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Mientras me arrodillaba frente a aquel hombre mayor que estaba totalmente borracho y lleno de lujuria, record? las palabras de Nick, aquellas con las que me convenci? de hacer este trabajo: "Vamos, siempre has dicho que eres un gran actor y que puedes hacer cualquier papel". Hab?an sido dichas hac?a unas 48 horas y ahora, si este hombre no ca?a redondo enseguida, me enfrentaba a mi mejor impostura, mi mayor actuaci?n, pero no en una obra de teatro o en un largometraje, si no en la pu?etera vida real. Le mir? a la embrutecida cara como pidiendo clemencia. ?l me mir?. -Vamos, puta, chup?mela de una jodida vez- fueron las palabras que salieron de su asquerosa boca. Alc? unas manos con las u?as pintadas de rojo que no parec?an las m?as y comenc? a desabrocharle la cremallera del pantal?n. Dentro vi unos calzoncillos blancos ligeramente manchados o bien de restos de meada o bien de semen. Met? la mano derecha dentro y extraje una peque?a polla de unos 10 cent?metros y aquella visi?n me produjo un imprevisto ataque de risa. Que un hombret?n que med?a un metro y noventa cent?metros y pesaba m?s de 100 kilos tuviera una polla tan peque?a me sorprendi? tanto que la risa me sal?a destensionada, sin forzarla. Aquella risa me oblig? a levantarme y a caminar hacia atr?s sobre los altos tacones de mis botas de cuero negro. El hombre se levant? de la cama y guard?ndose su "cosita", se dirigi? a m? con la mano derecha levantada. -?De qu? co?o te r?es, puta? Sab?a que me iba a pegar una ostia pero la risa me imped?a reaccionar, solamente pod?a echarme hacia atr?s para impedir que el golpe me diera de lleno. ?l vino tambale?ndose hacia m? y yo me alej? encogi?ndome de la risa y caminando hacia atr?s y cuando descarg? el golpe con su pu?o derecho, me gir? a la derecha, dio en el vaci? y cay? redondo al suelo haciendo un gran estruendo, digno de un elefante. Aquel sonido me congel? la risa. De repente, todo era silencio en aquella suite del hotel Meridiano. Ninguno de los nos movimos: ?l porque despu?s de ese golpe contra el suelo, no pod?a hacerlo; y yo, expectante, a ver si era cierto que no se mov?a m?s. Los segundos parec?an una eternidad y al cabo, cuando observ? que ni siquiera jadeaba, me tem? lo peor. Alc? la cara del hombre y ten?a sangre en la nariz, seguramente se la hab?a roto al caerse. Me incorpor? r?pidamente y me ech? en un c?modo sof? de cuero que hab?a junto al hombre. Intent? relajarme mientras segu?a observando ese corpach?n inm?vil tirado en el suelo de la suite. Me levant? a coger el bolso y llam? a Nick. -Ya era hora, cielo- fue su contestaci?n. -Ven r?pidamente aqu?. Ha habido un problema- le dije. -?Qu? ha pasado? -Nick, ven de una puta vez aqu?. Lo ver?s t? mismo. Colgu? y me dirig? al ba?o. Estaba hecho un desastre. Todo sudoroso y con la blusa blanca arrugada. Mi cara era un poema con el maquillaje corrido. Me temblaban las manos y no dejaba de taconear en el suelo de lo nervioso que estaba. Me lav? un poco la cara y no me volv? a maquillar. Me arregl? la blusa y sal? del ba?o. En ese momento, escuch? un forcejeo en la puerta. Era Nick. -?Qu? co?o ha... ostia, que hace en el puto suelo?