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Mientras me arrodillaba frente a aquel hombre mayor que estaba totalmente borracho y lleno de lujuria, record? las palabras de Nick, aquellas con las que me convenci? de hacer este trabajo: "Vamos, siempre has dicho que eres un gran actor y que puedes hacer cualquier papel". Hab?an sido dichas hac?a unas 48 horas y ahora, si este hombre no ca?a redondo enseguida, me enfrentaba a mi mejor impostura, mi mayor actuaci?n, pero no en una obra de teatro o en un largometraje, si no en la pu?etera vida real. Le mir? a la embrutecida cara como pidiendo clemencia. ?l me mir?. -Vamos, puta, chup?mela de una jodida vez- fueron las palabras que salieron de su asquerosa boca. Alc? unas manos con las u?as pintadas de rojo que no parec?an las m?as y comenc? a desabrocharle la cremallera del pantal?n. Dentro vi unos calzoncillos blancos ligeramente manchados o bien de restos de meada o bien de semen. Met? la mano derecha dentro y extraje una peque?a polla de unos 10 cent?metros y aquella visi?n me produjo un imprevisto ataque de risa. Que un hombret?n que med?a un metro y noventa cent?metros y pesaba m?s de 100 kilos tuviera una polla tan peque?a me sorprendi? tanto que la risa me sal?a destensionada, sin forzarla. Aquella risa me oblig? a levantarme y a caminar hacia atr?s sobre los altos tacones de mis botas de cuero negro. El hombre se levant? de la cama y guard?ndose su "cosita", se dirigi? a m? con la mano derecha levantada. -?De qu? co?o te r?es, puta? Sab?a que me iba a pegar una ostia pero la risa me imped?a reaccionar, solamente pod?a echarme hacia atr?s para impedir que el golpe me diera de lleno. ?l vino tambale?ndose hacia m? y yo me alej? encogi?ndome de la risa y caminando hacia atr?s y cuando descarg? el golpe con su pu?o derecho, me gir? a la derecha, dio en el vaci? y cay? redondo al suelo haciendo un gran estruendo, digno de un elefante. Aquel sonido me congel? la risa. De repente, todo era silencio en aquella suite del hotel Meridiano. Ninguno de los nos movimos: ?l porque despu?s de ese golpe contra el suelo, no pod?a hacerlo; y yo, expectante, a ver si era cierto que no se mov?a m?s. Los segundos parec?an una eternidad y al cabo, cuando observ? que ni siquiera jadeaba, me tem? lo peor. Alc? la cara del hombre y ten?a sangre en la nariz, seguramente se la hab?a roto al caerse. Me incorpor? r?pidamente y me ech? en un c?modo sof? de cuero que hab?a junto al hombre. Intent? relajarme mientras segu?a observando ese corpach?n inm?vil tirado en el suelo de la suite. Me levant? a coger el bolso y llam? a Nick. -Ya era hora, cielo- fue su contestaci?n. -Ven r?pidamente aqu?. Ha habido un problema- le dije. -?Qu? ha pasado? -Nick, ven de una puta vez aqu?. Lo ver?s t? mismo. Colgu? y me dirig? al ba?o. Estaba hecho un desastre. Todo sudoroso y con la blusa blanca arrugada. Mi cara era un poema con el maquillaje corrido. Me temblaban las manos y no dejaba de taconear en el suelo de lo nervioso que estaba. Me lav? un poco la cara y no me volv? a maquillar. Me arregl? la blusa y sal? del ba?o. En ese momento, escuch? un forcejeo en la puerta. Era Nick. -?Qu? co?o ha... ostia, que hace en el puto suelo?