Condemned free porn video

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CONDEMNED Alas, here I sit in the condemned cell. Tomorrow morning at 8:00 am ********* ceases to exist. This is truly the end. Of course I deserved it. Unlike most criminals, I won't lie. I won't pretend that I hadn't done all those things to so many women. Just as the judge had said. In fact there was so much more that the judge didn't know about. I had tried to get help in the only way I could find. But it didn't happen. So now I was to pay the most extreme price possible. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. My body and my life were no longer mine. I was to be disposed of... cast aside...written off as beyond redemption. Despite the enlightened view of the world this punishment is designed to be so extreme as to be beyond even the hangings of so many years ago. You see they expunge every record. Everything that might say I ever existed. No birth or death certificates, passports, bank accounts or bills. Nothing. Even these court records. Once the sentence is carried out then they too will be eliminated. The sentence didn't happen. There was no trial, no defendant. Absolutely nothing. I am only permitted to write these last words as long as I don't attempt to identify myself. The purpose of them is to serve as a deterrent. For others to read and be aware of the horrible sanctions that society can impose if it feels the need to. But perhaps I should recap on these penalties and the reasons for them. You will all be aware of the "get tough on crime" policies that took root in the late twentieth century. Where more and more people were being imprisoned for less and less reason. And the inevitable consequences. The cost of these prisons had grown so much that even all the taxes collected were not sufficient to pay for them. The country was simply falling apart at the seams. Massive deficits. Unworkable industry. You see as the problem grew there was a need for ever higher taxes. But of course the privileged and the wealthy could avoid paying the tax. The ones asked to pay couldn't afford it so they had no choice but to turn to crime. And so the situation worsened every day. Naturally the affluent demanded, and got, protection from all these undesirables. But this increased the costs still further. Then something happened. It didn't seem relevant at first. Indeed the discovery was quite unrelated to crime at all. While trying to find a cure for cancer, the researchers discovered a way to completely give a person a new body. A different one. To transform their diseased organs into new healthy ones. It didn't take long for people to see how this could be used for other purposes. Criminals could give themselves a new identity and be completely beyond the reach of law. The wealthy could give themselves a young body and effectively achieve immortality. And of course a sex change could be simply and effectively achieved. Sigh. How simple. But nothing good lasts forever. Using the criminals as a pretext the government seized all the machines. They could only be used on a court order. No longer available to the general public. Then someone had a brilliant thought. THEY could transform the criminals into a body of THEIR choosing. Perfect. There is no escaping the punishment. Once transformed they can be released into the community. The bodies can be chosen to absolutely prevent them from recommitting the offenses. And if they try to run away then they are simply stuck. Imprisoned for ever. So all those expensive gaols can be closed permanently. Now here is the rest of it. It couldn't be a punishment if people were permitted to choose it voluntarily. So elective sex changes became a thing of the past. Indeed elective anything was now gone. Even its original purpose for helping people with terminal organ disease was now effectively impossible. It is important for you to know all this so you understand my real motives and actions. Vividly I can picture the court room. "You ****** X, are a blight upon society, a scourge, a threat to women everywhere...." Yes, yes I knew that. I had heard it so many times before. "You will be transformed for the term of your natural life. And may God have mercy on your soul" I could sing. I could dance. I wanted to rush up and kiss the judge. At last I finally had what I had really wanted all my life. As I said, this wasn't the first time. I could remember that clearly. I had seen a woman walking home from work near a quiet park. I took my opportunity and quickly grabbed her. I didn't want to cause her harm but I quickly felt my hands up under her clothes and groped her body. I told her that if she was quiet and patient then soon enough she would be released. Unharmed. I had no wish to hurt her in any way. True to my word, when I had my fill of the pleasures her body offered me, I picked her up, apologized and helped her smooth her clothes. I apologized for my conduct again and made good my escape. For that I was arrested and sentenced to my first transformation. "You are an affront to women" " In consequence thereof you will spend TWENTY FOUR HOURS as an ordinary housewife to better learn the error of your ways" Twenty four hours of bliss. I had to make the most of it. I was required to turn up very early in the morning so that I could make my husband breakfast in bed. This I did in accordance with the terms of my sentence. John was lying there, asleep and so innocent. Gently I woke him. "Time to wake up John. I know that you have a busy day ahead of you. Please enjoy your breakfast." John looked at me with loving round eyes. "You are the most wonderful woman a man could ever be married to" "I can't imagine why you ever chose me" As a woman compliments like this WORK! I felt a bit weak around the knees for a moment before recovering my composure. Not only was I spending the day married but I had a loving husband as well. What a "punishment". Unfortunately it was only for a day THIS TIME. Of course there would have to be other times. I hoped that one day I would be punished permanently. There is no point explaining the rest of the day fully. I spent my day in house duties. Cleaning and cooking for my husband. And of course there was the night. A night spent snuggled up against a warm tender loving man. How I wished that the night would never end. That I didn't have to go back to the court in the morning and have my punishment reversed. All too soon it was over. There I was. Back once more. Back in my own hated body. I don't know what Gods I had offended to be born into this life. I must have lived as an absolute arsehole in my previous existence to be sent back like this. I envied women. I thought of how lucky they had been. All the pleasures and privileges they were offered from the time they were tiny. Look at any magazine anywhere. What is on the cover? Women. Special government departments for "women's affairs". Equal opportunities FOR WOMEN ONLY. Over and over all I see is a world that is geared towards offering women every help, every assistance, and every facility. Look at all the clothes shops with all the beautiful clothes. For women. And for men? I can't even TOUCH a child for fear of being accused as a child molester. There is this presumption that everything bad in the world is caused by men. And that somehow women represent everything that is good in the world. Good and evil. And I was born into the evil team. I had to find a way to escape this fate. And the courts were the only way. My next victim was a young girl. I found her in a quiet street. I took her from the