Victoria Collier
April 1959. It had been a pleasant spring day, I had been to a weekend
camp with the scouts and had arrived back home tired. Because I lived a
short distance away from the scout hut the scoutmaster, Mark had
offered me a lift home. I gratefully accepted.
"Did you enjoy the weekend then, Paul?"
"Oh yes, but then I always enjoy camping."
"Yea, I've noticed that. I also have to add that I think you have
learnt a great deal and have an excellent understanding of scouting for
your age. How old are you, I'm afraid I have forgotten?"
"15 but 16 next month."
We pulled up outside the house. He offered to give me a hand with my
rucksack and holdall. Mum opened the front door and dashed out to give
me a big hug. She always managed to embarrass me in public.
"How are you sweetie you look so tired."
Then she noticed Mark and immediately asked him in for a cup of tea. As
she passed me she told me I smelt and should go and have a bath. Our
house did not have an upstairs bathroom it was downstairs off the
kitchen. I dutifully did as I was told. It was absolutely gorgeous
soaking in a hot bath after a week away under canvas. The houses in
those days weren't well insulated and consequently there was a great
deal of condensation and the water cooled down very quickly. I got out
of the bath, dried myself and then headed out into the kitchen to go
upstairs. It was then that I heard mum and Mark talking. To get to the
stairs I had to walk through the lounge, with nothing but the towel on.
Naturally mum had often seen me naked, and as I was a rugby player
getting into a large bath with 15 others all nude was the accepted
thing, so I had no second thoughts as I walked through with just the
towel covering up my private parts.
I smiled as I walked through and they both smiled back. "Sweetie dear,
Mark has just asked me if you would like to accompany him searching for
new camp sites. Would you like that sweetie?"
"Yes, sure," I said without any thought. It would be a chance to go
camping and seeing different parts of the country, but mainly because I
enjoyed camping.
Mark sat there smiling at me. He didn't say anything but just smiled
"Oh good," said mum. "That's settled then. When did you say you would
be going?"
Mark just sat there staring at me and smiling, and then realised he had
been asked a question. "Sorry."
"When did you say you would be going?"
"Oh, yes, I was thinking of going over the next few weekends. Saturday
morning to Sunday night."
Rugby had virtually finished on Saturday mornings and now it was time
for cricket, which I loathed so camping each weekend would suit me just
fine. It was my turn to answer. "Yes, that's fine with me"
"Go on upstairs and get dressed," said mum as if I had deliberately
started the conversation. I was quite cold now so I ran upstairs and
got dressed quickly, and then returned downstairs into the warmth of
the coal fire.
My mum took one look at me and immediately scolded me "Just look at you
hair, it's a mess"
"I'll comb it now mum, it's cold up there."
"It's getting far too long it's time you had it cut."
"It's the latest fashion," said Mark smiling at me. "They are all
wearing their hair much longer, it's those Beatles people"
"Oh for goodness sake mum don't you ever watch the TV?," I asked.
"If it grows much longer you will need a perm, my boy," she scolded.
Mark stood up quickly and announced he best be off. Mum thanked him
again for inviting me on his trips and made sure I did the same. The
front door was at the bottom of the stairs in a small alcove with a
door between the alcove and the lounge. At most only 3 people could fit
into this small space. So mum told me to see Mark off as she cleaned
As we squeezed into this alcove Mark grabbed my hand and squeezed it
quite hard. "You do want to come, don't you?"
"Oh yes," I replied.
"Ah good!," For a few moments he stood and smiled at me and then opened
the door and was then gone.
Saturday morning arrived, me in my short trousers and scout uniform sat
patiently waiting for Mark with my rucksack neatly packed. At 10 am
sharp he arrived in his Morris Minor car packed up with tents etc. By
10.05 I had said farewell and off we went.
"So where are we going?" It seemed a reasonable question to ask.
"Dovedale. Are you any the wiser?"
"No, but it's good to know."
"It's just after Castleton in Derbyshire."
"Still no wiser."
"The other side of the Pennines."
"Ah I have seen that on the maps"
He laughed at me, and I joined in. We stopped about 11/2 hours later
for tea and a sandwich.
"I'm surprised you came in your scout uniform," he said smiling at me
"I just thought that I was supposed to."
"It doesn't matter, but have you any other clothes in case we decide
not to camp. If the weather is bad or anything."
"I'm sorry but I haven't got any money with me."
"Oh no do not worry about that. I invited you, so I will be paying for
any costs."
"I have an old pair of trousers and an old shirt in case we have to get
dirty, but nothing clean."
"It doesn't matter because the weather looks fine so we should be able
to camp somewhere."
We drove on and over the Pennines. I had never seen such lovely
countryside. We passed by what was called the blue John mines. Before I
could ask
"I've no idea. Must have been the name of the bloke who dug the mine"
"There seems to be a great number of people there."
"Not today, we must press on. I've been given the address of a farm
where they allow camping so we should go and have a look."
We passed through the village of Castleton, a delightful stone walled
place with quaint shops and drove on. Dovedale seemed to be off the
main road so we drove up to the small settlement and continued on. Mark
had been given direction and he was obviously hopeful that his
understanding of the notes was correct. Only about 2 miles outside the
village we came across the farm. A squat stone built house with smoke
coming out of the chimney and a cheery looking front door. A rather
plump but smiling lady answered and after a few preliminary questions
invited us into her huge low beamed kitchen. Massive mugs of tea were
placed in front of us on a spotlessly clean timber topped table.
"Jim will be back shortly for his afternoons," she said. "Like some
fresh baked scones?"
Mark said yes and I nodded my head, not sure what she meant by a scone.
A second later I found out as she placed a warm, still slightly
steaming massive scone in front of me, with a pot of butter, a jar of
strawberry jam, and a plate of clotted cream in front of us. Mark's
face lit up with delight.
"I haven't seen that in a long time," he said his smile going from ear
to ear.
That I thought, is good for you because I had never seen anything like
it, and what's more didn't know what to do with it
"I don't think I'll have the butter," said Mark. "Got to think of the
The farmer's wife cocked her head sideways and stared at his large
stomach and smiled.
"You're right. You only live once."
I followed suit and cut the scone in half putting the butter in the
middle. It immediately melted. We spread the homemade strawberry jam
thickly onto both halves and then ladled the cream as high as we could
on top. Then came the hard task of trying to eat it without covering
our faces with the cream. To put it politely it was the most delicious
thing I had ever eaten. My eyes closed with contentment. The view of
the rotund farmer's wife with her huge apron covering her huge
waistline beaming delightedly at us as this wonderful concoction of
tastes slid down my throat is one that I shall never forget. I of
course finished up with cream on the end of my nose. They both kindly
laughed at me, Mark in particular thought it was hilarious. I went over
to a wall mirror and had to agree with him.
