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It didn't start that first night, as much as you had wanted it to. I'd just sat on your bed talking to you. My touch was light on your arm, but it felt scalding to you & you wanted Me to touch you more. "How much do you know about what your Mother & I have been doing," I asked & when you hesitated, My fingers tightened just slightly & you fought back the immediate, almost unbearable need to moan. Not looking at Me, you whispered, "I know you're hurting her when you have sex, I can hear it." I was thoughtful for a moment & replied, "Do you know why I hurt her like that Krystal." By now you knew very well why & remained silent. "She needs that to feel whole, does that surprise you. I know that you've been going to sites on the internet, she told Me everything about what you two talked about. She said you know now what a submissive is & naturally you're curious."

Completely unthinking, your head nodded slightly & again My fingers tightened until your eyes rose to Mine. My look was calm, but piercing & you felt I could look right inside you & see your thoughts, your deepest hidden secrets. Without another word, I slowly drew down the sheet & touched you. Your face immediately flamed, you were so embarrassed it was difficult to breathe, but I seemed to be matter of fact about it. The thought of trying to stop Me never entered your mind. My words had seen to that. What had he meant, "She needs that to feel whole." You knew your panties were drenched & it only added to your humiliation, but the excitement was overwhelming & momentarily the thought flashed through you. "He's going to masturbate me." You were torn between the gnawing, desperate desire for Me to continue touching you & the need to ask. Abruptly, I rose & you could see My huge erect manhood through My robe. Now the moan you desperately tried to suppress escaped you, as I spoke. "I'm going to your Mother now Krystal. She's waiting for Me, but one night I'll come & I won't be leaving. You know that, don't you?" You sat silently stunned. I left your door open as I left & your hand touched the slick silk almost before I was out of your sight.

You could hear us talking much clearer, but you still couldn't make out the words. You realized that I'd left our door open as well & you were almost breathless as you waited. You were afraid to touch yourself for fear of losing control, the thoughts torturing & inflaming you. Your mind could see Me dropping My robe, standing at your Mother's side with My huge black flesh jutting from Me. Maybe just lazily masturbating as I thought about what I was going to do to your Mother. You'd never wanted anything to begin so badly in all your life & the first sound jolted you like an electrical current had run through your body. Your Mother's guttural groan caused your pussy to freshly weep & now you couldn't bear not to touch it. The thoughts of My soft words, My fingers & what you were hearing was too much for you & your hips lurched. The blossoming sweetness shocked you in it's intensity, but instead of slaking her, you felt the hunger continue.

Quickly stripping your now sodden scrap of cloth, you settled back & listened. You knew we wouldn't mind if you were to go to outside the door, but somehow this was better. Hearing it & imagining what I was doing, had you on fire. Your Mother was reduced to grunting each time you heard the meaty blows now & you couldn't help thinking of what that would feel like on your own white flesh. Feverishly wondered if it could possibly make you any more excited that you already were. You didn't have any conscious thought to what your fingers were doing, but they sped as the grunts quickened & the sound increased. Your hips elevated just as you heard a flurry of blows & you came again. Panting & glorious as the silence changed to the rhythmic sounds that you knew heralded My complete Mastery of your Mother. Replete, you lay quietly & listened to us fuck. When you finally drifted, it was to the slapping sounds of flesh meeting flesh & your Mother's groaning, happy acceptance.

The next morning when you came downstairs, I'd already left & your eyes searching made your Mother smile. "He left early, get you something," she said. "Just coffee," settling into the small breakfast nook & watching your Mother. She was wearing a housecoat & you watched the way she moved. You were a perceptive girl & knew your Mother's moods. She was humming under her breath as she brought two cups & sat across from you. "He talked to you last night, didn't he," she said & you nodded. "He told me that he was going to & I was a little worried. I told Him everything we talked about yesterday & He just said, "I'll talk to her." I didn't know how you'd take it."

Her eyes searching for any sign & continued, "I guess you know by now that I can't refuse Him. No, I should be more honest with you. I don't want to refuse Him & I won't." You giggled saying, "Sounded like you didn't do any refusing last night," watching your Mother color. "Now that I know you're listening, I know I should be more embarrassed, but to tell you the truth, it's more exciting to me," she said. "I'm learning so much about myself, things I wouldn't have dreamed before I met Mr. Mike. I never understood addiction before, just thought people were weak if they couldn't stop smoking cigarettes or doing d**gs. I understand now. I can't give Him up, no matter what He wants." Seeing an opening, you hurried to speak. "What if He said, He wanted me, Mom, could you allow Him something like that, let Him do to me what he's doing to you."

