Venganza free porn video

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Mientras me arrodillaba frente a aquel hombre mayor que estaba totalmente borracho y lleno de lujuria, record? las palabras de Nick, aquellas con las que me convenci? de hacer este trabajo: "Vamos, siempre has dicho que eres un gran actor y que puedes hacer cualquier papel". Hab?an sido dichas hac?a unas 48 horas y ahora, si este hombre no ca?a redondo enseguida, me enfrentaba a mi mejor impostura, mi mayor actuaci?n, pero no en una obra de teatro o en un largometraje, si no en la pu?etera vida real. Le mir? a la embrutecida cara como pidiendo clemencia. ?l me mir?. -Vamos, puta, chup?mela de una jodida vez- fueron las palabras que salieron de su asquerosa boca. Alc? unas manos con las u?as pintadas de rojo que no parec?an las m?as y comenc? a desabrocharle la cremallera del pantal?n. Dentro vi unos calzoncillos blancos ligeramente manchados o bien de restos de meada o bien de semen. Met? la mano derecha dentro y extraje una peque?a polla de unos 10 cent?metros y aquella visi?n me produjo un imprevisto ataque de risa. Que un hombret?n que med?a un metro y noventa cent?metros y pesaba m?s de 100 kilos tuviera una polla tan peque?a me sorprendi? tanto que la risa me sal?a destensionada, sin forzarla. Aquella risa me oblig? a levantarme y a caminar hacia atr?s sobre los altos tacones de mis botas de cuero negro. El hombre se levant? de la cama y guard?ndose su "cosita", se dirigi? a m? con la mano derecha levantada. -?De qu? co?o te r?es, puta? Sab?a que me iba a pegar una ostia pero la risa me imped?a reaccionar, solamente pod?a echarme hacia atr?s para impedir que el golpe me diera de lleno. ?l vino tambale?ndose hacia m? y yo me alej? encogi?ndome de la risa y caminando hacia atr?s y cuando descarg? el golpe con su pu?o derecho, me gir? a la derecha, dio en el vaci? y cay? redondo al suelo haciendo un gran estruendo, digno de un elefante. Aquel sonido me congel? la risa. De repente, todo era silencio en aquella suite del hotel Meridiano. Ninguno de los nos movimos: ?l porque despu?s de ese golpe contra el suelo, no pod?a hacerlo; y yo, expectante, a ver si era cierto que no se mov?a m?s. Los segundos parec?an una eternidad y al cabo, cuando observ? que ni siquiera jadeaba, me tem? lo peor. Alc? la cara del hombre y ten?a sangre en la nariz, seguramente se la hab?a roto al caerse. Me incorpor? r?pidamente y me ech? en un c?modo sof? de cuero que hab?a junto al hombre. Intent? relajarme mientras segu?a observando ese corpach?n inm?vil tirado en el suelo de la suite. Me levant? a coger el bolso y llam? a Nick. -Ya era hora, cielo- fue su contestaci?n. -Ven r?pidamente aqu?. Ha habido un problema- le dije. -?Qu? ha pasado? -Nick, ven de una puta vez aqu?. Lo ver?s t? mismo. Colgu? y me dirig? al ba?o. Estaba hecho un desastre. Todo sudoroso y con la blusa blanca arrugada. Mi cara era un poema con el maquillaje corrido. Me temblaban las manos y no dejaba de taconear en el suelo de lo nervioso que estaba. Me lav? un poco la cara y no me volv? a maquillar. Me arregl? la blusa y sal? del ba?o. En ese momento, escuch? un forcejeo en la puerta. Era Nick. -?Qu? co?o ha... ostia, que hace en el puto suelo?