Be Careful What You Wish For, Day 3 free porn video

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Be Careful What You Wish For, Day 3 holly As before, I had no warning when the day would begin. My first indicator was when the music and images stopped, having been active most of the evening. My first view of the day was Gwen as she cleared the covering over my head and allowed me to see the sleeping chamber that had become my bedroom. Saying nothing to me, she efficiently removed me from the confines of the cocoon and took me into the bathroom adjacent. I was glad to sit on the toilet and relieve myself as I contemplated what was to happen this day. I had no idea what the total plan was. It occurred to me that I had totally surrendered myself to the care of Mistress other than the original limitations. I found myself wondering if those limitations still applied. Once cleaned up, relieved and now dressed again in the corset and heels that seemed to be my uniform, I left the room with Gwen leading the way down the long hall. We passed a number of doors and I could hear various sounds behind them suggesting a number of strange possibilities to my mind. I recalled from other training I had received in my former life, that the first step to coercion and brain washing was disorientation and wild speculation. My situation clearly met the first and my mind was taking care of the second. We reached the end of the hall and began to descend down a staircase of stone steps until we reached a series of doors. Gwen led me into the first to my left and the day began. The room I was now entering was dark and appeared to have stone walls. It was the first room I had been in that looked like a dungeon and, to some degree, felt like one as well. It was cool and there was a lingering wetness that made it feel 'dank'. I was lead to the far wall and on the ground I saw my fate. It was like an exercise device I had seen many years ago with a sliding platform on two rails. This one had been extensively modified however. It was on a low platform and had knee pads on the platform instead of the customary seat I recalled. Two extensions ran from the platform and had cuffs in two places which I realized would fit wrist and elbow forcing the body into a 'hands and knees' position that was not escapable. The assembly and platform had cut-outs at either end which would make it possible for someone to stand at the head and foot of the platform and then whoever was strapped to it would be sandwiched between. On the wall behind the device were several racks of equipment which included canes, floggers and other devices that were meant to be used on a submissive. Suspended from the ceiling were a pair of chains with snaps on the end and these were matched by another set on the floor attached to pad-eyes. I had seen this sort of thing before and knew that once attached, the sub would be nearly suspended and spread eagled with very little movement possible. As I looked at this scene, I wondered which I was to be subjected to. "holly gurl, you may have remembered that the other day you were given a task to clean my dungeon up and you failed to do so in the time I gave you. As a result, I allowed you more training to learn to move, and then a second opportunity to finish the first job. You did finish, but your lack of timeliness cost me time in your training which we will now have to deal with. Now you know that I am not a harsh Mistress, don't you?" I nodded, wondering where this was going. "I would like to do all I must without hurting you, but from time to time, it is necessary to ensure your attention and diligence. This is the situation we find ourselves in now. It is time to punish you for your failure yesterday in the dungeon. You understand it is for your own good?" again I nodded, still wondering what She was going to do. "You will remove your clothing except the corset and your heels, and place them on the rack over there (indicating a bench in the corner) and then stand in front of me." I did as ordered and returned to stand in front of Mistress with my hands at my side. There was no pretext to cover my body, the faux crotch/pussy cover had effectively hidden my former male parts and I did not fully appreciate that I might be developing girl parts. Mistress repositioned me between the pad-eyes on the floor and as She did, Gwen attached the snaps and chains to the ankle straps above my heels, holding my feet apart. They then raised my wrists to the chains above me and snapped my wrist-cuffs to them now spreading me wide for whatever Mistress had in mind. Mistress looked at Gwen and, taking a coin out, flipped it in the air. "Call it." Gwen called heads as the coin landed in Mistress' hand. "You called heads, but it is tails so assume your position dear." As Gwen moved behind me, I could see her move a rack of canes, floggers and other things into position at her side. Mistress was doing the same thing in front of me and I could see the assortment of floggers and whips that were about to assail me. Before starting, Mistress removed the gag in my mouth. I considered begging for mercy, but knew that, at that moment, there was no mercy to be had, and secondly, I had not been freed to express any personal thoughts. "What is your desire, holly gurl?" "to please You, Mistress." "did you?" "no Mistress, I failed." I hung my head in shame. "do you feel you should be punished for your failure?" "yes Mistress, if it will in some way make up for my failure and please You." "do you trust your Mistress?" "oh yes Mistress. Absolutely " Mistress nodded at Gwen and the first blow landed on my ass from a heavy flogger. This was followed quickly by a blow from Mistress landing between my legs which wrapped around to my rear in an upward arc. Mistress was using another heavy flogger and She and Gwen were trading blows in a rhythmic pattern raining one after another on my ass and crotch. Mistress then selected another flogger, lighter in texture and weight and began alternating between my crotch and my breasts even as Gwen had changed to a pair and was beating each of my ass cheeks in a rain of blows. In the background, music started and they began beating me in time to the music. