The Making Of Family Slut – Part I free porn video

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Hi all Friends, I wanted to tell you the story of how I lost my virginity to my uncle (that’s my mother’s brother) and later how I became a slut allowing him (even urging him to) send me around to his friends. You see, I am a normal 20 year old girl in many respects, except in one thing. I love sex. I think about sex all the time and I just love having it with anyone. I love staring into the man’s eyes as he penetrates my pussy again and again as fast as he can, giving me as much pleasure as he gets from it. I really don’t mind if its a tall man, short man, thin, fat, buff – any man as long as he has a hard cock and he fucks me well, I love being with him. Not just with men either – being with women is great to me too. I think all men/women are beautiful when they give and take pleasure with our bodies. Some guys told me I am a nympho slut and I decided to take it as a compliment. I love sex and want more and more of it. My uncle told me that this trait is more genetic in our side of the family and is pretty normal for all of us, men and women. I guess I am just very happy to have those genes.

Before I go into details of my story, let me tell you a little bit about me and my living arrangements while I was growing up. I never knew my father, and my mother gave me up to my uncle to elope with some other man in a different city when I was in 7th class, which was around fourteen. Sharma uncle was always my favorite among all my relatives and I had a lot of fun playing with him when I was younger. So, when it was time for me to move in with someone, I did not think for more than a second before choosing him. My aunty, that’s uncle’s wife, was not very happy since they already had a son and were not very rich to start with, but Sharma uncle also liked me enough to convince her to take me in.

Since they lived in a two bedroom flat, and my cousin Anil who is 5 years older than me lived in the same house, they did not think it is a good idea to put me along with him in the same bedroom – not that I would have minded, of course. So, I ended up sharing the bedroom with my uncle and aunt. We put another bed in the room, beside the door, and tied a curtain between their bed and mine. They said it was to give me privacy, but I could easily guess it wasn’t the real reason. As days and months passed, I was very well settled in sharing the bedroom with uncle and aunty. The sleeping arrangement was a bit awkward in the beginning, but we all got used to it. I used to sleep early, and by the time they got to bed, I was normally fast asleep.

So, after a little while, they also got into their regular married couple’s bedroom routine. Whenever they were in a bit of horny mood, they used to make sure that I was already sleeping, and go on to have sex. As girls normally mature faster and with much more bodily changes, we usually get taught about sex and reproduction earlier than boys. So, during those few times when I wasn’t fast asleep as they had it, I knew exactly what they were doing on their bed. Also, since I was not a very deep sleeper, half the times, I used to wake up hearing their sounds itself. To be honest, the sound used to be annoying at first. But after a while, I also began enjoying it and just hearing it through the curtain began causing deep, unknown, yet pleasureful feelings in me. My body used to heat up, my breathing fastened and I always used to feel the wetness in my vagina. I guess it was my nympho genes waking up that caused this. So, you can say that I got a very deep understanding and great education in the art of sex and love making from my uncle and aunty.

As time went on, I got much more bolder and used to pull the curtain to the side a bit and peep around it while they had sex. That was so pleasurable that I looked forward to it almost every day. I just loved how aunty encouraged uncle to touch her, kiss her and rub her at all intimate places on her body. I loved uncle jump up and down on her pelvis till he grunted and fell down on aunty. I knew exactly what they were doing and it got my pussy as wet as my aunty’s during those times. Since I wore nighty to bed, it was very easy for me to pull it over my panties and finger myself. I got into the habit of fingering myself under my blanket while peeping on them from the edge of the curtain. Before going to bed everyday, I used to position the curtain in such a way that it is easy to pull it back a bit and peep from my bed. As aunty was a bit more reserved about certain things compared to uncle, they ended up talking about many dirty naughty things uncle found over internet while having sex. I guess uncle also had the same genes as I do, since he used to urge her to do things. But much to my displeasure, half the words out of aunty’s mouth during sex was “No!”. Well, one good thing did come out of all their chit-chat. It taught me many dirty, kinky things in sex and I loved almost all of them.

My uncle and I had always been very close. Whenever possible, I used to sit beside him and very close to him. He has this way of pulling my legs across his lap, putting his hand under my ass and pull me close to him, making me almost sit in his lap. I always loved it when he did that. It wasn’t for a long time that I realized he used his special pull on me, settling my body so close to his only when we were alone. Personally, I just loved being so close to uncle as much as he did. After a little while, because of all the peeping I did on him having sex, I was very attracted to him sexually as well. So, I began loving him holding my ass and seating me into his lap for much different reasons than before. Another habit he got into, that I encouraged him also, is when sitting close to him on sofa watching TV, his hand used to go all over my ass and up to the edge of my tshirt. I used to wiggle around a bit and push his hand around a bit till his hand slipped under my tshirt and rested over my tummy. That got electric shocks run up and down my body every time his hand slipped into my tshirt. It had always been my favorite position to sit while watching TV. I was sure uncle was also very attracted to me, but much to my frustrations, he never gave any indication that he was attracted to me nor did he act on it either. I, on the other hand, was lusting for him. Truthfully, at that time, I was very disheartened and saddened that he did not care much for me that way.

But two events changed my thoughts. First happened on a hot summer day afternoon. I did not go to my junior college that day, while everyone else went out. Since I was alone, I watched a lot of TV, took a very late bath, wore a loose tshirt and knee length skirt. I took all the soiled clothes after my bath and dropped them on my bed for aunty to pick up later. Uncle worked at a business establishment and met with many clients daily. On the days when his meetings got done early, he came home early too. That day was one such day, and by 2:00 he was home. By then, I was laying on the sofa watching TV with fan turned to high.

