Winning Incentive free porn video

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Winning Incentive by Andy Wright 1 'This is the day. This is the day' Andy repeated the mantra all the way to the batter's box. "Bottom of the ninth and batting last is every one's favorite SysAdmin. With runners on second and third and a score of 2 to 4 with two outs - it all comes down to this. So far it's been an epic battle between sales and IT in this year's company softball tournaments. Yes sir, it's all down to this at bat to see if the boys of IT can break the 5 year loosing streak against the folks of the sales department." 'Will someone shut that idiot up' Andy thought bitterly and then quickly cleared the thoughts from his head. There was too much riding on this to get angry... 'This is the day. This is the day...' "Swing and a miss. At this point the hairy geek has got to be sweating more than a harlot in church on an Alabama Sunday summer morning." 'What the hell? Did Harry Caray have a one night stand with a southern minister?' Andy shook his head and focused on the pitcher. Just one hit and his plan would come to fruition. Just one hit and he'd take the whole IT team back to the house and share his home, his food, his wife and his wine. This gang bang was the one thing that brought his department together to try one more time to beat those asses from sales. She didn't know this was coming, but this very scenario has been her most passionate fantasy ever since he'd known her and she loves surprises so this should... "What is the big man thinking? He didn't even swing at that one. So this is strike two. Looks like this is going to be a Casey At The Bat story. So folks I'd like to thank you for taking part in this year's tournament. Seat cushions provided by Parson's Pest Control. Do you have-" 'Will that old redneck shut up! God, I hate that poem. This will be the day. This will be the...' "HOLY MOTHER! THE GEEK'S GOTTEN A HOLD OF THAT ONE. IS IT... IS IT... IT IS! IT'S OUT OF THE PARK LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. THE STREAK IS BROKEN. IT FIVE, SALES FOUR. THE IT DEPARTMENT WINS. THE IT DEPARTMENT WINS!" 'This is the fucking day.' Andy was all smiles while he jogged around the bases. As he rounded third base he saw his team running to meet him at the home plate. "Boys," he shouted, "the party's at my house!" 2 "So when are we going to get down to this?" Michael asked as he squinted into the late afternoon sun. The nine guys of the IT team lounged around Andy's back patio. The smell of the last of the barbecue was mingled with the smell of fresh cut grass from a neighbor's yard. From the look on his teammate's faces Andy knew he couldn't make them wait much longer. ?OK. You guys start getting your women out of here and I?ll go get Catherine ready.? ?Get me ready for what?? Andy's face sunk as he heard the back door open and the sound of the wives and girlfriends spill out onto the patio. Amidst howls and cheers from the guys Andy met his wife before she made it too far onto the patio. ?Honey, I have a surprise for you,? Andy said using his smoothest voice as he led her back into the house. 3 ?You set up what?? Catherine asked as her face showed a mask of fear, anger and... interest. ?I checked with every guy, they?re all clean. They are into this and they promised to be discrete.? Andy was starting to feel as if the walls of their bedroom were closing in on him. ?This is the perfect opportunity for you to fulfil that fantasy of yours.? ?That's not the point! You should of talked to me about this.? ?But you said you wanted this to be a surprise?? It was Andy's turn to show a mix of emotion: fear, confusion and a hint of hope. Catherine took a steadying breath and tried to calm her voice ?But you big dummy, I started my period today.? Andy now understood her anger, he forgot about biology. With a sheepish half grin he suggested, ?We could... uhm... go ahead anyway. I don't think the guys would mind?? ?But I would!? Catherine's anger was returning. How dare he surprise her like this? ?OK. OK. We'll just forget it. I'll go break it to the guys; they'll understand. They're geeks and are used to disappointment. I'll find another way to make it up to them... somehow.? Shaking his head sadly Andy turned towards the door. ?Oh bullshit. Don't you try to guilt me like that.? Catherine's tone froze Andy in his tracks. He realized he'd gone too far. Andy slowly turned back towards his wife. He was bracing for the storm that he'd caused. But what he saw shocked him; his wife was smiling. ?I know you were trying to do something for me and your work friends. You were trying. So give me a few minutes to see if I can figure out something. You run along...? There was a long pause and Andy could almost hear the wheels turning in her head ?... and play with the guys.? Andy opened his mouth to say something but Catherine shushed him. ?No questions. Go.? And with that Catherine all but kicked him out of their home. 4 Nathan looked at his boss with concern ?What do you think she's planning?? The question hung in the air for a long time. The crickets were active and the moon was midway up the sky. The guys had been banished to the back yard for several hours now. The only clues about what was awaiting them was the sound of cars coming and going and the stray giggles that could be heard escaping each time the front door was opened and closed. The one time they tried to go inside they were greeted with screams of 'Get out', a case of beer, a gallon of tea and a mandate to piss in the tree line if they needed. Andy shook his head and finally replied, ?I don't know man, I really don't know.? About 15 minutes before eleven the backdoor opened and Catherine stood in the doorway, hands on her hips, wearing a company league softball uniform. ?OK! Listen up boys. It's game time,? Catherine's voice boomed across the patio and echoed into the night. She strode onto the patio, followed by the rest of the women. They all wore company softball uniforms. Catherine stared at the guys who were all dumbfounded. She cocked her head and took a moment to look each man dead in the eye. A smile started to spread across her face, but she quickly suppressed it. ?Damn it men, go get your asses in uniform. We have a fucking game to play.? At that last comment the guys looked to Andy for a clue as to what they should do. He shrugged his shoulders and motioned for them to head into the house. With that the guys started to file into the house to get their game bags. As Andy started to follow his teammates, a soft hand pulled him to the side. Thinking Catherine wanted to explain what was going on he waited. After the last of the guys disappeared into the house Catherine, Micheal?s wife Sarah and John's girlfriend Angie surrounded him as the back door was closed. Angie was almost unable to stop herself from giggling as she put her face near Andy's and asked, in a tinkling voice, ?And where do you think you were going?? Andy shrugged, hesitated for a moment and said in a confused voice, ?Umm... with the rest of the team?? Sarah starred at him, unblinking and cold. She raised one eyebrow and said ?But she said for the men to go get dressed.? The stress on ?men? wasn?t lost on Andy. It was at that moment that he noticed the telltale bulges in the women's tight fitting uniform pants. ?Guys let him be. Andi will understand soon enough. Angie would you make sure all the rest of the team gets to the field no sooner than 2:00am. Keep them... entertained until then. Sarah and I have to get our star ready.? The way Catherine said his name, in a girlish, singsong way, did little to calm his growing concern. As Andy watched Angie bounce into the house a knot formed in the pit of his stomach. Catherine saw him go pale and said, with mock sympathy, ?Ah... what's the matter Honey? Don't you like surprises? 