James New Supervision Part 2 free porn video

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My mother held up the childish, pink jumper skirt and the brown dress. I really didn't know which one to choose. I knew that I was going to be forced to wear a petticoat with one of the dresses anyway. I chose the longer skirted one, the brown dress. Just so it wouldn't be so bad with a flared out skirt. "Excellent choice, Emily. Now hands up," my mother said. I resigned throwing my hands up in the air. A brown, long sleeve shirt was pulled over my head and down my body. Next were the panties, bloomers and a pair of tights, all of a similar brown color. Then the dress itself was fitted over me, coming just below my knees. Ms. Woods took the time to adjust the dress a bit as she puffed out the sleeves and then the dress became tighter around my waist as the buttons in the back went up. I was given two stiff petticoats to fit under the skirt both were a beige color. The skirt flared out just above my knees. It would have been worse if i chose the pink jumper skirt. To accompany the outfit were a pair of brown mary janes. After my dressing I wasn't allowed to see myself much in the mirror except for what I saw in the vanity. I was forced to sit down again, or the best I could with the petticoats. My mother took the wig off the wig head and draped it over my head and adjusted it a bit. While my mother was brushing the wig, Ms. Woods said, "Only if you had long hair like this, we could easily give you a bunch of curls. I know you would just love that." "We will try to grow it out the best we can. Then maybe we can get a lovely color done for Emily," my mother said looking me. "Doesn't that sound like a good plan Emily?" I didn't speak, I was too busy trying to not curse out as they adjusted my wig. Even with my slience they found ways to humiliate me. "It seems that Emily is silent. She must be speechless on how great an idea that is. She probably can't wait for her hair to grow out." After Ms. Woods was finished trimming the bangs of the wig, I had a head filled with blonde, feminine curls. I looked like something out of a fairytale. The big bow was taken off my head and pair of bear ears was what replaced the bow. I was also given instructions on how to curtsy and walking like I was a little girl. My arms were together in the front, with small steps and bow when I get the chance. Walking in one-inch mary janes gave me a bit of a wobble and the with how the petticoats swished against my legs. It was all a strange feeling that I despised. Almost after an hour of dolling me and training me, I was moved downstairs to the main hallway where I was instructed to dip in a deep curtsy when the bell rang. I was even given a small teddy bear to hold in front of me while standing and not to drop it whatsoever. I was supposed to think of it as a gift from the Woods family. It wasn't even ten minutes before the bell rang and I pointed one foot forward and grabbed the hem of the skirt as best as I could. Then I bowed. The door flew open while a group of girls all in cheerleading uniforms flooded in. Amanda immediately saw me; I was not sure how no one would be able to see me as I am now. Amanda said, "Oh my god is that James. He looks so adorable." My mother corrected Amanda, "Her name is Emily. Whenever you see her, please address her as such or as Emily Rose." All the girls were giggling at the sight of me. Ms. Woods signaled me to go back at attention with both feet together and the teddy bear right between my arms in front of my body. A few girls, Lauren, Jasmine and Caitlyn, went over to me and started touching the fabrics and hems of the dress. They couldn't believe their former tormentor was dressed so sweetly. There were a wide range of facial expressions coming from them. Caitlyn broke her silence, "It seems that baby bear is carrying around a little teddy bear. What is the little bear's name?" Everyone was looking at me, expecting me to think up of something on the spot. I looked at my mother for a brief second to see if she had anything, but she didn't. I was not sure what I was to suspect from her, but I said, "My...little..bears...name...is...Tulip." I had no idea why I said that, I just said the first girl thing that came to my head. Apparently it was Tulip. My little bear is called Tulip. Amanda said with glee, "What a cute name for such a cute little bear. Mom, little Emily is just the cutest thing ever. I can't believe this thing used to be James." Ms. Woods replied, "Well this is a deserving punishment for the type of ordeal she gave all of you for the longest time. He is going to be dressed like a little girl for the longest time. I hope you enjoy it." "Amanda. Why don't you take little Emily upstairs to play for a bit? We spent the longest time trying to dress her up. It would be a waste not to have some fun with her," my mother said digging my grave deeper. "What a wonderful idea," Amanda said as she and the other girls took me upstairs where many of them asked questions how it feels to be in