Jim the farmer marched in just as I was wiping my nose. "I see me wife
has caught thee out with her fancies," he said as he also beamed at me.
"Indeed sir she has."
"Aha and thee wants to look over me land for a camping expedition?"
"Indeed sir, you are correct."
"And I presume as you is his scoutmaster then?"
"Ah yes."
"Then I will show yus the field down yonder were lots of you scouts do
camp. But I must let you finish your tea otherwise her ladyship ere
will be aving me head off," He roared with laughter as we all did.
45 minutes later we were stood in a well-drained field, surrounded by
trees and a babbling brook. We had been told we could pitch our tent
here tonight but would have to share it with the cows. "They won't be
ere in summer, they'll have gone fer slaughter," the farmer had said.
"Can you manage the tent on your own whilst I look around with the
farmer at water supplies etc.? It's not a big one?"
So I pitched the tent close to the stream under the boughs of a giant
horse chestnut. The sun was shining; it was a very pleasant afternoon.
I rummaged through the boot of the car and found the famous primus
stove that I knew Mark always carried with him. With the ground sheet
down I laid out my sleeping bag, and unrolled his. Stored my rucksack
at the back of the tent and decided I should find a container and go
and get some water. There was a tap at the back of one of the barns
that sealed off the field from the farm. Mark was obviously talking to
the farmer.
I struggled back across the field with this container of water.
I made tea on the primus, which as guessed was the right thing to do.
Mark strolled up with not a care in the world, nor a thank you. He took
the tea off me as though it was obvious that I should have done
everything for him.
"It looks good don't you think," I nodded.
"Fish and chips?"
I brightened up at that idea. Tea was soon dispatched; tent tied up and
off we went, back into Castleton and the nearest fish and chip shop. We
sat on a wall overlooking the village green munching our way through
the chips, when mark all of a sudden said he wouldn't be long and
disappeared. He reappeared carry a large paper bag.
"Goodies," he said without further explanation. "Come on lets back and
sample these."
The light was beginning to fade as we tramped back across the field.
Luckily I had set up a small hurricane light so that we were not in the
pitch dark.
We were soon in the tent with the light on when Mark opened the goodies
bag. He had several bottles of beer for himself and he had bought me
two bottles of Babycham along with a proper glass.
"I thought you would prefer something other than pop," he smiled as I
stared at the bottles. I had never had anything alcoholic. I felt quite
elated at the thought of breaking the rules.
"Now you have to sip this slowly," he explained. "You don't just knock
it back, just little sips, but do you want to get undressed and into
your sleeping bag first?"
So I did. I nipped outside and found a suitable spot and then came back
undressed and put my pyjamas on. Mark had got changed whilst I was
outside. Sat up in my sleeping bag with a glass of fizzy Babycham made
me feel giddy even before I had taken a sip. But once I had and the
bubbles had gone up my nose I really did feel happy and giddy.
Mark was lying down on his side propped up on one elbow drinking his
beer from a bottle whilst smoking his cigarette. He was good enough to
blow the smoke away from me but even so the tent soon filled up with
his smoke. That of course was nothing unusual as it often happened with
mum and dad, both heavy smokers. It was a carefree time laughing and
joking, sipping my Babycham.
"You look so sweet drinking that," he said. Mum was always calling me
sweetie so it didn't really register too much when Mark said it. I just
smiled. I was enjoying it. He finished his beer and got another bottle.
I hadn't finished mine
"Come on slow coach; drink it up so I can give you another"
I gulped it back and he immediately refilled it. The sudden gulp really
made a difference. I started laughing even more.
Suddenly he became very serious. "You mustn't tell anyone about this
will you, because it will get me into serious trouble and we won't be
able to enjoy ourselves again. Promise"
"I promise," I replied as solemnly as I could, and then started
laughing again.
This laughter continued until my glass was empty.
I thanked him for the drink, and was about to lie down when he grabbed
me tightly and pulled me to him and kissed me full on the lips. It took
quite a few seconds before he released me a little. "That is how you
can thank me. Did you enjoy that?"
I couldn't answer because it all had happened so quickly, I had had no
say in the matter and felt trapped, but what was I to say. So I didn't.
He presumably took that as a yes because he kissed me again. This time
it was much more gentle, with his tongue running along my sealed lips.
This wasn't too unpleasant.
"Much nicer?"
I think I smiled.
"Time for sleep."
He put the light out and turned over and was soon asleep. I lay there
prone on my back trying to figure out what had gone on. It was
revolting, horrible taste of his cigarette and the beer, I certainly
didn't enjoy it and yet, there was something and that something worried
me. Why was I not up beating him? I was grateful for the weekend and we
had enjoyed ourselves. I had certainly enjoyed the Babycham, but those
kisses. I couldn't sleep for quite a while trying to understand.
"Come on sleepy head," He then gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "We
had a good time yesterday didn't we?
"We'll have a good day today and then next weekend we might look some
other place. You would like that wouldn't you?"
"Yes." I felt my fate was sealed with that simple half dazed answer.
We had tea and then packed everything up quite quickly because Mark
said he had seen a caf? where we could get a good breakfast. We were
soon on our way again and as soon as we had devoured our food the
laughter and smiling commenced once again. I was still stunned, trying
to figure out what had gone on and what it meant, but I was enjoying
myself so I reasoned there was no point in going over and over again
what had happened. It really wasn't worth bothering about; it was
probably just the alcohol.
When we got home he came in and had a cup of tea with mum and dad
recounted all about the village and site. Mum addressed me as
"Sweetie," as usual and suggested I should have a bath. There was no
point in me taking my clean dry clothes into the bathroom because there
were soon clouds of condensation as the hot water mixed with the cold
air. So once again I came out of the downstairs bathroom with just a
towel around my waste. Mum and dad didn't flicker and eyelid but Mark
obviously took a great deal of notice. I was soon dressed and back
downstairs again.
"It's all arranged for next weekend although mark is suggesting you
leave an early as possible on Friday afternoon to give you more time to
look around. That's good isn't it sweetie"
"Yes mum," I replied feeling really good about the idea.
"Mark says not to wear your uniform dear, so that you can stay
"Yes, right mum."
I mentioned the weekend trip to some of my friends who said little
obviously jealous of my good fortune. Of course they wouldn't have said
anything against it because they knew that although I was bar far the
smallest I was also the best fighter and often used my fists if
Thursday night and mum made sure I had everything pack, in a suitcase.
It was old and battered a little, but it looked good. "Don't forget to
get back here as soon as you can."
We had just started reading Dickens in our English Literature, which
was the last lesson on Friday. We were discussing Miss Havisham when I
looked out of the window to see him stood there at the end of the
drive. He was a school teacher at a different school than mine but even
so how had he got here so early.
I walked down the drive with him smiling at me. "Come on let's get
going. I've already seen your mum and picked up your case, so we can
get going. We've a fair drive ahead of us"
I shrugged my shoulders and got in his car.
