Goodbye Master Stokes - Chapter 5: The Great Divide free porn video

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CHAPTER 5: THE GREAT DIVIDE This chapter contains lyrics from the song 'Back Street Luv', recorded by Curved Air and written by Darryl Way, Sonia Kristina Linwood and Ian Eyre. The room was still in almost total darkness, but the luminous material covering the hands of the alarm clock confirmed that Sunday November 28th had arrived. The date that for the last week and a half had been stamped, chiselled and seared into the surface of every brain cell I possessed was no longer in the future. It was today. It was now. I didn't get up immediately. Although less than a month would have gone by before I'd be sleeping in this bed again, I was unable to dismiss an irrational fear that during my absence it might change beyond recognition, that I'd return to find its shifts and creaks as strange as those I was to encounter tonight. The feeling soon disappeared. I threw back the covers, drew up my knees and leapt into that weird and wonderful world called the rest of my life. I ran myself a bath - this was a special day, after all - and sank so deeply into the foamy water that it was lapping at my chin. The currents I created by swishing my hands to and fro stimulated the two small but clearly visible mounds swelling from my chest into behaving like fully developed breasts, encumberances I didn't really want but knew I had to be ready to live with. The various pills and potions I'd been taking had brought about other, more pronounced changes: my hair was thicker, shinier and slightly darker; my arms had grown plumper, my hips were wider and my thighs distinctly chunkier; from my crotch protruded only a sliver of flesh, no longer than a fingernail, which seemed each morning to shrink further into the safety of the slit behind it. Yet I had no underlying awareness of being female. If I looked like a girl, even from a distance - Lisa had taken dozens of photographs of me in West Park, down by the harbour and on Staincliffe beach, as if I was emigrating to New Zealand rather than moving a mere sixty miles along the coast - on the inside I was the same person I'd always been. I continued to study the league tables, I wanted a moped more than ever, and my interest in rock music was undiminshed. Good luck to the member of staff at Lowdales Hall who tried to browbeat me into forsaking Jethro Tull for T Rex or the Bay City Rollers! Back in my room I dressed quickly, having decided on my outfit days ago. The impression I wanted to give my new school was of someone who'd come to terms with being a girl but saw no need to make a big deal of it. To that end I'd settled on the jumper I bought the first time I went shopping with Lisa, a pair of dark brown cords, grey ankle socks and black platform shoes. The prospectus had stressed that pupils would not be required to wear a uniform, stipulating only that denim was prohibited during normal school hours, so it appeared that I'd be free to cultivate whatever image I liked. I took more time over my hair, putting in the dead-centre parting I'd preferred ever since it first crept over my ears in the summer of '69 and combing it forward in an attempt to imitate the windswept, faintly dishevelled look Sonia Kristina favoured. "Will she make it? Can she take it?" I sang softly to myself. Of course she could. She'd got this far, hadn't she? I went into the spare bedroom and spent a few moments in front of the mirror examining my profile from different angles, taking a particular pleasure in the way my cords hugged the undeniably womanly curves between my waist and the tops of my thighs. I had a bum too, one that according to Lisa moved in the most delectable fashion when I walked. She'd shied away from pointing out that if she found it appealing then so might boys; the looks I was getting used to receiving from them made that observation unnecessary. Before going downstairs I conducted one final sweep to ensure that I hadn't left anything behind, then lifted up the small red suitcase which was the only luggage I'd be taking with me - a trunk containing the bulk of my belongings had been despatched on Thursday - and took my latest acquisition, a belted mustard skiing jacket, from its peg. It was amazing how widely a father's wallet could be persuaded to open once he's read a solicitor's lteer fromising him several thousand pounds in compensation and a similar sum to be held in trust until his child reaches the age of majority. The same wallet had also injected thirty quid into my Post Office savings account, which now stood at...erm, thirty quid. Apart from the loose change in my back pocket it was all the money I had. I wasn't counting aunt Rachel's fiver; that was staying in the tobacco tin where I'd stashed it more than a month ago. It had been spoken for ever since Lisa said how much she liked Rod Stewart's Every Picture Tells A Story. "Don't forget to write," she'd reminded me yesterday evening. "I want to