Dear Dirty Diary - Part 6 free porn video

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Dear Dirty Diary,

Brassy trumpets, thumping drums and crashing cymbals increasingly trespassed into the soundtrack of my most lushly sensual daydream. The brassy confusion of marching bands obliterated the wind's delicate whispering through tall birch trees as well as the plaintive honks of the Canada Geese. My shimmering memory of the sparkling green water of Lake Ontario was shattered. I tried my best to blot out the racket and return to my daydream.

My hand searched for comfort between my legs and to my delight, my fingertips found warm wetness seeping from my little well. In my mind I returned 26 years, to erotic thoughts of the 28 year old, auburn haired young man who swept me off my feet. He just drove into my life that summer day I was at work. He operated a mobile car cleanup business out of a small trailer, towed by the camper-converted delivery van he apparently lived in. Every few weeks he’d come back to the car dealership where I worked. He’d detail a few cars then wander off to the other car lots in the area.

When winter came, he struck a deal to rent space in our service department with my boss and worked the winter through, cleaning our cars. The following spring, he asked me out for a drink after work one Friday and I accepted. Doug was unlike anyone else I’d ever dated, always a gentleman and never pushing himself upon me. By the middle of summer I knew he was something special and when he invited me to go to Sandbanks Provincial Park for a swim one Saturday, I through caution to the wind, grabbed my bathing suit, a beach towel and took off with this unusual man I knew little about.

After watching the most beautiful sunset I’d ever seen go down between the sand dunes, he asked if needed to be home that night. When I shook my head “NO,” he made a campfire and we talked endlessly, well into the night. At ten he said it was quiet time in the park. He invited me back into his gypsy caravan then opened the folding door behind the front seats. Illuminated by a light fixture under a kitchen cabinet, I looked over the paneled walls, kitchen cabinets, closets and drawers as he made up the bed!

He showed me the portable toilet inside the clothes closet, grabbed his pajamas from one drawer and something for me to wear from another. Doug stepped back into the cab then closed the folding door so we could change in privacy. Briefly wondering to whom they might have belonged to, I changed quickly into the pink baby doll pajamas and then slipped in between the sheets of his bed. After a few moments Doug returned, wearing just his pajama bottoms. He brushed his teeth and then slipped into bed beside me.

We kissed good night but when I felt his fingertips trace across my midriff, I pursed my lips and craned my neck over for another kiss. As our lips locked, I felt his cool fingertips tickle up under my breast. They traced up my side, across my chest then spiraled around and around my nipple like a phonograph needle then spiraled back out to my sides again. It felt quite nice through the sheer nylon of my top so I lifted it up to my neck to offer my bare breasts to him. He ended his kiss, looked down at my girls in the moonlight and told me they were absolutely gorgeous!

Doug sat up in bed really close to me, reached over once more with both hands and then began simultaneous spirals in opposite rotations. Tickling along my bare skin with both of his middle fingertips felt even nicer, especially when he squeezed and lifted up gently on my swelling nipples! After three repeats of his tickle-torture, his fingertips continued their slow twirls up and down the sides of my rib cage. Passing over the waistband of my big loose fitting panties, his tickling swirls crept down my underbelly then crept together down both sides of my pubic mound. Every tiny hair on my body was standing on end and goose bumps grew outrageously on my aureoles!

Observing my excitement, Doug’s lips found mine once more for one extended lavish French kiss then swooped down to my uncomfortably erect nipples. His warm mouth and swirling tongue soothed them appreciably but his drawing suck as he finished each one off set my heart into pitty-patters once more. Then, Gypsy Man kissed me every three inches down my chest. When his kisses reached my belly button, his fingers hooked the waistband of my panties and dragged them smoothly down to my hips. As his kisses continued down my under belly, he tugged the panties down further and further then suddenly I felt something hot and wet invade my pussy! He swirled his hot tongue up and down my slit, licking deliciously around my clitoris then slathering back down into my vulva time and time again!

By the time he pulled my panties off, I’d completely surrendered to his advances. He pushed a pillow under my bum, crawled over between my trembling spread legs. I looked down, saw his purple-knobbed, fully erect penis advance toward my anxious pussy and then Brassy Trumpets, Thumping Drums and Crashing Cymbals trespassed once more as my eyes unwillingly adjusted to the familiar realities of our bedroom..

Doug's birthday began exactly as I anticipated. The hype and advertising for the Stanley Cup had been increasing for days and he was primed for Sunday's game. I was reminiscing about New Years day's events. Memories of lust and desire, excitement and disappointment began to fill my mind. I took stock of the year's activities and found myself amazed at the depravity I had experienced in these few short months. Being Sunday morning, I decided to repent and come to grips with my sins. I tried my best all morning to ignore all of my nagging clit's pleas for attention by putting all my energy into my turkey dinner. At supper Doug ate and ate with gusto, not slowing down until he devoured a second big slice of chocolate cake.