- dijo Nick al entrar. -Parece que est? muerto. -Y te quedas ah? tan tranquilo. -No ha salido nada bien. Las pastillas tardaron mucho tiempo en hacer el efecto y el tipo se estaba poniendo cachondo. Luego... Le cont? a Nick todo lo que hab?a pasado en la habitaci?n en la ?ltima media hora. ?l escuch? atentamente. -Mira, tal y como yo lo veo, lo mejor que podemos hacer es coger el malet?n y largarnos cuanto antes. Por lo que sabemos, puede que est? as? por el efecto de las pastillas. Y nadie muere por sangrar un poco por la nariz. As? que, ?d?nde est? el malet?n? -Est? escondido en un armario peque?o que hay dentro del ba?o. Nick, creo que deber?amos llamar a una ambulancia para ayudar a este hombre. -Est? bien. Coge el malet?n y cuando estemos a salvo te dejar? que llames a la ambulancia o a qui?n quieras. Y, por Dios, maqu?llate. ?Has visto el aspecto que tienes? Fui al ba?o y saqu? las pinturas del bolso. Me pint? los ojos y los labios, me arregl? el pelo y me perfum?. Luego, cog? el malet?n y regres? a la suite. -?Lo has abierto?- pregunt? Nick. -No. Lo puse en la cama y abr? el malet?n. All? dentro estaba lo que busc?bamos: un mill?n de euros en billetes sin marcar, cortes?a de Mr. Penrose, presidente ejecutivo de una de las empresas financieras m?s importantes de Europa. El mismo hombre que estaba tumbado de cara en el suelo de esta suite del hotel m?s caro de Bruselas. ?Muerto o vivo?, eso no lo sab?amos todav?a. -Perfecto, ya es nuestro. Vamos, nena, ponte la chaqueta que nos vamos. -No me llames nena. -Yo no veo m?s que una preciosa mujer junto a m?. No supe qu? contestar. Cog? la chaqueta y cediendo el malet?n a Nick, salimos de aquella suite para no volver jam?s. Cogimos el ascensor y nos bajamos en la planta 6, dos por debajo de la suite de Mr. Penrose. Nick abri? la puerta de la habitaci?n 620 y entramos. Y seguimos con el plan tal y como estaba concebido. Una hora despu?s, Nick y yo, Adam, sal?amos de aquella habitaci?n rumbo al aeropuerto y a Madrid, desde donde viajar?amos a R?o de Janeiro. De camino al aeropuerto, llam? al hotel para informar de que Mr. Penrose hab?a sufrido un accidente y se encontraba tirado en el suelo de su suite. Luego tir? el m?vil por la ventanilla del taxi. Lo que no me esperaba era la jugarreta que Nick me ten?a preparada. Cuando me dio mi billete, ni lo mir?, lo cog? y me lo met? en el bolsillo de mi chaqueta. Al llegar al control de pasajeros, la mujer polic?a que estaba mirando mi billete me dijo que la acompa?ara, "es un momento, nada m?s". Mir? a Nick, que ya hab?a pasado, y me hizo un gesto como dando a entender que no ser?a nada. Acompa?? a la polic?a a una habitaci?n y all? me solt? lo que suced?a. -Se?or, su billete es falso. -No puede ser. Lo compr?...- y luego pens? en que Nick me la hab?a jugado. -?D?nde compr? este billete? Sab?a que si dec?a la verdad, la polic?a podr?a relacionarme con el atraco a Mr. Penrose, as? que opt? por decir una mentira para salir de all? r?pido y ya encontrar?a el modo de devolv?rsela a Nick, el muy cabr?n. -Es cierto, me ha pillado. Us? un billete antiguo, lo escane? y puse los datos nuevos. Supongo que... -Tiene que pagar una multa de 1.000 euros y podr? irse. Dos meses despu?s, me encontraba en una habitaci?n de un hotel situado en el centro financiero de Bruselas, cerca de las oficinas de Penrose Investment, la agencia financiera de Robert Penrose, el mismo hombre al que robamos un mill?n de euros y dejamos tirado en la alfombra de su lujosa suite del Hotel Meridiano. Tras lo sucedido en el aeropuerto, hab?a meditado con serenidad mis siguientes pasos. Hab?a pagado aquella multa y mientras abandonaba el aeropuerto en un taxi, me jur? que alg?n d?a me vengar?a del cabr?n de Nick. Eran las doce y media y estaba en calzoncillos, sentado ante una mesa y con un ordenador port?til delante de mis ojos. Cog? el tel?fono m?vil y marqu? el n?mero de Mr Penrose. Una voz femenina y agradable me pregunt? que quer?a. -Me gustar?a hablar con el se?or Penrose. Tengo una propuesta financiera que hacerle. -Su nombre es...