Your Mother stared at you & finally moaned. "Oh God, God help me." "You WOULD, wouldn't you Mom. You WOULD!!!" Krystal accused & felt your own excitement rising. "What if I told you it's what I want, what I've wanted ever since I first understood." Your Mother refused to meet your eyes as she spoke. "Honey, I know how you must feel. If you feel the weakness that I do when I'm around Him, then I know. He told me something last night. Something I don't know if I should tell you." "MOM!!!" You implored. "He...he said, he told you that he was coming for you, told me that he was going to make me watch." You felt your excitement peak & began to make you tremble, wished you could touch yourself. Knew that you'd have to, if you wasn't to go mad.

"What did you tell Him, Mom, TELL ME!!!" You insisted. You could see how your Mother was struggling with the answer. "He said it to me when I was...when I was cumming," I just kept saying, "Yes, yes, yes," over & over. I don't know if it was because he made me so crazy or whether I meant that it was alright with me. I still don't know. I don't know how I'll feel when I see Him with you, but I can't say 'No,' can you ever possibly understand that." You looked into your Mother's tear filled eyes & replied softly, "Yes Mom, yes I can. I want to feel what you do, I want Him to do those things to me." The two of you sat staring at each other for moments & finally your Mother's head nodded once as she rose.

"I'll be going crazy all day thinking of that, you know that don't you!!" You laughed & jumped up. "I'll be late but there's something I have to do before I leave." As you ran up the stairs, you already saw in your mind what you'd be concentrating on in a minute. You saw yourself bound to the bed, gagged with your Mother sitting beside you, stroking your hair as I hurt you. Hurt your pink nipples as your gaze went between them. You didn't even bother to pull your panties down as you threw yourself on your bed. Brought your orgasm swiftly & sighed. "I'll have to get more panties, you thought, rising & taking a fresh pair to the bathroom. When you returned downstairs, grabbed your books & headed for the door, your Mother reminded you, "He'll be here for dinner tonight, I'm going to make something special, so if you go somewhere after school, be here in time." "I will Mom, I will," you grinned as you closed the door behind you already wondering how many classes you could stand before you'd have to ask to be excused.

All day your thoughts mostly ran to how it would start. You was a virgin, but you'd lost your hymen two years before to a boy that had been all too energetic with you in the back seat of his parent's car. He'd been finger fucking you & there had been a quick sharp pain & then some blood. You both been frightened out of your minds & you thought your Mother would know, just by looking at you. Of course, she didn't, but you realized that your hymen was gone. You made it as far as third period before your thoughts just made it too much to bear. It was a class you detested anyway & your mind raced as you almost ran to the ladies room. You tried to visualize what that huge hardness you'd seen in My robe would look like. How it would feel. You hurried to a stall, locking the door behind you & quickly sat, pulling down your panties. You hadn't brought any & didn't want to sit all day, in them soaked. Your juices were already oozing as you began. Now you imagined Me taking your hand & closing your fingers around My huge black cock. Krystal had never touched a man like that except for the boy in the car & that was through his jeans. You'd read enough descriptions to know what it must feel like, but worried that you wouldn't know how to please Me if I did that. You also knew that putting it in your mouth was in your future. Your mind saw you with My huge black cock in your mouth for the first time & My hands holding your head & forcefully moving it as you'd seen on the internet. As you visualized My smiling eyes, you shuddered & moaning softly & came.

The rest of the day went by in a crawl & you couldn't wait for that bell in your last class. Out of your seat in a shot as it did, you raced for your locker as a couple of friends asked if you were stopping with them at the mall. "No, my Mom has some important things for me to do," you quickly replied & the girls looked curiously at you, as you laughed almost hysterically & hurriedly left. Rushing breathless into the kitchen, you saw your Mother at the counter obviously getting things ready. "Want me to help, Mom," you inquired & your Mother shook her head. "No, I'm almost finished up, why don't you just have a quick shower & do something with your hair." You turned to go & then hesitated. "Mom, do you think it'll be tonight."

Your Mother looked at you & replied in a low voice, "I don't know honey, he does things in His own time. I never ask Him & I don't suggest you start, now get a move on, he'll be home in less than an hour." Throwing your things on your bed, you went to take your shower. When you'd finished, you sat naked on your bed & tried to decide what to wear. Mischievously, you looked in the bottom of your lingerie drawer & found what you were looking for. A pair of plain white panties with a pink Winnie the Pooh motif. You'd struggled to get them on, but grinned at the thought of how I'd look if I took them off. Looking at your bras, you decided against wearing one & pulled a tight T-shirt over your head. Finished off with some cut off jeans shorts, which your Mother had complained were much too tight in the crotch. She could see the outline of your lips plain in the faded denim cloth. Returning downstairs, you said, "I'll set the table" & your Mother told you to put candles on it. That in itself was indication of a special dinner & you felt your eagerness growing.

You heard Me come in & call that I was home. Said I was going to freshen up & change before dinner. Going to the kitchen, you saw your Mother look you over & compress her lips in what could only have been disapproval. Looking down, you could see your pink nipples plainly in the T-shirt & they were erect. Your nipples were very sensitive & just the cloth against them always affected you that way. Thinking better of whatever she'd been going to say, she indicated the dishes on the counter & you hastened to take them into the dining room to the table.

