Afternoon Nap Disrupted free porn video

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About two in the afternoon, those sort of thoughts were once again dancing through my brain as I laid on the couch, music playing, the book falling open on my belly. My last conscious thought was the recognition that my cock was getting hard. " Not bad," I mumbled as I dozed off. The next thing I sensed soft delicate hands slidding under my white t-shirt, then my shorts and sweatpants sliding down, my hips reacting by rising just enough to facilitate the movement, my thick hard cock lolling on my thigh. I returned her playful advances -- sliding my hands under her silk blouse to cup her bare breasts underneath. We were both anticipating some fun as the afternoon wound down.

I feel two, or maybe three fingers tentatively exploring my hard cock, first just a touch, then a rubbing of the silky outer layer of skin along the inner hardness, and finally, tracing all along the length, up to the underside of my swollen helmet, startling me with a fingernail along the tiny flap linking head to shaft. I get up from the coach grabbing Betty pushing her face down on the coach. Slidding behind her, I gently kissed the back of her neck. She sighed softly in response to the warm lips on her skin. " aaaaahhhh..aaaahhh."
Sensing her pleasure, I nibbled her neck gently and slid a hand around and over her breast, massaging it firmly through the silky material. It was VERY nice!

She turned to kiss me deeply as I ran my strong hand along the curve of her hip and down her thigh. She couldn't help but moan softly into my mouth as I drag my fingers firmly up the back of her thigh and over the bare skin of her ass, massaging her tired muscles. She loves the feeling!

Subtly, She feels me wiggle out of my underwear and sweatpants, followed by the warm sensation of my bare hard thick cock pressing urgently against her bare ass. She quickly turned and gripped it softly, tugging my hard thick cock toward her again and again as it grows harder in her hand (another feeling She loves). She was feeling my horness growing as I feverishly unbuttoned her silk top -- just half way -- to expose her bare breasts. Nearly tearing it, I spread her top wide, slipping my hands beneath and spilling her full B-cup breasts out into the open afternoon air.

Hungrily, I begin squeezing, nibbling and sucking at her breasts! Starting from beneath, I gnawed at the entire surface of her breast, intentionally grazing but ignoring her hardening nipples. " Unghhhh," She sighed hornily as I engulfed her hard nipple in my mouth. It feels soooo good as my tongue circled firmly over her areola before sucking and pulling my head away, tugging her nipples to their fully-engorged length. I gripped both breasts firmly, perking my nipples up high and began gnawing relentlessly -- one breast to the next and back. She released my thick hard cock and placed her hands over me, massaging her breasts into his hungry mouth.

As if a single string connected her entire body, the rough squeezing and tugging of her breasts sent urgent, aching pangs deep between her legs! She couldn't help but swivel her hips as muscles all over her pussy contracted and released in painful anticipation. She could feel the increasing wetness flowing warmly from her center with each maddening gyration. She was getting deliriously horny!

Sensing her arousal, I pressed my muscular thigh hard into her pelvis region, causing her to moan loudly " OOOOHHHH..AAAAAHHHHH," as she mindlessly begins grinding her wet panties against my leg. Crushing her clit, She wanted something -- anything -- deep inside her as she desperately needed to erupt in orgasmic release.

My big hand released one of her breasts and drifted quickly beneath her ass and upward, palming her entire pussy like a sweaty, slutty basketball. She groaned at my touch, " aaahhh..aaahhh " feeling so overwhelmed and taken. It was so intense! My thick fingers drug heavily over her clit, past her moist opening, and gently over her anus and back again. I continued this path at a maddeningly slow pace until She could literally feel her pussy muscles trying to draw me in as my fingers fumbled painstakingly close with each passing. It only took a few of those and She was wiggling out of her shirt, letting her breasts bounce freely, as I quickly yanked her thong panties down her thighs. She was soooo, soooo ready for me!

I surprised her! I grinned evilly and disappeared down her beautiful body. She giggled as my warm thick hard cock drug down her leg -- and jumped when my mouth touched her thigh. She knew what was next ... but when? Suddenly, She felt my two thumbs open the wet outer lips of her pussy as my tongue dove firmly into her opening. A surge of pleasure raced through her body as She arched, then collapsed in satisfaction as my tongue slid from inside her, up over her clit and back down. The anticipation and response -- the sheer arousal of being robbed of preparation -- was making my disappearing act down her body a tremendous turn-on. She was a slave to the sensations my exploring tongue delivered. All She could do was live in the moment -- and feel every physical response with overwhelming honesty.