- pregunt? la joven voz de mujer. -Me llamo Hamilton, Peter Hamilton. Soy un importante hombre de negocios y me gustar?a tener una cita con el se?or Penrose. -De acuerdo, se?or... Hamilton. El se?or Penrose se encuentra reunido ahora mismo. Si me deja su n?mero de tel?fono, le dejar? un aviso para que le llame cuando pueda. -Ok, mi n?mero es 600124586. D?gale que es urgente y que me puede llamar a cualquier hora. Estar? poco tiempo en Bruselas. ?Ha escuchado bien? -S?, se?or Hamilton, no se preocupe. Le mandar? el aviso ahora mismo. Colgu? el tel?fono y abr? un visor de fotos. Delante m?o ten?a una foto de Nick sacada hace unos d?as y por lo que se ve?a, se lo estaba pasando en grande en alg?n club de R?o de Janeiro. A las 4 de la tarde recib? la llamada de la secretar?a de Robert Penrose. Un minuto despu?s habl? con ?l y quedamos en citarnos el d?a siguiente en su despacho. De momento, mi plan empezaba bien. Llegu? puntual a las oficinas, a las nueve de la ma?ana, disfrazado del se?or Hamilton: un hombre ancho y con barriga de unos 50 a?os. Me present? ante la recepci?n y me dijeron que subiera a la planta 15. Al llegar all?, la secretaria de Penrose me pidi? que esperara unos minutos mientras su jefe pon?a en orden los asuntos del d?a. Al cabo de un cuarto de hora, el propio Penrose sali? a recibirme. -Mi querido se?or... Hamilton.- dijo con voz afable y como si me conociera de toda la vida. Los negocios son los negocios. -Peter, Peter Hamilton, se?or Penrose. Nos dimos la mano y entramos en su amplio y moderno despacho en el que hab?a un sofa de cuero m?s caro que un viaje en avi?n de costa a costa y donde se ense?oreaba un cuadro de Picasso, no s? si real o aut?ntico. Me indic? que me sentara en un sill?n y ?l se sent? en el sof?. -?Quiere tomar algo? -No acostumbro a beber tan temprano. -Oh, vamos, no me refer?a a eso. Puedo decirle a la secretaria que nos traiga unos caf?s. -Est? bien, un caf? me ir? bien. Solo y con az?car. -Perfecto. Yo tomar? uno igual. Mientras hac?a el pedido a la secretaria, observ? que ten?a una marca en el puente de la nariz. Por lo dem?s, no parec?a tener ninguna secuela m?s de nuestra anterior cita. -Bien, se?or Hamilton, ?a qu? debo el honor de esta visita? -Bueno, ser? franco con usted. S? que hace unos dos meses tuvo un incidente en el Hotel Meridiano y que le robaron cierta cantidad de dinero y ... - observ? que se estaba quedando l?vido. -?C?mo sabe usted eso?- dijo con cierta tirantez. -Tengo mis fuentes. No he venido para chantajearle ni nada parecido. S?lo quiero ayudarle a recuperar su dinero. -Vaya, ?qu? es usted, un samaritano? -No exactamente. Simplemente soy un hombre que busca venganza. S? qui?n le rob? el dinero y d?nde est?. -Ya, aquella maldita puta rubia, no. ?C?mo me enga?? la muy jodida! -Bueno, ella no tiene nada que ver con el asunto. Me mir? incr?dulo pero con el ?nimo interesado. -?Ah no?, ?y qui?n fue entonces? Abr? el malet?n y extraje la fotograf?a de Nick. Se la pas? y aprovech? para tomar un sorbo del soberbio caf? solo que hab?a tra?do la secretar?a. -Qui?n es este tipo?- dijo Penrose sin apartar la vista de la fotograf?a. -Es Nick Jansen, el hombre que le rob? el mill?n de euros, y como puede observar, est? disfrutando de esa pasta a lo grande. -Bah, no tiene estilo... malgastarlo con unas putas brasile?as.- dijo en tono de reproche. -?Y usted qu? quiere a cambio, se?or Hamilton? -Yo quiero venganza. A m? tambi?n me rob? este hombre. --------- Continuar? --------------