We headed off and stopped in Queensferry to get something to eat
"We're in Wales now," he announced triumphantly. "I've booked us into a
small country pub, not too far from here"
We were soon there where he parked his car round the back of the pub.
"Stay in the car while I go and make sure everything is OK"
Within ten minutes he was back. "Everything is fine, but there is a
small problem which we will overcome. It's nothing much really but I'll
explain when we are inside. When we get in we will quickly go upstairs.
I don't think it is a good idea if you go in the bar."
"Oh right I see," I said realising that I was so underage.
We slipped in the rear door and he quickly led the way up the stairs to
the waiting bedroom. It was a large double bedroom with a small window
overlooking the car park.
Mark opened another door. "It's en suite."
I had never heard of the word so was aghast when I saw a shower
washbasin and toilet.
"It's just for us, isn't that great."
Since I had never spent a night in a pub before I didn't really know
what to expect. When we went on holiday we always stayed in caravans.
"You unpack and I'll nip down stairs and get us a few bottles, should
I just smiled.
"Why don't you have a shower?"
"How does it work?"
"I'll show you once I have the drinks."
A few minutes later he returned with beer and Babycham.
"Right then strip off and I'll get this working."
He started to fiddle whilst I stripped off.
"Ready then jump inside the shower tray and I will turn it on."
I did as instructed with Mark beaming at my naked body. Then he
switched it on and of course it was freezing cold. I jumped back into
Mark's open arms. He encased my body in his arms and kissed me. Not
once but several times. The water quickly warmed up and without saying
anything he put me back into the shower tray. He stood there smiling at
me, as I stared back at him speechless.
"Do you want me to rub your back down?," he enquired.
"No I'll be fine," I said feeling very vulnerable.
He pulled the shower curtain round and left me in peace in the tiny
I was staggered. I was aghast, as not only had he taken me by surprise
but he had also made me feel so different. My penis was erect. I had
never felt like this before.
I soaped myself down and waited until my penis had flopped down again.
I was quite perturbed.
I dried myself and went into the bedroom to put on my pyjamas. He was
already in bed. "I'll have a shower in the morning," he announced.
"Jump in you'll catch your death out there. I've poured you a drink"
"I've puffed up your pillows so you have your drink more easily," He
reached across me forcing me back into the pillows, so that he could
pick up my drink and hand it to me. "There you are I know you will
enjoy that."
"You've got lovely hair you know," he said as he gently touched the
ruffled mop on top of my head.
I was frozen to the spot.
"Drink up; you don't want the bubbles to disappear do you?"
I started to sip but he gently forced my hand holding the glass to my
mouth making me drink it rather than sipping it
"You'll feel much better in a minute," and suddenly it was all gone. He
leaned across me and got another bottle, filling my glass again "You
will feel much better," he said as once again he gently forced me to
drink it rather than sipping it. The bubbles had really danced in my
nostrils and I quickly began to feel quite giddy. Once again he leaned
across and poured a third glass. "This one you can sip". I did and then
turned and put it back down on my bedside table. As I turned back his
arms encased my body trapping my arms against my side. Without saying
anything he started to kiss me once again. Quite tenderly this time
with just the tip of his tongue slowly vibrating along my lips. He
tongue pressed a little harder and harder until my lips parted
slightly. His tongue forced its way in, darting back and forth. I found
it extremely exhilarating. He lifted his head slightly and then the
kissing started again. I couldn't help it but I quite enjoyed it. I
don't know why, but although I felt it was wrong I found it extremely
pleasurable. As he forced me back into the pillows he released his
tight grip and instead started to rub his hands up and down my body and
also played with my nipples. He pulled me slightly down the bed and
brought one of the pillows down to support my head. He slowly raised
the sheets back to reveal my body. His smiled widened considerably as
he spied the bulge in my pyjama bottoms. Nothing was said as he undid
all of the buttons on my top and lifted the front panels away exposing
my naked top. My arms were still static at my sides. I didn't know what
was going on, even though I found it pleasurable. He leaned over and
began to kiss my body and suck on my nipples. I couldn't move. It was
delicious. He then began to move down my body, gently rubbing my skin
and slowly kissing lower and lower down. His hands were at my waist. He
slowly undid the two buttons holding my trousers up and then ever so
carefully opening out the trousers, revealing my throbbing penis. I
could feel his hot breath as his kisses got closer and closer. His
hands were now caressing my groin. And then his breathing reached the
tip. It was throbbing wildly; I hadn't a clue as to what was going on.
My eyes were closed in a blissful trance. Emotions were flooding
through every part of my body. I couldn't breathe or move. I could feel
his moist lips just touch the tip of my penis. His tongue began to
caress it and force the foreskin back leaving my moist penis exposed.
His tongue raced around the edge. My back automatically arched upward
thrusting my groin area higher and higher. His hands pressed my groin
down with the tips of his fingers just gently playing on the tender
parts of my groin. His lips opened up and his mouth began to slide down
my shaft. I had an urge to thrust upward and forward, but he held me
tight whilst his mouth and tongue played with my shaft making it
twitch, thrust, and cavort wildly. One of his hands reached over my
mouth at just the right moment as I began to squeal. My head was
spinning; my body exploding my closed eyelids could not hide the
exploding fireworks going off in my head, with claps of thunder
diminished to zero by the squeals, shouts I tried to make through his
hand covering my mouth. I bucked and gyrated in this exotic spiral of
exquisite pleasure. He kept sucking and sucking even after my body
could take no more. I lay there spread eagled with my mouth wide open,
totally convulsed and devoid of any more pleasure. My head was still
trying to recognize this new quixotic moment of pleasure and desire.
He raised his head and slowly covered my quivering penis, and then my
bare chest. Covering everything with the sheet. He wiped his mouth and
then kissed me so tenderly. His lips tasted so salty but sweet. I was
in heaven. He slid down beside me put his arm around my neck and slowly
turned my face and placed it on his chest. He then began to caress the
back of my neck with him intermittently kissing me there. His arms
encased me and held me gently tight against his body as his caresses
continued. This was beyond description beyond pleasure. I was held in a
state of euphoria suspended in a miasmic cloud of passion and love. It
had lasted an eternity which had collapsed instantaneously.
He kissed and caressed me late into the night. I was totally exhausted
and eventually fell asleep with him still kissing me. I dreamt of a
utopian paradise of hands gently touching and feeling me.
I woke to find a different very scene. Mark was up making a coffee
having a cigarette and coughing his head off. As I came to he came
across and kissed me on the forehead, and smiled "Enjoy it"
"Oh yes," and I really meant it this time. Anyone who could create so
much ecstasy has to be someone who you really love and I did. I was
enthralled and just hoping he would quickly do it again.
"You remember I told you there was a small problem well I think we
should discuss it now."
