Cynda's Scene free porn video

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CYNDA'S SCENE By: c.c. I got Cynda's name and number from a friend of my ex-wife's. After the Divorce, I felt like trying something a little kinky, and this friend said she was the best thing going. "I'm not a Dominatrix." Seated behind a well-organized desk, wearing a well-tailored dress that managed to look simultaneously business-like and revealing, Cynda crossed her legs in a manner calculated to raise my interest as she spoke. Her auburn hair, was short but styled in an unmistakably feminine look, and her vivid green eyes -- framed in a face that featured strong chin and cheekbones around a wide, sensuous mouth -- gazed at me with intense honesty and maybe just a hint of humor. "And I don't give sex for money. The arrangement is: You pay me, tell me about yourself, your fantasies and preferences, and I will arrange a Scene for you; not a Session, a Scene. It will be based on your thoughts, and you may like it, but that is unimportant to me. The main thing is that I and, my friends, if I invite them, shall enjoy ourselves with you. Beyond that I promise nothing. But I will say that I wouldn't be in business if the men and women who come here didn't come back for more. Well?" Minutes later, I was telling Cynda about myself: an average-looking guy in my early 30s with a string of investments that were gradually starting to take care of themselves, leaving me time for personal pleasure, and the means to indulge it. Gradually, I started talking about the Divorce; I married Judy knowing she liked an adventurous sex life, and expected the same from me. But somehow, to both our surprise, the chemistry between us just wasn't there. And we weren't mature enough to handle it. The break-up turned messy fast, and by the end our attorneys were fighting tooth and nail as Judy (as I saw it) tried to screw me and take everything I had. "She tried to do that to you?" Cynda wrote something on a pad. "Go on." I explained how I had come out of the marriage still rich but bitter as hell, and still looking to indulge some of my fantasies about kinky sex. I told her of a dream in which two women take charge of my sexuality, teasing, lavishing attention on me, dressing and undressing me to suit their whims, perhaps a bit of bondage.. as I went on, I found myself growing embarrassingly erect, but Cynda kept taking notes in a professional manner. Finally, I finished. "Fine." She looked up from her pad, the trace of a smile on her sensuous lips as I shifted to hide my pants-front. "I have all I need. Now, if you want me to do a Scene for you, here's what you must do: "Return here at this time next week. Dress well: the finest suit you own, the most expensive tie and cufflinks, your underwear new, from the package, and your shoes highly polished. Until then, you are to have no sexual activity whatsoever, including self-gratification. "Also, you are to remove all your body hair with a depilatory and soothing cream I will recommend, applied daily. Any questions?" "What happens when I get here?" "Let yourself in. There will be instructions." "That's it?" I had expected detailed commands or some hint of what was in store. "Except for my fee." I left substantially poorer but intrigued by the mystery of what awaited me. All week, I had trouble concentrating on my work, wondering what Cynda had planned. Nights, I lay awake, incredibly excited by wild imaginings and the strange feel of my new soft, hairless body, but unable to relieve my frustration without disobeying orders. Through the day, the presence of my cute secretary Jennie proved even more distracting than usual; Jennie was an old schoolmate of my ex-wife's whom I had hired out of friendship and kept later on out of respect for her efficiency and business acumen. Now, her habit of showing off her shapely body in low- cut blouses aid short skirts was positively maddening. Finally, I had to arrange for her to run things in my absence while I waited nervously for the day to come when I returned to Cynda's. At Ten that morning I opened the door, smartly dressed, heart pounding and crotch tingling with anticipation. Cynda's place was in a row of older homes that had been remodeled into well-kept businesses, and the respectable mien of the neighborhood somehow increased the sensuous suspense of whatever awaited. Inside, I could hear female voices talking casually somewhere, but the entryway and front of the house were deserted. A note lay on an end- table: Ron, Go upstairs to Bathroom, 2nd Right. Hang clothes neatly. Take Bubble Bath. - -Cynda The Bathroom was large and lavishly furnished. Near the door was a hook with wooden hangers and a small chair for my underwear. I undressed nervously: suit, tie, expensive shirt, all hung carefully on the fine hangers; shoes socks and underwear placed neatly on the chair. An old- fashioned tub sat at the far side of the room, and I tiptoed cautiously over to it, hoping no one could see me through the ornately curtained windows. My reflection in the mirror seemed surprisingly pale and soft, almost effeminate. The Bubble Bath in the crystal bottle by the tub was perfumed, and I probably used too much, but finally I was seated in the warm water, feeling the suds ooze over my smooth skin, wondering what was next. I didn't have long to wonder. The bathroom door opened and two lissome young women entered, carrying Gym Bags, wearing sneakers, cutoffs and T- shirts. I had expected Cynda, and the appearance of these two strangers surprised me. "This must be the place," One of them consulted a note, then looked at me. "And there's the Baby." They stalked over and dropped their bags on the floor, smiling down at me. "Let's get her cleaned and dressed for Bed." "Her?" I blushed at being seen in a tub of bubbles like this by two unfamiliar women, "What do you mean?" "We're from Child Care," The girl who spoke was shorter than her friend, with strawberry-blonde hair in a mass of curls. "Got a call to come here and baby-sit the little girl. That's you." As she spoke, her dark-haired, olive-skinned companion went to my clothes, hanging by the door, and began gathering them up. Suddenly it hit me: this was Cynda' Scene for me. Probably these sexy gals planned to bathe and care for me like a child, as a prelude to wild love-making. And from the smirking challenge in the dark one's eyes (I never learned her name, but I'll call her "Olive.") they obviously wanted me to resist... at first. I decided to play along. "But those are my clothes!" I squeaked petulantly, "Bring them back!" Olive stuck her tongue out at me before walking out with the expensive outfit Cynda had ordered me to wear. Her friend, I'll call her Cherry, smiled down at me even more broadly. "Little girls. don't wear manly stuff like that, Sweetie," she said firmly. "But I'm a grown-up!" I stood up in the tub, suds dripping from my smooth skin, and clutched my hands shyly over my privates. "Really?" Olive re-entered, my clothes nowhere in sight, carrying a short purple silk nightie, trimmed in white ruffles, with matching panties. "You don't look like any grown-up I ever saw." "Yeah," Cherry teased, "guys have hairy bodies. And big, hard cocks. Where's yours?" I realized all at once that my shyness wasn't entirely feigned; I really felt sort of embarrassed standing there nude and smooth-skinned, body glistening with a sheen of perfumed water, before these women. "I don't have to show you. Anyone can see I'm not a girl! Now bring back my clothes!" "0oo," Olive taunted, sauntering closer, "listen to the big, bad, ma-an." She reached down into her gym bag and pulled out a long-handled brush. "Now listen, Girlie," she said, "our job is to give you a nice bath, all over, then put you in a cute nightie and take care of you. Now are you going to cooperate, or-" She ran her tongue over her upper lip. "-do we have to spank?" The way she said it sounded like an open invitation to kinky pleasure. I decided, despite my blushing nervousness, to see just what they had in mind. "I won't dress like a girl!" I pouted. "And you can't make me!" All this time I had been watching Olive. It was a mistake. There was a blur of movement from nowhere and suddenly Cherry had grabbed my ears and was pulling me down. I struggled to keep from falling in the slippery tub and managed to sink to my knees. Cherry took advantage of this to pull me by the ears, half out of the tub, so I was bent over the rim, face to the floor, bottom upraised. I reached back to pry her hands from my ringing ears, only to have her lock my arms in some kind of hold and clamp my head firmly between her strong legs! "Looks like Girlie here wants a lesson." She wasn't even out of breath, "Shall we give her one?" "Just a little one." I heard Olive's mocking tone, but I could see nothing but the floor with Cherry's strong thighs straddling my head. "For now, anyway." Suddenly I felt a hot explosion of pain across my upturned butt. I was being spanked with the back of a brush! Just like a child! And it hurt! Olive didn't look that strong, but with the leverage afforded by the long-handled brush, applied to my wet bottom was surprisingly painful. Whack! Whack! The brush descended twice more. I bucked and twisted, but Cherry only clamped her legs more firmly over the back of my head and tightened her hold on my arms. I certainly hadn't expected anything like this! Whack! WHACK!!! "Now are you going to be our good little girl?" Olive's voice sounded as sweet as ever to my ears muffled by Cherry's thighs. "Or do we keep this up a little longer? Or maybe you'd like it a lot longer?" "Speaking of longer," Cherry said perkily, "I can think of something we could do with that brush handle that our little girl might find very interesting..." "No!" I squawked to the floor. "I'll behave! I'll do whatever you want! I will!" I'd had quite enough of the pain/pleasure thing for now, and I figured the way to get to the pleasure part was by going along with Cynda's bizarre program, whatever it was. Who knows, maybe it'd be worth it. Immediately, they were off of me. I pulled myself up and sat in the tub (Ouch! My poor butt!) knees upraised modestly. "How sweet!" Olive smiled down at me, tapping the long-handled brush softly against the side of her bare, shapely leg. "Sweet, hunh?" Cherry got to her feet. "Just look at my pants! they're soaked from sitting on her head." "Perhaps Girlie here would like to make amends by taking them off you?" Olive suggested. "Yeah, I bet she'd like that," Cherry said sarcastically, "But hey; would you like to take off my shorts, Girlie?" Standing so close like that, in those short cut-offs, she seemed incredibly desirable to a man who had lived on sexual tension for a week. "Y-Yes I would," I ventured. "Fine," she smiled. "Come out of that tub and kneel on the bath mat. And use just your mouth; it'll be good practice." I scrambled out, down on my knees, hands still clutched shyly over my crotch. They smiled at my modesty as I bent forward and struggled to unbutton the catch on Cherry's cut-offs with my lips... finally succeeded.., then pulled the zipper down with my teeth. The