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Lying in bed that night with Andrea I wanted to make sure she was entirely happy with what had happened and that she wanted Lillian and me to continue with our new relationship.

"Of course I do," she told me emphatically, "It took me a long time to persuade my mother that this was a good idea. She really enjoyed herself tonight you know. We had a little chat when we went upstairs to get changed afterwards. She was very impressed with you; God knows I've told her often enough how insatiable you are, but I think she didn't really believe it until now. She told me she'd never experienced anything like that before, and was adamant that she wanted it to happen again."

"And that's OK with you, is it? I mean you really don't mind your mother and me screwing whenever we want."

"No, I don't. I've never seen her so happy and excited in my whole life, and I couldn't ask you to stop now, even if I wanted to. To be honest with you, I find it very arousing myself. I keep thinking about what happened tonight, seeing my husband lying on top of my mother, sticking his big cock in her, and it's got me very wet. See for yourself."

As she said that last she took hold of my hand and placed it in her groin. As my fingers slid between her legs and sought out her pussy I could tell that she was indeed very wet. The flow from her sex eased my way as I slid two fingers into her pussy. She moaned as my fingers entered her, moving her legs further apart as she pushed herself up to meet my questing digits. She placed her right hand on my belly, sliding it slowly downwards, pushing it through my pubic hair until it encountered the rigid shaft of my penis. Her hand quickly encircled it, squeezing hard as my thumb began to rub at her clitoris. Andrea looked at me as I continued to fuck her with my fingers. "Put it in me now. I want it in me again." No sooner had she asked me that I lifted myself up, easing in between her thighs as she opened her legs wide for me. Her hand never let go of my cock as I moved, and she guided me into her as I slowly pressed myself forward. I slid in easily, and her legs came up to grip me and pull me into her as I slid fully home. "Do me," she whispered into my ear as I pulled back to thrust back into her, "Do me hard, make me cum now." I thrust back into her hard, knowing she was aroused and wanting it now. I fucked her quickly, no finesse, just rapid pistoning strokes of my cock as I brought her to a swift orgasm. She continued to whisper into my ear as my cock pounded into her; telling me she loved me, she loved my cock, she loved me to fuck her. I was ready to cum myself now, and as I felt the familiar surge up my loins and into my cock I thrust forward one last time, burying myself deep in her cunt as I released my cum. Her own orgasm hit her moments later, and her breathy whispers built almost to a scream as her passion was released. Her arms came around and held me tight to her as my cock jerked inside her, spurting the last of its sticky load into her pussy.

Eventually Andrea let go of me, and I rolled over to lie beside her again. "That was very nice," she said, stroking my chest idly, "It's no wonder she said she wanted you again tomorrow."

"What's that?"

"My mother. She asked if we would be coming down for Sunday lunch tomorrow, and when I told her we would be she asked if it would be okay for you and her to do it again."

"I hope you told her that would be fine."

"I certainly did, as long as I get to watch if I want to."

"We might let you, but you'll have to be good."

"That's a shame; I was thinking it would be more fun if I was bad... if we were all bad."

"You might be right. If that's the case I'd better get some sleep. It looks like I'm going to be busy tomorrow."


I had always enjoyed going to Andrea's parents for lunch on, but on this occasion I found myself in a state of nervous anticipation. I wasn't sure what to expect when we got there. I know Lillian had asked Andrea to make sure we would be there, but now she'd had a night to think about what had happened between us. What if she had decided that what we had done was wrong and she wanted no further part in it? I would be very disappointed by that. I had enjoyed our liaison very much, and was looking forward to building a relationship with Lillian, making up for the time she had lost, helping her to grow and become a passionate, sexual woman.

I needn't have worried. As usual when we went into the house Lillian came to greet us, kissing Andrea on the cheek. When I went to kiss her she turned her head to the side so I actually made contact with her slightly parted lips. It was only a very brief kiss, but it was all the reassurance I needed that Lillian wished to continue with our rather special relationship. We went into the living room to say hello to Stan, Andrea's father, and sat down to watch the TV while we waited for lunch.

We had been sitting for ten minutes or so when Lillian called out to me from the kitchen. "Ian, can you come and get the strainer down for me please?" It was not an unusual request, being the tallest person in the house I was often called upon to reach items from high shelves. I went into the kitchen, smiled and Lillian, and reached up to reach the strainer from where she indicated. As I stretched up Lillian came to stand behind me, putting her arms around my waist and pressing herself to me. "I want to thank you for what happened last night," she whispered into my ear, "It's been so long since I was with a man that I almost forgot what it was like."

