Like Mother Like Sister 02 free porn video

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********************* Chapter 2 ********************* Synopsis: Nancy, aka Darren, checks out of the hospital and begins to have some second doubts about her decision to become a middle-aged woman. ****** The first thing Mom and I did after checking out of the hospital was to buy me a carton of Virginia Slims Menthols and go to a beauty parlor. Mom had been there before and she had a favorite stylist named, Melina, who spoke English. Not that I've been to a lot of beauty parlors before, but the one thing that stuck out was that the anti-smoking laws hadn't made their way across the border yet. Almost everyone was smoking- the stylists, the customers. The salon was smokier than most bars and night clubs I'd been in. Mom had called ahead so Melina was expecting us. She was young and she was beautiful and she was very friendly. She looked to be about 30 and it bothered me that I was so damn attracted to her. For crying out loud, I was a woman now. I shouldn't be having feelings like this but I was. Thanks to Mom's talkative ways, Melina knew everything about me, and she was impressed! "I can't believe you're a little boy," Melina said in a thick accent. "Your doctors, they make you so old and womanly. Are you happy? Yes?" I told her I was happy as I tried not to stare at her heaving breasts. "Tell me! Show me! What all did they do?" Melina asked. I stood in the middle of the salon like a show dog as my mother gave Melina a tour of my package from top to bottom. Melina was fascinated and in awe and so was I. Of course I wasn't the first male to get his bones shaved and have padding injected and implanted under my skin, but it was still new to me. "Your wrinkles and laugh lines, they look so real," Melina said. "Don't get me wrong. You look good for your age, but that's the problem. You don't look good for your age. Your mom says you're only 16." Mom answered for me, "A pity! Isn't it?" she asked. "But Darren insisted on wanting to look and live like a middle aged woman." "But why?" Melina asked. "No offense to your mother, but why would you want to look so old?" By this time, I'd heard that question at least a thousand times and I answered it the way I had always answered it, "Because I want to be just like my mom." The look on Melina's face told me that she didn't understand, and to tell you the truth, I was beginning to have my own doubts. Now that it was over and done, it wasn't fantasy any more. It was real life and real life is just...well, its not fantasy. Its for real and its for keeps and like it or not, this was my new life. And it was good. Wasn't it? Melina smiled in a patronizing way and said, "Well I think its sweet that you wanted so much to be like your mother. I felt the same way when I was a little girl. Now lets see what we can do with your hair," she said as she put her hand on my shoulder and led me to a chair at the back of the salon. The first thing I noticed was a red pack of Marlboro 100s sitting next to her scissors and her jar of combs. Melina noticed them too, because after she secured a blue nylon cape behind my neck, she picked up her pack and lit one. "Oh, would you like a cigarette while I do your hair, Nancy?" Melina asked as she handed me her pack. "Yes, I would but..." "Nancy smokes menthol," Mom said as she picked up my purse from the floor and fished out my cigarette case. My head spun with dizziness as Mom placed a cigarette between my lips and lit it for me. If I had to describe the experience, I'd say it was like having my life flash before me. I saw myself as a little boy, admiring my mom as she smoked a cigarette while putting on her make-up in front of her mirror. I saw myself stroking her silky nightgowns with my fingers, wondering what it would feel like and like to wear it myself. The visions fast forwarded and I saw myself standing in my parents' room in front of their mirror. I must have been 9 or 10. I was wearing a bra stuffed with my dad's socks underneath my mom's two piece silk pajamas with a silk house coat. It felt so so good and smooth and sexy against my skin. I felt the weight of my mother's pack of cigarettes and lighter as they hung in the pocket of the house coat. I pulled it out and watched myself holding it in the mirror. I remember feeling so much anticipation and fear and shame as my young fingers pulled a slim white cigarette from the pack and held it cocked by my cheek in a feminine salute. What was I doing? What was I thinking? Standing there in my mother's night clothes, masquerading as a woman and pretending to smoke like one. What right did I have to be more than I was? And why did it feel like more? What was wrong with being a boy and growing up to be a man like my father? I thought about my father and wondered what it really meant to be a man like my dad. My dad is a great guy but my mother was the head of our household and we respected her rule. She was the sophisticated bad-ass who smoked the cigarettes in our family. She was the one who made the important decisions. She was the one who always had our attention. She was our leader and the one I looked up to. If only I could be like her. But how could I? After all, I was a just a boy and I'd grow up to be a weak man like my father, but a boy can dream...can't he? And here I was now, smoking my head off with a pussy between my legs, wrinkles on my face and saggy breasts hanging from my the dream! So why wasn't I happy? Melina put another roller in my hair. She was giving me a permanent. Mom removed the spent cigarette from my lips and replaced it with a fresh one. It could have been the third or fourth. I don't know because my mind had been wandering and I'd lost track of time. The face staring back at me from the mirror was familiar but she was a stranger at the same time and I was scared of her, which meant that I was scared of myself and of the life I had chosen for myself. What if being a middle aged woman wasn't as fun as being a boy and pretending to be a middle aged woman? It was something Dr. Girardi had tried to make me think about, but I had callously dismissed her concerns. I moved my hand underneath the nylon apron until it was resting on my vacant groin. It was gone. My dick was really gone and in its place was a hairy hole. I had a pussy now, a pussy like my mom's, and I'd have a pussy for the rest of my life. My days of fucking like a man were behind me and my days of being fucked like a woman were in front of me. What if I didn't like being fucked? I thought about Mr. Edwards