tight waist parted eagerly and I lowered my mouth to the frayed hem of the abbreviated legs and worked it into my mouth with my tongue. Pulled as far as it would go. Cherry considerately turned her back to me so I could reach the other leg and tug down on it. Then back to the first.. They came down at last, skimming down the shapely legs to reveal a pair of tiny black thong-style panties. "These are wet, too," she commented. "Off with them." As I bent to the task, Cherry swiveled sexily, proffering her auburn pussy and plump bottom cheeks to my hungry lips. Finally they fluttered to the floor and she stood above me, flaunting her body in just sandals and T-shirt. "Hey," Olive chirped, "that looks like fun! Do me, now." The intimate contact with Cherry's nether parts -- even under these bizarre conditions -- had started to arouse me, vying with embarrassment over my nude, smooth-shaven body for first place in my awareness. And as I put my mouth to work on Olive's brief pants, the confusion only grew; the plethora of feelings, a week of sexual anticipation, the surprise of being confronted and spanked by two strange women, and now this teasing oral closeness to their tempting bodies created a strange, mixed sensation of shame and excitement that was altogether new to me. Was this what they called the "thrill of submission?" Whatever it was, I bent to my task eagerly, nuzzling at Olive's thighs with my lips and nose until at last her shorts and panties lay puddled on the floor and she stepped out of them. Cherry had doffed her sneakers and T-shirt while I was preoccupied, and now she ran fresh warm water into the tub and frothed up the bubbles. "How about we do a little slip-sliding ourselves before we give our little girlie here our bath?" She winked at Olive. "Sounds good." Olive removed her own shoes and shirt. "But let's find something interesting to keep her occupied... I've got it!" She pointed to a painting on the wall. "Pose for us, Girlie. Just like that." It was an old-fashioned painting called September Morn of a nude woman standing timorously in a stream, her arms in front of her. Very tame by today's standards, but in my state of heightened arousal, it seemed incredibly titillating. Olive pulled a curly brown stretch-wig from her gym bag and placed it on my head, then had me stand next to the tub, facing away, posed just like the woman in the picture, while she joined Cherry in the warm, perfumed suds. "Hold your chin higher, Sweetie," Cherry said. "That's better." Standing there with my back turned in that coy posture, shoulders hunched forward, forearm just grazing my tumescent cock, I heard sliding and soft splashes in the water behind me and yearned to see what they were up to. "Stick your butt out more," Olive giggled, "higher. Hmm, try standing on tiptoe. That's better. Now just hold it." More sounds behind me. Soft coos of endearment and sighs of passion. I started to turn, just a hair- SWAP! The back of the hairbrush connected with my bottom again, a little harder than last time, and I yelped. "No one said to turn around, Deane," Cherry said pleasantly. "You'll get to join us soon enough if you follow orders." "But if you move before we tell you to," Olive warned, "we'll see that you pay very dearly for it." With that half-promise of reward, I resolved to stay stock-still, and ignore the growing ache in my calves and feet from staying on tiptoe, the goose-bumpily chill of the water drying on my naked, womanly flesh, and - - most of all -- the growing sounds of sexual pleasure coming from the tub right behind me. My mind filled with pictures of these two shapely nymphs enjoying each other in the fragrant water. Then suddenly, a flash of movement caught my eye, off to one side! I strained to look that way without turning my head... and suddenly realized I was standing just a few feet from a big window! And (I could just barely make it out) there was someone standing at the window of the house next door. Watching me! Seeing me like this! WHAPP! "I said to hold still, Sweets." Olive punctuated her reminder with an even more vigorous swing of that awful hairbrush. "But-but-" I quavered. "People can see me!" I saw now that it was a guy next door, grinning broadly as he eyed me and talked to someone on a cell phone. Hot blushes ran up and down my body, from the tips of my chilly toes to the roots of my hair, and I realized that with my body shaved, posed like this in a wig, he must think I was a woman! "Silly," Cherry's said wickedly. "Lots of people will see you, if that's what Olive and I decide to do with you!" "But there's someone watching me now!" I wailed softly, still frozen motionless. "And- oh goodness!- he's using the cell-phoe camera!" "Well, he can't get a decent picture of you through two windows in this light," Olive said in a maddeningly casual tone. "At least I don't think so." "Still," Cherry mused, "I don't like the idea of some strange guy just taking pictures of our little girl. Do you think we should let her get back down on her hands and knees?" "Well," Olive pretended to consider the question, "she'd have to make herself useful." "And we'll have to consider some sort of penalty for letting her quit posing." Two quick flashes of light from next door set me frantic. "Pleeeze!" I begged. "I'll do anything!" Less than a minute later, I was gratefully on hands and knees, slavishly licking the soles and toes of their feet as my two sexy mistresses sported about in the warm, soapy tub. "Hee-hee!" Cherry giggled. "Tickles! Get your tongue between the toes.... 0ooo! Now suck the little one.... Mmmm," she sighed as Olive stroked her nipples, hands down at her crotch. "You must try this!" The taste was sharp, like mild soap and tangy perfume, but I kept at it, glad to be out of public view. And the eroticism of the two girls, caressing themselves and each other in the oozing bubbles, aroused me intensely. At the same time, I was still flushed with embarrassment to think how nude and feminine I looked. And to be photographed this way! Again there was that strange mixture of titillation and shame as I wondered what was happening to my mind. But there was no doubt what was happening in the tub! As I stole peeks between my licking and sucking, Olive and Cherry manipulated themselves to happy orgasms, then lay basking in the suds as I laved their delicate feet. Finally, Cherry roused herself. "Water's getting cold," she said, "guess it's time we got back to work." She pulled her foot slowly from my mouth and said, "Fetch the towels, Slavie. We'll let you stay on your knees while you dry us." "B-but what if th-that guy's still next door?" As I asked I hustled over to the towel bar on my knees. "So?" Olive rose majestically from the tub, white foam oozing down her splendid body as she stepped into the towel I held up. "Let him look if he likes. No big deal." As I knelt there, raising my arms to rub the towel all over her wet flesh, I marveled at how casual she could be about being observed unclad while I acted like a novice at a nudist camp. But I dutifully toweled her dry, then did Cherry, then obediently got down on hands and knees so the girls could sit on my back while they fixed their makeup. The sensation of their tingly-clean rumps resting on my bare hips and shoulders sent fresh shivers through me. But when they rose, I found one hand reflexively going down to cover my privates. And -- to my surprise -- the other arm crossing modestly over my chest! "You're getting the idea, Girlie." Olive smiled down at me as she and Cherry pulled their tight shirts and short-shorts back on. "Now climb in the tub and we'll get started on our Baby-Sitting." Nervously, I climbed in. "It's cold!" I whined. "Poor thing," Cherry cooed. "Let us know if it gets too uncomfortable... and we'll warm your seat again for you!" With that as an incentive. I sat quietly in the rapidly cooling perfumed suds, reflecting that just moments ago two lovely women had fingered each other to orgasm in this same water. And here I was, soaking in their juices! As I sat, Cherry worked some kind of soothing cream over me with a big sponge while Olive amused herself by rubbing my tender skin with the bristles of the long-handled brush. The constant attention of the two girls soon had my member jutting straight up, harder than ever, and Cherry noted it with a giggle. "Kind of a tiny thing our little girl has, isn't it?" "I've seen smaller," Olive smiled, "on mice, maybe. Really, though, I think our little charge here will be much happier as a girl." "Still, though," Cherry mused, "it's not very ladylike. Do you think we should take care of it?" "Well," Olive considered, "I guess we could spank her till it goes away-" She saw my look of concern and smiled wider. "-but I hate to beat a little girl too much; it makes my arm tired. No, I think this cold water will do the job for us, if we just wait a bit." They rose, pulled laptops from their voluminous gym bags, and calmly began doing homework. A feeling of unreality began to settle over me. Here I was, nude, smooth-skinned and wearing a feminine wig, sitting in bath water recently vacated by two sexy, passionate, coeds whose toes I had sucked while they masturbated. And now they were calmly treating me like a child as they read their school books. It was bizarre! After fifteen minutes or so, the cold water and my lotion-covered skin combined to make me shiver uncomfortably. It also caused my erection to subside and even shrink. Cherry calmly finished the chapter she was reading, then approached me. "Looks like our Little Girl has decided to cooperate." She smiled down at me. "Has she?" Olive stretched her long, supple limbs and came over to give me a look, her expression and body language radiating sensuality. "Let's see." She made a show of bending over me, her full breasts straining against the tight T-shirt, hands sliding down over my bare shoulders to stroke my sensitive nipples. My response was immediate and very obvious! "Guess not!" Cherry giggled. "Though it does seem she's trying; her stiff little thing is even smaller now than it was." "But hardly ladylike," Olive said archly. "Let's give her another fifteen minutes or so and check her later." "But it's getting cold.." I protested gently. "That's the point!" Cherry grinned. "But if you really want us to warm it up, we'll be glad to pee in it for you." That shut me up. Disconsolate, I slumped down to my chin in the rapidly cooling woman-water and did multiplication tables in my head to make myself subside. Three times in the next hour, the girls teasingly "checked me out" and each time their sexy walk, breathy talk, and maddeningly caressing fingers brought me up to frustrated arousal again. Finally, when I had been in the water nearly ninety minutes, and my skin was soft and puffy from the cold soaking, I managed to keep myself from stiffening as they had me stand and looked me over. "How sweet our little Girlie looks now!" Cherry ran teasing fingers down my back as I concentrated TWO-TIMES-TWO-IS-FOUR-TIMES-TWO-IS-EIGHT-TIMES- TWO-IS... "Her chest is so soft and round," Olive stroked my nipples gently and I screwed my eyes tightly shut, thinking . . . SIXTEEN-TIMES-TWO-IS-THIRTY- TWO-TIMES-TWO-IS-SIXTY-FOUR... "And these legs!" Cherry's hands swept down to my thighs, caressing the backs and insides with fiendish ingenuity... TIMES-TWO-IS-ONE-HUNDRED- TWENTY-EIGHT-TIMES-TWO-IS... "What's wrong, Girlie?" Olive teased, "You used to say you were a big ba- ad Man! Doesn't it excite you to be fondled naked by two pretty young ladies?" TWO-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY-SIX-TIMES-TWO-IS-FIVE-HUNDRED AND-TWELVE- TIMES... "I guess not," Cherry pouted sexily, "I guess two sexy broads like us are just wasting their time with little Girlie here." . . . TWO-IS-ONE- THOUSAND-TWENTY-FOUR-TIMES-TWO- "Such a pity," Olive breathed in my ear, "I felt so much like having a big, long, thick cock plunge into my-" IS-TW)--THOUSAND-FORTY"-wet, warm- " EIGHT -TIMES -TWO -IS-FOUR-THOUSAND-NINETY-SIX- "-hungry, sopping, pussy." TIMES-TWO-IS..... "Well, let's just take care of our little Girlie then." To my vast relief, Cherry reached into the gym bag once again and pulled out a confusing tangle of latex that she proceeded to strap around my groin.., a thin strap tightly around my waist, locked in the back, with a shamefully small triangular pouch of strong rubber that contained my privates in front, squeezed into a permanently compact, tiny, bulge... straps ran from the tip of this, around my thighs, lifting and separating my waterlogged bottom-globes into sexy prominence, and a third strap ran from between my legs, up the crack of my butt, tightened to the waist- strap... and mounted in the center of this strap was a small butt-plug! As Cherry pulled the straps into place, the butt-plug just rested snugly against my anus. But I quickly realized that every step I took would set it rubbing, massaging, insinuating its way into me. And I would have to sit down very carefully to avoid raping myself! Now Olive set to work on my water-swollen chest with yet another set of straps, and by the time she had finished I saw I had been fitted out with a breast-shaper! The tight rubber straps encircled my chest, lifting and shaping, like the straps under my butt, until my smooth, once-manly torso now had a definitely feminine look -- it even jiggled! "How sexy she looks!" Olive cupped my shapely near-breasts in her hands, lifting, weighing, tweaking the nipples with her thumbs. At the same time, Cherry stroked my pert bottom globes. I felt myself grow aroused again. "O0000H!" I moaned in discomfort as my cock tried to swell in the small tight rubber pouch, squeezing my balls painfully. Cherry and Olive pretended to mistake it for passion. "Mmmm," Cherry pressed her body up against me from behind, her firm breasts, covered only by the thin T-shirt, flattening against my bare shoulder blades as her smooth legs brushed mine, "And she feels as sexy as she looks!" Olive now embraced me from the front, pushing her chest sensuously up to mine, doing a gentle bump-and-grind that rubbed our pelvises together. As she did, Cherry wrapped her arms around me as well, and the two women began kissing my shoulders, neck, cheeks and each other in a sexy sandwich with me as the filling! The pain of my arousal swept over me in waves as they worked me over with their lips and fingers till I thought I must faint with Need and Pain! "You know," Cherry broke off at last, just when I thought I could stand no more, "our little Girlie needs some makeup." "And High Heels," Olive added. "Let's get started." To my vast relief, they did not have me sit down while they put on my heels and makeup. Instead I rested one hand on the back of a chair, and Cherry supported me (her hands darting mischievously about my breasts and butt) while I lifted one foot at a time for Olive to put the shoes on. I call them "shoes" but they were little more than black latex straps with tall heels and slender soles on them, strapped tightly and locked in place. Then I had to bend my knees and arch my back in an uncomfortable half- squat that flaunted my bottom and thrust my boobs out in front.., all to lower my face to a level where Cherry could easily apply lipstick, rouge, eye-shadow and mascara. When they were finished, I looked at myself and gasped in shock: The person looking back at me from the mirror's shiny surface was unmistakably female; soft brown curls surrounded a beautifully made up face, with rosy cheeks, demure, long-lashed eyes, and full, pouting red lips. Below her soft, smooth shoulders, criss-crossed with thin bands of black latex, proud- breasts jutted out, not overly large, but firm, jiggly and well-shaped. Lower down, her smooth rump curved out, rosy pink, over shapely legs, accentuated by the high heels that kept her nearly on tiptoe. I gaped, and her mouth opened in a sexy "0!" of surprise as I turned this way and that, studying her delightful feminine form even as I flushed with embarrassment at being this kittenish creature "Look," Cherry cheered, "she's posing!" "I told you she loved looking like this," Olive said, I'll bet she doesn't even want any clothes to cover that luscious bod before we take her downstairs and show her off." "Show me-" I turned, startled. "Oh, but you can't let anyone see me like this!" "Can't we?" Olive's smile was wicked but her tone reassuring. "Don't worry, Hon. It won't be anyone who knows you -- not that you'd be recognized -- but Cynda insists on having you downstairs. Now how much you'll be wearing... well, I guess that depends on us!" "Oh, then please let me dress, Ma'am," I said meekly. I realized now that having me downstairs probably meant that Cynda herself intended to indulge in kinky, passionate sex with me, and I was anxious to go.... yet still, I felt terribly embarrassed by looking so feminine and naked. "I'll give you anything I can." "Right now that doesn't look like much." Cherry eyed my curvaceous nudity meaningfully and I blushed all over again. "I'll do anything, Ma'am," I persisted. "Just please let me cover myself decently." "Hmmm," Olive considered, "tell you what: let's start with a kiss. If you make it a nice, long, loving one, I'll give you something to wear." "Me too," Cherry beamed. "The better the kiss, the more you get to wear." I wondered about this -- at first. Then both girls turned their backs to me and dropped their pants and panties, bending forward on the edge of the vanity to thrust their shapely bottoms into prominence. "Start kissing!" Weakly, I sank to my knees and began kissing the asses -- still fresh and faintly moist from their passionate bath -- proffered sensuously to my pouting lips. I worked passionately with my lips and tongue, cupping their hips gently in my hands as they first sighed, then cooed, then moaned with pleasure while I alternated between them. The feel of their sexy butt cheeks pressed close to my face turned me on even more intensely, and my own moans -- of desire and discomfort as my organ tried to swell in its ridiculously tiny prison -- mingled with theirs. I realized that to all appearances we looked like three sexy lesbians, now, one slavishly serving her sex-sisters while they reveled in the pleasure of her --my! -- lips. How long it lasted I couldn't say, but when it was over, I felt more feminine and sexy than ever. Finally, though, they broke off and looked down at me. "Whoa, is she ever talented!" Cherry beamed. "You're telling me!" Olive nodded, regaining her breath. "I don't know as I ever want to let her go!" "One thing," Cherry pulled her pants up, smiling at me. "We'll have to give her something extra special to wear...." A short time, later, I was cautiously mincing down the stair, arm in arm with Cherry and Olive -- wearing a Maid's Costume! Ruffled black panties had been pulled over my crotch-straps, curving seductively over my rounded. bottom and completely hiding the pouch that imprisoned my maleness. Atop this, a tight corset was laced snugly to my waist, drawing it in to breathtaking slenderness even as it swelled out my breasts above it and my hips below. Layers of frothy white petticoats had been drawn over this, starched to a rustling stiffness, and over this was a low-cut, short-skirted black satin dress, with puffy sleeves and a lace-trimmed neckline. A scanty white apron was pinned to the front, and a matching cap perched mockingly atop my curly brown wig. Bad black-net stockings went up my shapely smooth legs, with lacy red garters that peeked from under my fluffy pettis with every step. And my gait was now a very hip-swishing, breast-jiggling affair, in the tall heels and tight corset. Terribly nervous, blushing furiously, I allowed Olive and Cherry to lead me into the living room, where Cynda was seated near a coffee table with two other women. Unsure of what I should do, I minced up to her and managed some sort of curtsey. "Very good." She nodded absently at me, then turned to Olive and Cherry. "You girls did excellent work with her. Do you still have those totally inappropriate male things she wore in here?" "They're in the Hall Closet," Olive smiled. "Excellent. Help yourself to whatever you want from the wallet and keys, then drop the rest in a dumpster, please." "Sure thing." Cherry grinned even broader. "But if you ever lend out our little Girlie here, keep us in mind; She has a great tongue!" "I'll remember you," Cynda said calmly, "as I'm sure Eve will, too." I scarcely heard her. My mind was racing with what she'd just said: help yourself to whatever you want,. then drop the rest in a dumpster... Did she mean that? Surely she couldn't-- Then I remembered something she'd said a week ago, when I first met her, about how if her clients weren't happy, she wouldn't stay in business. Must be just another mind game, I thought as I disconsolately watched the two sexy girls who'd had charge of me, calmly carrying my expensive suit, shoes, shirt and all the rest out the door, at least I hope so! "Eve," Cynda looked directly at me, "the guests and I are ready for Tea now." More at sea than ever, I looked around the room. There was a tea service on a sideboard, and I quickly minced over to it (Remembering to curtsey and say "Yes Ma'am," first) and began serving. It was an odd threesome. Cynda was dressed in a super-tight black dress of some kind of clinging, shiny material, cut so low that her breast threatened to spill out, incredibly short-hemmed, and slit up the side yet. Every move she made was like a deliberate provocation to Rape! Seated to her right was a tall, capable-looking woman with short-styled dark hair, dressed in a man's business suit. Her legs were crossed man- style, her shoes brightly polished, and as I minced up with the tea tray, I felt awfully the contrast between us: her, a woman, yet masculine in the sharp suit, and me, a man under all this, terribly servile and femmish in this ridiculous Maid's Dress! The woman in the armchair across from them was seated directly under a window, and the afternoon sun-streaming in behind her made her difficult to see. I got an impression of a bright red dress, almost as scandalously cut as Cynda's, a long blonde wig, and large mirrored sunglasses that seemed to reflect back at me, obscuring her features even more. Not that I