I waited expectantly.
"They mistakenly think that you are my wife."
"But I would have to be a girl not a boy."
"Yes but just for a very short time it would be most helpful if you
looked like a woman. Just think about how you enjoyed yourself. Do you
think we would be given a double bed if they thought you were just a
I had no answer, because I had never considered the situation.
"Well I'll tell you and that is a very definite no. People like me, a
teacher and scoutmaster, are not allowed to have contact like we had
last night. So if these people think you are a boy, I am in serious
trouble. Do you want that or do you want to enjoy yourself some more."
I smiled and told him I wanted more.
"Go and have a shower," he said "and use that scented soap."
I had an erection whilst in the shower, as soon as the scented soap hit
my nostrils. I was embarrassed. The more I tried to get it down the
harder it got. I don't know how long I was in there but I was in a
terrible state. Mark came in "How much longer are....Oh I see," He bent
over and pulled me to him and he leaned over and his lips administered
the magic touch. Within seconds I was trembling and shivering. I
ejaculated shortly after. The hot water from the shower was still
running down my back, but still I shivered as a gazed at some far off
distant point. My whole world was spinning out of control. My breathing
was laboured, and I was still shivering.
Mark left me and came back with a large bath towel. He switched the
shower off and then wrapped the towel around me gently patting my body
to dry me out. He got a small towel and wrapped around my head, like a
"Come and let me hold you, Sweetie. I've always wanted you. I do love
you," he said in whispers as he kissed me gently. "I've brought a few
things with me to help with the allusion."
I didn't respond, my head was just not working, but he set to none the
"I'll comb your hair the opposite way and bring it forward over your
eyes. I'll apply this red lipstick so that from a distance it will be
obvious you are wearing some. I have a ring which we'll put on your
finger to make it look as though we are married, and I have a small bra
which we can put on and stuff it with a few pairs of socks. You can
wear your trousers as normal but I've got you this big pink fluffy
jumper which comes down below your fly in your trousers. I've also got
a big wide black plastic belt with a gold buckle, which will enhance
your waist. Last but not least I've got you a pair of shoes with a
small heel."
I didn't ask the why's or how's or anything I just let him put them on
me. I felt nothing.
"Just to finish it off I have a big silky scarf for you to cover up
your hair apart from the little bit at the front.," He tied it tightly
under my chin so that it would not fall or blow off
"What do you think?," he said standing me in front of the mirror.
I didn't really see anything, it was all a blur.
"You just sit there Sweetie," he said as he packed the cases.
"You go straight out to the car and just sit there. I will settle up
with the landlord and be out to you as soon as possible."
I did as I was told. I think I did pass someone in the corridor, but I
just kept my head down and went to the car. I unlocked it and sat down
waiting for Mark.
My heart was racing although I didn't know why. I didn't know anything.
Then to my horror a lady, presumably the landlord's wife started to
walk towards the car.
"Everything all right dear?" she shouted.
I just mouthed the words "Fine thanks very much."
She smiled and shouted, "Where to today?"
I had no answer because I hadn't got the faintest myself. "Oswestry," I
heard mark shout as he crossed the car park as quickly as possible. She
shouted something back to him and then looked back at me as he got into
the car. I handed him the keys and for once it started first time. We
backed off and drove out waving to the lady. We drove about two miles
up the road and then pulled into a layby.
Mark leaned over "You're fantastic. I love you Sweetie," and kissed me
full on my lips "Oh sorry I have smudged your lipstick. I'll get you
the stick out of the case." He scrambled round to the boot and fiddled
about until he returned smiling holding the lipstick. "I'll just remove
the smudge and then do you want me to apply it or are you going to have
a go yourself"
He didn't actually mean that as he gave me the gold covered tube.
"You'll have to move the mirror," and so I did and then I applied red
wax to my lips. "You look gorgeous."
I smacked my lips together as I had watched my mother do it. It was
quite nice.
"Oh those lips are meant for kissing," Mark said. "You've got me all
worked up now"
He lit a cigarette because he said he needed it. I was still trembling.
"Do you want a cigarette," he said "It will calm you down. All the
ladies smoke so I suppose it would help if you did," I never answered
but he pulled out one of his and placed the end of it in my mouth and
then lit it. It just dangled there with the smoke curling up. "Just
suck it a little he said," So I dutifully did and then burst into a
coughing fit. The cigarette fell onto the floor as I desperately tried
to get rid of the smoke.
"That was silly of me as they are full strength ones. I'll stop and get
you some more ladylike ones"
"I don't want any they are absolutely horrible."
"Just try one of these on. I'll get you one and you try it. It will
really improve your image."
We travelled on and eventually got to Oswestry. Mark parked in a public
car park, and suggested that I read a book whilst sitting in the car.
By this time my head was beginning to work but not properly. Mark said,
read a paper or book so I did. He was so much in charge, I knew if I
did what he said we would be OK, but I began to wonder why I was sat
here with a bra and scarf on wearing lipstick.
Mark came back ten minutes or so later with a large brown paper bag.
"Some goodies," he said. "I'll drive out into the country and then show
We stopped in a country lane with the car parked in the entrance to a
field. "I was walking past a jeweller's and saw this bracelet so I
bought it for you. I think it looks so cute. He lifted my right arms
and put it on clasping it shut and then fixing a very dainty chain. It
was a silver bracelet, quite wide. "Looks good," he said satisfied "and
now my piece de resistance some very mild pink cigarettes and a lovely
It was a slim black tube with diamante stone circling the end where the
cigarette fits. It was about 4inches long. He opened the pack of
cigarettes "Very expensive these," he said totally ignoring my
"I don't want to smoke."
"Everyone does. It makes you look odd if you don't. All grown up smoke
and you do want to look like a grown up if you want to enjoy yourself,
don't you?"
Once again I was stumped. Even now sat in the car I wanted him to kiss
and play with my penis. I desperately wanted him to suck on it. "Just
think of it," he said as though he had read my mind "as though you are
sucking on something else," he said with a huge leer across his face.
I decided to give it a try. "Put it in your mouth and just hold the end
of the holder and I will lit it for you, but just take a small breath
in. Hold the smoke in your mouth for a few seconds and then just let it
It tasted totally different than his. I held the smoke for 3 maybe 4
seconds and then opened my mouth wide and just exhaled as the white
plume of smoke billowed gently out of my red lips. I didn't cough but
my head started spinning once more. "Gorgeous, you do that so well," he
said as he put his arm around my shoulders and gently squeezed. "Again
And so my life as a smoker started. "Keep your lips closed and gently
blow it out through the tiniest opening," he said and as I did it.
"That is fantastically sexy, you have me all worked up."
