Teacher's Pet V free porn video

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Teacher's Pet V Gina's final score left us 5000 points short and we were now going to be Part time waitresses for the next month. The owner of the shop came over to us and gave us each a hug. "Oh thank god you girls lost. I just couldn't imagine having a boy in a waitress outfit serving my customers!" The woman took down our names and scheduled our days to work including weekends! Gina and I were so devestated at our loss! David and Mark narrowly escaped a lifetime of humiliation and walked over for a handshake. "You girls almost pulled it out, I hope there's no hard feelings?" "Shut the hell up Mark! I can't believe we lost to you. Last week neither of you could score over 50,000. Now today you're world beaters. Mark wrapped his arm around Gina's waist. "It's like this dear, you've just been hustled. We were sandbagging last week just to let the two of you win." "You two are assholes!" "Temper temper my dear, save that wild animal instinct when our toungs meet some day." Gina placed her hand to her forehead and sat down in the booth across from me. "I can't believe this is happening to me I don't know how to be a damn waitress! Nobody in my family ever worked a day in their life." "Too bad sweetie looks like you'll be the first." The guys high fived each other across the table and ordered us 4 more Cokes. David's hand was back on my nylons once again, and for some reason I was liking it!" "Yes Leann I can't wait for our little get together sometime next month." I nervously sucked my soda through the straw as he watched me. "Boy sure can suck Leann! I mean, the soda that is." My eyes got wide open at that comment and I choked a little as my soda when it went down the wrong pipe. We hung around with the guys for another hour before we said our goodbyes. Now the hard part was how to tell our Mothers we're going to be part time waitressing for the next month. Our first shift would be on Saturday from 1-9 for 8 long hours. When I got home my mother was standing on the porch with a very pissed off look on her face. "Leann Jenkins have you lost your mind? Mrs. Gianelli just called me to tell me you Gina are going to be waitresses at that damn soda shop!" She grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the house while slamming the door shut. "Sit your ass down young lady, were gonna talk about this right now!" "Mom please calm down, this isn't my fault it was all Gina's idea." "Mrs. Gianelli tels me you were the one who got the two of you in this mess. Before we go any further, I guess you better tell me the whole story sweeite." For the next 20 minutes I told the whole story to her. Her eyes were glued to me the whole time and never once did she lift the stern look from her face. "Leann, I have so many big plans for you, but being a waitress in a white trash soda shop is not one of them! I knew I should've never let you go in there. "Please Mom don't be mad at me we were just having some fun." "Well maybe this will be a lesson to both of you girls, perhaps a little humiliation is just what the two of you need to help in your maturing process. When do you start this waitressing thing?" "On Saturday and we have to be there 1 hour before the shop opens." I watched her tap her high heeled shoe on the floor with a disgusted look on her face. "Get your ass up to shower young lady, I will be talking with Mrs. Gianelli to see what her plans are for Gina. I can't believe the two of you agreed to this." She snapped her fingers a couple of times and I clicked my heels up to my bedroom to undress. Mom talked with Mrs.Gianelli for over an hour and they both agreed to allow us to take the part time job. It was now all set, Gina and I would wear our waitress outfits for the next month while waiting on tables at the soda shop. Mom told me several times that this is a huge drop on the social ladder for her daughter. I couldn't say I'm sorry enough to her for disappointing her. For puishment I had to wear my pantyhose and corselette to bed for the next month until my waitressing duties were complete. I was also given my little pills 3 times a day instead of just in the morning and evening. David continued texting me every day telling me he couldn't wait to see me this weekend. I was kinda liking all the attention he was giving me but several times I had to come to the realization that we were both young boys and I was masquerading around as a girl. The next couple days at school were uneventful and boring. Gina and I agreed to meet at her place on Saturday to prepare for our waitressing debute. Several of the girls overheard Gina and I talking about our situation along with Kristen. She was now loving the fact that we had to actually work like slaves for the next month. throughout the day I continued trading texts with David and Gina did the same with Mark. I think talking to the guys all the time wasn't a good idea, but Gina thought it would help our situation in the long run. On Saturday morning Gina and I got all dolled up and once again we found ourselves wearing our Halloween waitress outfits. Our hair and nails were in superb condition. We even wore our red heels instead of sneakers like the other girls would wear at the Soda shop. I checked my look in the mirror for any feminine flaws and marveled at my feminine figure. I placed my hands on my waist and turned several times go get a view from all angles. "Gina, can I ask you something?" "Sure Leann. What's up?" "Well, do my hips look different to you?" "Different? Like how?" I ran my hands down over my nylon covered legs while staring at my reflection. "I think my hips are getting wider. They look more like your hips." Gina got up from her vanity and walked over to me. "Spin around for me and flare your skirt out." With great femininity I gracefully twirled around in a circle several times. Gina's hands then slid onto my thighs."You know I think you're right Leann. Your legs are looking more like mine. Even your ass is more rounded and wearing that corselette every day is trimming your waist." "But I don't understand all this, I mean how is this happening? Even my chest is budding out and these damn tits Suzette glued on me a while back are pinching my skin every hour of every day!" "Perhaps you should talk with your therapist about this when you have your next session?" Gina then wrapped her arms around me for a nice hug. "You just turn me on so much when I see you in that uniform! I wonder if David will think the same thing?" I turned to face Gina and she could see the lost look in my eyes. "What's the matter Leann, you look so confused?" I placed my chin on Gina's shoulder as we shared another hug. "It's not just my body changing, my mind has been thinking about some crazy things." "Like what?" "I don't know, I just liked all the attention he's been giving me this past week. Don't you feel the same about Mark?" "Not really, he isn't my type. But if I got him in a cute outfit like you then maybe perhaps? Come on kid, we have to get going. We can talk about this later on." She softly kissed my lips before grabbing my hand leading me downstairs. At the bottom of the staircase was Gina's Mom waiting for us. "Well just look at these two darling young waitresses. If this works out for you Leann perhaps you can come over and fill in for Suzette when she takes her vacation next year." "No thanks Mrs.Giannelli, I don't know how to be a maid." "Oh it's very easy, you just wait on people and clean up after them all day. Kinda like what the two of you about to encounter at the Soda shop. I will have Murray over to pick you up at the end of your shift this evening. Have fun girls!" She opened the door and we walked out to the awaiting limo parked by the curb. Murray closed the door behind us and quickly ran up to the limo and opened the door for us. "Good Morning Miss Gina, good morning Miss Leann." "Yea, yea, yea Murray. Get your ass up front and take us to the soda shop!" "Yes Miss Gina, Right away Miss Gina!" We plopped ourselves inside and Muraay sped off down the driveway. When we arrived at the Soda Shop, the owner greeted us and walked us to the back of the kitchen. "Well you girls are by far the snappiest waitresses ever to work here!" The woman walked around us a couple of times to get a better look. "Yes, I can see why those boys were so interested in seeing you dressed up like this. That David boy has been calling every day for you Leann." I looked at her in disbelief as Gina let out a laugh. "Me! he was calling for me?" "Yes my dear, he wanted to know if you were working so he could come and see you. Finally I had to tell him to stop calling or I wouldn't let him in here anymore. I looked over at Gina and she could tell I was a little unnerved by this development. "Take it easy Leann, I Just know you'll be able to handle him." "Ok girls let me show you how it works around here and then you can set out the silverware and napkins for our 1:00 opening. Miss Kass gave us a tour of the kitchen and storeroom in case we needed any supplies during the day. Several times she told us not to fool around or piss off any of the customers. We were here to work and that's it! She wasn't going to put up with any slacking off, and she ment it! After setting up the tables to Mis Kass's liking she flipped over the closed sign in the window and unlocked the door. On her way back she gave us a vote of confidence and wished us luck. Gina and I sat at the counter with our nylon covered legs crossed talking about what we gonna do when the boys showed up. "You know what Leann, you have changed a little. Your face and attitude are more feminine than I've ever seen. I kinda think you're loking forward to seeing David." "Gina! How could you say that. He's just a nuisance boy." "Yea right, he tells Mark that the two of you were texting back and forth for over an hour last night." I casually straightened out my skirt before answering her. "So we were talking sports. What's wrong with that?" "You can't fool me Leann I know you too well. You're interested in him for some reason." "I am not, you're just jealous of all the attention he gives me!" Gina broke out in laughter and placed her hand on my thigh. "Ohhh my god Leann, if you could only hear yourself!" Miss Kass came from behind the counter and placed her hand on her hip. "Ok girls get off your asses and look busy! I'm not paying you $12 an hour to talk about your boyfriends! Gina, tend to the bathroom and Leann place some glasses of water on the tables. Now get moving!" Gina and I hopped to our heels and did what she requested as we braced ourselves for the first set of customers to arrive. By 2:00 the shop was beginning to hop! Several teenagers began filling the shop to hang out and listen to music. Gina and I had waited on our first customers while Miss Kass worked the grill. It didn't take long to piss her off as Gina messed up her first order. By the time we had finished our first two hours, Gina had screwed up 3 orders. Miss Kass called us back to kitchen and out of sight from the customers. "You two better start getting these damn orders right or you can forget about getting paid today! You girls lost that bet fair and square so don't think you're gonna weasle out of this with sloppy waitressing. Do I make myself clear!" Gina and I quickly responded. "Yes, Miss Kass!" "Good, now get back out there and stay focused!" We headed back out into the busy shop to take more orders and deliver burger after burger! By 4:00 the place was an afternoon madhouse! We were running in our heels trying to keep up with everything. Miss Kass pushed and pushed us to go faster to meet the demand. My feet were getting sore from all the high heel steps I was taking. I wear heels all day at school but my feet never hurt like this before! Several of the guys I waited on left me their phone numbers along with $5 and $10 tips. Some of them even asked me out right at the table! I told them all I was seeing someone and couldn't take them up on their offers. Gina was dealing with the same issues but she wasn't as nice about it. She told several of the boys to drop dead or go eat someone else! When they complained to Miss Kass she pulled us back into the kitchen again for another scolding. "Gina, who the hell are you to tell my customers to eat somewhere else?" "Listen Miss Kass, I don't take no shit from anyone, and I don't like being a fuckin waitress in this place." "Well you better start liking it sweetie or I may just have to give your mother a call. She told me if you acted up or tried to back out of this in any way you would be in big trouble!" "You're lying, my Mom would never do anything to me!" Miss Kass quickly pulled out her phone and