Pool Girls Part 1 free porn video

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Now came the hard part, finding a job. Her only lead was a long shot, a cousin of her best friend from high school. The friend had spoken to her cousin Alice about Tess, and Alice called Tess. They had spoken several times, and Tess had told her about her life, her expectations, and her education. Alice had lived in the city for two years. She promised to help, and told Tess to call her after she had found an apartment.

Now that she was officially a big city girl, Tess called Alice to let her know that she was in town, and was looking for a job.

"You're in luck, girl!" Alice said. "I found a great job about three months ago, and they need another girl. Call this number right now and speak to Alexis Stone. She'll set up your interview."

After a brief call to Alexis, the interview was set for 10AM tomorrow. Tess was a little nervous. All she really knew about the job was that it involved secretarial work mixed with assorted office tasks. She was confident that she could do the work, but like most people, job interviews tended to intimidate her.

The next morning, after her shower/hair/makeup routine, Tess caught a side view of her nude body in the bedroom mirror. She turned and took a long look at herself, and did a slow spin. She had to admit that she looked damned good. Her long dark hair hung past her shoulders, and nicely surrounded her face. Her big green eyes had long lashes, her nose was straight and tidy, her lips were full, and she had a great smile. Her breasts were a nice C cup, full but not so big as to be in the way. A trim tummy curved into just the right sized hips, and her long legs could always turn heads.

She drifted into thought. Her last boy friend had asked her to shave her pussy, and she was convinced that she'd never let it grow again. She loved the smooth feel. Too bad that he'd been so self centered! She had stopped seeing him and didn't regret it. The day she dumped him she had purchased her first vibrator, and it had been her only lover since. She'd have to find somebody, if not for love at least for the sex.

At ten o'clock Tess was shown to Alexis's office, and told that Alexis would be there shortly. As she waited, she saw a stunning young woman through the glass wall overlooking the main office. The girl had beautifully styled blond hair, and a slightly stern expression made sharper by her almost cat eyed glasses. But then she smiled, and the stern look gave way to a gorgeous face, Her tight business suit showed large firm breasts and a trim, curvy figure. "Wow", thought Tess, "if she's the competition for men around here, I'll need to look my best."

The girl entered the office and said, "Hi, you must be Tess, I'm Alexis." Tess stood and extended her hand. " Nice to meet you Alexis. I am indeed Tess. Thanks for seeing me today."

" My pleasure. Now, Alice told me that she has spoken to you, and she explained that you are best friends with her cousin. She also told me about your background and your schooling. I'm pretty sure that you can handle the job, so why don't I explain what we do here and you can ask questions as we go?"

Alexis explained that the company was quite large, and occupied two floors of this building. They also had two other offices in the city. Each of the executives had their own personal assistant, but they needed a floating group of people that could fill in as needed, anywhere that they were needed. This group, which they called the "Pool" , consisted of six people, which all happened to be girls. They filled in for the executive assistants as needed, and were also responsible for everything from office supplies to running errands to pitching in with big business projects. Alexis then explained the pay structure. Sometimes the hours were long, but they were paid overtime. What they needed was a team player who was sharp as a tack and wasn't too full of ego to sometimes get her hands dirty.

" I'm the leader of the Pool, and one of the six. I'd be your supervisor. Any questions?

Tess thought for a moment and said, " No, you've explained it quite well."

"So what do you think, are you interested? Do you want to be our new Pool girl?" asked Alexis with a sexy grin.

"I'd love to be your new Pool girl! " answered Tess and matched with her own full grin.

"Great! That was easy. I'll see you Monday morning at 8AM in this office. You can shadow me for the day, meet the other girls, and start to learn your way around this place."

Tess squealed an excited thank you, and with a handshake they said goodbye. As she stepped outside, she smiled wide and felt that she had finally left the small town behind.

On Monday Tess wore her best, and tightest, business outfit, and met Alexis in her office. Tess was shown her desk and computer, then she and Alexis were on their feet most of the morning meeting people and running around. She met the other four Pool girls. She had spoken to Alice on the phone several times, but had never met her. Alice was a tall, thin, very pretty red head. Jackie was short and curvy with a quick laugh and an infectious smile. Liz was about Tess's size,(they could probably wear each other's clothes) and had dark hair and full lips like Tess. Carli was a little more "urban", with spiky short blond hair, a few piecing on each ear, and a thin, runner's body.