and his children. From what my mom had said, Mr. Edwards was smitten with me, but was I smitten with him? The truth of the matter was that I had thrown away my future when I quit school. I'd never have the education to make something of myself, but who needs an education when you're going to be house wife and a mother? The crazy thing is that I didn't even know if I had the qualifications to be a house wife and a mother. And what if I did? Would I be happy cleaning house every day and smoking cigarettes and making dinner for my husband and cleaning up after his children? Would I? But what choice did I have? Things could have and would have been different if I had become my mother's teenage daughter. I could have kept on going to school. I could have been a cheerleader and dated the captain of the football team. I got a sick feeling in my stomach as I thought about my former teammates and what it would be like to suck their dicks and laugh at their stupid jokes. And the reason I was so grossed out was because I wasn't a cock sucker. I wasn't gay. So why had I gotten so excited that time when I touched and played with Mr. Edward's penis? And now that I was a real woman, would I still be excited...or if I wasn't, could I learn to be excited? I was a woman now- an older woman! And it was real and not some stupid dream. I should be happy and thrilled and excited and maybe even content. So why was I so Goddamn depressed? I wanted to cry as Melina applied the smelly permanent solution to my rolled hair, but I couldn't- not in front of Mom. What would she think if she saw me crying? Hadn't this been hard on her too? She had given up having a son so that I could be like her and follow in her footsteps. She had supported me every inch of the way, even though it was insane, but she did it because she wanted me to be happy. And I had convinced her and everyone else that I would be happy as a chain-smoking old lady. I forced myself to smile as Melina removed the cape from around my neck and led me to a drier. ***** Mom took me to the apartment after we finished up at the salon. It was a nice two bedroom flat. She told me the hospital was paying for accommodations during my coma, and a a nice apartment was apparently cheaper than a hotel. And according to my mother, paying for her accommodations and my surgery was a lot cheaper than a law suit and bad publicity. The first thing I did when we got to the apartment was to fire up a Virginia Slim menthol and burn up the phone, since the hospital was paying for it. My first call was to my dad and after about 15 minutes, he passed the phone to Sammy. Sammy asked if I was really a grown-up woman like "Mommy", and I told him, "Yes!" We talked a little about his own issues and he assured me that he was very happy being a boy, but that he loved me and he was happy for me because he knew how much I wanted to be like our mom. For an eleven year old kid, Sammy had his head screwed on fairly straight. My second call was to Ken. I lit another cigarette and the phone rang three times before, Ben, his 13 year old son, picked up the phone. I recognized his voice immediately and told him who I was and asked how he was doing. I have to admit I was surprised by his enthusiasm. He sounded glad that I had called and he really wanted to talk to me, but before he could say too much, his father took the phone away from him. "Nancy? Is this you?" Ken asked. "Yes, Sweetheart. Its me and I'm fine. So how are you and the kids doing?" "We're all fine, but we've all been worried sick about you. Karen said you almost died." "Well if I did, I can't remember it, but yes, the doctors told me as much when I woke up." "So when are you flying back?" Ken asked. "I'm not sure- a day or two, or something like that." "Surely it doesn't take a couple of days to get a flight out of Mexico City." "No, its nothing like that, but I'm sure Karen told you why I came down here in the first place, right?" "Yeah," he said slowly with a shadow of embarrassment. "She said you were getting a little cosmetic surgery, which by the way, I didn't think you needed at all. If you had asked me, I would have told you that you were perfect." "That's sweet of you, Honey, but it was something I really wanted to do and we can call it what it was. I got a boob job and it didn't turn out to be such a little cosmetic procedure." "I know," Ken said. "You almost died from it." "Yes, but thats not what I'm talking about...what I'm trying to say is I'm a lot bigger than when you last saw me, and I'm talking about a lot bigger. Do you understand?" "I think so." "I hope you don't mind big boobs." "Why would I mind? I mean...I don't want to sound like a perve, but there's nothing bad about being bigger." I sighed and said, "I was hoping you'd say that." "Okay, so you know I don't mind, and I really miss you and I can't wait to see why can't you come back right away?" "Because my clothes don't fit any more, Honey. I'm serious. I can't fit into anything, and I really need to take a few days to do some shopping before I come back. Do you understand?" "I guess so, but I really want to see you as soon as I can." "And I want to see you too, but I also want to look nice for you." I heard Abby pitching a fit in the background. "Is every thing okay with Abby?" I asked. "She wants to talk to you," Ken said. "She says its not fair that Ben and I got to talk to you, but she didn't." My heart was melting. "Put her on, Honey. I wan to talk to her too!" "Okay, but you'll call me though as soon as you get a flight number, right?" "Of course I will sweetheart. I miss you so much and I can't wait to see you again." "Me too," Ken said and then he handed the phone to Abby." "Nancy? Hi Nancy! Its me, Abby!" "Hi Sweetheart! Oh, I've missed you so much!" "Me too! When are you coming home?" "Soon, Honey. Real soon! So how was your Christmas? Did you get everything you wanted?" I listened and smoked for the next five minutes as Abby told me all about the Christmas I had slept through. The crazy thing was that I found myself hanging on her every word. I was ecstatic when she told me about her new Barbie doll and I groaned when she told me about the Christmas tree falling and the ornaments breaking. As she talked, I found myself thinking that I really was something of a mother role model to her and the thrill of it muffled my depression. And the same held true for Ben. Hadn't he been excited to talk to me? Yes, he had been! The two of them looked up to me and they liked the idea of me being with their Dad...and the four of us being something like a family. And I kept telling