The game played on but after about half an hour of fast moving action, he got out of his chair, stretched and said he needed to get a little exercise. He said he still felt stuffed and could use a little fresh air. I was finishing off the dishes about ten minutes later when the phone rang. It was Doug. He said he was next door in our condo's indoor swimming pool and asked me to bring some towels. I went next door as he asked but when I got to there, a sign saying Closed for Maintenance hung on the doorknob. I turned the knob and the door opened but when I went into the pool complex, it was in darkness except for the underwater lights.

"Lock the door, we've got the whole thing to ourselves!" echoed Doug's voice from the deep end of the pool. I clicked the lock as he said and strolled down to where he was treading water. "Come on in, the water's fine!" he beckoned.

I pointed out that I had no bathing suit to wear and he said, "Are you to old to have a skinny dip with your husband or just plain chicken?"

I looked down at him in the shimmering blue water, saw his white abdomen, his pubic hair and a little pink protuberance and considered the dare. I whipped off my clothes and jumped into the water. We laughed and splashed and carried on like we were twenty again. When I jumped up and dunked his head under, he swam around behind me. He dove down, put his head between my legs and hoisted me up out of the water on his shoulders. I giggled as he bounced me up and down. I shrieked when he grabbed my feet and flipped me backwards into the warm water. No sooner than I got my hair out of my eyes, he flipped me again. I hadn't had so much fun with him in years. On the third hoist and flip, he bounced me up and down mercilessly. My poor breasts heaved up and then slapped down wetly against my ribs with each bounce.

Between my excitement with our pool frolic and the air being cooler than the water, my nipples grew hugely erect and I suddenly started to shiver. My jaw shook, my teeth chattered and I was covered with goose bumps from head to toe. When Doug finally flipped me off his shoulders, I told him I was cold and needed to warm up in the hot tub. I got out of the pool, flipped off the cover and started up the Jacuzzi jets. The water was pretty hot when I climbed in so I immersed myself very gradually.

I heard Doug grunt as he climbed out of the pool so I turned around to see what he was up to. I kneeled on a seat just in time to see the huge splash of the silly fool's cannon ball coming at me. I ducked down to avoid the cool splash and that's when a Jacuzzi nozzle’s bubbly stream found my bare pussy! It blasted me only for a second but it “had me at hello.” I moved in closer to the nozzle and spread my legs so that the jet hit me just right. Knowing Doug was unaware of what I was doing, I settled in for a little private pleasure. I lowered my breasts gradually into the foaming turbulent hot water. It became quite clear to me that life just couldn't get any better than this. There I was, naked in a hot tub, enjoying a Jacuzzi jet pummel my clitoris while tiny bubbles tickled the undersides of my breasts.

Doug climbed out of the pool and cannon balled a few more times but after the last one, he just stood quietly in the shallow end. His face was ashen so I figured he was cold. I told him to get into the hot tub with me and warm up. He slowly climbed up the pool's ladder and when he turned toward me, I snickered and catcalled out, "Shrinkage or what there, Fat Boy!"

With an anxious look on his face, he climbed up and into the hot tub. I grabbed hold of his cold shriveled-up little penis and dragged him by it over to my jet. I had to rub and stroke it a lot more than normal to get him hard. I convinced him to kneel on the seat like I had been doing then pulled his penis down so the jet's spray pulsed against his corona. I shamelessly squeezed and stroked him but his anxiety persisted.

In spite of the heat, his face was still gray and when I felt his forehead, it was cold and sweaty. His eyes seemed to have lost much of their color and had that look of fear I’d noticed of late whenever we made love. When I asked him if he was all right, he stammered out, "I can't get my breath and my left arm is numb."

My mother-in-law watched in helpless horror as Doug’s father died in her arms of a heart attack eleven years ago. After that happened, I made it my business to learn exactly what to do. There was no way I was going to let Doug slip away without a fight! The adrenalin rushed through my whole body as I dragged him out of the hot tub. I sat him down on the floor, raised his head up with our clothes and then ran to phone to call 911. I gave them directions to the side door of the pool, covered Doug with towels and then yanked my dress down over my wet body. I grabbed my keys, reefed open our door and sprinted upstairs to the bathroom. I grabbed some aspirins and scampered back down to the pool.

Thank God he was still conscious so I could get him to crunch up and swallow two aspirins. I propped the side door open with my shoe, then knelt down to console him. He looked so worried as I mopped his cold, clammy brow. Doug started to shiver from the cool draft coming through the door so I lay down on the floor beside him to protect him from the cold.