When you returned there were two bottles of opened red wine & three glasses waiting. Another delicate indication of your Mother's mood & the two women shared a secret smile as you took those in as well. I came into the kitchen & ignoring you completely, crossed to your Mother & nuzzled her neck, asking her how her day had been. It was some minutes before I turned to you & spoke. "I'm glad you're joining us for dinner," was all I said & you watched My eyes as they took in your brazen look. "Every thing's ready, let's eat before everything gets cold," your Mother said & you inwardly grinned. As far as you were concerned, nothing was going to be cold at that table tonight. We went to the dining room & I seated your Mother & then Myself. You took your own seat slightly disappointed at My lack of courtesy towards you. As I poured wine for the both of you, you could see I was staring at your pink nipples. Was somewhat surprised when I stood & crossed to you. "Krystal, I know your Mother has told you repeatedly not to run around the house dressed like that."

You turned your head to reply & I reached with both hands quickly pulling the T-shirt up over your head & threw it on the floor. "If you enjoy displaying yourself, do it right. Now you have your dinner, JUST LIKE THAT!!!" You sat stunned, looked at your Mother who was looking at her plate & pointedly ignoring your predicament. I returned to My seat & began eating as if nothing had taken place.

Your pink nipples were now almost painfully erect & you slumped slightly forward in embarrassment & humiliation. Taking a sip of My wine, I nodded. "You're quite lovely Krystal, perhaps we should have dinner together like this more often." You face flamed & you had no reply as I continued. Told then both what I'd been doing at work & a few funny anecdotes. You looked at the food on your plate & couldn't think of eating a bite. Noticing that, I remarked, "The food's really excellent Krystal, you should eat. You'll need to keep up your strength, more wine." My soft words were like hammer blows to you & you wondered if I knew how badly you were trembling. Your Mother made few comments, drinking her wine & the tension at the table was almost tormenting. Finishing My meal, I thanked your Mother profusely & said it was the best meal I'd had in months. My eyes were almost burning your flesh as I stared at your 38DD *Y* breasts. "Maybe you have some homework Krystal," I asked & you looked at Me inquiringly. "Why don't you just go & get that done. Your Mother & I will be along shortly."

Krystal lay quietly, but your nerves were screaming. You listened for every sound with the intensity of a condemned man waiting for a football. You'd hurried to your room when you left the table, stripped & lay on top of your comforter. Then your mind struggled & you sighed, jumping from your bed & putting on your sleep T-shirt, no bra, no panties. You tried to keep from touching yourself, but you kept seeing the things at the table & hearing My words over & over. Your pink nipples had remained erect & you thought you could touch them, just a little. They almost ached & you pinched, rolling them.

That caused hot sparks to singe your nerves anew & your clit was demanding to be touched. You'd just slid your hand between your thighs when you heard us coming up the stairs. You thought we were coming to you, but you heard Me plainly as I spoke. "Let her wait, My pet, I want you dressed properly for her." That set off a fresh, frenzied neuron overload for you. What did he mean. What did properly mean. You had a sudden urge to go to our room, watch her dress, but you lay back & tried to be patient. Your thighs were wet & you felt embarrassment, thinking I'd be touching you & I'd know what you'd been thinking & doing. You realized now that embarrassment excited you. Perhaps the first lesson I'd caused you to learn.

I didn't knock, just opened the door & came into your room. I had the box in one hand, a leash in the other & as I came closer, you could see your Mother crawling behind Me on all fours, the leash attached to a collar around her neck. I stepped to your bed & sat at your side, wearing the same short black robe I'd been wearing the night before. Your Mother was dressed in black lingerie, hose & heels. The bra was a frame bra with no cups & you could see that your Mother's nipples were clipped, hard & puckered with a delicate gold chain connecting them. The bikini cut panties were over the garter belt & you knew what that meant. They'd be removed & she'd still be hosed & helled for whatever happened to her.

Your Mother had placed her hands in front of her on the floor & was resting her forehead on them. "Krystal," I spoke in that slow, measured, soft tone. "They say that seeing is believing. I'm going to teach you tonight just how submissive your Mother is to Me, what she'll bear & do for Me. I want you to think very seriously about what you're about to see, because I intend to do the same to you. You'll have the opportunity to say 'No' if you don't want it."

You shivered as I opened the box & took a white plastic cone from it. You knew it was an anal plug & watched as I slowly coated it with lubricant, then reaching & slapping your Mother's buttock sharply. Your Mother gasped & shifted quickly. You could see now that her panties were crotchless & her hands had come to spread her ass cheeks, so the small pink rose was presented & the lips of her pussy gaped, glistening. "It was difficult for her at first," I said. "Your Mother had never been anally trained. Only a couple of fumbling attempts at fucking her tight asshole had ever been made. That's all different now, ISN'T it My PET," I implored & your Mother whimpered, nodding her head. "You didn't know that she has an enema most everyday now, did you Krystal" & you shook your head. "She's learned to keep herself very clean & ready for anything I might want."

