The Fall Of Autumnsville - A Family Affair: Chapter 3: "Little Caterpillar" free porn video

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Ah, chapter 3 already! I'm having a lot of fun writing this with Car2nage. It's just been way too much thrilling. This chapter as well as chapter 4 which we are currently writing really got me going, and I'm sure a lot of you will just love it! Anyway, there might be a short hiatus simply due to the holidays, but don't worry. We will continue strong as ever when we return from winter break. Chapter 3 "So, how was everyone's day today?" Garrett asked as he scooped up a spoonful of mashed potatoes from his plate. The family was seated at the dinner table eating (or in Marcus and Ellen's case, picking at) the roast beef, mashed potatoes, and peas Allison had prepared earlier that day. Marshall turned and beamed at his father. "It was great! We learned about dinosaurs in school, and we got to make clay models of them. I made a T-rex. We also got to play softball in gym class and I got two home runs!" His excitement brought a little smile to his parents' lips. "That's wonderful, Marshall! Sounds like you're a gifted natural! If you want, we could sign you up for little league s you get even better. Who knows, with practice you could even go into the majors!" Garrett said. He turned to Marcus, who was still just taking little bites out of his food. "How about you Marcus, did you have fun today?" The boy didn't look up from his food. "Yeah. I made a triceratops and the teacher said it was pretty good," he answered quietly. "Good! Maybe you could show it to us later," Allison said, watching with a bit of worry as he nibbled at his food. "Is everything alright? You've barely touched your food there." "Yeah, I'm fine." "You sure? Because if there's something wrong, or if you want something else to eat you can just tell us." "I'm sure, I'm just not hungry." Allison gave Garrett a look of concern, to which he only shrugged. Marcus was always a bit reticent. She shrugged back and moved on. "Okay then, eat what you want and we can save the rest for later." She looked at her two oldest children. "Does anyone else want to share?" Neither of them really seemed to pay her any mind. Jeff was still texting like crazy, wolfing down huge bites of roast beef and potatoes in between, and Ellen was only playing with her food and looking mighty tired while doing it. "Well, I guess I can tell then. I was looking through some of the old books down in the basement and I came across one of Bunny Moran's old journals." At the mention of Bunny, Ellen seemed to jump awake, her attention focused on Allison's story. "Ah, finally awake, huh?" Allison poked fun at her daughter, watching her expression change into one of surprise and curiosity. "I spent the whole day researching down at the library. To be honest, I didn't find out too much about the town. There seems to be a huge gap in information between the time it was established in 1730 up to about 1950. Seems like up until recently, the people of this town were a very secretive bunch. I was able to find out a little bit about its origins though. Autumnsville was founded by a man named Joseph Autumn, a pastor from Virginia. He believed that god had spoken to him and touched his mind, allowing him the gift of healing and foresight. There were a decent amount who believed in him, but the religious revival at the time happening all over colonial America nearly had both him and his followers hung. Naturally, they went and founded their own town. That's about all I learned from the few books in the library pertaining to this town. After that, it's like the place just stops existing for a while..." "So... there's no other information about the town at all? Nothing?" Ellen asked, a confused look on her face. There was something about her demeanor and tone of voice that Allison thought was unusual, but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it. "Only the most barebones info I could find. There was almost nothing recorded about it between its founding and the end of the Civil War, but when I looked in their archive of original documents, they had a little more information after that period, like census data, a few sparse newspaper clippings here and there. Apparently, our resident ghost moved here after marrying a man named Hiram Moran. The library didn't say anything else, but judging from the diary entries I read in some of the books we have here, Joseph Autumn's group was still active by the time she arrived." Ellen's face twitched when she said that. Allison wasn't sure, but for a split second, she thought she saw her daughter snarl when she mentioned the diaries. "Something the matter?" "Huh? Oh, it's nothing... Just tired is all. I'm going to finish my homework and go to bed. Thanks for dinner mom!" Saying that she took her plate and ran into the kitchen. Outwardly she was all smiles, but inwardly she was a mix of emotions on the negative side. "Hmph! That nosey bitch... How dare she read my diary?" Bunny thought heatedly to herself as she tossed her plate into the sink and headed back down into the basement. Couldn't a girl get a bit of privacy? Even the people of this town knew not to disturb her books which is why the basement area had remained untouched for so long. When she entered the room she spied her bookshelf. They were a mix of various diaries that she wrote, her own stories, a scrapbook or two, and erotic tales written by her followers as gifts to her. The fact that Allison was using her things for her own selfish purposes was unacceptable and visibly ticked the spectre off. Her sour expression turned into a cruel smile though as an idea struck her. If she wanted to know so much about this town and her life, she could! Who was Bunny to stand in the way of an artist and her muse? She'd do her one better of course. The woman would be able to experience every written piece first hand... That dark aura of hers returned, this time it was concentrated on her left hand. It was both dense and powerful, full of spirit energy. With a gleeful look on her face, she ran her hand across the spines of her old books. Just touching them brought back memories that nearly made her knees buckle! She had to lick her lips sensually. Oh what she wouldn't give to go back in time herself. The sensuality of Hiram and Amanda especially got her knees weak. They didn't have the powers that she had, but their prowess in the ways of pleasure were even beyond her own. She wished that she could see them again! No doubt they were dead in the ground by now. If not then they would probably be too old to remember her. Ninety years was a long time to be gone. Sadly, those days were long gone, with only her memories and her books being the only record of them. For her purposes though, that would be enough. Her power flowed into the books as she touched them, enchanting the words written in them with images from her thoughts and memories. She ran her fingers along the books until all of them had been filled with her magic. Anyone who decided to nose around in her books would have a nice surprise waiting for them. With that done, she turned her attention to the rest of her belongings. If the family was going to poke around in her things, she wanted to make sure they got exactly what they deserved for violating her privacy. Curiosity killed the cat, after all. Her eyes quickly fell on the bar and the bottles of liquor stashed behind. She remembered how they'd been placed earlier in the day, with all of them set in a line on the counter opposite to the bar. Now, the perfect line was crooked and one of the bottles rested on the bar itself. Bunny went over and picked up the misplaced bottle. The label had long since faded, but she remembered it clearly. In those days, having your own distillery made you quite popular