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On Christmas Eve the Potters went to Godric's Hollow, like usual. It was completely dark by the time they Apparated to the Burrow, but there was plenty of light streaming out of the tall house's windows. As they walked closer to the place, Albus could hear the roars of laughter coming from inside.

"Harry!" the door to the Burrow flew open and George stood in the doorway to greet them, a mug of eggnog in his hand. "How are ya, mate?"

"I'm great, George. I see you're already drunk," Harry grinned at him.

"A drunkness only Mum's eggnog can bring," George went back into the house and Albus and his family followed.

Albus smiled to himself as he saw the usual chaos that was Christmas Eve at his grandparents' house. His sea of redheaded cousins were milling around eating and laughing with each other. This was what Albus loved about Christmas at the Burrow. He grabbed a couple biscuits from the nearby table and went to find Rose. She was sitting on the floor near the fireplace with Hugo, Victoire, and Teddy.

"Albus!" she shouted over the noise, "Over here!"

Albus pushed his way past Georgia and Gabriella who were laughing at something Fred was saying. "Hi Rose! What's been going on?"

"Not much. Uncle George, Uncle Bill, and Uncle Charlie are drunk. My dad's on his way and so is Aunt Alicia."

"Wouldn't be Christmas Eve if they weren't," Albus laughed.

"Gran's been refilling the biscuit platters and talking with my mum and Aunt Fleur. I think she's about to put on Celestina Warbeck," Rose gestured to the nearby wireless that Molly, Hermione, and Fleur were looking at. Fleur threw her hands up in the air and glared at Molly. "Yup, here comes Celestina."

"Mum hates her," Victoire shook her head, "She'll be heading for the eggnog now."

Sure enough, Fleur poured herself a large mug of eggnog as Molly settled down to listen to the wireless. She was the only one listening, though. Albus could hear bits and pieces of a heated Quidditch discussion going on between his Uncle Charlie, Uncle George, Aunt Alicia, and Heather. Harry was making his way over to them now. It amazed Albus that his uncles and aunt could carry on a fully understandable Quidditch discussion while drunk.

"How long are you staying, Victoire?" Albus asked.

"Just until after Christmas. I've got to get back to St. Mungo's in a couple days. But I've been here since yesterday when Amy left for Australia. I didn't want to be alone in the apartment, it would've gotten awfully boring."

"You wouldn't have had to be alone," Teddy winked, "And it wouldn't have been boring."

Victoire playfully slapped him. "Teddy! Don't let Mum hear you say that."

"Oh, Albus," Rose began, "Both John and Amanda can come to my house on the 28th. Well, they can only come over for the day, but that should be enough time. Matt's still not sure. He said he won't know until after he gets back from Australia."

"Ok. Great, we can play Quidditch!"

"Quidditch?" Hugo snapped his head away from his chocolate frog cards, "Can I play?"

"Sure," Albus replied.

"The 28th?" Teddy commented, "I'll come over, too. I don't have to be back at the Ministry until the 29th. I'm up for some Quidditch."

"Excellent," Albus grinned, "We can get a real game going. I'll just tell my dad I'm going home with you." Albus looked around the room and saw Harry in the midst of a Quidditch discussion. "Hey, Dad!"

"What is it, Al?" Harry got up and squeezed his way through the crowd over to Albus.

"It's all right if I go to Rose's house on the 28th, right? And stay a couple days?"

"That would be fine," Harry said, "But we're actually going to Dudley's house for New Year's Eve, so we'll come get you on the 31st before we leave."

"We're going to Dudley's?" Albus stared at his dad.

"Er, yeah," Harry gave Albus a half smile, "Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon will be there as well...."


"Dudley thought it would be a good idea, considering that Kaden is a wizard," Harry explained.

"All right," Albus shrugged. He didn't really want to see Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, but he didn't really have a choice.

"I'm sure they'll be...civilized, at least," Harry gave Albus a hug before leaving to rejoin his Quidditch discussion.

"Well, at least I can come over for a few days," Albus said.

"Yeah, but you've got to go see the Dursleys," Teddy screwed up his face in disgust.

"It's definitely going to be an interesting day," Albus replied.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Rose assured him. "Plus, Kaden will be there."

"That'll make it even more interesting," Albus grinned.

"You know, he'd fit right in with this lot," Rose gestured to the loud and boisterous Weasley family around them. "Except without the red hair."

"Hey, I haven't got red hair!"

"Neither do I," Victoire agreed.

"I do," Teddy laughed as he changed his hair from its usual blue to red.

"You're not technically a Weasley," Rose commented.

"Close enough. And anyway, who knows what'll happen in the next few years," Teddy winked at Victoire, who giggled. Teddy threw his arms around Victoire and kissed her.

"Better not let Gran see you doing that," Rose warned.

"Always a stickler for the rules, huh Rosie?" Teddy laughed and lengthened his hair until it was the perfect replica of Rose's.

"Don't do that!" Rose groaned, "And I do break rules. Just ask Albus."

Teddy shortened his hair again and turned to Albus. "Really?"

"She does," Albus confirmed, "Quite a few times, actually."

"This I've got to hear."

"Maybe another time," Albus glanced at Rose. Albus hadn't really decided whether or not to tell Teddy about the new map. Most of Rose's and Albus's most recent rule breaking was done in order to decipher it. Albus knew he wasn't going to tell his cousins about it, but he wasn't sure about Teddy and James. One part of him thought they deserved to know, considering that their father and grandfather were both Marauders, but on the other hand he kind of liked keeping it a secret.

"Aw, come on, tell me."

"Another time," Rose said adamantly.

"Oh, fine," Teddy huffed, "But I will find out."

Albus spent the rest of the evening talking and playing games with Rose, Teddy, and Victoire. He was really enjoying the time off from school and getting to spend time with his entire family at once. By the time he climbed up to the attic bedroom that he shared with James and a few of their cousins, he was tired and stuffed from all the biscuits.


"James! Albus!" Albus snapped his eyes open at the sound of his name the next morning. He immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Lily. He heard her footsteps bounding into the room. "Albus, James! It's Christmas! Wake up!"

"Hi Lily," Albus yawned.

"Good, you're up! James! Get up!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" James mumbled.

"We've got presents, James!" Lily grinned.

"Right!" James said excitedly and Albus heard him crawling to the end of the top bunk to his pile of presents.

"I'm going to open mine!" Lily shouted as she ran out of the room.

After Lily's early wake-up call, everyone in Albus's room was up. Albus settled down to open his own pile of presents with the other boys. The first few boxes were filled with sweets and various Weasley's Wizard Wheezes products. The next was this year's Weasley jumper. It had a red quaffle stitched onto the front with a navy blue background. "Opened your jumper yet, James?"

"Sure did," James replied, "Red with a green dragon on it."

"Mine's blue with a red quaffle."


Albus opened the next few presents, which consisted of numerous books and other clothing items. He also got a Broomstick Servicing Kit, which would be useful since his Firebolt 2000 had a few twigs that needed to be plucked. Albus saved the present from his parents for last and was about to open it when James gave an excited shout from the bed above.


"What is it?" Cedric asked and jumped off his bed. Ben followed and the two of them ran over to James's bed.

Albus crawled out of his bed and joined his cousins. "What?" he asked.

James had a huge grin on his face as he held up a blank piece of parchment. "Look what I got."

Albus stared at the parchment. "You're kidding! Dad gave you the Marauder's Map?"

"He sure did!" James shouted.

"This is perfect!" Cedric exclaimed.

"I can't believe he gave it to you," Ben grinned.

"That's great, James," Albus smiled, "But why you and not me?" Albus couldn't help but feel a little left out, even though he now had his own Marauder's Map that would potentially be better than the original. But his dad didn't know about that, so why did he give the Map to James?

"Dunno," James shrugged. "What did they get you?"

"Haven't opened it yet," Albus picked up the package from his parents and tore off the wrapping.

What he saw made his mouth fall open in shock. This would explain why James got the Map! Sitting in the middle of the torn wrapping, was the Invisibility Cloak. "He, he gave me the Cloak," Albus whispered.