As I was talking, you watched Me begin to ease the shining plastic into your Mother. Your Mother moaned slightly as the pressure increased & you could see that I wasn't forcing it, but allowing the flesh to surrender. It was up to the large center section & I let her rest as I continued. "We had to start with small wands & plugs until I'd trained her to take this. It hurts much less that way." I twisted the plug & you watched the large section swallowed & her rose close behind it. "Good, My pet!" I murmured & the rest of the plug slid easily into her to the squared end that was flush with her ass cheeks. "Sometimes I call her from work & have her prepare herself so there's no waste of time when I get home. We've done that quite a few times when we knew you wouldn't be coming home straight from school." You watched your Mother's color & I said, "You're going to hear & see everything Krystal. I don't want secrets here any longer." You wondered if your Mother was as excited by the embarrassment as you'd found yourself lately.

You could see that her pussy was wet & a single, small pearl threatened to spill. Patting your Mother affectionately, I opened My robe & you looked at My huge rampant black cock for the first time. Your mind had seen it every time you'd listened to Me fucking your Mother, but this was so different. You'd looked at men on the internet & fantasized incessantly whether I looked like this one or that one. You thought it was beautiful. Gracefully straight, long & very THICK. The head scarlet, as I softly masturbated Myself. I'd raised your Mother to her knees in front of Me as I turned smiling to you. "She didn't know much about pleasing Me orally either, did you, My pet. Just thought that sucking was enough. Shall we show Krystal how you were trained." Your Mother groaned, but obediently opened her mouth for My two fingers I presented. You watched her gather saliva, let it run on My fingers & then paint it around them. She took about an inch in her mouth & you watched her cheeks hollow. Then she took My fingers deeply & quickly pulled back.

"Your Mother was all suction & speed when we started. Skinned Me with her teeth. I broke her of that & she's really very good now. Your Mother was mewling & acting like she was sucking on a real cock now. Her tongue was laving & flicking at the underside of My fingers as she sucked. I reached My hand into her hair & pulled My fingers out of her mouth. "Now show your young daughter how good you've become My sweet pet." Your Mother placed her hands flat on My thighs & let Me guide My flesh to her lips. Krystal's eyes wide was watching your Mother suck this black man & your own pussy was on fire. I flipped up the hem of your T-shirt & touched you as I'd done that first time. Finding you the same, I smiled & said, "I want you to masturbate Krystal. I want you to masturbate as you watch your Mother. Isn't she beautiful like that?"

You felt the usual embarrassment, but your fingers began to obey Me. The sounds of your Mother's mouth on Me & her groaning was driving you slightly mad. "You're not to cum," I said. "You're to obey Me & I'll decide if you're to be allowed." You didn't know if you could obey Me or not, but you only knew that you wanted to, wanted to more than anything you'd ever wanted.

"Pl...Please...." You whimpered. "I don't think I can stop." I reached & tore your fingers from you, raising them & offering them to you. "You'd tasted yourself before, but this was so much more erotic. I was ordering you silently to do it & your heart thrilled in your obedience. I'd begun to slap your Mother's *Y* breasts, softly at first & they swayed with it. Then I struck harder, dislodging one of the clips. Your Mother's *Y* breasts were turning red & I was slapping & backhanding them. Still she sucked & laved. "See how well your Mother bears for Me, Krystal," I was softly panting now. You continuing to suck your fingers, nodded once & I struck backhanded, viciously. Your Mother couldn't help but cry out & her cried were exciting you to almost fever pitch.

My hand wrapped in her hair, I forcefully fed My huge black 8b cock to her & your Mother tried valiantly to accept the offering. I'd reached & My hand was stroking your thigh as I pulled your Mother's head away & pulled her up, throwing her torso on your bed, her head resting on your other thigh. Quickly pulling the plug from her, I positioned My huge black cock at her now fully prepared asshole. As Krystal watched it begin to enter, your Mother groaned & you felt Me touch you. You stiffened & immediately forced yourself to relax, as I began to masturbate you. I didn't penetrate you, but rather slid My fingers through your lips & around your clit, not touching it. You wanted to scream & didn't know what you needed to say. My words showed you the way.

"I'll want you to cum Krystal, but I want you to cum as I do. As I cum in your Mother." I was pressed tightly against your Mother now & you knew I was completely buried in her, watching My huge black cock withdraw & slide in again. You felt it start, felt fear that you were going to disobey Me & struggled as you'd never done before. You'd never consciously tried to stop your orgasm, just hurried joyously to it. I was rubbing on the side of your clit now & you moaned. There was no way you could control this. Your Mother's moans matched your own as I quickened. "Alright Krystal...NOW, I want you to cum!!!"