with the neighbors, whether you lived in in a small town like Autumnsville or a big city like Chicago, where Bunny was originally from. It became doubly true after she got her powers, when she learned how to add all kinds of magical ingredients to give the liquor... unique effects. The brew in this particular bottle was supposed to function as a potent, rapid acting aphrodisiac. Curious, she opened the bottle and took a tiny sip, coughing violently as the well aged liquor burned her throat all the way down. She soon felt herself becoming a bit warm and aroused, but she couldn't tell if it was her additives or just the alcohol. Clearly, the potency had faded quite a bit since her death. She'd have to make a new batch later. For now, she was certain that she had some leftover ingredients to boost the potency until she could make more. They should have been in that room under the stairs leading down here. She grabbed the bottle and turned around only to be greeted by someone she hadn't at all expected. His head was peaking through the doorway, and even if they were twins it was pretty easy to see that this was Marcus. That embarrassed blush on his face was a dead giveaway. Bunny hadn't seen much of Ellen's other siblings during the week since everyone was busy tending to getting unpacked and also because the possession had left Ellen too tired for long periods of social interaction. Still, from what little she saw through Ellen's eyes and her memories, this boy was quite intriguing. He was so shy and timid yet bright, but he was in the shadow of his bolder and louder brother that was always quick to put him down. "Oh, um... Hi Ellen. I thought, well... You didn't look so good this morning..." He stumbled across his words, focusing primarily on his feet. Even among family members his inability to socialize was apparent. While others would see this as a problem, Bunny could only see it more as an... opportunity. "D'aaw... Did you come all the way down here to check up on your sister?" she asked him, taking him by the shoulder and beaming a warm smile at him. He returned it, but his blush grew brighter thanks to the attention that he was getting. He tried to squeak out a reply, but a squeak is literally all that came out. "Huh. Where's Marshall? He doesn't care about me as much as you do, eh?" It was a joke of course, but Marcus tried to explain that their mom had sent him to his room after dinner when she found out he hadn't done his homework yet. This left the boy alone to do his own thing without his brother to boss him around. "Well if that's the case, want to see something cool I found? You have to promise not to tell anyone though! It's a secret between you and me. Got it?" The way she scrunched up her face told Marcus that she was dead serious, and he immediately shook his head yes. Perfect... She'd kill two birds with one stone then. She grabbed the bottle of liquor and guided the boy into the outer part of the basement where the stairs were waiting. "Remember, you can't tell anyone about this secret, ok? It'll just be between you and I." Saying that, she grabbed open the door knob to the door that lead to her special, little room. She held the young boy's trembling hand that was shaking in fear of the darkness. Fortunately for him their destination was lit by vibrant candles of a normal variety. The ghastly tone of this place was gone and replaced with one that reeked of antiquity and musk. "Wha...what is this place?" Marcus said, looking around at the clothed mannequins. The flickering light of the candles caused them to cast long, eerie shadows that frightened him. Bunny guided him around the mannequins and dressers to a more open area just in front of the vanity where the mannequins were arrayed in a semi-circle. Many of the outfits on display were small, clearly meant for a child Marcus's size. "It's my secret room," she answered, a coy smile spread across her face. "I found it when I was moving my things in. Everything in here must've been left over from when the old owners lived here. I guess they used it as a dressing room." Bunny found it a bit odd talking about herself in the third person, but Marcus seemed na?ve enough to not notice if she were to slip up in her act. When I was looking around, I noticed how they had all these little clothes, and it reminded me a bit of when we were younger. You remember how I used to play dress-up with you, don't you?" While altering Ellen's memories, Bunny had found that Ellen and Marcus were quite close. They were almost inseparable when they were little, with Ellen always inviting him to her tea parties and playing games with him. When her friends slept over at her old house her friends would fawn over how cute he was and how much nicer he was than his boisterous twin. Sometimes, they'd put makeup on him and dress him in their clothes to make him look pretty. Marcus took it all well and had plenty of fun when they did it, but as he got older and started going to school with Marshall and other boys, they made fun of him for it and he stopped letting them do it. Boys weren't supposed to do girly things like that, after all. The mention of those games stirred some memories in Marcus, because he blushed darkly and shifted his feet awkwardly. After a small pause, he looked up at her and nodded slowly. "Well, how would you like to play again, for old time's sake? No one else will know- if you don't tell anyone, I won't tell," Bunny said. There was another long pause as Marcus thought it over. He'd always enjoyed playing with Ellen, but boys weren't supposed to dress up in skirts or wear make up. He could still hear Marshall making fun of him for it, swaying his hips and holding out his hand on a limp wrist as he joked and laughed at Marcus with his classmates. And plus, this room was so creepy. He wasn't even sure if they should be there. But seeing everything there did make him a bit nostalgic, and Ellen was right- no one else would find out unless one of them told. Timidly, he gave her another gentle nod. If only Marcus had known what kind of trap that Bunny was weaving for him, he wouldn't have been so quick to nod. She looked into his eyes and smiled at him, giving him a reason to imitate a beet. "You know, you're such a pretty boy. I think it's a crime that you weren't born my twin instead," she said truthfully, helping him to remove his shirt and his pants. The only thing that remained on him was his brand new white briefs. Ellen looked at him expectantly. Could she really want him to...? "Underwear, off," she commanded in a stern tone while staring him down. He tried to object, but his voice was lost over the commanding presence of his sister. She didn't have to raise her voice nor did Bunny have to use her magic to coerce him into doing what she wanted. The boy was a natural follower, puddy in the witch's hands. She watched as he timidly removed the lass garment of clothing to reveal his soft one inch penis that he quickly his with his hands the moment his briefs were off. If Marcus was feeling a bit of nostalgia, then Bunny was feeling it at full force. He was not the first young boy that she had gotten into this very room with his pants off, and he certainly would not be the last. There was just something about playing with the innocence of one so young that she just loved. "Hands to your sides. You don't have anything that I haven't seen already, or don't you remember when we used to take baths together?" With that, he immediately put his hands to his sides, but that blush of his didn't go anywhere. He just stood there trembling both cold, scared, and secretly excited by all of this. Bunny was working those masochistic tendencies of his that he had yet to fully develop. There were several dressers in this room as well with clothing that had surprisingly withstood the test of time. It would appear