Obedient Mithila 8211 Part II
- 5 years ago
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Mithila’s buttocks squirmed on the cool hard wood bench her thin school uniform pajama seemed see through because of her white skin her 18 year old body was her shame: Bulbous ass and huge breasts on her 5’2″ frame. At least that is what the teachers kept telling her.
She didn’t know what to expect and she waited in the office balcony of the private boarding school she attended most of her life. She had just found out her absentee parents had died in a freak accident. She couldn’t feel anything for them because she had barely seen them as they shuffled her off to boarding school most of her childhood.
Her fortune or what was left of it was in the hands of her mother’s stepbrother, a man she only knew as Motin chacha. She had never met him and he was just about to pick her up from the only home she had ever known. She shifted again, growing nervous.
She had been comfortable under the strict confines the teachers in the school imposed on her. She revealed in being told what to do, but wanted to break free from the monotony the boarding school had to offer. She was too innocent and in her inexperience
She didn’t quite know how to break free and still remain obedient. Just then, a hero slender pulled up to the school steps. A good-looking man of about 28 got off the bike and shook out his shoulder length hair. Mithila swallowed hard and shifted her buttocks again. Could this be? Are you Mithila?
He said in a deep voice that sliced through her and yes chacha,’ she shyly replied as she stood up. Wonderful!’ he could barely control his leer. You are beautiful!’ he complimented making her blush. I’m your Motin chacha.
Mithila was stunning: long inky black hair with loose natural curls, full lips, and tits that wanted to bust out of the white tight fitting short kameej that didn’t conceal her perpetually hard tit essence. She was a tiny little thing, but her legs were supple
And her round ass hugged that cute almost see through pajama up just a little too tight. It’s a pleasure to meet you, chacha,’ she kept her eyes downcast. His perusal of her embarrassed her. The teachers had always shamed her about her appearance, making her feel like a freak. He came close to her and could smell her scent.
He lifted her chin so she looked at him and there’s nothing to be frightened of, Mithila,’ he said quietly, yet with great authority. His deep authoritative voice melted her heart. ‘I’m here to take you out of this place his eyes got intense and pierced through her and I’m going to show what you can do outside these walls.
She smiled a shy smile as her fear was replaced with an inkling of adventure. She wasn’t used to being around men, and she got a tingling feeling in her panties that confused and excited her and yes, chacha after signing the obligatory paperwork in the office, her chacha flicked his fingers in a come here’ motion.
She instantly followed his command come on, let’s go. He grabbed her hand and small valise. He covertly looked her up and down, admiring the almost see through pajama that mold to her bulbous ass. Her tits swayed and were barely restrained by the too small bra and sheer white kameej.
Her long black curls were tied back in ribbon. He couldn’t wait to feel those tits against his back when she got on the pulse. He handed her his helmet, got on the bike and guided her behind him and this is my first time on a motorcycle
She said innocently as she scooted up so her arms wrapped tightly around him. Well, hold on tight and keep close to me.’ She did as she was told and his eyes filled with lust when her tits bored into his back and her panty covered by the share thin material of the pajama lightly touched his backside.
He started the pulser and her sexy legs clenched close to his, wrapping him. The glass packs vibrated the bike so hard her ass tingled. His cock was half hard before they left the school grounds. The affect of the motorcycle ride just about undid Mithila.
She felt her panties getting wet as the vibration of the bike and the close proximity to a muscular male body was almost too much for her virgin clit to take. She didn’t realize it but she was unconsciously humping the leather seat and swirling her hips slowly against Motin chacha’s pelvis.
He had a grin from ear to ear. His little niece with big tits was humping him and holding on tight and all he was doing was taking her away from that boarding school. What did they teach her there? They pulled into his driveway.
They glided into the garage and she suppressed a moan, as she got off of the motorcycle, weak at the knees. Motin grabbed her valise and showed her to her new bedroom. It was a modest room with a double bed with a wrought iron headboard.
The dresser had a big mirror facing the bed. He said she might need a nap. He closed the door. Mithila crumpled onto the bed moaning. Her hand went straight to her soaking panties through her pajama ribbon and crushed her legs together as she squirmed on her fist
And knuckles, putting pressure on that thing between her legs that caused her more and more confusion, grief and shame. She came instantly and felt shame for the unknown release. She fell asleep with relief. Motin watched her exhausted cum through the two-way mirror behind the dresser
And smiled and she slept after her awkward masturbation. Motin let her be and went back out to the motorcycle. He wiped his Pulser’s seat with his fingers and tasted the sweet girl juice his niece left for him. Unbeknownst to Mithila, Motin was a devious pervert and had photographs taken of her in the boarding school.
He knew what a beauty she was and had spent a lot of her fortune on modifications to his home. The two-way mirror was just one of the many things he had installed. He also had cameras all over the house so he could tape his niece’s activities. She was a stunning beauty and so innocent.
After talking to the teachers at that damn boarding school, he knew she was naive about sex and very obedient. He smiled and rubbed his crotch. Motin had a plan to make a lot of money and educate his hot little niece in the process in the next few weeks Mithila and Motin got to know each other, living in his modest yet modified home figuring out her parents’ estate as she started school.
She was already nineteen, but she was held back a couple of years at the boarding school she was very naive. She still needed another semester of high school. She also wasn’t allowed any of her parent’s trust money until she turned 21. Motin was her guardian, controlled her trust fund and was the estate’s executor.
Motin controlled her money and her education and activities. He made sure she went to a school that required uniforms. He shopped in a lady’s lingerie catalogue to get her frillier and skimpier undergarments. She was embarrassed by the intimacy but liked his kindness.
