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Note: This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is given to the author at the time of posting. All other rights, including, but not limited to, those of adaptation to other media and formats, reserved to the author. Contact: [email protected] Problem Solved By Kyrie Hobson "In the name of the King, open your gates and face me, Wizard!" We stood outside the keep of Orlon, son of Arlon, wizard, plenipotentiary, and possibly the only person who could ignore the King's name with impunity. His father had been advisor to the King, but a falling out over the proper levying of taxes had resulted in Orlon's semi-exile to the family estate. Of course, when I say, "We stood," I mean I stood, next to my master's horse, on which he sat. My master, Lord Gorem, third Earl of Nash, Defender of the Realm, and thirty-somethingth in line of succession to the throne, had issued the challenge. I said nothing. As Lord Gorem's squire, I had neither the duty nor the privilege of speaking at these moments, and, honestly, I'm not sure I would have said anything had I the responsibility or right. Orlon was notorious for not tolerating threats and impositions. Slowly, the gate swung outward. Before we could step inside, however, the door of the main bailey opened, and a tiny, wizened figure stepped out, and proceeded down the long path toward us. As it approached, it became clear by its red skin and misshapen features that this was some unholy minion the Wizard kept. When it arrived at the gate, we saw that it was, in fact, an imp. A tiny devil bound to the Wizard's service. "I am Splutnose, doorward and gatekeeper for the Great Orlon, son of Arlon. My master asks that you kindly fuck off and stop rattling his gate, which is worth more than your entire vassalage." Gorem's eyes flared. It was well known that Nash was one of the poorest arlings in the kingdom and always had been. Despite its strategic importance across the only pass of any size through the Spire Mountains, Lord Gorem's land was notably lacking in fertile farmland or any useful metals or minerals. Even the goats, that were the only animals that could stand to live there, were of lesser quality, their wool fit only for peasant rags, and their meat dry and tough even before salting. It was not a fact that my master was fond of having quoted to him. He quickly regained his composure, however, and responded, "Tell your master that I do not have the option of fucking off, because it is known that he has kidnapped the King's daughter, Princess Fiona, and I have been assigned to retrieve her, the reward for success being her hand, and the penalty for failure being my head." Don't get the idea that Lord Gorem was a bad guy. Sure, he indulged in arrogant bluster and he treated me like a walking storage cabinet, but I had it no worse than other squires, and, as the younger son of a minor holder, my only other career option would have been something in the priesthood where I would have been treated exactly the same, except I would have to learn to copy illuminated text and I would be forced to wear a giant robe made of Nash wool. As for the posturing, I have been told that this is an effective strategy for combat, as many fights end before they've begun simply due to the fact that one of the participants was so confident of his victory. It was known that Orlon had kidnapped Princess Fiona simply because it had long been known by all in the kingdom that Orlon had coveted the Princess since they were children. My master had known both of them, of course, having been raised in the castle as a ward of the crown since his parents' death at the siege of Nash, but that was an irrelevancy. Royal Knights were trained from a young age to ignore any emotion except loyalty to the throne. The imps eyes went foggy, and its head bobbed as if in conversation, then it turned to my Lord. "My master bids you welcome, and asks that you visit him within the keep to negotiate a settlement." Of course, my lord would never stoop to negotiating with a wizard. Not the hero of Andaac, who rode alone (by which I mean "accompanied by his troop of light cavalry") into the flanks of the Wild Men of Damrov, who singlehandedly (by which I mean, leading a cabal of heavy infantry) struck down the rebellious Duke of Harmon at the Battle of Fallow Fields, this man would never negotiate for the liberty of the Princess and the honor of the Throne. No one was more surprised than I, therefore, when my Lord, said, Fair enough," dismounted his horse (with my assistance), and strode to the gate. He stood and waited as I tied off the horse, selected his favored weapons for the probable battle, and carefully stowed the rest of his gear with the noble steed, and politely only tapped his foot in impatience (other knights would have grumbled, or even entered without me). We