street and I made sure I used my own car. I hoped that someone would get my number plate. To help, I screeched my tyres and slammed the brakes on fiercely at the roundabout. Hopefully someone would notice and report me. I felt for the poor scared girl in my car. I wanted to reassure her. I wanted to tell her that I had no interest in scaring her. In fact I really didn't want to do this at all. But I had no choice. This was my only hope and she was merely the innocent victim. I took her to a remote place and pulled down my pants. I made her touch my expanding organ. That look. The look in her eyes of revulsion and horror. How I hated it. I was the bastard. The evil aggressor. I would much rather have picked her up in my big strong arms and take her for an ice cream. I would have loved to see joy in her eyes, not loathing. I persisted with my plan. She was to lick me. For all the physical sensations I thought "enough is enough" You have hurt this girl long enough. I hated myself for what I had done. Perhaps this time the courts would free me from this agony. I took out a twenty dollar note from my wallet. " I am very sorry for this. I know you can't understand but please. Here is a little something. I would like you to buy something nice for yourself. Something to help make up for this awful time you have had to endure" With that I drove her back as close as I dared and dropped her off. I wished her luck and watched briefly as she ran for her life. Needless to say I was found quickly enough. The court case was a foregone conclusion. " A child molester, and a pervert. You are a disgrace to humanity. If it was up to me I wouldn't leave you on this earth a moment longer. But it isn't up to me. The prescribed punishment is to spend the next MONTH as a little girl. Just like the one you attacked. To learn what it is like to be a victim and to mend your wicked ways." "Bailiff, take this .. this.. ratbag to the cells to await his punishment." Bang with the gavel and that was that. A month. Better than nothing I suppose but I had hoped for a lot more. After all I had not only scared the child witless but I had made her do sexual acts too. She may suffer nightmares from this and the sentence is only a month. I wanted to join the demonstrations outside. "Get tough on crime. Too much leniency. Sentences are too short. Only a month. It should have been at least a year. No! More!" The crowd bayed for blood. My blood. And I would have been only too happy to give it to them. I WANTED a longer sentence and this silly judge thought he was being kind to me in giving me another chance. Curse him. I would serve out my sentence and enjoy every second of it. But when it was over? I was going to have to find another victim and do something even worse. Poor girl. Whoever she is. It isn't her fault. I wish I didn't have to do it. I hoped that somehow, one day, they would be able to forgive me. They would understand and pity me. Realize that they were the lucky ones, not me. But first the sentence. You have no idea. From the instant I stepped out of the transformer machine I felt as though a world was lifted from my shoulders. There I was . Smooth and naked and innocent. It is hard to know how old I was but it might have been as much as nine. Quickly the female wardens dressed me in some form of rough prison garb. Hardly a great start. But I wouldn't have to stay in these rough cotton garments for long. Soon I will be at my foster parent's house. With luck they will spoil me and soon have me as the girl I wished to be. I would be the best girl they ever had. Not one moment would I do anything that would offend them. Perhaps they would speak for me and ask if they could just keep me. Just as I am. Hope upon hope. Wish upon wish. I knew the world didn't work like this. But what is the harm in imagining? In dreaming? Without hope there is nothing. In the real world what hope was there? But here in my punishment. I was out of that "real" world for the next month. In this world I could have everything I wanted. But ONLY for the month. I lay down on the bed and cried my eyes out. "See, that is what you get for breaking the law", it was my foster mother. "I don't hate you. I care about you. But you must learn the error of your ways. You are stuck here for the next month and there is no point crying about it. " "Tomorrow we will go to town and I will buy you some pretty clothes. Maybe that will cheer you up". If she had any idea WHY I was crying she would have been aghast. It wasn't because of the punishment . Of that I was absolutely certain. I took off my rough clothes. My "mum" had laid out a beautiful silky pink nightie. That was very thoughtful of her. I wondered if she thought that this was part of the punishment. Making me feel a very girly girl so that I would understand how they felt. I hoped that she would make this punishment as severe as she could. I hopped into the bed and to my surprise fell asleep in next to no time. I must have slept very soundly. When I awoke there on the foot of the bed was a nice set of clean clothes. Not the prison ones. But girl clothes. I was disappointed that they hadn't chosen a dress for me. I had a top and shorts. A bit different from what a boy would wear. The shorts were much shorter and tighter and they showed my little body off like a second skin. But they were still shorts. The top was just a t-shirt really. Except that it had a V front. If I was older it would have given a glimpse of my breasts but at this age that was just wishful thinking. I had nothing to show. Nothing to impress others with. Not at this age. Oh well. I have to make the best of it. I brushed my hair over and over until it gleamed. I made sure the top was as tight as I could get it. Every part of me had to be just right. I wanted to make a good impression. Proudly I stepped out of the room and went to breakfast. "Let's have a look at you, my little princess. Turn around and lets see." I pirhouetted on the spot. Showing off my dainty little legs. Trying to fill the clothes perfectly. Straight and firm. Finally dad whistled. "Wow" I had always wanted a daughter. But you, you are magnificent. I wonder if I could get some time off work so I could come with you and mum" " I wish" he said. My little heart was bursting with pride. If in just one morning I could get "dad" to want to take time from work just to be with me, what could I do with a whole month. My mind filled with thoughts of how I could make myself into the perfect daughter. Not just perfect. Beyond that. Into the dream daughter . The one that parents read about and always compare their own to. "Why couldn't you be like......" Well that was what I WAS going to be like. I was going to be the one that every family in the district would envy. The one that every parent would willingly swap for their own daughter if given one tenth of a chance. And so it was. I had a great day with mum. Trying on many clothes all of which I wanted. But I wasn't greedy. I kept my eye on the price tag and made sure that anything I chose was reasonable. Easy care fabrics. Not too many and make sure there is a variety to suit all conditions without needing as many. Mix and match. That is what they call it. After a while I saw a lovely blouse. Not for me. For mum. I asked her to try it on. "No dear, I am too old for such extravagances. I have a perfectly functional blouse on right now." "Mum, you aren't dead yet. Far from too old. Try it on. I think it would suit you. And besides. What do you think dad would say if you dressed up for him a bit? Don't you think he deserves a bit of