Her honesty moaned like a whore when I replaced my tongue in her pussy with two of my thick fingers! " OOOOHHHH..AAAAHHHH." She jumped and fucked back on my fingers as they entered her saturated pussy with practically no resistance. The thickness and fullness of my invading fingers, circling gently against the walls of her pussy, was very satisfying! She could feel the pangs of orgasm getting increasingly urgent from deep inside. She needed to cum sooo badly but this build-up was maddening. She panted like a dog, breathing heavily past her full lips as the pace of my fingers increased! To her surprise, She felt the flat surface of my tongue rock clumsily over her clit and hood and the few trace hairs atop her otherwise shaven pussy. " OOHHhhh," She blurted as the newly-combined sensations shocked her senses.

Knowing all her signals -- her wetness; her sighs; her needs -- I sucked fully against her swollen clit, pulling her lips tightly, and plunging my fingers deeply into her pussy. With familiar precision, I stretched and curled my digits to finger at the opening of her cervix! The slurpy sounds of my collective invasion was only muffled by the grunts, groans and moans that unabashedly left her mouth. She gripped my head, bucking and fucking her hips until She erupted in a loud, overwhelming orgasm! It felt like every muscle in her body converged to burst a water balloon wedged deep inside her. The rush of warm wetness cascaded from inside her like a waterfall. She could feel it escaping and drizzling over her puckered anus with each instinctive convulsion.

She didn't care! She looked at my shocked expression as She demanded, " FUCK ME ... NOW!!!" I was pleased with her arousal and wanted to TAKE it! I wiped her wetness from my face and rose above her body like an angry shadow. My dense forearm hooked behind her knee and raised it until it crushed her breast beneath. The cool afternoon air was startling on her open, exposed wetness. In one hard, heavy movement, my thick, rock-hard cock SLAMMED into her soaked pussy in one unforgiving motion. She groaned " UUUHHH " and gasped painfully " AAAAHHH," adjusting to my thick hard presence inside. I slid it back out slowly as she could feel the walls of her pussy working to cling to my every movement. She had so badly wanted me inside her! She raised her right leg higher to accommodate my length as I slammed into her again and again with increasing depth. Within seconds, I was fully inside her again, crushing her slippery, sensitive clit between our pubic bones. Holding us firmly together, I lurched my considerable weight forward, pinning her down with my thick hard cock fully engulfed. Helpless but happy, I rhythmically nudged forward, burying every conceivable length of me inside her.

Overwhelmed, She could feel the head of my penis teasing at the opening of her cervix. WHAT A SENSATION!!! She gripped my ass urgently, trying to pull me deeper inside. Could he enter my womb? Would it hurt? She was so deliriously aroused she couldn't care. She could feel her womb opening slightly around the tip of my penis -- and judging from my moans " uuuuhhhh..uuuuuhhhhh," so could I! The teasing was intoxicating. We continued these deep connections until pleasantly, I withdrew fully and begin entering and reentering her pussy with long, deep steady strokes.

She immediately erupted into another wet orgasm, digging her nails into my arms as her convulsing muscles paved her pouty pussy with more moisture for my continued rough attack. She came all over my cock, which was now leaving and reentering her pussy fully with every rough deep stroke. She was sooo, SOOO wet; there was no missing her pussy as my every lunge accurately pierced her wet gaping hole.

I was relentless and primal, slamming into her with no regard; single minded in pursuing and prolonging my own orgasm. The intoxicating smell of sweat and sex swelled within the room as the unmistakable sounds of our passion rang loud like church bells. The slapping of flesh subsided as I begin teasing her spent sore opening again with varying strokes. Shallow penetrations teased as crushing entries followed that sent her moaning into my chest. My large hands pinned her breasts and shoulders to the coach. She was mine -- helplessly impaled against my deepest invasions. A broad and powerful man, She had often witnessed my animalistic, aggressive tendencies; this sexual prowess was what she long for! Untamed and unforgiving, my pace and endurance were selfish -- pummeling her sensitive tender insides one moment, then teasing them lovingly the next. I was full of surprises this afternoon ... and the surprises continued!

