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I guess I should have known.

Moving with my son and daughter to a sparsely-populated village a hundred miles from nowhere meant adjustments. It had to do with my work, mostly, but whatever the reason, we lived some distance from the nearest town, a tiny place with just the barest of services. The k**s made friends enough among their classmates and dated on and off, but the isolation was inescapable.

Then came that day that left me shocked and sickened beyond belief--the day that I got home unexpectedly and heard the undeniable sounds of passion from Brian's room. For a few moments I assumed it was a girlfriend and just smiled--I never had any problem with their sex lives, especially since they were legally adults--but then I recognized the voice of his partner as Kimmy's. Even through the closed door, it was unquestionable.

The shock was unbearable, and the wave of rage that followed almost uncontrollable. Strangely, it was that very anger that moderated my reaction, because it was so strong that it reached a voice of reason inside, what little remained, that told me I was too angry to be rational, and that I should cool down before confronting them. With great difficulty I tore myself away from the door and left the house quietly, driving away to find a place to think. I learned afterward that either I drove silently or they were too absorbed to notice, and never heard me.

Once in the car I dissolved in tears, barely managing to drive to a place to be alone, not that there was any trouble finding one in this wilderness. Before long I had quieted down, but now felt drained and weak, too much so to deal with the k**s. I waited a while longer, until it was more of the time I would be expected home, then returned. The k**s greeted me from their rooms down the hallway and I managed to return the greeting hollowly before taking refuge in my room.

Hours turned to days, and then weeks, and I still never found the strength and clear-headedness to take on the issue of what had happened. I was strangely torn between the wish to spy on them and find out just how frequent their taboo sex happened, even hoping maybe it was a one-time fluke, though I knew better deep down, and the wish to deny it all. I decided I really didn't want a reminder and stayed away, for a long time.

A few months passed during which I never felt up to the idea of a confrontation, until the day came when I discovered that I was now all but resigned to their activities, seeing them as just what I'd always deemed to be proper sex, and that, as adults, they were free to do as they liked. I might as well get used to it. I was pretty sure that if I were to confront them, they would probably be concerned for my feelings but nonetheless unwilling to give up their relationship. All I could see was a strained discussion, maybe angry, maybe just sad, but them trying to get me to come to terms with it, but not changing their own ways.

I had always counseled the k**s to be unashamed of their sexuality, and to approach it confidently and yet respectfully of their partners, whoever they may be. The message had generally been that what consenting adults of sound mind freely choose to do, what doesn't violate trust or harm others, may be taken as OK. I never thought I'd have to make an exception, explicitly, about it being with each other.

As time went on, subtle hints now and then that I would never have recognized if it weren't for what I had found out, told me that they were still at it, regularly. With time it became less and less horrible in my mind. They still dated on and off, and I suppose their own liaisons were suspended when they were (I was right about that, I learned later), but I saw less and less harm in it. I began reasoning--perhaps some might call it rationalizing--but whatever you call it, I started thinking that all those reasons why societies frown on that kind of thing might have good reasons in general, but that there were exceptions to everything. I could mull over those reasons and none of them seemed to apply, or apply very much, anyway, to Brian and Kimmy. Was my thinking really changing, or was I just dodging the daunting task of confronting them?

Strangely, inexplicably, over time I was getting a feeling that I suspected must be something like the way the k**s must feel about what they were doing. I found myself slipping into a fantasy of seeing it through Kimmy's eyes, surrendering to the handsome, strapping young man I was proud to call my son. I suppose I should have felt alarmed at this shift of thought, but instead the relief after all that time of stress was almost total now, with all that distress faded away.

