Valentine's Switch free porn video

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Valentine's Switch By RogerGirl Allen and Jamie were sitting on the couch in their apartment watching TV. It was the Thursday before Valentine's Day and they were watching the Olympics. As they watched, a commercial for a jewelry store came on. Allen always liked to plan something new to do for Jamie on Valentine's Day, but this year he didn't have any ideas. "What do you want to do for Valentine's Day, babe?" he asked. "Um, I haven't really thought of anything," she replied. Normally there was a new restaurant or play or movie they would see, but this year they didn't really have any ideas. They had been dating for a while, and she was hoping he would one day ask her to marry him, but she wasn't sure what he had planned. "You know I like to pamper you with something new and exciting," Allen said, "but I can't think of anything new this year." Jamie's eyes lit up. She had an idea on how to make this Valentine's different. "Hmm, maybe this year I can pamper you," she said. "What do you mean?" Allen asked puzzled. "Remember the womanless pageant in high school?" "Yeah..." "How about this year we switch roles, and I get to pamper you." Allen liked the idea. He had enjoyed dressing up as Ally, but they hadn't had a chance to dress up much since high school. He still kept his hair long and had a thin figure, so it wouldn't be difficult for him to dress up again. "That sounds like a good idea," he said enthusiastically, "I had a lot of fun that weekend." "Cool," Jamie said, "we can start getting ready this weekend." They went back to watching the Olympics as they both looked forward to the weekend. The next day after their classes were finished for the day they began to prepare. They decided to spend the whole weekend as James and Ally, as they hadn't dressed up in a while, so that they would be ready to go out on Valentine's. They had kept a lot of the stuff they used for their transformations just in case they ever decided to dress up again. Jamie had also recently gotten a shorter hair style and put on a little muscle from playing softball, both of which would help her look more convincing as James. They both went of to separate rooms to transform themselves. Allen went into the bathroom and started to fill the bathtub. He looked at himself in the mirror and admired his nice even tan, long legs, and thin body. He got into the tub when it was ready and shaved all his body hair with an extra razor Jamie had bought. He also made sure to wash everywhere and paid special attention to his hair. When he got out he dried off and applied a moisturizing lotion to his body to make sure his skin was soft and smooth. He then put on the realistic fake breasts, which blended with his natural skin tone, with the adhesive and blended the edges making them look real. Next he tucked back his penis and put on the realistic fake vagina that they had ordered a couple years before. The vagina had an opening for pleasuring and sex, which would come in handy this weekend. He then put on a matching black bra and pantie set, then put on a tank top that showed off his stomach and a pair of low cut short shorts that were pink and said juicy on the back. He sat down and styled his long brown hair so that it was thick and wavy, put on some makeup, and painted his finger and tow nails. He hadn't cut his fingernails in a while, so he was able to make them look pretty feminine. After his nails had dried, Allen went to the mirror and smiled. Allen had disappeared, and in his place stood the sexy co- ed Ally. In the next room, Jamie had undressed and decided to cut her hair a little shorter. After trimming it a little she was able to get it into a masculine style. She removed all her makeup and nail polish, and then trimmed her nails. She used some chest binding to give her a flat chest, and then put on a fake penis. Next, she put on a t-shirt, a pair of boxers, some white athletic socks, and a pair of sweat pants. To finish the look she styled her hair and added convincing side burns and facial hair using techniques she learned in her makeup classes. While she was often displeased with the shape of her cheekbones, they played to her favor here in looking like a guy. She went to the mirror and smiled. Jamie had disappeared, and in her place stood the hot college jock James. They exited their rooms after practicing their James and Ally voices to get used to them again and went to the living room. They stood speechless for a moment staring at each other, surprised at how much better they had each gotten with their transformations. They stepped toward each other and began to compliment each other as they each posed for the other. After several minutes they went to the couch and watched TV. James sat on the couch smiling down at the beautiful Ally who lay stretched out with her head on his lap smiling back up at him. James kissed her passionately on the lips, and they both knew this would be a Valentine's Day weekend they would never forget. The next morning Ally woke up and rolled over in bed to find James had already left. On the nightstand she found a note from James telling her that he had gone out to get some stuff ready for Valentine's Day. Ally smiled and rolled out of bed. She stretched and wandered over to the mirror to admire how good she looked. She took off her tank top and stood doing some sexy poses wearing only her panties. After a few poses she went to the closet and grabbed a towel then went to the bathroom to take a shower. She turned on the water and slipped off her panties. When the water was warm she stepped into the shower and moaned as her hands and the water touched her smooth hairless skin. After washing her hair and body she stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She wrapped the towel around her like a woman would do and went to the bedroom to get dressed. She put on a bra and matching boy shorts then went to the bathroom to blow dry her hair. After her hair was dry she went back to the bedroom and put on a short denim skirt and a tank top. She went to the vanity to do her makeup, style her hair, and spray on a little perfume. Once she was satisfied with her look she put on a girl's ring, a pair of heels, and grabbed her purse. She packed her purse with her cell phone, wallet, keys, and makeup then went to the kitchen. She left a message for James telling him she'd gone out then left the apartment. As she was locking the apartment door she was startled by a man's voice behind her. "Damn girl, you look hot. If I was into girls, I'd be all over you right now." She turned around nervously and was relieved to see it was her neighbor Marcus. Marcus was 5'7" with a thin build and long blonde hair. He was wearing a pair of loose fitting jeans and a