a girlier dress than what they ever wore and if I liked the dresses or being so dressed up. Many of which I did not answered or just gave them half assed answers with no true meaning behind them. The girls had me do several poses by myself and with a few of them while others took pictures. I even had to show off my curtsy and sing a few childish nursery rhymes for them. The only thing I could do slightly well was the curtsy, but that was due to earlier practice. I wasn't into any of this, no matter how much of a fake smile I put on. This was obvious to the girls, but the girls did not pay much attention besides at a few jokes. Caitlyn said, "Emily doesn't seem to be enjoying her clothes or any of the activities we have for her. Maybe a diaper would lighten up her mood." "No..please...not..that.." I replied. I tried my best at pretending to be happy and joyful like a little girl supposed to be, but it was difficult. With all the little girl games and playing with dolls, this would have bored anyone older than what I was dressed as. This went on for another half an hour before Amanda and Caitlyn got it and suggested that I obviously wasn't enjoying this and a good diapering would make the situation better. I am not sure why they were still on the whole diaper thing, did they know that I wore a diaper today and used it? Couldn't be, but how my mother passes around news, it was highly possible. I screamed out, "No! I am not wearing any fucking diapers. I am already in this stupid dress." They were trying to push me over the edge and it worked. My mother yelled, "Emily Rose Hartwell! Was that you who I heard upstairs? I am coming up now." "Looks like you are screwed and got your mother attention." Amanda said. I knew that, either way I am screwed with almost nothing to wear, but little girl dresses. "What is all this commotion up here?" My mother said barging through the door. I am not sure why my mother was so forceful. Caitlyn stood and said, "We were just suggesting things for Emily and diapers popped up in conversation. After that he started cursing and said he didn't like his outfit." I thought Amanda was bad, but Caitlyn seems to want to make things worse as well. I wanted to say something, but my mother stopped me. "Don't you think about it. If you don't like diapers and are going to act like a baby, we might as well dress you like one," my mother said. Before I knew it, the brown dress and everything was stripped off of me and I was laying on the ground naked. The girls held me down while my mother brought in a diaper bag and began to diaper me. After some initial struggling I was in a thick diaper and was made to put on a white blouse with the pink jumper skirt covered in little rattles and ducks. With a petticoat it flared out the skirt enough where the diaper peeked out of the skirt. The rest of the time there I was crying and the makeup I had on ran down my face. No attempt was made to fix it, thank god. I looked like a mess with makeup smeared all over my face and me in nothing, but a little girl's dress. The girls maybe up nicknames for me and just added to my humiliation with taunts and holding up dolls. The was not made to use the diaper, though I suspect many of them wanted me to use it. My mother was not pleased with my performance there and after packing up everything we left Amanda's house. She didn't really speak to me and besides that I was allowed to eat some food. I was changed out of the dress back into just a boy's shirt and a diaper. My mother didn't want me to walk around the house with pants on while I was diapered. Without pants the diaper I did notice more so than when I could just felt it. Now the diaper was more evident. After some television, I went to bed with a diaper and the nightdress I wore the night before. School is going to be even more of a nightmare with the possibility of those pictures going around and news of my new status as a little girl. Whatever life I had so far just went down the gutter. ************* I been refusing to wear the dresses to school and even at home for most of the week. I opted to wear diapers. At least those I can hide and go unnoticed with enough effort. The only thing noticeable is how big my pants get when I wear them, but my mother got me some stretchable jeans, which do a good job for the most part. Only time I been dressed as a little girl is when I was over to Amanda's house. Since the first time I been dressed as a diapered little girl. I can say that not many outbursts were made in front of her. I was about to leave through the front door for school, but mommy reminded, "Do not forget to listen to Amanda what she says or else." That or else part was what I was worried about. I honestly don't know how my situation can get worse, but I am sure there are ways. "I won't. I promise, Mommy," I replied back and shut the front door behind me. All good little girls refer to their mothers as mommy. I only started saying that a day ago, but it already gotten stuck in my head and became routine quickly. Again, on the bus and for most