Richa Banged In A Taxi free porn video

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Hi, my name is Richa. I work in an IT company. Here's my unfortunate story.

It was with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that I realized that my car was going to stall. After repeated attempts to gun it back to life, had failed, I gave up and stepped out into the night air. There was no point in peering under the bonnet, as I didn’t know anything about the engine anyway! It was balmy and seemed like a storm was brewing, 10: 30 at night, a single woman, stranded in the middle of a road, with a broken down car - not an enviable position - to say the least. I had had a tiring day at work and had tried my best to thwart my colleagues from dragging my to a movie with them. I should have tried harder; I cursed myself, as I locked up the car as securely as I could - removing the detachable front panel of the stereo. I hoped that by the time a mechanic got to it tomorrow, my car would still be intact. Now how do we get back home? It was an effort to take the first few steps away from the car. The first drop of rain hit my shoulder causing me to look at the droplet fast seeping into the fabric of my blouse, causing a dark patch to appear.
As the next few droplets pit patted my, I looked up to see the dark clouds and lightning streak across the sky. I tugged my flimsy chiffon saree tight around my and trudged along while cursing myself, “Wonderful, now I am going to get drenched!” It was going to be a long, wet, wade back home if some mode of transportation didn’t show up soon. I heard the noise of an engine and turned to look back with hope. In the faint glimmer of the streetlights I saw a yellow cab approaching. As I tried to make out if it was empty, I instinctively raised my hand to flag it down. The driver saw my and swerved to a halt a few meters away from my - it was empty, but there were two of them in the front seat. All my instincts warned my not to acknowledge this cab, but I ignored them and walked up to the vehicle. As I approached the cab, I saw the assistant steering at my privates, as he scratched his day old stubble. His eyes traveled to my full breasts accentuated by the saree drawn tight across them and then lower down to my waist, which was exposed, as I had worn the saree low, below my navel. The saree was flimsy and my dark blouse was clearly visible through it, and this scruffy fellow was stripping my nude with his eyes as I drew level with the car. The insolent fellow didn’t stop leering at my breasts even as I spoke to him and asked “Can you take me to Cotton Street?” In silent agreement, the passenger door swung open, and as I entered the cab, the driver turned around and gave my a slow once over, his gaze coming to a rest directly on my tits. I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized that both of them were drunk. I averted his eyes and settled down, fidgeting with my purse to keep my from looking at him. As he engaged gears, he reached up to adjust the rear view mirror and focused it on my breasts. I noticed this movement and looked up, as I did so, I came face to face with the helper who was now openly leering at my breasts. As I gulped, I noticed the lecherous smile on his face as he turned his face away and looked at the driver.
The driver met his gaze and also returned the same smile. It was almost as if an unspoken agreement had been signed. I realized all this and almost panicked into jumping out of the speeding cab, but I tried to blame it all on my imagination and tried to stay calm. Home was a long way off. The cab sped along deserted roads, and I felt the tiredness begin to overtake my. I fought it as long as I could; yet I was unaware of the attention that the driver was paying at the rear view mirror. If only I knew that he was gazing at my lush breasts as they jiggled with every little pothole that the cab encountered. The breeze through the open window drove away my fears, but it also drove away my saree from my blouse, causing my right breast and deep scooped neckline to come into view. The driver noticed this and rubbed his hardening cock through his trousers. I was lost in my own thoughts and reminisced about the movie, I also worried about my car and failed to notice the helper stealing sidelong glances at my exposed blouse and midriff now and again. The breeze and the motion of the car soon began to have their effect on my, and though I tried my best to fight it, an euphoric tiredness began to take hold of my. I dream of my bed and how I would soon crash into it, totally exhausted. As I dream, the breeze completely blew my saree off my shoulders and my heaving breasts clad in the low cut blouse, my fair stomach, accentuated by my deep dark navel, lay exposed for all to see. The cool breeze had caused my nipples to harden inside my flimsy bra and they were beginning to jut out through the fabric of my blouse.
The blouse was made of a semi - transparent material and my bra was clearly outlined through it. my cleavage, caused by my breasts ensconced in the tight bra, peeped out of my low neckline. The driver saw all this in the mirror and he massaged his rock hard dick vigorously causing his assistant to turn around and look at the half asleep i. He licked his lips at the sight of my and imagined what it would feel like to squeeze those tits and suck the hardening nipples. They looked at each to my and nodded in silent agreement, it was now or never. The driver swung the car into a deserted lane off the main road and slowed to a halt behind a parked bus. I felt the vehicle slowing down and awoke with a start. I expected to see familiar areas, maybe my driveway, but all I could see was a dingy lane and the two men in the front seat looking at my with lusty eyes. As I regained my composure, I realized that I was exposing a lot of flesh and hastily tried to cover myself up. The assistant sprang into action as he turned around, reached out and clamped his fist over my mouth, and with his dirty hand he held the saree, preventing my from pulling it over myself. The driver opened his door and stepped out of the car, looked around, opened my door and roughly pushed me in. As he slid in next to me, the assistant relinquished his hold on my and opened his door and entered from the other door. It all happened so fast that before I knew it, I was sandwiched between the two. Before I could open my mouth to scream, the driver dealt my a slap across my cheeks, that made my actually see stars and sent my sprawling into the lap of the waiting helper. As the helper held my shoulders and pulled my down onto his lap, the driver gripped my blouse with both hands and ripped it open. He made short work of my bra, slipping the straps off my shoulders, and scooping my large breasts out, which he held in either palm and began to squeeze. The helper once again clamped his hand over my mouth and prevented my from screaming. I was suffocating in his vice like grip, and the more I struggled, the tighter the hold became.