5 A silent stalemate set in on the patio while the three heard everyone exit the house, vehicles start, and then cars driving off into the night. ?Where?s everyone going?? Andy tried to sound nonchalant but it came out in a pinched, quiet whisper. Keeping with her cold persona, Sarah replied over her shoulder as she headed into the house. ?They are going to a strip club to get ready for the main show later tonight.? Catherine grabbed Andy?s upper arm and led him into his own house. With a sarcastic voice Catherine added, ?Come on sweetie. We have to go get you ready.? Once the trio entered the master bedroom, the women sat Andy on his bed and stood over him. Andy finally found his voice. ?What exactly do you have in mind? The guys go to a strip club and I have to sit it out?? ?Not exactly dear,? his wife said. Putting her hands on her hips, Catherine took on a slow, friendly voice. It was the type of voice you would use explaining a complicated problem to a child. ?Quite to the contrary silly. You will be the center of attention.? For the first time Sarah?s facade broke as a slight giggle escaped her deep red lips. Catherine, ignoring her partner, continued. ?I know you are a good man, and that you were trying to bring your team together, so we?re going to help you. If a gangbang is what it is going to take to reward them, then they?re going to get one.? Andy wasn?t sure where this was going but it didn?t feel like a place he wanted it to. Always hopeful, he suggested, ?So you?re getting a stripper for this?? His comment elicited a belly laugh from both of the women. Before they had even caught their breath Catherine let out, ?No silly gurl, you won?t have to strip.? Andy?s heart sunk. As the women finished their laughter, Sarah walked over to the bathroom door and grabbed a plastic shopping bag. Catherine resumed her boss posse, hands on her hips with a stern look on her beautiful face. ?You promised the guys that they?d get to fuck a hot slut and, since I love you, I?m going to help you keep that promise. It?s really the same plan. The only difference is that you are going to be the hot slut.? Andy?s head was rolling, but he was, by trade, a problem solver. ?How about one of the other women? Did you ask them if they wanted to take the role. I mean the fantasy is common enough.? While he started strong, the last sentence came out more like a pleading petition than a strong suggestion. ?Oh, I did! But,? Catherine let a pregnant pause fill the room. She leaned forward and, putting her lips inches from his face, she finished in a soft, sexy tone, ?they liked my idea better.? The smile that spread across her face was a mix of triumph, eroticism and just a hint of pure evil. Catherine tweaked his nose, stood up and began to pace in front of him. ?You see, you shared one of my deepest, most personal fantasies with everyone in your office. I told you that in confidence, in the throws of passion. Your betrayal of that privacy hurt me, deeply.? Catherine?s smile slid from her face for the briefest of moments. In that moment, Andy realized the mistake he?d made. He had hurt the person he loved more than anything else in the world. Catherine saw the look of pain on her husband?s face and for a moment considered backing out of her plan, but that moment passed and she rationalized to herself that even if she wanted to back out now she couldn't. The plan was already set in motion. ?Ah, sweetie. I know you didn?t try to hurt me.? She bent down and lightly touched the side of his face. She looked deep into his big brown eyes and saw that he knew he was in the wrong. He couldn?t hold her glaze and had to look down. Catherine lightly brought his chin up so she once again had his eyes. ?But you did," her voice matching the sadness in her husband's eye. "However,? her tone becoming hopeful, ?you can fix it and make everything even.? The tears that had started to form at the corner of Andy?s eyes began to dry as he asked ?How?? ?Tit for tat dear. You gave away one of my secrets so I get to give away one of yours.? She stood up and pulled over the chair from her makeup table. She sat down and leaned towards her husband like a conspirator in a some great scheme. ?You see, after we exiled you and the guys to the backyard, I talked to the girls. And while a couple of the women even volunteered to help you guys out you had hurt us, all of us. You hurt them by offering their spouses a way to cheat on them, you hurt me by telling everyone my desires and you hurt all of us by not being honest. So I came up with a plan. First I pulled up your computer and showed the girls those sites you like to browse at night?? Andy looked confused, he often caught up on tech news after he got home from work. Catherine saw his confusion and smiled. ?Oh, I don?t mean the boring ones. I showed them the fun ones.? Andy?s mouth went slack as his wife continued. ?I pulled the sites up for all the everyone to see and we went through your history.? Andy?s eyes went wide. He enjoyed pornography and had never been shy about sharing it with Catherine. In turn, she shared the porn she liked with him. That?s when he first learned about her group sex fantasies. His taste for porn was wide and varying. He liked women, lesbians, lingerie, group, straight, and even a little bit of gay male stuff. But he knew at once what sites she had shown them. ?Crossdressers.? The word escaped his lips against his will. It was the one fetish he had that was the hardest one for him to accept. As such it had taken a long time for him to share it with his wife. Sarah took that as her cue to pull a pair of white stockings with bright red bows from the bag and drop them on the bed. Catherine's voice took on a tone of evil joy. ?Here?s the deal honey. Tonight you can make amends to me, the other women and give your guys the reward you promised them. All you have to do is, how should I say, take one for the team.? Andy heard Sarah mutter something under her breath about ?more than one? but he ignored it. ?And if I can?t?? Andy really didn?t think he could go through with it. This was too much. Shrugging her shoulders Catherine added, ?Then all of the women have promised to never mention what they know about you to their men. The guys will go to the strip club thinking that a night with the dancers was their reward. And they will go back to work on Monday thinking you had bit off more than you could chew. Life will go on for everyone.? Catherine let another pause hang before she added in a slightly hurt tone, ?Except you will have to live knowing that you have betrayed my trust and didn?t try to make it up to me when you had the chance.? She knew he was just trying to make her fantasy a reality and really couldn?t think badly of her husband. He didn?t mean to hurt her and she felt no great animosity towards him. So as she looked down at her husband?s shocked face she knew she was playing an evil game. But what Andy didn?t know was that she had other group sex fantasies; ones she hadn?t shared with him yet. The one she had in mind put her husband of over a decade in the staring role of just such a situation. When else would she get a chance like this? Andy just sat on the bed he and his wife shared feeling like a monster. What had been an attempt to make everyone happy had just been turned on its head. For a moment he thought hard about saying no. Fantasy and pornography was one thing but these were his friends, neighbors and co- workers. He knew he couldn?t face them come Monday morning. But as he looked up at his wife he knew he would do anything for her. And, if he was honest with himself, he?d seen a few transvestite