Emily, Disaffected free porn video

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The thing about insomnia is, your time isn't even Time anymore. Even if you get the same ration of hours, even a couple extra, they've become an inflated foreign currency: you can't buy nothing worth shit with them.

I always drift into it, in cycles. I'll have a good week, waking and sleeping like a model citizen, Ben Franklin style. Up at six, bed by nine. It's funny, waking up with the morning light, it really is perky.

Especially if you have nothing to do.

But then time slides. You have a good book in hand, and even though you're sleepy, the pages are delicious. And the sleepiness is delicious too, a rich undiscovered indulgence. Sleep, that's only an undiscovered country. But sleepiness: now that's pleasure, a sweet decadence. Like dancing, fucking, getting high. An elixir sprinkled on your eyelids and left to tingle, shooting quicksilver deep into the eddies of your brain.

And so it goes. A few nights suffice before I'm up to three am. I can hold that pattern for a couple of weeks, but then inevitably 3 turns to 4, and soon there's that same perky morning light creeping up behind the blinds. A stern greybeard Apollo glaring in judgment. Probably it's Jehovah, in fact. Old bastard. Then I'll be up till noon.

Soon enough. But for now, I'm still konking out by 3. Not for long though, I have too little to keep me occupied.


I'm a creative writing student. I'm the kooky chick. I don't like my school, or this town. I came here to get away. At a sufficient distance my parents won't bother to nose around. The electronic tether isn't too tight: texting is an alien concept to mom, let alone the language of it. As for my father, to him language itself is an alien concept.

I have money to blow. I'm not ashamed of it. Not obscenely rich, but I can be self-indulgent. It's an attitude as well as a fact. Maybe it's the attitude that's poisonous, but the attitude is the part I'm least ashamed of.

Did I say 'creative writing'? Well, maybe that's getting ahead of myself. Maybe it's just an English major. I'm second year. I love literature but I don't get the whole 'English' thing anyway. I have no intention of ever reading Beowulf again, least of all from a scholarly perspective. They don't like to mention the stupid thing was basically made famous like in the 1930s, so it had zero influence on actual British Literature. Or that "Old English" is a completely different language. They'll sit around in the 400-levels chanting that Germanic crap or that Middle English Chaucer shit like a bunch of fucking hobbits. Why don't they just learn French or Latin? Those are real languages, with real books written in them.

Seriously, why don't they just have a fucking Department of Literature? Nobody wants to major in Grammar and the Song of Roland. Besides, all they talk about is post-post-feminist politics and the Third World anyway. It's all Social Science for Retards.


I look at myself in the mirror. Do I like what I see?

Oddly, yes. It's sickening to admit, but sometimes I'm a bit entranced with myself. It's ridiculous, no one else is. I'm a solipsist, yes. But why not? Is anyone else falling over their heels to love me?

I'm a bit of a munchkin. I'm too short, I suppose. But I really do love the face I have. It's round, pale, innocent. I wear heavy glasses, I have little piggy eyes. It's a 19th Century face, Victorian; not the perky, fake, plastic face the world wants you to wear today, a face so frozen it's not even capable of a sneer, let alone a sincere smile.

And you think I'm hateful, but really, I know how to smile. I like to, if you're special.

I say mine's a Victorian face: but post-modern too. I've got a labret piercing, the smooth round ball setting my mouth off like an exclamation point, neat, steely, decisive. And a pierced eyebrow, a steel banana bell in my right brow, to set off my sarcastic little eyebrow-arching fits just so. I'm very happy with them.

Maybe it sets other people off, so what? Nobody complains to my face, at least with the parents at a distance. If you ask me why I have my piercings, I won't tell you the truth-- that I actually think they're pretty.

I just won't tell you anything at all.

Besides, Katy likes them. They singled me out to her, she says. "Emily, you're--funky!" she told me when we met, doing some silly clubster gesture with her hands.

She thinks I should get more.


My earliest class is half past noon. I had a morning Comp class, but I complained to the professor I was bored and out of their league. Kind of a high school-issue gripe, I know, but he asked me if I'd like to move into the Contemporary American Lit class instead. A 312, pretty steep learning curve for a sophomore? Blow me, please.

