La Punition D'Alex free porn video

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Vous voulez discuter de l'histoire avec nous, parler de TG ?: [email protected] (Arnaud) ou [email protected] (Alex) La punition d'Alex Chapitre 1 "Mais c'est quoi ce bordel? Je rentre du boulot ?puis? et le repas n'est m?me pas pr?t? Depeche toi de me faire a bouffer pendant que je vais matter les infos en attendant Audrez..." "D?sol?e Alex, je rentre a peine et je suis compl?tement crev?e mais je m'y mets..." Alex ?tait un jeune homme de 26 ans. Intelligent, il avait r?ussi gr?ce a ses ?tudes a obtenir un poste assez important malgr? son jeune ?ge. Macho, il avait toujours trait? les femmes comme des salopes uniquement bonnes ? satisfaire les hommes, et devant leur ob?ir sans discuter. Depuis 3 ans maintenant, il vivait avec Audrez, une jeune femme de 22 ans, vendeuse de chaussure, qu'il avait rencontr? dans une boutique. Il fut alors rapidement s?duit par sa beaut? exceptionnelle, puis sortirent ensemble, pour finalement se marier. Ainsi, m?me si tout allait pour le mieux entre eux deux au d?but, la situation s'?tait d?grad?e par la suite. En effet, tendit qu'Alex ?tait romantique et attentionn? au d?but en lui offrant des fleurs et lui dire constamment par sms qu'il l'aimait, la routine commen?a par s'installer... Et le temp?rament d'Alex envers les femmes finit par reprendre le dessus. Ainsi, de plus en plus, Alex traitait sa femme comme sa bonniche, en lui demandant de faire toutes les taches m?nag?res ? la maison, vaisselle, m?nage, tandis qu'il la regardait faire, excit? de la voir faire ca dans des tenues l?g?res et qu'il regardait la t?l? pendant ce temps la... Audrey en avait marre d'?tre ainsi rabaiss?e... Cela faisait trois ans qu'elle subisait le caract?re d'Alex, trois longues ann?es. Il est vrai qu'Alex ?tait assez riche et qui lui offrait une vie de r?ve. C'?tait le principal dillemme d'Audrey: comment se d?barasser d'Alex en gardant ce rythme de vie. Divorcer? trop hasardeux. Le tuer? non vraiment pas pour elle... jusqu'? deux semaines o? elle trouva la solution sur Google: une potion lui permettant de transformer Alex dans un corps si humiliant pour lui. Les ?tapes de la transformation ?tait finement d?crites. Ce soir l?, Audrey devait encore faire le m?nage et amener la bi?re ? monsieur Alex. Arriv? ? la cuisine elle glissa la potion dans la bi?re de brasseur de monsieur. Puis lui amena. Pendant que Audrey se baissait dans les moindres recoins pour nettoyer les poussi?res, Alex sirotait sa bi?re en mattant son petit cul. Il voulu glisser sa main dans son pantalon pour s'exiter encore plus mais il ne pu le faire... il essaya de bouger l'autre main mais ne pu le faire non plus. Que se passait-il? "Audrey, je ne peux plus bouger!" Dit Alex avec un ton un peu paniqu?. "Alex, j'ai quelques petites choses ? t'expliquer..." Chapitre 2 "Tu vois" continua Audrey "tu me r?pugnes maintenant. Tu es devenu le typique male macho, celui qui consid?re la femme comme son objet." Alex r?pondit "?coute on a d?j? eu ce d?bat Audrey, c'est juste que ..." Audrey le coupa "tais-toi! Tu ?tais faux, tu as toujours ?t? faux. J'en peux plus de ?a, de cette vie.. mais tu me connais bien, j'aime ?tre avec toi enfin avec ton argent, voil? c'est dit..." "T'es vraiment qu'une pute ..." Dit alex avec d?dain. Audrey gifla Alex qui ne peut rien faire ? cause de sa paralysie "C'est marrant que tu me dises ?a car dans quelques temps, les gens qui te verront penseront exactement la m?me chose de toi" Alex sentit d'un coup son corp devenir un peu plus chaud "Vois-tu Alex, j'ai mis une petite potion dans ta bi?re. Une potion qui te transformera inexorablement en petite nana, en petite pouf qu'un macho comme toi aime tant." "Tu d?railles.." "Ah oui? concentre-toi, tu ne trouves pas que tu flottes un peu dans tes v?tements?" "Je... tu..." Alex se rendit compte que ses v?tements devenaient un peu plus grand comme Audrey le disait, peut ?tre c'?tait la bi?re. Apr?s tout Alex pensait qu'Audrey ?tait parfois hyst?rique... "Bon tu as mis quoi dans mon verre, putain c'est pas dr?le!" "Je te l'ai dit Alex, une potion! bient?t le grand macho que tu es sera une fr?le et jolie jeune fille . Bient?t tous tes v?tements seront bien trop grands pour une midinette comme toi! Bien s?r d'autres choses vont t'arriver mais je t'expliquerai cela ? la fin de ta transformation. J'ai d?cid? de me d?barasser de toi de la fa?on la plus saine possible. Bient?t Alex n'existera plus et..." "Tu vas me tuer! c'est ?a tu as mis du poison dans mon verre!" "Mais non Alex! haha tu as d?j? senti ton 'r?tr?cissement', il continue en plus... mais tu sens aussi tes fesses qui deviennent plus ronde, ton visage qui devient plus doux? Alex sentit ce que disait Audrey, il regarda, ses v?tements ?tait encore devenu plus grand ... ou alors il ?tait plus petit... son visage n'avait plus aucune trace de barbe, ni de poil... ses mains... ?taient devenu tr?s fine... et son post?rieur, il ne pouvait le voir mais il sentait bien que quelque chose se passait. Audrey le regarda .... tout chez Alex changeait, il ?tait maintenant androgyne et on pouvait facilement le confondre avec une fille... Elle savait que la paralysie allait s'arr?ter dans quelques minutes.... Pendant ce temps l? Alex ne faisait que r?tr?cir et perdre de plus en plus de ce qu'il avait de masculin... Chapitre 3 Apr?s quelques minutes, Alex senti qu'il pouvait bouger sa main puis l'autre... Audrey se retourna pour prendre la t?l?commande, c'?tait le moment, le moment pour lui sauter dessus, pour lui faire comprendre qui est le maitre. Alex sauta de la chaise et agrippa le cou d'Audrey... celle-ci ne bougea pas. Alex