university t-shirt. Marcus noticed he had startled her and tried to calm her down. "Sorry Ally," he said, "I didn't mean to startle you. I just wasn't expecting to see you as Ally." "It's OK," Ally said calming down, "I didn't know you'd gotten back from your trip." "Yeah, just got back last night." Ally smiled and they went into Marcus' apartment. Marcus and Allen had known each other since their freshman year and had had many classes together as they were both in the same major. Allen was a bit uncomfortable hanging out with Marcus at first as Marcus was gay and he had never known any gay guys before. They soon became friends though when they found they had a lot in common. They both like video games, comic books, sports, and as they both later found out, cross-dressing. Allen had found some of Marcus' girl clothes while at his apartment one day and Marcus revealed to him that he enjoyed dressing as a girl. Allen also revealed his secret, as he was happy to find someone he could dress with. Marcus had been dressing for a lot longer than Allen and would often help Allen make himself more passable as a girl. They would work on walking, talking, eating, dancing, sitting, flirting, and even kissing like women. It was also Marcus who had helped Allen and Jamie get their apartment when it became vacant. "So," Marcus said, "to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing Ally today?" "Jamie and I decided to try something different this Valentine's Day," Ally replied, "She's going to be James and I'm going to be Ally." "Oh, sounds fun," Marcus said, "we need to go shopping and get you something to make it a night he'll never forget. Wait here, I'm going to change into Marcia." Marcus went to his bedroom and locked the door. Ally sat on the couch and watched TV. She noticed a women's magazine on the table and picked it up. As she looked through the magazine she found some tips on fashion, makeup, and pleasing your boyfriend. A little while later, she heard the door open and a girl's voice. "OK, how do I look?" Ally turned around and looked at Marcia. She was dressed similar to Ally in a denim skirt and halter-top. Her long blonde hair framed her face and her makeup was expertly done. She was wearing a pair of heels that made her long legs look even longer and shapelier. She looked 100% female and similar to Dianna Agron from "Glee." "You look hot girl," Ally said walking over to her, "the guys are gonna be all over you." "I hope so," Marcia said laughing, "it sucks to be alone on Valentine's Day." Marcus had recently broken up with his boyfriend and was hoping to find someone who would enjoy both his Marcus and Marcia sides as he often enjoyed dressing as a woman and many of the gay guys he dated didn't like when he cross-dressed. "So where we headed first?" Ally asked. "Starbucks," Marcia answered grabbing her purse. Marcia grabbed a light jacket and handed one to Ally and they left the apartment. Shortly after Ally and Marcia had left, James and his older brother Kyle came down the hall to the apartment. They had just come from the gym and were going to take a quick shower before going out to get things ready for Valentine's Day. Kyle lived out of state but was visiting for the weekend. He was 6'3" and muscular with short black hair and a nice tan from playing football. He was bisexual and had an attraction toward cross-dresses, but up to now he had only dated women. As a football player he had been afraid of what the other players might do if they found out he was bisexual so he kept it secret. Only James knew about it and had promised to keep it a secret. They entered the apartment and James went to the bedroom to take a shower while Kyle ate some food in the kitchen. James took off his sweaty gym clothes and stood in front of the mirror in only his boxer briefs. He flexed and admired his muscles and abs. Since Jamie had begun playing softball and working out for the sport she had actually become more muscular than Allen, something she often teased him about. As James, however, the increased muscle and tall height worked to her advantage in passing as a guy. Ally was a few inches shorter than James, but in heels they stood about even. He went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. He dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist. He stepped back into the bedroom and put on a pair of boxers and made sure to bind his chest. His breasts were always kind of small so that also made dressing as a guy pretty easy. He went to the drawer and put on a t-shirt and jeans and a pair of white socks. After he was dressed he quickly combed his hair and put on a pair of sneakers. He was enjoying how much easier it was getting dressed as a guy than a girl. He put his wallet in his pocket and went back to the kitchen. Kyle was sitting at the table eating a sandwich. "Wow," Kyle said looking up at him, "looking at you I would never guess you were my little sister. I wish I had you around when we were kids. It would have been a lot more fun having a brother to hang out with." "Oh come on," James said, "I bet you didn't feel that way when I brought over my cheer squad." "OK, I have to admit I did enjoy that part." They both laughed. James went to the counter and poured himself a bowl of cereal. He sat down at the table and began to eat. "So what do you have planned for that sexy girlfriend of yours?" Kyle asked. "Oh, the usual stuff. Flowers, candy, dinner, maybe some jewelry." "Wow, she's a lucky girl," Kyle said. "Actually, I want your advice on something," James said, "we've been going out for a long time now and I've been waiting for Allen to propose, but I'm not sure if he's interested in getting married. I was wondering if I should use this weekend to propose to Ally as James. What do you think?" "Go for it," Kyle said, "I'm sure when she gets the ring she'll get the hint that you're ready for marriage and when you're back as Jamie and Allen, he'll probably surprise you with a proposal." "Thanks bro," James said, "we better get going. I have a lot to do before tomorrow." They put their dishes in the sink and grabbed their jackets. They left the apartment and James locked the door behind him. He was looking forward to giving Ally a weekend she'll never forget. Marcia and Ally entered the mall and headed straight toward the salon. Marcia had a friend who worked there and knew he'd keep things discreet. As they walked to the salon, Marcia enjoyed the attention she was getting from the guys they passed. If only they would still look at her that way if they knew she was really a guy. While Marcus enjoyed being Marcia, he was not yet sure if he wanted to become a woman full-time. He still enjoyed being a guy, but he had grown very comfortable as Marcia and was spending a lot more time as a woman. While he would