Domino City Saga: Tale Of Two Worlds free porn video

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Andrew Turner was your average guy. He held down a job he hated so he could pay for an apartment that he of course thought was too small. His girlfriend had dumped him nay barely a week ago. and every time he tried to jump back into the dating scene he ended up in a flop. The world had a way of knocking him on his ass, something he wished would change. It was a late monday night and the knob leading to Andy's' apartment was turning ever so slowly before it crept open in near silence. Andrew walked inside his right hand flicking on the light switch as a dull light spread across the room showering all in its indifferent rays. He was tall at most six-two in height and was thin, not buff but more lean with patches of muscle here and there. His eyes were a dark green scanning across his empty apartment as he took a seat down on a beat up sofa yawning aloud, his dark brown bangs shading his eyes. His hair in short boys cut nothing new or nothing daring. He wore a dark blue uniform from the quick stop he worked at with torn faded blue jeans. He kicked off his tattered boots as he gazed towards the ceiling in silence, it wasn't even ten yet and he felt as if it were twelve. He didn't know what to do his life was in a rut one he feared he may never get out from. "Hmmm...I wish I had a new life." He groaned aloud as he laid back into the sofa thinking how his life might have been different if he had made different choices in life. Little did he know a force was at work this night. A force that doesn't always choose a wish to grant. But if the wish is pure it always seems to find a way to make things happen. *** As Andrew began to doze off in the world of humans a rather odd night was taking place within a world much like our own but in-habited by a race of dragon people known only as "Draco's." They were a race of half human and half dragon people, though they looked similar to normal humans in their first form. They also had quirks per say that showed off their race that would stick out in our world but was normal as could be in their world. Here is where Anya Draneta lived alone in here small but powerful village within the mountains of the wind region of earth. The wind region was known for mighty storms throughout the world, many other draco's believed the village hidden beyond the rocks had a gift of speaking to the gods summoning storms at will. The fear that this might be true caused many enemy clans to merely stray away from causing any trouble within their land. A land that was mostly large stretches of green meadows over towered by massive mountains that reached as high as the clouds. Anya though was a lone female Draco very cold and distant, many a time had a man come to visit in hopes she would choose him as her mate. But time and time again she merely shot them down, from the best hunters to even intelligent gathers. All were denied her hand. Alone she sat in her small hut at the edge of the village curled up softly in the corner beside the blazing fire that lit up the middle of the small wooden hut. Its glow showered over her softly causing a small yawn to escape through plump soft lips. Anya was very small framed at most four-six in height and with a petite frame slender and curved in all the right places giving her the look of elegance. She had dark violet colored eyes that watched the flames dance in front of her softly never blinking. Long matching violet colored hair stretched down her backside in waves silken and shimmering, brushing across folded wings on her backside. Her wings when extended were elegant and strong with the color of the dark raven sky with hints of her violet throughout. Her fingernails were instead claws long and sharp slowly tracing small circles in the dirt of the hut at her side as she sat alone in silence. Her feet were not as humans they were instead were like talons; small scaled feet were tipped with long razor sharp claws that could easily slash through anything that wasn't a Draco in seconds. She wore a small raven dress that was cut right above her thighs hugging her wide hips softly and tracing across her rounded butt. The straps hugged small slender shoulders leading across to firm soft breasts that the silk held with firm fabric gently. Last she had a long slender tail that protruded from under her dress softly swishing back and forth fanning the fire slowly. "Hmph...the village says I must find a mate by the fall of the ninth moon?" Anya snapped aloud in rage her people were forcing a man upon her. All she wanted was to be alone not fall to the stereotype of her people that every woman needed a provider. She alone could hunt, she could gather all she wanted she already had. Yet she still had to choose a male to spend her life underneath, her fists clutched tightly hate filling her soul as she gazed into the flames. Deep within her soul she wished she could escape this village and go to a place where she could be alone and care for hers She would give anything up for a chance at that anything at all. *** Andrew stared at his tv