"It was my pleasure," I told her, "I'm sure I enjoyed it as much as you did."

"Maybe." She moved her right hand down my body as she spoke, until it was pressing against the bulge she had created in my jeans. "I've never told anyone this, not even Andrea, but I wanted you the first time she brought you to meet us. It's a shame I had to wait so long, but it was worth it. Nobody has ever made me feel quite like that before."

"I'm glad you liked it. I hope you like it just as much this afternoon."

I set the strainer down on the bench and turned round to face Lillian. Quickly, fearing my father-in-law may come into the room, I kissed her properly. Her moist lips parted for me and I slid my tongue teasingly along them. I broke off, smiling at her, and reached up to gently squeeze her breasts before going to back to the sitting room with the others. It was only a few minutes until lunch was ready and we were called to the table to eat. Stan and Lillian sat at either end of the table, and I sat at Lillian's left hand side, with Andrea beside me. All the time we were eating Lillian had her leg pressed against mine, and at one point actually lifted her leg up and draped it over my lap, her foot pressed against my groin. A couple of times I managed to put my hand under the table, as if I was rubbing my leg, and lightly stroke my fingers up and down Lillian's calf.

At last lunch was over, and as Lillian began to be the dishes, Stan put on his coat for his Sunday afternoon walk. He always took his dog for a walk after lunch, and this was what Lillian and I had been waiting for. As soon as the door closed behind them I was on my feet and walked over to Lillian. I reached out and took her hand, pulling her to her feet; without saying anything we headed for the stairs. "Enjoy yourselves!" Andrea said to us as we passed her, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'll probably be up in a little bit to see how you're getting on."

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to Lillian. "You go up first, but stop when I tell you." She did as I asked her, and when she had gone up enough steps to bring her backside level with my face I told her to stop. "Now, move your feet apart so that they are as wide as you can get them on the stairs." Once again she did as she was bid, and when she had her feet against the walls on either side of the stairs I placed my hands on my ankles. She was wearing the sensible, flat shoes and tan-coloured tights that she so often seemed to be wearing, and I slid my hands slowly up the back of her legs until it came to the hem of the skirt that extended halfway down her calves. I didn't stop there however, and my hands continued their upward journey, pausing briefly to caress the sensitive area at the back of her knee as her skirt gathered on my wrists and lifted up to expose more of her shapely legs. Lillian shivered deliciously as I gently pressed my thumbs into her knee-pits before moving on higher. I spread my fingers to cover as much of her legs as possible as I ventured further up her firm thighs. I stopped again at the swell of her buttocks, squeezing them in my hands before sliding one hand between her legs to rub at her sex through her tights and panties. After a moment I moved it back to join its mate as they travelled up until they were resting on her hips, her skirt held up by my arms to completely expose her long legs and arse. "Take hold of it," I instructed her, "And keep it up there. I want to watch your legs and your arse as you walk slowly the rest of the way to your bed." She began to walk up the stairs again, wiggllng her bottom as she went, and I reached out with my right hand, slipping it between her thighs so that my fingers rested against her sex as she walked.

When we got to her bedroom she stood before the bed and I stood behind her and put my arms around her, my fingers seeking out the buttons of her blouse. I quickly had them all undone and slipped it off her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor between us. As soon as it was out of the way I loosened the hook and eye fastening of her bra, and she held her arms out in front of her so that I could slip it over them and off her hands. I briefly cupped her breasts in my hand, letting their softness fill my hands before they travelled slowly down her stomach to the waistband of her skirt, loosening the fastening and telling her to let it fall to the floor when I had done so. I then asked her to lean over and put her hands on the bed. Dropping to my knees behind her I put my hands on her arse again. "Let's get these bloody things out of the way first," I said as I pushed my fingers through the flimsy material of her tights and pulled. They ripped with a very satisfying sound, a large tear opening up over her arse and running down the back of one leg. I followed the rip, widening and lengthening it until it extended down to her ankle. I turned my attention to the other leg, repeating my actions until it was also almost completely bared and then took hold of the waistband, pulling it down her legs. At last I was able to remove the ruined garment completely, as she lifted first one foot and then the other for me, and throw it across the room.