That was the position I was in when uncle walked in. Since I felt very close to him, I did not even bother getting up. I gave him a smile and greeted him. “Hi uncle, you are home early” I said smiling happily. “Yes, Sweta” he replied and we went on to have some idle chitchat. After a while he said, “Let me go get a glass of water”. I went back to watching TV, but from the corner of the eye I noticed that he came back into hall with a glass of water and instead of watching TV, he was watching me. I knew my skirt was flying up a bit showing my legs and my tshirt was also fluttering due to the fan, showing my tummy. Since I was at home, I wasn’t wearing a bra either. So, I knew my nipples showed up through the light tshirt. I knew the light shirt stretched against my boobs and the thought of uncle staring at my body instantly got electric pulses up and down my body. Second reaction that caused was for my nipples to stand erect and point through my shirt. I knew uncle was staring at my body in a very lustful sexual way and It was so arousing watching/knowing a man is staring at my body, knowing he is lusting for it – well, you have to experience it to know it.

“What are you watching”, he asked finally. I was watching some hindi movie and told him the name. “Sit up, let me also watch with you for a bit”. I was aroused and was a bit mad for him not making any moves on me that I felt like being petulant and said, “No. if you want, sit on the other end”, I said pulling my legs up. I knew my skirt fell back, but did not bother that much, since this is Sharma uncle. It was a two seater sofa and had barely any place when I laid on it. He laughed and began tickling me over my legs.. I couldn’t stop giggling and sat right up, pushing him away moving as far from him as possible.. Uncle immediately sat down on the sofa with a triumphant smile. I was still catching breath when he sat at that place. “I won” he said smiling widely. I got playful mad at him also and yelled at him for stealing my place beating him lightly with my fists. I finally said, “I don’t care that you stole my place, but I will lay here and watch TV”. I tried to squeeze my legs behind his back, but uncle was as playful as me and pushed his back hard against sofa, not letting me push my legs behind him. “Ugh, you are so strong” I said smiling unable to push him forward and went the other way. I immediately laid back and put my legs over his lap, giggling “There! I won too” I said, “I am laying flat on MY sofa”. Uncle laughed and held my legs a bit and adjusted himself under them.

All this play caused my skirt to hike back up to almost my panties and I suddenly realized that his hands were over my bare legs. He finally settled down with one hand on my right thigh, few inches from my pussy, and his other hand was on my right knee. I thought he would pull his hands back when we both realized where they are, but he did not move his hands away. I was so happy, I did not adjust my skirt either and knew my thighs, my panties were all visible and just under uncle’s hand. As I went back to TV, I could not help notice that uncle’s gaze was not on TV, but on my legs, knees, lower thighs and panties. As his hands moved slowly over my legs, I was getting so aroused by his gaze and touch that, in my mind I was yelling at him to just put his hand up my legs and touch my pussy too. But he did not. I felt my pussy get so wet that it leaked into my panties and made a small wet patch over my pussy. I was sure uncle saw that patch, because his gaze moved to my face. By now, I was also not watching the TV, but him. Uncle looked at my face and then back to my panties for a couple of times but did not make a move.

After a while, he got up and went into bedroom saying about something he needs there. I waited for a second and followed as I was curious about what he wanted. What I saw confirmed that he was as much lusting for me as I was for him. I pushed the bedroom door open a bit and peeped inside. Uncle was bent over my bed. When he stood up, I saw what he had in his hands. My soiled bra and panty that I pulled off before I took my bath. I watched as he pulled his pants down and his cock was already hard and erect. As I watched him have sex with aunty many times, I knew how it looked totally erect. He took my bra and rubbed it over his face. He then rubbed it over his cock and under his cock, all over his balls. He held my panties to his face and was sniffing at them while he rubbed his cock with my bra. I had to stiffle a giggle when I saw him almost chewing on my panties. He took turns wrapping my bra and panty around his cock while stroking it faster and faster, muttering something. I wasn’t sure what, but I could just make out a few times he was saying my name. Every time he said my name I felt like I wanted to run in and let him have me. He then grunted and held both my undergarments tightly on his cock and then wiped himself with them. I slipped away. Uncle came back like nothing happened and we continued watching TV.

After a while, I went inside to check my clothes. I saw that they were wet and still had some gooy serum in them. It was the first time I was feeling a man’s cum and wasn’t sure what I could do with it. Uncle’s cum was all over the cups of my bra and my panties were almost wet with them. This is my uncle’s love juice for me. Don’t ask me why I did it, but I took them into bathroom and wore them. I could feel the cold wet goo over my boobs and pussy, but somehow loved it.

The second incident that completely changed my life happened a few months after the TV incident. Many times after that, I found uncle’s love juice in my clothes and I made sure that I wore them for a little while after that. Also, much to my pleasure uncle was getting bold at staring at me every day. He stared at me while I slept, while I laid in the hall watching TV, when I came out of the bathroom after a bath. I loved the attention and I never stopped peeping on uncle having sex with aunty either. Some how I imagined myself in aunty’s place while he fucked her, or at least that he was thinking about me while fucking her. It got me so horny that my pussy felt like exploding with pleasure. One such day, I was peeping around the curtain and uncle was fucking aunty in the missionary position when it happened.