occasionally perform drag at a local club, he really enjoyed getting to step into the life of a sexy woman. Since coming out at 16, he had had a few boyfriends, but none of his relationships lasted longer than a few months. In high school, he kept his homosexuality from most people and was part of the skater crowd. He first began cross-dressing in high school as part of an event called Swap Week. While he didn't look as naturally feminine during his high school years, when he started college he lost some weight and started toning his body to look more feminine. While some would try to get him to stop cross-dressing, others would try to get him to cross-dress nearly everyday. What he wanted was a guy who enjoyed being with both Marcus and Marcia, and didn't force him to choose between these two identities, since he wasn't ready to give up being Marcus completely. Marcia and Ally went into the salon and she told her friend DeShawn about Ally and Ally's plans for Valentine's Day. The salon was empty at the moment so DeShawn took Ally to the back to give her a manicure and pedicure and to do her hair, nails, and makeup. Marcia found a seat in the waiting area while she waited. While Marcus and DeShawn had very little in common, as DeShawn was more flamboyant than Marcus was, they both enjoyed cross-dressing and became friends through performing at the local drag club. DeShawn performed with more of a drag look, while Marcus preferred more of a natural girl look. Marcia crossed her legs and picked up a magazine. While she waited, a woman came in and signed her name on the check-in sheet. She found a seat close to Marcia and smiled at her. Marcia smiled back and they started talking. The girl introduced herself as Rachel and told her that she was new in the city. As Marcia always did when meeting someone new, she told her that she wasn't a real woman just to avoid confusion later. Rachel seemed surprised and told her she looked amazing. Marcia thanked her and they continued talking. A while later Ally came out with DeShawn and Marcia and Rachel told her how gorgeous she looked. Rachel told Ally that she thought it was cool what Ally was doing and that she wished she had a boyfriend that was comfortable enough with his sexuality to dress as a girl. While Ally paid for her makeover, Marcia and Rachel gave each other their phone numbers. They would soon become close friends and Rachel would come to know both Marcus and Marcia over time. Marcia and Ally said goodbye to Rachel as they left the salon and Rachel followed DeShawn to the back. They headed over to a women's clothing store and Marcia helped Ally find a dress and heels that were sexy, but classy enough for a nice restaurant. After trying on several dresses, Ally settled on a tight black dress that came to mid-knee and a pair of black 5" heels. They then headed toward the Victoria's Secret where Ally bought some lingerie and stockings to wear with her new dress, and something sexy to wear in the bedroom later that night. They stopped for a quick lunch in the food court, then headed back to Ally's apartment to hide her shopping bags before James got home. Kyle and James went around town buying gifts for Ally and planning the date. James had been able to get reservations at a restaurant and now he also needed a new suit to wear. While James went into the clothing store to buy his suit, Kyle waited outside with the flowers and candy. As he sat on the bench outside of the shop, he noticed some couples passing by. It had been a while since he had had a girlfriend and would be spending another Valentine's Day alone. Several years ago he had realized he was bisexual, but found he was only attracted to smaller guys with softer features. For this reason he had been able to hide this from his college football teammates since they were all big guys with masculine features. He found he was most attracted to cross-dressers, however, after a chance encounter at a frat party in college. For several weeks he had noticed a guy in his class with long blonde hair. He had had a crush on him, but knew the guy was straight because he had often seen him with a girlfriend. While he was about to give up on making a move on the guy, he finally found an opportunity when he saw the guy dressed as a girl at a party his fraternity was holding. He first noticed him in the crowd and later found his chance to talk to him when he found him sitting alone in the living room. He knew he had to play it cool and didn't want to scare off the guy, who clearly seemed uncomfortable being out in public dressed as a woman. He found the guy was angry at his girlfriend and seemed willing to experiment that night. They ended up making out and having sex in his room, and Kyle found he had enjoyed being with this guy more than he enjoyed being with any woman. The next day he saw the guy in class, but the guy had cut his hair. Kyle pretended that he didn't know that the guy was the same he had been with the night before and acted normally whenever they happened to meet. Since that day he had only dated women, but had hoped to meet another guy like the guy he had met that night. He secretly had a crush on his sister's boyfriend because Allen was both a cool guy to hang out with and made a very sexy woman. He knew it would never work out though because Allen was definitely straight. James came out a while later carrying his new suit. They had one last stop to make and headed to the jewelry store. James couldn't afford an expensive ring, but was able to buy a decent priced ring with a small diamond. After they finished their shopping they grabbed a burger then headed back to James' apartment. When they got back they found Ally was already home, so they hid their shopping in the closet near the door. Kyle was about to leave when Ally came out of the bedroom with the hottest girl Kyle had ever seen. Kyle went over to introduce himself. "Hi," he said nervously, "I'm Kyle. I'm Jamie's or James' brother." "It's nice to meet you," the girl said, "my name is Marcia, but I should tell you I'm not really a girl. I'm their neighbor Marcus. I live across the hall." "Sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable," Kyle said, "but you are gorgeous. If you hadn't told me you were a guy I would have never known." "Thanks," Marcia said blushing, "and don't worry I'm gay. It feels kind of nice being complimented by a cute guy. It's been a while. If you want we can hang out at my apartment and let them have some privacy." Kyle left with Marcia and went to her apartment. They spent the rest of the day talking and getting to know each other. Over the next few weeks, Kyle spent time getting to know both Marcus and Marcia and found himself falling in love with both of these identities. They eventually began dating and Kyle moved to an apartment nearby several months later. Valentine's Day had finally arrived and Ally was excited to see what James had planned. Ally woke up early and quietly slipped out of James' strong embrace. