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I sat fairly smugly in the meeting room waiting for John, my boss, to arrive with the figures. Thing was, I'd not only done well this month, my first month, but I'd outsold him by pinching one of his prospects following a quick chat with his PA. He'd know this by now, of course, but this monthly presentation to the CEO was going to get my name in lights. I wondered how John would pitch it. A pat on my back surprised me. "Well done, Tony!" John smiled back at me as he walked to the front of the room and the rest of the board seated themselves. His presentation on the figures was quick, accurate, and unembellished. Not only that, I was impressed that he gave credit to every salesperson in the team, though this lack of ego could be a weakness in Sales. I'd noticed many things about him that appeared weak. The goatee so obviously covering a weak chin. Without it he'd be somewhat pretty perhaps. He was well built, but no more than average height, not even my ten inches over five foot, which I'd often wished was an inch or two more. The gym workouts must again be compensating for some inferiority. I figured I would work some of my magic on John, put him in his place. Perhaps, I wondered, he might be mildly homosexual. Well, I was good looking and as attractive to the boys as the girls in this metrosexual world. Perhaps I could work on him and have him eating out of my hand, before destroying him. His directorship would be mine within the year. "And especially well done to Tony, who moves straight into third place on our leaderboard, but with a lead channel that should see him in first place next month. Very quick work for a newcomer!" The board turned to me and applauded. I smiled my thanks. They all would know my face. I couldn't believe that John would open up the competition like that! Strange though, because it did belie a couple of stories I'd heard about him. There was a legend that his first boss, a real driven woman, had shocked the office by retiring pregnant, and had never returned. Great work there by John. Apparently she had six children now, though not married. Then there was his PA. A stunner! Huge boobs! But so dippy! I finessed her CV from personnel to try to get a little background for my approach to her. I reckon I picked up the wrong one. She was qualified for the bar and had a politics degree from Cambridge. She'd applied for a sales position, and a six-month review put her in direct competition with John for the recently vacated Director position. I asked a few questions. Apparently her and John had gone away for a seminar for a few weeks. She'd come back changed, all concerned with her looks and pleasing John. He had some magic this guy! She failed the director's interview and then accepted a position as John's eye-candy PA, just to be close to him. My strategy would be like his, work on the guy as a friend, then test his sexuality. Get him close to me, then screw him up so bad he wouldn't know which was was up! So I accepted a request for team drinks that night, and met John at the bar. We were a few drinks in within minutes, and chatting was so easy. The guy was odd, very interested. I decided I would play it interested but alpha, draw him out but let him know exactly who was in charge. But I also had to know what he was really thinking. Was he gay, a little camp, or pure straight? What was going to work? So we got to talking about women, and I noticed there was a reticence there, but our takes were the same. He was an in-charge kinda guy. I pushed a little bit, let him know that women were different, inferior in sales as they didn't have the aggression and the drive. He asked if I thought that a woman with a man's aggression and drive could be a better salesperson, then asked what a man without the aggression and drive would be. It was a strange conversation, but I could see that he was warming to my take on life, and my lead. "You do need to be careful though, Tony." He whispered in my ear towards the end of the evening. "What about?" "Always stepping on people. Sometimes you need to take care." "Caring is for girls!" I scoffed. "Sales is a man's world, and it's a cutthroat world. You know that!" "So what are women in your world?" He asked, intrigued. "In sales? Eye candy, like your PA." "Do you intend to have my job, carrying on the way you are?" I looked round at John. "May the best man have the best position." I raised my glass. He raised his to mine. "You have balls, Tony. Jenny thought her brains would get her my position. Did you fuck her?" "No!" I responded in surprise at the directness of the question. "Perhaps you should. She may be moving on soon." With that he left me at the bar. My figures went up the following month. Aggression paid dividends and I hit the number one spot. This time I took two clients from under John's nose. I also had sex with his PA just like he said I should. It was so good that it was soon very regular, even in the office, so I moved in with her and gave up my place in the city. That meant savings on money, but her place was a bit smaller than mine. I still couldn't understand how she had given up a sales career for a PA job, nor where her law training had gone, but she just smiled when I asked and said she was happy. But she was a bit scatty. See, our clothes started getting mixed up everywhere, and she managed to wash a load of my whites with a red vest of hers. I only had blotchy pink boxers and gym socks. The shirts I threw out. She did like me in pink boxers though, and bought me a couple of silk pairs as a present. They felt wonderful, and noone was going to see the pink under my trousers anyway. I was reading through a presentation that John had sent me on a new client when I noticed something odd. The slide background was pink and something kept catching the corner of my eye. I opened the presentation in the editor and looked through the slides then found one that kept flashing up really briefly before moving on. There didn't seem to be anything on it but it left me with an odd impression. I deleted the slide then continued the presentation. I resolved to check through anything that John sent me from then on, because that was wierd. Wierder, that evening, was that Jenny asked me if I'd go on a diet with her. She had a good argument, it was all about the support, and as we were living together we pretty much ate the same stuff, but I still didn't think I'd agree to do it, but I did. Why? I wasn't exactly fat, I looked after myself, and a diet was a bit much, but I agreed. Perhaps it was her passion for it at the time, or perhaps she was really getting under my skin and I did want to help her out. That didn't seem like me either. Was I falling for her? Jenny was sending me jokes in work, and these included videos and slideshows. I caught the oddness again in a slideshow and pulled it apart. There was a seemingly empty slide again. I asked an IT guy over to help me out and he pulled the slide apart. "There's a load of text in there," he told me a few minutes later, "but it's all piled up and up. One layer says something about 'going down', another says something about 'opening up', 'letting in', 'letting go'. There's so much there and I can't get it to make sense." I stopped opening files from Jenny unless they were screened first. I didn't know what was going on, but someone was trying to send me some kind of messages. Jenny's diet included a load of shakes that she would make up for us. They were satisfying, but not for very long. I didn't feel the urge to eat much though, even though Jenny and I were going to the gym together and more often than I had been going alone. We'd sit on the bikes and read papers and magazines, or go to classes. I eased off the weights. I was a bit too tired to use them anyway. After one class I got to thinking. Alright, I was never the biggest guy in there, but I worked out hard, and I was always proud of keeping one rep ahead of the Joneses. Why had I just done a class using the same weights as the women? I'd chosen to take the green weights instead of the red ones, yet all the guys were using one, two or even three reds! It was too easy with the greens! I wasn't even sweating! There was something about