consideration too? I don't want this day to be just about me." With that her resolve dissolved. She picked up the garment and walked to the changing room. I hoped she would be pleased with my choice. Needless to say it suited her perfectly. I don't know why she had almost given up dressing for fun rather than just for function. She may have felt guilty about the money but one look at her and I didn't think dad would have any complaints at all. And so it was. Dinner was a little burned that evening. I think mum must have been a bit distracted. She went into the bedroom with dad to show him HER new clothes. It seemed to take a surprisingly long time too. I had MY new clothes to show also but it seemed polite to wait until after dinner. Next day I had to go to school. It is amazing how bitchy so many of the girls are. Their first ability to be bitchy comes from the clothes. Some criticize you for "trying too hard" or for "being slutty". Others condemn you as "not having any fashion sense" or for "not caring about your looks". It is all so trivial and pointless. Don't they have anything better to do than to focus on looks? Why are they so determined to bring others down rather than encourage and build them up? Even in paradise there is always a fly in the ointment. "Bring back school uniform", I muse. "At least everyone LOOKS like everyone else so one disaster is avoided". In the meantime I had to find my own friends. People who were compatible with myself. There were so many children in the school that it didn't take as long as I expected. Soon enough there were a group of us talking and playing together. This made me feel a lot safer. Surrounded by others I didn't feel strange or different. Just one of the girls. However I did make one big exception. I had made my vow to be the best daughter I could be. So in class I would work. Outside class I could play. "Work hard, play hard" seemed like a pretty good motto. Doing this I found that I completed all of the schoolwork in less than half the class time so I thad plenty of time to finish the homework as well. This might have been a mistake. My parents would expect me to have homework and here, on the first day, I had none. Oh well. Nothing for it now. After school I tore up all the homework that I had finished so that I could demonstrate my willingness to work that evening. And so it went. Strangely I didn't resent all the extra work that I had chosen to do. Sometimes I cooked dinner, or helped with the cleaning. But the more I did the more my parents responded to me. When it came to the weekend, dad told work that he wasn't going to be there. He Iwas going to spend time with his family. On the Saturday we all went for a picnic together. I chose functional clothes rather than fussy ones. That meant that I was able to play games with dad. To throw balls and to run and jump. At one point he grabbed my arms and whirled me around him. I was flying. Later I gave mum and dad some time together while I spent some time on a swing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw them on the picnic rug. Holding hands. Just as two lovers should. Not as two old and jaded married folk sometimes are. The day was a great success. All of us had a wonderful time. I felt as though I was a real daughter to them and in return I was treated, not as a complete child, but as a growing and intelligent human. It meant that I could have the best of both worlds. The love and the protection that is offered a child and the trust and recognition that is offered to a much older person. As you would recall, this was all part of a plan. A strategy. A means to an end. But that was no longer a major issue. I ENJOYED the role I was now in. I loved being a girl and being their daughter. It was wonderful to be able to dress in soft frilly pretty things when I wished, or to act as a son would have at other times. To be both a son and a daughter in one happy package. It was good to be able to pull off the day's clothes and replace them with a simple but soft nightie prior to being tucked into bed at night. I did experiment under the bedclothes. After all I was curious to say the least. I can confirm that even at my young age the equipment I had worked perfectly. I could only guess that it would improve if I ever had the chance to find out. "Let your fingers do the walking" trumpeted one ad I could remember. It seemed terribly appropriate now. One thing I did discover is that I needed a very different technique from that which I used as a male. A much broader pressure. Any attempt to be too direct lead to uncomfortable feelings. Not feelings of pleasure. I was excited about each day. Even going to school. I was a part of my circle of girlfriends not an outsider looking in. I was shocked at some of what they discussed. Men would never talk about that. Although I was well aware of the bitchiness that I had seen, I was also impressed by the openness and the frankness of the conversations. Sometimes they would talk up a sexual fantasy and it had all the desired effects. The whole world was a complete revelation. And of course there were still all the lessons. But I didn't find them boring. It seemed that the more effort I made, the more absorbing the process was. It had been boring enough for me when I was a male because I never put in any effort. So the teacher droned on and I wasn't a part of that world. But here I hung on the words. I could see how they related. I had become a "swot" and I really didn't care. After a few weeks I had to sit a few tests. I wasn't worried the night before because I knew that I had done the work. The tests were no problem. I could have answered far more than they asked. I just had to get it all down on paper. I was shocked at how easy the writing was too. Gone was the rough and almost illegible scrawl. Even though I had to write fast, the result was beautiful and neat. It was so much easier to be a good student as a girl than it ever had been as a boy. One morning mum and dad told me to get dressed into my best clothes and take extra care with my hair. Dad had taken time off work. One look at his face told me that he was very upset over something. They didn't tell me what it was about. They just put me in the car and drove with stony faces to the courtroom. "Of course" I had only been sentenced to a month. It was time for the hearing to decide if I had been rehabilitated. I should have mentioned that for serious offences the return was not automatic. It required a judge to weigh up the evidence to determine if the sentence should be extended or finished. Now I knew that I had been a good daughter. And my parents had told me that they didn't know what they would do without me. All they had to do was to explain the situation to the judge. My body quivered with excitement at the thought. "Your honour. This young lady has become such a part of our family. I cannot bear to part with her" "Yes, yes that's the way tell him, dad" "But that would be selfish of us both" "No, no not selfish at all. Don't be like that" "She has done such a remarkable change that I am absolutely certain that she has learned the lesson and is entitled to resume her previous life as a man" "After this experience I can't see that he will ever be a threat to other women again. He surely understands exactly what it is like to be a girl and would never wish to harm one again" My heart sank all the way through the floor. After everything. It was all for nothing. In a few minutes my "punishment" would be over and once more I would be back to being the creature that I had learned to hate. All too