Room 312 free porn video

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Room 312 Susanna says: - This is a tale of two people who find each other through the maelstrom that is life. This is unusual in that I am dedicating this to the love of my life, even though we can no longer be together, I will always think of her fondly and warmly. I will remember those times when we pleasured each other, stroked each other's eager flesh, played dress up and went shopping together. For me my love you were my first, the one who made my special moment, that time in a girl's life when you lose something treasured, it was with you and your loving flesh, your big warm and throbbing cock. Take care my love and know that I will love you always. Elizabeth sat nervously on the edge of the bed in her room; she once more brushed away a speck of dust that wasn't actually there. She had just received the text from her friend to let her know that she was in the hotel lobby and on her way up. Elizabeth stood up and walked towards the mirror in order to check her appearance, to make sure that all of her rogue hairs had been removed. She looked at herself in the mirror, smiling at the perfectly applied make-up, with soft shadowy eye shadow and blusher uplifting her cheeks, full plump ruby red lipstick glistening with lip gloss sheen. She turned herself around admiring the view of her calves and pert bottom, she had on her new black and white outfit by Red Herring that she had seen and just had to buy. Black knee high boots that complimented her opaque lace hold-ups and a little page-boy wig that simply framed her elfin features. Despite her nerves she was ready for her date. She could sense Erica coming up in the lift, and recalled how it was that they had first met. Elizabeth's tale Jacob had come home from work, a typical pointless Friday where nobody took things very seriously and very few sales ever took place. He had thrown his briefcase onto the sofa before walking into his bedroom to change. He knew what he wanted to do immediately, as it had been at the forefront of his mind virtually all day. He quickly pulled out his matching bra and knickers set, the little black and purple lacy ones, before also pulling out some opaque hold-ups - purple ones quite difficult and expensive to buy. For ease he threw on some tracksuit bottoms and a rugby top before cooking himself some pasta to eat. Nearly every Friday ended up like this for Jacob, not by accident but by choice. He loved the thrill of becoming a woman, in his mind becoming the sister that he had been supposed to be. His mother had always wanted a little girl, after three boys, she had wanted something different, less troublesome. And so his parents had convinced themselves that this time it would be a girl, fourth time lucky; they'd even picked the name, Elizabeth, but it was another boy. His mother had never quite forgiven him for what she saw as his fault that he was a boy and not a girl. Jacob's mother had never overtly encouraged him to dress as a girl, but she had never discouraged him demonstrating feminine traits and behaviours, in fact she had encouraged such behaviour's. It was therefore natural for Jacob to start dressing as a woman when he got older. None of his ex-girlfriends understood, but then why did it matter to him, they couldn't appreciate the beauty or the happiness he found when he was a woman. Jacob finished off his appearance with a LBD and some breast forms he'd bought off the internet; he didn't bother too much with make-up just a light waft of foundation and some coral lipstick before strapping on his heels. Elizabeth spent the evening sipping a chilled white, watching the TV or some DVDs, before she went to check her emails - she had her own account which was separate from Jacob's. She had joined a TV/TS/CD dating community, and despite some trepidation had decided to place an advert, with a photo simply of her legs and breasts - for some reason she was reluctant to put her face on the site. She had been communicating, albeit increasingly erotically, with a TS called Erica, who lived across the other side of London to her. She hoped that there was an email from her in her inbox. Elizabeth yelped in delight, because there were three emails from Erica. The first was a description of what Erica had been doing all day, what clothes she had bought and how much she loved her. The second went into great detail about how Erica wanted to make love to her, about how she wanted to thrust her enormous erection deep within Elizabeth's male vagina, while stroking Elizabeth's own cock to a fevered ejaculation. Elizabeth sat there, her erection becoming uncomfortable and aroused within her knickers, squirming in erotic delight at the words. She opened the third email. It was simply a photo embedded within the email of Erica, her prick in her red nailed hands, framed by suspenders and stockings, having ejaculated all over her breasts. Like glistening pearls it hung from her nipples and breasts. Elizabeth ejaculated there and then, revelling in the warm sensations, dipping her fingers into the warm juice, and sucking her fingers like a hungry infant. At the bottom of the third email, were a couple of lines, a challenge as were "This can all be yours if you want. I want you and you want me, why don't we take the next step? We can meet up, our first date, somewhere romantic and neutral. Well what do you think; will you take the first step?" After two days of soul searching, and uncertainty, re-reading the email again and again. Elizabeth finally sent her answer to Erica on Sunday night. Erica's story Erica hadn't always wanted to be a woman; she'd never had a mother who had dressed her up in little frilly frocks and white panties. She'd never dressed up for fun and been taken advantage of by a manipulative Auntie. She had been born Phillip, in a small village just outside Guildford, to Mr and Mrs Ordinary. It was pretty humdrum, untroubled, a routine suburban upbringing. Phillip had played all of the sports at his school, rugby, cricket and football; as well as tennis and badminton - although he always