Unwilling Victim Of Seduction - 6 free porn video

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Unwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 6

I followed Karl Peabody into his private church office. I saw his big screen computer monitor was on. A window was showing the face of my daughter Emmie. She was smiling toward the camera and her voice said, "Hi daddy!"

Karl's voice was saying, "Your daughter was just telling us about you two having sex in the shower! You fucked your daughter and popped her cherry! That's awesome, Jack! Awesome! I have to congratulate you on a really good move! I can't wait to fuck her myself!"

And as I turned to face him, I saw his two kids, Thomas and Theresa, naked on the daybed. They were in the classic missionary sexual position, slowly humping and grinning up at me. As I stood there in total shock, Karl slipped off his sweat pants, revealing his erection.

"Come on, Jack! Let me introduce you to my children! This is Thomas and Theresa. They're seventeen and sixteen, and, as you can see, they're very close. Jack, my family practices total family incest between all members sixteen and older. You remember Noah having incest with his two daughters and impregnating them? That was the family that we believe started this holy tradition."

I was almost but not quite speechless. "Uhhh... Karl, your kids are... they're having sex?"

He grinned at me and slapped me gently on the back.

"They sure are, Jack. I'm teaching my children that they are never to be ashamed of their bodies, or their lusts. Jack, as I'm sure you have learned from having sex with your own daughter, Emmie, we should not be ashamed of our lusts. Our carnal desires are a gift from god and we should cherish them and express them freely. Especially within the family! Rather than resist our carnal desires, we should rely upon them to guide us, and we should freely submit to those desires. Don't you agree?"

I glanced back at the computer monitor. Emmie was naked and playing with her pink vibrator. The smile on her face was angelic.

"I told them, Daddy! I told them how you took my virginity in the shower! I love you!"

I glanced back, stupified, at the minister of the Church of Holy Light and his two children. Karl motioned me to step closer, and despite my apprehension, I did so. I looked at his kids and couldn’t take my eyes off them. They were both so young, so physically perfect, and so very, very arousing. No porn movie could ever be this lust provoking. I could feel my penis harden against my will.

"It's okay, Jack, normally I wouldn't invite you back here right in the middle of a family fuck, but Emmie asked me to let you in. She said you were ready to embrace our tradition. I was just about to get a piece of Theresa's pussy. Come on, take your clothes off and join us!"

Theresa arched her back on the daybed, writhing slowly beneath her brother. I couldn't help but notice her lovely breasts as they wobbled gently up and down on her petite body, her rosebud nipples rock hard.

"Tommy?... unhh... unhh... Tommy! unhh!... UNHH!!... I'm cumming!!..."

Karl proudly said, "Bless you Theresa! Invite Thomas's carnal seed deep within your womb!"

And three seconds later, both kids had powerful orgasms. Thomas pounded his penis into his sister's wet pussy, grunting loudly. Theresa's back was fully arched, her eyes closed, her mouth open and quivering, her body convulsing over and over again. They slowed down, and the boy collapsed on his sister. Her arms went around him and hugged him tightly.

Karl said a loud "Amen!" – his penis still erect and throbbing slowly up and down as he knelt on the other side of the daybed. Thomas pulled loose from his sister's embrace and moved over to a corner of the daybed. He scraped the sticky fluids off his penis with his fingers and then put them in his mouth.

"Aren't they beautiful, Jack? Would you like to fuck Theresa? Or maybe letting her suck you off would be a better place to start. I happen to know she has the hots for you, ever since Emmie told her about the two of you masturbating together through the bedroom wall! God, I've got to hand it to you, Jack, you were absolutely brilliant the way you seduced Emmie. And you had more patience than I would have had. Come on! Take your slacks off! You deserve a free ride with my daughter! And frankly, I’d love to watch! God this is gonna be so hot!"

While he was saying this, Theresa sat up, reached over and popped the button on my slacks and unzipped me. I looked down at the coy and seductive sexual expression on her face. No man could resist the blatant lust in her face. I knew this was wrong, all wrong. But I was stunned. I had a raging erection and I couldn't move. And when her petite fingers grasped my penis through my silk Harley Davidson boxers, I realized that I was lost. I opened my mouth but no words came out.

"Go ahead, Jack. Just think of it as your holy reward for taking Emmie's virginity today!"