Still kneeling behind Lillian, I ran my hands back up her now bare legs until they encountered her panties. They definitely weren't as sexy as the ones she had been wearing for me yesterday, and I soon had them pulled down and lying around her ankles. I was now able to caress her naked arse, and I ran my hands softly over her buttocks, caressing them gently before my left hand slipped down between her thighs, just the tip of my middle finger sliding along her lips and into her pussy. She was already very wet, and my finger met no resistance as I gently fucked her with it. As Lillian began to moan softly I took my finger out and sought her clit, finding it among the soft folds of flesh and rubbing it. Lillian's breathing quickened and small gasps escaped her as I rubbed at her faster. I knew she was close to orgasm now, and I wanted to taste her while she came.

"Turn around and sit on the edge of the bed," I instructed her, and told her to open her legs when she had done so. Leaning forward I pushed my face in between her thighs and ran my tongue up and down her labia before pushing it as far up her pussy as I could get it. I fucked her with my tongue, relishing the taste of her juices, before withdrawing it and seeking out her clitoris. It was already erect, and as my tongue found it she groaned aloud, pushing her cunt into my face. "Oh God, that feels so good," she told me, and I could feel her body quivering with the approach of her orgasm. I brought my hand up from beneath me, two fingers easily penetrating the slick wetness of her hole. Her breathing quickened as I lapped at her, and I could feel the walls of her cunt contract around my fingers as her orgasm began to power through her. And then she was cumming, her back arching, pushing her pelvis into my face as the powerful feelings surged through her body.

As her breathing slowed and she relaxed back onto the bed I stood up and began to undress. I pulled my T-shirt over my head, and quickly got rid of my shoes, socks and trousers, so that I was standing before her in just my shorts. They might as well not have been there, so little did they do to hide the erection I was sporting. I moved forward until I was standing right in front of Lillian, and taking hold of her hand I placed it on the bulge in my underwear. She squeezed it gently, and as I smiled encouragement at her she slipped her hand into my shorts, taking hold of my cock and pulling it out through the opening so that it was exposed to her gaze. "It's beautiful," she whispered as her hand moved up and down my swollen shaft. "Would you like me to suck it?"

"Yes. Do you want to?"

"I do, but I've never done it before, what if I do something wrong?

"I honestly don't think you can, almost anything is good, as long as you don't bite it. To start with just kiss it, on the head. That's right. Now lick it, just pretend it's a lollipop, lick all the way up from the bottom, and then take the end into your mouth; clamp your lips around it and move it your head back and forth, just like I'm fucking your mouth. Yeah, that's good."

I let her fellate me for a couple of minutes, my hands clenched in her hair as she worked on my cock, but I soon had to tell her to stop, fearing that she would bring me to my climax too soon. She took my cock out of her mouth and as I took my shorts off she lay down with her legs off the side of the bed. Standing between her legs I put my hands behind her calves, lifting her legs up and pressing my body up against hers. I asked her to guide me into her, and she took hold of my cock and nestled it against her hole as I slowly pushed forwards, sliding myself into her gently. She let go of my cock as it sank fully home, her hands coming round my waist, pulling me into her, wanting all of me inside her. I paused, grinding my groin against hers, pushing my cock deep into her, before slowly pulling out and sinking back into her wet pussy. As I fucked her slowly, entering her fully on each plunge, I bent down to kiss her breasts, licking each of her nipples erect in turn before taking them into my mouth and suckling on them as Andrea had done so many years before.

I started to thrust a little harder now, still moving slowly as I withdrew but driving back into her with more impetus so that our bodies slapped together as I plunged back into her pussy. I let go of Lillian's legs and put my hands on her hips for stability as we fucked, and as I did so she brought her legs up and wrapped them round me, crossing her feet behind the small of my back so that she could squeeze me without impeding my movement.

We fucked. And each time I slid my cock into her hot, wet cunt she moaned and her hands gripped my waist, digging her nails into the flesh there. Her breathing was coming in quick, shallow gasps now, and I increased the tempo of my thrusts as I sensed she was near to orgasm again. She looked up into my eyes as I pounded into her, "Yes, do it, do it faster...I'm...yes, yes I'm cumming." The last fading away into a breathless moan as her orgasm took her. I kept pumping, my hands now squeezing her tits as I felt my own climax near. Within moments of Lillian I too was cumming, grunting as I felt my seed flowing from me in a series of convulsions, each slightly weaker than the last until I was spent, collapsing to lie on top of Lillian.