- dijo Nick al entrar. -Parece que est? muerto. -Y te quedas ah? tan tranquilo. -No ha salido nada bien. Las pastillas tardaron mucho tiempo en hacer el efecto y el tipo se estaba poniendo cachondo. Luego... Le cont? a Nick todo lo que hab?a pasado en la habitaci?n en la ?ltima media hora. ?l escuch? atentamente. -Mira, tal y como yo lo veo, lo mejor que podemos hacer es coger el malet?n y largarnos cuanto antes. Por lo que sabemos, puede que est? as? por el efecto de las pastillas. Y nadie muere por sangrar un poco por la nariz. As? que, ?d?nde est? el malet?n? -Est? escondido en un armario peque?o que hay dentro del ba?o. Nick, creo que deber?amos llamar a una ambulancia para ayudar a este hombre. -Est? bien. Coge el malet?n y cuando estemos a salvo te dejar? que llames a la ambulancia o a qui?n quieras. Y, por Dios, maqu?llate. ?Has visto el aspecto que tienes? Fui al ba?o y saqu? las pinturas del bolso. Me pint? los ojos y los labios, me arregl? el pelo y me perfum?. Luego, cog? el malet?n y regres? a la suite. -?Lo has abierto?- pregunt? Nick. -No. Lo puse en la cama y abr? el malet?n. All? dentro estaba lo que busc?bamos: un mill?n de euros en billetes sin marcar, cortes?a de Mr. Penrose, presidente ejecutivo de una de las empresas financieras m?s importantes de Europa. El mismo hombre que estaba tumbado de cara en el suelo de esta suite del hotel m?s caro de Bruselas. ?Muerto o vivo?, eso no lo sab?amos todav?a. -Perfecto, ya es nuestro. Vamos, nena, ponte la chaqueta que nos vamos. -No me llames nena. -Yo no veo m?s que una preciosa mujer junto a m?. No supe qu? contestar. Cog? la chaqueta y cediendo el malet?n a Nick, salimos de aquella suite para no volver jam?s. Cogimos el ascensor y nos bajamos en la planta 6, dos por debajo de la suite de Mr. Penrose. Nick abri? la puerta de la habitaci?n 620 y entramos. Y seguimos con el plan tal y como estaba concebido. Una hora despu?s, Nick y yo, Adam, sal?amos de aquella habitaci?n rumbo al aeropuerto y a Madrid, desde donde viajar?amos a R?o de Janeiro. De camino al aeropuerto, llam? al hotel para informar de que Mr. Penrose hab?a sufrido un accidente y se encontraba tirado en el suelo de su suite. Luego tir? el m?vil por la ventanilla del taxi. Lo que no me esperaba era la jugarreta que Nick me ten?a preparada. Cuando me dio mi billete, ni lo mir?, lo cog? y me lo met? en el bolsillo de mi chaqueta. Al llegar al control de pasajeros, la mujer polic?a que estaba mirando mi billete me dijo que la acompa?ara, "es un momento, nada m?s". Mir? a Nick, que ya hab?a pasado, y me hizo un gesto como dando a entender que no ser?a nada. Acompa?? a la polic?a a una habitaci?n y all? me solt? lo que suced?a. -Se?or, su billete es falso. -No puede ser. Lo compr?...- y luego pens? en que Nick me la hab?a jugado. -?D?nde compr? este billete? Sab?a que si dec?a la verdad, la polic?a podr?a relacionarme con el atraco a Mr. Penrose, as? que opt? por decir una mentira para salir de all? r?pido y ya encontrar?a el modo de devolv?rsela a Nick, el muy cabr?n. -Es cierto, me ha pillado. Us? un billete antiguo, lo escane? y puse los datos nuevos. Supongo que... -Tiene que pagar una multa de 1.000 euros y podr? irse. Dos meses despu?s, me encontraba en una habitaci?n de un hotel situado en el centro financiero de Bruselas, cerca de las oficinas de Penrose Investment, la agencia financiera de Robert Penrose, el mismo hombre al que robamos un mill?n de euros y dejamos tirado en la alfombra de su lujosa suite del Hotel Meridiano. Tras lo sucedido en el aeropuerto, hab?a meditado con serenidad mis siguientes pasos. Hab?a pagado aquella multa y mientras abandonaba el aeropuerto en un taxi, me jur? que alg?n d?a me vengar?a del cabr?n de Nick. Eran las doce y media y estaba en calzoncillos, sentado ante una mesa y con un ordenador port?til delante de mis ojos. Cog? el tel?fono m?vil y marqu? el n?mero de Mr Penrose. Una voz femenina y agradable me pregunt? que quer?a. -Me gustar?a hablar con el se?or Penrose. Tengo una propuesta financiera que hacerle. -Su nombre es...