“Squeeze my dick, Darlin’, It’s cold and I’m awful scared.” He whispered as his eyelids closed slowly. As I gave him a good rub his eyelids would flutter but then close as soon as I slowed. In spite of playing with him his breathing grew slower and gentler and his penis began to shrivel. I gave it another good wiggle to keep him awake but his eyes were glazed over!!!

Tears of terror flooded into my eyes as I screamed, “Don’t you dare die on me now you son of a bitch!” into his face!

Panicking, I straddled Doug, flattened one hand on top of the other on his chest and thumped as hard as I could! His eyes popped open in a startle after about 30 seconds of frenzied CPR and he complained, “I just had the strangest little dream where I was looking into a dark spooky cave. There were haloed images all around its entrance and when I went inside I was looking at the sparkly little embers on the walls. Then the next thing I know, here you are on top of me, pounding the crap out of me!”

I undid my bodice's top buttons, flopped my warm breast out onto his chest and started stroking his penis once more to keep him awake. He slid his shaky hand between my legs and up under my dress. The fool wasn't happy until he got his cool hand up and groped my pussy.

“The pains have been increasing since before Christmas and I wouldn’t admit to them because I knew I was dying but now I'm ready," he said in a strangely contented voice and closed his eyes.

"Like hell you are!" I answered and wiggled his penis around to keep him awake. His eyes popped open for a second, then closed again. I flopped his penis around again and quickly realized he'd stay awake as long as I continued.

After a couple minutes of constant wiggling, his penis began to warm and started to grow. At that exact second, I heard a clattering outside and felt a blast of cool air as the ambulance attendants crashed their gurney through the door. I scrambled backwards to the wall to get out of their way and watched their every move.

One opened up their medical kit, while the other checked Doug's breathing. That second paramedic strapped an oxygen mask on Doug's face, while the first examined my husband. He pulled the towel off Doug's chest, shaved a bunch of spots and stuck little round adhesive electrodes on his chest and ankles. The other paramedic briefly lifted the lower towel, saw Doug's half-erect penis and wryly muttered, "Seems to have a good enough pulse!"

The other looked down, smiled and said, "Sure enough!" and then began to hook up the jumble of wires coming from a portable Electrocardiogram unit. He fired the machine up, punched in some codes and away it went, spewing out a long paper tape of squiggly lines and blips. I was so scared that I just sat cross-legged and petrified there on the floor. The paramedic stared at the tape for a moment, then turned to me and asked me exactly what happened.

As he wrote out his report, I related to him of how Doug got all pale and sweaty after swimming on a full stomach. As I told him that Doug was shivering with a cold sweat in the hot tub, his eyes wandered up and down between his pad and me. As I rambled on about how I got him out of the hot tub and covered him up, he nudged his partner and nodded toward me for some reason. That guy blushed a little, kneeled down in front of me and fiddled with some equipment on the floor as I told them how I fed him aspirins and did my best to keep him warm.

The fellow writing told me Doug was stabilized now but they were taking him to the Special Care unit to have some more tests done. When I thanked them for saving my husband, the younger fellow smiled and said, "The pleasure's been all ours."

The first paramedic whacked him and now they both blushed as they packed their gear. For the first time since they'd arrived, I looked down and saw that my right breast was almost completely out of my bodice! I buttoned up quickly and then realized my skirts were hiked up my thighs and my legs were spread wide apart! I finally realized that they'd undoubtedly seen all the way up to China. Then I remembered that “China” had no underwear on, was shaved bald as a baby's bottom and was brandishing that shiny gold clit ring!

The paramedics collapsed their gurney, lifted Doug onto it and then sprung it back up. They wrapped him snuggly in blankets and then loaded up their equipment. The older fellow talked to the dispatcher on his radio and then informed me they were admitting Doug at the hospital immediately and suggested I follow in my car. The younger paramedic handed me the clothes I'd stuffed under Doug, smiled knowingly and suggested that I change into something dry and warm or I might catch a cold on this cool spring night. I thanked him graciously then blushed vividly when I saw he'd carefully placed my bra and panties on the top of the pile. They crashed the gurney back out through the side door and were gone off into the night with my husband!

I went back to my apartment, changed into a demure-looking outfit then drove over to the hospital. As I walked through the Emergency Department doors, I met the paramedics leaving the hospital.

The older gentleman smiled, stopped and said to me, "Relax, you did well." He patted me on the shoulder and continued, "Getting those aspirins into him saved him from a lot of damage and you should be proud of yourself."