She wasn’t used to getting gifts and was secretly thrilled with the new items. Living outside of the boarding school was so new for her! Living with a man was a new experience too. She only knew obedience to the teachers at school, so she clung to her Motin chacha’s control and knowledge.
He told her what to do, what to wear. He showered her with little gifts and a stable home. She felt comfortable obeying him and started to relax in her new situation. Unfortunately, school left Mithila more frazzled than the ride on the Pulser. She’d never been to a co-ed school before.
She wasn’t used to the boys staring at her voluptuous body and perpetually hard nipples caused her constant grief and shame with the teachers at boarding school. Now all the boys leered at her, causing her more confused thoughts and shame.
After a couple of weeks of the stares and her own recriminations, the damn broke. Mithila came home panting. Her tit nipples showed through her thin bra and white kameej. Motin’s mouth watered even as he looked at her distraught face. She was unaware of the tight little nipples poking through her shirt.
Unknowingly, she was horny and frustrated. What’s wrong, sweetheart?’ Motin said while pulling on the crotch of his jeans. His half hard-on needed to be adjusted. Mithila ran into her chacha’s arms sobbing her tits felt so good against his hard chest.
Oh Motin chacha,’ she breathed the boys. She just faded away in tears: tears of frustration and temptation. Motin guiding her to his bedroom sat her on his lap in the bed. He grabbed a glass and poured some whiskey in it. ‘Here,’ he thrust the glass in her hand, ‘take a swallow of this.
It’ll help calm you down as she drank, Motin got a cool washcloth for her tear stained face. ‘Tell me about the boys,’ he directed. We have no secrets here. Tell me what happened and the glow of alcohol gave her a sweet light feeling. His gentle ministrations calmed her.
I was standing at my locker,’ she whispered, more calm. ‘Three boys with letterman jackets stopped to say hello. It was after school. We were the only people in the hallway.’ She paused and took a deep breath and they were on all sides of me. I I couldn’t get away and she licked her full lips.
Tell me exactly what they did,’ Motin commanded quietly. She leaned into him. She felt so safe in his presence. All he ever asked was for her to tell the truth. She did whatever Motin chacha asked. No matter how embarrassing it might be. She took another sip of the whiskey.
They were real nice at first,’ she began, ‘welcoming me to their school. They started getting closer to me, saying how pretty and sexy I am.’ Her forehead crinkled as she said the rest in a rush, ‘One guy grabbed my wrist and then felt my boob.’
Call them your tits,’ Motin whispered. ‘He felt m-my tit,’ she said automatically as he ordered. ‘Then the guy on the other side of me grabbed my other wrist and pinched my nipple on my other tit at that moment, her nipples became harder little buttons.
It didn’t escape Motin’s rapped attention. Motin chacha, they forced me up against the locker and, and,’ she whispered and lowered her head. ‘I liked it and his fingered tingled, itching to pinch her nipples. I understand,’ he said knowingly continue.’
Her chacha was so kind and understanding, she thought and the guy in front of me tuck my pajama down and ripped my panties off from the crotch and put them in his pocket.’ Mithila looked over at her Chacha and whispered, ‘my panties were all wet. I moaned and didn’t put up a fight.’
Motin chacha kept as calm as he could with a rocket in his pants. She was so innocent and unknowing. He loved it not putting up a fight is very smart, Mithila and it’s understandable that you were all wet the boys were turning you on relieved and encouraged, she continued whispering the foreign words from her lips.
They said nasty things, Motin chacha. Th-they said they wanted t-to fuck me and p-play with my pussy. They wanted to spray me with cum and make me deep throat their cocks,’ her forehead crinkled, ‘It was all so confusing, Motin chacha. I liked the way they said it but I’m not sure what it means! I do, dear.
I’ll explain later but continue telling me exactly what they said and did to you.’ The guy in front of me h-had his hand on she pointed, unable to find the right word then I felt two fingers in my, my,’ she panted. ‘It’s your cunt. Say cunt, Mithila,’ he ordered.
She squirmed, liking the word. ‘He had two fingers in my cunt and he said he was delighted that I was ready for fucking. He said my juices could make my asshole slick the words felt so foreign on her tongue and her voice felt strangely erotic recounting the boys’ dirty talk.
It made the petals of her pussy engorged and tingling as she said things she knew little about. He whispered that he was disappointed that all h-he could do was finger fuck me then what happened?’ Motin chacha worried these boys went too far with his little flower.
They each kissed me making me suck on their tongues while they used their hands all over me.’ She looked up at Motin chacha and then closed her eyes with a revealing sigh, ‘Motin chacha, I wanted them to strip off my clothes and kiss me all over!’ She was embarrassed of her admission.
Did you know?’ He smiled yes,’ she confessed with guilt but they heard someone coming and they disappeared with my panties leaving me all. ‘Hot and tingling? Yes wanting more? Oh, yes she almost moaned, relieved Motin chacha understood wanting something to caress you between your legs?’ He had his arm around her and his other hand on her thigh.
Uhnn, yes,’ she said as she closed her eyes, leaning into him. She bit her full bottom lip and revealed her secret shame. ‘But there was something else, Motin chacha.’ She put her hand on his chest and looked up at him innocently. I really liked I when th-they grabbed my wrists and she whispered forced me.
Then she closed her eyes, licked her lips, silently and unknowingly asking for the erotic kiss the boys had awakened. This was too much for her devious Motin chacha according to his plan, he had paid the three jocks at school to attack her, to see how she would react. He had a feeling about her, but this was more than he had hoped for.