soon that was exactly what happened. I was put into the transformer. Quickly and secretly I lifted my dress to have one last look at what I had been. Then suddenly there was a bit of a buzz and there I was. Back as my male self. Released. Free. "Blast!" I knew that it was going to take something more serious to get myself permanently reassigned. Something that would make them sit up and take notice. Something that was serious enough so that they wouldn't dare let me go back to being a man again. Ever. The one horrible thought was that some other poor person was going to have to suffer first. I wished it wasn't so but I couldn't find any other way. I couldn't ASK to be reassigned. It was reserved as a punishment for serious sexual offenses. Ha. How was this helping anyone? Who was being protected? I had tried a sexual molestation and I had tried child molestation. What was left that I could try? I simply HAD to get back into that courtroom and become sentenced again. Hopefully this time for a life sentence. There was only one thing that I could think of. But the thought horrified me. I was going to have to rape a person. That should be enough to finally make them throw the book at me. And so it went. I saw a likely looking young woman alone near a park. So up I went. My heart thumping and my head pounding. " Excuse me please miss. I don't want to alarm you but I am afraid that I simply must rape you" "Piss off you perverted prick" was the unexpected response. And I knew that this was going to be a bit harder than I first thought. Perhaps an older woman might be a more pliable target. So after a while I spotted another one. This one would have been in her thirties now. Far from the first bloom of youth. Up I went to her. "Excuse me please ma'am but I was watching you from the other side of the street and I can't go on like this. I have no real choice. I can't control myself for much longer. I am determined to rape you." Much more forceful than the first time. Perhaps she will see that I mean business. "Now, now. I have heard a few pick up lines in my time but this one is certainly a doozy" "Why not just buy me a couple of drinks like all the other fellows do? When you're my age and your husband has left you I'm not exactly resisting now. Come on. Lets go to the pub and see what you're made of" Again not the response I was expecting. Hardly likely to achieve my objective. But now I had the added problem. If I tried to leave I would insult her. And that simply wouldn't do. So dutifully I went to the pub with her. To cut a long story short she poured out some of her problems and I spoke of some of mine. We went back to her place and spent the night together . Consoling each other. Strangely it felt pretty good. I know that it isn't what I wanted, but there could be a lot worse things than spending time with a woman that actually treats you as a human being. One with real feelings. I just had to get away before my resolve faltered. I was falling. I thanked her for a wonderful night and promised to be in touch soon. Five nights later, I tried it again. This time I had a knife with me. I have to make them realize that I am serious. So there. That's the one. A young woman in a short skirt. Now she shouldn't be walking the streets like that. A target if ever there was one. "OK, lady. Don't make a sound and no one gets hurt" That was a pretty good line if I do say so myself. Commanding. Domineering. A line to get respect. "I want to rape you. Make you pay for all those bitches that keep trying to make me suffer. This time it is your turn" "Of course dear. She said. For $200 you can have exactly that. If you want to throw in another hundred then I can even dress up and be a cute young virgin for you. How's that?" "Er um ahh you see. " How does one respond to a retort like hers? It just isn't fair. All I wanted to do was find someone to rape. And three times I had been completely floored by an unexpected response. I guess I just wasn't cut out to be a rapist. And without that my last chance to be given a gender change evaporated. I was truly stuck. Stuck in a body I hated. Stuck in a life that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I thought of the families that I had shared. And the woman I was with last week. Oh I envied others their lives. But some things just aren't meant to be. Suddenly my thoughts were broken by a muffled scream. There, in the park, behind some bushes. I heard it again. My blood froze. A woman was scared out of her wits. Something is seriously wrong. Running as fast as I can I see it. There. A woman on the ground with some man, some animal, on top of her. Inside me something snapped. This isn't the way to treat a lady. I still had the knife and I came up behind the guy and held the knife against that part of his male anatomy that was exposed between his legs. "Listen Mister. I said. You have about two seconds to get up and go if you want to keep these for another day." I pressed the point gently against his scrotum. "Actually I don't know. Maybe I should just do it anyway. Make the world a bit safer. " By now the would be rapist was rapidly deflating. He was starting to sweat and tremble. Begging for me to just let him go. He even offered me the money in his wallet. "Take it, take it all. Just ... for Christ's sake get that knife away from there." "Come on man. I was just having a little fun." I don't know where the strength came from but I shoved him off. He just grabbed his clothes and ran. So fast I hardly had time to note which way he went. Or what he looked like. I didn't care. I had saved this woman. At last I was doing something positive with my life. Maybe I had been approaching this wrong. It isn't that being a man was the problem. It was the TYPE of man I was being. Now was the time to make a change. I bent over the poor lady. She had fainted. Gently I tried to rouse her. And that is when the police came. They found me there. On top of her. With a knife in my hand no less. My story of the other man didn't impress them at all. Why was I there with the knife? Why was I there at all? Was there any sign of the "other" man. But the most damning statements came from the woman herself. She kept trying to attack me. With her nails, her fists, her legs anything at all. And her testimony was that I had tried to rape her. So with all of that the outcome of the case was a forgone conclusion. "And so ********, I suppose you have heard of the 'three strikes and you're out' policy? As a repeat offender, indeed a three time repeat offender, the court has no time left for leniency. This time there is no coming back. No rehabilitation. "You will be transformed for the term of your natural life. And may God have mercy on your soul" "It is the order of this court that your transformation shall be for the purpose of making you contribute something back to the world from which you have hitherto only taken from." "You will no longer be permitted to make your own decisions. Not about anything. You will be controlled at every turn. Your body will not be your own. It will be owned. And everything, even eating or sex, even your very life itself will be entirely at the pleasure of your new master." "Slavery " I thought " didn't that go out three hundred years ago?" And while I was trying to understand the sentence the judge went on. But I really wasn't listening. I understood that I was to be transformed for life. To live life as a female such that all women would be protected from me. What I hadn't expected was the type of female I was to become. Henceforth I was to be... A DAIRY COW!