found that really dull and slow. He had received all of the grades, he hadn't dated the best looking girl in school, but she had been pretty and they had lost their virginity together. In fact it wasn't until he had gone to University that things began to change. Although he did graduate, his heart was never in it, he had found something else to excite him. It did in fact start with one of those parties, where Phillip had found himself as one of only two men left in the flat. For some reason that he thought sensible at the time, he allowed one of the girls, Jemima, to make him up as a woman. In the end she did a really convincing job of it. The two of them went back into the main room, where the other guy was, still drinking and listening to the music. Jemima pushed Phillip, now known as Erica, onto the sofa and watched as the man started to flirt with Erica. Again Erica can never quite recall the actual sequence of events, nor the name of the guy, but she did know that she wasn't coerced into what came next. Erica found herself pushed back into the sofa, as the man pressed his lips firmly onto hers, his hands seemed to be everywhere, but surely he could only have two! The one thing that Erica did recall was that Jemima had left to watch from the breakfast bar, while she began to enjoy the sensations that this experience was bringing her. Erica knew that as Phillip she should have been repelled by the sight of his erect penis, and his tense scrotum, but she felt a sensation, a desire that she had never known before. Erica had simply bent her mouth down towards his mushroom cap, all purple and swollen and swallowed it all within the frame of her lips. Phillip had seen this many times on TV, and he'd even enjoyed a few done upon himself, but this was something new; even so he had embraced it with wild abandonment. Erica lost her virginity that night, she had felt the firm sensation of another man's cock sliding between her lips, parting the coral bud of her male vagina before ejaculating hard, hot and fast within her demanding body. Phillip was never the same, and he spent the remainder of his final year as Erica simply revelling in her new body. It was though the death of her parents that finally allowed Phillip to take that inevitable step towards womanhood. His parents had left a considerable sum of money, and their house was worth a small fortune in the inflated house market. And so with no remaining family, and a small fortune, Phillip, after having donated some sperm to the clinic, set off to live his new life as Erica. All told Phillip probably was a little na?ve, it wasn't as simple as he had thought, and it also wasn't without its painful moments. Erica found herself hanging around other transsexuals, simply to avoid being stared at by some Neanderthals, who thought it fun to humiliate and abuse people like Erica. The treatment was long and expensive and to Erica the idea that she had to dress as a woman for 2 to 4 years simply to prove that she was committed to the decision was downright ridiculous and frustrating. She found herself often at home late at night, surfing the web and chatting to others in chat rooms. She would talk about her plastic surgery, she went into great detail about her new breasts and how wonderful they felt, while keeping quiet on the hormone treatment and how they sometimes made her feel so low and so depressed. It was during one of those low moments that she had found Elizabeth. Erica spent many moments emailing her new friend, her love. They seemed to be made for each other, almost perfect in the way that they talked and shared ideas, concerns, loves, lusts and views. To Erica that belief that they should meet and enjoy each other's bodies, was a natural thing and so she had asked the question, I suppose she asked her out for a date. Erica waited on tenterhooks hardly knowing what to do with herself, until the Sunday night when she got a reply "Oh my darling, I hardly dare breathe, for I am so excited, so expectant and so desiring of you. Of course I will meet you. In fact I've already booked us a room on the 23rd at the Dorchester, here's my mobile number, send me yours in return and I will text you the room number, all my love Elizabeth." It was now the 23rd and Erica stood nervously in the lift, even though she had caught a few admiring glances from the men waiting in reception, she was still nervous and sure that somebody would spot her for what she was. She needn't have worried. The lift opened and she walked towards the room, 312, and stood before the door. She smoothed her dress down before knocking on the door. Their story Elizabeth jumped at the knock on the door, before composing herself. She dabbed some Chanel no.5 onto her wrists, the back of her knees, between her breasts and at the side of her neck. She sashayed over to the door and opened it knowing who was there; for Erica had texted to say she was outside. The two women stood admiring each other, before leaning in and kissing each other on the cheek. It was chaste, but both could sense the frisson between them and both knew that that would not be all that happened tonight. Elizabeth closed the door, putting the 'do not disturb' sign outside before locking them in together. Elizabeth stood in admiration at the woman who stood before her, regardless of what lay between her legs, she was a beautiful woman. They walked towards each other, until their hands found their waists, their lips pressing firmly onto each other's, their tongues fencing in lustful abandonment. The heat between them building, their arousal straining at the leash to be set free; Elizabeth broke off first. "Do you remember darling, what I said I would do the first time we met? Well I keep my promise and I'm going to pleasure you where you stand!" Elizabeth knelt down on the carpet, placing her hands on Erica's thighs before gently teasing the hem of her dress upwards to reveal her groin, all erect and straining at the gates. Elizabeth gently pulled the knickers down over the stockings, Erica's 7" erection springing out from its cage to present itself to her willing mouth. Elizabeth