that someone scattered moth balls around to stop the pests from chewing on her creations. In one lime green drawer was nothing but a treasure trove of panties and undergarments for a child Marcus's size to wear. She pulled out a pair of black lace panties. They were ornate and were inspired by that of a spider's web. "Put these on," she said as she handed him the panties. He looked at them unconfidently, almost like he was unsure what to do with them. A steely look from Ellen got him to quickly put the panties on. The lacy garment felt silky and smooth on his legs as he pulled them up, hugging his his hips snuggly once he had them all the way up. He shuddered as his body suddenly started to feel all tingly, especially around the panties. He wasn't sure whether it was the combination of excitement and apprehension he felt or something else. Once he had the panties on, Bunny ordered him to stay put while she looked around at the outfits she had set out. She'd made them all herself back when she was still alive, taking them from mere ideas and drawings all the way to products that people had flocked to her store to buy. It had been so long since she'd actually seen someone wear her clothes, and now that she had a mostly willing model she was finding it quite hard to make a decision. Then she saw it. It was one of her more simple designs- a dark, frilly dress with a corset, opera length gloves, and overknee boots- but it was elegant and tasteful, a perfect start before she had him wearing some of her more risque designs. She took the mannequin it was placed on back to Marcus, giggling as he blushed at the sight of it. She then brought him to the stool in front of the vanity and sat him down on it. She unbuckled the boots from the display and set them before Marcus. "Hold out your left leg." He did as he was told, allowing her to slip one of the long boots over his leg. The insides were soft, warm, and comfortable, but he soon found his leg feeling the same intense tingling that he'd felt with the panties. He didn't know what it was, but he couldn't help but feel like the clothes were already making him look feminine. His butt felt a bit bigger as he sat in the chair, and his leg seemed to take on a much curvier profile as Ellen did the buckle on his thigh. Once she was finished, she did the same with the other leg. "Lift your arms over your head," she said once his boots were buckled up. Next came the dress, which she slipped over his head. He let out a soft moan as that electric feeling covered his whole body like a blanket, bringing a sly grin to Ellen's face. "Well, you look like you're enjoying yourself. Just like old times, hm?" Once he got a hold on his shivering, Marcus gave a quick nod. The way his little heart was beating in her clothing was so cute! It was giving Bunny her own shivers. The spectre had an intense love for cute things, and Marcus was like a finely dressed cherub sitting at her vanity. A sense of immense nostalgia washed over her own memories - an event that sent her down the path of decadence. It made her coo with delight that she would be able to relive it so many years later. She turned him towards the vanity's mirror and draped her arms around his waist, perching her chin on his shoulder. If it were not for his short hair, Marcus could have passed for a little girl. The misgivings of puberty had not set in. He lacked in body hair, and he was just shy of five feet tall. Not a single blemish marred his body. In Bunny's eyes, he was perfect for what she had in mind - a pawn that would help throw this family and many others into her depraved world. Without warning, she pressed her lips against his, forever stealing his first kiss as well as sampling his innocent soul. It was so fresh and full of life. No doubt he would have lived a happy, wholesome, and prosperous life had he not met Bunny. At least, now, wholesome could be crossed off. Marcus pulled away from the kiss with a look of surprise in his eyes. "El- Ellen! Why did you-" The poor thing was flustered beyond belief with his entire body turning pink and his ears a particular shade of scarlet. "We're... brother and sister. You can't!" "Hush," she said simply, tightening her grip around his waist further. The smile on her face did not waiver, only growing wider thanks to the boy's frustration. "You're so cute, and I love you a lot Marcus. Don't you love your sister?" "... Yes..." "There is nothing wrong with showing your love for someone with a kiss you know. How did it feel when I kissed you? Did it feel bad?" The youth hesitated for a moment, but he eventually shook his head no, his voice caught in his throat. "Oh? Then did it feel good?" Bunny was practically grinning like the Cheshire cat with how she looked, grinning from ear to ear. "Tingling..." he spoke softly, "I dunno.. It felt weird, but my whole body is just tingling... Maybe I should..." "Leave? So soon? But we haven't put any make up on you yet..." Bunny swiftly pulled out one of the drawers. In it was a wide range of cosmetics and perfumes, old brands that hadn't hadn't seen the light of day for years. Marcus looked at his sister nervously. "I... I don't know... M-maybe we shouldn't, I feel kinda weird...-!" His whole body suddenly tensed. The strange tingling sensation seemed to shift around on his body and intensify. He felt it most strongly around his nipples, cock, and ass, quickly making his pre-pubescent length erect and forcing a soft moan out of him. The straps holding on the gloves and boots and the bodice on the dress felt tighter on him than before. Bunny couldn't help but titter at his cute reaction. The spells bound into the clothes were starting to take effect, altering his body in subtle ways to make him more feminine and breaking down what little resistance was in him by training his body to accept Bunny's brand of pleasure. "Nngh~! Wha... What's going on? What's happening to me?" "Maybe our kiss made you a bit more excited than you thought, hm?" Bunny said, giggling as she pointed down at the tiny tent formed in the dress by his erection. "C'mon, stay a little while. It seems like we never get to spend time like this anymore. Plus, you're clearly enjoying it..." Marcus blushed darkly and squirmed in his seat, clumsily grasping for his chest and his groin. His thoughts were racing, swinging wildly back and forth between staying and trying to flee. Something about what was going on just felt wrong; him getting invited to this creepy little room, the kiss he shared with Ellen, the strange feeling he was experiencing. Yet Bunny's influence was slowly worming its way into his mind, picking apart all the reasons he had to leave and making her voice seem so compelling. "...Okay..." he said hesitantly, relaxing as the tingling faded back to what it was before. It gave him a moment to breathe and collect himself. This also gave Bunny the opportunity to look over the various bits of makeup at her disposal. Had they been anywhere else in the house they would have been no good, but her vanity was special. It kept everything within preserved the same way since the day she died. She giggled softly as she picked up a tube of bright red, ruby lipstick that only a "woman of the night" would rare. It was one of her favorites! And then there was her mascara and eyeliner to accentuate one's eyes with long, butterfly wing lashes and smoldering eyelids. There was blush to hint at a bit of innocence, and then there was both powder and bronzer to remove skin shine and darken one's skin. Perfumes, both her own creations and the ones of her followers were in their own drawer, their scents permeating through their glass containers. They had the power to instill passion in all of those that smelled it. Some could make others their thrall with but a whiff, and at least one, to her knowledge, could make one cream themselves. Was