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Synergy & Blitz (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 1 by: Shrike It could be useful to read the story Synergy first, but it is not really necessary. All the important data is repeated in this story. Also the story Synergy is not available in full online. This is because it is published as a paperback book. For interested people see: Merchandising page under Resources at Chapter One Valentine's Day February 13th, morning, Maren Since I had missed Gabe in our morning walk to school, I was now looking in the college library for him. At first I didn't see him, but walking around a bit provided me with the view of him sitting with a girl at a table. They were talking and laughing together. 'Who is she? What are they doing?' Okay, so I'm a bit jealous. I hadn't spent as much time with Gabe in the past month as I had liked. We were both busy with college and work. He was getting more and more involved with the day to day operation of the restaurant while I had been working on my Thrusters after hours at the college workshop. I had to do my work mostly in private, since it had been classified and restricted. Now I was seeing Gabe in the company of some girl and he hadn't even mentioned anything about her in our brief conversations walking to school earlier in the week. I was ready to go barging into their little get together, but just as I was about to go over, the girl leaned over to him and kissed him on his cheek. 'That does it! I'm done with him. That two timing dog...!' I didn't finish my thoughts about him, but just got the hell out of the library. Walking back to classes I reflected back to I came to be into this situation. Less than two years ago I had been a boy myself. I had been sickly with a short life expectancy and really didn't like my life. After I had gotten MORFS, I changed into a healthy exotic beautiful hybrid girl. For a while I stumbled around trying to find out what my sexual preference would be. Then I had met Gabe and I was convinced that I was going to be a heterosexual girl. I had even thought about living the rest of my life with him, but now I had doubts about it. Oh, I wasn't questioning my girlhood anymore, and girls didn't attract me in the least. But wasn't it a given that the first crush or love interest never panned out? A class later I was on my way to my next lecture, when Gabe showed up next to me. He sounded really casual saying, "Hi Maren. I'm sorry about this morning, but Paco made a problem that I needed to fix before coming to school. So, what do you say about dinner later today?" I huffed and walked on quickly to my next class. Gabe still followed me, puzzled to my reaction. He asked, "Is there something the matter, Maren?" Regally I replied, "Nope, nothing. I'm just busy, is all. Excuse me I'm almost late for class." I left Gabe standing in the hallway perplexed, while thinking, 'Maybe I shouldn't have acted like that to him. But he should've explained to me about that girl.' February 13th, morning, Gabe Staring at a disappearing Maren walking away from me, I wondered, 'What is her problem? Did I do something wrong? I already apologized for missing her this morning. Why is she reacting like that? I haven't even told her that I'm tutoring Harriet on her Geography.' It never occurred to me that I should have told her that first. I really didn't think that it would be such big news. I mean, I had helped several people in the school with some problem or something they struggled with. It got me thinking about how I had gotten here in this situation. 'I changed from a full hybrid into an almost non-hybrid and with the hidden hybrid traits at that. Maren changed from a boy with poor health into this beautiful girl. Maybe the gender change is catching up with her now. Should I give her some breathing room? Then again, I didn't take those secret dance lessons just for the fun of it. Though I still suck at dancing I could now at least make an appearance on the dancefloor. Why did I agree to start dancing lessons anyway? I will never be as good as Maren.' I was still thinking about it when I got into workshop. I needed to finish my special project, a trinket for Maren for tomorrow. I didn't tell her about it, because I wanted it to be a special surprise. February 13th, noon, Maren I met Gabe again during lunchtime. I sat down on the seat that he had kept for me and started on my salad. I was trying to keep my figure because I had noticed that I had started to put on some weightThere was a dance contest at the end of the month, so I needed to be in shape and wear the nice dress for it. Gabe didn't say much of anything to me, and I was wondering if he was mad at me for giving him the cold treatment this morning. My mood had lifted some, so I started, "So, Gabe? What are your plans for tomorrow?" He looked at me innocently and asked, "Why? Is there something special tomorrow? It's February 14th isn't it? Nope, I've got nothing planned except a dinner in the evening with you. Oh, I could hit him over the head; he could be so infuriating sometimes. He thought there was nothing special about tomorrow. Well, I should show him. I dug into my salad and didn't speak for the rest of the meal. I didn't notice the faint smile on Gabe's face, though if I had, I might have done things differently. February 13th, noon, Gabe I almost blew it, seeing Maren getting upset with my casual answer. I couldn't let her know that I had three surprises waiting for her. Maybe I should have given her some clues, but I decided not to. My mistake. Maren didn't speak at all to me the rest of lunch and left in a hurry for her next class. I tried to follow her, but she quickly got out of sight as a student asked me something. I vowed to make it up to her, but you know how it goes with the best laid plans, something always happens to screw it up. After classes I went to the dance classes that Maren was in. Well, she was less of a student than an assistant teacher, helping out the actual dance instructor, though she mostly used the time to practice with Lance for contests. I arrived a bit too early and watched them all dance. It was a little depressing; I would never be that good at