everything I was doing with Jenny. I was losing my manliness. As we walked back towards the changing areas I excused myself and went to the weights room. Jenny wasn't happy. "Aren't you coming home, Tony?" "You go ahead, honey. I need to work out a bit more." "But Tony, you want to come home." "You're right, I do, but I also want to work out a bit more." I hadn't realised how much I did want to go back with Jenny, but sometimes these things need to be acted against willfully. "You want to go on the bike then. You know that weights are really heavy. The bike is great for rounding off the day. I'll join you." That sounded like a good idea, so I smiled at Jenny and walked her to the bikes. We laughed and chatted and it turned out to be a really good idea after all. The next day in work John called me into his office. I took one of his speciality teas and he sat me down at his computer to talk me through the latest figures. It was another month, and my figures were slipping. I thought back and realised that I hadn't been anywhere near as pushy this last month. I'd certainly not taken any of the other salespeople's clients, even though I had the inside track through Jenny. I finished the figures presentation, finished the tea, and looked up at John. "You need a break, Tony." He declared. "Listen, I'm going away to visit a few prospects over the next few weeks. You should come with me. I'll okay it and you take a few days off while we're out there." It sounded like an excellent idea. A break would be good. I smiled to myself. Probably almost as relaxing as this tea, I thought. "Where is 'out there'?" "South East Asia. I'll sort out the travel desk and let you know the details as soon as they're sorted." The next few weeks flew by. Jenny's carb-free diet had really shrunk me down to strings so my clothes were hanging off me. We went out a few times and bought new stuff, better fitting, much more shapely. She also let me know that she was moving on from the job and had been studying at beauty school. She brought home her electrolysis kit and we had fun with that, but the best times we had were when she would practise making me up. She was right that if she could make me look like a girl, then she could probably make any girl look better. A couple of weeks before my break she stopped the diet. I was so happy I ate like a horse! The kitchen was stocked with so many delicious things that I hadn't touched for months! Cakes, chocolate, ice cream, crisps and chips. Jenny laughed when I worried about vegetables and just said that the vitamin pills and shots that she was giving me were more than enough. I couldn't seem to stop eating all of a sudden, and the gym faded from memory. I was probably putting on a pound a day! At the end of two weeks I was filling out my shapely new clothes even though little of the weight seemed to settle on my stomach. It was as though my fat depositing areas had moved, mostly downwards. My hips took on a pleasant curve that looked good in the mirror. I wasn't a stringbean anymore. And then it was time to take a holiday. A working one, of course, with my boss. We flew into Bangkok, and went to a beautiful hotel next to the airport. Adjoining double rooms meant that we could share time together to go over our workload. For some reason, from the moment we got to the hotel John insisted that I not eat anything, and rather than take my usual vitamin drinks and pills he had some shots for me, which I duly bent over and took in my butt, apparently the best place for them. John left me to my own devices for a while, then came back into my room after he'd had his dinner and been down to the gym. It was getting a little late but I put my novel down and sat up in bed while he poured himself a brandy from the minibar. "That's a nice nightdress, Tony. Silk, is it?" "Satin." I replied. "Tony, you really need to know something. Pay attention, as this is important. Go look in the full length mirror by the door. How do you think you look?" "Pretty good, John. A little thick around the middle if I'm being honest, but otherwise pretty good." "We can sort that out tomorrow. Now, I want you to think yourself back a few months, to Tony the arrogant, self-centred salesman. Can you do that for me? Then look in the mirror again. While you're at it, why don't you use your hands to feel around on your chest?" I did, and looked. Looking back at me from the mirror was a plain young woman. Short hair, but smooth skinned. Skinny but slightly curvy, with nice hips and legs but tiny, childlike buds for boobs. I could feel them in my hands, just lumps of slightly squidgy fat under tightly binding skin, pushing out a large pair of nipples. I knew it was me in the mirror, and yet it wasn't me. Somehow I felt comfortable with this new form, yet I began to get angry, and confused, at the wrongness of it. Someone, somehow had changed me into this! I turned to look at John. "Yes," he nodded, "I did this to you. I am in the process of removing your masculinity. And though I've made you aware of it, you're not truly yourself even now." "How?" I stammered. "Mostly drugs. The clever part was a mix I discovered of tramaxo-4- codaleine, which hyperactivates the thalamus and amygdala, and certain hypnotics, which depress conscious function arising from the same regions. Basically your brain was crying out for stimulation which your consciousness was too slow in processing. Inputs therefore bypassed conscious processing instead appearing to you, belatedly, to be your own ideas. The addition of subliminals meant that you had no idea where these ideas were coming from, so assumed they were your own and therefore good. I drugged you to the stage where even my voice was more active in your brain than your own consciousness. A correlate of the hyperactivity is the ability to lay down new memories, and effectively your brain is begging to learn. So you've been living with Jenny and copying everything she does, and it becomes natural so easily when your brain is in learning mode. You're used to your body, your reflection. You walk with a sway, talk with a lilt, everything you've observed and copied becoming natural. "At the same time, of course, you've been taking other, simpler drugs. Cyproterone Acetate, aromatase precursors, estrogens. Along with a vicious diet you've burnt off your own muscle and recently replaced it with fat. Jenny, of course, ate in the office, but you didn't notice that. She also permanently depilated your body and face apart from your brows, which are permanently thinner, taught you to become a natural with makeup, hair and nails, and injected tiny doses of botox into your major muscle groups while you slept to induce further muscle degradation. Don't blame her for all that though. She did it all because I told her to. You see, I had her on the mind altering drugs too. She learned to act like a bimbo until it became completely natural to her. She probably wants to become a beautician now, although I did tell her to do that too. She's been off the drugs for years, but you know how some things you learn and you never forget, like playing a piano or riding a bike? You learn them and they become unconscious. So unconscious, in fact, that trying to perform them consciously is actually worse - your own mind gets in the way? Well, Jenny, as my assistant, learned that whenever I said her name, whatever followed she had to do. I always preceded my requests and demands with her name. It's almost like she's driving a car. She can chat with you, listen to music, anything, but underneath she's following my orders. She can be conscious of it, but like driving she's got to get from A to B before she can stop. "You're becoming like that, with both Jenny and me, though Jenny will be out of the picture soon. You might not believe me, so I'm going to give you one last chance. Tony, stand still and watch while I get undressed." I stood there and watched John slide off his shoes, socks and then trousers. For a moment I thought something was off with the jockey shorts, but his shirt fell back over them. Next he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a bandaged chest. He unrolled the bandage from around himself revealing muscular, toned arms as he did so. Finally it fell