that an April Fool's joke? She couldn't recall, but the thought made her laugh to herself. "Now pay attention. You might have to do this all on your own one day," she joked on the outside, but that was far from being a joke. Her hands grabbed tool after tool, painting his face like an expert beautician. Despite being dead, she didn't lose any of her skills. Everything felt natural. Eyes, lips, the nape of his neck and the arch of his eyebrows - nothing escaped her tools not her eye for detail. Minutes passed before she stopped and looked over her work. A satisfied smile pulled up the corners of her mouth. If he was cute before, then he was a heart throb now. She stood up in her seat and made him look at his reflection. Staring back at him... Marcus didn't know what to say. That intense tingling was returning, but this time it was far stronger. Looking back at him was a thing of beauty - a young girl with big, brown eyes that were complemented by dark eyeliner and purple tones that covered her eyelids. Her lashes were made thick and long with mascara, feeling all too heavy on her virgin lids. Her lips were painted a candy red color and given liner to make them look thicker and poutier than they were. Fer face was given a layer of powder and then a dab of blush. Even with that short hair of hers, she looked impossibly feminine and a actually looked nearly as old as Ellen, an effect of Bunny's cosmetics working their transformational effects on her body. "Who?" He couldn't seem to process that the girl in the mirror was in fact himself. His whole body was practically on fire! While he was dumbfounded, Bunny was rummaging in the perfume drawer until she found the scent that she was looking for. With a cruel look in her eyes, she spritzed just a bit on his neck. That's all it would take. Marcus flinched as he felt the tiny perfume droplets hit his skin. It had a very sweet scent, like roses and strawberry. As Marcus inhaled it, his entire body suddenly seized and tensed. He didn't have time to question it. All he knew in those few moments were the powerful sensations from Bunny's magic and an incredible wave of pleasure that quickly washed over him. When he came down from it, he felt a wet spot on his groin, his cock still twitching. "...What.... what was that?" he asked, still dazed. Bunny gave a soft laugh. She grabbed the skirt and pulled it up, revealing his cock just barely poking out of his panties, cum coating both his underwear and the underside of the skirt. It was clear of course with not a drop of sperm in there. Still, it left a big mess all over Bunny's pretty garments - meaning that they had done their job, but Marcus didn't know that... "Seems my little sister is nothing but a naughty little bitch," Bunny said with her arms cross and a haughty look. "Oh Marcie, I didn't know that you were such a pervert. I knew you enjoyed wearing girl clothes, but I didn't think you'd cum while just being dressed up. Aren't you a bad girl soiling your pretty dress and panties with your nasty boy cum?" Marcus had no idea what Ellen was talking about. He was still coming down from his first ever orgasm. He was even still panting. His mind was nothing but a blur and swirl of pleasure. "Marcus! Time to take a bath and head to bed young man!" The voice of Allison carried from the top of the stairs and into the secret below the house. It made Bunny roll her host's eyes, not happy about being interrupted. She tenderly kissed Marcus's forehead and had him stare at his reflection once more, only this time the mirror was ablaze with her dark aura, magic coursing through it. Instantly, the boy was mesmerized by his reflection, his eyes now glowing bright pink. In this state, he was completely suggestible. She could tell him anything, and he would believe or do it, no matter what. "There. Now, don't you look just lovely?" Bunny said, poking her head over Marcus's shoulder. "I'm sure everyone who sees that cute little face will want to eat you up. No one will be able to resist. Not your friends, not your family, not even you..." Marcus nodded dumbly, unable take his eyes off the beautiful girl looking back at him in the mirror. His little member was quickly getting hard again. "Of course, you can't just let them take you all the time. After all, you belong to me~" She licked his ear, making him shiver. "You need to be strong enough to turn them down, to make them submit to you if necessary and to take pleasure in their submission and suffering..." Visions of a strong, powerful Marcie filled Marcus's head. Where Marcus was weak and timid, she was bold and dominant, able to stand up to everyone he feared and put them under her heel. Classmates, teachers, even Marshall- it didn't matter to her. She controlled them all. It was an exhilarating sight for Marcus- and a frightening one. Bunny could feel him shrinking back into his seat away from the mirror and frowned. "...But I see you're not ready for that yet. So for now, I want you to learn by experience. You'll let others insult you, torment you, molest you, and from their example, you'll learn what it means to control others." The images soon switched to visions of his twin teasing him for his feminine dress, his mother spanking him for disobeying her, Ellen licking his little cock while she wiggled a finger up his ass. "I want you to pay good attention to them and learn plenty. Everyone you meet will want to abuse you, and you'll enjoy every minute of it-" "Marcus, I'm not kidding! It's almost past your bedtime!" Allison yelled. Stupid woman, Bunny thought. She would have her due soon enough. For now, Bunny had to wrap things up with Marcus. "I have to send you on your way now, but just remember, you belong to me. You're my pet, my treasure. And I cherish all my treasures. Always know that I love you, and you love me. You do love me, don't you?" Marcus looked up at his sister and nodded. "Of course I do," he said, a hitherto unheard sense of confidence in his voice. Bunny smiled widely. "Good." The dark glow surrounding the vanity faded, and the pink shade in Marcus's eyes along with it. He blinked dazedly and shook his head. "Now, let's get you upstair, hm?" She took one of his hands and led him off of the chair out of the hidden room. Despite having never walked in heels before, he moved in the tall, stiletto heeled boots like a professional. "B-but... the clothes... everyone will see me..." "But don't you want them all to see how pretty you look? There's no point in getting all dressed up like this if no one else gets to see you." They emerged from the dark tunnel leading to the secret room and started up the stairs. Almost immediately, Bunny stumbled a bit as she felt a wave of exhaustion wash over her. The spells she had used earlier had taken a lot out of her. It was still far too soon for her to be exerting herself. As she faded back into the depths of Ellen's mind to rest, Bunny quickly altered Ellen's memory in one tiny way, impressing upon her the importance of not telling anyone about the existence of the secret room. When Ellen came to, she was on the receiving end of at least three pairs of eyes. Or perhaps it wasn't her; rather it was the one shaking like a leaf that was attached to her arm. Just then, Allison came out of the kitchen, joining her husband and two sons that were just staring with eyes wide. "Oh, Ellen. You didn't tell me that you were having a fri-" the last words got stuck in her throat as she made the same realization that the others did. It was as if everything was happening in slow motion from the raucous laughter coming from Marshall and Jeff to the disappointed head shake of his father. Allison just seemed to gasp, covering up her mouth with a million questions running through her mind. Meanwhile, Marcus hid behind his sister trying to hide not his appearance but his excitement...