constata avec horreur: sa femme ?tait-elle soudainement plus grande? sa main entourait ? peine son cou... et devait il se mettre sur la pointe pour pour pouvoir ?tre ? la m?me hauteur? D'un seul coup le pantalon d'Alex tomba laissant apparait ses nouvelles petites jambes, jolies, ras?es, tellement f?minines ... Audrey se retourna avec un sourire diabolique... elle regarda Alex. C'?tait tellement dr?le, elle devait baisser la t?te pour le regarder... et Alex de lever les yeux et se tenir sur la pointe des pieds pour tenir t?te maintenant ? Audrey. Audrey prix alors le bras ? Alex et le tordit "?coute moi bien, c'est fini, m?me si tu essayes, tu n'arriveras pas ? jouer le macho devant moi... regarde ton corps" Audrey approcha Alex d'un mirroir, tu vois quoi. Alex fut ?tonn?, une ?trang?re ?tait entre les mains d'Audrey ... cette ?trang?re c'?tait lui... de long cheveux, un visage poupin, il vit sous sa maintenant tr?s grande chemise un bout de sein qui d?passait. il eu ? peine le temps de voir son entrejambe pour voir son gros sexe disparaitre laissant place ? une petite chatte ?pil?e comme un ticket de m?tro. Alex tenta de remonter son pantalon. En se regardant dans le mirroir, il ne vit qu'une petite brunette qui essayait de se faire passer pour un homme. Alex ?tait maintenant une fille...compl?tement... Audrey lui dit alors en la lachant "Dis-toi une chose Alexia, ta transformation ne fait que commencer!" Chapitre 4 "Non mais c'est pas vrai, c'est moi cette petite connasse? Ou sont pass?s ma virilit? et mes muscles, ma taille de 1m80... Je suis a pr?sent une fille qui parait ? peine adulte et ressemble ? une petasse... Exactement le type de fille que je consid?rais uniquement bonne pour un coup juste le temps d'une soir?e... Audrez tu n'es qu'une pute, d?p?che toi de me changer ou je sens que je vais..." Alex fut pris de col?re de voir sa nouvelle forme et l'humiliation d'?tre ainsi chang? par sa femme qui ?tait en train se marrer de voir la t?te de son ancien mari en train de se regarder dans le miroir et cherchant un grain de masculinit? dans sa posture et toucher ses nouvelles formes honteux... Il se jeta ? nouveau sur sa femme qui l'arr?ta tout de suite et commen?a ? lui tirer les cheveux et le mettre ? terre..." "Que tu vas quoi Alexia? Mais que veux tu faire contre moi ? pr?sent? M?me ma cousine de 15 ans plus de force que toi, que veux tu faire face a moi physiquement?" Alex se sentit alors humili? d'?tre ainsi rabaiss? par sa copine dont il se voyait encore la forcer ? se mettre ? genoux en rentrant du travail pour le sucer... "Non Audrez l?che moi piti?! " crie-t-il d'une petite voix fluette..; sa voix aussi avait chang?... bien chang?... il fut effray?. "Alors dit que tu n'es rien d'autre qu'une petite pouffiasse et je te lache..." Alex se mit ? chialer de douleur mais aussi de honte d'?tre dans cette situation, lui qui ne pleurait jamais d'habitude, puis dit s'ex?cuta ? dire ces paroles un peu d'entendre sortir ces mots de sa bouche avec cette nouvelle voix si aigue... "Je suis un....une... petite pouffiasse" "Tu ne t'en sortira pas comma ca Audrez...Meme si tu m'a transform? ainsi, je suis toujours moi ? l'int?rieur et vais tout raconter... Les gens comprendront bien en leur disant que j'ai disparu et que je pourrais leur montrer que je suis bien Alex! " "Tu te trompes Alex ! Ca fait parti de mon plan aussi... Oui, les gens vont bien se rendre compte que tu as disparu mais je dirais simplement que l'on ne sait pas ce qu'il t'es arriv? et les gens finiront par penser que tu es mort on ne sait trop comment... Ainsi, je pourrais r?cup?rer tout en fric et ne pu te subir comme mari! Pourquoi tu ne diras rien tu te demandes? et bien essaye de penser ? quelque chose que tu as envies et essaye aussi de penser ? tes attirances sexuelles..." "Tiens c'est bizarre c'est quoi cet espece de brouillard dans la tete que j'ai eu d'un seul coup?" Une envie que j'ai en tete et mes attirances sexuelles? Laisse moi fermer les yeux et r?fl?chir... Hein?? mais c'est quoi cette paire de botte noire en solde que je vois dans un magazin pour femme et cette bite en train de sucer que je vois?" "Attends et repond moi: combien font 40 * 3 " "Tu me prend pour quoi? ca merde j'en sais rien du tout!! Mais qu'est ce qui m'arrive! " repondit Alex en rougissant "Voila, tu commences a comprendre? comment veux que tu que les gens qui te connaissaient croient que tu etais Alex? tout ce qu'il verront sera une petite connasse stupide et n'en croiront pas un mot et te prendront pour une folle.... Et pour la suite tu te demandes? Moi je restes dans notre grande baraque et fais donc r?cup?rer tout le fric que tu avais mis de c?t? pour acheter ma boutique et devenir directrice... Et toi? Bien sur, je ne veux plus de toi ici, je ne suis pas lesbienne, donc tu vas degager d'ici... Quand ? ton boulot? je vais te pistonner pour que tu puisse etre embaucher dans ma boutique et tu travailleras ensuite pour moi comme vendeuse, sous mes ordres...tu pourras ainsi voir ma copine de boulot que tu aimais tant matter... Tu te rappelles, ses seins si ronds, ses fesses... ses... mais je suis b?te, ?a ne t'excite plus ?a ma grande?" Alex essaya de se concentrer mais il n'arrivait plus ? devenir excit? par cette fille Audrey "toi ce que tu aimes, c'est les mecs, un sexe d'homme qui te domine, te force ? sucer... tu as maintenant une nature plut?t de domin? ma petite, de petite salope hein. Tu te doutes bien que ta transformation n'est pas fini mais ce n'est plus de mon ressort, cela d?pendra de quelqu'un d'autre. Tu te rappelles d'Arnaud? Ton ancien stagiaire que tu exploitais et que tu as refus? d'embaucher? Oui il a 23 ans et il est un peu