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Snagged By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 3 "Holy shit Jenn?" Reese exclaimed after closing the bathroom door and checking to see that no one else was in there with them. "I can't be a bridesmaid! I can't stay like this? This is fucked up!" "I know, but I didn't plan on any of this!" Jenn said, wiping tears from her face. "I'm so, so sorry Reese, but I've dreamed of a wedding like this for my entire life. It's crazy, but I know that I have to get you out of this." "Please," said Reese looking at her as she tried to fix herself up. "I'm happy for you. I am. I'll miss being with you, but I've got to return to my normal life." "I understand!" said Jenn, taking a deep breath. "I'll make an excuse and get you out of this!" "Thank you!" Reese hugged her. "I'll miss fooling around with you, but thank you." Jenn collected herself and they walked out of the ladies room and back to the table. The boys pushed in their chairs as Jenn downed a full glass of wine and then filled her glass again. "So Justin, I have an admission to make. About you and me and this whole wedding," said Jenn, shaking nervously. "You see things aren't exactly as they seem. When Reese and I came up here, I never expected anything like this, so I can't ask her to be in the wedding and I'm not even sure that all this is right. What you have done for me here is amazing and beyond my wildest dreams, but I definitely don't deserve this. You see Reese and I..!" "You're not lesbians are you!" said Justin, interrupting. "I know I've been a jerk, but please honey! I mean I I...!" "No, we are not lesbians," Jenn answered, getting emotional as she interrupted. "It's just that Reese is ...." "What Jenn is trying to say, Justin," said Reese, interrupting Jenn now and not wanting her to destroy her dreams. "Is that I just came out of a bad relationship and all the wedding stuff is tough on me right now. Plus, I'm kind of broke so I just couldn't do what a bridesmaid should do. I'd do anything for Jenn, but the timing is just bad here, so I'm going to go home and let Jenn pick someone else, so that everything goes smoothly." "Is that all!" said Justin, relieved. "Sorry I got carried away girls." "Everyone relax," said Jared. "Reese, relax as I have already paid the way. The dresses, flowers, hair, shoes, and whatever we need is on me. I'm lucky to be in the situation I'm in financially, and I want nothing but the best for Jenn and Justin. Plus I opened an account for you at the boutique, because I knew you'd need some clothes since you're trapped up here doing the wedding stuff. Everything is taken care of for you ladies, now just relax and enjoy the wedding planning." "I can't let you do all that Justin," said Reese, immediately putting up a fight. "For Jenn and Justin, I'd do anything!" said Jared, smiling as he held up his glass and looked at Reese ". And now for you as well, and there's no point fighting as it's already done. Again just relax and help Jenn enjoy her dream wedding." "Ok, then," said Reese, reluctantly clanging his glass against Jared's and then mumbled under his breath to himself. "I can't believe I'm doing this." After they finished dinner, they walked across to the theater as Reese watched Jenn and Justin holding hands and giggling like any happy couple. He was getting better walking in his heels as he walked next to Jared, who acted as the perfect gentlemen. Luckily the show was loud so he didn't have much more than small talk during it, as uncomfortably at times, Jared would whisper a clever observation in his ear and he would reciprocate or release a fake girly giggle. Finally when the show ended, Justin was in a hurry to get back to the house as everyone came inside to retire for the night. "So I'm exhausted and I'm sure you two could use a little time alone," said Reese, immediately heading upstairs. "I'll move my things to the guest room, and you and Justin take the master." "No, honey. That's too much trouble," said Jenn giving Reese a look. "Let me just come up and I'll move my overnight bag to the guest room, and Justin and I will stay there. Maybe we can find a pillow and blanket for Jared and he can crash on the couch." "Ok, sure," said Reese as he went up with Jenn. "Good night guys." "Good night," Jared and Justin replied. "You didn't have to do that for me," said Jenn, closing the door behind them. "I was going to get you out of it, and fess up!" "I know, but that part I couldn't let you do," said Reese. "There's no reason for you to ruin your dreams for me but I'd still need you to get me out of being a bridesmaid before someone catches us and you ruin everything." "Thank you!" said Jenn hugging him. "I know. We'll figure it out and that's part of why I wanted to take the guest room. Look at all your stuff in here. Now I'll just take a bag and go down the hall just in case'. "Ah good point," seeing his underwear on the floor Reese said, scooping up some clothes. "Ok here, sleep in this nightgown and then I'll see you in the morning. I doubt anyone would see you in it, but put it on just in case," said Jenn, grabbing a blanket and pillow for Jared as she closed the door. "Good night." Reese quickly changed and jumped into bed, switching on some late night comedy as he fell asleep in no time. In the morning, he was startled awake as he felt the sensation of pleasure and looked down, seeing Jenn stroking him through the silk nightgown. "Good morning, sleepy head!" said Jenn, as she now snuck her fingers under his nightgown, twisting his balls. "So that morning hard on of yours I think is enjoying the wonderful feeling under my silky nightgown." "Whoa! Easy Jenn!" whined Reese. "Where is Justin?" "Relax, they are out getting us breakfast and running a few errands I gave them," said Jenn pumping her fist on him now. "I bought us an hour or so to give you just a little thanks." Jenn took a love nibble right through the silk nightgown, before sliding it up to his waist and licking his balls. "I've always loved your sweaty morning taste," teased Jenn, as she now engulfed him. She began bobbing her head up and down as she dug her nails into his ass, squeezing his right cheek as she took him deeply down her throat and soon he quickly exploded into her mouth. She swallowed every bit of his cum, enjoying it. "I'm an engaged woman now, so I'd feel guilty to fuck ya, but not so much just to suck ya!" said Jenn, making a rhyme and laughing as she wiped her dripping chin. "Now go take a shower and let me go brush my teeth and then I'll be in to do your makeup before breakfast." Feeling relaxed now, Reese took a shower and quickly returned, finding his clothes on the bed. He stepped into the panties as Jenn returned to help him. She buckled his bra and then helped him tuck it back as he stepped into some basic jeans. Jenn then helped him on with a tapered button down pink shirt, which fell just at his waist and had ? sleeves and a rounded collar. "Well, my aunt's stuff at least fits you. It's not a perfect fit, but it'll do for now," said Jenn, brushing his hair back. "Put the flip flops on again for now." Jenn quickly worked on his foundation, hiding his faint shadow before giving him a casual look with some mascara, blush, and a pink lip gloss. She then took a blow dryer to his head, blowing out his bob hairdo and adding a black headband and a pair of her oversized hoops in his ears. "Ok, looking good," said jenn getting up. "Let's go have breakfast." "Morning fellas," said Jenn. "That smells wonderful." They then all sat and ate as Reese stared at the odd sight of the lipstick stain he left on his own coffee cup. Reese quietly ate as he rolled his eyes as Justin leaned over from behind Jenn and kissed her passionately, sticking his tongue into her mouth. "You taste so salty, honey," said Justin. "I'm going to have to try that bacon as well." "PPPSSSSSTTT," Stammered Reese, spitting out his coffee as he realized what Justin had just caught a taste of. "You okay, honey?" said Jared, immediately jumping from his chair and rubbing his back. "Yes, sorry it just went down the wrong pipe," said Reese, wiping his lap and sleeve. "Come on Reese. Let me help find you something to change into," Said Jenn, excusing herself as they went upstairs together. She dug through some drawers and found Reese an ugly sweater which fit, but they laughed seeing it on him. "Come on," said Jenn, smiling. "Shopping