Neither of us had been aware that Andrea had been watching almost from the time I had entered Lillian. She had stood quietly outside the bedroom door, intent on the scene that had been playing before her. When we were finished she had come into the bedroom and sat on the bed next to where I still lay between her mother's legs. She kissed both of us – her mother got a chaste kiss on the cheek whereas I got something more intimate – and told us that we looked incredible together. We all lay together for a little while, just touching and being close to each other, before we had to get up and put our clothes back on so that we would be back downstairs watching the television when Stan came back.

******** We quickly settled down into a pattern very similar to this. Sunday afternoons were spent at Lillian's house, where unless the weather was too bad to allow Stan his walk, Lillian and I would retire upstairs and further our knowledge of each other. She quickly became a very confident lover, eager to learn what pleased me, and also what I could do to please her. On the rare occasions when we were balked by the weather Lillian was very frustrated and invariably found some excuse to come to our house later that evening, so much did she enjoy our sessions that she was loath to miss even one.

In addition to Sunday Lillian invariably found another opportunity during the week for us to get together. She had always been a fairly frequent visitor to our house anyway, but as I'm sure you can guess these became a lot less about a cup of tea and gossip with her daughter. What also helps is that Lillian lives just over the road from where I work, and I sometimes pop over for 'a bite to eat' at lunchtime. In fact the first time Lillian was waiting for me as I walked down to the shops and almost dragged me back over to her place to see to her. Apparently Stan had gone to the pub after his dinner, and she had seized on the unexpected opportunity. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we arranged for Lillian to send me a text message on my mobile phone whenever Stan went to the pub after dinner so that I could go straight to her house without wasting time

I got one of these text messages at work one day, about four weeks after our relationship had begun, telling me that Lillian would appreciate a visit at lunchtime Stan was going out and she had something special that she thought I would like to see. It was a just before midday when I got the message, and I spent the next half hour or so walking around with a permanent erection, trying to imagine what I would find when I got there. When break time finally came around I quickly washed my hands and almost ran down the road to go and see what Lillian had in store for me. A couple of minutes later I was walking down her driveway and opening the front door. I closed the door behind me, turning the key that was in the lock, and went to look for my lover. "I'm in here," a voice called from the living room, and I walked down the hallway to go see her. She was reclining on the sofa, her legs stretched out on the cushions, and she smiled a greeting at me as I walked over to her. She held her arms out towards me and I sat on the edge of the sofa next to her, leaning in to kiss her as she put her arms around me and held me tightly to her. Her lips parted slightly as we kissed, her tongue darting in to touch mine briefly before withdrawing as we broke apart and I sat back to look at her. "Well, here I am. What is it you want me to see?"

"Stand up and I'll show you," and as I did so she began to loosen the buttons on her blouse. "Andrea and I did some shopping on the internet. It's amazing what you can get, isn't it? What do you think of this?" As she loosened the last button she spread her blouse wide, showing me the obviously new bra she was wearing. It was red, silk and lace, and just barely covered her nipples.
It's very nice. Is that everything, or is there anything to go with it?"

"Oh there's more. Keep watching." I did, and, still lying on the sofa, she reached down to take hold of her skirt and began to pull it up her legs. This brought my gaze lower down her body, and for the first time I noticed that she was wearing heels. I'd never seen her wearing anything other than flat shoes, but I suppose she must have had some in her wardrobe. They weren't especially high heels, perhaps three inches, but they were a definite improvement on her usual footwear, and I particularly liked the strap that fastened around her ankle. My eyes followed her skirt as it moved up her legs, revealing her knees and continuing to creep slowly up her thighs. I was becoming very aroused by now, and when her rising skirt revealed lacy stocking tops and suspenders I began to gently massage my throbbing penis. Her skirt became stuck then, and to get it the rest of the way she bent her legs, placing her feet flat on the sofa to take her weight so she could lift her behind up and wiggle her skirt up past it. When she had it up around her waist she sat back down, leaving her feet and legs where they were, and I sat back down next to her again.