dancing. Then I saw Lance grab Maren's ass in an inappropriate manner. I was expecting Maren to hit him or something, but instead she stood on her toes and seemed to be kissing him. I started thinking, 'Is she so mad at me that she is looking for another boyfriend? I thought she said she didn't like Lance that way. I better get out of here before she sees me; I don't want to talk to her right now. Besides I need to get to work.' Februari 13th, afternoon, Maren During dancing in class, Lance suddenly grabbed my ass. Maybe I should've zapped him, but instead I rose up on my toes and whispered to his ear, "If you don't get your hand away right now, you're going to lose it forever." Lance quickly put his hand back to the small of my back and apologized, "Sorry Maren, I slipped with my hand. It won't happen again, I promise." "Damn right it won't happen again, you know I'm not interested in you romantically. You're getting off with a warning this time, but next time I'm using my power on you." Lance swallowed hard and just kept on dancing with me. I smiled inward, I scared him good. After dance class ended I was looking around for Gabe, but didn't see him anywhere. Was he upset with me for my second cold treatment at lunch? Normally he would never hold a grudge, and certainly not this long. I was really disappointed that he wasn't there to take me home. Lance offered to take me home, but I said I was taking the public transportation. I was so distressed that I didn't even see the mugger waiting for me as I walked to last part towards home before he suddenly appeared in front of me. He was a very big hybrid man, possibly a hybrid of a bear or something. He stuck out his hands with vicious looking claws towards me and growled, "Hand over your purse girly, or I'll maul you to pieces." I simply pointed my left hand at him and powered up a lot by disintegrating a several air-molecules around my hand. I zapped him with my patented maser-lightning and give him a huge jolt. He twitched for several seconds with his hair and fur spiking out from his skin before falling down like a log. He was still sizzling as I stepped past him. "You shouldn't threaten girls like that. Some can take good care of themselves," I sneered at him. Arriving back home, I was still upset enough that my family noticed. Well, Isabel always notices of course, she's an Empath, so she can sense any mood I'm in. She kept quiet about it, though I was certain that she would ask me all about it later. Mom definitely noticed, but she didn't say anything, just raising her eyebrow at me. "So, why are you ready to kill someone?" asked my sister when we were alone in my room. "I could sense it from across the street." "It's nothing," I tried to dismiss it. "You're not getting out of it that easy. I know there is something bugging you." Isabel pried on. "I can't get out of this, can I?" I asked. Isabel shook her head. "Well, if you must know, I think Gabe and I are drifting apart. We had a bit of an argument and he wasn't waiting there to take me home. On top of that I almost got mugged on the way home." "Dare I ask if the poor sap needs to be buried or just ended up in the hospital." Isabel said with fear all over her face. "He was still breathing when I walked past him, so I think hospital. I just didn't care enough to call 911." Isabel put her arm around me for a hug and I leaned in to her. "Why are men such idiots?" I murmured. Isabel answered me softly, "They are men. That's all the explanation you need. You were one of them not too long ago, you should know. Though I think Gabe is one of the exceptions to the rule. I know that he cares a whole lot for you, just give him a chance to explain and apologize. I think you both just need to sit down and talk things out." "Thanks Isabel. So, how are your studies for being a councilor coming along?" She screwed her face, "Don't remind me. I think they want me to be a doctor first and a shrink later. You've got it easy with your engineering study." "Don't count on it; I've got my own problems with that." Later I thought things over while waiting to fall asleep. 'Isabel is right; I should sit down with Gabe and talk it out. I know he's not the kind of guy to cheat on me.' February 14th, Valentine's Day, morning, Maren In the morning I had another disappointment. Gabe wasn't at our usual meeting point. I walked by myself to school and was nearly there when Gabe came running up from behind. He said a bit out of breath, "Sorry for not being on time..." I looked at him, his hair was still wet, so I guess he worked out and had a shower. "Did you have a nice workout?" "Yeah, I did. I had to get something out of my system. I think..." I interrupted him, "We need to have a talk about things. Soon." Gabe looked at me, "I agree, but we're almost late for class, can this wait till lunch? Don't forget that we have the dinner appointment tonight." I was about to answer when the first bell rang and we had to hurry to get to class. The professor was a bit annoyed at the late arrivals. Another girl was in late with me and we both got the 'very annoyed' look from the professor. He really had it in for us that class, asking us questions all the time. Fortunately I had prepared the lesson and answered everything correctly. Near lunchtime I looked for Gabe and I found him alright. He was talking to that same girl again and this time she did more than just talking. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. I watched it for a second before turning around and running out of the building. I was so mad that I even drained the batteries of the present I had made for Gabe. A little later I was sitting on a bench and a familiar voice sounded behind me. