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Ethereamones By Mistress X, Co-authored by Sci-Fi Kara (Note: this is a rewrite of a draft I did several months ago; it involves the use of drugs which is not a subject I'm familiar with so please excuse any incongruities on that topic.) I was walking too my car in the darkness of the parking garage, a little stressed from the day but glad I was finally off from work. I slipped into the driver's seat, tossed my work ID into the back, and opened up the little compartment between the front seats. "Time to unwind a little Georgey." I said to myself, rolling up my sleeves. I pulled out a tiny plastic bag and looked into it. "Aw damn," I complained. "Nothing but seeds and stems." I sighed loudly and started the car. "I guess that's just one more stop on the way home." After going to the bank to cash a paycheck I went to a convenience store for a few groceries before driving five miles out of my way to get to Croc's place. *Bang-bang-bang* I pounded at Croc's door. "Who is it?" he asked through the door in that classic Tommy Chong stoner voice. "It's me, George." After a moment of silence I half expected him to reply with a "George isn't here man" but instead I just heard the security chain being pulled loose before the door swung open. "Oh, hey man," said Croc I think only then realizing who I was. "I figured you'd be showing up soon." "I don't have much time here Croc, I need about thirty dollars worth." "Oh, sorry man I'm out of pot man." "You have to be shitting me Croc." I never considered myself a pothead, I was more of a yuppie than anyone I knew, but on some of the more stressful days I needed a little help relaxing. Today was one of those days and the only source I had was out of the stuff. "Hey don't worry man, I got something better." Croc waved me into his grungy apartment. Ten minutes later I was standing there tapping my foot impatiently while Croc dug through stacks of porno mags and fast-food wrappers. "Come on Croc, I've got ice cream in the car!" "I know it's here somewhere man, wait here we go man," he said unearthing a pair of rattling bottles. "Pills? I don't know Croc." "Don't worry man they're great. It's a great high, no hangover, no crash, nothing man." "Look Croc, I'm not going to pay for something I wasn't looking for, something I don't even know will work." "You think I'd lie to you man? No man, don't worry about it. Here." He took a little pink gel cap out of one of the bottles and handed it to me. "Free sample." It was full of a swirly, pink, milky substance that had what looked like glitter mixed into it. "I don't know Croc..." I said hesitantly. "No, it's perfectly fine man, I've been taking them for days," said Croc popping another pink pill from the other bottle. I looked down on the pill curiously and then swallowed it. _ _ _ _ _ "Ha-ha-ha-he-he." The next thing I knew I was sitting on Croc's couch laughing uncontrollably. I laid back and tried to catch my breath. When I looked up at his clock I realized it was one in the morning. I should have been shocked and pissed but I just felt a sensation of contentment and complete relaxation. I couldn't remember anything from the last few hours but I got the distinct impression that they had been euphoric. I looked down at the two open bottles on the coffee table, then next to me where Croc was still snickering on the couch. "How much?" I asked. "I don't know man, you're the first person I've sold any to... say fifty bucks for the rest of the bottle?" I stared at him for what must have been forty-five seconds. "Deal." At my apartment I sat drowsily on my own couch staring at the clear bottle. "One, two, three... fourteen, I counted. Fourteen of these pills would last me weeks so fifty dollars was a deal. "I wonder if he has any more?" I pondered. "For that matter I wonder where he got them?... Hell, it's not like I knew where he got the pot. I'm just worrying too much, don't want to ruin this buzz z zzzzzzzz..." _ _ _ _ _ I woke up the next morning completely rested and relaxed. "Oh, man," I thought. "I never thought I'd get such a good night's sleep on a freaking couch." I yawned and looked up at the clock. "Oh hell!" I yelled. "7:30! I've got half an hour to get to work!" I made it to work just in time, not worrying too much about people realizing I was still wearing what I wore yesterday. The pill, whatever it was, still had me in a good mood. "Hey there buddy..." I said coming up behind Mark and drumming my hands on his shoulders. "What's the matter with you this morning?" he asked. "Nothing, what do you mean?" "You're never in this good a mood in the morning." Mark was kind of my little project. He would have said we were friends but I didn't see it that way; he was a twenty-seven year old virgin and I was always trying to improve his image. It was kind of funny, he was an average looking guy but he was too tied to his job, and too shy for his own good. "Well I just had the best night's sleep of my life and I'm feeling frisky is all." "Oh, I figured you'd just gotten laid or something." "Well unlike you, my geeky friend, I get laid often enough it doesn't get to me this much... hey, what did I tell you about sweater-vests? You're never going to get a woman wearing that," I said still trying to see if I could get him into some woman's pants. At this point I was about ready to get him a hooker and end this little game. I sat down at my desk and in my good mood did a normal day's work before lunch. However after lunch the effects of the pill finally started to fade, there was no real crash or other druggy aftereffects, I just began to feel more... normal. I was going to have to get more of these. _ _ _ _ _ In the next few weeks I found myself taking the pills more often than I had planned to, it's not that I had any chemical dependency, it was more that I just wanted them. It was the morning after I took the last pill I had, and I was stepping out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and stood in front of the mirror to brush my teeth before work. "Hello handsome," I said to my reflection after I spit into the sink. I stood back and made a few narcissistic poses in the mirror. "Eh, wait a minute." Something was wrong, I stopped and stared at my reflection for a few seconds before I realized what it was. "Jesus Christ! How did I not notice THAT?!" I was wearing my towel wrapped around my chest like a woman. I didn't even remember doing it, it was just a reflex reaction. "Come to think of it, those poses were a little girly too." I moved my towel down around my waist and went to my bedroom to dress, watching my puzzled face in the mirror as long as possible. I'd have probably been more concerned if not for the effects of that last pill, it just had me feeling too good to worry. At work my 'happy pills' had me so ahead of schedule that I really didn't have that much to do that day. I just sat cross-legged at my desk filing my nails. I would hold my hand at arm's length and examine my handiwork, occasionally watching the behind schedule Mark struggle across the aisle. Once he dropped a big stack of papers and I laughed to myself and I inspected his cute ass through his khaki pants as he bent over to pick them up. "Wait a minute," I thought. "This-this isn't right. What am I doing? I'm- I'm not supposed to be looking at his ass. I'm I? No, no I'm sure I'm not." I was totally confused. "Then why was I?" Something told me I had been acting weird all morning. "Alright, I need to make a list of anything strange I do today," I said to myself as I continued admiring the nails of my flared out