gangbang videos that he found incredibly arousing. He took a deep breath, looked at the women, and asked with a great deal of resignation ?What do I have to do?? 6 The woman hopped up and down squealing like school girls. The smiles that they shared almost made him change his mind. ?OK, first off you have to be more... feminine.? Sarah, the icy persona now lost for the moment, said in a surprisingly giddy tone. She waved her hand up and down in his direction. ?That means all that hair has got to go.? With that, the women all but drug him to the shower and began to strip him. While Andy normally wouldn?t have had an issue with two women stripping him down, he suddenly felt very self-conscience. Sure he was going to be dolled up but he still wanted to give a good impression. However, Andy was a grower and not a shower. And with everything that had just went down he didn?t feel much like growing. ?Uhm, ladies can I have a moment to myself. I .. err.. need... uhm ? yea?. Reading his mind, Catherine chided him. ?Give it up you little slut. For the next few hours you?re our bitch and what you call your 'cock' isn?t an issue. You don?t even get to have a cock, you have....? Catherine drew a blank that Sarah was happy to fill in. ?You have a clitty.? Catherine and Sarah both shared another giggle at this idea. Andy started to grow bright red. With that Sarah undid his fly and dropped his jeans and boxers in one swift motion. She glanced down at his crotch and giggle ?Yep, a little sissy clitty.? The mild humiliation was actually arousing him; he felt more and more like he might be able to make a good impression after all. The women were giggling at his obvious arousal. They began to alternate between touching him and each other. ?Hey Cat, I think she likes it.? Catherine nodded and added. ?Oh, you have no idea how much he likes this. I mean he gets off on the most outlandish stuff. I mean we?ve been in bed after she?s spent the evening looking at the ?gurls? and you wouldn?t believe some of the fantasies she comes up with. ?Put me in panties.? ?Make be suck cock.? ?I want to be your slut.? Catherine stopped to wipe tears that her giggling had caused. ?Oh man, his cock... err... her clitty gets so hard she almost shakes.? Both women broke into more laughter at Catherine?s mocking. As Andy continued to remove his clothing, their giggling gave way to a deep tongue kiss. Andy couldn?t believe it. Here was his wife telling her friend some of his most twisted fantasies. He felt betrayed, shocked and, most surprising of all, unbelievably aroused. He no longer had anything to fear about making a good first impression; his cock was harder than it had been in a long time. The women broke their embrace and Catherine stopped to look at Sarah. ?Wait! Men get to have two hot women playing with them.? She look at Andy with a serious expression. ?This is your last chance. We can stop now and go no further. But,? Catherine paused long enough to stroke Sarah?s breasts through the uniform with an opened mouth moan, ?you live with your choice.? Cathrine?s hand roamed lower on Sarah?s body. ?However, if you accept, for tonight only, you quit being a man. You are going to be transformed into a gangbang gurl. Are you sure you want to go on?? Catherine was now masturbating Sarah through her uniform. Sarah?s mouth was forming the classic O shape. Andy didn?t think she was faking it. At this point he was quite enjoying himself and the live show that was happening in front of his eyes. He quickly accepted with a short, croaking ?Yes?. Catherine nodded at her partner in crime and the women shared a quick, knowing look. They were sure that their plan would work. It was now Sarah?s turn to torment Andy. ?Although," she started, ?you won?t be a woman either.? She shook her head disapprovingly. ?I mean look at those ugly balls.? To drive her point home, she slapped his testicles with the palm of her hand. She was none too gently either. ?So you obviously not a woman. You?re going to be a ?gurl? and our little bitch.? This was delivered with another slap of his now sore balls. The change in tone, and pain, was quickly deflating his erection. ?You?re going to be our bitch, our little slut.? Sarah added three more shots to his balls in quick succession, the whole time giggling at the result the impacts were having. His cock was as flaccid as when he walked into the bathroom. This seem to please both of the women. Catherine reached over and lightly ran her finger over the much reduced length of his cock. She nodded, pleased with their handiwork. She addressed Sarah. ?Much better. That looks more like a proper clitty for a horny slut.? She turned to Andy ?And do you know what sluts get?? Andy had suddenly become shy but Catherine was having none of it. She slapped his ball quite hard. Raising her voice she asked again ?What do you sluts get?? Andy let out a sheepish, ?They get fucked.? Catherine delivered another slap followed by a harsh squeeze. ?Say it louder. Remember this is what you wanted. You wanted to see someone get gang fucked. You wanted to see a lot of men?s cock in a hole. You wanted a surprise. So own it you fucking slut.? Each sentence was issued with a crush of his testicles. ?Besides, you?ve always wanted to be a little bitch. So tell me, what do sluts gets?? Andy had always been physically much bigger than Catherine but with the mixed emotions, the eroticism, the pain and the shouting he seemed strangely small at the moment. The rush of power was intoxicating to Catherine. She liked it and she liked it when Andy cried out from her crushing ?They get fucked?. Yeah, this was going to be fun. 7 The next couple of hours was a mad rush to get everything done. First the women took to Andy with razors and creams to remove every bit of hair from his body; including his signature beard. Once the task was finished the women went back to the bedroom, leaving Andy to clean up. As Andy knelt, washing the last of his hair down the bath tub?s drain, Sarah threw a box at Andy?s feet. Confused he opened it. Inside he found a length of hose, a tube-like nozzle and a large red rubber bag. Sarah looked down at him ?It?s a enema bag. As a ?gurl? you have to be soft, sweet smelling and clean... inside and out. Before you shower, make sure that pussy-ass of yours is an inviting place for the men.? With that she continued on to the bedroom. As Andy filled the bag he heard the women talking in the bedroom. ?Is he going to be able to take a cock in his pussy-ass?? ?Lady, you have no idea.? Andy heard the bed springs squeak and then a drawer slide open. ?When he?s... err ? she?s in the mood, this goes up that pussy-ass of hers.? Sarah gasped. ?I don?t know if I could take that vaginally.? ?Yeah, she?s a real size queen.? Andy?s face felt like it was on fire as he lubed up the nozzle and worked it into his ass. He reached up and loosen the valve on the tubing. As the warm water flooded his rectum he had no choice to but to keep listening to women in the adjoining bedroom. ?So does she talk a lot about gay sex?? ?Some, but she?s usually focused more on blowing guys than anal. I asked her one time and she said it wasn?t as gay. I fuck her with her dildo once in a while but she said that a guy doing it would be gay.? ?But wait, how could it be gay? I mean it?s only gay if a man is fucking a man.? ?Hey that?s right! Hey, my little ass-cunt.? Catherine shouted towards the bathroom. ?Good news, you don?t need to worry about being gay. Only men can be gay. So there?s no problem with you taking some hard cock up that pussy-ass of yours.? Both of the women giggled at that. ?Yeah, a nice big, hard, manly, cock would be fun right now.? Sarah reflected. ?Oh, hell yeah. Just a couple of hot women and sissy slut. Our