gently grasped the shaft in her left hand, while with her right she dipped her middle finger into the well of pre-ejaculation juices that was eagerly waiting to be supped. She slid her finger across her breasts, leaving a little silver trail of cum across her d?colletage. She leant in and slipped her mouth down the shaft, pushing her lips down and down until she could take no more, slowly she pulled her lips tight around Erica's phallus, before drawing upwards until the very tip touched her ruby lips, then she slid downwards once more, before pulling back, and then down and then back, her tempo increasing, her arousal becoming heated and fevered. Erica felt her knees begin to shake, she felt her own lust growing, she stroked her nipples, ran her fingers through Elizabeth's hair, before ululating in orgasmic joy as she ejaculated hard and hot within Elizabeth's mouth. Elizabeth felt the cum as it sped up the shaft, readied herself for the hot salty sensation, and swallowed every last drop of the hot spunk as it shot forth within her mouth, she gulped, spilling some on her chin, she swallowed every drop that spent forth in her mouth, before picking up the errant pearl from her chin and slipping it into her mouth. It was then and only then that she ejaculated herself. Erica looked down at Elizabeth and lifted her up by her arms, "oh my darling that was amazing, now I will do what I said I would do to you when we first met!" Erica took Elizabeth by the hand, kissing as they went, and led her to the bed. She went around behind Elizabeth and unzipped her dress, the rustle as it fell to the floor, arousing in its own unique way. She unhooked her own dress until both stood only in their lingerie, Erica's erection standing proud amongst her shaven groin. Elizabeth pulled her own panties down, and stepped out of them before flinging them across the room. She fell back onto the bed; her legs splayed anticipating the excitement, ready and willing for what was about to come. She had previously lubricated her anus, her male vagina with strawberry lube, in anticipation of this moment. Erica leant in, licking her tongue up the shaft of Elizabeth's cock until she reached the tip, where she sucked the spunk that remained. She slipped her tongue into the slit, and round the sides, before placing both of her bollocks into her mouth, her scrotum warm to the touch of her tongue. She proceeded to work her way up her stomach, all nervous and tense, it twitched in arousal as she ran her tongue around her belly button. She pressed her lips firmly onto her breasts, kissing the slight natural cleavage formed by the breast forms as they pushed outwards and upwards, before working her way towards her neck and face. She kissed just behind her ear, before slightly nipping her flesh on her shoulder, giving her a love bite to remember her by. She kissed slowly up her neck, revelling in the perfume that infused the air between them, becoming more and more aroused as she went. She kissed around her chin, across her cheeks, gently kissing her eyes before firmly planting her lips onto Elizabeth's eager mouth, the warm heady taste of spunk mingled within their mouths. Erica knelt on the bed, lifting Elizabeth up by the hips, she gently teased open her rose bud with her fingers, before thrusting her own erection between those soft virgin lips. Erica unfurled her legs, before lifting up Elizabeth's so that her thighs pressed against her breasts. Pushing her legs back so that her ankles hung over her head, Erica thrust her erection further into the flesh of her lover. Elizabeth, her male vagina being lovingly violated, tensed with the initial pain, but soon she began to feel the warm sensations course through her flesh as Erica thrust even further within her body, every inch gained another hour of arousal and orgasmic joy experienced - to Elizabeth it was worth it, the ends justify the means. Erica thrust herself within her lovers arse, slapping her testicles hard against her cheeks, as she thrust herself back and forth. Elizabeth yelped with pleasure, her nerve endings on fire as every touch of their flesh sent waves of pleasure through her body. Erica withdrew right to the edge, teasing her lover, before plunging her flesh hard and fast back into her pussy. All the while she was kissing Elizabeth's body, scratching her fingers across her heightened flesh, squeezing her erection with her nails, scratching her foreskin. Sensations, sensations, every second were about sensations between them. They knew that this wasn't going to be the only time that weekend that they would make love to each other, or indeed that this weekend would be the only time, but this was their first, and for Elizabeth her special moment, for she was losing her virginity to her lover, her soul mate. Erica felt her groin tense, knew that she was about to cum; she thrust herself deep within Elizabeth, before ejaculating hot and hard within her body. She shrieked with orgasmic bliss as her body shook with erotic pleasure. Elizabeth, felt the sensations as Erica's ejaculation shot up her shaft, sending ripples of pleasure out through her body, she tensed in expectation but nothing could prepare her for the sensations she felt as Erica ejaculated deep within her body. It coursed through her flesh, sending shockwaves across her body, her mouth, her nipples all screamed with ecstasy as the warmth suffused itself all throughout. It cannoned through her pussy, careening around her testicles, before exploding through her own erection, arcing between their bodies, glistening in the light as it formed wonderful pictures on their loving flesh, their heat, lust and love forming a bond between them that would never be broken. In the end they spent the whole weekend in their room, only seeing others people when room service called. Erica never did finish the operation sequence, simply because Elizabeth loved her as she was, and although Erica loved Elizabeth exactly how she was, Elizabeth decided to join her lover, and she too went through the lengthy hormone treatment, and she too had plastic surgery for her own breasts.