started pressing buttons. Gina and I looked at each other as she waited for the connection. "Hello, Mrs. Gianelli, yes this Miss Kass down at the soda shop. Gina is being a little uncooperative, I was hoping you could talk to her before she heads back out into the shop." With a big smile Miss Kass handed Gina the phone. "Mom is that you? Please send Murray to pick me up!" I could hear Gina's Mom yelling to her over the phone as Miss Kass folded her arms across her chest and grined. "But Mom, this isn't for me I'm not cut out for this shit!" Gina's Mom continued blasting her, and after another minute or two she came to the realization that she was stuck being a waitress for the afternoon. Miss Kass extended her hand and Gina gave her the phone back. "Now both of you get your asses back out there, we still have 4 more hours before closing. Miss Kass gave Gina's ass a good sound smack as she went on by. "You Bitch! How dare you smack me!" "Your mother said I could get rough if i need to, now get out there and put on a smile!" We pushed open the swinging doors with order pads and pens in hand. When we got back out to the floor, David and Mark had arrived and were waiting for us. "Well just look at these two incredibly HOT waitresses. I wonder how friendly they are?" Right away I let out a big smile and laugh. "Stop it David you're gonna make me blush!" Their eyes were glued to my sexy legs which I was showing a lot of in my short skirt! "So what can I get you guys?" David softly grabbed my hand and smiled to me. "What time do you get off tonight hot stuff?" I pulled my hand back and quickly took out my ordering pad and pen. I was smiling from ear to ear as we shared glances at each other. "Stop fooling around sweetie. Now what can I get you guys?" "How about a couple of burgers and cokes?" "Commin right up sweet thing!" I femininely twirled away from them making my skirt flare out! I went back to the kitchen to give Miss Kass the order. "I see your boyfriend is here Leann. Just don't spend all day at his table we have other customers to serve!" "Yes Miss Kass I understand, but he's not really my boyfriend." "Sure sweetie what ever you say, now get going!" For the next couple hours the pace of the shop was hectic. My feet were so sore and every time I walked by David he reached out to grab my hand or the edge of my skirt. I was enjoying all the attention he was giving me for some odd reason. Several times I even caught myself flirting with him by running my hand through his hair or letting him touch my nylon covered legs! I had no Idea how obvious it was until Gina pulled me into the bathroom. "Leann, what's gotten into you? You're falling all over that boy out there!" "No I'm not Gina! What are you talking about?" "I've been watching you for the last 2 hours sweetie. Come on now, get a grip of what's going on here." I stood there thinking about what she was saying and I just couldn't believe it was that bad. After fixing our hair and touching up our makeup we exited the bathroom and headed back to the floor to continue serving. By the end of the shift Gina and I were beat. I was never so tired. I usually can go and go but for some reason this really wore me out! Miss Kass had turned over the closed sign in the window as the final patrons made their way to the door. David and Mark were the last ones to leave but stopped to say goodbye before they left. "Leann I have to tell you it was so great to see you again!" I sat at the counter showing off my sexy legs to him. "It was nice seeing you and Mark again! Are you guys coming back on Wednesday?" "Absolutely we are! I can't get enough of being with you." I tried to hide my smile as I looked down and picked at my skirt. "Well I guess I'll see you guys on Wednesday then." David gave me a wink of his eye making me blush and smile one more time! Gina watched the guys walk out the door as Miss Kass locked it. "Boy I sure hope you're enjoying all this Leann. One of these days your gonna have to break his heart. I have no clue what's gotten into you over these last few weeks. I hope that therapist can straighten you out til Wednesday. Come on, lets the hell out of here." Gina and I grabbed out coats and purses and headed back into the kitchen. Miss Kass was putting on an apron as we approached her. "Where do the two of you think you're going?" Gina smartly answered back to her. "It's 9:00 and our shift is over!" She laughed a little and took our purses from our hands. "We close the front door at 9:00 but that isn't the end of our work my dear. You girls have dishes to wash and the floor needs moped. Now get your coats off and get busy!" Miss Kass handed me the mop and Gina got a pair of yellow latex dishwashing gloves and apron. "This is bullshit, I want to go home!" Miss Kass lifted up Gina's skirt and gave her ass another sound pantied smack before turning on the spicket for her. "Get busy Missy! The sooner you get these dishes washed the sooner you can leave!" For the next two hours we helped clean the shop and set up the tables for tomorrows crowd. Murray didn't pick us up until almost 11:30! When Murray dropped me off I barely had enough energy to make it in the house. Mom was waiting for me in her pajamas. "Well how's my litttle waitress doing tonight?" I ran over to her and gave her a big hug. "Mom don't make go back there! I don't want to be a waitress!" "I'm sorry dear but you and Gina need to be taught a good lesson and life has many lessons to hand out to everyone." "My feet are so sore." "Well take off your heels and go lay in the tub for a while I get you some of your pills and a little warm milk to help you sleep. She gave me a kiss on the forehead before I made the tough climb up the stairs to my bedroom. After a good long soak in the tub and washing off all the grease and spilled soda. I returned to my room for a good nights sleep. "What are you doing Leann? Get out of those pajamas right now." "But Mom, it's been a long day, I want to go to bed." "Get your Pantyhose on and I'll lace you into your corset." I was half asleep as I pulled up my pantyhose up and over my newly rounded hips. Mom then began to wrap the garment around my waist and slide the satin laces through the eylets. Then it hit me, she said CORSET not corselette! My waist began to shrink even more than before as she pulled the laces tighter and tighter! "Mom why do have me wearing a corset now?" "Stephanie thought it would be a good idea to try it out for a while before your next session." The shiny white satin covered corset squeezed my body into a feminine hourglass shape making my chest push out even further than before. I just couldn't get over how more and more femmy I was getting on a weekly basis. I sure hope these changes were not a permanent thing. Mom handed me my pills and I swallowed them down with my warm milk. "Have a good nights sleep sweetie. I'll see you in the morning." I jumped into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. At 3:00am I woke up with a stiff hard on in my pantyhose. I was a little groggy but I knew what was going on. I placed my hand on my shaft and began to massage my hard pantied cock. This time however, my thoughts were about David sliding his warm soft hands up and down my nylon covered legs! This came to me as a total shock but my erection and mood was just as strong as when I drempt about Gina's legs intertwined with mine! After about a minute of massaging I remembered what Stephanie told me. I pulled my hand off my shaft and I softly began to squeel out "I want to be a good Girl" over and over. My mind was so screwed up as I continued thinking about all the touching from today! It took a while but after 10 minutes or so I lost my erection and fell back to sleep! I woke the next morning around 9:00. I walked down to the kitchen table and Mom had my cereal and pills all waiting for me. "Good morning princess, how did you sleep last night?" "I slept fine, but I'm still a little tired." Well you take it easy today. I want you well rested so you and Stephanie can have a nice chat tomorrow. I even got you an extra hour so you two can make some real progress!" "Why are you all dressed up so early?" "I have to go pick up some things at the fabric store for some new designs. Then I have to run into school for a bit. Why don't you just hang out here for the day and read some more chapters out of your fashion book?" She gave me kiss on the cheek grabbed her purse and bolted out to the car. I was now on my own for the day. I lounged around in my underwear all morning and for the first time in over 3 months I wasn't wearing makeup or high heels! At 1:00 I was flipping through the chanels and started watching a Gossip Girl rerun marathon. I was getting several texts and calls from David as well. By 5:00 I had watched 4 episodes and texted for over 2 hours. I was acting more and more like a teenage girl with every passing minute and unthinkable thoughts were begining to filter into my brian. I sure hope Stephanie could analyze them for me tomorrow. Mom made her way back home with rolls and rolls of fabrics. "Leann what are you still doing in your underwear?" "You said to take it easy today." "I didn't mean you could lounge around like a slug! Well there's no sense getting dressed now, because I want to put together some new dress ideas together after we eat. I got an order for a couple new designs from one of my dress makers this week. Go set the table and I'll bring in our salads." While we ate our dinner Mom informed me of her new ideas and when she needed the designs done by. Three weeks seemed a little quick, but I knew we could put it together by then. "So what were you doing all day sweetie?" "Oh not much. I watched some TV and texted for a while." "Who were you texting?" "Uhhh, it was, uhhh." "Well who was it Leann?" "Gina, it was Gina!" "Shocker there! I mean who else would you be texting, you don't any have any other friends yet. Maybe this waitress job will help you find some new friends?" "Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it." "Maybe Stephanie can give you some pointers tomorrow?" "Oh don't worry I have a lot of questions for her." Mom looked at me with a devilish smile and then went back to finish her salad. "That was a great salad, I guess I will head up to my room til your done." "Not so fast Leann, you forgot to take your pills." Mom got up and poured me a small glass of milk and handed it to me. With one quick gulp the pills trickled down my throat with a rush of milk to follow. "Very good sweetie, you can take those fabric rolls up with you. I will be up to join you in a couple of minutes. I took the rolls of satin up to my room and placed them on the bed. While I waited for mom I decided to redo my nails with Red polish. David always likes to see me with Red Polish and I was thinking of him more than Gina these days. By the time Mom walked in with her sewing basket my nails were perfectly shaped and dry. All I needed now was a high gloss top coat to make em shine. "Ok sweetie now lets make a dream creation shall we?" She grabbed the dark Purple roll of satin and rolled out a long piece before shearing it off with her scissors. She looked over the page she had marked in her pattern book and began to trace out lines on the fabric. I peeked into the book to get a look at what kind of dress she was making. This creation was going to be a short sleeved party dress with a poofy short skirt. At least that's how it looked in the book. For the next 2 hours she fitted the purple satin around my corseted waist. Pins were flying everywhere and her excitement grew and grew with every stitch. "Isn't this so much fun Leann? It kinda reminds me of the first time you volunteered to help me out. Now just look how far you've come sweetie!" By 9:00 we packed it in and were watching TV with a fresh bag of hot Popcorn. I was still in my corset and Pantyhose. At least now I had them covered with my pink satin pajamas. "You know Leann, you're starting to fit in to the teenage girl lifestyle I had planned for you. One of these days a nice young boy will be taking a second look at you." Mom twirled my hair with her fingers while I kept silent eating my popcorn. "Yes I think this part time job thing might be just what you need to help you with those type of situations." "Mom, I really don't want to talk about it, ok. I'm still a boy dressed up like a girl." She let out a little laugh as she playfully rubbed her other hand up and down my satin covered leg. "You keep telling yourself that sweetie, but I know better. I can see the slight changes in your body and the way you get when we do our dress making thing together." I sat back and looked up to her as she went on. "That corset fits you so nicely and the control top