"Well, that's why you didn't get the map," James replied, "This is brilliant!"

"Yeah," Albus agreed, pulling the cloak out of the wrapping. He laughed to himself as he thought of how he and Rose went through all that trouble of stealing it earlier in the month and now he got it for Christmas. "Guess this is why Dad wanted the Map back."

James laughed, "We gave it back only for him to give it to me. I think we ought to share them."

"That's a good idea," Albus agreed, not mentioning that hopefully he would have his own map working soon.

"And share them with us, too," Cedric gestured to himself and Ben.

"Of course we will," James assured them. "We just have to be sneaky about it. We can't let all of Hogwarts know we've got these."

"I'm going to go tell Rose," Albus wrapped the Cloak around himself and left the room. He had never worn the Cloak at the Burrow before and he thought it was really funny that he passed Eddie on the stairs and Eddie didn't even notice him. He pushed open the door to the room that Rose shared with Victoire, Georgia, Gabriella, and Heather and waited for the girls' reactions.

Heather jumped when she heard the door open and saw that no one was there. Victoire and Gabriella laughed and then shrugged. Rose got up from her bed and walked cautiously over to the door.

"Boo," Albus pulled the Cloak off and grinned.

All five girls shrieked as they saw Albus emerge from the Cloak, then they all started laughing. "Where did you get that?" Rose demanded.

"Dad gave it to me!"

"He did?" Victoire stared in amazement. "Wow, that is really great."

"I just can't believe he gave you that," Rose grinned, "I'll bet James is jealous."

"He got the Marauder's Map, so he's fine."

"Wow!" Rose shouted, "That's incredible. And you can share them."

"That's the plan," Albus grinned. "Well, I'll see you lot downstairs." He wrapped the Cloak around himself once more and left the room. Albus couldn't believe that his dad had actually given him the Cloak! He didn't think Harry would ever give it up. The best part was that he was now even more like his grandfather had been at Hogwarts. Albus was even more of a Marauder now that he had the Cloak.

Albus continued down the stairs and into the kitchen of the Burrow. A few of his cousins, aunts, and uncles were already up and starting to eat breakfast. Harry and Ginny were there as well, along with Lily. His grandmother was tending to multiple cauldrons at once, while simultaneously bringing various items to the table. Albus watched them all for a few moments before pulling the Cloak off and shouting, "Happy Christmas!"

Bill choked on his coffee and spat it across the table at George, who had started laughing. Harry, who had probably been expecting this, grinned and looked at Ginny, who was smiling back. Lily was staring at Albus with her mouth wide open. Molly dropped the bowl of oatmeal she had been bringing to the table. Everyone else looked at Albus with various looks of shock and amusement.

"Albus!" Molly shrieked as she cleaned up the spilled oatmeal with a wave of her wand, "Don't do that!"

"You gave him the Cloak?" George asked.

"Yep," Harry replied, "I take it you're enjoying it, Al?"

"Sure am!" Albus went over to where his parents were sitting and gave them each a huge hug, "Thanks!"

"You're welcome," Harry smiled, "I figured you should be able to enjoy it while you're at Hogwarts, like I did. Although I expect you to use it more responsibly than I did."

"I'll try," Albus said, thinking of when he snuck down to the Whomping Willow with it only two weeks ago. "James and I are going to share it. Same with the Map."

"Wait, you gave him the Marauder's Map, too?" George stared at Harry.

"No, James got that."

"I didn't think you'd ever give that away," George laughed.

"Well, I can wander the castle whenever I want and it won't matter who's around," Harry explained, "The boys can't. Plus, I didn't want to deny them the fun of it."

"Are you sure that's safe, Harry?" Molly asked anxiously.

"The castle is perfectly safe, even at night. I'm not saying I approve of you wandering around at night," Harry gave Albus a stern gaze, "But there are more enchantments than ever protecting it."

"That won't protect them from wizards already in the castle!" Molly commented, "Remember that Willinson kid last year?"

"How could I forget? Sometimes, you just have to take risks in order to live a little. I trust the boys enough to know they won't go wandering around late at night very often. And if you see anything suspicious on the Map," Harry turned to Albus, "Tell me about it right away."

Albus nodded. "Sure." He took a seat at the table, with the Cloak on his lap, just as James ran into the room holding the Map in his hands.

"Thanks, Dad!" James shouted, "This is brilliant!"

"I'll tell you what I told Al. Don't use that to break too many rules and if you see anything abnormal on it, tell me right away."

"Hello, Weasleys!" Teddy strolled into the room, his hair half green and half red. He sat down next to Albus and pulled a platter of eggs towards him. "Happy Christmas."

"I know your hair is Christmas colored, but those two colors just shouldn't be paired together," James shuddered as he noticed Teddy's hair. "I mean, Gryffindor and Slytherin at the same time?"

"It's festive," Teddy grinned. "You want me to charm yours to be red and green, too? Just learned some excellent charms for that sort of thing in training. Not that I'll need them."

"No thanks," James had a look of disgust on his face. "I'll keep the plain red."

"Is that..." Teddy looked at the parchment James was holding, "The Marauder's Map?"

"Oh, yeah! Sure is!" James handed it to Teddy, "Got it for Christmas!"

"That's great!" Teddy grinned. "What did you get Albus? Don't think Harry could top that."

"I got the Cloak."

Teddy turned to Albus, "Really? That's great, too! Wish I had an Invisibility Cloak."

"But you can cast those Disillusionment charms," Albus pointed out.

"Not nearly as fun as that Cloak, though," Teddy commented.

"Oh, boys," Harry began, "You're going to have to share those with Lily once she gets to Hogwarts."

"Aw, come on," James groaned.

"If you don't I'll just steal them," Lily smirked, "And hide them in my dormitory, which you two won't be able to get into."

"She's got a point," Ginny grinned.

"We'll share," Albus assured them. He wouldn't mind sharing with Lily, just as long as she kept the Cloak secret. The last thing they needed was the entire castle knowing about it.

"Good," Harry smiled, "Now who's up for a little winter Quidditch?"

"Me!" Albus, James, Teddy, and mostly everyone else shouted at the same time.


Albus spent most of the day playing Quidditch outside with his family. Eventually they all had to come in because they were too cold to play any longer. Plus, it started snowing pretty hard and nobody wanted to lose the Snitch. Albus spent the rest of the day with Rose and reading a few of his new books. The Cloak was passed around between his cousins, and most of them were amazed Harry had given it to him, and a little jealous as well. James passed the Map around and everyone had fun watching the few dots that were left in the castle.

Christmas dinner came and went in its usual chaotic state. It was loud and funny and Albus enjoyed every minute of it. He went to bed feeling very full and very content. The next day Albus's aunts, uncles, and cousins all started to leave. Albus and Rose's families stayed for a couple more days, but they soon had to leave so Albus's grandparents could go on holiday for New Year's. Albus was actually excited to leave because he would be going to Rose's house and hopefully getting the stag print.

Albus landed in Rose's living room after Flooing from the Burrow. His Uncle Ron, Rose, and Hugo had already arrived and his Aunt Hermione was right behind him. There was an owl waiting next to the window and Hermione ran over to let it in.

"That's Matt's owl," Albus announced as he and Rose went over to retrieve the letter. Albus opened the envelope and scanned the letter, "He can come, but only for tomorrow. We're supposed to meet him at the Leaky Cauldron at eleven."

"Sure," Hermione smiled, "Tell him that will work."

Albus found a quill and quickly scribbled a response on the back of the letter and sent it off with the owl. He and Rose ran up the stairs and into Rose's room to talk about plans for getting the print.

"I hope you've got some ideas," Albus said as he shut Rose's door.

"Of course I do," Rose grinned. "We'll tell my parents that we're going to go exploring in the forest and we'll look for a stag while we're in there. Once we find one, we'll all try and stun it-"

"What about the underage magic laws?" Albus definitely didn't want someone from the Ministry showing up shortly after they stunned a stag. The last thing he wanted to do was explain why he had done it.