He couldn’t wait for the next phase of his plan. He kissed her waiting lips. He put his hand on the back of her head forcing her to accept his tongue invading her mouth. She mewled and relaxed as he tongue fucked her mouth. He broke the passionate kiss and smiled.
He got up and went to his mirror-covered closet. He opened the door and found what he was looking for. He turned around with such a leer, Mithila gasped. We’ll have to take care of this situation for you, my sweet. This will have to be a secret. You can’t tell anyone else,’ he paused pulling her up from the bed.
We’ll have to get your clothes off.’ Mithila was unaware that he had hit a button in the closet. She was being filmed; he flicked on all the cameras, instead of just the one. His hot-blooded niece was about to get her first ride on Cock Mountain and it was going to be recorded from every angle for posterity.
Let’s put these on your wrist, dear,’ he said to the gaping girl before she could remove a piece of clothing, Motin grabbed each wrist and gently slipped the thin supple leather bonds around them each leather cuff had a strong little metal hook on one side what are you doing, Motin chacha?
She was slightly afraid but compliant, and her voice was sultry. Her skin tingled. Her cunt began to swell with girl juice. ‘Your sexuality has been awakened, my dear little beauty,’ he faced her, his hands petting her arms. ‘The boys at school started something that we need to explore.
His hands rested on her shoulders slightly squeezing, feeling the power over her. ‘You said you liked the way the boys forced you. That is a trait of a submissive. ‘A submissive?’ she whispered letting the erotic word roll off her innocent tongue.
Yes,’ he smiled. ‘A submissive you like men to dominate you and to force you. To tell you exactly what to do a submissive gets excited when men tell her what to do. We need to explore that submissive quality in you, my sweet, sweet beauty.
His words tickled her and made her shiver with anticipation. She felt that he found the magic word for her and how do we explore my submissive qualities? Do you trust me?’ he whispered as he turned them to look into the bedroom mirror facing one of the many hidden cameras in the room.
She was shocked as she looked at herself sexually for the first time. She licked her luscious lips, standing there with a strong tall man behind her short curvy body in the school uniform, her big tits with the hard erect nipples straining through the tight white kameej
Her wrists adorned with new leather bondage cuffs crossed in front of her tiny waist and a very thin pajama hiding a very naked, wet cunt. Motin chacha stood behind her staring at the mirror, looked into her eyes with his strong powerful hands gripping her shoulders.
Do you trust me?’ he repeated yes, Motin chacha,’ she swallowed she realized looking at him in the mirror, she instinctively knew she was ready for whatever he wanted will you do as I say?’Yes, Motin chacha,’ She whispered in a fearfully submissive way.
Always? Always, Motin chacha no matter what I order you to do? Always, Motin chacha. I am your Guru his eyes flickered. She stopped breathing and stilled. She realized that he was going to take her down a path that would quench this frustrated fire deep inside her and obedience was drilled into her at the boarding school.
But this was a new level of submission. She wanted adventure, and her Motin chacha was about to take her down a path of adventure that required obedience. His dominance was exactly what she craved. She smiled inwardly. She sighed and instinctively knew what to say.
You are my Guru he smiled and whispered you are my sex slave her body tingled. She whispered back with finality and I am your sex slave, Guru. Always all ways,’ she paused and looked at him in the mirror with a mutual understanding that changed the temperature in the room with a sexy little submissive pant
She said do with me as you will, Guru what happened next thrilled her and frightened her at the same time. Motin’s strong hands resting on her shoulders and suddenly gripped the middle of the kameej from behind and ripped in open.
Hooks popped, material ripped and her bra was off before she blinked her tits bounced free reflected in the mirror they were facing. Then, her pajama was dragged down to her knees, wrapping her legs together. The boys took her panties so he didn’t have to worry about those getting in the way.
She squealed as Motin flipped her face up on the bed with lightening speed, his knees straddled her stomach while clipping her wrist bonds to the wrought iron headboard. Her pillow tits swayed and she moaned as she tried her restraints.
Motin’s voice became deeper and more commanding. ‘So you discovered you liked to be forced?’ He looked down at her. He massaged her double Ds and pinched her nipples. ‘You like to be forced to fuck.’ His hands were all over her. His thumb brushed her lips and dipped in her mouth.
You’d like a forced fuck, wouldn’t you Mithila?’Mmmph,’ she moaned, closed her eyes and revealed in his treatment of her. This felt so right to her: tied up, naked and a man forcing her to succumb to his desires. Her body squirmed. Motin got off of her never taking his eyes off of her bound naked body.
He started taking off his clothes and this is your first lesson in submissive sex, Mithila,’ he calmly said as he pulled down his jeans and revealed his long hard cock. ‘A submissive sex slave is almost always tied up or bound in some way.
Now, I’m going to show you exactly what those boys meant to do to you.’ She had never seen a naked man before! She swallowed and couldn’t help but stare at his long, naked hard cock. ‘Yes Guru,’ she said, mesmerized by the naked man standing next to her prone, naked and bound body.
Hands on his hips, he grinned. ‘Good girl.’ He grabbed hold of his penis. ‘You are going to learn how to talk dirty by repeating me. I’m going to call you dirty names because it pleases me. You must submit to what I demand. This is called a cock.
You make it hard your sweet sexy body and your dirty talk make this hard. And because you make my cock hard, you are obligated to relieve it.’ He undid one of her wrists and guided her hand to his member grab hold of it,’ he commanded.