is on the agenda anyway." "Great," said Reese sarcastically, as he followed her down the stairs. They then all hopped into Jared's car as Jenn and Justin snuggled in the back seat as Jared drove. "First stop, the mall please," said Jenn. "Both Reese and I really have to buy a few presentable things before we run any wedding errands." "No problem," said Jared as he happily took them there. "You guys can drop us off and maybe pick us up in like two hours if that's ok," said Jenn. "I know how much guys hate shopping." "Please Jenn!" said Justin chiming in. "I don't mind. I meant it when I said that I'm really trying to take an interest in some things that you really enjoy, and I know how much you love shopping." "That is so sweet," Jenn replied, immediately kissing her boyfriend. Jenn was in her glory, dragging everyone from store to store, and finally she found some jeans and tops she fell in love with, dragging Reese into the dressing rooms with her. "See those are so cute on you," said Jenn, helping Reese change. "Let's try a few more tops and a couple of skirts, and I think you'll be ok for today anyway." "I hope so," said Reese. "This is exhausting." "I know, and don't worry, because these are my treat to you after all I've put you through," said Jenn. Dragging him out of the room in one of his new outfits. "And finally we can throw out my aunt's hideous stuff." It was certainly uncomfortable watching the guys look him up and own in his new outfit, which consisted of tight jeans, a little black bolero jacket and a pastel tunic. He sat down waiting as the sales girl measured his feet and slipped some 3 inch ankle black boots over his feet, zippering them up as he watched Jenn try on 4 or 5 pairs of shoes. Jenn was talking a mile a minute to the sales girl as she produced box after box, and then before he could even blink, the guys were holding a few bags each. She then guided them through a few more stores as Reese was powerless, witnessing her spending spree as he was quickly accessorized with some big silver costume earrings, bracelets, a belt, and finally a new pocketbook. He looked over at Jared, snickering as he was now holding about eight bags before finally she was finished and they headed for the car. "So this should hold us for a bit." Jenn kissed Jared's cheek and then her boyfriend's lips, before giving Reese a look and a wink. "That was so generous of you boys." Reese shot a look to Jenn and she nodded her head and shot him back a stern look and then sighed. "So thank you so much guys," said Reese, softly kissing Justin's cheek. "Oh don't thank me, Reese. Jared bought you most of your stuff," said Justin. "Jared, why did you do that?" said Reese, surprised as he now reluctantly hugged Jared and kissed his cheek, "That was much too generous." "It was my pleasure Reese," said Jared. "I know you didn't have much with you and I am just happy I could buy you a few nice things. I'm enjoying our time together immensely, and I'm so looking forward to spending more time with you." "Me Too!" said Reese sarcastically as he turned away, rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disgust as he tried not to say too much. They now all shopped together the rest of the day, looking at flower arrangements, linens, china patterns, and a ton of miscellaneous items before finally getting back to the house for the night. "Well, good night everyone," said Reese quickly, as excused himself for the night, heading upstairs as he was happy to get away from the day of wedding planning. "See you soon Reese," said Justin. "Take good care of Jenn please." "Oh are you guys leaving?" said Reese happily. "Well, yes in the morning and then we'll be back in a few days," said Jared. "We have some details to work out back home and then we'll be back in a few days. Thanks again for staying and helping Jenn with everything." "Good night guys," said Reese, closing the door now. Reese now spent the next few days helping Jenn get all her wedding details in order as they were alone again. He was cautious to avoid trying to get too involved and just did whatever she asked, as they now spent three days on endless details and avoided any sexual contact with each other. On the third night after dinner, Jenn presented a gift wrapped box and sat there smiling. "What's this?" Reese asked, surprised. "Well it's just a token of my appreciation for all that you've done for me," said Jenn smiling. "I know it's been awkward for you having to dress up like this, and it's also been weird for us to be with each other alone and not be doing what we do best together." "You think I wouldn't want to be with you?" said Reese looking at her. "You're getting married in like 10 days now and I just thought you wouldn't want to fool around. I figured it would be wrong." "I know," said Jenn. "You're the best. Now open it." Reese pulled off the bow and then opened the box, lifting the tissue paper as his eyes widened. "Is this for me?" said Reese holding it up. "Are you kidding?" "It's just a little something to break the tension between us," Jenn said, coming over and rubbing Reese's thigh. "Put it on for me." "Jenn, come on! This is women's lingerie," said Reese puzzled. "I've been dressing every day for you as we've been out doing non-stop errands, and now you want me to even do it in the bedroom." "Well, you don't have to wear it if you don't want to have some fun," said Jenn, now nibbling his ear as she walked behind him. "You see I can't really cheat on my fianc? with another man, but I think being with another woman wouldn't really count." "But I'm not another woman," Reese replied, getting excited as she kissed his neck. "You are until after the wedding, aren't you?" said Jenn smiling as she kissed his lips now. "Come on now, go put it on and I'm also going to change into something more comfortable and then I'll meet you in your bedroom." Excited now, Reese figured what the hell as he changed, stepping into the stretchy one piece outfit and slipping his arms through the thin straps as he pulled it up, feeling it suck him in below. He was getting better at dressing and easily snapped the garters onto his stockings and adjusted his constricted groin area. He looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head, as he was dressed in a simple pure white, form fitting boned corset with sheer white stockings and then opened the show box, slipping on the basic pointy toed white 4 inch pumps. "Damn, you look good," said Jenn, as Reese opened the door, stepping out in his lingerie. "Very funny," Reese smilied as he looked at Jenn, standing there covered up in her bathrobe. "This is going to be too weird Jenn. Don't ya' think!" "Are you kidding me?" Jenn smirked. "I'm freaking wet already just seeing you. Now, turn around and close your eyes for just a minute until I tell you." Jenn took her hands and spun his shoulders as he stood there, feeling her pulling at his hair for just a moment and then felt something gently tugging at his waist. "Ok, turn around and open your eyes," said Jenn. Reese opened his eyes looking at Jenn standing there smiling at him from across the room, realizing his vision was slightly impaired. "So, what do you think?" Jenn asked him, now opening and dropping her bathrobe. "Wow," said Reese, immediately feeling his trapped member trying to move. Jenn was dressed in a full black leather corset with skyscraper heels and her breasts pushed up like massive mounds. Her lips were cherry red, and she held a long black whip in her hands. "All you have to say is WOW," Jenn smiled as she approached him, gently rubbing the whip against his leg. "Uuumm, I meant what a lucky guy that Justin is to have a woman like you," said Reese, nervously. "No, It's me that is lucky to be enjoying a lovely young lady like you this evening," said Jenn, teasing him as she walked behind him now. "How precious you look in white. Wouldn't you agree?" Slowly Jenn spun him from behind him until he could view his full reflection in the mirror. Over his head was a long full veil, which settled half way down his back and across his shoulders, but was short across the bridge of his nose exposing his lips. Around his waist, she had fastened a long bell type lacey skirt, which flowed out in layers and layers of white crinoline, and was tied in a large white silk bow in the back. "I thought a few more touches would be appropriate for your first time," said Jenn, rubbing his ass under the