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Bonding From Office To Bed 8211 Part 3

Hey guys, this is Jeeva here with the continuation of my previous story. In the previous part, she said you will be having a surprise on my birthday (i.e. on her birthday) at that time she was carrying. She called me a day before her birthday. “I need to come to you and need to talk to you,” I said ok, the story continues as below. We met at a coffee shop on her birthday. She was quite upset I was asking her questions. But she was not replying to any of my questions. I was furious about why she...

1 year ago
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BimBim Squirt

Alright, you watersport-loving fucks. Oh, don’t make that face. Piss. Not piss. I don’t fucking care what it is. I’m not here to argue this with cucks who don’t know a thing about the female anatomy. Hell, most of you would get lost trying to find a slut’s fucking clit. All I know is that you sex-starved cucks go fucking crazy for bitches who can shoot sprays of squirt across a damn room when they orgasm. And, hey, there isn’t a damn thing wrong with that. If you’re a horny bastard who wants...

Live Squirt Cams
3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 329

These are compliments of mario_mario The policeman approaches the driver's door. "Is there a problem, Officer?" The policeman says, "Sir, you were speeding. Can I see your license please?" The driver responds, "I'd give it to you but I don't have one." "You don't have one?" The man responds, "I lost it four times for drunk driving." The policeman is shocked. "I see. Can I see your vehicle registration papers please?" "I'm sorry, I can't do that." The policeman...

4 years ago
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I sit alone in the dark except for th flicker of a TV. My wife (sometimes its my wife and sometimes it my girlfriend when I imagine it) had been out for almost and hour. Her only instructions, "Don't play with your cock when I leave. I want that cum for myself." As soon she left. I immediately strip and turn on some porn. I can get off to anything and everything. I guess its a sign that I am either extremely one minded or simply perfectly perverse. I like to think I am date perfectly...

4 years ago
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Touch Me

I remember your touch. I remember your kisses. When you still meant them. It's different now. Like fucking me is a chore. I don't feel you love me. Not anymore. I just want you to kiss me softly, deeply. I want to feel your hands on my ribs, sliding up to stroke my breasts.'s been so long. I am naked, and have just shaved my hot, tight slit. I want you to lick me, to suck my clit, to tongue fuck my wet cunt. I want to feel you hot and hard inside me, pushing me over the edge,...

4 years ago
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Cheating Has ConsequencesChapter 2

It had been about 2 weeks since I caught Hannah trying to cheat her way through school and had my way with her. She had pretty much ignored me since. Which worked for me since the less she was around, the less mess there was around the house! I did catch her checking me out here and there when she was around. Normally I sleep in the nude so in the mornings, I just throw on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt and I had caught her more than once surreptitiously checking out my bulge. Damn those...

3 years ago
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Feel Your Skin

Dr. Amanda Ledgard stood in the lab with her notepad and pen. She was a brilliant doctor who was highly respected in the medical and scientific community. She observed the patient, a naked male, who was her test subject for the afternoon. A small cylindrical device was placed over his fully erect penis. Buttons were pushed and within moments he began to moan. A few more moments passed and he withered in pain & pleasure. It wasn’t long before his knees buckled and he nearly collapsed. His...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 208 Duckling Lunch

Thursday, May 12, 2005 Ava was sound asleep when I woke, so I used a dim light blob positioned where Ava couldn't see the blob itself if she woke. I climbed out over top of Julia, then positioned the blob in front of my chest while I grabbed a robe and went to have my first breakfast. Study was another nicely productive session, until three naked girls walked in. Productivity took a bit of a nosedive then. After all the girls had their turn on my lap, with appropriate greetings in each...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 313 How may I serve you

I never thought about being a waiter. I invited them, so I guess I have to feed them too. I started with appetizers. I went to the back to find one of the computers and found it unlocked, which was good because I didn’t need to try to find a way to hack it. I didn’t know the table numbers, so I had to go up to the front to get it off the stand. I quickly entered the appetizer orders. The staff in the back aren’t questioning the order coming in, so that is cool. I went back to get what they...

4 years ago
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Sasur Ne Pyas Bhuzai

By: Soniya10786 Hi friends main kafi dino se soch rahi the apni sex life ke bare main kuch likhu par mauka he nahi lagata tha ye meri pahali story hai ager koi galti ho to mujhe maf ker dijiyaga. Mera nam soniya hai mujhe pyar se log soni bhe kahate hai main apni tarif khud kya karu mera figer 32-28-34 hai mujhe dakh ker ladke aahe bharte hai main ek shadi shuda aurat hu shadi ke bad meri sex life bahut aachi chal rahi the mere pati roj mere sath sex karte the Ek bar unhe office ke kam se ek...