Her hand timidly wrapped around the large shaft rub it,’ he guided her hand to a rhythm and pressure that satisfied him oohh, yes. Like that,’ he whispered. ‘I’m obligated to relieve you, Guru,’ Mithila said with wonder as she innocently stroked his cock exactly how he wanted.
Motin looked down at his hot horny niece with such awe. She was born to be a submissive little sex slave. He was so excited about the prospect of training this little nymphomaniac exactly how to please him that he almost shot his load.
He had so much to teach her! He salivated at the prospect of showing her how to satisfy every sexual whim of his, just the way he wanted. He grabbed her wrist and guided her palm to his balls. ‘These are my balls cup them gently.
Be very gentle to the balls, but you are always to caress them with reverence. Mithila moaned and squirmed in her half tied state. He continued to instruct her. ‘This is called jacking me off, or giving me a hand job. I will ask you to do this on occasion.’
Yes Guru,’ she licked her pouting lips, ‘I will jack you off when you desire.’ ‘Now, what did the boys say they wanted to do with you?’ She could barely concentrate with his long hard pole in her hand. ‘Um, they said they want to play with my pussy and fuck me.
They said they wanted me to deep throat their cocks and spray their cum all over me as she repeated their words, looking as her chacha’s monster cock, she began to realize what some of it meant. She sounded eager to experience all those dirty things.
One at a time, my dirty little slave,’ he chuckled. ‘So I guess we have to play with your pussy.’ He tied her wrist back on the headboard and caressed her stomach, getting lower to the small patch of black hair covering her sopping cunt. ‘Your cunt is also called your pussy.
His hand got lower and his fingers flick her clitoris. ‘Oh my, it is very, very wet.’ Not understanding, she whimpered in disgrace, ‘I’m sorry for my wet pussy, Guru.’ ‘Oh no, my sweet little slut,’ he laughed and kindly said, ‘I always want to find your pussy wet.
He flicked her clit again with some pressure. ‘I like you wet. It helps the fucking and tastes so sweet.’ She shattered right there. Her cum was so hard, she wet the bed. ‘My, my, little slut,’ Motin grinned at the panting whimpering beauty.
I made you cum,’ he paused say it, little slut. Tell me what I just did to you. She panted you played with my pussy and made me cum.’ She was just realizing that ‘cuming’ was the most amazing thing she had experienced. She whispered unknowingly cum.
You really are a horny little slut aren’t you?’ he said right before his mouth suckled one of her tits. ‘Yes, Guru,’ she panted repeating him as he wished, ‘I’m a horny little slut. Unnnh!’ He bit her nipple playfully and continued to finger her cunt, dipping deeper into her slick slit.
Play with my pussy and make me cum again! Mmmph.’ He flicked her clit again and took his other hand and stuck his thumb in her mouth and she naturally sucked it in. He continued to kiss and suck on her tits until he couldn’t take any more with a growl he pulled her skirt off her knees
And spread her legs wide open and faced his bound, hot niece. Now I’m going to fuck you, my sweet nymphet.’ His cock sawed back and forth on her very slick and open cunt. ‘It may hurt a bit at the beginning, but you will take it and like it, my slave uunh, yes Guru.
She moaned fearfully anticipating something, yet not knowing what it was. Please fuck me and she was a great submissive, Motin thought. She took to calling him Guru without any provocation. She repeated the dirty words that always got him hot. He loved it when a woman talked dirty.
His Mithila did it so naturally, so innocently with a hint of fear that turned him on what’s this?’ he asked holding his cock in his hand, ready to guide it into her open pussy. She looked down and licked her full red lips your cock.’ ‘What do you want me to do with it?
I want you t-to fuck m-my cunt with your cock’, she breathed, scared and thrilled by what that meant good girl. I like it when you talk so dirty. You’ve got a little smut mouth don’t you? As he said that, he entered her waiting hole ooooh! Yes! Guru!
She strained against her bonds as his healthy long cock head and a couple of inches entered her virgin wet cunt. ‘I’ve got a smutty uhn- mouth. Oh! It is so big, Guru! I’m so scared.’ He pushed even more and felt the barrier he’d really never felt before with tenderness.
He stroked her cheek and she purred. He smiled you are my sweet virgin slut.’ She sighed and smiled struggling to remain brave. ‘I am your virgin slut, Guru. He looked down at his beautiful bound virgin submissive niece and smiled a grim powerful smile.
She resisted slightly and tried to pull away. He was glad she handcuffed to the bed. ‘You cannot get away,’ he whispered. He pulled out a bit and then forced the rest of his mammoth cock into the forbidden sweet spot fuck yeah he panted Mithila screamed.
The virgin barrier broken, he lay there fully embedded in her tight virgin hole up to his balls. Her legs were spread wide as he nestled into her and his cock pulsing, encased in her tight, wet, bloody tunnel you’re not a virgin anymore, my sweet, sweet sex slave.
He slowly started to fuck her and he sucked kisses from her quivering lips, forcing his tongue to play in her whimpering mouth. Mithila squirmed and sobbed, her eyes closed and head spinning as Motin held her knees open wide and thrust his hips onto her pelvis when he wasn’t tongue fucking her mouth.
She bit her bottom lip and whimpered as she endured the pain of his slow forceful thrusts but then something amazing happened. She pulled on the bonds holding her wrists, and found the restraints a huge turn on. The pain the cock created as it scoured her tight virgin cunt started to subside.
Motin chacha’s cock fed her cunt. She felt full, she felt total. She groaned and arched her back and pulled on her restraints. This was what she needed! Forced to fuck! Bound and filled with cock! This was what she had been secretly craving!
