Lady Ann's Greatly Extended Holiday - Chapter Nine free porn video

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Meeting the Earl 1 The next morning Ann woke up outside. She was lying in a ditch with her legs up the bank and her head and left arm in its dank muddy bottom. She raised her head and saw the half-dried vomit down the front of her shirt and on her trousers. She chuckled to herself and struggled over onto her hands and knees getting even wetter and muckier. She got to her feet and sidestepped, losing her balance as she realised how drunk she still was then fell through the side of a gorse bush. She was chuckling even harder as she got upright again and staggered out onto the lane. She swayed back and forth, thinking about the night before and then started to stagger along in the direction she thought the manor was. Thirty paces on she stopped and looked round then staggered back the other way, deciding that actually it was more likely that way. "What a night," she mumbled. "There was nowt wrong with that. It was chuffing greet from start to finish." She had a fuzzy memory of pulling her cock out to all her mates at the pub and she chuckled again, then she remembered the expression on Mavis's face and laughed aloud. "A reet good night!" 2 "I want to ask your opinion on something Ann," asked Grandmamma. For a change today she wasn't wearing her customary black. They were sitting in the morning room with sun streaming in through the French doors. Burt was wearing a sweet dress that left his arms bare, a gold necklace on his smooth chest and a matching bracelet at his wrist. "Of course grandmamma. What is it?" "You know who I mean by the upstairs maid?" "Yes." "Well I'm thinking of getting rid of her. I wanted your opinion before I did so." "Whatever for?" asked Burt. "The girl's lazy and good for nothing and she always has been. And she's too slovenly for my taste." "Hmmm." Burt pictured the girl in her maid's outfit. "I wouldn't say she's that bad." "You wouldn't?" "No." He considered for a moment. "I have spent... some time around the servants at Griply Hall..." "I can tell that from the atrocious accent and manner you had when you've arrived." "And I should say that a servant's life... is a very difficult one. From my observations." "Your observations?" "I know that servants do try their best and I'm sure that if she were to be guided by a kind hand then she would correct her behaviour as quickly as she could." "Do you think so?" "If I know servants, then yes. I should say so." "Well," said the duchess. "Then I'll leave her to you." "Pardon?" Burt sat forward and uncrossed his legs. "If you think the girl can be brought around then I make it your responsibility and thank you for the kind offer." "My what?" Burt was confused. "If you think you can improve matters then you have my blessing. If you decide she's beyond hope and think she needs to go... well you have my blessing for that as well." 3 Ann sauntered back onto the grounds of the estate and headed toward the stables so she could get some kip. Sleeping in the ditch might have been funny but it had left her buggered. But as she turned the corner in the lane and walked down into the courtyard in front of it she stopped in her tracks. There, in front of the building, wearing his hunting jacket and deerstalker hat, was her father, the earl, looking grumpier than she'd ever seen him. She started to back up but he fixed her in his eyes. "You! Man! Come here!" She pointed stupidly at her own chest. "Yes. You." She started toward him. "Quick man! Run! I haven't got all day." She ran to him and stopped short, looking up into his hard face, his metallic eyes, his silvery handlebar moustache. "Yes?" The earl's cold eyes narrowed. "...m'lord?" He pointed to some crates of wine. "These have been dropped off down here by some idiot. Pick them up and carry them up to the back of the house." "But..." She paled. "It's me holidee... sir. I's got a note... from your darter... Ann... er ladyship... givin me the fortnight off." The earl turned to face her properly, spacing his feet wide and putting his fists on his hips. "What did you say to me man?" Ann's throat became suddenly very narrow. She had always been wary of her father but she had no protection of blood now. He might literally do anything to her that he liked and he'd never know it was his own daughter he was punishing. "Holidee sir," she said. "I'm not meant to be workin." "Well," said the Earl, very quietly and coldly. "Shall I tell you what I think of that?" "No sir. Er yes sir." "Let me ask you this," he said. "Who is in charge of this estate? My daughter or me?" "Er, you sir," said Ann, increasingly terrified. "So if I tell you to do something... you'd bloody well better do it or I'll have you in the stocks before you can blink! Is that clear!?" "Yes sir." "Is