My own orgasm imminent, I released her from my captive grip and leaned upright, my still-hard cock nearly slipping from her now-stretched bruised sore pussy. With feather-like sensitivity, my large hands softly explored the smooth, sweat-slicked skin of her breasts, stomach and thighs as we worked to recapture our breath. Arching my back sharply, my cock reclaimed its position in her depths as I penetrated her with long, loving strokes. this loving interlude was erotically interrupted as I wickedly grasped her upper pussy lips with my thumb and forefinger, grinding her clit between them. The direct pressure sent surging convulsions like rippling waves up and into her pussy as my invading hard cock resumed its long, languishing pathways. She could feel another orgasm mounting as my pace increased and my thumb fumbled beneath the fleshy folds onto her hardened clit. Like a joy buzzer, each touch of her swollen button reverberated like soundwaves into her aching pussy! Her hand joined mine as we both fumbled to stimulate her hypersensitive hood.

Her left hand violently gripping her breast, the right feverishly swirling circles over her pussy, She was lost in pure ecstasy anticipating her next orgasmic eruption! Yet like a whisper in the haze of her arousal, a distracting new sensation captured her attention.

My thumb traced her opening as my thick hard cock slammed steadily inside. A very pleasant experience. To her surprise, She felt the mouth of her pussy stretching wide as the tip of my thick thumb accompanied my thick cock inside her. Before She could react, my entire thumb disappeared inside atop my monster-thick cock!

OH MY GOD! The fullness was intoxicating! It had been so long since she was stretched so wide; yet it seemed to slip into her wetness with ease -- a scarce thought quickly eradicated by the overwhelming sensation of my thumb, now hooked upward onto the rough skin of her G-spot. As if a fire was lit in her belly, uncontrollable waves of heat and sensitivity cascading through her. " UNGH, my GOD," She moaned incoherently as my grip grew tighter ... the brutal strokes of my cock, more aggressive. Pleased with her whore-like moans of approval, She could feel me growing harder inside of her, stretching and tearing her more as my body eagerly anticipated my orgasm.

Urgently, I flung my thumb from her wetness and grasped the arm of the coach! With a single, gut-wrenching stroke, my weight crushed her helplessly against it as my burning-hot cock unloaded wave after wave of warm, wet cum into the depths of her pussy. The erotic convulsions of my throbbing jerking cock inside her launched another violent orgasm as her tired sore muscles strained powerlessly against her vulnerable position.

Still in the euphoric haze of her orgasmic bliss, I hunched over her, slamming into her hard and fast with my thick hard, numb cock! Her cum-soaked pussy put up NO resistances as I continued ramming into her -- like a pile driver -- with long, punishing, unapologetic strokes. The slapping of sweaty skin and primal grunts echoed throughout the apartment as she moaned louder " OOOOHHHH..OOOOHHHH..AAAAAHHHH..AAA
HHHH," screaming " You Fucking Bastard..FUCK ME..OMG..FUCK ME HARD..YYYEEESSS." upon each hypersensitive stroke. Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her body as each one blended into the other. The endless foray of breathless satisfaction subsided as my softening cock slipped sloppily from her gaping, cum-soaked pussy. My absences inside was quickly filled by the now-humid livingroom air as she lay exhausted below me. We kissed, breathlessly panting, as we struggled to calm our pounding hearts -- ignoring the tickling sensation of our combined orgasms escaping her body.

Exhausted, I laid beside her. The puddle beneath her butt grows on the coach and the late afternoon's reward seems to flow endlessly down her inner thighs and round cheeks. Thoroughly satisfied, she steals away to clean up -- hardly able to walk -- and return with a warm, wet cloth. Lovingly, She worships and washs the soft, thick cock that has given her such satisfaction and curled up beside me for a well-earned rest.