The driver hiked my saree up to my thighs and straddled my legs with his own. He looked down at my thighs appreciatively and ran his hands over them, feeling their softness. His palms scalded my as they traveled closer and closer to my snatch rubbing and fondling my thighs. As I closed my eyes and struggled to free myself, the driver slowly but deliberately began to stroke my pussy through my flimsy black panties. I was terrified and stared back at him as he began to unzip his trousers. He wore no underwear and his cock sprang out from within. It was thick and black and rapidly hardening as he stroked it up and down. He hooked his fingers into the crotch of my panties and pulled hard. It came apart like tissue paper.
As my pussy was bared, the helper reached down and stroked my curly pubes, stopping for a moment as he found my lips and pried them apart. I struggled violently and tried to get up, and this elicited anatomy stinging slap, this time from the helper, ” Fucking bitch, stop struggling or you are in for a painful time!” Tears sprang from my eyes, as I realized my predicament. The driver, now confident of my compliance, knelt down and squatted on the floor, bent my legs and spread them wide apart. He moistened a finger in his mouth and drove it into my pussy without much finesse. As he did so, he bent down and started to suck my nipples. I felt his coarse tongue and also his thick digit, which was beginning to shaft my soft pussy. As the finger pushed in and out my pussy began to respond and the juices began to trickle. The helper used his free hand to freely explore my soft breast and thighs, occasionally stroking his hard on through his trousers. I could feel the heat, and the hardness of his cock through the material of his trouser as he held my cheek tight against it. The driver pulled his digit out of my pussy and bent down over my stomach. He kissed my navel and his tongue dove into it, he gripped the gatmying of my saree and tried to pull it down as far as possible as his tongue followed his hand and came to a stop just above my pubic line. He shoved his hands underneath my ass cheeks and lifted my up giving him a free access to my pussy. As his tongue skimmed the surface of my lips, he looked up and proclaimed to his assistant, “What a pussy, Baby, you and I are going to have a good time to get my!” The assistant looked at his boss appreciatively and replied, “You keep the pussy boss, leave my ass to me, seen the size - I must be a wild fuck!” These vulgar and obscene comments scalded i, but I knew that what they were about to do to my was going to be even worse. The driver shoved his tongue into my pussy lips as he pried them apart, and began lapping away at my juices.However revolting the thought may have been, I felt my body begin to respond as I experienced the hot tongue skimming my pussy and occasionally diving deep inside my. The driver fastened up the strokes of his tongue holding my soft thighs apart with his hands.
The helper was trying to kiss my mouth, but as I twisted and turned my face, he unzipped his trouser and pressed his cock against my cheeks. I felt the heat of his cock as it grew bigger against the side of my face, and tried my best to draw away from it but he held my head tightly to it. He then gripped my hair in a bunch and tugged hard, “Open your mouth slut, open it and suck my dick!” The grip on my hair was violent and for fear of being slapped again,i turned my face towards the hard cock springing up on his lap. The helper held his dick and rubbed it on my lips, he leered back at my, as I begged for mercy, “Please let me go, don’t do this to me, I beg you.” my appeals fell to deaf ears, as the helper pinched my cheeks open and inserted the head of his cock into my mouth. It was enormous! I felt that I was going to choke on the head itself, leave alone the rest of the monstrosity! The helper forced his way into his mouth, till I felt that he had probably reached my stomach. I had never imagined that a human penis could ever be of such gargantuan proportions. As I gagged and tried to breathe normally, the helper began to undulate his hips and cause the monster to move in and out of my mouth. The rancid taste and pussy smell of the phallus revolted my, but I sucked on it to save my life. In the meanwhile, the driver found my erect clitoris and began massaging it with his thumb while he continued sucking the lips of my pussy. I squirmed in shame as I felt my juices begin to flow freely from all the attention. As he gyrated my clit round and round, I felt tremors begin deep inside my and involuntarily I began to buck my hips.
The driver realized this and his tongue probed deeper into my rim, while he kneaded my ass fiercely. The helper was groaning as he savored the feel of his cock inside his warm mouth and low guttural sounds emanated from his clenched lips as he held my hard nipples in his fingers and rubbed them like marbles.i was beginning to enjoy the attentions that my body was receiving from both of them, and even though my brain screamed out for it to stop responding, my body proved to be a traitor. The driver looked up at my and inserted two thick fingers into my wet pussy; he shafted my and rammed them up to his knuckles. I was taken by surprise as the fingers filled my hole and I felt them stretch my lips and walls wide. It felt good, very good, as the fingers increased their tempo and began working in and out of my cunt. A squishy sound came out of my pussy as the fingers churned it into a dribbling mess and the juices flowed out of my lips and spread on to my snatch. The driver was, by now, shafting my like a piston and as I looked at his face, I was terrified at the lust that flowed from his eyes. He in turn looked at my helpless face contorted with fear, pain and lust and this fired him up even more my