Another kiss that felt so good. "Just lean your head back and let it
drift out. Oh that is so good"
After ten minutes of this the cigarette had burnt out. "Just press it
down into the ashtray and then release it from your holder"
I didn't know whether or not I had enjoyed it, but I knew mark had. He
had got quite agitated when I exhaled the smoke.
We sat back in the seats with his arm around me whilst his other hand
held my right hand with the new bracelet on. "We will make a lovely
couple and then our naughty things can continue," he said. "You do want
that don't you."
As I nodded he squeezed me a little harder and his lips once again
pressed hard into mine, his tongue tingling on the tip of my lips and
then plunging into my waiting mouth. "You taste so good," he said. I
simply smiled. I didn't have to say anything, indeed I couldn't I was
quite speechless. "I know of another hotel where we can stay tonight,
have some fun and plan what we will do in the future. You'll enjoy that
won't you? We can have our food in our room. That will be nice won't
I certainly wasn't objecting as I felt quite good.
Then all of a sudden he turned the car around and we headed back into
Oswestry, and once again pulled up in a car park. "Won't be long," he
reappeared 15 minutes later carrying another bag. "Another goodie bag
but you can't open in until we get into the hotel room."
The bag was quite small so I was intrigued. It wasn't bulky so was
unlikely to be a bottle. I was quite perplexed but enjoyed the thrill
of someone buying me a present for no reason.
We went to the village of Whittington, "Where Dick and his cat came
from," said Mark laughing. I was again told to sit and wait in the car.
Mark had timed it well again as it was getting dark. I looked out at
the old ivy covered castle with its battered battlements looking
forlorn against the dimming sky.
"Keep your head down and follow me. If you can carry the last goodie
bag that will be fine. I've put your washing things in with mine so we
only need the one case."
I did as I was told and followed him with my head down. We entered a
quite crowded bar but within a second we had crossed it and had entered
a quiet corridor which led to the staircase. Within seconds we had gone
up the stairs and had entered a medium sized double bedroom with small
windows overlooking the castle. Mark closed the door and pulled me to
him "Give me a really big kiss my wifie."
It felt quite good belonging to him. He was so strong and so in charge.
I felt secure like I had never felt before. His hot breathing and
kisses felt good. "Come on lets open this new bag."
He motioned me to sit down on the edge of the bed. He sat next to me
still enveloping my body with his strong arm. I gingerly opened the
bag. All I could see at first was some red silk. Another scarf was my
first impression but as I pulled it out I realised there were two
separate items, both having arms. I held the first one up and it turned
out to be a crimson silk robe, extremely thin silk body with lace
trimming to the plunging neckline cuffs and hem. I stared at it. I
didn't know what to say. "You will look absolutely gorgeous in it, but
try the next one.," That was a crimson nylon diaphanous baby doll
nightie that tied at the bust with a huge bow and then hung open from
there down. It had a halter neck. "Try the last piece," that was a pair
of deep cut crimson knickers with again a huge bow at the front just
were the knickers plunged down.
"For me?"
"But of course. You will look fantastic in them. We haven't got an en
suite this time so you will need to wear something if you have to go to
the bathroom.
"I can't go in those."
"Of course you can. Why not try them on?"
"Oh not yet, I haven't got my head around it ye."
"Oh come on my lovely give me a kiss."
We started kissing and cuddling and soon I was undressed, naked on the
bed. He slowly started to pull the knickers up my legs. They were so
silky and soft. The coolness made all my nerves stand on end as did my
penis. "I told you, that you would like them and you do. Don't you?"
As the knickers reached the top I realised that they were actually a
thong so the thin material parted the cheeks of my backside as the side
pulled up high on my waist, leaving the big crimson bow at the front
supporting my throbbing penis. "Perfect fit," he stood back and admired
his purchase. "Come Sweetie and stand up for me while I put the top
on," He left the bra on and gently eased the silken mass over the top
of my head until the neck straps tightened around the back of my neck
and the bust arrangement fixed neatly around my chest with the bow
being at the front. The body of the baby doll flared out slightly at
the sides leaving my tummy bare. I was shaking once again as he wrapped
the robe around my body. This time actually covering my penis even
though there was now a large bulge. He rubbed his hand up and down my
body. It was so smooth and electric. My eyes closed in anticipation.
"Not yet my sweetie. Have a cigarette."
I couldn't believe it, I was tensioned out about to scream my head off
and he wanted me to have a cigarette. "It will calm you Sweetie"
He gave me the holder and another pink cigarette. The flame from his
lighter ignited the end of it. I sucked gently and held the smoke in my
mouth and then slowly allowed it to escape. Mark moaned. It obviously
turned him on. "Take your scarf off Sweetie," I had forgotten I had it
on. "Oh yes that is so much better. Let me take a photo of you"
I protested but he was in charge so I relented. He got his latest 35mm
camera with a built in flash and started to take photos. "Drape one leg
over the chair, blow the smoke out slowly, and so the instructions
continued as he ordered me what to do. I complied even smiling when
requested. Once the photos were over we got down to the serious stuff
and soon I was in Shangri-La, with eyes closed, trembling and shivering
as he played with my body. And then after my shuddering movement s
passed away he once again encased my arms and body in his powerful arms
"Do you love me?" he asked. "Mmmm," I replied.
Then would you like to do to me what I have done to you. It seemed
reasonable. Why should I have all that pleasure whilst he had none? I
"Put some more lipstick on sweetie."
I was soon liking and sucking on his penis as he buckled and twisting
his gyrating body followed by a huge explosion as the sperm was spat
into the back of my throat. His tense body suddenly relaxed and
slumped. I left his limp penis in my mouth as it deflated. He lay back
on the bed staring at the ceiling. I then laid across his chest playing
with his hair whilst he stroked my cheeks and lips.
There was no need to talk indeed there was no way I could have done. I
knew how happy I had made him. That made me feel very special.
His stroking of my body was so light and tender as the silks and nylons
enhanced the sensual pleasure.
"I need a cigarette," he said as he kissed me. "I'll get you one as I'm
sure you will need one too"
I didn't but I didn't argue. I would do anything for him. He was sat up
in bed smoking holding me extremely tightly against his chest. I was
side onto to him to my left arm was trapped leaving just my right to
hold my cigarette and in between puffs for my hand to rest on his
torso. I began to notice that when my hand slipped lower his eyes
closed, so I allowed my holder to scrape across the area between his
belly button and penis. Not only did his eyes close but he started to
make moaning noises. He was obviously enjoying it.
He opened his eyes and stared at me. "You little vixen you. You have
sucked me dry. There is no more. I can't do any more."
I looked down at the top of his chest not wanting to look at him eye to
eye. I knew he was enjoying every moment. I sucked on my cigarette and
blew it slowly across his nipples. He definitely enjoyed that. He
lifted my chin gently until our eyes met. He kissed me tenderly. "You
are a vixen; I am going to call you Vickie. More kisses followed and
more tender caresses.
