Uncle James' Whore free porn video

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this story contains BDSM and references to i****t - you have been warned!

The Detention Centre hadn’t been too bad I suppose. I soon learnt to tell them what I they wanted to hear. I become skilled at crying convincingly, making my eyes wide and sorrowful, yes of course I was sorry, and wanted to make amends for the things I had done. Yes I understand how badly I had disappointed my mother blar blar fucking blar. Like I gave a shit about her?

I attended all my social work evaluations and eventually they said I was ‘reformed’ enough to go home. How many times did they need to remind me that now I’d turned eighteen I would be admitted to a women’s prison should I get in trouble again? Six months in that damn place and I was dying to get out and have some fun. Pussy was ok, but nothing beat a good hard cock and I intended to get me some. They even staffed the place with all female guards. Some of them had proved useful after they got what they wanted from me, but I was never destined to be a dyke. This cunt of mine liked cock far too much. Waving goodbye to the other girls I headed off for my last meeting with the Governor, prior to my release.

Knocking politely on the door I waited to be called in like a model inmate. I could hear a man’s voice and the Governor laughing like a little girl, stupid bitch.

Eventually the call came, and composing myself into the reformed young lady they wanted to see I walked in. Scanning the room I expected to see my Mother sitting there, looking hopefully at me. The little mouse of a woman who would be pleading with me to be a good girl and follow her rules. Yeah, like she’d ever be able to tell me what to do again. That had stopped years ago.

Instead, seated in the visitor’s chair was a man I sort of recognised. I’m sure I’d seen him somewhere before but couldn’t quite place him.

“Come in and take a seat Jude”. Mrs Wilson motioned to the empty chair beside her visitor, who had obviously lit some flame in her; I swear the old cow was blushing.

Sitting down carefully I arranged my skirt well over my knees, hands clasped together on my lap and smiling sweetly. “Thank you Ma’am”

Her monotone voice droned on about the vast improvements in my behaviour, how I was obviously ready to start a fresh, stifling a yawn I hardly took a word in until I caught her saying,

“ So that is why you won’t be returning home Jude”

“What? I mean pardon Ma’am?” Keeping the initial edge out of my voice I stared at her in disbelief. Was this some kind of joke?

“As I said Jude, your mother feels that she simply cannot cope anymore and that a change of environment will give you the new opportunities you need to continue in your personal development”

She smiled at me, that stupid inane grin! I had the urge to wipe it off her face with a firm slap.

“So where the f..I mean, where am I going Ma’am?” Biting my tongue I could feel my temper rising. Turning I stared at the man in the chair who seemed barely to register my presence.

“Your mother has handed over her bail responsibility to her brother, your uncle. Despite being 18 now you have to be released to a responsible adult to fulfil your probation requirements, as you know. So, he is here to take you home Jude dear. It’s time to start your new life, and if I may say so, you are a very lucky girl ” She smiled at him as she spoke, her words seemed to say she wished she was going home with him instead of me.

With barely another word he rose from the chair and offered his hand to Mrs Wilson. She took it quickly and when he covered hers with his, holding firmly as they said their good byes, she looked like she was about to orgasm on the spot.

He turned and walked towards the door with barely a backward glance in my direction.

“Come Jude, we have a long journey a head of us” His voice was friendly enough but something in his tone brooked no argument.

Following behind him like a fool I stifled my questions. Yeah ok, I’d go with dear Uncle James and then, once home the fun could begin. Most towns had a ‘bad crowd’ and I intended to find the nearest one to my new home as quickly as I could. This girl needed a drink and a fuck and one town was as good as any other.

Walking out through the heavy doors I heard them slam behind me and the fresh cool air embraced my body. Smiling triumphantly to myself I followed my new host. I had fooled the whole damn lot of them. Jeez I was good!

Walking across the car park we approached a large dark saloon car, the windows blackened out, the bodywork shining in the sunlight. Whistling through my teeth I laughed,

“Nice motor. Can I drive?”

Ignoring my question he opened the passenger door and waited as I climbed

in. I handed him my bag of belongings as I did, “better put them in the boot chauffer” I said. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad deal after all.

I waited as he walked around the car. The interior was as spotless as the outside. The leather seats and subtle upholstery screamed money. So Uncle James was loaded I thought, seems like allowance day will be fun.

He slid into the drivers seat and the car purred into action. Leaving the gates of the detention centre we headed down the open road. Smooth and almost silent the car seemed to fly. I turned to really look at him for the first time. Nothing like my mother, he had dark hair, cut well. It was hard to see his eyes as he drove but his profile was strong and there was a tiny tremor of excitement as I watched him. Quite hot for an older guy I thought.

“So where are we going then, Uncle James? You live in some big fancy house I suppose, unless you just hired this car to impress Wilson and the Social Services?”

His eyes didn’t even flicker in response to my question, the bastard was ignoring me! Shouting now I waved my hand in front of his face,

“Hello! Hell-looow!”

Again no response. “Oh great, I ditch one fucking dumb relative and inherit another. Mother you gave me some great gene pool.”

The hours ticked by and his eyes didn’t stray from the road. No radio, no responses, absolutely nothing. I began to doze as it got dark, the rhythm of the car and the sheer boredom lulling me to sleep. Laying myself against the door, head resting on the window I had no idea where we were, unfamiliar town names drifted by on road signs as the miles clocked up. Although I hated to admit it, I was a bit un-nerved by him and also somewhere deep down I was achingly sad that my mother had just handed me over. She’d never even mentioned having a brother and here I was in the middle of who knows where, stuck in a car with him. Well, fuck it, I could do without her, I didn’t need anyone. Blaming the tears on the air conditioning I closed my eyes tightly and tried to empty my mind of her, thinking instead of that first cold beer sliding down my throat.

I guess I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew he had opened the car door and I had fallen hard on to the pathway. Shaken and woken so harshly I was disorientated at first,

“What the fuck? That hurt you bastard, couldn’t you have woken me first?”

I rubbed at my skinned elbow as I struggled to get up, barely clearing my fingers away from the bodywork before he slammed the car door shut. Silently he walked away towards the imposing front door of my new home. Taking in my surroundings all I could see was a large house, there were subtle lights showing through the downstairs windows and I guessed that he, I mean we, must have servants, cool! Looking around, we were at the end of a long driveway, and although it was dark there wasn’t another light anywhere. I stumbled after him and a small shiver ran down my spine, where exactly where we?

“Where the hell do you live? It’s like some comic book mansion man! All you need now are the pack of Dobermans and a butler that looks like Lurch and I’ll know I’m on some fucking film set”

I was aware that I was rambling a little but this was really getting to me now. He hadn’t spoken one word since we left the office and now I was in the middle of nowhere. Part of me longed to go back to the familiarity of the centre. At least I knew where I was there.