set boredly as he yawned aloud sleep coming close to claiming him as he gazed outside the window towards the star filled sky. His life felt as if it were ending deep within his mind he wished he could live at a place where the people looked after each other. and a place where he could one day find his true love someone to spend his days with. His wish was made in our world the same time that in the earth of Dracos anya had made her wish. It was this force...this act that caused a wish to be granted giving those who would get more from the life the other was given then if they lived on in their own lives. Andrew yawned one last time as he closed his eyes the sound of the tv fading from his ears as sleep at long last claimed him. *** Anya within her hut yawned one last time from her behind her pouting lips as she curled upward against the wall tail curling as she dozed off into a deep slumber hoping tomorrow would be better. *** The sounds of people rustling outside caught Andrews's attention as her long lashes fluttered open softly; violet hues gazed towards the thin fabric of what looked like a door flap fluttering in the cool breeze. She gazed down to see she was laying in dirt even as she slowly stretched not feeling long wings stretch outward firmly before folding back again. Her tail swished softly a she climbed to her feet wobbling dazed walking outside into the bright mornings light causing her to shield her eyes with a slender hand. This dream seemed so odd as it were real; she could feel the wind against her skin and the warmth of the sun brushing against her flawless skin. Then it hit her an unknown weight firmly on her chest as she gazed down to a pair of firm breasts bouncing firmly against the dress as her clawed hand pressed against it. A chill ran down her spine as she did so causing her to grow alert gasping aloud finding this was all too real. Gasping softly unable to catch her breath she held a claw against her breast mind racing in fear before she saw a sight that shocked her most of all. A large dragon flew within the air a rich blue hue as it came and landed right next to her. Its dark sapphire eyes gazing towards her as it huffed aloud its wings flapping strongly throwing a gust against her as her hair flew back softly. The scales of the creature slowly began to fade as it lifted to its hind legs growling aloud in a fierce tone as it slowly shrank in size spitting fire high into the air. Its fangs withdrew and its body took on a new shape shrinking and melding such as if it were made of a fine clay into that of a large framed man. With wings much like hers on his back and a larger tail swishing side to side., he was tall standing six-three and very muscle bound wearing a blue tunic vest and matching colored pants made of a fine material she had never seen. His hair was short and colored a raven blue hue as he gazed to her eyes piercing into her soul as a smirk crossed his lips. "Hello anya the weather is calm today a great day to hunt may I escort such a lovely lady?" he asked her as her legs at last gave out before she fell to the ground the world fading black. *** Anya slowly opened his eyes the world coming into view as he got to his feet stretching slowly a yawn escaping through thin lips. He smacked his lips together wondering why he did not feel the cool breeze of the winds against his skin or even why "Selter" did not bug her about hunting this morning. He blindly walked forward as he stepped atop a plastic bottle quickly catching him off balance as he toppled backward quickly falling to the ground in a large crash. "Ahhh what the blazes of Zexta!!!" he growled aloud as the room came into view seeing a distraught room in front of him. Trash of different types littered a small room filled with strange larger chairs not made of wood but of a softer fabric. A strange box was behind him as well flashing a picture of a woman at a desk talking something about the weather yet she had no wings nor tail. He gazed down to a flat chest and a bulge between his legs he had never felt before as his eyes widened in fear. "Ahhhhh!!" he howled, his heart racing as he ran towards a wooden door, grabbing the knob and not turning it he yanked pulling it open forcefully only to be met by another woman. She too had no wings nor a tail....she looked human? "Oh Andrew so you finally open the door huh?...well have your shit back its stinking up my place and Kyle hates your trash," the woman snapped coldly as she threw a plastic bag against his chest firmly. "What?" he groaned aloud his voice deep no longer elegant or soft as his normal hands clutched the bag feeling it was filled with clothing of sorts. "Oh just shut it Andy we are done ok stop bitching about I have your clothes because guess what I no longer do," the woman huffed softly with a smirk as she quickly spun around walking down a narrow hallway hips swaying side to side. "But help me!!!" he yelled after her as she pressed a small button on the wall a large metal door swishing open behind her as she climbed inside turning to face him. "Help this," she spoke in a calm tone as she flicked him off while the metal doors