myself...this is really happening, and Ken and Ben and little Abby are a part of my life. But how can this be, I wondered? I'm just a 16 year old boy. And then I looked across the room and caught my reflection in the mirror over the dresser. A big bosomed woman with a cigarette glowing between her fingers looked back at me. She looked so mature and confident, like she could do and handle anything. If I had had a penis, it would have gotten hard. That's me, I thought as I continued my conversation with precious little Abby. "Precious"? What kind of word is that? Its the kind of word a mother uses, I thought. "Daddy says I have to go now. Do you want to talk to him again?" "Yes, Sweetheart, put him on the phone." "Sorry she talked your ears off like that," Ken said. "I'm not. She's so adorable and I miss her so much. I miss all of you." "I don't want to hang-up," Ken said. "There's so much I want to say." "I know, Darling. Me too, but lets save it for when we see each other." "Okay, that's a deal," Ken said. We said goodbye to each other and then we hung up. Mom lit a cigarette and gloated. "See? What did I say? That man is crazy about you!" "Yeah," I said as I exhaled slowly. "I think you might be right." My answer was void of passion. Mom sat down on the bed beside me and put her arm around me. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I thought you'd be happier. I thought you liked Ken." "I do like him, or at least the part of me that's important likes him. He's a good man and he has a good job, and his kids are great..." "But what?" Mom asked. I shook my head and trimmed the ash from my cigarette. "I don't know, Mom. Its not something I can easily put into words." "Or maybe you can, but you don't want to, because you're having some regrets." I got up from the bed and stopped in front of the mirror. It wasn't that I didn't recognize the woman staring back at me. I looked just like the old Nancy with make-up with plus sized boobs and a shorter hair cut. But it was what I didn't see that bothered me. It used to be that if I looked hard enough, I could see a boy in a dress, but now he was nowhere to be found. My family had had a funeral for him and according to my mother, everyone I had ever known as a boy had come to see me off. Pain rose up into my throat and tears ran down my cheek as the consequences of my actions worked to suffocate me. "Oh Geeze, Mom! What have I done?" I fell back on to the bed and cried as my mother stroked my cheek and kissed me on the forehead as she whispered, "Oh Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Dr. Girardi said this might happen. But I didn't listen to her because i was so sure you wanted it." "I did want it, Mom. I've wanted this for as long as I can remember, at least I thought I did...but..." "But what, Honey. You can tell me. You can tell me anything." "But its so stupid, Mom and it makes me feel like an idiot when I think about it." "You're not an idiot, Honey. Now tell me what you're thinking about and maybe I can help." "Its just that...well, I think I miss having a penis." "How so?" I sat up on the bed, finished my cigarette and put it out in the ashtray. "Its just that when I was a boy, dressing up in your clothes and smoking like you used to be such a big turn-on for me, and then my dick would get all hard and it would feel so good and then I'd jack-off in your clothes while I was smoking and everything was so great, and I couldn't get enough of it. I know that doesn't make any sense, but that's the way I feel." Mom scowled and said, "There's more to being a woman than jacking off like a teenage boy. I thought you wanted to be like me." "I do want to be like you, but now I don't know if I can really do it. It's going to be so different." Mom lit a cigarette and said, "Of course its going to be different, Nancy! You're not a little boy any more. You're full grown woman." "But I don't feel like a full grown woman on the inside, Mom. I never have, but I thought that would change after the surgery. But nothing changed except for the way I look. And I get it that you don't think jacking-off is a big deal, but it was to me." "Sweetheart, you can still masturbate without a penis. We'll get you a dildo." "But Dr. Girardi said there's a chance I could never have an orgasm again." "That's right, Honey. She did say that and you knew it was one of the risks, but you wanted to do it anyway. You said being a woman is more important than anything. I remember when you said that." "Okay. Maybe I did say that. I guess I did. But I'm still scared, Mom. This isn't make-believe anymore. This is for real and I'm scared to death. I'm not saying I made the wrong decision, but what if I did? What do I do then?" "If that's the case, and I hope its not, but if it is, then you smile and grit your teeth and just make the best of it. You're Nancy Peterman now. You're 46 years old and you're my sister-in law. There's no going back. You are what you are and it is what it is." I took a deep breath and held it as I digested my mother's words. "It is what it is," I said, repeating her words. "I'm sorry," Mom said. "I shouldn't have taken such a harsh tone with you. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. Its just that I didn't want it to be difficult. I wanted this to be what you wanted. I thought it would make you happy." I crushed out my cigarette in the ashtray and said, "It is what I wanted...but its the part about not being able to go back that bothers me. Not that I want to back..but I can't go back, and that's the thing. Its like I'm stuck." "But isn't that a good thing?" Mom asked. "You know. Being stuck. I remember when you told me something about not having a choice being a good thing." I turned my cigarette case over between my hands and ran my finger across it. "I did say that, but it hadn't sunk in yet." "Dr. Girardi said you might feel this way after the surgery." "I know she did, but I didn't think it would feel this bad and be so real." I laughed and said, "Its like I died and I did. You even had a funeral for me." "Would it help to think of it as being reborn?" Mom asked. "Because that's really what happened. Its almost as if you were reincarnated into the woman you've always wanted to be. Am I right?" "Its a lot like that," I said. "In that case, I think we better get a start on celebrating your new life, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to go shopping. The sooner we get you some new clothes that fit, the sooner you can start living again. You've got a whole new big life in front of you, Nancy, and it can be wonderful."