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. She had to work today, but luckily she was able to go to work as Ally. Allen worked at his mom's office and he had told her how he enjoyed dressing as Ally a long time ago. He had dressed up with her several times and his mom enjoyed having an occasional daughter to spend time with and talk about things that she wouldn't discuss with Allen. After her shower she dried herself and wrapped herself in her towel. She quietly went to the bedroom and put on a bra and matching boy shorts, a pencil skirt, a white blouse a women's suit jacket, and a pair of heels. She went to the mirror and fixed her hair and makeup. After she was ready she grabbed her workbag and quietly slipped out of the room. She grabbed a bagel and her travel coffee mug, went downstairs, and drove to work. While Allen tried to give Ally different traits than his own, one thing that carried over was Allen's strong business ethic. As Ally she prided herself on being a strong, independent, career woman, yet still enjoyed being sexy and intimate with James. When she got to work she put her bag on her desk and switch the nameplate from Allen Jordan to Alyssa Jordan. It was not the first time he had gone to work as Ally, and his mom had made a nameplate for her Ally to put on her desk to avoid confusion when clients came in. Ally's mom came in a while later and smiled at the surprise that was waiting for her. "Ally!" she said, "It's been a long time. To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my daughter?" "Jamie and I decided to try something different for Valentine's Day," Ally said, "she's taking me out as James." "Oh sounds fun," her mom said as she put her stuff on her desk, "and it gives us some mother-daughter time." Allen's father had been killed in a auto accident shortly after Allen was born. His mom had never remarried and thus never had any other children, but had always hoped to one day have a daughter. She had been away on a business trip when Allen first became Ally in the womanless pageant, but he had shown her the photos and videos when she returned. She was amazed at how beautiful her son looked as a girl and was glad to hear how much Allen enjoyed the experience. Since that day Allen would occasionally become Ally and his mom would help him expand his wardrobe. She let him store his Ally wardrobe at her condo in the spare room. When Allen became Ally, his mom was often surprised at how natural and convincing he was as a woman. The office wasn't very busy today and they only had a few clients come in. Ally handled the business in a very professional manner and aided the clients in their concerns. At lunch Ally went with her mom to the cafe downstairs and they talked about James and other general topics. Ally's mom had had her when she was a teenager and she was now in her late 30s. She looked very young for her age and when they were out people would often confuse them for sisters. They would sometimes flirt with guys then laugh about it when they were alone together back at the office. After lunch they returned to the office and finished the work day. It was soon early evening and Ally hugged her mom and kissed her goodbye. Ally's mom told her she hoped to see Ally again soon and to have fun on her date. Ally returned home and found the apartment was empty. She went to her bedroom and took a shower then put on her new dress, stockings, and underwear that she had bought the day before. She went to the mirror and made sure her hair and makeup were perfect. She grabbed her purse and put on her new heels. When she left the room she saw James standing in the living room in his new suit. The room was filled with candles and rose petals. Ally smiled and James took her in his arms and kissed her. He told her how beautiful she looked and Ally smiled. James pressed a remote and soft music began to play. They danced close together for a while until James turned off the music and told her it was time to go. He took her arm and led her out the door. She asked him about the candles and he told her it was taken care of. As they left the apartment, Ally saw Marcus and Kyle enter their apartment carrying some items. They drove to the restaurant where James had made reservations and were led to their table. It wasn't the best table in the restaurant, since he had made late reservations, but they didn't mind. They just enjoyed being together. After dinner they returned to the apartment and Ally smiled when she was Marcus and Kyle inside dressed in tuxedos and playing instruments for them. A small table had been set up and Marcus placed a slice of cheesecake and two glasses of champagne for them. As they ate their dessert, James began to talk. "Ally," he said, "since the day I first laid eyes on you before the womanless pageant, I knew we were meant to be. Getting to know you as a woman and being your boyfriend has been the best experience of my life. You are smart, funny, independent, and incredibly sexy." Ally blushed and was surprised when James knelt down on one knee and took out a ring case. "Alyssa Jordan," he continued, "will you marry me?" "Yes, yes!" Ally said crying tears of joy as James slipped the ring on her finger. James and Ally hugged each other and shared a long kiss as Marcus and Kyle looked on smiling. "Oh my god!" Ally said, "I have to call my mom." Ally called her mom and told her that James had proposed. Ally's mom told her how happy she was that her daughter was getting married and told her she'd be a beautiful bride. That night, after Marcus and Kyle had left, James took Ally to their bedroom where Ally found the bed had been covered in rose petals. They began undressing each other as they made out, and soon they lie in bed wearing only their underwear. Ally excused herself and went to the bathroom to put on the sexy baby doll she had bought the day before. When she returned to the bedroom she got into bed with James and made passionate love. The next day they returned to being Allen and Jamie and a week later Allen planned a special night where he proposed to Jamie. They made love again that night, but this time it was Jamie in the sexy lingerie. They got married not long after as Allen and Jamie. While they would both occasionally dress as James and Ally, they stopped when they had their first child. For their tenth wedding anniversary, however, they decided to get remarried as James and Ally. Allen was looking forward to shopping for a wedding dress and spending time with his son, who would be participating in the wedding as his daughter, while his two daughters would be becoming boys for the wedding.