2 years ago
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harry potter Pansy punishes ginny

She stalks the corridors long after dark, prefect badge shining dully on her chest in the moonlight that spills through high windows. No cloak covers the crisp white shirt of her uniform; she refuses to admit vulnerability, even to the chilly night air. Her skirt dances around pale thighs as she moves, lithe, catlike. Dark eyes glisten as she spots her prey. She follows the gangly redhead in silence until she gets close enough to push Ginny's back against the wall. "Out after dark,...

3 years ago
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Best Sex Chandhini And Macho Male Maid

Hey, my name is Chandhini and I am a homemaker, 25 years, we live in Surat. I am married to my husband for just 13 months and we are from Bangalore, India. My husband works for a software company and he is the general manager, he travels all around the world for his work and he stays in India only for about 2 weeks. Our sex life has been decent considering that I do not get to sleep with him that much but whatever we have is satisfying and does not let me down. We live in a bungalow and we have...

2 years ago
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ChessChapter 10

Susan Demoine’s report that the evening had been a roaring success made the others keener to take their place in the queue. Jerry even got new glasses for the experience. They still had quite thick lenses, but the frames looked less like goggles and she felt herself to be more attractive. Woody was beginning to get the hang of this stuff. His parents went off for a couple of days and the game was set. He decided they would try something different. When she arrived promptly at 6pm on the...

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Mrs Steel

During my last year of High School my father had taken on a new job that required we move. I wasn't any too happy about it, wanting to finish out my senior year with friends and activities that I was involved with. But there was no way around it, and I reluctantly remained with my family as we moved several hundred miles away to our new home and a new way of life. Though our family had "moved-up" as they say, those first few weeks into summer before the start of the new school year were...

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April Chapter Two

The next morning, after April left for school, I went to make our bed. Jake came to the doorway and leaned against the frame as he took a sip of coffee. ‘I can’t do it,’ he said. I finished smoothing out the comforter and then took a seat on the bed. ‘Are you talking about her or the car?’ He took another sip. ‘Her. But I gave you my word, I would help her get a used car.’ I was disappointed. ‘I see.’ “Yesterday, you made it clear to me how you felt.” He leaned off the frame and walked into...

3 years ago
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The Making of Tojere

Send comments to [email protected] thank you ?Man was I tired and disorientated this morning.? Stated Mike to his girlfriend Haren, ?WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!? Haren turned quickly towards Mike and froze in disbelief at the unexplained picture that was beginning to focus in front of her. After a minute Mike went to take his morning sabbatical,{shit, shower, and shave}, still in a daze over the earlier oddity that protruded itself into his life(like it or not). While Mike was...

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The Mother Saga Part 14 Off To Our Honeymoon

As this is part of a series, the story is long and request you to read it with patience. I assure you that it will make your dicks hard and pussies wet while reading. Please read all the previous parts of this story if you have not yet read them. Thank you all for your lovely responses to my stories. I am overwhelmed by the lovely responses to this series. I thank all the guys and gals who read through the stories and appreciated their emails. Your love and criticism are accepted and cherished....

1 year ago
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New Life Ch 2Earning some clothes

I had been walking around the house naked deciding what was the best time to earn some clothes so I could go out. I had decided that I would sneak into his room at night and ride his dick until I couldn’t any more. And that could take a while. Around 8:00 PM Mark told me what I would be looking forward to. I looked at the floor as he talked to me. “You can not stay in here forever and eventually you will go somewhere with me so I suggest you earn some clothes fast. You are not allowed to wear...