skirt. "First time?" said Reese giving her a look. "First time having sex as a girl," said Jenn, now reaching around and kissing him. "On your knees bitch!" said Jenn, snapping the whip on his ass now. "Damn," whined Reese, immediately dropping to his knees. Without hesitation, Jenn wrapped her legs around his face, forcing him into her and he began eating her out. She slapped his back gently a few times with her whip as his tongue penetrated her, and she loved every minute of it until she erupted. "Oh, I really missed that," screamed Jenn, releasing him as she helped him to his feet and immediately stuck her tongue in his mouth. "Me too," said Reese. "Sit on the edge of the bed," said Jenn, flipping him a tube of pink lip gloss. "Put this on and give me one second." Surprised, Reese lined his lips as Jenn grabbed a black bag from the closet. She dug through the bag and then pushed Reese back on the bed. She lifted Reese's arms over his head and inserted her fingers between his as she began kissing him as she was on top of him now, grinding as she kissed. "Tell me you are enjoying being a girl?" said Jenn, in his ear as she stuck her tongue in it. "I know you are. Aren't you?" "Jenn, come on!" whined Reese. "Come on! Don't you want to play along," said Reese, rubbing his crotch. "I know you want to be my good girl. Don't you?" "Yes!" said Reese, getting aroused. "But you've been bad right?" said Jenn. "Yes," Reese replied, playing along. "Well then young lady, I'll have to punish you for that," said Jenn, teasing as she bit his ear hard now. "Won't I?" "Yes," said Reese in pleasure. "Good girl," said Jenn as he now felt her cuffing his wrist above his head to the bed as she sat up. Jenn now slithered down his body and unsnapped the claps between his legs and released his penis. She yanked on it a few times before engulfing it. As she began sucking him, he felt her finger rubbing his anus and slightly penetrating it. "Easy Jenn," Reese squirmed. "Relax gorgeous. It's time for that virginity of yours to be taken," said Jenn, inserting her finger deeper now as she came up for air. "I'll be gentil. Now lift those legs!" "Ouch! Ok, ok," Reese whined as he felt the whip snap across his calve a few times. Jenn now pushed his legs high into the air as she inserted her tongue into his anus and he felt the starnge sensations as she licked him. "See, I think you liked it," said Jenn, removing her tongue after a minute or two and slowly stroking him with her hand. "It gets better!" Jenn again engulfed him in her mouth, as he relaxed for a moment, before feeling a weird sensation at his anus as this time it was certainly more stretched. "Damn that hurts," whined Reese. "That's too many fingers." "What fingers?" said Jenn, again releasing his penis from her mouth as she popped her head out from under the layers of crinoline and looked down at him, wiggling her fingers in his face. "Trust me, this will be amazing. It is when you do it to me." He now felt a buzzing in his ass as she reached her hand under the skirt, switching on the device as he now knew he had a foreign device in his anus. "Sssshhh!" mouthed Jenn. "Enjoy it my girl." Reese couldn't believe he was doing this as Jenn took him in her mouth and began sucking slowly. After a few seconds, she switched the speed on a higher speed, and within a few moments he exploded in her mouth as she swallowed everything and licked him clean. She then switched it off and then slowly guided it out as she smiled looking down on him as she uncuffed him. "That was amazing," said Jenn, as she looked at him as he shook his head. "Please don't do that again," said Reese. "That was not my thing ok?" "Fine," said Jenn, grinning at him as she grabbed his still erect manhood. "You don't have to admit you like it but you penis tells the truth." "I'm going to go take a shower," said Reese shaking his head. "Not yet, you are not," said Jenn, undoing the bow and dropping the skirt to the floor. "Come on, I know you aren't tired and I'll loosen this up a bit." Jenn then kissed him and pulled a few bobbi pins from his head, releasing the veil and tossing it to the floor. She then pushed him back onto the bed and mounted him as he lay back. "See, no more virgin girl," Jenn teased as she began thrusting. "Just two lesbian lovers having some fun." "That sounds better," said Reese, playing along as they enjoyed sex for a few hours before rolling over and falling asleep. As Reese woke up the next morning, he wandered into the bathroom, happy to remove the lingerie and take a nice shower. Jenn wandered in about ten minutes later, and dropped a few towels and cracked open the shower door. "Morning Reese," said Jenn. "The boys will be here in about two hours, so call me when you are out and I'll help you get ready." "Ok," said Reese, spinning around and seeing her. "About last night Jenn." "Please Reese. I have to clear my mind," said Jenn interrupting. "Last night was amazing, but all I'm focused on is my wedding. Ok?" "I understand," said Reese, noticing her looking at his crotch. "Thank goodness for hot water and shrinkage," teased Jenn. "And if you ever decide to get married I know exactly what kind of veil to get you, plus you look amazing in white." Jenn walked away laughing as she closed the shower door. When he got ou,t she helped him get ready, and before she knew it, the doorbell rang as the guys had arrived. Without hesitation, they exchanged pleasantries and jumped in the car, quickly driving into town. "So this errand will take two minutes," Jenn said as she and Justin got out of the car. "You guys park and we'll be right out." "So Reese, it's nice to see you again," said Jared as they got out of the car. "Thanks," said Reese. "It's nice to see you as well." "I see you are wearing the nice heart necklace I bought you," said Jared. "It looks beautiful on you." "Thanks," said Reese, lifting it from his chest as he looked at it. "But I'm pretty sure everything I'm wearing you bought me. I don't have anything else out here. You'll have to let me pay you back some day." "Hey, we're going to go try on our wedding bands," said Jenn, interrupting. "You guys coming or you going to wait outside again. This won't be quick." "No, that is a special moment and something that you two should share alone. Reese and I will just take a little walk while you two do that," said Jared, holding out his forearm to Reese. "Don't you agree Reese?" "Oh of course," said Reese, looking over at Jenn. "We'll see you two in a little while." Reese now took Jared's arm as they strolled down the block and sat on a park bench, taking a break. "I guess it's tough walking in shoes like that when you're not used to them," said Jared. "Yeah, they're kind of high aren't they," Reese replied, looking down at his calf length spikey boots. "Price of fashion they say." "True," said Jared. "So is fashion and looks, and all that stuff that's critical to you?" "Well, I don't know," said Reese, having no idea what to say. "It's just what girls do I guess." "How about relationships and honesty?" said Jared. "Are those important to you?" "Oh, uummm yes of course," said Reese, shrugging his shoulders. "And how about being true to who you really are, and always just being yourself?" said Jared looking him in the eye with a serious face now. "Because that is everything to me, Reese." "Oh me too," said Reese, giving him a nervous look. "Yeah definitely." "Good, because I see a friend of Jenn's on her facebook page named Reese and it kind of looks like a guy to me," said Jared, handing Reese some sheets of paper from his pockets. "And that guys looks a hell of a lot like you to me Reese. Now let's start talking truths!" Reese took the sheets and looked down, realizing that he and Jenn had forgotten all about their facebook friendship. He looked back up at Jared and was now scared shitless, and he began to tremble as he was frozen with fear. "I know that is you!" said Jared as he now grabbed Reese's breast and squeezed it, realizing it was fake. "I know you are a fucking fake. Start explaining before I kick your ass. What the fuck is going on here!" "I, I, I," Stuttered Reese as he began crying. "Please don't. Please don't ruin this for Jenn and Justin. They love each other and I'd do anything for Jenn. Please. Please!" "What an asshole you are! Let go of her immediately!" said Jenn, standing there now as she overheard the last part of the conversation. "Touch her and