One evening I decided to retire early. I had taken off my jeans and blouse and was checking myself out in the standing mirror in the corner of the room--not too bad for thirty-eight if I do say so myself--when I heard my son's footsteps on the stair. I quickly strode over to the door to close it, but halfway across the room some strange force stopped me. A wicked, unbelievable thought penetrated my mind that turned me back. I returned to the mirror and quickly arranged it and my stance so that it would reflect me from about the neck down, but not my face. I resumed by rather self-indulgent examination, but listened carefully to the footsteps. When they stopped short of Brian's room I knew he was looking. No doubt he had merely glanced in to greet me, never expecting me to be half-undressed, particularly in a sheer black bra and matching panties. I felt my suddenly-hardening nipples strain their way through the light fabric as if shouting for attention, and I knew from the way I was positioned that he had a clear view of all of me but my face, knowing I could not see him, as he saw me with my ass facing him and my breasts and my rich, full bush showing through the wispy panties. I knew that the sight would make a point of how exposed I was, and I was glad for the moment that I didn't shave there.

I continued to primp, pretending now, really putting on a little show. I soon heard the footsteps resume, very quietly this time, and then heard the bathroom door open almost close. He was peeking through it, I could tell, and I found myself exulting in the exotic taste of taboo! How strange it felt, how exciting to know that my son was willing, perhaps eager, to witness my body half-revealed! I meant to stop there, but I was too far gone now. Trying to keep a casual manner, I reached behind me and unclasped my bra. I could swear I heard a stifled gasp from the direction of the bathroom, and hoped I wasn't imagining it, because it was sweet and warm and drove me higher. I had to go through with it now. With a little hesitation this time--it was such a big step--I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my panties and started pulling down. The hesitation was natural, but I knew it was also seductive, an almost involuntary striptease that I hoped would turn my son on even more.

I took a good, long time, alternating between looking in the mirror and rummaging randomly through my dresser drawer just to keep things looking natural, before slowly turning toward the door, making sure Brian had plenty of time to close the bathroom door before I would have to acknowledge his presence. The very soft contact of wood on wood confirmed my expectation as Brian did his best to close the door silently, but couldn't quite manage.

I was rushing wet, heart beating as if it would burst from my chest. I wanted to close my door and collapse to the bed to relieve my tension, but I had to do one more thing. I crept out of the room and silently clasped my ear to the bathroom door. I heard what I had hoped for: my son's heavy breathing, rhymically waxing and waning. He was masturbating--masturbating for me! The thrill was beyond description. I returned to my room, closed the door, and was soon doing my own version of what he was doing, finding release and peace in the action.

It was some time in the late evening that I, dressed discreetly in my robe, encountered Brian in the kitchen doing as young men do half their lives: making a snack. I was eager to see his reaction the first time he saw me. I wasn't disappointed. He seemed to be looking away, not ashamed, but as if to do all he could to suppress the appearance of staring. I even managed to get a small and distorted glance at him in the polished surface of a coffee pot as I leaned forward into the opened refrigerator to take out some milk and brownies. As I turned to the table where Brian sat, my loosely tied robe--no accident--fell open. My hands were occupied so I couldn't do anything about it.

"Whoops!" I said. My voice quavered a bit, which I hoped he'd take as nervousness and not the excitement I really felt. I was wearing some rather discreet panties now, but no bra, and I knew my breasts were only lightly veiled by my sheer nightgown. Brian looked away, hiding his having noticed at all, but not before getting a good stare in spite of himself. As he glanced from the corner of his eye, he must have wondered why I didn't seem very concerned and was in no hurry to pull the robe closed after I had set down my load and freed my hands to do so.

"Did you like them?" I said, looking at at the brownies, chuckling inside at the double-entendre. I heard an ill-suppressed snort as he, believing it was purely my accident, tried to avoid calling attention to it.

"Sure, Mom," he replied. "I had a, this afternoon. They're pretty good." He picked one up and studied it carefully, trying to avert his gaze. He seemed delightfully inarticulate.

I felt giddy, out of control. I couldn't let it end there.

"I need to get the crock pot down."

"I'll get it for you, Mom." I quickly stopped him.

"Don't bother, dear, I'll get it myself."