I've been experiencing wet dreams of the moment my long shaft would pierce her tight anus again. My thick cock recovered becoming hard again. Betty got on her hand and knees on the floor. I parted her legs kneeling between them behind her. I widened her ass cheeks to lustful look at the tantalizing view of her pink creased anus. Unable to resist I rubbed my finger on the creased anus. She moaned " oooohhhhh..mmmmmm." I knew, I hadn't planned on cumming in her wet slit. I wanted to unload my load deep inside her ass.

I pushed my fat finger back into her pussy, and started fucking her with again. Then she feels something that startled and excited her in a most forbidden way. My hard cock was nestled between her ass cheeks nudging up against her small tight asshole. It felt slippery, sticky, and impossibly huge.

The pressing threat of pain, was like an oaks mighty roots reaching deep into the earth. Suddenly in an explosion of pain and ecstasy she feels her body opening up to me, and my thick hard cock was deep within her. She collapsed onto the floor, her arms giving out beneath her. With the force of my thrust, my weight followed her, she could not feel it. The world had gone black, she passed out from the immense pain of my cock forcing its way into my tight small asshole. She awoke, moments later, her ass throbbing, sending white hot searing pain throughout her senses with her face wet and tears blurring her vision. I lifted up off of her, rolling her onto her side and curled up against her back, my cock pressing in-between her ass cheeks once more.

She was confused at why I wanted that so badly when I had already been inside her. Once again her insecurity rose, she was so scared, she shook as she remembered the pain in it's full extent, still persisting where I rested against her. I took some KY gel and coated my cock again this time spreading some on her ass too. She feels two fingers pressing into her pussy first, shortly followed by my thick hard cock trying to intrude into her tight asshole. I lifted her leg, and held it in the air, as I forced my cockhead into her again. This time, it went in, not without a lot of pain, but easier then the first time. I froze only momentarily as she begins to cry, pushing my fingers in and out of her pussy. I didn't wait long though. With her, still crying I begin thrusting in and out of her stretched, torn asshole.

I pause a few minutes later, to apply more of the lube on my cock, never pulling completely out. Then resuming my thrusts long and slow in her tight small hole. I couldn't cum there and quickly pulled out of her burning, torn ass, and turned her onto her back to take her wet pussy again. I took her again with angry pent up passion. With short rough strokes, I fucked her, hard and fast. Her legs, stretched over my shoulders were burning each time I came down onto her. She was hurting now, in both holes, feeling violated, used. Her pain was mixed with pleasure. She knew, she didn't want me to stop.

I decided for her, slammingg into her driving my thick hard cock all the way into her. Exploding in her, my cock throbbing and jerking shooting my hot cum deep inside her. The bulk of it came sliding back out of her abused sore pussy, soothing and moistening her sore torn asshole. I laid there for a moment, my cock softening inside her, panting and sweating, trying to catch my breath before finally moving off her. Betty scrambled up to find her clothes and cover herself. As She got dressed, I got up turning to her, telling her " That was great. Will see you again when I return to New York." I got dressed leaving for the airport.


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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Waiting for Napoleon

We sailed from Harwich on the 24th April and disembarked at Ostend two days later. The Grand Coalition had been thrown into a complete pother by the news of Napoleon's triumphant return to Paris, when King Louis XVIII had to beat a hasty and undignified retreat. Regiments arriving in Belgium from England found themselves being ordered from one place to another, as Napoleon's intentions were first anticipated, and then rejected, by those in charge. After marching and counter marching for a...

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Falling for the kidnapper

“Don’t scream or I’ll kill you.” the guy, who looked to be about 23 years old, said as they walked deeper into the woods. “What do you want with me?” she asked him fearfully. “You’ll find out the hard and painful way.” He said as she realized that this was pre-planned. After they walked for about ten more minutes; a fifteen minute walk from the road; they reached a small clearing and there was a mattress on the ground with trunks and a chair around it and a fire pit a few feet away,...

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Falling for the kidnapper

Introduction: A girl is kidnaaped and falls for the man who kidnapped her She walked along a roadway, her car had broken down and she was going to get help, she had forgotten her cell phone back at her house. She wore a black mini skirt, a light pink short sleeved blouse, and navy blue flip-flops. She had dark blonde hair that was so short that you couldnt do anything with it, she had hazel blue eyes and she looked to be about 18 years old. As she walked past the woods a man who was walking in...

