Lady Ann's Greatly Extended Holiday - Chapter Twenty Seven free porn video

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Chapter Twenty Seven Lowest of the Low 1 The morning after the boxing match, Burt Harper woke up feeling great. Yes, he'd taken some licks but he'd given out far more than he'd got back and all things considered he was glad of it. He was the champion! He was officially the toughest bloke for miles around and he couldn't wait until later when he'd be able to strut into the village and hear all the congratulations; see the adoring glances from the women. This was what being a man was all about. He sighed happily, scratching his balls. He didn't remember ever feeling so... at peace with himself. Just... content... with who he was and his lot in life. Burt climbed out of bed fully naked and went over to the shelf where he kept his shaving stuff and bowl of water. He gave himself a grin then proceeded to lather up his chops and set to work with his cutthroat razor. While he glided the blade over his cheeks, smoothing off the lather and his bristles he thought about what had gone on after the boxing match with the vicar's wife. Now that had been a bit of alright! It was such a riot shagging someone who always looked down on him but she had been gagging for it after he'd beaten her husband in the ring. And she hadn't been demure about it. She'd obviously been thinking a lot about him since she'd seen him rogering that chubby girl in the alley a few weeks earlier. She led him by the hand through the little wooden gate in the stone wall at the side of the rectory and they did it there at the back of her garden, safe from prying eyes and close enough to home that she could look at the spot on her lawn in future and reminisce. And she hadn't been too bad a shag either. Burt definitely got the feeling that she had been hoarding some repressed passion for some time. He was used to doing it in his clothes but she made him strip naked, trying her hardest to stifle cries of ecstasy as he had his way with her. A right good time and no mistake. That was a fact. But he couldn't waste the morning away reminiscing. He had chores to do and it wouldn't be right to be late. Jobs like this weren't easy to come by, he knew that, and he did enjoy it. It was great to just get on with good hard work, knowing exactly what he had to do. And he loved working with the horses. He popped open his drawer and had a longer than usual look at his secret photograph of Lady Ann. She was so beautiful. He sighed. He wished more than anything that she would come back from her holiday so that he could see her again. He was so looking forward to getting her horse ready for her to take out. She could be petulant at times; sometimes right nasty; but on the odd occasion that she smiled at him it made him the happiest man alive. He just wished she'd notice him. Didn't she realise how much he adored her? Why, he'd lay his life down for her if he got the chance, just so as she'd recognise how dear she was to him. He kissed the photo and put it away then went outside. What he had to do was ensure that he did the best possible job to get Rosebud ready for her ladyship's return: really polish the leather of the saddle and bring the filly's coat up to a lovely shine. When he was clearing up the shit today he would make sure the stable got a first rate clean. The harder he worked, the better it would look; and it didn't hurt to keep Harry sweet. When Lady Ann came back she'd see the trouble he'd gone to and maybe, just maybe, she'd realise he was the man of her dreams. Or at the very least be a bit kinder to him. He was so looking forward to her being back. He grinned to himself, imagining it. It was going to be so good to have her around, giving him jobs and making sure he did them quickly. Any contact with that beautiful angel was worth whatever hardship was required. He'd gladly labour for the rest of his days if it meant he could have contact with her from time to time. Feeling happy, Burt walked round the outside of the stable building, at no point noticing the change that had come over him overnight as the potion the gypsy woman gave him was digesting in his stomach. That he had forgotten his original identity. That he really thought he was Burt now. And he believed he always had been. 2 Lady Ann dozed in her huge sumptuous bed in London, somewhere east of sleeping and west of awake, feeling warm and comfortable, entirely safe. In her half-sleeping dream she lay unclothed on a narrow bed under a bare wooden ceiling, waiting; anticipating the arrival of someone at both a physical and emotional level as in the waking world, her crotch began to moisten and grow hot. In the dream the ugly door in the corner of the room opened and her grandmother's stable hand stood there, wearing his cap, which he doffed immediately, stepping closer. "You look lovely m'lady," the dream man said. "Like a picture." She smiled in the dream and in the real world her sleeping body smiled too, stirring. Writhing. The dream man stepped closer again, coming nearer to her naked form as she bent her knees upward then dropped them out to expose her vagina. The stable hand grinned at her, coming closer again, his clothes gone now, nowhere to be seen. He clambered onto the bed, grazing her sides with his big manly hands, looking down at her with respect and adoration, his eyes afire with lust. "Take me," whispered Ann, and the stable hand leaned down to kiss her on the neck. She gasped from the