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, but always alternating and in time. I could not believe it, was I becoming excited by the assault? A moan- gasp escaped my lips as I involuntarily pushed my ass toward the ministrations of Gwen. Mistress was watching my face and gauging where I was, but I only had eyes for the sensations I was feeling. I don't recall if I could see anything at this point. Mistress moved to my side even as Gwen began flogging my crotch with the same upward stroke that Mistress had used earlier. The flogger curled around my crotch and impacted the front with a thud. Though the armor I was wearing in the form of the pussy panties made direct contact impossible, the pulse-thud was felt to the core. As Gwen continued that stroke, she added a side to side with the other flogger striking first one cheek then the other in a thud-sting rhythm. Mistress reached for my nipple and with practiced ease, seized one and began pulling and teasing it. I was moving in the chains now trying to get in rhythm with Gwen to maximize the effects but Mistress was overloading my tiny mind with Her work over of my nipples. They in turn, had erected and were now engorged and tight, the size of Mistress' little finger. To my great pleasure, Mistress moved even closer and I could smell Her perfume and woman scent as She grabbed a nipple between Her lips and sucked in drawing my now erect nipple into Her warm mouth. I felt Her teeth close on my trapped nipple and would have collapsed on the floor had it not been for the chains holding me up. Gwen was striking me hard now but I no longer cared. Mistress continued her oral assault on my nipples, first one then the other until both were hard buttons on my chest. Without breaking contact, She reached behind Her to the rack and took a pair of suction cups, much like a snake bite kit, and with easy motion trapped, first on nipple, then the other. I felt the pull of the little suction cup on my breast and sunk even further into my sensations. As Gwen continued to flog my ass and crotch, Mistress resumed working my belly and breasts. She was careful not to dislodge the nipple suction cups there, but I felt every blow as she moved to a stingy flogger. I was moaning and gyrating now with the rhythm of the blows, my mind no longer caring what was happening when rather suddenly, I began to shudder. Gwen continued her assault on my crotch with the upward stroke and I was cumming! There had been no direct contact at all. I had been flogged to a climax! Mistress looked at me, then at Gwen, "she is cumming like a gurl!" There was no denying that I had reached climax as the cum trickled down my leg onto the stone floor. Gwen had changed her stroke to my ass only so not to foul the leather of the flogger. I was shuddering and gyrating in the chains until I could not take anymore and then sagged against the pull of the chains hanging with the cum sliding down my leg. I would have collapsed in a pool had I not been held in place, even my head had lolled forward and all I saw was the stone floor. Mistress allowed me to regain my composure before releasing me from the chains and allowing me to sag into a chair that Gwen had moved behind me. "you came like a gurl, holly. You are further in your conditioning than I had thought. But this was to be punishment, not pleasure. I wonder if you are also 'multi-orgasmic'? What do you think, holly gurl? You must learn to take your training seriously. You will still need to be punished. Gwen, you will prepare her. Get a team in here; I want her air-tight, am I clear?" "Yes Mistress Samantha, air tight. How long?" Gwen asked. I did not hear the answer, as Mistress signaled something to Gwen as Mistress walked out. I could not see clearly, but I thought I saw a smile on Mistress' face. Gwen busied herself with moving things around and then made a call to someone telling them Mistress' orders. When she was done, she came back to me and looked down and shook her head almost sadly. I knew I was in real trouble. I could barely make sense of the words let alone what I was being asked. All I recalled was that anytime I had been pushed past an orgasm with continued stimulation, it became very painful until my body could adjust. The level of intense pleasure was a combination of joy and pain. "I am so very sorry, I could not help myself!" "I am sure you are, holly, but it is too late now. You will simply have to endure as part of your training." Gwen then began braiding a doubled length of rope into my pony tail making sure it was secure before tying it off. When she was done, I was told to stand and go over to the platform that had caught my attention when I entered the room. Gwen told me to kneel on the pads on the small pallet on the rails and to get as comfortable as I could since I could be there a long time. When I was kneeling