4 years ago
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Letter from Annapolis

LETTER FROM ANNAPOLISDear Shoeblossom:I’ve always known I was a bad boy. My Mother used to get so mad at me?she’d want me to spend time with my sisters, and help polish the silverware?she’d shake her head because I didn’t want to play with paper dolls?I wanted to be like my macho father.Mother had strawberry blonde hair in a bouffant hairdo, and what they used to call a Rubenesque figure. When she heard me say ?Fuck? over the phone to a classmate, she knew that I was doing the evil adolescent...

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Naples Florida Beech Mountain NC

Sandra and Debra were full of questions as she banked the plane south.. I told them of the plan Donna and I set up and how well it turned out. They were really impressed that I took on Stanley and had broken his nose, his collarbone, and a few ribs. Debra hugged and kissed me several times in gratitude.. I think she wanted to do more , but Sandra cooled her down some.. “We need to discuss what will become of you now that you can't return to Beech Mountain any time soon. I...

2 years ago
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Beatrice My Bar Girl Friend in Naples in 1986

Beatrice worked in a bar in the port district of Naples, Italy. The sailors called them “buy me drink” girls, since basically that’s what they did. They got sailors to buy them high priced drinks, the bar gets a big cut, the girl gets a cut and the sailor gets a hefty bill. The girls spoke English and for visiting sailors would be the first real woman contact that they had (women were just being allowed on ships since 1983). Some of the girls were nice, some were on hard times, and most were...

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The Time Of My Life With My Kidnapper

My name is Kat, and I was in my mid-thirties working at a boring office job in North London. Days rolled into one without anything exciting happening. I lived alone in a two-bedroomed flat. I go to work nine till five each day, I leave my flat at 08:30 am, get on a tube at 08:45 am. And then arrive at work at 08:55 am. I just answered calls all day.One day, after another boring day at work, I was walking towards the tube station when this black van stopped in front of me and a man wearing a...

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A little lesbian tale of sex slavery that I hope you will find amusing.It had been, frankly, a rather wretched Friday. It started badly when Mr Jameson, the chief librarian, trapped me (again) in Maritime History (M to R) and practically wrestled me to the floor. When I told him for the umpteenth time that my interests lay in a different direction, he rather breezily replied that he was 'up for a 69 if that's what you mean'. Eventually I fought him off with a leather bound copy of A History of...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 29 Interlude Annapolis Tower Earth

There were few new buildings on Earth and obtaining a new construction permit was very difficult. Usually only something that could not be renovated or preserved was rePlaced. Ever since the Second Exodus, Earth population was kept steady at about two billion beings and great effort was taken to preserve cities and historical buildings. Annapolis Tower in San Francisco was one of the few super modern Arcologies on Earth. At over 2500 meter height it was also the largest building of the...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 10 Toward Annapolis

So southward I rode, sore and well pleased with myself, going toward my own state, Maryland, and looking forward to the fleshpots of Annapolis Town which, like most ports, was known for its tavern wenches and sturdy ale. Once across the line laid down by Mr. Mason and Mr. Dixon, I felt much more at home. I believed that the air was cleaner and the breeze fresher as I rode until I was satisfied that in one more day I could reach the capital where I hoped to find my outfit and General Greene...

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Daughter in Laws Afternoon Nap

My hand slids inside her panties moving them off her hips and down her legs, she wonders if this might not be a dream after all. My hand was so slow, the room so warm, I she didn't see how it could be anything but a dream. So she relaxed and felt my lips on her neck and my hand sliding her panties off her body. She could feel herself becoming wet and aroused her naked nipples now hard inside her dress. My hand slids her panties very slowly off her feet. Naked from the waist down with her...

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Nap Time

Today I was tired. I had been working all day on-line, writing technical documents, editing…and my eyes were burning. I finally couldn’t work anymore. I undressed, and took a cool shower. Then, with only a towel around me, stretched out on the couch in the living room, and relaxed, enjoying the cool air of the ac unit. I was very tired, and fell soundly asleep, but only after glancing at my computer for any e-mails. I saw your letter and picture, and had decided to read it in a few minutes....