I was hammering your Mother's asshole & her young daughter was beside yourself. "Oh GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD!!!" You moaned. "I'm CUMMMMING, I'm...I'm CUMMING!!!" Your body stiffened until your muscles were as rigid as steel & your hips lurched uncontrollably. "OH GOD MR. MIKE," was all you could manage, all thoughts of your Mother gone & your pussy still clenching. My fingers slipped down, you felt Me massage your virgin asshole & you lurched again, beginning to feel the heat anew. I stopped & you groaned this time in frustration as I pulled MY huge black cock from your Mother. I was still somewhat hard & your Mother lay panting.

"She's done well, don't you think Krystal. I'm going to take her to our room now & attend to her. I think she deserves a special treat. I want you to think about this & I'll expect an answer tomorrow before you leave for school." I rose & when your Mother began to rise, I stared at her & she sank to her knees following Me from your room on all fours without a backward glance or word to her daughter. You lay there, your only thought...I could answer you NOW Mr. Mike, NOW!!!


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Sex Change for Black Boyfriend

I have an interesting story. I am now 26 years old. I was born a male but at the age of 23 I had a full sex change at the request of my boyfriend. Here is how and why it happened.I knew I liked men from an early age. I was interested to talk with girls and be their friend but I wanted men. I looked at men in the street, at their muscles and their penile bulges. I was not feminine but rather neutral - neither butch nor sissy. Around the age of 18 I started going out to gay bars and clubs. I was...

4 years ago
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white boyfriend and black stepdad in my black puss

yes! yes! i know its wrong,i knew i shouldnt have been doing it, and have absolutely no clue why i started, but will admit, the perversion of it, was what excited me the most!my stepfather 56 would work away in london and mother did constant night shifts at the hospital, i was the only c***d still living at home, and was there alone, most of the time.i had briefly began to experience the joys of sex, however short the experiences had been, my 15year old cunt, was ripe and ready for constant...

2 years ago
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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

Introduction: This story is a follow on from Morning sex. It follows a series of related stories stories, which you should read before this one. The series of stories are in the order: 1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing...

2 years ago
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My cousin and boyfriend doublepenetrate me

1. Boyfriend forced to watch me being used. 2. My mom, boyfriend, and me. 3. Morning sex. 4. This one. Note: this is probably the longest of all the stories I wrote so far. Ensure that you stroke those cocks-, and finger those pussies slowly. Hope you read to the end and enjoy the story as much as I did writing it. I fingered my pussy and came several times while writing this. ______________________ Things were certainly not going to be the same, I thought to myself as I showered. If...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Ne Goa Me Choda

Mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu main ap sabko apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise boyfriend ne mujhe goa me choda ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kiye uske liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiye main apse whatsapp par sex chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Main ap sabko apni sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise boyfriend ne mujhe goa me choda. Main daily porn video dekhti hu aur apne...

4 years ago
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Apne Boyfriend Se First Time Chudi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahen wali hu main call center me job karti hu aur mera figure 36 30 38 h. Main bahut baar chudi hu aur aaj main apne ek naye boyfriend ke bare me batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne boyfriend se first time chudi. Mere bahut boyfriends the lekin mera sabse breakup ho gaya tha lekin mujhe ek ladke ne propose kiya aur hum dono log boyfriend aur girlfriend ban gaye. Wo mere pados me rahta h aur hum dono log hamesha ek dusre se milte h aur wo mujhe...

2 years ago
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Boyfriend Ke Lund Se Chudi

Hello friend main apko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main boyfriend ke lund se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab meri kahani ko padhne ke bad mujhe mail kriye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi. Ab main kahani par aati hu mera figure 36 30 38 h. Aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu. Aur main call center me job karti hu. Ye kahani kuch din pahle ki h. Mere boyfriend ne mujhe bahut baar choda h. Aur hum dono log hotel me bhi jakar chudai karte h. Aur wo mujhe bahut chodta h....

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Boyfriend Se Uske Ghar Me Chudi

Hello friend mera naam pinky h aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kamukta kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne boyfriend se uske ghar me chudi aur mujhe apne byfriend ke mote aur lambe lund se chudwa kar bahut maja aaya. Mera ek ladke se bahut din se affair chal raha tha wo ek mobile company me kaam karta h aur uski salary bhi acchi h wo mujhe bahut acche acche hotel me le jata h aur khana khhilata h aur meri shopping bhi wahi karwata h. Hum dono ki dosti ek party me huwi thi...

3 years ago
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Always Bet on Black to Win Blacken

My name is Eddie and something has happened in my life recently that I have to write about. Let me tell you about my situation. I am a 32 year old white male, who is married to a very sexy woman, named Liz. Liz, who is 28 years old, and I have been married for five years. We met when we were teenagers and dated on and off, until our marriage. Liz is easily the most attractive woman I've ever been with and I love her very much.Liz has always been my dream girl. My wife has long brunette hair,...