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My Hotwife Lana Chapter Two

Lana and I played off on that naught adventure for several weeks after that with some great sex! She gave Dennis, her mystery lover, her cell number that night and she told me he called a few times, but for one reason or another we didn’t hook-up. When Lana turned 21 and we ran off to the JP and got married and now that our relationship was official, we both agreed that she was free to be with other guys as long as I either knew about it before hand, she told me about it afterward, (and all the...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Lena Paul For The Night

Alex Legend is a high roller who has called in an expensive call girl. Lena Paul is everything Alex was hoping for as she struts in wearing a trench coat over her stunning lingerie. Her bra and thong are for looking but not for touching, as Alex soon learns when Lena teaches him to follow the rules with a slap to his hand. She strips before him, unveiling huge tits and a plump ass before turning around. Sinking down into Alex’s lap, Lena starts grinding her hips in a lap dance that leaves...

2 years ago
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High School Reunion

Jesse was a bad-ass. Not just because he was a very attractive man, but because of his occupation. He'd risked his life every single day since he was six-teen years old and volunteering as a fire fighter. Now, all Grace knew about him was that he was a ruthless business owner and still pursuing his child hood dream of being a Navy SEAL. She still couldn't believe he had actually made it. After their last 'fling' in high school she had given up on him as a total womanizer and an apathetic ass...

Love Stories
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A Call from Andreas Sister Series 1 part 2

I’d been dating Andrea for a week following the pool party when I had a phone call from a number I didn’t recognise. I was actually relaxing in my back garden, reading the news on my iPad, so I ignored the call.Minutes later, a text arrived from the same number: ‘Hi, hope you’re ok, it’s Sally here. Can you talk?’I know two girls named Sally — one at work and Andrea’s sister. ‘Sally who?’ I replied, put my phone on the table, and resumed reading.The phone rang again, the same number. Because...

2 years ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 3 Death of a Poet

During the following months I applied myself diligently and exclusively to the training program, making sure I kept Leopold, Duke of Chianti, fully informed. I put from my mind the boxing of Shelley, the well-being and whereabouts of my sister, and thoughts of following the trail of White Lady, which might lead me to Eloise de La Zouche. I had informed John Stafford that Cadiz was the first point of entry of White Lady into Europe, and explained how the sacks were transferred, and that high...

1 year ago
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The Lone Ranger

Steve was one of those people who didn't have any roots. He had been born in Texas somewhere, and had gone through education near to his hometown. Sure he had got good grades, he even contemplated going to University for about two minutes. All the teachers at his school said that he could go far and that he could earn shitloads when he was older. But all Steve really cared about was having a good time. He had left school and then the next week won a fair bit on the local lottery. He had...

2 years ago
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Arena of Corruption

Relief floods you as you step out of the dark caravan, the stench and humidity of sweat and shit finally giving way to fresh air and light. Then the crowd bursts into life. Demons, goblins, elves, vampires, lizard morphs, and even other humans, all rouse into an insatiable frenzy, their bloodlust hanging thick in the Arena, a behemoth structure of demonstone and souls, the stands are lined with rows and rows of writhing mass, going so high into the sky, the spectators up their must be grazing...

3 years ago
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TimeChapter 32

It must have been fifteen minutes later when a woman about my mother's age came over and put her hand on my shoulder. When I looked up with tear-filled eyes she just smiled a bit and said, "Is there anything I can do, young man?" I used my handkerchief on my eyes and then blew my nose. "Thanks. I don't really think so. A family member is very sick and I just want to get home." In later years, people were not usually kind like this in large urban centres but this woman sat beside me...

1 year ago
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Seducing Cousin Sister Was An Impossible Task

My name is Sunil (26). My cousin’s name is Ruhi (25). We are from Bikaner but I stay at Mumbai and she stays at Surat. During our childhood we use to fight very frequently. Whenever we use to meet at native, we use to fight more often than we talk normally. But wo fight ke bich bhi kabhi kabhi masti kar lete h. As we started growing up, I was at Mumbai so visit to native was less frequently. And then we grew old. In last 2-3 yrs we came close thanks to whats app. We started talking normally. We...

4 years ago
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Nanbanin Sonthakara Thangaiyai Usar Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indraiya tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 19 vayathu nanbanin gramathu thangiayai usar seithu sex seitha kathaiyai ungaludan indru pagirugiren. Enathu tamil kama kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku migavum en nandriyai therivithukolugiren, en peyar iyapan vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Naan oru gramathil vasithu varugiren, enaku oru nanban irukiraan avanathu veetil oru vishaham endru ennai azhaithu irunthaan. Appozhuthu naan avan veetirku thaan neraga sendren, naan en...

2 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 14 Dissolution

Neil staggered into the stable on time, ready to get done and hit the sheets for the morning. Andrea was on duty. She took one look at his bloodshot eyes and sent him to the storage shed to pick through the leather for useful bits. It was something he could do without having to standup. His speculation about Leah's whereabouts were answered quickly. She arrived and located him as he was trying to move old furniture out of the large steel shed to reach the boxes of broken leather in the...

3 years ago
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FirebrandChapter 5 Top Pair

Moralez marched along the corridor, feeling the rough texture of the carpet beneath his prosthetic foot. He stopped to lean against one of the whitewashed walls once he was out of view of the Admiral’s quarters, running his hands over his scarred face. He held one of them up, watching as a slight, involuntary tremor made the polymer fingers twitch. He clenched and unclenched his fist, willing the shaking to stop. Damn it, how long had it been since his emotions had interfered with his...