- dijo Nick al entrar. -Parece que est? muerto. -Y te quedas ah? tan tranquilo. -No ha salido nada bien. Las pastillas tardaron mucho tiempo en hacer el efecto y el tipo se estaba poniendo cachondo. Luego... Le cont? a Nick todo lo que hab?a pasado en la habitaci?n en la ?ltima media hora. ?l escuch? atentamente. -Mira, tal y como yo lo veo, lo mejor que podemos hacer es coger el malet?n y largarnos cuanto antes. Por lo que sabemos, puede que est? as? por el efecto de las pastillas. Y nadie muere por sangrar un poco por la nariz. As? que, ?d?nde est? el malet?n? -Est? escondido en un armario peque?o que hay dentro del ba?o. Nick, creo que deber?amos llamar a una ambulancia para ayudar a este hombre. -Est? bien. Coge el malet?n y cuando estemos a salvo te dejar? que llames a la ambulancia o a qui?n quieras. Y, por Dios, maqu?llate. ?Has visto el aspecto que tienes? Fui al ba?o y saqu? las pinturas del bolso. Me pint? los ojos y los labios, me arregl? el pelo y me perfum?. Luego, cog? el malet?n y regres? a la suite. -?Lo has abierto?- pregunt? Nick. -No. Lo puse en la cama y abr? el malet?n. All? dentro estaba lo que busc?bamos: un mill?n de euros en billetes sin marcar, cortes?a de Mr. Penrose, presidente ejecutivo de una de las empresas financieras m?s importantes de Europa. El mismo hombre que estaba tumbado de cara en el suelo de esta suite del hotel m?s caro de Bruselas. ?Muerto o vivo?, eso no lo sab?amos todav?a. -Perfecto, ya es nuestro. Vamos, nena, ponte la chaqueta que nos vamos. -No me llames nena. -Yo no veo m?s que una preciosa mujer junto a m?. No supe qu? contestar. Cog? la chaqueta y cediendo el malet?n a Nick, salimos de aquella suite para no volver jam?s. Cogimos el ascensor y nos bajamos en la planta 6, dos por debajo de la suite de Mr. Penrose. Nick abri? la puerta de la habitaci?n 620 y entramos. Y seguimos con el plan tal y como estaba concebido. Una hora despu?s, Nick y yo, Adam, sal?amos de aquella habitaci?n rumbo al aeropuerto y a Madrid, desde donde viajar?amos a R?o de Janeiro. De camino al aeropuerto, llam? al hotel para informar de que Mr. Penrose hab?a sufrido un accidente y se encontraba tirado en el suelo de su suite. Luego tir? el m?vil por la ventanilla del taxi. Lo que no me esperaba era la jugarreta que Nick me ten?a preparada. Cuando me dio mi billete, ni lo mir?, lo cog? y me lo met? en el bolsillo de mi chaqueta. Al llegar al control de pasajeros, la mujer polic?a que estaba mirando mi billete me dijo que la acompa?ara, "es un momento, nada m?s". Mir? a Nick, que ya hab?a pasado, y me hizo un gesto como dando a entender que no ser?a nada. Acompa?? a la polic?a a una habitaci?n y all? me solt? lo que suced?a. -Se?or, su billete es falso. -No puede ser. Lo compr?...- y luego pens? en que Nick me la hab?a jugado. -?D?nde compr? este billete? Sab?a que si dec?a la verdad, la polic?a podr?a relacionarme con el atraco a Mr. Penrose, as? que opt? por decir una mentira para salir de all? r?pido y ya encontrar?a el modo de devolv?rsela a Nick, el muy cabr?n. -Es cierto, me ha pillado. Us? un billete antiguo, lo escane? y puse los datos nuevos. Supongo que... -Tiene que pagar una multa de 1.000 euros y podr? irse. Dos meses despu?s, me encontraba en una habitaci?n de un hotel situado en el centro financiero de Bruselas, cerca de las oficinas de Penrose Investment, la agencia financiera de Robert Penrose, el mismo hombre al que robamos un mill?n de euros y dejamos tirado en la alfombra de su lujosa suite del Hotel Meridiano. Tras lo sucedido en el aeropuerto, hab?a meditado con serenidad mis siguientes pasos. Hab?a pagado aquella multa y mientras abandonaba el aeropuerto en un taxi, me jur? que alg?n d?a me vengar?a del cabr?n de Nick. Eran las doce y media y estaba en calzoncillos, sentado ante una mesa y con un ordenador port?til delante de mis ojos. Cog? el tel?fono m?vil y marqu? el n?mero de Mr Penrose. Una voz femenina y agradable me pregunt? que quer?a. -Me gustar?a hablar con el se?or Penrose. Tengo una propuesta financiera que hacerle. -Su nombre es...