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you." I turned around towards Gabe. "I bet you have. What lame lie are you going to put on me? No, save it, I don't even want to hear. Some of my friends were right. We are not compatible. You're a dog hybrid and I'm a cat. We don't belong together. I don't want to see you anymore." With that I powered up and gave him a large jolt of electricity, completely forgetting that it only fueled his power as an electrical elemental. I left him standing there and ran away with tears in my eyes. I didn't want him to see that I was crying. I was hurting inside from my own words, I had really loved Gabe, and now I practically told him to stay away from me. I skipped the rest of the classes and went for a long walk and some Ice-cream. The Ice-cream from the mall wasn't as good as Everybody's Place, but I didn't want to talk to any of Gabe's co-workers or even worse, Gabe himself if he was out of school early. I had just finished my Ice-cream, when my eCom started vibrating. Caller ID said that it was Gavin, so I picked up, "Hello Gavin. How can I help you?" "Maybe the question is how I can help you." Said a cheerful sounding Gavin. "I got a report of a big Kodiak bear hybrid found severely injured on the street. He was identified as a mugger by several people, so the police are happy to have him out of action. Did you by any chance happen to run into him?" I sighed, "Yes, he tried to mug me. I was in a foul mood and just tasered him. I felt really upset at the time, so I didn't act on it any further." Gavin chuckled, "Well, next time call 911 or me or even your stepfather. He was on the scene when I got the call, and we both had a thought that it might have been you. You should know that if he wasn't as strong as a 'ahem' bear, he might not have made it alive." I sighed again, "I'm really sorry Gavin, but like I said, I was really upset at the time. His attempt to mug me was just too much and I lost it for a moment. Next time I'll call 911 and have the mugger picked up." Gavin laughed, "Okay, well I just needed to tell you. It wasn't a big deal, just be a bit careful and make up with Gabe if you can. You really shouldn't be fighting so much." "How did you... You promised not to look into my head." I sputtered. "I didn't need to read your mind Maren, it was easy to guess. Besides, I have other sources that keep me informed you know." Lance also reported to Gavin I remembered. "Oh, well, okay then, but please keep out of my personal life, please with a cherry on top." Gavin laughed again, "Sure, as long as you don't Taser every guy that bothers you on the street." "I don't..." I quit talking as I heard his laughter. "Fine, I'll keep it down a bit." Gavin wished me a good day before hanging up. I thought about what he had said. I considered asking Gabe what it was all about, but then I thought about him kissing that girl. I was ready to hurt him badly, but I also still loved him. 'What am I going to do about this?' I got back into school just after classes ended. I knew that Gabe would be out already, he needed to get to his job. I still had work to do on my thrusters; I was close to understanding why my thrusters worked against hard surfaces, but not against water or air molecules. I really needed to fix that. Robin Gazarra had delivered on his promise to send me some new materials from DARPA and I needed to do some tests on them. Maybe one of those would solve the repulsing thrust against water or air, or even both. As I walked through the deserted hallways towards my restricted workshop, I heard some faint noise. It sounded like someone was crying. Since I wanted no one near me when I was about to enter my restricted workshop, I started towards the sound. I found a girl sitting on the floor in a corner hiding her head in her arms. She was still crying a bit when I was nearing her position, so I guess she didn't hear me coming. "Hello, is there something the matter? Do you need any help?" I asked in a comforting tone. The girl looked up at me and I recognized her. She was the girl that I had seen kissing Gabe. I wanted to yell at her for stealing my boyfriend, but she was crying, and that would be cruel. "I don't want to trouble you." She said in between sobs. I felt a bit guilty, so I took her with me to an empty classroom. On my insistence, she sat down on a chair and I asked her, "Why don't you tell me what is troubling you. Why are you crying?" She took the hanky that I offered her and blew her nose. She said, "You wouldn't understand. I'm not a regular girl. I morfed quite recently." I sat down next to her, "You'd be surprised how much I understand. Please tell me what's bothering you. What's your name?" "Well," she started, "my name is Harriet, or at least it is now. A couple of months ago I was a boy named Harry. I got MORFS and I changed into this body with hidden dog hybrid traits." Now I knew why I had an adverse reaction to her, my cat hybrid instinct reacted to her dog hybridism. I didn't let her notice it, but said to her, "Well, that's not that uncommon, it sure doesn't seem like a reason to cry." "There's more, I had some problems adjusting to college here and a young man noticed and started to tutor me a little and was very nice to me. I tried to get him interested in me, but he kept a distance. I even tried to kiss him, but he blocked me and said that he already had a girlfriend. I feel so awful that I tried to get him to cheat on her. I'm not even sure about my feelings. I mean, I'm all girl now, but my head and heart still need to make up their minds. I think I'm going too much towards my feminine side. I don't want to, but I notice all those cute boys looking at me. You would be used to that, but I haven't been a girl that long." Grabbing her shoulders I made her look at me, "I do know how you feel. Let me tell you my secret. Up till some two years ago I was a boy myself and I also changed into a full girl. I even got my cat eyes and tail along with it, that's why I was feeling a bit hostile to you earlier." Harriet interrupted, "I didn't notice any of that, but now that you mention it, I can see your cat eyes, they look really beautiful. Do you hate dog hybrids?" I laughed, "No, I don't hate dog hybrids. I do feel some tension around them, but I'm dating a dog hybrid." Harriet looked at me, "Please don't tell me that you're the girlfriend of Gabe Kramer. I don't think that I can handle it if the girl I was trying to steal a boyfriend from was sitting here being nice to me." With a painful expression I answered, "Sorry, but I am Maren, Gabe's girlfriend. I was very angry at you for seeing you with Gabe, and I took it out on him already. Now I know that he was just being helpful and chivalrous, like always. I've