4 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 25

The way the rest of New Years Day went, I was beginning to hope that we’d pretty much put everything bad behind us, at least as far as the Commonwealth was concerned. All of our settlements now had radios, so they could stay in touch with each other. The combined forces that were clearing things only had a relatively small amount of the city proper left to finish up, and we anticipated them being completely done in two weeks. I should have known better. We were sitting down for dinner when...

1 year ago
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The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid is a good name for a site, because it tells...

Porn Forums
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I Love You Ray

Many years ago, I had a newspaper route, a morning one that forced me to get up early, deliver my papers, and then hurry off to school. I had the route just over four years, so I got to know many of my customers. I still remember the mother who, when I collected any cold evening, would invite me in and offer me hot cocoa. Another family always tipped me five dollars for the calendar I would deliver in mid-December, back in those days that was an awesome tip. But my favorite customer, for years...

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Making Love 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Raveendra. My age is 22. I completed my B.Tech from reputed college in Mumbai. I was a fan of Indian sex stories site.I too love to share my experience with you. It was a true story which took in my b.Tech life.It might be lengthy but I was damn sure that you people will enjoy this. It was my first day in B.Tech. At that I saw a girl with good and pretty face and she also a great lips with finest boobs.But as it was first day no one wishes that their inner person comes out. So I use to...

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I meet with Denise and we

Denise is a neighbor in my development and lives several houses up from me. She's married and has two high school age k**s, a son and a daughter. I've met her husband a number times and he seems like a really nice guy. He's on the shy side, so whenever we meet (usually walking the dogs) she does most of the talking. Her husband has a good job in the finance industry which due to a recent promotion has him traveling out of the area a couple times a month. Denise is one of those women that...

3 years ago
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Devilish cruelty

We watched it through and then went off to bed. We talked of the show and agreed that the plot had been rather stupid. Somehow though, we began talking of the kink the guy had towards girls. "I can't see any pleasure in hurting someone like that unless they wanted to be hurt," I commented. My wife was a little surprised and asked would I like hurting a girl if she wanted it. I felt a bit embarrassed at what I'd unthinkingly said. "Well, if someone wanted it," I mumbled. "Would you...

4 years ago
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Hockey Buddy and His Wife Part 9

After hockey season is over, a bunch of guys from my league go up to Canada and play in a tournament. I decided to go along this year for the first time. Pete and I were to be roommates and play on the same tournament team. Pete is my bisexual buddy. I cuckhold him and fuck his wife while he does what every I tell him. We drove up Thursday night and played a game Friday afternoon. Friday evening we went to dinner. Some of the guys were going to a strip bar from there but I did not want to watch...

3 years ago
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Breeding Mommy Chapter VI

I pulled into the driveway at about 4:30 pm after finishing work and checked myself out in the vanity mirror. I worked part-time as a secretary for an engineering firm, so on my off-days, I was running errands, doing household chores, going to the gym and doing yoga to stay fit, and going to the salon to have my nails done and vagina waxed. But today was a workday and after I checked my make-up in the mirror, I applied another coat of hot pink lipstick to my full, puffy lips.‘Girl, you look...

2 years ago
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Sunnigalin Kanjugalai Kudikum Kaamaveri Pen

Vanakam ennathu peyar Keerthi vayathu 18 naan oru gramathil vasikiren ennathu sunnigal endraal migavum pidikum. Ennathu siru vayathil irunthe naan sunnigalai sappuvatharku aasai paduven. Naan oru mulai ennathu thamyin sunniyai kudda vidamaal kaama ver agithamaagi sappi irukiren. Ennaku kaama padangal parka migavum pidikum. Naan enathu vaazhvil muthal murai ennathu 18 vayathi ennathu thozhiudan paarthen antha padam muzhuvathum sunnigalai pengal sappi athil varum vellai paalai kudithaargal....

1 year ago
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TeensInTheWoods Marsha May E07

Gotta love the scams these teenage girls come up with for the sake of partying. Marsha May and her friend Lydia Black head out to a remote cabin in the Old North Woods to buy some fake I.D.’s that say they’re 21. They even decide to bring a cake to celebrate their phony 21st birthdays. The girls make out in the woods, and lesbian sex is imminent, but a masked lunatic has his own plans for the girls and chases them. Marsha soon becomes lost in the dark scary woods, but lucky for her,...

2 years ago
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The Next One Chapter 4

About a month after Sarah kicked me to the curb I was sitting in a booth at the Denny's at Fourth and Hamilton when Gloria walked up and asked if I was alone and when I said that I was she asked if she could join me. I told her to take a seat and we talked. I found out that she was home for a week because of a death in her family and when she asked where my girlfriend was I told her that Sarah and I had split. I asked her how her love life was going and she told me that she didn't have a...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 11 A Ribbon and Selfishness

The next morning. Kenshin and Sanosuke are walking home. Kenshin: Six badly injured, three less so. The Black Hat affair has begun with some small damage. One cannot face nine casualties with a calm face. Sanosuke: You're expecting too much. Nobody died--that's pretty good. The Black Hat... Udou Jin'eh, huh. Originally a Hitokiri and completely psycho to boot. But we've got the strongest of all on our side (slapping Kenshin on the back) so why worry? Kenshin: Not really. (That hurt.)...

3 years ago
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Beasts Are BetterChapter 9

Later that day, after they had spent hours in recuperating from the aftereffects of their bouts with the animals, Doreen and Eileen found that Jack's amazing virility had brought him back to an active state. His ability to spring back to his normally horny state surprised them, especially Eileen. Once again Doreen had a suggestion which they proceeded to put into practice. "Have you ever been sucked and fucked at the same time?" she asked, giving the youth a quizzical look. "I've got a...