2 years ago
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Nap In The Sunshine

Savannah dropped the bags of shopping on the table and called out to Mason. “Baby, I'm home.” She expected a reply but the house was silent. His car was still in the garage so he hadn't gone out and she wondered where he was. Walking down the hall, she thought she'd find him in their bedroom, but nope, no sexy man to be found there. She went back down the hall and into the lounge, thinking perhaps he was asleep on the couch, but once again, no Mason. The french doors leading out to the...

Oral Sex
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Nap Time

Today I was tired. I had been working all day on-line, writing technical documents, editing…and my eyes were burning. I finally couldn’t work anymore. I undressed, and took a cool shower. Then, with only a towel around me, stretched out on the couch in the living room, and relaxed, enjoying the cool air of the ac unit. I was very tired, and fell soundly asleep, but only after glancing at my computer for any e-mails. I saw your letter and picture, and had decided to read it in a few minutes....

Straight Sex
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Right before you nap

You are sitting on the edge of the bed; you have turned the lights off and have started the candles in the room, the light from the flames dance across the ceiling. I sit down next to you, brushing the hair from your eyes; I kiss your forehead and begin working my way down your neck. Slowly I unbutton your shirt and my kisses travel down to your breast. Looking up to you, I kiss your dry lips as your breathing begins to quicken. I slip your shirt off you and lay you down running my hand up and...

2 years ago
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For the Love of LiciaChapter 8 The Beggars Nap

Sarah Lust wasn't feeling well. Her stomach ached almost constantly now and she had trouble keeping food in. It had worsened two months ago and took a great deal of energy out of her. It also made her look like a ghost. She saw a doctor and a scan had been made. "Hard to tell" seemed to be the first opinion — and the second opinion was the same. There were infections, maybe the start of an ulcer. She got medicine. It did not help much. New scans introduced the possibility of surgery. The...

1 year ago
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Nap time

Here I am once again @ the local fishing ponds, and no-one else is here. (I always come prepared with my box of play toys because u never know when u may be in the mood to play!) It's a beautiful 75 degrees and sunny with a light cool breeze. I set up 2 of my fishing poles, take out a blanket and lie on top of the picnic table in the shade. The cool breeze blowing through my long blonde hair. I start to doze off. I can feel the breeze blowing up shorts and across my pussy lips making me wet and...

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knapping Krystal

Krystal woke up slowly, your head hurt & your mouth had a foul taste in it, opening your eyes, you focused on the room you were in, where the hell am I, you thought, as you tried to roll over on the bed.The sudden pain in your wrists & ankles stopped you, you saw that you were tied spread-eagle, totally helpless. You thought to yourself that if this is some sort of kinky game he's playing, I'm not happy with it. He knows you don't like bondage, a little pain now & then, but you hate...

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Adele in Naples Italy 1984

I met up with this young Italian lady Adele, in her twenties at the NATO Officers Club in Bagnoli, Naples. She had sexy reddish brunette hair and a petite body and frame, dressed in pantyhose, a white blouse and black skirt. I bought her a few drinks and discovered she was there with her sister. Later, she had a fight with her sister at the club and asked me for a ride home.We stopped the car and parked in an out of the way area to talk and before I knew it my tongue was in her mouth. We kissed...

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An Italian Prostitute in Naples Italy

Maria was a prostitute in Mamacitas, just off Via Roma, Naples, Italy in the off limits area. In the fall of 1978 I would go up there usually while fleet ships were in although I would also visit several times when the fleet was out if I was at the base.Mamacitas was whorehouse, a one room waiting area that served large Perroni beers very cheap. It had at the most maybe five Italian women all in their twenties that worked in other rooms within a few doors of the place. There was an older fat...

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Kidnapping Rebehah

As Rebekah grew older, her body began to blossom. Her black hair, blue eyes, and creamy skin looked great. In a bathing suit it was readily apparent that she had a nice pair of breasts, a tight ass and a great pair of legs. My friends were beginning to notice that Rebekah was a beautiful girl. It was all I could do to keep them in line. The fact that she loved wearing short shorts and miniskirts made her all that more appealing. I have to admit that there were many times when I looked at her,...