nostrils were flared open; my pretty pink lips were spread apart as I sucked in my breath, my hair disheveled and my eyes wide open, begging for mercy. my body was awash in sweat which glistened in the pale light of the night, my chest heaved with excited terror, my nipples taut and my breasts swollen from all the attention. his head was still on the helper’s lap, who had lifted my arms above my head and was holding them down. With his free hand, he extricated his gigantic glans, wet from my mouth and began to shaft it. As I looked up at it, I couldn’t help feeling overawed at the size of it. I had always fantasied about a truly big cock, but this one was unbelievable! It reminded my of the nozzle attached to the end of a garden hose, almost as big as my forearm and equally thick. He held it by its base and wagged it in front of my mouth and then began to beat my face with it. Though he didn’t hurt my, I felt like I was being chastised with a warm iron rod. What the driver’s fingers were doing to my pussy was now beginning to have an effect on my, I felt my innards begin to twitch, my thighs begin to tremble, and my hips rose up from the seat of the car to meet his fingers. I realized, as did my tormentors that I was going to come. “Shove it into my quick, before I starts cumming, his wet and ready!” said the helper as he tried to make my take his cock back inside my mouth. I opened my lips and my soft tongue snaked out to lick the underside of his glans, a moan escaped from my lips, as the driver’s lips clamped down on my clit and he began to suck.
All of a sudden, a wave of heat took over me, as my cum flowed like hot lava, deep inside my. I struggled and bucked and moaned with the pleasure of my release and my body convulsed as wave after wave of ecstasy coursed through my. As I shamelessly realized what had happened, and lay spent from my exertions, all activity came to an end.The helper released my hands and opened his door and stepped out, I saw him looking down at my with his monster dick swinging above my face. He reached down and again pinned my arms down. The driver stood up also, and leered down at my near naked body. my saree was bunched around my waist, my panties ripped apart, my blouse had been torn open, and my bra straps slipped off my shoulders. i’s fair skin shone like alabaster in the diffused light with my lush pubes and deep navel a stark contrast. He dropped to one knee on the seat, spread my legs wide and slowly; deliberately undid his trousers. He then bent down, gripped my shoulders, propped his body up and levered his otmy leg up on the seat between my spread thighs. I knew what was about to happen and tensed involuntarily.He lowered his whole body on top of my and his weight cruid i’s soft flesh, as he took my pretty face in his hands and forced his mouth on my. I tried to avoid it but he was much too strong. He drove his tongue into my mouth and played with my tongue, he withdrew and kissed my with loud smooching sounds. He held my hair and held it in a tight bunch as with his free hand he squeezed my soft swollen breasts.i felt the heat of his blood engorged penis between my thighs and with every slight movement, felt it inch closer and closer to my pussy. As he sucked my taut nipples haltingly and slat my my breasts with his hot tongue, I felt the knob of his dick begin to spread my hole open and begin it’s journey into my. It hardly met any resistance with all the juices that flowed freely inside my and I felt my walls stretching as he filled my up slowly.He continued kissing my and playing with my lush tits while he drove his cock deep into my pussy and filled my aching pussy with his meat. The helper kept looking down at my pussy being ravished as his now flaccid monster wagged in front of my face. Pre-cum oozed from it’s slit in a tacky flow and dripped onto my hair.
He raised my palms to his organ and made my hold it. With my fingers wrapped around his shaft, began to hump his hips. This caused his dick to begin to harden again and soon his fingers couldn’t travel all the way around. The driver had begun to step up his strokes and I could feel my body hungering for release once again. With every stroke, my body shook and my breasts bounced around like mounds of jelly.By now, the tempo had reached a crescendo as the driver rained a barrage of thrusts into my helpless pussy and I shamelessly responded with a steady stream of low moans and groans. “Oh God, Oh God, aaanh, aaoow, Oh my God, Oh please” I whimpered. “The bitch is crying for it”, opined the helper, as the driver groaned and grunted with every stroke. His cock was traveling all the way deep inside my and the friction was maddening for him. I felt the storm building up inside my; I also felt the thick cock twitching in my palms as its heat scalded my. The driver felt my respond as I involuntarily lifted my hips and rose to meet his strokes midway and his tempo increased to a frenzy. He palmed my breasts and sucked hard on my erect nipples as his cock slammed into my mercilessly. Suddenly I erupted and began to come; I wrapped my thighs around his hips and pulled him in to get the maximum penetration. His cock touched something deep inside my and I flowed like a fountain. my screams of release echoed in the darkness as I bucked my hips rhythmically. The driver realized that I had come and reached his own climax, as he plunged deep into my, his cock erupted and his semen shot into my washing my already juicy hole with more liquid.”Oh God, fuck you, you bitch, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you”, he repeated as his juices stopped flowing. He kissed my mouth, bit my lips, sucked my nipples, squeezed my breasts - did everything all at once and collapsed on top of i, totally spent. As I began to comprehend what had happened, my first instinct was to give in to my spent tiredness and close my eyes. As I did so, I realized that the monster cock of the helper was not in my hands anymore and that my arms were free. I looked up and saw the night sky; the helper was now my around. For a brief moment, I irrationally contemplated running for freedom even in this disheveled state. That was soon nipped in the bud, as a split second later, I saw the door near my foot open and the silhouette of the helper loomed in the darkness. The driver was still on top of my, I wondered if he had gone off to sleep! The helper bent down and tapped his boss on his thighs and said, “My turn boss, get up!” I stared in wordless terror as the driver eased himself up and his sweat glistened body exited out of the door.