He would have to say that. I didn’t want a reward for violating my daughter, I wanted forgiveness, I wanted to put it all behind me. I wanted it to never have happened! I wanted absolution! I wanted… I wanted Theresa’s smooth warm hand to keep stroking my naked erection that was just two inches from her lovely face.

Karl said, “That’s one fine piece of cock you got there, Jack. Emmie is one lucky little girl. Goddamit, Jack, the very idea of you pumping your seed into your daughter's hot little snatch makes me hard every time I think about it.”

I felt my pants and boxers being pushed down. I looked down just as Theresa brushed her long blonde hair away from her face and took my hard penis into her mouth. From my left, I heard Emmie on the computer shout, "Hurray!". Meanwhile, Karl had slipped onto the daybed directly behind his daughter. He reached around and fondled one of her breasts. Theresa's lips slid up and down the shaft of my erection, and I felt myself succumbing... giving in... surrendering.

Karl was inviting me to have sex with his daughter! Right after watching her fuck her own brother! Theresa's hot wet lips felt so good on my cock, but not nearly as good as the thought that Karl was having incest with his children! That was so hot! All the guilt and shame that I felt for fucking Emmie started melting away! If it was okay for Karl to fuck his daughter then it was okay for me to fuck mine! And as a bonus, I got to fuck his daughter, too! My erection throbbed painfully in Theresa’s warm suckling mouth. Her hand alternated stroking my shaft and fondling my testicles. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t think. I just wanted it to never end.

Theresa raised her upper leg enough to allow her father access to her pussy. Karl was grinning from ear to ear at me. I was shocked and also delighted in some wicked perverse way to see the head of his erection approach Theresa’s damp fragrant pussy. My cock had taken on a life of its own and was hungrily thrusting into Theresa’s willing mouth, her succubus tongue swirling all over it, making wet little slurping sucking sounds.

I had given in… surrendered. A voice in the back of my mind was screaming at me to turn and run! Run out of there! Leave all this wickedness behind. But I saw Karl spoon up against his daughter, and with a lascivious grunt, he entered his daughter from behind. Theresa’s eyes opened wide as her vagina was filled with her father’s large rigid penis. She shivered and convulsed with what was obviously lust, a deep all-abiding shameless lust for her father’s cock. And for my cock. Her eyes focused on mine and her lips never stopped their hungry ministrations upon my blood-engorged man-meat.

A pressure was growing in my mind and in my loins. A dirty and lascivious pressure. And I heard my voice growling and moaning like a bull in heat, and I felt my semen being pumped through my penis and into Theresa’s lewd mouth. My ears were ringing. I had spots in my eyes, though they were scrunched tightly closed. Massive jets of hot cum continued to ejaculate from my cock. I became dizzy from the sheer intensity of my orgasm. It was incredible. I loved it! I couldn't get enough! I couldn't cum enough!

And then it was over and I opened my eyes and was just able to avert falling over. I gasped for breath.

Theresa’s mouth and nose was covered in my semen. It was drooling out of her open mouth and down her cheek as she tried to swallow. She was approaching yet another orgasm as her father fucked her viciously from behind, hissing through clenched teeth how much he loved her, needed her, desired her, had to have her. Thomas was watching the union of his father and sister with great interest, while stroking his semi-erect penis. Everyone’s attention was momentarily off of me. I pulled up my pants, turned and walked briskly out of the office. I briefly heard Theresa cry out with orgasmic ecstasy before the office door closed behind me.

My jaws were clenched with anger and self-recrimination. I swiftly left the church, got in my car and drove home, taking several corners rather too fast. As soon as I parked in the driveway and turned off the engine, I collapsed on the steering wheel and cried, until all my tears were gone. I drifted off in a troubled state of half sleep.

Someone was shaking my arm gently. It was Emmie. The sun was beginning to set behind the trees in the neighbor's yard. I shook off my malaise and got out of the car. Emmie was beaming.

"Daddy, that was so hot watching Theresa suck you off! I wish you had turned more to the side so I could see your cock better, but still, it was so awesome! Now you know why Thomas and Theresa are my best friends! Come on into the house!"

I followed Emmie into the kitchen and, at her request, started making supper, while she prattled on and on. I felt empty inside, like my mind and my heart were just one huge void. My mind kept returning to the key events of the day, fucking Emmie in the shower, watching Karl's children fuck each other, having Theresa give me one of the best blowjobs of my life, and yet even as my mind tried to picture those events, the stinging flash of guilt and remorse made me search for something else to think about. I finally settled on the making of hamburgers and listening to Emmie's monologue.