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Valentines outdoor antics

I had bought some suction cup toys online along with a self bra & matching pantie set for my girlfriend & as I work away i had them in the car when I got back from site to show her. She was wearing a tank-top & a skirt with a bikini on underneath in case we decided to go swimming instead. For Valentines day we decided to go to the only drive in movies in the state, we went to see the new triple x 3 movie in my BMW coupe. Part way through I got her to take off her bikini top &...

3 years ago
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Valentines day suprisex

my girlfriend is let's say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cockIn porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance.thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man withan 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help.7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no ideawhats gonna happen I keep her from peeking on the...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day paid up fuck fest

Samantha was a slut, not just your average slut, but a whore like no other, known around town as "the bus" because anyone could get on and take a ride, this was a special kind of slut. Jake liked that about her, in fact, it was what he liked best about her. When Jake and Sam started to see each other they made a deal, she could fuck other people, and lots of them, but only when Jake told her to, she was his, his slave and his fuck whore.Jake would make her pick up girls in clubs, take her to...

2 years ago
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Valentines day in the city

It was valentines day and we had nothing but $20 to our name,but I was determined to make this the best one yet! You see we've been together for about 8 years and the past ones weren't exactly the best.I head over to the computer and print out addresses and directions I wanted to take him tonight. I don't have a DL,so he would be doing all of the driving. First stop is the movie Tavern. I order chicken tenders,and he orders chilli cheese fries. We went to see Safe House with Denzel,but of...

4 years ago
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Valentines Gift for My Lady

Her Valentines Gift By Brenda Her long flowing chestnut brown hair mixed with my long brown hair as we passionately embraced on the king-size four poster bed. I would catch a glimpse or two as I peered up between kisses. Mostly I saw her bright red lips as they neared my pink painted lips. She nibbled gently on my soft lips before driving her tongue into my mouth. Kissing me deeply as the temperature in me rose. She caressed my face with her beautifully manicured hand as she...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day

She’d lost track of the amount of couples holding single red roses as she waited for her boyfriend, Elijah, to come pick her up for their big ‘Valentines Day Date’. Tessa had been watching people cross The Promenade for over an hour counting the couples that were supposed to be her and Elijah. “God damn it! Where the hell are you, Elijah!? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago!” Tessa yelled at nothing in particular. She was in her, and his, favorite dress, a silk black slinky thing...

1 year ago
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Valentines Gift

For Valentines day my lover asked me what I wanted and I had told her just to surprise me with anything as I don't really consider Valentines day a day for guys to get gifts. I figured I would get a blowjob like years past and I was happy with that. The gift I received was more than I could image though. It didn't include another woman or a 3-some that most guys dream about. Rather I found myself tied to the bed that night with a blindfold over my eyes. I felt my fiance reaching into my pants...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Dinner

There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. * I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. ‘Ok girls, what are you two up to now?’ Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day0

Lissa sat next to Paul and Ahmeed sat next to me, when he turned to speak to me I was fascinated by his neck muscles dancing as he spoke. But I really was annoyed and was ready to dump Paul and leave there and then, he could see that I was about to explode and he leaned across, touched my hand with his fingers and whispered, "Please Sam, this is my Valentine present to you, just feel how big he is and he’s all yours for the evening". I was still pissed but looked at Ahmeed and put my hand...

4 years ago
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Valentines Card

Introduction: True love for a man is all about submission to his lady Happy Valentines Day, My Love, Let me tell you how I love you. I love, worship, and adore you with all my heart and soul. I love watching men watching you. It fills me with pride. I watch their eyes dip down your blouse, lighting up as they gaze upon your breasts. I watch their heads turn as you walk by. I love your power over them. I love your power over me. I love preparing your bath. Making you ready for your lovers....