1 year ago
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Threesome With My Boyfriend And Male Slave

I am a 20 year old girl,having a boyfriend for the last two years. Me and my boyfriend after a year of our relationship started having couple swaps and threesomes,but my boyfriend couldn’t get excited during the fucking time. We discussed it and finally knew that he couldn’t see other guys dominating his girlfriend and frankly I didn’t even enjoy it that much. I had a secret fantasy of dominating guys but,I could never dominate my boyfriend or ever think of it,cause it just doesn’t feels...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock PT2 Gay

In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...

4 years ago
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Apne Boyfriend Ke Sath Chudai

Hello friends, mera naam Sapna hai. Main apko apni chudai ki kahani batane ja rahi hu. Main apni kahani batane se pahle aapko apne bare mein bata deti hu. Main bahut sexy ladki hu aur apne aapko bahut maintain rakhti hu. Mera koi boyfriend nahi tha. Waise main pahle bhi sex kar chuki hu lekin ab mera koi boyfriend nahi tha. Aur meri saheli ka boyfriend tha. Mujhe bahut gussa aata tha ki meri saheli apne boyfriend ke sath ghumne ke liye jaati thi. Aur apne boyfriend ke sath hotel mein jakar...

2 years ago
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The Blacksmith

The BlacksmithThe divorce had been final for almost a year.? Maria and the business were long gone, it was her concept and hard work anyway.? I kept the 2 acres in Connecticut and the beach house in Laguna, both already paid for, and more than enough money to enjoy them both.? I wanted out and she wanted more.? We were both very different people now, I had taught Maria business, and she taught me the intimacy of sex.? She showed me ways to enjoy sex my rigid Connecticut upbringing never dreamed...

4 years ago
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Moms Old Boyfriend Part One

It happened quite by chance and we managed to keep it a secret, ever since. I was home alone on a Friday evening wearing my mom’s favorite black lace lingerie and her old boyfriend, Ron, came by to see her. He still had a key from when he was seeing my mom and he walked in without knocking on the door, startling me. And he caught me playing with myself through the sexy little black lace panties on the living room couch. My little six inch clitty dick was rock hard and leaking juices into the...

3 years ago
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Moms Old Boyfriend Part One

It happened quite by chance and we managed to keep it a secret, ever since. I was home alone on a Friday evening wearing my mom's favorite black lace lingerie and her old boyfriend, Ron, came by to see her. He still had a key from when he was seeing my mom and he walked in without knocking on the door, startling me. And he caught me playing with myself through the sexy little black lace panties on the living room couch. My little six inch clitty dick was rock hard and leaking juices into the...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend Shares Me 8211 Part 1

[responsivevoice_button rate=”0.9″ pitch=”1.1″ volume=”0.8″ voice=”Australian Male” buttontext=”Listen to Story”] My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for a year and a half and we are in love. Both of us have always had fantasies of gangbangs and my boyfriend loves showing me off everywhere we go. The funny thing is that we are both guys and even though he is extremely tall (6’1), muscular and hairy, he has a french beard and loves going to the gym. I am really slim and feminine. I...

Gay Male
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Nazoo aur Indian shemale and boyfriend

Heloo meri lesbo friends!mera naam nazoo khan hai.main 28 saal ki bahut gori chiti sehathmand sexy badan wali behad khubsorat larki hon.meri figure size 38 28 38 hai.mera aik boyfriend hai jis k 9inch lamby aur 2.5inch motay goray lund ki main dewani hon. Wo main usse khub chudwati hon,hum dono na bahut se khubsorat larkion aur jawan sexy aurton k sath sex ka maza liya hai.muhje yaqeen hai k ajj ki story ko read kar k mero lesbo dosto ki chuton se bahut pani nikle ga.ab ap meri real story ko...

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Special Black Delivery Blacken

My husband Brian is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Brian loves to watch me...

4 years ago
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Special Delivery of Big Black Cock Blacken

My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me...

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My boyfriend and his friend

His hands travelled around my body, feeing every inch of me. As I lie there, naked and exposed, ready for him to please me in any way he desired, someone knocked on the door. Panicking, I got to my feet and hurried off to get dressed. I waited anxiously, praying that he would hurry up and finish talking to who ever was at the door. Footsteps starting coming close to me and their voices were now crystal clear outside the door. “Come out babe” my boyfriend said, “Meet a friend of mine”. I...

Group Sex
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OMG Yes I always wanted a Black Cock Blacken

It had been almost two years since my ex-husband announced he wanted a divorce. His announcement was a shock to say the least and his admission that he was moving in with his secretary was a punch in the gut. Before that day I thought I was living a happy, almost perfect life. I was married to a successful businessman, we had two wonderful, healthy c***dren and I was content with being a stay-at-home mother & his trophy wife. Although I am in my early 40's, I am still considered very...