of the school day I stayed away from most of the kids so they wouldn't notice the diaper even if I hid it well. With the pick book bag and my pierced ears, many of my friends preferred to stay away too. I mostly got ridiculed at school being referred as a sissy. I was about to head over to lunch before Amanda and her rat squad stopped me. Amanda said, "Are you wearing diapers to school?" "No. Why makes you say that?" I blushed sheepishly as I replied. "I just want to denote your new status and want to make sure you are wearing the proper undergarments. If you don't start telling the truth, we can pull down your pants right here in the hallway and show everyone," Amanda said with so much authority. "That isn't needed. Yes, I am wearing a diaper. We don't need to show anyone," I said back. Amanda said, "If that is the case then you should start using them throughout the school day and don't worry we got fresh ones in your size back at my locker." "Please...please...don't..." I said. I was shocked. Even at home I wasn't made to use the diaper, except for a few times. Now the girls want me to start using them during school. "You don't have much a choice, we can send everyone pictures of you dressed like a little girl and your butt in the air while being changed," Amanda said. "There are already rumors about a boy being dressed like a little girl going around town. Everyone is pointing at you. It is only a matter of time." "Fine, but I don't need to go now," I said back. Caitlyn was in the group and she said, "No worries. We can just have you start drinking from this throughout the day and in between class." Caitlyn was holding up a baby bottle filled with water. Amanda said, "That is a great idea and little Emily can join us for lunch at our table!" Not much I could do with a group of girls with enough evidence to destroy me from the next town over. Besides a group of girls were strong enough to force a single boy like me into the cafeteria. There I was made to eat baby food and drink from the bottle. The girls said they got enough food to last me awhile. I believed them. In between class I met up with the girls who watched me like a hawk to make sure I didn't use the bathroom and drank whatever bottle of water they gave me. Amanda always took pictures of me drinking out of the bottle for documentation purposes. Why else would she need to take pictures each time I drank from a bottle or sucking my thumb? The earring definitely ties everything together in those pictures. It was not even at the end of the day where Amanda and her goon squad held me down and had me use the diaper. Tears went down my face and pee between my legs. After seeing that the girls were victorious, the group of girls had me stay in the diaper for a good ten minutes before changing me and sending me off to home. If mommy knew, she probably wouldn't care and be glad that I been using them instead of wearing them for humiliation purposes. That was my daily routine for a few weeks at school and after school would be in and out of dresses if I ended up going out or visiting Amanda. Everything that was happening really dug away any resistance I once had. A few times over my mother lap though sealed the deal. Even crying myself to sleep stopped as I started to accept my fate. At least at school people didn't openly know that I was such a freak, but I am positive any suspicion people once had was confirmed. ************* It was a Friday when mommy picked me up and we headed off to a day spa where she made an appointment for me. Before being picked up though, I had to use my diaper in the middle of class and wasn't changed by the girls. So mommy took me a rest stop on the side of the road where she changed me into a fresh diaper and as well a little girl's outfit. Mommy and I walked into the day spa with me a yellow floral dress with a pair of white mary janes and white ribbons tied around two high pigtails on my head. My hair grew close enough to touch my shoulders and made decent length pigtails. I was completely dressed and walked the part, the only thing is that I didn't sound like a little girl. Mommy went up to the reception dragging me by the hand, "Hello. I made an appointment for Emily Hartwell." The lady responded, "Ah yes. We do have an appointment and we do indeed know about his special case. We got a back room just set up for Emily." "Very good," Mommy said, "Now go with the nice lady and behave. You don't want to start a scene now, do you?" "Yes mommy. I'll behave," I said back to mommy. The receptionist took me by the hand and led me to the back where she helped me take off my dress, shoes and ribbons. The diaper was kept on for now. "Now your mommy made an appointment to get your hair and nails done as well get your body hair removed. Please wait here while the technicians come and do their job," the receptionist said. I just sat down on a small chair in the middle of the room. It was a good bit before anyway came in and a few ladies came in. I heard them making a few comments and remarks, but once they saw me they shut