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Rooming For The Winter

Rooming For The Winter By Don Davidson Meanwhile...still standing in the front hallway... He stood there... in the rubber and steel holding his limbs; the woman was behind him... he heard the snapping of rubber gloves... The man came over to him... walked to his left side... and the man gently put his hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his rubber covered head... "Well Sweety... time to get to know each other... we've been kept apprised of your progress... and are very...

1 year ago
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Rooming For Winter II

Rooming For Winter II The day continued... one session after another... round and round... walking... drinking... cleaning... ejaculating... he was being conditioned... trained... The drinking tube was getting lower and lower... he had to bend down at the waist... it was difficult to keep his balance as he took the tube in his mouth... it was getting longer... he had to relax his throat muscles to get it down deep enough to push the plate to get the liquid in him... It was a...

4 years ago
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

1 year ago
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

3 years ago
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Roomies Ch 01

I’ve been working on this series for awhile now, and figured I was finally far enough along to submit some of it and see what kind of response I get. PLEASE, if you like what you are reading, VOTE and COMMENT! I love feedback and thrive on your votes to tell me if you like it! Lesli was ecstatic: She was finally here, in her dorm room, ready to start her freshman year of college! What a relief to finally get away from home, away from her mom and step dad, and be able to do all the things she...

1 year ago
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Roomies part 2

It had been a month since our first threesome. AJ and I had hooked up a few times on our own, AJ and Jim had, too. None of us were ever jealous of the other since we all got what we wanted and had a foundation of friendship before things got steamy.This week at work had been a stressful one for me, so my Friday was going to be spent relaxing. AJ had gone to the bar with her girlfriends and Jim was out of town for a couple of weeks visiting his parents. I had the whole place to myself. I thought...