in place, she attached straps behind my knees holding me to the pads. My legs were then strapped to a different set of tie points that held my legs wide apart and did not move. With my heels still on, my feet were pointed and also held immoveable. In this position, my ass was slightly raised and unprotected. The pussy mask I had on would not protect my rear. Gwen then indicated two grips at the head of the device that I was to grasp and as I did, she attached the straps holding my hands to them and making escape impossible. For good measure, a second set of straps were then used to bind my forearms to the device. In this position, I could see the post clearly in front of me. I could also see the cut out in the platform that would make it possible for someone to stand so that my face was at waist height. The implications were not lost on me. "you will have to look within yourself holly. To help you, I am putting on a leather hood that will allow you to focus your attention where you must to achieve what you need to in order to complete this task." As she said this, she slipped the hood over my head and in a moment I was blind and nearly deaf as a result. The hood had a large round opening at the mouth, and small openings for the nose. Other than these it was tight and confining. What I did not know at the time was that it also had a set of earphones built in as well. When properly cued, it was possible for them to simulate conversation all around me. I was to discover just how effective this could be in a moment. Gwen then wrapped a belt around my corseted waist and cinched it in and then pulled the rope braided into my pony tail through, what must have been a ring on the belt, to pull my head back. "holly, the rope in your pony tail is tied to the overhead, so if you do not maintain position, if you try to sag or get lazy, it will pull your head back at a very unpleasant angle until you again assume a proper position." Now I understood. My head was pulled back and in such a way that my mouth was forced open and was accessible through the hole in the hood. I heard a door open and then footsteps on the stone floor. Then I heard Gwen's voice. "good you are here. Mistress Samantha wants this one air tight. You may decide how you want to do it. You are to administer punishment. When you are ready to start, trip the timer and the clock will begin counting down. Any questions?" "no Mistress Gwen. This one a virgin?" The voice was deep and almost melodious. "it is her first punishment, yes. Keep that in mind, Mistress does not want her damaged." "Yes Mistress. Will you be observing?" "for some time, yes, then I may have to leave for other things. Shall we get started." I felt wet slippery fingers at my ass as someone began lubricating my hole. The fingers were fat and had a generous amount of cream or whatever they were using on them. I was powerless to stop the assault on my ass and knew better than to try. First one finger, then two and finally three. I had never had a real cock in my ass, so was surprised at the warm semi hard and soft at the same time thing that entered my body. It slid in slowly, millimeter by millimeter until it stopped and then began to withdraw as slowly. This happened a couple of times and then I heard a different voice from behind me say, "that's one. Your turn!" Unable to see, I could only guess where it would come. I felt the head of the cock against my lips. "stick your tongue out slut, and lick it!" this was the first voice I had heard. The warm moist cock was against my lips and though I was repulsed by the situation, I knew I had no choice. Tentatively I reached out my tongue and licked the tip of the thing. It was warm and soft to my tongue. "nice, now open wide" I had no choice, the bondage I was in made anything else impossible. And so the cock slid into my mouth. "no teeth or when I get done with you, you will never again sit or speak clearly. Lips and tongue only, bitchlette" As the cock slid into my mouth, I began to wonder if I would survive this ordeal and then it stopped. "that's two. Ready for three?" Three? There was no other place for a cock. All my holes were filled. Then to my horror, I felt the third one at my crotch. Oh my God! I don't have a pussy! Mistress said she would not do anything permanent. It simply was not possible. But there was no mistaking the presence of the cock between my legs. Like the one in my ass, it was very well greased up and I felt pressure at the base of where my cock should be. It was firmer than the others and slid a little way in, only to pull out and try again a little further. It seemed to take forever, but in a few minutes, it had slide all the way in, or at least I thought so since it did not go any deeper after. It seemed to be sliding over my own cock which was doubled over in the pussy mask. "that's three. She is air tight now Mistress Gwen" "Remember, the full time on the clock or Mistress will do the same to you and you know what that will mean." Gwen's voice brooked no argument. I heard her heels on the floor fade and then the triple assault began. The one at my ass set his rhythm to the one at my mouth. They both came together at the same time compressing me between them. When they slid out, the one in my 'pussy' thrust in. It was so mechanical, that I began to wonder what was happening to me. My ass hurt at first until the lubrication and stretching made it possible to feel the pleasure without concentrating on the pain. The cock in my mouth was a problem since I had never learned