When lunch time came, the "Pool" girls all went out together. The girls insisted on buying, saying that it was a tradition to welcome the new girl. They had a great time talking and laughing, and by the time they left they had all become friends.

By two-thirty, things had slowed down, and Tess was back at her desk. Alexis had emailed her a bunch of things to read, and Tess had read about half of them when her company Instant Message window popped open. It was Alexis. "Take the elevator to the basement and meet me there. I need to show you something." "OK, see you there," Tess responded.

Tess rode down, and Alexis met her by the elevator in the basement . Alexis smiled and said "There is a supply and storage room that the we rent to store all of our office stuff. You'll need to come down here sometimes. Here's your key, please don't lose it. Follow me." She lead Tess as they snaked through a series of corridors until they came to a room marked with the company logo. Alexis used her key, opened the door, and lead Tess into a big room. There were piles of boxes containing office supplies near the door, and old couches, tables, desks and chairs toward the back. Tess was surprised to see that the rest of the Pool girls were all there. Alexis closed the door.

Before Tess could ask what was going on, Alexis started to speak.

"Tess, every month, and every time the we bring a new girl into the group, I like to have a private meeting down here with the entire group. Since we are in and out of the office so much, I want us to have a time to just talk and discuss any concerns. Today I have three things to say."

"First, welcome, Tess! We're really glad that you joined us. We can all tell that you'll be a great addition."

The other four girls all joined in, chattering their welcomes. Then they each stepped close, and one at a time gave Tess a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. Tess felt her eyes getting wet with tears. "Thank you all so much, I don't know what to say! I'm new in town and I need some new friends. I already feel that I've made five great ones!"

The girls all came in closer again and touched Tess' arms and shoulders as they voiced their support. Alice pulled a tissue out, and tenderly dried Tess's cheeks then handed her the tissue.

After a few moments, Alexis spoke again.

"The second thing I want to say is this,Tess. We all work long hours, and that cuts into our personal lives. So, we all pitch in to help each other personally. If Liz's got a date and needs to leave early, we cover for her. If Jackie needs a Monday off after a travel weekend we all pitch in, even work late, to cover for her." Alexis gave a lopsided grin and continued."If I get lucky on a week night and need to come in at noon the next day, we cover each other. And, we'll gladly do the same for you,"

Tess quickly responded ," Oh, absolutely, please girls,, if I can help in any way, please just ask."

Alexis continued. "We know that, we can tell even after knowing you so short a time. And now the third thing. This is a little more personal yet. We have to get you into the right frame of mind to hear this part. Girls?"

All five girls closed on Tess and grabbed her arms. They pulled her over to a table near the back of the room. Tess could see that the long table was padded, and had hooks and clips around the edges. Tess started to panic as the girls easily tossed her on the table on her back and held her down.

Alexis leaned over Tess, and touched her hand to Tess's cheek.

"Don't fight us Tess, we're not going to hurt you! We like you! But we have to do this before I tell you the last thing. Just relax and trust us. Please."

Tess started to relax a little. Suddenly, she felt a padded handcuff snap on each wrist and her arms were immobilized above her head. She started to kick, but two girls grabbed each leg and pushed her feet up near her ass. A cuff snapped around each ankle. At the same time, Alexis pulled a wide leather strap across her mid section, and tightened her hips to the table top. The girls step back while Tess screamed and frantically tried to break free.

Alexis returned and put her hand back on Tess's cheek. "Relax, honey, and let me explain. Please relax, Tess. I promise that we won't hurt you. Please trust us, please relax. Please, just listen to what I have to say."

Tess stopped fighting. She knew that she couldn't get away. She spat out the words "Alright Alexis. This is really fucked up, but I guess I have no choice. Say what you have to say."

Alexis took a deep breath and began to speak. "OK, we told you that we're really glad to have you working with us and we honestly, sincerely meant it." Alice, Carli, Jackie, and Liz all voiced their agreement as they stepped in close around Tess.

"We also told you that we always help each other to have more full personal lives. We meant that, too, we'll do anything to help you." Again the other four voiced their agreement.