fingers. "Uh, there's number one on the list right there." By the end of the day I had a long list; it had been strange enough how difficult it was just to notice what I was doing differently. It was almost as if I'd been doing these things all my life. There was the towel, the manicure, my unusual 'staring habits', once I had my hand on the door to the lady's room before I turned and went into the men's(I think I might have actually gone into the lady's room the day before but couldn't remember), once in the men's room I went into a stall and sat down to pee, and two pages worth of other things. What really worried me was I felt like I had been doing these things for days. "I think I'm going crazy!" I thought. "I wonder if I can get anymore of those pills from Croc?" The 'afterglow' of the last pill wasn't enough to keep me calm through this much stress, and I needed to mellow out. As soon as I got off from work I headed straight to Croc's place. I pounded on the door even harder than last time. "Croc, open the door, Croc!" "I'm coming!" I heard through the door. *ker-click* the door unlocked and opened revealing Croc standing before me. "Oh, hey man. Come on in." I stepped inside and paced a bit while talking. "Look Croc, do you have any more of those pills?" I asked. "Oh, sorry man. Looks like that was a one time only offer, I tried to get some more but no deal." "Fuck. Alright, I need some pot, the strongest you've got." "Coming right up man." "Make it about a century's(100 dollars) worth." Croc went off into another room and came back momentarily, handing me the bag. "That was quick," I said collapsing onto the couch while simultaneously opening the bag and fishing a clip and papers from my pocket. After a few minutes of mind bending chemical exposure I realized why Croc had been so quick, his place was CLEAN! Well, clean by Croc's standards. I then began to notice a number of things that should have been apparent immediately. I looked over to where Croc was puffing on his own products. He was sitting relaxed in a pair of short-shorts over a pair of smooth shaved legs. His face was equally smooth and he seemed to be pitching a tent, in his SHIRT! "Croc! What the fuck!" "W-what is it man? He-hey call me Leslie, it's my real name anyway." "Jesus Croc, what did you do to yourself?" I yelled noting for the first time the pitch of his voice. "Hey man, it's L-Leslie," he murmured. Then I had a moment of real clarity. "Tha-that's what's happening to me!" I thought. "What do we have in common? It's not the pot and I can't think of anythi... Croc-uh Leslie! Where did you get those pills?!" "I-uh, I got them from this nice lady under the bridge. Why?" I was out the door before answering. Being high was somehow making it easier to notice the changes in myself, particularly the mental ones and I wasn't liking it. All I could do was try to ignore it as I sped toward the bridge. I traipsed around in the mud and darkness for fifteen minutes. "Shit! I should have asked which end. HELLO! HELLO!" "What!?" a voice said from behind me. I looked around and saw an old man in a poncho where I would swear no one was before. "Hey, can you help me? A friend of mine said he bought some pills from a lady down here and I really need to talk to her," I told him hoping for the life of me he wasn't a stickler for legality. "Well why didn't you just say so? Come on." The old man turned around and appeared to push his fingers into the stone wall that held up the bridge. The wall folded over like a curtain as he pulled on it revealing a doorway. "I told Croc to bring me the good stuff but Jesus!" I thought as the old man led me inside. I was floored as I stepped into the bright light of what looked like an enormous bazaar. This thing went on for acres, there was no way this place could fit under the bridge. "I know that pot couldn't be THIS good," I said, astonished. "Well come on," said the old man. "I ain't got all night to show you around." He led me through a number of crowded allies to one of a number of stone buildings. "Here's the pharmacy. I figure she's the one who sold you're friend the pills," the old man said before wandering off. "Hello," I said cautiously over the ringing bell as I poked my head inside. "Come in," I heard a voice say warmly from further in. I walked in and saw an average looking woman in glasses stocking shelves with little boxes and bottles. "Can I help you?" she asked. "Yeah, I think you sold a friend of mine some pills the other day and they're having a few side effects." "Alright what type of pills were they?" "They were little oval shaped glittery pink things." "Okay and what side effects is she having?" "She? No, my friend is a guy." "You did say they were the PINK ones didn't you?" "Yeah." "You're saying your MALE friend took the PINK ethereamones?" "Wait-what? What are ethereamones?" "What do you mean 'what are ethereamones?' Everyone knows what ethereamones are. Well except for... Oh my God! You're not..." "I'm not what?!" "You're not magic are you?" "Of course not!" "I think you and your friend stumbled onto something you were never supposed to know about! Now this is very important. How many did he take?" "Wha-well I don't know but I took... uh..." "You took them too? Well, how many did you take?" "Fifteen." "Oh my God!" she said quickly and with more fear in her voice than I wanted to hear. "What, what are they?" "Just like in the normal world the magic world has... transsexual individuals. In the normal world an 'individual' usually gets an operation to correct the problem, but here they have options." "I don't think I like where this is going." "You see transsexual tendencies stem from an inappropriately sexed soul, ethereamones were created to fix that problem, changing the soul to match the sex of the body." "You're saying those pills will change the sex of my soul?" "Actually they probably already have, but in your case I think it will get worse." "What, how?" "Well ethereamones are only supposed to change a soul, but you quite frankly took a lot of them. I mean A LOT. It usually only takes three pills to change a soul. You've probably already noticed behavioral problems." "Hell yeah I noticed! I'm acting like a girl, I'm looking at men, my coworker, I want-I want..." "Those aren't side effects, that's what the pills are supposed to do, but I think the side effects are coming." "What!? What side effects!?" "They'll be physical you'll start to change..." "Into a woman?!" "At fifteen pills I think you'll turn into a hell of a woman." "Oh, fuck! *sniff-sniff* Wh-why did you sell these things to him?" I started crying. "I didn't, they're specialty, I don't even carry them. The thing is because of their 'normal' side effects people take ethereamones of the appropriate gender as a narcotic. He probably got them from an unscrupulous dealer. Don't worry though, this is completely reversible, all you need is a bottle of the green ones. I can have those in in about three weeks. Take them and you'll be as good as new." "Three weeks!? *Sniff* What am I supposed to do 'til then?" "Nothing really. When the changes come, and they should come in waves, people won't really notice. They will remember who you were but won't think twice about you suddenly being a woman. It simply won't occur to them. Magic is like a dream, you can see the strangest thing in the would but it usually won't register in your mind. But as a precaution you might want to get some women's cloths. If you, as a woman, walk around in men's cloths they might get suspicious and that might jog their memories. Here," she said drawing a little map "go to this clothing store