it?!" "Yes sir!" Then pick up those ruddy bottles and carry them up to the house! Now!" "Yes sir," gasped Ann, rushing over to pick up the first of the heavy crates, her mind filled with white panic. "Then come down here and clear up this yard! There's detritus everywhere! Do you hear me!?" "Yes m'lord," muttered Ann, hefting up the crate and staggering with it up toward the house. "Then and only then can you go back to having this bloody holiday that Ann seems foolish enough to have given you!" Ann gasped with relief. "Yes sir. Thank you sir. Much obliged sir." She hurried on. "But let me tell you one thing my lad," called the earl after her. Ann stopped, afraid to turn round. "If you ever talk back to me again I will have your guts for garters and you'll be shoveling up horse dung from dawn until midnight, holiday or no!" 4 Burt passed the maid that grandmamma had talked about on the stairs. She was dusting the paintings and Burt had to agree: her whole manner was rather lackluster and placid. He went on walking but tried to think of the best approach to the girl. He had been a servant his whole life and he empathized with her but working out the kindest way of correcting her behaviour was a challenge. He had been spoken to innumerable times by his superiors and told what to do. Invariably they had left him feeling like dirt. Now he had a chance to do it himself he wanted to do it the way he would have liked to be spoken to all his life. He went into his gigantic bedroom, loving the warmth and comfort of everything he saw. He went to the mirror and started to repeat the lines he had begun doing every day to reinforce who he was and encourage his change in behaviour. "I'm Lady Ann Neville. I'm a beautiful woman and heir to Griply Hall where my family has lived for generations. My father is the earl Neville and I have a wonderful caring mother and a sister named Hattie. I am visiting my grandmamma and the two of us are getting along famously. I do so enjoy our long conversations about culture and the arts." He smiled at himself, seeing only a woman looking back at him, then switched to the other half of his daily reaffirmation. "I am not Burt. The very idea of that is preposterous. Burt is a filthy menial with no wit to speak of and even less education. He is a dirty servile clodhopper who is completely beneath me. He's nothing but a working class thug - a worthless servant and nothing more. He means absolutely nothing to me." That was better. He smiled again. Distancing himself from his old life did no end of good for strengthening his perception of being a lady and that did no end of good for living up to his side of the deal and being the best Lady Ann he could be. 5 There was nothing for it, decided Ann. She had to do something about her appearance. She was getting tired of being looked down on because she looked like a vagabond. She had money. There was no reason she couldn't dress smartly. As a matter of fact, with money, there was no reason she could walk round dressed and treated like a swell. With her upbringing she could act like an upper class man as well as she could an upper class woman. She imagined herself strutting about in top hat and tails at the races in a man's body with servant's tipping their caps at her. That would be right ruddy grand and no mistake. She hadn't changed clothes all week but she decided that was going to have to if she was going for a fitting. No tailor would treat her seriously if went walked in dressed in her filthy working clothes. Burt only owned one other outfit: his "Sunday best." It wasn't much better than the clothes she had on - barely any difference in the cut or quality - but at least they were cleaner. Ann decided to wear them for now. She needed to get clean as well so she got the bath down off the wall. After looking at it for several minutes while she stroked her bushy moustache she put it back on its nail and went outside to the water barrel instead. She washed her face and hands there. That would have to do. It was a chilly day and she didn't fancy going to all that trouble again to have a lukewarm bath. When she was changed she walked sown into the village whistling a tune she must have heard from somewhere, though she couldn't think where. She tried not to think about what had happened with her father as she walked. It had been the most unpleasant situation of her life and she had no desire to either dwell on it or repeat it. It seemed like a longer walk than usual and Ann was rather irritable by the time she reached the edge of the village. It just seemed like it was going to be such a hassle having to wait around while the tailor measured her up then fannied around. And she looked much better already in her Sunday best! Was it really worth all the trouble? She knew she'd made a resolution to look better but she'd already more than achieved that! Not only had she got all dressed up but she'd washed her face and hands! When she got level with the Dog & Pony she saw that there was already a din of frivolity coming from inside. She weighed up her options, quickly justifying what she really felt like doing against what she thought she ought to do. With an expectant grin on her face and a weight off her shoulders she crossed the road and went inside, giving a loud cheer to announce her arrival. Sensing free beer, the other punters cheered too and Ann went quickly to the bar to buy drinks all round. 