to take it other than the dildo that Mistress had used on me. I was thankful that I had at least some idea of how to deal with it. The oddest part was the assault on my 'pussy' since this was a part I really didn't have nor did I understand how it was to work. I did realize that as the cock in my ass withdrew, if I rotated my hips down, it made the cock going into my 'pussy' easier to take. I could tell by the rhythm that the three were using that they were getting excited, but I was just trying to endure it to the end. They then seemed to drive each stroke deeper and hold, before withdrawing and the pace changed to one of some urgency. I knew there was not much time left and to my horror, the cock in my 'pussy' suddenly spurted into my cavity. I had never experienced this. It seemed to spurt several more times and as it did, I felt the one in my ass let go as well. How totally humiliating. I was being raped and had no control. I began to fear when the one in my mouth would suddenly erupt into me. And as I wondered, it did. At first I could not breathe because I had to swallow. Having never tasted cum, not even my own, I had no idea what to expect. Of course I had read all the reports so expected it to be salty. But that only applies if your tongue comes in contact otherwise it is just slimy. To my horror, the strokes continued at the same pace! As a former male, I knew this was not possible. Everyone needed some time to recover. Then I heard a voice in my ears, it was Mistress. "Did you like your first triple? You will be fucked for the rest of the hour until you are raw, excited and properly chastised. The device you are on is relentless, more so than any human could be. Enjoy your punishment." Then I understood. There was no way three people could sync themselves with this level of precision. I was being fucked by a machine, and one that had NO mercy. I realized that if I did not find a way to get to my happy place, and soon, this was going to get very unpleasant. I could feel the thick slime running down my legs from the cock in my 'pussy'. It made me feel dirty. I knew that it was a matter of time before it was joined by a trickle out of my ass as well. I decided to enjoy the fucking and try to learn the machine?s rhythm so that I could derive some pleasure. As the cocks in my mouth and ass slid out, I forcefully tilted my pelvis to drive the cock in my ?pussy? deeper. As I did, it began to stimulate my cock and I realized it might be possible for me to climax if I could just have enough time. I might be able to beat Mistress at Her own game. I continued to work my own level of excitement and became unaware of what the machine was doing. It was for that reason that its second set of ejaculations caught me by surprise. I really had no idea how long it had been from the first one. Nor was I prepared for the sudden flood of thick slimy goo that filled my mouth, then my ass and finally my ?pussy?. That sudden realization reminded me as the goo slid down the inside of my leg and out my ass. By the time Mistress turned the machine off, I was exhausted, covered in machine cum, un-satisfied and the victim of three more ejaculations for a total of five. Someone released the cock in my ?pussy? first and withdrew it, followed by the one in my ass. My legs were then released from the straps and for the first time I tried to move them. Everything was stiff and difficult. My ass was raw and I wondered if I would even be able to walk anywhere near normally. Once the cock in my mouth was removed, the blindfold was also taken off and my hands were released. Freed, Mistress told me to sit up and get my bearing before attempting to stand. She looked me over carefully then asked me if I now understood the consequences of failing to complete a task. I clearly did. She then asked me if this was something I wanted to experience again. I clearly did not. Satisfied, she then allowed me to stand and go with Gwen to get cleaned up. Gwen led me through a door to a quiet alcove and looked me over. Walking only emphasized the slime inside my body and made me feel very dirty. We went through another door and I found myself in a large bath room. Seeing the toilet, I begged Mistress Gwen to allow me to empty myself before we went further. She allowed as I had just gone through a hard ordeal, it was understandable and told me I could do so. It took a few minutes sitting on the pot before the slimy goo started to exit my ass. Then to my equal discuss, it began dripping out of my ?pussy?. I knew right then, that I would never again do anything that would lead to this punishment again. I also knew in that moment, that I could never have a man touch me in a sexual way. If I was to be a gurl, I would be a lesbian. While I continued to empty my body, Gwen, bless her heart, began to run a bath. I needed to feel clean again. With the steaming water in the deep tub, I wiped myself and Gwen removed the corset for the first time in two days. With it gone, my body felt odd. I was unsupported for the first time in my recent memory. Shoes came off and I needed Gwen to assist me to the tub since I could no longer walk without heels. As I settled into the hot water, and it filled my ?pussy? and washed over my ass, I relaxed for the first time since I had arrived. As I soaked in the deep tub, another woman entered the bath. Gwen directed her to minister to my needs and to be sure I was clean, in and out, before I dressed again. Gwen was going to arrange my clothing in the next room. The woman came over to the