I sit in the back, disaffected. We’re reading stuff like Philip Roth, Joyce Carol Oates, some Southern writers of something. I sit behind this guy, I'd seen him around. David’s his name. Sort of the Tourette's case of the English department. He'd mouth off, I heard, in his classes, piss off all the Adult Learners who were blowing their scrimped-up savings trying to Better Themselves Professionally taking classes or something. I figured I'd either hate him or like him. I spent my first day in the class drilling into the back of his head with my eyes, willing him to turn around and stare at me. Nothing doing.
 Today I sat in front of him. I had my hair back in a bun, putting my barcode tattoo on the nape of my neck on display, and the helix ring in the back of my ear. I slung my black backpack, with its mantle of pink anarchy buttons and dead Hello Kittys on the floor behind me, up against the side of his desk, making him feel trapped and possessed, I hoped. Trapped by me.

You know, sometimes you just have to make people conscious of you like that. Just corner them and piss them off, get in their space. I felt like I could feel the heat of his stare on me. Tingles.

I touched the sides of my head a lot during class. When we were dismissed, I turned around and asked him, "Read much Kundera?"

I had tried out all sorts of openings in my head and this one appealed to me. I had tried reading "Immortality" and I hated it, stopped around page sixty.

He blushed. I like it that he was easy to fluster, but I had pinned my chances on the idea that his ego and his curiosity wouldn't let him dismiss such a precise, taunting little question.

"Uhm, what kind of question is that?" he said finally.

Shit. I wanted to ask if he wasn't the type, but would he like it if I were ascribing him to a type already? No, no. I just repeated, firmly, "Well, do you or don't you?"

"Read much Kundera?"

"Yes," I said, smiling. I enjoyed this.

"What if I only read a little?"

"How much is 'a little'?"

"Well, actually I don't read him at all," he said. I knew he really meant this as a dismissal of Kundera, but I took it as a good sign he wasn't dismissing me too just for asking the question.

"That's interesting," I replied. "I don't read him either, but you remind me of that Daniel Day-Lewis character."

It would've been funny if he had asked me how, since he was sandy-blonde and wore thick glasses and had a kind of pleasantly pitiable air about him, not remotely like some guy who could juggle two women and political repression. But he seemed to take the compliment (which it was, though I wanted to be ambiguous about the why and how) in stride, without gloating, and more importantly he didn't think the conversation was over. I let him tag behind me.

"I'm Emily, by the way," I said.

"Yes, I know," he said. "I'm--"

"Yeah, I know you," I replied. How does he know me again?

"What do you like to read?" he asked as we went down the hall, as though he were actually curious to know.

"What kind of a question is that?" I challenged.

"Oh, just a friendly question. Didn't you ask me if--?"

"I made a very specific enquiry. Your question is like some fishing expedition. I don't like people who try to pick my head."

"Well, maybe I like your head. Maybe it'd be fun and enlightening to pick at it," he added gamely. I was on.

"Well, you can come look at my bookshelf if you want. That'd give you a more honest answer than I'm prepared to make."


I doubted he'd find that much to say about the contents of my shelves-- not that he wouldn't think something, but I doubted he'd share it. Actually, I kinda wanted to throw a curtain over it or something. He just kept looking over them, surprisingly at ease with himself but not being all overbearing and actually pulling the books out and looking at them or anything.

"I'm not sure how I feel about all this Fitzgerald," he said presently.

"What 'all this Fitzgerald'? That's just my high school Great Gatsby."

"No, I mean your Fitzgerald translations of Homer and Vergil."

"Well, that's Homer and Vergil I'm reading, not Fitz-somebody," I replied peevishly.

He studied me for a long while, I was really wondering what he was thinking of me. I feared he would challenge me on my facial piercings, or find something else he didn't like to weird out about. People usually do. Then he said, "I mean, you shouldn't trust Fitzgerald to give you the truest experience of what they created. I'd suggest Lattimore for Homer, Mandelbaum and then maybe West for the Aeneid. And no, you're not reading Homer, you're reading Fitzgerald."

"How do you know so fucking much?" I demanded in an even tone. I arched my brows, as though willing the stud in my eyebrow to blind him with its glint.

If he was entranced he didn't give it away. "I studied Classics. Actually I don't know that much, I never took Greek. But I hate reading Fitzgerald's verse, he's pretentious and bourgeois."

Mmmm, 'bourgeois.' Always love the sound of that. "Come sit down with me," I said to him, patting the space beside me on the bed.