She moaned and started to move her hips. Motin chuckled you like it now, don’t you sweetheart?’ ‘Uhnnn, yes Guru. I really- crave what you demand oh! He started to pound her harder and she moaned and started to meet his thrusts with her own are you going to cum for me, my little slave.
He said with gritted teeth you gonna cum?’ ‘Yes, Guru!’ she wailed, feeling the broiling storm his pounding cock created in her wet pussy. ‘I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum!’ Her voice was high pitched as she moaned and the floodgates opened and she came all over his long hard thrusting cock.
You are a good little fucker, aren’t you, my sweet cunt?’ Motin pinched her nipples and mauled her tits as he started slamming in and out of her tight twat you want it hard, don’t you, you dirty little whore?’ Yes, Guru. I’m a good little uhn fucker. Give it to me. Fuck me she said between thrusts fuck me harder.
It’s so big! Unnh!’ She wailed and felt another cum tear through her like lightening. I’ll give it to you, slave,’ he growled. Motin really started to pound her pelvis hard. His balls slapped her ass cheeks as he thrust, harder and faster. He spread her legs wider her cum juice was leaking out around his cock, dribbling toward her open asshole.
All Mithila could do was moan and submit to his fuck rhythm as he slammed his cock into her slick hole. Her cunt walls tightened as his cock swelled. ‘I’m going to cum. I’m going to spray you with my cum!’ Motin’s head snapped back and his penis exploded inside of her.
He was backed up, saving himself and had a lot to pour on her. He pulled out and came on her belly and tits. He moved up a bit so some of his cum landed on her face, across her lips, nose and cheeks. She blinked, luxuriated in this strange new sensation of this stuff on her body.
She instantly liked the smell of this stuff coming out of his cock. ‘Fuck ya, girl,’ Motin panted as he fitted his penis back into her cunt for a couple of more thrusts. He scooped some of his cum from her body with his fingers and thumb and made her lick it.
She didn’t know anything else but to slurp it up and swallow. ‘Uhnn’ she squirmed, completely spent and in utter wonder of what just occurred. Motin pulled his fading dick out with a plop and collapse next to his ravished niece.
He unhooked the wrist bonds and spooned her with his cock nestled in the warmth of her cunt crack. One hand pulled her close by surrounding her breast with the palm of his hand. The other was on her hips you are fucking amazing, Mithila my, slave.
He whispered in her ear, making her tingle. ‘Thank you,’ she said shyly. ‘I didn’t know that kind of that we could that my body and she stammered, not knowing the words. Motin’s deep voice sliced through her uncertainty. ‘That is what your body was meant to do.
You create amazing pleasure, my sweet little sex slave there is so much more about being a submissive fuck slave to teach you,’ he sighed closing his eyes with a grin. She sighed. ‘I want to learn it all, Guru,’ she said contentedly, fading to slumber as well. They both slept nestled together. To be continued.
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This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Melanie was a really attractive woman. In her early thirties, about five and a half feet tall. She was not slim, but very shapely with a very full ass, beautifully rounded, soft, shown off wonderfully in the tight skirts she loved to wear. Melanie had been part of our group for some time now, and Judy, my wife, and I had both enjoyed some pretty vigorous love-making with her at different times. She was one hot woman. There was just one problem – if you can call it a problem – she...
OBEDIENT MOMMYTHURSDAY EVENING"Brian didn't I tell you to go clean up your room," Brian's mother called out to him from the corridor where her bedroom and his adjoined."I said I will do it," Brian called out. Brian was busy playing with his PS3 in front of the t.v. His mom walked towards the lounge and stood between him and the t.v."Brian I will not tell you twice. Go do it now or I'll ground you and give your video ...
Following my exciting encounter with Auntie Betty and knowing I was invited back the following Saturday, you can imagine my week was feverish to say the least. I seemed to spend the week stroking my cock; in serious danger of a sprained right wrist by the Friday! My mum was pleased that her sister and I had got along so well – if only she knew how well!! So at 10.00 on the following Saturday morning, I was ringing Auntie Betty’s door bell with a pounding heart and an erection you could...
Jeff, arriving home from school, found Isabel napping on the couch in the Family Room. Without waking her, he sat down to open the mail in the large over-stuffed chair nearby, affording him a view of his Grandmother’s thighs and the entrapped panties in the narrow crease between the opulent twin mounds of her bottom. She was facing the back of the couch with one leg pulled up and her short skirt hiked up over her hips. The position enhanced the beautiful curve of her hips so golden...
It was one of the worst snowstorms ever to hit Augusta Maine. The snow was up to the window sills and all the roads were closed so I could not possibly make it to my classes at high school. When Dad divorced Mom, he received the family residence, and Mom took two small rental houses. She rented one out, while she and I lived in the other. Our house had all electric heat and no facility for burning wood. With the electric power off because of the snowstorm, the house temperature went down to...
In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...
THURSDAY EVENING“Brian didn’t I tell you to go clean up your room,” Brian’s mother called out to him from the corridor where her bedroom and his adjoined.“I said I will do it,” Brian called out. Brian was busy playing with his PS3 in front of the t.v. His mom walked towards the lounge and stood between him and the t.v. “Brian I will not tell you twice. Go do it now or I’ll ground you and give your video game console away,” his mother threatened him. “Yes mom,” Brian sighed. Brian was an only...
Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...