entered, and my master strode down the long entry hall of the keep. If I thought (ungracious as I was) that his pace was slightly rapid and difficulty to match, the little imp was even worse off, trotting beside us as fast has his little legs could carry him, trying to reach the inner door ahead of us. He made it--barely--and the door opened on a wondrous sight. The wizard slouched casually in a chair at a table piled with food, tearing bits off of a roll. At the other end of the table, the Princess sat, shamelessly dressed in trousers and a cup-sleeved blouse. Her hair was rudely tied behind her into along pony tail, and she picked at a small salad of local greens and roots. A third place had been set at this side, in the middle. The princess looked up when the door opened, and waved. Orlon stood, tossing the roll over his shoulder as he did (it disappeared in midair), and strode toward us, extending his hand. "Harold!" he exclaimed, "I thought you'd never get here." I must admit that I found this reaction to his impending death rather surprising, but my Lord took it in his stride. No doubt the Great Among Us subscribe to a higher standard of courtesy, and casual greetings are de rigueur before a combat of mortal foes. "Yeah, well, I had to finish that stupid tournament, didn't I? Then it took a while for them to get around to the triumphs, and they didn't even notice that Fi had scarpered until she wasn't there to put that crown of daisies on my head. Of course, none of them twigged she'd be here, so it took me almost a day to spread a rumor that you'd been seen at the tourney and had probably used your magic to spirit her away." He paused and look at them both. "What's the big idea, anyway? What happened to our deal?" "Don't be such a giant tit, Harold," Princess Fiona said from her chair. "The original deal was void as soon as Daddy banished Lonnie for suggesting that increasing the tax assessment during a blight might be a bad idea. We could hardly have carried on under those conditions." "She's right, you know," Orlon said, sheepishly. "Even though your marriage to Fi was to be a sham, there was no way we could have pulled it off with the distance between the castle and here." "I don't see why not. I'd have the crown and my dalliances with the ladies of the court, and you'd have each other, at least when she could slip out without being seen. And that would have just been until her father died and I became King. Then I'd have invented some pretext to have you brought back to the castle." "Really Harold?" the Princess retorted. "You expected me to spend the next few years sneaking out to a three days' journey, all the while waiting for my own father to die? You don't see a problem with that plan?" "It's better than what we have now! Your idiot stunt means that Lonnie and I will have to fight it out for real." "What?" said Orlon, "Why?" "Well, we're backed into a corner, aren't we?" my Lord responded. "I'm instructed by the King to retrieve Fi or die trying, and, honestly, I don't have room on my calendar for my own funeral for quite some time." "I don't see why that's a problem," the wizard said, and his eyes fell on me as he sat back down and summoned another roll. "We'll just have to find you another Fiona to take back with you." My Lord turned to me in wonder. "Really? Can you do that?" "It's a simple spell, really, much like copying a picture from one page to another. In fact, you have an excellent page right here." "Squire," I corrected, somehow finding the courage to speak among my betters. "I'm sorry, what?" "I am my Lord's Squire, not his Page," I stuttered. "If I may say so." All three of them laughed then. "There!" my Lord said. "He's ruined your pun as aptly as any cutting remark that Fi might conjure. He will make a good surrogate." "Actually," Orlon said, drumming his fingers, "this complicates things." He shared a significant glance with the Princess. "If he's willing to loosen his lips now, at the risk of his life, what dangers might he pose when he is Princess, not to mention, Queen?" "Yes," my Lord responded thoughtfully, "I see your point. What about the horse?" "I could do it, but it would be much more difficult. Differences in species and what-have you, you know." He considered me. "No, I think this is workable. I'll just need to cast some extra spells." He stood again and made a gesture. I felt myself surrounded in energy, then the changes began. My waist cinched in and my ribs contracted, making me lithe as a willow branch. Small, but excellently-formed breasts emerged from my chest as long, voluminous blonde hair descended from my head. My rough jerkin stretched and softened, becoming a pink chiffon dress with a wide skirt; I couldn't see my trousers, but they seemed also to have altered filling out the bell of the dress as petticoats. My mind filled with the knowledge that could only