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A family affair

This Story was not written by me.I do not know if there is any Copyright. If this is so than please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyA family affair John came in from soccer practice, threw his backpack in the den and went to the kitchen. He saw his mother standing at the sink and, with a large smile, said, “Hey, Mom, what’s shaking?” Anne didn’t look up, but she smiled nonetheless. It was their own private greeting – one which John had used for years every time he got home from ...

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The Massage A Family Affair Chapter Two

I heard a chime from my laptop, a small banner appeared notifying me of an email.It was from Cindy, my attractive client from a few weeks ago whom I had an epic encounter with.In her email, Cindy said she would like my services once again. I knew what she was wanted and it made me smile. I got to see her once again and perhaps re-live something as extraordinary as we experienced the last time.In her email, Cindy wrote that after our session the basement room was never quite the same. She...

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A Family Affair Ch 01

Chapter 1 Their bodies were slick with sweat. What they were doing was forbidden and they both knew it. If anyone found out about their stolen hour once a week they could lose so much. But to be together they would have risked much more. To them it was more than sex though that’s what started their meetings. It was love that bound then to each other, the kind of love that many people only dream about. Together they lay with still tangled limbs in her bed. The sun was casting shadows around...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 6 Familys Incestuous Meeting

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Meeting By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg Excitement bubbled through me. I was on a high, riding the bliss from the orgasm daddy gave me. It was this incredible rush. This amazing treat. I was bouncing on my knees on the bed beside her, my round breasts jiggling. Mom was squirming, her face completely red, her big breasts jiggling. Her blonde hair was spread over the bed, her large tits rising and falling as my...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

“ARRRGGHHHH!!!” Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of all. *C-CRACK C-CRACK...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 6 A Love Affair With Thomas Continues with Susan

Betsy rushed back to her spare bedroom wanting to finish the chapter, 'A Thomas Affair.' She recalled it was late October when they returned from Atlantic City. Thomas had told her all about Ted and explained, as best he could, about how much he relied on the business from Ted's company. Apparently Ted was so pleased after the weekend getaway that he set the wheels in motion to upgrade the pharmacy section of his company, which meant big money for Thomas. Strange what men were willing to...

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The Affair with Nena Chapter one plotting begins

Character: Nena: a extremely sexual frustrated mother of three married to limb dick husband Todd who sexually neglect her since the birth of their third child black hair size 40’DD Todd: Nena limp dick husband who drive her have an affair Me: 36 year old man marriage of 13 year to my wife Ashley I’m also extremely sexually Frustrate who hardly get any and drive to have affairs Ashley: my wife who doesn’t have a clue...

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Family AffairChapter 2

In the morning my common sense prevailed. Without a substantial amount of money, I was trapped in this abusive, decadent situation until I could return to college in the fall. Downstairs, the kitchen was empty. That, in itself, was very unusual. Dad was a big breakfast eater. I downed a quick bowl of cereal and left for work. Arriving at my desk, I found a note requesting I report to Mrs Richard's office as soon as possible. I became apprehensive, thinking the worse. What would I do if...