Rose laughed, "Haven't you figured it out yet? They can't tell who's done the magic, only that magic's been done. The Ministry has no way to tell if it was us or my parents who performed the magic."

Albus hadn't thought of that. All last summer he could have done magic and the Ministry wouldn't have found out. "Really?"

"Yes, really. The Ministry just relies on parents to not let their kids use magic outside school. So I wouldn't suggest doing it a lot. I'm sure we'd get in big trouble with our parents. I wouldn't even be suggesting we do this if there was another way to get the print."

Albus nodded. He didn't really want to break the law either, but what could they do? There was no way to get a stag print if the stag wasn't stunned. "I just hope we actually find one tomorrow."

"Me, too. But we do have a couple days. You'll be here until the 31st, so that's four days to get it."

"Yeah, but John and Matt want to help, too."

"I know and we'll try. Hey, I'll bet Amanda's gotten the dog print by now!"

"Oh, yeah!" Albus said excitedly, "So we're pretty much halfway there."

"Yup," Rose grinned.

"Now we've just got to find the charm to keep Kaden quiet," Albus replied.

"You're going to tell him everything after I find that charm?" Rose asked.

"I think so. I mean, as long as the charm works he can't tell anyone about it. It's obvious now that he's Wormtail, although I'm sure he'll be a better one. But it's up to Matt whether he wants to tell Kaden he's a werewolf."

"Isn't it kind of necessary for this?"

"Probably, but I can't exactly tell Kaden that."

"Yeah, you definitely can't," Rose agreed.

"Let's just try and get the stag print first," Albus suggested, "Then we'll figure out the Kaden thing."

A/N: J.K. Rowling did state in an interview that Harry wasn't going to give the map and the cloak to James & Al, but it fits the plot so I'm just ignoring that for this series. Thanks to my beta, Dancer_of_Starlight. Thanks as well to sinwillys822, Denas, Miguel, Johanne, Luke, Slytherinlover, wolverine83, Moonylupin, XDNLxtlz99, maraudersfan a_w, and Jen for the reviews!

Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter.

Albus, Rose, and Hermione went to the Leaky Cauldron the next day to meet Matt and Amanda, who was also being dropped off there. John had arrived earlier by Floo and went with them as well. When they got there, both Matt and Amanda were already there.

"Hi!" Albus greeted them as he stepped out of the Floo.

"Hi Albus," Matt grinned, "How was your Christmas?"

"It was brilliant," Albus replied, "Wait till you see what I got."

"What?" Amanda asked.

"Can't show you here," Albus whispered. "I'll show you when we get back."

"Let's go now," Matt said impatiently.

"You kids go ahead," Hermione told them, "I've got a bit of shopping to do."

Albus bade goodbye to his aunt and turned back to the Floo. Within seconds he was back in Rose's living room. A few minutes later all his friends were back as well.

Matt and Amanda stared around the room. "Nice house," Amanda smiled.

"Yeah," Matt agreed, "Kind of looks like mine."

"Thanks," Rose replied.

"So, Albus, what did you get for Christmas?" Matt asked.

"This," Albus pulled the Invisibility Cloak out of his cloak pocket. He had been carrying it around with him ever since Christmas.

Matt let out a gasp. "Whoa! You really got the Cloak? That's completely amazing!"

"I love that cloak," Amanda grinned.

"And to think we stole it just a few weeks ago," John snorted.

"Shush!" Albus hissed, "Uncle Ron and Hugo are here."

"Oh, sorry."

"But this isn't all," Albus continued, "James got the Marauder's Map."

"He didn't!" John shouted.

"He did."

"You two are so lucky," Matt replied.

"But we'll have our own Map soon anyway," Amanda pointed out as she dug around in the bag she brought. She produced a crumpled piece of parchment with a paw print on it that was slightly smaller than the werewolf print.

"You got it!" Albus took it from her. "We're halfway there now."

"I hope it'll work. Newton wouldn't stay still and the parchment is kind of wrinkled."

"I'm sure it will work," Albus said.

"Good thing we didn't have the prints go directly on the map," Matt replied.

"So today we get the stag print," Albus announced. "Right after lunch."

Everyone agreed and headed into the kitchen to scrounge up some food. Ron had already created an enormous sandwich and was eating it when Albus and the others walked in. They all liked the idea of making giant sandwiches and were soon eating alongside Ron. Albus thought John's sandwich looked disgusting because it was piled high with turkey, pickles, and peanut butter. Rose shuddered as she saw him bite into it, but he thought it tasted delicious.

"I can't believe you ate that entire thing," Rose screwed up her face in disgust after John ate the last bite of his lunch.

"It was good," he shrugged.

"Hey, Uncle Ron," Albus began, "We're going to go explore the forest."

"All right. Have fun. But try and be back by three. Teddy's coming over and so are James and your dad. We're all going to play Quidditch."

"Sure, we'll be back by then," Albus was excited about playing Quidditch. It was always better when Teddy was there.

Once they were all done with lunch, Rose and Albus led the way outside and over to the forest. The forest was situated next to the large open field that was next to the house. Albus and Rose went exploring in it quite a bit and knew their way around it well. The group crunched across the snow laden field until they came to the forest's edge. Rose found the path they usually took and lead the group down it. "Keep your eyes pealed for a stag," she told everyone.

"This reminds me of the forest near my old house in Australia," Matt commented after a few minutes of walking.

"How was Australia this year?" Albus asked, remembering that his friend just returned to Britain the previous day.

"It was all right. No different than usual. It was boring of course, and my grandmother kept telling us how we should visit more often."

"You're not going to, are you?" John asked.

"Don't think so. Mum and Dad don't really want to. Plus they want to go visit my Uncle Jack in New York this summer."

"That would be fun," Amanda replied.

"Yeah, I hope we get to go."

The group continued walking into the forest until Rose announced that it would be better if they sat completely still and waited for a stag to walk by. She said their movement would scare the creatures away. Albus sat down in the snow behind a shrub with his friends and watched and listened for animals. After a half hour of waiting, Albus was bored. How long was it going to take for a stag to cross their path? He would much rather just walk around to find one. Rose seemed perfectly content to sit still, as did Matt. John had made a large pile of snow balls, along with a snow wizard. Amanda was busy creating a snow witch to go along with his wizard.

"I'm bored," John sighed as he made yet another snow ball. "How long is this going to take?"

"I don't know," Rose shrugged, "We don't see stags that often in here, so it might be a while."

Albus glanced at his watch, "Well it's just after two, so if we don't find one soon, we'll have to go back." He stared into the forest and willed a stag to come. Albus was getting frustrated by this point. They needed that stag print for the map! There was no place else to find one. What if they couldn't find a stag before the end of the holiday? They would have to wait until the summer to search again. Albus couldn't wait that long. He wanted the map now.

"Wait," Matt stood up and turned around, "I think I hear something over there." He pointed to a cluster of bushes a couple meters away.

"I don't hear it," John replied.

"Shush!" Matt whispered, "You know I can hear things you can't."

Matt started slowly making his way towards the cluster of bushes. Albus and the others followed behind, nobody saying a word. "Wands ready," Matt whispered.

Albus pulled out his wand and pointed it towards the bushes, his mind racing with excitement as he went. This was it! They were going to get the stag print! Part of Albus's mind knew that this wasn't necessarily a stag, but he didn't pay attention to that. What else could it be? Most of the animals in the forest were too small to be rustling the bushes this much. As Albus got closer to it, he could distinctly hear the footprints of the animal, and they were much too loud to be a rabbit or a squirrel. There weren't many large animals in the forest, stags being some of the few. It could be a doe, but Albus hoped it wasn't.

The group was now only a couple feet away from the bushes. Everyone had their wand pointed at them, waiting for the animal to make its appearance. The moment Albus saw the leaves part, he shouted, "Stupefy!"

"Stupefy!" Rose, John, Matt, and Amanda all shouted at once.