"The third thing I told you was even more personal. So, here it is." She paused, and Tess looked into all five faces. Each girl offered her a smile, and they all had a look in their eyes that Tess couldn't quite identify. "With the long hours, it's hard to even get time to masturbate, much less meet guys. We get home dead tired at ten o'clock, and have to be back here at eight in the morning. We're all young and horny, and we need some sex in our lives."

"That's what we use this room for. We're all straight, and we're all looking for a guy to spend our life with. But, we have an itch that isn't getting scratched. So, we come down here and pleasure each other whenever we get the chance. Two of us can sneak down here and not be missed."

Tess was stunned. "But you said you're all straight! And you pleasure each other?"

Alice leaned in close to Tess's face, smiled and whispered "When you're totally horny, and haven't been laid in a while, you just want to cum. You don't care who's mouth you cum into, you just want to cum. Well, this is the special help that we give to each other."

Tess was too shocked to speak as she looked again at each girl. Now she recognized the look in their eyes. It was lust. "Look, you girls can do whatever you want and I won't say a word to anyone. But I'm not a lesbian. I've never been with a girl, and I have absolutely no desire to do so."

After a pause, Alexis answered, "Tess, when was the last time that you got laid?"

Tess blushed and stuttered before she replied. " I don't know, I guess its been about six months."

"Six months?" asked Alexis. "Aren't you dying for some sex?" Tess didn't respond.

Alexis continued. "Do you have a vibrator? You must be wearing out a lot of batteries. How often do you masturbate?"

Tess blushed again and didn't reply. Alexis pulled Tess's chin so that Tess was looking her in the eye. Tess finally said, "About once a week, I guess. I just got my own apartment, so I don't really know how much I'll do it.

Alexis smiled a warm smile at Tess. "God, Tess, you are so beautiful, and so sexy. Don't you want someone to squeeze your breasts and suck on your sweet nipples?" Alexis slid her hands to Tess's tits and gently squeezed them through her silk blouse, then rubbed her thumbs over Tess' hardening nipples. Tess drew in a quick breath.

"Tess, we need someone in the Pool that fits in. I know that you're not a lesbian, but if you can't help us out, I'm afraid that you might not be the right person. So, think about it tonight and give me your answer tomorrow." She gave Tess's nipples a hard squeeze, and Tess's eyes closed as she gasped. "We're going to give you something else to think about."

Alexis started unbuttoning Tess's blouse, while Jackie lifted the front of Tess's skirt to her waist and slid the back up under her butt. Alice quickly brought out scissors, snipped the sides of Tess's panties, and pulled the remains out from under her. Liz and Carli each grabbed a knee and pulled them wide apart. Alexis unclasped the front of Tess's bra and pulled her open blouse and bra off to the sides.

Tess blushed in shame as all of the girls stared greedily at her exposed pussy and tits. She opened her mouth to protest, but Alice had already lowered her head to Tess's pussy and begun to lightly lick her clit. Jackie and Alexis leaned down and each softly took one of her breasts in her hands and began licking and sucking the nipple. Tess screamed loudly as all of the overwhelming emotions burst from her.

It didn't take long. In just a couple of minutes, Tess's head was moving from side to side, and she was trying to buck her hips onto Alice's tongue. She briefly thought about how wrong this was, when suddenly, the slithering tongues brought her to a hard orgasm. Tess howled, shook and shuddered as she came.

As she started to descend from her high, she tried to speak but no words came out. The girls rotated, and Liz began to lightly kiss Tess's shaved mound and all around her outer labia.

"Nooo, stop, no, please..."

Liz sucked Tess's clit into her mouth, noisily sucking it hard and deep. Tess screamed again and began thrashing her head and loudly moaning. Two different mouths were attacking her nipples, sucking them much harder than before, mixing the hard sucking with firm nips and bites. Tess had barely come down from her last orgasm, and this almost violent attack was overwhelming. The hard sucking and biting on nipples and clit soon shot Tess over the top again. Her head whipped back and forth as she screamed her release at the top of her lungs. The table was rocking, almost bouncing from Tess's violent movements. The assault continued through a long, wailing orgasm. Finally the other girls backed off. Again, no words came from Tess, only whimpers and moans.

Tess felt like she was floating as all five girls began to gently caress her body. Hands softly rubbed and gently squeezed from her face and neck to her tummy and legs. Soft kisses and gentle licks followed the roaming hands. Tess's eyes were closed as she slowly regained her breath.