fell closed, leaving him alone in the doorway shaken and confused. *** Andrew tasted a sweet liquid flow down her throat as she merely coughed afterwards., her cough coming out soft and petite as her eyes opened. She saw the same male surrounded by other men and women all who looked like him with wings, tails and scales. The male smiled down at her placing a golden cup down filled with pink liquid down onto the ground at her side as he brushed her hair away from her eyes softly. "Anya you fainted are you feeling weak?" the male asked as she merely gazed down still unsure of what to do. "Oh Selter of course anya is ok...she just overdid herself last night lad," an old elderly man spoke in a chipper tone his grey hair falling down his back., even as grey wings flapped open upon his backside. "Selter?" she spoke aloud as she jumped forward hugging onto him firmly causing many to gasp as she shuddered against him softly. "You must help me selter...I do not belong here," she whimpered out in a delicate tone her voice high in pitch and very soft spoken. "Hmmm...but you do anya," was all selter whispered into her ear wrapping his arms around her softly pressing her small frame firmly against his. Selters body as warm and strong causing her to open her eyes in shock at how his frame was causing her to feel a spark run across her body. "But...anya I'm..." she tried to speak as selter merely stroked a hand down her backside lifting her up with ease holding her small frame in his arms as she gasped aloud. "Everyone back to your duties I shall attend to the lady," Selter growled aloud in a serious tone as the group of people merely spread outward going about their business. Andrew gazed behind selters shoulder as he carried her into a different hut of which she exited from, this one was larger made of fine wood and vivid colors. Her sight fell upon the old man who merely sighed aloud before walking away before the door flap fell upon her view as they entered the hut. *** Anya ran as fast as his body could carry him before his lungs burned with lack of oxygen as he fell to his knees gasping. He gazed around himself the surroundings frightening, large buildings were all around him as stone covered all around him. From the ground to even the roads all were covered in cold lifeless stone. Hardly any forest was around this odd place other than a few patches here and there, and these humans scattered about busy and distant. Dozens upon dozens of humans pushed past each other each within their own world, none stopping to help him only ignoring him. "Yo buddy don't lay down here get to bed wills you...ya bum," a large man spoke in a rage filled tone as he stood in the doorway of a small shop by the name "Bistro." "Bi...bistro you must aid me I'm lost my home has been taken from me," he spoke catching his breath as the man merely rolled his eyes leaning downward to help him to his feet. Or so he though the large man merely lifted him to his feet and like a stone threw him as far as he could against metal cans near an alley way. The world came crashing down against him once more the large man sending him a death glare. "You damn drunk," the man snapped as he walked back into his business leaving anya alone and scared. "Help me anyone!!!!" he yelled as loud as he could but not a soul stopped each passing person ignored him. They gave him evil glares or merely didn't even glance at him. He felt so alone and frightened. He had wished to be alone and now that he was he only wished to be surrounded by those he loved and who loved him once more. *** Andrew had learned from selter that this race was Draco's...half human and half dragon. She found out about the wind region and how the storms passed and came yet never hurt the village but merely protected them from harm. They talked and talked...selter offering her drinks of the sweetest wine she had ever tasted and food that could be described as heaven on earth. He said they were from a creature known as a "Creeper" in awe she listened to stories about him and how he and yes even she could take on a dragon form to hunt and feel the winds breeze as they flew. She only laughed and listened, smiling sweetly as he offered her anything she wanted and even politely asking questions about himself. Selter thought anya had changed no longer was she cold and distant but very warm and nice a beauty that now matched her inside and out. Day one passed and she thought about wishing to go home as she laid on a lush bed selter had offered her. Her body pressed against the silk sheets as she decided against it, deep inside she always wished to fly. Days soon passed each day she stayed close to selter who showed her around the village each person nice and helpful. She helped the women gather fruits and veggies from the meadows below the village laughing and sharing stories with them and the small beautiful children that ran about laughing. The men hunted bringing back much food for the women to prepare as each and every person did their duty, forming into a community that was like a family. Days turned into weeks as she grew closer to selter they had begun to share the