Whatever was in the bushes jumped to the side and missed all five stunning spells. "Whoa! What the bloody hell do you lot think you're doing!"

It was Teddy. The noise Matt had heard in the bushes was Teddy. Albus lowered his wand and sighed. So much for finding a stag. Now that Teddy was with them, they would no longer be able to look. Albus turned to his friends and saw them all put their wands away.

Teddy fully emerged from the bush and walked over to where Albus was with a bewildered look on his face. "Do I even want to know what you're up to?"

"Er," Albus began, trying to think up an excuse fast.

"We're just taking a walk in the forest and you scared us!" Rose announced, "Sneaking up on us like that, what did you think we'd do?"

"Shriek, maybe?" Teddy gave them a lopsided grin, "But not attack me."

"So you were trying to scare us?" Rose said exasperatingly

"A bit, yeah," Teddy laughed. "Worked, didn't it?"

"I'll say," Rose muttered. Albus listened to the two of them but didn't add anything. He was forever grateful that his cousin was a better liar than he was.

"It's kind of cold to be going for a hike," Teddy commented, "But Ron said you were here, so I figured I'd see if I could find you." He eyed John's pile of snowballs and grinned, "Planning on having a snow ball fight?"

Teddy didn't wait for an answer and picked up a few of John's snowballs. He threw one at Albus and the other at Rose.

"Watch it!" Albus shouted as the snowball made contact with his face. He spat out the snow and bent down to make his own snow ball. He aimed it at Teddy but Teddy jumped out of the way and it hit Matt instead.

"Hey!" Matt shouted as he picked up one of John's snowballs and threw it at Albus. It landed square on Albus's chest.

A few moments later, a huge snowball fight broke out. It was every man for himself for a while and Albus was getting pummeled by Teddy's snowballs. He tried to get Teddy back, but Teddy was too quick for him. Instead, Albus decided to focus on Matt, who was trying to get Albus back for the snowball that had hit him instead of Teddy. Rose eventually joined Albus in his attempt to get Matt, while Amanda evened out the odds by joining Matt's side. John, who seemed to be the only one with enough skill to hit Teddy, was having a one-on-one fight with the blue haired boy and was actually doing well.

The six of them were completely soaked by the time the fight ended. Matt and Amanda surrendered to Rose and Albus after the cousins decided to create about twenty snowballs and lob them constantly at their two friends. John surrendered to Teddy a few minutes later, once Teddy decided to charm a pile of snow to turn itself into snowballs, resulting in a never-ending supply of ammunition for Teddy. John didn't know that spell and was stuck hand making his snow balls while Teddy continuously sent snowballs at him.

"Who's up for Quidditch?" Teddy asked as they were walking back through the forest to Rose's house.

"M-maybe after I d-dry off," Albus shivered. The snow had completely penetrated his cloak and was now freezing it into an icicle. His friends nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good," Teddy replied, "Harry and James should be at the house by now.

A little while later, Albus found himself back at Rose's house, where everyone was waiting for the Quidditch match to start. Albus, along with his friends, ran upstairs to dry off and change quickly.

"Ready?" Teddy jumped up from the chair he was sitting on once Albus and his friends descended the stairs. "Who hasn't got a broom with them?"

"Me," Amanda said. She was the only one. John and Matt, who both had brooms, had brought them knowing they would play Quidditch.

"We've got spares," Ron announced, holding a couple brooms in his hand.

Once everyone had a broom to use, Teddy started to take charge of creating teams. "All right. Let's see, we've got Me, Harry, Ron, James, Albus, John, Matt, Amanda, Hugo, and Rose, are you playing?"

"Sure, why not?" Rose shrugged.

"Good, then we've got ten players. That's five per team. So each team will have a Seeker, a beater, a Keeper, and two chasers, that'll work. I'll be one of the Seekers," he turned to Harry and James, "Which one of you will be the other?"

"You can, James," Harry offered, "I'll do whatever is needed."

After a few minutes of organizing, the two teams were created. Albus's team consisted of Teddy as Seeker, Ron as Keeper, Hugo as the only Beater, and Matt and himself as the two Chasers. On the other team, James was Seeker, Amanda was Keeper, John was the Beater, and Rose and Harry as Chasers.

The two teams trooped outside into the cold winter day. It was just starting to snow a little, but Albus didn't mind. He would keep warm while he was playing anyway. Harry and Ron conjured goal hoops and everyone flew into the air. Hermione released the balls (only one Bludger, since there were only two beaters) and threw the Quaffle into the air, then conjured herself a chair to watch.

The match was nothing like the ones at Hogwarts. It was much more informal, and in a way, Albus enjoyed it more. There was only friendly competition between the two teams and no one got angry when someone dropped the Quaffle, which happened a lot. The two teams were pretty evenly matched in terms of Chasing skills. Albus, who was the only real Chaser on either team, was easily the best. Harry was a decent Chaser, but it was clear that Seeking was his real skill. Rose was absolutely dreadful and was the first to admit it. She wasn't a big fan of flying in the first place and didn't like to take her hands off her broom in order to catch and throw the Quaffle. Matt was better than Rose, but dropped the Quaffle numerous times. Albus and Matt scored more points than Harry and Rose did.

Ron, of course, was a very good Keeper and Amanda was as well. Albus was kind of surprised at this, because she never really played Quidditch before. Maybe she could try out for the Gryffindor team once Georgia left. John was an amazing Beater and Albus already knew that he'd be trying out for the team after Bradley and Ryan left. Hugo was also a very good Beater and it was obvious he had received all the Quidditch genes in his family. Then, of course, there were the Seekers. Both Teddy and James were amazing Seekers and by far the two best players on either team.

After about an hour of playing, during which Albus was sure both Teddy and James had seen the Snitch but ignored it in order to drag the game on longer, both Seekers flew directly up into the air. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch. A few seconds later, they both came flying back down and James had the Snitch clutched in his hand.

"I got it!" he shouted.

"That puts your team ahead," Hermione announced, "You won 270 to 210."

"Yes!" James exclaimed, landing on the ground. Albus and the rest of the players landed after him and congratulated him and his team for winning. "Ha! I beat you at Quidditch, Teddy!" James gloated.

"Yeah, yeah, good job," Teddy sighed, "Knew I shouldn't have trained you that well."

"You'll be saying otherwise when we win the Cup this year!" James grinned, "We already beat Slytherin."

"I know, I was there," Teddy laughed, "Anyway, I'm just joking."

Despite the fact that his team didn't win, Albus was happy. He loved playing Quidditch with his family, even more than playing on his House team. It was even better with his friends there, too. He walked back into the house with his friends and family, cold but very content. Hermione had made a plate of sandwiches for them, which everyone ate enthusiastically once they had dried off.

After all the food had been eaten, John Flooed back to his house and Albus, Rose, and Hermione went with Matt and Amanda back to the Leaky Cauldron to meet their families. It had been a short visit, but a fun one nonetheless. Albus only wished that they had managed to get the stag print. He and Rose were planning on trying again the next day, and the next if it was necessary. They had three more days to do it and Albus was determined to succeed.


Albus and Rose spent as much time as they could in the forest looking for stags the next day. When they weren't in the forest, they spent their time in the library in Rose's house, looking for a charm to keep Kaden quiet.

"There's books in here that aren't in the school library," Rose announced as they walked into the room after a particularly cold jaunt in the forest.

"I'm still not sure we should take a break from looking for a stag," Albus replied.

"It's too cold out there now. Plus there's a storm coming and it won't do us any good if we get lost out there." Rose went over to a book shelf and Albus followed. He had been in this room plenty of times before, just never to look for a specific charm.

"How are we supposed to find one charm hidden in all these books?" Albus sighed, "We don't even know what it's called."

"That's what this is for," Rose slammed a heavy book down on the table nearest to the shelf she pulled it off of.

Albus looked at the book, "An Encyclopedia of Charms by Filius Flitwick. That's who Mum and Dad had for Charms, isn't it?"