themselves up. The technicians ended up removing my diaper anyway. The first thing that was started on was the removal of my facial and body hair through a process called electrolysis. This was where they sent small shocks throughout my body to remove the unwanted hair. Well the hair my mommy wanted removed. The process took nearly forty-five minutes left most of my body red. The entire process was humiliating. I was lead over to a salon chair where they laid down a rubber mat for me to sit on while my body was wrapped in a robe. I saw one of the technicians approach me with a pair of tweezers trimming my eyebrows into feminine arches, while the other went on my nails rounding them out and painting them a pink color. After both my nails and toenails were cleaned up and painted, both started working on my hair. My hair was first washed and rinsed a few times then the hair was started to be trimmed. I was given some bangs and the rest of my hair was just trimmed up with the hair framing my face. Then one of the workers used some goop and brush on my hair two different colors. When they were finished I was shown a mirror where I saw myself. My mouth hung wide opened with how feminine I looked now, my hair was a bright blonde color with the ends of my hair in a bright pink. With how the bangs and eyebrows framed my face I looked more than just a little girl. I looked like a sissy. A completely sissy. I had mixed feeling, should I cry or just stay in shock. "Emily don't you look cute? I can't believe they did such a wonderful job, but what am I going to do with you," Mommy said as she looked at the ground. My eyes went to where she was looking and I noticed a huge puddle of pee between my legs. I looked over to one of technicians, "My, what a baby. Can't even control his own bladder that well." The other said, "Don't you worry, you can get him cleaned up here and we will take care of the mess later." Both of the workers left me and mommy alone. Mommy dropped the diaper bag by the clothes where she used baby wipes to clean me up first before having me lay down, "You really need to control your bladder more. Good thing I had you start wearing diapers more often." Wasn't that the problem? Me wearing diapers all the time, at least at home I can run to the bathroom. Anywhere, especially at school I was made to use it whenever I had to take a pee. Out of the house I had been expected to use it more often as well. I even had to wear the diapers for a few hours because someone didn't bring enough or just to have me sit in them. Mommy powdered my crotch and used baby oil. I was then changed in a fresh diaper. Next was back in the dress and white mary janes, but instead of pigtails my mother put a headband in my hair with a huge flower on the side of it. Mommy said thanks to the receptionist and told mommy that I would have to be back two or three times to make sure all the hair wouldn't grow back. Mommy also made the appointments every three weeks to also take care of coloring my hair and whatever else I might need done to me. I really don't know how long I would be expected to be a little girl even if I got used to it for the most part it seems that I am going to a little girl for a long time. It was even worse, a diapered little girl. This became even more clear when the next stop mommy took me was to Angelic Pretties where she wanted to make a few additional purchases. Ms. Michaels came up to mommy and said, "Oh it has been a while. Are you here for more pretty outfits for little Emily here?" "Well not exactly. Emily's birthday is coming up in almost two weeks and it's going to be a princess theme party," Mommy said, "So I want to get her a special outfit for the occasion." "Do you have anything in mind? Also, would you like anything else?" Ms. Michaels said. Mommy replied, "I saw these lovely prints online and they were worn by teenage girls. I think the fashion was called Lolita or something like that. If older girls dressed like younger ones, I am sure that my Emily can wear the same prints." Mommy and Ms. Michaels conversed a bit longer about the orders and ended up ordering the birthday outfit along a few other garments I had no idea what they were. All I knew was that they needed a lot of my measurements from my waist, shoulders, arms, hips and chest. I also left the store in a new pink sleeveless party with thick shoulder strap and across the stomach made out of yellow fabric. I had a pink petticoat along with mary janes to finish the outfit. Mommy also had a few accessories, capes and a few petticoats she bought me. As mommy says, I can never have enough petticoats. Because I was such a good little girl, mommy got me some ice cream and took me out for dinner before going home. At home we just put all my clothes away in the closet and their proper places. Because today was a Friday, I was allowed to stay up until nine and watch some television. The only television I was allowed to watch were shows that were meant for little girls. I got a decent night of sleep with Tulip by my side. *************