The hotel had quietened down when he suggested I might want to go on
the toilet before bed. "I'll go into the corridor and make sure the way
is clear," We crept out and I shot down the corridor to the toilet once
he had given me the all clear. My robe floated out quite erotically
exposing my baby doll and knickers. It was just as well nobody saw me,
but it really thrilled me. Once I was back in the bedroom feeling
giggly after the escapade and relieved we kissed and cuddled for quite
a time.
"You like being a woman don't you."
I didn't answer but then there was no need. These clothes for want of a
better word made me feel so sexy, so alluring. Every time he touched me
the sensation were fantastic as my nerves screamed for more. I felt he
was in control, and I would obey him. His arms encased my body into
his. I felt so protected.
Our fondling's continued on for quite some time before we both fell
asleep exhausted.
We woke quite early dressed as quickly as possible (The way I was
yesterday) and left as early as possible, foregoing our breakfast,
which had been paid for.
"I noticed a caravan yesterday in one of the laybys selling tea, we
will get some breakfast there. I think that whenever I am not in the
car with you it would be easier for you if you kept your head down
reading a magazine or something.," So he stopped and bought himself a
Sunday paper and bought me a copy of Woman and Woman's Own. Then came
the layby and the caravan and luckily it was open. I dutifully opened
the first magazine and started to read as he went off for the teas. I
quickly flicked through all of the pages. Most were adverts for
cosmetics girdles and perfumes. There were articles on fashion and
cooking. There was a story page, presumably an on-going story and
gardening tips and flower arranging advise. Absolutely nothing for me.
Mark came back with the teas and a bacon sandwich each. I started to
eat mine ravenously because we had not eaten the previous night. "No
no,," said Mark. "You are a lady now and you need to eat like one,
trying not to smudge your lipstick. You have to eat daintily and
slowly. Don't gulp your tea, you have to sip it. Just think about how
your mother does it."
Be like my mother!
I loved my mum. How could Mark talk like that?
I tried taking just tiny bites but it was difficult. I was starving the
food was there and I really wanted to eat it. Nibbling just wasn't in
my makeup. When I said that to Mark, he leaned over with a big Cheshire
cheese smile, touched my hair with the back of his hand and told me
that although it wasn't things had changed and it was now.
I slowly devoured my bacon sandwich, and sipped my tea. Mark suggested
I should try a cigarette. He was right it was rather nice. "Your lips
sweetie, you need to do them".
I certainly enjoyed the lovemaking and the dressing up but I wasn't too
sure about having to nibble food and always keep messing about with the
lipstick. "You'll get used to it and I'm sure you will enjoy it," he
said reassuringly.
We slowly started to make our way back home, still with me with a scarf
on and a big fluffy jumper. Periodically Mark would tell me how good I
looked and what fun we would have next weekend. "I'll try and get
another goodie bag ready for you. You'd like that wouldn't you."
It was a pleasant day; the sun was shining even though it was not
particularly hot. I was a little tired. The gentle hum of the car
engine and the tyres turning on the tarmac, the warm feelings I had
remembering the last two nights and the feeling of being wanted and
cared for made me feel extremely relaxed. "Yes," I replied, liking the
idea that someone was going to buy me something because they wanted to
make me look better. All my presents at Christmas and Birthdays were
either toys, in my younger years but recently all presents were clothes
for me to wear to go to school. I found nothing exciting about that.
But Mark wanted to buy me goodies, whatever they may be, to make me
look more desirable. I found that quite exciting. Just as the light was
fading Mark found an entrance to a farmer's field where nobody could
see us? I had a last cigarette and we kissed and cuddles for a while
before I had to change.
I had felt strange when he had put a bra on me and a fluffy jumper, but
now I wiped the lipstick off my mouth and put on a course shirt, which
wasn't comfortable to wear. I knew the feeling would soon pass off and
I would return to my normal self, but it didn't.
We got home and my Mum gave me a hug and called me Sweetie. "Bet you
want a clean bath don't you dear." She was right and soon I was
immersed in the hot water with clouds of steam floating around the
bathroom. I blew as though I was smoking and watched the clouds swirl
around in fascinating patterns. My mind switched onto my mum. What had
Mark meant? I got dried and noticed that there was a pink ring around
my body where the bra had dug in. Probably nobody would notice but to
me it stuck out like a sore thumb. How could I explain the Mark? I
couldn't was the simple answer. I decided to go past them in the lounge
with the towel held a little higher, to cover the mark. My big question
was would it then cover my lower parts. Possibly not, so I had to find
another solution. There was only one and that was to rush through as
quickly as possible. I did and nobody stirred. Mark was passing around
his cigarettes and that had more priority than my naked body with a
pink mark. It was cold upstairs so I was dressed very quickly. I sat
down near to mum and just watched and listened. It was obvious that dad
and Mark were quite enthralled when she spoke. She didn't say much but
when she did they both listened. She held her cigarette differently
than the men and indeed she smoked it differently. She puffed, whilst
they took massive lungful. For the first time I noticed how her
lipstick stuck slightly to the paper on the cigarettes and puckered
just slightly as she removed it from her mouth. I had never noticed it
before, but it was quite sexy the way she did it. Dad noticed me first
and asked me why I was staring at mum. "Oh I'm sorry I'm a little
Mark sprang into action "We've done an awful lot today I'm not
surprised he's tired out. Still next weekend we can pursue our quest
for a summer camp a little more leisurely since it is a bank holiday,
that's if it's OK with you and Paul doesn't mind spending another
weekend with me."
"I'm sure he will love it won't you Sweetie."
"Where are you thinking of looking this time?" dad asked.
"Church Stretton," answered Mark.
"Never been there myself," said dad.
"A bit further South than Shrewsbury."
"You get yourself off to bed Sweetie," said mum. She spoke just after
she had inhaled more smoke so as she spoke the smoke came out. Again I
hadn't noticed before but the smell of her smoke was different than the
mens. I could smell her lipstick. I wanted to reach up and kiss her. I
also felt quite excited.
"Goodnight," I said as I kissed my mum on her cheeks and not where I
wanted to kiss her. I had never felt like this before. Dad and Mark
said goodnight and then it was the lonely walk up the wooden hills. I
put my pyjamas on. Rough and boring. I slipped down between the sheets
and pulled the blankets up over my head. I felt myself and sure enough
I had an erection. I tried rubbing it gently and then tried rubbing it
hard, but it was not the same. Pleasant enough but not that passionate
mind blowing, earth shattering, and warm loving feeling that Mark gave
me. I played some more and all of a sudden there was just the briefest
delight as my body convulsed, but it was a far cry from the feelings I
sought. I lay back in bed and all I could see was my scarlet red robe
floating in the wind as I ran down the corridor. My beautiful tight
knickers that were high on my hips before diving down between my
buttocks to come up in front of me with a huge silky crimson bow which
held my erect penis so nicely. I tried hard to change the imagine, but
all as I could see was mum's red lips encasing a white cigarette paper
and then blowing scented white smoke out into my face. I felt so
When I woke up I was immediately disappointed lying on my own with
these boring pyjamas on. School - I really didn't want to know. What
was I going to say - I had a disappointing weekend looking at farmer's
fields. Mum shouted that it was time to get up. I suddenly remembered
the pink ring around my body was it still there. Thank goodness it had
My clothes were just the same as they ever were but somehow they upset
me. I was not happy in them. I hadn't realised how nice the fluffy blue
jumper was, but now I missed it.