same hut, she had even learned to prepare a meal called "Storm soup" and made it for selter each night a storm came. It kept them both warm and alert during the howling of the winds. She even had learned to transform into a beautiful slender violet dragon, as she shared her first flight with him. Soon she learned how to create clothing and even care for the children as the mothers were busy with chores or duties. The children quickly grew on her as she became a local hero to the children playing and telling them tales of a world inhabited by humans. Weeks turned into months as the name anya grew on her she answered to it and even gladly spoke about herself as that name as well. This life was wonderful she felt wanted and the community around her cherished her such as she did them. It was soon that selter came home from hunting early wrapping his large arms around her kissing her deeply his wings forming around them as she didn't pull away but happily deepened the kiss. He made her feel warm and happy and as a woman she decided it wasn't wrong to fall in love and share her life with another. As they broke the kiss he offered her a blue stone necklace that was as bright as a diamond, wrapping it around her slender neck he asked to take her hand in union. A smile crept across her pouting lips as she said yes hugging onto him as he held her close never wanting to let go. Months at long last turned into one year. Anya and Selter had married a few months before the community was happy for them they were the shining example of the perfect couple. The children of course still loved anya even though she couldn't play anymore due to her belly was rounded and firm a child of her own moving softly around inside her gently. She of course allowed the children to feel the baby kick and even still tell them stories hoping her child would be as wonderful as these children. During a tale she merely stopped in mid-sentence her rounded belly firmly hugged by a silken blue dress. Her breasts larger filling with milk to feed her young the bonfire in front of her casting an elegant glow upon her as tears softly filled her hues. "Miss anya you ok?" a young girl asked as the many children huddled around her gazed at her in worry. The tears ran down her cheeks softly as she wiped them away her wings fluttering softly as her tail swished. "I'm just happy," was her reply as a smile flashed to the children and the village she had grown to love. *** Anya had learned from first-hand experience that the city he was now in was known as domino city. It was a large cold city that was filled with crime, hateful people and most of all the cold winds that he had never felt before. He had gone on his own around the city either getting bullied about or merely ignored as he learned about this new place. Such as food here was nasty and dunked in grease yet it cost money to buy, no creatures to hunt nor no wine to drink. He also learned he had to preform duties to earn this money which every job that he tried out for that was for his skills they told him they needed a woman not a man. He ended up working at a place called a "Construction yard." There he worked till his bones ached and his body felt as if it were on fire. The days passed as he worked hard then made his way back to the room where it all had started to stare at the walls and gaze to the stars wishing for his old life back. Yet it never came true. Days turned into weeks as he slowly worked his way up into new jobs at his profession the man they called boss telling him he would go far in this business. He tried to talk to men at bars yet he no longer was attracted to them women though caused the bulge between his legs grow when he felt close to them. He dated a few women from time to time yet each time the woman merely left most without even a word and some who told him face first. Love never came to him and slowly he dropped out of the dating game wishing one day he would find a place he belonged. Weeks turned into months as he became a foreman at his job., he dated but not for love merely for the rush of excitement he felt as he pinned a woman down and shared his body with her. He learned to spend his money on things such as a car or a new tv the box he learned showed the world from your home. Yet with each new item he never felt happier just more hollow no matter what he did he was never happy. Months faded into one year as he lay alone on his couch in his apartment watching tv yawning aloud, he had stopped wishing to go back. He knew it would never come true so why bother?...the name Andrew became his own as he just merely passed by where ever he went, his body was like a ghost. A life filled with no love just women of the evening, and objects that made him feel like everyone else just a number. He gazed at the tv and merely stretched knowing he needed rest before he went back to work the next day. Yet as he sat there a single tear ran down his cheek, he had gotten his wish he just passed by and he was alone. He did everything on his own like he wanted and he never was bugged about finding a mate. This is all he wanted...and now it was his life. The End