delight of it. "Take me like I'm some lower class girl you've just picked up." "Alright m'lady," replied the stable hand. "Not m'lady," she breathed. "Just Ann." "Ann." He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hard, making her cry out with bliss. Then she came awake, suddenly, unpleasantly, and Gladys was standing over the bed, touching her arm. Ann sat upright, her heart banging and looked about her, disoriented. "I'm sorry m'lady," said Gladys. "I didn't mean to startle you. You were having a bad dream." Ann looked at the window, at the morning light coming through, then she glared fiercely at her maid. "Get out of here you stupid girl! How dare you wake me!" Gladys withdrew from the bed. "But I always wake you miss." "Don't be insolent," snapped Ann. "I'll not have you talk back to me. You heard what I said." "Yes miss." "Well go on then! Get out!" Gladys hurried away and Ann got her legs free of the covers irritably and sat on the edge of the bed, glowering at the closed door that the maid had retreated through. Then she thought about her dream and covered her mouth with her hand, shaking her head. "Oh dear Lord," she murmured. She couldn't believe she'd dreamt that - been unfaithful to her darling Richard in such a way. It was deplorable behaviour for one of the gentry. But it had been nice. And more than nice. She rubbed her legs together, recalling the sensations. It had actually been rather glorious. 3 Burt went into the stable, still with no clue in his mind that he hadn't always been a man. If any Lady Ann memories remained in his dull-witted brain then he had neither cause nor need to recall them. There were so many Burt memories in his head now that they overwhelmed everything else and the potion had done its work. He no longer felt ill at ease in the least in this body. He didn't resent his lot in life. After all, hadn't the men in his family always been in service? Of course they had... as far back as he remembered. He went through to Rosebud's stall and let himself in. Lady Ann might be back any day and he was determined to ensure that everything was just right when she was. "Eh up horsie," he said. "Yer'right this mornin? Ye lookin forward to er ladyship comin back and givin you a ride, eh?" He patted her down, smiling fondly. Just wait until Harry appeared and saw him already in here hard at work. The old gaffer'd be proud sure enough. He might even stop driving him so hard. And Burt was looking forward to seeing if Harry had heard about his success the night before at the boxing match. That might earn him a bit of respect around here if nothing else. He went to get the brush to start grooming the horse but paused in mid- reach, unsure. For the life of him... "That's queer." For the life of him he couldn't remember which brush to start with. Was it... the body brush? He wasn't sure. He didn't think it was the curry comb, but it... It might have been. He wondered... "That's odd." He just wasn't sure. "Burt!" That was Harry's voice. Burt loped from the stall and outside. "Yes sir?" Harry was leaning against the cart with Jeb of all people. "What you up to scurrying about in there?" "Just tending to the orses," replied Burt. "Oh aye? I 'ear you've been showing your strength in the boxin ring." Burt grinned proudly. "That I ave. You shoulda seen it. Jeb tell im." "He ain't wrong," said Jeb. "Burt's the boxing champion of Griply fair! He 'ad me down in no time, though I got a few good punches in." "I've got the bruises to show fer it," chuckled Burt happily. "You gave me a good run fer me money that's fer certain," "Well I'm ready for a rematch any time you want Burt," said Jeb. "Just try me when I ain't ad so much to drink!" They both laughed. "Aye, well enough," said Harry, "but there's work to be done now. You can josh all you want later down t'pub." "Sorry sir," said Burt hurriedly, feeling bad that he was neglecting his duties and worried he'd get a well-deserved shouting at. "I'll get back to the grooming now." "Aye, well hold on a minute," replied Harry. Burt stopped and turned back. "Sir?" "Earing tell o'your great victory in t'Dog & Pony last night got me to thinkin. Bout what I get you doin ere when yer workin." Burt's jaw slackened a little as he listened, concentrating on the old man's words. "There ain't doubt you're as strong as an ox boy," said Harry. Burt brightened again, feeling proud of himself. "But you ain't got the brains you was born with, everyone knows that. Am I wrong?" "Well..." Burt wasn't sure what to say. When he'd been growing up his mam had always told him he was a dullard and she hadn't been wrong. "No sir." "You ain't been too bad workin ere," went on Harry, "doing a passable job at looking after the horses and such. But lately... since you ad yer holiday... Well you ain't been doing as well as you used to." "Eh?" A tight knot formed in the compressed skin between Burt's eyebrows. "You've been good enough at yer labourin so long as I keep watch and only give ye simple instructions, but you ain't been seeing to the horses as well as you should." "Sir?" "Your groomin's been sloppy. Not good enough. And so you ain't gonna do that no more." "Eh?" "I'm takin you off it Burt," said Harry. "You mean you're getting rid of me?" Burt couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was terrified this meant the worst was going to happen - that he wouldn't be able to work here no more. "I ain't getting rid of you ye great wazzock. But you ain't fit to look after the horses no more. I'm