6 Burt found the upstairs maid, Betty, smoothing the bed covers down when he entered his bedroom and stood for a moment watching the girl, his hands clasped demurely at his waist. She wasn't putting much effort in and she looked very bored. She left several ruckles in the covers as she turned to leave and only then did she see him standing there. She looked caught out and ashamed. "Oh! M'lady! I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." "No matter," replied Burt. I was hoping to have a word with you." He had planned out what he was going to say carefully but he was still a little nervous. Talking to a servant as one of the quality was still new to him and correcting one was unheard of; but he looked forward to seeing the light of realization in her eyes as she realised how easy it was to avoid being fired. The girl looked sullen and evasive. "What about?" Burt took a seat on the edge of the bed and patted the covers next to him. "Here. Sit down." The servant girl looked startled. "On the bed?" Burt nodded. "It's alright. Come on." She did so, looking entirely uncomfortable. "I wanted to speak to you about your performance here," said Burt. "I'm not good enough, am I?" "It's not that. It's just that it would help if you could take a little more care... to get things just right. I know that you're an honest hard-working girl and with some positive guidance I'm sure you could be an excellent worker." "So you are saying I'm no good. I knew it. I knew I was terrible." "No. Listen," said Burt. "If you'll listen, I can give you a few helpful tips. If you follow my advice you'll be doing better in no time." The girl looked sullen, her cheeks flushed red. She sat staring down at the floor as Burt went through several suggestions on how she could improve. She didn't respond to anything and he started to feel as though she wasn't even listening. "Do you understand what you need to do?" asked Burt. The maid shrugged. "I suppose." "Alright., Just to be sure, tell me what your plan is going to be." The girl looked at him stupidly. Burt forced a smile. "Just tell me back what I said to you." She shrugged. "I don't know. To try harder... and stuff." Burt sighed and folded his arms. "Were you even--?" He paused, calming himself. "Alright. Don't worry. That's enough for today. We can have another chat tomorrow. Alright?" The girl said nothing. "I'll help you until you're doing a first rate job. Hmmm?" She shrugged, avoiding eye contact. Feeling like he was wasting his time, Burt stood up and let her go, shaking his head as she walked off down the landing. 7 Ann was glaring at Jeb across the pub, watching exactly what he was doing as he talked to some of his mates at the farm he worked. She was sure the big lummox was giving Mavis the eye, following her round with his gaze as she delivered ale to the tables. Mavis was wearing a particularly slutty outfit this evening with both shoulders bare and a great circle of cleavage sprouting from her chest. Ann could hardly keep her eyes off the girl herself but she resented Jeb's attentions. "Ere Burt," said an old man named Arvin who was sharing a table with her. He had a newspaper folded up and was puzzling over a crossword puzzle. "Chief city Christian. Six letters. Something something S; something something P." Ann Looked at him then turned back to Jeb. "Any ideas Burt?" "No," said Ann. "Ah," said Arvin. "Bishop. The chief Christian in a city." Ann shrugged. "Here's one you'll definitely get," said Arvin. "It's easy." "I'm busy," said Ann. "No. Listen." Ann snorted and turned to face the old man. "What?" "French capital." Ann shrugged. "French capital," said Arvin. "Begins with a P." Ann was getting tense. "I don't know." The old man chuckled. "What's the capital city of France?" Ann got what he meant and groaned. That was obvious. She opened her mouth to say it. Then stopped, mouth gaping. "What's the capital of France Burt? Come on. You must know that. Everyone knows that." Ann stared at him; and she went on staring. She didn't know. She'd been there. She remembered going. She'd spoken fluent French since she'd been a little girl. But she had no idea what the answer was! She no longer remembered what that place was called! ... and for more of my stories, check out:

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Lady Anns greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Six

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Six

To Be a Man 1 Burt delivered the second of two great metal cylinders filled with milk to the back of the hall and turned to go but stopped when he heard his name. "Burt! I want a word with you." He turned to see Powell, the butler, emerge from the kitchen doorway looking even more stern and unforgiving than he usually did. "Yes sir?" he said, remembering only belatedly a time when this man would have followed his orders to the letter, instead of now, where he was the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Seven

From Head to Toe 1 Anne woke up with a stretch and a yawn. The hotel she'd slept in was the best she could find in the scummier end of the city of York. It was a bit shabby but the bed was fifty times more comfortable than her pallet back at Griply manor and there were no gaps in the walls and window. It was probably the best night's sleep she'd had since becoming Burt. Since becoming Burt... Ann tossed the covers back. She'd slept naked and she looked down the length of her...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Epilogue

Epilogue 1 Once the horses were put safely away, Burt paused, thinking about the conversation he had just shared with Lady Ann. That was who she truly was now. And he was truly Burt. For a week he had felt the crushing sense that he was going to be Burt forever but the tiny doubt had always been there that her ladyship might return and make the exchange with him. This was entirely different. By making this final decision he had closed the book on that part of his life forever...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty One

Bred That Way 1 Burt was snatched cruelly from a deep sleep by Harry's bellowing voice from outside at the front of the stables. "BURT! Get down here now you ignorant fool!" "What? Yes! Sorry sir!" He clambered out from under his blanket and got to his feet. "Burt, you great wazzock! You've overslept! Get down here now and scrape this horse shit up before I tan yer ruddy hide and make ye do it without a shovel!" Burt hurriedly put his clothes on, anxious to get out...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Three

Forever? 1 Burt felt grand thinking about his escapades the night before, regardless of his current situation. He was up to his knees in filthy water in a long drainage ditch using a spade to dig mud from the bottom to clear it. It really was dirty work and he'd been at it for two hours but even this couldn't affect his mood. It had felt so good to be with those girls last night, so great to be a man. He couldn't stop thinking about it: taking them out of the pub and down the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Fourteen

Choices & Consequences 1 Being Burt had, from the first, been an exercise of extremes for Ann. At any moment, in this life, he was subjected either to hardship, humiliation or great pleasure. But there were only four full days left of being Burt and he was determined to make the most of them! Which was why he'd got Mavis dressed up in her frilliest outfit and taken her, at the crack of dawn, on the train to York racecourse. In Ann's life as a cultured lady, a day at the...

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Lady Anns Extended Holiday

LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...

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Lady Anns Holiday

Thanks as always to the Prince of editors Steve Zink! Lady Ann's Holiday By Eric England 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. Still, he had his dreams. Dreams that one day she would smile at him and say that - no it was too stupid for words. The distance between them was greater than from...

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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 9

DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through but the material is very thin and it hugs my tits like a second skin. My nipples were doing their best to bore holes in it. I’d had the bullet on charge all night and when I was getting dressed to leave I...

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Hoppers Holiday Chapter 2

I have so far sincerely appreciated the positive response I have received for my first story. It has been very encouraging and of course it has encouraged me to write more, despite my limited availability in real life. While the first chapter sort of served as an initial placeholder, this chapter is considerably darker and more twisted, but I think you all will still enjoy the further patterns in this tangled web I weave. Thank you again. Hoppers' Holiday by DocVS WARNING:...

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Jennys Kinky Holiday RomanceChapter 10

Once we were home again we both just settled back into our daily routine. While we had slowed down there was no doubt that our ten days of debauchery in Scotland had put a fresh sparkle back into our love life. I was amazed at how many times we were now having sex, compared to prior to our holiday. Not only that but it seemed that Jenny was now quite often being the first one to bring up the various ‘kinky’ scenarios in bed. She quite happily, ‘re-played’ the scene (from memory?) where the...