For a moment I was totally free and felt a chill wash over my as a soft breeze wafted into the car.i saw the helper advance, and involuntarily shut my thighs close.He smiled a crooked smile at my as he stood tmye by the door, half bent, with his gargantuan cock swinging like a pendulum, “Not interested in your pussy baby, show me your asshole sweetheart.” I was paralyzed with terror, this guy wanted to fuck my ass with that giant dick, I knew I would die! I had to stop him at any cost,i folded my palms at him “Oh God no please, not that way, I’ve never done it before, please spare me”, I pleaded. At this sign of dissent, he reached in held my by the waist and flipped my over on my stomach effortlessly, as if I was a rag doll. He then gripped my ankles and pulled my towards him. As I slid across the seat on my stomach, I prepared for the worst. Soon he relinquished his hold on my ankles and gripped my thighs and lifted my ass up in the air, “What an ass baby, I’m gonna fuck you till you bleed, you slut!” I heard his vicious threat, and almost blacked out as his hard palm cracked across the ample flesh of my buttocks. He hit my again and enjoyed the ‘thwack’ of his open palm on my fleshy cheeks. i’s ass was soft, milky white and large by any standards and these slaps left red welts on my sensitive skin. Tears sprang to my eyes. I had always been conscious of my ample proportions and took great care not to exhibit it under any circumstances, as a result I refrained from wearing trousers or jeans. For my to suffer this ignominy, getting fucked in the backseat of a taxi by two scruffy strangers was unthinkable. The violent fucking that I had endured and the stinging slaps had left my devoid of any strength to resist. I cradled my head in my arms and lay down like an Egyptian cat, with my ass high up in the air, as he knelt down between my legs and spread my thighs apart. As I resigned myself to my fate and prepared to lose my anal virginity, I couldn’t help the tears that kept flowing. He probed between my legs and found my wet snatch into which he inserted his two fingers, and spread my lips apart. I had expected him to pay all attention to my asshole and was pleasantly surprised. He withdrew his fingers, and soon I felt the large head of his cock nudge my pussy lips apart.
Lubricated, though, my pussy was, I couldn’t help but gasp as the monstrosity began its journey into my. It felt as if I was being torn apart As more of the shaft entered my soft innards, I felt my walls being stretched wide and it felt like I was about to lose my virginity all over again. All the stories that I had read and heard about huge cocks, could not prepare my for the pain and pleasure that I felt at this moment. It was as if an oak trunk was spearing my, but I was also being filled - completely. The pain was excruciating, as it traveled into my inch by inch, yet I began to savor the feeling of being completely filled up. I wondered if an average dick would ever satisfy my in future. In a few moments, he reached down and grabbed my breasts and began to squeeze them hard. His thumbs and forefingers found my nipples and rubbed and pinched them to hard points. The tip of his cock touched my vagina deep inside and flushed into that sensitive organ. All at once my orgasm broke loose again and I began to convulse and come. my pussy flooded once again, he extricated his cock to the tip of my lips and then, without warning, rammed it back up to the hilt.
As I felt it travel back up my pussy, I continued to come. “Oh my God, that feels so good, Oh God that feels great, Oh God fuck me, fuck me……harder, fuck me.”, I said. He had felt my coming and now he heard my moaning, that was enough for the helper. He tore into my pussy like a sledgehammer, every stroke shaking i’s body. my ass cheeks shivered under the impact of this onslaught and he gripped them in both hands and kneaded them like dough. With every stroke, I felt his abdomen crash into my ass, his thighs slapped against mys. I had capitulated completely, and was lost in my own pleasurable sensations, when I felt hands on my face and looked up to see the driver standing in front of my. His cock was hard again and he was rubbing it on my lips. I opened my mouth wordlessly and accepted his stiffening member and began to suck it like a lollipop. It grew in my mouth, as did the monstrosity deep inside my. I felt it begin to thicken and twitch and knew that he was about to come. I myself had a tickle starting some way inside my and as he increased the tempo of his strokes to a violent tempo, I felt his open palms cracking across my fleshy ass. The pain that these slaps caused, inter mingled with the pleasure that they created, caused i’s pussy to begin to twitch - again! The driver was holding my head with both his hands and fucking my mouth in rapid strokes.
He suddenly gave a guttural groan, ” Oh fuck you baby, fuck your pussy, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!”, and discharged his spunk into my mouth. I tried to disengage and spit it out, but he held my head hard and after a while, I felt the hot spunk travel down my throat. The helper with his massive cock was ploughing deep into my pussy, his body on top of my, my ass still smarting from the hard slaps, and his palms were kneading my soft titties when I discharged yet again. “Oh, Oh, Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder, harder, harder!”,i moaned amidst my tears as I bucked my hips to meet his strokes mid way. Whet my he heard or not, his tempo increased till a continuous vulgar, squishy sound from my pussy joined the chorus of my moans and his steady grunts. One final lunge and he released his load of come deep into my quim, ” Fucking bitch, your pussy is so juicy, you bitch, you slut, slut, slut!”, he kept repeating as he collapsed on top of my. His monster cock spat the seed that filled my pussy with the hot fluid. I had passed out a moment earlier under the onslaught of his cock and my own final release and did not hear all this. When I came to, I was lying in the back seat of a moving car which was speeding through the night. I smelt the rain soaked streets and as I sat up and grabbed my saree to cover myself, the assistant of the cab turned around and asked, “Right Ma’am where do you want to go?”.