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James And Rachel Chapter 02

Rachel and her boyfriend James were laying in James’s bed a few days later when James suddenly got up saying he wanted chocolate. Rachel just looked at him funny as he quickly left the room. She was a little perplexed at the spontaneity of her love’s cravings. Shortly, James returned with bottles of chocolate and caramel topping syrups. “I decided I wanted caramel too,” he chuckled as he set the bottles down and set about handcuffing Rachel’s hands to the bed above her head and her legs were...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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James As 8216Fluffy8217 The French Maid

The black nylon dress of the French Maid was incredibly short. It had white ruffles on the edging. There was a black taffeta petticoat that went underneath to flare the dress out. Black lace gloves matched the black fishnet stockings and the black pumps of the outfit. A small white lace hairpiece and a lacey leg garter completed the accessories. It was a gorgeous French Maid uniform, and it was what James wore most days. He was really required to wear that uniform. He had become accustomed to...

3 years ago
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James and MeTrue story

I remember James from the 5th grade; we had met up again at a Shoprite supermarket store. James approached me, and carries my grocery home from the supermarket. I had a huge crash on James. I always thought he was the cutest guy in the classroom. James still has his look, slim build, with salt and pepper hair. James was looking for a serious relationship; so, was I. When we arrived to my apartment, James put down my grocery on top of my dinner table; we begin to stare at each other eyes...

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James return on Saturday

James' return on Saturday. Saturday morning waking up, I was rather anxious to see James again after a good previous nights visit. My pussy was wet from the moment I woke up and I decided the only way to relax was gonna be to jump into a hot bath. It was just after 8 as I was running the bath for myself when James called. He was already at work and planning his day as he also asked me if we still on for this afternoon. " I cant wait to have you on my bed again, as I woke up extremely wet and...

2 years ago
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James Finds Trouble Part II

Part TwoNote: This one will make a lot more sense if you read Part I first. Thursday night walking home, I considered asking Mandy if she wanted to watch me again. Since Monday night, she hadn’t said a word about watching the first time. She had texted to ask how my ass was. I wasn’t sure if I could even bring any of it up, but my cock was hard as hell and full of encouragement. The first thing I noticed when I came through the door was the smell of perfume. Not too much of it, just a hint,...

2 years ago
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James Gay Sugar Daddy Part Two

James:Gay Sugar DaddyPart TwoI got home from work and was so horny from sucking James until he blew hot load in my mouth, I immediately grabbed my lube and dildo. I rode my dildo all night and came three times, each time climaxing with the idea of getting my ass pounded by James and his massive perfect cock. I woke up the next morning wondering if I would ever see James again. Lucky me, it wasn't long before my fantasies would become a very intense reality.Two weeks later, it was a rare busy...

1 year ago
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James and His Trailer Trash Mom Part 2

This story is a complete work of fiction. This work depicts acts between two persons who are both the legal age of consent. For background into this story please read James and His Trailer Trash Mom Part 1 Since the day Crystal had caught her son James masturbating in her room she had not spoken to him. Being much taller, stronger, and heavier than him, she had overcome him physically and shoved his face into a dirty pair of her panties while verbally taunting him. When he escaped she had...

1 year ago
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James Gay Sugar Daddy Part Three

After James plowed my ass and left me plastered with jizz, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I couldn't even make it through the morning without thinking about how good it felt sucking his cock and the warm salty taste of his sweaty rod penetrating my mouth. I relived the encounter with my dildo for several days afterwards. All I could think about was doing it again. Every time the bar door opened, I looked up, hoping to see my big greying bear, ready to give his dick to my cute little...