and get some enchanted 'fit's all' stuff because with each wave of changes your measurements will change." _ _ _ _ _ The next morning I woke up yawning heavily. "Uh, I hope that was all a dream," I said remembering the previous night's events. I got up to head to the bathroom, that's when I noticed the seven lady's outfits and the stack of women's underwear on my dresser. "Oh great, best case scenario I got high, told a pharmacist I was doing drugs, bought myself a woman's wardrobe, and I'm still going crazy!" I had the day off so I treated myself to a long bath. "Now that was relaxing," I said brushing my teeth afterward. "Uh." I groaned annoyed as a lowed my towel to my waist again. I sat down to pee and rubbed my burning legs. "Fuck! Did I just shave my legs?!" I jumped to my feet, still not noticing I had sat to pee, and examined myself. I had shaved everywhere save for my head and pubes. "Okay Georgia calm down, you're just losing you're mind... that's why you just called yourself... Georgia, uh..." I dried off and went to lay down, and tried to convince myself that I was just going crazy. That's when I felt a deep shudder, then experienced what felt like a full body orgasm. "Guhh-huh-huh Wha-what was huh that? Wait, was that my voice?" It was high and squeaky. It wasn't the most feminine voice in the world but it was certainly headed in that direction. When I looked down at myself my whole body was a little different, I was thinner, my equipment was smaller, and I had a pair of perky little boobs. I got up and sashayed(I'd not noticed I had been doing that for a while) back into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I noticed my face was different, it was my face but it wasn't. It was softer, bigger eyes, higher cheekbones, fuller lips. I then noticed my thinner waist and comparatively wider hips. If not for my little prick and berries I'd have sworn I was looking at a young woman. "We-well I guess it's time to breakout the new wardrobe." _ _ _ _ _ The next day I reported to work nervously wearing a button-up white blouse and a brown skirt with dark nylons and black pumps. I had both dressed and functioned in them with practiced ease but I was nervous people would laugh. "Morning Georgia," said Mark with an unconcerned look as he continued to organize his paperwork. "Ah, Goo-good morning." I replied. I sat at my desk but my job performance seemed to be suffering, partly because I was nervous, but partly because I was distracted by my coworker across the aisle. I had realized when I was high that I had been having unconventional thoughts about Mark and I tried not to dwell on I them, but it was so hard. "I-I want..." I murmured. "Georgia," my boss said peeking out his office door. "HUH! Y-yes? Yes sir?" I stammered startled. "Are you okay?" "Yes sir it's just, I'm... um..." "Oh," he said. "I get it, female problems. Forget I said anything." He retreated back into his office. I was mortified, but at least it solidly confirmed that no one would care or even really realize I was changing. "Hey Georgia," said Mark, startling me again. "Guh! Yeah?" "Have you seen that real-estate file about the new Pittsburg office?" he asked taking a seat on my desk. He didn't realize he had his legs spread pointing his little friend at me. "Um, no," I said putting a hand over my face and blushing. "I haven't seen it today, check with Ray." "Yeah, good idea. Thanks G." I was so embarrassed, I didn't know if I could do this. I stood up and headed for the car park. "Where's she going?" Mark asked behind me to the sound of a door opening. "Female problems," I heard my boss say. _ _ _ _ _ I sat in my car, my hands shaking too much to light up a jay. "Jesus, I've NEVER been this stressed out." It wasn't that I was having trouble adjusting to the treatment either. What really scared me was how natural it felt. I put my key in the ignition and started the car. "I'll try again tomorrow." I lay in bed the next morning just listing to the TV, still too nervous to want to go back to work. "Huh, maybe I'll just call in sick. They'd believe it... female problems." I was having a female problem alright, the problem was I was becoming female. "I guess I'll just tell them I'm having a... *Sob* heavy flow... Oh, God I don't think I can do this." *Knock-knock* I stood up and headed for the door to see who was there. My hand was almost on the doorknob when I realized I was wearing nothing but a bra and panties. I quickly sidestepped and grabbed a robe I had bought at the bazaar and threw it on. As I reached the door the robe warped into a little thigh length number and took on a pinkish hue. *Knock-knock-knock* "I'm coming." I opened the door and saw the girl from the pharmacy. "Hello sweetie," she said. "Looking a little different already I see." "What?! What are you doing here, how did you find me?" I asked. "Mmmmmmmmmmagic," she said with jazz hands. "Trust me it's a lot more impressive that you found me. Anyway I brought you something." She picked up what looked like a tackle box at her feet and let herself inside. "Please tell me the pills are in here," I said taking the box from her. "Sorry that's still going to take some time, open it. Nice place by the way." I put the box down on my dresser and opened it. "A makeup kit... lovely," I said sarcastically. "And some perfume, hair care, etc. Basic stuff you don't need to be spending money on, those pills won't be cheap. I trust you already know how to use that stuff." Sadly I did know how to use it, all of it. "Don't worry, another few weeks and you won't need it anymore." "Well, what about my friend?" "Leslie?" "How did you... magic?" "Yep, don't worry I'll take care of her. She's not as smart as you, she doesn't even realize she changing. She'll need my help, but I can handle it." "Well, what if you... Uung!" I dropped to my knees, shuttering again. "Whoa," she said circling around behind me and rubbing my shoulders. "It's alright, just breathe." "C-can't... too, tight!" Soon the robe and underwear reformed and I could breathe again. "Huh-huh-uh... Not again." The second wave of changes had hit me. When I stood back up I wasn't looking at the girl from the pharmacy at the same level I was, I was shorter. I looked down and gave myself a once-over. My hands and feet were smaller, my thighs were fleshier, my hips were wider, my waist was thinner, and my boobs were MUCH bigger. Even my voice was a touch more feminine. I went over and faced into a corner so I could check under my robe. "Aw... fuck!" I had a baby dick and a pair of raisins, to say nothing of a small depression that was starting to form in my groin. "Well I'm sure as hell not going into work today." I groused. "Come on," said the lady, sitting cross-legged in one of my chairs. "We both know it's not that bad." The scary thing was she was right, I was acting far angrier than I was feeling, and that disturbed me. I was turning into a woman, and judging from my second transformation a very curvy woman, and I couldn't even get mad about it! "It's getting about time for me to leave, remember, you'll adjust. Just ride out the next few weeks and it will all be over." _ _ _ _ _ It was so frustrating, the most stressful period in my life and I couldn't even get high anymore. Not without losing control of my thoughts anyway, and that was just more stress. I was bored out of my mind, I needed something to do because being idle also led me to those unwanted thoughts and desires. On the other hand I couldn't go to work without getting all hot and bothered. I was sure it would be worse now that I'd changed again. *Knock-knock* "Oh, not this again," I