4 years ago
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Valentines whore

I never expected that, never expected to go out, I never intended to cheat. But that’s not the point, even though I never expected it. It happened. Tonight is Valentines, you know the time of love, being with your significant other, being faithful. My boyfriend and I went out to a movie, I got home at around 11:30. My parents were waiting for me. ‘Ohhh hey’ I said as I walked through my door. ‘Why didn’t you tell us what time you were getting back’ My dad asked sternly ‘sorry, you were asleep...

4 years ago
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Valentines With Senior

Hello everyone of Indian sex stories dot net this is a cool guy from Nagpur. This is my first story on iss so kindly understand and try to cope up with the long description. Any female wants to have sexy chats can contact me on So let’s begin with the story which happened with me 3 years back when I was in 2nd year of engineering she was one of the girls in group of my senior friends her name was Aditi (changed for obvious reasons) let me tell you about her she was a perfect bomb walking...

2 years ago
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Valentines together

So Almost a year into your sex-filled relationship and its our first valentines together. its been a week since we last saw each other and i owe Bappy big! wearing a tight shirt, baggy jeans and low cut vest under my shirt i could see his excitement as i walked down the stairs at the train station. walking to union square and we stop for a cuddle and i can feel his member hard in his pants. a few hours pass and we decide to go back to his to celebrate properly. as soon as we get into his room...

2 years ago
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Valentines whore

I never expected that, never expected to go out, I never intended to cheat. But that's not the point, even though I never expected it. It happened. Tonight is Valentines, you know the time of love, being with your significant other, being faithful. My boyfriend and I went out to a movie, I got home at around 11:30. My parents were waiting for me."Ohhh hey" I said as I walked through my door."Why didn't you tell us what time you were getting back" My dad asked sternly"sorry, you were asleep when...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Valentines Day Celebration With Reader Radhika Part 8211 2

This part is continuity of valentine day celebration, I and Radhika both were naked, sitting on sofa and watching tv. We both had much more time to enjoy till her roommate reach the flat, I started to ask about swomiya, radhika told sowmiya is from nellore, ap working in same mnc where radhika also works. I told radhika that sowmiya looks so cute and her body looks great. For which radhika pinched on my chest and radhika stood up from the sofa, asked me to drink coke. I told radhika that I will...

3 years ago
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Brianna jumped and quickly tucked the bottle under her bed when she heard the front door slam. She rolled over quickly and picked up the school textbook she'd discarded on the floor yesterday, flipping the book right-side up and acting as if she had been reading it the whole time in case somebody came in. The smell of liquor on her breath was pretty strong and she was sure that if anybody sat down next to her they'd smell it. She swept her long chestnut mane behind her nervously and...

4 years ago
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Valentines Day Dinner

There is no sex in this story, hence non-erotic. It is a short story but I hope you find it to be a good read. I was sitting on the couch watching a ball game when I knew something was up. My twin thirteen year old daughters came in the room smiling and each sat beside me. "Ok girls, what are you two up to now?" Kerry and Sherry were the loves of my life. When I talk to them they often talk at the same time and even finish each others sentences. They have double teamed me for years knowing...

2 years ago
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Valentines Day1

    Our day started with a trip to our hotel, now I know what you’re thinking….story over, right? Nope, we checked in around 3 and dropped our bags off, freshening up and changing into our attire for the evening. I wore a nice blazer and slacks along with some loafers, no need to get into super detail about my outfit, we’re all here for SF. Incredible is how I would describe her look, wearing a black/grey shoulder-less, thigh length dress that hugged every curve left me speechless and to top...

1 year ago
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Valentines day with Trish and Nikki

I was so much in love with Trish. She was a 19 year old at that time, a real cutie with wheatish complexion, just like me. Although she is 6 years younger than me, but we shared some magical chemistry, since we first saw each other, some time back. Trish is about 5’3” tall, having an amazing figure of 34-28-34. Although a bit on the plump side, she is an angel. Her smile is a cute, to-die-for one, carrying an aura of cheer, wherever she goes. She has burgundy-streaked shoulder length hair. It...

2 years ago
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Valentines Day Part 1

It is just a normal Saturday for me, as I’m at home cleaning house and planning on baking something special later. You are off running the few errands I gave to you, and should be back anytime soon. It feels so good as I go room to room, dusting, fluffing up pillows and such, making the books on shelves nice and neat again, and so forth. It’s about 2 p.m. now, and I’ve made my way back to the kitchen to get all the ingredients for the dessert I plan on making. It’s Valentine’s Day, and I...

4 years ago
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Valentines Day Forever

On Valentine’s Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

4 years ago
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Valentines Gift

Karen slipped the file back into her desk drawer glad that the day wasfinally done. She wondered what her husband David had planned for Valentine’s Day. It was probably just chocolates and roses as it had been for most of their 15 years together. She secretly hoped it would be more and had even worn the thigh high stockings beneath her office clothes in case he had something more passionate planned. Then her phone chimed. Karen picked it up expecting to see a message from David, but it was’nt....