- pregunt? la joven voz de mujer. -Me llamo Hamilton, Peter Hamilton. Soy un importante hombre de negocios y me gustar?a tener una cita con el se?or Penrose. -De acuerdo, se?or... Hamilton. El se?or Penrose se encuentra reunido ahora mismo. Si me deja su n?mero de tel?fono, le dejar? un aviso para que le llame cuando pueda. -Ok, mi n?mero es 600124586. D?gale que es urgente y que me puede llamar a cualquier hora. Estar? poco tiempo en Bruselas. ?Ha escuchado bien? -S?, se?or Hamilton, no se preocupe. Le mandar? el aviso ahora mismo. Colgu? el tel?fono y abr? un visor de fotos. Delante m?o ten?a una foto de Nick sacada hace unos d?as y por lo que se ve?a, se lo estaba pasando en grande en alg?n club de R?o de Janeiro. A las 4 de la tarde recib? la llamada de la secretar?a de Robert Penrose. Un minuto despu?s habl? con ?l y quedamos en citarnos el d?a siguiente en su despacho. De momento, mi plan empezaba bien. Llegu? puntual a las oficinas, a las nueve de la ma?ana, disfrazado del se?or Hamilton: un hombre ancho y con barriga de unos 50 a?os. Me present? ante la recepci?n y me dijeron que subiera a la planta 15. Al llegar all?, la secretaria de Penrose me pidi? que esperara unos minutos mientras su jefe pon?a en orden los asuntos del d?a. Al cabo de un cuarto de hora, el propio Penrose sali? a recibirme. -Mi querido se?or... Hamilton.- dijo con voz afable y como si me conociera de toda la vida. Los negocios son los negocios. -Peter, Peter Hamilton, se?or Penrose. Nos dimos la mano y entramos en su amplio y moderno despacho en el que hab?a un sofa de cuero m?s caro que un viaje en avi?n de costa a costa y donde se ense?oreaba un cuadro de Picasso, no s? si real o aut?ntico. Me indic? que me sentara en un sill?n y ?l se sent? en el sof?. -?Quiere tomar algo? -No acostumbro a beber tan temprano. -Oh, vamos, no me refer?a a eso. Puedo decirle a la secretaria que nos traiga unos caf?s. -Est? bien, un caf? me ir? bien. Solo y con az?car. -Perfecto. Yo tomar? uno igual. Mientras hac?a el pedido a la secretaria, observ? que ten?a una marca en el puente de la nariz. Por lo dem?s, no parec?a tener ninguna secuela m?s de nuestra anterior cita. -Bien, se?or Hamilton, ?a qu? debo el honor de esta visita? -Bueno, ser? franco con usted. S? que hace unos dos meses tuvo un incidente en el Hotel Meridiano y que le robaron cierta cantidad de dinero y ... - observ? que se estaba quedando l?vido. -?C?mo sabe usted eso?- dijo con cierta tirantez. -Tengo mis fuentes. No he venido para chantajearle ni nada parecido. S?lo quiero ayudarle a recuperar su dinero. -Vaya, ?qu? es usted, un samaritano? -No exactamente. Simplemente soy un hombre que busca venganza. S? qui?n le rob? el dinero y d?nde est?. -Ya, aquella maldita puta rubia, no. ?C?mo me enga?? la muy jodida! -Bueno, ella no tiene nada que ver con el asunto. Me mir? incr?dulo pero con el ?nimo interesado. -?Ah no?, ?y qui?n fue entonces? Abr? el malet?n y extraje la fotograf?a de Nick. Se la pas? y aprovech? para tomar un sorbo del soberbio caf? solo que hab?a tra?do la secretar?a. -Qui?n es este tipo?- dijo Penrose sin apartar la vista de la fotograf?a. -Es Nick Jansen, el hombre que le rob? el mill?n de euros, y como puede observar, est? disfrutando de esa pasta a lo grande. -Bah, no tiene estilo... malgastarlo con unas putas brasile?as.- dijo en tono de reproche. -?Y usted qu? quiere a cambio, se?or Hamilton? -Yo quiero venganza. A m? tambi?n me rob? este hombre. --------- Continuar? --------------