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[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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The girlfriend saga The tease

me an katie burst through my bedroom door after just arriving home from a party. undressing each other as fast as we can. i lift her up an throw her on the bed. i jump on her and force my dick into her tight wet pussy, she lets out a loud moan of intense pleasure. i start pumping in and out of her as she grabs me an scratches down my back "oh yes baby, faster" she moans out. i continue to go faster, then i stop, flip her over, and continue fucking her from the back. pounding up...

2 years ago
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The Saga of Marcus C Elliot

Introduction: Chapter {One} The Saga of Marcus C Elliot by Vegan Brie Chapter {One} Roller-Coasters of Emotion It was a bright crisp day in May, and the clocks were striking eight. Marcus Elliot, his chin nuzzled into his breast in a effort to escape the vile draft, slipped quickly through the windows of what was his modest apartment in Albany Park, the glass barely keeps the dust at bay. The hallway smelt of freshly cooked breakfast, playful scents luring one to the source of its aroma....

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART ONE THE BEGINNING

This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room hes in looks to be a...

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Star Wars The Complete Erotic Saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you. (This story was cribbed from Create Your Own Story []. Many threads were moved verbatim or with little editing. Over time, some of these will be edited to...

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Summertime Saga Memories

A.N. I would like to thank Dark Cookie for giving me permission to write a story about his game Summertime Saga. Feel free to check out Dark Cookies Patreon to support him and his game. Summer was nearly over. Peter's wild adventure had run its course. Now Peter was sleeping in his new house by the beach. When Peter woke up in his large bedroom in his beach house, he found himself feeling lethargic, and he struggled to get out of bed. When he finally got the energy to push the covers off of it...

1 year ago
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Starwars the complete erotic saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you.... (No score in game mode it just prevents weird stuff from happening in some of the chapters) Please Add to the story. Anything goes

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On the Beach Part I Halo saga

This is a fictional story (obviously) based on the tragic romance between Cortana and Master Chief (John 117) that thrilled all players in the Halo saga. But not tragic as the real history heheThis story was not written by me all credit is given to: FuryanJedi13 in, I just adapted a few words to be appropriate for a porn site.INTROIt was in the late spring when things finally started to warm up, and there were many people who chose to take advantage of this. One in particular was...

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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 12 Femdom Domination Saga Finale

Please read the previous chapters to understand my story and situation of the femdom domination saga. I was bent down and naked, legs spread, and waiting for something, then I got a spank. Soon Jen followed me by pulling my hair and asking me where we should start this. She took a butt plug from the box. She came close to my face and shoved it in my mouth and told me to lick it good. Within a minute I covered it with my saliva, I knew my ass would be dry now. Jen: Ah, I see, you are trying to...

2 years ago
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Mom Dad Sex Saga

Hi all, this is an absolutely real incident. I am a 20-year-old handsome boy. My mom is a 43-year-old beautiful and hot woman. She is very modern and open with me about sex and life. My dad is a 44-year-old rich man. But the tragedy here is that my parents do not live together. They got separated some years back. Both of them loved each other deeply but remained separate because of the typical Indian issue of saas bahu problem. I lived with my mom. As it would be, mom being at an age when a...

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Saga Of Sex In Family Part III Beautiful Shruti

Hi pals, Neeraj (Ashley) here with another part of the saga. In the previous story, I described how I seduced Shruti and fucked her at her own bed. I am continuing with the same story without taking much of your time. Just a small detail about me. I belong to Kolkata, aged 30, you can catch me at Coming back to the story: I messaged Sneha about breaking the virginity of her daughter and she said she would be back in sometime. I kept mobile aside and Shruti entered the room. She was looking...

4 years ago
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Sujata8217s Incest Saga 8211 Part 7

(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata, well, almost, I added spice as required. Though this story is a sequel to Sujata’s incest saga series, it is not necessary to read previous parts to enjoy this sex story. I am glad to inform all my fans that my e-book ‘My wife from free sex village and other erotic stories’ is published in Smashwords. Please type the book’s name in ‘search’ and you will be able to read free preview and buy the book. All my stories are in that book ....

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The Mother Saga Part 6

Hello All, this series describes my incest saga with my mother. Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Please read the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses for my stories. Hope you enjoy this next part too. I and Mom were very happy with the incest...

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The Mother Saga Part 5

Hello All, this series describes my incest saga with my mother. Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Please read the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. In the previous parts I have explained how I made my mom my slut and how we enjoyed ourselves over the week. In this part, I will explain...