away and his chest flopped. Just slightly, but it flopped. John had breasts! He reached down and slid off his shorts, well, no, he kind of wiggled out of them. His hips were just a bit too wide for a waist which he kept in good shape. But that wasn't the biggest giveaway. John didn't have a penis. Nothing but a bush, a hairy covering. Over what? He stood there, fists on hips, and I realised it wasn't a he, it was a she. She was well-built, a female bodybuilder, big. "This is how I know about many of the drugs. Especially the hormones. I never really wanted to be a man, but male hormones really help create the image, and that image has probably helped me get where I am today. Competitive, aggressive, all that masculine stuff. Anyway, your final chance, Tony. If you can get it up, and get it into me, I'll stop what I'm doing, and admit you're the better man." She smiled. Strangely it was quite a pretty smile. "No tricks, I won't order you not to, but I won't order you to either. This is all you. Do you think you can have me?" There wasn't much there to turn me on. She was a bulky, muscular, hirsute woman with short hair in a man's style and no make-up. Her breasts were small and flattened probably by years of binding. So I tried to think of something else, fantasise, but it seemed difficult. I remembered Jenny and the times we'd had together, but they seemed somehow faded into the past, and also undermined by her betrayal of me. Finally I tried playing with myself, but there was little feeling, little pleasure in it. John waited maybe a minute. I assumed that wasn't her name, but I didn't know what to call her now. Finally she shrugged. "I'm going to have to call this off, I can't wait all night! But, I know, I'll offer you another challenge, to see if you are still a man. Tony, you wait there, I'll just pop into the other room." She walked out, and I stood there, frustrated, yet calm, peaceful. I could feel that I should be fighting my own apathy, but ironically was too apathetic to do so. So I just stood there, the last vestiges of my masculinity somehow at stake. She returned in her suit, no tie, looking every inch the after-work man. Like this I couldn't understand how she was a woman, underneath. It didn't make sense. Something else didn't make sense. I don't know if it was John's hand motions or something but I found myself looking towards the crotch of his trousers, and it was full. He reached down and undid his fly, and I followed every motion. I didn't feel anything down below, but I noticed my nipples going hard, and I felt a hunger for something. As John pulled out a plastic dildo from his pants, looking very realistic, I felt myself begin to salivate, and walked towards him slowly, taking in the sight of this newly revealed wonder. As I felt my hunger grow I knew what I had to have, and knelt down on the carpet before John, reaching out to his cock with my hands. It was plastic, but that didn't matter to me as I stroked it. I wanted it in my mouth. I looked up to John, for approval, and saw his smile and nod. I launched myself onto it, sucking and licking to pleasure John until he creamed in my mouth or begged me to stop. I felt his fingers on the back of my neck, a slight scratch, and then blackness. Jenny moved out a few weeks ago. It felt like longer. I could barely remember her being here but I was holding a bra of hers that had somehow found its way behind the bed. It was the first time I'd cleaned behind the bed, mostly because it was really hard to shift. There had been a guy in it with me last night, but he'd gone before I woke, so I couldn't ask him to move it for me. I was a bit irritated he'd gone, actually. I loved waking up with a warm body wrapped around me, especially a warm body with strong arms. I don't know why I liked it, apart from it made me feel good. I'm sure I used to be independent minded, but I loved having a man around, and felt quite lost without one. It was the first time I could remember moving furniture to clean behind and under stuff. I liked things clean, tidy, and in order. Jenny's bra would have to go straight back to her. I wondered if I could meet her for coffee and a chat. I could probably slip it to her at a cafe. I looked at the label, 34C. I wish I could have breasts like Jenny's. They were large enough to enjoy, and yet she could still wear whatever she liked, and look good in it. My 36Gs were a pain to dress and a pain to control. Oh, they were wonderful for attracting attention, but then I knew I wasn't the most pretty of women, so that was good. I could be really pretty in make-up, so I tended to spend time on that every day, but the natural girls were just one step better looking. I looked across to the mirror. The button nose was cute, but seemed just slightly too small, and I thought of it as piggy. My forehead was a little high, though strangely short hair was rapidly growing out from my hairline to cover it. Perhaps when I had a fringe it would look smaller. My chin was also small, and rounded, cute underneath my large mouth and lips. Between the nose and the chin, however, my mouth really did seem too big, though, in another way, and using a lick of lipstick, it did make my lips seem madly kissable. The small chin also made my jaw appear too wide. Luckily again, prominent cheekbones diverted the attention from my wide face, making it appear longer. I hoped my fringe would grow, because my face did look too long. But I was critical. My face seemed to me to be a mish-mash of parts that were too big and parts that were too small. I wanted longer hair to help with framing it, so I was growing it. Eventually my dark, wavy hair would make the whole appear smaller, and I would be happier with myself. Grow hair, come on, grow! Thank goodness my boobs were big! I seemed to have huge shoulders. I was still working on my shape, trying to bring my waist down to size with the help of a girdle, whilst not being silly about my diet. I knew that my boobs were fake, but at the same time I couldn't remember having them done. I seemed to remember always having them. I wondered sometimes about my lack of memory preceding living with Jenny, but occasionally after I chatted with her, or with my boss, John, another piece or two of the jigsaw would seem to have slotted into place and I could remember events from my past. Faded, cloudy memories, but memories nonetheless. I could somehow remember my first period, and the operation that meant I didn't have periods anymore, and my first kiss, and losing my virginity. I could remember the skirt I wore to school, and feeling up my first boy behind the bike sheds. I could remember being a successful salesman. But each time I remembered something like that it didn't seem important. I would grasp at the memory but it would fade to grey and some bright, colourful memory of me typing at my desk, or taking the minutes of a meeting, or taking dictation in an office would take its place. Memories of being an athletic boy were slowly being written over with memories of attracting athletic boys. I knew all the memories were down there, lurking, but it seemed I was fighting too strongly to become a beautiful, feminine, attractive woman for any old memory to be able to get through. So I looked at myself in a mirror and saw things that I wanted to improve, and thought of ways that clothing and makeup and hairstyling would help. At work I wanted to be the best secretary, so that I could become a personal assistant. A PA should do anything required to enable their boss to concentrate on his primary goals. That meant dealing with all the minutiae, but also reacting immediately to the boss's orders to remove any distractions. A relaxed boss meant a productive boss, and a productive boss meant a good PA. I finished the hoovering in the bedroom. The guy's name had been Steve. I'd met him twice, and this time invited him home. My girlfriends from work constantly told me that I was making it too easy for the guys, inviting them back to my place after one or two meetings, not even formal dates. Maybe I was, but I really wanted a man, and when I found one I liked I found it pretty difficult to stop myself showing how much I liked him. Steve had big arms, and when he accompanied me home in