He told me Doug would be pretty drowsy but he'd know I was there. When I finally got through all the red tape and was escorted to his bed, I just about cried. He was hooked up to beeping monitors, intravenous bags, an oxygen mask and even a little gizmo clamped to his finger. Every few minutes an automatic blood pressure cup would whir and buzz. When I squeezed his hand, his eyes fluttered and opened briefly. He looked up at me drowsily, squeezed my hand back and then drifted back to sleep again.

I stood there by the bed and just watched him breathe. His face and hands were pale and he looked so fragile that I was afraid to disturb him again. After a few minutes, a doctor carrying a chart came in and introduced himself. He explained that my husband had probably suffered a minor heart attack but it would take a couple of hours for enzyme tests to confirm his diagnosis. He assured me that Doug was in the finest of care and urged me not to worry. Easy for him to say! The doctor told me to go home and relax so Doug's heart could rest.

Once back at home I really tried to keep my anxieties under control. I'd been trying my very best not to obsess over Louise's lengthy absence. Her mother had become gravely ill in early May. She passed away on Mother's Day but Louise stayed on to straighten up her mother's affairs and see about her inheritance. I hadn't heard from her in five days and I needed her so much. I couldn't stand it any longer and phoned Quebec. I told her about Doug, told her I loved her and missed her and she promised she'd be back soon. She said she had a couple of details to look into concerning her mother's house and reminded me to water her plants.

Ten minutes after I hung up, I started to cry. I'd never felt so alone in all my life. The k**s were supportive but there was no way they could mend my breaking heart. I went next door to Louise's looking for some comfort in her bedroom. All I found in there were shadowy memories of our lusty games. I tried to console myself with the gold vibrator but guilt and worry over Doug made it difficult to find pleasure with her fabulous toy. I searched through her erotic book drawer and found the big white briefs I gave her for our Elvis romp. Determined to find comfort somehow, I took her panties back home.

Back in my lonely apartment, I picked up the shirt Doug was wearing in the pool and sniffed it. It still carried his scent and I felt compelled to have it close to me. I stripped off all my clothes and put on his big cotton shirt. I immediately felt that at least a part of him was there with me so it also seemed logical to seek out a part of Louise as well. I picked up and sniffed her panties. I convinced myself that the yellow stain on their gusset still retained a faint but perceptible essence of her. I reminded myself it was my actions that put that dried up patch right there.

It came to me that if a drink of hot water and rye whisky plus my own hot lemon juice were shaken together, it might make that stale honey come alive again and flow into a Hot Toddy to lessen my misery. I pulled on Louise's starchy panties, mixed up a mug of hot water, a shot of liquor and a teaspoon of sugar then climbed into my bed.

My cure for loneliness worked just fine. I downed the booze and three minutes of buzzing away with my little hand vibrator melted our pussy juices together into a slippery goop that saturated the whole crotch of Louise's panties. My initial orgasm came while I concentrated on the safe and secure manly scent of Doug's shirt. After a few minutes' recovery, a faster, stronger round of vibrations pushed Louise's creamy juices up into me. The thought of our fluids reuniting so homogeneously made me feel ever so complete. I slid my hand down inside the hot nylon panties and shoved in three fingers to check the progress of my recipe. Her creamy honey and my hot lemon pussy juice had mixed so perfectly in my pink little mug, that only a few more seconds of clit buzzing sent me into a second shuddering orgasm.

I slept like a baby until the phone rang the following morning. Doug's doctor called to tell me that his enzymes were elevated and confirmed that he had suffered a minor heart attack. He told me to remain calm and assured me Doug should heal quickly if he would make immediate life style changes.

Doug’s cardiologist called me the following morning, informed me his enzymes were indeed elevated, confirming he’d had a heart attack. Anxiety and tearful conclusions clouded my drive to the hospital. Doug was still quite pale and lethargic. I was told that the clot busters, blood thinners and blood pressure medications would cool him right down for a couple of months. I was told that a nuclear Thallium scan was necessary to determine the extent of Doug’s heart damage.

The following day I rode by ambulance up to the City for his Angiogram. After the 45-minute procedure took 90 minutes, I was beside myself with worry, especially after that doctor showed me images of the two 90% blockages! He explained how they’d ballooned down the cholesterol lumps and installed two Stents to strengthen Doug’s weakened arteries. On the positive side, he concluded that my husband could avoid imminent Bi-Pass surgery if he abandoned his unhealthy lifestyle.

In less than twenty-four hours, I was forced through a crash course in heart disease and was then left to pick up the pieces of my life. Two gut-wrenching days of tests showed that damage to his heart muscle was minimal, thank God. The following day, the life-style changes were explained to us. Low fat diets, rest, life-long medications, careful exercise and reduced stress were understandable but no sex for three months. How could I ever survive that?