School dragged on without me paying attention to anything, not even my
friends 'chatter. We played football at lunch time but my heart wasn't
in it. We normally played football for 3minutes or so after school, but
I was just not interested. I just kept on seeing my mum smoking. She
really was sexy. I had never thought about it but Mark was right, she
was fantastic. I walked home slowly. There was a short cut, a footpath
that ran down the back of some of the house and cut a huge chunk off
the journey. There was a waste piece of ground were all of the seniors
who wanted to smoke ended up. I was walking through when I noticed
several girls from a school adjacent to ours, secretly smoking. One of
them a slightly overweight girl who I had seen but not noticed, shouted
across, "Hi Paul, what yer doin."
"Just on my way home."
"Ye don't normally come home at this time."
"No, I'm not feeling too good."
"Come over here and we'll make you feel good," she said and all the
others giggled
"Thanks but I've got to get home."
"What's up with ye, don't you fancy me."
"No I'm not saying that, I just want to go home."
She was now stood in the path barring the way home, or rather creating
an obstacle. She puffed on her cigarette and blew it in my face. "Fancy
"No thanks," I said.
"I'm wondering, girls if he's a bit of a puff, not fancying us."
There was a muttering from her group of friends.
"Give us a kiss and I'll let you go."
She stood there slightly taller than me with her cigarette. I had
always been taught to be polite to girls.
"Just the one," I said regretting it as I said it.
"Come on then."
I leaned over and pecked her on the cheek.
"You don't call that a kiss do you. You'll have to try harder than
that, won't he girls?"
There was a murmur of agreement.
"Now do it proper or I'll get cross."
I put my bag down, got hold of her shoulders and gave her a big kiss
using my tongue to run along her lips. She grabbed me hard around the
waist. "More," she whispered. I tried to pull back but it was too late
her friends had moved around us and were squashing us together. She
sucked on her cigarette and blew it in my face and said "More," I
repeated my actions but as I was doing it her hand shot down the front
of my trousers. Her friends were all running their hands over me at the
same time. An erection was instantaneous even though I was not enjoying
myself. She grabbed it harshly, without any feeling. "Well what have we
got here. Not much but I suppose it's acceptable. More smoke from one
of her friends was blown into my face and then one of the others stuck
a cigarette into my mouth as my penis was pulled again and again. "Suck
on it," I was told as my lips were immediately encircled by her lips
not allowing me to expel the smoke. "They look lovely don't they. I had
him down as a pansy, but perhaps not. Is it a big one Cissie"
"Not big as in big but acceptable." I was coughing from the smoke.
"Give us another one," she said as she pulled my penis closer to her.
Someone was holding our heads together as another one suggested that
Cissie should have a suck on another cigarette whilst still kissing me.
My arms had been pulled behind my back and one of the girls was telling
me to stroke her. She had forced my hand up between her legs. "Use your
fingers luv." Cissie was yanking more and more on my penis whilst her
friends held our mouths together forcing us to inhale more smoke. "Is
he coming yet Cissie?"
"Nah I think he is a faggot, we should have had some reaction by now."
"He likes playing with my cunt and he is very good at it aren't you,
said a voice from behind me into my ear. "I've had enough, he's no good
to me," said Cissie as she removed her hand, nearly making my eyes pop
out of my head as she yanked one last time. "Don't let him go, he's
very good with his fingers. Oooh come on lover boy make my day, just a
little more, Ooooh that's so good." She kissed me on my right ear
"Thank you lover you were very good with your fingers, Where did you
learn that?"
"He's not much good as a man," announced Cissie. "Have you finished
with him?"
"Mmmm I think so."
I was released and the group as one turned away from me. I staggered,
my head was spinning.
"It looks like you had a big effect on him Lyn," "Mmmm he had one on me
that was so good. Come by again tomorrow and we'll see if you can do
that again," she said over her shoulder with a very foxy smile on her
face. "Well I won't be bothering him again," said Cissie.
I staggered off down the footpath, there was a huge ache between my
legs. My lungs felt retched from the smoke and my lips felt as though
someone had hit them with a sledge hammer. That was not enjoyable at
I was not happy. I couldn't, or rather didn't want to talk much. My
friends started to stay away, particularly when I didn't want to play
football. I kept away from the shortcut footpath as I certainly didn't
want to be teased again. On Wednesday afternoon I asked the sports
master to excuse me from doing athletics. Wednesday afternoon had
always been my favourite day, playing sport, or even athletics. Luckily
because I had never suggested that I didn't want to take part before he
was quite happy to let me off. I was supposed to go to a spare room and
do some studying, but instead I crept out of the school grounds and
made my way to the local park. I sat on a bench not knowing what I
wanted to do. At the end of the afternoon I was no further advanced.
Thursday was another wasted day as my mind floated off on all kind of
things but nothing to do with the lessons we were having. Thursday
night was scout night, so I got changed and went, quite reluctantly,
because I just didn't know what I wanted.
Once there I didn't really join in. Mark immediately saw that I was not
my usual self, and pulled me on one side. "Make sure you stay after the
others have gone. I will give you a lift home and cheer you up."
The evening dragged as we spent time playing games that I found boring.
Normally games like killer ball made me jump for joy, because of my
aggressiveness, but not tonight.
I offered to help clean up, which nobody objected to, preferring to
make a quick getaway. It was soon done. "I'll lock up you get in the
We drove off, but not home. "What's up?"
"Don't know I just feel off."
"Have a cigarette you may be missing them," They were kept on a shelf
at the front of the car so I was able to retrieve them easily. As
always he was right. A few puffs and I did feel better. I had to keep
low in the car so that nobody could see a scout smoking a cigarette
with a holder. It just wouldn't have looked right, but as soon as we
were out into the countryside I could sit up in the seat. We pulled up
into the entrance to a farmer's field. He leaned over and kissed me.
That made me feel much better. He kissed me several times and I really
did feel much better. "We'll soon be together for a few days, but I
must get you back home without delay tonight to avoid any suspicion."
He dropped me off around the corner from where I lived. As the car
drove off my spirits slumped again. Still things would improve
tomorrow, or would they?