I had one of the two singles on this floor of my dorm's east wing. Cozy arrangement. I don't like to give up my privacy to some anonymous bitch, let alone, god forbid, some BFF wannabe.

"O-kay," he said appraisingly, like he was afraid I was going to bite in to him. Well . . . I wondered suddenly if he was some kind of Catholic seeker or something, his intellectualism seemed suspiciously serious and demure.

But he obediently took his seat. I asked him anyway, "Are you Catholic?"

He smiled. "That's a funny sort of question to ask somebody."

"Lots of people are Catholic," I replied. "Are you?"


"I was raised Catholic," I told him.

"I respect Catholicism quite a bit, actually," he answered. "But I'm not religious or anything."

"What do you respect about it?" I pressed.

"Well, like, when I was in 11th grade I taught myself the 'Hail Mary'. I was kind of attracted to the Mariology thing."

"You're kinda fucked up," I told him sweetly.

He smiled in a funny, lop-sided way, like he was wondering how to take that. "That sounds like a mean thing to say just because I liked the whole Virgin Mary thing."

"But you're not a Catholic, you didn't join or something?"

"No, I've never been inside a Catholic church even, I mean besides in Europe."

"To see the art, you mean?"

"Yes, exactly," he replied.

"What do you think of Rubens?"

"The painter, you mean?"

"Peter Paul Rubens, the painter," I clarified, eruditely.

"I love Rubens' work."

"I want to kiss you," I said. I put a hand on his chin and turned his head so I could lean right in on him. His cheeks were smooth and white. I grazed his lips, parting them, and slid myself inside, tasting him. He kissed back, but in a nice, passive kind of way, letting me lead.

"I want to tell you something, okay?" I asked.

"Okay," he said humbly.

"I never could stand Vergil and Homer. Maybe it was that Fitzgerald guy's problem then." I slid my hand under his shirt, feeling his belly. It had just a little bit of pot to it, not shaky and formless, not all muscly either. I felt a flutter of tenderness. I smoothed my other hand up the back and touched his spine with my fingertip. "I want you to share the right ones to read with me, okay?" I said, looking intently into his eyes.

"Yeah, I'd like that," he said. Such a little academic. I kissed him again, wet and demanding, thinking distantly of Dido on her funeral pyre, the youths dancing in Elysium, and sexy Camilla glittering in her armour. My pussy tingled. Maybe Fitzgerald hadn't been so bad? But then I could submit myself to new experiences, maybe see it again through David's eyes. I stroked the pebbles of his spine, counting them off like a collection of marbles. Mine mine.

"Would you take your shirt off for me?" I whispered.

"Uhm, are we going a little fast here?"

I slid my other hand onto his breast. I looked up at him imploringly. "Can I tell you something?" I asked, very hushed and all dramatic.

"Yes, of course," he said tenderly.

"I haven't been with a guy in two years," I said. Truthfully, just about.

"Oh, that's--"

"I really like you," I told him, caressing his nipple with my fingertip, feeling the tiny button harden to my touch. I worked his shirt up, and he acquiesced, raising his arms. Smiling, I pulled it off of him and admired. "David," I said, purring. I put my finger to his lips, hushing him. "I really like you," I said again. "Is there someone special in your life?"

He laughed softly. "No, no, I don't get around," he said, flustered.

"Well, I don't either," I chimed, maybe not completely true though. I mean there's Katy. "I want to get to know you," I added, honestly. I took his mouth again with mine, opening my legs, enclosing him as he scooted compliantly deeper onto my bed. My hands went exploring his chest. I started to work his nipples with a purpose, getting them between my thumb and forefinger, pulling them out, pinching.

"You'd look good with a ring," I told him between smacking kisses. "Through one of these," I added, scraping the tip of his nipple with my nail. He blushed furiously, it made me so happy inside to see. He wasn't difficult at all!

He was hard though, I found when I felt him through his pants. He was wearing some kind of grayish-green cargo pants, for the comfort I reckon. I'll have to improve on that though.

Happily I peeled his cock free, finding that he was going commando-- probably another comfort thing, but I can count my blessings like any regular person. I gripped his cock in my hand, feeling the purple head with my thumb tip.

"I know we've just made friends but, would you be upset if I put this in my mouth?"

"You-- is that what you really want to do?" he asked. Christ, what a little moralist.

I nodded my head in a gentle, sighing affirmative, like a mother seeing her boy off to war.