4 years ago
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James Gay Sugar Daddy Part One

James: Gay Sugar Daddy Part OneI had just moved to the big city and found myself poor, working odd jobs, and lacking a sex life. After my trip to Europe and finishing school, I had hit a 6 month dry spell. Being a cute 24 year old 5'7 bear cub with dirty blonde hair and an athletic build, I had never before had trouble getting laid, but I was getting older. I thought my wild days were behind me, but then I met James.I found a night job as a bartender at a local gay bar. I made decent tips,...

1 year ago
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I’m a thirty year old brunette, five foot six inches tall, one hundred and twenty eight pounds with a thirty four “C” chest and am told I am pretty hot. I am an ad executive for a fairly large ad agency, make real good money and purchased a house in an upscale gated community. The day I was moving in my neighbor came over and introduced himself, he was a hottie and told me he was an interior designer, which immediately made me think he was gay and all my lewd thoughts went away. He was dressed...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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James and Des

He walked down the boarding ramp to the plain in NYC. He looked out at the crowd gathered outside the gate waiting for people on the plain. He looked around. He really wasn’t sure what to look for. She had sent him pictures, but he didn’t know what she was wearing or anything like that. Then he saw the sign. ‘Duncan’ He laughed. That was his screen name under which he’d been when they had met in the chat room. They had talked for a while, and enjoyed it. Her boyfriend had just broken up with...

4 years ago
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James Pt 3 15th Birthday Present

For being 14, almost 15, James was a fairly immature person. He still had a thing for cartoons and wouldn’t say no to a kids meal instead of a regular one like most people his age. It was the same when it came to birthdays, whether by choice or his mothers pressure - he was still having a stereotypical birthday party. A home made buffet, watching a DVD; cake and then a sleepover. I had never really been a fan of parties or sleepovers, even cake really. Birthdays had just never really meant...

2 years ago
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James Taylor The beginning

is better please give me a feedback. I also changed the story a bit, for better i think. ################################################################## “Fuck...I’m late” – James thought to himself. James was 16 years old and lived with his parents in a small town called Spinacles. Little did he know that today he would lose his virginity. As soon as he arrived to school he heard a deep voice: his principal. “Mr. Taylor….. Late again? This can’t go on anymore Taylor” “I’m sorry...

3 years ago
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James and Ally

James laid back on the hammock, sipping his icy rum and cokeand breathing in a deep sigh of summer air. It was lovely to get away from the business of his work and the city, and he closed his eyes and soaked in the serenity of the little beach shack they’d rented for the weekend. He and Ally hadn’t been together for long at all – they hadn’t even slept together yet- but this weekend away with her and a few friends was the perfect opportunity to test how far she’d let him go. Just as he began to...

4 years ago
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James and Ally

James laid back on the hammock, sipping his icy rum and cokeand breathing in a deep sigh of summer air. It was lovely to get away from the business of his work and the city, and he closed his eyes and soaked in the serenity of the little beach shack they’d rented for the weekend. He and Ally hadn’t been together for long at all – they hadn’t even slept together yet- but this weekend away with her and a few friends was the perfect opportunity to test how far she’d let him go. Just as he began to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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James and Pandora

If there is enough interest,I will post part 2 When the new fa mily moved into the old,abandoned mansion on the corner of 5th and Elm a little over six months ago,rumors were flying throughout the neighborhood before the moving truck had even cleared their driveway. I mean,Why not? They were strangers to our little town after all,and since coming here myself,as a ch ild,I have found that these small New England Towns tend to thrive on speculation and rumor,just like Roses thrive on Horse...

2 years ago
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James School The Beggining

James was 16 years old and he was late to school, again. He somehow turn is lack of punctuality a characteristic of his. But of all things he never thought it would be this that would make him lose is virginity. He got ready as fast as he could, but he was an hour late. His parents were never home due to business trips, so he practically lived alone. When he arrived at his high school he was caught by the principal. “Mr. James….. Again? You know I can´t tolerate this anymore.” – He...

1 year ago
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James The Butler

This work is long, 38,000 words, a complete novella. It contains multiple scenes of hardcore explicit sex between men and women, men and men, women and women, and groups dealing primary in a MFM arrangement. Themes throughout center on domination. Comments / votes are welcomed by the author. *** A house divided cannot stand, or so someone once said. I myself was finding that it worked quite well. I kept my life in nice neat compartments, and there was no room for error. It made for a pretty...