"...so every girl becomes a Handmaiden of Abraham on her sixteenth birthday, see? It's like those badges I get in the
Girl Scouts. Then when she first has full intercourse with her father, then she becomes a Daughter of Noah. Then IF you... I mean, WHEN you give me over to have sex with another man, then I also become a Daughter of Lot. So, Theresa is a Daughter of Lot now, because she sucked you off, but only at the third level. For her to get to the first level, you have to fuck her in her vagina and cum inside her. And of course, Thomas has the Sons of Gideon badge and the Seed of Abraham badge. And there are so many other badges I can earn, and I'm so excited, but I haven't learned all the rules yet. I'll be going to church every Wednesday night from now on so I can learn how to get all my badges. I know there's one called the Breasts of Bathsheba, and another called the Whores of Babylon, but I don't remember... oh! oh! and there's the Moabite Maidens! That's when a virgin has any kind of sex that doesn't take her virginity. I became a Moabite Maiden when I first went down on Thomas and Theresa a few weeks ago. God, I love oral sex, daddy! And the preacher promised us that we'll get all our badges and our church jackets to sew them on by the middle of next month, because his wife and her sister are still working on the designs and getting some company to make them for us. The jacket's only eighty dollars, daddy, and I can pay half out of my allowance I saved up, and could you pretty please pay the other half? Please? Please? And do we have any ketchup?..."

So much of what she was saying went in one ear and maybe half of it went out the other. I gathered that Karl Peabody had actually established an organization within his church, with classes for teaching incest and oral sex and group sex to the teenagers who were sixteen or older, and was giving out awards, well... badges... as each teenager rose up in the hierarchy of sexual activity, and training them overcome their inhibitions. The more blatantly lascivious and taboo, the better, with incest being the holiest form of sex. I opened the pantry door, and behind the raisin bran I found an unopened bottle of ketchup.

I sliced tomatoes while Emmie washed the lettuce. She was still jabbering on, but now it was mostly about various classes in the church for parents, and the church field trips that Karl Peabody was coming up with. I was able to tune most of it out. We sat down at the small kitchen table and ate our burgers. The microwave pinged when the apple tarts were done. Emmie finished her burger, grabbed her tart, and said she had lots of homework to do and would eat her dessert in her bedroom. I ate mine alone and silent in the kitchen.

I was in my bedroom. I had tried to sleep but after half an hour of blessed unconsciousness, I found myself wide awake. Thinking of reverend Karl Peabody. I found myself imagining what it must be like to be him -- to be doing what he was doing. He was freely fucking his gorgeous cheerleader daughter. Any time he wanted. Any where in his home or in his church that he wanted. And she was hot for him, willingly eager to have his penis in any orifice of her body.

A giant throb of my penis made me aware that I had an erection. I tried to ignore it, and think of something else. I asked myself what I was going to plant in the flower beds under the pecan tree. I thought about Karl planting his big fat cock deep inside Theresa's horny cunt. I couldn't take my mind off the image of him ramming himself deep between Theresa's legs, her eyes bulging wide with surprise -- or lust -- at the sudden invasion. Her lips and tongue doing hideously lewd things to my rigid cock.

My cock was rigid now. I felt shame that I could not take my mind off the lascivious images and memories that were assaulting my mind. Karl's wife and sister-in-law were designing the sexual badges that the kids would be earning for their Holy Light jackets. Wow! They must know what Karl is doing! Connie must know that Karl is fucking their daughter! And having group sex with their son! Wait! Emmie said that Thomas had badges, too! It's not just the girls! It's...

Connie must be fucking her son! My dick throbbed painfully. God, that was so hot! Karl wasn't exagerating, he and his wife were practicing full family incest! Goddam! I could just imagine him coming home and catching his wife Connie and their son naked on the living room couch humping like rabbits! Damn, my penis was so hard! I whipped off my pants and boxers, and squeezed my erection in my hand to stop the throbbing. The very idea of full family incest was so taboo and wicked, that it was unthinkably shameful. Only a degenerate could possibly accept such a lifestyle. I would never... never...

And suddenly I remembered that I had already commited incest with my daughter Emmie. I had already shot my semen into her mouth and into her vagina. A full flush of shame and horror surged over me -- I could feel my face burning. That was followed by a stab of self-loathing and guilt as the images of Emmie flooded my mind: her naked on the shower floor, my penis buried deep within her virgin pussy, my hips thrusting, my hands full of her naked, yielding breast-flesh...