a taxi I was imagining them around me. I needed to have them so I invited him in, and though I offered him coffee I could soon think of little else but having him inside me. I smiled at the memory. It was a shame he'd gone early, but maybe I could give him a couple of days to cool off before seeing if he would be in that pub again. Though judging by my recent history, there'd be someone else that would be interested in me. Especially in my boobs. Following clearing up in the flat there didn't seem to be anything else to do with the day. I stayed in my nightdress, dressing gown and slippers and after doing my makeup and hair and plucking the odd stray eyebrow hair I settled down in front of the television. With only Sunday church shows on the channels I had, I got up and chose a DVD from my bookshelf. Pretty Woman was a gift from John, and one of my favourites, and within ten minutes I found myself once again completely absorbed in the movie. I lost track of time as I became the star, fighting her roots to become cultured, beautiful and feminine while at the same time remaining a hooker in service to her employer. I felt myself going down as part of the service, yet being kissed as part of a greater whole called love. As the credits ran I felt myself come out of my reverie, and realised both how hungry I was, and how poorly dressed. I was feeling the urge to put one of the more racy movies that John had given me into the player, but first knew that I had to get dressed and maybe grab a salad bowl from the sandwich bar down the road. After lunch, John rang. I didn't find it odd to have my boss call on my day off, and agreed to go meet him in the office. As I sat in my little blue Corsa I seemed to remember driving a much larger car, and wondered where it had gone. It was a quick drive to the office though on a Sunday, as the city was empty, and I had time to fix my lips and eyes before getting out of the car, and time to slip out of my flats into heels. I didn't like flats, and rarely wore them, except for driving. "Good Afternoon, Toni!" John greeted me as I stepped out of the elevator. "Would you follow me to my office?" I did, and found the entire floor empty apart from ourselves. As we walked into John's office he held the door open for me and closed it behind us. I went to stand behind his guest chair and waited for his instructions. "Toni, slip off your heels and lean on your elbows on my desk." It was a simple thing to do and felt right. I felt my skirt being lifted behind me and looked back at John queryingly. He smiled back at me. "I'm so glad you're not wearing panties today." I puzzled over that one. I could remember putting them on this morning, and yet after John's phone call it had seemed like a good idea to take them off before coming into the office. Why? He came round to the front of the desk, and slowly pulled me forward by my wrists until I was right over it, my thighs touching the front edge. Then he opened a drawer and took out some silky rope which he attached firmly to my wrists and the other end to somewhere under the desk so that I couldn't pull back or up at all. I was lying on my breasts like pillows. He walked back around me with more of the rope, and I felt him attach it to my ankles and pull them apart, tying them to the desk legs, I guessed. I couldn't move out of the position I was in. My openness to him was quite a turn on for me. I could wiggle my hips, that was about it. He walked behind me and I heard him undo his zip. I bit my lip as I waited for the next bit. Sometimes it pinched a bit as I could be quite dry. John slid in as though greased, and I gasped as he pushed clean in first time. Suddenly I was pressed apart between my legs and filled up almost into my belly. As he drew himself slowly out the feeling was exquisite. I tried to hold him in, whilst feeling him move, and feeling myself empty slightly, an emptiness that I wanted to have filled again, immediately. I pushed back slightly, and upwards, and he obliged me by slowly filling me again. Gradually he got into a rhythm, and I could feel my pleasure growing as his strokes came just quickly enough to prevent it fading away. "Toni," he whispered, leaning over my back, "I know I've retrained you a lot, but I want you to take this opportunity to think of yourself as the man that you were, some months ago, before you met me. Toni, think of yourself as Tony, the arrogant, uncaring, alpha male salesman. I know it will be hard, because the memories are buried deep, but you can do it. Maybe you won't be able to do it straight away, now, so, Toni, every time you have sex I want you to remember who you were. Toni, all the time that you have a cock inside you, anywhere inside you, I want you to remember yourself as Tony the salesman, and not Toni the secretary. But I don't want it ever to interfere with what you're doing. No, Toni, you will do everything you know to make your partner cum, and then, slowly, you can go back to being Toni the secretary. "Of course, one day I will let you get on with your life. I'll let you go and I won't influence you anymore. Eventually you'll become yourself again, whoever that may be, though you'll always be stuck with this body I gave you. The new you. Soft, weak, and built to please a cock, never to have one. Tony, I want you to remember this, to remember now, what's happening to you. I want you to imprint in your mind the day you, the man who used everyone for his own gain, was fucked by a woman. Not only fucked, but wanting it, wanting to be rammed full of cock until you come!" I realised what was happening to me then. Realised that there was a cock being thrust inside me. Inside me! I knew that it wasn't a real one, that there was a woman behind me, a woman who had tied me down and was now fucking me. But she was right, as much as I hated it, I wanted it. It felt natural, and it felt good. No matter that I didn't want it to, it did feel good, and no matter that I wanted to, I couldn't stop. I was angry, but my anger only elevated my passion. I wanted to scream out, so I did, but it wasn't a scream of frustration, it was a scream of pleasure. As the orgasm enfolded me I felt my passions subside, my anger fade, and a sense of bliss pass over me. Humiliated? Yes, slightly. Embarrassed? Maybe, but it was just me and my boss in the office. No one else would know. John untied me and I smiled at him, stood myself up and brushed myself down. Nothing would be said. There is an understanding between boss and PA that sometimes a boss needs to relieve his frustrations, his passions, in order to be able to get back into focus. I was happy to be able to provide that relief. Maybe a year had passed. I pushed my way up from below the blankets with a mouth tasting of the fresh, bitter cum that I'd just swallowed down. I laid my head down on Shaun's chest and stroked my fingers through his coarse hairs. Something felt different. I could clearly remember waking up and slipping down to give my boyfriend a morning blow job, but I could also clearly remember the entire act. I hadn't enjoyed it, but I'd enjoyed his response, and that was enough to make me want to do it. I enjoyed making him happy, and considered giving him a blow job in the morning a more than fair price to see him smile. I was a man, in a woman's body, giving a blow job, and this time I did it somewhat because I wanted to, whether I liked it or not. Like the pleasure I received from sex, I wanted it, whether I liked it or not. I was thinking about it clearly, still a man in a woman's body, still Tony the salesman, in Toni the secretary's body, but Tony with a difference. Suddenly lying with my head on Shaun's chest seemed a bit, well, gay. I wasn't into men, but I was used to being with them. I could feel within me both the need and the desire for one, and Shaun was a good one. What was different, I felt, was that I was okay with doing things to make other people happy. I knew that it was part of me now. The old Tony was gone, mostly, in the sense that I could look back and see how selfish, self-centred and egotistical I had been. "Shaun?" I said, turning to look up at him. "Yes, honey?" "I'm thinking of going on a sales course. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