tub and, taking a wash cloth, began to soap my back and chest. Though gentle, she still scrubbed me over and teased my breasts. Before closing my eyes to enjoy this respite from the torments of the morning, I took in her appearance and dress. Like me, she was dressed in a full figure corset and black hose with very high black patent heels. She was made up conservatively but clearly had also had permanent make up tattooed on her face. She had multiple piercings in her ears which were all filled with earrings from post to hoop and chandelier. She had strong hands and seemed somehow just a little out of correct proportion for a girl. She said nothing to me, but made clear that I need only remain still and she would do everything else. I became a bit uncomfortable when she began cleaning my ass and crotch. But her strength and direct approach made clear that I would have to get used to it. After a few minutes, I began to feel clean. When she was done, she left quietly and allowed me to continue soaking for a few more minutes in peace. She returned a few minutes later with an enema bag and nozzle and I remembered Mistress Gwen?s instruction, clean inside and out. To my surprise, she came to the tub and as I lay there, she gently inserted the nozzle into my ass. She pumped up the seals and then hung the bag above my head. Before I could realize what was happening, she had released the stop and the enema was flowing into my tortured ass. She placed a large hand on my chest and held me to prevent my leaving the tub. The enema continued to flow into me. I looked at the bag and realized it was larger than the quart bags I had seen before. The combination of the warm tub and the warm enema was making me hot and I thought I was sweating in the water. But it was also making it possible to take more of the fluid than I might have if I had been anywhere else. A very long time later, or so it seemed to me, the woman stopped the enema and waited. Minutes passed and I felt the cramps that spelled doom to being able to hold it much longer, but hold it I did. Finally, she helped me from the tub. I was bent over near double as I tried to move to the toilet before I exploded. Through providence and the help of the woman, I did make it and seconds later as she released the seals, my ass exploded into the bowl of the toilet. Spasm after spasm racked my body as I emptied the corruption that had accumulated over the past hours. Finally, drained of all strength, barely able to hold myself up, it was over. I was completely spent and the day was not over yet. While I emptied my body, the woman had emptied the tub and now cleaned of whatever might have been washed off my body, she again helped me to the tub and using the hand held spay, washed my body one more time. I WAS CLEAN, FINALLY! She then dried me off with a soft terry towel and led me into the room that Gwen had gone to a long time previously. Their on the chair was a clean set of clothing and from it, I could see my ordeals were still ahead. On the chair was a new corset, hose, heels and a short dress that resembled a maid?s uniform. The woman helped me dress, starting with thong panties and then the corset. She was very strong and I was soon laced tighter than I had been before. In a strange sort of way, it felt good to be supported again. The corset was a very good fit and so I felt no hot spots and I could breathe, granted only in shallow breaths, but none the less, it was not impossible. While I sat on the chair, she worked the hose up my legs and attached the garters from the corset to hold them in place. Heels came next and I realized that they were at least as high as the ones I had been wearing all along. My legs and feet seemed to appreciate them as well and my legs actually stopped hurting for a moment. She then pulled the dress over my head and settled it onto my body. The tightness of the corset became clear in that instant. Now dressed, Gwen re-appeared to lead me to my next challenge. Gwen said nothing to me as we walked down the hall to another non-descript door. When we entered, I found myself in a cafeteria with several tables already occupied with a bizarre combination of patrons. Some were dressed as severely as I was, while others, all female, were clearly staff. It was the first time I had a chance to realize that there were more than Mistress and Gwen here. Gwen led me to a table at which Mistress Samantha was seated and indicated that I should sit down. I did as directed and waited. ?holly gurl, you must be hungry by now. It has been two and a half days since you ate anything real. Now it is true you have had all the nutrition you need, but we need to keep you going. Would you like something to eat?? her voice was silken and betrayed no guile. ?if it pleases Mistress to allow me something, I would most welcome something to eat.? I was now realizing that I was hungry. Especially after the last session, I was completely drained and in need of something to restore my strength. But I was also mindful that everything here is a test of some kind. ?very good, it does please me. You have completed your tasks and have been punished for past inadequacies. You may have something to eat, but only one plate. We must continue to work on your figure. Gwen, bring forth the choices please.? Gwen brought over two plates. On one was a piece of red meat with mashed potatoes and green beans. On the other was a green salad with grated cheese and what appeared to be oil and vinegar dressing. Mistress had given me the clue I needed for