This incident happened on the day uncle was scheduled to drop aunty off at her home town for a relative’s marriage. Aunty was planning to remain there for 3 weeks while uncle would come back next day. It was probably because of the long break they were about to be on, their sex was a lot more passionate that day. Aunty was moaning pretty loudly while uncle bounced up and down on her pussy. I could see his cock every time it came out of her pussy and with every thrust aunty moaned more. I was imagining myself in aunty’s place and was fingering myself watching them have sex. Every time uncle thrust himself into aunty, I pushed my finger into me too. It was so great that even without thinking, I too began moaning lightly. In one stroke, I touched something sensitive inside me and accidentally let out a bit louder moan. Suddenly, uncle’s head poped up and looked right at the place where I was peeping. The curtain was pulled back and my face was completely visible for uncle to see. I was caught! Uncle was staring right at my face. Fear coursed through me so badly that I just froze up. My mouth became a round O while I just could not think or pull back from the curtain. I thought Uncle was gonna stop and yell at me right there.

But thankfully, something wonderful happened. Uncle got a small smile on his face and slowly picked up his rhythm in fucking aunty again. But his gaze was stuck right on my face. He held aunty’s head in such a way that she could not see me at all, and uncle went on fucking away. It took me a second to realize that uncle was enjoying it as much as I am. He licked his lips repeatedly and was moving lips like saying something that I could not make out, but his eyes were stuck right on my face. I too relaxed enough to resume my fingering as uncle finished off inside aunty.

Next day, I was worried facing uncle again. But before they both headed out, uncle cornered me in the bedroom, and quickly hugged me. I was surprised and did not pull back. He pulled back and looked straight into my face with a cocky smile and said, “I think I love you more now after yesterday night, sweta”. And he gave me a kiss. Normally, uncle used to kiss me on my forehead and a few times on my cheek. This time, he gave me a full on kiss on my lips. It was so great I felt rooted at the spot. As he pulled back, his tongue flicked out and licked my lower lip. It felt so great that I gave him a big smile and hugged him tightly. Uncle’s face got the biggest smile I saw and kissed me again. This time it was a long kiss on my lips with his hands firmly planted on my butt. It felt so great that I opened my lips to let his tongue into my mouth and hugged him tightly around neck with my boobs pressed tightly against his chest. We only jumped apart when we heard aunty coming towards us. Before leaving, uncle gave me a strip of tablets and told me to “Take one everyday”. I did not get time to ask what it is and just agreed to do it.

They left for the day and I could not wait for uncle to return back. Since my cousin was also going to that wedding, I knew that Uncle and I will be all alone for the whole 3 weeks after that. Next day, uncle was home by the time I came back from college. Without waiting a second, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Uncle laughed a bit and held me tightly. “Missed me, Janu?” he asked. “Yes, very much uncle”, I replied.

Uncle lifted my chin and gave me a kiss on my lips, deepening it slowly till we were playing sword fight with our tongues. I could feel uncle’s hands roam all over my body, my boobs, tummy, back and buttocks. It felt so great, I ended up moaning loudly. Uncle laughed at my reaction and said, “Nice, Sweta. Your Randi genes have woken up. It is time to cool those hot burning genes inside you”. My reply was just another encouraging moan. He asked me, “Have you been taking those pills I gave you?”. “Oh ya, I took them, uncle. But what are they are?” I asked.

“‘Good”, uncle replied as he lifted me by my waist and carried me into the bedroom. He dropped me on to the bed he shares with aunty, and looked down onto my body very closely. I was wearing a shirt and skirt and felt the skirt hike up my legs. I felt shy looking at the way uncle was staring at my body, inch by inch studying me from the tips of my toes, up my legs, thighs visible through my skirt, my panting chest and over to my face. It was electrifying feeling his stare over my body and I could not move away. Uncle’s face broke into a smile and said, “mmm wow Sweta. You have grown into a very beautiful girl. Your breasts and waist is just the right size to drive a guy mad.” He looked straight into my face and asked, “I wonder how your pussy feels like”. It was such a direct dirty and electrifying question that all I could reply was a gasp, and I just could not even shy away from him. I felt heat raising through me and escape out of my mouth in a moan. Uncle got a chuckle out for that and with draw, he pulled his shirt and pants off revealing him in just an underwear. He then laid on my side and put a bare leg over mine. I turned my face towards him and gave him a big smile. He looked straight into my eyes and asked, “Do you know why I gave you those pills, Sweta?”. I was so zoned out that it took me a second to think about an answer. But before I could say it, his hand reached right up my skirt and over my pussy as he replied, “Those are birth control pills, Sweta. So that I can fuck you and take your virginity”.

That statement hit me like a sack of potates. “Oh uncle!” was all I could manage through the hot flashes running through my body. THat was the only encouragement he needed and he put a bare leg over mine and ran his hand up my body. He pushed his knee up and down my bare leg, letting his knee go up my skirt. His hand found my shirt and pushed it up over my tummy on to my bra and grabbed my boob causing me to give out a moan. He leaned toward my face, kissed me on my cheek and on my neck, lightly licking my skin. The hot breath and cold lick caused my whole body to shudder in pleasure – feeling electric pulses all over. “You will let me take your virginity, don’t you, Sweta?” He whispered in my ear as he pushed his hand under my bra, snapping the hook. “I am going to take pleasure from every inch of your body” He whispered as he grabbed my boob tightly, pinching my nipple. “I want to fuck your pussy until it gushes out like a fountain” He whispered as his knee went high up, high enough to press against my already wet pussy.