2 years ago
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Valentines Day Surprise

He was completely and utterly bored. Another Valentine’s when the same thing would happen- dinner and drinks at the hotel, then back home for Valentine’s sex, which if he was lucky would include the lights being on. He was so fed up with it all- when they first got married, 20 years ago, the sex was amazing- she would always surprise him in some way and drive him wild. Kids and the mundane routine killed that years ago. Though they were both still quite young, in their early 40’s, he felt like...

3 years ago
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Valentines Lingerie Gift part 1

Valentine’s Day was approaching, and my husband didn’t know what to get me. I had gone through a weight loss and was feeling confident enough to start showing off my body a bit more. His gift to me was handing me the credit card and telling me to go pick out some new lingerie. I could get whatever made me feel sexy. He gave me the name of a small boutique that he had been to and had several things he would like to see me in, but he wouldn’t tell me what they were. Credit card in hand, I headed...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day

The perfect Valentine’s Day present… Every year, throughout the Western World, men wrack their brains for the perfect gift. Who wants to grab something off the supermarket shelf? The umpteenth box of chocolates, the corset from Victoria’s Secret that your sweetheart might simply laugh at, the same roses as last year and the year before? Then what? Something that will show your caring love, your thoughtfulness in collecting and remembering the smallest hints, your patience in seeking–or better,...

2 years ago
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Valentines Day 2010

The date is Valentine’s day, 2010.  No matter how hard you tried, you just could not get the day off at work.  You were understandably upset, but you kept your cool and I just said, ‘honey do what you have to do, I’ll be waiting at home for you with something special.’  This eases the frustration of the day, and next thing you know you’re released.  As you head home you think of the vague promise of happiness that you’re headed to.  You’re so excited because we had missed the last 2 Valentine’s...

2 years ago
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Valentines Lingerie Gift part 2

I wanted to reward my husband for allowing me to fulfill my fantasy as my Valentine’s gift. He stood in the dressing room with Amber and me. We were both naked and if she was half as wet as I was, she was ready to fuck. Steve was fully clothed, but Amber and I had just finished my first experience with another woman. He knew how much I fantasized about it, and had arranged for me to meet Amber while I tried on new lingerie. I enjoyed every moment of it and was ready for more. I unzipped Steve’s...

4 years ago
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Valentines Sex

Our night started off with a short 45 minute drive to the restaurant of our choice. We enjoyed a great meal and had some cocktails. After the meal we started our decent for home after some talking about the rest of our evening I could tell she was not in the mood for driving s I pulled over. She was in full agreement as I pulled the truck onto a side road and shut it off. Immediately after I shut the truck off she started kissing me and touching me. Her lips were moist and I could feel her...

2 years ago
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Valentines to Remember

(This is a true story while some small details have been changed to protect the ‘not so innocent’.) February 14, 2014 Valentine’s Day and I’m stuck working a 12-hour shift. I look at my watch and start counting down the hours until my break. I’m just dying to check my phone. This is my first Valentine’s Day that I actually could have plans. If only I could check my damn phone. I can’t wait any longer. I lie and tell my boss I have to pee. I practically run to the stall and don’t even...

2 years ago
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valentines day adventure

maybe not an adventure, it all took place in the same location. this is kinda overdue but better late then never. the lovely couple i often play with was nice enough to include me in their romantic evening after they finished their main plans. i had a nice bit of "me time" to relax before the fun start off i decided to eat her out. she has a nice, soft, shaved pussy. its perfect for oral. nothing feels more sensual than a soft, well padded, plump pussy. i adore a meaty cunt, and i...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Experiment chapter 1

Natalie and I snuggled in bed. The television was on, but we had long since stopped paying it much mind. Our hands roamed over each other, and light kisses kept our foreplay even more playful than normal. "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day," she said, in a tone that suggested she was plotting more than reminding. I chuckled and nibbled on her ear. "I know we have dinner reservations, but I was hoping you would be open to something a little more romantic. Something a little kinkier...

4 years ago
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Valentines Day Experiment Chapter 2

As I opened my eyes the next morning, I was startled to see Natalie facing me just inches from my face. "I I've been awake for half an hour," she said with a gentle smile. "I just didn't want my girl waking up alone." With that, she kissed me tenderly on the lips. We slowly got out of bed, and took turns in the bathroom. When I got out, I found that Natalie had laid out a pair of pink cotton panties for me to go along with one of her camisoles. I got dressed with my...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day Experiment Chapter 3

I awoke Sunday morning before Natalie. Her body pressed up behind mine just as I would cuddle her in our sleep a few days before. Her left arm was nestled under the gentle inward curve I now had between my ribs and hips, her left hand still clinging to my chest. Her other hand was between my thighs, just barely touching my feminine slit. Her breasts pressed into my back, her lips on my shoulder. I felt safe. I lay there for nearly an hour, not wanting to ever leave her embrace. I...