gurl could get him ready and we could enjoy a man?s touch.? Catherine started making soft, moaning sounds. Andy couldn?t see the women but the sounds were driving him mad. Over the next several minutes, Sarah and and his wife continued talking about hard bodied, well hung men and making mildly derogatory comments about what he would enjoy having a man do to him. He went through several refills of the enema bag listening to them. After he had passed two clear bags worth he showered, thankful that he couldn?t hear them anymore. Catherine had taken his shampoo and bar of soap out of the shower and left him a pink shower puff, a melon and honey scented body wash and a set of pink, swirling shampoo and matching conditioner. As he washed his now smooth body, Andy couldn?t help but touch his cock. One stroke and he was as hard as stone again. Just as he started a slow rhythm he heard the shower curtain rattle. Catherine and Sarah stood there laughing and pointing. ?Oh my god, she is such a slut. She can?t wait to get off.? ?That?s enough of that. Besides, that?s not a how a gurl masturbates anyway. Finish washing and get out of there.? Andy had never had a problem masturbating in front of Catherine but he now felt very ashamed. He dropped his cock like it was hot and finished washing off. As he stepped out of the shower the women attacked him with towels, oils, lotions and powders. When they finished he smelled like a mix between fruit stand and a flower shop. Sarah took his hand and led him to Catherine?s makeup table. Over the next 15 minutes, his hard male features were softened and lightened. He would never be mistaken for a woman up close, but he sure wouldn?t be mistake for a man either. ?Better, but it?s missing something.? Sarah mused. Both women stood there for a moment considering what to add to the scene before them. ?Oh, I know.? Catherine snapped her fingers. She pulled out a drawer of her makeup table and pulled a package of small, bright colored, plastic hair clips. The clips had small animals on them and were usually worn by youths. ?Andi had me get these to wear with a little school girl outfit I got a couple of years ago.? As she talked, Catherine pulled Andy?s hair back into a short, bob; the brightly color clips stand out on his dark hair. As she held one of the open clips in her mouth she mumbled, ?I think this is just the thing to make her look innocent. Men like fucking sweet little gurls.? Just when Andy thought he couldn?t blush anymore his face turned a deeper shade of crimson. Sarah let a high pitch squeal out. ?Perfect! Now let?s get her dressed.? As Andy stood up under Catherine?s direction, he noticed an outfit had been laid out on the bed. It was bright white with red accents. There was a white top with small red bows around the waist line, a white garter, sheer white stockings with red bows at their tops and a pair of white shoes with 2? inch heels. Catherine walked up behind Andy and held him close. She leaned in and softly said ?While you were out back with the men, I went shopping. Looks like we?re going to have to make room in your closet because after tonight this is going to stay with your clothes. After tonight you?re going to have to admit you like the thought of being a bitch. After tonight I?m going to have great fun turning you into a little sissy gurl whenever I want.? She rubbed the bulge in her pants against the checks of his ass. ?That is, unless you don?t want to go on with this.? She reached around and grabbed his cock. As she expected, his dick was growing hard. ?Yeah you?re a little whore.? She kissed his shoulder, stroked his cock and rubbed her strap- on hard against him. ?You?re my little whore... and tonight I?m going to break you in.? Over several awkward minutes Andy struggled to put on the delicate items. He felt stupid. He was a big, hairy, or used to be hairy, guy putting on hose and garters. He knew he looked absurd but he was hard as he could be. The last step was to put on the shoes. As long as he took small steps on carpet he wasn?t too bad. To capture the moment Sarah grabbed Catherine?s digital camera and took some candid shots of Catherine and her bitch. Andy was red faced but his cock was hard as stee, in each picture. Once the impromptu photo shot was done, Catherine pulled a pair of white, lacy, cotton panties up over Andy?s garters and cock. ?That way we can get to that pussy-ass of yours whenever we want.? Sarah explained. Once Catherine had gotten Andy?s cock packed away, she patted him on the ass and asked with her other hand outstretched, ?Shall we go?? 8 Before they had even made it to the car, Andy had noticed that a huge wet spot of pre-cum had spread over the front of his panties. ?Fuck!? Andy thought to himself. ?The front of my panties? I can?t believe I?m thinking like this. The front of the panties. The front of the panties.? As they walked into the garage Andy found his voice for the first time since he accepted his role. ?I need a jacket or something... that way someone won?t see me.? Sarah was closest so she delivered the punishment; another slap on the balls. ?Gurls talk softer than that. And they don?t ask, they beg!? Andy balanced the humiliation that he?d face if someone outside saw him like this against the humiliation he?d already faced at the hands of these women. He swallowed and in his softest voice asked, ?May I please have something to cover up with?? As an afterthought he added another pathetic sounding, ?Please?? Catherine thought he was so cute. She walked over to him, placed her hand on the side of his face and pushed downwards. ?On your knees bitch and beg me for it. Beg me for something to solve your complaining.? She now understood why guys liked treating women like that in porn. It was an amazing power rush. Andy slowly got on his knees, trying hard not to twist an ankle on the way down. Once he made it down, the hard garage floor hurting his knees, he tried again. ?Please, let me have something to cover up. Please. I want it.? Looking up at Catherine?s disapproving face he add, ?I need... something.? Catherine smiled down at her emasculated husband and pulled something out of a bag she had carried from the bedroom. It was a pad with what looked like a short but thick black cock stuck to it. Off the pad was two long straps ending in a buckle. As she reached for his face, Andy started to back away. Catherine slapped him hard across his check. ?Slut, you are mine and you?re going to wear this because I want you to.? Her look told Andy that she wouldn?t accept no for an answer. Gingerly he opened his mouth. Catherine quickly pushed the cock end into his mouth. The pad covered his mouth entirely. She reach around and buckled the gag around the back of his head. She reached down and kissed his forehead. ?Good gurl. Now I don?t have to hear you. You?re a slut and I want people to see how much of a whore you are. Understand?? Andy had no choice but to nod his head. ?Good. Now get your pussy-ass in the car. You have a promise to keep.? 9 ?Dude, what time is it?? Nathan asked for the hundredth time since they were dropped off. ?Two minutes since last time you asked.? Kevin was tired of the question. Although truth be told, the short time they had been here did seem like it has been dragging by. But after the action of the club he guessed anything would seem that way. In reality they had been dropped off by the front gates of the company?s softball complex and given the key to the gate only about 10 minutes ago. Angie told them to lock the gate behind them and to go chill-out in the dugout as the main show was about to start. When they asked about Andy, all the women would say was that ?he was busy getting the main act ready.? After the hot action of the club. all of