I followed him into the hallway and kicked the door shut behind me.

Taking in the surrounds I was quite impressed. This guy obviously had money. I followed him into a large room that looked to be a study. The house was clearly a man’s domain, comfortable but lacking in the frills or extras a woman would bring. Lots of stone floors, leather furniture and walls flanked with row after row of books met my eye as I looked around. There was a big fire burning in the hearth and some heavy stringed classical music playing quietly in the background. Even though I didn’t recognise the melody it was comforting to have some sound at last. I had CDs in my bag; I’d soon fill this echoey tomb with some real music.

“Sit down”

Just like that, no words for hours and then a command like I was his damn dog. However battles needed to be picked carefully and I hadn’t quite sussed this man out yet. Taking a seat I let my skirt raise around my thighs and slowly crossed my legs. Sitting well back in the huge leather chair I watching him watching me. This man would be amazing at poker; his damn face gave nothing away. His voice was deep and even as he began,

“I understand that this must be a shock Jude, but your mother felt your wild ways needed to be brought into line. She was well aware that your so-called reform wouldn’t last once you were out in the community. Therefore, to ensure you didn’t repeat the mistakes she had made at your age you are now to live here with me”

“Hang on a minute” I interrupted him, “Are you saying that my mother got into trouble when she was young? That’s bullshit! What did she do, forget to put money in the church collection plate?”

I laughed at the idea she had ever strayed from the straight and narrow, but he continued as if he hadn’t heard a word I had said.

“I have prepared a room for you. It would be inappropriate for you to live in the main house, so you will have a self-contained area downstairs. You will come upstairs only when I specifically request your presence. I have high standards of behaviour c***d, which will be clearly explained to you. If you do not meet my expectations you will be punished. Quite simple, even for you to comprehend. There are no second chances in my home and you will learn quickly that I am a man of my word. Come, let me show you your new room”

Was this guy for real? He spoke like some corny horror film. Still a basement flat sounded cool. I could come and go as I pleased unless I was summoned, yeah right, he might have a long wait for me to appear. I followed him out of the study down the hall and through a door that lead down a flight of stairs. I’d have to get a lock on the inside of the door I thought, wouldn’t want him walking in on me as I entertained a guest. At the bottom of the stairs we entered a fairly bare storage area with shelves of tools, and old sealed cardboard boxes, that covered parts the floor, not exactly what I had in mind.

“So where’s my pad then? This looks more like a place you’d let the fucking dog sleep.”

I kicked at one of the boxes on the floor, disappointed and fed up with this whole scene now.

“Can we just get on with this please? I’m tired and I’m hungry. You’ve made your point. Just show me my bedroom and then lets eat ok?”

As I turned to go back upstairs I noticed he had pushed aside some furniture and was unlocking a door I hadn’t even seen. It swung open and he held the door for me to enter. Stomping over I pushed past him,

“This better be good!” I announced petulantly.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the gloom and even then I wasn’t sure what I was seeing was real. There was a big open planned room ahead of me. In one corner there was a toilet and sink, no partition, just sitting there. There was something that looked like a dentist chair, but with damn stirrups at the end. What the hell was this, some kind of sick joke?

Wandering around my mouth got dry as I took in more and more detail, manacles on the floor and walls, something that looked like a huge work bench with various vices and leather straps lying under it. Mirrored walls reflected the horror back at me from all angles. Holy shit, this guy was insane. Standing in the corner of the room was a large alcove with velvet curtains covering the entrance. Shaking I opened them up, half expecting some dead body to be entombed behind it. I stood rooted to the spot as my eyes took in the contents. Arranged on the various hooks and shelves where things I’d only ever seen in cheap porn movies. Whips, paddles, clamps, dildos and more frightening than any of that were the highly polished knives arranged in size order like some trophy cabinet. Then below that, was a doctor’s bag, open and laid out to show hypodermics, tubing and various other objects I didn’t even recognise.

“You sick sick bastard! What the fuck is this place, your very own torture chamber?”

Turning around I faced him, my heart in my mouth as fear made my legs weak. Summoning all my strength I made a run for the door. I had to get out, call the Police, anything but be down here with this psycho. Running blindly towards the open door and my only chance of freedom I didn’t even see the blow coming. First thing I knew, his fist drove into my stomach and I hit the floor, doubled over and completely winded. Holding myself as I struggled to breathe he began to walk around me and I swear I heard him laugh as I tried in vain to get up.

“Yes slut, how astute of you, that’s exactly what this place is. Do you like your new home?”

“There’s no fucking way I am staying here you sick bastard!”

My voice was breathy and painful as I tried to make myself sound brave. Before I could say anymore his foot made contact with my back and my body screamed in pain. The agony in my k**ney area nearly made me black out.

“What an ungrateful little bitch you are, and such a foul mouth on one so young. Still, no matter you will learn. And from now, let me make it clear, you are to address me as Master James at all times. Do you understand?”

Struggling up onto all fours I began to try and crawl towards the doorway. Each movement was slow and painful, but I was getting there. Kneeling up my hand grabbed at the door handle, thank god I’d done it. Fighting to get to my feet I turned the handle and pulled.

His hands slammed into the back of my head, driving my face into the woodwork. The last thing I remember was a searing pain as I blacked out.

Master’s thoughts

Such a pity she concussed so easily, I was enjoying her fear, so very exciting. It had been many years since I had broken the spirit of a bitch as fiery as this one. It always made it more satisfying when they weren’t naturally submissive; I loved the battle it took them to obey until it eventually it became second nature. Yes, this brat would be fun to break and then build up again into the slave I wanted her to be.

Lifting her limp body to the middle of the room I laid her down, and quickly began to strip her. She won’t be needing these scraps of cheap material anymore. The manacles had already been left in position and I strapped the wide leather cuffs to her wrists and ankles. She actually looked quite appealing spread eagled like that, I may just find the next few hours more enjoyable than I initially thought. Taking a seat I waited for her to recover. Her upper lip was swelling pleasantly and the bruising above her right eye would colour up nicely soon enough.

As expected, within a few moments she began to regain consciousness, groaning as she was reminded of the pain in her ribs. Laughing to myself I thought, her pain threshold would soon have to improve.

Using the remote control I began to raise the manacles around her wrists secured on their iron spreading bar. Such a labour saving device, it means I can control the entire room with the flick of a switch. The confusing on the little sluts face was quite comical as she realised her body was moving. Arms stretched upwards she soon felt the need to scramble to her feet as the bar continued its path. Not an achievable task when her ankles are spread at shoulder width. I watched in amusement as she was dragged upright, her toes barely able to make contact with the floor, her slim body swinging as she fought to find her balance.