pantyhose you practically live in are sculpting your body to a T for me. To be honest, you walk better in Heels than any young girl I know. But then no other girl gets the time in heels like you do." "Please Mom, can we change the subject?" "Awe, what's the matter, did I strike a nerve?" She did strike a nerve with every word. My mind continued playing a gender bender tug of war with my senses, and every day my boyish side lost more ground. Mom clicked off the TV and we headed up to bed. On my nightstand were the usual Pink and Purlple pills with milk. I must have taken 300 of these over the last 3 months, I just wish I knew what they were for? The next day at school was a tough one. Some of the girls had gotten pictures of Gina and I waitressing at the Soda shop. Kristen was loving every minute of it since it was our waitress costumes that cost her the Halloween contest. Before class got started she was all over Gina and me with her typical snobbish talk. "You trailer trash waitresses are finally getting what you deserve! How does it feel to bossed around like a Hooters Tramp? " Gina snapped at her with full force. "You know Kristen, you should let that cut under your nose heal, people might like you then?" "Oooooh, what a comedian you are Gina. Too bad you don't have a man in your life, he could help break up some of that sexual tension you have. Of course the guy you've been close to wears the same waitress outfit!" All the girls in the class were laughing at Kristen's comments. Gina and I could only sit back and take it like a woman! "Yea you and your sissy boyfriend here should make enough in tips to buy some dildos for yourselves." Finally I had enough of her. I stood up, pulled her hair and slapped her across the face!" Silence filled the classroom as all the girls placed their hands over their mouths in disbelief! I could see the tears filling up in her eyes and it didn't take long before they were running down her makeup covered face. "You're gonna regreat this Leann, I don't care if you live with Mrs Jenkins or not!" Mascara stained tears were running down her face and totally ruined her high society look! She hurried herself out of the classroom and to the bathroom. The other girls were in shock at my actions. What confused me about this was, I slapped her just like a girl would instead of punching her like a boy would! Gina gave me a big hug while the other girls took their seats. I guess they wanted no part of this war unfolding between Kristen and myself. Kristen rejoined class around 9:00 with another perfect made up face. She gave me a pissed off look and casually stuck up her middle finger to me as she walked past me to her chair. I knew she was up to no good and I was kinda paranoid at what she might do to me. At 9:30 I left to use the bathroom. I had to get out of class so Kristen's eyes wouldn't be on me for a while. When I got back to class Mrs. Jenkins was already another chapter beyond the point of when I left. The tention in the room was unbearible because all the girls knew Kristen would get me back somehow! At 10:00 Mrs. Jenkins got a phone call and excused herself form the room. The girls said nothing as they waited for round 2 to begin. Five minutes later Mrs. Jenkins returned to class. "Leann may I see you for a minute." I uncrossed my legs and clicked my heels out to the hallway. She shut the door and FIRMLY grabbed my arm. "Ouch! you're hurting me Mom!" She stopped dead in her heels and looked down at me. "What did you call me young lady!" She shook my arm and I quickly corrected myself. "I'm sorry Mrs. Jenkins!" We continued our way down the hall and right into the bathroom. She pushed open the door of the second stall and pointed to the toilet. I raised my hand up to my mouth in horror as the seat was up and urine was all over the back of it. "Well Leann, what have you got to say for yourself?" "I didn't do this!" "Don't lie about this Leann, your in enough trouble as it is!" "No Mrs. Jenkins I didn't even use this stall today. She grabbed a hold of my hair and spelled it out for me. "One of the women who works in the cafeteria reproted this to me just 10 minutes after you returned from the bathroom. And your the only one in here who could pull off this unsanitary feat." "Please believe me Mrs. Jenkins this is a set up!" I was on the verge of tears from getting so worked up. "The first thing you're gonna do is clean this up, right now!" I walked myself over to the sink and began to wet down some paper towels. A couple of tears slid down my cheeks as I cleaned up the mess. "Who know's, maybe you need to clean the house for some punishment as well. I can't tell you how dissapointing this is see!" After inspecting my work, the toilet seat was placed back down in the correct feminine position ready for the next girl. She pulled me out into the hall and had me stand a foot away from the wall. I felt the back of my skirt being lifted up and the sound of her hand spanking my pantied ass broke the silence of the quiet hallway! "Don't you ever do that again young lady or I will make sure that little thing in your panties will be severed off!" My ass was spanked for a good minute before she turned me around to face her. "Now my dear you will march yourself down to the cafeteria and apologize to your Aunt Cindy and her staff for being so unthoughtful of others. While your at it you might as well help them set up for lunch. This will give you some more practice on how to be a proper waitress." She turned me toward the cafeteria and gave my ass one final swat! "Now get going!" Tears continued to run down my face as I made my way to the cafeteria. I took a deep breath before opening the door and then walked in. The women were all waiting for me with big smiles on their faces! "Well look who's here girls. If it isn't our little helper Leann." The women Quickly came over to greet me at the door. "Just look how pretty you are in your uniform sweetie." "Don't coddle her Cindy she still dosent know how to take a piss yet." "That wasn't me who left the seat up!" "Well no one else in here has a dick between their legs sweetie!" The women closed in around me tighter and were just inches from me. "We sure missed your help around here Leann. You don't even say hi to us when you come for lunch every day. I just don't understand why?" "Just lay off please! Mrs. Jenkins sent me down here to help set the tables before lunch." "Well we already have done that." I looked at the tables and to her word everything was set up. "Well since everything is ready I guess I will head back to class. I tried to push out of the circle they had me in but Cindy grabbed my hair. "Not so fast Leann, There are other things we can do to pass the time. Isn't that right girls?" All the women laughed with a sinister giggle leaving me totally helpless. "Let me go Cindy!" "I believe you still owe us girls an apolgy for your unladylike bathroom etiquette." The women slowly pulled me along by my arms out of sight behind the counter. "Just look at the sissy's legs! There's not a hair on them and those shiny Pantyhose are so sexy!" "Get your hands off of me you Bitch!" Cindy gave my hair a very sharp pull while placing her hand on my pantied ass. "Settle down Leann, we have a whole hour to kill before the real girls show up for lunch!" My skirt was unzipped and placed out of my reach. One of the other women kept a lookout while Cindy took control of the situation. "We have been waiting a long time for another chance to play with you sweetie, and we have some very special things for you." "Please let me go back to class I have a test to take!" "Yea, and it's right here!" From her purse she pulled out a stiff 9 inch rubbery dildo! I Immediately became frantic! "Get that thing away from me!" "Hold her still Grace while I get some soft butter." Cindy began rolling the dildo into a stick of soft butter and then held it in front of me! "Now Leann I want you to grab a hold of this little toy and stroke it like if you were jerking off your boyfriend. Do you understand me!" She pulled my hair very firmly before placing the head of the dildo in my trembling hand. "This isn't fair, I don't jerk off boys." "Just get busy little girl!" The women laughed and laughed as I stroked the slippery dildo back and forth. "Oh just look at her go. So Leann, how many boys have you done this to?" I looked at her in disbelief before returning my eyes to the stiff artificial penis. The seconds turned into minutes as my hands became a buttery mess and then Cindy uped the stakes. "Very good Leann, Now I want you down on your knees for me sweetie." Grace placed a towel on the floor and I knelt down to waist level. "What's going on?" Cindy rolled the dildo in some more butter and then returned to me. "You're now ready for sucking 101 my dear." "What!!!!" "I want you to think of your boyfriends cock as I slide this in and out of your sissy mouth!" I desperately tried to get back up but Grace held me down with ease. "Open up Leann let me ram this stiff cock into your mouth!" Tears began to fill my eyes as I stared at the cock! When I tried speak, Cindy stuffed the cock into my mouth! "Hmmm. hmmm, hmmmm." "That's it girl suck it all in and get a feel of sucking a cock off!" I couldn't speak at all as the soft butter shaft slid up and down my throat! "Keep parcticing my dear you have to suck a guy for a couple of minutes before he cums! But then I bet you allready know this." The women laughed and laughed as I sucked! My body was nervously shaking with every buttery slip and slide and just for a brief second I caught myself thinking of David! I quickly blocked it out of my thoughts and continued concentrating on Cindy's motion. "You need to relax a little more Leann, you're just to tense." The women continued laughing as they played with me. The stiff rubbery shaft filled my whole mouth. Grace had a firm hold of my hair and arms while Cindy squeeled with playfulness. "Ok Leann you did a nice job for your first suck off. It's now time to get your reward. With split second timing Cindy pulled the cock out of my mouth and then squirted whipped cream from a can into my mouth! "Here's your cum sweetie. Now swallow it all down like a good girl does!" I sat there choking on the cream with both of them laughing hysterically. "That's it Leann enjoy every drop. It won't be long before you experience the real thing sweetie." Grace pulled me back to my heels and Cindy zipped me back into my skirt. "There we go sweetie, now your all pretty again." "Why are you doing these things to me? I never did anything to you." "Just do as your told when your with us and keep that sissy mouth of yours shut. Because if you rat us out and we lose our jobs, your ass is ours sweetie. We may just have to stick your new friend here right up that sissy hole of yours." "I won't tell anyone, I promise!" "Get use to being on your knees and and back sweetie. If you want to be a girl all the time you'll have to take the good with the bad!." She slid the dildo up under my skirt to my pantied ass! "Just think how much fun it's gonna be when that first cock reaches your sweet spot! Now get into the bathroom and fix up your face before your classmates join us." Cindy handed me a cosmetic bag filled with stuff and I headed to the bathroom for some minor facial repairs. All through lunch I thought about Kristen's pay back and how Quickly she did it with the help of the cafeteria staff. She smiled at me several times letting me know she was the one who set me up. Gina and I talked about our Wednesday afternoon trip to the soda shop for another round of waitressing. This would be a tough night for us because of school the next day. Our asses were are gonna be dragging big time. The rest of the day was filled with boring fashion and makeup chapters. How much more could I possibly learn on how to apply makeup and nail polish. Mrs. Jenkins gave me pissed off looks every time we made eye contact. I could hardly wait to find out what kind of punishment she would have for me this time. Our trip to Dr. Green's office was not a good one as she scolded me over and over. "Leann how could you do such a thing? I still can't believe you forgot to sit down to pea. I know I brought you up better than that!" "Mom please listen to me! Kristen set this whole thing up because I slapped her across the face this morning. It's the truth!" "So you expect me to believe Kristen set this whole situation up to make you look bad? I know the two of you have issues, but I just can't see her going this far." "It's the truth Mom! And if you don't believe me then the hell with you!" "Leann Jennkins! How dare you talk to me like that! "You just wait til I get your ass home young lady. You've really done it this time." I