"Sure Mom," he replied. I was closer to the place the pot was stored, and I strode over to the little kick-step that I used to reach places too high to reach without it. Brian seemed surprised I hadn't just expected him to get it down himself. I stood on the step, quickly opening the cupboard door, knowing that way it would shield my face, but nothing below the neck. I reached up for the crock pot, and again, the loosely tied robe slid open, revealing my breasts through the sheer nightie. Brian couldn't see me, so I couldn't see him; there was no reason for him to avert his gaze. To him I appeared unaware of my exposure to his eyes. as I took my time pretending to fumble with the pot, reveling in the knowledge that my son was studying my breasts, enjoying the profile of their curvature and my eagerly prominent nipples, probably wondering how I didn't realize what was happening.

After a while I retrieved the pot and rather quickly descended the step, hoping to catch him before he could change his view. I was thrilled to see a kind of dazed, bemused look on his face as he struggled to turn away, but with much more difficulty this time. Keeping with the game I glanced down as if only then noticing my exposure.

"Whoops again!" I said, lightly, laughing.

"It's OK, Mom," Brian said, still inarticulate-sounding. I unhurriedly walked back over to him and handed him the pot, doing nothing to close my robe until he had put it down. My unconcerned manner left him unconcerned as well, and now he looked freely, only managing not to obviously stare. I was in heaven. I wondered if he took my openness as a sign I knew about him and Kimmy, but I didn't care. I had all but completely revealed my breasts to my son's eager eyes, up close and easily, and he knew it.

Hours and days passed, and I knew I had to find more ways to show off like that. I had no intention to tease or frustrate him, but I couldn't go back to the old ways either. Some of them suggested themselves. Once I was drying off after a shower and had left the door open to clear the steam when I heard those footsteps again. Again I refrained from closing the door; instead I turned by back to it, humming a song and drying off, noting with pleasure that the footsteps had ceased somewhere just across the darkened hall, luxuriating in the feeling of toweling off with such a handsome and bemused audience. That scene repeated more and more often, and I knew that Brian was making a point of walking by when he knew I'd be there calmly standing nude and free. One day I had the idea of secreting a small mirror next to the cabinet and saw with delight his face, hidden as well as he could manage in shadow, taking in the view. I could even plainly a full bulge in his jeans, and that happened every time. I could hardly contain the excitement that grew more and more on each occasion.

It was now late on a Saturday morning.

"Try this on, Mom," Kimmy said, handing a stylish blouse to me. We had been out shopping and were enjoying trying on our purchases, the more so as we were close enough in size that we could both enjoy everything. I put it on and primped with pleasure. I then removed it and handed it back.

"Here you go," she said, handing me a bra in a powerful come-hither style. It was sheer too, but with a style and decoration that was clearly meant as more than just a foundation. In peek-a-boo style, it revealed just what needed to be revealed to signal a woman's eagerness to get her man's attention--thence to take it back off for his eager eyes--and hands. I tried it on, enjoying the sight in the mirror, exulting in the sensuous feeling, when suddenly Kimmy spoke.

"Come on in; you'll like it," she said, and before I could blink, Brian was in the room. I flinched, automatically. She laughed, and Brian grinned as well.

"Aw, Mom, don't think we don't know what you've been up to," she said as Brian's grin widened. I nodded sheepishly, glancing away, embarrassed by my own embarrassment, then laughed and straightened up, now standing proudly in that sexy, seductive bra, looking right at Brian as I arched my back to thrust my breasts forward for his pleasure.

"No, don't be shy. It's OK, really," Kimmy said. "I guess you know about us; that's why you're OK with this. Right?"

"Yes, it is," I replied, turning back to them. "But really, I have to tell you, I was never so angry and hurt in my whole life when I found out."

Their eyes dropped, crestfallen, at this.