come from a life in the palace. I knew I wasn't the princess, but I knew all she had known. It was a strange feeling indeed. The wizard addressed me. "What's your name?" "Roderick" I answered, still in a daze from the changes that had occurred. "First, I have to place a geis on her so she can never speak of this day or of the life of Roderick the Page." "Squire," my Lord corrected. "Yes, yes, thank you." He made a different gesture and...well, nothing. I felt that something had been blocked, but was unable to tell what it was. "The other spell that is necessary may be a bit of a bother." "Why do you say that?" "It occurs to me that Princess Fiona the second should be completely devoted to you. That way, she will not rebel in any meaningful way. Now the spell that does that normally requires an exchange of fluid." "Exchange of fluid?" Lord Gorem asked. Orlon turned a significant look to him. "Oh! Oh, I see." "Yes, the usual method in which that is accomplished is problematical. If she arrives home and isn't a virgin (and they will check), then she'll be summarily executed for slatternly behavior, you'll be disgraced for failing to defend her honor, and I'll be hunted for sullying her pristine condition (even though she sullied my pristine condition a long time ago)." He exchanged a glance with the Princess and they both blushed. My master rolled his eyes. "Nobody needs to know what you two were up to while you were "tutoring" her. Anyway, there are other ways to--exchange fluids--that don't sully the virgin bride." "I agree," the wizard remarked, "but I doubt she'll do any of them willingly." He glanced at me. "Fiona," he said, "your twin seems overwhelmed by her predicament. Perhaps she could use some tea--the special tea in the red jar." The Princess smirked for some reason, then nodded and stepped into the kitchen. "The other problem is that the spell works both ways," he continued, addressing Lord Gorem again. "You'll be just as devoted to her as she is to you. I only mention it, because it sort of violates the letter of our old agreement." "But I'll be getting my wick trimmed just as often, won't I?" "More, I would think. At least until she becomes heavy with child." "I suppose if a gardener may tend and train a single perfect rose, he won't likely miss the violets." "Nicely put." The Princess touched my shoulder. "Drink this, my dear," she said, pressing a cup into my hands. "You'll feel better." I took the cup and drained it. The tea was warm, and had an odd flavor of lilac and orange blossoms. Suddenly, I was filled with a desire, no a demand. I fell to my knees and crawled under the table, emerging between my Lord's thighs. Desperately, I clawed at the ties that held his codpiece in place. Loosening it, I flipped it open, reached in, and retrieved my prize. I flung my mouth over my master's wonderful cock. Even soft, it filled me, and it hardened quickly. Now both hands slid up and down the shaft as I manipulated the head with my lips and tongue, starving for my reward, the compulsion I could not deny. Finally, it came, and I drank it greedily, swallowing without shame. I looked up to find my Harold smiling down at me. "My apologies, my lord," I said. "I couldn't help myself." He cupped my face in his hands. "No need, my beloved. It was wonderful." I put the medium of my transformation away, and re-tied his armor. My Lord stood up, then helped me to rise. "I believe we're done here," he said, and led me out. Outside, he helped me onto his horse, and mounted behind me. We rode home to the castle, stopping each night at an Inn or some lord's keep, making a show of our chastity by sleeping in separate rooms, each with a chaperon. Finally, we arrived. As I was cleaned and dressed (and checked for my continued maidenhood) my betrothed told the King of the desperate battle wherein Roderick the Squire was unfortunately slain. He chose not to take the wizard's life, he explained, in order to save the kingdom the burden of suffering the curses of a wizard's vengeful spirit. I never gainsaid him. Even if I could have spoken about the events, doing so would have meant my lord husband's death, and probably my own. We were married as soon as it was acceptable, and we took to the art of providing heirs for the kingdom with a will. The King died, and my husband was crowned king. Now, even he has died. I am old and my love is gone, and in no further danger from the truth. These past thirty years, I have taught myself to read and write in secret, so that I could relate what happened to me that fateful night. I know your brother the King has ordered you to visit Lord Orlin, and receive the wizard's predictions and advice for the coming year, and you must go. Your brother is jealous of your popularity among the citizenry, young Roderick, and I feel you should be wary. Go to the wizard, as you must. But do not drink the tea.