plus jeune que toi. Oui oui m?me si tu es plus petite tu es encore plus vielle... mais attend de voir ce que te r?serve Arnaud, il arrive dans 20 minutes haha" La sonnette de la porte s'activa Audrey sourit et dit "oops je crois qu'il a de l'avance!" Chapitre 5 Arnaud ?tait un jeune homme brilland qui avait crois? la route d'Alex... depuis il ne pensait qu'? une chose: se venger. Il ?tait un de ses anciens stagiaires et le d?tester au plus haut point. Alex l'avait toujours consid?r? comme un petit gringal?. Il ?tait rentr? en contact avec sa femme un soir sur un forum... il se confiait de plus en plus avec elle et fantasmait tout deux comment se d?barasser le plus simplement d'Alex... Arnaud trouva la situation id?ale pour orienter Audrey vers une solution de transformation sexuelle. Arnaud pouvait alors accomplir deux choses qu'ils aimaient: se venger d'Alex et surtout accomplir son d?sir sexuel en changeant un homme en femme et l'humilier le plus possible. Avant d'ouvrir la porte, Arnaud ?tait rest? sur le perron, ?coutant la petite voix d'Alex se transformant de plus en plus aigu... rien que d'entendre, Arnaud ?tait d?j? de plus en plus excit?. Il d?cida alors de sonner, dans sa main il portait un sac rempli de fringue et quelque flasque de potion... Audrey lui ouvrit la porte. Il d?cida de l'embrasser sur la bouche en d?duisant que la petite femme d?rri?re dans des v?tements trops grand devait ?tre Alex qui le fusillait d'un regard noir. Alex sauta alors sur Arnaud. Ce dernier lui parraissait maintenant ?norme... un vrai homme... Arnaud l'agrippa de vol?e et lui dit "t'en veux aussi petite pouff" puis il l'embrassa langoureusement. Puis il la retourna, lui enleva ses v?tements brutalement. Alex se retrouva toute nue devant sa femme et Arnaud. Compl?tement humili?, il ne put rien dire et instinctivement il cacha son petite sexe de femme et ses seins. Audrey pouffa de rire et Arnaud eu une bonne ?reciton qu'Alex remarqua automatiquement. "Bon je vais ? la cuisine Arnaud, je te laisse avec notre petite pouf' d'Alexia... ? toi de finir le travail" "Oui ma belle" dit Arnaud en l'embrassant. "Allez Alex, ?a ne fait que commencer, tourne-toi que j'admire tes belles fesses! " Et ?trangement Alex s'?x?cuta... Chapitre 6 Alex ?tait maintenant dos ? Arnaud. Il ?tait effray?. En quelques minutes, il ?tait pass? du gros macho ? la petite femme qui tournait le dos ? un ancien stagiaire. "Alexia" Commen?a Arnaud "je vais maintenant t'expliquer ce qui va se passer "comme l'a dit ta femme, enfin Audrey, ta transformation n'est pas finie. Je vais t'expliquer. Comme tu as pu t'en apercevoir, les femmes c'est plus tellement ton truc" Arnaud prit alors un playboy dans son sac "tu vois ?a" il d?signa une jolie blonde dans un poster "?a ?a m'excite, toi par contre.... t'en penses quoi" "Si... si ... elle est belle" dit Alex avec une petite voix "Oui allez Alex tu trompes personne, je sais tr?s bien que ?a t'indif?re compl?tement, par contre ?a " Arnaud d?ploya le poster d'un rugbyman compl?tement nue" ?a, ?a te fait mouiller maintenant? hein , avoue! dis- le!" Alex eu alors un mini-choc ?l?ctrique, il sentit de l'humidit? dans sa nouvelle petite fente... oui cet homme nu l'excitait compl?tement: son sexe, ses bras muscl? , son torse. Alex se pin?a les l?vres pulpeuses qui ?taient maintenant siennes. Arnaud repris alors: "nous allons faire maintenant un jeu: je sais que tu n'es pas encore pr?te ? me sucer la bite " Alexia fut choqu?e d'un langage si vulgaire "mais je peux toujours te forcer... mais je ne suis pas un violeur" dit Arnaud "je te propose alors un petit jeu. Pipe ou potion? Tu vois o? je veux en venir: tu as le choix: soit tu choisis la potion, soit de me faire une pipe, ? toi de voir!" "et si je refuse... je peux toujours" "si tu refuses, c'est tr?s simple, ta femme se fera un plaisir de te foutre ? la porte illico-presto, en restant ici, tu as encore le choix, peut-?tre de redevenir un homme" Alex ?tait effray? par la proposition, il dit ? demi-mot "je prend la potion... mais ... mais ?a va me faire quoi? vous m'avez d?j? transform? en femme... et " "?coute moi b?b?, tu verras bien ok" dit Arnaud Alex prit alors la fiole qu'Arnaud lui tendit et la bu d'une traite. Il ne sentit rien se passer. Arnaud se d?shabilla. il ?tait maintenant en boxer devant Alexia qui ?tait toute nu. Arnaud bandait comme un cheval en rut. Il s'approcha d'Alex, lui carressa les cheveux, les seins passa sa main pr?s de sa petite chatte lui touchant ses petits poils et pris fermement ses fesses. Arnaud n'avait plus sous sourrire sympathique. "?coute moi bien salope, la potion que tu viens de prendre ? augment? ta libido significativement, ta seule envie est maintenant de me l?cher la queue, de la prendre dans ta petite bouche et prouver tes talents de suceuses... le jeu va donc un peu changer, si tu veux vraiment me sucer la bite, il va falloir boire toute les potions que j'ai apport?". Alexia fut horrifi? mais aussi ... toute mouill?e... Chapitre 7 Arnaud sorti alors sa queue puis se mit a se branler devant Alexia, qui ?tait ? genoux devant lui... Il prenait son sexe et caressait la joue d'Alex, elle ouvra la bouche mais Arnaud ne mit pas son sexe. Sans comprendre pourquoi Alex sentait cette chaleur entre ses jambes et une envie irr?sistible d'avoir quelque chose ? l'int?rieur, il commen?a ? se caresser le clito tout en etant compl?tement tremp?e... Puis il se dirigea vers Arnaud ? quatre pattes et dit alors: "Ta queue... je veux sucer ta queue!" dit Alexia compl?tement humili?e d'en ?tre r?duit la ? cause de leurs jeux... Arnaud se branla de plus en plus bel qui ?tait encore plus excit? de savoir que cette petite saloppe ?tait