know every little detail." Then she'd squeezed my hand and ruffled my hair. For a few moments I'd been staring at the world from outer space. If only she hadn't pulled away so abruptly when I went to hug her. Where's your smile today? Did she let you down? Try to see she didn't mean to make you feel so sad. I closed the door and walked quickly down to the front room. It was beginning to get lighter outside, but the curtains would remain drawn until next Saturday, when mum and dad returned from grandpa's funeral. As I deposited my case on the floor and draped my jacket over the arm of the sofa I tried hard to ignore the irksome suspicion that Lisa Middleton - like my grandfather, like Plug and Gash, like Skelty Boulton's Bible readings and Rafferty's weaselly face - was already part of my past. * For a town that could claim with some justification to be one of the birthplaces of the railways, Stockton-on-Tees didn't have a particularly impressive station. The arched roof was in a sorry state of repair, with many of its glass panels missing; the bays at both ends of the two main platforms were choked with weeds; the buffet had served its last customers when Harold Wilson was in power, the Beatles were still together and the till was full of threepenny bits, sixpences and ten-shilling notes. This morning, however, a healthy sprinkling of would-be travellers had congregated here due to the Sunday engineering works that had diverted the express trains from their usual route. I'd be catching the next one that came through; they all called at York, where I had to change for the fifty-five minute run to Scarborough. "I still say you should've let your father drive you down," said mum. "It would've been just as quick." "The lad's made his decision," dad put in before I could reply. I started to speak, then thought better of it. The black dress mum was wearing beneath her overcoat reminded me that the last thing she needed at this difficult time was for people to sound as if they were ganging up on her. She fussed with the flap of my jacket. When she opened her handbag I feared there might be a serious possibility of her taking a handkerchief from it, moistening it with her tongue and using it to wipe my face. Instead she handed me a small bag of boiled sweets. "Mmm, barley sugars," I remarked without a trace of irony. "Save some for Thursday," she advised me. "It's a long way down to Reading. You've got your ticket safe, haven't you?" "The Poole train, remember," said dad. "I know," I muttered, trying hard to disguise my irritation at his having insisted I travel cross-country rather than via London. Would he have done that if I'd been male? The station bell rang, heralding the imminent arrival of the service to Kings Cross. Mum frowned, as if it signalled the approach of a thief come to steal from her nearly three years of active parenthood. "Well, this is it," she said. "Don't forget to ring when you get there. Are you sure you don't want any more change?" "I've got plenty," I assured her. "And don't go wandering off exploring if Miss Corrigan is a minute or two late picking you up. I know what you're like." "I won't." By now all eyes were turned to the right, and the broad curve that brought the line into the station. Soon the bottle green diesel locomotive appeared at the top, provoking a flurry of activity around us. Dad stepped forward and held out his hand. "Good luck, son," he said as we shook. I didn't correct him. The expression he wore told me he was starting to appreciate how much this moment meant to me. The engine roared past. We gravitated towards the northern end of the platform, where the rearmost carriages would stop and I'd have a better chance of finding a seat. Dad opened the door while mum inclined her head so I could give her a peck on the cheek. This was as demonstrative a display of affection as we'd ever shared. "See you on Thursday, then," I said as I climbed aboard. "Take care," mum called back. "Look after yourself," cried dad. Or that was what I've always assumed they said. I wasn't really listening. I remember waving to my parents as the train slid forward. I remember laying my case flat on the table, unfastening it and taking out the latest edition of Sounds. I remember looking up when we rattled over the Tees viaduct at Yarm, and again when we joined the main line at Northallerton. I remember the elderly couple sitting across the aisle who didn't know quite what to make of me. But most of all I remember the words the guard spoke to me less than two minutes after we left Stockton. "Ticket please, miss." That was when I was certain my journey was really underway. * York station was busy, even at half-past eleven on a Sunday morning. Everywhere I looked people were on the move, hurrying across the footbridges or wheeling trolleys full of cases along the platforms in search of those elusive few square feet of private space. The air beneath the four curving spans of glass and wrought iron buzzed with the sounds of whistles being blown, doors being slammed shut and engines idling before thundering into action. Above them the echoing tannoy announced the departures of trains to destinations that to me were no more than points on a map or places that merited a weekly mention when the football results were being read out: Inverness, Aberdeen, Derby, Cheltenham, Plymouth, Huddersfield... And Scarborough! 