- pregunt? la joven voz de mujer. -Me llamo Hamilton, Peter Hamilton. Soy un importante hombre de negocios y me gustar?a tener una cita con el se?or Penrose. -De acuerdo, se?or... Hamilton. El se?or Penrose se encuentra reunido ahora mismo. Si me deja su n?mero de tel?fono, le dejar? un aviso para que le llame cuando pueda. -Ok, mi n?mero es 600124586. D?gale que es urgente y que me puede llamar a cualquier hora. Estar? poco tiempo en Bruselas. ?Ha escuchado bien? -S?, se?or Hamilton, no se preocupe. Le mandar? el aviso ahora mismo. Colgu? el tel?fono y abr? un visor de fotos. Delante m?o ten?a una foto de Nick sacada hace unos d?as y por lo que se ve?a, se lo estaba pasando en grande en alg?n club de R?o de Janeiro. A las 4 de la tarde recib? la llamada de la secretar?a de Robert Penrose. Un minuto despu?s habl? con ?l y quedamos en citarnos el d?a siguiente en su despacho. De momento, mi plan empezaba bien. Llegu? puntual a las oficinas, a las nueve de la ma?ana, disfrazado del se?or Hamilton: un hombre ancho y con barriga de unos 50 a?os. Me present? ante la recepci?n y me dijeron que subiera a la planta 15. Al llegar all?, la secretaria de Penrose me pidi? que esperara unos minutos mientras su jefe pon?a en orden los asuntos del d?a. Al cabo de un cuarto de hora, el propio Penrose sali? a recibirme. -Mi querido se?or... Hamilton.- dijo con voz afable y como si me conociera de toda la vida. Los negocios son los negocios. -Peter, Peter Hamilton, se?or Penrose. Nos dimos la mano y entramos en su amplio y moderno despacho en el que hab?a un sofa de cuero m?s caro que un viaje en avi?n de costa a costa y donde se ense?oreaba un cuadro de Picasso, no s? si real o aut?ntico. Me indic? que me sentara en un sill?n y ?l se sent? en el sof?. -?Quiere tomar algo? -No acostumbro a beber tan temprano. -Oh, vamos, no me refer?a a eso. Puedo decirle a la secretaria que nos traiga unos caf?s. -Est? bien, un caf? me ir? bien. Solo y con az?car. -Perfecto. Yo tomar? uno igual. Mientras hac?a el pedido a la secretaria, observ? que ten?a una marca en el puente de la nariz. Por lo dem?s, no parec?a tener ninguna secuela m?s de nuestra anterior cita. -Bien, se?or Hamilton, ?a qu? debo el honor de esta visita? -Bueno, ser? franco con usted. S? que hace unos dos meses tuvo un incidente en el Hotel Meridiano y que le robaron cierta cantidad de dinero y ... - observ? que se estaba quedando l?vido. -?C?mo sabe usted eso?- dijo con cierta tirantez. -Tengo mis fuentes. No he venido para chantajearle ni nada parecido. S?lo quiero ayudarle a recuperar su dinero. -Vaya, ?qu? es usted, un samaritano? -No exactamente. Simplemente soy un hombre que busca venganza. S? qui?n le rob? el dinero y d?nde est?. -Ya, aquella maldita puta rubia, no. ?C?mo me enga?? la muy jodida! -Bueno, ella no tiene nada que ver con el asunto. Me mir? incr?dulo pero con el ?nimo interesado. -?Ah no?, ?y qui?n fue entonces? Abr? el malet?n y extraje la fotograf?a de Nick. Se la pas? y aprovech? para tomar un sorbo del soberbio caf? solo que hab?a tra?do la secretar?a. -Qui?n es este tipo?- dijo Penrose sin apartar la vista de la fotograf?a. -Es Nick Jansen, el hombre que le rob? el mill?n de euros, y como puede observar, est? disfrutando de esa pasta a lo grande. -Bah, no tiene estilo... malgastarlo con unas putas brasile?as.- dijo en tono de reproche. -?Y usted qu? quiere a cambio, se?or Hamilton? -Yo quiero venganza. A m? tambi?n me rob? este hombre. --------- Continuar? --------------