the right answer. ?May I? I said as I looked at Mistress. She nodded and I reached for the salad. ?a good choice holly gurl. Your figure will not suffer. Enjoy and be ready for your next task after you eat.? With that, Mistress left the table and I was permitted to eat. I knew that I must be ?lady like? and so ate slowly, savoring every bite. I could not even guess when I might get to eat again. By the time I had finished my salad, most of the people that had been there were gone. Gwen came back to my table and, noting that I had finished, told me my next assignment was to help in the kitchen and clean up. This came as no surprise given that I had been dressed as a maid. When I was taken back to the kitchen, I found that there were already several other submissives, subs, working. They were dressed as I was and gagged to prevent conversation. Gwen also gagged me and then told me to follow the direction of the cook who informed me what needed to be done. These tasks could be done and were and I felt, for the first time, I just might be able to get through the rest of the day. As we subs finished washing, cleaning and then putting away the residue of the meal, Mistresses arrived to remove one at time until Gwen arrived to take me to my next task. I was lead into a new room, very clinical in appearance and, like the other clinic room; it had cabinets along the walls. With the gag in my mouth, I was unable to speak or even express alarm at what I was seeing, but then I needn?t worry, since I was blindfolded from behind and in that second, the view was but a memory. I felt a tug on the leash and was again attempting to walk forward without benefit of sight into a real unknown. I heard the door open and was greeted by a combination of sounds that made no sense to me. I thought I heard moaning, and at the same time some kind of mechanical sound. I suspected I was in some kind of dungeon and about to be disciplined again for some fault. I was again urged forward and then turned so that the back of my legs bumped up against a chair or something very low. My panties were removed and I was told to sit (so it was a chair) and as I did, felt the inevitable plug seek my ass. As I dropped onto the plug, my hands found the armrests and I settled onto the plug and into the seat. Even as this was happening, I felt restraints close about my wrists. The cups of the corset were then removed and I was bound with a strap below my breast line. Two more straps were secured around my thighs so that my legs were held wide apart and finally my feet were bound to the legs of the chair. It was clear to me that I was not going anywhere, but then I was not sure that I wanted to either yet. Next I felt the headphones being placed over my ears. Now I knew that I was in for more ?training?. Most of what I had experienced so far was benign and frankly a little pleasant. Then I felt something wet and cool being spread on my breasts. It felt good and in a moment, I realized it was some kind of cream as the slippery nature became apparent. This was followed by the feeling of suction on my nipples and then a broader feeling of suction on my breasts as a whole. Music began to fill my ears and I knew that there was a subliminal line in it but could not hear it at this point. Even as this was happening, the suction on my breasts began to pulse in a rhythmic was and I realized that these were some kind of specialized breast pumps that had been put on me. Regardless, they felt great and I was becoming aroused. The tingle in my breasts was moving to my clitty. The rhythm of the suction was totally intoxicating and I was becoming lost in the combination of music and pressure. To me it felt like someone was actually massaging my tits. As I settled into the feeling and began to moan, the plug imbedded in my ass began to vibrate, then began to move in time with the rhythm of the suction. Being strapped to the chair, there was no escape and I found myself rocking my hips in time with the movement of the plug. The tingling in my clitty grew more intense. The music and voices in my ears were louder now. ?I must, I must. . . . . ? it felt so very good. More and more please. ?increase my bust!? I loved the feeling ?must increase my bust!? my hips were rocking in time now, driving the plug deep on each stroke. ?I must, I must, increase my bust!? the music droned in my ear. Over and over it repeated. The message becoming a part of my very breathing. My nipples were on fire with excitement. How could a woman stand this much stimulation and not be driven mad every time. ?you are defined by your breasts.? Yes! ?I must, I must increase my bust!? Yes! More and more, I needed more. I could feel a wetness between my legs. Yes! ? ? must increase my bust!? if this was what a girl felt, I wanted to feel this always. Time had no meaning. How long could my heart take this level of excitement? I didn?t know, but I would ?I must, I must, increase my bust!? die happy. As my breathing became even more ragged, the gag was removed only to be replaced as I felt the tip of a dildo insert itself between my lips and begin to slide in and out. It was warm and soft. So inviting. ?suck it all in gurl? Yes! ?you are defined by your breasts and you love yourself? Yes! Without realizing it the music had changed rhythm and the message had changed as well. Blindfolded as I was, my world was the sensation in my ass, mouth and breasts. They combined to set my body on fire with lust and need. I had not cum in a long time (so I thought) but then time had