As I had guessed, her panties – which consisted of no more than a couple of thin straps and a small lace panel at the front – and suspender belt matched her bra, and now that I could see all three I told her that she looked fantastic. I put my hand on her leg, stroking up and down the soft nylon of her stockings, loving the feel of it beneath my hand. I kissed her again, longer this time, our mouths fastened together as my hand slid round to her inner thigh, her legs parting as I slid past her stocking top, coming to rest on her panties. They were already damp, showing me that she was as aroused as I was, so I wasted no time in slipping underneath the flimsy garment; rubbing my fingertips gently along her pussyTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Slut parties with a gang:I remember quite vividly the time I met up with a guy that Liz and I had threesome with. I bumped into him whilst on a works night out and ended up in one of his friend’s flats with that same guy; two of his friends and the taxi driver….They gangbanged me in every hole like the filthy slut I am….I had been out acting my usual flirty slutty self... The crowd I was with were starting to disperse, I’d cockteased a few of the guys in the crowd earlier and had a few French...

1 year ago
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Sharing Ana with two strangers

Anita and I escaped again from the New York cold winter.We decided this time to spend some days at the coast in Portugal…We were on the third night of our quick escapade.Ana and I had enjoyed a delicious Italian meal and then visited a few bars. In her sexy summer dress my wife had got a lot of appreciative looks amongst the locals and I had envious looks throughout the whole evening. My sensual Anita was wearing a tiny white thong underneath her light dress. She was braless and when she leant...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 53 Questions and Answers

November 27, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, just after 10:00am, I was surprised when April showed up at the door of Jocelyn’s house. “Your mom said you were here. I guess you and Jocelyn decided to go steady?” I shook my head, “No. There are some problems at home that mean I need to stay here.” “Problems with your parents?” “It’s a family thing I can’t really talk about. What’s up?” “I wanted to apologize for getting upset and sending you away on Monday.” “Apology accepted....

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Is She Cheating

Hello,A little while ago I wrote asking the good readers of this site if they thought, from the evidence presented, my wife had cuckolded me. Well case closed: she plead guilty.We were drinking margaritas and she was feeling sexy so we started fooing around. As I licked her clit and fuckd her with her favorite vibrator I started asking questions again. What had she done? Did she fuck him? Much to my surprise she asked me if I would be mad if she had. I said not if she told the truth. She then...

3 years ago
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Summer LoveChapter 3

"Is your ass as tight as your pussy? It's a FINE ass, I already noticed just how fine and I'd like to try it." "Take me up to your room so we can be more comfortable. There's more room on your bed than on this sofa and you can find out for yourself," she grinned in answer. Following her up the stairs Kevin marveled at how her ass wiggled as it climbed from one riser to the next. Not only was it very shapely and enticing, it had dimples! There was just something about ass dimples that...

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DevilsFilm Leigh Raven Blacked Out

Leigh Raven follows in the tradition of all the great porn sluts emanating from the Inland Empire. It’s a breeding crown for the new queens of the erotic arts. Brought up on alt rock and rebellion she is a tatted out, tongue split, anal gaping, spit slobbering cum beast. Like primal sex queens of bygone days she awaits her massive cock barrage like a dog awaiting it’s master to get home. She’s ready and wet before they even enter the room. All this cock is hers to do with what...

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A fuck in close quarters In school

My first and favourite sexual encounter, was while I was still in school… I was gazing longingly at the girl sitting next to me, Georgia was her name. She had large tits, which she left in the D-cups of her black, lacy push-up bra. It was a hot summers day so she had all the buttons on her T-shirt down and her boobs were clearly visible, almost popping out. She also had a lovely ass, the kind that is perfectly round, while also very large and firm. Not only that but the pleated school skirt...

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Sarah Chapter 5B

Day Two, the trip continues. Brenda is taken to a new high in her sexual life . As we arrive, the girls are amazed at the slow moving river and the sandy beaches. This particular stretch has a full sand bottom, not the normal gravel and rocks. We take the horses right into the water and let them drink their fill before removing all the gear and hobbling them out in the nearby grass to feed. I can say this about the girls; they sure do pitch in and do their fair share. I’m glad they both have...

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First Contact part I

First ContactPart've only met In the last two hours. You've had a drink and your inhibitions are low. You're standing close to him when he whispers to you, 'Do you want to play a game'? The eye contact is lingering and you know that something is going to happen. You nod your head and he steps away from you, a look of intensity on his face, eyes on yours, fixing your gaze to his. His hands reach for his tie and he undoes it and steps towards you. 'I'm going to blindfold you, I won't...