Standing I began to inspect my property. Her torso was lean, but not underweight, just the way I liked them. Nice full breasts with light brown areola hosting firm nipple tips. Flicking them hard with my fingers I watched as they hardened. The humiliation on her face was comical, as she looked down and saw them responding against her will.

“We will have to get you some rings for those slut, but maybe not this evening. How would you like that?”

Her eyes burned back at me, as she screamed, “Get me down you fucking a****l!”

I was surprised at her spirit. The fear was clear on her face but this pretence at bravery was quite commendable.

“Ah well, no matter really. I will do them when I choose”

Raising my arm I delivered a back handed slap to her face, watching as her head ricocheted violently.

“That was a gentle reminder for you, the only one you will get. You are to address me as Master James. For your own good slut, do not forget again”

Wandering around her body, I continued inspecting her. The flesh, spotless and clear of blemishes pleased me greatly. My work would have a clean canvas to be displayed on. She obviously took care of herself, muscle tone was evident and her cunt was cleanly shaven. Perhaps she wouldn’t be such a disappointment after all.

Standing behind my new toy I grasped her by the chin, forcing her to focus on the mirrored wall ahead of her. My mouth, only inches from her ear, I began the explanation of my rules as my fingers delved between her legs.

“This body belongs to Me whore. Your mind is Mine, as is the soul contained within it. You only have life at all because I allow it. Take nothing for granted slut, everything you have and everything you are is Mine.”

My fingers probed the cunt as I spoke, three digits inside, up to the second knuckle and deeper. Finger fucking her as my words sunk in I wasn’t surprised in the least as she began to moisten. Watching her face in the mirror I saw her discomfort as she felt the arousal I was causing with this simple stimulation. Responding despite herself.

“I can, if I choose, bring pleasure to the body I own, however I can also bring much pain and discomfort. Is that understood whore?”

Swallowing hard I saw her struggle to regain some composure, but her sassy mouth over came her good sense,

“Yes I get it!”

Taking my nails, pinching and twisting her erect clit as hard as possible I ask her again, “Oh dear, a slow learner! I said is that understood?”

Squirming delightfully against my grip, gasping at the sudden pain after such pleasure she stumbled across the words I expected. “Ooowwwww..Ye..Yes Master James!”

Instantly releasing my grip I slide my fingers back inside her. “That’s much better whore. Now, l think its time I put my mark upon this body. It looks so plain and uninteresting at present”

Withdrawing my fingers I hear a sigh of frustration leave her lips before she could control it, such a needy little bitch. Walking over to the alcove I select a ball gag for her, a nice large red ball with leather straps to secure around her head, she will look so pretty. I like to concentrate as I work and I’m sure this untrained slut would have difficulty in keeping quiet, so tonight I will be generous and assist her.

As I approach she begins with the expected protests, sometimes these bitches can be so tiresome. As she begins to beg in earnest I push the ball into her open mouth, watching with interest as her jaw is stretched just beyond her comfort zone, making the swollen lip split pleasingly. Strapping the buckle tightly behind her head I am greeted by an almost instant change in her breathing. The panic is rising in my previously brave little toy and I smirk as she begins to inhale hard through her nose. She is attempting to say something and I for a moment play along,

“Sorry whore, did you say something?”

“Ppplllllleeeee…Mmmmassstttt” Her eyes wide now I can’t help but wonder how she will feel in a minute, when her fears become reality?

Walking over to the shelves again I see her eyes follow me in the mirror, her body twisting as she tries one last time in vain to free herself. Selecting a long fine cane from the display I walk back to her, swishing the rod through the air and enjoying the whistling sound it makes. Whenever I select this tool I recall its use when I went to school. I knew first hand exactly how much just one swipe could sting.

Looking at her now the struggles had increased considerably, not even a small pretence of bravery left on her insolent face.

“Right, let us begin. I intend to enjoy marking you slut, watching your skin respond to my touch and punishing you for your behaviour today. I do not appreciate your foul mouth, nor your detrimental comments about my family. I do not know how long this will take or when I will choose to stop, but I do know that I will enjoy every minute of it”

As I finish the last syllable I raise the cane and swish it down hard on her white, virginal buttocks. The sound alone is enough to make her scream behind the gag. Contact is quick and efficient and a pleasing red welt appears almost instantly, horizontal against the mound of her ass cheeks, straight and precise, just as I knew it would. This is such a satisfying task.

Time and time again I raise the crop and bring it down, each time finding a new area of skin to colour. My eyes meet hers each time and the tears and drool that drips from her face please me. This slut will soon learn, and I will enjoy every lesson it takes until she does.

The soft area at the back of her knees is particularly responsive and I enjoy the sight as she hangs from her wrist restraints, legs buckled. Soon her back is criss-crossed from shoulder to ankle with scarlet ridges of swollen flesh that I know will be burning into my little fuck toy.

Moving until I am again by her side my hands begin to rub the sensitive flesh. Rough circular movements break the tender skin and I enjoy moistening the brat’s flesh with droplets of her own blood. Her whimpers really are quite pitiful from behind the gag, head lolling to one side and eyes glazed with pain.

“Having fun yet slut, because I know I am?”

Taking the tip of the cane I stroke it down her cheek. Following the line of her neck and down to her breast. I enjoy the way she summands the energy to try and pull back, I do love a cunt with some stamina. Shaking her head from side to side I feel the panic rising in her again, muffled pleas filling the air but stifled completely by the gag.

“Sorry my pet, Master cannot hear you. I can only presume you are asking for more of the same”

And so my delicious task begins again, swiping and scaring into the beautiful white breasts, exposed to my cane by her raised arms. Not an inch of flesh can be hidden as I work across each breast, playing special attention to her upturned hard nipples. They just seem to be begging for my attention and how can I possibly disappoint?

Absorbed in my task I don’t recall when the noise stopped, or when she stopped squirming and jerking. Eventually, looking up I see she is hanging limply, her mind closed off to concentrate on the agony coursing through her body. Head hung down she is motionless, numb now and I know she must be in shock.

I stand directly in front of her and hold her chin with my left hand. I want her to focus on my face, to learn her free will is gone, that she belongs to me now.

“Look at me whore, look at Your Master when he speaks to you.”

I drag my fingers across the drool dripping from her chin and use this to moisten her dry cunt. My right hand begins to explore between her swollen pussy lips again, toying with her clit. My fingers are expert at this and within seconds I feel her hood retract and the tiny hard clit respond to its Master. This slut is going to be very satisfying to use when her training is complete.

Her huge brown eyes struggle to focus on me as she feels small tremors of pleasure beginning to invade her brain. Her look of incomprehension is quite amusing to me. I know exactly what she is thinking, how can he be exciting me so easily when my flesh is dripping blood from the pain he inflicted?