11.43 from platform 6, calling at Malton and Seamer, just as the booking clerk at Stockton had promised. I joined the throng making their way towards the bridge, each step taking me closer to the new world that would soon be opening up for me. I felt a sense of independence that was quite dazzling; the credit for whatever success I achieved in the weeks and months to come would be mine and mine alone. For the first ten miles or so of this second and final leg there was little of interest to be seen, just flat, bare fields, lonely farmhouses and stands of leafless trees. Superimposed upon them were the images that took shape before my eyes - of buildings, of classrooms, of dining halls, of playing fields, of the dormitory I'd be sharing. But I dismissed them as illusions, extrapolated from a few glossy photographs in a sixteen-page prospectus. Whatever the future had in store for me, it was unlikely to resemble my expectations. The other pupils were the unknown factor, just as they'd been at Newburn Grammar School. Pansy's would be the one familiar face set against the scores of others soon to come crashing into my life. Towards this upheaval I sped, north and east, the Yorkshire coast coming closer with every bridge, gate and bush that flashed past. I thought about Clare Corrigan, and whether we'd get on. I thought about the Sunday lunch my mother would be preparing for two instead of three. I thought about Lisa, wondering if she was thinking about me. It started with a station on the edge of an industrial estate that materialised out of nowhere. Then there were steep slopes on either side of the line, the hill to the right topped with a memorial of some kind. Streets, warehouses, factories, depots and gasworks closed in. A long, open platform, the type built for excursion trains in a bygone era, slid by the left-hand window. The clock tower. The tall buildings with their opulent frontages. The wide boulevard leading to the shopping centre, its central reservation planted with roses. This was Scarborough, jewel in the crown of Yorkshire seaside resorts, and for the next two and a half years I could call it my home! Suddenly I saw Newburn for what it was - a dull, neglected backwater, a grimy cage whose bars were those of limited opportunities and a tendency to be content with second best. If it had taken the most bizarre of circumstances to set me free, I now believed that learning to be female was no exorbitant price to pay for my liberty. This optimism was to be shattered within seconds by the yellow Ford Capri that drove up to the station entrance. The woman at the wheel was an attractive brunette, her hair cut in a medium-length bob. I estimated to be in her early thirties, despite the fact that her embroidered cream blouse and pleated dark brown skirt were a little prudish for someone clearly several years away from surrendering to the onset of middle age. But it was her companion, a young, vivacious blonde with short, heavily lacquered curls, wearing a turquoise cardigan over a flowery dress, whose painted nails beckoned me closer. And I hadn't covered half the distance before I realised that the grin forming on those scarlet lips belonged to Pansy Porter. I lowered my case to the ground. Pansy had been at Lowdales for what, a fortnight? Did all the pupils look like this? Would they demand that I adopt the same image? Pansy wound down the window. "Well, are you just going to stand there staring?" she said. "'re a..." I spluttered. "I'm a Kitten, dear. Now get in before the pigeons all assume you're a statue and start building nests behind your ears." And that was how she introduced me to one side of the Great Divide at Lowdales Hall. * It took less than a quarter of an hour to reach the school. Clare and Paula - I couldn't think of her as Pansy any more, not in that get-up - gave me a running commentary so I didn't lose my bearings entirely. From the station we travelled west to the ring road, which took us to the former village of Scalby, now the northernmost suburb of the town. Turning left at what on a weekday would have been a busy crossroads, we headed along a winding lane that quickly ascended a sharp incline overhung with trees and emerged onto a flat stretch before diving just as precipitously into a small but deep valley carved by a bubbling stream flowing through more dense woodland. Lowdales Hall was situated on the southern side of the road, about three hundred yards from where it swung south towards the village of Eversdale. "Calling it a village is a bit of an exaggeration," said Clare as she guided the Capri down the short track to the car park in front of