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Bert charged up to the bridge as soon as the shuttle docked. "Ma'am," he said as soon as he had the Captain's attention, "if the Sa'arm react as quickly as they did on that last hop we're going to have real problems getting anyone else off that planet." "I believe you," replied Alice getting to her feet. "Have you got any suggestions as to what we can do to help?" "I've no idea," said Bert honestly. "The best thing we could do would be to create some sort of diversion and...

4 years ago
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My Key West Adventure

Hello. My name is ... well, let’s call me Arya, after my favorite virgin assassin on Game of Thrones. (I fantasize about doing her and I have sleazy pictures of her on my computer.) I’m 25, I live on Miami Beach, I have an MBA and I’m doing very well working for a venture capital firm. I’m a blue-eyed brunette, tall and athletic and considered attractive, although with a youthful face, made more so with my dark brown ponytail. I have kind of a girl-next- door look about me. I’m positive and...

4 years ago
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My Seven Day Plan Night 2

Samantha woke up just before the alarm clock started to scream next to her, she leaned over and switched it off. Lying back, she turned over to face Robert, and smiled to herself, pleased with her achievement last night and still feeling contented and delighted that all went better than planned. Tonight was going to be very different, as she had planned on doing something that was going to take her right out of her comfort zone; something that she had never done before. She leaned over and...

2 years ago
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Tough Times For Trisha

Trisha works at a construction firm as a receptionist/secretary and recently her husband Jim was laid off from his job as a middle manager of a software company relocating out of the country. They were almost newlyweds, having celebrated their first anniversary a month before.He was making six figures and they had a nice, big house ...with a nice, big mortgage.Things were going to be tough but with Trisha's pay and Jim's unemployment they would scoot by. Trish knew her company was feeling...

3 years ago
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Yes of Course You Can Model for Me

A found story with too many Is – ands – thens – wes but a likeable tale. I had innocently advertised on the internet for mature models, but with a strong and clear emphasis. on lingerie shots. It suited Patsy Klinger a model I had heard of, met briefly bumping into each other at a casting agents office in London ... and lusted over, who wanted to expand her portfolio having spotted the much more frequent adverts, especially on day time shopping TV channels for the mature fuller figure. She had...

1 year ago
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Kinky Kat

Story: Kinky Kat (F/M femdom)It was obvious to him from the start that Kat was dominant.  She was very attractive, with the athletic appearance of the kind you see in photos of women's track and field events. When Kat first saw Rick at the bookstore she decided that he was the kind of guy she wanted. She noticed him frequently looking at her, and after a while she came over to him with a friendly smile and asked if he would take a look at her laptop computer to determine why it was not...

3 years ago
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Chapter 3 We share our love with others

As the saying goes, all good things come to an end, and I had to be getting home as it was now around ten o’clock. I got dressed and when ready to leave, Linda walked me down to the building entrance. She took my arm and not much was said between us, we were both reluctant to leave each other. We stood in the doorway for a moment just looking at one another, I took her hand and said, ‘Thank you I had a lovely time, will I see you again?’ Oblivious of whoever might be around, Linda put a hand...

2 years ago
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Sucking Off My Brother

It started out like just a plain boring night for me. My parents were out at a party for a coworker, and my brother was out with his girlfriend probably getting laid at this very moment. Which leaves me, stuck here at home with nothing to do but sit in front of my computer and surf the net till my brain fries from the radiation off my monitor. It's not like I didn't have a choice about it though, I mean I'm not that bad a person and surely could have gotten together with a few friends, or...

1 year ago
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Demons Bride

Jane couldn't believe how boring this evening had been so far. When she had promised her brother to go to his fiancée's hen night she had feared it wouldn't be her thing but that it would be this awful she had never expected. She had been prepared for an evening of giggling girls, alcohol and strippers. But it had turned out to be even worse: twenty women were sitting in Tiffany's flat, listening to her reading from some tarot cards or asking this with-board questions about their futures. Jane...

2 years ago
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Chris and Kim pt 02

Friday: When Kim got up it was already late, but his head was pounding, and as much as he wanted to get back to sleep, he had to deal with that first. Throwing on a silk robe he headed out to the kitchen to get some juice. It wasn't until he got to the kitchen that he remembered that Chris had passed out on the couch the night before. He quickly belted up his robe to hide his nudity. "Hey is that you? I'm dead, don't mind me" Chris croaked from the living room. Giggling and pouring a glass...

1 year ago
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The Librarian Girl

This is the story of my erotic encounter with a girl in a library who’s name is still unknown to me.It happened when I was in Bombay. I used to stay at my uncle’s place which is on marine lines near the liberty theatre. I am an ardent reader so I asked my relatives if there was a reading library nearby and they pointed me towards Oxford library which was about 15 mins walk ahead. I had arrived on Thursday and that very afternoon I decided to go there. I took the long walk which exhausted me and...