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March 18th, 1995, 2:45 PM PT; Omni William Penn Hotel; Pittsburgh, PA Justin growled at the ringing phone. It had woken him up and he didn’t like being woken up at all. He wondered who had the utter gall to place a phone call to him and wake him up. Justin looked angrily at the phone for several more moments before summoning the wherewithal to reach over and pick up the receiver. He was tired and achey and really couldn’t be bothered by any of this phone stuff. Upon picking up the receiver,...

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Problem ChildChapter 1

Each day when returning home, I marvel at the myriad of people in this neighborhood. They come from all walks of life, Latinos, Blacks, Mexican, Asians, Portuguese, and everything in between, and of course, a very few whites. I am one of the latter. The reasons I chose to live in this area is the cosmopolitan atmosphere and my love for the women of the various races. Their beautiful complexions have always commanded my interest and wonderment; besides, it is close to my work. The apartment...

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problem with Amish

She smiled as the warm sun beat down on her bare shoulders and thighs. She was wearing a small light sundress and her favorite pair of fuck me heels. She was feeling fun and flirty and had had forgone underwear. Her shaved pussy was occasionally bared as the wind whipped the bottom of the dress around. The nipples of Emily's C cup breasts were hard and readily apparent though the thin material and a hint of her large dark areola peeked out the top. She looked down at the fuel gauge...

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problem with Amish

Introduction: roadside fucking with old Amish man and his friend. Emily was driving her brand new red BMW convertible west on US 30. It was a warm spring morning and she had top down and her flowing blonde hair trailing wildly behind her in the wind. She had set out this morning on a quest for what a friend had described as the most wild organic marijuana to be had anywhere. She was now 2 hours away from her home in a posh neighborhood of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The friend had told here...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 28

Wednesday passed without incident, but on Thursday Patrick was decidedly morose. In mid-morning he phoned Gordy. “Can we meet for lunch?” “Today?” “Please.” “Beppi’s at noon? Or a few minutes before?” “Deal.” Patrick thought for a few minutes. “I’m downtown for lunch. I’ll shop and be back in mid-afternoon.” “No problem.” “Behave yourself!” “Of course.” Dad was outside when I got to Beppi’s. “Are you OK?” “I think so. But not a happy camper.” He nodded. We were seated right away....

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 9

“OK. Now tell us about your date with Olwen,” Patrick said. “I don’t think ‘date’ is appropriate. But ... As you know, I met Olwen on Friday morning. She came to the Museum. I asked her what she was interested in seeing, but she wasn’t very forthcoming. I’m not sure that it was me ... or all me ... nor the Museum. It seemed to me that she was tired. Not so much physical fatigue, as emotional. She had vested a lot in this visit, and the time you arranged with Mitchell and her visit to the...

2 years ago
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Problems in the Ponderosas Ch05

TIME FOR PLAN W As I was driving, Bobby continued to lean forward, her face somewhere between my ear and Val’s, so she could be heard over the drone of the knobby tires on the pavement. ‘I’m not going to do any of the things you suggested, Ken. As I was listening to what Paul had to say, I kept thinking that letting Terry get involved in a thing that’s really police business is not a good idea at all. Tomorrow morning I’m going to take the memo from Terry to show it to the chief. I know him...