I added, "I really like you, you know? I want to be close."

It was so sweet, he really seemed to be made happy by that, and I was really meaning it too, he really pleased me. Though I might want to see some of this supposedly pushy, obnoxious side of him in action sometime. I hadn't even taken anything off, for fuck's sake. But if he wasn't going to ask for reciprocation, well then . . . It might be fun just to see how far I could bend him before I heard a demand for payment in kind. But never mind: I was gonna suck his cock and swallow his spunk, riches enough for now.

I got him to lie down on the bed--my bed, I thought to myself possessively, as though somehow the bed sheets were going to magically wind themselves into writhing vines and pin him down here, held in some Pre-Raphaelite sexual doom. With me, the blood-sucking sorceress, naturally.

Well, yeah, I'd like to think that. If I make it memorable enough . . . .

So I made him chuck off his sandals and I peeled him free of his pants and I sat there and looked at him and yes, though he was no designer jeans Adonis he was going to be my little David. I hustled down between his legs and finally unpinned my hair and swept it around on his thighs, swishing my head for drama. His cock was nice and long, not meaty per se but a neat hard bone, nicely angled. I pulled back his foreskin, admiring the dome and the taut smoothness beneath. I blew it a little kiss in anticipation. I licked my lips, brushed their wetness along his length. I let my chin graze him, tickling the head with my labret. I applied my tongue to the little hole at the tip, thinking unbidden thoughts of Katy's clit, a damp pink pebble.

But this was here and now. I took it inside my mouth, savoring this hard cock, all mine. Weird, it’d been so long. With a boy I really like. I didn't feel foolish, or even slutty, even though this was happening so quick. I opened my eyes and admired the way his pleasure made him look so vulnerable, his sandy head lolling fitfully, this way then that. He had taken off his glasses and set them beside my clock and my mug, the dear. Yes, I liked them resting there.

I closed my eyes and made myself at one with a mouth full of sweet cock. Sucking, milking, my fingers hefting the warm smooth balls in their tickly, wiry sack. Such unbidden sweetness in the afternoon.

And I would be bouncing off the walls till 3am. No idea about David's hours. But Katy likes to hit the clubs, she can be up all night. Up for anything, probably. Thank goodness I hadn’t asked her last night to send me one of her special texts this morning. Now I’ve got double options.

And now my days, however irregular, can be full, neatly gridded out by hours of exhausting bliss.

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I walked into the pub at two minutes past eight and Tom was waiting for me. He was sat on a tall stool at the end of the bar, I looked at him across the room and my stomach fluttered. “How do I manage to have my breath taken away every time I see him?” I thought to myself. He looked up and smiled, not a wide grin, but one where his eyes light up his whole face. He turned to the barman and ordered a glass of Merlot for me, he knows me so well and I love that about him. I removed my coat, put it...

4 years ago
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another true event from my life

Many years after my first story (and many illicit encounters behind my girlfriends backs) I was single for awhile. So I joined a sex site, trying to spice up the monotonous tedium of work, getting drunk with my friends, work, getting drunk with my friends etc. It had been a few years since I'd played with a cock, so I was looking for someone who was patient, older maybe....I found it in Warren. He was 20+ years my senior. But still looked ok. I emailed him on the site and he replied almost...

3 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 21 Melissa Gets a Pet of Her Own

They then drove directly to the airport and took off. Trina sat in the co-pilots seat. Being the smart little critter that she was, she soon saw they were heading north by northeast, not west toward home. She asked. "Where are we going, Sir?" We're going to New York City to see The Westminster Dog Show. And yes Trina, we may pickup a new pet. I want my pets to see how other pets obey commands. You girls have been a little lax lately. Trina whispered in Jim's ear. "We're a little lax...

1 year ago
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A threesome with a Difference Part two

During the following week helen had left a message on my answer phone wanting to know was i free that coming weekend ? i had nothing special planned so we arranged that i would come over to theirs, helen said " bring a tootbush " which implied an over night stay , so i duly went over to them on a given saturday morning, i took public transport over to them which took about two hours door to door , but knowing that what ever was going to happen i would be getting all my needs /wants/ desires...