what to my eyes seemed a vast country house. "There's a pub, which is strictly out of bounds by the way, and a shop which opens when it likes. If you need to buy more than crisps and fizzy drinks you have to wait until Saturdays, when we run mini-buses to Scarborough." "Unless you're pals with one of the girls who's old enough to drive," added Paula. "And are you?" I asked. "I'm working on it." The car crunched to a halt. I opened the door and breathed in air that felt fresh and invigorating. The woods still rose highly in every direction, lending the surroundings a cosy seclusion matched only by the eerie silence. "You're used to the constant hum of background traffic," explained Clare, anticipating my question. "When you live in a town your brain filters it out. You have to come to a place like this to experience the difference." Paula didn't accompany us inside, but made for the path that took her to a long, low building that appeared to form part of a separate complex. "What was all that about her being a Kitten?" I wanted Clare to tell me. "It's our very own sorority." "Your what...?" "A sisterhood, based on the ones you often find in American colleges." "But Paula's only been here a couple of weeks. How did she persuade them to let her join in such a short time?" "She didn't have to. The Kittens are keen to recruit younger pupils. A large proportion of them are in their final year, so they're always on the lookout for anyone who's adjusted well enough to agree to have her hair done and conform to their dress code." "That rules me out, then," I laughed. "Don't be too sure, Peter. She's far too diplomatic to have said so to your face, but from what she's told me about you I'm in no doubt that Paula considers you a prime target." "She can take a running jump," I growled to myself as we came to the steps going up to the main entrance. Clare didn't allow me long to take in the paintings of idyllic rural scenes, the elaborate chandeliers, the beautifully upholstered chairs arranged around the coffee table in the alcove beside the secretary's office, or the lavish carpet covering the staircase at the far end of the hall. Instead she ushered me through a series of corridors to a more prosaic flight that ended on a landing flanked by rooms from which emanated the sounds of raucous but adrogynous laughter mingled with the less ambivalent tones of a Richie Blackmore guitar solo. "You shouldn't have any problems with Chris," she said. "She has her moments, but most people here do." "She's not a Kitten, is she?" "She wasn't the last time I saw her." Clare knocked softly on the door bearing the number 23. It was answered by a plumpish figure with long, untidy chestnut hair, wearing scruffy jeans and a loose rugby shirt that couldn't disguise the extent of her substantial bosom. "Peace has ended, has it?" she sighed, looking me up and down. "Take no notice," said Clare. "She's just grumpy because her team lost yesterday." "Lost? We were bloody annihilated. The sooner they get rid of that idiot Robson the better." "You're an Ipswich fan?" I smiled. "You should try supporting Newburn Town." Clare glanced at her watch. "Okay, you've got half an hour before they serve lunch. After that I'll come down and give you the grand tour. Oh, and Chris, since the company's gone to all the expense of installing en suite facilities may I suggest you make more regular use of them?" With that she left us to it. "A bit of a bugger, this, isn't it?" said Chris. "We'll survive." "No thanks to the likes of her. All she cares about is bloody exam results." "She seems quite nice..." "We're here to study and get decent grades. Nothing else matters. If we fail, the contract goes to some other school." "What about adjusting?" I asked. "Don't they have classes for that?" "You're joking. There's a shrink you can go and see if you wake up wanting to do yourself in, but she's only there because they're covering their backsides. Most of us don't, so we muddle along as best we can. That's how all this Toms and Kittens business started." "Toms?" "It's short for tomboys." She pushed her hair back from her forehead. "Look, I'll fill you in while you're unpacking. I'm Chris, by the way. Christopher Nayland as was, not sure who I'll be once I'm finished with this place. And you are...?" "Carolyn," I said. The instant those three syllables issued from my lips I knew I'd crossed the biggest boundary of all. I hadn't meant to disown Peter quite so early in my career at Lowdales, but the deed was done. Peter Stokes was history. Carolyn Stokes had her whole life in front of her. Yer look different somehow. Yer voice 'as changed an' all. And she'd never lie about her new identity again. END NOTES: This is as far as the story goes, for the time being at any rate. I'd like to thank everyone who reviewed it - some of the comments left me breathless - and once again express a deep degree of gratitude to Kelly Ann Rogers, without whom the tale would have stalled after Chapter 2. Next up? Anybody's guess.