"Yes," Rose confirmed as she opened the cover, "It's a rather ingenious idea, really. All I've got to do is take my wand, point it at the book, and say 'I need a charm to keep someone quiet' and it will flip to the right page."

"That would certainly speed things along," Albus replied. "Try it."

"All right," Rose pointed her wand at the book, "I need a charm to keep someone quiet." The book's pages immediately started turning until they stopped about a quarter of the way into the book. Rose peered at it and then shook her head. "Nope, that's not it. This one's just a silencing charm."

"Maybe you've got to be more specific," Albus suggested.

Rose nodded. "I need a charm to prevent someone from talking about something." The pages started turning again and stopped a few seconds later. Rose sighed after she read the description. "This one charms a person's mouth shut."

Albus laughed, "Well that would definitely keep Kaden from talking about the map!"

"People might notice, though," Rose smirked, "Although it does have it's advantages. I'll try something else."

"I think you'd better tell the book exactly what we need the charm to do. Tell it that Kaden has to not talk about a specific thing."

"Good idea," Rose poised her wand above the book, "I need to keep Kaden Durlsey from revealing secrets about Matt Eckerton and about a map. He must only be able to talk about these secrets with five other people and not mention them to anyone else. He should be able to converse normally about other topics."

"That ought to be specific enough." Albus watched as the book hesitated for a few moments and then turn its pages to one of the last ones. Both Rose and Albus leaned over the book while Rose read aloud.

"'The Sileo Altus Charm is the most complex and intricate of the silencing charms. This charm has the ability to keep a person from revealing one specific piece of information to others, unlike other silencing charms which prevent a person from speaking at all. The charm also has the ability to involve others, which will result in the person the charm is cast on to be able to converse about the secret with those specific people. When done correctly, this charm will last forever or until the counter charm is performed. The Sileo Altus Charm keeps a person's secret safe much like the Fidelius Charm keeps a person's location secret and is said to be just as safe.'

"Then there's a whole bunch of spells that are required," Rose scanned the remainder of the entry. "There's a spell that has to be performed on each person who is involved, one on Kaden, one on the secret-keeper-"

"There's a secret keeper?" Albus asked.

"Yeah, I guess so. Then there's the overall charm," Rose continued, "It sounds complicated. But I'm up for it. This doesn't really tell me how to do it, though. There's just a list of spells."

Albus glanced at the entry, "Oh, it says there's more information in Charms of Protection by Natalia Journo."

"You're right, I hadn't noticed that," Rose leaned over the book again and read the title of the recommended book. "I think we might actually have that one." Rose jumped up from her seat and ran across the room. Albus sat back and watched her. He had no idea how she could possibly know if she had that book or not. The entire room was filled with shelves and shelves of books. Albus wouldn't even know where to look to find the book they needed.

Rose returned a few minutes later with a book in her arms and a smile on her face. "We do have it! This was easier than I thought it would be."

"I think doing the actual charm is going to off-set the ease of finding it," Albus pointed out.

Rose shrugged, "I think I can figure it out within a few weeks." She sat back down and opened the book.

Albus watched as his cousin flipped through the pages of the book until she found the charm they were looking for. He was very happy that Rose was so eager to learn new charms. It certainly helped that she was good at it, too. Albus had made a lot of progress in charms ever since Professor Cedonia arrived, but he was still average. Rose was easily the best in their class. That and her eagerness to learn would certainly help if she was going to master this charm.

Rose read in silence for a few minutes and then turned to Albus. "All right. This explains it pretty well. First, of course, we've got to tell Kaden the secrets. Then we've got to pick the secret keeper. I'm thinking that I'll have to be the secret keeper since the secret keeper is the one to perform the charms."

Albus nodded, "I'm fine with that. We've just got to make sure Matt is. What does the secret keeper do?"

"Just perform the charms. And the secret keeper is the only one who can perform the counter charm on Kaden. Normally the secret keeper would be the only one the person could talk about the secret with as well. But we'll use another charm to ensure that Kaden can talk about the secrets with you, John, Matt, and Amanda as well."

"That sounds good," Albus replied. "What else?"

"Well, the secret keeper performs a charm on themselves, which turns them into the secret keeper. Then they perform a charm on Kaden. Then Kaden will recite the secrets in detail. After that, the secret keeper performs another charm on Kaden. Then charms are performed on the rest of the people involved. Then a final sealing charm on everyone, including Kaden and the secret keeper, and it's done."

The idea of all those different spells made Albus's brain hurt. "Wow, that's a lot of charms. We've never done ones that are a combination of multiple charms."

"The transference charm is one of those, but it only uses two. This one is five."

"What's the counter charm involve?" Albus asked, thinking that maybe there would be a time when Kaden would mature and they wouldn't have to rely on magic to keep him from spilling secrets to Malfoy.

"Erm, it seems pretty much like the actual charm," Rose looked back at the book, "You pretty much go backwards, using different charms."

"Makes sense."

"I'll start practicing as soon as we're back at school," Rose shut the book and got up. "I'll bring the book. Mum'll never know, she's got way too many to keep track of."

"All right," Albus got up and followed her to the door, "Now we've just got to find that stag."

"It's going to have to wait until tomorrow, Albus," Rose pointed to the window. It was white with swirling snow and the wind was howling. "Mum and Dad'll never let us out in that."


Albus was getting quite fed up with the stag search by the time late afternoon arrived the next day. He and Rose spent the entire morning in the forest, taking a break for lunch, and then returning in the afternoon. Albus looked at his watch and saw that they would have to be starting to return to the house soon. "We're never going to find a stag!" he groaned.

Rose, who had brought the charm book they had found the previous day, looked up. "You've just got to be patient. I told you one won't come if we're noisy."

"We've been quiet for the past two hours," Albus said flatly.

"You're not being quiet now," Rose whispered and returned to her book.

Albus sighed and stared out into the forest. So far Albus had seen no less than ten rabbits and four owls, but no stags. He was getting very cold sitting in the snow and his cloak had long since soaked through. Albus was determined, however, and refused to go back to Rose's house until they found a stag.

It had seemed so simple at first, to stun a stag in the forest and get its footprint. This was not supposed to be the hardest print to get. Looking back, even the werewolf one seemed easier. Sure, they got locked out of Hogwarts, but they never got in trouble for it. The dog print had been the easiest, since Amanda had a dog. The rat would be easy, too, once John managed to catch one.

Albus pulled out his wand and started to poke at the snow wizard he had constructed earlier. The wand melted holes into the snow wizard until it started to resemble a piece of snow swiss cheese. Albus was just beginning to do the same to the snow hippogriff that had been formed after the wizard when Rose poked him and hissed, "Albus, look!"

Albus raised his head and looked in the direction Rose was pointing. Directly in front of them was a majestic looking doe, standing completely still and staring just to the left of where the two cousins were sitting. "It's just a doe," Albus whispered back, "It won't work."

"I know, but there's usually a stag around when there's a doe."

Albus sat completely still with his wand facing towards the doe. Rose did the same and the two of them didn't move for a good five minutes. The doe inched slowly ahead, walking to the left of Albus and Rose. Then Albus heard a rustling behind the doe and excitement washed over him as he saw a huge stag appear from behind a cluster of trees. "This is it," he whispered to Rose. She nodded but didn't say anything. The stag walked towards the doe, who had turned around to look at her mate. "On the count of three. One...two...three. Stupefy!" Albus shouted.

"Stupefy!" Rose shouted at the same time.

The doe shot off like a rocket as soon as the cousins shouted the spell. The stag started to follow but was hit by Albus's stunner. Rose's spell hit a nearby tree and burned a small hole into the bark.

"Excellent shot, Albus!" Rose grinned at him as they ran towards the stag.


"Let's hurry. We won't have much time before he wakes up," Rose reached into her robes and pulled out a piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a paint brush.

The stag was even bigger up close. Its eyes darted around nervously as Rose painted the ink onto its front hoof. Albus quickly pressed the parchment onto the hoof and pulled it away. A perfect hoof print appeared on the parchment. "This one's good," Albus showed it to Rose.