kinda regreted cursing at her but I was so pissed off at her for not believing me. Sometimes she forgets I have feelings to. We pulled into the parking garage and Mom quickly walked me into the waiting elavator. She tapped her high heeled foot and glared at me the whole time. I kept my head down staring at my nylon covered shiny red toenails peeking out from the front of my sandals. The bell rang and the elevators doors opened. "Lets go Leann!" She pulled me by the arm right into Stephanie's office. Stephanie was waiting for us with a big smile. "Well hello princess how are we doing today?" Mom jumped right in before I could answer. "Take this little brat back to your couch and talk some sense into her! I'll be back in 2 hours for her." Mom turned around and pushed open the door, then disappeared back into the elavator. "Wow! What's going on here Leann?" "Oh Stephanie, it's been a bad day." "Awe, come on sweetie lets talk about it." Stephanie wrapped her arm around my waist and I started to ball." "Come on sweetie, it can't be all that bad?" I sobbed all the way down her hall. She handed me a tissue to wipe my eyes as she pulled her chair next to the couch. I sat my ass down on her couch and crossed my legs like a good girl would. Stephanie pulled out her notepad and pen and crossed her sexy nylon covered legs as well. "Now Leann, I guess we should jump right into this bad day you had." For the first half hour I replayed the day's events. Stephanie was quite interested in what happened in the cafeteria and she pushed me for more details about the situation. "Please tell me Leann, how did you feel about your visit to the cafeteria? I get a sense that there's more to this than your telling me." "I don't know about this Stephanie, I could get myself in some trouble if I tell you." "Come on now Leann, everything we talk about stays inside this office." She gave me a stern look as I nervously rocked my leg back and forth. "You promise not to tell?" "Of course Leann, just open up to me. We have to have a trusting relationship if we're ever gonna make any progress." "Ok, I guess we can talk about it a little. You see, there are a couple of women in the cafeteria that give me a hard time because I'm a boy dressed like a girl." "What do you mean 'Hard Time'?" "Well they fondle me and shame me with names. I feel very uncomfortable when I'm with them. They also told me to keep my mouth shut or I would be in trouble with them." "So what happened today?" I stared at the floor for a brief couple seconds as she waited for my reply. Stephanie impatiently tapped her pen on her pad waitng for me to cave in. "Come on Leann, it can't be all that bad?" I nervously began to fill in the blanks for her. She never stopped writing down notes through the whole story. "It sounds like these women are quite jealous of you and how pretty you look. Not to mention their lack of self confidence in themselves. What was going through your mind when you were sucking that object?" "Uhhh, not much I guess. It was kind of embarrassing." "Were you thinking of David at any time?" My eyes got wide open and I quickly jerked my head to look at her! "David who? I never said anything about any David!" "Relax Leann, you're getting your panties in a bind. You mentioned him a couple of times about 20 minutes ago, I guess you didn't realize it." My leg was rocking very fast and I was a nervous wreck! "So did you think about David at any time while the women were messin around with you?" I was shaking like a leaf as I treid to respond to her. "Well I ,I, I guess a litttle bit. But it was only for a second or two!" I placed my hands up to cover my face with my feminine confession. "Don't be ashamed Leann, it's common for young girls to feel this way as they mature." "But I'm not a girl, I'm a feminized boy." "Stop it right now Leann! You will consider yourself a young girl from now on. No more of this boy talk do you understand?" "I'm sorry Stephanie, please don't get mad at me." "Leann you have to realize that you will become a product of your environment, and your mother is hell bent on having you as her daughter. Just try it out for a couple more months to see if it works out for the both of you." "In a couple more months I will be a girl!" "What do you mean by that?" "Just look at my body and how it's changing! My skin is so soft, my legs are every young boys dream and my hips and chest continue to be femininly molded to perfection from the daily corset and support pantyhose I wear. She even makes me wear this stuff to bed for heavan sake." "Ok dear calm down! Your a nervous wreck." I took some deep breaths as i tried to gathered up my crumbling emotions as Stephanie went on. "Well you don't seem to mind all this feminine finery. You haven't complained about it once today. How do you explain that?" Once again I raised my hands to hide my face. "I don't know, I guess I'm kinda use to wearing all this stuff." Stephanie flipped over another sheet of paper and continued writing down more and more information. "So tell me sweetie, have you had any issues in your panties since our last session?" "Yes, one night in bed I got a little excited." "What were you thinking about to generate this excitement?" Once again I stalled with my explaination. I looked over to her and her hawk like eyes glared down to me. "All I can remember was thinking about the boy from the soda shop." "So you were thinking about David again?" "I guess so, why am I thinking like a girl these last couple weeks?" "This is normal sweetie, I guess he seems to give you the attention you're missing in your life. Has he asked you out on a date yet?" "Every day he asks me to go out, but I just trade texts and some calls once in a while." "Does your mother know about him?" "My god no! It's kind of a secret thing. You see Gina and I lost a bet to him and his friend Mark. So we have to be waitresses at the Soda shop for a full month. We also have to go out with them on a date next month." "Boy you sure had a full week.So where do you think you'll go on your date?" "I won't be going out with him. Gina and I will come up with some excuse and eventually they'll lose hope for a date." "That's not very nice Leann. You two owe these boys and I think you should hold up your end of the bet!" "No way Stephanie, I have no desire to be with a teenage boy." "But you seem to think about this boy all the time. How do you explain that?" I folded my arms across my chest and stared at my legs with no reply." "Ok Leann clam up on me, eventualy we will have to cross this bridge young lady." "Now, since you're still having panty problems, why don't we take a break and I'll give you another shot of medicine." She put down her pad and extended her open hand to me. I uncrossed my legs and placed my hand into hers. She pulled me from the couch and walked me over to her table. "Down with your panties and nylons young lady." Per her request I lowered my underwear and leaned over the table. She flipped up my skirt and stuck both my ass cheeks with the needle. "You know your right Leann, your hips and butt is filling in nicely!" As she threw out the needle I fixed my undies and skirt. "How many more shots do you think I will need?" "It's tough to say sweetie. When you stop having pantied erections, we'll be very close. Now lets get back to our session shall we?" We clicked our heels back over to the couch and took our seats for another hour of therapy. "So where does Gina fit into your life these days? You have only mentioned her name a couple of times today." "You know ever since we lost that bet to those hustlers she dosen't call or text me as much. I think she's pissed off at me and holds me responsible for losing our bet." "How does this make you feel?" "I guess it hurts a little, but she did it all to herself. I never wanted to make the bet with the boys." "Leann, why do you smile every time you mention 'The Boys'? You've been doing it since we started." "Really Stephanie? I guess I, I, I don't know why?" I sat back and thought about this expression of interest to the boys while Stephanie wrote down more and more details about me. "I think you really like when you're with these boys?" "Oh I don't think so Stephanie?" "There you go again sweetie! I can see you trying to hide your smile from me." "Stop it Stephanie, this is very difficult for me to understand!" "Leann, this is what therapy is all about. How else will we solve these little problems if your not going to be honest about how you feel?" "I'm sorry, can we pick another subject to talk about?" She took off her glasses and placed them on her little table beside me. "How are feeling these days?" "I'm kind of tired and I get tired quicker than I use to." "This is a common side effect of your medication. Are you taking your pills every day?" "Yes I am, and...." I looked up at her wondering about how she knew about my pills. "How do you know what pills I take?" "I'm the one who perscribed them for you princess." "But that was 2 months ago, I wasn't a patient of yours back then." "Your mother asked me to get them for her to help you deal with all the changes she was making in your life." "What's in those pills Stephanie?" She quickly tried to hide her smile from me before answering. "A little of this and a little of that. You don't need to concern yourself with their potential." "Well whatever's in them, I think that's whats making feel run down." "Well, you let me know if you feel funny or start having heat flashes at any time." "But I am having these heat flashes now! It's almost every day and sometimes twice a day!" "That's a good sign Leann. This tells me your dosage is perfect and that we're making progress." "What kind of progress?" "She quickly changed the subject again and dodged my question. "How are your clothes fitting, are you losing or gaining any weight?" "I think I weigh the same, it's just that I'm proportioned different as you already noticed with my hips and butt." "Yes, I must agree, your figure is looking very nice. Are you still wearing your corselette?" "Actually, I've graduated to a corset per your request. Mom was trying to fit me into some of her special projects and she fell in love with how it gave me a hourglass figure. So now I wear it every day." "You look so feminine with it on, no wonder that boy is trying to get you out on a date." I could feel the smile across my face as I immediately thought of David. "Yes I can bet one these days your gonna be holding hands with this boy." "Stop it Stephanie!" I could feel myself turning every shade of red with the thought of holding hands with him!" Now both of our legs were nervously rocking back and forth with excitement. "When are you seeing this boy again?" "Probably Wednesday when Gina and I are waitressing again." "Well don't be afraid to show him how you really feel and there's nothing wrong with going out on a date." At the end of our extended session she talked with me and mom together. She informed her I was way ahead of schedule, what ever that meant. Mom had calmed down and was not as pissed off at me after hearing Stephanie's upbeat report. When we returned home I was given a lecture on disrespect and found out I would be cleaning the house on Saturday as punishment for swearing at her. We worked on her dress designs til 11:00 before heading to bed. My day ended just like it started. I was wearing a pair of Control top pantyhose and a corset with pills and milk in hand! I fell fast asleep and slept great all night. When Wednesday rolled around I packed my freshly ironed waitress outfit in the car for tonights visit to the soda shop. I must have traded 50 texts with David in the last two days. Every day he kept asking me out over and over again! Finally I had to tell him I would just to make him stop asking. I told him he could take me out in December as an early Christmas present. I also told him not to tell anyone else. I didn't want Gina to find out and have her pissed off at me. I also played the roll of a teeze telling him I wanted to be a bad girl and that I loved to 'pull on it'! He informed me he would be GOOD and ready for that date! I didn't care how ready he was going to be because I had no plans on keeping the engagement. Once Gina and I finished our part time work, I was never going back to the Soda Shop again! That night at the shop was a long night. Gina and I worked our asses off waiting on table after table. Miss Kass told us she dosen't get this many people any of the other weekday nights and came to the realization that everyone was coming to see us. She even expressed interest in us working on Friday night as well! Gina and I were not liking this at all. I don't think we could take 2 nights in a row running in our heels for 5 milies. When I