looked too closely at any of them; my eyes were constantly downcast with embarrassment as I scurried around to serve them, trying to forget my shame, wondering when the long-awaited pleasure part of this kinky pain/pleasure thing was going to kick in. I managed to serve without spilling anything, and was wondering what to do next when the mannishly-dressed woman suddenly tapped her teaspoon on the side of her cup. I looked up to see her deliberately take a spoonful of tea from her cup and empty it into her saucer. "Look how clumsy your Eve is," she said sharply, "I'll be dripping this all over your fine furniture and my good suit." "Unforgivable," Cynda pronounced, "Eve, apologize to Dora here and ask her very nicely to correct you for your awkwardness." "B-but Ma'am," I faltered, "I d-didn't--" "Not another word," Cynda's voice remained cool as ever, but it had a sudden tone of frightening authority. "Apologize And Ask For Correction." The woman in the blonde wig giggled. Completely cowed, I scampered up to the manly Dora. "I'm terribly sorry, Ma'am," I said in a contrite, high-pitched voice, "W-Will you p-please p-punish me?" "With pleasure!" Dora's smile was slight but well-satisfied. "Lower your panties and bend over, with your hands on the coffee table. Flat on the coffee table. And don't bend your knees." I did as she ordered, lowering my ruffled panties to half-staff to expose my smooth, now-shapely rear under the layers of petticoats, then bent forward, a terribly difficult task in the tight corset, till my hands were flat on the coffee table and my bottom facing the room. Dora got up and walked behind me, and I heard something swissh, high and sibilant, experimentally through the air. "Not the riding crop, please," Cynda said casually, "I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do with her, and I don't want her marked up yet." Dora sighed. A second later I heard another Swish! this one a little lower and WHAM! Something wide and flat, swung with precision, landed on my butt so expertly that I jumped and squealed involuntarily! "Too noisy," Cynda turned casually to the blonde-wigged woman. "Would you be a dear and help us keep the noise down?" The woman giggled again and rose wordlessly. She approached me, then turned, and backed her un-pantied bottom up right into my face! Her hands went behind her, grabbing my ears and pulling my mouth deep between her cheeks. Another swap! with the paddle, even more painful than the last! I lurched forward and yelped into the blonde's butt. Her soft laughter tinkled in my ringing ears. "That's much nicer," Cynda's voice came from somewhere in the background. "Proceed." WHAM! WHAM-WHAM! WHACCKK!!! I bucked, I struggled, I screamed into the bottom that filled my face, with the only result that the blonde's laughs mixed now with pleasure at the unwilling massage I was giving her butt. "That's enough," Dora pronounced -- at last! "For now...." "Very well," Cynda said as the blonde released my ears and I sank gratefully to my knees, "Eve, you may thank Dora for correcting you so considerately, then go stand in the corner." "P-please, Ma'am," I said to Cynda. "M-may I talk to you privately?" "In a minute, perhaps." She smiled wickedly, "When we finish our tea. For now, you may thank Dora for your punishment and go stand in the corner.., unless, that is, you'd like a bit more?" "N-No Ma'am!" Quickly I turned to the mannish Dora and struggled into some kind of curtsey with my panties around my knees. "Th-thank you, Ma'am, for v-very considerately spanking me for-for spilling the tea!" "Don't mention it," Dora smirked. "The pleasure... well I was about to say the pleasure was all mine, but-" She cast a side-long glance at the glowing blonde, who was just now re-seating herself happily, "-I guess that's not completely true!" And all three women broke up laughing. Miserably, burning with shame and a hot seat, I shuffled into the corner with my panties still lowered and stood there, rosy cheeks displayed to the amused women, who continued chatting in subdued tones for a few more minutes till at last Cynda excused herself, rose, and, taking me by the ear, escorted me into the kitchen. "Yes, Eve?" The smile was as subtly wicked as ever. "And how are you enjoying your scene?" "I'm not!" I hissed, rubbing my sore bottom, gently, lest I aggravate the sensations of the butt-plug that was still nestled against my anus, "This isn't at all what I had in mind!" "No?" She consulted a notebook. "Let's see: you said you dreamed of having women take charge of your sexuality, teasing, lavishing attention, dressing and undressing you to suit their whims... a bit of -- Oh, I see, you haven't had any Bondage yet, have you?" "That's not it!" I protested bitterly. "I've been horny all week, and today your girls got me even hornier. Here I've been expecting some kind of relief and all I get is this ridiculous outfit and-and spankings! Not to mention this-this thing..." I gestured weakly at the tangle of straps that lifted my cheeks into prominence and held the maddening plug deep between them. "Oh, but you didn't say anything about getting your rocks off, Dear," Cynda said sweetly, "All you specified was that you be dressed to suit our whims -- and most of us here are lesbians, you know -- and lavished with attention as we take charge of your sexuality. And a bit of bondage. I think you must agree that except for the Bondage, we've lived up to our part admirably. We certainly have altered your sexuality to suit ourselves, haven't we?" "But this wasn't what I had in mind!" I persisted, trying to keep myself rooted in Reality as I knew it. "I thought I was going to get to enjoy myself!" "Then you really should have been more specific," Cynda chided gently, "because many men do enjoy this sort of thing, you know. And I'm afraid you may have gotten us into a bit of a Situation." "What do you mean?" "I mean Dora and my friend out there intend to see you paraded around in bondage for them. And they don't like to be disappointed." "Well tell them that's too bad. And let me out of here!" "It's not as simple as that," Cynda explained. "You see, I had the girls put your clothes in one of their cars. The plan was for them to 'kidnap' you and return your clothes after they'd had a bit of fun...." "So my c-clothes are... ?" "Locked up in the trunk of one of their cars. And I don't know which one. I have a thought, though; If you care to play along a little further, go out there in Bondage for them, keep them occupied a short time, I'll try to sneak the keys and retrieve your clothes, keys, wallet and all." "Go back out to them?" I whined. "Can't you just get them to give them back?" "You had a taste of Dora just now," Cynda said firmly. "Does she strike you as the sort who would willingly give up even the chance to punish you further?" And so, moments later, - Cynda paraded me out before her two friends as a bound slave. She had removed my dress, apron, stockings, maid's cap, garters and corset, leaving me attired in nothing but high heels and those humiliating straps that lifted and shaped my breasts and bottom into feminine contours -- plus the stylish wig and my sexy makeup. To this she had added a jaw-jacking device, strapped tightly around my head that forced me to keep my mouth wide open, and a single mitten that trapped my hands tightly behind my back.., and attached to the back of my gag! This arrangement forced me to keep my back arched and neck craned back, flaunting my breasts and bottom lewdly as I strutted forward in the hip- swishing gait forced on me by the high heels... while Cynda led me on a leash clipped to my shamefully tiny crotch-pouch! Dora's eyes positively glowed with fiendish pleasure, and what I could see of the blonde's face looked vastly amused at the sight of me this way: bare, blushing, bound, smooth-skinned and femmish, mincing helplessly before the smirking, sexily-dressed ladies. "Perrr-fect!" Dora rose and approached me, stood close up against my body, rubbing her smartly-suited manly chest over my naked, feminine near-bosom, smiling even wider as my nipples stiffened visibly. Looking intently into my eyes, she stuck her forefinger between her lips, sucked on it sensuously a moment, then slowly pulled it out and put it into my own forcibly-opened mouth, teasing my lips and tongue. Then she slowly withdrew it and teased my nipples with the wet digit till I was moaning helplessly with that now-familiar sensation of pained arousal, and my knees threatened to fold beneath me. WHACKK! Hot pain exploded suddenly, unexpectedly across my tender bum! I squealed and half-turned to see that blonde-wig had stepped behind me and was now using the paddle on my unprotected rear. WHACKK! Another blow and my legs gave out; I fell to my knees in front of the delighted Dora, who lowered her pants and tugged me forward, pulling my face firmly into her crotch. This pose pulled me out of the kneeling position I had been in, raising my bottom and WHACKK!! OWWW! making it more accessible to the paddle! WHACKK!! I whined and squirmed, the motion only increasing Dora's pleasure as blonde-wig swung again. WHACKK!! Somehow, through my pain, it seemed I was learning to distinguish between styles of spanking: From the teasing, playful swats of Olive's hairbrush, to the expertise of Dora's masterful paddling, to this blonde-wigged enigma -- my third spanker so far today -- who seemed somehow less expert but more passionate in her application... as if she really enjoyed it in a more satisfying, personal way than even than erotic Olive or sadistic Dora had. WHACKK!! WHACKK!! WHACKK!!! Time and again the paddle slammed against my pratt, the blows merging into one continuous hot pain that blended with my burning, feminine embarrassment and my keen sexual arousal as I feverishly tongued Dora's fervid pussy, hoping desperately that if I pleasured one woman to climax, the other would stop. It worked. Dora at last sighed, shuddered, then moaned in pleasure as the feel of being orally worshipped by a nude, feminized, bound, spanked man(?) brought her to orgasm. She released me and I sank back (OUCH! The feel of my inflamed butt landing on my heels was agonizing!) as blonde- wig left off paddling. "You and the girls were right," she said thoughtfully to the blonde, "That is definitely a talented tongue between those lovely red lips! I think we'll take her with us!" "Fine," Cynda smiled mysteriously. "Why don't you just freshen up before you go?" "Good idea. After that mouth-ride I may have to change panties," Dora grinned. The two women walked to another part of the house as Cynda pulled me to my feet. "Now's your chance," Ss the heels, with my arms bound as they were. "I hung your clothes right outside. Just slip out the back door, get dressed and get out of here. And hurry before they come looking for you!" Without thinking about how I was going to get my hands free of the mitten that held them twisted up to the back of my gag, I minced out the back door, heard it shut firmly behind me as I looked about. It was a small yard, surrounded by a high wood fence that shielded it from the alley running behind the row of houses, but