I opened my eyes and gasped for breath. I was stroking my erection, masturbating. No. I stopped. I had to stop. This had to stop and it had to stop now, before I was engulfed in my own lusts, with my sense of morality and shame shredded beyond redemption. I held my breath in desparation and took my hand off my rigid, throbbing penis. I gritted my teeth and looked down at it, all seven inches of thick, bloated man-flesh. I shook my head, NO. I scrunched my eyes shut so tightly that tears squeezed out the corners. I must resist my lust. I cannot make Emmie my incest sex toy like Karl has done to his kids! I must not allow Karl to mold me in his own despicable image! Please, God, give me the strenght to fight against...!!!

I heard something.

It was a moaning? No, a grunting sound. It was... coming through my bedroom wall. It was... omigod, it was Emmie. It was much louder now, and repeating over and over. It was my daughter masturbating just on the other side of the wall. Were the sheetrock to disappear, I could reach out my arm and grasp her naked breast. I could raise up on my elbow and watch her working that pink vibrator into her pussy. I could....

With a surge of madness and adrenalin, I leapt from my bed, slammed open my bedroom door and dashed to Emmie's room. My teeth were clamped shut with a mixture of rage and pure fuck-lust. She looked up at me with her eyes bulging as I approached her bed, and took the vibrator out of her hand. She was naked. Naked and so very, very lovely. I threw the vibrator across the room as I jumped on her bed, causing it to creak under my weight.

She uttered only one word. "Daddy!"

But it was the way she said it. It was the way she pulled up her knees and then spread them widely. It was the way one arm reached up to me, beseechingly. It was the way her other hand rolled and pinched her stiff nipple. It was all of that. It was my jealousy of that damned Karl Peabody that he was porking his little girl all he wanted without any shame at all, and that's what I wanted, too! Emmie was my daughter and I wanted my lust for her to be full throttle and shameless and nasty as all fucking hell!!

Emmie's legs wrapped around me as my cock shoved deep within her vagina. She was already heavily lubricated from her own autoerotic activities. It felt like her pussy was full of warm melted butter. I covered her face with kisses and then our mouths found each other and her tongue was inside my mouth. I was holding my pelvis frozen in place, but her hips were rocking violently, begging me to fuck her, violate her, take her without mercy. The tiny rapid movements of her vaginal walls along the stiff flesh of my distended penis was exquisite, causing my erection to throb painfully, faster and faster.

To hell with my fucking moral sensibilities! I withdrew my penis slowly and then rammed it into Emmie's hot quivering pussy. Her back arched stiffly and her mouth uttered a deep gutteral grunt of pleasure and satisfaction. I fucked her slowly at first, thrusting hard on the instroke, causing her to grunt on eachTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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PRISON TORTURE VICTIM OF THE PATRIOT ACT It started when a I rented a room to a man they say was a terrorist.? I had protested I hadn?t know of that fact.? My protests were ignored and in no time at all I was in a federal prison without all the bother of a trail.? I had violated several parts of the Patriot Act and I had no recourse even though several lawyers tried to plead my case.? I became just another victim of The Patriot Act.?  I had several experiences with torture by guards in...

4 years ago
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An Unusual Seduction

Where do I start?My mind was exploding. My emotions were off the charts. My cock was quivering, and I was lost in lust.  Here I was in bed naked next to my wife Carol and she was getting fucked by our friend John.  Her eyes were hooded by lust.  Her nipples were erect and flushed.  Her whole body shined with sexual passion and appetite.  Her legs were wrapped around John and her toes were curled.  John was between her legs, his cock pulsing as he stroked into her. His face was ecstatic,...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mothers seduction

There was no question, a part of me was shocked yet at the same time I have to admit, it wasn't as if the signs hadn't been there and for that matter, for some long while. I guess the truth was I'd hoped it was little more than my imagination. I eased back a little from my vantage point at the top of the landing, sure I couldn't and wouldn't be seen. For one, the two of them would have assumed I had gone to bed. The second reason being, sitting as they were on the sofa, pretty...