He must have felt the wetness, since he smiled and asked me, “You will let me use your body for my pleasure, don’t you, Sweta?”. I looked at his hardened face, feeling his muscular body rubbing against me and almost laying over me and most of all, his lust filled eyes drinking my shy beauty. I knew uncle was just like any other man, to whom conquering something is more important, the feeling of taking total control of something with their power. That day, it worked well on me too, since I felt my power waning into his eyes causing me to slowly nod my head, “Yes uncle, you can do whatever you want”, I gave myself to him. Uncle smiled licking his lips like I was a very tasty treat and his hand moved under my shirt to the other boob. It was my first time and I can truthfully say that I was as nervous and scared as I was excited to give up my virginity. “Just, be gentle, uncle”, I pleaded. “I will, Sweta”, uncle promised as he pushed my shirt over my boobs.

That was the first time any man was staring directly at my naked boobs, and I felt immensely shy. I did the only thing I could do while in the control of a big man like uncle. I closed my eyes and let him stare wherever he wanted. Uncle leaned in and took one nipple in his lips as he played with the other. It felt like electric shocks jumped from the tips of my nipples as he played with them. As uncle played with my boobs I felt so many feelings at the same time. I felt embarrassed at letting a man touch me so intimately, felt scared for doing something I never did, I felt ticklish with all the touching, but most importantly, I felt so much pleasure that I held his head tightly as hi sucked on my nipple. “Uh uncle, suck it, suck it hardd!” I kept yelling mindlessly.

Around that time, uncle pushed his hand up my skirt and into my panties. Uncle’s fingers were like magic, since his mere touch made me so wet that I was already dripping. Uncle laughed at it and pushed a finger into my pussy. This was the first time someone else penetrated into me and I moaned loudly. Uncle laughed and said, “Sweta, you whore, did you already fuck someone? I can not feel your hymen”. I looked dazedly at him for a second before I understood his question. “Oh that’s no one uncle. I accidentally bust it with my fingers when I was watching you fuck aunty a few months ago”, and then I added, “You are the first man to touch me so intimately, uncle”. That got uncle to make a deep sound in his throat as he jumped over me and ripped off my panties.

He then stood up and pulled down his underwear, causing his already hard cock to pop out. I smiled and tried to reach for it with my hand. But uncle slapped my hand away and opened my legs saying, “I need that pussy now sweta!”. I only had a split second of fear thinking how will that big cock fit in me, but by then, uncle was already rubbing the head of his cock over my wet dripping pussy. It felt so nice, soft, pleasurable, all at the same time, and I encouraged uncle more. Uncle pushed his cock head into my pussy. It was very tight and I could feel the skin stretch all over. I felt a bit of pain and pleasure at the same time and instinctively, I moved down into his cock. With a pop, uncles cock head pushed into my pussy.

From there, uncle began to push his cock in bit by bit. slowly fucking my pussy. Every time he pushed in, his cock went a little bit further into me. Every time his cock went a bit in, it touched a place in my pussy where nothing ever touched, causing me to shudder in pleasure. Uncle slowly picked up pace and began fucking my pussy faster till I felt my body almost explode with pleasure. I don’t remember when I began yelling out, but uncle encouraged me with, “Louder, bitch. yell louder for your uncle” as he continued fucking me faster and faster.

I leaned up and pulled my tshirt off and leaned back on my hands, arching my back – offering uncle my boobs for his pleasure. Uncle paused fucking me for a second and leaned down to taste my nipples. I was in absolute bliss. Heaven. And when uncle did not pick the pace up, I grabbed his hips and pulled him into me. “Oh uncle, fuck me, don’t stop now”. Uncle laughed at this and picked up fucking again, but this time, he kept one of his hands on my boob. Fine by me, so I held his hand over my boob and pressed it with his hand. Uncle paused and pulled his cock out of my pussy. I looked down and it was so wet and dripping with my pussy juice that for a second I thought I peed without knowing. But this wetness was more stickier and gooer, so I knew this was different.

“Want to lick it, Sweta”? Uncle asked panting. “Chi uncle, it is all dirty”. “Oh no, Sweta, you should never say that about lund and pussy. Nothing is dirty in sex”, Uncle gave me the first sex lesson. I was not convinced, but what uncle did next totally took the doubt out of my mind. Uncle leaned down and put his mouth right over my pussy, and began licking up everything on and around my pussy. When his tongue reached inside my pussy, my body gave out and I fell back hard on the bed gasping. It felt so great that I felt like opening legs widely, and closing them at the same time. Like I wanted to pull uncle deeper and push him away same time, like I wanted to shiver and shudder and melt at the same time. I loved it. I felt all my body cease up and suddenly let out and huge gasp and let all the control out. My pussy got even wetter and something more flowed out causing uncle to say, “Nice, you are orgasming already Sweta”.

When I came back down to earth again, Uncle was laying beside me, staring at me with a smile and his laptop beside. I did the first thing that popped into my mind, and kissed him deeply on his lips. I reached down and held his cock for the first time in my hand and almost instinctively, I began stroking. Uncle pulled me close to him and began showing me photos of many such things online and how he got ideas for us to play things. I understood that and from then on, my formal education in being a whore began. Uncle began showing me all sort of porn and I loved it when he personally showed dirty pictures to me. All you friends also, if you want to become good friends with me, shortest route is to send me a lot of dirty naughty pictures. Even without realizing, I began stroking uncle’s cock faster and he let out a loud moan that made me really happy. And I did the next most obvious thing for me at that time. I got up and reached down, and took his cock into my mouth. I have to say, it felt so right, the taste, texture and the dull throbbing of his cock in my mouth. I began rubbing my tongue over the head as I continued stroking the shaft. I felt his cock cease up and knew he was about to release too. But uncle pushed me up forcebly and said, “Oh no, Sweta. I decided where I will cum a long time ago” and he pushed me onto the bed again.