I remembered the windows in the neighboring buildings with a rush of panic; anyone looking out and down would see me -- like this! all bare-assed-and-breasted, in bondage and heels, with that embarrassing butt-plug jiggling in my behind! And where were my clothes? Half-crouched, my bare butt thrusting with every hip-swishing, breast- bouncing step, I darted around the small yard, looking desperately for the expensive suit I had worn here. There was no sign of it. Maybe she hung it outside the fence, I thought, where the cars are parked. If I can get out there and get my clothes, surely I can find someplace to hide in the alley while I free my hands and get dressed! Quick as I could, I made my way to the gate, flipped the latch with my nose and pushed forward against the gentle pressure of the spring, looking tentatively up the alley. Parked cars, dumpsters... but no one in sight. Cautiously, trying to hold the gate open with my pinioned elbows, I tiptoed further, hoping to see my clothes piled someplace close by, terribly aware of my feminized nudity. A sound off to one side startled me, and I turned quickly, feeling the gate slide off my elbows and swing shut, hearing the latch click with a terrible finality. I was locked out in the alley. Bound. Feminized. With makeup, wig, curvy breasts and plugged bottom. Naked! And there was a car coming down the alley! I felt myself covered with a sheen of nervous perspiration as, head spinning, tummy fluttering, I scanned the area desperately for someplace to hide my nude and shiny body. Across the alley there was a building with a recessed doorway that might hide me, if no one looked too close, and was the door just slightly open? I had to risk it. Knees shaking, I scampered across the alley as fast as I could, wishing there were some way I could make myself a little less conspicuous--conspicuous, hell!--I stood out like -like a naked woman running down a city street, I realized as a horn honked and I all but jumped into the doorway, shouldered the door open and rushed in. I was in some kind of Fashion Boutique. Racks of expensive dresses lined the walls, a dozen or so attractive, smartly-dressed women strolled about, some sipping champagne as they considered the merchandise. One or two obvious models posed or walked sedately across the floor, showing off the fine garments they wore. As if in a dream, all eyes turned to me. They looked cool, disdainful, mildly surprised, smiling slightly at the outrageousness of my condition. I wondered if they could even tell I was male. "When did you start catering to the submissive TV crowd, Lola?" One of the women asked archly. The unreality of the situation, standing there naked in high heels, feminized, bound and gagged, in a room full of classy, well-dressed beautiful women -- who seemed more amused than shocked by my predicament -- put me in a tizzy. Wasn't anyone going to help me? Apparently not. The woman they called Lola looked up from a glass-topped table and frowned casually. "Oh dear," she said, totally unruffled, "it's one of those dreadful prostitutes from across the way." She turned to the models. "Would you be a dear and put her out on the Street? Where she belongs? And I'll call the Police. Perhaps that will teach them not to bother us." The two tall, cold-looking models in elegant dresses and perfect makeup, stalked up to me in their heels, eyes expressionless. One of them reached down for the leash that still dangled from my tiny crotch-pouch and tugged it sharply while the other one picked up a shoe from a display and proceeded to urge me along by swatting my bare behind with it! I tried to protest, to tell them I needed help; that I wasn't a submissive TV or a hooker - But the only sounds to emerge from my jaw-jacker were unintelligible squeals as the shoe landed smartly, again and again, on my tenderized rump and I wondered vaguely just how many different women had spanked me over the course of the last couple hours while the ladies in the shoppe tittered in amusement at my plight! Before I knew it I was outside the front door, under a brightly painted sign, LOLA'S BOUTIQUE, and the model was draping my leash over the spiked rail of a low wrought-iron fence. "That should hold you until the Police arrive," she said calmly. "But what if she gets it off?" The other one asked, "She could run away!" "What if she does?" the first one smiled. "Where would she go, all tied up and dressed like that?" She reached a delicate right hand out to cup the underside of my left breast, lifting and weighing it, flipping the nipple with a naughty thumb. "Pity! With a build like that she might have made a good mannequin. Well," she leaned over and gave me an air kiss, "Ta', Darling!" And I watched the two elegantly dressed, attractive women walk sedately back into the store. Leaving me once again bound, bare and feminized on a public street! What to do!?! The Police were coming! I had to get away, to hide. But how? Where? The street was mercifully deserted just at the moment but any minute-- There was a car coming. I kicked at my leash and finally got it off the spiked rail so I could run. I clattered a few steps in my high heels, butt swaying wildly, breasts bouncing, the butt-plug still rubbing maddeningly against my anus, then looked about to see where I could go. Risked a peek back at the car. It was my car! My big Lincoln, tooling slowly up beside me. The back door swung open and I saw my secretary, Jennie, inside, waving me in -- rescue at last! I didn't stop to ask how my secretary happened to be there, driving my car just when and where I needed her most. I just jumped in (0ooo! The feel of the butt-plug jamming home as I landed on the seat!) and breathed a sigh of relief, sheltered behind smoked windows as the car gathered speed. I looked at Jennie and made noises to indicate she would have to remove my jaw-jacker and mitten, then, starting to think again, looked to the front seat to see who was driving. And saw the back of a long blonde wig! The car pulled over, out of traffic, and the driver turned around to face me, removing the mirrored sunglasses and smiling brightly. "Hello again, Darling!" It was Judy -- my ex-wife! She turned completely now, curling her legs in the large seat so she could face me easily. "Doesn't he look sweet, Jen?" On the seat beside me, Jennie, always so capable and sexy-looking, eyed me with predatory interest. "So sweet that the term he seems totally inappropriate!" She smiled, "And of course the word Boss is completely out of keeping now that I'm running the business. What was it you said Cynda called her?" Her? I wondered at her sudden air of sensuous command; did she mean me? "Cynda called her Eve," Judy eyed my nude feminine curves meaningfully, "And considering how she's dressed, it seems very appropriate!" "Mmmnmn." Jennie ran a hand softly down my chest, stroking the nipples on my pert breasts, smiling (Ohhhh! To the tingling arousal of her caresses, mixed with the pain of my cock trying to expand in that tight pouch, was now added the incredible sensation of the butt-plug worming around inside me as I squirmed on the seat!) at the stupid expression on my femininely-made-up face. "And is her tongue really as talented as you say?" "We'll have plenty of time to find out," Judy gloated, "I'm taking her to a little party where she'll get a chance to serve and perform for some of my old girlfriends and boyfriends. If she does well, I may take her with me as my personal body slave. If not, I know Dora will be happy to find room for our little Eve in her stable." "That Dora and her whips." Jennie kept her hand on my soft skin, appreciating my squirms of awkward embarrassment and frustration. "She'd just love to mark up a soft, pink body like Eve's! But what if you decide to keep her?" "Breast implants to start," Judy said, "and permanent makeup. Electrolysis, of course. She may need figure training, till her waist is slim enough to accentuate the big, round hips and butt I mean to give her. I want her as ultra-feminine as possible while still keeping her little three-piece set. And of course I'll make her move with exaggerated swishy mannerisms and speak in a high voice at all times." "How about enlarging her lips with collagen and bobbing her nose, so no one will ever recognize her? Or dying her skin?" "That's a thought," Judy mused, "I figure I can do pretty much whatever I want. We have plenty of photos of her camping around at Cynda's, and all those ladies at Lola's, so if she makes a fuss we can always prove we were simply indulging her kinky submissive desires. And since you've taken charge of her business affairs, it'll be easy to get her house, bank accounts and all the rest." She put a hand thoughtfully to her chin. "I wonder how she'd look as a Blonde?" With a smooth motion she removed her wig, Jennie removed mine, and a second later, I had luxurious golden locks flowing over my bare shoulders as I sat there, trembling while they discussed my future. "Poo-oor thing," Jennie cooed with mock sympathy, "I guess it wasn't very smart of you to keep your wife's old college girlfriend on as your assistant! Not to mention taking another of Judy's friend's word about Cynda.... what was it you told Cyn? Something nasty about Judy: you said she tried to screw you and take everything you had, wasn't that it?" She squeezed my crotch pouch till I nodded frantically, then tugged it softly up and down till I bounced gently on the seat, eyes wide from the effects of her teasing and the butt-plug. She eyed me with amusement, taking in my nude, feminine appearance and giggled. "Well golly, I guess that's what she's doing to you now, isn't it?" Both women broke up laughing as I sat there, blushing with shame at the predicament my ex-wife's wicked ingenuity -- and my own trusting nature - - had got me into: robbed of everything I owned, stripped naked, feminized and used as the frustrated sex toy of sadistic lesbians, slated to be made to look even more feminine myself, while my basic male needs would be teased and thwarted.... As if to emphasize my fate, Jennie confidently removed my jaw-jack, cautioning me not to speak. The relief of being able to close my mouth and lower my arms was so great, I willingly obeyed as she had me slide down onto the floor (I had selected this car for leg room I remembered bitterly) and lean my head back, back till it rested face-up on the seat. Then she gleefully removed her panties and proceeded to sit comfortably on my face! "Let's see if that mouth of yours lives up to its reputation," Her voice filtered down to my ears, muffled by her silk-sheathed thighs as her bottom settled firmly on my face. "If not, then I can always sit you back down on your plug a while--it's going to be a long trip, after all." With that as an incentive, I began eagerly lapping, kissing, orally pleasuring with all, the eagerness that my sexual frustration and fear of punishment could muster. Jennie sighed with pleasure as Judy steered the car back into traffic. And I tried to think how many women had used my mouth that day, just as she was now. And I tried not to think about how many were going to! thEnd!