The day before Doug was to be released, I thought my salvation had been found. Louise was back. I spoke of pasts and futures and situations to be dealt with but Louise seemed oddly quiet. When I finally exhausted all of my concerns, she softly dropped a bomb on me.

She told me, "I sold my Mother’s house and have purchased an enchanting old house near Cornwall up on the St. Lawrence River." Louise continued, "Every time I went home I passed by it and toyed with the idea of making it into a Bed and Breakfast, to get away from the madness of the GTA."

I swear my heart stopped for a moment, then crumbled a little more. She told me there was plenty of room for my husband and me and showed me a bunch of drawings she'd had prepared by an architect. My head was spinning, I was jumping to all kinds of conclusions and all I could see was that my life was in ruins.

Louise listed her condo with a realtor the following day. After the sign was posted, she came over and repeated her offer for us to come too. Holding back my tears, I told her we'd see. As luck had it, it didn't take very long to see. That afternoon, Doug's boss called me. The prick informed me that head office wasn't prepared to take chances on Doug's delicate condition and was pensioning him off immediately!

I managed to maintain a stiff upper lip through those first four horrific days but feeling totally alone, I cried myself to sleep for the following six nights.

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Dear Dirty Diary part 16

Dear Dirty Diary, Thanksgiving weekend all the Huntingdon stores started pushing their winter fashions, so Louise and I went shopping. Even with all the closet space in our new apartment, I had to do some fall-cleaning to make room. I dumped out my pantyhose and tights drawer on the bed beside my relaxing husband. Each pair I got rid of, Doug would pick up, carefully examine, then like an old fart would ask, “What’s wrong with these?” I’d point out the runs in the expensive ones and the...

2 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 20

Dear Dirty Diary,The following Friday, at precisely 6 pm, our doorbell rang. I greeted two young women, dressed in dark trench coats but when the Russian sounding blond spoke, “How do you do you, Laura,” I realized it was duty nurse Jennifer and she’d brought an assistant along. I ushered the two upstairs, noting their white stockings as they reached the second floor.When Doug spun around in his chair to greet them, “Oh, the pair of you came!” just before he bit his bottom lip anxiously. After...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 9

Dear Dirty Diary, Eight weeks had passed since Doug had come home from the hospital. He was still a little pale looking and complained of being cold all the time because of the blood thinners. The night before, he was detached and completely immersed in a Blue Jays baseball game. Early the following morning was gray and rainy and I was feeling quite sorry for myself. Like a fool looking for comfort, I went down into the den, popped in that Lisa Brokop “When I get to be you” CD into the...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 6 Avenging My Best Friend On Her Wedding Day

Dear Diary, That day, my eyes were closed slightly. Lips open, welcoming his sweet mouth to kiss me. Both my arms were encircling his muscular body. We both were lying down on the long dining table naked. Both cuddled up cozily. I was literally pinching his shoulder, unable to hold myself steady from all the sex. My breasts were already loosened from all the pinching and pressing. His right hand was cupping my left boob and his left hand was holding my head in the back, pulling me closer...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I am typing this now as I’m watching my sweet hubby fucking my daughters. I took a break just now from giving a prolonged blowjob to my husband for almost 20 minutes and the bottom part of my tongue is aching from it. I wanted to relax for a bit before joining in the action, drink some water, and I also needed to give some time to my daughters to enjoy as I’m not selfish enough to have the fun all by myself. My younger daughter has already started to complain about me, blaming that...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 12

Dear Dirty Diary, My darling husband returned today after his five day, late September fishing trip to Schooner Lake. After thorough questioning it turned out he’d gotten a little apprehensive being all alone up there amongst the wailing loons and spirits of dead Algonquin Indians. He swears there’s some kind of energy around the fire pit on the island that spooks him. So he drove back down to the condo to visit the k**s. On the way down from Plevna, he went to a Saturday night concert at...

2 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 11

Dear Dirty Diary, I woke up the following Saturday morning with a terribly stiff back. Doug and Louise were already working on the enclosure for the hot tub we all missed so much. Since neither of my lovers was around to soothe my aching muscles, I had to look after myself. I stretched and limbered up without much success, so I took a hot shower then returned to try my special back exercises. I spread my bath towel across the middle of the bed then kneeled on it. I bent over, placed my...