said rolling off the bed and heading for the door, dressed this time. "What? What did you forget?" I yelled opening the door. *Thump-bump Thump-bump* "Hi Georgia," said Mark as I stood paralyzed, my heart pounding. "G-oh, ah... Hi Mark. W-what can I do for you?" "Well I ah, I have a date tonight and I need some advice. Since you're really the only other woman I know I was hoping you could help me." "OH! Um, sure Mark. Come on in," I said with a hint of disappointment. "First of all Mark, just behave a little more assertively. Stand up straight and speak confidently and women will respond to that." I explained. "Be a man Mark that's all there is to it." I looked him up and down and he was QUITE a man. He was tall around 6"3' and reasonably well built. He was always very hygienic and right then smelled of Old Spice, a very masculine musky odor. "You're a catch," I said and bit my lip. I was still trying to make him more desirable out of habit, but I was also unconsciously wishing his date would fail. "Is that all?" "Like I said, that's all there is to it." "Thanks G. I'll be late if I don't get moving," he said awhile later before he headed for the door. "Wait, one more thing," I said snagging him by the back of the collar. "Take this off. No sweater vests!" When Mark left I was weak in the knees and my tic-tac was as hard as... well, a tic-tac. During that whole event I hadn't even worried about controlling my thoughts and it felt disturbingly... good. _ _ _ _ _ The next morning I decided to report in for work. *Klak-klak-klak* My heels sounded on the concrete floor of the parking garage. I was genuinely feeling better about everything, after all it was only temporary. I should have been happy it was reversible at all. "Hmm, hmmmmm, hmmm, hmmm..." I hummed in the elevator. "Hmmm, hmm, hmmmMMMM!" I was suddenly hit with the third and most powerful fit of 'shuddering'. *Ding* The elevator door opened up and people were looking down at me huffing on the floor. They all had puzzled looks as I pulled myself up and ran to the nearest lady's room. I sat in a stall examining myself. As I suspected it was mostly a change to my measurements. I was what anyone would consider a voluptuous woman, I had colossal hips, long supple legs, and my boobs were just short of comically huge. At least my waist was still thin. But something else caught my attention, something felt very different. Beneath my skirt I found my panties to be extremely flat. I slowly slid my delicate fingers into them and quivered at what I felt, not because I was disturbed, but because it felt amazing! I removed my skirt and slid off my panties revealing a perfectly formed virgin pussy. It was flawless and indistinguishable from a genuine woman's. I gently stroked my new labium and collapsed backwards onto the toilet as my pussy involuntarily clamped down. "Huh, he-he... Always put the toilet seat down." I couldn't help but giggle. The sensation was unreal, it was like tickling an exposed nerve. I was almost afraid of my clitoris after that but curiosity got the best of me. I pulled back my hood and exposed my pink clit and I began to rub at it with my pinky. New muscles contracted inside me as if my cunt was trying to grasp at something while fluids forced their way out of me. What began as curious exploration had become unrestrained masturbation. "Uuuuuhh..." I moaned without even realizing it. "Huuuhhhh..." My finger movements became faster as an intense feeling built deep in the core of me. Warm sensations spread from my abdomen and groin engulfing much of my body. Those feeling grew even stronger as thoughts entered my mind, thoughts about men, about Mark, about his cock thrusting into me robbing me of my newfound virginity. "Huuuuhhhhh!!!" I came suddenly and wetly. I looked down at my own soaked hand and the pool of natural lubricant on the seat of the toilet. I was breathing hard taking in the womanly odor emanating from myself. I couldn't believe I had just done that, more so I couldn't believe I wasn't bothered by my actions. I felt somehow more... mature than I had before and I was taking things in stride. I cleaned myself up an stepped out of the stall to the blushing, giggling gazes of a couple of other women. That was embarrassing even with my new mature demeanor. I took a moment to fix my makeup and reapply a little fragrance and headed out of the restroom. "Hello." I came face to face with the pharmacist. "Jesus! You scared me!" I said. "Sorry about that, but I've got some good news. I searched through the old stock from the pharmacist who owned the store before me and I found a few bottles of green ethereamones." "That's great!" I told her. "I put them together so there are about fifteen of them here, that should perfectly reverse the effects of the pink ones." She held out the bottle then snatched it back as I tried to take it from her. "Fifteen pills will run you about three hundred and fifty." "Dollars?!" "Hey that's a discount, they're usually twenty five bucks a piece." "Uh, fine," I said digging in my purse. "That's cute where did you get it?" "I was bored to death yesterday so I went... shopping," I said scrounging up a few bills. "That's three-twenty-five, three-thirty, three-fifty. There you go." "A pleasure doing business with you," she said as we traded. I stuffed the bottle in my purse and rushed to work. _ _ _ _ _ "You're late," my boss said. "I'm sorry, I didn't know if I was going to come in today," I responded blushing. "That's alright as long as it's just once a month." He winked. "Well, that's not funny," I thought taking into account my altered sense of humor and sat at my desk. That whole day I tried my best to just do my job and ignore Mark. During a few slips however I noticed a sort of solemn expression on his face as he hung his head and did his paperwork. Near the end of the day I looked up to see a single tear running down his face. "I-ah, I guess the date didn't go well huh? Sorry if my advise didn't help," I said across the aisle. "N-no *sniff* that's not it," he said as he began to cry. "Your advise was good, I just couldn't stick to it." "What happened?" I asked skiting around my desk. "It-it's just *sniff* she was a little tipsy and she wanted to kiss me, but I couldn't do it. I was too nervous, too weak..." At that point I was hurting, my emotions getting the better of me, I had a painful lump in my throat at this man pouring his heart out to me. "Here, stand up," I said getting Mark to his feet and pressing him against the cubical wall. "Mmmmmmmmm..." I kissed him deeply for several seconds. "Now, was that so scary?" I asked taking a breath. "Uh, guh, um... Ye-yeah, yes! Yeah it really, really was!" he said wide eyed. I looked down at my little silver watch seeing it was only two minutes to the end of the workday. "Come with me," I commanded yanking him forward. _ _ _ _ _ I brought him home and I headed for my bedroom. "What are we doing here?" Mark begged. "You're depressed and I don't want you to be alone tonight," I replied. "The bathroom's that way, you can sleep on the couch." I pointed out as I closed myself off in my bedroom. I'm sure he was looking at my door confused, but I just smiled as I walked to my nightstand and put down my purse. As I undressed I heard the shower and I cracked another smile. Ten minutes later I heard a yell from the bathroom. "Georgia!" I laid on my bed and laughed a little. Little did Mark know, that morning, after my own shower, I had used the last clean towel in the apartment. *Knock- knock* "Georgia?" He was at my bedroom door now. "Come in." "Where do you keep your..." He was clearly