“Feels good doesn’t it whore? At least your cunt has learnt who it belongs to quickly enough.”

My fingers continue their work swiftly and efficiently, loving the look on her face as she struggles to keep some composure, still fighting the internal mental battle to resist. I adore the inner turmoil she is experiencing and I can feel my own body getting excited by it. I want this whore, I need to fuck her, to own her completely, but I have one more task to perform before she has that honour.

My fingers are wet with her juices and she begins to squirm against my touch, she is so close, I can sense it. Her breath hard against the gag, stifling the tiny moans of pleasure, throaty, sexy little sounds of a sub slut’s arousal.

My face only inches from hers, eyes locked together I ask,

“You want to cum don’t you whore? You want to cum like a dirty little slut on your Master’s fingers? I can feel it, I know you, and I OWN you. You want that orgasm don’t you slave? I know you crave your Master’s touch to cum”

Unsurprisingly she came at my words, the intensity and force of it showing clearly on her face. Eyes rolling as her cervix pushed down against my probing fingers. I liked a whore that came as hard as she did. Pity she was still gagged really, I would have liked to hear those a****listic noises, that moment when there can be no pretence, when the primeval instincts to cum absorbs you. Still, if I choose, there will be plenty of opportunities to hear that in our time ahead.

Withdrawing my hand I wipe her juices back across her breasts, as if I am cleaning away something distasteful to me. Raising my voice I bellow at her,

“Who gave you permission to cum whore? Who said your filthy cunt had earned that honour? Did you Master say you could? No! No I didn’t did I? You decided that you could, without my permission. I try and give you pleasure and you take more than you have earned. You disappoint me slut! You fucking worthless piece of shit”

My barrage of questions and my tone are terrifying her now and it pleases me no end. Without the gag I know she would be whimpering excuses, without the manacles I know she would be on her knees begging forgiveness, and I love the fact she fell so easily into my trap. I knew she would cum, we both knew it as soon as I touched her, but she has to learn that every pleasure must be earned and permission sought for it.

Standing back I raise my arm and swing that cane as hard as I can between her open thighs, the humming whistle of the strike met by a delicious wet sound as it makes contact with her throbbing clit. Sinking in between her swollen pussy lips I know it will be agonising for her, and that delights me even more. My cock begins to swell and beg for its own release, it can smell her punished sex and longs for it.

Over and over the cane makes contact as she screams against the gag. I am delighted that she can make so much noise despite the restraint and the sounds only spur me on. Slashing and striking this new fuck toy I feel myself losing control. I want her to feel the pain, I need her to take it, and I want her body to scream for me to stop.

“That’s it whore, scream, beg, let me hear you tell your Master that you are sorry. Let me see you bleed in penance!”

Soon the cane dripped her pussy blood as I withdrew it, flicking small droplets down her thighs as I drew it back for another attack. Staring at her agony wrecked face I throw the rod to one side, I had to have her, NOW.

Grabbing the remote from my pocket I lower my well punished little slut quickly to the floor, spread-eagled before me. She folds, collapses as the pressure is relieved from her arms and her head bangs into the floor as the tension drops her down. Leaving her secured I strip off my clothes, moving fast and urgently, casting them to one side, breathing heavily and never taking my eyes from the sacrificial offering laid before me.

Naked now, cock swollen thicker and harder than I ever thought possible I lower myself onto her, hands fumbling with the buckle of her gag, throwing it across the room as I free that soft, petulant, smart assed mouth. The mouth that would eventually utter the words I wanted to hear naturally to me.

My cock probed between her batter pussy lip, wanting in, wanting to own her completely. Guiding myself, I raise my hips and then, hold for a second, before I drive down hard and precise.

“Ohhhh, yes! Can you feel your Master inside you slut? Can you feel His cock taking you, OWNING you? Fucking the cunt that is HIS!”

Pumping into her damaged body relentless I needed to have her, to possess her, to fill her with my essence, to make her MINE. I have no regard for her pain, for her feelings, I just need release, taking my pleasure from her agony.

Each deep thrust is met with a small breathless sound as she exhales. Mingling feelings of pain and pleasure as she accepts the fucking, slowly beginning to respond, hips rising and falling. Finally giving in to the cravings I have awoken in her.

“Do you want my cum slut? Does my little bitch want to feel her Master’s spunk filling HIS cunt? Tell me!”

Her voice is like music to me as she tries to reply. Husky and strained from her earlier screams it was barely audible as she whispers,

“Yes…please…please cum inside me….Master James!”

Those last words, that was all I needed. Roaring like a wounded a****l I plunge deep into her tortured cunt and began to fill her with my seed. My balls contracting over and over as I thrust into her, almost driving her across the floor with the force of our coupling. I can feel my legs tense as they push my hips forward, until her body takes all of me. Held together like one entity.

Eventually I collapse onto her limp body, feeling her struggle to breathe but taking my weight without complaint. She looks completely dazed and exhausted and I know that today had been a revelation for her. God this slut is so damn sexy. Lifting myself up, once I have my breath back, I began to unbuckle her wrists from their leather restraints, rubbing at the bruised flesh, massaging back the blood flow.

I repeat this with her ankles and then stand back to reflect on her prone body. The flesh now streaked with welts and blood, her face puffy and swollen from her earlier encounter with my fist, clearly marked now as my property to anyone who looked.

Under normal circumstances I would have left her to crawl away unaided, but somehow feeling quite generous I scoop up her limp body into my arms. Walking to the far corner of the room there was a large cage, fitted and well prepared for my new pet. A bowl of water and a litter tray set in one corner and a blanket laid out in the other. I walk her inside and lay her very carefully down on the cover. She instinctively curls up, foetal, c***dlike in her new bed. An overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and pleasure course through me as I look down on my sweet pet. The future bode well for us.

Stepping out and clicking the padlock shut I pull down the black velvet cage cover, she will sleep well tonight.

Walking back towards the main door I silently bid my daughter goodnight, her Father is very happy she has returned to him.

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Uncle Ne Bhi Laga Diya Mere

Hello friends, mera naam hai ashu main 24 years ki hu or panjab ki rehane wali hu ,mere ghar me papa mummy meri sister annu 22 or bhai vicky 20 hai . Mera gora hai or figure 36 26 34 hai . Maine engineering ki hai so friends main apani story per aati hu ye baat hai last year ki jab maine 1year training ki thi dehli ntpc se , to maine rent per room liya faridabad me to main first day gayi join karne to mujhe pata chala ki mujhe amit naam ke uncle ko report k liye bola gaya to main chali gayi...