3 years ago
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James and Des Ch 02

Chapter 2: the next morning James sat on the bed watching her sleep. She was so beautiful. He watched her perfect breasts rise and fall with the slow, peaceful rhythm of her breathing. She shifted on the bed, let out a soft moan in her sleep. James felt a thrill run up his spine just from that little sound. Last night seemed like a blur. They had made love twice after the first time, then fallen asleep in one another’s arms. He had lost his virginity to this absolutely gorgeous woman, and she...

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James Pt 1 Two Years Younger

Introduction: This is a new series of stories. This, being the first, took place two years after my last experience with Derek. I am now 16. This story and the stories to come in this series contain themes of homosexuality. The boys involved are all quite young, some under 16. If this doesnt interest you then stop reading now. Things had went well with Derek for a few months. Wed meet eachother before school and walk together, share a quick kiss at the gates and then separate to go be with our...

1 year ago
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James Pt 2 Teen Toilet Fun

After we'd finished the last kiss we got out of the showers, got dressed and walked home. The next day we met up again, at the bottom of my street to walk to school. Chris was still ill and therefore still off school, James and I talked about anything (not about the previous day) until we got to the gates. Then we were silent whilst we went and found our friends, it wasn't awkward between us. James was seemingly fine about what happened and I didn't want to upset him by bringing it up, so...

1 year ago
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James Pt 1 Two Years Younger

Things had went well with Derek for a few months. We'd meet eachother before school and walk together, share a quick kiss at the gates and then separate to go be with our own friends before first lesson. Then we'd meet back up at lunch and then again after school to walk home. Almost every night we would go out somewhere together, even if it was just into his house; of course there was always the sex... for the first week or so it was every day. Several times in school when we were both...

3 years ago
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When I saw James that day, he was feeling more upbeat then he was when last we were together. He was slowly coming to grips with the reality of his divorce, and he surprised me by focusing his concern on how he let himself loose upon me.He was so unsure of himself and of his feelings at the time, and was actually worried that I might have felt used by his aggression. How very like him. He gave me one of the most incredible sexual experiences of my life, and then worried that he might have taken...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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James Was Right

This is mostly true, juiced a little to make it a tad more interesting. It's based on some real conversations, and what happened later; many liberties have been taken and timelines tweaked, but essentially autobiographical. There's not a lot of explicit sex in this telling. It's mainly a reminiscence. James was sitting at his table, looking very mellow, and not all that much different from the last time I'd seen him, a tad over ten years earlier. He was tall, even sitting, and he was...

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James and Rachel Chapter 03

Later that same night, James and Rachel were still lying in bed naked, holding and touching each other, never letting their arousal fade yet not allowing it to raise either. Hours went by with neither of them giving in to the other yet still teasing the hell out their lover. Hands, mouths and tongues roamed while their lust and love mingled and mixed. There wasn't a single moment when neither James nor Rachel would give quarter. They had worked each other up for hours, and the sexual tension...

Straight Sex
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James Gay Sugar Daddy Part Four

After I had a sucked and fucked a complete stranger for the amusement of James and his partner, I was feeling pretty sleazy. I thought I was as degraded as possible, but that was until James's partner walked into the bar. The bar was empty and it was close to the end of the night when the tall handsome man walked in alone, looking disturbed and filled with perverse purpose. The bar was hot and I was wiping sweat off my head and arms; even in a tight black t-shit and jean shorts, I was...

2 years ago
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James Joy Ride

(I thank James for sharing details of his erotic escapades and giving me liberty to insert my fantasies also. James is from Imphal, Manipur and is keen to befriend hot couples and horny ladies from Imphal. He wanted me to narrate only his adventure but I felt some spice was needed to be added, so please note that the events with Telugu couple are true and rest is all fiction. His email ID is Please send your comments and suggestions to I would love to hear from horny, Telugu ladies) I looked...