Time slowed in Tess's mind as the caresses and kisses continued. She didn't know how long it had been when she suddenly felt fingers enter her wet pussy. This was the first time that she had been penetrated. She jerked her head to look down at a wickedly smiling Carli, who was using two fingers to quickly and firmly fuck Tess's cunt. The hands on her breasts each grabbed a nipple and began to pinch them hard and twist them roughly. Tess howled again and tried to raise her body to combat the hard tugging on her nipples. She looked to see Alice and Liz pulling her nipples as hard as they could away from Tess's body. The hard fucking of her pussy was shoving her body against her restraints. Tess screamed over and over, tears running down her face. Not able to scream any more, Tess was whining "No, no, no" when her orgasm suddenly hit her. This one was massive, and Tess screamed and shook for what seemed like minutes. She could hardly breath as her nipples and cunt were ravaged throughout her orgasm. Finally, she collapsed, and all of the fingers retreated.

Tess could barely feel the soft massage as it began again. She just floated in her daze. She felt lips kissing her lips, and tongues sliding into her mouth. Her thought were too jumbled to form. Again, time lost all meaning.

Tess felt someone gently touch her clit and her eyes opened. Then she felt a different wet tickle. She struggled to raise her head. Looking down, she saw Jackie lightly licking her asshole. Tess gasped loudly at the sensation and her head fell back to the table. After some time enjoying the strange new feeling, Tess felt what must be a finger push into her asshole. God, it felt so different and so good. Tess started to push back against the finger. Jackie chuckled, Alice held up a long, thin vibrator in front of Tess's eyes. As Tess watched, Alice handed it to Jackie. Jackie removed the finger and replaced it with the vibrator, which she pushed deep into Tess's ass. Tess gasped as she felt the vibrator turn on.

The soft kisses and sucking returned to her nipples, soothing away the hurt. The thumb rubbing her clit began to rub harder as her asshole pulsed to the thrusting vibrations. Tess couldn't believe it, she had never cum this many times before, but she was climbing the peak again. She couldn't howl any more, but she was moaning constantly. The vibrator started to pump more quickly and deeply, and within minutes Tess was shuddering with another violent climax.

Finally, her body fell back to the table, and she felt something press at her pussy. Two hands lifted her head so she could see down her body. Alexis had climbed onto the table between Tess's legs. She was naked, and God was she beautiful. She leaned up over Tess's body and rubbed her long, hard nipples back and forth across Tess's own nipples. She then smashed her full tits agains Tess's tits, and moved her face to Tess's. With a loving smile, she gave Tess a deep kiss, sliding her tongue all around the inside of Tess's mouth, then sucked Tess's tongue into her own mouth. Breaking the kiss, She kneeled, and Tess saw the big strap on cock hanging from her body.

Tess was now constantly shivering and twitching. With the vibrator still humming in her ass, she watched as Alexis firmly shoved the big plastic cock all the way inside of her. Tess grunted loudly as Alexis's hips bumped her own. Alexis began pumping hard as she stared into Tess's eyes.

Tess tried to speak. "Alex-is, what-are-you, nooo, ohhhh, fucking-me..." Alexis started to fuck her as hard as she could, with deep hard pumps bottoming out in Tess. Tess had one last scream, and it ripped out of her as she convulsed in orgasm. She shook uncontrollably as the other girls held her down to protect her.

Tess shook and wailed and shook and twitched, and Alexis continued to pound her hard. The orgasm went on and on, like an electric current through Tess's body. It continued on, with Alexis still pounding away, and the vibrator still in her ass.

Suddenly Tess's body shot up to a near sitting position. She saw Alexis smiling, then her own eyes rolled back in her head and everything went black.

Tess woke up still on the table. The handcuffs and the strap had been removed, and a blanket covered her body. It took her a minute to figure out what had happened. Then she felt her body being pulled to a sitting position. She looked up to see Alexis hugging her tight.

Alexis smiled and said softly, "Wow, you really did need to get laid. That's the first time I've actually seen someone pass out from cumming. You are so beautiful when you cum.

It took a another minute before Tess could speak. "Where is everybody? What happened?"

"The other girls had to leave." Alexis smiled warmly. "I stayed to help you home. When you started to stir, I called a cab. We all pitched in. Here's money for the cab, and for one to bring you back tomorrow. Come on, let's get you up."