avant Alex ce gros macho virile et puissant... "Si tu veux me sucer bois cette potion Alexia, de toute fa?on as tu le choix?" Alexia r?fl?chit alors alors qu'elle etait en train de voir cette queue...que pouvait il lui arriver de pire? il etait deja une petite saloppe? il ne voyait pas trop qui pouvait lui arriver de pire, et de toute facon, il ne pouvait pas resister ? l'envie... "Cette potion me fera quoi?" demanda Alex en fisant le sexe d'Arnaud "Cela va te rendre plus jeune, 18 ans et 2 jours pour ?tre pr?cis... alors" Alex essaya de r?sister tant bien que mal mais vouloir sucer la queue d'Arnaud ?tait trop fort. Elle s'?x?cuta, ses traits devinrent encore plus fin et plus jeune. Ses seins devinrent plus fermes, plus doux... Elle devint m?me encore plus petite. Arnaud se branla de plus belle et rentra sa bite dans la bouche d'Alexia jusqu'? la gorge "Oh ?a m'excite tellement de savoir que la fille plus jeune qui me suce c'est toi Alex. Et tu sais quoi, je pourrais te prendre en levrette, mais pour ?a, il va falloir boire une autre autre potion. Tu te rappelles les blagues sur les blondes que tu faisais? tu vois o? je veux en venir?" Alex r?fl?chit encore moins cette fois-ci, le go?t de la bite d'Arnaud l'avait tellement excit? qu'il but d'une traite la potion... Bient?t la petite brunette devenait une petite blondinette platine. Il ne fallut que quelques secondes ? Arnaud pour passer sa bite ? la petite chatte d'Alexia. Il la bourrina sans m?nagement. "Tu sais Alexia, maintenant si tu veux que je continu, il va falloir que tu boives cette potion. Tu te rappelles ce que tu disais sur les filles de banlieue? et bah avec cette potion tu vas en devenir une, enfin une vraie caricature de banlieue" Alexia h?sita, elle pouvait encore rester une simple blonde... mais l'envie ?tait trop fort et elle but goulument la potion. Tout d'abord Alexia ne remarqua rien puis elle vit apparait des m?ches bleues et que ces cheveux devenaient blonde platine, un anneaux apparut sur son nez et un tatouage en forme d'?toie sur son ?paule gauche. Chapitre 8 Pendant ce temps l? dans la cuisine, Audrey entendit les bruits de 'sexe'. Au d?but elle entendait simplement Arnaud qui humiliait Alex. Elle entendait la petite voix d'Alexia qui suppliait de redevenir un homme mais maintenant elle n'entendait plus que des "han han han" tr?s f?minin. Puis... d'un coup elle entendit une voix diff?rente, toujours f?minine mais plus jeune puis... plus 'racaille' ou fille de banlieue. Audrey pouffa de rire. Elle d?cida de rentrer dans la pi?ce... elle vit tout d'abord Arnaud nu et seulement les jambes d'Alex d?passait... elle s'avan?a et vit toute la sc?ne. Elle ne put qu'escquisser un ?norme sourire. Devant elle, il n'y avait plus le riche et pr?tentieux Alex mais une blondasse d'? peine 18 ans qui jouissait comme une pute. Ses longs cheveux platines et ses m?ches bleues recouvraient son dos, ses fesses rebondissaient au rythme des coups de bite d'Arnaud. Audrey se pencha vers la jeunes Alexia. Alexia fut humili? et lacha instinctivement "vazy! kest'? regarder!" Avant de s'apercevoir de son phras?... Alexia commen?a ? pleurer. "Toujours excit?e la petite pute?" demanda Audrey "maintenant, si tu veux qu'Arnaud te laisser jouir, il va falloir boire cette derni?re potion. Cette potion va finir de fa?onner ta transformation, le principe c'est qu'elle va te rendre compl?ment superficielle, fan de strass et de pailette pas cher. Elle va aussi diminuer consid?rablement ta confiance en toi, assez pour que tu ne sois plus capable de commencer des projets ou r?ussir ta vie. Et enfin, elle va te pousser ? faire toujours les mauvais choix en mati?re de gar?on... tu vas toujours tomber amoureuse des sales types, des gros machos et aussi des bad boys qui vont trainent dans ton quartier, ceux qui te forcent ? les sucer dans le hall d'immeuble. " Alexia voulut r?sister, elle y arriva presque mais Audrey pris la bouche d'Alexia entre ses mains et glissa la potion entre ses jeunes l?vres pulpeuses. D'un coup Alexia sentit au fond d'elle que tout s'?croulait, elle baissa d'un coup le regard. Arnaud se retira de sa petite chatte puis approcha sa bite pr?s du visage d'Alexia puis explosa de plaisir ce qui se traduit par une gicl?e de sperme dans les cheveux, les yeux et la joue d'Alexia. Alexia prit alors conscience de sa position de petite banlieusarde nymphomane, timide et d?prav?e. Elle se releva et demanda timidement en regardant le sol "vouzall? me r'changer hein?" "Mais tu crois quoi petite souillon?" dit Audrey "Tu sais qui on est? tu oses encore nous parler!" Audrey tendit des v?tements ? Alexia qui commen?a ? pleurer et dont les larmes se m?langeait au sperme d'Arnaud. Elle lui tendit alors des vetements. Il s'agissaient de vetement d'ado, un haut rose playbo, un jeans fashion taille basse et des bottes Jennyfer puis lui dit: "Bon il me semble que tu en assez eu je trouve Alexia... Te voila ? pr?sent puni pour ton comportement de macho envers les femmes.... A pr?sent, tu vas me faire le plaisir de d?gager, je t'ai trouv? un petite studio dans la banlieue... j'espere que tu te feras pas trop "embeter" dans le m?tro en rentrant vu ton alure, l'heure et aussi les gens qui trainent ? cette heure ci. En m?me temps tu es le genre de bille qui aime ?a maintenant hein? les bons gros machos tu aimes?.. Allez a pr?sent habille toi et casse toi sale petite pouffe... Je vais continuer la soir?e avec Arnaud..." Alex s'habilla puis regarda Arnaud et sa femme le regardant d'un air satisfait... Le melange de sperme ainsi que les larmes qu'il avait de se retrouver dans une telle situation lui fit alors couler son maquillage dans les yeux puis s'en alla... FIN