3 years ago
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A Fireside Seduction

I glance around the room, checking to make sure everything is in order. Tonight will be very special. My seduction has been well planned. The wine is chilling next to a bowl of fresh strawberries and cream. The fire is slowly burning and the pillows are all arranged in front of it. The candles are ready to be lit And soft music is playing in the background. I can’t wait for my lover to come home. We have been apart for what seems like an eternity, and tonight I want to give him a night to...

4 years ago
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The Call of Seduction

Where are you he asked. In my bedroom, on my bed. Are you sitting up or laying down I am laying back against pillows, I replied. Satin, I presume he asked. Yes, satin. The small talk went on for quite some time. He asked questions concerning every detail of my room. Furniture, lighting, music playing, I guess he wanted to build the image of where I was, what my surroundings looked like, how it smelled, and what it sounded like. In detail I replied to all his questions. Then his...

2 years ago
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A Seasonal Seduction

"Bah, humbug." Cindy Davis was most definitely not overflowing with holiday cheer. In fact, her happy yuletide tank had been empty all week. Now she was filling up with Jack Daniels, but it wasn't improving her mood.Sue Cangelosi turned away from the mini-refrigerator and walked over with two re-filled plastic glasses. "Girl, you are just no fun at Christmas parties. That's no way to bring in the holidays." Cindy grinned. The "party" was a two-girl drinking bout in their dorm room. She and Sue...

3 years ago
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The Seduction

The Seduction By Alana Peterson "I can make you horny" This was getting too weird. After a long and unsuccessful night of pubbing and clubbing, my friend David and I had stumbled back to his apartment. A few more drinks, some commiserating with each other over striking out, and a few puffs on an illegal substance had helped our conversation drift to the strange. I thought I knew David fairly well, so I was pretty surprised when he told me that he was bisexual, "with a few extra...

2 years ago
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The Sweet Seduction

Hi, I am Melanie. I am a 23 year old college student in her third year of her doctor's degree. I am 5'11, with perfect breasts and long luscious legs. My green eyes are considered my best feature. I have always been a sexual being. By the time Afaf became my roommate in my third year, I regularly had sex with 7-10 people a month. I fucked guys and girls and was both dominant and submissive. I was submissive to a couple black women, but dominated the Asian girls and some older ladies. I was...

3 years ago
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Karmas favorite victim

Introduction: A rich girl tortures girls, and someone gets payback after she cheats Karmas favorite victim, Pt.1 (Introduction) Rich girl gets what she deserves I dont know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasnt because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didnt bother...

2 years ago
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His Willing Victim

Fear would have made me speechless, were it not that I had already lost the ability to speak. My eyes desperately tried to pierce through the intense darkness; the gag that had been placed in my mouth making it impossible to call for help. I was tied to a wooden chair which was pressing against my back in a way that was far from comfortable.The rope that bound me was digging into the tender skin of my wrists, making it not at all tempting to struggle and increase my discomfort that way. To my...

4 years ago
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The Professional VictimChapter 1

If you're lucky, you might meet her, as I did, in a small coffee shop at a resort on the southern coast of Puerto Rico, across the island from San Juan. You could offer to buy her a drink, but she'd smile and blush, and run the fingers of her right hand lightly across her protruding belly, and explain that she can't drink until after the baby comes, but that fruit juice would be nice, thank you. She's very shy. But perhaps, if you press her, as I did, she might tell you the story of the...

2 years ago
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Kristens Seduction

Kristen’s Seduction “Wake up! You’ll miss your bus!” That was my mother. My ‘I’ll never let this kid miss a day of school’ mother. I sigh and get out of bed. After washing up, and slipping into a T-Shirt and jeans, I go down for breakfast. Downstairs, the sight is normal. I am alone in the room… alone in the house. Both my parents are doctors, and go for work early in the morning, and come back, early in the morning (the next day) only to (guess guess?) go back to work. They probably sleep in...

2 years ago
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Christmas Party Seduction

I do follow up on the flirtations from time to time depending on my mood. Priscilla is about 5'2, dark shoulder length hair, with a nice figure and nice sexy squeaky voice, which is essential for a tv ad model, and always smartly dressed. I think she is about 23 or 24 as I have not had the pleasure of meeting her. I know she has been going out with the same boyfriend for a while. Priscilla occasionally wears smart black trousers that show off her cute ass delightfully, on other days she...

2 years ago
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Innocent Seduction

Sean Hall was the epitome of male beauty. He had the eyes of a Greek God, and the body to match. Girls practically fell over with their legs open when he walked by, and he seemed oblivious to it all. This led to many doubts as to his sexuality being on the hetero side of the spectrum. How could a young man in is early twenties be so oblivious to his own sexual power over women? It was one of the great mysteries of life that needed to be solved. I entered college as a sophomore and was blessed...