2 years ago
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The Mother Saga Part 4

Hello All, this series describes my incest saga with my mother. Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Please read the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. In the previous parts I have explained how I made my mom my slut and how we enjoyed ourselves over the week. In this part, I will explain...

3 years ago
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The Mother Saga Part 3

Hello All, this series describes my incest saga with my mother. Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Please read the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. In the previous parts I have explained how I made my mom my slut and she got fucked by her own son. In this part, I will explain the...

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The Mother Saga Part 2

Hello All, this series describes my incest saga with my mother. Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Please read the previous part of thissex story if you have not yet done so. This is continuation of the previous part where I had sex with my mom and then left for college. That day, after I returned from college...

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The Mother Saga 8211 Part 1

Hello All, this series describes my incest saga with my mother. Please reply if you like my sex story to As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Thank you. Hello everyone, my name is Dev. I come from a middle class family from a small town in India. I, Mom, Dad and sister were a happy family. Dad was 25 years old when he married Mom who was only 18. At 19, she gave...

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Roys Saga

AUTHOR'S NOTE: It is recommended you read the story "Goddess", by my good friend Cheyenne Chaste Moon, before reading this story. This will help you comprehend the Goddess character, and allow you to know what she and Roy were talking about. It is available at her Web site: ROY'S SAGA by Roy Del Frink Chapter One: THE ORIGINS It all started one Friday night last year. I was 23 years old, and had just finished reading Cheyenne Chaste Moore's story...

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Sujata8217s Incest Saga 8211 Part 5

(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata, well, almost, I added spice as required with her approval. Please send your comments/suggestions to or to My good friend Sudha (heroine of Vanaja story) helped me a lot with this story. I am quite grateful to her) … Sujata welcomed Aarti with a big hug. They sat in sofas in the hall. Sujata asked what Aarti would like to have. “Nothing dear. I just had lunch” Aarti said. Still she was nervous. “Relax. Let us have two Patiala pegs...

3 years ago
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The Incest Saga 1 Realization

Hello all, this is my first post. Though I have been regular here from past 7 years. This site has changed my life. So be gentle if you find any flaws and please give suggestions periodically. I am bittu from dhanbad. Average height and average looking. Very much interested in sex. I am going to tell you about my mami she is quite a bombshell. My mama is 10 years younger to my mom ., so, mami PRIYA is 30 years old. They have a daughter 5 years in age. The best thing in mami is her ass. Bulgy...

4 years ago
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Britney Poshslut Part Five of the Britney Saga

[This is number 5 in a series, if you have not read the series it would be a good idea to use the author search function on to do so as this covers on from some characters that have all ready had some development] BRITNEY: POSHSLUT [PART FIVE OF THE BRITNEY SAGA] CHAPTER ONE: The Show goes On With a smile on my face a mile long knowing I was one up in my battle of wits against Victor, I slipped a soft hand down inside my red miniskirt. It was a good thing...

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The Mid Air Saga Where Lust Finds Its Place

Hi readers this is my first story on ISS and this is improved with a work of fiction in it. I’m Aakash and I’m from Chandigarh. I’m a good looking guy with normal physique and I stand about 5’10 tall. Girls or ladies can contact me at And I request that pls only girls should contact me. So, coming to the story, this happened a few months back when I was traveling in a plane and fortunately that was business class. I was coming back from finishing a project and was pretty much tired. In the...

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Sujata8217s Incest Saga 8211 Part 2

(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata,(well, almost, I added spice as required with her approval). All names have been changed as she requested. I will forward her fan mail to her. Please send your comments, suggestions and fan mail of Sujata to Sujata had second thoughts about the scheme, she went back to Rohit’s room to take back the story and was undecided. Then she came to a firm decision and tapped on bathroom door. Rohit turned off the shower and shouted” Yes, what...