He climbed over me and shoved his cock into my pussy again. THis time, since his cock and my pussy were already slick with juices, the cock went in easily. He looked deep into my eyes as he continued fucking me. I felt so close to him that I held his face in my hands smiling brightly at him while staring into his eyes, encouraging him to take pleasure with my body. Then uncle moaned hard and let out a series of grunts and I felt his cock swell up harder with every grunt and warmth flowing into my pussy. When he was done cumming, I smiled widely and kissed him and told him, “I love you fucking me, uncle” and added, “and I want to do it again and again and again” causing uncle to laugh out. Little did he know that I really did mean I wanted to fuck again and again and again, and am almost never completely satisfied. My slut genes have woken up completely and I wanted to fuck as many men as I can, as many times as I can, wherever I can and whenever I can. This is just the beginning of my journey to becoming a total slut, and I loved every minute of it.

Let me know what you think, my email is Just don’t expect me to meet you though.

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Gay Male
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Family stud 8211 A son steps up to the plate when his mother needs him

It was one of the worst snowstorms ever to hit Augusta Maine. The snow was up to the window sills and all the roads were closed so I could not possibly make it to my classes at high school. When Dad divorced Mom, he received the family residence, and Mom took two small rental houses. She rented one out, while she and I lived in the other. Our house had all electric heat and no facility for burning wood. With the electric power off because of the snowstorm, the house temperature went down to...

1 year ago
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A Family Of Sluts 8211 Part I 8211 Gay Brothers

My name is Sameer, this is the story of me, my sister Lakshmi and our cousin brother Gopal. Lakshmi is 3 years elder than me and Gopal is 1 year elder than me. Gopal is a very good boy and everyone likes him for his cuteness. We both were very good friends from childhood. When I am 8 years old we started loving each other. It is the most beautiful day in my life, when I am watching TV lying on sofa, suddenly Gopal came and slept on my back and started to rub his dick on my butt, he did like...

Gay Male
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Rashmi 8211 Making Of A Married Slut

After we ended in her bed at a flat in the absence of her husband, Rashmi and I had been fucking and sexting a lot. She opened up about her intimate desires and I was only happy to bring it out in her. She had a voluptuous body, something which her husband failed to appreciate. Such a cute face with such massive boobs 38d and ass 40. With the number of men ogling at her all the time, she is bound to be used to a lot of men’s attention. Every time she stepped out of the house, any and every man...

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Making Of A Cheating Girlfriend Into Slut 8211 Part II

Hey Guys this is Pratap Again. Thanks for the response for my first story “Making of a Cheating Girlfriend into slut.” Guys and gals the story has become bit lengthy but be sure you will enjoy it. Please read the complete story and send me your feedback on Now the story moves forward. After removing my frustration, I got little bit relax. and properly saw her she was lying there with her eyes shut. Her ass was sore and turned red due to heavy spanking. Lot of marks was there on the boobs of...

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Devi 8211 Enjoyed And Made Slut 8211 Part 2

Debi didn’t know when she had fallen asleep as she was very exhausted.. She woke up feeling the need To go to the washroom as she woke up the effect of alcohol had worn of she felt score and pain in her holes, it was difficult for her but she went To the bathroom and washed her Self as she was doing so she felt her pussy Geting moist expecting how her body had reacted to rana’s cock which was double the size she was used to.. She came back to the bed could not find rana anywhere there were...

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Brother Make Sister Slut For Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi friends I am from tamilnadu I am new writer I am going to write story in tamil … Keep your hand in kunju (penis) boys and girls in punda (pussy). Nanum yen sisterum yapavum onna tha irupom nanga randu parum yalathaium share panipom nanga best frdsa iruinthome … Ok first en sister size soldra breast 34 ass jatty size 90 semmaya irupa age 18 1styear bsc padikira name anitha . Na 3nd year college padikira age 21. En sister first day collegeku na tha kuptu pona bikela en friends pathutaga but...

2 years ago
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Family Escapades 8211 Part 5 Making Sluts Out Of Homeowners

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life. I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed....

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Long sex story 8211 I Was A Reluctant Shemale

Marilee’s fists tightened in despair as she sat at her secretarial desk and listened to the muffled moans emanating from the office of her boss, JC Wyatt. JC was one of the youngest and most famous casting agents in Hollywood and was the most blatant offender of the “casting couch” which degraded women. The young actress, a stunning blonde who couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old, had looked so hopeful when she had entered that office only twenty...

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The Bad Times 8211 Family In Trouble 8211 Part 1

I am going to write a family sex story. This is going to be a long story and will be divided in parts. I will ask the readers to please have patience as the story will not contain explicit sex early on. Sex will come on the later parts . This is my first story so please bare with the mistakes that I make . Now lets start with the story. Let me first introduce to you my family members: Mr Mohan Srivastava : He is my grand father . Age 63. 6ft. Strongly Built. Very Fit. He used to work in the...

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A married couple are interviewed for a very exclusive club 8211 one where the wives fuck around and the husbands sit back and watch

“So tell me, why do you want your wife to fuck other men?” Julie and Juan looked at me expectantly. My wife Sheila were sitting in their living room, all four of us relaxing with drinks in hand, while their kids slumbered upstairs. It was a suburban evening like any other, apart from the topic of conversation. I swallowed hard and said, “I have a small cock. I love my wife, and I realized that I can’t satisfy her by fucking her. I also realized that watching her have...