2 years ago
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Veronica Cheats on Her PassedOut Boyfriend

Veronica met up with Ryan after work. He had been promising to grab a drink with her for months now, but their schedules never seemed to match. However, they were both available on this particular Thursday as Friday was a furlough day, so they met at an upper scale pub downtown and sat down at the bar.Even this early, it was crowded in the bar, so it was difficult to catch up with all of the noise. Eventually a booth in the back opened up and Ryan and Veronica practically ran to get it before...

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Black Neighbor helps her out Blacken

It has been almost four months since Amber has slept with anyone other than her husband, the pale blonde slutwife moved three months ago for her husband's career leaving all her old playmates. When they first moved in she considered starting a family but Kyle, her husband, didn't feel ready to stop their exploring, he suggested they wait until they were well settled in the new place and then they'd discuss it. In those three months Amber started to follow her fertility chart just in case but...

1 year ago
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Normally, I enjoyed the Friday night dances at the works when I was the duty manager. All I had to do was to ensure there was no trouble and to make sure the bar shut at 10.30 and the room was clear by 11.00pm so that security could release the guard dogs. I loved to dance, but tonight all the best girls seemed to have partners. But then my attention was drawn to a young lady dancing with one of the single men, she looked utterly bored, and the glance she threw me as she passed close by me...

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First Taste of Black Cock Pt2 Wife Blacken

Tell me about Diana.” Diana is a beautiful and well-built woman, and even at the age of forty-eight she looks much younger. So I told Jefferson, “Well, I think she’s a beauty, even though I haven’t been able to fuck her much lately. She’s five feet and six inches tall, weighs one hundred and twenty-five pounds, and has naturally-blonde hair and green eyes. Her breasts are large and shapely, I think 36Ds, and her ass is full and shapely. I heard you telling Sammy what you want to do with her,...

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My mom boyfriend and me

I was a little scared after having all those STD tests. What if I’ve contracted something from those guys? Mom was even more afraid for me, though, and she was worried that I might get pregnant. But, I assured her that wasn’t going to happen because I was on birth control. Well, I just had to wait for the results. In the meanwhile, I couldn’t have sex with my boyfriend, I couldn’t risk infecting him with something that I might have. I awoke the next morning with my boyfriend’s arm...

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My Boyfriend Shares Me Part 2

To recap: My boyfriend’s best friend and gym buddy had come home and had played strip poker with me. I was naked and the three muscular guys were sitting shirtless in front of me staring at me with a lot of lust. I had already made out with all the three guys as a punishment as I didn’t have any clothes left. Finally, I lost again and my boyfriend won. He grabbed my penis and told me that now I had to jerk off in front of all of them. I was so excited and so confused. I looked into my...

Gay Male
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Apne Boyfriend Ke Dost Se Chudi

Hello friends, mera naam Priti hai. Main aap sabko apni sex kahani batane ja rahi hu. Ye kahani mere aur mere boyfriend ke dost ke beech ki hai. Mere boyfriend ne mujhe cheat kiya to main uske dost se chudi. Main aur mera boyfriend pados mein hi rahte the. Hum dono ka ghar najdik tha isliye hum log ki baaten hoti rahti thi. Hum  hamesha sham ko milte the. Aur hum dono log ek acche dost hi tarah rahte the. Lekin hum dono ki dosti dheere dheere pyar mein badal gayi. Aur hum ek dusre se pyar karne...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend forced to watch me being used

It was late Friday night, around 11pm. My boyfriend had come over to stay the night, which he regularly does when mom is on night shift. We were watching a movie on TV, snuggled up to each other, with my head on his chest. It was rather hot and humid this night, which was not particularly unusual. I was wearing a long and oversized t-shirt, and that was it, no underwear whatsoever. My boyfriend had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. A hot sex scene started on the movie we had been watching,...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend Always Cums Through

My boyfriend treats me to a hot orgy on vacation."Baby I want us to fuck a girl tonight." I purred to my boyfriend and pressed my sea salty body up against him in the shower. After a full day at the beach the heat from the Caribbean sun was trapped in my skin. He fondled my breasts that were also hot and tanned from going topless. We'd already fucked twice in the morning and here we were, at it again. This was our first chance to get away together since we started dating a year ago. We were...

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Black Dildo to the Real Deal Blacken

I would like to start out that as a 40 year old male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife to go from only making love in the dark and missionary style to introducing toys and talking about fantasies. Our sex life has gotten better and my mind has gotten more perverted the further we have come. A few years back, I was walking into the locker room at the gym I belong to and a black guy was changing. He was...

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A Day at Blacks Beach

The weather was perfect for a late summer day in San Diego. The sky was cobalt blue with billowy white puffy clouds, it was calm and the warm sun was shining down on Tony as he set up his beach chair near the back of the beach, next to the high cliffs that kept Black's so private. He didn’t get to San Diego often but whenever he did, he always tried to get to Black’s Beach if the weather was nice.Tony looked around and surveyed the smattering of other nude beachgoers. He liked to be near the...