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Sujata8217s Incest Saga 8211 Part 1

(This narration is based on true events narrated by Sujata,(well, almost, I added spice as required with her approval). All names have been changed as she requested. I will forward her fan mail to her. Please send your comments, suggestions and fan mail of Sujata to ) Sujata’s fingers were moving with lightning speed between her thighs, in her love hole and her eyes were glued to the Laptop screen. She was not watching a steamy porn movie but was reading an incest story, Mom seducing and...

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PostSea Saga

For those who have read my By the Sea stories and enjoyed them, the following series may please also. It finds the loving couple at home after their seaside vacation. Comments and observations--both praise and instruction--always are welcome. toy aka searic Post-Sea Saga Back to the mundane workaday world, my lovely wife-Mistress and I were careful to keep active the intense fulfillment and just plain fun of our D/s life. This could range from an entire weekend of play, beginning...

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Post Sea Saga Part II

Post-Sea Saga Part II Note: this is a continuation of the author's series on the adventures of a couple deeply in love, who explore together the delights of D/s, with him as the eagerly willing submissive to her exquisite and loving Dominant. Currently, they are in the process of turning him into a humiliated sissy cuckold. "Clean me, little pussy," my wife commanded, and I moved between her legs, licking and swallowing the juices that coated her pussy as well the remnants of my...

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PostSea Saga Part III

Post-Sea Saga Part III (Wife/Mistress of our happy subbie has instructed him to make arrangements so that they can act on their long-discussed plans for his ultimate service and humiliation. Both believe that this will draw them closer together, more than ever before.) Monday morning found me calling the yard/pool service with an explicit request that Billy be sent out. I asked that he come the following Saturday and was assured that he would be there...

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PostSea Saga Part IV

Post Sea Saga Part IV Spying from the living room, I remembered that I hadn't seen the kid for a while and had never paid that much attention to him, but knowing that someone is going to fuck your wife tends to focus the attention. Billy was wearing ragged cutoffs and a faded red tee shirt. His feet were in a pair of Reeboks. His hair was blond, maybe faded from the sun--he had a deep tan from his work outdoors--and it was long enough to look a...

4 years ago
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Saga Part Three

Saga Part Three I started to dress for the opera. I had found the dress I sought, a silver lame ankle length sheath, slit up to mid thigh. I put on my silver gaff, no bulges tonight by God, and silverish panties (better than the white ones), silken glimmer lace top thigh high stockings, no garter belt -- I don?t want snaps to show under the sheath -- a VC bra with halter style straps (it held me better than the strapless), forms to augment my growing breasts, and five inch heel silver...

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Saga End

Keywords Hormones Very High Heels Chastity Belt Use of Sex Toys Categories Bondage Crossdressing/TV /TG The Operation Synopsis Janet meets some new men, has fun, has a great BD session with Joel and Roger, finally meets her mate Saga Part Four The boys both came to the hospital to take me home; they were so nice-so solicitous I couldn't wait to reward them for their kindness so I made drinks and an apple pie for them. We chatted, kissed, I...

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The saga of EGirl

THE SAGA OF E-GIRL Since the good Doctor refuses to clear me for active duty until I write this, I had better get it over with . I can look out the window and see most of the Compound,, the official home for the largest number of the world's super-powered people. I had never imagined that I would be among them, nor just what it would cost me to join the ranks of the "Superior". The Doctor wants me to write out my story so that I can put the guilt behind me and move on. I don't know if...

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Ishani8217s Saga8217s Memorable First Trip 8211 Part II

I am sorry to have delayed my chapter 2. I have been overwhelmed by the comments and numerous mails after the first one. One of the reasons for the delay is that I can write with all my passion only when I am aroused. Before I start off, let clarify one thing, are you really interested to know if the names mentioned are correct and real? Are you really intrigued that these incidents are true or made up? I would like to just know if you enjoyed them as a read and the content. We all started...

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An Incest Saga 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is Dingdon from Raipur, Chattisgarh and thanks for your response this is the second part of the story AN INCEST SAGA. Hope you all will like it please do comment on it, it will encourage me and also will help me to improve my writing. Over the rest of the week, our hugs became more frequent, and my caresses on her mid-riff while we used to hug …….. was longer, more stronger …. And she never stopped me. More than once she caught my eyes on her cleavage, her belly, and she never...

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