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A Family Of Sluts 8211 Part II

I hope everyone like my story, thank you all for reading my story and liking it, I feel blessed if at least one person cum by reading my story, if any one did not read first part please read it to know what kind of slut I am. I said I decided to unite my sister and Gopal and I joined our beds together and now Gopal my sister and me are sleeping together on same joint bed. I am sleeping middle of my...

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A female receptionist gets to play nurse on a patient 8211 part 1

My desk is layered with paper. Unopened mail forms a mountain in one corner. Rejected insurance claims forms a smaller mountain – more like a hill – in the opposite corner. Between is a low valley of checks and billing statements. For the last two hours I’ve been trying to finish entering the week’s payments into the computer, but I keep getting interrupted by nurses, patients, and phone calls. It looks like it is going to be one of those late nights again. I figure I...

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The Renters 8211 daddy8217s slut whore

You walk up behind me where I’m picking flowers in the back yard and put your arms around me, and whisper in my ear, “Are you my girl?” You can feel my familiar response, as your words immediately excite me, and I answer breathlessly, “Yes, John.” “Good girl!” You begin to nuzzle my neck at my collarbone, at that place you know makes my knees weak, and you slide the tip of your tongue up the side of my neck and gently tease my earlobe. As you hear my...

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Sil Mil 8211 The Extended Family 8211 Part 2

Part 2 It was close to a year after my FILs death and we were in the US one November morning. The wind a slight chill and both my SIL Harini and MIL Nirmala were there to receive us. My wife was happy to be back with her family and both my MIL and SIL reciprocated the same feeling. They were a close knit family. They shared everything and were more like friends. For me I was happy with my angels. And the stunning difference in my MIL was evident; she had moved on from FILs death and had got...

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Sushmitha 8211 The Slut

Hello, guys, my name is John. This is a real story of a girl from my college. Hope you guys enjoy it. To make it interesting I will be narrating the story from her view. Hi guys, this is Sushmitha. I am 22 years old and studying my BTech 3rd year. Coming to my description, I am 5’5″ tall with black hair and a sexy figure. My figure is 36-28-36. I have light brown nipples which are very sensitive. Every boy in my college used to stare at my boobs and ass, my face was pretty cute too. I lost my...

4 years ago
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Priscilla 8211 my love

The woman ignored the ringing phone as her fingers moved furiously on the keyboard. On the third ring, she grabbed an open cigarette pack and expertly shook one cigarette free from the pack, with one hand as the other hand picked up the phone. Still staring at the PC’s display monitor, she answered “Washington Post. You’ve got the City Desk, Hampton.” The caller’s soft reply startled the reporter “Hi Trish. Got time to spend a few minutes with an old...

3 years ago
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Submissive Slut Girlfriend Susie 8211 Part 1

Hi everybody, I am Mathew. Susie is my girlfriend. Her measurements are 36-28-36. My girlfriend has huge tits. She is in all essence a submissive slut! She loves being held down, fucked hard and being filled with cum. She also loves drinking cum and never asks the guy to wear a condom. Govind is Susie’s ex-boyfriend. We were all batchmates from college. I have had a threesome before with another slut in college with Govind where we took turns to use the slut but that story is for another day. I...

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Thrasher Girls 3 8211 Geeks

It was a Wednesday afternoon a few weeks ago, and it was fucking cold. I was in my leather with a sweater on and about three tee-shirts underneath, and I was still freezing my tits off. Nikki, tams and I were sitting in Magic Beans at a back table after school. As always, we were discussing what we were going to do that weekend. We knew it would have to involve some serious partying and fucking, but we weren’t quite sure of the details yet. For the last month or so, we’d been...

4 years ago
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Becoming Sheffali The Slut 8211 Part 2

This is a continuation of my first part Becoming Sheffali The Slut – Part 1 Hey Guys! The randi is back! Sheffali the slut! I’m back to continue with my story of how i discovered myself and became the school slut! I was very tensed and terrified after that msg from my teacher! I was scared so i decided that i won’t wear bra to school. I just wore my shirt and a white inner. Anyone could clearly understand tht i was not wearing any bra. My nipples were sticking on my shirt making them visible....

3 years ago
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Sissy Slut Inside Me 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am 26 yr old cross dresser and have been dressing and having sex with guys for many years since college. But these days been busy with work and haven’t had fun in months. So mostly I dress slutty whenever I am alone and panties most o times even outside and even to work.I had a day off so decided to be slutty again…I was dressed up all slutty and hot as usual and was sipping some vodka and chatting with some horny mature men online . Whenever I am alone I dress up like a cheap whore and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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My Family Part 8211 Part 1 8211 Sex With Girlfriend

Hello dosto mera naam rajeev hai mai mai 20 saal ka hun graduation 2 year mein gaya hun aur mai 6 feet height hai aur jim jata hun regularly so I am quite handsome mere family mein main hun dad and mom mai apne parents ka akela santan hun kyun ki mere birth k bad mom ko complication hone lagatoh dad ne unka operation karwa diya jisse woh phir kabhi maa nhi ban payi mere dad ka naam suresh hai woh 45 year ke hai aur strong build up personality hai meri mom ka naam asha hai mom 42 years ki hai...

4 years ago
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Priya 8211 Queen Of Family Love 8211 Part 1

It’s almost 1 in the night and Priya is unable to sleep, shes in her room alone and in front of her laptop, desperately watching porn and browsing through incest stories, Mrs.Priya is a lady of about 40, from a affluent family , her husband mr.Vikram is successful businessman and moreover a good man, respected and liked by all.They have been married for over 21 years now, Priya has had no major issues with her hubby apart from one and a big one, he is rarely at home , his work and ever growing...

