on autopilot' all week, and hardly able to concentrate. I was glad work hadn't noticed. The experience at Dean's tilted my world on its axis, and I started to wonder about all kinds of things. Going up there was a good idea, I decided, even if it was only to open my eyes to the possibilities. I learned some good lessons there. Probably the best one was that if my head was in the...

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First time on camera

The last week of the term was finally over.. No more study, no more exams, I felt so relieved it was over i slung my bag in the corner of my room, sat on the couch and kicked off my shoes. Fucks me what the holidays have in store, but I don’t even care, relaxation would be enough.. My family can’t afford to go away on holidays, my foster Mum works constantly and rarely has a day off, so it would be up to me to make my own fun.. I have lived with Janet, my 38 yr old surrogate mother for going...

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A brother sister 2

Steve was mesmerised. There they were, his sister's breasts, perfect in every way. He tentatively reached out his hands to cup the two delightful orbs. His hands were more than filled and he marvelled at how they could be so soft and yet so firm at the same time. The nipples were like little nuggets in his palms. He squeezed the two breasts, one in each hand, then pushed them together, playing with them and exploring the reactions he could get from his sister as he manipulated them. He pulled...

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Craving That Bitch Characters Place

Joey is the leader of the pack. He is 6'1 with a toned body. He is strong enough to subdue a girl. His blonde hair is always spiked up perfectly. He had to make himself presentable anyway. Joey is the owner of (Don't look this up. I made this up myself. If its a real site, I'm not trying to steal it) where girls are filmed being sexually tortured. You paid to be a member and you got to view live feeds, past videos and even tell them what to do to a girl. For all...

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The Cucumber Whore

After being granted a place to study at Brighton University, I travelled down to Brighton to find a place to accommodate myself for the year as I didn’t get a single room in the halls. Everywhere else I looked was too expensive and I was running out of option until I saw a notice in the local cafe, offering a room at the best rate ever. So I went to the address, knocked on the door and when the door opened, my mouth hit the floor.There stood the most perfect 5 foot 5, blue eyed, short blonde...

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GangbangCreampie Kate England G110

Finally the moment we’ve all be waiting for. Part TWO! The GangBang and Creampie part of this week’s adventure. As we mentioned earlier, we tried some new stuff this week. We did some dual camera filming, with some picture in picture action. Be sure to let us know what you think about it in the comments section. Kate is on the bench, the guys have been properly warmed up and she’s ready to get her pussy filled. The guys go to town on her great pussy. She takes 5 creampies and...

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Highschool Reuion

It was about 2 years ago now that I went back to my home town for our highschool reunion. They had everyone who came in from outside of town staying at the Comfort Inn. Well as I was checking in at the front desk she walk in, my ex from my senior year. In Highschool she played just about every sport she could. So you can imagine her body. She had a flat stomach, nice tits, a round ass, and dirty blonde hair. I wasn't surprised to see noting had changed. As she walked up to the front desk she...

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