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Pool HouseChapter 11 Its A Family Affair

July came, and I was eagerly awaiting the return of my wife's sister Rachel and her two daughters. You will remember from previous chapters how the visit the previous year had turned out. Since they were only going to be here a week this time, I was making plans to be in town for the entire time. Gena (my wife) was also looking forward to the visit with great anticipation. The previous summer she had renewed a lesbian relationship with her sister that led to fantastic sex between the three...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

*WHIPCRACK* "ARRRGGHHHH!!!" Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of...

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Back Scratches AffairChapter 2

First a note to apologize about what happened with Chapter one. Evidently I deleted the version of this story that I edited. I don't recall doing it, so I must have done it by accident while deleting other files. I thought the one I orginally posted was the edited version, but obviously I was wrong. No wonder it was in such bad shape. This one and the next one has been edited by someone else, so should be a lot better shape. That week was pretty much the same as the week before. He met...

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A Mothers DilemmaChapter 4 Its a family affair

The last six days, since Sally caught Joan and James, had been a bit of a strain for Joan; she was pounded with questions from Sally; about when the affair started; how many times had they fucked and who had instigated the first moves. Unfortunately Joan had been caught out and happened to mention Robert in part of the explanations' Sally quickly picked up on this and began rubbing her hands at the thought of taking both her sister in law's boys and also completing a secret fantasy of being...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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My First Love Affair Chapter 4

My first affair Chapter 4 by Janine Dimedici After my threesome the previous day I was back to work on research for Seumas. He was a hard taskmaster and very demanding and I tried to keep up with his intellect. Luckily these day electronic libraries were on hand and I managed to get all the academic references he wanted, I was particularly pleased to get some intimate details on how the Ottoman sultans handled their seraglios and the women they kept there. It was about 2pm when he...

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A Family Affair

A Family Affair by jo199 part 1 "Eat me baby! Oh god. Yes, there. Harder. That's it, suck it. Right there! Ohhhh! Yessss!" Arianna clamped her legs around Steve's ears. He loved the way she nearly crushed him, holding him there with surprising strength. His face was smothered in her beautiful pussy, the only drawback being his struggle to breath. After awhile her trembling subsided, and Arianna sighed, her legs relaxing. Released from his heavenly prison, Steve...

2 years ago
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People Crakers II Family Affair

People Crackers II: A Family Affair by Troy "MMMM" said Jerry, "I love animal crackers." as he noticed what appeared to be a box. However, on closer examination he saw it was labeled People Crackers. "Shapes are shapes, it's the taste that counts." he reasoned. He decided to take them home to share with his family. Jerry got home and saw his older brother, Mike. They started to talk and Jerry showed him the box he had found. Mike was intrigued. "I have never heard of people...

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Slut in TrainingChapter 3 A Family Affair

I am an independent handyman. Over the years, by working for myself, I've been able to save up a nice little nest egg. I thought I had saved enough to be comfortable if something should happen and I couldn't work. That was until I met, and fell in love with, Leslie. Over the past four years, I have lived with my girlfriend, Leslie. With my help, she had run away from home to accompany me to California. At that time, she had just turned 16-years-old. Maybe I was going a little middle-aged...

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SeniorChapter 27 Planning an affair

Adeline's rules: 1. No questions about family 2. No public display of affection 3. No questions about past 4. No disrespect 5. Do not lie 6. No head games; I'll let you inside me, but not in my head 7. No mention of the difference in our ages 8. No expensive gifts 9. No cheating 10. No admission of love The telephone conversation with Adeline had gone on much longer than I realized. I opened the door to find the two folding tables vacant. Everyone had left, or so I...

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Part 47 A Family Affair

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 47: A Family Affair I had previously met Holly’s parents, but that was when we were boyfriend girlfriend. It’s a little different when we are engaged. Meet the Parents comes to mind, so I as hoping against the disapproving in-laws. To start our post college lives we put our resumes out there, and decided to take a few months off unless we got good job offers. We spent a week at my house, letting Holly and my parents become better acquainted. No...

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Part 47 A Family Affair

Introduction: john and holly head to her parents house after they become engaged… Episode V Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 47: A Family Affair I had previously met Hollys parents, but that was when we were boyfriend girlfriend. Its a little different when we are engaged. Meet the Parents comes to mind, so I as hoping against the disapproving in-laws. To start our post college lives we put our resumes out there, and decided to take a few months off unless we got good job offers. We...

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The Sergeants Affair Chapter 2

Introduction: Sierra brings herself to full climax…again. A Sergeants Affair — Chapter 2 A continuation of their day in the park. She picked her head up from his chest, a secret smile on her lips as she licked them, imagining how his cum would taste. She looked up at him, as he lay there staring up at the dark rain clouds that were moving in overhead. She wondered what he was thinking about and if it was anything like her little fantasy. He glanced at her momentarily and smiled that sexy...

5 years ago
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Affair with a mature tudung lady Chapter 1 the be

This affair started back in early 2015 where i was transferred to this department. Met this mature tudung lady working as the supervisor. Late 40's, slim and slender, average looking and fair skin. It all started when we are working in the same team. I was warned by her own close friend that she has a thing for younger men but i didn't bother. One thing for sure, i don't like the idea of having an affair with someone else's wife but i was tricked. She claimed she was a divorcee with 4 boys but...

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Teddys WorldChapter 12 The Magic Of Fallon

The next morning came so quick I had to ask myself did I even go to sleep. As I showered last night I just freshened up, got dressed even I had to admit these girls dressed me well. When the girls came down I told them we would be doing dinner at my parent’s house. I called mom to ask her, if tonight was spaghetti night? She said, “Yes it is if I was going to be there.” I asked her “If we needed to bring anything?” “No just a big appetite,” was her response. I let her know it would be just...