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 06

“Yes Dylan,” replied the girl on the screen. “It responded to you?” Asked Dylan’s father Gareth. “Dylan, what is this?” “UI, make my dad sleep!” “At once, Dylan.” Instantly, Gareth Davies fell into a deep sleep, and Dylan went to retrieve his laptop from him. He sat down at the dining room table with it. “Oh this is bad, this is very bad,” Dylan said. “Why?” The UI asked, sitting cross-legged, giving Dylan a good view of her pussy. “What do you think!? My dad knows about you!” “He...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 03

He’d just finished eating lunch when there was a knock on the door. His father went to answer it. “Oh hi girls,” Gareth said. “Hi Mr Davies, is Dylan here?” Olivia asked. “Yeah. DYLAN! Becky and Olivia are here!” Gareth shouted. Dylan emerged in sweatpants and a t-shirt. “Oh, hi girls,” Dylan said. “You were gonna show us that new computer game, right?” Rebecca said. Dylan just stared for a moment, before realising what she meant. “Oh! Right! Yeah, come on, it’s, uh, in my room…” Dylan...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 04

Rebecca and Olivia meanwhile would be going into Sixth Form. Their old school didn’t have one, so they’d be moving to Dylan’s school for the next 2 years, which made things a lot more convenient for magical fun. Making sure his phone had charged overnight, Dylan got dressed into his trousers and shirt for school, and went downstairs for breakfast, where he of course tuned into BBC Breakfast to watch his new favourite weather girl in action. His cock stirred at the thought of what they’d...

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Whos a Fairy 12 Once Upon a Time Divide

Who's a Fairy? 1-2: Once Upon a Time Divide By Ron Dow75 Chapter One: The Fairy Godmother Flutz had never read the Story of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. Flutz had never read anything she didn't have to. She was a Royal... or she would be again, once she found the Princess she'd lost. === In an alley on a long way to home: "Get up, you sissy!" demanded the larger boy who'd knocked Alfred down. The twerp, in cross-trainers, jeans and yellow pullover sweater, was just...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 4

Anna introduced Ethel to her father, Jonas Strong, when they met him in Wilsonville. Jonas was owner and manager of the bank and was a pillar of the community. He was surprised to see a woman dressed as Ethel was, but was completely taken by her when he found out that she had saved his daughter's life. He was impressed by any woman who had the gumption to be a gunfighter, and he was further impressed by the way she was armed. Jonas wanted to get to know Ethel better, so he and Anna stayed...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 5

Ethel developed a really great liking for Adam Strong in the week she spent visiting them. He did not exactly remind her of her dead husband, Archy, but he had a lot of the same characteristics that she had loved in Archy. His main attraction, though, was that he let her be her. Adam did not try to change her to fit some sort of "ideal woman" in his eyes. Ethel hated to leave at the end of her week's visit, but she knew that she had to if she was ever going to satisfy her vendetta against...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 6

The next afternoon, Ethel, Hester, and Anna rode into Wilsonville. Ethel had her horse, but the other two ladies were riding in a carriage driven by Anna. Ethel was planning to open her bank account and stay over to play poker, but the other two were going to do some shopping and return home in time for supper. They met Jonas for dinner (lunch to you damyankees) and had a very nice meal at the hotel restaurant. Of course, it was not up to what Hester could and would fix, but it was still...

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The Headmaster Chapters 1 to 11

Introduction: I was asked to repost this and I had two new chapters done, so here they are. Chapter 1. The Opportunity and Setup. My wife and I decided to get out of the fast lane of the high tech world. We had an opportunity to take jobs that were offered to us by a friend who knew we were a little burned out. He was on the board of a private school that dealt with children or young adults who were trying to get their lives together. It was for those who had made the tough decision to try to...