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
2 years ago
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My Lust Towards Mother And Sister

Hai every one,this my first story.I don’t even like it to say it story because i am now writing my real life incidents.some people say the same and writes some buff which we can be easily known,some who are reading this story may not believe but i say that this is really happened story. I am going to say about my sex life from my childhood. I first saw a nude body when i was in 1st standard at my grand maa’s house but I dont actually remember who is it.My brother in law of nearly my age took me...

2 years ago
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My Hot Mother Malini And Me 4 Missing My Sister

Dear readers thank you very much for your response to the series of ‘My Hot Mother Malini And Me’. Many of the readers asked me to write actually how it all started between me and Maa. Who seduced whom? Particularly a lady reader had asked to write about this as she is also having an affair with her 19-year son. So readers read and give your opinions as usual to my mail. Thank you, your Abhi. I, Abhi was very gloomy during those days. I turned moody, irritating, after the marriage of my younger...

1 year ago
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Like Mother Like sister

I am loving my life! I am 25 years old and doing very well for myself. I have a great job that pays me great, and my sex life is at an all time high, though I am not ready to settle just yet. One of the reasons is because I have a fetish for black cock. I enjoy sleeping around with black man, weather they are married or not. To be used and fucked by a BBC is my definition of nirvana. I don't mind them at any age, but I prefer older black men. Although I no longer live with my parents I...