Hi Friends, My name is Juhi. I’ve published two stories earlier. Every story I narrate re-ignites the hunger in me to re-live that moment again. This story particularly is the continuation of my previous Story ‘Juhi 2- Sex with Male flatmate’. Well, back then my stats were 34C-28-36 and I was staying with a guy Neil and a girl Shreo (36dd – 30 – 34) in central London in Neils 3 bedroom apartment, which he had offered us as we were practically homeless. Now, in my previous story, I’d narrated...
Hello readers Again Sonia is here with a new story sent by Jehha ajay and i am writing story in her own words ,With out wasting ur time straight away to story I am Jehha Ajay(Ajay my husband) i am 35 married lady with one baby girl of 11 .i am 5.6 milkey white ,round face,cute juicy lips and good cute hands and feet my figure is 36.24.38 i got a bid round ass when walking in choureedar ,every body looks at my ass moments am married by 13 years my hubby is in garmnet busniss so many times on...
Hola chicos, this is Rahul welcoming you all back to my story. I request you all to go through my previous stories before reading this further. Sorry for making you wait for this long. Thank you for supporting me and showing love towards my previous stories. I didn’t expect I would get such huge support and love for my very first story. It’s all because of your support and love that encouraged me to write this erotic story. Let me jump directly into the story. I am going to continue narrating...
Obedient Vivian (MF, reluc) By: Darkdm My wife Vivian was originally from Taiwan. I met her through a friend when she came over to the US for a short term project. She was only 22 years old at the time. When I first laid my eyes upon her, I was in love. Her angelic face, shoulder length silky, black hair, and slender body was everything I wanted in a woman. After spending sometimes with her, I was amazed that she had all the qualities I wanted in a woman as well. She was smart, gentle, and...
ReluctanceHey, guys, I have been an ISS reader from almost 6 years. I want to write an incident which happened to me when I was in class 12th. Every boy would have desired a teacher at some point in their school days. I was no different in it. I went to a Co-Ed school. I gradually developed the interest in a woman. More than class girls I was into teachers when I was in my 12th grade. This was mainly due to my Maths teacher. To tell you about myself, I’m 6.2 feet tall with an athletic body. I’m tanned...
Hi friends…I am extremely delighted because of love and response from you to varsha mami stories. Un dino mere mama ki shadi ke liye hum uske gaon gaye the shadi ke baad main, mari behen aur maa , vahi mama ke ghar ruk gaye. Mama ki wife ka naam varsha tha. Woh kafi sundar thi. Uski figure lagbhag 32-24-32 thi. Mera dhyan toh uski gaand aur boobs se hat hi nahi pata tha. Thode dino baad meri maa aur behen bhi ghar chale gaye. Ab main or mama mami hi the. Mama dun bhar job pe jate the. Maine ab...
To the most erotic, sensual, lusty, romantic and passionate readers everywhere, hello! This is Sagar here, 26, from Vizag, been reading here stories here for about seven long years and thought to pen down some of my best experiences. This is my real sex story. As this is my first sex story here, kindly excuse me as this is a long sex story and if there’re any mistakes or couldn’t help you to finish your shag for the day. Any comments or suggestions are deeply appreciated and you can write to me...
Hi boys and girls. I am abhilash from gurgaon, 27 yrs old with 5’10 height, 8 inch dick size with attractive fair body and this is my first story on ISS, I ‘ll be using hinglish to describe this story to you guys. This story is about me and a married girl from my society who meet me on wechat. Her name was nisha (name changed). She was to much attractive with naughty eyes and voice, anyone can get attracted towards her easily, what a sexy figure those 32 curve boobs, 26 slim waist, 36 bubbly...
The conference promised to be just another week of my life wasted listening to middle-aged project managers drone on and on about their progress. Every so often there was some eye-candy in attendance, but usually the women were not that attractive, and were certainly suppressing any sensuality under their business suits. Maybe that’s why I was so floored when I saw her walk in on that first day. She was wearing a blue skirt with matching jacket, a white silk blouse, and black Italian pumps....
“Hungry mouths always find each other.” We were married with husbands that no longer thrilled us and had 3 children between us. Cindy a BBW with long blonde locks sang in a band some weekends, and that was what made her seem exciting in the beginning. She had been seeing me for massage at my home office. And that is how we met. The first time Cynthia visited me at my home, we were alone in my computer room with the door shut. My hubby’s was at work, and the kids were visiting...
Shit! This was crazy. I was just out of high school by a couple of years, barely 18-19. I went to study with a buddy at his place, on campus, well probably not, most likely off campus. Yeah. We were in his apartment off campus. We were studying. Then this woman crashed into the apartment, drunk as a “shit house mouse,” as daddy used to say. She was babbling like mad, in many meanings of that word. “Ah, damn it, I didn’t get fucked tonight,’ she slurred....
Hello to all indiansexstories2.net readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...
Rinki aur merre beeche jo pichli raat ko hua us se hum dono bohat khush the, agle din jab mai utha toh mai ek alag he insaan tha mere viaktitav mai parivartan ho chuka tha, aap keh sakte hain ki mai mard ban chuka tha –such hai par badlav ki is lehar ne mujhe us se kuch jyada diya tha.mere ander ki aag aur jyada bhadak gayi thi.Ab main aur rinki dono hi sex karte samay bohat aakarmak ho jate the. Jald hi yeh mera routine ban gaya gaya tha ki mai rat ko uski chat par ya uske room mai jakar use...
The meetings were better since we had broken into small working groups and I was pleasantly surprised to have Lizzie in my group. Her comments were excellent and I could tell she was as professional as she was beautiful. Right before lunch Liz stopped me and asked if I was still okay with our little arrangement. I assured her I was. “Well, do you want something to eat first?” Liz was trying to accommodate me in every way. I gave her a sly smile and whispered “I’m looking forward to a liquid...