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We had been at a friends birthday party since the early evening, the booze had been flowing and we were now on the way to being nicely tipsy. As usual when we were out, we flirted with each other and those that we found attractive around us, however we never went any further than flirting. During the evening we had been whispering naughty thoughts to each other, this was our normal pre-sex foreplay. I was telling her how I love watching the other guys look at her and know that they all want to...

Group Sex
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Getting inspired by cam sex I banged my girlfriend hard

I was an active guy who liked sex quite a lot. In fact, before Janey came into my life, I was sleeping with a new girl every night. Then Janey came and we got into a relationship. One year into it, my urges seem to be coming back. Although Janey is enthusiastic about sex, I can’t shove my dick in her 24/7. I had sex cravings at times and didn’t know what to do about it. Then I found out about cam sex but also banged my girlfriend hard after doing cam sex with other girls. I had always assumed...

3 years ago
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Banged My Girlfriend And My Crush

Hi guys, this is my third story in ISS. This story is about my girlfriend Sanskriti and my crush Sagarika. My girlfriend stats are 34-25-32 and Sagarika’s stats are 36-30-34. Sanskriti has a toned body while Sagarika has a curvy body which will make any guy crazy. Both of them when put together make a delicious package. One could imagine to be a prince and getting pleasured by these two goddesses. Yes, this was my fantasy. But I settled to bang them both separately in my house with the other...

1 year ago
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The Night I was Banged Hard on the Terrace by a Stranger

I had a high-flying career and was married for the last 10 years. But my husband was mostly away on business most of the year, saying that right now was the time to earn. I agreed with it. We could earn now and relax later. But lately, I had been feeling lonely and quite horny. I was angry and frustrated as I missed sex with a person. But because we had mutually decided to live like this, I couldn’t say much on it. I couldn’t say I changed my mind. So, I waited for things to change. I wanted...

3 years ago
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Back in the 80's I drove a town taxi cab for a small Massachusetts town 15 miles northeast of Boston. My day would take me all over the state and out of state sometimes. On slow days I would stay in town and cart most of the elderly everywhere. Those days were busy, they all get their checks and want to go shopping. This one day I remember oh so well. Her name was Martha and she was a sweet lady. It was a snowy day and I picked her up at the complex she lived at. It was...

2 years ago
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The Taxi

I decided a few years ago that driving a taxi wouldn't get me too far in life, so I developed a new plan. I bought my taxi and decided to freelance. I approached some of my friends that I knew would agree to my idea and they were my first clients. I would pick them up and than drive the streets. I wouldn't pick up any woman flagging me down unless my client approved of her. Once we picked the 'customer' up I would drive my client to wherever he choose, usually somewhere dark and quiet, and...

1 year ago
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After an evening reception my wife and I called for a taxi to take us back to the hotel where we were staying. We had had a few drinks and were quite relaxed and maybe a wee bit tipsy but not over the top. The taxi arrived and my wife and I got in the back and exchanged some pleasantries with the driver an athletic looking young man. He was very friendly and paid a nice compliment to my wife saying I was a lucky man to have such sexy wife we laughed it off. The road back to the hotel...

2 years ago
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A Night At The Club 2 The Taxi

Hey Sexxy You,I had really wanted to send you something nice for Christmas, but things are still a little out of sorts at the moment. But that will all change once I go to closing on the house next month.So I guess I’ll be sending a “belated” Christmas gift now that I know that you can receive it safely. I’ll let you know when it’s coming so you can be on the look out for it.Although technically, I suppose Christmas is over since it’s past mid-night, consider this a post Christmas...

2 years ago
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paki love black taxi

Tanzila and Seidah chatted away merrily as the car drove through the gates of the restaurant car park. Both women were really excited at the prospect of a fun filled Muslima hen night of food, games and laughter. Being hijabi girls neither drank alcohol, although there would be drinks for kuffor colleague ladies that were coming from Tanzila's office.Seidah was excited that her beautiful younger cousin Tanzila was finally marrying. She had been married several years herself, before leaving her...