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My wifes revenge Part one

    I had a very successful business owning a trucking company. I had a trophy wife who was a stunning beauty almost three inches taller than me .At 27 I had just about everything. My wife worked along side of me at our terminal complex and in fact she was the only woman in the building. We were a consolidator of freight the largest in the North East used to get kidded by the hundreds of truckers who came in and out every day that how did such a scrawny guy (I was only 5` 5′ tall and weighed...

3 years ago
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Auto Erotica Ch 09

Patrick Wolfe, aka Crilly, was a cop. I didn’t freak out, I wanted to, but my sense of self-preservation was too strong. Instead I dialed Marcus. ‘Go,’ he said by way of greeting. ‘I’m in the townhouse of Patrick Wolfe, nee Crilly. I need a pick up in ten, it’s on LSD, can you find it?’ ‘Got it,’ he said. ‘Marcus if I’m not out in front come in and get me. I don’t think he’ll let me leave.’ Marcus said nothing, just hung up and I knew he’d come. I got my underthings on as well as the...

2 years ago
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Im addicted to sex, its like a d**g i must take from time to time or i will just have a mental breakdown and probably go crazy, i loveeeee sex.My friends and other people who know of this such as my family think i should be more normal like the rest of my friends, that means no d**gs and not much sex. How can i give sex up when im addicted? its a hobby, its life.It all started with one incident that took place when i was 5. So here what happened. My family hosted a party at our house for people...

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Seducing The Beautiful Ashley

Introduction: This is such a beautiful girl that any man would do anything to fuck her.. Seducing The Beautiful Ashley This story is purely fictional and although its a fantasy I would love for it to come through. I am married with no kids but my wife and I have a large family with lots of kids and young teenagers.I am someone who is a hard worker and I am very careful when it comes to getting my groove on outside of my marriage which I only did once in 15 years of marriage.My wife is a very...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Neighbour

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, thank you all for your feedbacks. I share this new experience with you all, hope you all enjoy it. It was around 7 pm, I got out from the cab and saw women opening the gate to my apartment, I rushed to see her face. She started climbing the stairs, I walked behind her quickly, then she turned and saw me. I smiled and said “hi” She replied “hi” Me: “do you live here? ” She: “yeah” Me: “oh, I moved here last week but haven’t seen you once” She:”oh, now we...

3 years ago
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fun in underwear ch1

I had a friend called Kit (short for kitten) and she was a fantastic looking girl a few years older than me which was a major turn on.One day when I went over to hers we started drinking and having a laugh and we talked about past relationships (good and bad) and the hours just flew by and before we new it, it was midnight.I asked Kit if I could have a shower and she said yes and told me where it was. She looked up and smiled, but it was not a smile I had seen before it was a very cheeky, sexy...

4 years ago
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Carl Carla and Hannah Part 11

‘So,’ Hannah said as we reached the outskirts of the city, ‘How did you enjoy your first time dogging?’ ‘Is that what it was?’ I asked incredulously. ‘Well, sort of, yes. What did you think it was?’ she laughed. ‘And the bloke who was watching thought you were a girl as well!’ ‘I know,’ I said, proudly. ‘Hey, does that mean that the bet’s already won, a week early?’ I asked half-hopefully. ‘Not by a long chalk,’ she sniggered. ‘No, when I said ‘pass as a girl’, I didn’t mean just look like one....

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Falling Ch 02

I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to restrain Stacey when she rolled off the bed, so I went back to fingering my sloppy slit and admired the play of her naked body as she walked across the room. God she was gorgeous, I mused, feeling the passion start to mount inside me again when she turned to blow a kiss before picking up her cell. She was insatiable, but I'd discovered I could keep up with her. Every orifice in my body ached from...

1 year ago
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A Surprise To Remember

Her heart beginning to beat faster with his every step she heard on the porch. His key entering the lock, the door knob turning and the door opening. She lay there eyes covered body wet and naked. "Not a word, she commanded. I have been waiting for you. Now, close the door and show me how much you want me." He doesn't say a word and does as he was told. He closes the door and locked it. As he circle's the couch he admires this beautiful woman before him. Her hair wet and curly as if she...

4 years ago
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The pleasure of pain

She was standing in a darkened room, stripped bare but for a strict black leather posture collar and a silk blindfold covering her eyes. Her arms were held high in the air, each one tied to the ceiling on opposite sides of the room. Her legs received similar treatment, spread wide with rope attaching each ankle to the walls surrounding her. No room for manoeuvre. As she heard the door close and his footsteps disappear she tested her bonds. First her arms, trying to pull them down, inwards,...