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Family Affair 2

FAMILY AFFAIR IIDon Abdul ©Damian had just received a letter informing him that he had been accepted at college. He was so excited, and in the mood for celebration, unfortunately that would have to wait. His mom is out of town on a business trip and Aunt Phoebe is out running errands. Therefore, he made a few phone calls, first to his mom, then to his friends. After sharing the good news by telephone, he still felt the urge to really celebrate, and deep down his heart, he knew that the one...

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A Family Affair Part Two

I think it's time I told you a bit more about my strange family. (I am Kate, by the way.)My big sister Helen is also known as Olivia North when she's working as a glamour model (porn actress, actually.) She is ever so beautiful and sexy and has lots of online fans.We both live with our Mum, who is called Janet. Dad left home a couple of years ago when I was sixteen. Mum had an affair with another woman, and Dad couldn't handle it.Then Helen started sleeping with Mum, and they started doing sex...

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A Family Affair Part Three

"Aaand... cut!" said Justyna. "Well done, everybody, that was excellent. Let's take a break."I feel so proud and excited. I had just finished my first scene in Justyna's new movie. She's the director, by the way, and it was she who decided to film "Seduction" at our family home.There are lots of new things I need to get used to. First of all, individual scenes are not shot in sequence. It all depends on the different setups and the lighting and everything. It's when Zoe gets to work that the...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 2 Black Swan

Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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A Lesbian Love Affair Chapter 1 of 7

A Lesbian Love AffairThis story is based on nothing more than my wild imagination and a few plot themes suggested by an XH user. The characters, names, and places are not based on a single fact.I wrote this to please an XH acquaintance; she is NOT on my friends list. She challenged me to write this story. Her challenge was this, it MUST be a lesbian love story, it could NOT include any narrative about sexual contact between a man and a woman, and although she said I could seek help in...

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mother and daughter Affair

This story and contains lesbian taboo and everybody is over 18.How did this happen? I do not recall on when it happened, but all I know is that my baby girl, my own daughter Hanna, a nineteen year old beauty has her head between my legs, giving me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. “Mum, did you enjoy you Xmas gift from me?”“Oh baby, I love every time you go down on me. Let me return the gift with a gift of my love for you.” I then put my head between her legs showing my love for her.While eating...

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A Family Affair Chapter 1 A mothers helping hand

Jayla locked her door, and flipped off the light, an excitement growing inside of her as she laid down in bed, and slipped off her pants, eager to relieve herself of the tension which had been growing throughout the day. Her hand slid under the waistband of her panties, and found the lips of her pussy, wet, warm, and waiting for her to begin, she smirked, biting her lip gently with anticipation, but then she hesitated. In the past weeks masturbating had become less and less satisfying,...

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Family AffairChapter 2

Cindy was a gorgeous blonde of sixteen years. She lived in the quiet suburban village of Millville. She lived in a big house on Vagabond Lane that she shared with her mother, her brother Billy who was a year younger than her, and with her stepfather, George. Cindy had gone through a great deal of conflict with her mother since the divorce a year earlier, and the conflict intensified almost to the breaking point when her mother began dating the much younger George, and then after only a...

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Affair with a mature tudung lady Chapter 2 the co

Continue from Chapter 1...So we planned to have a good private session in a hotel. Stay the night bonking away. I recalled it was Friday night. Off work for me on Saturday but she has to take annual leave that night cause she was working shifts. I booked the hotel and she checked in first that evening before i came 20 minutes later. She let me in and still have her clothes on. Her eyes showed she was hungry for sex. I bring her close to me and gently kissed her lips. She took my hands and slid...

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My First Love Affair Chapter 2

My first affair - Chapter 2 by Janine Dimedici I woke up and felt Seumas' arm around my breasts. He was in a deep sleep and I gently eased his arm away and slid out of bed. I felt a deep glow inside me where he had thoroughly fucked me, but between my thighs was sticky with his lovely cum. I decided to have a shower to clean myself up and quietly tip-toed to the bathroom. The warm water washed over my breasts and down between my thighs and boy pussy as I rubbed myself with scented...

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My First Love Affair Chapter 3

My first affair Chapter 3 by Janine Dimedici I was still buzzing with love after Seumas had screwed me over the kitchen table. My nipples were still rock hard after getting out of the shower and my pussy still tingled and felt open and sad after his nine inches had withdrawn from me. I slipped on a bikini and a loose top and went out to the veranda of the villa and elegantly sprawled out on one of the loungers. Seumas popped his head around the veranda door and said: "'I've a few...

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Betsys JourneyChapter 4 A Love Affair With Thomas

Betsy readied herself for the next chapter of her life story. She was lying comfortably on the bed in her spare bedroom and quickly fell into a dreamlike state. Her relationship with Phil was over and now she dearly wanted to reminisce about Thomas. Betsy had met Thomas, even had a torrid affair with him, during her relationship with Phil. Now her mind drifted back almost twenty years. With the official end of summer, she got home Monday evening feeling sad. Betsy was sad remembering the...

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An Affair in Curley

This is the first of several stories about Jo An Bancroft a refined southern lady and her long journey into sexual awareness and permissiveness. * At the start of this story the south was largely puritanical protestant. Men were expected to be gentlemen and women were expected to be pure and chaste. And if you were, ‘well brought up’, in a typical southern town a whole pile of other requirements were laid on you. Conner Bancroft and Jo Ann Kendall came from such backgrounds. Hand holding...

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Johns Little Family Affair 4

Dinner was on hold for thirty minutes when Judy came storming down stairs to confront Joy as she sipped wine at the prepared table. "What is the matter with that boy? I thought he'd rush home after the way we parted company. He could not have misconstrued my message, could he?" "No, I think you made yourself quite obvious. If you ask me, he's out knocking off number twenty-five. He probably has renewed confidence. Perhaps all he wanted was to know that he could have you...