3 years ago
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A Long Time Coming

With a critical eye, she looked over the reflection of her curvaceous figure in the mirror, head to toe. Her auburn hair lay softly in loose waves against her pale skin. Normally, the redness of her hair and the pink hue of her skin deterred her from wearing dark, rich, crimson reds, but tonight she donned her sexiest lingerie. Her red bra trimmed with black lace paired with black silk panties was deliciously vampy. Her voluptuous body looked so feminine and seductive when adorned in only...

Love Stories
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The Callgirl 8211 Celebrating Birthday

Hey everyone! Devil here again. With the Second Part in The CallGirl Stories. Do read the story and send me all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks Coming to the Story… Raj is the Main Character of the Story. Rich and Arrogant 33 Year Old Man in Mumbai. He visits a Brothel on his Birthday for some fun. Read on to find out what happens with him.. In Raj’s Words… “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!! Happy Birthday to dear Raj!! Happy Birthday to you!!” all my friends sang as I...

3 years ago
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Horny 18yr old and married man

 I was just 18, had split up from my first serious boyfriend and got a job in a local bar (UK, not US!). I was upset after the split and just wanted attention and a good time. After finishing the night in the pub I started getting a taxi onto one of the local nightclubs. One of the drivers was in his late 20's and was easy to talk to . Even though I hadn't before been attracted to older men I found him strangely attractive. We started flirting and I was finding that every time I ordered a...

4 years ago
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I Should Have Known

I should have known Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "You should at least try it honey. Believe me, you'll make a beautiful girl!" "Mooom!" "Well, you're the one that waited so long to get set up for this party that all the good costumes are gone. By doing this, I don't have to buy much, since we can use some of my things and some of your sisters. Now go in your room and we'll see how you look." Mom was right. There was a huge party at the country club, with...

4 years ago
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Cold Steele and Mrs Robinson Ch 04

Matt Steele continues on his quest for justice for Mrs. Robinson. Please read the previous chapters to have a full understanding of this one. Thanks for your interest. Comments, critiques, and emails that are constructive are very welcome and appreciated. ******************** ‘Okay Jasper, I’ll call an ambulance for you.’ I was lucky to get the information from Jasper before he went into shock. Dialing 911, I reported the shooting and requested an ambulance for the wanna be kidnappers....

4 years ago
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New Years Eve 1516

New Year’s Eve 2015/16 We have owned his/our bar now for a little over 10 years, and for the last 8 years, the place has closed to the public at 9pm on Dec 31st and a private, by invite only, party started at 10pm. The first couple of years it was a pretty vanilla event, mostly as a way of saying thanks to the “regulars” that keep the lights on and the doors open. It was the 3rd year that I was first told to make an appearance. I was dressed in a bikini and heels, not a common sight in Iowa in...

4 years ago
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My Friend And His Lovely Wife

Hi friends and I am Rakesh from Nasik. I am a Marketing Executive in a Multi National Company. 35 years old, Decent and open minded. I am a regular reader of ISS. I like the stories wherein a couple is involved in a 3some. Now coming to my story, it happened just 2 months back. I have a friend who is living in Kalyan. His name is Mukund and he is around 37 and his wife Sujata is 32 years old. I have to visit Mumbai frequently and once in a while I go to his house to meet him. He and his wife...

1 year ago
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NudeStewardess Masturbastes for men

Would you like to watch a real flight attendant strip nude from her uniform and masturbate for you?I am a real stewardess and fly for a Major US Airline, but you won't see me like this on your flight or know that I am an admitted exhibitionist. Simply put, I enjoy masturbating for men while they watch. It's my favorite way of sexually expressing and satisfying myself - my fantasy really. As an exhibitionist, I take advantage of my travels to find men interested in helping me, whether it's for a...

3 years ago
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Samantha And The President

WRITTEN BY LEROY MORROW Author’s Note: Marie in the following story is the French version for Mary. George Washington Brush is a fictions President. “Douglas,” Samantha called coming back into the Silverton’s house in Westbridge from checking the mail. “Yes,” her husband answered. “Look at this that we got in the mail today,” Samantha said handing him a envelope. The envelope had a postmark from Washington, D.C. In the left upper ...

1 year ago
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It’s time for you sleazy cucks to crawl out from under the floorboards. I have a site that you definitely don’t want to get caught watching, especially if you live at home. I know you betas are getting desperate. You turn to any girl who gives you an ounce of attention and try to make her spread her legs for you. You’ve tried babes at school, the bar, and the club to no avail. Hell, even your favorite e-thot streamer has shunned you and banned you from her chat. Where are you to turn? Maybe...