It took some time, but Alexis slowly got Tess to her feet, straighten her clothes as best she could, and gently wiped Tess's face with a warm towel and brushed her hair. She dipped the towel in a bowl of warm water, pulled up Tess's skirt, and softly wiped her pussy, ass, and thighs clean. Then she helped Tess to the elevator, and into the street. Tess still couldn't really say anything. As they waited for the cab, Alexis spoke to Tess.

"Like I told you, it's your decision about whether this job is right for you. It's still early, so go home and get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow. Oh, and one last thing. I told you that we Pool girls cover for each other. There is only one exception, and that is orgasms. Those we keep track of. As of now, you owe each of us an orgasm. Keep that in mind as you consider what you'll tell me tomorrow."

Just then, a cab pulled to the curb, and Alexis help the rag doll Tess into the back, gave the driver Tess's address, and handed Tess the cab fare. Alexis gave Tess a kiss on the cheek, whispered, "I love you. See you tomorrow," and slammed the door.


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Pool Party

My best friend Sue and I are both sophomores in the local high school. Every kid in school knows about a senior boy named Scott. At least three times a year his parents go on vacation and leave him alone for a week. He always has a huge party at his house. These parties are legendary. The rumors are that there is lots of booze and wild things that happen. He has a large swimming pool in the back yard and the house is in a very secluded place. Few people get an invitation to his party but every...

2 years ago
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Pool Table

Pool Table Back in the early 1960’s when I was a young teenager my father bought us a pool table. Soon I was spending every minute that I could playing pool. It was different in those days. We didn’t have computers, cell phones, or any electronic games to play. What we did have was a deck of cards, a Monopoly game, and three channels on our small black and white television. I listened to the radio a lot back in those days. Amazingly I could easily pick up WABC out of New York City, WBZ...

2 years ago
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Pool Shack Girl Part 2

After our first night together, Tracy and I had a lot of fun over the next few weeks. Even though neither of us told anybody at work about our fling (I didn't want to my boss to find out and get pissed/jealous), everybody knew. I had two real good friends that were also pool boys and were hanging out the night at the marina. One of them, Mark, said "I knew you would get some by the way she was hanging all over you." Our flirting made it obvious to those who were in doubt. Since some of our...

Oral Sex
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Pool fun pt 1

Karen Miller's entire body shuddered as the powerful jet from the hot tube washed over her pussy. She sat directly on the nozzle, feeling the intense stream of hot water part her labia and stimulate her clit. One hand cupped her bare breast and the other ran up and down her thigh as yet another orgasm built inside her. On the deck next to her, an empty wine bottle and the last glass of wine sat neglected. The wine always made her horny, and after one glass she had retreated to the backyard to...

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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjas For more celeb content visit awriterswonderland.forumatic.com Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She...

4 years ago
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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjasFor more celeb content visit awriterswonderland.forumatic.com Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She stepped...

1 year ago
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Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

Chapter 1. Life’s a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewater’s edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...

3 years ago
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Pool Party

I was at a pool party at a friends house. I was 25 at the time.I was standing near the house away from the pool so I wouldn't get splashed by the k**s in the pool.I was wearing a tie dyed half t-shirt tight sleeveless top exposing my belly,incredibly flat at that time,a pair of short shorts and a pair of Roman sandals,the ones that had straps up my calf to my knee.Very sexy even today.My hair was straight and long,to my shoulder blades.A real hippie.My girlfriend,whose house it was ,was...

1 year ago
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Pool Party

With thanks to the founding fathers and the U.S. Constitution Henderson, Nevada - Summer "God! Damn! That woman has a set of tits on her!" The man had just elbowed his wife in the side. His wife glanced over toward the object of her husband's attention and would readily agree that Shelia Moore was one stacked lady. The wife quickly turned away. Not more than because her interest was drawn to another group of friends across the pool. She waved to them. She was half way out of her shift...

4 years ago
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pool time for Wanda

Hello, my name is Wanda and I am writing about what happened at the beginning of what I call my summer of dirty fun that happened last year. First a little about me, I am 37 5'6 and around 190 to 215 pounds with above the shoulder brown hair and brown eyes with a 38DD chest in case you were all wondering. I'm not in the greatest of shape but not completely flabby either but after two k**s my boobs aren't nice and perky like they used to be. I am married and we live in a nice subdivision that...