2 years ago
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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Christine her mother sister

Last night I stopped at Christine's, when I got there she was watching the tv, so I put my arm round her kissed her on lips & moved my hand towards her ginger minge moving her knickers to one side finger fucking her, I opened her dressing gown & pulling her nighty up feeling her tits I then got her a lay down on the settee I was feeling her all over kissing her then sucking her tits with my fingers in her cunt, then she said it fuck me please so I got up removed my jeans & underwear...

2 years ago
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
4 years ago
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Showing Excessive Love For Mother8217s Sister

Hi everyone, in this story, I am going to write about a relationship with my mother’s sister. It was not only about sex but more of love. First I will introduce my family. In my family my father is dead, so only me and my mother. My mother had a sister who lived in the village of her husband. She was married for about three years and she had no children. She was in her thirties (10 years younger than my mother) and looked like Tamil film heroine jothika. So this happened during a village...

2 years ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Sex Slave MotherChapter 5 Mothers toilet training

Next morning, Susan stood by the kitchen table, topless, she only wore the bottom half of a sexy thong bikini that barely covered her ass crack. The tiny stripe of the bikini may be holding some object in her asshole. With hands behind her back, subservient as she looked at the floor like a shy little girl, a faint flush on her beautiful face as she waited for her sons to finish their breakfast. A slow grin spread over her lovely face as she recalled the powerful thrusts of her young sons'...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Mother8217s Sister

Hello everyone. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories since last 4 years. This incident happened recently where I fucked my mother’s sister and we both are fully into each other exploring all the thrust. Even when his husband was at home. Firstly I’m Murali of age 22 completed my graduation. I am 6 ft tall, well built. And had a thick tong of size 7′. From Vizag. Any unsatisfied women and ladies from Vizag can ping me for fulfilling your desires at Without wasting your time let me get...

3 years ago
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Motherrsquos sister

Mother’s sisterThis story with me and my mums sister.In my home me and mum, father,and my sister. my mother had five sisters,the lost one is ,married and her husband in gulf,he is not getting good salary in gulf.Financily she is very poor.All other sisters and mum is helping her.I was in bangalore and working and staying in a small home ,I was 20 and she is 27 and having one 4 year old girl day one of my mums sister and family came to see me in bangalore for tour . she asked me why...

3 years ago
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Motherrsquos sister

Mother’s sisterThis story with me and my mums sister.In my home me and mum, father,and my sister. my mother had five sisters,the lost one is ,married and her husband in gulf,he is not getting good salary in gulf.Financily she is very poor.All other sisters and mum is helping her.I was in bangalore and working and staying in a small home ,I was 20 and she is 27 and having one 4 year old girl day one of my mums sister and family came to see me in bangalore for tour . she asked me why...

2 years ago
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MotherInLaw Sex Pt 2 Grandmother Love

After our first encounter, that very pleasant sex together in the bathroom, I guess both of us were unsure how to behave in the days after, especially when my wife and sister-in-law were there to again make us into a Family of 4. I decided to try and be as natural as possible, though perhaps my wife wondered why I didn’t attempt love-making as often as previously, her rebuffs so constant these days and nights that I truly did promise myself I would become celibate! Well, celibate with my...

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Seduced By Mother8217s Sister

Hi Raj again, any aunties, single mother’s in Chennai wants safe sex inbox me. It’s completely confidential and privacy will be maintained.. Let’s not waste time and get to the sex story. This was between me and my mother’s sister / chithi. This began in a function where she began looking at me in a different way. I was young say abt 20yrs, and a bit innocent. She used to hold my hand and talk, sometimes she rubs her books while she crosses me. She looks like an angel. Prefect body, big boobs...

4 years ago
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Sex with mother in law and her sister

I am furnishing my encounter I had with my MIL and her lovely sister. Once I went to my MIL’s house for a short visit. In the evening, I went to upstairs which is open to air and taking rest. While moving around the terrace suddenly one hot scene is visible to me. It is that my MIL is taking her bath nudity in the bathroom, which is also open to sky. She is clearly visible from top to bottom in the bathroom. She is a fair and handsome lady. Her boobs are in tact and 38 in size. Her seat is 42...

2 years ago
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Mother8217s Sister

This sister i am talking about is really older than my mother. At the time we did have our first sex, she was in the menopause stage, or just reaching it. She has a daughter, who has a son. She also has a son but because of some troubles, he was never married. Her life was miserable and we all pitied her. Their family was not rich and not poor either. My uncle was very old and religious. Even my aunt had turned religion out of the hardships she faced in life. It only took me alone to convince...