"No, no, no need for that now," I quickly continued, and watched them perk back up. "That's ancient history now. I'm actually glad I was so angry, because it made me want to take time to cool off before confronting you. After that I kept putting it off until I realized that I didn't mind any more, and then it all started getting kind of--exciting--for me."

They clapped their hands in delight.

"When did you catch on...about my little exhibitionism, I mean?" I asked.

"Almost right away, Mom, that night in the kitchen. At first I wasn't sure if you really did stand on that step just so I could watch your breasts, but when you came down and didn't seem to mind, I saw no question. Ever since then you've been finding little ways to show and tease..."

"I hope you know I wasn't trying to get you frustrated, dear," I interrupted. He laughed. They both did, in fact.

"Don't worry about that one bit. It's different with you, you know. Every bit was pure pleasure."

I relaxed then. I had never been totally sure.

"I admit that it was a real turn-on for me, in fact...just about every time I knew you'd been watching, I had to go by myself afterward and relieve my tension, if you know what I mean."

"I know, I know," he replied. "I often had to do the same. In fact, for most of those times that I didn't, it's because my sexy sister..." He paused to d**** his arm over her shoulder, letting his hand fall to her breast. "...who was on to you as well, would take care of me."

"We took care of each other," Kimmy interjected quickly. "It turned us both on to see you opening up like that."

Kimmy had been working her way behind me as she spoke. Then, rather suddenly, I felt her fingers on the clasp of the bra, and before I knew it, the wispy thing was on the bed beside us. I didn't flinch a bit this time. Brian smiled as widely as I'd ever seen him smile, and as he spoke, the quavering in his voice bespoke his arousal.

"You know, Mom, in all of this time I've never seen you from the front without you wearing something. The sheer nighties and that bra do wonders, but they are meant to hint at what lies within. This is the first time I've been able to see those breasts right out in the open."

"I never realized what a thrill it would be to get them out in the open like this for you," I replied, my own voice starting to match his, my body automatically moving in little twists and turns, instinctively doing my best to use my breasts to full advantage for his pleasure. When Kimmy then reached around me and started unzipping my jeans I was not apprehensive; I was eager. She pulled them down, but left on my panties--the same ones that I had been wearing that first time I gave him a show, the sheer ones that just barely let my dark bush show through.

In a moment Kimmy and Brian were undressing each other before my rapt gaze. They looked at me frequently, as if they had trouble believing that their mom could be watching them with excitement instead of disapproval.


This is the end of part 1, of 2. The story runs rather long; if response is good to this part, I'll post the conclusion shortly.

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Once upon a time there lived a wee lad named Derek who was an orphan that lived with a Cloister of Nuns who believed they were the brides of Christ. Beyond their religion, they believed in the most-strict discipline for themselves, and of course Derek.They lived on a south seas island among the natives. They were tasked with bringing Christianity to the pagan natives. They were currently without a priest as Father Timothy had recently been laid to rest beneath the swaying coconut palms next to...

1 year ago
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Taboo Desires Part I

After returning home from school, James went straight to the fridge and helped himself to a cold glass of water. On his way to his room, he passed his sisters room and he couldn’t help but notice a tiny piece of clothing, hanging out of her dirty clothes basket. After realising it was a thong he would usually be disgusted, however for some reason this made him feel naughty and horny, so he grabbed the thong, went into his room and stroked his dick until he spurt what seemed like a...

2 years ago
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It was seven thirty when Gina arrived at Taboo. She made her way backstage and looked at the assignment board which was currently empty. It never surprised her that the assignments hadn't been made yet. The job paid well but management was a little scatterbrained. With no assignment Gina decided it was best to start her night in makeup. When she walked in she discovered that she wasn't the first one there. Inside the makeup room sat two of the other workers. One was a blonde haired blue eyed...

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Taboo High Runners Ass

Brady closed the door to his hotel room and let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long five hours in the school van. Brady was in his first year out of college and working as a biology teacher and cross country coach. This year he was lucky enough to have two incredible female runners on his team that made it to the state meet. The meet was being held two hundred and fifty miles away and with only two students qualifying, he drove them himself in the school van.The trip over had been anything...