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Niki8217s Dream 8211 Blowbang

Enzos Niki Saso was riding the city bus home from work. She had graduated the year before and was still undecided about college. She was a very attractive young woman with long wavy blonde hair. She watched the world through eyes that were sky blue and hidden behind copper framed glasses. The bus was about half full of riders of various ages. It had been a long day and she was tired and the motion of the bus relaxed her. She caught herself dozing every now and then she changed position in the...

1 year ago
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Train me sex

Hi, how r u? My name is Nehal. I m 22 years old. Muje ISS ke bare me muje mere friends ne bataya tha. Muje ISS ki story padhi he muje bahut pasand he. Mai padhte samay bahut excite ho jati hu. Kai kahani to padhte padhte hgi mera pani chhut jata he. Maine bhi kai bar apne bf ke sath sex kiya he & I enjoy very much. But aj mai aapse apna ek sex experience share karma chahti hu.Mai 22 years ki hu. Mera figure 35-30-37 he. Meri height 5.6” he. Muje T-shirt , jence & short skirt pehen ne bahut...

3 years ago
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Not Just Another College Reunion Complete

Four years ago, Dev said goodbye to Nidhi at their college graduation party with a pleasant hug and an overly dramatic "I'm going to miss you!" After that, it had been surprisingly easy to fall out of each other's lives. He left India for his MBA and she found work in Bangalore. Four years later, though, he was finally returning home. When Nidhi saw him post this on Facebook, she sent him a message: Hey! Ohmygod it's been too long. I'm in town too. Let's meet up tonight? He stared at...

2 years ago
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Wrong No Ko Choda

Hello all my ISS friend..Fahad Khan here from gujrat..isse pehle main apnee pehli story submit kar chuka hoon per waha main apnaa email id dena hee bhool gaya tha..yaa phir editing main nikal gaya hoga.:( after readaing this story plz give me feedback on Am good looking handsom guy height 5’11 lund size 7′ hai..and looking very attractive.. ab main apne real exp per aataa hoon..shahina kee chudai wo mera pehla exp thaa..phir mera no change ho gaya tha..aur jab naya no liya to maine apne kuch...

1 year ago
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Jonipart 2

As Renee led Joni to the suite they stopped in the hall and Renee pulled Joni close and told her great she looked, then kissed her, hard. Joni forgot all about her nerves, and thanked Renee again. They entered the suite and Joni saw they there were several people already there. There was a large tv on a wall with with xxx videos playing, a few other gurls chatting and a couple of men talking to a couple more. Renee got Joni a glass of wine and showed her around. There was the room they entered...

3 years ago
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Caervons Belle Ch 02

The main market buzzed happily with villagers. Haggling and friendly banter resounded around the square, a square that was filled with booths and stands of all sorts of different things. A booth near the center seemed to catch everyone’s attention. It was blindingly colorful, with all sorts of different flowers and plants. Belle stood at the booth, oblivious to the attention her stand was receiving. She was on break at the moment and the owner, Mrs. Lovesworth, was taking care of the steady...

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Tammys New Stockings

It all started with a pair of knee high socks. Tammy was wearing this new pair of socks at school and I happened to be looking at them. As a matter of fact, it wasn't just looking but staring at them. They were white with a fancy knitted pattern and little pink rabbits printed throughout the material. Tammy sits in front of me to the left and instead of looking at our teacher and the lessons she was writing on the board, I was staring at Tammy's legs and her knee high stockings. I made...

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Porn BB is a no-bullshit forum where users share all kinds of porno for your fapping pleasure. It has porno movies, celebrity videos, vintage content, JAV bitches, webcam whores, and even virtual reality cockmunchers for you to fap is a fucking legend in the porno community. For over ten years, horny men have gathered in this sacred place to share the latest and greatest naked bitches for you to spill your juice to. There are plenty of categories to browse, and if your tastes are...

Porn Forums
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Age I Of The United StatesChapter 2

Scott and Mac made arrangements to meet with Admiral MacCulloch and key members of his staff the next day and were then shown to the quarters that had been allocated to them. They agreed that either the President had a very extensive basement or Scott's early decision that all building works should be carried out underground was still being followed to this day. They moved down corridors that had no windows, only artificial light. Their guide stopped outside a set of double doors and...