2 years ago
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Uncle and I

We live in a rural area of the state where everyone lives a t a leisurely pace. No rushing as we do our daily living. I am home from college for the summer and an enjoying time off from my studies.Aunt Jo and uncle John have come to visit us for a week. Aunt Jo is mom’s sister and they have come to visit us and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of rural living. Today mom and aunt Jo are going to go shopping in a bigger city a couple hours drive. They will be gone all day and probably not be...

3 years ago
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Uncle And I

Hey lovable readers I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I will publish will b purely fictional and won’t b resemblance to any person. Have fun reading it and do reply me on stiefler_007_for_lovely_girls We live in a rural area of the state where everyone lives a t a leisurely pace. No rushing as we do our daily living. I am home from college for the summer and an enjoying time off from my studies. Aunt Jo and Uncle John have come to visit...

1 year ago
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Uncle loves Mom

Hi! Here is Vivek from Nagpur wants to tell u the true incident.In my family I have my Dad and Mom. Everything was alright and fine. Things were going smoothly. We lives in a building and Dad works in a private company as senior supervisor and I am completing my graduation. My Dad is a nice being but was always rude to my mom, because of this my mom got very irritating attitude towards me , She was also very jealous regarding to our neighbors.Now the story is about my mother Jyoti who is a...

2 years ago
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Uncle ne ki mom ki chudai

My self happy from Ludhiana. Doing job in a mnc. This is the real story of my mother fucked by my neighbor uncle. I regularly read stories from iss. When I see mom with uncle I become very upset but after some time I thought my father may be not satisfying her completely. My mom is 40 yrs old , little bit fat, bigggg boobs and very sexy ass. My uncle is good friend of my dad so he can come to our house anytime. So nobody in our street think that something is going wrong between Ashok uncle and...

4 years ago
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Uncle Darrens Farm

Summers are so fun in my part of the world. Always with friends, watchingmovies or going swimming or even going to camp. But at the end of everysummer, my older brother and I always spend a month or more at unclesranch. It's massive and there is a heap of things to do. Swimming andriding horses are at the top of the list of things to do. This year mybrother and I headed to our uncles ranch earlier than usual. We decided notto go to a camp and we both thought spending time at our uncles ranch...

3 years ago
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Uncle is the best

I’m Deepa 25,I work for a BPO in Bangalore. Swapna is 23, and she is my best friend, and so all her friends are my friends too. Last week I felt a bit odd of it when we were all hanging around in the cafeteria keeping out of the way of guys – when they started talking about Sex.. The girls had talked about orgasms and how they got them. Most, it seems, played with themselves like what I did, but one or two said it was much better when you had someone suck your pussy or have a cock pushed up...

1 year ago
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Uncle Ne Bhi Laga Diya Mere 8211 Part 2

Hello friends aapki ashu ek fir aapke liye story laayi hai .Jese ki aap ne meri first story padi uncle ne bhi laga diya mere to aap ne pada kese uncle ne meri chudai ki .Next day main office gayi to uncle ne mujhe se pucha . Uncle : ashu tum virgin nahi ho ? Ashu : yes uncle mere cousin ne meri seal todi thi jab main 12th class me thi Uncle : iska matlab tum 10th class se chud rahi ho Ashu : ha uncle Uncle : aaj tak kitane logo se chudi ho Ashu : first mera cousin fir mera bf or mere bf k 2...

1 year ago
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Uncle Aur Unke Business Partner Ne Ki Chudai Pt 1

Hello all. I hope you all are doing great.Well  I am back again with new recent incident. But before that let me introduce my self to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahemdabad city. My stats is 36 29 39. I am very fair in complexion and I have curly hairs. Please read the incident and tell me how was it at yahoo. in. To ye incident kuch aise hua, mere papa ke eek dost hai, Rajastan se. Unka naam Balwant hai. Aur woh karib 45 ke age...

2 years ago
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Uncle Fucks Mom For Breakfast

We will call my mother soma.. Soma is a dusky woman of 52 years..But she has maintained her looks like a 30 year old. Her figure is heavy at all the right places. Her breasts are 36 c cups and at this age, they are still magnificent. She has a bit of a waist..But that just leads to a very soft and large ass and chunky thighs. Yes, this is the body of a bengali milf in its prime. But her best feature is her face. Yes, its a beautiful face..But I don’t mean it like that. I mean .. You would enjoy...

2 years ago
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Uncle Beau

 My grandmother had some definite ideas on the naming of her babies. I guess she thought the name she hung on them would somehow make her wishes come true. She gave them all names that meant handsome or beautiful. She started with Bella, who is my Mom. My oldest uncle is named Cullen, then came Uncle Nordin followed by Aunt Callista. Their baby brother was tagged, Beau.Why Grandma didn’t give them names that meant smart or rich or famous is beyond me, but nevertheless, she must have been on to...

3 years ago
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Uncle Ne Mom Ki Chudai School Me Ki 8211 Part 3

Hello..Friends I am Sunny from Vadodra,Gujarat. Pehle to thank you so much for aapne jo meri stories ko like kiya aur kaafi saare mail b kiye aur jyaadatar story apko pasand b aayi. Ase hi aap chudai story padhte rahiye aur muje inspire karte rahiye. Jeseki aapne meri do story me padha ki kese hitesh uncle ne meri mom ki chudai ki unke school me aur hamare ghar par b mom ne unhe blowjob diya ab aage sunie. Aapnko pata hi he ki my mom name is neeta. Figure 34 28 36 aap guess kar sakte hai patli...

2 years ago
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Uncle Jeff Visits

When I was 13, Mom and I moved to an apartment, over on 38th Street, just off Main, in Kansas City. It was the early 60s, and life was poor for us, ever since a robber had killed dad, while working the night shift as a cabbie. We had not been especially close, dad and I. He worked a lot, cabbie at night, and various odd jobs during his off hours. I longed for male companionship, as only a teenage boy could, which never seem to come.. Mom and I were real close, because we spent so much time...

2 years ago
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Uncle Joe Comes to Visit his Niece Chrissy

I had just turned 18 two months ago and now that I was 'mature' enough, my parents had decided I could stay home while they went on a second honeymoon. Of course I was ecstatic! I always been a very popular girl, but I did see it as the perfect time to bring a few guys home! Plus, I was dying to have some time alone in the house without my parents, they could be quite controlling and this was my chance to be naughty for once!There was a catch, however. My Uncle Joe would be coming over to keep...