Incest Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Remittance ManChapter 4

--1823-- Brutal cold was that winter. The reports of the trees snapping in the cold kept many awake at night. Our experiments with canvas great-shirts over woolens garments fashioned in the same manner kept us hale. We gained many elders from surrounding tribes that winter. They could not be given the succor of their tribes without causing injury to the children. We were glad to accept them into our fold. Once again, we numbered an elder per longhouse. The children learned the tales of their...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Delight

‘Hey! What’s up?’ I heard a female voice say. I had just finished mowing my backyard lawn. I turned to the left to see my neighbor with her head above the wooden fence, smiling at me. Emily is a pretty brunette in her early twenties. A college student, comes back home to stay with her parents during the summer. I turned toward the fence, pulling off my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face and neck as I did. ‘You’re looking at what’s going on.’ I told her. ‘I’m just mowing the yard in the...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Keira Croft Screws her warehouse employee while her husband is out of town

Keira Croft thought marriage would be much more interesting than it is but her and her husband don’t argue, fight or even have sex and its starting to get to her. When she talks to her warehouse employee, he has all these crazy sex stories where he even broke his bed. Fortunately for him Keira is remodeling her house and has an extra bed that he can pick up. When he arrives, Keira lets him know he can have the bed but she wants something in return a good fuck, she even shoes off her butt plug...

4 years ago
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Another Love Story

Hi guys. This is Sid. I am 18 year old boy from Mumbai. This is me and my love Nikitha. This event takes place one year ago when we recently met. I thank to the tornado that didn’t did any damage but got me my love and you this story. Otherwise I never had courage to talk to her. Remember the news of a tornado coming near Mumbai last year. Ok let’s get 2 months back from that. When I entered my college on first day the first face I saw was of Nikitha. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever...

3 years ago
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Danis Desires Part 3

While Dani drove home she could feel her face flush with heat as she thought back to her little surprise she had left Aiden on his phone. She couldn’t believe she did that! Taking such risque pictures of herself for a man she had only known for not even a single day!She was so surprised at herself as she couldn’t even explain why she did it. All she really knew was that Aiden made her feel sexy again. And the way he just knew his way around her body to bring unbelievable amounts of orgasms, she...

1 year ago
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If Youre Not Paying It

CHAPTER 1 Wednesday "Andy, for crying out loud, we need to talk about this. I haven't bought any clothes other than pantyhose in the last year and a half since you demanded that we cut back. My panties are falling off of me because there's nothing left of the waist-band, I'm wearing a skirt and blouse that are years out of style, the arches in my shoes are killing me and, if it weren't for the fact that Karen wears her school uniform or sweats all the time, she'd be a laughing...

2 years ago
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Todos los días cuando entras a tu clase en la universidad y vez a Clara sientes la necesidad de hablarle para que por fin separe de tu existencia, pero nunca lo has hecho eco de tus inseguridades han evitado que eso ocurrió, pero te logras convencer de que HOY ES EL DIA, hoy sera el dia en el que lograrás hablarle sin sentir que ves a decir algo estúpido que te hará perder cualquier oportunidad con ella.

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Kamwalibai Ko Banaya Gharwali

Hey, I am akash Pichle stotry mai maine apko batya tha ki kaise maine apni kamwali bai yaniki reshma ke sath sex ki shurwat ki…., Aaj mai apko uska doosra part batane jane wala hu dosto yeah storie true hai Reshma ke sex ki shuruwat kar ke ab mujhe 2 din ho gaye the ab reshma hamare family ka hissa ban gayi kaise yah mai aaj apko iss storie mai bataunga ….. Sham 7pm mai football khelkar ghar lota mera t-shirt , shorts ,socks ,shoes sab kuch gandha ho gaya ham log barish mai khel rahe the uss...

3 years ago
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The Power of Word of Mouth AdvertisingChapter 5 The Halloween Party

I beheld Sandra as I opened my door, her light brown hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, her curves concealed by the tee shirt and jeans she wore. She stepped into the doorway, stood on her toes, and kissed me. "Hi, Bob! I'm so glad we could get together for Maryann's coming out party! I wouldn't have missed it for anything!" I led her to my room, where Maryann sat fidgeting on the edge of the bed. Seeing Sandra, she stood, and the two women approached each other, embraced, and,...