2 years ago
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Too Perfect to Pass Up Chapter Three

The next day, Sophie had to go next door and watch the neighbor's kids. Julia was out by the pool, looking scrumptious for her age, in a black bikini. I watched her from the window for a while, then I went out to talk to her. I made up some bullshit about having to go into the city for a long meeting, and told her I wouldn't be back until supper time. She grumbled, said she would miss me, and gave me a quick kiss goodbye. I got in my car, and just parked up the street, far away enough to...

4 years ago
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Zoe the Paramedic

Zoe loved her job. She had recently graduated as a paramedic and was loving helping people and returning something to the community she grew up in. The hours could be very long especially on night shifts but she always had the company of her fellow paramedic in the ambulance and she enjoyed chatting to members of the public.Today had been a slow day. She had been sent to a country fair to help support the St John's Ambulance and all she had done was patch up a number of grazed knees and told a...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 22

That little bubble shaped ass was beginning to get to him. Dave Simpson sat dangling his legs into the swimming pool in his back yard, watching Leticia Blakely frolic in the water before him. She was like a sea nymph, and she seemed to enjoy diving deep into the water most of all. As she was swimming, she began her dives by rearing her head and chest upwards, and then pushing over to head downwards. The maneuver caused her butt to broach the surface in all its glory, just before she...

2 years ago
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I Dont Want The World I Want You Part 1

Authors note: Hello and welcome to my new story series. You may have read "Help!" which is the story I posted prior to this. If you did, I'd like to thank you for reading it and I hope you enjoyed it. Pretty much straight away after I finished writing "Help!", I started writing this. So anyway, I hope you like my new story, here is part 1: *** I Don't Want The World, I Want You! Part 1. *** Beep beep beep ... beep beep beep... “Ohhhhh!” Harry groaned as he clumsily...

2 years ago
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Permanent Farm Help

Permanent Farm Help----------As I entered my office I could see the backs of two heads sitting opposite my dad; they appeared to be in an intense conversation, hands were animatedly waving and gesturing. The door was closed and I could not quite hear what the discussion was. I tossed my daily paperwork down on the desk, picked up my water bottle and took a drink, continuing to look into the other office. Dad seeing me waved for me to come into his office. I stood up, straightened my clothing,...

3 years ago
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Woww Anjali

Hi, I am Nick from Hyderabad working in as a software engineer. Please excuse me if you didn’t find my story too interesting or any mistakes, as this is my first post. Appreciate your understanding. Coming to the story. I live in a two-bedroom apartment in a posh area in Hyderabad. I go to my office on my bike every day. Everyday I used to look at a girl in a bus stop while going to my office. She is an awesome, beautiful woman of about 32-28-34 that any man turns his eyes to. So finally I...

2 years ago
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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 15 and 16

XV: Hot and Bothered *CRACK!* "Nngh!" The woman's name was Marion Briggs. In BDSM circles, she was considered a switch, which meant she could effectively fill the roles of a dominant and a submissive. Yet another associate of Mary Margaret Katzhoff, they had just finished a pre-planned session in which Marion...who always played the submissive to Maggie...was the recipient of a willing degree of pleasurable pain. *CRACK!* "Nngh...ohh, fuck!" With every crack of...

1 year ago
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7 The Patriots Ch 0102

CHAPTER ONE ‘You’ll be fine,’ Laura assured her as she squeezed her in a tight hug. ”kay,’ Ellia stuttered through her tears. She had no idea how she was going to manage all alone in Italy. ‘Why don’t you ask Micah to hang out? He’s American right? At least he speaks English.’ ‘I assume he speaks English,’ Ellia reminded her. She had worked with him for two weeks and had never heard him string together more than three words in either English or Italian. ‘Besides, American is bad. I don’t...

3 years ago
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Fucking Cinderella

The man staggered along the Grassmarket. The area below the Castle battlements was thronged with crowds on a rare sunny Saturday afternoon in Edinburgh. He looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His hair was dishevelled, sticking up as if he’d stuck his finger in a plug socket.His face was flushed but it was his eyes you noticed. They were wild, staring. He scanned the ground, then the faces of people walking past. He stumbled towards women, and then he would stop, staring into their faces...

2 years ago
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David and Kate

Kate’s insides knew it was a bad idea from the very first moment she heard him speak. But she couldn’t help it. She lost her mind to him, which was how she thought about it – that she lost her mind, not her heart, – very early on in their relationship. Kate had moved to Atlanta a few months earlier from Chicago and was working for a publishing house. She lived downtown and could walk to her office from her condo. She was on her way to the office the morning that they met. She was standing in...

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The Parking Lot Situation

The car door opened. A black stiletto heel appeared. A smooth leg covered in nude pantyhose stemming out of it. Another stiletto appeared with the other smooth silken clad leg. "Click, Click," the heels stepped to the side and the car door shut. Panning up from the long silken legs was a tight black dress that barely came to the thigh. The dress curved around a perfectly rounded buttox, up further passed the 29 inch waist, beyond what appeared to be the size 38C breasts. This black...

4 years ago
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The Ice Hotel

Anna had worked at the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden for five years. The pay was quite good as the working conditions were understandably harsh. Most people did not last more than a year or two. She had started out as one of the housekeeping staff, working her way up to supervisor in her third year there. Since she lived quite frugally, just renting a small one room flat and driving an older compact car, Anna had been able to save a good portion of her salary. Her plan had always been to...

Love Stories
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 19 Jeffs New Love

On Saturday, Greg took Jeff over to the Williams house, where they sat together in front of the computer looking up equipment for the rec room. It was only natural for Kari to join them, since she had been with Jeff every day that week and could offer some suggestions. In the end, they decided on three machines that were versatile enough that together they could provide a similar workout to what he was had gotten used to, as well as some free weights and barbell for bench pressing. The...

2 years ago
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My Precious Daughter

Your name is Adam Müller, you are forty two and you're a renowned scientist. You're pretty tall, standing at 6 feet 2 with brown short hair and brown eyes. A pretty average guy, you might say. You live with your wife, Diana, a beautiful redhead, and your youngest daughter, Amanda. Amanda is really beautiful, she has a soft face with long auburn hair, brown eyes and fully kissable lips. Her body is also amazing, a perfect hourglass figure, with a DD cup. She has a bubble butt, and long, shapely...

4 years ago
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Husband finds out wife has been cheating on him

Carol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up.We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s co-workers, Darnell,...