wronged him, but since I know why now, I hope I can make it up to him. If you hadn't talked to me about your problems I would still be angry with Gabe and maybe I would even have broken up with him. Then you'd feel even more upset, wouldn't you?" Harriet just nodded at my words. I think she really was sorry for all that she had caused. I felt really awful myself, I had judged Gabe on what I had seen and thought what happened. I shouldn't have doubted him. I decided to cancel my plans for testing the materials and go over to our planned dinner early. To Harriet I said, "I'd like it if you would be my friend, as well as Gabe's friend. I know it isn't all your fault; you have all those hormones screaming inside your body, and they make you all girly now. I know, because I had the same after I had changed. With some help you can get over it and find stability in who you are. So, what do you say?" Harriet looked up at me, "You really mean that? I would love to have you as a friend, I think. Can I ask you to help me adjusting to my new life? Maybe I'm asking too much, I don't want to bother you." Hastily I interrupted her, "It's not a bother, I'd be happy to help you. If you want help with your feelings though, I have to refer you to my sister; she's an Empath and is studying to be a counselor. On the other hand if you want some help integrating in society and getting to know other people, I'd recommend dancing. You do know that this college has a dance class?" "I did see some notification, but I'm not good at dancing. Do you know anything about it?" Harriet asked. Laughingly I told her, "I should, I am an assistant teacher here. My mom has a dance school in the city, and with my partner Lance I've won a few contests." Harriet looked puzzled at me, "Your partner Lance? But I thought you said you were Gabe's girlfriend." I explained, "Gabe is my boyfriend, but Lance is my dance partner. Gabe is a terrible dancer, even he himself says so. Lance and Gabe tried fighting over me, but I made it clear to them that I was Gabe's girlfriend and only danced in contests with Lance. They are both happy with the solution, I think." "Oh, okay then. I have to think about it though." Harriet said thoughtfully. "No rush, just keep it in mind. Now, I need to go find Gabe and apologize to him." Harriet said goodbye to me and took off, while I thought, 'I need to take my present with me as well. Oh no, I drained the batteries. Do I still have time to recharge them?' Arriving at the home of Gabe's uncle, I checked if I had everything I needed. Little black dress, check. Present, check. Smile, I put a smile on my face and stepped up to the door to ring the bell. Just after one ring the door opened and a casual dressed Gabe answered. He said, "Yes? Anything I can do for you, miss Johns?" My face fell, 'He is still angry with me? Have I really blown it with him? I really need to apologize.' "Uhm, we're still on for dinner aren't we? I have a present for you, although I think the batteries are dead." Gabe smirked at me, "I was just teasing you, Maren, of course dinner is on, come on in. Here let me take your coat." As he hung my coat up, he commented, "You look really nice in that dress. Now, what kind of batteries and how many do you need for your present?" "Uh, two triple-A batteries." Then I got my mind back in order "Thanks for the compliment, I really don't deserve it. I said some things that I shouldn't have, please let me apologize." Gabe interrupted, "No apology needed just yet. Have a seat, I'll get the food." I sat down and waited for things to come. Gabe put on some trays with covers on the table. He sat down himself and said, "Shall we eat first?" Stunned into silence, I let Gabe serve me and ate his exquisite food with pleasure. He really had out done himself on it. It wasn't in great volumes, but it was filling me up very well. As we got to dessert, he waited for a moment. He said, "This is special for today." He lifted the cover and said, "You're my Valentine and this is my special gift number one for you." I looked at the hart shaped cake with a strawberry frosting and couldn't find any words to express myself. Then I remembered my present and gave it to Gabe. "You are my Valentine, Gabe and I made this for you." He unpacked it, and found the heart shaped media player. He turned it around and put in fresh batteries. After selecting a song on it, he pulled me up from the chair and said, "Care to dance?" I was perplexed. 'Was this Gabe? He never would have asked me to dance. He didn't know how to.' "I'd love to, but I thought you didn't know how to dance." "Oh, I managed to talk your mom into giving me some secret lessons. My special gift number two." I was about to say something, but he kissed me on my mouth, which shut me up quite well. He started dancing and I went along. He still was very rough in his dancing and wasn't even close to Lance's performance, but he did his best and I really enjoyed it. The song ended and he sat me down on my chair again. I was about to say something, but he shushed me with, "Please, let me continue. I made this for you as well. My special gift number three." He pulled out a small box and gave it to me. I opened it with trepidation, inside it was a heart shape locket. I opened it and found both our pictures in it. I got up and kissed him long and hard. After we had some of the cake, I said softly in a wavering tone, "Please hear me out, Gabe. I saw you with Harriet and made some wrong conclusions. I said some things I didn't mean." Gabe was about to say something, but I shushed him and continued, "I had a talk with Harriet earlier and now I know that you kept her at bay. She felt bad at trying to get you interested in her. I offered her our friendship and I think she'll take it. Please, forgive me for being such a..." Gabe interrupted me, "There is nothing to forgive. I knew that it would have been a misunderstanding. Besides I'm at fault as well, I should have told you about my tutoring Harriet, and then I made things worse in my attempts to keep all of this a secret. I love you Maren, nothing will ever change that." I replied with a throaty voice, "I love you too and nothing will ever change that. Happy Valentine's Day."