I'll cut your balls off!" "Jenn, I didn't know you were there!" Jared was startled as he removed his hand from Reese. "What do you know about Reese? Nothing is the answer. You think you know her from reading a public facebook page. You have no idea how much Reese has gone through, so the last thing she needs is some asshole questioning who or what she is!" said Reese, screaming at him and grabbing the pages from his hand. "Did you read his groups or friends or likes? Did you read anything or just jump to assumptions? You can't see her private pictures or what is happening in her life? Can you?" "Holy shit!" said Jared, stuttering as he looked at Reese again. "That means he is....I mean she is...I thought this was a possibility, but then I just...I just....." "You just what?" said Jenn, lecturing him. "You see, when I first saw you as her friend, I immediately got crazy thinking I snagged the two of you cheating. I thought that maybe you were trying to disguise yourself and maybe cheating on my friend with Jenn," said Jared, trying to explain himself. "I did some research and did realize you had very few male facebook friends, and I looked at the groups you belonged to and all your pictures, and I saw nothing about sports or cars or anything manly. So I did have my doubts but I don't know any people like you so...I have no idea what to say." "And now asshole you know!" said Jenn. "This stuff is hard enough on her without assholes like you making it harder." "I'm sorry," said Jared, rubbing Reese's back as tears were flowing down his face now. "I am so so sorry. I know this must be so hard on people like you." "It ... It's..." cried Reese. "You do?" "Yes, I understand," said Jared lifting Reese's chin and softly kissing his cheek. "I understand and I'm here for you. How could I have even doubted someone so beautiful on the inside and outside." "Really," said Reese, taking a breath as he wiped some of his running mascara and looked over at Jenn. "Thank you for understanding, Jared." Jenn kissed his cheek. "I would appreciate it if you'd keep this to yourself as only Reese's closest friends know about this at this time, while she is working things out in her life." "Oh, of course," said Jared. "I'll be thinking of her the way I was before, as your gorgeous maid of honor. I'm sorry to cause either of you any undue stress. Trust me I'm here for both of you, and I'll make sure Reese gets anything she needs. I mean it anything." "Ok, let's get out of here," said Jenn, wiping some of the running makeup. "I came to get you two while Justin was getting the car." "Please ladies," said Jared, holding out both forearms like a gentlemen. "It would be an honor." "Thank you," said Jenn as she and Reese walked back up the path, each holding Jared's arm. They quickly ran into the ladies room while Jared waited outside for Justin to pull up. "So, that worked out," Jenn said as she helped to fix Reese's makeup. "Damn, you are good," said Reese. "I almost crapped my pants here. He's a big guy and he would have killed me." "See, that's how you handle guys, honey. Attack those big macho guys and they become big pussy cats," Jenn chuckled. "So now you have no worries with him, as it's out in the open and he'll support you without an issue." "I know," said Reese, rubbing his lips together after getting a fresh coating of lip gloss. "It's actually a relief." Makeup repaired, they walked out and jumped into the car and headed back to the house. "So ladies we have about an hour before dinner, so change and then we'll get moving," said Justin. Reese and Jenn changed into their evening wear and were back down in about forty five minutes for dinner. Reese was now in a green sleeveless dinner dress that Jenn had picked for her, and Jenn herself was in a strapless little gold cocktail dress. Reese's eyes almost popped from his head as he headed down the stairs as Jared handed him a bouquet of roses. "Oh, thank you," said Reese, taking them and following Jenn to the kitchen. "Don't say a word," said Jenn chuckling. "Put them in water and just kiss his cheek. You've got him where you want him now honey. He'll be butter in your hands and will never bother you again." At the restaurant, they enjoyed a wonderful casual dinner and a few laughs. Reese did notice that Jared was cautious of anything he said and went even more out of his way to try to make him feel comfortable. "Reese," said Jared, standing up. "May I have this dance?" Great idea," said Jenn, grabbing Justin as she noticed Reese's eyes almost bug out of his head. "Let's all dance." They all walked to the dance floor together as Jenn nodded at Reese to relax, as he was now arm and arm slow dancing with Jared. It was odd to be handled, gently dancing with Jared's large hands on him, giving Reese quivers on his back where the dress was open, just above his bra strap as he felt Jared touching his spine and shoulder blade. "Are you cold Reese?" said Jared. "Would you like my coat?" "No I'm fine," said Reese, nervously. "Just a chill where you touched me." "I see!" Jared rubbed his back now to keep him warm. "This is a fantastic night. I'm glad all is well between us." "Me too," said Reese, looking at him and gently smiling. "Thanks for understanding." "My pleasure." Jared looked into his eyes now. "You really are a special person." "Thanks," said Reese, looking away and breaking eye contact. "I mean a special girl," said Jared. "Sorry, that is what I meant to say." "It's ok. I knew you meant that," said Reese, rolling his eyes. "I know you're a good guy and only worried about your friend." "Thank you. That means a lot to me," said Jared. "And for what it's worth, I'm a moron for even doubting anything about you. I mean look how beautiful you are." "Thanks again," said Reese, avoiding eye contact as he looked over, seeing Jenn and Justin all over each other making out. "We should all be as happy and in love as them right?" said Jared, seeing them as well. "You are not kidding." Reese smiled as he knew how fantastic that kiss was with her and daydreaming about it, wishing it was with him. "A kiss like that is amazing, and who wouldn't want that." "I know," said Jared, forgetting the circumstances as he pulled in Reese. Before he could even react, his daydream was broken as Jared held him tightly, kissing his lips before he felt Jared's tongue enter his mouth as he was being dipped backwards by this large powerful man. "Whoa, easy," said Reese, moving his face away, startled, as Jared's saliva dripped down his cheek. "I'm sorry Reese," said Jared. "I just got lost in the moment. In your eyes and the wine and the night. I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful." "Jared, I can't. Ok," said Reese, breathing heavily as he could see Jenn looking at him in shock. "I have to go to the ladies room." "It's ok Jared," said Jenn, coming over and rubbing Jared's forearm. "It's been a long day for both of you, and she's not ready for a lot of things? You guys get the check and we'll be back in a little bit!" Jenn raced to the ladies room and immediately hugged Reese. "This is going way too far now, Jenn." Reese was almost sobbing. "First he is going to kick my ass, and now he is kissing me! I'm doing everything for you. But I'm not doing this. Not this Jenn." "Calm down!" said Jenn, hugging him. "Calm down! It's no big deal!" "No big deal! He stuck his tongue in my mouth!" Whined Reese. "He rubbed me and held me and kissed me. I'm not a girl. The kinky sex was bad enough, but that was for us in private, but now this. I'm not a girl." "Relax, I'm sorry. I thought it would just be fun and different for us," said Jenn. "But this just capped off the day." Jenn now took his face in her hands and immediately started kissing Reese. She passionately kissed him deeply. For a moment he resisted, not kissing back, but then gave in to her passion as she was incredibly sensual. "See, is that better," said Jenn. "Just think of kissing me. Kissing a girl Ok?" "Yes much better," Reese replied, catching his breath and calming down. "I guess it was just the wine and the stressful day, like he said." "Yes, that's all honey," said Jenn, now sotftly kissing his lips again. "Ok, now let me fix your face and let's get out of here and head home." Jenn took out a few wipes, fixing herself as well as Reese, and they exited the bathroom. They went out and got into the car. The rest of the night was uneventful and everyone retired to bed.