2 years ago
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Home invasion humiliation

There’s Mike, James, Nicole, Katie and me. We are all 17 and about to enter our last year of school in London. James has been friends with Mike since forever. They both play football together and James is very sporty (unlike me!). He’s very shy and such a goodie-two-shoes - never in trouble. He’d probably get teased for being so timid if he wasn’t also so athletic and sporty. Nicole is mike’s girlfriend and they’ve been dating for about 2 years. For religious reasons they’ve agreed to...

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Me and My Best Friend Part 20

After dinner, we went up as usual and as we walked into the greenhouses, Dylan walked towards the pet section, he started spreading the dog beds out around the area. I asked him what he was doing, he replied "what did i tell you last night?" I started to panic on the inside, asking myself is this what i wanted, i stood there like a statue. Dylan started to strip off and asked if i was ok because i wasn't responding, before i could reply he was kissing me with is half naked body wrapped...

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An Impossible Romance Ch 02

Once again seated in front of his desktop, John waited for Ariana to logged on. His wife Jennie had left for an overseas convention a few day before even though their daughter’s birthday was a just few days away. ‘It will help me get the promotion I want.’ Jennie claimed. John’s anger rising at the thought of her words. For the past few weeks, he had chatted with Ariana. They had traded names and stories of their lifes. John felt a kinship with her because of their similar lifes. And though...

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She was trapped in her chair, trapped by a severed spinal nerve; her legs were useless, her body limp and wasted below her shoulders. But her mind was still sharp, her thoughts, ideas and musings were as full, bright and normal as they always had been. She hated her life, often thinking she would swallow her entire bottle of prescription sedatives. She thought often how free she could be; free to float in the afterlife, free of the captivity of her useless body. But she didn’t want to leave...

1 year ago
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BanditChapter 6

Jo had the alarm set for 4:30 and before it went off I felt the bed shake. I opened my eyes and in the dim light, there were two sets of eyes staring down at us. I pinched Jo’s nipple and she bumped her butt back against me. “We have company,” I said next to her ear. “Awww, our cute little babies are ready to run, let me go pee and get dressed and we’ll go,” Jo said as she rolled out of bed naked. She sure looks good in the morning. The dogs either had to pee bad or were ready to head back...

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Hypermasturbatory Dormitory

Anytown University's move-in was for the most part no different from the vast majority of move-ins for colleges and universities everywhere. There were parents exchanging tearful hugs while secretly planning sexual escapades in newly empty homes. There were students on the other side of those hugs feeling some strange mixture of embarrassment and wistfulness while likewise planning their own sexual escapades. There were logistical concerns found and satisfied as freshmen discovered the...

3 years ago
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Seducing the Shrink Ch 09

All Tied Up Ms. Ambani pushed her hard body into Ava’s back, wrapping her arms around her waist as the captain cut through the waves and pushed forward into the open sea. She held tight for a few moments and then pulled back, stroking Ava’s belly and then releasing her hold to walk across the deck and into the sheltered cabin. Ava peered up to the darkening clouds as the first drops of rain landed on her face. Soon, it was coming down in sheets. She felt her clothing get heavy with the...

2 years ago
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Fighting The Temptation

The wild life in the ski resorts, yeah right, Matt thought. His only wild life in this godforsaken town was the occasional wild animal he saw. He hated it out here in the mountains of Colorado. He had been lured here by the prospects of making good money working the slopes only to find out the recession of the country had hit here as hard as everywhere else. His dream job lasted a few months and he was laid off.So, after months of just scraping by, he was delighted to get a response to one of...

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Ana in a photo session

Ana in a photo sessionOne Friday afternoon I went to see my loving Victor at his office.He was very happy to see me there, but he was so busy.My husband then introduced to me a new employee of the company, a black man called Carl John. He was huge and athletic shaped, handsome and had a sensual nice smile. His dark skin was really amazing.I felt aroused when Carl John shook his hand into mine.Victor then excused himself because he was very busy and I came back home, where I touched myself in...