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Housemaid in my 50s

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 7 - FINAL CHAPTER 19 Thursday morning, six months later... I heard the hand bell ringing from the dining room. My Mistress was calling me. I hastily wiped my hands in a tea towel, adjusted my apron and rushed to the front of the house. She was reading her morning paper and finishing her second cup of coffee as I entered. I bobbed automatically and said in a soft voice, "Yes...

4 years ago
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Play time

This is a sequel of sorts to another story I wrote "Perfect Timing" Play timeMy weekend with Kirsty was amazing. It was easily the greatest sex of my life at the time (not that I was massively experienced) but as the saying goes, all good things must come to and end. On the afternoon that Charlie was due to come back, Kirsty sat me down and explained that we wouldn't be able to continue with Charlie around. I reluctantly agreed, Charlie was my best friend and Kirsty's son. The last thing either...

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The ImamChapter 9

KHOZEM GOES HOME 17th of Jumaada al-awal 1417 (September 30, 1996) On the day Rashida left, Khozem received a call from his mother asking him to Mecca. She said his father desperately needed to speak with him. Khozem chose not to question his mother. She urged him with an unbridled enthusiasm to make haste from Cairo as soon as he had finished judging the students. Khozem packed his belongings, which included three pairs of white pants and kurtas, two formal skull caps, and his favorite...

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XMen Hellfire

Hellfire. A name well known around America. Essentially a strip joint, but there are added perks if you're a senior member. Just like I have finally become. 3 years, I've waited, but I'm happy to say today's the day. I've finally joined the Hellfire club's inner circle. As a reward for joining, they offer me one of their "junior members," so to speak. Sebastian Shaw, the Club's leader, opens two doors on either side of the room with the push of a button, and I turn to look at the first girl: a...

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Tranny Surprise, aka Trans Harder! Ah, what depraved gentleman hasn’t experienced the ol’ TrannySurprise? You’re out one night trying to get some action and maybe you tie one on a little too tight, but surprise yourself by taking a beautiful woman home anyway. Everything seems normal until, Surprise! She’s got a huge dick to match those monster titties.I’m sorry to ruin the surprise, but you already know from the name that the girls on TrannySurprise are packing at least as much meat as you...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Sex with my cousin sister

Hi I am regular reader of ISS .reading all your stories encouraged me to share my experience with you all Let come to the story. This all happened when I was just 19 years old I had sex with my cousin sister. Let me tell about her she was 21 years old she was very sexy her figure was 36-25-36 with good round ass and boobs . She was engaged and was to marry in two to three month. I stay in pune in a three bedroom flat in every summer vacation my cousin sister use to come to our place for...

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MILF and Daughter

I was going around the grocery store and when I went to turn my cart ran into a woman's cart coming the other way. There was a crash but no damage done. I joked we should send for the police and I made the comment "Women Drivers!" she laughed and said "Typical Male Chauvinist." We split the carts up and continued on our way. when I turned into the second aisle down I about half way down I past the same woman going in the opposite direction. we joked as we past about keeping in our own lanes....

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 64

Flashback – Ben – In Moscow Tatiana started to whine at me, "Ben what do you mean you want another gamburger. You need to be eating the hospital food as it is healthy and nutritious." I laughed at her and added, "You forgot to mention that hospital food is fucking nasty tasting." She played the girlfriend card and asked nicely one too many times, "But Ben, I am your girlfriend and I am asking nicely. Please eat the healthy and nutritious hospital food." I've had my fucking fill of...

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Der Zweite Weltkrieg

Menschen führen Kriege seit sie sich erinnern können. Doch kein Krieg ist mit dem zweiten Weltkrieg in einem Atemzug zu nennen. Ein Krieg der die ganze Welt erschütterte. Vom eisigen Norden Europas bis hin zu den staubigen Steppen Afrikas. Von den unverbrannten weiten Amerikas bis hin nach Asien und Australien. Welche Geschichte, welches Schicksal soll hier erzählt werden?

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Ana uses a black strap on

I was driving home after a hard day at work. It had been also a very hard week at all. I was feeling tired; but horny and excited at the same time. I needed some sexual relief.My cock was aching inside of my trousers; but also my asshole was itching a bit. I was in the mood for a good fuck with my sexy wife; but I wanted Ana to fuck me with any of her sex toys…Once I got home, I kissed Ana passionately and she dragged me to our bedroom. She began undressing quickly, but I told her I wanted to...