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Even in hindsight I couldn’t be sure of the first time I saw her. Looking back, some of my memories seem like dreams, some of my dreams seem like memories, almost as if I came into being that day when I turned my head in the unseasonably bright March sunshine.  The music blared in the background and the hum of people talking, laughing and singing played in the foreground. It was a Saturday and the final day of the concert to coincide with the spring equinox. It was mostly a hippie affair, a...

4 years ago
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Step Mum True Story and needed to tell someone

going to keep this short about what happened as id like to know your thoughts and step mum and me have always got along for years and often at parties and get togethers if tipsy we have flirted, nothing serious or heavy just comments to each other and once she pinched my bum and ive done the same to her all light hearted stuff.ive had a terrible couple of years and got invited to there place in spain, to cut a long story short I was over there for 2 weeks and my father ( a miserable...

1 year ago
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My Buddies Girlfriend In The Car

Please noteAll of my stories will be written from my own perspective. Some of them will be true stories based on my own experiences with names changed, while others will be pure fiction, I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which are fantasy, and which are fiction.It was late one night, about 2:30am, I was bored, and VERY horny, being so late and a Tuesday, it wasn't exactly easy to find someone to hook up with on short notice, then I noticed my buddies girlfriend online so I started...

3 years ago
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Dannys Cleavage part 3 of 6

Danny's Cleavage - part 3 of 6 In which Danny's mother confronts him over wearing her bras and buys him bras of his own, he starts wearing a bra outside of the house, his Mom provides him some "ointment" to use on his chest, he notices some slight changes in his nipples, and begins dating Cindy Haworth. Things were OK for a couple of months and then - disaster! Mom came into my bedroom one night when I was studying. Well, she really just stood in the doorway and I could tell from the...

2 years ago
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Pomp and CircumstanceChapter 9

One week later... Quirinal Palace, Rome, Italy “How’s the renovation of the Apostolic Palace coming along in the former Vatican, signor?” I inquired of Jacopo, my new private secretary. “It is ... as well as could be expected, Sire. The remaining staff still there are a bit shaken up by the Rapture, or rather by being left behind, so that helps our cause to be sure. I’ve taken the liberty of hiring a lot more servants for Your Imperial Majesty, of course. Will your coronation be done in the...

1 year ago
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Three horny wives 2

Hi fellows, we are back with the second part. Keep writing to Fred and Jennifer Foley lived in Blackheath, a fashionable suburb on the outskirts of the city. It had been Jennifer’s idea to move there when he had started to make enough money as a young executive, but she had soon regretted her decision, when she realized that commuting time between home and the office was going to cut drastically into their fucking time. Fred worked hard and was getting ahead in the business world but Jennifer...

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Gillians fantasy

She had always asked me to tie her wrists and told me a few times of her fantasies about bondage. I was never that interested until one day she took the cord belt off her dress and asked me to tie her hands behind her. Well what is a guy to do but oblige the lady, she came to stand in front of me with her hands crossed behind her and, as she had asked, I tied her wrists with the cord from her dress.Now Gillian always, always wore stockings, she knew my preference for tan stockings with white...

3 years ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 13

Chapter 28 – Farewell on WednesdayBackpacks are ready, shoes are worn, all tears are cried. Ole says: „Let’s plan for winter or summer next year to spend our holidays together. Not Oestersund, not Cambridge. In summer we can visit Sardinia or in Winter the Alpes. And we should Skpe much more often than we did yet“. That promise we all agree and we find different ideas where to meet and where to go. We leave the house and go to the station. A lot of hot kisses are given but finally the boys...

2 years ago
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In the Closet with Little Anne

I had seen Anne around the school for about a year before. She was a small girl from Hawaii and very soft-spoken. She hung around my friend group and we spoke many times, each time getting a little closer.Anne and I joined the friend group when they headed to the gulf coast of Florida for spring break, and on the drive down we sat next to each other and decided we would pair off for the week. The group rented a large four-bedroom suite for the weekend, which was pretty expensive but not when...

College Sex
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Bi Fun

I had been chatting online with this couple for a while, i was pretty naive and new to all this never been with a Bi couple before but I was well up for it. May and John were their names and I felt pretty comfortable from the start and the first message sent. No mindless chat, no endless long emails! We sent photos of each other and guess we all were attracted from day one. John was in mid forties and look after himself not muscly but toned, shaved balding head with a short salt and pepper...

2 years ago
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Daddys Little Leelee Chapter 2

The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction. None of the events depicted here actually happened. Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.DADDY’S LITTLE LEELEEChapter 2The days following my forbidden interlude with my beautiful daughter were filled with tension. The incredible love I felt for her, the desire that still burned within me for her, took a back seat to the fear that somehow, someone would find out. Every time my wife touched me...