Same as Snagged 3 Videos

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Poker Night with Ma

So anyway, dad takes off after I turn 18 and get my own place for college, and now she's lonely. So, I lose my weekend. I try the usual excuses. I'm so busy. Cars only doing so so. The weather's not suppose to be so good. I hear there's a lot of snow coming. Well, fuck me, but the last one wasn't bull shit, and here we are snowed in on day 3. College canceled and I'm stuck at my old home with Ma. And you'd think after years of having a young adult male living with you, that she'd...

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Granny calls escort Service True Story

I had a female friend who ran an escort service. One winter night she called me and asked if I'd do her a favor. She had just received a call from a 66 year old widow who wanted to have a man visit her and asked if I'd call her.I had never done anything like this before, but was excited by the idea. I told her, "Yes." I'm 24 years old at the time.The woman explained to me that her husband had died over a year ago and that she had not had sex in all that time and was "very horny and needed a...

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Fucked Reetu Really Hard 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers this is Raj here to tell you about my incest story with my beautifull slutty elder sister Reetu. Me and my elder sister Reetu live in an apartment in Pune with our parents. Our parents both are working and most of time are busy which made me to mostly interact with my sister Reetu. I saw Reetu growing up and getting in good shape from my childhood. We were nice friends right from the childhood till her puberty because after that I started seeing her differently. When I was around...

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Judys Night In Part Two A Tireless Lover

Greg eased Judy down onto her king-sized bed, looking lasciviously down on her gloriously proportioned nakedness. "You must excuse me," he told her, "but I need to use the little boy's room"."Through the lounge and down the hall," Judy told him, "second door on the left. Could you bring our drinks back?" Greg grinned down at her. "Your wish is my command, beautiful lady!" he responded, heading for the door.Judy's hungry eyes feasted on his still swollen, semi-erect cock bobbing before him as he...

Straight Sex
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That escalated quick Part 1 Five guys

"HOLY FUCK, you look hot," Sammy proclaimed. This is the first time I'd shown anyone how I looked dressed up as a girl. I'd chosen a tight, little black dress, modestly padded bra, stilettos and dark, but subtle, make-up. I've had plenty of time to practice applying make-up while home alone and had gotten pretty good at it. I'd also been keeping my body hair-free for a long time too. "You know," she continued, "I could probably give you you're fantasy?" I'd come out to her not long ago...

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Carmen Calvin again pt 4

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How he got me to crave his BBC True story

I am 5' 6" with long brown hair that is naturally curly but usually straightened, medium toned skin that gets pretty tanned in the summer and big hazel-brown eyes. As for my body, I have 36-D boobs, and would probably be considered curvy because i have a pretty small waist but a fairly big butt and thick thighs. I had always had a thing for black guys but I grew up in a small town where having a k** with red hair was about the extent of diversity. In high school I dated the same guy for three...

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Naked Wet DaughterChapter 2

While Mike and his daughter, Carol, were busily fucking each other, Fran, the mother of the household, was in the movie theater with the other kids, Barbara, Greg, and Jerry. Greg and Barbara had wanted to sit way up in front so Fran had remained in the back of the theater with her youngest son, Jerry. They were sitting in the very last row and there was no one around them, no one to see Fran sucking her son off. "Ohhh, Mom, that's sooo good! Suck my cock, Mom!" Jerry moaned quietly....

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My Wifes Little sister PT1

Mike had been happily married to Marie for about 10 years. He was very much in love with her, and had always been faithful. In fact, only 2 things were weaknesses for him in any fashion at all: panties, and Marie's younger sister Annie. Mike had developed a fetish for panties as a teen, when he masturbated for the very first time with a satin pair that was taken from a friend's sister. Over the next 7-8 years, he had taken dozens of panties from dozens of girls, and curiosity about what wearing...

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***This is the first chapter in a short novel I’ve started, any feedback will help keep things moving along, thanks*** * His eyes slid slowly over the worm ridden corpse before him. He felt the bile rise up from his stomach and nudge at his throat. He held it down and closed his eyes and nose from the sight and smell. He backed slowly away from the dead horror at his feet. He told himself if he just got out, just ‘out’ he would be okay. Stumbling over something behind him he fell onto the...