the guys were horny as hell so they didn?t complain too much. All they really wanted was to get a chance to put their dicks in something hot and wet. They didn?t really want to do anything to put that in jeopardy. At exactly 2:00 am, the flood light above home plate came on. The bright beam momentarily blinded the eight guys in the home team?s dugout. As their eyes became adjusted, they noticed their wives and girlfriends were standing in a row in front of them. From the control box, Andy?s wife could be seen walking towards everyone. As she got to the line of women she called out, ?Men! Have you had your asses kicked every year before this one in the by those jerks in sales?? After a moment?s silence, a single, bitter ?yeah? echoed in the darkness. Catherine continued. ?And did you work your asses off to make sure that this wouldn?t happen again?? A few more shouts of agreement could be heard this time, along with a call to break out the girl. They were getting into it. Catherine smiled. ?And were you promised a gangbang if you got the job done?? The shouts grew bolder and louder. Time to reel them in. ?And did you do it?? The response she got surprised her with its volume. Once they calmed she continued. ?As you may have heard, the original source of the party is unable to fulfill that promise. Mother nature is a bitch.? To that she heard some agreement, a few laughs and one ?we don?t mind?. She ignored it. ?So we?ve had to improvise. But don?t worry you will get your just rewards.? At that, all of the guys were clapping and cheering. Now that she had them worked up, she turned to her partners and gestured for them to move and revival the surprise. The women were blocking the guy?s view of home base. As they moved aside the men could see that the plate was lit up under the spot light. Kneeling on home plate was a short haired brunette in a white lacy outfit. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and she had some kind of gag over her face. She wasn?t cute right in the face but her ass was hot. Wolf whistles and cheers greeted the unveiling as the guys charged the plate. But as they approached the plate they began to notice something wasn?t quite right. John was the first one to put his finger on it. ?Andy? Is that Andy?? As everyone got to home the comments came quick. From a few uncomfortable laughs to a whistle or two to a few angry questions about what kind of joke this was, the sentiments covered a wide range of emotions. Michael seemed to be the voice of those who were angry. ?This is bullshit! I ain?t some fucking faggot.? Michael threw his hat at Andy to drive his point home. ?You have to be fucking kidding me.? Before he could explode any further, Catherine trotted over and got in his face. ?Check that ?right now.? Her tone shocked him long enough for her to make her point. ?How would you be a faggot if you are the one doing the fucking? Use your head.? ?That?s not the point,? he said as he shook his head. After a moment of thought he continued. ?Fuck this sick shit, I?m going home.? As Michael started to walk away, Sarah called out after her husband. ?And how are you going to get home? I have the keys Mr. Not-A-Fag.? That got a few uncomfortable giggles. ?Well, come on and let?s get out here. You don?t want to be part of this!? Michael walked up and grabbed his wife?s arm. A cold stare from her had him drop his hand away as if she was on fire. She looked at her spouse and, in a voice loud enough that everyone could hear, said, ?Who do you think shaved that little slut?s pussy-ass. I don?t do that for anyone unless I?m going to fuck them.? With that she kicked off her shoes, began to undo her belt and opening her fly. Michael?s face looked as if it got stuck between emotions. In shock he stammered, ?But... but... but we haven?t talked about this.? Sarah finished pulling off her pants. Around her waist was a new strap- on with a bright blue dildo that matched the IT?s team color. She locked eyes with Michael. ?And when were you going to tell me about the gangbang?? The women rallied to her cause and began asking similar questions of their men. The anger from Michael?s face gave way to fear. ?But that?s different,? he said in a meek voice. Sarah kissed her husband on the check and pointed to the dugout and said ?Either your a team player or you can get your ass back to the dugout. Its your choice.? She turned her back on him and swaggered toward home plate. ?Did you grab the lube Cat? I?ve got a hot little slut to bone.? That got a round of applause from the women. Catherine was digging through the bag she had brought. She pulled out a black bottle and tossed it to Sarah in an easy arc. Next she pulled out a large box of condoms and threw it on the ground in front of the confused men. ?Andy said you were all tested clean so I?m sure he won?t mind if you don?t feel like using it. But if you mind here you go. Now men.? Catherine stressed the term, grabbed her crotch, turned her head and spat on the ground. ?I?ve got to go help my teammate fuck a slut.? 10 Andy?s wife was the first one up to bat. She rolled down his panties to just above his knees, the whole time talking about how she?s going to love sharing her ?fucking slut? with her teammates. While he never saw the dildo she wielded he quickly realized that it was huge. With no warm up she impaled him with one stroke. Thankfully she stopped and played with his cock until the pain went away and his sphincter grew accustom to the toy?s girth. After a few moments, Catherine began to make slow, gentle test strokes. After a few of these got a soft, moaning sound to escape from Andy?s throat she held nothing back. She fucked him hard and fast. There was no love, no gentle play, only raw animal passion. The strap-on was riding her clit in just the right way that she was sure she could come. Looking down at her husband?s stocking clad legs, all Catherine could think about was using her hurt to get off. After what felt like hours, but was actually closer to a couple minutes, Catherine came with a furious shout. She slapped her bitch?s ass and gave it one last hard thrust. She looked up and grinned at the other women. ?Who wants sloppy seconds?? Eight hands rose at once, along with a new round of cheers and giggles. The gang bang had started What the women lacked in experience they made up for it in pent up pain and frustration directed at their men. In short order a mix of sweat and lube ran down Andy?s thighs. His face had been pushed into the dirt, ruining his make-up. His stockings had runs and were torn at the knees. Between changing out people someone put a pair of catcher knee pads on him. He didn?t know who it was but they got his vote for sainthood. As each woman dipped their bright blue dildos into his ass, a cheer went through the circle that had formed around him. They were not subtle with their words or their cocks. He was ?their slut?, ?their whore?, ?their faggot?. It was humiliating and every time he thought he could take no more, someone would stroke his ?clitty? and he would quickly get a massive erection. This made him clinch his asshole hard and almost wish the dildos were bigger. Between taking turns in Andy?s ass, the women would tease the guys watching. Asking them what the difference was between a woman?s ass and a sissy?s ass. They would kiss each other, stroke one another?s uniform covered breasts or cop a feel from the guys. Before even half a dozen women had made their way through the line, the guys could take no more. Nathan was the first to break rank with his brethren. His joining the line was greeted by cheers, pats on the back and women pushing him to the front of the queue. Nathan knelt down behind his boss and started to undo his pants. Everyone got real