no meaning. I would not know until much later, but I was in the chair for over an hour subjected to the continual barrage of stimulation. As fast as it started it stopped, suddenly! No music, no motion from the plug, no suction on my breasts, no movement of the dildo in my mouth. Nothing! I tried to rock my hips to stimulate my ass and finish my climax, but I could not move. I was exhausted. The space between my legs was wet with sweat and pre-cum. I was undone. I sat there for some time as my breathing again came under control and I settled down. I could hear my pulse in my ears and it was returning to normal. But I was frustrated! My need unquenched. The straps around my chest were released as the breast pump was removed and I then felt real hands rubbing the remains of the cream into my breasts. This was followed by someone re- attaching the cups to the corset and adjusting the cups to hold whatever I had. With this completed, I was released from the chair and allowed to adjust myself. The plug was gone, or I could no longer feel it. Still blindfolded, I was again led off to a new experience. To my surprise, when the blindfold was removed, I was again in Mistress Samantha?s office, and She was again, seated at her desk, with Gwen in attendance behind me. It was clear to me that Gwen must have been the one to release me. ?Well holly gurl, you have been working very hard today. You have done fairly well, but it is now time to see if you are ready to move on. Before we start, I want you to sit down and be as comfortable as you may, given your current state. I know you are thirsty, you have worked long and have not been able to take care, so here is a glass of water for you.? This Mistress handed to me and I gratefully accepted it and drank it down. ?I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me as honestly as you can. If I think you are having trouble, I will help you. Here is the first question: Are you a boy? Before you answer, I am going to help you figure it out. Do boys wear high heels?? ?no? ?but you do. Do boys wear make up?? ?no? ?But you do. Do boys pee sitting down?? ?no? ?But you do. Do boys wear corsets and have little boobies?? ?no? ?So holly gurl, are you a boy?? ?no Mistress? ?Then are you a girl? Before you answer consider this: do girls have a penis?? ?no? ?But you do. Do girls have a low voice?? ?no? ?But you do. Girls have a vagina, do you?? ?no? ?Girls have nice hips and ass, and a narrow waist. Do you?? ?no? ?Then are you a girl?? Tears began to fill my made up eyes and I looked at Mistress in distress as I said through trembling lips, ?no, Mistress, I am not a girl.? Mistress watched as the tears fell down my face and then handed me the test sheet and told me to mark my answers appropriately. I was to place a check next to the right description for each question. 1. I am a boy yes no X 2. I am a girl yes no X 3. If I am not a boy or a girl, then I must be a gurl yes X no 4. I am happy to be gurl and special yes X no 5. I am happiest when I please Mistress yes X no 6. I want Mistress to make me even more special yes X no 7. I must always obey Mistress and do as She directs yes X no 8. I want to be Mistress? special gurl yes X no As I hesitated to check this one, I knew mistress was watching me and gauging my reaction. I knew that I was marking the correct one, but somewhere inside, I was still ways off. Mistress handed me another glass of water and, after drinking it, I did feel better about my answer. 9. Mistress only wants to help me be the best gurl yes X no 10. I want to continue my training and experience yes X When I had checked the last one, Mistress took the sheet from me and placed it in a folder with other paper and told me that I had done well. She said that I would be allowed to continue with my training and would be able to be the gurl of my dreams. Then she told me I had completed the first trimester of my training and would wake in the morning to a new life. She nodded to Gwen who returned me to my sleeping chamber and re- installed me into the cocoon. My last visual memory being the training images and music as I settled into sleep and considered what Mistress meant by trimester. So ended day three. ************ Dear reader, several of you have asked some questions and I know that there will be more as a result of this day. The events depicted either actually happened or mostly happened. In my experience, I was flogged by a pair of Mistresses who, while I was bound, did cause an orgasm to occur with no erection and as depicted. The comment is a direct quote from one of them. It came on with no warning and was a very pleasant experience, other than the clean-up that was required afterwards! As for the pussy mask, imagine a jock strap of heavy gauge latex which tightly held the cock in a sheath causing a cavity to form behind it. The straps allow full access to the ass. This thing may be glued to the front of the crotch in such a way that the cock can slide a little, but will receive no stimulation from outside. Only the thinner layer inside the cavity will allow for stimulation. That is what our holly gurl is wearing. As with the other parts of this story, if you want to know what is to happen, you will need to tell me of your desires. If you would like to suggest some ideas, by all means do so. I do try and incorporate things that are of interest to my readers and whenever they fit my story line, you will likely see them. While this story is largely drawn from personal experience, I am always looking for ideas. holly