4 years ago
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Ai Kawaii at my disposal

Ai I introduced to my readers over one month ago, leaving you wonder how my story will get wet and hotAi and I shared some wine to celebrate my marginal victory at the board, I take my prize in the night!Ai is my fine friend playing the game of Go - I call her Ai Kawaii - as Kawaii means Cute in JapaneseAi and I play in my Go-dojo a 'Jubango': ten game match at the rate of one game every Saturday eveningAi is unlucky - or lucky? - to lose first game by only one point - to comfort her I offer Ai...

2 years ago
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Daddys Boy part 3

By Depraved Fucker It was a miserable drive back to the city although Justin was back to his usual perky self as if my fat ugly brother had filled him with joie de vivre instead of puddles of incest cum. I suppose I should explain at this point. Sure, I'm a pervert who loves fucking cunt and female ass, the younger the better, and had been known on occasion to fuck boycunt if there was none of the real thing around, but it had always been someone's else's kid, not my own. And...

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For Better or Worse

I should have known something was going on when I got ‘invited’ next door to watch the football game while my wife was having a girl’s day with some wives at our house. I wasn’t much into football nor did I know the neighbors well either. I tended to keep to myself, which you will understand why later.We moved in just three months ago and while my wife really hit it off with the wife of our next-door neighbor, I hardly saw her husband, even on the weekend. Vivian was an outgoing and lovely...

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Master and slave 1

As she laid there naked reading her romantic novel peacefully in the couch she didn't hear him slowly walking up behind her. He sneak up to where she is laying, he grabs her hands and pins them down , slowly works his way where he's in front of her smiling with his fangs showing. She gasps from when he grabs her hands and being pinned down she looks at him with her soft blue eyes then smiles back and ask's "what do you plan on doing mister ". He reply's back to her with just a smile as he...

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Tender Discipline Part 2

As we walked into the bedroom, I was shocked at what I saw, or actually, what I didn't see. There weren't any of the usual array of punishment tools: leg spreader, crop, whip or paddle. Instead, there just two chairs facing each other. Also, strangely, he had locked the entrance into the bedroom. I did see something foreboding, it was a tissue box between the chairs. That simple cardboard box was there for me. This, was actually the true torture device. It was there to catch and absorb my...

1 year ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Aidra Fox 02132020

We’re back again…no bullshit…just the feet! This time we have Aidra Fox…the foxiest lady in porn, who also sports the sexiest feet on the planet. She teases us forever…showing us her pretty painted toes, her high arches and her smooth silky soles. This girl could give a dog a bone with the way she rubs her feet together, slathering oil in between each little piggy. Our main man Prince likes those feet too! She crawls to him and presses her tight little body against...

1 year ago
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Little Girl Lost

Mother had always told you not to stray down dark alleyways. You,Grace, know you should listen, but the lure of the forbidden alwaystempts. In this case it is merely a shortcut to an after work event.You have lived in the city for many years and is now used to theenvironment, actually having tuned out the inherent dangers as manyyounger people do. As a nineteen year old young woman, you arefrightfully and obliviously deep into the alley.Thus it is, when my large hand clamps over your mouth as...

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A Dish Best Served Cold part one

   I have known of her, her entire life through family.  I hear about her, and the things she is doing so I do know about her poor decisions and her lack of motivation.  I have on occasion looked at her social media just to see how she has changed throughout her life.  There are some pretty revealing picks and comments.   That"s a little about Hanna, Now me.  I am just an average, 52 year old guy, 6'1 well built and 215 Lbs. Mostly grey hair and blue eyes.  I am retired from the military...

4 years ago
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Casual Friday

Friday morning. The alarm of the cheap bedside clock rudely awakens me from my slumber. I fumble around and silence it through sleep encrusted eyes, rolling back over and sighing as my sight tries to focus around the room. I depart the warmth of the bed, making my way to the bathroom to perform my morning ablutions, making myself presentable for the working day ahead. As I feel invigorated by the pressure of the shower, I am reminded that it is 'Casual Friday' in the office. For the guys in the...

3 years ago
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My Older Sister Is a Submissive SlutChapter 6

[Saturday afternoon] We heard the kitchen door open. I looked at the clock. It was only one thirty. That meant Maxine and Ursula were returning. They came up the stairs and stopped at my closed door. Without knocking, they opened my door. There were two gasps when they saw Iola and I lying on the bed naked. 'Ine said, "You've been with Iola. Was she better than me?" I looked at them and said sternly, "Bitches, get your clothes off and get into position." Maxine was close enough so I...

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