3 years ago
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Pool time

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am writing about what happened at the beginning of what I call my summer of fun that happened last year. First a little about me, I am 37 5'6 and around 140 pounds with above the shoulder brown hair and brown eyes with a 38C chest in case you were all wondering. I'm not in the greatest of shape but not completely flabby either but after two k**s my boobs aren't nice and perky as they used to be. I am married and we live in a nice subdivision that has its own...

2 years ago
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Pool time excitement Part 2

I didn't have to wait long as I heard a ball being kicked in the backyard next door. After a few kicks against the fence, I saw the soccer ball soar over the fence and land in my yard. “A little help” Ryan said. I got up from the lounge chair and didn't bother wiping the cum from my chest. “Ok, I gotcha” I hollered. I picked up the ball and walked it over to the fence. I started to get hard again standing there naked, expelled cum now dripping from the tip of my cock, knowing he was only 4 feet...

1 year ago
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Pool Boy

"Pool Boy" It was late Friday afternoon. Lane had driven over to the Hawthorne estate, he'd been called in by the homeowner Ted. He'd checked the pool chemicals with his tool bag then set the bag aside as he took his seat at the kitchen table as Ted Hawthorne brought over a couple sodas. "I just cleaned your pool last week Mr. Hawthorne, the chemicals still look ok. You live alone and don't use the pool very much so I shouldn't have to come back for another couple of weeks," Lane...

1 year ago
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Pool girl

It's the end of a long week and I'm heading to Brannagins, it's a nice place, a restaurant with a bar connected to the pool room next door. Brannagins is packed, when I give my name to the hostess she tells me it'll be at least an hour before a table is available. Asking me if I would like to wait in the bar I tell her no I'll be playing pool. Compared to Brannagins the pool room is deserted, it's dimly lit with just the bartender and two guys at the bar. Picking a table in the back of the...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Pool of the Undine

Stupid dumb cunt, Steven Benchley thought. Stupid blonde bimbo harlot from hell. He crushed the empty lager can, his sixth, and threw it out into the bracken. Now he was out of fooking beer as well. What a shite waste of a weekend this camping trip had been. He could have been watching the footie on the telly in the warm and the dry. Instead he'd thought it a good idea to bring Chelle out for the weekend. Have a bit of a frolic in the ferns and all that. Of course, being the British...

3 years ago
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pool time for Wanda

Anyway back to my story. One day in early June, my husband was out of town as usual, the kids were out of school and off at friends' houses playing and I had some time to myself, so I figured a relaxing afternoon at the pool would be nice. I knew at this time of day and week it wouldn't be that crowded as the pool never really was. And since I was wanting to work on my tan some, I decided to wear one of my extra skimpy two piece string bikini. It was a skimpy bikini the girls usually wear but...

3 years ago
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Pool Party

Chris woke up to the sound of laughter out by the pool. It was about 11:30, his room was flooded with warm yellow sun light. He sat up in bed, wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked out the window. His mom Carrie, sister Krista, and two other women were sitting by the pool drinking and smoking. He rubbed his eyes again and saw that they were all topless, and his sister was completely naked. Interesting.He knew that his mother would never invite any one over who wasn't comfortable or discreet...

3 years ago
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Pool Jerk

While on holiday in Florida with a friend, I stayed at a 3 story motel which had a pool. After a day's site seeing we would go back to the our room, shower and change before going out on the town.One particular day we had walked miles and my friend said he was going to take a nap before we set out for the evening. I was still wide awake and feeling particularly horny so I decided to cool down and take a dip in the pool. I slipped on a pair of ordinary shorts without any underwear underneath,...

3 years ago
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Pool time excitement

I was laying in a chaise lounge chair by the pool in our backyard. The thought of more playful fun due to a recent addition of an 8 ft total privacy fence all around the backyard made me hard as I could now go au natural without worries...no family in the house and no prying neighbors. My wife had gone to visit her sister for a couple days. She didn't get any objection from me. A couple days of 100% me-time was just what the doctor would have ordered had I told a doctor about any of my...