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The Master of O Chapter 1

Introduction: The following is a six chapter parody of the classic tale The Wizard of Oz - only a more risque and erotic version that comes from my twisted mind and my usual kinkiness! In this not for prime-time TV version, many of the beloved characters are there, but what happens to them is not what you may remember from the original fairy tale! I do hope you enjoy MY version of this story!Dorothy Jenkins looked out the window of her small bedroom at the farmhand working on the fence outside...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 01

Today was Thursday the 31st of August 2017; Dylan’s birthday. He didn’t like his date of birth, as it meant that he was the youngest in his year at school. The sun was streaming from behind his blinds into his bedroom, and now he was ready to get up. Normally his weekend and school holiday mornings were spent jerking off, but today he wanted to get up to open his presents. Dylan and his father lived alone in a reasonably small house in Cardiff. Dylan’s mother died when he was little, so...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 02

“What? Oh…morning dad…” Dylan said, yawning. “It’s half 5 in the evening actually,” his father Gareth said. “You’ve not been in bed all day, have you?” “No, I was…” Dylan then remembered what he’d done. He shot up in bed, realising he was still naked under the covers, and his eyes darted to his laptop, which was still on his bedside table. The screen was off and it wasn’t making any noise. “What’s wrong?” Gareth asked. “Um…nothing,” Dylan replied. “I unwrapped my presents and messed with...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 3

"What the hell are ya talkin' 'bout? Git that God damned gun outta my back afore I gits real mad!" "My pistol is on full cock and my finger is on the trigger. If you make a sudden move, I might slip and blow a big fucking hole in your back. Now, do you want me to do that?" "Shit, no! Don't do that. OK, I'll come with ya, but ease off on that gun muzzle. It hurts the way ya're pressin' it inta my back." "Not yet, I won't. Put your hands behind your back and cross your...

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Harry Thelma and HarryChapter 2

I suppose it was about a month later, that Thelma stumbled one day in those bloody high heals that she was back to wearing, breaking a bone in her ankle. I got a frantic call from her when she was at the hospital asking me to come and collect the girls. When I arrived the doctor told me the break, although not serious, needed to be set in plaster. But there was a problem. Thelma's ankle had swollen up and they would have to wait until the swelling had gone down before the plaster could be...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 2

SUMMER CAMP Rebecca looked at her image critically in the full length mirror. She had to concur that the tailored scoutmaster uniform with the camouflage skirt and the bandana like top was decidedly hot. She could feel her nipples harden and her slit was primed and ready for some Boy Scout/Girl Scout Jamboree time with lots of after dark “getting acquainted” Camaraderie. She was wearing the official Girl Scout underwear because it was more comfortable for female crotches and her merit...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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EMails To My MasterChapter 4

TO - Master FROM - Night Nurse i am pleased that you enjoyed my latest report. As to your punishment, it has been carried out; my nipples (and the area round them) are still a little sore as are my pussy lips. My mirror is adorned as you instructed and it will remain that way for a week. i am working hard on the story; about five pages have been written so far and i hope to have more done overnight if it remains quiet. It is a shame that no comments have yet been received at the Group. i...

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Goodbye Themyscira

GOODBYE THEMYSCIRA A sort of DC Comics fanfic... by Laika Pupkino ~ 2016 [NOTE: All I know about the DC comics universe comes from a few feature films and 4 cartoon shows, so this probably isn't even remotely canon. Let's just say all the discrepancies + inaccuracies you'll find here are because this takes place on Earth #27, where whatever I got right is the same as our world and whatever I didn't, isn't...] .. |||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=|||=0 .. My name is Kip Trevor, and at...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 7

The poker game that Ethel and Adam found was in a rougher saloon than they realized. This was the kind of place where cheating was rampant, and, not only did you have to watch your cards, you had to watch your back. As a matter of course, Ethel and Adam did sit on opposite sides of the table so that they could keep an eye out for the safety of the other. That was not because of this particular saloon, they would have done it at any saloon. The first few hands did not bode well for Ethel, as...

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Ambers office life with her Master Tuesday Chapter 2

Introduction: Everything written is fiction, created by my dirty mind. This series will have 5 chapters, each for the day of the week about how Ambers life is spend in office with her Master (Lucas). Tuesday! God, Master left me so raw and exhausted on Monday, I slept so well I didnt wake up on time&hellip, and now Im running so late to work. Today, a message came with my dress code of the day. A schoolgirls uniform. I already had all the clothes, my cupboard filled with all the clothes any...