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SizzlePart 2

As Bill walked quickly down the gravel road leading to his house, he wanted to know if the rumour was true. Several thoughts were going through his mind at the same time. If it was true, it had to be bad genes from her mother's side of the family. No one in the Baker family tree had been cursed by MORFS. This disease had afflicted the sinful people of Earth for almost fifty years, but the Baker family had been faithful and pure. They had been spared the stigma of a cursed child, until...

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Love By The Side of The LakesChapter 2

Monday, August 18th I woke up to the sound of Joe's alarm going off. I could hear raining beating down on the roof of our cabin. Great just what we need. Rain! Joe woke up Rob and Alex. I grabbed my shower stuff and headed to the bathroom. Joe was right behind me. It wasn't raining hard, just a drizzle. Abby and Cindy came out of there cabin just as Joe and I left ours. Joe greeted them with a smile and said, "Good morning girls." I hugged Abby and tried to kiss her. She squirmed away....

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Sallys New Life Her First Day of Classes

Profiting from the seclusion in the toilet, Sally looked in the mirror at her caned pride and joy. She thought of her dearest friend Julie and how she loved to admire it in tight jeans. It was a mess. She could not quite see where the lower strokes had left their fire. But she could feel her whole lower bottom, from just over her bum hole down to thighs, pulse in pain, and she felt the raised marks with trembling fingers.How she wished Julie were here now to comfort her.  The thought of Julie...

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What Are You Doing Grandpa

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Sex Lives of the Super Wealthy

By Greg I first met Ryan during our junior year in college. We had been introduced by mutual friends. Ryan was a nice looking guy, very well-mannered and I could tell right off he had been raised with some class. Most guys I had dated up till then were immature; of course they were interested in just one thing. Ryan was different, he was driven and he had goals. He was a business major and really into making good grades and developing the right connections. My name is Brooke and I...

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Menage a Trois Fois DeuxChapter 3

Steve was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when Brit got behind him and lightly rubbed his neck. “She’s on her way,” she said, a little nervously. A smile crept across Steve’s face. “This is for both of us, so don’t you go forgetting about me and just fucking her all night.” “Naw, naw,” Steve said, almost shaking now. “I’ll fuck you too, don’t worry.” Brit sighed and poured three large glasses of wine, putting them on the table. Steve stared at her until she sighed again, went back and...

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My Cum slut girlfriend

When I started dating my current girlfriend I did realise how she would turn into a huge cum slut. I mean she loves started with us going out one night and we didn't have time to have sex. I did say jokingly that maybe I should cum in her knickers so she can sit in my cum. She agreed and was taken back that she did agree to this. She pulled her knickers forward and down as I wanked my cock. Now I can produce a lot of cum (so I have been told) I did get some on them but the rest went over...

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DannyChapter 13

They pumped my stomach that night. My parents were called, my brother Michael and sister Sophie contacted. Danny held my hand while I puked, and rocked me in his arms after the fact. I always cried when I threw up. The authorities were contacted, people searched, the punk bowl tested. Three cups had drugs placed in them, the punch was fine. Why had I gotten one of the cups? I felt nauseous the whole night. The drug had apparently affected my brain as well. I felt like I had ADD, I...

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Friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 7

When I woke up I helped clean Rachel's a little bit so the whole place wasn't a complete mess. Eventually Sarah and Mark came out of the room. It was awkward with other people there, and no one really said anything. I felt like everyone kinda knew I was a cuck, even though Sarah and I weren't together. I knew I had been in love with her, but she just fucked one of my friends. My two best friends were fucking each other and I was stuck masturbating.Eventually Sarah asked me to drive her home....

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My Angel Ariel

One of my favorite places to go in Miami is the nude section of South Beach, which just so happens to be within walking distance of my apartment. I'll bring an umbrella for shade, a bottle of water and some fruit, plus my laptop and schoolbooks. I like that particular beach because I enjoy being naked in the outdoors, but also because I won't be harassed by unwanted company. You see, among those who hang out there are some very beautiful, very gay Brazilian body builders who know me, and if...

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The TempleChapter 4

The next morning Francis was taken by Sapphira to the Chamber of Tiresius, to have her transformation reversed. Once the transformation was complete, Sapphira explained that the goddess was taking Thompson back to Toronto. Thompson was given no time even to say goodbye to his other hataera friends - Sapphira escorted him directly to the goddesses' private chambers, where Adelph was on duty outside the closed door. "Calista has an audience with the goddess," explained the Nubian beauty,...

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She made my life better

Introduction: My first real story, its loosely based on a future I am dying to have with my girlfriend. This is going to be the best night of my life, today I was going to finally act on my feelings towards my loving girlfriend on 7 years. Tonight is our anniversary (January 1st) and Ive been planning this for almost 5 years, I almost got caught with it a few times but my smooth awkward personality quickly dispersed her inquisitive nature. Tonight I was going to propose to my girlfriend and...

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Stupid Mistake

Stupid Mistake By Donna Williams I first discovered the sensual feeling of nylon nighties while detailed to clean out my parent's basement. These nighties were my mothers when she was a teenager. They had a musty smell from their storage in the damp basement, and I really have no idea what possessed me to try them on. However, once on, I had my first erection and, after a few minutes, my first orgasm. I then found a couple of dresses and skirts, and tried...

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Amazing Sex With Cousin

Hi friends! I hope that you all had a very great diwali this year. Mine was amazing too! I thought to write about it as well and help you relieve what I did on diwali. Read and shag! This is my first story on iss so I hope you like it, don’t forget to mail me at for any suggestions or to have some fun( ;) ). Let me first tell you something about myself. My name is Anirudh(22) I am working in mnc in pune.About my cousin, her name is radhika (20), she is not that sexy or hot but one look at her...

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The Snow Maid 2

This, he thought, will have to go. There was no sign of a safety razor anywhere in the room, but he did turn up an old straight razor, still sharp. Coating his face with the soft soap from the tub, he lathered his whiskers, then carefully shaved, scr****g his face clean.When he was finished, he examined his face, startled to see a reflection that reminded him of how he had looked in college, before a sedentary lifestyle as a weatherman had put too many pounds around his waist. His hand dropped...

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I still don’t know how he organised it but later the same day while Roger was pleasuring my naked body with his tongue Jacque suddenly appeared and we had a magic threesome. Jacque gave my man Roger a very satisfactory blow job while I watched then Roger blew him while I was blowing him. I had never blown a man who gets paid for being filmed in sex videos and the challenge of blowing one who has his cock blown by both sexes was very stimulating and a huge turn on for me and a chance to boost...