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Haileys Vacation Part 4

Hailey went through the packages and except for Tim, delivered all the gifts her first week back. Tim was busy and unable to come home on the weekends so Hailey kept the things in the backpack she bought him. Hailey made one other terrible discovery when she unpacked, her Mother’s Eagle Pride necklace was gone. She called the resort and told them about the lost item. They assured they’d call if they found it, but after two weeks, she knew it was lost. She also asked about Rick, but was told...

1 year ago
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She couldnt resist him pt2

Check out part 1 for the beginning of this story.Through the entire evening she couldn’t stop thinking about that hard cock pushing into her ass. She felt a little empty inside since her took it away. She loved that cock and the fact that she didn’t make him shoot all that delicious cum into her left her wanting more. NO NO NO! She had to stop thinking like that; she was on a date with a nice guy and not only did she cum all over her ex’s hand while he finger fucked her right in the bar, now...

2 years ago
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A Wet Sleepover

Sophie snuggled further into the duvet. Next to her Emma was cradling a mug of hot chocolate as if it was a newborn child. They could hear Paul snoring upstairs. This wasn't quite the raucous recreation of a childhood sleepover they'd planned. Sophie had suggested it the week before. A chance to have a giggle and pretend to be young again. Wear their old nighties, gossip about the people they fancied, watch bad movies, eat too much ice cream. It meant Emma's partner being booted out of the way...

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502 IAN THE HOLIDAY PT6 It was after Llangollen on the A5 road that they stopped at a little chocolate café at Pentrefoelas, over coffee and buns the sat in warm sunshine by the brook, chatting and enjoying the mountain air, Ian explain that, “As they couldn’t take over the cottage till three, he had come this way so they could see the scenery, and not have to hurry” he added that for him he couldn’t wait, “though tonight Wendy will be suffering for keeping him waiting!” She laughed, and said...

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Snowball from my BFF

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything erotic, butafter last night’s hot encounter I felt inspired. For those that haven’t read about our other experiences, I’m Kelly, and my husband is Gibson. We’re swingers! Recently, I started stripping at a local club. Why? Let’s just say than since I love the attention I get when I show off my 5’7” tight body with 34DD’s, I decided that I might as well get paid to do it. Even at 31, I’ve still got it over those lazy college girls with the muffin...

3 years ago
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I Want To Be That Man

She sat down beside me, looked at me with sadness in her sky blue eyes, and spoke quietly, “I need to ask you a question, Don. You’ve been flirting with me for over two years. But… you’ve never been harsh or nasty. You’ve never touched my butt… or my boobs. You’ve never put you’re arms around me, except to hug me for my ‘employee of the year award’ and when my dad died. I have to ask you………. Do you really like me, or do you want to just get me in bed with you? I finally left my husband and I...

3 years ago
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Nighttime Picnic

It is our third night camping with my group of friends. The weather glorious and hot, and I’d been able to spend the entire day in my tiny bikini, soaking up the sun and working on my tan. I knew that Rick had been watching me all day, just as I had been watching him in his too-tight shorts for his extra large cock. After dinner we were well into our chosen beverages of the weekend – mine being vodka and his being beer. My friend Chelsea is sharing my bottle of vodka so I pour her yet another...

1 year ago
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In the woods fictional

It was a warm day, she felt sweaty and hot, her jeans sticking to her legs. She still had a long way to walk before she got home. Her bike got stolen at the park, she forgot to lock it and she didn’t have a cell phone, her dad took it from her because of her stupid brother, it was his fault the lamp broke and now she had to pay for it.She had to rest somewhere in the shade, she started towards the woods, did not look very inviting, littered with garbage, but at least it would be cool. And it...

3 years ago
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My dog Corky

MY DOG CORKY BY BETTY NOONE ROGER TALKS I don't know what to do. I am writing this in the hopes someone out there can help me make a decision. If I don't make it shortly, then my wife will make it for me, and I am afraid. Trudy, my wife, is a veterinarian. She has her own animal hospital and boarding facilities in a semi-rural area. There are living quarters above the hospital and she is doing quite well. The shop is located on five acres as she has many dog-runs. While it...

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They're writhing sensuously in time to the pounding beat of the music, offering themselves blatantly to the groups of youths and boys hanging around the bar, drinking, pretending not to notice the long naked legs, the tiny little mini skirts, the still developing breasts beneath their skimpy coverings! The smell of hot, fresh little cunts assails my nostrils as I weave unseen between their feet, occasionally stopping beneath a girl if she takes my fancy, panties of every description cling...