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Mrs Ethel HarrisChapter 8

Ethel and Adam dropped off the gold at the bank in Wilsonville and rode to the ranch. They hastily packed supplies on a pack mule for an extended wilderness trip, picked four new horses so that they would have remounts, and dashed off for that cabin in the woods near Harley Springs. They pressed as hard as they could, but it was still the next day before they reached the shack described by Willy Simpson. The shack was empty, but there was a trail to follow. Adam was a very good tracker,...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 14

Rebecca had reached a point in her new Scoutmaster role where she considered all the scouts to be genderless in her eyes. In her efforts at inward self-inspection, she determined it was probably because she was always a bit bi-sexual even when she was in high school and was just as happy having a happy ending with one of the teenaged cheerleaders as she was with giving up her cherry to a football jock. She saw it in her boy and girl twins Edward and Edwina with their ability to take on...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 6

Boy Scout Troup 369 Scoutmaster Rebecca Johnson decided it would be a good move to allow her oversexed daughter Edwina take over the special tutoring lessons for young Raymond to pass the swimming merit badge to qualify for advancement to Eagle Scout. There was only one other candidate for Eagle Scout now in the troop and that was a cute sixteen year old blonde called Honey Longleg. It was amusing because she was not in the least bit tall and was the shortest scout in the troop despite being...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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Master PC Cumming in Cymru Chapter 07

Dylan was woken the next morning by orgasmic cries of ecstasy, which seemed to be coming from his father’s room. The voice sounded like Caroline, so presumably Gareth was enjoying his new secretary, and she was enjoying constant cumming from her god’s orgasmic touch. Dylan groaned, and rolled over in bed. “Is everything alright, Dylan?” Dylan opened his eyes, and looked at his phone on his bedside table, where the UI was smiling back at him. “I didn’t turn you on,” he said. “You didn’t...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 3 Bridging The Divide

It was a quiet day on the bridge. Everybody minded his or her own business, running scans, diagnostics or whatever was available to fight the boredom of flying through friendly space. Due to the latest incidents with Augments and Orions, Starfleet had ordered the ship to stay closer to home, leaving the job of traipsing around in unknown space to find exciting new worlds to Columbia. It didn't exactly do much for the mood of the crew, and Jon wasn't sure how long it would take until the...

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The True MasterChapter 3 Process Hang

Jan 16 2016: Opening my eyes I was treated to the same dream I had woken to every morning for the past week. Kate was in my lap, her mouth around my cock slowly moving up and down brining me out of my sleep. Looking up to see that I was awake I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes and she quickened her pace. I remained still and let her work acutely aware that only one of her hands was at my cock the other between her own legs. The act of giving head was almost enough...

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The True MasterChapter 7 Cache Clearing

February 16 2016: Walking down the stairs into the lab that the Master had set up I found him on the floor near next to the three dentist like chairs the he had set up on the opposite side of the large room from his computer, which now consisted of more than a dozen monitors and from what I could tell at least seven or eight different computers all of them showing different things. Hearing my approach the Master moved away from the chair and dusting himself off stood...

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The True MasterChapter 8 Break

February 19 2016: I looked up at the Master as he slept. Like the night before, I had ended up on top of him, with him buried inside of me as he slept. It seemed to calm him down enough that he actually got some sleep. His arms, which usually crushed whomever he held in his sleep to his chest, were relaxed and resting on my ass. Moving my head to the side I glanced over at Tracy and Helen. The two were tangled in one another even as they pressed up against the...

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The True MasterChapter 10

~~ I would like to thank my editor, Spirit02 whom helped to clean up my writing and make it all the more presentable.~ February 21 2016: The doorknob began to turn and I jumped behind the nearest cabinet of computers. I heard a slight creak as the door opened and I had to force myself to continue breathing at a normal rate. I heard someone stepping into the room but I stayed still. "What's going on?" asked Marcus in my ear. I ignored him and...

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Becoming a Master Chapter 2 Rerun

“Oh god………” I asked in a squeaky voice. I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was laying next to me caressing my chest and stomach. My cock was not even paying attention to what my brain was trying to tell it. It was rock hard and ready for more. “Hmm baby, seems like someone is happy to see me. Think I can get some more of that lovely cream from the source?” she asked as she started kissing her way down my chest and stomach. When she reached my cock head she kissed it and...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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