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Taboo Carlas Story Part One

Bianca and Carla were not only sisters but best friends and had always gone on nights out together. The more academic of the pair, Carla was at college while Bianca worked in a local bar. They both believed in working hard - but playing even harder, which they did as often as possible. They had contrasting appearances, Bianca being dark and Carla fair, but they each had a gorgeous thick mane of hair flowing down to neat waists, framing their petite, pert bodies. Early one Saturday evening, they...

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Taboo Eve in the bedroom

As Eve led Lee into her bedroom she knew there was to be no coming back now. She turned around and faced him pushing him slowly onto her bed.Lee fell back onto the bed with his feet still on the floor with his huge erection pointing to the sky. Eve knew this was what she was wanting desperately. She fell to her knees in front of Lee and started to lick his shaft. This made the young lad shiver with excitement. Slowly licking up and down his cock. This lasted for what seemed an eternity then Lee...

2 years ago
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******VERY TABOO*******Matt was just fifteen the first time he fucked his younger sister. It started as he walked by his mom and dad's room and the door was ajar and he watched them fucking. His dad was licking his mom's cunt as he twisted on her nipples then the dad pushed his cock deep in mom's fuck hole and fucked her hard as she moaned and said harder. Matt's cock was rock hard and he went into his sister's room and pulled the covers back and pulled her gown up and her panties off and he...

4 years ago
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Taboo confessions

Now I changed the names just in case but this is true and just in case those involved figure out I'm telling the swinging swapping asslicking anal pussy lesbian gay chubby BBW perverted taboo secret world... Everything I really know... It's a kinky world out thereA few years back when I was still just a boyfriend to my now wife I had discovered that her parents were swingers because although the were very kinky they were older and not computer savvy. And a few searches and BOOM I hit a payload...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 11

Taboo Orgy Part 11.This is part two of a two part story.“Ok then Ann, if you want to fuck your brains out then who am I to say no,” Rick said with a smile.When he opened the door he saw two men rubbing the front of their pants, two men smiling while having a smoke and two men trying to look through the shaded window. And all of them are big muscled and black.When Darren told Rick about their orgy and that he wanted to see Ann get gangbanged by a group of workers, Rick was shocked and thought...

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Taboo Orgy Part 10

Taboo Orgy Part 10.This is a two part story for it’s so long.Sorry friends for taking so long in letting you all know what Darren has in store for Ann but here it is and I hope you enjoy it.Cheers. Two weeks after the orgy Darren and his wife Ann were still talking about it. Ann would get horny thinking about all the things she did and had done to her. The biggest thing that turned her on the most was when she fucked her son Kevin. The second was watching her husband Darren fuck her daughter...

3 years ago
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taboofirst sexual experiences for a virgin

Taboo sex education, summer vacation,i****t is BestMy first sexual experiences were not what 'society as we know it' would call Normal.but then again, i dont think i ever considered myself to be "normal" It was to be my first summer vacation away from home... thats how it all started. an inocent 6 week summer vacation staying at my aunts house. my cousin jimmy was 1 yr older than me, Brian, was 3 yrs older. and we were best friends... there sisters... kim and pam were 1 yr younger and 4 yrs...

4 years ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 9

Taboo Orgy Part 9.Cathy had all eyes on her as she sipped on her drink. She could feel every part of her body tingle and she wanted more sex in any shape or form. She was amazed that she was doing all of this in front of her mum and dad and she loved them for letting her be a part of this orgy. Never in her wildest dreams would she have imagined being in an orgy could have so many possibilities for her to try out. As she sipped her drink and saw the state of all the others in the room her mind...