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The GlimpseChapter 2 Fallow vs Fallow

I eventually took residence in St. Louis and got a job as a test pilot for a military aircraft manufacturer. I let my employer know what was going on with my soon-to-be ex-wife and that I needed a week off. He understood and gave me all the time I needed. Once I was settled I drove back to Jacksonville to arrange the divorce process. It has been a month since I left and I have to say that things started looking positive in a different way. I was still distraught over Lisa, but I was learning...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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A Family Affair Ch 06

Sam knew the day would come when the speculative looks would start. But he figured he had more time. So Miss Maybelle thought she knew something did she, he thought to himself. That damn woman was so nosey and sex starved she thought everyone was having sex with someone other than their spouse. Not that you should completely write her off. Sometimes she was right and people knew it. God only knows who she has shared her juicy bits of gossip with so far. She probably told the whole damn...

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Johns Little Family Affair 6

cock a few pumps, then said, "Kid, you are about to enter the contest of your stud career that will test your true abilities, and you'll be on your own. Your mother and I agreed on a contest. She has to spend one hour with you on her bed, wearing what she had on when you last saw her. You can't do anything sexual to her without first obtaining permission, but your goal is to fuck her. If you fuck her, you'll get a whore for a year that will do anything you want, anything. Your...

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Awkwardly Drifting into an Affair

Brent Blake is a happily married man, both proud and satisfied with his wife of four years and she indicates satisfaction with him. But is she proud of him? He suspects not, she’s given him the impression she’d married less than top shelf – or beneath herself as it used to be called. That’s why Brent Blake considers himself a happily married man without indicating he’s in love with his wife. It’s difficult to love someone you suspect doesn’t really love you. Wife Rachel is a librarian and...

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The Affair Chapter 2sending Nena in subspace

Arrives ########## Thursday Morning ########## **** Nena ********dream*** Scott was ramming his rock hard dick in and out of my pussy as I tighten my the grip that my thighs have around his waist pulling him deeper inside of me.Im matching his thrust the best I can. “ Oh Scott harder baby harder ooooh damn that right Scott pound my pussy into submission. Oh God Scott it been So Long since i have had a real man pounding the hell out my my pussy.... Oh God...

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The OutsiderChapter 34 Postscript C Ruthiersquos Affair With Marla

While Mike was trying to figure out how to deal with the sudden reduction of his income, there was another development in Ruthie’s life that helped her overcome her traumatic childhood and the self-hatred she had as a result of struggling with non-verbal communication disorder. She was able to fulfill a lot of her old teenaged fantasies by having an affair. The affair turned out to be one of the luckiest things to ever happen to Ruthie. Ironically, cheating on Mike also greatly improved her...

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A Lesbian Love Affair Chapters 6 7 of 7

I am not sure what happened, I posted the final two chapters a week ago and nothing happened, so will try again.As mentioned in my opening chapter, this story is based on a challenge by one of my XH aquaintenances (not on my friends list) and she said, "write me a Lesbian Love story" and to make it more of a challenge she insisted that not one reference could be made describing sexual contact with a man and I had to write it in first person, meaning I had to play the part of one of the...

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A family affair

At just a few months past her 18th birthday, Noriko was about as on top of the world as she could be, though in her mind right now, she was anything but. Her birthday had been awesome, her present, also her grad present, a silver souped up convertible mustang sat in the driveway. The grades she was worrying about, she'd made with a decent margin, and her soccer team was a shoo in for state, her own performance enough to have garnered the notice of the university she was so worried about being...

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A Family Affair

The story is written below, but first... (Virginia T. Watson is a pen name for erotica. This story and all others posted by us are our copyrighted material, published on Amazon and all other major book sites.)Leah is a hot, horny, cum hungry slut and wants to be seen as much as possible. She loves making guys' cocks rock hard and women's pussies soaking wet! Leah's hot, full pic gallery topped 15,000 views and is still going strong. See it here......

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Family Affair

Family AffairDon Abdul (c)For a 20-year-old, Damian looked a lot more mature. At 5'10'' tall, he had an athletic figure, which he kept in good shape by playing baseball and working out in the neighborhood gym. Although he acted just like any twenty-year-old in many regards, there was something different about him, he had fantasies about older women. His fantasies about the mature woman were a lot more intense than most boys his age would ever feel. Damian had a burning desire for one particular...

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Family affair Bathroom mommy

Note : This is part two of a family's journey into i****t. In part 1 (Backseat Sister), Phillip, unbeknownst to his sister Tanya, caught her masturbating... about him. A few days later the serendipitous stars all lined up and she ended up sitting on his lap in the backseat during a lengthy ride... a ride that ended with the almost silent taking of his sister's virginity with his mom and dad in the front. Although the father was none the wiser that his daughter had been deflowered by his son as...

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Family Affair 4

FAMILY AFFAIR IVDon Abdul ©Damian heard the doorbell ring, and as he got dressed he heard the sound of laughter and light chatter. As he came out of his room and made for the kitchen/dinning area, he heard her familiar voice. Only then did he remember her name. Shelly, Aunt Phoebe's friend. The same stunning looker who sat right next to the lawyer type at the dinner the other night. Wow!"Ah there you are darling," Aunt Phoebe chirped excitedly as he emerged from the doorway. She held out her...

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Sissy Stepson 7 Family Affair

Part 7 ? Family Affair On Friday, Mrs. Monet had a surprise for her sissy stepson. "Your father called this morning and won't be home for another week, aren't you lucky and today I called you off school to do your laundry!" she said. "Oh, but I don't know how to do laundry" cried Caroline. "You will learn just like you learned to suck cock and guess what my sister Maryann and my Mother know about your little perversion!" "Oh, know you promised not to tell anyone!" cried Caroline....

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