got my lone 10 minute break I had to spend it with David and Mark. "So how's my Bad girl doing tonight?" David's hand slid under the table and right on my nylon covered thigh. "Take it easy honey, you don't want to spoil our fun in two weeks do you?" "No way baby, I have to tell you I all but dropped my phone when I got that Bad girl text from you today. I knew what kind of girl you were, Mark and I can pick out the bad ones a mile away." "Oh really! And what is it about me that makes me a BAD girl?" He lustfully looked into my eyes as I ran my hand up and down his leg. "Sexy girls who wear the short skirts are usualy the ones silently screaming out for fun and play time!" I began sucking down my free soda through the straw as his hand reached up under my skirt! "Now take it easy Hun! I'm gonna lose all respect for you if you keep it up!" I grabbed his hand pulled it back on top of the table. "Hey Mark take a look how she sucks down that soda." "Yea, she's a pro at that kinda thing!" "I can't wait for that date sweetie. Both boys were undressing me with their eyes as I sat there sucking down the last of my soda. "Well boys I have to get back to work, thanks for the soda." "The pleasure is all ours Leann!" Gina and I continued with our shift and when 9:00 came around we so relieved we made it through another night of high heel hell! Miss Kass cut us a break and left us go home instead of doing the usual final 2 hours of cleaning up. In return she wanted us to Waitress this Friday after school. She had already got the ok from our mothers so it wasn't like she was asking us, it was more like she was telling us to be here! The next couple of days were filled with more of the same teenage feminine style I had become accustomed to. My text and calls to David were getting more and more raunchy now that he thinks I'm a bad girl. Too bad he was never gonna find out. Mom had me model for her hour after hour so she could design more fancy prom style dresses. Friday night was another long agonizing day from schoolgirl to big girl waitressing. I didn't get a break in my heels all day. The boys showed up at the Soda shop and played Pinball all night This was just an excuse so they could see their two favorite glamourized waitresses prance around in their High heels. By the time Murray picked us up at 11:00 we were totaly wiped out. Gina placed her head on my shoulders as soon as we got into her limo. "Leann, don't you like me anymore?" "Of course I do Gina. Why would you ask such a thing?" "You don't even look at me anymore when were at school, and when we're working at the Soda shop all you want to do is look at David." "Come on Gina cut me a break, you know I'm just teezing that boy." "I see the way you smile at him and your whole attitude changes when your with him. I remember how you use to look at me with that same smile, but now I never see it anymore." I sat there tinking about what she was saying. Maybe I was leading him on a little too much. Maybe I was liking it as well! "You're still number 1 in my book Gina now please don't think anything different. How about we go do some shopping tomorrow for a couple hours before our shift?" She picked her head up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Sounds great Leann. Don't come over too early tomorrow, I like to sleep in on Saturdays." "I'll call you around 9:00, Ok?" "Sounds great!" Murray dropped me off and I went up to take a hot bath before bedtime. Mom was already in bed and left me a note to take my pills and go straight to bed. I guess my bath would have to wait til morning. At least now I could sleep in and get some much needed rest before tomorrows shift. Saturday morning did not start out the way I had planned it would to say the least. The blanket that was keeping me warm was pulled off of me and my pantied ass was smacked good and proper! "Rise and shine Leann!" I looked at the blurry numbers on my clock and the time was a mind boggling 4:00am! "Mom what are doing, there's no school today!" "This is true, but that dosen't mean your not going to learn today. Now get your ass downstairs and take your pills and eat your breakfast. You can then take a quick shower to wipe off all that trashy Soda shop smell and be back here in 30 minutes. Now Move it girl!!!!!" I was pulled from the bed and my ass got one more sound smack as I hurried out of my room. I was so tired of all this crap she was putting me through. But there was no other option open to me. I sat at the table and slowly ate my breakfast. I stared at the 6 little purple and pink pills and wondered what was in them. My concentration was broken by the yelling of Mom from the upstairs. "You only have 12 minutes left Leann now move it!" I couldn't believe I was going through this on a Saturday. With my head held low I headed to the bathroom for my quick shower. Mom untied the laces of my corset as I went by her. The hot water from the shower head felt so nice on my sore feet. I was so glad I didn't have to wear heels until later on today for waitressing. I towel dried my hair and wrapped the towel around my chest before heading back to my room. "You're lucky little girl you only had 2 minutes left. Sit your ass down and do your makeup. I need to get some things ready for you downstairs." "Mom what's going on, what is all this?" "Just get busy with that eye pencil. I will fill you in momentarily!" She headed back downstairs and I plowed on my makeup in a hurry. I was just finishing rolling my lipstick across my lips when she returned. "I'm all done Mom." She inspected my face and then spun me around to face the bed. "Arms up Princess!" I knew I was about to be laced into my corset again as this was the daily ritual. This time however she wrapped a very sexy Black one around my waist. "Come on Leann suck that tummy in!" "I'm trying Mom this is just too small for me!" My ass got another smack forcing me up onto my toes. I sucked in all I could as she slid the laces through the final eyelets. "Mom I can hardly breathe in this thing, let me wear my other one!" "Stop your whining and put on your panties and pantyhose I have for you. On the bed was a darling pair of french lace black panties along with a brand new pair of Jet Black seamed full support Pantyhose. My first attempt in putting on the Pantyhose was a disaster. My ass got another smack for having the seams all wavy. "You better get those seams straight young lady or your ass is getting another smack. She pulled me over to the mirror and with a little more practice I was able to get the seams straight. I looked at myself in the mirror and marveled at my figure and sexyness! Mom sprayed me all over with perfume and body spray. "Ok Leann lets get you dressed for the day." She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall to her room. Hanging from her bed was a Black satin Maid uniform just like the one Suzette wears at Gina's. "Is,is,is that for me?" "Well it sure ain't for me sweetie. She pulled the garment from a satin hanger and unzipped the dress. "Get over here and step into the dress for me. "But why do I have to wear a maid uniform?" She walked over to me and pulled my ear sharply. Step into this dress right now or your ass will be sore for a week! Do you understand!" I reluctantly stepped into the dress and it was quickly pulled up to my chest. I pushed my arms through the short poofy sleeves and I was zipped up in the back. The skirt of the dress had a built in white crinoline petticoat that made the skirt flare out! Mom secured the dainty white satin cap to my hair and then tied the matching apron around my waist. From her closet she produced a pair of 5" open toed strappy sandals in front of me. "Get your heels on and be quick about it!" She snapped her fingers several times and pulled at my hair to get her demanding request through to me. The heels were impossibly high as I teetered around taking mincing steps. "These heels are to high for me Mom!" "Awe, what's the matter sweetie, I thought you wanted to be a big girl with all that back talking and swearing you disrespected me with this week?" She had a hold of my arm and forced me to walk around in a circle rather than letting me sit. "Keep going sweetie, you have all morning to get use to them." "What do you mean all morning?" "Well Leann, what do maids do?" "They clean." "Very good, and that's just what your gonna do until 12:00. Now get your ass downstairs. I want you to run the vacuum in every room, along with dusting the bookcases. When your done I will inspect your work and your ass will feel it if you do a less than average job!" The tears were filling up in my eyes and I was on the verge of a breakdown. "Don't look so sad sweetie, maybe this will teach you to show a little more respect to me. Now get moving! I will be working on some of my designs while you clean the house. She spun me around and I minced my way down the hall and down to the vacuum cleaner. My toes and waist were getting crushed with every step. I was so tired from last night and now I had to clean the house for the next 7 hours dressed as a damn maid. At 9:00 Gina texted me asking if we were still going shopping. I took a short 5 minute break explaing what was giong on. She quickly texted me back. "Your kidding right?" Once again I texted back telling her it wasn't a joke! After sending the text I looked up to see Mom glaring at me with her arms folded across her chest. "I was wondering what you were doing down here." She quickly took the phone from my hands and began reading the texts. "Get back to your dusting sweetie you only have 3 more hours to go! I'll text back to Gina for you." I went back to dusting the tables when a bright flash filled the room. "Mom! What are you doing!" "Gina want's to see you in your outfit sweetie, now smile for her." "Mom stop this! This is so degrading!" She snapped several pictures of me in my maid uniform, and I could do nothing to stop her. "Now we'll just send these to Gina and see how she likes them." After a couple of minutes Mom came over and showed me Gina's reply. "When you're done, you can come over here and help out Suzette, LOL!" Mom gave my pantied ass one more crack before heading back upstairs to work on her dress designs. By 11:00 I was so wore out. My heels and constricting corset had taken their toll on me. I was just finishing up the bathroom when Mom came in to inspect my work. "Well how's my big girl doing?" She looked over the whole room and wiped her finger over several of the edges and corners looking for hidden dirt. "Not bad Leann, I may have you do this more often." "Please Mom can't I stop now? I'm pooped, and I still have to work at the soda shop later." "You just keep going and be quick about it or you won't be changing into your waitress uniform. You'll go in that outfit!" "Please Mom I can't do anymore, just let me sleep for a an hour or two." "Sorry Leann, you haven't even apologized one time to me today. I still think you haven't learned how to respect me yet!" She snapped her fingers 3 times and handed me my bucket and wash rag! Tears ran down my cheeks from all the pain of my heels and my fatigued corseted body. I was never gonna make it through tonight. At 12:00 I was being let out of my maid uniform and allowed to take a quick bath before preparing for work. The bath water felt so good on my tired muscles and feet. My red nails shined beautifully through the bath water and suds. I could also see the body of a young girl. My legs were toned and proportioned with with soft feminine curves, and my budding chest was perked out standing at attention. The edges of the rubbery breasts that Suzette glued on me several months ago were starting to lose their grip on my chest. I still couldn't pull them off though. There was no doubt, I was slowly being turned into a girl!. After getting laced into my new corset, I finished dressing myself for work and tried to mentaly prepare my aching body for the next 10 hours. I rushed through puting on my makeup but I still looked great. My nails had to be redone because of all the chipping they indured while cleaning the house. Eventually I was ready by the time Gina came by to pick me up. "Have a fun day at work Leann." Mom sarcastically smiled at me knowing full well how tired I was. I pulled the door shut behind me and clicked my heels down the sidewalk before jumping into the back seat of the limo. "Well there's my cute little maid!" "Shut up Gina! You can't tell anyone about seeing me in that maid uniform!" She was laughing and clapping her hands together as I sat there with a pissed off look on my face. "Come on Leann, liven up a little. Suzette loved seeing you in your outfit. She said you can come by for maid etiquette lessons anytime." "Damn you Gina! Plea