2 years ago
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Uncle Aunty Ke Sath Threesome

Hello dosto, main harsh patil aaj bohot dino bad apani nayi kahani likh raha hun. Aaj main aap sabhi ko ek nayi kah kahani sunane ja raha hun jo haal me hi ghati hui hai. Uske pehle apana parichay deta hun jo naye reader hai unke liye. Mera nam harsh hai main mumbai me rehta hun. Meri age 24years hai. Ab suru karte hai, ek din main sham main apane office se nikala tha bus se, office chutane a waqt tha to bus me bhi kafi bheed thi. Mere aage ek aunty khadi thi. Dikhane me achhi thi, koi 42 year...

3 years ago
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Uncle Loves Mom

I am Rahul. I am 18 years. I live with my parents, Rajesh Nagar (40) and Aparna (38). This incident happened when I was 10. My uncle, Naresh Nagar (Father’s elder brother aged 40) visited our place as usual on a business trip. Uncle lives in Mumbai with his wife and a daughter. Aparna, I will call you when I reach there, said my dad to mom leaving for a fair for 15 days. Though very hardworking, my father used to earn very less. He was not so social and I never saw my mom happy with...

3 years ago
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When Rajas came home he noticed that the house was completely dark except for a light upstairs. It seemed to be coming form his niece’s room. He wondered what Vardi was doing home so early since it was only eight o’clock in the evening. He tried to remember the last time he saw her at home on a weeknight. He parked his car in the garage and made his way into the kitchen. Rajas turned on the light and then noticed a piece of paper on the counter. Evening College called and needed me to work the...

2 years ago
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Uncle My Uncle

I remember knowing my uncle Anthony ever since I can remember. He was only 12 years old when I was born. My mother had been 20 at the time. She had a boyfriend (which was my father) but their relationship didn't last long after I was born. My mom said he took off and wanted nothing to do with me. She eventually dropped out of college and started working for some rich lady at a boutique selling expensive dresses for high society girls. Eventually the rich lady died and left the shop to my mom...

3 years ago
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Uncle Steve asks me to Impregnate Aunt Beth

I slowly woke up not wanting to rush my brain as it tried to make sense of the new day. I could still see the small tidbits of the dream I was just having. It was a mangled mix of the movie I had been watching the night before and people that I saw everyday. "It's Saturday," I said to myself while I did my morning stretch. I had to be at work at noon, plenty of time. In the kitchen my mother was already well ahead with the breakfast and the whole family was getting ready for the bounty my...

4 years ago
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Uncle Aur Unka Dost Ne Gand Fadi

Hi dosto, mujhe aap sab k mail mile bahut acha laga,,but kuch log mujhe real girl samjh rahe h ye to sabse achi bat h but fir se bata du main aap sab ko i m 24 years old boy(cross dresser) sissy submissive bottom.. Train me gand marai , train k bad hotel me gand marai-ii k bad kya kya hua un train wale uncle k sath main is part main batuangi, ye sab real me hua h, story nahi real life experience h ye sab mere. Us din k bad main uncle se kai bar mili, but kafi din ho gaye the is bar jab main un...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Uncle Ne Sex Ka Matlab Samjhaya 8211 Part II

Dear Iss readers …Pooja here .Meri first story Uncle ne sex ka matlab samjhaya 1 ko itna acha response dene ke liye thanks … Maine aap sabhi ke emails padhe aur kai logoo ko reply bhi kiya…Ab aur time waste na karte hue main aapko apni aage ki story batati hu.Mere aur uncle ke beech me ab touching ka game start ho chuka tha .Main kisi na kisi bahane uncle ke aas paas jati rehti aur wo bhi kisi na kisi bahane mujhe chuney ki koshish karte. Meri age ab 19 ki ho gai thi aur meri body bhi kafi...

4 years ago
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Uncle ke sath suhag din

Hello friends I’m Teena. Mai puna me rehti hu meri age 18 hai, aur meri height 4.6 feet hai, mere breast ki size 34 b hai. Mere hair brown color ke aur lambe hai mai ek dum gori hu aur koi bhi jawan ya old mard mujhe dekh ke mujhe pane ko bekarar ho ja ta hai. Mai 9th me study karti hu. Mujhe nude filme bahot pasand hai, aur mai har roj 3 ghante tak internet pe sexy site surf karti hu aur sexy chat bhi karti hu, ab mai aapko jyada bor karneke badle apni story sunati hu, ye kahani 1 sal pahle ki...

2 years ago
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Uncle Jims Birthday Present

The adventure of a lifetime, that was what she wanted to do. Go on the adventure of a lifetime. Men, dancing, booze, exotic places, easy work and no parents, and most of all, men.  She had just turned sixteen and had gotten a ticket to wherever she wanted to go from her Uncle Jim who said he would chaperone if her parents thought she needed one.They said yes. So she and Uncle Jim, who was in his forties, had their heads together pouring through the atlas trying to decide which country they...

2 years ago
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Uncle ghar par aaye train wale

Hello readers me apni aage ki story continued kar raha hu meri pichli story aap logo ne padhi thi MAA TRAIN ME AJNABI UNCLE SE CHUDI me aaj uske aage ki baat aapko batane ja raha hu me aap logo ko mere papa ke baare me pehle bata du mere papa saudi me hai 2 ya 3 saal me ek baar aate hai. To woh uncle mere ghar par aaye aur bethe thodi der uncle ne maa se baat kari maa ne unko chai pilayi aur uncle ne mujhse kaha beta teri mummy laxmi ko us din chalne me taklif to nahi aayi to maine kaha uncle...

2 years ago
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Uncle8217s ne ghar me choda

Hello mai tanu, ummar 21 figure 34 28 34 rang gora, lund aur galio ki bhukhi ladki, jab lund milta hai to pagal kuttia ki tarah ho jati hu, kapdo mai bahut sharif bachi par dosto mai mere kapde utarte hi bilkul randi jisko jitna tadpao utna hi maza aata hai jitni sakhti karo utna hi maza deti hai 1 bar mere papa ke purane dost america se aaye hue the pranav aur danis jo pehle papa ke sath hi padte the baad mai buissnes ke liye america chale gaye india ghumne aaye unke sath unka i americy dost...

2 years ago
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Uncle is bi

Hello ISS friends. This is Rani from Canada. Thanks for the comments, I am glad you liked my experience. After aunty/uncle started making love with me I was getting hooked on sex specially licking pussy of my aunt. I use to go to her home 2-3 times a week. Also some time on Saturday, when Uncle is home too we could have 3some. They gave me the key to their home, I could go any time. Some time I go their on my lunch time and some time aunty not home, I just have some thing to eat and leave a...

2 years ago
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Uncle Ne Mom Ki Chudai School Me Ki

Hello friends. I am Sunny from Vadodra, Gujarat. My age 20. Muje porn dekhne me khub maja aata hai aur me roj porn dekh k muth marta hu. Sex story padha b acha lagta hai jyada tar me risto wali story hi jyada padhta hu. Ye meri pehli chudai story hai so apko pasand nai aye to sorry in advance. Ye chudai story meri mom ko he jo ki teacher he school me. Unka nam neeta he aur wo 42 saal ki he. Wo dikhne me itni khubsurat nai he fir b aurat to he yahi kafi hai. Unka figure 34 28 36 he andaza laga...