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I was beginning to like this Mr. Mom stuff. Since our son was born and it was decided that I was the most logical one to stay home to raise him my sex life has taken a decided turn for the better. I was happy staying home and my wife was happy going back to work and getting fucked regularly by her man at home. Life was beautiful.About two weeks had gone by since the night I shaved myself and my wife turned into a slut in bed. We had sex almost every night since then and I was getting used to...

3 years ago
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Power and Choice

Five days. Fucking five days, that's how long you have before exams. you wouldn't be worried about exams if you had time to study. But sadly you've screwed yourself on that, you haven't handed in any of your assignments so now you have to go into badass mode and write two essays, a story about modern day slavery, and a whole bunch of bullshit for drama class. Of course before that you have to wake up. As you turn over and stretch your legs you decide the school work can wait five more minutes....

1 year ago
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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 2 Mud Bowl Offside Tackle

That night, Emma Watson and her parents watched the news excitedly. Normally Emma didn't care much for the news, but normally Emma's own class wasn't a part of the leading domestic news story. Billy and Emma's families got together for a dinner of barbecued burgers in the back yard. Taking advantage of the new bylaw, Billy's parents escorted him to Emma's in the nude. After dinner, the two 11-year-olds played catch until sundown, with Billy trying to imitate the pitchers he...

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Fucking my sexy aunt

I am sex starved and hungry and shy person and i am scared to speak to any girl or lady, if it is my relation females also i was shy.this story is about me and my maami (maama’s wife) and now she is 40 years. This story is back when i was 18 years old. My maama is married to my maami when i was 18 years, that time i didn’t know about sex but my cock will get hard in early morning when i about to get up from my bed. When i was 19 was matured and after that i was come to know about sex after 18...

2 years ago
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Joe The Driving Instructor

While I was nurse training and only 17, I decided to learn to drive, this is when I met Joe, my instructor. He was in his 30's and very charming with the gift of the gab. It wasn't long before he'd arranged my lessons at the end of the day after which he'd suggest we go for a drink. After our drink he drove to a secluded spot, we were kissing in next to no time. His hands were soon removing my upper clothing and expertly exploring my body, which I enjoyed. "We'd be more comfy in the...

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The Book Club

Saturday at noon, the book club was meeting at my home. Our husbands had left early this morning for a full day of fishing, followed I’m sure with an evening at our favorite strip club. I made an apple pie and rhubarb pie the night before. This morning I made chocolate fudge, butter pecan cookies and chocolate covered strawberries. There were four bottles of Dom Perignon along with four bottles of Joh. Jos. Prüm Riesling (white wine) in ice buckets.The table was set with my fine china and...

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BSC06 the Jennifer EffectChapter 2 Simply Gorgeous

The pink slip-on shoe was tossed into the car through the open door followed quickly by the second one. Jennifer then undid the thin black belt that encircled her pink skirt at the waist and pulled the zip down on the left hip. She wiggled her hips and let the skirt drop down passed her knees and on to the ground. She stepped quickly out of that skirt then picked it up and lightly removed some small twigs the skirt had collected from the ground. The garment was then folded up neatly and...

3 years ago
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Always Leave Them Wanting MoreChapter 1

Friday Gill was fine. He said his back was all sorts of shades of purple, and he was having trouble sleeping, but he was his peppy self, zipping around back stage to hand cast members umbrellas or suitcases or whatever the next scene called for. It always seems to be this way, but the show went so much better than it had in rehearsals. And the crowd, while largely friends and family members of the cast, had been very enthusiastic all night. They were even laughing at some of the dated jokes...

1 year ago
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Like Mother Like Son 4

Edited by Victor G. ************ Chapter 4 ************ I woke up the next morning on my stomach. Actually, I woke up on top of my new - albeit fake - breasts. Usually, I sleep on my stomach, but my new artificial feminine assets forced some changes to how I slept. I sat up and felt a dull, aching pain in my lower back from my awkward sleeping position. I'd have to make some considerable changes to my sleeping habits if large, mature breasts were going to be a part of my...

2 years ago
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Exgirlfriend Sarah true story 2

This is the next true story about ex-girlfriend Sarah, telling the world what a horny exhibitionist she is. I think she was about 23 years old when this incident took place. What a dirty, horny girl she is. Just read on….We had gone on another dirty weekend, this time to the city of Plymouth on the south coast of England, UK. We got there on a Friday evening and spent the time eating good food, drinking nice wine and fucking a few times before midnight. The next day we went for a walk early...

2 years ago
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Doctor Dairies Losing My Virginity To My Neighbour Aunty 1

Hello friends, Let me introduce myself. I am Gautam Nanda from a place near Hyderabad. I have completed my mbbs and presently doing an internship. Life is quite boring in studies just with books and patients. I am of 6 feet having physically fit body. Therefore, I give relaxation to myself by giving the pleasure of many girls and women. In my previous story, I told you how I gave pleasure to Madhumita. (Doctor Dairies – Losing my Virginity to my Neighbour Aunty- 1) I have received many messages...