stunned as he walked in with his shirt tied around his waist. He obviously wasn't expecting to find me laying naked in a spread-eagle position on the bed. "Auh, I-I uhh..." He was nearly hyperventilating at the sight of my pristine pussy. "You get too nervous around girls," I said rolling off of the bed, the motion creating a jiggle throughout my body. "but I'm going to fix that." I drank in his image as I neared him. The water ran off of him sooo nicely, down through the hair on his chest, his wet hair so sexy. "God, you are sex personified," I whispered inaudibly. "Georgia, Georgia wha-what are you do..." "*Shuush*..." I quieted him as I wrapped my arms around him and fixed my lips to his. I had completely given up on resisting my physical and emotional desires. As I tangled myself around him I managed to untie the sleeves of his shirt from around his waist and guided my eyes downward. "Oh my God!" I yelped throwing my hands up over my mouth with an involuntary laugh. "What? What's so funny?" he asked worried. "It's just that, Mark, you're... enormous!" His cock put my old one to shame and the whole thing was just so funny. "You have NO reason to be nervous around women." "Georgia, can we... go further?" he asked with great apprehension. I looked up at his eyes and smiled, pressing my tits into his ribs. "You bet." I led him over to the bed and laid him down. Then I bent over him and absolutely inhaled his cock, as it elongated I struggled to overcome my gag reflex, I wanted him ball deep in my face. *POP* I sat up. "Come on, you want this to feel good don't you? Let's see a little motion." I went down on him again and he began to lightly hump. "That's right," I thought giving him a 'harder' motion. "Uuhhh..." Mark began to moan as I started to bob my head, I was amazed at how much I was enjoying this. My pussy begged for him, but I wanted him to experience a full blowjob first. Soon Mark began to gain confidence and really began humping. "Yes," I thought. "fuck my face!" I slipped my hands under his beautiful ass waiting for a telltale sign and soon I had it, he clenched hard and I knew he was about to cum. He blew his fearsome load into me, his python already halfway down my throat. I couldn't have spit if I wanted to. "Huh-huh, that was, huh, wonderful," he said. "We're not done yet," I told him, cozying up to him and guiding his hand onto my sensitive breast. "Just give it a few minutes." *smooch* A while later I began to orally explore his nether region again. I lifted his hefty balls and licked his asshole until he was back to his full eleven inches. "Now for the best part," I said laying next to him. "What are you waiting for? Get down there." Mark sat up and positioned himself between my legs. I took hold of his massive tool and guided it into my fervent cunt. Over the last few days I had secretly wanted this more than anything and I was tired of lying to myself. "Auhhh!" I screamed as his manly spear pushed through my delicate hymen. "Shit, gerrr, I forgot about that!" "Oh Jesus!" Mark panicked. "Are you okay?" "Don't worry about it," I stoically instructed. "Just keep going." The pain was enough that I seriously considered stopping but I didn't want to ruin his first time, damn my woman's heart. I leaned forward and held his ass, keeping him from pulling out while I kissed him about the neck. "Come onnnn..." I moaned. "F-fuck meeeee...!" He pressed into me, laying me down into missionary position and began his instinctive thrusts. He was a little raw, but he seemed VERY enthusiastic. My entire body shook and my titties bounced uncontrollably as Mark's hips pounded into me. My pussy was so wet it must have been like fucking a faucet. It wasn't long before he got into the swing of things, he found his rhythm and the pain in my torn nether eased. I closed my eyes and relaxed, enjoying myself as my hips absorbed the bodily impacts. "Huuuu, Uuunng..." We both groaned uncontrollably. I soon felt a sensation I had only felt once before, back in the lady's room stall, but I understood what it meant. I was about to cum. "I-I-I Wa..." I whimpered. "I wa-want" Mark's face turned red, sweat was running down it and a vein bulged from his forehead. "I want-t to-to-to..." The feeling of Mark's semen flooding my insides pushed me over the edge, sending me into an intense female orgasm. "I want to have your BABY!!!" I screamed not caring if the neighbors heard. Mark collapsed on top of me exhausted. "Did, huh, di-did you just, huh, say...?" he asked, his face buried in the sheets. "I'm sooo sorry," I said incredibly embarrassed. "I-it just came out..." "Don't worry about it," I couldn't see him, but I could tell by his voice he was smiling "it was really cute." In minutes he was asleep, using my chest as a pillow. I looked over at my purse on the nightstand. I stretched out my arm and took out the bottle of green ethereamones and looked at them for a minute. I examined it, turning it and shaking it, then, I dropped it in the bedside wastebasket. _ _ _ _ _ The very next day I ovulated with Mark's potent seed still inside me. Two weeks later I stood before a sink in the office lady's room crying. "Hey," said a concerned coworker as she entered. "What's the matte... Oh..." she paused noticing the white plastic stick with the blue plus sign in my hand. "Hey," she said reassuringly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's not so bad really." "*Sniff* No," I said. "That's not it, I'm, I'm just... happy." I told her with a tearful smile. The problem I had now was I had to tell Mark. "Hey there," Mark said standing up behind his desk as I approached. He had become so much more confident in the past couple of weeks. "There's, um, Mark there's something I have to tell you," I said red- faced, looking at his stomach and pressing my hands to my own. "I don't know how to say this but... Mark, I'm pregnant. And, and it's yours." I looked away tearing up again, this time out of fear. "That's..." he said dully. "That's... Huh, that's great." he went on, quietly but sincerely. He put his arms around me and pulled my head to his chest. "Of course I'm terrified, but I'm not going to pretend this is anything but wonderful." My fears were put at ease, I melted into the warmth of his embrace. "Can I see you two in my office, please." I turned to see my boss standing outside his office, a grimace on his face. "So it seems you two are having a baby?" the boss said forbiddingly as we stood in front of his desk. "I'm sure you know the company's policy on fraternization, it isn't pretty." We began to get worried. "I like you two, I really do, and I don't want to leave a single mother without a job, but my hands are tied. I have to let you both go." "Now hold on a moment!" Mark said. "No," my boss replied. "The only choices are I fire both of you, one of you quits, or..." "Or what?" "Or, you get an abortion." "No way!" I said firmly. "That's not happening!" "Then I quit," Mark said. "I quit and Georgia keeps her job..." "No!" I cut in. "There is one more way. What if, what if we were married?" "What?!" Mark nearly choked. "Well," the boss said. "We, couldn't keep a married couple from having kids. I can hold off on this for a while, but you two will have to make this official before you start showing, or I won't have a choice." "Mark," I began. "Will you do it?" "I think I'm the one who's supposed to ask you," he remarked. "Huh, yes, yes I will." "Thank you." I pecked him on the cheek and rushed out the door. _ _ _ _ _ I rushed down to city hall to meet a friend I had there. "Hey Georgia," said a sort of geeky, overworked desk jockey. "Hi Buster," I