3 years ago
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Pool Pickup

I was hanging out at the pool of my apartment complex one morning. Not doing anything fun, just sitting there at one of tables with the umbrella up reading a book. I had the whole pool to myself as everyone else was either at work, on vacation, or something else. Actually, the pool isn't used much as it is but was especially quiet this morning which suited me just fine. I had been reading and enjoying the quiet for a while, when I heard the gate to the pool area open. Looking up I saw a girl...

2 years ago
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Pool HustledChapter 6

David After the incident with Jimmy, things settled down for me. For next three years I worked on my house. I had a lot of work left to do on the interior of the house. I did most of it myself, when I needed help, I would call a few buddies to help out. The master bedroom was done earlier, and I took my time finishing the rest of the upstairs. I worked on my man cave, with a passion. I had a professional pool table installed, and a dart board. I could put a ping pong table over top of the...

3 years ago
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Pool Time Part two

As usual her mind was preoccupied and Kandy wasn’t watching where she was going and ran right into John as he was coming out of the den. John was a bit startled, gave her a puzzling look, and then asked, “What’s the hurry doll?” Kandy blushed and squealed, “Oh sorry babe. I was just thinking about Rex and Julie.” He smirked and suggested, “I see, and that idea has you so horny, you came looking for me!” She giggled and admitted, “Am I that apparent love?” John pulled her...

2 years ago
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Pool Weekend Ch 02

Lisa wraps her legs around my body, hooking her ankles together at the back of my thighs. ‘Come on,’ she whispers, ‘do it to me. Do it. You need this.’ There will be no argument from me. I begin to move my hips in a circular motion. There’s something special about being inside of a woman after she comes. Everything is soft, hot and wet, but not as slippery as before. She is wide open, and ready to take whatever I can deliver. I had intended to tease her and make this last longer, but now...

4 years ago
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Pool Suckfest

As I’ve mentioned in other stories, I love porn theaters and am very orally bisexual…having sucked many cocks. I’m not as much of a cumslut as I am a cock lover…although I definitely love sucking all the sweet cream out of a hard cock when that’s what the guy wants. My main pleasure is the actual sucking of a throbbing piece of man meat. I absolutely love having my mouth full of hard cock and one of the main reasons I love playing in porn theaters is the opportunity to suck cock while others...

3 years ago
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Pool and Shaft Cleaning

Getting My Pool Cleaned & My Shaft NoticedOriginally written by by Bigsoftee ... Reposted by now known as Bigsoftee34609I have always been an exhibitionist but it’s only since I became a “senior citizen” that I began to take it a little further. I guess getting some reassurance from a lady that she has seen a flash of my junk can be somewhat rewarding to an old fart like me. While I do use Viagra and other performance pills my PSA tests show I am in good health and don’t’ need them. I just...

4 years ago
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Pool Suckfest

As I've mentioned in other stories, I love porn theaters and am very orally bisexual...having sucked many cocks. I'm not as much of a cumslut as I am a cock lover...although I definitely love sucking all the sweet cream out of a hard cock when that's what the guy wants. My main pleasure is the actual sucking of a throbbing piece of man meat. I absolutely love having my mouth full of hard cock and one of the main reasons I love playing in porn theaters is the opportunity to suck cock while...

1 year ago
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Pool Pictures

Pool Pictures I have always enjoyed taking nude and sexually explicit pictures of my girlfriends and myself and have compiled quite a collection over the years. The relevance of this will come into play later. Several years ago while working at a bank I met a girl named Angela and we became fast friends. It started out with taking our lunch together and progressed to her hanging out at my house whenever she wasn’t with her boyfriend. Over the next several months Angela and I became closer...

2 years ago
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Pool Party Sex With My Hot Girlfriend

Hi my name is Sid. This is my first story here on ISS. A little bit about me first. I am an athletic looking 27-year-old guy from Mumbai. I work as a doctor. My height is 5 ft 11 in. I have broad shoulders and a decent sized penis. Now, to the story. (I have changed the names of other people involved in this story) It happened a few years ago at a friend’s house in Lonavla. During that time, I was dating a girl named Saima who was also a doctor. We had been invited to my friend Yash’s house to...

4 years ago
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Pool game bet

I suggested we try a bar called Barneys, which was just down from the hotel. When we walked in there was a good crowd inside there and the barman suggested we go into a side room, which was a lot quieter and had a pool table. When we went in there were 2 guys playing pool inside there. As I ordered a few drinks the guys were complimenting Jen on hot she looked and how I was a lucky guy. They challenged us to a game of pool so I suggested that Jen play as I was not really into pool. “OK” said...