2 years ago
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Dennis the Menace 2 The Other Girl

Dennis the Menace Created by Hank Ketcham Parodied by Ron Dow75 02) The Other Girl ?You?re back sooner than I expected,? Alice Mitchell said to her little boy, as she browned the meat for that evening?s stew. She blond hair was in a somewhat short perm around the sides; she wore a lavender shirt with the first buttons unbuttoned, and women?s jeans. ?I didn?t want to play with Margaret any more. And Joey?s taking a nap. He? s still a little kid,? Dennis said, closing, rather...

1 year ago
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Was It Worth ItChapter 5

Monday's events from Earl's point of view. In the past Earl had always felt good as he set off for work; today all he could manage was relief. He wasn't just going to work, he was escaping from a wife he didn't understand, maybe never had understood. The two days' uncertainty about Sue's actions had been so bad that as they dragged by he couldn't imagine anything worse; now he saw that they had just been a beginning! Naively he had thought she had some understanding of his life and...

3 years ago
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  Life was not pleasant for her, she had to work on the farm from a very young age, and their Pa, Mr. McKinley, was very hard on them, striking them frequently with his cane. He especially picked on Nancy, whom he blamed for the death of his wife, so she grew to hate him. It is rather ironic, therefore, that her first and many subsequent sexual experiences involved him.   The first came when she was just turned eighteen, as she was beginning to awaken sexually. It was summer so she was...

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Angel S1 E8 Its the End of the World as We Know It

Angel S:1E:8 "It's the End of the World as We Know It" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 8 "It's the End of the World as We Know It" In the late 1950s, a popular do-it-yourself project for the home was to build your own bomb shelter. The Cold War was in full swing, and both the Soviet Union and the United States were stockpiling nuclear weapons with...

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A surprise for Emma

It was over an hour since my wife Karen had gone up to bed, leaving me and our 18 year-old friend Emma down in the living room, chatting over a glass of wine. While no-one would describe Emma as beautiful, she had a certain attractiveness about her, and I for one had grown to see her better qualities. She was slim, and had small tits which I knew from furtive looks through her clothes when she had stayed with us before were size 32A, but as I had a bit of a thing for small tits, this was...

First Time
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A Girls Night Out

My name is Holly Andrews and I'm a 24-year-old woman living in Los Angeles. I may be single, but my sex life is amazing, thanks to the female relationship I have with my two girlfriends. They are more than just friends though, we are lovers, the three of us. Yeah it still sounds a little strange to me too! If you had asked me a year ago if I would think of having sex with another woman I would have laughed right in your face. But today I couldn't imagine my life any other way. It all began...

2 years ago
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Unknwon Person Ne Gand Mari

Hi friends mera naam Sunny he me surat ka rehane wala meri pehali kahani bina time pass kiye direct kahani par chalata hu ye kahani kuch mahino pehale ki he jab me apani vacation khatam kar hostel lot Rahatha me Mumbai k 1polytechnic collage me padhata hu,muze 2ndday collage pohchna tha timing night ka tha mene travels me sleeper seat ka booking karawa liya.or bus me chad gaya bus chutane me time tha.thodi der Baad mere baju me ek aadmi aa gaya.usane muze kaha k baju wali seat meri...

1 year ago
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Club Captain

Note : This story is completely fictional! Steph eased off the gas as she spotted the Police car on the bridge over the road, easing back to just over the legal limit she waited to see if the Police car moved. She could just make out the car on the bridge as she hit the gas and her Ferrari surged forward to 195 kph. Away from the city to her coastal retreat after nearly twenty years of high power city life Steph had sold out most of her share in her first company and had bought the big house at...

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Wonder Womans Sexual MisadventuresChapter 4 Happy New Year

Diana continued to scream her orgasm as Barney continued pumping his cum into her. Derek kept his eyes on the Director, wondering what she would do. Barney finally stopped cumming and since he hadn't knotted, he just dismounted, went to the corner and lay down to lick himself. Diana looked up at Derek. "I wanted to thank you for your help tonight. I don't know what I was going to do with Tony blocking my airway and John about to make me cum. I was already light headed, you definitely...

1 year ago
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Back Door Lady Cop

It was late at night, on a Friday, and I had just left a long, boring party at my office. I was driving home to my apartment, struggling to stay awake. I was completely sober, but I was totally exhausted from a seemingly never-ending week full of meetings. While I was driving, at some point I must have lost my focus, because I glanced down at the dashboard and discovered that I was driving way over the speed limit. I immediately slammed on the brakes, and pulled over to the side of the street...

3 years ago
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Three Years a Woman

Three Years a Woman Three years after the robbery, and after spending three years in his humiliating disguise, Shane Turner can't take it anymore and decides to pull off a risky stunt in an attempt to get out of his heels and skirts early, before the seven year statute of limitations on his crimes runs out. This work-in-progress story is a prequel to Seven Years a Woman by Holly Sharp. December 9, 1989 11:37pm A car pulls up alongside the curb in a dead quiet street, under...