quiet as he did. The pressure was to much for Nathan and he started to get up. Catherine knew that if that happened, the game would be up. She knelt behind the young man, whispered something in his ear, and reached around to continue undoing his pants. No one could hear what she whispered in his ear but when she fished out his penis it was quite erect. As she continued to whisper in his ear, she guided his small penis towards her husband?s gaping asshole. Just before he entered his first ?sissy? Nathan found his bravado. He patted Andy?s smooth ass and said loud enough for everyone to hear, ?On my review last year, you said I needed to become more of a team player.? With that he entered his boss? ass with his boss? wife urging him on. Nathan stayed still for a moment just enjoying the feeling. With a giggle Nathan asked ?So, how am I doing boss?? His answer was the largest round of applause of the night thus far. In his excitement, and the rush to the front of the line, Nathan didn?t wrap up. Within a few strokes Andy took his first load of cum. Catherine noticed and as Nathan moved away she scooped up some of the semen that leaked out of her husband?s used ass and went around to his face. She knelt in front of him and whispered in his ear as another woman took her place in his ass. ?Honey, a man, a real man, with a real cock just took your pussy-ass? cherry.? She rubbed some of the cum across the top of the gag, under his nose. ?Now you?re a real gurl...for tonight at least.? She kissed his forehead and got back in line. After Nathan, most of the rest of the guys decided to give it a go. In the next hour everyone except Michael had buried themselves, at least once, in Andy?s bottom. His ass was spread wide open and had copious amounts of lubricate and semen flowing free from its depths. It was at that moment that Andy blessed his genius wife. With his eyes closed and the cock gag covering his mouth no one could see him smile. However, no one failed to notice him rock his sore bottom against them whenever they fucked him. Just before sunrise the group noticed that one person was still in the dugout; Michael. First Angie called out to him and then Nathan. Soon everyone was begging and teasing their stand-off-ish friend to join the team. Slowly Michael walked over to the lewd group. ?I?m not a faggot,? Michael said with force as he got to home base. Kevin, a database developer who was currently balls deep in his boss? ass, stopped and chided ?Neither are we but look at how cute her ass is.? That got a round of agreement from the rest of them. Sarah walked over to Michael. Her hair had fallen from her ponytail. Her make-up had run. She was sweaty. She was dirty. But most of all she was unbelievably sexy. ?It?s not about gay or straight. Its about friends and fun. Everyone here is laughing and, from the mess at home plate, having a lot of fun.? She looked up at him with a sweet pouting face. Michael couldn?t help but smile down at her and hugged her. ?And from the size of your erection you could use a little fun yourself,? Sarah whispered in his ear. ?But I?m not a faggot, I won?t fuck a man in the ass,? he pleaded. ?First off, she?s a sissy tonight. and secondly I think I can accommodate you. Give me a second.? Sarah broke the embrace and trotted over to Catherine and whispered in her ear. Catherine listened closely and then grinned. ?Tell him to be quick, we?ve only got the park until sunrise.? Sarah clapped excitedly and ran back to her husband and began to undo his pants. As he started to protest all Sarah could do was tell him to trust her. At the same time Catherine walked over to Andy?s face and knelt down. ?Honey, I?ve got one more surprise for you but you have to promise to say nothing.OK?? At this point Andy was so tired he agreed easily. She reached down, removed the cock gag and dropped it to the ground. At that moment Michael came into view of his boss. Catherine grinned ?From here you can?t even see her clitty. Think you can fuck this little whore?s mouth?? Even though his jaw was tired from the rubber cock that had been in his mouth for hours, Andy couldn?t close his mouth. Michael was hung! Andy doubted he could have wrapped his hand around the shaft of his friends cock. As Michael knelt before him, Andy had no doubt as to where that monster was getting ready to go. Catherine stood up and cleared her throat. ?I only ask one thing. Nathan are you up to go again? I what to watch the slut take it from both ends by a couple of real men.? Nathan didn?t need to be asked twice. Both men got into position and began a rhythmic pattern. Andy gagged, chocked and cried. At the same time he drove as hard as he could onto his friends? cocks. The whole group watched and cried out encouragements. And that?s when it happen, Nathan?s cock found the spot that everyone had been hammering on all night. Andy?s prostate could take no more abuse. Thick streams of cum shot all over from home plate from Andy?s rock hard cock. When he opened his eyes he saw that his wife had noticed. Her eyes were wide and Andy was sure the grin on her face would have to be surgically removed. After a few more trust Michael unloaded a huge load of cum down his boss? throat. So much so that Andy couldn?t swallow all of it and most dripped onto the dust. It took Nathan a few strokes more but soon he was filling Andy?s rectum once again. Everyone seemed to agree via a silent vote that the party was over and began to get dressed. Catherine thanked them all and said that she would lock up. She stood next to Andy as everyone walked off the field, many with calls of ?see ya? at work Monday?. Catherine knew the women would have long talks with there men. They all agreed that what happened on the field would stay on the field. Well, most everything would stay on the field. Once everyone had left and the field was silent Catherine pulled another item from her bag. In the pink and blues of pre-dawn she began to take pictures. Andy looked defeated. A mix of need and fatigue was painted on his face. Sometime in the night his palm had been scrapped and a bit of crusted blood could be seen on the side of his hand. The plastic hair clips had been ripped out of his hair and were laying broken on the ground. The lingerie was in tatters and hanging off his shoulders. Cum leaked from his ass and off his chin. His hole was a large, dark gape. He was the image of sexual assault ? and he was smiling. Catherine wanted to remember this. Once she was happy that she had captured the aftermath for future sexual fodder she pulled the last items from her bag; cleaning wipes and a long robe. ?Honey?? she asked softly. After a moment Andy looked up at her. The look on his face almost made her cum. She deiced that the growing warmth between her legs could wait as she knelt down and began to clean her husband. The whole time she told him how good of a job he did. How sexy he looked. How much of a man she thought he was. And over and over again how much she loved him. After he was as clean as she could make him she removed the heels, helped him stand, took off the knee pads and covered him in the robe. The cleaning and removal of the lingerie became a ritual to restore his manhood. Once he was stable she held him in a long and loving embrace. Once they broke the embrace they quietly watched the first rays of the sun come over the Eastern horizon. ?Let?s go home, get showered and sleep.? Andy smiled at his wife?s words as she led him towards the car. After a few steps he took her hand and pulled her to a stop. She turned towards him with a worried look. Andy?s smile reassured her. As he looked lovely into his wife?s smudged face he made a simple request. ?Can we lay off the surprises... for a little while at least.?