College Sex
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A Day at Blacks Beach

The weather was perfect for a late summer day in San Diego. The sky was cobalt blue with billowy white puffy clouds, it was calm and the warm sun was shining down on Tony as he set up his beach chair near the back of the beach, next to the high cliffs that kept Black's so private. He didn’t get to San Diego often but whenever he did, he always tried to get to Black’s Beach if the weather was nice.Tony looked around and surveyed the smattering of other nude beachgoers. He liked to be near the...

College Sex
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My Blacks Beach Baring

I met Alan my last year in college. He was getting his MBA and we were introduced by a girlfriend of mine who I'd gone to high school with. What got me interested in him, even before we met, was that Alice had told me he was the best guy in bed she'd ever had. And Alice was a very popular young woman. So, when she introduced us at a party, I just knew I had to see if she was right. Now, that sounds pretty bold, maybe even a bit slutty. Well, that's not quite right, actually, I'm pretty shy when...

4 years ago
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Mr Blacks Summer Movies

?? ? ? ? Everyone knows that Summertime is when the big movie blockbusters come out. Well, it is no different for Mr. Black and his underground film operation. It's just that whereas the major films take a year to make, Mr. Black's often take only a day.? ?? ? ? ?Dressed in tan slacks of a light breathable material, a black short sleeve pullover of cashmere, Italian loafers with no socks, and a simple platinum watch, Mr. Black walked down the hall of his studio toward the first sound stage....

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Mr Blacks Private School

Mr. Black at His Private School by dale10 Southeast Asia is the perfect place to start a private boys' school.Its easy to get government permission to start a school because these countries want their people educated. Familes want their sons to succeed in the world. Boys are often shipped off to schools for years at a time. Many of the schools control every aspect of a boy's life, the perfect situation for a pervert like Mr. Black Whenever Mr. Black needed a break from his porno industry;...

3 years ago
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Turned into a Black Cock Slut Blacken

Until a couple of years ago my wife, Amy, and I both worked for the police. More specifically, she was with the vice squad and I worked in fraud. So each day we would go in together, team up with our respective partners and do our days work until it was time to go home - same as most jobs, just not your usual employer.From time to time, if a big bust was going down, we both understood that the other would have to go incognito and may be away for sometimes days and other times weeks until the...

2 years ago
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GF Fuck my Black Roommate Blacken

Lightning flashed across the dark sky as Steve lifted his travel bag from the open trunk of Crystal's Taurus. He opened the door for her and said, "I see my new roomie is home. It will be raining cats and dogs by the time you get back to the Campus. You might as well come in for a drink or two, meet Jack, and we can watch TV or whatever until the storm passes. Thunder rolled ominously. Steve took Crystal's hand and led her to up to the door of his apartment. He set the bag down and began...

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All the Black Cum you can Eat Blacken

It was a day like any other. I was sitting in my office, masturbating to porn on my computer when I hear "What are you watching?" I turned around and saw my beautiful wife staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad, upset, or anything in between. She walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the computer monitor at what I was watching. "What's cuckold?" I was so afraid of what my wife would think of me. I knew she could Google it, so I just told her. "It's like when a wife fucks other...

2 years ago
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Mom joins in on the fun with cousin and boyfriend

Introduction: This is the 5th and last part of a 5-part series. if you havent read the previous stories, click on my profile and do so. There was no possible reasonable explanation as to why my 14-year old cousin was laying naked on my bed. Trust me, within a matter of a minute my mind had tried to figure out numerous ways to which I could explain the situation, but alas, none were worth the exertion. It was around 5:12pm now. How the time had slipped away, I wondered. Mom stood in the...

3 years ago
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My Daughters Black BF PT3 Blacken

Kimberly waited over a week for him to visit again. Every day she anticipated it, she even made sure to be dressed for it, but to no avail. Jordan kept her dangling on a string. She finally had to do something. One night when Taylor was showering, she grabbed her phone and got Jordan's number. The next day she called and left a message. Nothing.She called again the next day.Nothing.She called again the next day, this time she left a very dirty message, desperate to get what she wanted, not even...

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My Daughters Black BF PT1 Blacken

The young black man hammered Kimberly's pink white pussy with the powerful punishing strokes of his monster sized dick.Kimberly thrashed violently as her BBW body blasted from one orgasm to the next. Her naked body was covered in sweat as the black man pounded her harder and harder. "FUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE," she screamed, "FUCK MEEEEEEEE." Her watermelon size titties with their large stiff nipples bounced painfully as she dwelled on the edge of ecstasy. The fact that this 21 year old black man...

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My First Boyfriend 7

After we’d finished eating breakfast that morning and I was cleaning the dirty dishes from the table, Sam interrupted his father, who was reading the morning paper. “Dad, I have a huge favor to ask,” he said and my step-father looked over the top of the paper at his son. “The weekend after next is Halloween, and there’s this party I want to go to, but I’m supposed to be here then.” His father replied something like, “No problem, son, stay at your mother’s and we’ll make it up some other...

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