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Teachers Pet

It was a young 15 year old lads dream come true, we had a new teacher, Miss Newton my raving hormones told me she was the best looking woman in the world, tall, blonde, slim figure, nice tits and if I knew what a good fuck was I'd have given her one.I wasn't the brightest pupil in the class or the dumbest, somewhere in between, but I was guilty of daydreaming, I would often drift off into a world of my own for most of the lessons, even more so now we had a gorgeous teacher I could drift of with...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet

My parents often worked abroad and as I became a teenager I was shipped off to a small private school in Yorkshire.it was a good school, and for the first time I had a private dorm, even if it was a bit like a prison cell without a door. Bathrooms and toilets were at the end of the corridor with the house masters room virtually opposite my dorm.i was always very sporty, and loved my rugby and athletics. The gym teacher Mr Calvert also taught us science. He was quite a good looking guy, tall,...

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Teachers Pet

I went over to his desk and waited for the others to leave. "Maria, I've noticed how beuatuful you have becme since you got older" I stood still. "You are one of the most sexy things i've ever seen" He was stroking my thigh under my skirt. "Excuse me sir?" "Of course it would be wrong for us to anything, but only if other people knew" "Sir, are you sugesting we sleep togethor?" "I knew you'd get it" He leant over and whispered in my ear "Meet me here...

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Teachers Pet

I must confess that I had always fancied him. Mr Smart was my maths teacher, and in my all-girls high school he was very popular. This was partly because he was always relaxed and casual with us older students, but mainly because he was just so hot! He stood just over 6 foot tall with a slim, athletic build. He had a dark brown mop of hair with a long fringe. It brushed the top of his startlingly long eyelashes which framed a pair of brilliant blue eyes. What made him even more tempting was...

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Teachers pet

God would class just end already? All we ever did in Mr. Charlies class was stupid math shit on papers all day everyday, he never had new work for us. He was quite handsome though, with his white button down shirt and black tie, he was hot and got a lot of attention from the girls in the class. I had already finished, like always it only took me about 30 minutes or less to complete my work. I had turned my paper in and was just waiting for the stupid bell to ring. Mr. Charlie sat at his...

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet

Moving and having to transfer during your senior year of high school is quite difficult to do. I had to leave all of my friends behind and start in a new school which would be difficult for anyone but when you are pretty much just an average guy ( not an athlete or anything like that ) you pretty much just blend into the surroundings. I did have one advantage, I was a good student in a private school which made me an excellent public school student. I was getting straight A’s without much...

3 years ago
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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 2

It was pure chance for Emma, Lily, and Lizzie, or, rather, bad luck for the teachers, Miss Brent, Miss Carson, and Miss Logan.It was Sunday at the boarding school, and everyone was more laid-back than during the week. Mrs Jasper, the headmistress, was out for the day which allowed the atmosphere to be even more relaxed than usual. However, the girls still had to wear their school dresses of a short-sleeved green check gingham dress, a white belt, and ankle socks.It was mid-afternoon and Emma,...

2 years ago
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Training of Shauna the Pet

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet

Introduction: Hi guys! Im pretty sure the last time I posted anything was around two years ago, so I am sorry for leaving for that long! Just got caught up in real life, but Ive been rediscovering my love of this kind of writing.Simple thing, if you dont like it then dont read it, no one has a gun to your head. Hope you enjoy, or at least get off ,) Its a weird feeling to sit in an empty classroom, especially a history class. I looked around at all the walls, the World War Two propaganda...