responded. Buster was a dorm mate in college and had helped me change my grades. It was a good thing I had the foresight to keep in touch with him. "I have some issues with some of my Ids and I was hoping you could help me with them." "Well, I'm really not supposed to, but it can be a hassle so I'll help you out this once. What's your soc?" I gave him my number and he typed a few keys in his computer. "What exactly is the issu... Oh 'M', that's a problem. I'll just fix tha..." he stopped talking. My face flushed as I knew he was looking at my picture. "Wait, wha-what the hell!" He gripped his head like he was having an intense migraine. "You, you've never been a woman before! How did I not notice that!? What happened?!" "It's a long story," I told him. "Please calm down." "Calm down!? This is crazy!" "Look just give it a few minutes and you'll feel better about it, trust me." I sat down and laid the story down for him, by the time I was done the magic had already caused him to relax a bit. "So you see, I need you to change all my records." "I-I don't know, this is all too weird. I mean, you're PREGNANT! This is too bizarre." "Please Buster, I need this." "Huh, alright Georgia-da! George? What do I even call you?" "Georgia, please." _ _ _ _ _ A few days later Mark and I were at court getting married, it was all a little more official than I had hoped but I was still dressed in a pure white sundress while Mark wore a navy blue polo with dark slacks. "Do you," the judge began in a dull voice suggesting she had done this too many times for her taste. "Marcus Pine and Georgia Flynn both consent to marriage under no duress?" "We do," we both answered. "Do you wish to take his name?" she asked looking at me. "Ah, well I suppose so, yes," I answered hearing Mark let out a snicker. "Then with the power given me by the state of Connecticut I pronounce you man and wife. Bailiff, show them to the proper paperwork." "I can't believe you did that," said Mark. "Did, what?" I asked pouting. "My name. You took my name. That makes you Georgia Pine." "Oh, my god..." I said. _ _ _ _ _ I moved into Mark's apartment and into his bed. It was nice to have someone to rub my back when I was frequently sick, and Mark was so sweet to do so. Eight month into the pregnancy Mark woke up, rolled over, and kissed me awake. "How's my baby?" he asked. "Which baby do you mean?" I replied rubbing my belly. He had become so charming in the last few months. "Today's the shower at work," he said. "What are you going to wear?" "Something conservative," I told him, tugging at my pregnancy teddy. I was so embarrassed by my body. Not because it was a woman's body, I had long since gotten over that, but because of the baby-weight. "Why don't you wear that velvet mini dress?" he said. "You can still pull it off. Besides, it's a baby shower, showoff the baby." It was amazing how confident he had become. At work we had a little celebration around lunch. Normally a baby shower is just women, but I didn't know too many socially so everyone was there, coworkers and friends. All the girls from the office and I sat near the cake and they took turns feeling my stomach. The men, Mark and Buster included, stood around the drinks making small talk. "Jeeze man," Buster said to Mark "how do you do it considering?" "Considering what?" Mark asked in return. "What do you mean what? The fact that Georgia used to be a guy." "Wha...? Wait... Aaarrgg!" Mark screamed grabbing his head. I got to my feet and hurried over to him. "Baby, what's wrong?" I pleaded. Mark, now on a knee, looked up at me aghast. He stood up and ran out the door. "What was that?!" I asked no one. "Oh my God," said Buster. "He-he didn't know, did he?" "Oh no Buster!" I said with a sickened look. "You didn't?!" I rushed after him as fast as my body would allow. _ _ _ _ _ "Can I help you Ma'am?" asked the bartender as I waddled into the pub I knew Mark once frequented. "I'm just here for my husband," I said with purpose as I crossed the room. An outcry of somewhat unsympathetic uh-ohs rang out, the other patrons clearly looking forward to the piece of impromptu entartainment. "Markus Pine!" I shouted. "Go away Georgia," Mark said hunched over the end of the bar, a collection of spent glasses already littering the bar top in front of him along with a small but steadily growing pool of spilt liquer, the tart smell making my stomach roll and my baby kick strongly enough to make me stagger the first few steps over to him. "I will not go away, we need to talk," I said stubbornly, my hands on my hips as I stared at my husband, pity and annoyance warring in me as I looked on. I could understand what he was going through, but for God's sake, he knew I was all woman so why couldn't he just focus on that for a minute instead of his wounded pride and confusion? "How could I not have realized? Huh? Tell me that. It seems so God-damned obvious now I'm sickened by it. HOW did this even happen?!" He said, only offering me a quick glance before returning to the still full shot glass in front of him, a variety of emotions rolling across the manly face I had come to love so much over the last few months, each one making me feel as sick as the early days of my pregnancy. I didn't know how to start, how to explain all that had happened to him, and I was damn sure not going to tell it all to the half drunk patrons trying not to stare to intently to our little discussion. I had to get him out of there so I could tell him everything, but I needed to get him to remember things first, to remember what the simple band on my finger meant. "I'll explain that later, but right now I need you to answer a question for me. Do you love me?" I said, reaching out to hold his face in one hand, twisting it gently till he was looking right at me. "I-I, I don't know," he said standing and facing the corner. "Then tell me this. Do you love this baby?" I asked, trying to quash the hurt that was building up in me, my hands going to hold the bulge of our growing child. "I.... y-yes of course," he admitted, still not looking at me. "Then don't you think she deserves a family? A loving family with a mother and a father. A mother and a father who love each other as much as they love her? Because I'll tell you this, I love YOU." I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged his back. "Let's be a family..." He spun around and put his arms back around me with an intensity I wasn't expecting. "I don't know if I can." I could feel his salty tears falling on me. "It won't be easy." "Trust me, it will if you let it." _ _ _ _ _ Epilogue: Luckily the magic did its thing and Mark warmed up pretty quickly. I even managed to convinced him to make love to me that very night. One month later, on a Saturday afternoon I went into labor, and on Sunday morning I gave birth to Heather Lin Pine. She was the first of seven children. Mark's transformation from corporate cog to family man earned him rapid promotions, affording us a nice new little house. I know it's not exactly progressive but I quit my job and became a fulltime homemaker, Mark's raises were more than enough to make us comfortable. The lady pharmacist stopped coming around, I think she understands my new point of view. I am all woman, and a particularly feminine one at that. The only masculine part of me left is distant memories. In case you're wondering what became of Croc/Leslie, she too found herself too far gone to want to return to manhood. She still liberally uses Mary Jane but no longer deals. She is much more of a flower child now and I consider her a real friend even though I no longer share her 'hobbies'.