1 year ago
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Uncle takes mom with plan

hi friends iam rajesh.I will narate a story of my mom.her name is vinatha.this was a time when i was in 5th std.At that time her age was 42.she had well shaped boobs with big buttocks,sexy face and red lips.I am the only son and my father is bank emplyee.He had a collegue named raj.he was 58 at that time. He was half bald and ugly faced.his teeth looked as he never brush.Someyimes he used to visit us in presence of dad.Mom never liked him .I often heard her complaining dad not to ask him come...

3 years ago
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Uncle Mitch part 1

I was sitting in Dad’s study using the computer when something hit me in the chest and fell into my lap. Surprised, I looked down and saw that it was a dog collar, one of those black leather ones with little pointed metal studs all over it and a surprisingly delicate silver buckle. ‘Put it on,’ the voice from the doorway said roughly. My mind went blank. The idea was too much to comprehend and I couldn’t even begin to process it. Uncle Mitch wanted me to put on a dog collar? It was pretty...

3 years ago
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Uncle Aur Unke Business Partner Ne Ki Chudai Pt 2

I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahemdabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion and I have curly hairs. Please read the incident and tell me how was this desi tale at yahoo. in. Harpreet uncle ab dhire dhire apna poora lund meri pussy mein andar bahar karne lage, unke har dhake pe mein “uummhh, aaahhhh ummmhhh aaahhh” kar rahi thi. Ab woh mere upar let gaye aur apne dono hath se mujhe kass kar apni bahon mein pakad liya, taki mere dono breast unki...

1 year ago
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Uncle Mitch part 1

I was sitting in Dad's study using the computer when something hit me in the chest and fell into my lap. Surprised, I looked down and saw that it was a dog collar, one of those black leather ones with little pointed metal studs all over it and a surprisingly delicate silver buckle."Put it on," the voice from the doorway said roughly. My mind went blank. The idea was too much to comprehend and I couldn't even begin to process it. Uncle Mitch wanted me to put on a dog collar?It was pretty late at...

1 year ago
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Uncle Kyle Fucks His Teenage Niece Part 2

As we all sat there eating my dad asked "how did u sleep babygirl?" I replied "best nights sleep I've had in a very long time" as I lay my hand in my uncle’s croch rubbing the reason for the prior night's sleep. "Uncle Kyle mom said something about staying the weekend with you to go sightseeing" I said "Yeah I figured I'd get u away from your mom an dad so they can have some alone time with each other for the weekend" he said "if you'd like to come with me that is" My hand...

4 years ago
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Uncle Ne Mom Ki Chudai School Me Ki 8211 Part 2

Hello friends. I am Sunny from Vadodra Gujarat. My age 20. Jeseki aapne meri pehli chudai story padhi hogi ‘uncle ne mom ki chudai school me ki’. Nahi padhi ho to plz padhiye aapko pasand aayegi. Us din k baad uncle ka mere sath aur meri mom k sath ka behaviour thoda change ho gaya ab wo khule dilse meri mom k sath baat karte he mere ghar me aur unka mere ghar aana b jyaada ho gaya. Mom b ab kisi b tarah ka sankoch kiye bina unse baate aur hai majak karti thi. Ek din firse uncle mere ghar...

3 years ago
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Uncle Ne Gand Phadkar Apni Biwi Banaya

Mera nan vishu hai meri umr 20 sal hai mei up ka rehne wala hoo mein apne maa baap ki ek hi santan hoo…ye koi kahani nehi hai ek sachhi ghatna hai…agar aap logo ko ye pasand aaye ya mujhse koi contact karna chahe to meri email id hai Vaise to mei ek ladka hoo lekin ek uncle ne mujhe itna chauda ki mei ladki ban gaya Ye ghatna aaj se 8 sal pehle ki hai jab mei 12 sal ka tha.mei ek masoom bachha tha gora rang chikna sarir pink lips…choti si gand . mera ek dost tha jiska nam sonu tha .mei sam ko...

2 years ago
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Uncle Kyle and His Niece Part 1

“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle kyle, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle kyle was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...

4 years ago
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Uncle Vijay Fucking 8211 Part II

Hello all I am Vinod again to cont telling about my mom dad me and Vijay uncle any one like to contact my uncle his e mail id is any comments lets us know any one like to meet my uncle e mail him..coming to story as my mom walked to my dad he was wearing shorts and Vijay uncle was fully nude his huge lund was half hard my mom was wearing just panties walked to my dad as they both sitting on the sofa my dad pulled my mom’s panties I was very shocked by my dad actions he fingered my mom choot...

2 years ago
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Uncle Lust Part Two

Saturday morning, I awoke at seven. I threw the covers off myself and headed to the shower immediately. The hot water and steam woke me up even more. While the hot water traveled down my naked body, a sexual rush passed through my form from the actions of the day before. It had been a while since I had had any sexual contact and my body was yearning for some passion. Hell, my body was screaming for just a good fuck. It was going to be a warm day and I knew that I always had an open invitation...

4 years ago
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Uncle Mike Creampies Niece Emma

“How was the drive?” asked my mom, “Dinner is ready, we waited for you”. “It was great” replied uncle Mike, “I always liked driving through endless corn fields in Iowa”, with a sarcastic grin. I was living in a farm with my family, close to Des Moines, Iowa, and my uncle Mike was visiting us from Chicago. I had just turned 18 and last time I saw my uncle was 4 years ago. He had been living close in downtown Des Moines and visiting us every week, buying me gifts, giving me rides, until he...

3 years ago
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Uncle Bob8217s Gas Station

Lana Masters approached her brother’s service station with some trepidation. This was her first job, in actuality. She’d married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he’d been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight. Lana and her brother had been close when they were...

4 years ago
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Uncle Bubba In The Woods

Uncle Bubba In The Woods My Uncle Bubba owns a fairly large chunk of land. On an early spring day he and his nephew Doug were out to cut firewood to sell. They drove the old noisy farm tractor out with a wagon behind it to toss the chunks of wood into, they fired up their chainsaws, and then after a few minutes of steady work they dropped one of the biggest trees that they had tackled to date. As they admired their work and watched a couple of squirrels run off to find a new home,...