"Good," she put the stopper on her ink and stowed both it and the brush back in her cloak, "Now let's go. He won't be happy when he wakes up."

Albus didn't need telling twice. He blew onto the parchment a few times to dry the ink and then put it in his cloak. The two cousins ran through the trees and back to the house. It only took them a few minutes as they weren't very far. Albus was thrilled that they had actually managed to get the print. The only print left was the rat one and then they would be able to try out the map.

A/N: Extra long chapter and an early update! Just to let everyone know, I'll be away at a Harry Potter convention from tomorrow (hence the early update) until Sunday and although I'll have my laptop with me, I might not have a chance to respond to your reviews. I'll get to them afterwards, though.

Thanks to my beta, Dancer_of_Starlight. Thanks as well to Denas, XDNLxtlz99, Luke, sinwillys822, Slytherinlover, maraudersfan a_w, Miguel, Moonylupin, and drownzer for the reveiws!

isclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter, Barbie, or Wii.

Albus's family came to pick him up from Rose's house the next afternoon. They were all dressed in Muggle clothing, although Harry looked a little uncomfortable in his Muggle suit. Probably due to the tie, Albus thought. He could never understand why Muggles wore those.

"Ready, Al?" Harry asked after a few minutes of visiting with Rose's family.

"Yeah," Albus replied. He had to admit that he was a bit nervous about this dinner, but there was nothing he could do about it now. "See you at school, Rose."

"Bye," Rose smiled.

The rest of the Potters and Weasleys said goodbye to each other and then Albus disapparated with his family. They appeared in a dark alley near a deserted street. Harry motioned for them to follow him and the family started down the street. They made a few more turns until they came upon a neighborhood of average sized houses. The houses all looked different, but seemed to be well cared for. It was a very quiet neighborhood with few people out and about. There were a couple people outside shoveling the newly fallen snow off their driveways, but none of them seemed to notice Albus and his family.

Eventually, Harry led them up a driveway towards a gray house Albus recognized as Kaden's. Before they could even reach the door, it was thrown open and Kaden came running out. "Albus!" he shouted.

"Hi, Kaden," Albus greeted him. "How are you?"

"Great!" Kaden grinned, "I can't tell you how much I've missed school. It seems so boring here compared to school."

"I haven't missed it. I like being on holiday," Albus said.

"Yeah, but it's so boring without," Kaden whispered in Albus's ear, "Magic."

Albus stifled a laugh and followed Kaden into the house. Kaden led them to the living room, where Dudley was fidgeting with his tie. Christina was setting out bowls of grapes and nuts and Bethany was helping.

"Get anything good for Christmas?" Kaden asked Albus once they sat down on the couch. "I got a few new games for my Wii, a new football, a skateboard, and a bunch of clothes."

"What's a Wii?" Albus asked.

"Video game system," Kaden explained, "It's really fun. I'll show you sometime."

"Oh," Albus nodded, "I got some clothes, books, a load of sweets, stuff from my Uncle George's shop, and my dad's Invisibility Cloak."

Kaden's mouth fell open, "He gave it to you?!"

"Yup," Albus grinned. He had told Kaden about the Cloak a while ago, although Kaden had never seen it. He pulled it out of his bag and handed it to Kaden.

"Whoa, that's brilliant!" Kaden threw the cloak around himself, "Look, I'm invisible!"

All the adults looked over at him. "Albus, you'd better put that away before Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia get here," Harry warned. Albus nodded and took the cloak back from Kaden. He knew Uncle Vernon would be less than enthusiastic about any sort of magical object.

"Er, speaking of my parents," Dudley shifted uncomfortably, "They don't, well, they aren't aware that you're, er, here tonight."

Albus watched as his parents looked at each other and then back at Dudley. "What do you mean, Dudley?" Harry asked nervously.

"I knew they wouldn't come if they knew you were here, so I didn't tell them," Dudley confessed.

Harry groaned, "Dudley... You know this could go horribly wrong."

"Well, I was kind of hoping you would all make up," Dudley mumbled.

Harry shook his head and looked back at Ginny, who looked worried. Then the doorbell rang and Harry turned to Dudley. Dudley gave him a small smile and turned to get the door.

Albus gulped and looked at James. Albus could only ever recall seeing his Uncle Vernon once. Albus was only five or six at the time and the only thing he remembered was Vernon asking Harry if Albus was 'a freak like you are'. Albus had no desire to ever see the man again, and now he had to spend the evening with him.

The voices of Dudley greeting his parents started to become louder as they came into the living room. Albus got up from the couch and stood next to James, who was hiding behind Harry. Vernon and Petunia followed Dudley into the room and their faces visibly paled as they saw the Potters.

"Wha-wha, Dudley?" Vernon gaped at Harry and then looked at his son.

Albus watched as pandemonium broke out amongst the adults. Vernon's face turned various shades of red and purple as he tried to grasp what was happening. Petunia clung to her husband with a combined look of dislike and fear on her face.

"Vernon, Vernon! Did you know they would be here?" Petunia asked shrilly.

Once Vernon regained his ability to speak coherently, he started yelling at Harry, who yelled back.

"You!" Vernon pointed at Harry, "Why are you here, boy?"

Christina stood near the entrance to the kitchen, looking uncomfortable. Bethany clung to her leg and hid her face, clearly afraid of her grandfather's shouting. Albus, James, Lily, and Kaden glanced around at the adults, paying rapt attention to the unfolding argument, but not saying a word. Ginny pursed her lips and watched her husband with a disapproving look. Albus had to admit that his Uncle Vernon was a bit scary right now and Albus had no desire to cross paths with him. Dudley looked nervous as he tried to make peace between his relatives. His voice was drowned out amongst Vernon and Harry's yelling, and Petunia's shrieking.

"Mum, Dad," Dudley stood in front of his parents, "I invited them here, so we could all get reacquainted."

"Why would you do that?" Vernon demanded.

"Kaden's a wizard, Dad, so Harry's a part of his life now. You know he's one of Kaden's teachers."

Vernon's face turned from ghostly white to a deep shade of purple. "What could he possibly teach? Abnormalness?"

"Magic, Dad, it's called magic," Dudley sighed.

Vernon's eyes narrowed and he glared at Harry. "You're filling his head with all that junk you learned as a child! Don't stand for it, Dudley! He's got you tricked or something! Send him to Smeltings!"

"Dad, Harry didn't trick me. Kaden's a wizard and you're just going to have to live with it," Dudley replied.

"Nothing good will come of this, Dudley! I assure you of that!" Vernon shouted.

"Vernon," Petunia put her hand on her husband's arm, "Let it go."

"You do realize that this kind of abnormality is what got your sister killed!"

"I'm fully aware of what happened to my sister," Petunia snapped. "This doesn't have anything to do with that. It's about accepting your grandson for who he is." Vernon continued glaring at Harry, but he didn't say anything.

"Let's all sit down," Dudley suggested.

"And I'll get us some drinks!" Christina announced eagerly. She rushed into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of brandy, a bottle of wine, and a some glasses, along with fizzy drinks for the kids.

Vernon and Petunia regained their composure and Petunia gave Dudley a bone crunching hug and smothered him with kisses. She then moved on and did the same with both her grandchildren, making sure to completely ignore Albus, James, and Lily. Albus sat down on the couch and to his dislike, Vernon chose to sit next to him. After a few moments of awkward silence, Vernon turned to Albus. "So," he began, causing Albus to jump, "You go to this, school, too?"

"Er, yeah," Albus replied quickly, not looking at Vernon.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you," Vernon spat, "I see manners aren't high on their priority list. What classes do you take there?"

Albus forced himself to look at Vernon. "I'm taking Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Astronomy, History of Magic, and Defense Against the Dark Arts," he mumbled quietly.

Vernon seemed to flinch at the sound of those names. "I see. And are you any good at them?"

"Um, I guess so," Albus replied. He was wishing more and more that he could have just stayed at Rose's house instead of coming here. Why was Vernon questioning him? Why not James or Kaden?

"What subject does your father teach?" Vernon barked.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," Albus muttered.