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Taboo Orgy 7

Taboo Orgy 7Darren looked at Trevor and said, “Trev, if you fucking tell anyone in the office, I’ll sack you on the spot and make your life a living hell.”Trevor just smiled and told him to chill out. “ As if I would tell anyone about what happens here tonight and who the fuck on this world would believe me anyway.”Kevin could not believe that these two best of mates were going to fuck each other on a promise his mum had made to his dad.Ann was sucking Tanya’s clit and heard the boys talking...

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Taboo Orgy 6

Taboo Orgy 6.While everyone in the lounge room was fucking each other Kevin was watching Tanya their house maid fucking herself? He was going to have his way with her but wanted to watch her masturbate to an orgasm first. She was spread out on the tiled floor with her eyes closed and her hand stabbing into her cunt with force. She had hold of one tit and was lifting her hips up and down as her climax was building and Kevin moved in closer to her.Her other large breast was swaying in time to the...

4 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 5

Taboo Orgy 5The smell of sex was very noticeable and so were all the noises coming from the women.Karen first looked at Jenny who was on the floor pumping her hips up into Ann’s hands and was shocked and amazed at what they were doing that her own cunt started to respond.She had one hand to the side of her opened mouthed face and had the other pressing against her cunt for fear that she may have wet herself through her dress and someone might see. Her eyes then turned to Kevin who looked...

1 year ago
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Taboo Orgy Part 3

Taboo Orgy Part 3Thanks for the response to the first two stories and I hope you like this as well.CheersRoyby.Ann knew that look on Jen’s face meant that she was ready to join in their sick behavior and said, ‘well now that you’re here why don’t you shut the fuck up and get your gear off while I get back to getting my rocks off.Jenny told her that she was going to have a pee first and come back ready for the fucking of her life. Ann told her to take her jeans off right now and piss in her...

1 year ago
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Taboo Part VI The Journey Begins

Panting and slowly coming down from an earth shattering climax, she was a quivering mass of jello; every muscle exhausted. Her entire body shook sporadically as if electrical currents were zapping her from the tips of her toes all the way up her spine to the base of her neck. Her mind was mush from cumming so hard, and so many times this afternoon; more than she could ever remember, fathom, or like to admit to herself. Sex at home with her husband was for a lack of a better term, severely...

2 years ago
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Taboo sex with widow aunty1

Taboo sex with aunty-1This story happened when I was 18 when my parents moved to US for work, I ended up living with Sharmila Aunty who was my mom’s younger sister. Her husband had died a few years ago with no k**s . Sharmila aunty was all alone and she needed company. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a new friend Arun who lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad Rajesh, also a widower. His Dad, Rajesh, had a reputation for...

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Taboo Bisex

I awoke with a start, gazing at the unfamiliar ceiling above me, wondering where I was. Suddenly it dawned on me. I was at my brother's house, in his bed...with his wife..and with him on her left-hand side.We were all naked. I had my hand on her pert little breast, while unbelievably, he still had his fingers up her fat pussy. I grinned to myself at the memory of the debauchery we had gone through last night. So what happened? Alright, let's go back to two weeks ago, and how it all started...

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Taboo sex with aunty2

Taboo sex with aunty-2If you already read the first chapter you know that my Sharmila Aunty, and I have already had sex in the kitchen. After that day, outwardly, things looked the same between us but at least 3 nights a week we would spend the night in her bed fucking like rabbits and finding new ways to love each other. She taught me a lot and I was an eager student. Sharmila Aunty seemed happier than ever with more energy and always a smile on her face. After about a month and after a...

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Taboo sex with aunty3

Taboo sex with aunty-3After Sharmila aunty got a taste of two cocks at once she couldn't wait to add a third. Rajesh was excited to see his son fuck my aunt too. We decided the following weekend would be the best time to plan some fun. Sharmila aunty and I continued to have sex during the week but neither of us could wait for the weekend to get here. We invited Rajesh and his son Arun over for dinner and all of knew what would be for dessert except for Arun. The night finally came and Sharmila...