1 year ago
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Queen Of Seduction

Queen Ankhesentiti lay in her chambers one day, bored and wondering what she would do with her day. She got up off her luxurious bed and walked out onto the rooftop terrace overlooking her palace courtyard.She stood on the terrace, leaning on the stone railing as she looked out at the land she ruled. It was a fine land, rich with resources and wealth. She was quite content and her people were happy with her as their ruler. Queen Ankhesentiti was a fair and just ruler, benevolent to her people,...

1 year ago
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Sues Story of Seduction

I met my husband, John at university where I was studying for a communication degree and he was into marketing. We were both taking a psychology unit and started studying together on Friday nights. John was serious about his studies and I thought he was a little boring. He thought I was out of his league.John started asking me out for dinner and eventually dancing after studying. It wasn’t love at first sight, or second, or third, but he was persistent and one Saturday he arrived at my parents’...

2 years ago
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Studio Seduction

It was to that ad I responded the day I decided to leave Kansas and move east to North Carolina. There was no school waiting for me, or man, or job, but it was out of Kansas and away from my obsessive ex. I pointed at a map, saw NC in big letters and instantly went online to find listings. That was the first of twelve ads I responded to with cheap rents and immediate results. That ad was the only one that said yes, and within five hours I was packed and in my car heading east. I didn't have...

4 years ago
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Amelias Seduction

Wednesday: Eight Fifty-Nine p.m. She stood at his door. In one hand a single red rose, her other poised and ready to knock. Her heart beat wildly and her head spun with a heady mixture of fear and pure excitement. Her mind was full with the expectation of what was about to happen to her body; her insides ached from her high state of arousal. Like a ripe peach her womanhood was bursting with sweet juice; ready for someone to take a mouth-watering bite. She took a deep breath and knocked. ...

3 years ago
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Total Seduction

Total seduction. That’s what the ad said. This was an uncharacteristic adventure for him, but then anything would have been out of the ordinary. He played it very clean and straight, never wanted to get in trouble, and he’d never thought about actually going to a place like this. Was this even true? Did the subtle wording in what he was reading mean what he thought it meant? Only one way to find out. With the appointment made, he found himself in a clean waiting room all by himself and a young...

4 years ago
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Adding Kink To Our Sex Life 8211 Part 3 The Seduction

Hello Readers, I am Suraj, 35 years old, and my wife is Sneha, aged 29 years. Yes, we have a big age gap. I am a new writer sharing details of my kinky life. Some names have been changed for privacy reasons. Let’s get to the story. My wife and I have been married for the past 10 years, and this all began 2 years ago. It was me who pushed my wife to this. I got her seduced by a bull who would dominate her and me. If you haven’t read the first 2 parts, please do. This story of the seduction will...

4 years ago
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Sweet Seductionbypopsicle_toes©Frank Duran was a bit drunk and very horny. He just hadn't realized it yet. His 19-year old daughter, Sherry, was the cause of both conditions. She had been topping his glass non-stop with champagne since before dinner, under the excuse of celebrating the start of her summer break from college. Sherry's mom, Mary, was away on a weekend trip with her girlfriends, thus giving Sherry free reign of the house and its other clueless occupant, her dad. Frank's horny...

3 years ago
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A Real Aunt Seduction

Hi guys, this is Sandy from Namma Bangalore, I’m a Tamilan by birth settled in Bangalore. The main culprit is me myself where as the accused is the aunt of mine. A small explanation of my aunt age if about 47, she s wife of my dad’s elder brother i.e; Periamma.She is a hot chick, she’s an illiterate but more brainy and is from an village,her size is 36C-38-38. The sizes mentioned are taken after a encounter with her. Let her name be Malliga (false name). Coming to the story,from childhood I...

4 years ago
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African seduction

African culture regards the seduction of sexually active women totally different that that of the western hemisphere. Sadly, there are few laws enforced to protect women in some countries and this appalling practice of sexual humiliation has torn families apart. A lot of k**napped teen women, wives and daughters, have been forced into prostitution and sex slavery.... especially the young white ones. Many rich black African men lust for white women and have forcefully impregnated many of them...