2 years ago
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My new pet

There was quite some tension in the house initially but after a couple of weeks a sort of calm descended and I began training my new pet in earnest. Coming home from work rather later than planned I decided to embark on a training session with my new pet anyway. I went into the room where all three pets slept and softly went up to my newest pet who was still sleeping. I gently stroked her back and tickled her around her ear. Pet's big brown eyes flickered open and as she rolled on her back...

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 1

The three teachers knew they had their own reasons for sending the three upper sixth formers to the headmistress.Miss Brent was the thirty-seven-year-old form teacher. Miss Carson and Miss Logan were both twenty-eight-years-old and were teachers of biology and history respectively. They all wore the same outfits of white short sleeved blouses and dark blue skirts. It was summer and they had bare legs, and dark blue high-heeled toeless shoes.The sixth form girls boarding school was always fully...

3 years ago
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A Most Favoured Pet

Please note, the following is a heavily fantasised, entirely fictional depiction of a sub/dom relationship. It does not truly reflect/depict a real life healthy sub/dom relationship and so therefor there are certain themes of abuse which should/would never be acceptable in a real world setting between a true sub and a true dom.With that in mind, please enjoy the following fictional story for what it's worth, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comments below.Happy...

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I am addicted to the erotic elegance of his pain, specifically when he offers it to me so willingly.  If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d draw such immense pleasure from inflicting pain onto another, I’d have questioned their sanity.  I’m the same person who feels a little remorseful after swatting a fly with a rolled-up newspaper; yet I have no qualms whatsoever about tormenting my Pet’s body with my hands, teeth, fingernails or any implement I can get a hold of.   It never ceases...

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MindControl Panties Story 15 Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

Story Fifteen: Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls' minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure...

1 year ago
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I Am Pet

There is only darkness. I am immersed in it, surrounded by a deep and enveloping blackness that is unbroken by even the slightest sliver of light. I can hear no sounds, not that I expect to. Our basement Sanctum is completely soundproofed. Master has ensured that no one on the outside would ever be able to hear my screams.‘Silent! I need to be silent.’ I remind myself as thoughts both fearful and erotic flash through my mind. I want desperately for my fear to escape through my whimpers, but I...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls’ minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure slipped unnoticed through the department store. It had been in one of these places many times. It knew through its...

1 year ago
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The Pet

The Pet         Good evening Sir’s and Ma’am’s. Please if you will allow me to share with you a story. A story that might, or might not be true. A story about a dominant couple somewhere in the southern United States named Master and Princess. Now they have a few slaves, and a pet. This story however deals with the pet. More specifically the creation of their pet. As with anything else, Princess and Master wanted a specific pet. Something that would be truly theirs. A human pet, a puppygirl....

4 years ago
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Teachers Pet

  My women’s studies professor was a very popular teacher at my university. Emma Morgan was one of the younger professors and connected well with the students. I liked her classes because she was smart and engaged the students with interesting topics. I hated to miss her class, but I did one day when my car wouldn’t start. That brought me to her office for the first time. I went to apologize and see what I had missed. I knocked on her door. “Come in,” she said. I walked in and sat down facing...

3 years ago
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Class Pet

Milford Boys Academy was not a typical private school. For one thing, it was incredibly isolated in a remote mountain region. Combined with its 5 year program, most students were enrolled for the duration and didn't leave school grounds in the entire curriculum period. The other thing which made the Academy different was the programs it offered; Milford Boys Academy was a School of Magic. Like most of the boys at the Academy, Brad had arrived after his powers manifested at age 16....

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Teachers Subterfuge Chapter 3

Eight o’clock couldn’t come soon enough for the three teachers, nor for the three college girls.Miss Logan knew that Emma would be arriving at her room any moment, as she sat on the bed in her nightdress knowing that she had on no knickers, and that as soon as Emma arrived, the nightdress would have to come off.Emma stood in the corridor outside the teacher's bedroom area and they all giggled as they knew that they were about to go in and spank once again their favourite teachers.Emma said,...

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Teachers Pet

Yes, okay, so I was Mrs. Miller's pet. Teachers pet. I liked her and we got along real well. And the past three years of high school i kept getting in her classes and for this final year I was her aide. It would be an easy A. Mrs. Miler was always nice to me and we talked alot. Nobody else liked her and she did not seem to like them either, but I did not care. Plus I getting all kinds of pussy from the girls, I mean tons of pussy. One of the girls I been working on invited me over to her...

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The Pet

Alexis Ferguson stood from the leather chair in her office suite overlookingdowntown Manhattan and placed a few papers from her large mahogany desk inthe attaché case beside her. She smoothed her ruffled Chanel suit anddeparted, making her way through the labyrinth of offices on her floor to theelevator. As a founder and senior partner in one of the city's largest firmsthe occupants of the various offices cleared a path when she passed. Afterexiting the building on Park Avenue, Alexis nodded at...

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Visiting her Pet

Title- Visiting her pet Author- Jayden McZimmer Copyright 2008The time had come for Eve and Sophie to meet.  The two women had been friends for a year now. The online playing had come to its peak and both knew they needed more. Their hearts and bodies ached for more than chat. Sophie had gone back to school for the year and Eve was also leaving her city to head back home. She thought many times of making a stop at Sophie's house on her journey but never had enough courage to bring it up. Eve...

2 years ago
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Wanted Part Time Pet

Wanted Part Time PetThe ad read: Wanted Part Time Pet. Mature gentlemen seeks pet part time for nurturing and companionship. For further information and details e-mail [email protected] read the ad a couple of times. It didn't make any sense – does he want a cat or dog sometimes? A pet is a commitment you don't just get one, play with it for a while and send it away. Did he expect that somebody was going to loan him their pet. That idea didn't gel either.For some reason, I could not let the idea...

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The Family Alien Pet

Marcus went out on dates, but they never ended with dorm room sex or sex anywhere. It began to weigh on his mind, the feeling of being just average and of being just another guy friend. Little did he know how things would change, change not only for him but many others on his next trip back home. It was a brisk late autumn day when he arrived home. His parents and sister were not at home when he came, so he decided to take a walk in the mountain forest close to his house, a luxury of where...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pets

For those who recall my first story about the teacher, let me just say there really is a Mrs D. She is a teacher and the first story is based on an experience she told me about when we in bed one night. The incident is true although I may have embellished a little to make for a good read. This second story is a work of fiction. Although, if she ever has the chance I am certain she would go for it. Enjoy the story and please comment. It had been a long couple weeks of work. John and I...

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Me and my pet

My little Slut for you my pet may your pussy get wet every time you read this *purr* ??????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? You have come again to me seeking what you love from me so much you love what I do to you every time you see me the thoughts that make you wet and cum fill your head, your in the position that I make you greet me in every time we come to this little room, your on all fours your collar around your neck your eyes looking up at me, oh your eyes pet...

1 year ago
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My First Pet My Naughty Pet

Really sorry to al those that have patiently waited on this, some real life things got in the way of my writing. but here it is now. I hope it was worth the wait. This story is about the first time I had to discipline my pet. As always, any and all comments are welcome, enjoy. It had been two weeks since my pet had agreed to be mine, to give herself completely to me and do anything I told her to. We had spent the time trying out more of the things Steven had taught me, as well as a few things I...

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The Sissy and the Pet

I knew surprisingly little about the woman I was meeting. I'd never seen a picture of her and I'd never even be given a rough deion of her, so while my eyes searched for her, I had to acknowledge the relative futility of the task. All I knew was that she was in her thirties, that she was very dominant, and that she was there to meet me. When a woman walked alone into the bar and started scanning, I felt my body tighten with anticipation. I wondered if I should wave, or make some kind of...

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My First Pet

(A little background information to make the story make more sense) This is loosely based on my first experience as a mistress and details like names have been changed , neither me or my pet are into excessive amounts of pain in our relationship (only light bondage). This happened a few weeks after I started going out with her and was my first time staying at her place. Any comments or criticism are appreciated and I may write more based on if people enjoy this or not. This is an early draft...

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Hermione Granger fuck pet

                  Pansy woke to the sound of whimpering and opened her eyes to the sight of her husband fucking their pets arse. She loved to see her husband fuck the pet that had once been her number enemy. Once upon a time the pet would resist and fight back but over the years she had been broken and was now happy to be used in any way her owners wanted. Having woken up properly. Pansy moved to the edge of the bed,spread her legs and watched as the pet moved her face to her mistress' pussy....

3 years ago
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Her vacation as a pet

Note: In the year 2033, all unskilled labor, such as receptionists, flight attendents, concierges etc have all been replaced by AI. Even navigating computers had replaced pilots. It worked mostly fine unless a completely unexpected situation came about and their programming couldn’t handle it, then they would default to whatever they considered closest to normal. This will be one of those unexpected situation. ***** Samantha and Tiffany are two sisters who live together and have desperately...

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My Pet

I come home from a long day at work, and find that my pet is there waiting for me like the good pet she is.  As I walk through the door she is waiting for me with her collar and leash like she does every day, but today is different.  Today was a day from hell.  Although my pet does not know it yet she is going to be pushed to her limits.As I take off my jacket and hang it up I go to the bedroom and head to the showers after a nice long hot shower I am relaxed but not fully, not yet.  As this is...