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 5 The Extension Starts and They Go on a Holiday

The next morning Mandy was woken by the feeling of Dennis’ cock sliding in and out of her vagina. At first she panicked but less than a second later she relaxed and enjoyed her first fuck of the day. When they were in the shower together Mandy asked Dennis if he’d wake her like that every day. “On the days that I wake up first I will, but if you wake up first you have to wake me with your mouth if I’m soft and climb on and ride me if I’m hard.” “Of course I will.” The highlight of the...

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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 1

I have published this story elsewhere but wanted to rewrite it before I posted on here. The rewrite of this part is actually pretty cosmetic but later parts will be markedly different. Lindsay stood on the sandy beach, shielding her eyes from the dazzling sunlight, and looking out to sea. She was not happy even though she was on holiday, as a fifteen year old girl wanted clubs, discos and boys but all she had got was a trip to the middle of nowhere because her parents had decided it would be...

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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 3

I have been asked by one of my friends on SOL to share a few more experiences from my wilder young days, in particular relating to a holiday abroad (in Magaluf) I had with some of my girlfriends and also about a bit of "gang" fun I had with 6 guys. I will start by relating the holiday episode. I was 21 at the time, just about to turn 22, and was having a fortnight summers hols in Magaulf with several of my then girlfriends. We were a close bunch, always going out together and yes often...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 7

Aryn woke me early in his usual way then did the same to Wren. By 8 o’clock the yacht was making its way along the coast with Wren and I on the sunbathing deck enjoying the morning sun and waving to any other boats that we saw. It was late morning when we turned into the bay and Aryn dropped the anchor. Neither Wren nor I had anything to do to get ready as we’d already put sunblock on and packed a bag with a few essentials, that didn’t include any clothes for either of us. My only difference...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 34 Holiday

We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 3

We stayed there for about an hour, talking and watching the world slowly go by. A few tourists walked by and an even smaller number did a double take at the 2 naked girls, one with her legs wide open. “Don’t worry Emily,” Aryn said, “I’m told that the tourist flock down here on an evening after being on a beach all day.” “Good,” I replied, “are we coming back here this evening?” “Either here or next door at the restaurant, it depends on what takes my fancy.” “What about you Wren?” I...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 43 Bonus Chapter The Holiday Stories 05 Easter Day

Year 4 Easter Day began with the kids getting dressed so we could all go to church. We were not a regular church going family, but we did observe the Christian high holidays. Easter is the highest. So, we dressed, not all fancy. This holiday is not about us getting all dressed up and showing off. It is about the idea that in the eyes of Christians, God sent his son to be the sacrificial lamb for all men. No more sacrificing animals before priests. No more having to go through a priest to...

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The Interview Part 1 Anns Story

I call this my ‘Interview’ story, I have never read or heard of another person who has experienced what I have. My story really begins when I asked a young woman named Tracy to marry me. Tracy said, ‘Not until I tell you about my family and their business interests. Then I will ask you if you still want me as your wife.’ I said, ‘Okay, tell me and then ask me.’ After listening a short time to Tracy’s story, I said, ‘Please stop, I just can’t fathom what you are saying. I have met your mom and...

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Fiftytwo Year Old Anns Sexual Passion For a Young Man with a Big Cock

For Jason, it was just like any other Thursday night. The twenty three year old loved to frequent a popular night club in the downtown business area after work. He was a good looking young man, who had a beautifully sculpted body. If Jason had any complaints from the women it would be the fact that his nine plus inch cock was way too big for them to handle. He just loved to use it on unsuspecting young women to the point that they would beg him to stop. Jason had a pretty good success rate at...

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My Friend MumChapter 6 Just Friends on Holiday

Over the next few days she showed me the joys of using the vibrators and it was wonderful having the ability to put the toys deep in me and be fucked properly. With all the excitement I had forgotten my period was due until I got the tell-tale cramps. Mum gave me some tampons and showed me how to insert them. I didn't want to use them while I was a virgin but now I was free! Our love just got even better now I had thrown off the shackles of the hymen and it became harder to switch back to...