4 years ago
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Valentines Day Experiment Chapter 4

I awoke to the feeling of gentle kissing and sucking on my nipples. Instinctively, I clung to Natalie, her fingernails lightly digging into my back. "A guy could get used to waking up like this," I said softly. "How would you know?" she answered, teasingly. "Hmm?" Her hand slid down my body and cupped my pussy. "How would you know?" she whispered. A couple of fingers entered my sex. "It's just us girls here," she whispered as she nibble at my breast, her fingers dancing...

1 year ago
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Snowflake and the Oatmeal Switch

[My last story was too sweet, so I wanted to do something dark and gross. Well, dark and gross for me at least. Enjoy!] Snowflake and the Oatmeal Switch by Rohmer Fan Everyone told me that Philip was a bad influence on me. I knew that they were right and that he was mostly just using me for rides, but he was funny and I had a good time when he was around. We had been hanging out now for a little over a year. Today was just like any other day after school and we were heading back...

2 years ago
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The Switch

THE SWITCH Let me introduce us: our names are Lisa and John and we're a happily married couple. Our story is, well, unorthodox and not anything I could have ever imagined, but also not anything I would change. We met by chance one day on the street. I mean, life is so unpredictable, isn't it? This was nearly two years ago and we almost passed each other by but then, both of us, turned around as if we'd seen a twin. I mean, we're different sexes but boy did we look alike....

3 years ago
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Threesome Switch

Three-some Switch Part 1 by Switch-Guy (Revised v3) Synopsis: Two couples are together for dinner after a day of bike riding. A body switching machine makes things interesting that evening. ************************************************ This is the first installment in the Three-Some Switch story arc. The order to read the installments is: 1) (This one) Three-Some Switch Part 1 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story Part 1 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Part 2 4) Three-Some...

2 years ago
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The Switch

The Switch By Mr. 20 Inch Biceps All I knew was I was a man that was about to have a baby. My own baby! But I get ahead of myself. I've had tits for almost a year now; and let me tell you having a set of your own is a hell of a lot different than drooling over some other bitch's nice rack! Yeah, I know I got an attitude; but I'm a female now and I'm entitled. You don't like it you can bite me! The contractions I've been having are getting closer together and it's almost time to go...

3 years ago
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The Switch

The Switch By Kylie Alley could hear her husband Mark yelling from the living room, "Come on, Mrs. O'Hara, we're gonna be late! The show starts in a half-hour. If we leave know we'll just make it!" She looked back down at the little white plastic device. Blue. She thought to herself, well, this has happened before and I wasn't pregnant. I'll go the doctor on Monday to confirm it. I don't want to get Mark excited again and have it be a false alarm. She put the device in its...

3 years ago
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Pokemon The Switch

Note this is not my story the original story is from an author called Tsunami_Shocker all reviews will be sent to her after i check them first for any foul language. Thank you and enjoy "The Switch." The Switch By Tsunami_Shocker Ash woke with a start. It had been 3 years since he had begun his Pokemon journey and he was now a gym leader, thanks to Brock. But one thing had been bothering him. He kept having these same dreams every single night. The ones where he was...

3 years ago
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Yasmines Wedding Switch

Yasmine's Wedding Switch It was a typical day at our house when my niece dropped a big bomb on everybody - she was getting married. Not only that, the ceremony was going to be an all-out extravaganza, taking several days, and there was one feature in particular she wanted to discuss with us. "Will you two do the switch ceremony?" "Switch ceremony?" "Its this old tradition. The day before a wedding, a married couple related to either the bride or groom sort of renew their vows,...

2 years ago
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Greg makes a switch

Greg Makes A Switch Greg woke, and gave himself a mental high-five. "I made it!" "The switch worked! General Anderson's life is mine!" "But something's wrong, why am I so unsteady on my feet, and what are these bars for?" Before he could clear his eyes enough to try and figure out what had happened, a large man came into the room, and looked at him. "But it cant be you! I took your life!" General Anderson frowned and said, "No, you didnt. The monk who taught you how to...

3 years ago
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The Final Switch

The Final Switch A few words on the following include a warning that this is for ADULTS ONLY, and only where local customs permit. If content of an extreme nature easily offend, please read no further. Also, the following is intended for your use only and any further distribution of the same is not permitted unless you have the author?s express permission.Thank you. Faibhar    The Final Switch   It, he decided, was time. Little did he realize that this sea-changing ?switch? was to...

3 years ago
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The Switch

Erik stood in the closet and watched as Phoebe undressed for Dirk. He could feel his erection growing as he saw her approach the bed and climb onto it, between Dirk’s legs. In just a few minutes, he would be out there enjoying his part of the evening. Sliding his hands carefully to lower his shorts, he gripped his shaft and started stroking.Dirk was not paying attention to anything but the raven-haired cheerleader as he lay there naked, anticipating the feel of her ruby red lips on his cock. It...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Switch

College Daze Tony sat in the lab, watching as Dr. Cheryl Wilson put the finishing touches on her latest experiment. She was a brilliant scientist, but Tony could see the exhaustion in her eyes. He was her teaching assistant, and he knew how hard she worked. "Are you ready?" Dr. Wilson asked, turning to face him. "Sure," Tony said, feeling a bit nervous. He was excited to be a part of the experiment, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something might go wrong. Dr. Wilson...

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