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 6 Locker Rooms Genie Surprise

Chapter Six: Locker Room's Genie Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 7 Virgin Deflowered

Chapter Seven: Virgin Deflowered By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania Buckley:...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 8 Submissive Genies Cherry Love

Chapter Eight: Submissive Genie's Cherry Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

4 years ago
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Winning It All

Copyright© 2005 Soronel Haetir Sweetness and Lace were working on the laundry, seperating the clothes into many small batches and running them through the cleaner so that none of the colors ran. As each load was completed, one or the other would fold the garments and separate them as to where they belong. Lace looked up from one particularly nice silk slip and asked "would you like to hear about how I first met Master?" "Don't tease me, of course I do." "It was the last day of...

1 year ago
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Winning Championship gets me triple teamed by girlfriend and friends part 1

State Championship. 20 seconds left. My buddy, Ray Bone shooting a free throw. 64 – 64. Ray puts it up. Shit he missed. The other team rebounds and fast breaks and gets a dunk on the other end. 15 seconds left. Ray gets the inbound and dribbles up the court and passes it to James he doesn’t have a shot he throws it cross court to me with 5 seconds left and my defender tight on me I go through my legs one way then spin move the other and shoot up a 3 pointer to win it. SWISH. I raise my arms and...

Group Sex
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© February 2002 As I sank the eight ball and won the third frame in a row, I felt a hot flush of pleasure course over me and not just because I'd simply won the match. Sitting at the bar was a rather pretty local lady - she'd been the object of the 'winner take all' bet - and I'd just won! It had started earlier in the evening. I don't shoot pool all that often - after all I'm a Brit; our game, on a table that is, is snooker. Bigger table, ball, cues and more balls, but I'd...

2 years ago
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“I can’t believe my mom is wearing that.” said Nate pointing to his mom wearing a skimpy two piece. “At least she let us all come over and use the pool.” I said. “Great, here she comes.” said Nate. “You had an amazing game Jason, two dunks, and they said white men can’t jump!” said Nate’s mom. “Thanks Mrs. P!” I replied. “What about me mom, how did I do?” said Nate disappointed. “You did good too honey.” She said still staring at me. “Thanks for letting us use your pool.” I said. “Any...

3 years ago
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Winning the Worlds

A field of golden grass. A tree at least a hundred times the size of anything you've seen before. A woman's voice. "You are chosen." This is everything our hero sees, hears, feels. "Take this gift." The woman appears. Her glows with an earthy green. Her eyes as dark as the forest but full of life and love. Her golden, sun-kissed skin shines with radiance. Her name resonates through your head. Gaia. Mother Nature. The goddess who created the earth and all life on it.

1 year ago
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Winning Her Heart

The stage was set. Tonight was the night. He lit the simple candles on the table and set out the china that had been a wedding gift nine long years ago. The delicate flowered plates were rarely even pulled out of the buffet table anymore, but their bone color and lilac pattern brought back memories of the early days of marriage. He sighed, both in fond memory and regret at the loss of such simple times. The oven timer went off. He checked his watch: right on time. The smell of roasted potatoes...

1 year ago
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Winning takes a lot of sacrifices extended

When I turned 18 I left home. I went to study to a big University in a big city 300 miles away from my hometown. Until then the only sexual pleasure I had was masturbating secretly in my room with the constant fear of getting caught. From the age of 12 I knew I was different. I liked girls I fell in love with one but when I masturbated I had various fantasies. I always loved women feet and shoes. I thought ok it's a fetish everyone has them. One day, on my way home, for the first time, a...