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Holiday With Mum chapter nine

We spent the morning on the beach, swimming lazily in the beautiful blue water, the girls flirting outrageously with me as well as each other.They walked out of the water hand in hand and kissed at the water's edge while I just stood and watched.It was an achingly beautiful scene, almost as if one of the women was kissing her own reflection in a mirror and it made me very sad to think that it had to end soon.But did it? A germ of an idea began to form in my mind, an idea so outrageous, so...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 9 A Final Threesome With Matt and Sally

I woke early on Friday morning, and lay in bed idly strumming at my clitoris. I opened my legs just far enough to allow me to slip a couple of fingers inside my vagina, and was pleasantly surprised to find how sloppy I already was up there. It was the last full day of my holiday, and to be honest, it hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. I’d had a hell of a lot of sex, for a start, and not just of the normal “in, out and wipe yourself clean” kind, either. Peeing, fisting, anal: I’d had my...

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Hoppers Holiday Prologue and Chapter 1

Hello all. This is my first attempt at writing a bodyhopper/possession story. I have learned from some of the most talented TG authors/writers, and I hope this tale I weave will do their talents justice. Thanks for all your support. Hoppers' Holiday By DocVS Prologue It was the start of summer vacation: for Elizabeth Carter, it meant two full months off away from the grueling atmosphere and stresses of going to an out-of-state private university. Elizabeth was especially...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 1 Watching My Brother

The summer before I started at university, I went on a last summer seaside holiday with my mum, dad, and brother. We went to a lovely village on the North Devon coast where we’d been a few times before, but since it was probably going to be our last proper “family holiday”, we up-graded ourselves and booked into a rather swish hotel right on the cliffs, with its own private steps leading straight down to a little beach.We’d always looked enviously at its tennis court and manicured lawns. Every...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 7

I heard a knock at the door behind me and then the sound of it immediatelyopening and footsteps coming into the room."Don't dare move" Charlie ordered. He was holding the leash close to myneck, keeping me in position and his piss started to flow. I was consumedby the salty test, the need to swallow quickly like I was downing a pint.I could also feel the jizz drying on my face and the tightness of the tailplug in my ass."What. the. fuck" I heard Dan's voice saying, but all I could do...

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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 2

Introduction: The secret is out.. The next week passed in a whirl for Lindsay. Each afternoon she would slip away from her family and run to the oddly shaped rocks. More often than not she would find Luis and Anna Maria and the three of them would make love for hours. Lindsay was ecstatic each time seemed to be better than the last and all she feared was the end of her holiday and the breaking of the spell. Inevitably her actions raised some suspicion, although her parents were willing to cut...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 1

This all happened a few years back now. I was 20, just finished my secondyear at University, and had just come out to my mates from home. A bunchof us still kept in touch and my mates were all from a nice part of thecity and were cool with me being gay. This is the UK after all.That summer, one of my oldest mates Dan arranged a lads holiday away, andmy being gay obviously hadn?t changed the way he thought of me, as I wasone of the first invited along. In the end eight guys signed up for...

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 6 The Camping Holiday Continues

It came time for the kids to go to bed on the first night of their camping holiday and Dennis sent the kids to the toilet block to do whatever. He told the girls to put some clothes on first and he saw that Lucy and Jennifer interpreted that to mean their bikinis, the ones that band aids covered more. Thankfully, they all returned without incident, although both Jane and Ruth came back naked and carrying their skirts and tops. Thankfully, they told Dennis that only a couple of boys from the...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 4

DAY 08 – The second day of my ‘enslavement’ Will didn’t wake me by fucking me. We were both woken by Harry telling us to get our lazy butts off the bed. When Will woke he looked disappointed, I know that I was. “Will, you go and shower in our room, you know how long girls take to get ready” Harry said and Will slowly grabbed his clothes and walked to the door while I got off the bed, smiled at Harry, and went into the bathroom. Harry followed me to the door and stood there as I sat on...

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