1 year ago
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Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...

4 years ago
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Ballroom Affair

The party was huge. A hundred or more costumed people drinking and dancing their way around the city's most exclusive hotel's ballroom, an invitation only affair put together by Merlin Oberon, the famous billionaire turned philanthropist. The night's gala had already raised, according the thermometer-like gauge on the wall, nearly fifty thousand dollars to support stem cell research, and the fete was only two hours old. Peter Overbee was smashed. He wasn't a frequent drinker, and it'd...

1 year ago
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Showroom Se Bedroom Tk

By : Cooljaat Hi ISS readers I am Rohit from Chandigarh I am a regular reader if ISS having read so much of stories I have decided to share my personal experience with you all as this is my first story so please forgive me for anykind of mistake I am 20 years old 6″ ft tall, good looking guy. I am a student of btech frm delhi bt holidays k chalte apne ghar pe hu chandigarh me kuch din pehle mai apne friends k saath 17 sector ki market me kuch shopping krne gya tha wahin ek showroom me mujhe...

3 years ago
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Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri; she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh.All through elementary school and most of high school we...

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It’s Friday, September 13, 2013, triskaidekaphobia day. I’m at the mall and go to the washroom. There are 3 urinals and the middle one is not occupied. I stand between the two guys there and unzip and start to relieve myself. The guy on my left has an average uncut dick with a long overhanging tube-shaped foreskin. He is pissing away and doesn’t look over at me at all, he just looks down at his pecker and does his business. The guy on my right is also doing his business. He has a smooth cut...

3 years ago
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Groomsman gets the Bride on her wedding night

I met Julie while we were in college. Initially, I thought she was out of my league when it came to dating. She was 5'6" 125-130lbs, pale skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was big into golf which is why we hung out often. She started dating a friend of mine and the three of us would golf 4-5 times a week and hang out together too. Over time, Julie and I became more like brother and sister. Talking trash, she was always getting on me about girls I dated, nothing was off limits. Julie and...

3 years ago
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Roommate Fucked My Sexy Sister

Hello guys this is Ajai from Lucknow. I’m 23 years old. 5’11” fair in colour, athletically built, musician, engineer, gentleman, 6-inch cock and a lot of sexual experience. I’m here to narrate a real incident that took place in my life 3 years back when my little sister visited me and was fucked by my roommate while I was gone. Let me tell you about my sister first. Her name is Smriti and she was 19 years old then. She has a very fair skin colour and has a big, firm, round and tight ass which...

3 years ago
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I woke up in my boyfriends room, hung over and naked. His load was leaking out of me, but he was nowhere to be seen. I heard his roommates downstairs, so i put on a pair of panties and a t-shirt that was long and went downstairs. When I got down there, I saw that 4 of the 5 were downstairs in shorts, mostly without shirts. Since we were close, i didn’t even bother to hide what i was wearing, and it was obvious that they were happy with what i was wearing. I offered to make breakfast, and they...

4 years ago
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Breakroom Buttfuck

Barbara Adams was a very attractive twenty-two year old woman, with long, black hair, and a pretty face with sparkling green eyes and fair skin. She loved all kinds of sex, but her favorite type of sex was anal. She just loved being taken from behind and feeling a thick, stiff cock plowing her backside. For her, the classic "face down/ass up" or bent over something positions were her favorite. And if she happened to be horny (which was most of the time) and there was no stiff cock around (which...

1 year ago
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Classroom wedgie

This is a story of how everything changed in one day. I was one young man out of 15 others in a classroom of about 30 young men and women in total. We were all 18 years old. It was a normal class in a normal high school but we had a very hot young woman in class called Jayne. Jayne was chubby and her skin was very pale white. Her blonde hair was braided into a ponytail in the back and she had a pretty face with blue eyes and her body was very curvy but she was not fat. Her tits were quite big...

2 years ago
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Roomates 23

She is sitting on the bed, watching her TV, but shuts it off when he enters. Korey suddenly felt nervous, something Sarah clearly didn’t feel. She stood up, showing a pair of tight, aquamarine panties that matched her bra. Korey felt his cock harden and his confidence increase as she pulls him into a deep, passionate kiss. “Now,” she whispers into his ear, “Let me show another of my fantasies.” She begin another passionate kiss, as her hand snaked across his sculpted chest....