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Problems with daughters boyfriend

Raising k**s on your own is a difficult task at best. Having a teenage female at home is even more difficult. The life changes they experience at this age, the hormones, and the peer pressure, not to mention the drama of teenage girls. So this story begins with just that my teenage daughter. I’m a single mom in my mid 40’s I stay fit, and think I look good at this stage in life.The time had come that she had found the first love of her life and the dating began. It didn’t take long for the...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 2

Rachel went off to the reference library at the Art Gallery on Wednesday morning. Patrick stayed home to think about artefacts. But first he phoned the “qwik-print” shop on King. How quickly could they do business cards? No, black and white; all print. 200 would be fine. Yes, he could bring a laser print. Two hours if they got the sample soon? Thanks. He typed in: Patrick Scott Hollister Attorney at Law and (at the bottom) address flush left; phone and email flush right. He printed it...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 3

Rachel was pre-occupied with Patrick’s ‘outline’ of her dissertation: a biographical sketch of Max and of Fred. something about landscape and Australia. the different media. the influences. the similarities and differences She decided to hoover the flat while thinking. She also thought about other things. She was on course to receive her doctorate before she was 30. Much of her time would be spent reading, thinking and writing. A baby! She would need to talk to Patrick. He’d be...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 5

That one sentence from Flood’s Rock Art stuck in Rachel’s mind: “Explanation of the landscape and everything in it has always been a prime focus of Aboriginal people in Australia.” That was what she had to focus upon: the Western and Far Eastern trend towards depiction vs. the Australian drive to explain. And within that, she would employ Hauser’s “Children’s drawings and the artistic production of contemporary primitive races are rationalistic, not sensory: they show what the child and the...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 7

Friday morning Patrick was thinking about the scraps he had written. Rachel was about to go off to the Gallery again, preparatory to writing a piece for the SMH, when the phone rang. “Patrick, it’s for you!” “Patrick Hollister.” “Good morning, I’m calling on behalf of Sarah Mitchell...” “Yes?” “The Minister was interested in learning whether she might speak with you.” “The answer is certainly. But might you tell me what our conversation might concern?” “She didn’t tell me exactly; but...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 19

“I got over a dozen pages done yesterday,” Rachel said. “I’m going to let it sit this morning and then rewrite it later.” “Sounds like a good method to me. I’m still concerned about the NNTT ‘determinations’ in Queensland. They don’t make sense to me.” “Marx said that all history is economic history. Is there something valuable in south central and south west Queensland?” “I don’t know.” Patrick paused. “But we know who does.” “We do?” “Alf. I’m sure I’ve his number around here.” It was...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 20

“How did it go?” Rachel asked. “Interesting, but inconclusive. I got Sean interested, though. So I may learn more tomorrow.” “Is it very complex?” “Actually, I don’t think it is. I’m not even certain that it’s criminal ... it may just be unethical or unprincipled.” “I got some vegs and fresh pasta for dinner.” “Sounds good. I want to Google one thing, if you don’t mind. But I want to hear about your day, later.” He looked up “Adani” and located several pieces concerning the case and the...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 23

Sayuri was punctual, as Rachel had expected, and a ‘VISITOR’ badge was easily obtained for her. “The Gallery is quite extensive,” Rachel said, “Are there areas you’re interested in?” Sayuri pointed at a poster for a calligraphy show. “No problem.” [Calligraphy, or beautiful hand-writing, is considered the highest artistic achievement in many Asian cultures. Drawn from the Gallery’s collection and enriched with a significant loan from the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia, this exhibition...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 29

“How are you doing?” Patrick asked as he arrived home. “Good. I wrote some and had a long talk with Sayuri.” “Ooh?” “She really likes Al. Possibly seriously. But she thinks her father will explode. She also knows that Al has been sexually active and she’s quite virginal.” “Not my problem.” “No. But it may be mine. I’m going to call Al and ask about his intentions.” “You sound like a Victorian parent.” “No, I’m here in New South.” Patrick stared at her for a moment. “You’re not...

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Problems and SolutionsEpilogue

By the time Samuel was eight months old, Patrick had determined five more cases, only two of which were ‘simple’, the others being both time-consuming and complex. Rachel was working hard on the revisions of the Dupain and the Williams chapters of her dissertation. So Patrick had spent an increasing amount of time caring for Samuel – and once Samuel was into quasi-food, six or seven hours at a time. “Quasi-food” -- pureed vegetables, fruit and meat; Cheeri-Os, pieces of bagel; then bits of...