4 years ago
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Molly allowed the newly engaged couples in each other’s room, provided the door was left open. It was the meal to end all meals. You never saw so much food since the last meal in the main hall of Hogwarts. At one of Harrys last trips to Hogsmeade before the shit hit the fan, Hermione taught him a spell that he used: ‘Butterefriigorisus Beermenti’ which put an ice cold Non-alcoholic Butterbeer besides everyone’s plate. “Now that is a bloody amazing spell,” George said. He repeated what he...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 35

When we finished the Pizza dinner it was after 7PM. I wanted to go out alone, so I said to Royce. "Royce I have been in that hospital, or whatever the fancy term is for that place for 6 months. I want to go party." "My haven't you gotten brave," he said with a grin. "I suppose I have. Royce do not take offense at this, but I want to go out alone. I know you are my bodyguard and everything, but I'm pretty sure the danger has passed," I said. "I'm not sure at all, so let's make a...

3 years ago
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I love Being a Slut with Strangers

1.) Male Fleshlight versus real pussyI was browsing through the nude dares photos and even as a girl myself, I found them exciting, more for the men looking at them, than myself, although I must admit, I do love looking at girls showing themselves, something I and my friends have done plenty off, through the years, there is just something about revealing yourself like that, as if baring your inner soul and leaving yourself vulnerable to men's intentions, we girls all looked at our brothers...

2 years ago
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WebYoung Jillian Janson Scarlett Mae Teen Sleuth

Scarlett Mae is at school, hurrying through the empty hallway, worried about being late for class. Suddenly, Scarlett stops when she sees a piece of paper on the floor. She picks it up and is shocked that it’s a photocopy of someone’s pussy. She tries to laugh it off, saying SOMEONE’S going to be embarrassed that they dropped that. Scarlett continues to her locker but slows down when she sees another photocopy of the same pussy taped pointedly on a wall.’Hey, THIS was no...

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Star Wars Revenge of the Sith completed

This is a story I began on another (much worse) choose-your-own-adult-adventure site. I've transferred and expanded it here. If you enjoy it, please add it to your favorites or leave some likes on the chapters. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker has just killed Mace Windu and pledged his allegiance to the secret Dark Lord of the Sith, Sidious. He has been given a mission, and a new name...Darth Vader. Play through his transformation to the Dark Side and his dark urges. The figure before you,...

4 years ago
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Your a Horse

Introduction: boy meets unicorn, boy sucks unicorn titties,boy is unicorn, boy fucks unicorn. I was walking through the woods not a year ago, just behind my Uncles house. It was dark out, just after dusk, but I felt unafraid. I knew these woods, and there was nothing in them more threatening than a fox, so I continued down to my spot down by the creek where I go to when I want to think. Sometimes Ill even sleep down there. I reached the flat rock that was buried flush with the ground right up...

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Ammu8217s Family Sex Story 8211 Part 2

I am continuing my story. In this, you can see how we moved to the next level by becoming a nudist family. As you have read in my earlier story, our daddy became bolder day by day and started flashing his dick more. One day Rekha and I were sitting in the hall, and mom was cooking in the kitchen. We can see the kitchen from the hall. Daddy became bolder. He went to the kitchen, lifted Mom’s saree, and petticoat up. I started rubbing his penis on mom ass. He was playing with mom boobs at the...

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Ben Nancy Ch 03

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben drove home after school and found himself looking forward to Evelyn’s promised visit with anticipation and growing excitement. When he got home, he paced back and forth in his kitchen, anxiously awaiting her arrival. When he heard a car stop outside, he raced to the window. His heart began to pound while he watched her get out of her car and start walking up the walk toward his apartment building. She looked so desirable his breath caught in his...

2 years ago
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Wife hosts a dinner party for people from work and ends up going home with her husband8217s boss

The owner of my company, along with the all of our sales management were in town for group sales meeting for the week so we decided to host a dinner party. I am in my late 30s and my wife, Kim, is in her early 30s and she loves to entertain and loves to flirt with the bosses. My wife sent the kids to the grandparents for the weekend. The group was my boss, his boss, the VP of sales and the owner of the company. My wife had only met the owner once briefly and she definitely thought he was hot....

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Missys Diary

Missy has no morals or boundaries when it comes to sex. Missy`s Diary This is about Missy. A sex charged young lady much like myself. Actually it is about me. Enjoy. I hope it makes you as hot as I am writing it. Vote and comment. I`ll start by giving a brief description of me. Missy is 19. 5’3” 5’6” with heels which she is seldom without. She has dirty blonde hair that is cut around her jaw bone accentuating her long slender neck. Big blue eyes, full lips that curve...


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