4 years ago
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Pool game bet

Introduction: Loser has to pay up!!! I had been away with work for 3 long weeks and I still had another 3 weeks to go before I was due to fly home. Luckily Jen had agreed to fly out to stay with me that Saturday night to go out for the night. I collected her from the airport and we went back to the hotel for Jen to get changed. About an hour later Jen emerged from the bathroom looking amazing. Wow was all that I could say. I bought this dress just for you said Jen. I looked her up and down. She...

1 year ago
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Pool Picture

I have always enjoyed taking nude and sexually explicit pictures of my girlfriends and myself and have compiled quite a collection over the years. The relevance of this will come into play later.Several years ago while working at a bank I met a girl named Angela and we became fast friends. It started out with taking our lunch together and progressed to her hanging out at my house whenever she wasn’t with her boyfriend. Over the next several months Angela and I became closer and closer,...

2 years ago
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Pool Cleaning Day

POOL CLEANING DAY I woke up late Tuesday, and suddenly remembered it was pool-cleaning day. I could hear the locusts, and knew it was going to be another hot day. I put on a jockstrap and my swim trunks, the black denim ones made like shorts with the Red Cross Swim Instructor’s badge sewn on, and dug around in the bottom drawer for a tee shirt that wasn’t full of holes. A pair of tennis shoes, and I was dressed for the day. On my way to the back door, I stopped and grabbed the pitcher of OJ...

2 years ago
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Pool lessons

Like most boys of 12 I had been more interested in football, swimming and mucking around with my mates than girls, sure I knew they were around and in fact I had a fair few friends that were girls, I just hadn’t taken much notice of them. As school went on I join the football team and then the swim team, our PE teacher coached both of them and had seen me swimming and after a long chat had got me to agree to swim. Joining the swim team gave me more chances to use the local pool without...

3 years ago
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Pool party cousin fuck

Now how did this happen well it was during the summer and her mom was hosting a party. I didn’t like her mother much she always liked to brag about how great her children were. They were geniouses though Katie being the smartest. She wasn’t the prettiest but I thought she was cute. They got a pool in their backyard and told us to bring our bathing suits. So my family and I got in the car and took the 30 minute drive to my cousin’s house. We got there and were greeted by Katie’s mother her two...

3 years ago
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Pool Hang Gang Bang

Me – 27 year old man Mary (my wife) – 23 year old blonde Them – strangers in a pool hall in the wrong part of town. This story is true, our names are real (I am Kevin, she is Mary). This is told from my (Kevin) perspective. It was a Friday night in summer. We had partied many times before. I love watching Mary suck and fuck guys other than me. We prefer strangers cause it is scary and nastier than regular fuck buds etc. We will from time to time visit nearby cities and do this. We live in...

4 years ago
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Pool Fuck Fun

“So, did you have a good time in Cape Town?” asked Maria, as she manoeuvred the Mercedes out of the airport car-park, narrowly avoiding being mown down by an enormous truck carrying a teetering load of timber that seemed to be secured with little more than string and a prayer.“It was awesome,” I said, truthfully. What had seemed like an opportunity to spend a relaxing week in the company of an old friend from university had turned into something of a sex-fest, with much fucking and fun with...

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Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend Part 4 of

Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend: Part 4 of 4Synopsis: Kimberly seduces her stepdad and his friend at a family pool party. Part 4Rick held Kimberly's back against him. His arms under her knees, spreading her legs wide open. Both men were rock hard and wanting a release. Mark saw the opportunity and slid into the warm pool water.“Man, you really did a number on her.” Mark laughed. “I’ll be honest with you, man. I’ve been wanting to do this to her for a long time now.” Rick admitted. “Yeah,...

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Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend

Pool Party With Stepdad and His Friend: Part 2 of 4Synopsis: Kimberly seduces her stepdad and his friend at a family pool party.Part 2"BOO! Haha! I scared the shit out of you guys, didn’t I!?" Rick came bursting up beside them from under the water. Mark quickly pulled out of Kimberly and pulled up his trunks. Kimberly started splashing Rick as a distraction. “What are you two party poopers doing over here, huh?” Rick asked. Kimberly and Mark looked at each other nervously trying to come up with...

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