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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

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Careful What You Wish For Part 2

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #2 By Joyce Devries, [email protected] Yahoo IM Chat: joyce_devriestv October 2002 Please read Part #1 to understand this part of the story. Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one. My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you...

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Limitless Wishes Dajinni and the Wish Flurry

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Careful what you wish for it might come true

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

1 year ago
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Careful What You Wish For It Might Come True

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, IT MIGHT COME TRUE. For some time I'd had been writing stories about my 39 year old wife Mary on various cuckold and sex related wed sites. I'd even published a few pictures of her, nothing that raunchy just a few topless ones from the beach, showing off her impressive 38D bust. Nothing I thought would ever come of them, with all the millions of people all over the world no one would even ever recognise her, and anyway for me they were just fantasies, nothing...

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Be Careful What You Wish For4

“Wake up Alison” she groggily hears. What the fuck is talking to me. “Wake up Alison. It’s time to play.” The more she comes to her senses, she realizes she is blind folded, she can’t see anything. Trying to move, she finds her hands are restrained above her head and something is bound between her ankles holding them apart. “Are you awake Alison?” What the fuck is that? It sounds like a digitized voice out of the movies . . . . . Fuck! “Who are you?” she asks, noticing her voice is shaking a...

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Fornever in Blue Genes a Wish the Heart Makes

A Wish the Heart Makes: Fornever in Blue Genes by Tigger Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Fictionmania and Nifty may archive this story. Anyone else, ask me first. From Walt Disney's "Cinderella": "A dream is a wish your heart makes When you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday Your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving If you keep on...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 2

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

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Careful What You Wish For

CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR - PART #1 By Joyce Devries, [email protected] ICQ: 26082876 September 2002. Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time. My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you about, after teasing my spouse for many years about how I would love to see her make love to another genetic female, well, here...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 3

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

1 year ago
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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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Careful what you wish for part 2

If you read my first post you know I convinced my gorgeous wife into fucking a friend of ours after l was locked in a chastity device for a full month. I'll pick up where I left off. After Tim had emptied his balls into my brides pussy he got off or her and went to the rest room. I was standing at the foot of our bed with a long stream of clear precum that reached from my chastised dick to the floor. My wife was laying on the bed with her legs wide open, her poor pussy was slightly reddened and...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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Careful What You Wish For

Careful What You Wish ForThe Princess unharness him from the cart and led him unresisting into the stables where she fastened him, by means of his bridal to a stall. Gently she sponged down his naked back, removing the sweat brought about by the strenuous ride he had given her though the Autumn countryside. Attending to his flanks she noticed that he had developed an erection. She pretended to punished him by giving him a playfull little pat on the bottom then preceded to undo the buttons...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

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Careful What You Wish For

Careful what you wish for (This is my first story. It is true and happened to me. It is the reason how I got interested in the TG scene.) One night a few years ago in the middle of October I was feeling really horny. It was a friday night and I needed to hook up with a hot girl. I decided to call an escort service. As I was looking at a few different sites I noticed they offered domination services. I was a natural submissive but could never find a girlfriend who would dominate...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatimas Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 7 Whateley Fan Fiction

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Be Careful What You Wish For2

Ok so you have the picture - how did I get there? I was depressed after being jilted at the alter –My man had run off with his best man – how humiliating is that – I felt used and useless. I couldn't believe I had been so humiliated and wanted to have anonymous sex so I could somehow act out how I was feeling inside. I had been chatting to this guy for ages and decided I would ask him to fuck me but I wanted it dirty and I didn't want to see him - I just wanted to feel incredibly...

4 years ago
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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Watch what you wish for0

I’ve been with the same woman for ten years now and we have a great sex life. But recently I have been thinking back on the days of when I use to suck Mike’s dick, and it makes me horny. So I decided to tell Tammy about that part of my life, and she told me I should find a dick to suck on and get my fill of it. This way I could get those feelings out of the way so that her and I could move on in our relationship. I felt that was a great idea. Since I don’t know anyone I can blow, Tammy...

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Be Careful What You Wish For1

Mistress Jacqueline was due to arrive any minute, Mike had laid out all his toys in the living room, making sure they were all easily visible, and accessible as instructed. He was also naked, except for a black leather collar and a cb6000 complete with the numbered, tamper evident lock that Mistress had instructed him to use over a week before. Mikes instructions regarding Mistress Jacqueline's arrival were a little open to interpretation. He was to be kneeling at the door when she...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 4 and 5 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

3 years ago
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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

1 year ago
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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

3 years ago
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Wishbone Along Came Jacki

Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...

2 years ago
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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

2 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

3 years ago
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Careful What You Wish For Part 1

Emily Larson sat at her desk in her white blouse and sharp, steel blue business suit of matching blazer and skirt, a folder containing a new legal brief in her lap, gazing out the window of her elegantly-appointed office.  The late afternoon summer’s sun angled across her oak desk and bathed the room in a soft glow.  A beautiful bouquet of flowers – yellow roses, blue irises, and red roses – a recently delivered gift of her husband, sat in a glass vase atop her desk.  In the glow of afternoon...

4 years ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...

2 years ago
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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

3 years ago
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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

1 year ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 14 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

1 year ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 17 Whateley Fan Fiction

My apologies for the long delay! Here is the next chapter. With luck I'll be able to get another chapter posted this next week. I have some real world problems that may prevent that, but hopefully won't! This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction,...

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