I am Garima here with the subsequent story of our honeymoon. Keeping them astonished I walked upstairs wearing only panties and carrying 40,000 cash. I knew I have cheated them. I entered into bedroom, saw Rajiv still in the same pose. I kept money safely in my suitcase and laid on the bed beside him. First I thought, what they would be thinking or doing ? After Garima went out of sight, Sunil was first to speak, “Yaar, I think she is cheating us. She does not talk like a virgin” But his...
After checking out a few dogging sites online l found one fairly local and picked a lay-by for our next evening out, it was sheltered from the road. I got my wife to wear something that would display her cleavage and a short skirt to show off plenty of leg and like before l took Trudy for a drink. The lay-by was quite long, a couple of lorries were parked up and about six cars were scattered along the roadway, every so often l could see pathways leading into a wooded area, l told my wife we...
Obedient Sissy Cuckold by Throne I was wearing a little-girl style dress with capped sleeves, short arms, a wide cloth belt, and full skirt. It was yellow, with a design of green leaves and red roses. Along with that I wore knee socks and Mary Jane shoes. My wife Sylvie stood in front of me, checking everything. She reached out and straightened my wig, which was a mass of golden curls that fell to my shoulders. Then she stepped back for another look. With her hands on her wide...
Chapter 4 continued. “Baby you seemed bit strange, are you alright!” He stopped with his lucky adventure of deflowering her pussy lips, when she replied that she is bit tired and lied by his side. She got deeply engrossed in something else. “You are very lucky lady that you got a husband who loves you so much and in addition to it he has a very lovely cock. So long and having such a thickness in its girth! I was hypnotized by it when I saw it for the first time and I should also mention that he...
Hello folks, Chandrakant Sharma here with the continuation of my hot story. I would first like to thank you guys for the appreciation you have shown in your amazing reviews. So, you guys must have read how we had this steamy exotic rubbing session in a local train. The hot lady Mahima did reach orgasm due to my amazing fingering and came afterward. But, I was left unsatisfied. My cock was still as hard as a rod. I wanted to fuck so bad that I was almost losing my mind. So, when I saw this...
Next day, I went their home bringing Veet with me. Rahul and Darshna were studying. Vandna was seated in room. I gave her cream. She said thanks and smiled. I just returned back home. In night, she called me to her home. As i went there,children were already slept. She called me in room and said me that u hadnt explained me the procedure to use Veet. I explained her its use. She told me that ‘As u know it perfectly, u just seat till I do it’. That was again my DAY. I said ok. She brought a...
IncestI didn’t always like oral sex. Don’t get me wrong – I like to eat pussy, and the ladies tell me that I’m really good at it. What I mean is that I wasn’t much turned on by a blow job. It felt good, yes, but it wasn’t something that would float my boat, so to speak. Until I met Cassie. The way Cassie does it just drives me wild. One thing that helps is that Cassie has braces on her teeth. I have always thought braces were sexy. The other thing is...
I am in my mid 30’s now, but back when I was in college I worked at a bar/restaurant. I was 21 at the time, between girlfriends, and mainly concentrating on school. The bar I worked at was usually pretty quiet, mainly serving drinks to people waiting for their table or some that came in for a night cap. One couple was there almost every weekend. Ron and Cindy were around 40 and liked to strike up a conversation, and Cindy was a natural flirt and had a very hot body. They had two kids...
“There are times when you have to turn off your mind and think with your balls,” Michael thought idly. Eight years of blissful, loyal marriage had not stymied his vivid fantasies of making love to other women. Even the joys and rigors of parenthood had not dampened his intense imagination. He had gone through phases where he actually thought about other women while making love to his wife. In spite of his fantasies, he still had deep feelings of personal contentment as well as pride...
Part 2 of the One plus one indian sex series. Sameer was in heaven. If this wasn’t heaven what was. Heaven had to be a tit in the mouth and his dick in someone else’s. Sameer sucked on Seema’s tit. Jenny sucked his cock. Sameer kissed Seema everywhere he could reach. Jenny now had his balls in her mouth and licked them. Seema then went down. She took his dick and started licking it. Jenny now came and sat on his face. Sameer licked her juices. Heaven now had to be redefined. Heaven was a...
Hi guys, how are you? For those of you who are new, my name is jake. I am a B.Sc 2nd year student. I am 6 ft 1 inch with black hair and an average body and have a dick size of 7 and a half inches.Hot and unsatisfied girls or housewives mail me, along with your comments in Like I said it all started in the first year. I and Aparna had many adventures around the college. The girl I am gonna talk about is Mariya she had an hour glass figure with 38d she was a hot and sexy bitch (38-26-37) she...
Hello readers, and thank you to all those who appreciated my previous story (Neil And His Mom, Kirty – A Threesome With Mom – Part 1). I am bringing you the second part of the story, and hope you all enjoy it. Please share your views and feedback on My mother is a sexy lady and her curvaceous full figured body is a treat for every eye. Her body is similar to the Telugu actress Swathi Naidu, except my mom is fairer and has huge breasts. Her face too resembles Swathi Naidu to some extent. After...
IncestMere pyare doston, Main aap ki julee, phir se haazir hun apni chudai ki dastaan ka agla bhaag le kar, Lund Apna Aur Chut Parai. Mera hamesha maan na hai ki chudai ka poora anand lena aur dena har insaan ka farz bhi hai aur haq bhi. Chudai me apne sathi ko aakhiri manzil par le jaana bahut jaroori hai. Meri samajh se isme jyada jimmedari mard ki hai ki wo apni sathi ko jhadne tak le jaaye. Par ye dekha gaya hai ki mard to aurat ko chod kar apne laude se paani nikaal kar satisfy ho jaata hai...