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Film The Next Scene

Holly stood on the fringe of the film set eagerly awaiting the next scene, her favourite erotic screen actors were due to arrive on location at any minute. Excitement fizzled deep inside her. Just about everyone at the studio had been raving on about Venus and The Volcano for weeks now. This was the last day of filming, after which the reel would go into full production. On set, the crew prepared to film the next sequence. Holly glanced around, they seemed a little nervy. Brett Faulkner eyed...

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Setting the Scene

Setting the scene:My stories take place in a fantasy world not unlike Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons. The world is one of magic, and monsters, and mystery. Civilised (and not so civilised) society includes a range of fantasy races, not just humans but elves, half-elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, even some half-orcs, orges and other more exotic and enigmatic entities.All of them need to be able to enjoy their carnal desires, so there is a thriving sex dungeon scene...

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Cuckold fantasy scene

This is one a few fantasy situations generated between myself and a couple who were exploring the possibility of a threesome or a cuckold situation!This was too good to be true; here, in the pub once more were Mike and Linda. I can't say how happy I am to see them, especially after last weeks games!I blushed a little as I recalled my behaviour. I remember how crude my flirting became after a while, rubbing my stiff prick into Linda as we danced, and Mike was watching. Somehow, I did not think...

2 years ago
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The Crime Scene

THE CRIME SCENE By Sandra Lyden 2/17/08        ?10-42, are you in call??        I picked up the mic.  ?10-42 check,? I responded.        ?We’ve got a suspicious character at 1100 Water Street.  Can you check it out??        ?It’s not far from me.?        ?Proceed with caution, you’re alone and we don’t need to lose you.?        ?Copy.  I’ll call for back up if I need it.?        ?10-4.?        I put the mic up and made a U-turn at the next red light.  I had my lights on only as I...