1 year ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 27

“She carries many of her naked photos in her purse. She will show them to you herself. She’s proud of her naked body – and I am too.” “Does she pose with her backside to you?” “Not unless I ask her to bend over and let me take one of her sexy butt.” “She really does have sexy buttocks, doesn’t she?” “She sure does. She and I are going to be married in a few days. As soon as we decide on a date, I would like for you to attend our wedding.” “Really? I would love to be there. Is your...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 4

I knew exactly what Ms. Evans wanted to see me about. I'd met with her last Thursday with my request and she was getting back to me after she had done her research. When I went into my guidance counselor's office and told her that I wanted to do whatever it took to finish high school this year, she told me it couldn't be done. She was surprised that I didn't just get up and leave. She got fidgety and wouldn't meet my eyes as I just sat there, watching her. She finally glanced over at...

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Poker Night with a Twist

“I’m bored,” Amy complained. “Wanna play poker?” Brandy suggested. I watched my two friends bicker over what to do. Being the only single, I was able to occupy myself while alone, whereas my two friends were married. Amy and Brandy’s husbands were both avid hunters, making both of them deer season widows. “I didn’t bring any money,” Amy pouted. “Ok…we don’t need any money. How about whoever wins the hand gets to dare another person to do anything they want them to?” I suggested. They both...

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PurgatoryX Harmony Wonder Reagan Foxx The Surrogate Episode 1

Harmony (Harmony Wonder) and her husband (Jay Smooth) have been trying to have a baby for quite some time but to no avail. To their dismay, they learn that Harmony is unable to conceive. Distraught and desperate, Harmony comes up with the crazy idea of using her attractive step-mother (Reagan Foxx) as a surrogate. Harmony somehow convinces Reagan to become pregnant by Jay’s sperm but they each have a condition. Reagan insists that Jay give her his seed naturally while Harmony insists on being...

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Used By Him

Cheri was so in love with Ken. He totally controlled her every move. He saw her in the library when she was in college and knew he had to have her. She was beautiful and very sexy and she was also innocent. He began talking to her and she was so naive and he liked that as he loved to control especially in sex. She fell instantly in love with him and he drove her home and parked on a back street and began kissing her and soon had her top and bra off and he was fondling her lovely full tits. She...

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Katie and her Landlord Part 1

This was the first time since graduating college three months ago that Katie felt anxious about being an adult. At first, Katie had scoffed at all her friends’ complaints about money being tight and never having time for fun. Katie had been having the time of her life, most nights she bar hopped with friends, and the temp agency she’d been working for kept her making enough money to buy booze and the “going out” clothes she loved so much. Katie was young and beautiful, with silky blonde hair...

1 year ago
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First Trip Of The Year

We traveled up north again with our camper late on Friday afternoon; we arrived at the campsite right at dark in the rain. I set up the camper and got all the leveling/stabilizer jacks down and in place. Soon after I went inside, the rain stopped and the night seemed to clear. We went outside but without firewood, we just set up a few tiki torches and sat listening to the night. As we sat in our zero-gravity chairs I reached for my wife's hand but accidentally ended up with my hand on her...

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Not bored any morehellip

Have to admit after the first Monday fuck I was more than turned on. Driving home I thought about nothing but James fucking his new slut and wondering what might be next.I called on Tuesday on the way to work and just chatted not wanting James to know how fucking horny I was with my wet panties and pussy. Agreed to talk later in the day and I called him in about three hours on my break. James seemed to want to keep going and I sure did so we finally agreed to Wednesday, as I just could not...

2 years ago
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Stockholm Syndrome Part 2

It took me several hours of shopping before I took pity on the dwarfs and we finished the drive. The rented house was lovely, right on the beach with terrific views. I had my own suite of rooms including a small sitting room, bedroom and very luxurious bathroom. I freshened up and put on cardigan sweater and a khaki skirt, and came down to the main living room and said to the dwarfs "I know a great restaurant over in Perkin's Cove, who's up for seafood?" Nobody jumped at the chance,...

1 year ago
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Taking sly wife and Nubie slave to Bookstore

It has been about 4 weeks since we got our Nubie Stephanie living with us. I called them both to the living room and told them that Saturday night I will be taking you both to the bookstore. They looked at each other and I told them I want them bothe shaved completely. Remember their pussy and heads were bald. I said I would lay out the clothes that you will wear Saturday . Saturday came and I saw them in the bedroom getting ready applying make up and doing their shaving touch up. I walked and...

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Satisfying the naughty Amelia

“Have you ever had that feeling? That amazing feeling when a big cock is pounding in and out of your pussy and your clit is being tickled at the same time and your whole body goes to a state of pure pleasure; your whole body starts to feel like its light, everything goes black, you can’t hold back your whimpers and moans, your whole genital area is experiencing a heavenly tingly sensation, like you’re going to explode any moment with satisfaction. You can’t take it any longer and let out a loud...

4 years ago
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First Time CFNM

After about 10 minutes of pretend arm injuries tummy aches and head aches,i was once again the patient and said i had an injured leg.Lauren (my sister) said that i needed to take my trousers down so she could take a look,so before doing so she went to check that nanna was still in the kitchen, and i then stood with my trousers down around my ankles, she then said that maybe i should have a full check up so i took off both my trousers and t-shirt. She did the pretend checks on my chest and arms...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 578 The Sapphic Wedding Part 2

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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My black lover in the locker room

That endless summer my brand new lover was Dashawn, a black guy who I had met at the gym. He had a hard body, muscled and of course, he was very well endowed…From time to time, after gym, we shared a bed, smashing it during at least a couple hours. One night, during my husband’s flight away from town, Dashawn and I made plans to head to the gym after office.We hit the gym about eight and the place closed at midnight. I met Dashawn at the machines after changing my gym clothes in the women’s...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 23 Spy and Kempoist Hanya

Hanya: A spy of Edo Castle's Oniwabanshuu, Hanya. As ordered by the Okashira, I will guard this place to the death! Kenshin: I would avoid an unnecessary fight if possible. Will you stand aside? Hanya (striking his fists together): The commands of the Okashira are absolute. Sanosuke: A metallic sound... the bastard's wearing metal guards under his gloves. So that's why Kenshin didn't hurt him last night... Kenshin: The guards will certainly take the shock of the blow, but the act of...