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James and the Little Nymph

The crickets wouldn't stop chirping, and it was getting to James. It was midnight, and he was in a slump. He had a meeting with Laura, his editor, the next day and he still had more than half a chapter to write for her. Not to mention, being in a cabin in the middle of the mountains meant a long drive down to the metropolis. "Maybe I just don't have it anymore" he mused, as he twiddled a small clip with his hand. Laura had even been so kind as to loan out her grandfather's cabin to see if...

1 year ago
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james gives ally a visit edited

"What the?" I murmur as I look at my phone once more and think to myself, "Who the heck is that at this hour" I hear another Tap and then a warm voice says, "Ally, its just me James" Oh crap! I'm only in my pj witch consist of a t-shirt and panties... I go over and open my window and look out. "James! what in Gods name are you doing! Get in this house before someone sees you!" Hastily, he obliges. I grab his wrist and pull him into my room and shut the door. "James! What the...

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James gives Ally a visit

Intro: yes this is a true story. The names have been changed. Please feel free to write a comment, and let me know if I should keep posting more. no! I cry out. ugg I just cant get it right. I crumple the paper that was my failed attempt at my art project. sigh… I look at my phone, its so late and I have to work tomorrow. I roll my eyes as I internally scold myself for asking for an extra shift. I stand up and stretch my arms and tired legs. then I hear a light tap on my window. what the? I...

2 years ago
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James falls in love for the first time Dedicated

James peered through the gap in his curtains, feasting his eyes upon the delights just a dozen feet away. His newest neighbor had only moved next door the past week, and he had gotten brief glimpses of her on occasion. Now she was in the patch of ground behind her trailer sunning herself. She had red hair that fell in endless curls past her shoulders, tall for a woman, curvy but not fat, huge breasts were spilling out of her bikini. She had the hands of a woman who was no longer young, but her...

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James Made Me his Cock Sucker PT2

After sucking James's cock for the first time, I knew that I would do it whenever he asked me to. I wanted to pleasure him and be a part to whatever dirty little things he could think up. So that's how it went; James was very horny all the time, and when he wanted a slutty, wet blowjob, I was there. I continued to fuck the shit out of my girlfriend, just as he continued to fuck his sexy wife, but it seemed like almost every day I was at his house, or in his truck, with his cock thick and...

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James To Jane The Hard Way

James to Jane, The Hard Way For many years, I had dreamed of forcing my husband James into womanhood, and for him - her - to ultimately serve as my personal servant and sissy maid. This was never possible due to our financial situation and my husband's needed income. Recently his job changed, and he was to be working out of the house from now on, making less than he was before. With that fact in hand, as well as the fact that my own business was doing very well due to some increases...

4 years ago
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James and the Deprived housemom Part 1

-I’ll see you guys in a week!- Mom said as they walked into the airport. James and his brother, Ryan, were going to visit childhood friends from back east, making a whirlwind tour of the life they had for nearly 13 years. In contrast to the liberal, open-mindedness of the West Coast, they were entering a church-going, family-oriented community that they had, since leaving, not missed for a minute. They were staying first with a family that lived pretty close to their old house, and...

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James Janie

When I was 11 and my sister was 9, we hung around with another brother and sister, James and Janie. We used to just goof around the neighborhood, play in the park or kick a ball around, but that day would turn out to be a lot different. James was kind of a young surfer punk looking guy, dirty blonde hair in his eyes all the time and he and I were one of the first in our grade to get high. I, on the other hand, was rather a non-descript type of guy. I wasn't a nerd, nor a jock, nor a...

4 years ago
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James Takes Lilly In The Barn

James Takes Lilly In the BarnThis is a sexy tale I wrote together with a friend on the fly, both in the moment. We had fun with it. The flow may not be perfect or the grammar but it is what we felt at the moment and I wanted to keep it that way. I hope you all like it as much as we did.James My Beautiful woman, you have surrendered to me, your mind body and soul. I take you, and will treat you with respect that you deserve your body, mind and soul will be filled with pleasure and care. I...

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