1 year ago
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I had been to a club with my friend Sally. We are both married, attractive and unfaithful, though our husbands know what we are like and encourage us. We had been to a black bar in South London, I always go commando and I was dress in a leather min skirt, tight low cut blouse, hold ups and thigh length leather boots, and Sally was dressed in a similar way. We had had a good night Sally had been taken home by a guy and I had been fucked in a back room by two young West Indian guys, they had kept...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 358 Air Taxi

I should have expected that. Molly teased me that the girl on the plane is more in danger than April. “Does your daughter like kids?” I asked. He gave me a stern look and replied, “She loves them, but I don’t want her having my first grandchild before she graduates college.” “It is ok. I have plenty of rubbers, but that isn’t why I asked,” I joked and watched the Colonel relax. “I’ve been traveling a lot lately and promised to take my nearly three-year-old daughter with me. If your...

1 year ago
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Unexpectedly Gangbanged By My Friends In Their Flat 8211 Part IV

Hi friends. This is Ruchita. I got amazing response for my previous narrations “Unexpectedly Gang-banged By My Friends In Their Flats.” I got too many mails so sorry for those guys to whom I couldn’t reply. So friends as you all know that when we youngsters start sex, we need it again and again. And even a girl who has tasted gang-bang can never control her sex. You all know the incidence where I was gang-banged. Even my story continued further and different incident happened in my life...

3 years ago
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A Wifes Inner Desire To be Gang Banged Hard By Three Young Men

We all at one time or another dream or fantasize about being in a sexual situation that isn't normal to our everyday lives. There are women out there who want to be that 40 year old milf while there are others who fantasize about being with another woman. There are men who want to be with that beautiful 20 year old, while other men want to see their wives with another man. We all have some kind of deep dark secrets inside us that brings out the nastiness in all of us. This brings us to Nicole. ...

3 years ago
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Soccer mom banged hard by headcoach and student

She found a vacancy in a local soccer club for a assist to coach and she went to the interview there with the resume.She wore a yellow chudithra and have done with makeups and lipstick and she had a shawl which barely covers her tits.She took her bike and went on to the place and there were so many there and most of them are males and every men oogled at her hot body and they were tearing her dress in their sight. The interview was done by the head coach itself and...

2 years ago
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Nidhi Banged In Wayanad

Hi guys and ladies..its me Aditya. Back to share one more of my experiences which I had recently. Hope you guys liked my previous stories. Don’t forget to give your reactions to my stories. I can assure you 90% of the facts are true in my stories. The current story happened to me 30 days back when I got a mail from a lady named NIDHI.. Nidhi, 31 from Nagpur. Was settled here in Bangalore since last 3 years after she got married to Deven who was working in KARVY finance. He used to remain busy...

1 year ago
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That Time I Banged A Mermaid

So there I was, kayaking through the beautiful waters of New Zealand, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. I was searching for a series of caves I'd read about that were allegedly filled with bioluminescent glow worms. Photos made it seem like a scene in Avatar, and although I didn’t like the movie, I couldn’t help but gawk at the amazing visuals like everyone else. To see their real life inspiration would be incredible. The man I rented my kayak from told me there were guided tours once a...

Monster Sex
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Gang Banged Wife

Although I had him on girth my wife expressed that she thoroughly enjoyed the lengthy cock she got from Chris and equally as much playing with his huge hanging balls, especially dog-style. She even admitted she preferred sucking his cock for these reasons and the fact that his didn’t drip the pre-cum that mine did during oral. My wife was fucking Chris in the morning, me at night, and back and forth on weekends. Eventually the tables turned where she was gone for days at a time and...

3 years ago
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That Time I Banged A Mermaid

So there I was, kayaking through the beautiful waters of New Zealand, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. I was searching for a series of caves I read about that were allegedly filled with bioluminescent glow worms. Photos made it seem like a scene in Avatar, and although I didn’t like the movie, I couldn’t help but gawk at the amazing visuals like everyone else. To see their real life inspiration would be incredible. The man I rented my kayak from told me there were guided tours once a day...

4 years ago
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My Wife was Gang Banged

My wife Shere is 36, has pouty lips that beg to be kissed, is 5 foot 5 inches tall, and has a 34DD - 27 - 35 figure and I have yet to see her go anywhere without at least 3 or 4 men turn to watch her walk by. Her hips sway and her heavy tits bounce like water balloons, and she likes it.We have a good sex life and have always been true to each other but she has always confessed to me that she wanted to be gang banged. I admitted to her that the thought of her being fucked by a group of men to be...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Slut 8211 Pt 3 Banged By Cunning Cleaning Boy

When we got back to the office, it was 9 pm. My husband and a few workers were still there. I and Victor went to his room. He sat on his chair. “Come on dear, suck my dick”, he said. “What? My husband is outside. They will hear us”, I said. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Go out and tell them they can leave.” “What about my husband?” “Fuck him. Tell him I own you tonight.” “Come on, be serious.” “Tell him you will be with me tonight. Tell him I got work to do. Hurry up, I am horny as fuck”. I went out...

3 years ago
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Banged My Classmate

Hi and hello to all my dear ISS friends. Myself Amit and I am from Delhi. This story is all about how I banged my classmate at my room. Lets come to the story. I was preparing for civil services and was taking coaching from a reputed coaching centre in mukherjee nagar. There was a girl named simranjeet. She was so gorgeous that all the time I used to look her and dreamt to fuck her. One day I got a chance to talk with her. She was absent one day and next day she came late and fortunately sit...