Concentration on Friday was no better. Some of the teachers were
beginning to notice and speak to me asking me what was wrong. "Nothing
sir, I'm just not feeling to good," was my standard answer.
At four o'clock in the afternoon Mark was once again waiting at the end
of the school drive. Once again he had a huge Cheshire cat smile.
"Come on we're off to Church Stretton, Sweetie."
All my doubts came flooding back. Was I doing the right thing? "Have a
cigarette, I've bought you another packet of the pink and of the black.
I'm sure you will really enjoy that."
In a way I suppose I knew I was doing something wrong, but Mark's
enthusiasm and my weakness allowed me to continue. I lit a cigarette
and slid back into the seat. "Won't be long my love, and we can start
to change you. It needs to be a bit darker for some of the change. I've
put some of it into a small suitcase, some into a new handbag, and some
into my case. Just as a starter have a look in that box.," I leaned
back and picked a hat box off the seat. I opened it to find a dark
black silky wig with wavy hair. "I'll stop in this layby and you can
put it on."
Was thrilled, my heart was pounding my adrenaline running. Suddenly I
felt alive. We pulled over. "Just feel it," said Mark. "It's beautiful
and silky"
He lifted it out of the box and placed it on my head. He twisted it
slightly and pulled it back and forth until he was satisfied it was in
the right place. It felt tight around my head and my initial feeling
was that it was much too forward. He sat back "Wow you look fantastic"
I lifted my hands and began to feel this sumptuous mop of hair now on
my head. It felt fantastic. I felt it down to my shoulders and realised
that it went further. "Oooh Vickie give me a big long kiss, you are
beautiful, ravishing, and sexy."
I smiled. This is what I had been missing all week. I had an immediate
reaction down below, but just his adulation was sufficient.. I tried to
look in a mirror but Mark said to wait for the rest of the
transformation. We kissed and then we drove on. He muttered
continuously about how I looked and how I would look in a short time.
He told me he had bought a dress, a skirt and a blouse, and last but
not least a pair of trousers. A new pair of shoes, a handbag, some
stockings, some makeup and a special item which he wouldn't mention.
"We need to get you changed but I'm not sure we are hidden away here,"
He got out and went for a walk around the car and had a good look over
the hedges "It should be OK. Just put on the bra from last week, the
jumper, which I have washed and that pair of trousers there. I'll stay
out here to stay on watch and to give you a bit more space in there."
It was true there was no space. Taking my shirt off was easy as was
putting on the bra and jumper. Filling the bra was more difficult and
of course I moved the wig, so that had to be readjusted. The difficult
part was taking my trousers off and putting the new ones on. I had to
tug and pull a fair bit before they were on. I had already taken my
shoes off but trying to put the low heeled shoes on was difficult. Mark
opened the door "Give me your old clothes and I will put them into a
small suitcase I have. Are you all right," he said.
"Yes I'm fine."
"Evening," the voice so unexpected came from a man passing by on a
"Oh evening!" replied surprised and with a guilty voice.
He slowly disappeared down the road. "I just don't know where he came
from, but here's your handbag. Put the jewellery on and some lipstick."
I took the leather bag which had quite a few different items in it.
Packets of cigarettes, stockings, holder, bangle, clip on earrings -
two pair one large drop ones whilst the others were just a simple pearl
on a fastener. There was a compact case, some other jars of makeup
creams nail polish, wedding ring, some knickers. I didn't know where to
start. I put on the pearl earrings. The clips were quite tight and I
certainly knew I had them on. The bangle went on next, although I had
problems with the safety chain because my hands were shaking that much.
I decided that that was enough so I put on the lipstick. It felt so
wonderful putting it back on. I hadn't realised how much I had missed
that feeling of my lips being so smooth and silky. It was an adorable
experience. Last but not least I put the wedding ring on.
"Are you ready yet, we need to move on?"
"Quite ready. Can I use your lighter please," I had got a cigarette out
and my holder. The flame shot up and he held it across to the end of my
cigarette which was shaking about a fair bit. I held the holder with
one hand and his hand holding the lighter with the other one. In that
way I was able to steady both enough for me to light it. I expelled the
smoke and watched it curl up into the roof of the car. My nervousness
disappeared just as the smoke had.
"I need to stretch my legs and to see how I look."
He muttered something but I knew I had to pull the trousers right and
to adjust the jumper. Stretching my legs would also be a pleasure. I
clambered out still holding my cigarette and moved just a few steps. I
adjusted my trousers. They were tight around my waist, but baggy around
my hips. I pulled the jumper down to try and hide that. My ears hurt. I
had a few puffs and then casually walked round to Mark's side
"What do you think?"
"Gorgeous." His nervous tension seemed to dissipate. He leaned over and
gave me a big kiss.
It was fantastic to be kissing him in the open air not worrying about
anyone seeing us.
We got back in and set off again. He got out and bought some fish and
We started to eat "Daintily," he said, and once again I had to start
thinking about what I was doing. After making good my lipstick we set
off again.
"Just talk to me will you. There's something wrong with it and I don't
know what it is"
I carried on talking and he listened. I was talking rubbish because
very quickly I ran out of conversation.
"Your voice sounds OK but there is just something wrong."
"I'm not trying to talk like a woman and I am not trying to talk with a
high pitch, because I don't think ladies talk like that"
"You're right, but there is something. Ladies talk a lot more. They use
more adjectives. They talk softer and don't raise their voices. I think
that it is the problem."
"But if I talk more it will just be rubbish."
"True but women do talk rubbish to us, but not to them."
It was true my mother could talk for ever about absolutely nothing
whereas dad just muttered a few words.
"You need to talk more like your mother."
It was very late at night when we arrived so Mark went in and sorted
the room out and I followed carrying just my handbag and a paper bag
containing bits and pieces. Mark carried the case which contained both
his and my clothes. The landlady shouted from the bottom of the stairs
questioning whether we were all right. I thanked her and she wished me
goodnight. That was my first encounter without a scarf on. I felt
really pleased.
A few grunts later from Mark as we entered our room was all that was
required before I realised what a lovely place it was. The walls were
covered in blue cornflowers whilst the curtains were in a golden
velvet. The bed was also covered in white and gold trimmed blankets and
pillows. There was a his and hers double wardrobes, a chest of drawers
and a lovely French polished dressing table with a big oval mirror. Off
the bedroom was an en suite with a shower toilet and wash basin. Huge
white with gold trimmed fluffy towels were laid out for us
"What do you think?" said an exhausted Mark
"Lovely, absolutely gorgeous. I've never been anywhere like this."
He came across and kissed me. "Time for a shower, I'll put your things
away so you can have a surprise in the morning. You get in the shower
and I'll sort your things out."
The first thing I needed to do was to remove the wig. It had been
itching for quite a while. The relief was fantastic. I hung it up on a
small mirror.
I soon was undressed and luxuriating in the hot shower. Mark had
suggested I should u