"And what is that, exactly?"

"Defensive spells, dueling, stuff you use to defeat Dark wizards like Voldemort."

"Yeah, and Professor Potter defeated Voldemort!" Kaden interrupted and for once Albus was grateful for his cousin's big mouth.

"So I've heard," Vernon replied.

"He's a great teacher, Grandpa! I love my new school. It's much better than Muggle school," Kaden grinned. "I'll be right back." He ran up the stairs and came back a few seconds later with his wand. "Look at this!"

Vernon narrowed his eyes and gazed at his grandson. "You've got one, too."

"Of course I do!" Kaden laughed, "I wish I could show you some magic, though. I can't do it outside school. Hey, Professor Potter can show you!"

"No! I ruddy hell think not!" Vernon shouted.

"No thanks!" Petunia shouted at the same time.

Kaden looked disappointed. "Sorry, Kaden," Harry with an apologetic look, "Maybe another day."

"Or never," Vernon muttered.

Nobody said much after that. Albus preferred it that way. He was very happy that Uncle Vernon appeared to have given up his question and answer session. Christina announced that dinner was ready a few minutes later, and everyone eagerly went into the dining room. Albus made sure that he wasn't sitting next to Vernon and relaxed a little as he began to eat.

The Dursleys dominated most of the dinner conversation, with Vernon and Petunia asking Dudley and Christina about what was new in their lives. They wanted to know every last detail, down to what grade Bethany had gotten on her latest book report in school. Eventually they had exhausted this topic and the table descended into an awkward silence before Vernon started drilling Harry about his life.

"So, boy, what exactly do you do for a living?" Vernon barked.

"I'm the Head of the Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic," Harry smiled.

"Auror?" Vernon repeated, "What would that be?"

"A Dark wizard catcher," Harry explained.

"Oh, like a policeman. Wouldn't have guessed you'd be in law enforcement, what with all the trouble you caused as a child."

Harry sighed, "You know most of that wasn't my fault."

"Like hell it wasn't. It was all due to your abnormality," Vernon replied.

"Dad, can't you just drop it?" Dudley asked.

"No, Duddy, I won't! Vernon slammed his fist on the table, "He's obviously done something to Kaden to make him abnormal!"

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Harry Potter sex story

Wyldbrdmn25 Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was...

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PART 1It was the middle of the night at Hogwarts. The halls were dimly lit by flickering candlelight and all was silent. Well, almost all was silent. On the third floor, Filch was patrolling the halls. A handful of students, all couples, were locked away in broom cupboards or old classrooms if they could figure out what the counter was to the locking spell the teachers used. But all of that noise was was far away. The only sound being made near Harry Potter, locked away in a old classroom...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART ONE THE BEGINNING

This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room hes in looks to be a...

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PART 1The evening felt like it would never end. Harry was busy patrolling the halls of Hogwarts, a shiny ‘Head Boy’ badge attached to his robes.After winning the war, Harry decided to return to Hogwarts to complete his last year. He had been told he could skip it by the ministry, they would award him all of the NEWTs that he asked for. It had been a tempting thought, though then Harry knew that he wouldn’t have felt like he really earned his NEWTs. So, he decided to return to school.Ron didn’t....

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part I

Ramona Flowers Presents J.K. Rowling?s HARRY POTTER In The Curse of the Emerald Witch PART I The rays of moonlight shone through the gaps in between the curtains pulls, illuminating the boy?s dormitory like a shiny diamond ring. The four poster beds were placed around the room, the Gryffindor emblems hanging proudly from the walls. The low snoozing of the boys sleeping was defeated by the loud, heavy snores of Ron Weasley who slept in a crooked, awkward position. The wind howled...

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Harry Potter and the sisters Black The Complete

I am sharing this story on special request. And this is not my story.HARRY POTTER AND THE sisterS BLACK - THE COMPLETE SAGAHarry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room he's in looks to be a cell, one steel door, one cot, one chamber pot, and four gray stone walls. He doesn't feel anything unusual.He thinks to himself. "Ok, let's try to figure this out. I was at Privet this morning. I went for my normal run. I thought I saw something in an...

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Harry potter sex story revisited chapters 123

Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was back at the Dursleys'...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Seven Chapter Two

“Jeez mate, come on we have to leave in half an hour and there’s going to be a queue for the bathroom” Ron explained as he hopped into his jeans, Harry rose with a groan, feeling the familiar hardness between his legs. He muttered darkly and rose to put on his own clothes. “Bloody hell” Ron said startled, Harry turned to see Ron looking anywhere but at him “Put that thing away Harry before you poke someone’s eye out” Harry looked down and saw that he was sporting a tent. He grumbled still...

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harry 05

Smoke and Mirrors Over the next two weeks, events at Hogwarts seemed to improve the moods of many students. After Harry’s meeting with McGonagal, the notices about the searches were taken off of the house message boards. Ginny, as Harry had hoped, seemed satisfied with McGonagal’s apology, and she had made efforts to let Professor Lupin know that she forgave him as well. All in all, the mood within the castle seemed to lighten considerably. That is, everywhere except the room of...

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harry 03

“Ginny,” Hermione said as she gently shook her sleeping dorm mate. “Ginny, wake up.” “Wha…” Ginny said as she sleepily opened one eye slightly to survey exactly where she was. “Wake up or you won’t have time to find Harry before breakfast,” Hermione said. As her head cleared and the reality of the situation began to seep into her, Ginny sat up and said, “Oh my goodness, Hermione. I was going to try to wake up early enough to go to the room of requirement with Harry. You should have...

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Harry Shaggs Privet

Disclaimer: I don’t own or make any money form this story DO NOT LIKE GRAMMER MISTAKES TO BAD NO ONES PERFECT I REALLY ENJOY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISEM BUT DAMN GIVE A MAN A BREAK Harry James Potter sat in his tiny bedroom at # 4 Privet Dr. counting the days until he could go back to Hogwarts school of Witch craft and Wizardry he marked another day down and sat contemplating as to why Lord Voldemort has not moved out into the open. Rolling over Harry fell into an uneasy...

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harry 02

Harry and Ginny walked hand in hand back toward the castle as other students who had been run inside by the storm began to filter back out onto the grounds. Harry noticed that Parvati was standing on the steps to the castle along with a group of girls acting very much like they were gossiping. What concerned Harry was that they seemed to be doing so while gesturing in his direction. As he got nearer to them he heard one of them say “but he does have his broom.” “Is there a reason why I...

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Harry Potter Missing The Weasley

Hermione had cried practically non-stop for a week, and even though she was no longer crying in front of Harry, he knew that she still was sometimes, when he wasn’t there to see. Their stop at Godric’s Hollow, and the close encounter with Voldemort, had only been a momentary distraction from her misery. As if Harry didn’t have enough to feel guilty about; he knew how his two friends felt about each other, even if they were both too scared to admit it openly. Harry knew that Ron’s hot temper,...

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harry 06

Healing After classes had ended for lunch, and Ron had made a quick trip to grab food from the Great Hall, he, Hermione and Ginny walked into the hospital wing to find Harry sitting up on his bed eating from a half empty plate of food. Seeing Harry turn his head to look at them, and the smile that followed was enough to make them wonder. “Harry, are you…” Ron began. “I’m still blind if that’s what you’re asking,” Harry interrupted as he noticed yet another new connection he had not...

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Harry Potter and the sword of Griffindor Chapter 3

Chapter Three Summary: Harry and Hermione spend time studying... and they happen to read a book or two as well Harry woke up the next day to birds singing a happy song. Of course the effing birds were singing happily; the sun had just risen, and they, being creatures that loved rising early, sang with all their hearts to the morning sun. The effing birds had interrupted a dream. Normally, Harry would be overjoyed at the concept of having his traditional dreams...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART TWO

HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...