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Idyll A Sex Scene

Idyll A Sex Scene (Author's note: This piece is just what the title says it is: adescription of two people having sex with some mild BDSM as told from theman's point of view: his thoughts and impressions. There's no plot, nomoral, and no pretense at redeeming artistic value, and if you're lookingfor any of those, I suggest you go elsewhere. Sometimes you just want toknock off a nice, psychological piece of ass.) From the dark van in the dark alley I can just see her leaving her buildingdown at...

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XXX Scenes

If you want to see full-length content that will make your dick blow a huge fucking load all over yourself, then you need to check out XXXScenes. Don’t think that you will find only a few full-length scenes. On the contrary! This is the place to go when you want to see exclusively full-length content from some of the hottest brands in porn.It’s in the fucking name after all! If you are sick of all of those goddamn teaser clips that show 10-minutes of build-up with only 30-seconds of actual sex,...

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1 year ago
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Slow Reality deleted scenes

NOTE: This is a postscript add-on to the series "Slow Reality." If you have not read the 14 parts of the original story, this will not make much sense and there would be spoilers here. Author's note: If you finished the last part already, and especially if you liked the ending, then you don't need to read what's below. Nothing about the final outcome changes. Reading the comments after posting the final part, it's clear that I didn't include enough about what happened with...

3 years ago
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Halloween Scenes

HALLOWEEN SCENES by Throne Randy's wife Jan told him, "Calm down, dear. It's Halloween. Nobody's going to think it's odd that you'll be dressed as an attractive girl. Besides, the party is at a place out in the middle of the woods, and everybody there will be into our scene." "I know," he said in a small voice. "But I've never been around other people when I'm... dressed." "Well, Randy, everyone there will love it when they see you as Candy. I know I do." She cupped his chin in...

2 years ago
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Unholy Arts Scenes

This story contains many selected scenes from the erotic text-based game "Unholy Arts". The High Priestess, symbol of the Goddess herself in the Confined Valley, has died, and the tribes must find her successor. Each of them must send a Candidate, a pure woman who just became of age, who will have to show talent for the arts of magic, combat, and love... And manages to get the others to accept her leadership. The game is part Choose Your Own Adventure Novel, part RPG, part Simulation, with a...

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Behind The Scene

The intense heat of the day had given way to the, crisp, coolness of night. Silence was the lullaby of the surrounding countryside. Within the city, however, it was the exact opposite. On the corner of Wendel and Avery was the epicenter of night life called The Scene. It was a popular night club where people came from miles around to have a good time and give in to certain temptations. The atmosphere always remained casual and accepting, regardless of one’s lifestyle.   It was what made this...

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Real Steel Deleted Scene

Story Title: Real Steel Deleted Scene WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this and any erotic story. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: I've tried my best to keep this story spoiler-free, so if you havn't watched the movie Real Steel yet, the story won't give anything vital away. Also, I do not have any rights or own any part of the movie Real Steel and don't know any of the...

2 years ago
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Bar Scene

Michelle was a quality manager for a manufacturing company. She had not had sex with her husband in a very long time, and she was very horny. Her body was hot; she had long sexy legs, worked out all the time, and kept herself tanned. She often traveled with her husband to her son’s hockey games in St Louis. They found themselves in St Louis and decided to go to a local bar. They walked into the bar and immediately noticed that the bar was all black guys. Michelle was scared, but her husband...

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Bar Scene

Michelle was a quality manager for a manufacturing company. She had not had sex with her husband in a very long time, and she was very horny. Her body was hot; she had long sexy legs, worked out all the time, and kept herself tanned. She often traveled with her husband to her son’s hockey games in St Louis. They found themselves in St Louis and decided to go to a local bar. They walked into the bar and immediately noticed that the bar was all black guys. Michelle was scared, but her husband...

1 year ago
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My first group scene

I was about 18 years old when I had my first group encounter. I had been having M2M sex since I was 18 (see my first story) and was loving it.I was cruising around Citadel Hill late one night hoping for either sex or a ride home...preferably both. It was summer so I was wearing running shorts and a muscle shirt playing it up for all I was worth. I had the shorts hiked up a bit and my cock was dangling outside of the briefs, but still under the shorts so I could stroke while walking or waiting.I...

1 year ago
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semi public scene

Once of my fantasies involves a semi public scene- You see I fear my dirty little secret being reveled to the public, which naturally makes public disgrace one of things that gets me the hottest the fastest. One of those things that I would not likely have to courage to do but often think of while im slipping a toy into my hungry pussy. It starts out with me and my master going to a hotel, perhaps a surprise weekend trip in a bigger city. Once the we get outside our rooms door, he shoves me...

3 years ago
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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Four A Change of Scene

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Four: A Change of Scene by Mark McDonald Journal> Journal Date 12/22/2081: 12:18 pm. Journal>Voice dictation journal editor, open. Proceed! After breakfast, Gary and I settled in and waited. We waited for the day to end, for the other to break the silence, for the police to come, for our time in our flesh prisons to end. We waited for an idea! As I remember it, the day pressed on with very little incident, if you don't count the way my...

3 years ago
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Sissy Street Scene

SISSY STREET SCENE by Throne Freddie turned the corner and came to a halt. He was at the edge of his own familiar neighborhood and about to enter a less welcoming part of the city. The street was lined with bars, nude bars, gay bars, lesbian bars, and a variety of adult shops. It had been bad enough walking past apartment buildings and more reputable businesses the way he looked. Since it had been early evening there hadn't been many people around to see him how he was dressed. He...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Maid Scene

Cuckold Maid Scene by Throne I was in the Maid's Room. Actually it's my bedroom, since my wife no longer allows me to sleep in her bed. The space I'm in now is smaller and dominated by a four-poster bed, juvenile model, done in pink and white frills. Around the room are examples of the maid uniforms that Kiley makes me wear. Once she discovered my crossdressing tendencies it was all downhill, until I reached this point. I was naked, having just applied scented emollients to my...

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Sissy Husband Scene

SISSY HUSBAND SCENE by Throne "Francis." Sitting in her large, deeply padded recliner, Maria waited a few seconds for her husband to respond. When he didn't, she called again, this time with impatience. "Francine!" Moments later he hurried into the room. She smiled with cruel satisfaction at his appearance. Francis was short and slender, with no visible muscular development. She had made him get laser treatments to permanently remove all of his body hair. He was wearing a...

1 year ago
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SnowedIn Sissy Scene

SNOWED-IN SISSY SCENE by Throne I was feeling very apprehensive. My wife Laurel had invited three of her girlfriends over on a Friday evening, even though they all knew there was a major winter storm heading our way. Shortly after they arrived the snow began to fall and rapidly accumulate. The four of them had each enjoyed several glasses of wine before deciding that none of the guests should drive home. They would all have to sleep over. I had been hoping I would get lucky, and...

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SissyServingGirl Scene

SISSY SERVING-GIRL SCENE by Throne My Owner told me to get ready because some of his buddies were coming over. He said to make sure I dressed sexily, and added that my outfit should be mortifying as well. I hurried off to my bedroom, which is really just a converted storage space. There are a bed and a dresser, along with plenty of newly added closets, so it's rather cramped. Naturally, everything looks as girly as possible. I took off what I had been wearing all day, a short...

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Live Scene

“Mallika, oh! Mallu, I am home” Aravind yelled as he walked into the back door of his house. “Mallika, are you home”? No answer. Aravind made his way to the refrigerator where he grabbed an ice-cold coke. Making his way to the hall, he heard a noise coming from his bedroom. Aravind continued down the hallway, the noise was getting louder; he cocked his head to the side. Was his wife ill? The sounds were low moaning noises; he immediately became concerned as he reached the door to their bedroom....

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Threeperson Scene

June locked the door behind her and did a quick walk around the property room. Being the weekend during the summer, it was as empty as she had expected as well as cool, quiet, and secluded, since few had the key and most of those were home for the summer. She went to her favorite place, a little alcove within a larger alcove on the left of the property room in the back with spare pillows and fabric, and sat in her spot behind the piles of cases making the space U-shaped to relax and blow off...

2 years ago
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The Never Ending Scene

Wrists shackled tight to her ankles ~ they were red and raw from her pulling and tugging. Each time the strap had landed, she had strained against them ~ heaving, with the strength of her arched back against the restraints as the pain of each blow rocketed through her. She had not uttered a sound, yet her screams echoed through her brain ~ the agony tearing at her resolve ~ trying to shatter her order of silence. Her skin dripped with sweat and her back convulsed with each attempt to draw a...