3 years ago
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In Submission to a Dominant Force part 6

It seemed to take ages for her to return, I heard the key in the lock and I trembled in fearful apprehension as the door opened. Slowly, over the weeks, she had created an abject fear inside me, yet that fear was mixed with a terrible feeling of weakness. Now, as I heard her opening the door I could only sit there quivering, wondering where my masculinity had gone. The door swung wide open and there she stood, wearing the clear plastic hooded robe that she had tormented me in before. I...

4 years ago
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Office Assistant Next Door

This happened a week ago I am from Pune and a regular reader of ISS and I always wanted to post a story of my own. Finally I am able to do it. This an incident I had with the office assistant who works next door to my office, let me give you a brief background on Shalini and she is a 30 year old divorced woman,darkish complexion and she was not slim or fat but she had big boobs always straining against her dress and also a nice ass. I used to constantly see her and was attracted to her juicy...

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Girls who like balls

I really enjoy my wife because she can give so much pleasure by sucking my balls!She does it in a such way that I've never felt before with any other women, and I've already got so many in my life. Firstly, she licks one of the balls, then she licks the other. After, she keeps on licking from one ball to the other at the bottom of the nut sack. She keeps on circling the tip of her tongue around the balls and starts going from side to side. After that, she goes straight to the bottom and licks...

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Reading is Fun

Gary smiled as he exited the bathroom, noticing Ada had taken advantage of his shower time to begin her nightly reading. The covers were pulled off her side of the bed, but there was nothing to cover her body as she sprawled on the large bed. She was in her usual reading position: lying on her stomach with the book propped open in front of her. The skimpy camisole and tap pants in shiny black satin made for interesting sleeping clothes, though she almost never actually slept in them. The top...

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Corax and Grum Chapter 15

This story cannot be understood without reading part one, so please review that one before reading this. However, if you are happy with the ending of Part 1, it is not required to read this. In my opinion, somethings are better left unsaid. I liked the original story. Well, I wrote it so I should like it, right? But there are always readers who are completionists, and want to see all loose ends tied up. I wrote this in honor of those folks, for whom destroying all versions of the villains...

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Educating Danielle Part 11

Educating Danielle Part Eleven By Karen E. Lea Chapter Fifty The Entrance is a large holiday town, sitting on the entrance to Tuggerah Lake, one hundred kilometres north of Sydney, with the ocean to the east and Tuggerah Lake to the west. Two hours after leaving home, I drove in to the underground security car park, having done some grocery shopping on the way. Pulling in to one of my allotted spaces, I turned the Rover off and slid to the ground. My name...

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Highlander Code DuelloChapter 1

(Note: The story of Deirdre of the Sorrows is part of the Ulster Cycle. She is considered the most tragic heroine in Irish mythology. Of course the song "Bonny Portmore" should be well known to any fan of either the movie or TV versions of "Highlander".) Duncan blinked. "Ah, your daughters?" he asked as casually as he could manage. "Yes," smiled Deirdre. She looked closer at the Highlander and giggled. "Close your mouth Duncan. No one has repealed anything concerning ... us. I'll...

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Wife fills in for Bachelor Party

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

1 year ago
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Every time I’m forced to talk about this goddamn game, I start to convulse. Congratulations, you rat fucks – you managed to find the one porn game that actually makes me uncomfortable by being that depraved. And no, it’s not because there are extreme scenes in it. And no, I don’t mind the violence. Look, if I’m honest, I’ve seen significantly worse shit out there among all kinds of porn games that deal with torture, violence and all kinds of fucked up behavior. I’d like to think that the whole...

Free Sex Games
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Somewhere in Time Sagas A Man of EarthChapter 6

"Your orders are to go with this man. He will take you outside the city walls. He will direct you to a certain man. You are to arrest that man and bring him back here for questioning. Are your orders understood?" General Antonius asked. "Yes, they are," we replied. We exited, along with the Jew, and collected the other eight men. They were well-seasoned fighting men, and I felt I could entrust my life with them. I seemed to be fitting in, and my injury was almost completely healed,...