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Harry Potter and Shrieking Shack

(All events that are in this story take place during the 6th book, “The Half Blood Prince. Also, it is during the first term of school about October time.) Harry awoke with a start. He had been having nightmares about Voldemort again. He found himself to be sweating so he got up and decided to go down to common room to cool off for a bit before going back to sleep. Just as he was about to enter the common room from the dorms, he heard two people arguing. He looked round the corner and saw...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 6 Susan Bones

As Harry had suspected, rumors about him and Katie were all around school within hours. Once people realized that it wasn’t some kind of mistake that all Gryffindors house points were gone the Slytherins figured out that Harry and Katie was to blame. To thoroughly annoy Harry, Draco Malfoy thanked him for handing over the house cup to Slytherin, which now led the house cup with more then hundred points over Ravenclaw.Soon the Gryffindors started picking on Harry and Katie as well. Katie was...

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harry 04

They Must Know The Chosen One Strikes Back It was the most awe inspiring scene in the Ministry of Magic in quite some time early yesterday as none other than The Chosen One, Harry Potter, made an entrance none who witnessed it will soon forget. Witnesses report that Mr. Potter apparated into the lobby of the ministry holding onto an unconscious death eater. Mr. Potter turned the unidentified death eater over to aurors who claimed the prisoner within seconds of Mr. Potter’s arrival. Mr....

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Two

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screamed as she dove off of Harry. He absently noticed that her hand was still covered with her own spittle and his pre-cum. "Please, don't stop on my account," Gryffindor's ghost implored. "Continue. Pretend I'm not here." "Is that..." began Hermione as she crouched in the corner while clutching her half-opened blouse in front of her. "Is that Godric Gryffindor?" "See that?" Gryffindor said to Harry. "She didn't take a kip...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...

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Mrs. Rose Ayola of Number Eight Privet Drive was in need of a help in the backyard, because it was just to damn hard for her to do what a man should do and her husband just wasn't interested to do those jobs. But, somehow, she could understand. He was at work all day long and when he came back at night, he was just to tired. So, she had to hire someone to do those jobs. Then she remembered something one of her friends in the neighborhood told her about the Dursley's nephew. So, after her...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked - Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents' deaths and the other horrible things he had seen throughout the last 6 years in the Wizarding world had began to occur more often; around three times a night. Groping his bedside table for his glasses, Harry swept them on and muttered 'Lumos'. A small orb of light appeared at the tip of his...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts1

Chapter 1 – In the Beginning Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter’s fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the influential magical media, Harry had been called a liar, attention-seeker and...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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Harry Potter and The Order of the Sex Appeal

Chapter Three by Simon Fear As the days dragged on at Grimwauld Place Harry was beginning to get anxious about going back to Hogwarts. The one thing he hated was the fact that he still could not bring himself to talk with Ginny Weasly, or Hermione. After having witnessed them having sex together and seeing their beautiful naked bodies, he always found himself blushing and turning away when either one of them approached them. Harry had shown his best mate Ron the charm that George...

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Harry Potter 3

As the days dragged on at Grimwauld Place Harry was beginning to get anxious about going back to Hogwarts. The one thing he hated was the fact that he still could not bring himself to talk with Ginny Weasly, or Hermione. After having witnessed them having sex together and seeing their beautiful naked bodies, he always found himself blushing and turning away when either one of them approached them. Harry had shown his best mate Ron the charm that George Weasly had given him. Ron being...

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Harry Potter and the Passion Potion

“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...

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Harrys Journey part 3

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione�sfemininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. AsHogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. Hehad considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but hedidn�t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full overattractive nice girls.Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a littlekissing and some...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 5 Katie Bell

There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...

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Harry and Barbara

The morning sun was still young, yet it was already turning an uncomfortably warm evening into another damned hot July day in the midwest. Seeing the brown patches of grass in his front lawn didn't put Harry in any better of a mood as he backed out of his drive. His car's magnificent sound system played his favorite music and the air conditioning was on full blast as he started his daily commute to the office. In spite of his comfortable surroundings, Harry couldn't help but become more...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 3 Cho Chang

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione’s femininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. As Hogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. He had considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but he didn’t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full over attractive nice girls. Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a little kissing and...

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Harrys Journey part 4

Harry was lucky there weren�t any lessons the following day because he didn�tleave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in lovewith Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Chohad broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was agreat friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streakedthen the last. Harry read them but couldn�t bring himself to reply. The messagewas pretty much the...

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The Prefect’s Bathroom was quite large. It actually consisted of a few connected rooms. As you entered, the entry hall split off two ways for the prefects to get changed. Harry Potter slipped through the passageway to the left. He entered a small room where a handful of benches sat on the ground. A dozen open lockers sat empty along the walls. Harry passed them by without a second glance.Re-entering the hall where the two changing rooms connected, Harry passed through a doorway to enter into...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 4 Luna Lovegood

Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 11 part 1 an unlikely last hope

Chapter 11 part 1 Though there were only a few weeks to go before the summer exams, Hermione decided that she, Harry and Ron needed a break from revision; something that Harry and Ron quickly agreed with her on. It was a fine afternoon and so they made their way down to the Lake to relax in the Sun. Each of them rolled their jeans up to their knees as they let their feet dangle in the cool waters of the Lake, whilst they sat on the bank and talked. ‘I had another private lesson with...

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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...

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harry potter and the snake eyes

"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...

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Harry Potter Being There For Each Other

In actuality, it was the trio's last night before embarking on the final leg of Harry's journey to fulfill his destiny and rid the Wizarding world of Lord Voldemort, the most evil dark wizard who ever lived. After Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts' beloved Headmaster, was killed at the end of their sixth year, Harry had been determined to set out on this journey alone, because nearly everyone important in his life had met an untimely demise at Voldemort's hand. Harry's own parents had been...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 0

Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires – Chapter 1 - Camping Introduction: Harry Potter discovers the Spell book of Desires in his fourth year at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. I didn't write this i found it on the internet and wanted to share it with you Harry was having the best time...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 15 Hogwarts Champion

Chapter Fifteen – Hogwarts Champion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, hand, grope, spank, unif, voy The selection process for the Triwizard Cup had begun the night before, after the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Any student over the age of eighteen and wanting to try their hand at being selected as Hogwarts Champion had only...

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Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2

Harry got out of bed and woke Ron up so that they could go down for breakfast before school started. Ron was always rubbish at getting up, but today, he bounded out of bed and stood there, proud, right up to the point where Harry said warningly, “Err mate. You’ve got a boner.” “What? Oh shit!” Ron quietly exclaimed and sat down again so as to hide himself. Ron looked around the dormitory and saw that luckily there was no one there, and he wasn’t that uncomfortable about Harry...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Seven Chapter One

It wasn’t just that, he suspected that magic was in play as his normal six-inch member had grown by a few inches and thickening, he also noted that his balls had gotten bigger and heavier and he had been producing larger amounts of sperm, even after masturbating a few times a day. He knew about puberty having gone few it in his second year, but this was something else. Part of him was scared another part was proud of his size and stamina. He stroked himself until he could feel his...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 1 Camping

Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, first, grope, magic, mc, Harry was having the best time of his life; he was with the people he cared about the most, and he was at the event of the year; the Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Hermione, and most of the Weasley family had just arrived at the campground, and Harry already knew it was going to...

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Harry Comes To AmericaChapter 1

Harry Potter opened the front door to number four, Privit Drive and stepped inside. For the first time that he could remember, Harry Potter actually felt happy in the home of his Aunt and Uncle. That was mainly because his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and their son, Dudley weren't at home. His aunt and uncle had gone out to have dinner with Uncle Vernon's employer. Right about now, Harry thought, his uncle was busy seeing how far he could stick his nose up his bosses ass. His cousin, the...

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Harry Goes to Heaven

The elevator doors opened and Harry stepped back to make room before looking up. Coming into the elevator were two angels, positive angels! Harry was stunned as one of them smiled at her and the other smirked at her reaction. The angels were both in white, wearing very thin white robes over some of the sexiest lingerie she had ever seen. The tall brunette was in a teddy, the sheer white robe did nothing to cover that fact. She pulled it tight around herself, which just emphasized her amazing...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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