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Snapchat Seduction By My Kinky Cousin Akanksha

Beep beep… beep beep… (the alarm went off). “FML!” I shouted and hit the snooze button. This was supposed to be my long weekend and I was not yet done with undressing Akanksha! I woke up cursing myself for not turning the alarm off before going to sleep. “It had to be a dream,” I said to myself while stretching my arms. Damn, it felt so real, I was thinking to myself while I grabbed my phone in disappointment. I was checking my emails and messages when I opened Snapchat and saw an opened snap I...

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Snapchat Leads To Amazing Sex

Hi readers, I am rudraksh Khanna. Thanks for appreciating my last story, “Stranger girl fucked at a wedding in Rajkot” I am back ;) with my latest real incident which happened with me on 15th march 2017. I downloaded snap chat app in my iphone as all my friends are crazy for snap chat, I thought let’s give it a try. Aftr few weeks, I met my friend who added few females in my snapchat account and asked to chat with them and ask out the females for company to his birthday party. My friend stays...

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The thwarting of Napoleon Drake

“I want those launch codes!” “Never Drake, I would rather die than hand you the keys to our arsenal.” The two sets of eyes watched the laptop screen intently. Watching the first edit of a new Napoleon Drake episode together had become something of a ritual for Dylan and Heather. The show was a hit in 13 countries. The Austen Animation team had trebled in order to keep up with the demand for episodes. There was now even talk of a feature length movie version, and yet the pair maintained the...

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The Night of Napoleon Drake

The room filled with applause as Dylan switched off the widescreen tv. “That, my friends, is us at our best. I’m so proud of all of you.” Napoleon Drake was a triumph. Dylan had been sceptical about the concept of a megalomaniac duck bent on world domination. But Austen Animation was a risk taking company and it didn’t take him long to realise that this show was destined to be a hit. It was goofy enough for kids to love it, and with a darkly satirical sub text for adults. —– The security...

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Kidnapping Enslaving A Waitress

Kidnapping & Enslaving A Waitress A Piece of Fiction by THE Traveller CHAPTER: 1 A SCARY DUNGEON TO KEEP THE ABDUCTEE It took me a good two years to turn my really big basement into a ready tooperate dungeon. I designed the dungeon so that it would contain the ultimateamount of bdsm related accesories and devices. I carefully picked every equipmentthat was needed... to enslave a woman. For hours, I would keep making sketches of how I wanted the dungeon to looklike. Then for another couple...

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Bathhouse snapshots

Just some snapshots. The bathhouse meets my needs for spontaneous escapes, no planning, no relationships. I wish I could get there for some evenings and weekends.Sauna. Crowd around me stroking and sucking my cock... Hot mouths move up and down, a hand reaches through the crowd to cup my nuts. Cum. Steam room. His mouth like fire, my cock hard. Countless blow jobs in the heat of the steam room. I sit on the top bench. They come in and fondle me. They suck my cock, soon I'm hard and shooting...

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DNA Snapshots

DNA: Snapshots, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus By Stephanie "Martha, willya look at this crap!" "What is it, Wilbur? I'm busy in the kitchen." "You gotta see this. Some quack has found a way to change people with some drug." "Oh, that. Sounds too good to be true if you ask me." "Just think of what you could do with it. You could get a new body which wasn't so saggy!" "Yeah? Well you could get one that wasn't hung like a chipmunk!" *** "Do you...

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The Kidnapping of Collage Students

A few hours later Ella, Tegan, Fern and Freya woke up to notice that they were tied to a medical Stainless steel patient trolley. Ella realised that she was gagged as well as the rest of them. She also noticed they were not the only 4 people tied up and gagged and a few of the others that were kidnapped were boy's. All of a sudden, 1 masked figure walked into the room of people tied to these trolleys. The figure removed their mask and said "Please welcome our newest hostages their names are...

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The Kidnapping of Justin Timberlake

Chapter 1 This is one wild crazy story I've got for you. You see it all started when my two best friends, Christina and Priscilla, and me began to develop a silly little crush on Justin Timberlake the ex member of NSYNC. We'd always sit around talking about how much we'd love to fuck him and how much we'd love to just do anything we could with him. We'd sit around at night just having this wild crazy fantasy about kidnapping him and gang banging him. Of course this was all fantasy...

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