4 years ago
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Lessons Of Kota 8211 Part 6 Case Resolved

Thanks, everyone for reading my previous stories. This part is the third installment of the series which depicts what happened after a few meetings and my fuck up. Happy and horny reading Well, I patiently waited for Prashant and called him next week. I asked him when is he coming back and he said tomorrow. Then I fixed him for a drink and after some negotiation, he accepted. But said that I have to pay and I readily agreed. He came. I confirmed that he came. I asked him to come to the bar in...

3 years ago
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Torment Resolved

Chapter One They'd been tormenting me for some months now, since they left school to be precise. They were my daughter's small group of friends. I had watched most of them grow up for the ten years we'd been living in our present house. All, but Claire, had spent many hours in and around my house over that decade. Since leaving school, however, they'd spent nearly everyday here. The main reason being the glorious summer we were having. No doubt our large garden and swimming pool helped....

2 years ago
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Conflict Resolved

My intention was to surprise her by coming home early and taking her out to dinner and a show. I parked on the street and walked around to the back house quietly in order to sneak up on her so that it would be a complete surprise. I was the one who got surprised. As I peeked in the sliding glass patio door, there was Susan completely naked kneeling on the family room carpet in front of Steve. Steve was the young single guy who had moved in next door to us last month. At the moment I looked...

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A Girl Called LenChapter 5 A question resolved

Five months later Jennifer delivered a baby girl. There were no problems with the birth, Jenny was of country stock, wide-hipped and healthy. It was a matter of routine in those days to determine the blood group of the child immediately on birth, just in case any problems required a transfusion, and of course the mother's group was already on record. Jennifer's blood was A, and the child's was AB, my blood is type O, so according to Doc. Jones, it was impossible for me to be the father!...

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Problems in the Ponderosas Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE This is another story arising out of the seemingly innocuous situation of a young couple going into a forest to have a picnic lunch and make out a little while they’re there. The first story I submitted that started out that way, got mangled up in the submission process, and only a little bit made it through. Later I re-submitted it, slightly rewritten, under the title ‘Peril in the Pines’ in seven chapters, and it came out all right. This story starts out the same way, but it...

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Problems in the Ponderosas Ch 04

WARLORDS AND OTHER NOBLEMEN On Monday morning Val and I each got a note that was folded double and stapled that way, which was unusual. Mine asked me to stop in the captain’s office before going home that night. Val turned to me with hers in her hand and raised her eyebrows. I nodded. Then I laughed out loud at how easy and natural our non-verbal communication seemed. Closeness and sincere love seemed to overcome all difficulties. I put an arm around Val’s shoulders and added a little squeeze...

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She woke, stretched, shuddered, gritted her teeth, squeezed her vaginal muscles and expelled a slim, silvery device, shivered, sighed, licked it and put it on the table beside her bed, smiling and thoroughly aroused, dripping, quivering, her nipples distended and clit trembling, ready for another lover. She crawled across the carpeted floor, leaving a spotty trail of slime, made sure the gnarled dildo was on securely, licked its domed head and then mounted the modified Sybian machine, swung her...

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I have been celibate for the last four years of my life. In those last four years I haven't had sex with anyone except the five sisters. And, before you ask, I am not a fat slob who is unlucky with women. I am what many have described as quite the eye candy. I am Six feet tall with washboard abs, a decent size dick, a killer sense of humor and a wife more beautiful than Ava Gardner. Yes, I have a wife. Now you know why this story is in the Loving Wives section of your favorite website. I...

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Problems and SolutionsChapter 4

On Monday, Patrick called the Best Western at 13:00, but Olwen had not yet arrived. He left a message with his home number and his cell. And he thought about calling Sarah Mitchell, but decided to wait till after speaking to Olwen. He looked at what Rachel had written and thought about it. Were pictures like literature? C.S. Lewis wrote: A work of (whatever) art can be ether ‘received’ or ‘used’. When we ‘receive’ it we exert our senses and imagination and various other powers according...

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