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Prema The Maid Who Came Back To Be Banged

Yes, the title does say “came back to be banged”. She was a full-time maid we had when I was around 10-12 years old and she left when we relocated to my current place. We had several maids at our new place and they’re very few who managed to stay beyond a few months. One was Lakshmi, the one I wrote about in my previous article. Another was Prema. Probably because she had already worked for us before and she knew what she was getting into before agreeing to work for us again? Prema is about...

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Banged My Mommy

This is Not an incest story. But it is a real one. I have only spiced it up to make it fun to read. But other than that, almost everything mentioned is true! Hey guys, in this story I’m going to tell you how I got to watch my mom getting banged by a total stranger. The guy was a carpenter! Mom and dad got divorced when I was a kid and I got to live with my mom. She dated a lot of men and had a series of relationships that didn’t last. As she works during the week, she only went on dates on...

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How My Wife Got Banged Hard

My wife and I had been married for 23 years. It was our anniversary and my wife wanted to know what I wanted for it. We had already decided to spend a night at a lodge that wasn’t to far from where we lived. I had been trying for the last 3 years to get her to have sex with another man, but I would get shot down every time I would bring it up. I thought what the heck I would asked her again. I knew with my wife at 46 years old I was running out of time if I wanted ever to see this happen. I...

Wife Lovers
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Banged Up Witch

The door banged behind me and I face into the room that was going to be my home for the next two years. 10x6 feet with two bunks and a bucket for sloops. I wasn't alone however, on one of the bunks was a middle-aged man reading his paper. He didn't acknowledge me though, which didn't bode well. But then after a few minute he put down his paper and looked at me. "What are you in for?" he asked straight out. "Burglary," I replied, "three years. You?" "Manslaughter," he said with a...

1 year ago
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Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged

Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful… Rohini Ends Up Being Gang Banged Rohini was your everyday 40 year old housewife. She had been married for 15 years to a wonderful man who gave her everything she ever needed. There was only one problem in Rohini’s life and that everything had become very routine. Her life seemed to be the same everyday. The excitement she had once experience was now...

Cheating Wife
4 months ago
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Mom banged in family hike

this is the story of my mom getting banged hard by neighbourhod uncles in family hike Hi this is Ravi and am 22 years old and am from kerla.My dad is a accountant and he wroks in a private sector good pay and my mom name is Velamma and she is 38 years old house wife.We live in a apartment and our life is good always.My mom is a sexy maal and she is so hot. fairy skin,long dark haired thick and silky smooth hairs.Pinky lips and big round eyes.Her sizes are 36-34-46 and her boobs are 36dd huge...

4 days ago
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Mom banged hard by pastor

This is the story of my sexy mom getting banged hard by a pastor. Hi this is Sandy and am 22 years old and am from Kerala.My dad is a driver and he is a drunkyard and my mom is a house wife.Am doing 2 year degree and having good marks.Dad is never good with us he is a fraud loots money and drinks fucks sluts and customer who are alone. His hobby is drinking all time but never bothers about us.Mom is much worried about him.We are praying for his well being and he is always boozing a lot.Telling...

Cheating Wife
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Jeremy saw himself as the personification of elegance. He was always attired in a monochromatic fashion, sticking mainly to black and shades of grey with the odd touch of white, here and there. He was slim, very slim, and watched his weight meticulously. Standing five feet eight inches tall, he weighed one hundred and thirty pounds. He wasn’t exactly skeletal, but his weight was twenty pounds under what it should have been. Jeremy was a pretty boy and could afford to be picky, and ‘picky’ he...

Gay Male
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Church Taxi

Church Taxi was a thing that my church friends and I started so we could get some time practice driving around and to help old people to get to church when they did not have a ride or during rain or snow events. We were having a lot of fun doing this. I had had my license for almost a year. The church member I got most was Jill. I found to Jill to an attractive woman and very sweet. She was only 56 years old but I was happy to drive her back and fourth to church. We became pretty good friends....

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The Taxi

Lea had worked late and decided to take a taxi home instead of walking in the dark. As she got in the cab she told the driver her address and he began to drive. Lea was texting on her phone and did not pay attention when he stopped the car behind a deserted warehouse. He opened the back door and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the cab and shoved her into the vacant warehouse. Once inside he locked the door and began to kiss and undress her. He had her down to her bra and panties...

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Gang Banged By My Foreign Boss And His Son

Hello, I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my 7th sex story which recently happened with my foreign boss and his son. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe myself, I have done MBA and I am from a wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So, let me start narrating my recent incident happened with my...

3 years ago
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Drugged and Gangbanged in da hood fun

Oh wow! I was wet and loose and stank of hashish-cannabis. I reeked of ganja-black drugs that had knocked me out the evening-party before, well almost so. And I was in some bedroom, somewhere in the city, but where I did not know. my body felt relaxed and I felt high off sex; It was a really good feeling that masked the ache from my cunt and my ass too! They had both been used repeatedly. oh my! oh no! so what had happened to this white slut last night, I groggily thought to myself...