4 years ago
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Ending This Mess scene

(Being part four of the memoirs of the Respected Thomas Williams, Imperator and Caesar) scene: The Governor's Executive Conference Room, deep in the Womb. The "inner circle" meeting after the incoming destroyer brings news of Earth's conquest by the Sa'arm and requests repairs for his ship and sanctuary for his passengers, mostly upper management from DECO... Kevin was the worst, the bluntest. "Governor, you send your mother a letter every week. Now you are talking about taking in the...

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JulieChapter 6 The Club Scene

Weeks flew by and the memory of that night at the ranch remained vivid in my mind. The abuse I suffered at Roger's hand left me so very confused. Why would he whip and abuse me so? I cried for days because I could not understand the why of it. Every time I tried to talk with Roger about abusing me he would tell me to shut up and threaten to whip me again. I was not feeling guilty about fucking the dogs. Besides Roger allowed me to bring King home with us and he has watched my fuck King...

2 years ago
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Hard to HandleChapter 5 Im The Man On Your Scene

I felt bad for the local cops; somebody blew up a house in their jurisdiction and they arrive at the scene only to find it blocked off by an armada of government SUVs. "It wasn't me," I repeated when the police chief managed to worm his way through to the only potential witness. "Stop saying that!" Morgan's voice pitched much higher than normal. Alexx and April escorted the chief behind the SUVs. Diana was off to the side watching Marshal James and his people. I got the feeling they...

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iCarly behind the scenes

"Hi out their in internet land I'm Miranda Cosgrove and this is iCarly behind the scenes!," she said. "And on tonight you're gonna see me get oiled up and have all my holes fucked licked and see me get cummed on now lets get going."With that Nathan took the cap completely off and poured the oil all over Miranda's face and body. Even getting some in her hair and down her back. Miranda for her part rubbed the oil sexily all over herself. Until the bottle was almost empty. Miranda then moved onto...

1 year ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 10 Behind the Scenes

THEN: Rashmi’s Boss Mr. Dutt was taking her on a business trip to convince few businessmen to invest in their company. Mrs. Nair, the owner of Prem Paradise, a forty-year-old MILF, had lost all the self-control she had built over time and slept with an eighteen-year-old neighbour Aamir. NOW: Aamir knocked at the penthouse door several times before he heard some movement on the other side. He smiled in anticipation as he hoped it would be Induja ma’am. Only a couple of hours ago he had seen...

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A Spiders Web Ch 03 Lost Scene

The characters in this story are property of Marvel comics. I have used them in honor of the comic series and admiration for the characters. This story is original and is in no way tied to any of the canons of the Marvel Universe (to save myself the grief of working with time lines). This story contains adult material of a sexual nature. If it is illegal for you to view such material, turn back now. This work is copyrighted to the author. Do not post this on any other site or use it for...

1 year ago
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Fem Dom With Wifes Friend Non Scene

Julie was my wife’s best friend from school, but I always thought she was a bitch, and we never got on.My wife Sue, suspected this but hoped it would all work out eventually.I would always be polite when Julie came around, but neither of us liked each other, and it was obvious.She visited regularly as she lived in a house nearby, and was always popping in to see her friend, and intern, annoying me.She would even stay on to finish Love Island if the two of them had been watching TV, and my wife...

2 years ago
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All Over Again scene

She is staring at Clark from a distance; between the two of them is the wooden coffee table. Ellie is crossing her right arm over her body to keep some sort of composer in from on him, if she wasn’t, he would see that she was shaking for him, waiting and wanting him to make love to her one last time. Looking up through her lashes, she sees him lean forward on the couch, placing his elbows on his knees. She glances at his golden wedding band, and closes her eyes. “Elle, I can’t. God,” he...

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Street Scene

Tracy Daniels graduated from high school not long before her father was forced to retire from his factory job. Partly for that reason, she went right to work, taking college courses at night. Tracy had lived at home for another year after she began working before she got her own apartment. Very soon after that, her father died suddenly. Since her mother had died when she was ten and her older brothers did not really have money to spare, the house was sold off to cover funeral expenses....

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College Party Scene

It all started when my fraternity decided to throw a party before the home football game the next day. The party was to have an army theme, so me and a couple of buddies went out and picked up some camo vests and black shirts along with some face paint. I wasn’t planning on doing the face paint, but I have to say that I looked pretty damn good in my camo vest and long black pants. I decided not to wear a shirt underneath the vest to show off my arms, chest, and abs. The party was a big...

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Shower Scene

Some time later she woke and for a moment wondered where she was. Confusion only lasted a second, and then the memories flooded back, memories of pleasure and joy and love. She sighed in deep contentment, thinking back over the last few days, over which the intense happiness of finding out he was in love with her arched like a glittering rainbow. Remembered tenderness made her smile and remembered passion made her breathing quicken, but she was alone in the bed. Some strange instinct of...

4 years ago
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Sensual Scene

It’s our honeymoon and we are on a Caribbean cruise. After a dinner of steak and lobster I took my sweetheart back to our room and went to our room. Her face was blushed and she looked so cute in my eyes. I brush some of her long brown hair out of her face and she smiles up to me. ‘Please, take me.’ She whispers. My love was a little shorter than me, with round hips and pert breasts, she is so gorgeous in my eyes. Leaning forward, my lips meet hers and I close my eyes. All I can feel is her...

1 year ago
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The Dating Scene

Thank you to my two favorite editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my story a much better read. * Chapter 1 There are many men out there, they are all sizes and shapes, tall, short, heavy, trim. Some have a full head of hair while others are nearly bald. Women have a tendency to look at the young, good-looking ones with a body with six-pack abs and a tight butt. Who can blame them? Most guys look at the good-looking sexy women in short skirts and big boobs. It’s just part of life....

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The Beach Scene

Linda had been looking forward to going out with her girlfriends for the past few weeks. Every few months, she and four of her girlfriends from college meet for dinner, and then go dancing. The five of them have had the same routine since college. In fact, Linda and I met while she and her friends were partying. I wouldn’t dare interfere with the time she spends with her friends, nor her mine. We both believe it’s important for a strong marriage to nurture not only our relationship, but to...

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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They’re all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it...

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l Fem Dom with wifes friend Non scene

Julie, was my wife’s best friend from school, but I always thought she was a bitch, and we never got on. My wife suspected this, but hoped it would all work out eventually. I would always be polite when she came around, but neither of us liked each other, and it was obvious. She came around quite a lot to visit my wife as she lived in a house nearby, so she was always popping in to see her friend, and intern annoying me. She would even stay on to finish Love Island, if the two of them had been...

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Making a Scene

"Are you ready for this?" he asked. She gave him a smirk and said, "I thought there would be more dialogue." She took a deep breath, and then added, "This is not how I would play this character... but okay, let’s do it." He aimed the remote control at the camera and hit record. --- She is standing at a window and the moonlight shines through her silky robe to hint at the curves and lines of her body. He walks up to her in his expensive suit, but she doesn't look up. He reaches out and gently...

Oral Sex
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fantasy scene

for the record, the characters are loosely based on 2 friends of mine who (sadly) would probably never fuck given their preferences, but this is my fantasy damnit and in my mind it would be super hot if they did, so here they go. this is fiction, and some of the events and general style is loosely based on some personal experience laced with some stuff i just thought facilitated the story. the action gets going about 2 "word" format pages in, but i felt it needed some backstory and foreplay. no...

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Caught my sisterInLaw The next scene

The story so farI had just walked into the lounge of, my sister-in-Law Sandy. I had previously spent some time secretly watching her, through a crack along the hinge side of the door, giving masturbating herself to two orgasms watching porn. As I entered she was standing there with her breasts out of her open blouse struggling to pull up her trousers and panties.“I can explain,” she said sheepishly.“There is nothing to explain!” I responded. “It is obvious that you have just had an orgasm! The...

4 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown Part four the spanking and tickling scene

“So, Monica. You’re willing to do this?” “Well, yeah. I mean, it kind of sounds like fun in a way. The boys … well, they’re just interested in sex, and that’s pretty much it. They're all about sticking it in, and … I’ve not even had an orgasm. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me … but …” Houlihan chuckled. “You’re young yet. To be honest, you probably won’t reach your sexual peak until you’re forty or so.” Monica frowned. “You’re kidding, right?” “No. Young men are reaching it at...


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