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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 19 The Snare Is Laid Beware Lupin

The power that had impelled Don Luis to battle and victory was so intense that it suffered, so to speak, no cheek. Disappointment, rage, humiliation, torture, were all swallowed up in an immediate desire for action and information, together with a longing to continue the chase. The rest was but an incident of no importance, which would soon be very simply explained. The petrified taxi-driver was gazing wildly at the peasants coming from the distant farms, attracted by the sound of the...

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Real Incident with Rakesh8217s wife Suman

Hi, I am Sahil Singh () 30 years old married man. My height is 5 feet 9 inches and I am average looking person. I am not good in English, so there is any mistake please ignores it. This incident happen when my wife if is pregnant of 5 months and I am very horny because I not fucked my wife from past 5 months. I am getting frustrated due notable do sex. The Story is about our neighbor friend Rakesh’s wife Suman and me, Suman is sex of God and pleasure and she is fair and God gifted huge boobs...

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I got in from the job early Friday morning, unloaded my stuff, got a shower, and a nap. Now I was getting ready to go out and party a little. It had been a long job, almost five weeks in the middle of nowhere. My mind had wandered to Maggie, a good friend and part time lover of mine, from time to time since I had been home. With a grin, I picked up the phone and dialed her work number. She answered the phone and I said, "Hey sexy, don't pay the ransom; I finally escaped."She chuckled and...

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My Best Friends Daughter Ch 03

As I was regaining my composure, Stef slid off of me and walked into the bathroom, her body flowing more than moving. After a few minutes of wondering what I had just let happen, I stood up and removed my shirt, then walked over and stood in the doorway watching her wash her face. She was bent slightly over the sink, her pretty ass extended slightly. With the washcloth over her face, she didn’t notice me until I walked up behind her and ran my arms up her back to her shoulders. I though she...

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Frustrated Wives Club

I am a married woman. We recently moved to Boston when my husband, Edie got a better job offer. We bought a nice house just outskirts of the city. Our daughter Jenny started to go to school.We had to leave our little town in Midwest for the first time in our lives. It was very scary, but my parents gave us a letter to our distant relatives who live in the area, and the people we found were the greatest, making us feel at home, helping us settle in, amazed us with their house-warming parties.As...

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In The Jungle

A caterpillar eats a leaf, and leaves slimy trails. A cricket heard some grasshopper hums, and I heard the leaves shuffle. "Where am I?", She asked. "You're somewhere in the tropic of cancer", i responded humblely... "What do you mean? somewhere in the tropic of cancer, ?" Jenny said, frustratedly. "Don't worry," I responded, "Eat some of this bread, I'll circle the island and look for fruit trees." She took the piece out bread out of my hands, and I journeyed off into the maze of the jungle. I...

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Borrowed my wife for a boys weekend

My wife Jordan and I were both into swingers parties, gangbangs, dogging and anything else sex related. During these parties, we meet a lot of different guys from different backgrounds and ages.One of these guys had his own business and a lot of money as he was successful. He had come to many of our gangbangs and we got to know him very well. Lets call him Brian.Now Brian was a huge fan of motor racing and would travel the world, work permitting, to see these races. After a recent gangbang he...

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Joels Story

Joel's Story By Robin Y. I am normally not one to pick up stray kittens from a nightclub and bring them home, but Julia was different and I felt as though I had known her forever. I broke my unwritten rule and asked her to come over for a late night drink and talk. The following is what happened. She was so close to me I felt like I couldn't breathe. Her eyes focused on my lips while her mouth opened slightly....reflecting light off of her scarlet lips. I could feel my heart...

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Always Alison

Always Alison I Vanessa and I were always two separate souls but we were too much in love to understand that. She had more college degrees than I could keep track of and at the age of 28 was an up and coming star at the law firm of Barnes, Harrison and Lynch. I had graduated with degrees in Education and American Literature and at 24 was teaching seventh grade English and Poetry to earn a living but aspiring to become a writer. While Vanessa felt...

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JordanChapter 16

I got up from beside Trish and asked Trish to come with Jordan and me. The three of us went over to the computer where we plugged in the thumb drive and showed Trish the 'before' and 'after' pictures and told her we would take the thumb drive back with us. Trish hugged Jordan then me. While Trish and I were hugging, Jordan ran off and quickly returned with something behind her back. "I have something for you," Jordan said to her mom as she handed her the 'mommy towel'. Trish started...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 12

Lord Jesus showed us it is okay to get angry. Use it to accomplish something that may be difficult! Turn the tables over! “Okay!” Willa staggered over to the force. She faced, Little L and Diego, “You take badly wounded and dead to God, NOW!” Willa had to work hard, not to look at the pile of body parts. She had to swallow three times to keep from tossing her lunch. She was sure the two boys were in deep shock as they rattled their teeth as if they were cold. Obviously, that could not be the...

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HornetChapter 6

The next day at school, Tom and I passed the word around that we would act as intermediary for any kids who had information for the cops but did not want to be noticed as being stool pigeons. It took three days for the word to get back to us that a counter threat had been issued over what would happen to somebody who was found talking to us. The result was a decrease in the number of kids who met at our table for lunch, but my staunchest friends, such as Sue, were still there with Tom and me....

4 years ago
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More Than A Neighbor

About a year ago a newlywed couple, Nick and Sarah moved into the neighborhood.  They bought the vacant house next to me. Sarah was tall, redhead, and quite sexy. Over the year, we became close friends.  We had dinners at each other’s houses.  We hosted neighborhood parties at my house.  I was the only one on the block to have a pool.Nick and I became close friends.  We both loved to go to the shooting range.  We always went Saturday afternoons for our range time.  When we were done, we went...

4 years ago
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Fact and fiction of a mother and son

Hello all ISS readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it and therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story you can mail me on or If this were a story made up for ISS readers, it would go a lot different that it actually did. It certainly wouldn’t be as messy or complicated as it was, and the people would all be ideal character types. But this is what happened, and is happening to me. Let’s get the descriptions of...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend

Cross-dressing Days with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend By Cindybelle "Come into my room Timmy, it's time to start getting you dressed," said Cathy my eighteen year older sister. It was the day of Janette's wedding -- she is my eldest sister, twenty two years old and she is marrying her college boyfriend Mike at 2 o'clock this afternoon. I'd better explain that I'm Timothy, eleven and a half years old and I'm going to be the ring bearer at the wedding. It...

2 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 22

Victoria did not forget to ring Serena. She rang her at six, as soon as the cheap calls were available. Elspeth answered the phone. "Hello, Lady Bowers, it's Victoria back again. Please may I talk to Serena?" "Yes, of course, my dear but on one condition." She put on a school-mistressy voice. "You're a big girl now so you call me Elspeth." Victoria giggled. "Yes, Miss," she said and Elspeth giggled too. "Thank you, Elspeth." "Cheeky wench," Elspeth chuckled. "So that's...