2 years ago
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Winning the Bet Part 5

MondayDating someone from work is strange. We see each other every day around the office, but we work in different parts of the company so we don't spend much time together. We've hooked up after work a few times now (and one memorable time at work), but we've only been on a handful of actual dates.Our company has an all-hands meeting every Monday morning. The conference room we meet in isn't quite big enough for everyone. Extra chairs are wheeled in, and people lean against the walls or even...

Office Sex
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Winning the Bet Part 4

We're at the movies, but neither of us is paying any attention to what's happening on screen. The movie is a few weeks old and there are maybe seven other people in the theater. None of them are sitting anywhere near us. The lights have been out for twenty minutes and she's whispering filthy things in my ear. We've been seeing each other for a couple weeks now ever since I caught her masturbating at work. The sexual chemistry between us was intense, but we were still getting to know each other...

2 years ago
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Winning the Bet Part 1

"Remind me again why I'm doing this?" she asked as she leaned against the doorframe to her bedroom. "You lost the bet," I said, taking another swig of my drink. The cheap whiskey in the cola made me grimace as I finished speaking. I was sitting on the sofa in the living room of her apartment, with a nice buzz going. "It just doesn't seem right that I have to parade around in my underwear while you sit there fully dressed." She stood up as she said this, swaying just a little bit. "Hey, you lost...

4 years ago
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Winning Story At Kirtu Contest

Scientist’s Beauty Laxmi Chechi Author: Abhi Parekh Email: Word Count: 4563 Dr.Raghuprakash Nath is a senior scientist at ISRO Ahmedabad, staying at ISRO colony. Laxmi is his beautiful wife, a mallu woman in her mid 40s. She has combination of not only beauty and brain, she is sexy too. Her every curve is luscious. Any man looking at her start look at her flowing curves. For some that may be her bust line, for some that may be her waist line. Some keep staring at her legs and thighs. While...

2 years ago
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Winning An Argument

HI FRIENDS THIS IS RAJ_HOT AGAIN WITH NEW STORY AND FIND NEW LUST AGAIN. SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS AR ANY PERSON WANT ADVICE FROM ME TO HOW TO START A NEW LOVE OR ANY LOVE PROBLEM PLEASE MAIL ME I WILL HELP HIM WITHOUT ANY FEES. It had been a particularly stormy argument. My mother had accused me of stealing from her purse and I was getting pretty pissed about having to defend myself on no evidence whatsoever. I couldn’t believe it. I’d never stolen anything from her in my life and now she comes...

3 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 3 Naughty Teachers Wicked Exam

Chapter Three: Naughty Teacher's Wicked Exam By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's...

1 year ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 10 Administering the Teachers Discipline

Chapter Ten: Administering the Teacher's Discipline By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

2 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 12 Exposing the Naughty Genies

Chapter Twelve: Exposing the Naughty Genies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's harem. Tania...

1 year ago
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Winning Numbers

What would you do if you suddenly discovered you had won the lottery? Okay, I know I'm not your typical lottery winner. I almost never played the thing. I only bought the ticket because I was feeling so depressed. My divorce had become final the week before. Hell, we hadn't lived together for over a year, so that shouldn't have depressed me, but it did. I was also having problems at work. I was an electrical engineer and had been working for the same company for five years. My boss told...

3 years ago
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Winning Denver

Las Vegas is America's adult amusement park. I spend two or three weeks a year there to gamble and enjoy the other festivities. I'm never a big winner or loser unless you consider $20,000 a trip big. At thirty-seven, I was in my fifteenth year of Vegas trips, and over the years, I was actually ahead by more than a hundred thousand. I always stay at the same place and gamble there most of the time. As a regular, I get the freebies they offer to generate repeat business, such as lunches,...

2 years ago
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Winning a Bet

Getting a suntan and a strangers cock in a public wood! One of my online friends have dared me to let a complete stranger fuck me, and we have made a bet, I had to make it to a public wood and get some sun and lure a stranger to fuck me. I was allowed to have my husband watch what happened and keep me from harm. The following hot and sunny day we drove to a nearby wood, I had a bikini under my dress and a bag with a blanket, a termo with coffee some sun-lotion. I was both a little nervous...

4 years ago
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Win or Lose PT 2 Creampie Eating

It had been over a year since Janice made her bet with me that I couldn't last long enough to make her cum before I blew my load in her pussy. I lost twice the first night, and I lost every time since then, but I still held out hope that I could win. My prize? If I win my wife will, for the first time ever in our relationship, willingly suck me to completion and swallow my cum. My penalty? If I cum first, I have to go down on her and get her off with my tongue. In the process I end up eating...

2 years ago
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Win Win Move

Win, Win MoveBy: Londebaaz ChohanKevin was such a good friend that he convinced his father to give me the job in his office after graduation. He also convinced his mother to speak with his father for the say-so of my short stay at their house until I found a reasonable place for rent to shift there. Kevin had his room on the first floor. His parents had the master bedroom on the ground floor. They had a guest room on the ground floor next to his parent’s bedroom and another larger bedroom...

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Win or LoseChapter 2

It had been over a year since Janice made her bet with me that I couldn't last long enough to make her cum before I blew my load in her pussy. I lost twice the first night, and I lost every time since then, but I still held out hope that I could win. My prize? If I win my wife will, for the first time ever in our relationship, willingly suck me to completion and swallow my cum. My penalty? If I cum first, I have to go down on her and get her off with my tongue. In the process I end up eating...

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Win a Date with Quinn1

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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Win a Date with Quinn0

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

4 years ago
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Win a lottery lose a lottery

Ever wonder what winning the lottery might be like? Not just the paltry $1million dollar stuff but a really big Powerball hundreds of millions of dollars one. Well, I did and this is my story. I led a fairly normal life. At least for a practicing cross dresser with a bent for some submissive play now and again. I had visited many Mistresses in several dungeons in five or six states. The first session with each was always the best because of the unknown. What would this dominant do...

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