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Donna Takes Charge

Donna Takes Charge By The Qmoq, inspired and dedicated to TH. Now "She's a woman?" asked Amy. "Yeah," I replied. "You invited a woman here?" Portia sniffed, raising an eyebrow. "I guess I did." "But we're not lesbians." Amy was right. We weren't lesbians, though we occasionally gave a good impressionof them. Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself, I should start a bit further back. A Bit Further Back My name's Charlotte Adams, and I'm a singer-songwriter, mainly acoustic stuff.Observant...

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Life Buoy for an Amputee or an Amputee Who Is a Life BuoyChapter 3 Could Two almost Losers be a Lucky Couple

Carl and his wife, Doris, had told me a lot about John, the now 50% partner in Carl's firm. His first wife cheated on him and he divorced her. His second marriage was unsuccessful, too and he broke some limbs on his wife's lovers when he caught them together just two weeks after the wedding. He got three years in prison suspended for five years. His first wife got a restraining order against John so he couldn't see his two daughters at all. I was very sorry for him, especially for his...

4 years ago
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How I Fucked My Widowed Aunty

This is Jai from Tamilnadu. I m 20 yrs old doing my enggr. from a reputed institute in city. Nearly Coimbatore any girls interested in contact me through … I’ve been a long time reader in ISS and this is 1st story please comment me to help post a another story …. The story here involves my lovely encounters with my aunty my mom’s brothers wife name is sethaa . She is of 36 yrs of age & a very hot woman. Soooo sexy if a guys see’s they think to fuck her as hard as they can , let me come to my...

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You like this cock dont you Bitch Gay

As the months went by, my cravings remained and I satisfied them from time to time by finding guys online who who wanted head. I would meet them or have them over and worship their cocks until they filled my mouth or covered my face with their cum. This would satisfy my hunger and sometimes weeks or months would pass before I would feel the need to suck another.During this time, I also met another girlfriend (yes, I'm totally Bi) who has no idea that I love pleasing men. As you can imagine,...

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ReturnChapter 9

For the next couple of weeks, I was preoccupied with getting the gym ready for the health and safety audit by Haringey Council. Jacky would go twice a week to see a therapist that Father Petrou recommended for her. His office was a couple of blocks from the gym when she finished she would come to the gym to see me. I got Mario enrolled at Haringey College to get him ready for his GCSE’s, he will be taking in three months. Hopefully, when he passes, he will get into University. After college...

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The Office Junior Part 13

"I'm so sorry Micky, it just happened." "It just happened? So you two have already got together?" "Not really. We fooled around a little but nothing full on. And Becky doesn't know how I feel about her....not properly anyway." I sat there unable to process what was being said. My daughter was confessing her love for the girl that I had just started seeing. The girl that had dramatically changed the way I was living, the way that I looked at sex and love and...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 99 Werewolf

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-98”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… When I was young—far too...

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Comic Con Con 1

Comic Con Con By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 1 The western sun and Freeway 5 exit ramp were welcome sights as their truck exited the highway on a perfect Southern California Friday. Just the smell of the Pacific Ocean perked up everyone that wasn't asleep as John stretched and glanced back at his buddies beginning to wake up as Henry switched on the truck's blinker as they stopped at a light. "Finally!" said Henry as they turned the corner, seeing the...

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Deryk Be Careful What You Wish For

As an only child, with neither the guidance or example of older siblings, nor the responsibility for younger ones, you learn to be self-reliant and to enjoy your own company a lot of the time. Some kids create a fantasy friend with whom they can share “being alone”. It’s all perfectly normal. Or so they say. In my case, I had a fantasy younger brother and his name was Deryk. However, he was no daytime playmate; I only ever conjured him up at night. But in my imaginings, he was always...

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Motel Fun

All of my stories will be a mixture of both fiction and fact. Names, locations and descriptions of certain things, such as cars, will be fictitious. The descriptions of all of the events, both personal and sexual, will be factual as they happened. Hi, if you've read my profile, then you know who I am and what I do, so I won't bore you with the details. The photos are really me, so no physical description is needed either. I am a divorced mother of 2 beautiful boys, ages 9 and 6. After my...


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