3 years ago
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The Nipples

I went to a wedding last weekend in Central London. It was at a hall near London Bridge. I went alone as I am single, and the new couple put me at a table that had a couple of single women. Neither of them really caught my eye, but I chatted politely, as you do.You know how sometimes, you see a person, and then keep crossing paths with them over the nest few hours? For me, it often happens in airports. Show up at the check in desk, notice someone, then an hour or so later, they're just in front...

1 year ago
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Nicole Webcam SlaveChapter 4

Nicole walked to her tiny kitchen to make some food. The webcam couldn't see her here so she could relax a little. Barry had said he would be away from the computer for some time but she didn't trust him. The printed photos he had forced her to stuff into herself were hurting her. Did she dare to take them out for now? He couldn't see her but she was afraid of doing it anyway. She should use these moments of freedom. He couldn't take away her dignity all of the time! Nicole pulled down...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbour Part 1

Here I am – fifty-five years of age and living a comfortable, but rather dull life. Married thirty years ago to a nice girl: Caroline – now a woman of forty-eight. She was an attractive woman in her twenties and thirties – a plain face, but lovely dark hair and long shapely legs. We weren’t able to have children, though we tried. Unfortunately, after tests, we discovered that my sperm was infertile. Luckily, Caroline didn’t show any resentment and we managed to come to terms with a childless...

2 years ago
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The Ceremony Part 3

The Ceremony - Part 3The next girl up was Rosie, paired with me. I had already had a talk in private with Rosie, and told her what was going to happen.I promised her that I would be as gentle as possible. I also promised her that i would finish the job properly.To be honest I was rather looking forward to seeing this buxom young lady naked...Following a short break for a cup of tea, the prefects knocked on the door and Rosie was led in. A lovely girl, quite the Girl Next Door type with brown...

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A Helping Hand Part 1

 My best friend Marty invited myself and my two brothers for a round of golf at the Tilted Rock Country Club where his dad is a member. I declined, saying I had several lawns to cut this morning. To earn some money, I was able to get seven homeowners in the neighborhood to let me cut their grass and maintain their gardens.After finishing my third lawn, I went home to take a shower. As I start up the stairs, the phone rings."Ring.""Ring.""Ring."I manage to pick the receiver up at the third...

First Time
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Cowgirl Up Ch 4

Finding Wade in the main terminal of the Dallas-Fort Worth airport was like looking for a needle in a haystack. I never saw so many men wearing black cowboy hats in one place. My eyes were scanning over the throng of people when I saw a handsome young man running toward me. A black cowboy hat was shading his handsome face but it was unmistakably Wade!“You made it!” He shouted, scooping me up in his arms. We held onto each other like we were never intending to let go. Wade’s heart was pounding...

4 years ago
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Lee and Lyn World

Lee & Lyn's World Prelog: Doctor CixLeeNen told DanLee and I that we were going to have a child. The Doctor CixLeeNen had the next available name assignments from the central computer. 'Le' was the next available. And as tradition allowed as parents we got to pick the last letter, so we picked S. Our baby would be named Les for their first syllable name. Today was the first day of second year school. Les thought that everyone had on the same uniform again this year...

4 years ago
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The Executionerrsquos Mask

In a masked gay party, I saw a young twink with cherry lips and bubbly ass in the crowd. I didnt have a mask but he had a tiny sparkly purple one on his face only covering his eyes. In order to take a chance, I approached to have small talk. I asked with a smile “do u need a fill?”. He responded very coldly: “definitely not from you hobo” and turned the other way. I tried to talk to him a few times more, no use and finally realized his eyes were on another guy whom I had known for a long time...

4 years ago
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Latex Power

"You had quite the party last night, didn't you? No don't move! Yoir still abit distant. Ok first things first, do you remember who you are?" the voice was soft and calming but strangly familiar and it had a seductive edge to it. "I know who I am, I'm Sophie!" I answer. "Good, good. Now to business," the voice said, "I've chosen you to be my representative on earth." Quickly the voice explained that it was a demon of fetishism and that the earth wasn't kinky enough. "And so I want you to mix...

3 years ago
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Nai chachi ke saath aage ki baat

Meine pichhli story mein aapko bataya kis tarah 25 saal pahle mein aur meri pyari chachi ne ek naya rishta shuru kiya tha. Toronto mein Buffalo se gaya tha mein aur unki 2 months ki ladki – nanhi Shweta – ke unke breast se doodh peete samay mera aur Chachi ka sunahra sambandh shuru hua. Agar woh ghatna aapne nehin padhee to isse padne se pahle ‘Pyari Chachi : Nai chachi ke saath’ zaroor padhiye tabhi continuity rahegi. To uss din Toronto mein Chachaji (jo mujhse 5 saal bade hein) ki gairhaziri...

1 year ago
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Tracy in TroubleChapter 20

Tracy woke up Friday morning, just like she went to sleep the night before, her face buried in Christina’s cunt. She started licking her, so that Christina would be gently awakened for her day. Once she was awake, Tracy moved to Linda’s cunt to do the same. Soon, she was also awake and they got up to get things ready. The two girls used the bathroom and took nice warm showers, while Tracy waited on the floor beside the tub, on her knees. She had to pee, but knew she had to hold it until she...

3 years ago
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The New Client Dedicated to SofaCouple Miss Ter

I pulled up to the detatched house similar to all the others in the street. As I got out of the car in my best suit, as I wanted to impress these potential new clients and reached across to get my laptop a blonde toned female runner came by me and asked are you going to number 22. Yes I said. She looked me up and down undressing me with her eyes and smiles like the cat who got the cream and ran off. This was an unusual experience for me as I was not what you would call eye candy in fact more...

3 years ago
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Epilogue to Merry Go Round

Epilogue to Merry Go Round By Dale Ribbons, great editing of the whole story by Steve Zink It was barely a week after Natalie's death that state troopers came to town to arrest Tori on extortion and corruption charges. Tori being Tori, she didn't go down without a fight, and even broke two troopers' arms. The local news crews were there to film every glorious moment as she had to be beaten, pepper-sprayed, and shot with a taser to get her down. Absolutely no one was sorry to see her...

3 years ago
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He sat next to me in Computer Science every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The teacher would talk about loops and object oriented programming and all the while, half listening, he would be sitting next to me. Breathing. His presence was so entirely sexual, and I bet he didn’t even know it. I’d get out of class and just be wet. Oh, Seth. Fantasies and computer science became so inextricably tied in my mind that I’d get turned on just by reading the textbook. The sexual tension was so unbearable...

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