4 years ago
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Sissy Stepson 10 Stepmothers Sissy

Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...

3 years ago
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Had Fun With Mother8217s Sister And Cousin Sister

Myself Mahesh, its a true story happened to me. First i will explain about Myself, i am very cute boy, basically we are from Vijayawada. During my intermediate my family got shifted and we are staying near my mothers sister house, We are very close. We used to meet daily as our homes are nearby. Coming to the story, initially i didn’t had any intention towards my pinni. But once I am about to take bath in pinni’s house, so I am removing my shirt, pant and i started removing underwear, my dick...

3 years ago
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Morning has broken pt 2 mother and elder sister

My continued sex with jenny's(my girlfiend)younger sister Susan was awsome most weekends and the odd day when I was passing she couldnt get enough of my dick. We had a family gathering where her elder sister Sally who was a cock hungry nympho was going to be there, we arrived and the house was filling nicely as the evening carried on I got talking to sally,she was pissed and said she would love to suck my cock.We went out side and she grabbed my cock through my trousers it was a big buldge she...

4 years ago
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Fairy Godmother

This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...

4 years ago
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I Fucked My Godmother Who Became My Girlfriend Aft

-I Fucked My Godmother Who Became My Girlfriend After-I met my godmother, Amanda, at my high school job when I was only a junior. And I kept the job as a part time while I am going to my first year of college, so we see each other every day at work. She was 42 when I meet her and I was only 16. I was shy to talk to her, especially she was so gorgeous and I thought she was only in her early thirties. She was the one who approached me and we started to talk like good friends ever since. I...

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His Mothers HalfSister

Marcie Reynolds was a forty-four-year-old woman that was UK born but had spent the last sixteen years of her life in the USA. She was currently back in England partly for a vacation but also to attend a family gathering at the home of her half-sister Rosemary Hewlett and Rosemary's husband, Frank.Rosemary was three years older than Marcie and although they had the same mother, Marcie was fathered by a US serviceman who was based in the UK at the time. That was an event that led to a divorce for...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Mother8217s Sister

I am Parveen and want to share some of the incident of my life here after a long thought. I had a sex with my Aunt (mother’s sister) and it all happened without planning. Quick Start: Marriage was there in our house and all relatives were there and house was jam packed and in this I have to sleep with my aunt and brothers on one bed, so I think four of us were sleeping on one bed and first time when I realized that something gone wrong, when my aunt said to stop now it is morning, everybody is...

3 years ago
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Milk feeding by mother8217s sister

I am a regular reader of ISS. I want to share this wonderful experience of tasting my chitty’s breast milk ( Chitty in Tamil means younger sister of my mother) we belong to orthodox Brahmin family. My chitty is only 30. Her boobs are enormous in size- almost 38-40. I am now 18 only. I know about sex by reading sex books and seeing blue films. I satisfy with masturbating, mostly fantasying my friends mom. I never thought that I will get my first experience with my own chitty. She has birth to...

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Sex with mother8217s cousin sister

Hi readers this is Jaggu (name changed).I am working in one of the mnc in Hyderabad. this is my incest story happened one week back with my mother’s sister Surekha. To tell about Surekha aunty she is around 40 and her husband stays in Dubai went to Dubai 13 years ago and he is just a husband due to some other affair he is staying only in Dubai and not coming to India. my aunty knows about this but she did not take divorce because every one in family will think bad of her and she tells every...

2 years ago
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Alison Goes to London chapter 11 A Dirty Filthy Motherfucking Assfucking Whore

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...

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My Godmother and her wild friend True Story

This is going back a few years to when I was in my early 20's. Working as a steel fabricator. My day at work was drawing to an end. It had been a very long week, 55hours of hard labour complete. At 3.30, I clocked out. Turning the key in the ignition was such a relief, it was a bank holiday weekend, and I was looking forward to 3 days of much needed R&R. On the way I remembered that it was my mothers birthday, she was turning 40, and my sister had organised a surprise party for her at the...

3 years ago
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The Fairy Godmother Returns

The Fairy Godmother Returns By Morpheus I let out a long sigh took a look back towards my school as I left for the day. However, it wasn't the school itself that I was staring at, but a hot girl who was leaving at the same time... in nearly the opposite direction. Sheila Case wasn't exactly the hottest girl in school, but she was definitely within the top five. Personally however, out of all of the girls in the school she was at the very top of my list. She was the girl that I...

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