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MrLuckyRaw Whitney Wright Cute Hottie Whitney Wright Can8217t Get Enough Sex

Whitney Wright takes some snaps of her naked body while chilling by the window. She just finished shooting a scene, so she’s resting her body. The petite cutie can’t help but feel horny again while recording some behind-the-scenes footage. Unable to fight off the lust, the stunning brunette takes out a lucky man’s dick and gives it a blowjob. After sucking the dick, Whitney rides the man like a real cowgirl. She can feel the guy’s cock stretching out her pussy while he...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 11 A General Comes Calling

Ken stood in his office. With the forward wall pulled back, he could look out over the bow of the great ship. In the distance, the Oregon, along with three destroyers, blasted chunks out of Io - one of Jupiter's larger moons - scaring the landscape as he watched the target practice taking place. Walking over to his desk, he sat down, and went over the last report from the Dachshund. They had found a strange signal emanating from the planet Pluto, and how they were trying to track it down...

4 years ago
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The Serving Maids Tale

[Part 1 - Just Another Day in the Market]Continued..."'Ello, 'ello, 'ello, what's all this, then?" boomed the voice of the Sergeant of the Guard as the store room door burst open.Gilli and Sir Cuthbert froze in horror, Sir Cuthbert's hand still nestled in Gilli's warm, wet groove (and she had been so close!)The Sergeant hauled Gilli to her feet, and handed her off to his corporal standing just outside the door.Standing to attention, and adopting a more respectful tone, he continued: "I'm afraid...

1 year ago
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A Voyeurs Therapy

A Voyeur's Therapy A short fiction by Carlsbad "Look at the lights, Tim," my therapist intoned. This was some bullshit. I had been caught installing hidden cameras in the girls' bathroom at school, and now I had to see this head shrink every Wednesday afternoon. It was either this or Juvy hall. Dad had to pull a lot of strings to keep them from charging me as an adult sex offender. The law is apparently pretty harsh on would-be bathroom voyeurs, and my shot at having a clean record...

2 years ago
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The Bucket List

September, The start of the last days any of the senior class of Amorous High School will have within the walls of the last bits of their education here. Many students wouldn't go onto college after finishing high school; they would go straight into the work force or the military because that's just the kind of town this was. A lot of people were a part of the lower middle class in society and couldn't really afford to send their children away to a community college after they were to finish...

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Dancing With Chantal Part 2 The Bride

Susan was on her knees, tears streaming down her porcelain cheeks as she begged and pleaded through piteous sobs. Implacable as granite, I deigned to sneer down on her and then I turned my back on her to stare out my window. “Oh, Des, I have been such a fool! Please take me back!” she sniffled. “Look, I really mean it! I know I have been a complete bitch and I need to make it up to you! What can I do? Tell me. Please?” her sobbing continued.“Oh, very well, then. Let’s see if you can pass this...

3 years ago
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The Popular Boy

Introduction: A short story about two boys NOTE: The following short story is pure fantasy. Something amazing happened to me. It might sound awkward to some people, especially those who have some issues regarding gay relationships. A friend told me something about the term gay. He told me gay means happiness. Well… If thats true, then I wanna tell you a story about the gayest moment of my life. I was 14 years old, in 9th grade. I had long blond hair. Well, I was one heck of a school nerd. I...

2 years ago
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She finds what 11 Means PT1

"OH FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD WITH THAT GREAT BIG BLACK COCK!" Jessica screamed as she pumped the big stiff black ten inch dildo into her soaked pussy. Every time she pushed it in all the way she rubbed her clit with her thumb, and wiggled the shaft in a circle to stimulate her G spot. She felt the firm head bounce against her cervix adding to the agonizing stimulation. Her left hand squeezed her left nipple between her thumb and forefinger, rolling it back and forth, harder and harder, as her...

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Turkish Delight Pt1

Id been unemployed for nearly six months. We were making ends meet, just. My wife was working as many hours as possible as a receptionist and I was picking up casual work when possible. Thankfully our son was in the Army and our 17yr.old daughter had moved in with her boyfriend to make things easier for us financially. As there was no answer from my pals first floor flat I walked around the corner of the dilapidated block of first floor flats that he lived in looking for somewhere to take a...

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CHAPTER 7: THE SWANSON AFTER PARTYAfter servicing the Swanson team from under the table while they ate, Jean and Abby stood flushed with unsatisfied arousal. Between the two of them they had taken seven loads of cum and the orgasmic juices of two pussies. They had received applause that added to the awkwardness for them. Jacob came with their coats just before the door of the room was opened to cover their bodies. Their mouths and cheeks glistened with the mixture of cum, pussy juice and...

3 years ago
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Extraordinary Massage With Widow In Hyderabad

Extraordinary massage with widow in Hyderabad: Hi ISS.This is vkrishna with my first story, Dear all if I get good response from readers which will really encourage me to post my next on.One of the reason to post this story is that to give pleasure of Good Massage to Hyderabad aunties, Bhabhi’s and girls etc.., and if anyone need NURU massage also can contact me on ….. Hi ISS Readers: Now Story starts….. Coming to the story, few days back i got a mail requesting for a massage as soon as...