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Tamara in Space

Tamara woke up to her ships alarm clock, it was time for her to get up and do her runs about her little ship. Tamara is a freelance mechanic who owns her own little freighter called 'GUTS' which stands for Guns and Utilities Technical Support. Tamara is 5'6" tall with brilliant green hair and dark brown skin, her eyes are a dark yellowish brown colour and she sprouts B cup breasts. Oh and did I mention she is a cyborg? Yep she has a mechanical left arm that goes right up to her shoulder, and a...

3 years ago
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my first sex expirience

I am a 19 yrs old girl sharing my first sex experience with readers. ….I lived in Delhi……. Two years back when I was in the 2nd year of graduation, one day I went to my friend’s house to pick up some study notes at about 3 PM in the month of hot July………. Since I was a regular visitor to my friend’s house I entered the house without knocking the door. ……… The door was open and I just opened it entered in the room…… I found nobody in the house……. Suddenly my friend’s b*****r came out of bathroom...

1 year ago
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I Am Me

I look at myself in the mirror and I like what I see. Tall, slim and lithe with long auburn hair. A beautiful face, flawless complexion, green eyes and Cupid’s bow lips. I gaze at my body from my pert, out-thrust breasts encased in the flimsy, salmon coloured bra, down past my slim waist to my hips. Narrow but not skinny. I am wearing a pair of sheer panties that match my bra. I can just make out the soft shadow of my pussy lips through the material. My shaven pussy lips. I wear it like that...

1 year ago
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fucking my father in law and my hubbys frien

My name is Lynlee. I love writing stores about my true experiences, though I like to add a few things here and there to make the stories more naughty, for the most part it's real.My father in law, Eric. and I had been having sexual encounters for about 6 months. It all started when he caught me half naked in our shared laundry room and we ended up fucking on the washing machine. Then things got more intense after our second foray when we both learned that each was up for doing more. After our...

3 years ago
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Loving it Rough

Jane likes to take her time while having sex but on occasion she also likes to go fast. Her favorite way to have sex is rough. She can't control herself when she gets it rough. Her boyfriend even likes to give her everything she asks for. He loves to give it to her fast and rough. Tonight she wants it everywhere and every way. Jane confronts her boyfriend and tells him just what she wants and his eyes go wide as she goes into every detail with enthusiasm in her voice. He shakes his head in...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p3

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City Police Department. Holding Cells. Night. “I don’t know what happened to you,” Mike Pernell said, gripping Patty Heinrich’s hair as he thrust his hips towards her face and enjoyed the gagging sounds. “But I fucking like it.” The black police officer closed his eyes and moaned as he pushed his thick cock further past the white woman’s lips. His cock was in her throat. He felt her hands grip his ass cheeks and pull as his balls were...

3 years ago
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It is just the beginning of summer and high school vacation is finally here. My parents’ anniversary is just a day away. But in the afternoon, my parents had a big fight about the fact that my dad’s co-worker who supposes to be on a business trip to a convention is on a sick leave and my dad had to take his place in this short notice. Tomorrow will be my parents’ big night out to celebrate, but now my dad has to be out of town. Mom was so furious she slammed the door on dad as he leaves the...

1 year ago
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Maine Apne Best Friend Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Mera naam ankit ha aur mere dost ka naam sanjev hai. Hum kolkata ke rehne wale ha. Mujha medium dekhne ma ha height ha, attractive hu main thing mera lund 6 inch ka ha aur ye jab khara hota ha ache ache ko shant kar deta ha. Meri body sex appeal ke bohut e ache ha. Toh ma apne story start karta hu jaisa ke aap jante ha meri body ache ha toh mera dost mujhe like karta mere sath sex ke icha rakhta toh wo mujha kavi gal pe kavi chati pe kavi pith pe toh kavi kahe sabke samne par sabse chipake...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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My Cousins Husband

Introduction: Is it still wrong if they are separated? Have you ever been so drunk, that you do something you know you shouldnt do? That youve been fighting with yourself not to do? Yeah, thats where Im at right now. The night started out well. I went over to my cousins house, grabbing a few things to drink on the way. I wasnt a heavy drinker, but it seemed any time I DID drink, it was at Michelles house. We were closer than cousins, more like best friends. We had gotten even closer after she...

2 years ago
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My Brothers GenieChapter 12

Antonella was buried in the garden of her home, and everyone that had known her was invited. Many speeches were made, although Alexis declined the chance to make one of her own. She was silent throughout the whole ceremony, and Lumiosa thought that this was probably the only time she’d ever seen her best friend truly sad. The funeral was followed by Alex’s cremation, done in private. While no-one could say that they were sad, they couldn’t help but feel something at his passing. As they’d...

3 years ago
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Making DoChapter 8

When Harry woke up he still had his raging hard on inside of Nancy’s foaming cunt. White fluid oozed from her cock filled hole as he fucked her. Seconds later he felt another load of semen ejaculating into her warm cozy cunt. More fluid seeped from the redhaired entrance to the daughter who had delivered him his first grandchild. She wasn’t his beloved Penny. She wasn’t back from the dead. He started to cry. “Why did you leave us?” Nancy heard her father mumble as his penis softened in her...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Tessah Classy GILF loves deep anal sex E476

– 47 years old GILF – She found out about us through a friend of a friend – One of her guy FWB is the one who set all this up for her – She is divorced after 27 yrs and is more sexual then ever – Is a mother of 4 kids with 3 grand kids – Currently works in the hospitality business – Watches porn in the morning with her coffee – She has actually watched most of our videos and has a few favorites – Loves sucking a hard cock and pleasing men – She is into anal sex wanted to get fucked hard and...

4 years ago
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Santa Scape

The grey-haired woman released her lip and said, "Reganald, I wasn't going to call, but it's been a day, the whole time with no communication at all. I am starting to get worried—" "Wait, ma'am, are you saying you haven't heard anything from him for a whole day?" Suddenly there was the sound of alarms and klaxons behind Reganald. "Don't worry ma'am, the SC Ops is on the job. Give us two days tops to find out what happened." The woman breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you,...

1 year ago
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Seeing Red

There was something missing in my life. “What’s that, Blaine?” “Oh nothing. I was just thinking that there’s something missing in my life.” “Well there’s something missing in my life and that’s my 500.” “500? I thought we’d agreed on 250?” “Yeah. But that was before you did that thing with my ass. I won’t be able to have anal for a while, and you being such a reasonable kind of guy.” Millie gave me a lopsided grin to accompany her shrug. One thing that I wasn’t was reasonable. And when I...