1 year ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 3

Dear Dirty Diary, Three weeks passed and it was Sunday morning. The sun peeked softly through the slats of the blinds in our bedroom, showing promise for an inspiring new day. Doug was sleeping soundly, so I carefully slipped out of bed and headed for the shower. Soon the hot water tingled against my back and trickled down my bum, warming me completely. I shampooed my hair then began to lather the rest of me. The slippery bar of Dove slid soothingly across my wet skin, caressing my body with...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 4 Tricked My Boyfriend Into Family Foursome

Dear Diary, My name is Nihitha. Friends call me Nihi. But those few who know me deeper call me a slut. I am not at all shy to admit it. In fact, it makes my chest swell with pride. Although I should remind you my chest look already swollen due to my breasts size. Haha, just kidding. I’m so uncomfortable writing this entry. So just spurting out utter rubbish. Please bear with me if I am too silly with my useless jokes. Anyhow, I don’t know how to measure my boobs as most of my friends do but I...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I have thought long and hard about whether I wanted to have a record of my exploits, my conquests, my down right dirty fucking sex life, and I concluded that, when I am old, I want to be able to look back on this moment in my life and be jealous of my younger self. I mean, I may only be 23 now, pretty in an effortless way, but one day I won’t be, you know, and I might like to reminisce. Oh Diary, where or where do I even begin to tell you about life? Do I start from today moving...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 15

Dear Dirty Diary, By the following morning the three had checked out and we were all alone. Louise was strangely quiet upstairs as I laundered yesterday’s towels and bedding. I made some coffee and tiptoed upstairs with hers. All was quiet on the second floor but I heard a chair creak upstairs in my apartment. I stepped loudly up the stairs and glimpsed her from the landing with her nose in my laptop computer. She peered over the top of her reading glasses at me and said, “This segment...

3 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 14

Dear Dirty Diary, The weekly games nights were fun but too much emphasis was placed on debauching and not enough on paying our expenses. Fortunately we had posted advertising in malls and the Chamber of Commerce info offices throughout the area to catch shoppers. One weekend in early October, a young woman with dark olive skin and sparkling black eyes arrived, saying she saw the signboards. Rija, a late twenties Montrealer, took the front room next to the stairs. As she was going out for...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 5

Dear Dirty Diary, The next Monday, after Doug went to work, I went over to Louise's to water her plants and check for the e-mails she promised to send to her own computer so Doug couldn't pry into our affairs. There was nothing yet but when I accidentally clicked her address bar down, I saw all the web sites she'd been browsing. Many of them had sexy-sounding names and I noticed she visited some of them several times so I clicked on one of them. It showed all kinds of nude women's pictures on...

1 year ago
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Dear diary november

November 3 Dear Diary, It's getting cold outside! I love the holidays, but I have more pressing things to think about right now! Gary keeps wanting to fuck us, and we keep putting him off! I can tell that Emma is really close to giving in to him, she is so in love with his pecker!!! I'm not saying that Hillary and I aren't turned on to his cock too, it's just that Ems has turned into a little "cock hound"!!! When we have our masturbation sessions in her room, she has graduated to larger and...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me; I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

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Dear Diary

Bad things happen when you cheat. Dear Diary. March 18th 1985: Dear diary, well it finally happened. Two weeks after our anniversary and I cheated on my husband. Funny, Roy talked to me about having kids again just yesterday. I am glad I took the pill today. Branden came a lot…. I don’t know what Roy would think of his child-hood friend now that he just had amazing sex with his own wife for hours today…. But he did and his wife loved it…… March 19th 1985: Roy...

Cheating Wife
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dear diary

What can happen when you cheat. Dear Diary. March 18th 1985: Dear diary, well it finally happened. Two weeks after our anniversary and I cheated on my husband. Funny, Roy talked to me about having kids again just yesterday. I am glad I took the pill today. Branden came a lot…. I don’t know what Roy would think of his child-hood friend now that he just had amazing sex with his own wife for hours today…. But he did and his wife loved it…… March 19th 1985: Roy...

Cheating Wife
2 years ago
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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 2

I was satisfied once my son’s bottom was a bright and rosy pink, and he was quaking and shivering after the spanking I gave him. My daughter stood next to him. Her panties and shorts were around her ankles, and her well-padded behind was offered up to me submissively. I couldn’t see between her slightly parted butt cheeks the way I could Michael’s pert little ass. Courtney had a perfect bubble butt just like mine. She has curly blonde hair, but in many ways, we look very similar in the...

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Dear Diary

"Raaaaaaaaaab!" My wife's shrill voice cut through the damp basement air. Geez, it's as if she had dropped a brick on her toes while in the middle of saying my name. I answered quietly, but it didn't matter what I said because it was a reply so low she couldn't hear me. I remember when I enjoyed the soothing sounds of her voice, but today the sultry voice had been replaced by that of one with the same jarring noise to my senses as fingernails sliding down a chalkboard. "Raaaaaab, have you...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 3

The handwriting on the note was from my son. He was probably the only one with the audacity to snoop in my room and challenge me. I assure you that when I walked up to his room, I was calm and collected. I thought it may be a simple matter of demanding the return of my diary and my sex toy. I did not believe that Michael would dare push me on the issue when I strode up to his room. I was more than willing to lay off of him and not spank him again – at least for a while. I assured myself that...