4 years ago
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Choto Temple Ch 01

Your feedback is most welcome. ***** My name’s Dan Zander. I’ve been working as a journalist since I graduated from college. For a long time I covered local news for local newspapers, basically hopping from one sinking ship to the next. Fifteen years ago I got a break, and for a while now I’ve been in the jet set, working for Rolling Stone. Traveling around the world, reviewing concerts and festivals, interviewing rock stars. Tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. It was probably my...

2 years ago
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The Incentive 3

Incentive 3 Belladonna After I spent the next few days working en femme around the office, Paige got a call from her boss, Harvey Bouchard. Harvey told her that he needed us to come down to corporate headquarters the next morning, and he, thereafter, called me directly to specifically instruct me to attend as 'Ida.' I didn't know how corporate had found out about 'Ida.' Paige also looked perplexed about that, but she figured that someone in the office had let it slip out. I was...

1 year ago
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A is for Anal

Bailey was just 18 and I was her teacher. She was tall and thin with long blond hair she often wore in pigtails. She was very sexy but not very intelligent. Word had got around that perhaps the only reason she passed her classes were because she did her teachers certain favours. Well I was her english teacher and the only way she was going to pass my class this year was if she started doing me certain favours. I talked to her Maths teacher Dave Stewart about this because I knew she could barely...

3 years ago
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Innocent Seduction Ch 03

Connor really didn’t want to get up. He was so comfortable snuggled up, a warm body pressed against him, the scent of lavender tantalized his nose and he buried it deeper into her hair. Connor’s eyes jerked open. Girl. There was a girl in his bed. Wait. Apparently not his bed. The night before came back to him, and he relaxed, pulling Kat closer to him. The movement woke her up. She blinked sleepily at the chest in front of her eyes, a clean, male scent filling her nose and she pushed her...

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Going Camping

I arrive bright and early for our Duke Of Edinburgh Gold expedition. I see that most of the group are already here with one notable exception. My best friend Will isn't there. This is a serious problem. Will is meant to bring the tent. And the other 6 members of our group are all girls. I see the instructor walking over to me. "Hey" he says "I've got some bad news! Will is ill, he cant come!" "But he has our tent!" I reply "What should I do?" "You'll have to share with the other members of your...

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The Berserker

Authors note: So I tried to put some more effort into this one but I am not sure if it shows. I end up getting more done when I just keep writing new stuff rather than trying to perfect it. I mean the amount of time working on writing so I don't know if I will try to keep this up or not. There is no sex and I am not sure when I will add sex into this one. I will probably have some within the next four chapter that I write. I have no idea of where I am. It is dark like really dark here I can't...

3 years ago
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A Journey to Love

Rhyler grabbed his phone to check the time, it was 9:30pm. He was home for the weekend from his suitcase college about an hour away. It was Friday night, but Rhyler had no plans, for doing anything fun that is. In fact, he was in the middle of working on a paper due the coming week. It sounds odd that a college-aged guy would be home on a Friday night doing homework of all things, but this was a normal night for Rhyler. Throughout his entire life he had always “marched to the beat of a...

Gay Male
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Thunder Refuge

The leaves crunched under the hooves of my horse as we trudged through the dark spruces. My shotgun in one hand and the reins in the other, I watched all around me for signs of life. The branches still hung low from the past weight of the snow as if they were bowing to the cloud covered sun. It was about sunset, but the whole sky was a murky shade of grays and blacks. The wind was picking up and great claps of thunder could be heard in the distance. A great storm was on its way. There were no...

Love Stories
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 31

“You’ve put several septons and septas to death lately, all on charges of sedition, I know. You honestly believe them to have Sparrow sympathies? If so, on what basis, Ser Roger?” the thrice widow Queen Margaery Tyrell asked me while I fucked her harder than ever in my bed. “Very much so. I have to pull up the remaining weeds of the Sparrow infestation, cut them out root and stem, my dear Queen. For the night is dark and full of terrors, but the fire burns them all away,” I quoted Melisandre...

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Amy 7

Amy finally gets home from meeting with Ben!!!ENJOY!!!I woke up the next morning on the couch with the TV still on. I instantly checked to see if Amy was home and she wasn't yet. I made coffee and tried calling Amy. It went right to voice mail and I asked her to at least call me. No calls came and I was just getting ready to go and see if she was still at Ben's place. Then I sat back down and just watched TV for a while. About 11 that morning I got bored and logged back onto the website that...

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The LiveIn

Having three k**s in this day and age takes a toll on people. With all the running around that is to be done on a daily basis, here for the oldest, there for the middle one and off to the store to get stuff for the baby. Whew, calgone take us away. Don't get us wrong we LOVE our k**s and would not trade them for anything. If your a parent, you know what I am talking about.We have always wanted the best for our c***dern, who would not? But we feel as if sometimes we are not able to give them...

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