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Desk Pet

It was time to bitch out my agent. When he said 'hello,' I launched into a speech about wasting my time. I know any struggling model and actress has strengths and weaknesses. My weakness doesn't seem fair. My tits are too big. I keep hearing 'We are looking for a younger girl.' That is a nice way for them to say I have tits like a porn star. I know my face is young and fresh. Busting out of a 34 DD means I look too sexual to be a commercial success.It is ironic, that I announced my decision to...

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       Pet        I been a submissive already for several years.  Met a few true doms, a few players and a handful of total nuts.  I had never truly been collared and looking for something more than an evening or afternoon of rough play.  I wasn’t looking for an escape, I wasn’t destitute and selling myself.  I was highly educated, had a good job and from all outside appearances had a good life.  I was just, not me.  I continued surfing the BDSM websites, trying to find an Owner that would...

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Cordelias Feet 8 The Queen Bees Pet

Most often in life, we carry around fears, and these fears, at unpredictable times, well up in terrifying intensity, only to turn out unfounded and leave us shaking with dizzy relief. We do things we shouldn’t do and say things that should have kept unsaid, and every so often, they lead us to face the dread of being discovered and demeaned for it. Our heart hammers, our hands sweat, and we pray inside that the images our mind conjures won’t come true. Mostly, we get off easy. But not always....

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Joses Pet

The small turbo jet began its flight even though there were some warnings of possible bad weather. To complicate the flight they were flying over a very isolated area in the deep jungle of Brazil. This area was beyond any radar signal but the pilot assured his wealthy passengers that there was no worry. He assured them he had flown this route many times with no problems.Charles Watson needed to return home as soon as possible to conclude a very large real estate deal and decided to trust his...

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The music was a little loud for Kaye’s taste, but the students seemed to be having a good time, and Kaye didn’t really have anything else to do, so she didn’t mind that when principal Ray Devlin asked her to chaperone the Saturday night dance in the school gym. A local dejay was playing all the latest CD’s, and with about a half hour to go, he had slowed the pace down, giving the kids a chance to have a few slow dances. It looked like it would turn out to be an uneventful evening, until Cal...

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Teachers Pet

This is a work of fiction intended as entertainment and an escape from reality.This all seemed like a dream as I watched Lexie strip off her outer clothes allowing me to see her standing in front of me with nearly nothing covering her perfect body. Not a month ago I was a 19 year old first year college student setting in her class, the first class of my first year, in fact my very first day of actual class. The lecture hall was huge with tiered rows of chairs, the type with a wide arm for a...

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Teachers pet

Hi friends… this is debojyoti from kolkata. I’m a regular reader of iss. But one thing bout the site disappoints me that half the stories are fake. But let me tell u that they can give some solid ideas for seducing girls….specially women (trust me, u’ll know why).so here goes my story. This is my real life experience of having wild sex with my teacher’s sudipta and sarbani. Sudipta and sarbani are sisters. My younger brother use to take tuition from both of them. So I was well acquainted with...

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The Witch and Her Pet

The Witch and Her Pet: A Story of Undying Love Friday Tom opened his apartment door and came inside. It was Friday evening and he was tired…really tired. It had been a long week and he just wanted to collapse. He opened the refrigerator door and took out a beer. He fell into a chair, turned on the TV, and sipped the beer. He really wanted to go online but it was a little early. He had had the same fantasy since he was a young teenager, but lately he had been able to think about little else....

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Teachers Lake Fun

Both of them had left the school system. Both of them, at one time, were teachers who taught kids who were seniors, and both of them got to “know” one another on quite the personal level too. However, one thing or another led both of them to leave the school, and for that matter teaching altogether. A couple years went by. Her husband, it seemed, won the states lottery. Yes, it was a lot, but the couple was “adventurous,” and he decided to do something with some of the money. He invested it in...

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A Masters pet

Nervously, she reached up and retreived the note that was taped to the door Nervously, she reached up and retrieved the note that was taped to the door.? This was the second note.? The first had admitted entry into the house, and it had provided directions to the door she was now standing in front of.? At her feet, she noticed a black leather bag.? In the dim light, she had difficulty reading the note, but she also knew that she must not only read it, she must follow the instructions...

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The young pet

100% fiction! For those of you reading I’m sure you’ve noticed a good portion of these are from the perspective of the submissive, well I have a little pet of mine and her horny little self is always reading these and against my permission making her tight little pussy of mine moist only to come to me and I make her soaked so for you tonight I’m gunna give you a story think about, read on my pet… Was a young couple, still in high school you see were not like most couple’s though… you see I love...

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Franks New Pet

Chapter 1I spotted her from across the bar, a tall woman in her late thirties with silky black hair that brushed her shoulders and the kind of quiet, sensual grace that only comes with age.  She'd never be on the cover of any magazines, but she was easy enough on the eyes, especially with that top she was wearing.  It was modest, but also slightly too small, leaving her ample and quite obviously braless chest straining against the fabric.  Of course, even without the assistance I would've had...

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The Claiming of a Pet

"I will meet you at the airport, be waiting for you as you come through those doors. And before you have time to doubt yourself, or what we have between us, I will embrace you, hug you hard to me and show you how much I care for you with my touch. Then you will know if what we have online will translate to real life ... So then I will ask you, ASK for the very last time, whether you wish to be my pet. This will be your last chance to choose for yourself while you are here, so consider it...

2 years ago
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The Duty Of A Loyal Pet

Written By Poppet -To Be Used For Lushstories ONLY! I've been with Master long enough to be able to read His texts and know when He is having a bad day. Well, today is one of those days. He sent a text saying He’d be late from His job that shit hit the fan and it was up to Him to fix it. It’s Friday and I know He just wants to come home, kick back and relax. I know exactly what I’m going to do to help salvage the evening for Him. I haven’t given Him the full on treatment in a long time and know...

1 year ago
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Mindcontrol Panties 15 Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls’ minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure slipped unnoticed through the department store. It had been in one of these places many times. It knew through its waterfall’s...

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The New Pet

  “Okay, Pet. Now that you have completed task one, it is time for you to move into your own room.”Sarah opened her eyes and looked towards the door. Rocco was standing just inside the room with one hand on his hip and the other arm leaned up against the wall. Her eyes were drawn at first to his smile, but her hunger caused her gaze to drop slowly, taking it all in. She could not believe she was finally at her master’s house. The wait over, the summer was almost unbearable.His checkered...

2 years ago
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A Taking Of A New Pet

A Taking Of A New Pet As I walk to his cabana, my heart is racing. All day, I could think of nothing more than how my night would be filled with ecstasy at the hands of my Master. Just the thought makes my skin tingle and my heart soar. It has been too long since I’ve seen him, and waiting for him to summon me has been excruciating. Waking up in the morning alone and wandering through my day. Wondering when he would call, if he would call. I would sit at my desk for hours remembering all of...

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Teachers Made Me Gigolo

Hi readers I am male 19 yrs from HYDERABAD which is capital city of the Andhra Pradesh,India and now and doing my degree. But the truth that I am going to narrate you is the truth of my life. All r welcome to comment n im always at ur services.my email is kanthalav at gmail.com . So without wasting your time I am going to narrate my truth of the past which is following me till date. Well I was very much of fond of sex when I was in 10th standard. My Height is 5 feet 7 inches and well slim body...

2 years ago
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Teachers Gold Star Pupil

Teachers Gold Star PupilThe set up: two lovers separated by distance are texting each other late at night.Man: I really want to eat your pussyWoman: Well you can’t - you need to wait ;)Man: I know - just sayingWoman: I know - I was meaning it in a teasing way. Like I’m the naughty teacher not letting her student have what he wants yet. And I’m wearing fishnet stockings and a very short skirt. And I keep knocking things off my desk and I have to bend over right in front of you to pick them...

4 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 3 Finding the Right Pet

Using a fictitious name, Jim had long ago established a mail drop in the Upstate of South Carolina. Any of his more unusual purchases for his dungeon were sent there. He'd simply fly in, pick up his new purchase, have a nice dinner, and fly home. Using that mail drop, Jim began ordering the supplies he thought he'd need to capture, secure, and transport his vict ... er, pet. He had used the name Bill Smith when establishing the mail drop, and he continued that ruse when ordering his...

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Bedroom Pet

Edited by Silverman Monica loved to walk in the woods that surrounded her old house, always trying to improve her already large collection of bugs. She was hoping to find a new one today. The athletic woman reached the creek that flowed between slippery rocks. She looked down, searching for a firm spot to place her feet and there it was… The most beautiful and strange insect she had ever seen. Or was it a reptile? She couldn’t tell. The sunlight reflected from its three-legged body with a...

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Bedroom Pet

By Homealone_447 Edited by Silverman Monica loved to walk in the woods that surrounded her old house, always trying to improve her already large collection of bugs. She was hoping to find a new one today. The athletic woman reached the creek that flowed between slippery rocks. She looked down, searching for a firm spot to place her feet and there it was... The most beautiful and strange insect she had ever seen. Or was it a reptile? She couldn’t tell. The sunlight reflected from its...

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Master Fills His Pet

Both of us drunk and sweaty already from a night of dancing at the club. Stumbling into the house, Master and I are ripping each others clothes off. Frantically pawing at each other. Wanting every part of our bodies touching. Master wraps his hand in my hair and pulls me in for a kiss. Mouths open, tongues battling each other, lips pressed together hard. He pushes me to my knees by my hair. I look up at Him silently asking for permission. Master nods a yes. Smiling, I pull His pants down,...

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