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virgin boy story

he was hot and sexy. She offered a service to all the fathers for their sons. She taught them how to fuck a girl. The fathers had used her and knew she was a maniac when it came to sex. When the boys left her they were hot lovers and knew all there was to know about sex with a young girl.She showed them a naked female body and how to do oral, anal and at least twelve sex positions.Tonight John brought his son Ben to meet her. He would leave him and pick him up in the morning. The son was...

4 years ago
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How I Met My Loyal Sub Priya 8211 Part 4

Hello everyone, Alex here (26 m dom). I meet my sub Priya during my tour with Katherine. The moment I meet her, I know she was into me and thinks moved faster in favour of me. By the second day of my tour, Priya was fucked whole night and she submitted herself to me as sub. All those events were explained in detail in my previous updates. Please read them before this. This is a slow BDSM story with lots of foreplay describing the mental transition of a dignified girl to complete slave from a...

2 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 17 ldquoHotrdquo Tub

While Gwen wriggled her bottom as she surreptitiously slid her swimsuit bottom off, her actions hid by the churning water, Izzy froze a bit in shock. She was laying back in the lounger section, her body covered by the bubbles, but only just barely. Gwen’s action had gotten her thinking about taking her own top off, enjoying the way that Alex’s eyes seemed to linger on her wet body. When Alex spoke up, and suggested, no, ordered her to take her suit off, she looked at him and her mother,...

1 year ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 14

"A lessen in Discipline and Love."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-13-945878- Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923 The men drank some coffee and were enjoying the memories of that horny threesome that we just had. I went upstairs. Rinsed me clean and went to my bedroom to get dressed in Leather. I put on the Leather Chaps with the black zippers over my black jock strap. And put on the...

4 years ago
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Doctors DaughterChapter 6 and finally

Once again I was alone with Charles, looking at each other. "Very unfortunate," he muttered, "Very unfortunate indeed, that lassie is not happy I'm afraid. But you mustn't worry my dear; there is nothing at all she can do. Nothing at all. But I knew it would turn ugly if something like this happened." When I got home there was just me there. After all the visitors offering condolences and the funeral, the place had been full of people since Paul died it seemed and yet here I was alone....

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InBetween Chapters 2730

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like...

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Not A White BoyChapter 3

Lara came inside. Gertrude had heard the car start up, and looked at her mother, disappointment obvious. "He's some kind of con man. Whatever he's selling, I don't want it and you're not getting near him." "Mother! You didn't even give him a chance." "I gave him two chances. He got out of a wreck worse than ours, wearing a suit and jewelry worth more than my salary. He gives me a song and dance about why. When I wasn't buying, he tried to smooth talk his way past me. That's why...

2 years ago
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Hail Ophelia 2

Hail Ophelia, Full of grace and virtue The Lord has made you woman By man's skill, For you to spread beauty and light, Serve your man, Receive life in your round womb And from your bosom feed the world And the whole humankind. May you always live Surrounded by beautiful roses, In God's grace And in human love. A woman, a wife and a mother. Feed our souls And our hearts With your love Now and forever, For the whole of our lives.

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The Bimbo Fever

Just Yesterday every thing was normal in town. Last night at about midnight a lab working on a fertility drug for women had an unexpected explosion. This released the now altered fertility drug into the air. The drug was based on a virus that could replicate in order to make the drug quicker to manufacture. The explosion change the drug and virus so that any woman who inhales it will loss her intelligence and become a sex starved bimbo. This takes between 5 to 7 hours after first exposure to...

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Its My PartyChapter 57

Time: Saturday, March 2, 2019 3:45 PM Three hours after leaving the river and already half-way home, Carla felt so confident about their situation that she called out a fifteen minute break. They had been jogging along a ridgeline roughly two hundred meters west of the edge of the cylindrical sky, a short gully on their left, and a broad drop on their right to the forest below. Within a few minutes, the four Hindu women drifted away to a spot about twenty meters distant. They sat and chatted...

1 year ago
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Prodigal Daughter

As the plane taxied to a stop beside the terminal, I asked myself if I could go through with everything. It had been four months since I had left this wretched place, my hometown, with memories happy and sad, a guilty heart and, unknowingly at that time, with a son inside me. There was nothing to regret my life here, I thought sadly as I picked up my handbag and walked to the door, except for two nights that had forever changed my life. And, in my darkest moment of despair, I wished for a...

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