4 years ago
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The Dirty Slut Part 8211 2

Hi everyone this is rinku again. Sorry for the late post of the next part of my indian sex  story. I got a tremendous response for the first part and I was really overwhelmed. Will continue with second part of my story now from where I left off … All this while my brother sitting right in front of me looking helpless. I was getting turned on by all the action and my pussy was dripping wet. But I did not want my tormentors to know. Farooq had held his undies on my face for a while and was...

1 year ago
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Becoming Sheffali The Slut 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! I’m Sheffali .Aap mujhe slut randi whore kuch bhi bol sakte hai! This is my first post on Indian sex stories about how I got used and discovered the real slut in me. I’m just 20 and live in odisha. I belong to a Bengali family and they are very broad minded about my male friends. This is the incident of when I was in the 12th class. I was very bold and outspoken.I had affairs in the past too.. My boobs are huge for my age and were 34c when I was in 9th class. This made me a bomb in...

2 years ago
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Submissive Slut Girlfriend Susie 8211 Part 2

Hi everybody. It’s me again with a new slutty adventure of my dirty girlfriend Susie. For those of you who have not followed my previous stories, Susie is a 5’4” Mynx with a huge pair of luscious tits. Her appetite for dicks is equally huge. She doesn’t like getting fucked with a condom on and loves the feeling of cum being pumped into her. A certified slut. The adventure which I am to narrate emanated from this one time I was fucking her. I started telling her how my friends used to objectify...

1 year ago
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Slut convinced for a threesome in Goa 8211 Part 2

“Oh, shove it in already, you fucking tease.” My friend unbuckled his belt and presented his dick. “Look what I have for you slut.” She moaned as I entered her from behind and started sucking his dick. My friend took her hair in his hands and started pushing his dick deeper and deeper into her throat. He started playing with her tits and started twisting and turning her nipples. We laughed and hi-fived again. I started to increase my pace and spanked her ass harder and harder. You could see it...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Little Slut 8211 Part I

Before I start let me describe myself, my name is Omar, I am 21 about 5’7 – fair with a girlish body; a small ass but a fleshy one. People have always commented stating how they would like to fuck me if I was a girl and these comments get me excited and I start thinking how nice it would be get used and abused by a bunch of people as their dirty little slut. So let me get down to the story which happened to me a year ago. It was a pleasant evening and I had gone for drinking session with a...

Gay Male
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Farmhouse Fun 8211 submissive bisexual experience

My car ran out of gas 10 km from the nearest gas station. Cursing my luck (and overconfidence), I coasted to a stop in front of a farm house. I decided to let the owner of the house know I was planning on returning to my car soon or to see if he could possibly help me out. I walked up to the house and was about to knock on the door when I saw the owner outside, working on something. I called out to him to draw his attention and he came over. I introduced myself and explained my predicament....

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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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Became My ExBoyfriend8217s Slut 8211 Part 3

Hello, this is Rida here again. Please read the previous part of the stories to continue further. As in the last part, me, Hardik, Neeti, and the other guy James, we all went to my room that night. We all were in the influence of alcohol. I was very horny that night, and so were the other three. Hardik removed my skirt in the hallway itself. I was walking, holding hands with Neeti. Hardik made me naked. There I was shameless walking naked in front of two strangers in the hotel lobby. Without...

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My Amma8217s Blouse 8211 Part 4 Mom Turned Slut

“Amma. I want to have sex with you.” Finally. I spoke these words to my mother. It had been a while since I wanted to have sex with my mother, since the time my father passed away. But I couldn’t gather enough courage to do it. I couldn’t ask her to have sex with me until that day. This happened one night while having dinner. It was a very emotional moment. My eyes had gotten swollen red due to crying a lot. The last couple of weeks had been quite an emotional roller-coaster for me. My body was...

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The Making Of family Slut ndash Part 1

I am a normal 20 year old girl in many respects, except in one thing. I love sex. I think about sex all the time and I just love having it with anyone. I love staring into the man’s eyes as he penetrates my pussy again and again as fast as he can, giving me as much pleasure as he gets from it. I really don’t mind if its a tall man, short man, thin, fat, buff – any man as long as he has a hard cock and he fucks me well, I love being with him. Not just with men either – being with women is great...

4 years ago
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The Family Of Cucks And Sluts Part 8211 1

Hi guys this me your writer south Indian fucker back with another story Thanks for the huge support that you guys show to me . Without all of you am nothing . So this story am writing for my fan/reader and a close friend of mine… If you want stories to be written for you and comments you would like to share with me just sent an email Email id This a whole new series and have many parts like my previous series….. So the story begins……. Hi, guys, my name is Rajesh am from the south part of...

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Slut Side Of Me 8211 Part 3

Hi everyone, I am back with another story. Those who dont knew about me they can follow my previous stories. In this story i am going to explain another experience. I hope you people will like it. And thanks for your comments. My mail box is flowing with messages. Lets go into story part now. I woke up next morning and found there was no Ravi beside me. I called to him he said he was outside and he will come little late in mean time he told me to fresh up. I thought it was good idea. But first...

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Slut Side Of Me 8211 Part 1

Hi, my name is Geetha. I am new to this site. I came to know about this from my friend.I will tell you about my different experiences in several parts. I think you will like it. My stories will almost cover each and aspect.And coming to my status I have 34 size boobs. Coming to my story. I am a student. I study far from my home.I used to be very good girl until I met some guys. I made some good friends in college. It used to be lot of fun. I was one of the beautiful girls in our class. I knew...