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The class

Bay carefully backed her car into a vacant parking space and then checked to make sure that she had all of her class supplies organized before heading into the building. This was second to last natural child birth class and she wondered why this was a mother only class and all husbands and boyfriends were banned for this particular night. With her huge belly leading the way she waddle up the stairs before making her way to the cafeteria of the old grade school that was being used for evening...

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I live with my 2 single aunties, aunt Maleeka is a virgin lady who’s never been married and aunt Afaf is a divorced lady for 17 years, both of them are not bad looking ladies or I should repeat what my best friend said “ they are fuckable”LOL . Over 8 years ago my friend asked me if he could peep my aunties while they’re in bedroom and shower, I said NO to him, but he kept begging me, so I said Ok you can peep and watch them whenever the chance presents itself, to me personally peeping them is...

2 years ago
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What a rush

We were in the back seat of the car. The windows were fogging up, and the smell of her perfume was very strong. It drove me wild. We were parked off in a secluded area so no one would know what we were up to. I started to remove her shirt. She slapped my hand away. I asked her what was wrong. "I'm scared" she said. "It's ok, baby. Trust me" She crawled on to my lap. She took off her shirt to reveal that her DD breasts were not contained by a bra. Her big pink, erect, nipples were very nice. I...

First Time
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family Ties

“Oh that’s good!” Della said as she entered the room.“Oh shit! Turn it off Bob.” Carrie almost jumped up, rearranging herself hastily.“Don’t be a spoilsport,” Della said taking a seat and gazing at the TV.“Mother!” Carrie said. “I thought you were asleep in bed.”“I was but this looks far more fun,” Della said with a wicked smile. “Don’t let me stop you from what you were doing.”“Mother!”“Oh come on,” Della said. “I have watched porn movies before you know.”“Not with your daughter and...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Stacy Bloom Orgasmic Sauna Shennanigans

We know how much our Hands On Hardcore members love Russian sex goddess Stacy Bloom. That’s why we’ve got this stunning all-natural babe back in action showing us all which positions she most prefers for pussy fucking. It’s Kai Taylor who gets to do the honors in this explosively orgasmic 4K premium glamour porn scene, and you’ll love seeing how he takes control of the situation when the curvy assed cutie joins him in the sauna. Join the duo as things get hot and Miss...

2 years ago
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After Breakfast

Ben, my husband of two years, left to start packing our luggage. "You stay honey, you need to talk to your friends." It's true they were more my friends than his. "We have time before we catch the shuttle." Carla, the best man's wife, wasn't really over her hangover and went back to their room a bit later. Anyway, we were having a wonderful time telling stories about each other, tiptoeing around subjects that were best only alluded to, and of course finishing off the bottles. Jose,...

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Mans Best Friend Cum Together

Brenda's sweet little ass, shaking right in front of me sent my cock into a state of paralysis. I had the pleasure of slamming her tiny cunt into a few healthy orgasms for both of us but never with an audience. The fact that our little audience didn't hardly pay attention to us due to the action that was about to ensue with them made no difference to me. I found it hot as fuck that we had others in the room with us as Brenda begged for another hard creamy pussy pounding from my own 'red...

1 year ago
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Maiden of RomeChapter 8

They arrived in the middle of the night and were challenged by a few sentries. She told them that she was the wife of their commander and was there to see her husband. She showed the script in Augustus' handwriting permitting her to be there. She was escorted to within five hundred feet of his tent then dismissed the men. She walked the rest of the way and entered to see her husband in bed sleeping with a young girl at his side. He sensed something was amiss and opened his eyes to see his...

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The sexual awakenings of teenage private schoolgirls part 7

Day two at the Lake blue water study camp started with a warning for the students. No mud fights, and definitely no stripping off each other’s clothes. This is not the behaviour of the ladies from our school. “After the chaos that yesterday had descended into it has been decided that Mrs Michaels will accompany you today. There will not be a repeat performance today ladies?” Miss Noefun said. She was very stern with her warning to the students. They were all feeling very sheepish after...

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Maa kay mummay

Kaisay app sab land or choot ko puray pakistan ka salam to seeday kahani taraf chalta hoon mere femily karachi main hai mere ghar main sirf papa maa or main hi hain to hua yeh ek hafatey kay liye papa kisi rishtay daar ki shadi kay liye lahore jana paraa mere maa hameshaa salwar kameez pehanti hain main un ko kiye baar chupkay say papa kay saath kartay howay dekh hai, meri age 18 main student hoon, maa house wife hain woh hamesha sex dor rehen ko kahti thin maa ki 41 age hai aur un kaa size...

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The StallionChapter 13

Emily Elizabeth looks out her window at the sound of a truck approaching. She recognizes the vehicle as the one owned by William Kern, the owner of the next farm over. Intrigued, she watches it come up the drive and settle in front of the house. By the time William and his son, Kale are out of the truck, John is out the door, greeting them. The girl watches the three men conversate for a few moments before all three walk into the house. A moment after this, she hears her name being called by...

4 years ago
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20 October 2007Chapter 3

The Falcon players scrambled off the bench towards their goalie, Jason Bennett, to celebrate their win. They congratulated him and each other on the hard-fought victory. The Kingston players gathered to their goalie, consoling each other in their tough loss, each one silently thinking about Peter. The Falcon players then skated around center ice, raising their sticks to honour their loyal fans, then began to skate off the ice. They had now won three games in a row, and their eight-game...

1 year ago
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Mylfed Silvia Saige Mercedes Carrera Cunt Munching And Conversation

Who can understand a mature, sexy, MILF better than another MILF? That is exactly why it does not take long for Mercedes Carrera and Silvia Paige to become enamored of each other. After a short and sweet conversation the two babes find themselves wrapped up in each others arms with their pussies dripping wet in anticipation of what is to come. Mercedes sticks her fingers inside Silvias moist cunt, pleasuring her with the skill and precision that only a MILF can possess. She goes down on her...

3 years ago
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The Lady Commands

Introduction: In which a young lass takes control..of more than the troops! Authors note: After reading some excellent fantasy, I decided yo write some of my own, with some good, dirty sex involved. I hope you like it! Therell be more to come if you do! The Lady Commands-Castlequeen, 2015 Life is hard at times among my people. Our land is cold, unforgiving and bleak in winters, but in the summers theres nae more beautiful place, trust me! My name is Lady Meghyn Carrolwyn. Im called Lady...