3 years ago
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Mom and the dirty optometrist

This story is about my Stepmother. She brought me up from a very young age, hence I always called and thought of her as Mum. This happened some years ago, when I was only about 18, young and naive, and had never seen sex, except for some in dirty books from mates.This was what made me realise her secret rude side existed for sure, because at this time I'd only heard about a supposed sex video she'd made, from unreliable sources.I only suspected she might be unfaithful to Dad sometimes, not...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 21

Chuck Waking up in a strange bed, or in this case, on a strange couch is disconcerting. I had to look around to find my leg before going to the bathroom. As I traversed to the toilet, I thought I smelled coffee brewing. When I left the bathroom, I went straight to the kitchen and found Julie and Missy sitting at the big kitchen table with fresh cups in front of them. In a chair across from them was a steaming cup of coffee. Julie smiled, pointed to it, and said, "Good morning,...

2 years ago
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Our First Party

We had been looking online for a bisexual guy for a threesome. We’d tried a couple of times but it really hadn’t worked out well. One evening we got an email from a woman inviting us to join an internet sex group. We were intrigued! As we sent notes back and forth we found it was a group of people who met, usually monthly, for an adults only party. We decided to try it out and made plans to attend the next party in February. We arrived at the party and nervously made introductions around the...

2 years ago
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Fun for the Wife and Cindy

After my mother in law left the wife and I were sitting relaxing and I told her I saw the show she was giving danny. She asked me how and I told her I was in the bathroom and heard them talking and looked out. She asked if I saw everything and I told her I thought so, she asked if I enjoyed it and I told her yeah. I told her I would have stayed and let her do more but didn't need her going any father than she did. She laughed and said how far did you think I was going to go. I said I didn't...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Harley Jade Great way to exercise with Harley Jade and her big ass

Harley Jade stretches and goes on a nice afternoon run. She ends up attracting someone who ends up following her while he films her with his phone. He ends up bumping onto her when she bends down to stretch and freaks out once she finds out that he’s been filming her. She ends up noticing that he’s hard and decides to ask him to go with her for a “walk”. She ended up taking him a secluded area where she knows nobody will see them and quickly starts playing with his long cock. She’s stocked that...

2 years ago
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Second Squad Third Platoon E CompanyChapter 8

Voice, I'd like to revise some of our weapons. It seems to me that we have too many options. It seems to me that the kind of weapons we carry can be cut back to my one shotgun and the rest can be PIATs. For my shotgun, I would like to stay with the single explosive round and the incendiary shot. Lately, that's all that I use. I'd like for the PIATs to have the explosive round, the air burst fragmentation round, and the piss pot. We don't need the flamethrowers for anything but the nets,...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Girl Needs Help Part 2

I finally regain my senses and pull her to me, our lips connecting for a long, slow, sensual kiss, our tongues dancing around each other as my hands slide down, cupping her ass, grabbing all that I can get my hands on. As I squeeze her ass cheeks she moans in my mouth, wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me even tighter to her, forcefully rubbing her tits on my chest. Finally she breaks the kiss, coming out for air. Breathing heavily, she looks at me with lust filled eyes, grabs her...

2 years ago
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First Time Out

 This is a true story about my first time I went out dressed at a club I had been in the closet for years and up until this point only a few people had ever seen me dressed my freind Bill and some guys I went to an adult book store.  I had been dressing for Bill alot in mine and his apartment but I had this erge to go out clubbing dressed I had asked Bill several times but it seemed he enjoyed just what we were doing in our apartments but I needed more so I decided to do it without him, I made...

3 years ago
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My sweet Rufus and a shy neighbor

I saw my sensual neighbor Sandy’s car was parked at her driveway; so I crossed the street to talk with her.I was dressed in gym workout clothes; a sport tiny bra and tight yoga pants. Sexy Sandy opened the door. She smiled and invited me in, but I could see she looked to be a little embarrassed. She offered me some ice tea and we sat at her kitchen to talk.I told Sandy how much I had enjoyed watching her being fucked by my beloved hubby. The girl then started to feel more relaxed…I told her she...

2 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Alicia

Alicia was in a very mischievous mood as she waited for the train to pull into the subway station. Monday mornings usually guaranteed that commuters are gloomier, sleepier, and less enthusiastic than any other day of the work week. Alicia, however, felt the opposite. Each passenger had the potential to provide her a sexual thrill. She enjoyed flashing bits of her body to the unsuspecting and lethargic riders of the underground rail system. Their reaction to catching a glimpse of her inner...

4 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 34

With the sun setting late, it was hard to get Tiffany and Henry to bed on something approaching the right time, but they had to be gotten up early so Kirsten could run them out to the day care at the club and still make it to work on time. The next day was a Saturday, but there was no point in letting them get too far off schedule, but it took some doing to get them put down for the night that was still some time to come. It was still light, though the sun was dipping toward the horizon, and...

1 year ago
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Clandestine Reserve Affair Part 5

Saturday, The Third Weekend Betsy walked into her office, after formation, still thinking about the commanders ass. She had watched it intently as he had walked up and down the line during inspection wishing that she had her hands cupping that ass....and that his hands were cupping hers.....and that was just for starters. When he had stopped in front of her and looked her up and down...oh, damn, there went that throbbing one more time and she could feel her breasts becoming tight...and her damn...

Erotic Poetry
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Innocent Deepa

Hello ISS readers, I am new to this site and after reading all the stories posted here, I thought to post my story too. This is a real life incident that happened before 3 years. Let me describe about myself first, i am Ramesh, good looking and average built man and I had been doing my UG degree when this wonderful incident happened. It all started when my sister’s friend named Deepa (name changed) who was doing MBA came to my home for doing her project. Since she (she refers Deepa) hadn’t got...

3 years ago
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Ghamandi Mom Ki Chudai

Meri mom ka naam sapna hai wo ek housewife hai wo kisi bi anjan logo se baat nhi krti. Aur bhut loyal hain. Wo dekhne main bhut sunder hain unki age 40 hai. Baat kuch din pehle ki hai.Main mummy papa ek shadi main gye the.Papa apne friends ke sath drink krne chale gye aur main bi apne friends ke sath dance krne chala gya.Us din mom ne red color ki saree pehni hue thi aur matching bangles sindhur aur makeup kiya hua tha wo bhut sunder lg rehi thi.Sbki nazar un pr thi pr mom kisi ko line nhi...

2 years ago
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The Girl Who Fell To EarthChapter 2

Shortly after Mr. Cochon phoned the Medical Center, the future arrived in the form of two young black men wearing identical long leather jackets and identical expressions of insolence and ennui. "We here for the bitch," said the taller of the two. "And to deliver a package to me," said Mr. Cochon. "Right," said the tall one. He handed Mr. Cochon a bulging leather pouch. "Thank you," said Mr. Cochon. "Now you understand that the young woman must be delivered alive. Alive and in...

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