3 years ago
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Through The Looking Glass Part III The Seduction

Part III The Seduction – Through the Looking Glass. As Robert drove his cock home he felt his pulse race and his cock twitched as his balls constricted.   Eileen curled her toes and arched her back to meet his thrust.    This was her fourth orgasm and she was feeling loved and very sexy.   She felt her dad’s cock throb and release a blast of lubricating cum in her cunt and she arched her back up even more as his cock entered her cervix.   He was depositing his hot baby filled...

2 years ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 3 Student Seduction

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 3 - Student Seduction By Farleven "So he totally boned you in the lab?" I blushed just hearing Alex's chirpy voice as I walked into the frat house. I wasn't sure that I was up to talking about my recent experience with Professor Barrington. Getting strapped down on the bed by my electronics instructor while he teased and tickled my naked body was certainly something I'd never forget. It was also not something I was ready to talk about either. The...

3 years ago
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After Dinner Seduction

Mother looked up from where she sat on the stool before her vanity mirror as I approached from behind. Without my shoes, I walked softly across the hard wood floor like a memory out of my youth. She watched me with her wide green eyes, a smile pleased, but nervous, smile on her full red lips.It had been a delightful evening. Just a mother being spoiled by her loving adult son. We dinned at a fine restaurant that mom would never have been frugal enough to enter if I was not paying – we danced to...

3 years ago
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Lakeside Friends HotTub Seduction

The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and...

1 year ago
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She sensed the moment he walked into the room, even though he made not a sound. Her pulse quickened at just the scent of his cologne. He stood behind her, and she could feel his hot breath on her neck, which caused her pussy to dampen.Without a word, he reached around and cupped a breast while he kissed and nuzzled her neck. She closed her eyes and moaned as the hard little nub between her legs began to throb. And when he took a single finger and traced an imaginary line slowly down her spine,...

2 years ago
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Sues Story of Seduction

I met my husband, John at university where I was studying for a communication degree and he was into marketing. We were both taking a psychology unit and started studying together on Friday nights. John was serious about his studies and I thought he was a little boring. He thought I was out of his league. John started asking me out for dinner and eventually dancing after studying. It wasn't love at first sight, or second, or third, but he was persistent and one Saturday he arrived at my...

1 year ago
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Ms Seduction

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name isn't really important, but the story I'm about to tell you is. The story is about a young woman who did what I thought no woamn would never do to me, SEDUCE me into doing whatever she wanted me to do to her. It started as a simple night going out with some friends to a club close to the beach, we had plenty to drink and dancing with every female in the club until I notice one woamn sitting at the bar who was a knockout. I told my friends I was...

2 years ago
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Manhattan Seduction

All eyes in the elegant bar turned to look at the gorgeous black-haired beauty who glided in on the plush carpeting. She wore a tight, glistening dress that had a classic Grace Kelly look, but also a simmering, seductive power. The dress clung to her large, firm breasts, and to her glorious, taut ass, in a way that caused every man in the bar to stare in a hypnotic trance. As she slid into her high-top chair, my eyes darted from her ass, to her magnificent cleavage, to her legs – revealed all...

1 year ago
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Lost for the moment in her own thoughts, Larissa ignored the icy wind as it teased a tendril of blonde hair from the chignon caught low on her slim neck, and sent it dancing across her cheek and into her eyes. Larissa shivered and clasped her woolen coat tighter to her slim frame, but not before the cold wind managed to work its way under the fur trimmed collar, eliciting a shiver as it caressed the warm skin of her neck. She moved quickly and slipped through the wide front doors and out of the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Milf and The Wolf Mutual Seduction

As the day slipped into night and the moon was on the rise I sat quietly on a stool at the quaint little bar downtown. I was in town for a business meeting, but I wanted time to relax after a long hard day. I looked at my ring then down to my hot wife anklet, wondering what the night would bring.I was free for the night as my sexually incapable husband was back home hundreds of miles away. I was dressed seductively in a black silk dress that hugged my curves, a silk thong to match, no bra to...

3 years ago
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Swiss seduction

It was well past five in the afternoon by the time we arrived at our destination. We drove through Switzerland to get to Italy for our vacation last summer. We were amazed by the beauty of the country, taking in the view as we began to unpack after the long journey.After dinner at the hotel restaurant, we put the kids to bed. My wife and I were going to have some quality time together at last. The view of Lake Constance was breathtaking as we sipped our wine on the balcony. "Oh, I feel so...


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