4 years ago
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Incest Cruise

Jack Blake had just celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday. Although a tall and athletic boy, he was shy and somewhat awkward. So here he sat in his room on a Friday night jerking off to pictures of naked or near naked women. He saved his favorite for last. It was a picture of his 32 year old mom Sara in a thong bikini on a beach in Mexico. Jack and his mom had always been close. He was the product of a one night stand that his mom had at the age of 16 with a sailor who was on...

3 years ago
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A Hot Wife In The Making Part Three

Anne and Jacob were enjoying their honeymoon.  Jacob was enjoying making love to his wife even though she never paid much attention to him.  Anne had met a few single guys that she was spending time with. Jacob was a bit jealous because Anne would not let him watch.  He loved her so much and he was quite sexual, but he lacked sexual appeal with his finger-like cock.  Anne told him numerous times that she would not let him watch her and her lovers make love.Jacob felt like his sexy wife was...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Roommates Getting It On

Hal had just gotten Beth's blouse unbuttoned and now he was preparing to get her bra unfastened. He and Beth had been dating for a few weeks and in the course of their casual conversations, he heard her admit that she loved wearing the kind of bras that fastened in front; it was so much easier getting them on and off that way. While Hal had his fingers on the clasp of Beth's bra, preparing to get her breasts uncovered, he heard the noises of his roommate, Larry and his date for the night,...

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 35 Inside the Communal Dormitory

“Hang on a minute. I’m just going back to find Polly. She should have been down here by now. It wasn’t going to take her this long to read through the rest of her morning’s notes.” Jessie Harper stood ankle deep in the water’s edge of Lake Jackson as she spoke. She was just starting to untie her blouse done up across her bikini top but had a quick rethink before doing it up again. She had already taken off her short skirt that had covered her bikini bottoms but quickly put the skirt back on...

3 years ago
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Anatomical Power

I feel the power. It practically consumes me. He sits, fully nude, in his favorite recliner. He leans back, his eyes closed, his lips slightly parted. All is dark, save for the moonlight passing through the thin curtains and illuminating his face. I kneel before him, between his knees, where I feel so comfortable. I am just as naked as he – unless one counts the four earrings in each ear – but I am not graced by the moonlight. My fingers gently stroke and caress and squeeze his rigid...

1 year ago
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Pados Ki 45 Saal Ki Aunty

Baat undino ki hai jab mai Mumbai me naya naya aaya tha. Mai yahan ek MNC company me kaam karta tha. Us time meri age kuch 26-27 hogi. Maine rent pe 1 BHK liya hua tha, jisme mai akele hi rehata tha. Hamari society thoda low budget wali thi, 4 maale ki choti si building who bhi thoda interior me, jahan pe zyaada kar ke bachelors aur lower middle class types family hi rehati thi. Kisi cheez ki koi restriction nahi thi. Maine 4th (top floor) pe ghar liya hua tha, us floor pe 4 flat the, 2 ek...

3 years ago
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Sues tights

There used to be a gorgeous girl at work called Sue who was aged about 21/22 who worked in an office across the main hall from me. She had long jet black hair and a lovely smile and she always wore tights. She seemed to favour barely black but some lovely days she wore natural shade which are my favourite. I used to fantasise about her a lot and imagined fucking her on her desk with her tights rolled down. I was always trying to catch a glimpse of her legs whenever we passed each other. She...

2 years ago
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SSBBW Paula and FA Jason

This story is bound to make any guy who loves extremely fat women, get a stiff. This is based on a true story and actually happened to my mate Jason (above). He was working as a pizza delivery boy about five years ago, and that's how he met Paula (above) an extremely obese 33 year old chick, weighing over 530 pounds. They ended up boyfriend and girlfriend and stayed together for about five years. As I also love very fat women, I just had to tell his story, because it's the best one I've ever...

1 year ago
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Fun in the park

I'd been out with friends and had spent the taxi fare home, so had to set off walking.I took a short cut throught the local park and asI passed the monumentI noticed a few guys hanging around, waiting fro something or could it be someoneI started to think.I decided to hang around and see what happened. After I'd sauntered around for a few minutes someone cane and stood close to me and kept moving ever so closely towards me.I looked at him to see a solid looking guy with short hair. he said do...

1 year ago
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Megan Mom Get Busted

The only thing I don't like is working the overnight ten to six shift. You can't get a free beer after about twelve o'clock! Still, sometimes there are compensations, occasionally glorious ones. The following is an account of one such summer night. It was about eleven o'clock. I had just set up the radar on a back road and was now busy drinking coffee from a flask and reading the latest Irvine Welsh novel, musing how well he seems to understand those Scottish male traits of casual...

3 years ago
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The Reflecting Pool

I pulled into the driveway of the house my boyfriend Arron and I were renting. I noted with a smile that his truck was already parked in the driveway. I walked up to the door and caught a glimpse of him through the window. He was tall, more than a foot taller than my 5'3 height with dark brown hair. He kept the sides and back of his head shaved; the rest hung well past his shoulders. His beard and mustache were streaked with gray, giving him a more rugged look. I opened the door and walked into...

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Old Friend Fucked

Hello, I am Jyoti and i like to read all stories here, i m new to this so i m telling my real story which happened last year. I m good looking fair girl married to sagar 4 year back. We both are very happy in these four years. We both enjoying our sexual life as well. We are having sex 3-4 times a week. Sagar is very good in sex. Before marriage i had a boy friend in college days named mujahid. He is very handsome tall man. We both had sex many times and his penis also very big in size. After...

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Sex and the Teacher

Susan Sunday was an older woman teaching sex education to young adults. These were young people out of high school, but without enough credits for their diplomas. She taught the class in the evenings and loved her work. "Now, class," she began one evening, "we'll talk about how reproduction is done." Susan almost chuckled at the sudden attentiveness of the young men. They already knew, or heard, she had an unusual way of teaching. It was called show and tell. She had discovered years ago...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 12

Cindy awoke after daybreak and discovered she was alone. She continued her search for several hours without success, and then heard a number of human voices coming from nearby. She climbed a ridge to investigate and was horrified by what she saw. Cindy guessed there were seventy dead human bodies in the field before her. The snow was red with their blood. About thirty men and ten women were moving among the corpses. Cindy climbed a tree and stared at the carnage, trying to make sense of...

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