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Mom Son and the slutty neighbor

Ron was a very good looking and naughty guy who had just celebrated his eighteenth birthday two months ago. Twenty seven years-old Cindy was Ron’s new neighbor. Two months ago she moved in to the big house next door to Ron's, along with her fifty years-old husband. Cindy got married to Mr. Walter a year ago but as Mr. Walter was always busy traveling all over the world for his business, Cindy had to find a cock to fill her pussy. After the gardener, pizza delivery guy and an employee of Mr....

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Three Blackbirds Outside Akeing MiddlesbroughChapter 3

Esther Rampent showered, spotting the tall elegant complex owner pass through to a vacant booth. Hmm! Not you Frances, a bit rumpled and sweaty looking the slim, black, shapely, promotions girl thought, not her usual immaculate self. That towel not exactly concealing all your fabulous old body. It was Esther’s night out that night and the swim and exercise routine she’d completed set her up for a few drinks and boogie in whichever club her and her friends picked out of the one. Yes a stark...

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Tuition Se Terrace Tak Porn

Hi this is luverboy….First story on iss…Time waste na krte hue seeda topic pr…… Bat un dino ki h jab mai 12th mai tha… Sci. Side student. One the best student of my class… All rounder tha mai…..height 5.7 .. 14 ke biceps.Sab acha tha…bt koi gf ni thi…. Padhai ka pressure tha…Maths mai week tha to ghr walo ne tution lgwa di jabardasti…wo b papa ke frnd ke yhaan…Waise to uncle engg. The pr drink krte the… Maine tution jana strt kr diya…Pehle din jab mai pahucha maine dekha ki ek ladka aur ek...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Guests Chapter 2

Lisa and I went inside to check on our guests who lay on our king size bed. Helen and Charles were obviously accustomed to going to bed and getting up early, as they were oblivious to Lisa and me as we crawled into bed. We lay on the bed in each other's arms, stroking each other's back, tenderly kissing. This gradually escalated as my insatiable girlfriend moved her right hand to the front of the gym shorts I wore. As she pushed the shorts from my hips, I gladly helped her. Lisa moved to take...

Group Sex
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Camping with Friends

We were camping up at the lake with some friends. They were nice, little, 2 person, cedar frame cabins, with a small stretch of woods between each one. We had reserved 5 of them on a quiet little cove. On the second night, as we were getting ready to hit the sack, you grabbed your bag and towel, then headed out toward the showers. After about an hour I began to get worried.  Where the Hell did she go? She should be back by now. Hmm, I had better go look. I went first to the showers: No one...

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black homeless camp

Its been so long. Since my moms sisters black husband, uncle Mack. Fucked my pussy. I was use to gettin that huge black cock every weekday after baby sitting there two k**s. super deep too.didn't think I could take it so far! He really fucked me so good that i felt like it was the only time i actually enjoyed sex. I never knew it was possible to have a orgasm from anything other then orally. He is just so fucking long n thick. Dam... so felt so good .he fucked me one day after he...

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The Winston Family Adventures Pt 04

Catherine Winston was a registered nurse working part-time as a floor supervisor on the day shift at the local hospital until her husband; Ben received orders to report for active military duty. Ben is a registered pharmacist and works for a national pharmacy chain. He is also a Captain in the Army Reserve Medical Corp. When he receives orders to report for active duty it creates a big problem for the whole family. His combined military active duty salary and the small supplement the pharmacy...

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USAChapter 17

"Surely you are joking," I said. "We got one each ... both times," she was just a little loud. I nodded, clutching my crotch. "We got THREE this time," she was a bit louder. My balls ached thinking of Vets and fixing a problem. "IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN ... WHAT? ... SIX!?!" The room was invaded by nurses and a couple of cops. "Mr. Valmaat. You have to leave. You're upsetting the mothers," said the head nurse. "What? I'm not the one yelling!" Well ... maybe that time ... just...

4 years ago
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A Threesome Experience With My Roomie And A Project Colleague

Hello everyone, I really appreciate all the guys who gave feedback to me on Gmail,hangouts, and FB. I am a very big fan of ISS. I’ve started reading Indian sex stories from 16. Now am 24 years old working in an MNC.My name is Nisha (not my real name), fair color, 5 feet 3 inches and stats of 32b-24-34. I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Till now, I had a lot of sex experiences which includes FFM, MMF, group, threesome lesbian, group, submission and much more. I used to share this...

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