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Taboo sex with aunty4

Taboo sex with aunty-4The night after Sharmila aunty fucked Arun, his Dad and me, I was talking to Arun about me and him having some fun with my aunt together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Sharmila aunty would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When my aunt got home that night I had dinner in the oven, whiskey ready and I had just rolled a joint. Arun had put some music on and Sharmila aunty was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She...

3 years ago
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Taboo Ice

A few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....

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How many times you had the fantasies about girl you can’t have? Your dirty mind would draw pictures of you two in different places having wild sex. Well, I’ll tell you my story. I am an average guy. Some girls think I’m hot, some are not. I don’t think so, but it’s not the point. One my friend has a roommate. She is hot. I don’t think any guy can say “no” if she would ask for sex. And I remember I gave promise to my friend that I will never think about sex with her. But isn’t taboo thoughts...

1 year ago
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Taboo TwinsChapter 2

Morgan D’ Pokeworthy was released from the stocks with a new outlook on life and the expanded expressions of sensuality in anal matters when engaging in carnal activities. She was never one to engage in such tomfoolery in her past experiences and had actually not had many male visitors to her “prima donna” pussy. After a large number of the male residents of the area had personally done their level best to teach her the proper behavior for a God-fearing young female, she was forced walk a...

4 years ago
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Taboo Futa WishChapter 3 Deidrersquos Naughty Spanking

My dick softened as my mom stared at me in absolute fury, spunk dripping from her face. It was my girl-spunk, fired from my new futa-cock. I trembled on the couch, my little sister half-lying on the ground and half-hanging by the wrist from our mom’s grip. Only moments ago, I had been fucking Keily’s asshole beneath our mom’s very noses as we watched a movie, hidden by a blanket. It was Friday night. Movie night. And I had turned it into something else. Something taboo and lusty. My...

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Miss Patriot

25yr old Alexandria or Alex for short stood looking at herself in the mirror in her apartment. She was dressed as Miss Patriot, her superheroine alter ego. Alexandria was about 5’8”, had a slim body with all the right curves, large breasts, a nice round ass, and tanned skin. Her costume consisted of red boots that ended before her knees, a small blue thong with white stars on it and red trim, a white bra that had red straps and strings, and blue trim in towards her cleavage. She also wore a...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 40 The Patriots

Introduction: As Mark and Mary struggle to get the Country and the World under their control, the Patriots plot in the shadows. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Forty: The Patriots Visit my blog at The Tyrants, Mark and Mary Glassner, represent the greatest threat to Liberty in human history. As the great Statesmen Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that...

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Dianas Trio

I wrote this for the Halloween Contest and it is a bit darker than something that I would normally write. Let me know what you think. The Beginning I have a mission for you child. There are plans for an attack. You must stop it. Who? There is going to be a mass possession. The demons are planning one to take place on All Hallow’s Eve. You will join forces with your mates and stop it from happening. Did you say mates? As in plural? Don’t question a goddess, child. How will I know...

2 years ago
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Truck Stop Trio

I walked into the truck stop diner and was surprised to lay my eyes on an old truckin’ buddy, Hank. I hadn’t seen him for a couple of years. We both haul loads Coast to Coast, but rarely cross paths. ‘So, how you doin’ good buddy?’ he asked. ‘Not bad. Though I sure am looking forward to a night on a real bed. I haven’t been getting much shuteye. I’m a big guy and it gets pretty cramped back in that cab.’ ‘Yeah, I remember how ‘big’ you are all right,’ Hank said with a lewd smirk, winking at...

3 years ago
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The man, who calls himself Michael, has his penis in his right hand, guiding it. It isn’t enormous, but large enough, the condom-protected swollen head protruding above his fingers. He lets it rest against the puffy labia, teasing her with the anticipation. He looks down at me. From my chair beside the bed, I lean forward and focus the digital camera acquired specifically to capture this moment. I press the button and the camera flashes. I nod to indicate that he should proceed. Michael...

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