2 years ago
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Spin the Bottle Til Its Stuck

New Year's Eve was always something I looked forward to with mixed feelings, as I felt obligated to be social while everyone else got increasingly drunk. Neither the former, nor the latter appealed to me very much, and so I had turned the end of the year into something relaxed and quiet for me and my loved ones, ever since I was living alone.2016 was no exception. Novella and myself had a nice evening, watching a little bit of TV and she enjoyed a few glasses of wine while I ravaged the orange...

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The accident at the Hot Springs Part II

Unlike the first chapter, part II is purely fictional… Fifteen weeks later, on a Friday evening in July, finally the day I’d finish my military service had come. Oh boy did that feel grrrreat!! The atmosphere was filled with the eagerness to go home of five hundred soldiers of the rescue battalion 75. The tension was almost unbearable. It was only a matter of time until our commander finally let us go. We all hoped for it to be short: The ceremonial where we’d hand back the rescue banner and...

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True Stories Winter At Beech Mountain Chapters

It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. --- and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces - had given me the 'itch' to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage.I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would...

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Sensational vacation

Hello friends. This is Rocky Akka Legend, Male 27 Mumbai, and Moderator of Kamasutra Groups. This time I am here with another favorite magnum, opus I like this content I ever write read and cum my reader your satisfaction is my goal. A family on their way to their vacation destination becomes sexually aware of each other. This story took place the year of my Last teen birthday. It was the last real family vacation my family took together. I was the last year of my teen age, almost six feet...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Surprise A Fantasy

Since Sean and I have a history of exploring our sexuality; on his 46th birthday, I decided to give him a surprise!! When he got to my house; I told him that we should go find some out-of-the-way spot, and he asked why I wanted to do that. I told him that it was a very special surprise; and, he was really going to like it!! The surprise was underneath my clothes!! I was wearing my favorite pair of black nylon stockings and silk panties!! Sean found a really secluded spot, and pulled off deep...

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B5 Chapter 17 Jeannes Wild Night Jeanne Su

Chapter 17: Jeanne's Wild Night - Jeanne Sucks Persia"All right, Jeanne," said Barocca. "You've had your turn at being in charge, and on top for bit. Now the tables are going to be turned. You're gonna suck us, and you're gonna be the one who gets fucked.""We're going to take it easy on you, because you haven't been on a diet of Dee Dee's pills," said Persia. "But only to a certain degree. What your body can't do in terms of accepting our oversized cocks, you'll have to make up for in...

4 years ago
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Big One

I chatted with him online a few times, John is an older gentleman in his profile he describes himself as an aggressive top. His profile listed him as 8+ for cock sizeso like a rookie I assumed it was eight. I was off work and said hello, he asked if he was every going to get a chance to fuck my sweet ass.I'm very into playing with my ass when I jerk-off but only once have I been with a guy and that experience kinda turned me off.So this time I jumped at the opportunity I agreed to meet right...

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Conte de fes diverses

Conte de f?es diverses Chapitre 1 La chute Charles ?tait assis dans un coin piteux de l'auberge, sirotant le plus lentement possible son vin coup? a l'eau, sans doute de l'eau de lessivage vu la t?te de rat pingre de la rombi?re qui tenait le mis?rable ?tablissement. Le moral de Charles ?tait aussi noir que la salle ?tait crasse. Fini les bons moments d'insouciance de sa vie d'estudiant a Paris, les journ?es d'oisivet? bienheureuses et les nuits festives semblaient bien loin maintenant, plus que jama...

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Goodnight Moon

"Come in Grace, welcome to the party!" Rick held the door open as I edged inside. I saw his eyes look me up and down and he tried to hide the smile on his face. He wasn't alone; all the guys were looking at me. Some were just looking at the amount of skin I was showing, others were trying to match my face, known to belong to the shy, quiet, bookish girl with the bunny girl who had just walked in to the Halloween party. My sister was right, I may just be fourteen, but I needed to show the...

3 years ago
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So, a second OCD GOD story to follow the second part of The Determined Man. As promised this is silly and sexy to counteract the lack of action (so far) in The Determined Man. Please do read both! This follows straight on from OCD GOD 1, but it pretty much stands alone. The concept is about a low level functionary god who has a compulsion to make patterns and balance amongst the people he's responsible for. That's about all you need to know OCD GOD 2 So it turns out that a...

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She Loves It All

She loves every bit of his cock. She loves it in her hands, her mouth, her pussy, and in her ass. Her favorite place is in her mouth. Sucking on it makes her hornier then anything else. Her hot tight pussy gets soaking wet while she sucks him. When he talks dirty to her she tends to suck faster and faster. She loves to suck his cock.  He loves having his cock sucked by her. It drives him nuts. He loves to feel her soft lips on the shaft and her wet hot mouth wrapped around its hard mass. He...

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Mel to Melissa Part 4

"Look, Melissa ..." I followed Susan's eyes toward the entryway of the bar, then returned her smile. One year ago my wife, under the ruse of a birthday gift, had blindfolded me and taken me to Expectations. A few hours later I had walked out as Melissa, wearing a schoolgirl's uniform, with my first dose of estrogen just starting to do its work. Now, thanks to my wife and her lover, I was a woman in heart, mind, soul and body, having had the final surgery a few months before. ...

3 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 9

The next morning, John woke up early. He quietly slipped out of bed and stepped into the bathroom, turning on the lights over the sink. He stood and looked at himself in the mirror for a few moments and then slipped off his silk nightshirt - standing there in only his panties. He stood there for minutes - just staring. His left hand went to his silky-smooth flat tummy. Later his right hand went to his chest above his breasts. With the backs of his index and middle fingers, he...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge

Mistress Emma's Revenge By Brenda Hi I'm Ken. Well I was, now I'm called Brenda. Here's a bit of my story for you. I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did. Because until I got caught misbehaving by my mistress, life was pretty good. At 38, I had a great job as an office manager in charge of 25 or so employees, mostly women, a really good salary, a nice office and plenty of job security. I was only 5'7" but made up for it with my good looks & great personality. Seriously I...