4 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 6

Dear readers,I’m Krishna again . Thanks for your love and mails. Lets begin the next part of my story. My adolescence was exploding. My friends added fuel to that. They taught me the lessons of wild sex and I became a sex hungry whore. They thought a new lessons ” everything is good and tasty in sex.” . I really enjoyed the wild world with my friends. As I mentioned earlier me and my friends enjoyed our school life. The two years of that period made me shameless sexy whore . But we were good...

2 years ago
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A Girl Turned Slut 8211 Part 2

Hey sexaddict667 is back with part 2 of the story. This time I am gonna write it as aditi experience. For 6 months anil and I had a great sexual relation. We kept it hidden from everyone in college but every cheap hotel guy knew me and some even got to fuck me. Anil loved strangers touching and groping my boobs. He used to take me at vacant secluded areas and buildings, hide at some place, leaving me alone to seduce some guy or men. He used to watch me getting fucked by them. I don’t know why,...

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Chastity To Slutness 8211 Part 1

It is a story of a widow who remained chaste till her 43rd birthday and thereafter became a cheap slut. Divya was married while she was a teen and within two years of marriage she delivered a boy child. But thereafter she resumed her study and completed graduation. She was a sweet looking attractive lady. At time of her marriage she was only of 42 kgs and having vital statistics of 32 x 22x 32. She was very fair with long and thick hairs. She was tall of 5’5” and looking lanky. But regular fuck...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

3 years ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Futa Gym Shower Slut

It had been an interesting six months that led Andrew here. While home for winter break, his parents announced he wouldn't be returning to college. His mother, in particular, had decided the investment was no longer worth it. His father supported her decision wholeheartedly. Andrew was told that new opportunities for young men with no degree were opening up in their area. He had no idea what kind of jobs his parents meant, but he took them at their word. Mother allocated him a weekly stipend...

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An arrogant lady gets humiliated by the use of an enema 8211 and discovers she enjoys it

Melanie was a really attractive woman. In her early thirties, about five and a half feet tall. She was not slim, but very shapely with a very full ass, beautifully rounded, soft, shown off wonderfully in the tight skirts she loved to wear. Melanie had been part of our group for some time now, and Judy, my wife, and I had both enjoyed some pretty vigorous love-making with her at different times. She was one hot woman. There was just one problem – if you can call it a problem – she...

2 years ago
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Became My ExBoyfriend8217s Slut 8211 Part 2

Hello there, Rida, here. Please read the previous part to get the link to this story. Now carrying further. Due to drugs, Hardik was quite wild in the bed. He fucked me like an animal, and I had lost count as to how many times I had an orgasm last night. We slept naked. I was sleeping on him the whole night. He woke up in the morning and pushed me over, and that woke me up. He got up and started wearing his shorts. I went and hugged him, but he pushed me again. I was naked. I jumped on him...

3 years ago
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Indian Slut Wife8217s First BBC Gang Bang 8211 Part 1

This is the story of the gangbang of my Bengali colleague with random strangers. Just a brief description of her she has short curly hair and is around 5’5.” My guess of her figure is 34d-30-36 which she maintains very well even now after 2 kids. In mine and most of my friend’s eyes, she is the hottest mom in our office. I woke up the next morning at 10.I was too tired and she was still sleeping. Her pussy and ass still sore from last night. I made myself a coffee. Then I started watching the...

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Forced to become a CD Slut Part 8211 2

Hi, guys Komal here. This is the part-2 of my story “Forced to become a CD Slut”. I ran to Anita’s apartment after dressing and barged into her living room. Anita was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. I screamed at her asking why she did this. Suddenly I felt a burning pain on my cheek like something just struck there. I also heard a muscular voice saying “Shut the fuck up slut, you should only open your mouth if you are asked to speak”. I felt like my head was spinning. Then I heard...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Slut Of My Servant 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, my name is Kushi. Here I am going to narrate my true incident in my life. My family is very rich. I have very sexy figure. I have 38-24-36. My breasts are very attractive in my body. When I used to wander with sexy outfits boys would stare at me which I generally neglect it. I never thought I would become a bitch to a servant in my house. Not only to him but to his friends also. My father and mother will mostly wander cities due to their business deals.Iam writing this story in...

4 years ago
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I Love To Be A Slut 8211 Part I

Hai my name is Sindhu. I am from Hyderabad. I am very pretty girl of 22 years. I have sexy structure my sizes are 36-24-35. I used go through this web site a lot and love all these experiences especially group sex. I had many encounters and I decided to share with you. I will tell most of my encounters. It’s very long story so I will explain in parts. Each and every encounter is real. My lust towards sex started at the age of 18 only. You have to believe it. It’s because of my step brother...

1 year ago
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Metro Girl Dominated 8211 Part 3 Making Her A Cumslut

Guys, please read the previous 2 parts of this story before reading this one. Hope to receive more positive feedback from you people. There it was. Her ass was stuck out, her hands handcuffed and her panties in her mouth. Small belt marks on her perfect ass. She looked to be enjoying this as she started shaking her ass, as in to tease me. I met this girl an hour ago. Damn. “Stay in this position”. I then went ahead to see what my ex had left behind apart from the handcuffs. There were a few...

3 years ago
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The Dirty Slut Part 8211 3

Hi, guys this in Rinku again. Sorry for the late post has been quite busy with college and stuff. I will make sure the next part is posted soon this time. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Also, thank you for the tremendous response on my previous stories. After the incident with my brother’s friends, they had not bothered him again. I was enjoying my time in college too. I had met this hot guy Rakesh. He had a muscular body and a beard which made my knees weak. We would spend time together...

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