4 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 11 Home for Christmas

The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come in, it’s not locked.” When I turned to see...

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The Game Changer

It began on Friday, when my friend Kaley texted, asking me if I would like to meet up for lunch. I agreed and we got together at this little bistro downtown. After the meal we decided to go for a walk to chat and gossip a little further. As we were walking we passed by a store called Seductions: Adult Palace.Kaley wanted to check it out. At first I thought she was joking, but she started to head in. I found it amusing so I followed her inside. Neither of us had ever really been in a sex...

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Friday Night Maid 1

Friday Night Maid – By: Diane Leonard I am a Friday night maid. After a week of hard work, I relax by dressing up in a sexy maids outfit and serving, pleasing and pleasuring my wife. While she is out dancing with her friends, I am dressed up as a Friday uniform waiting for my wife to return home. She doesn’t like my fetish, but this agreement, once a week seems to work for us. But this last week was to be totally different. It started out like any other Friday night session. I got home...

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A Pleasure Trip 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, Glad to be writing this imaginary story for you. Hope you will enjoy this story and send in your comments. I’ve been enjoying so many good stories on ISS and got inspired to post my imaginary story as well. My name is Ricky and I belong to Bangalore. I’m 22 years old and currently doing MBA in Sales & Marketing at one of Bangalore’s most reputed colleges. I live in Malleshwaram with my parents. I’m the only son. My father is a National Sales Manager for a well-reputed FMCG...

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Girly Prisoner

Girly Prisoner by Kachakali See a NSFW picture of this story at my site ~~~~~ I wish the people who invented gender change would just die. My life is ruined because of it. I'm stuck in this gender nightmare. My new Step-mom is evil. I have no love for her. She feels the same way about me too. Step-mom found online some gender pills. She forces me to take them. She finds any excuse to turn me into a girl. My dad is gone for months at a...

2 years ago
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PlushChapter 13

Arriving just in time for rehearsal Monday morning probably didn't enhance my stock. "You wouldn't happen to be Joseph?" asked a fey African American man about my age, lean and subtly muscular and about 5'9". "I am," I said. He shook his head and smiled wryly and shook my hand. "Lance," he said. Two other men, white and not much taller and less fey but scanning me conspicuously, also dressed in t-shirts and small gym shorts introduced themselves as Ken and Jordan. "You might...

3 years ago
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Sexual Privilege

These branching stories are going to have 3 very simple premises: 1) You exist in a world where your character AND ONLY your character gets to have sex with whatever group or groups of people you choose wherever and whenever he or she desires, e.g. redheads, teens, women over 40. 2) The circumstances under which he or she can have sex with that group can be specified generally or specifically, e.g. medical condition, government license, mind control powers, just because. 3) The response of the...

Mind Control
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Lisas StoryChapter 1

Philip Amory enjoyed a luxury few writers achieve: he was a successful author and could write for a living. His books were well reviewed in the quality press, famous people discussed them on radio and TV, his views were sought on issues relating to the arts and the media. He had even been recognised in the street, but thankfully only in London, not in Oxford where he lived. His latest novel had just been published to much praise and he didn't have to start work on another until after the...

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The School Part Four

The School. Part Four. “Now this happens with every intake of students, so that is why the bar is open early for you to discuss this between you. You all filled out the questionnaire and signed it. One line read that if you had any problems of any interaction because of class, colour or creed or with members of the same sex, do not bother to fill out the form etc. Interaction with members of the same sex! Now I’m not saying this in a nasty way, but it is very difficult to put it any other way....

3 years ago
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My kind helping neighbors

I would be home alone for a couple days, since hubby had driven out of town in a quick business road trip.Late afternoon I was coming home after work, thinking about I was not in a hurry to reach the empty house. I was tired enough even for cooking my own dinner; so, I was thinking about having a warm shower to relax and masturbate later on my bed…As I entered the lobby of our building, I saw our neighbor from the last floor, Wilson, a huge black man in his early thirties, a very nicely muscled...

1 year ago
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Nothing New

“I am the one destined to be alone.” It stood out. Prophetic, intuitive, whatever it was – this written phrase was a cold study of intimidating pen-blue scrawl on shredded, mangled miniature lined paper. If a diary could be threatening, this diary would both terrorize and mystify. The statement bared its teeth like a beautiful, radiant tiger leaping out of a dead, desolately charred jungle. Sam sighed and tore her stare away, resting her gaze on the soft, headache-inducing rapping on her...

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Army, I had been trained for a war that never came. I had spent more time in the woods than in civilization and had become cold and hard. I had peaked at 205# with a 28" waist and my legs were heavy from hundreds of miles of running and hiking. The rest was expanding from my waist through my neck. I had been with a few women (girls?) and had learned a bit more from my awkward first experiences but those times were all trifles. I had never been in love, didn't really know what love was. ...

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Reading Stories 8211 How It All Started And What It Got Me

I am Ajay. This is my first story in a series of stories which i am gonna write based on the various stages of my life related to sex. This happened when i was in my 12th standard , 18 years old , but the roots to all this goes back maybe 5 to 7 years before that. I was then studying in chennai in a reputed school and wasnt much into studies but more into sports, though i would pass through in my exams. I would like split this story into various phases of my life where reading Sex stories...

2 years ago
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sucking the neighbor and more

“Hey man!” … “Oh, Hey Ritchie, how are you?” “I’m good” he said lighting a cigarette, which was always …Ritchie is an older homeless guy about 65, well he’s not exactly homeless, His friend John lets him live in his garage for exchange of labor when Ritchie isn’t too drunk… as you can imagine, the garage was in shambles, John lived on the outskirts of town so Ritchie could manage for himself and was comfortable living in the midst of clutter of boxes, tools .. A small TV and a mini fridge...