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A Young Witch Part 1

A Young Witch All rights are reserved. All resemblances are coincidental. Many thanks to the futa fanbase on 4chan's /d/ imageboard and the world4ch Fiction board community for their support. - Iris!tFj8DP0Frs Chapter I "Do what you want with the bitch," said Alice Doxer, the buxom, blonde popularity queen of Dainsworth High. Hugs and smiles to those she liked, White Witch to the outcasts and those whom she felt had slighted her. "Everyone knows God hates dykes and fags." Oh...

4 years ago
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Slutty Superstar Part 1

Maya was a beautiful nineteen-year-old-small-town girl. She was about a hundred and sixty-five centimetres tall. As Maya was a model, she liked to maintain to her 32B size breasts and a small but round ass.This year was going to be different. Maya was not aware that amongst the judging panel, there was a huge movie producer. As soon as Maya walked the ramp, the producer had an eye fixed on her. As the pageant continued, multiple rounds unfolded. Unfortunately for Maya, she flopped a few.It was...

First Time
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Dirty Shoplifter 2

For the first time ever, school became a terrible place for me. It was impossible to concentrate on anything. Fortunately it was just two weeks to graduation and all important class work and tests were done. I made it to school each day and sat like a zombie waiting through one class period after another; with only one thing crashing into my brain about every ten minutes…the events at Mallmart. I got through everything required of me like a robot…senior pictures (Mine looked...

2 years ago
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ModeledChapter 4 Fourth Session

I watched the video and couldn't believe it. I saw a picture of myself bent over the kitchen table with my ass sticking up into the air. My chest was bare and my tits hung down almost obscenely from my chest. I never realized my boobs looked so big when I bent over. What made it worse were the position of my hands and the angle of the camera. Peter held my arms behind me, pulling on them, lifting my head and upper chest up off the table. My nipples occasionally touched the cold surface of...

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His Brothers Keeper Part IV

Casey had left her alone in his bed and she had only just cleaned her face off with the towel when she heard the water running in the bathroom. She pulled the covers over her naked body and put the sperm covered towel down by the side of the bed. She closed her eyes and tried to be somewhere else in her mind. The room smelled of Casey’s sweating body and she could still taste his stuff in her mouth. He left her alone while the bath ran; padding around naked in the other rooms. Then...

3 years ago
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Young Girlfriend Crissy

When I was 18, I had a summer job working at a gas station, out along the interstate. Nothing glamorous, but it paid my bills and put gas in my '67 Mustang. My normal shift was from 7 a.m. until about 3 p.m., when my relief got there for the evening shift. I was sort of popular with the neighborhood kids, whom I didn't mind hanging around the station, as long as they didn't get in the way. Especially one of them in particular... Her name was Crissy. She was 13, and she developed a crush on...

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Sex With Lesbo Aunts

Hi to all,I am a regular visitor to this site,and I have always likes the stories.I am from the lovely city of trichur.I always wanted to have sex with aunties. The aunties in our street have always fantazised me.Especially our neighbours.There lived two families in our next house.In one house there was a family,where there was a husband and wife,he was in the military.they had no children,because the aunty (Shanthi) had some problem,she was some 35 or 37 yearsold,she was well built with huge...

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Space Slut

"Welcome to The Fringe!" chimed an excessively chirpy voice, artificially modulated to sound as pleasing as possible. It worked about as well as you might think. "The Fringe is the narrow band of worlds separating Union Space from the inhospitable stretch of stars known as The Scar! Long a haven of criminals, minimally-rated corporations, and remnants of the Argos Armada, it is highly recommended tha-!" Your hand finally slaps out to silence the automated recording, a harsh gasp torn from your...

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Uncle Eds Surprise

It had been seven years since he disappeared. His sister finally had him declared dead so that she could get her hands on his bank accounts. Uncle Ed was a degreed mathematician with an innate sense for electromagnetic theory. For example, he was a contributing author to the theory of the Stellarator, a plasma storage device that mimicked the flows around our sun and while he was on the team, crated a practical fusion-based electrical supply. He held several patents in audio theory and audio...

1 year ago
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He just wanted me to watch

I'm 50yr white, married guy. I like to cruise a parking lot at a hiking trail head that is cruisy from time to time. I get there and drive up to the second parking lot. There are a lot of cars parked, but nobody is sitting in them, all must be real hikers. I park at the end of the dirt parking lot, facing back towards the road and as soon as I park I see a small older white Honda drive up the road, turn down my row, pass me, then back in to the spot right next to me so his driver side is on my...

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Jamie was new in the apartment complex, but I’d seen his face in the papers, he was a politician. He was young, bright, energetic and seemingly too busy to ever date. I watched him for a few weeks, hoping to see some sign that he was gay, but the only person I ever saw him with was his campaign director, Sheila. One Sunday morning, I was doing laundry in the small facility allotted to the four apartments in the complex that included mine. I’d just thrown in some whites, and was folding a small...

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Best Experience With My Maid

Hello everyone.. I am Kiran. Hope you all enjoyed my previous 2 stories.If not please go to my profile and check out how I had sex with my own mom and another story recently about sex with our house maid by giving her sleeping pills. Coming to this story.. if you have read the earlier part , I had kept my maids underwear with me and shaved her pussy hair while she was asleep. She did not tell anything about it to me or my mom. Just simply kept quiet.One day when I was out of house, my mom found...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 17 Ted Ullman ndash Warm Springs Spa and Hot Tubs

His BS&O response simply asked, “Do you have an in call? -tedu” I hated to waste $0.50 but I responded, “No. Make me want to see you. You could give me a phone number -Z3” His response gave a phone number but added “Don’t call text ‘Loose 10 kilos fast. Ask me how.’ I will call you back.” That response looked like the guy was cheating on a GF or wife. I sent the text. An hour later I answered the phone. “Hello.” “Are you Z3?” “Call me Z. And who might you be?” “Ted U, Ted...

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