2 years ago
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When Lance Banged His Stepmother Pt 2

Nicole stood at the window, mesmerized by the figure in the pool. The swimmer knifed through the water at astonishing speed. His long muscular arms fanned out in a butterfly stroke as he finished his fiftieth lap. In one fluid motion, Lance cruised to the edge and hauled himself out of the pool, his trapezius rippling with power as he bounded up to his feet.She found herself walking downstairs and out into the backyard. The grass felt wet to her bare feet. That’s when Nicole realized she went...

4 years ago
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Horny Girlfriend Banged By Boyfriend8217s Friends In A Threesome

My name is Kevin, I am from Chennai. I am a well-built and fun loving guy. This is my first story so please excuse me. I have a sexy hot girlfriend named Diya. Her stats are 34-28 -34. We both have been dating for nearly a year. She is one horny slut and wears sexy clothes to tempt guys. She loves to show her body. By the way, I am staying with my friends in a 2BHK apartment. My friends always had an eye on Diya because we always have sex in my flat. My birthday was on Sunday, so both my...

2 years ago
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Banged Mom Taking Advantage Of The Dark

Hello readers this is ted, I am a milf lover from nd.Leave your reviews after reading the story I lived in a 2 bhk apartment. With my mom & dad.I always had fantasies about matured women or milf but due to my shy nature, I never approached any women in my life.My fantasies increased over the time, porns were not enough to control it.I started using masseurs and artificial pussy that I bought from an underground market near g.K 2, but satisfaction wasn’t real.This led me to lust for my mom.She...

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Unexpectedly Gangbanged By My Friends In Their Flat 8211 Part III

Hi friends. This is Ruchita again. So I narrated the things what happened further in the story “Unexpectedly Gang-banged By My Friends In Their Flat – part II. So as you all know that the sex amusement is nonstop for all teenagers. Even my story continued further and I will narrate what happened further in this story. After that enjoyment with my boyfriend and Ankit, Malik and Dhananjay I stayed that night over there as my dress were wet. I was completely nude sleeping in between them. I woke...

1 year ago
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My Wife Gang Banged By Tribal Men 8211 Part II

Hi guys !!! this is Rajan again I hope you all loved my previous story ‘My Wife Gang Banged by Tribal Men’. I would now like to continue the story and what happened next. We got to Hyderabad form our wild and unbelievable holiday , my wife kavitha got pregnant due to the gangbang and the hard fucking she got from those tribal men , but we decided to abort the child as we dint know who the father was and could not answer our friends and relatives. After a few days Kavitha recovered her health...

4 years ago
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My Wife Is Gang Banged On Our Honeymoon

By : Sultana1999 Hello readers you must have read my earlier stories “Arranged 4 studs for my Wife”. This story is prequel to that. If you like the stories send your comments on or or . My name is Sudhir from Delhi and my wife Rajshree. We were on our honeymoon in Goa. Two days ago we had got married and had our first night. On the first night itself I got a very strong feeling that not only Rajshree was not a virgin, she had been regularly fucking guys and quite often. She seemed to be very...

1 year ago
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Englishwoman gang banged at a bachelor party

It was about half past five in the evening (5:30pm), a couple of weeks ago when my boyfriend Booker, his friend Miles and I were driving to Carlos’s bachelor party over at Miles’s house in the Bronx. Sitting at the back, I was lightly dressed, wearing only a short thin white sleeveless cotton nightie reaching down only to my hips, a basic white 34C floral lace bra and a white floral lace up thong. A bit about myself, I am 1.58 meters (5.2 feet) tall, I have a thin 64 cm (25 inch) waist...

4 years ago
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Banged by Hubbys Fishing Buddies

Banged by Hubby’s Fishing Buddies Hubby and I get up around 7:00 a.m. and eat breakfast. Witch he eats a bowl of cereal and I suck his cock like normal. I call this my energy load I tell him it gives me the protein and energy for the day. (He has ask me different times if my cum is the energy you need for the day why do you suck so many cocks throw out the day then, I’ve told him because I do not like being run down) Then he tells me he needs to run down to the store for a couple things. I...

2 years ago
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Banged by Hubbyrsquos Fishing Buddies

Banged by Hubby’s Fishing Buddies Hubby and I get up around 7:00 a.m. and eat breakfast. Witch he eats a bowl of cereal and I suck his cock like normal. I call this my energy load I tell him it gives me the protein and energy for the day. (He has ask me different times if my cum is the energy you need for the day why do you suck so many cocks throw out the day then, I’ve told him because I do not like being run down) Then he tells me he needs to run down to the store for a couple things. I...

3 years ago
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Waitress Gets Banged

Hi, friends this is Madhu. I am from Bangalore. I am 23, height 5″9, weight 71kgs. My penis is 6-7″ in height and 3-4″ in girth. Thanks to all my readers for reading my previous stories and providing me feedback. Thanks to ISS. Life has been so good for me all the time and it became more entertaining and fun after I came to know about Indian Sex Stories. I always enjoyed reading stories on ISS and masturbating. I have penned some of my experiences on ISS.The experience I am going to share is...

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