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Me and Molly

This is a work of fiction featuring Male on Shemale sex... enjoy! I considered myself straight all my life. I say that because I recently had some experiences that changed my inner definition of myself. I met a girl at a local coffee shop. Actually, I saw her there every morning when I stopped in for my morning cup. I'd always admired her figure and beauty from afar, she was a very pretty redhead with a killer body and great taste in clothes. She was always wearing some kind of...

4 years ago
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Once Taken Always Used

This happened about a month after my session with Bruce, Charlie and Daniel...I was down in the gym getting ready to go to my third period class. There was a confrontation between two guys that thought they both was bullies...only one was the bully. I forgot how it started only that one guy I will call Mitch, slapped the other guy, I will call Thomas, upside his head. Everyone let out the same sound "ooooooooo" and all begin to exit the shower area..all but one stupid fucker me. I slipped into...

2 years ago
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Reluctant NeighborChapter 2

Marily enjoyed the dinner. She had consumed two drinks, much to Fred's consternation, then had eaten a delicious steak, blood rare. She felt great. She had admonished herself for looking at the men in the room, feeling each time she looked thoroughly at one of them (sitting alone at the bar, with other women, with men friends) the sensations that she had had earlier in the afternoon. She was just as pleased to leave the restaurant as she had been to arrive there. Once home Marily tried to...

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The family Sucks A Lot part 2

Chapter 2Tess and Jeff fucked every chance they got, which wasn't too often.One day their mother came home earlier than she had expected and heard acommotion in Jeff's room. She tiptoed down the hallway and peered past the opendoor."Jeff!" Dianne screamed when she saw her older son naked on his bed, pounding hiscock.Their eyes met in a frozen stare. Dianne put her hands on her hips and shook herhead. She couldn't help but feel her pussy tingle with delight as she gazed at herson's magnificent...

3 years ago
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Jochen zahlt es allen heim

Hans erschien pünktlich zu seinem Termin mit Jochen. Jochen war ein erfolgreicher Ingenieur – zumindest glaubte Hans das – mit unerschöpflich viel Geld. Aber Hans ahnte schon, daß hinter Jochen ein dunkles Geheimnis stecken mußte. Er hatte die letzten Aufträge von Jochen korrekt ausgeführt und noch viel Spaß dabei. Jochen war ein korrekter Geschäftsmann und hatte ihm die versprochene Prämie anstandslos bezahlt. Jochen war ein gut aussehender Mann von 45 Jahren, aber er war auch skrupellos. Aber...

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For Mom The Son Also Rises

Brad had experienced numerous affairs and had a number of steady girl friends, as all young men in their twenties do. But it wasn't until Brad was twenty-five years old that a whole new and mysterious world had opened up to him. It was in his twenty-fifth year that Brad made love not to another feckless young girl in her twenties, but with a mature, vibrant, and sensual woman in her early forties. It was Brad's Mother who initiated him to the power Eros, as only a real woman can.Nothing in...

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First time cuckold

Introduction: My introduction to being a cuckold My wife Jo and I have been married for 12 years now and although our sex life used to be quite adventurous, we have slowly become more and more conservative. She is a beautiful 36 year old with light brown hair and a shapely body that I can tell other men find attractive. I have always had fantasies about seeing her with other men, and enjoyed reading about wife sharing on the internet and in magazines, but only began to talk about them to Jo...

3 years ago
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Welcome To The Family

Bill was taking stock of his life. He’d been divorced for a good number of years now, no kids. After twenty years of being a long-haul over the road trucker, he’d been all over the country. He had memories of plenty of women along the way – all kinds. He’d had sexual encounters with strangers, blind dates, old friends from high school, even truck stop hookers. As he rolled down the highway, he often daydreamed about new avenues of sexual adventure, new things he might want to explore… Bondage?...

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Bhai ke biwi ko choda

Mera naam Raju hain aur main bihar ka rahne wala hun. Yeh kahani ekdam sach hai. Baat aise suru hui. Mere bahi ka biwi aur mera land lady bohut achche dost tha. Mujhe ekdin mere land lady se pata chala ki mere bhai ka biwi bohut udaas hey kyunki uska sexlife pura bigra hua hay. Mera bhai ek call center mein kaam karta hai aur woh roj raat ko duty pe chala jata hay. Maine isi bahane ekdin mera bhai ke ghar pe phone kiya aur unlogo ka haal-chaal puchne laga. Yunhi baat karte karte maine uske biwi...

3 years ago
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Secret Affairs with my friends son part7

I grabbed my dildo from his hand and stood up in front of him. I noticed his cock getting hard in his pants. I guessed he had started imagining me fucking my pussy with the glass dildo. I smiled to see his erection, but he couldn’t see the naughty smile on my face because he was looking down at the dildo in my hand. “Sit,” I said softly. Adam sat down on the bed, now he was looking at my face. I threw the dildo on the bed, and then standing in front of him, I started taking off my clothes. I...

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Fucked By 5 French Men in France Part 3

Please read the previous parts, I have continued from there directly. This is a real story happened to one of my reader in her younger age and now she is telling the story to me and I’m just writing it down. You can reach me at My boss kept spitting on me and then he started to suck my mouth. I too reciprocated as I also have become horny by that time. At the same time, doctor slightly opened my pussy lips and told what an amazing Indian Virgin pussy and started kissing my pussy. My boss made...

3 years ago
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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks

Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks (INTERR, MMF, BBC, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair...

1 year ago
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Jacob and MJs Story Pt 04

Chapter 6 Jacob was at the table Tuesday morning reading the newspaper when Grigori came in ready for breakfast. As Jacob finished eating, he looked at Grigori and said, ‘I was wondering if you would take a walk with me. I have something I would like to show you.’ ‘I would be glad to walk with you. If you can give me about ten minutes, I will be done eating.’ ‘Why don’t you make it a half hour? It is a short walk but I think you might find it interesting.’ ‘I’ll be there.’ A half an hour...

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