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Dear Diary part 2 Tracys First Time

Introduction: Nika tells her Diary about Tracys first time with the monster cock. ​ Dearest Diary, Ok, sorry about that, I just had to get the tingling out, it was really distracting me. Whats amazing is it fit so much better this time! Oh yeah, I didnt tell you about the first time. Sorry. So Tracy and I were in bed together and she had just admitted to her relationship with her, as I found out, adopted Dad. So while I admit I was entirely disgusted at the thought of someone letting their...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 1 the walk

Dear Diary, Today was shaping up to be a tedious and somewhat stressful day when I decided to go for a walk in the woods. That all changed when I found a lighter… It was early evening, just starting to get dark, when I put my coat on, grabbed my house keys and headed out for a stroll. As I’ve noted in previous diary entries things are coming to a head at work, and I needed to get out and clear my head. Slamming the front door behind me, I headed off down the road towards the common. The...

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Dear Diary 1 the walk

Dear Diary,Today was shaping up to be a tedious and somewhat stressful day when I decided to go for a walk in the woods. That all changed when I found a lighter...It was early evening, just starting to get dark, when I put my coat on, grabbed my house keys and headed out for a stroll. As I've noted in previous diary entries things are coming to a head at work, and I needed to get out and clear my head. Slamming the front door behind me, I headed off down the road towards the common.The weather...

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Dear diary october

October 2 Dear Diary, We all got together this afternoon to map out strategies for seeing a big cock! Ems said that she has seen her dad's cock when he came out of the bath room after a shower, but it wasn't hard at the time!! All of the guys we saw on line had been circumcised, but she said her dad's cock had the head covered by loose skin!!! Said she liked the looks of the ones in the pictures better cuz the heads were always uncovered! Talking about that stuff made us all hot, so we pulled...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 3 Reminiscing How My Dad Conquered My Womanhood

Dear Diary, I am Reshma. The little one of the incest family. My mom, Reena must have introduced me to you already. But I think she toned down the details a lot. Yes, I agree with what she said describing me absolutely. I am a sex-loving freak. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I am much more than that. To be blatant, if I don’t get to have sex one day, I will commit suicide. I am not lying believe me. It’s like food or oxygen to some people. To me, no sex no life. “Fuck me properly you...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 2 A Hot Threesome With My Boyfriend And My Sister

Dear Diary, This is Sindhu. Nice to meet you. This feels so weird but also cool to keep on entering these private details in this diary. I know people are going to read this. That’s what excites me the most. The feeling of sharing my sexual exploits with the public in itself is arousing me, making my nipples hard. I wouldn’t say I’m not into incest because I share with my sisters. But not with my mom and dad. The thought itself makes me cringe in pain. My mom, Reena, must have introduced me to...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary Today I Caught My Son Spanking His MonkeyChapter 5

Dear Diary Thursday, August 11th, 2020 That morning I set up my camera phone and sucked Pat’s dick like it was the sweetest banana I had ever tasted. He came quickly, and I smiled at him. Pat’s eyes were full of stars after he orgasmed. He wasn’t used to a surprise blowjob in the morning, and he lay back on the bed and sighed with relief. It seemed my husband was willing to forget about my antics last night as long as I kept him satisfied. I put on my sheerest dress and lowest cropped top...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 5 Paying Daughters Fee Not With Money

Dear Diary, Hello again. This is Reena. The mom. Hope your tummy is being filled enough with my family’s regular entries. At first, I had to force my daughters to write down their sex stories. They were not interested at all in the beginning. My elder baby Sindhu was shy to even think about the idea. Now, the tables have turned. They are more than willing to update each and every experience they have had. I couldn’t be more proud. Prakash was so happy seeing his daughters making their foray...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary

March 15 A disturbing development — my son has started staring at my breasts and sometimes "accidentally" touches them. He asks me questions that show he knows very little about female anatomy. I believe ignorance about sexuality can lead to major problems in life, so I got an illustrated book about the human body, and we sat down together with it. The book made me realize I didn't know all that much myself, but more than him at least. My problem is that now he wants me to show him. I point...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary

12:45 PM Dear diary, its Austin again. Nothing new to report, except that I got stood up once again. Seems she had some important meeting that she had to attend. Her last words to me were, ‘Don’t wait up’. I guess it’s pretty obvious this is going to take all day and now my plans are wasted. It’s not so much the meeting as much as the timing. She knew I had this day planned. She didn’t know what I was planning, but she knew it was planned none-the-less. So here I am, writing to you once...