3 years ago
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Uncle Ne Meri Maa Ko Choda

Hi, Mere naam pralhad hain. Main engineering first year padhta hoon. Me aaj jo sex story batane ja rahu wo ek saachi ghatna par aadharit hain. Hamare pass wale uncle ne meri maa ko kaise choda yeah main aapko bataunga. Mere maa ka naam nanisha hain. Wo dikhne main bahot sunder hai. Unki age 40 hain. Unki height 5.5 feet hain. Wo saari pehnti hai. Unki blouse streep bahot choti hoti hain. To dosto main aapko batata hun dilip uncle ne meri maa ke chut ka bhosada kaise banaya. To dilip uncle ek...

2 years ago
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Uncle Taking Advantage Of Innocent Mom

Hi I am Rohit from Hyderabad. I usually read stories from Indian sex stories and now i intend to write down an original incident of my life which happened when i was a student. This is actually the story of my mom Rima. She is a traditional and orthodox religious woman with 5″2′ height and good assets. The incident started when we moved to a rented house in a different locality. Our family started to get intermixed in the new society and soon our life started become quite normal. It was the...

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Uncle Bobs Gas Station

by Lubrican Chapter 1 Lana Masters approached her brother's service station with some trepidation. This was her first job, in actuality. She'd married young, when her boyfriend had knocked her up at age seventeen. The following ten years had been good, but then he'd been killed by a drunk driver leaving a bar. The life insurance had carried her and their daughter Mindy through for another four years, but then things began to get tight. Lana and her brother had been close when...

4 years ago
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uncle todd

My Uncle Todd used my parent’s house to store some of his construction equipment for his contracting business. He often came by early in the morning with a crew of guys to load stuff into their big 4x4's to supply various building projects. I'd usually see my Uncle as I was leaving for school. He'd greet me gladly with those big smiling eyes and a toothy grin. Todd was my Dads brother and at the age of 52, he was a successful contractor in the state where we lived. He was a muscular, six foot...

3 years ago
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Uncle Mitch part 2

And I wanted to be a Suicide Girl so badly. I wanted to be edgy and cute and dangerous. I wanted to dress in black and have piercings all over my body, and I’d even chosen the perfect shade of bright pink to dye my hair, which I was going cut short and streak with black. I just knew that boys from all over the ‘net would drool all over me. I had it all worked out in my head, the poses I’d make and the things I’d wear. I’d even practiced with my camera, taking almost-naked shots of myself,...

3 years ago
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Uncle Aur Meri Chudai

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise uncle aur meri chudai ye meri sacchi kahani ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri kahani kaisi lagi. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Ab main apni kahani par aati hu ye kahani kuch din pahle ki h main apni colony me hamesha apni saheliyo ke sath masti kar rahi thi aur hum sab log baaten...

2 years ago
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"Oh, Uncle Dave, you're so long and thick, I will never fit itin my tiny little pussy."Uncle Dave was my bestest friend in the whole world. He alwaystook me out for ice creams and movies whenever I asked, andeven when I didn't. He also liked to take me shopping,especially for clothes. He would buy me all the sexiest gearand would sit there patiently while I tried on everything insight and never once complained about how long it took. He eventook me lingerie shopping, even though he always had...

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Uncle Mitch part 2

And I wanted to be a Suicide Girl so badly. I wanted to be edgy and cute and dangerous. I wanted to dress in black and have piercings all over my body, and I'd even chosen the perfect shade of bright pink to dye my hair, which I was going cut short and streak with black. I just knew that boys from all over the 'net would drool all over me. I had it all worked out in my head, the poses I'd make and the things I'd wear. I'd even practiced with my camera, taking almost-naked shots of myself,...

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Uncle aur anty ko exercise sikhayi

Hi story readers me yesh gujarat ke rajkot sahar se me 27 sal ka hu aur mera lund 8” lamba he aur mera he aaj me jo apko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo ek uncle anty aur meri he Ye bat aajse karib teen sal pahale ki he me surat sahar apne uncle ke vaha gaya tha vo apartment me 3rd floor par rahate he aur apartment 5floor ka he me dusre din subah ke karib 7 baje 5th floor par execise karne gaya maine barmuda aur t-shirt pahan rakha tha terries par pahuch kar maine t-shirt bhi nikal diya me roj sirf...

1 year ago
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Uncle Jerry

Whenever mom and dad decided to head up the mountains to gamble in Reno, they usually left my sister with the neighbors and their daughters, so I got to go to Uncle Jerry's. Now, Uncle Jerry wasn't really my uncle, but he was a long-time friend of my mom's family that was always at the Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings, and someone who always treated me like I was special. So, the 'Uncle' tag just seemed to fit. Uncle Jerry was about half-way between my age and my parent's ages, which...

1 year ago
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uncle tom

First off, let me be very clear about one thing: Uncle Tom was not my real uncle. He was the father of a friend and I used to spend a lot of time at their house in the school holidays. My own family home was not a happy place to be and Tom and his wife Ann had lots of room. They had a small holding and there were horses and ponies and loads of dogs and it was a great place for k**s. At this point in the story, I was just about 17 and had been a fixture for a while. I had come to stay to help...

3 years ago
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UNCLE J. That old saying “The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juices.” has been a motto that my Uncle James has lived by for years. My Uncle J, as we call him and his new Jamaican wife had only been married a few months when I came to live with them. It started that first night when I caught my Uncle J staring at my boobs. It was very clear that my uncle liked young girls; young pretty black girls. My dad and his step brother was never really close, as a matter of fact they barely knew...

4 years ago
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Uncle and his friends

My name is Aditi and this happened when I was 19 years old and I went to visit my uncle’s house in Goa for one week. He is old, fat and spends all his time drinking the minute he comes home from work and he owns a restaurant. He is tall though, with a beard and still has all his hair. In fact, his arms look strong, but his stomach is bloated from all the drinking. The minute he comes home from work, he picks up a bottle of whiskey from his cabinet. But since I was there on holiday, I decided to...

2 years ago
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Uncle Steve

My 18th birthday is today, mom and dad have invited the whole family and some of my friends for my big blow out. Dad went to the airport to get my grandparents and my Uncle Steve from Florida. Mom's parents are already here. Granny is helping mom in the kitchen and gramps is helping my brother Sam put up the tables and chairs.I look at myself in the mirror and say this weekend will be the best. I'm getting my shorts on and look at my breasts in the mirror. Nice firm mounds with perky nips....

4 years ago
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Uncle Me Banged

Hi I am new to ISS my name is Akash and my mom name is Malathi . She is a perfect figure for sex her height is medium and a little busty . she had a big boob with dark nipple about 3CM OF radius. her age 32 and mine 17 she got married in early age itself. she usually wears saree and churidhar her armpit is full of hair and she doesn’t shave them her belly is quiet little big but not too big . she has large navel. which attract all men. she wears her saree below her navel, I have seen many men...


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