December 25, 2009 Main sham ko apne bistar par baithi apne pati ka intzaar kar rahi thi jo ki bazar gaye the. Mine hi un ko sab ke liye Christmas ke tohfe kharidne ke liye bazar bheja tha. Agle din hum ko hamare honey moon ke liye Europe jaana tha. Mere sasural me ye mera pahla Christmas tha, aur mere saas sasur dono hi mere liye Christmas ki tayyari kar rahe the. Mere sasural me sab log mere vyavhaar se aur sab ko izzat dene ki wajah se bahut khush the. Maine pahle hi likha hai ki mere saas...
Dear readers and friends, This is Julee with Part Xl of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY – SEX IN CAR. The response and reaction received from different part of the world on previous parts of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY were really amazing which I never expected. I never thought before posting my first sexual experience that I will become so popular among the readers. The credit goes to the Group and Rishma. I thank from bottom of my heart to the readers who has supported my sexual activities which is...
Pyare Doston, Main, aap ki Julee, hazir hun apna ek aur hangama aur chudai ka karnaama – CHUT CHUDAI CAR ME. Jo tareef mujhe mili hai aur jitne mail mujhe roz milte hain, us se main bahut khush hun ki itne logon ne meri chudai ko, mere likhne ko pasand kiya hai. Maine aisa nahi socha tha ki main itni famous ho jaaoini ki kuch log mujh se jalne lag jaayenge. Jalne wale jalte rahe, main parwah nahi karti. Mera maan na hai ki pyar aur chudai sab samajik bandhan se upar hai aur jab pyar karne...
Yahan main ek baar phir se dhanyad dena chahti hun apne ek bahut hi pyare reader ka jinhone meri original MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ko aap ki maang par, aap ke maze ke liye hindi me likhne ki mehnat kar rahen hai. Aap logogon ko bhi MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY ka hindi virsion khoob khoob pasand aa raha hai jis ka saboot hai mujhe milne wali unginat mail jinka uttar main hamesha dene ki koshis karti hun. To……. pesh hai mera agla chudai ka karnaama…………… Meri umar us samay 18 saal ki thi aur main...
I feel that I have become very popular in this group because of my real stories and everybody wants to have my friendship. Some of them are thinking that they are very smart and I will be easily available to them for sex. I do not want to say anything to them. They will understand automatically. Although, socially it may not be considered to be right or good to have sexual relationship with own uncle, but I did not see anything wrong in it. He is my first love and I remember all the things...
IncestI am very happy and excited that all readers have liked my life’s sex story and my inbox was full with their positive comments. Everybody wanted me to post the next part as early as possible and looking to the response and request of the readers, I really worked hard to write next part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY by remembering each and everything which i did 14 years ago. I request all the readers to please let me have your comments with open heart. I promise to post next part as early as...
IncestFive cards stared up at me while the implications of their configuration suffused my being. Four queens, the heart suit carefully arranged on the left, followed by her sisters, each card a mirror image of the previous except for the suit. The last card, the ace of spades, broke the pattern, but served to complete the hand in mocking simplicity. I never played much poker, wasn’t the gambling type, but I knew enough that this hand, the one I held between my trembling fingers, was rare. I...
“Who’s there?” Nancy cried out. There, was no response but she was a shadow move. Her closet door was flung open and she was face to face with Uncle Cliff. “Hello, Nancy;” he laughed. “Expecting somebody else? Berry, perhaps?” She reached for the blanket in an effort to cover her naked body, but her uncle quickly grabbed it from her hands, leaving her completely exposed as he took in her body with those awful eyes of his. She wanted to scream out for...
When Nathan Warner woke up the next day, there were little men with booster rockets aimed at each other across the broad span of his brain. They were firing them one by one. His mouth tasted like an Alabama election, it stank. His body was bruised slightly and his skin was stinging, as if he had a sunburn. She was gone. He got up and went rummaging around for aspirin. Five tablets down, with water, and a second glass lull for a gargle; “I wonder if that dame ever sleeps?” he...
Obedient Vivian (MF, reluc) By: Darkdm My wife Vivian was originally from Taiwan. I met her through a friend when she came over to the US for a short term project. She was only 22 years old at the time. When I first laid my eyes upon her, I was in love. Her angelic face, shoulder length silky, black hair, and slender body was everything I wanted in a woman. After spending sometimes with her, I was amazed that she had all the qualities I wanted in a woman as well. She was smart, gentle, and...
I was terrifiedIt was friday, tomorrow is going to be the first of the month and i still dont have the rent moneyhis word still clear in my head''you better find my money or you will be looking for another place boy''I was walking to my appart, telling myself it was just once....maybe i should have .....the older black brothers living in the basement had ear it all and offered me a deal , both knocking at my door that night , discussing about my problem and their problem''we both are divorced,...
Hey all! Devil here again. With a New Three-Part-Story: The CallGirl. So this is the first part of the Story. Pls do read the story and mail me all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks on Coming to the Story… This is Pankaj’s Story. A 26 Year Old Working guy Traveling from Dhanbad to Ranchi. Read on to find out his experience when his train gets halted at a deserted station and he finds someone for some relaxation. Pankaj’s Narration: It was 12:30AM in the Night when I woke up to the...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...