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Dear Diary 3 her

Dear Diary,Terri's parents arrived today, needing somewhere to stay on their way to their holidays. Bugger. Was hoping to have a nice night of passion with Colin. But we ended up going al fresco instead, and I'm sure someone was watching us. bloody certain of it. But I'm getting ahead of myself...Colin arrived, just as I was putting the kettle on. How he does it, I'll never know; it's like he's got radar for the kettle. I hugged him, gave him a peck, and filled him in on the situation.We dished...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary

March 18th, 1985: Dear Diary, Well it finally happened. I cheated on my husband, and I did it only two weeks after our anniversary. It’s funny that just yesterday, Roy tried to convince me to have a kid, but I am sure glad I took the pill today because Branden came a lot. I’m certain that Roy would be very angry at the thought of his childhood friend fucking me for hours today, but I don’t care because the sex was amazing, and I loved it.March 19th: Roy doesn’t have a clue. I made love to him...

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Dear Diary Part 1

23/09/2016 Dear diary, I do realize how stupid it is for me to write in a diary. I mean, no one does it anymore in this day and age. And now that I think of it, I was born in a world where social media and the Internet had already become mainstream. I don’t remember ever using an Ethernet cable. Wifi was something I had always take for granted. A time without wireless internet? I can’t believe it. But we’re getting off topic. The reason why I bought you from the university bookstore was...

College Sex
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Dear diary I met a girl

Dear Diary, Last year, I met a girl. Actually, that's inaccurate, because she wasn't a girl. She was a woman. A lady. A goddess. The most stunning creature I had ever laid eyes upon. It was in a coffee shop, which was something that made me laugh when I thought about it, because I don't really go to coffee shops, but for some reason, that day I did. I was sitting at a table, reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, and sipping a steaming hot cup of caramel coffee. Minutes later, in she walked....

Love Stories
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Dear Diary The Ride Home

         Dear Diary:  The Ride Home June 21, 1987 Dear Diary,    Tonight was another night I babysat for The Dwyers. The Kids had been great all night and the parents returned as usual, late as hell. Mrs. Dwyer was drunk as a skunk and I helped her to bed as well. This was the norm as far as them going out to have a romantic evening. Mr. Dwyer again, tried hitting on me, again. This time I gave into his wants and mine. I had been babysitting for them since I was 16 and he had been...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary

Dear Diary Dear Diary, Something happened to me tonight. It was very unexpected. Was it a nice surprise?I'm still trying to work that one out. Was it something I would have wantedto happen? Or, even invited to happen? Definitely not! By writing this in youI suppose I am trying to make sense of what happened and my feelings towardsit. Maybe if I start from the beginning it will make more sense and I'll understandit more I had been feeling horny most of the day and so decided to make a night...

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Dear Diary 1

Dear Diary #1You will never believe what happened today. Jimmy Johnson actually tried to kiss me. I was so disgusted that I almost hurled on him. I mean come on, if you are going to try to kiss a girl, at least take a shower that week and use a breath mint or something. I was pushing him away, and thankfully my br0ther was watching out for me, so he dragged the jerk away before he got anywhere. Thank god, I want my first kiss to be something special, not some gross jerk f0rcing himself on me.I...

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Dear Diary part 16 Glowing in the Dark

Dear Diary, What a whirlwind weekend it was of shopping, dancing, and lots of girl talk with my best girl Marchesa. It had been hot a minute since we've got together so she invited me over to see her place and show me around her new city. When she called me the week before she said she had a couple of things planned for when I get back there but wouldn't divulge any details. She just said to pack a couple of cute outfits for going out. Eeeeek!!!! So I spent that entire week in total...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary

Please read the writer’s guidelines before adding chapters. A diary gets released onto the internet as everyone finds about the deepest, darkest, most private secrets that were once locked away in a diary. Perhaps they’re an egotistical jock who will finally be taken down a peg, or maybe they’re a pop star being controlled by her label, finally able to free herself and be free. Whoever it is, I wouldn’t envy them, and yet... maybe I would? This is clearly a new thing I’m trying. It’s similar to...

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Dear Diary A Mature Wifes First Unexpected

August 19, 2002Dear Diary,“What if my husband had strayed once or twice,” had run through my head as I left Al’s science room down the hall from my room? I knew the day I thought that I felt a deep kinship at 53 for this man, an 8th grade science teacher, and he wasn’t my husband! I still loved and shared life with my husband but after so many years of marriage, travel two or three days a week in his job, maybe what fluttered inside my body when Al was nice to me was for the first time maybe,...

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