3 years ago
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Hot, refreshing water cascades down his back as he leans against the wall. He wants the warming embrace to last forever, but eventually the water turns to a frigid cold. Wrapping a plush towel around his waist as he leaves the steam filled bathroom. He carefully makes his way to the kitchen and starts the coffee maker, before heading back upstairs to get dressed. He puts on a pair of jeans and a tight, form fitting compression shirt. At 180 pounds, he wasn’t the biggest guy in the world,...

2 years ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 05

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * ‘How come you spend so much time lookin’ outa that dam’...

1 year ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 03

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * Beautiful afternoon. I was in position on the rug, thinking...

4 years ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 02

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * Well, shit. Spring break round the corner and no-one lined up....

3 years ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 01

This follow-up happened because a guy, (I think: it’s a neutral kind of name), called sgnatz, who is a litcrit I’ve learned to take notice of, gave me a push. I was sure I’d finished with Doug and his talent, but a message came thumping into my inbox… ‘Take him five years down the line’, it suggested, ‘and see how everything’s developed.’ Sgnatz doesn’t say much but he/she gets right to the point. I looked at the e-mail and thought, ‘Damn. I should have had that idea.’ So I carried on, it...

2 years ago
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Roomers Revisited Ch 04

The explanation / justification for my having the nerve to write a sequel to ‘Roomers’ is summarized at the beginning of Ch. 01. I hope I’ve slipped in enough back-story so that you don’t have to have read the first series to enjoy this follow-up. On the other hand, if you’re a ‘Roomers’ virgin, it would certainly help to scroll through it quickly. Two points: remember to vote and remember I respond to non-anonymous feedback. * Summertime, and the living oughta be easier. I stood in the...

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Steamroom Encounter

It had been an enjoyable but hard workout at the gym, and Sarah was now looking forward to a refreshing shower and a relaxing massage in the steam room. Everything was booked and paid for.Stepping out of the shower, Sarah wrapped her clean and toned body in a white bath towel and made her way across to the steam room reception. She was greeted by a male masseur who she didn’t recognize. He introduced himself as Adam and apologized that her regular masseur, Leah, had been taken unexpectedly ill...

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Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentists office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hours long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home, immediately she could feel the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” She called out to...

3 years ago
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Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...

2 years ago
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During the first semester of my freshman year, I did hook up with a pretty, large chested girl from my home town who also found herself lost in SoCal. She gave the most amazing oral sex; sucking so hard that cumming was equal parts pain and pleasure. This oral talent soon made her many male friends over 21 who could buy her alcohol and take her on trips to Vegas, and countless other things that I could not manage at 18 years old. I got lucky with another girl from close to where I grew up...

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Roomates Ch 3 Showing off

Jane and I decided to stay home Saturday night. Neither of us really wanted to hear the fallout from Rita’s visit to her big brother Randy. We liked him, and we new he’d feel totally shamed. And we both vowed not to spread the rumor further. They were showing Spartacus on TV, we had beer and frankly a movie and popcorn seemed like a good plan with the world going nuts about us. We were in the living room studying when Missy burst in around five. “Did you hear what happened at the Gas House...

2 years ago
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Roomates Part 2 Witnesses to sin

The morning after started out like any other. Missy had the earliest class, and she got up and started the coffee and jumped in the shower. I was up next. I wriggled out of Jane’s arms with a soft kiss, and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast and finish the chapter’s I hadn’t quite finished last night. I felt tired, exhausted and nicely sore after a marathon sex session with Jane, inspired by the sound Missy’s cries as she gave her vibrator a good workout. I started chopping some onions...

4 years ago
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Today is the first day of the rest of your life; your destiny awaits, you tell yourself. But who are you kidding. . . you stopped believing in bullshit like fate a long time ago. The universe is governed by dumb luck and strength of will. In that case, today is just another day. You hope it will be better than the day before. You watch your parents pull out of their parking space in their bug splattered minivan, noticeably lighter now that your stuff is not in it. Your mind is flooded by...

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