gonna get you doin more of what you do best." Burt gaped at him, confused. "Labourin," said Harry. "Diggin. Carryin stuff. You know as well as I do, that's all you're good for." "But... But I'm the groom." Harry shook his head. "Not anymore you're not. You just ain't good enough." "But I've been... doing it for years." "And I'd keep you on if it weren't that it just ain't quality work you're doin." "But sir..." "No," snapped Harry, folding his arms. "I don't want to 'ear no more about it. The decision's been made." "But who'll do the orses from now on?" asked Burt. "Jeb," said Harry, putting his hand on the other man's shoulder. Jeb stepped forward, looking a little awkward that he was in this position. "I'm sorry Burt," he said. "Harry asked me last night at the pub after you'd gone ome... and the money's better." "Ah yes. That reminds me," said Harry. "You won't be paid as much if you ain't grooming Burt, obviously. I'm sorry about that but if you don't do good work you can't expect to get paid for it, eh?" Burt just looked back at him, stunned by what he was hearing. He wanted to speak up for himself, argue the case, make reasoned points to support why he should go on working with the horses. But he knew that to do so would be speaking out of turn. If Harry had made the decision then that was that. It wasn't his place to question it. He wasn't even a groom no more. He was just a farmhand. The very bottom of the pile. The lowest wage of any man he knew and the lowest rank in all the holdings of the Neville family. "Now why don't you get in there and start shovelling up the horse shit while Jeb gets on with the grooming, eh Burt?" "Yes sir," he mumbled. "And see that you do a good job this time," continued Harry. "There ain't no lower post round ere than shit shoveler. You can at least make sure you do that right." He laughed loudly as Burt turned back toward the stable and shuffled forlornly into the darkness, unsure what had just happened but feeling that he'd lost just about everything that mattered. 4 Joan Landon, the vicar's wife, looked out the rear window of her morning room while her husband, Eric, twittered on about his next sermon, looking at the corner of the garden where she and... that man had... done what they did the night before. She was a slender lady in her middle years and though they did not own great wealth by any means, she always did her best to dress, and act, with dignity. She simply couldn't believe what she had done the night before and felt profound guilt now. She had broken God's law, gone against the marriage vows that had always been sacred to her and risked everything. In the heat of the moment last night, seeing Burt triumph in the boxing ring over her husband and all the other men in the village, she hadn't let herself consider the consequences. It had been such an adventure. And the... act itself had been wonderful; really wonderful, in a way that her couplings with Eric had never been. Thinking about it took her right back to the moment and allowed her to feel the pleasure again but it also made her angrier with self- recrimination. She knew it was wrong - dreadfully wrong - but she'd done it anyway. She had behaved deplorably. She had betrayed her husband and the Lord in the most despicable way. But God help her, she wanted to do it again. She crossed herself. What if that filthy urchin told others what they had got up to? What if her reputation was ruined? Butterflies flew round her stomach. It would be awful. She could never show her face again. And her husband would surely send her away. She would be destitute and shunned, a scarlet lady. She couldn't imagine a worse fate. The patch of grass where it had happened was just in her eye line. She sidestepped to improve her view, continuing to ignore the low voice of her husband. In her memory, she was guiding Burt to that spot by his hand, feeling the intense build-up of anticipation. She was looking up into his face, at the cut on his lip. They were getting down onto the ground together. He was reaching for her skirts. She was telling him she had to see him naked. He was smiling at her; unbuttoning his shirt. Joan Landon closed her eyes, commanding herself to stop these silly fancies. She was not going to think about this man again. And she certainly wasn't going to meet with him again! That would be unthinkable! 5 Lady Ann was starting to find this luncheon as tedious as those with the old ladies her grandmamma had subjected her to. They were eating out in the sumptuous dining room of the Grosvenor Hotel as a farewell to her new family. Her parents and sister were taking the early afternoon train back north to Yorkshire and Ann couldn't help but feel sorry that they were leaving. She knew they weren't her real family but with the time they'd spent together here in London and the plethora of inherited memories she had of them, they really felt like blood. And they weren't the dirty servants and miners her original Burt family had been. These were cultured aristocrats with the same values that she now shared. Being a part of this family was delightful, even if Hattie could be abominable at times. But then what little sisters weren't? The current topic of conversation was frustrating. Ann wanted to talk about Yorkshire or her trip to Brighton. Instead, Richard and her father were discussing Richard's many business enterprises. The Earl was obviously greatly impressed with his drive to expand his empire. Her father was a rich man - there was no doubt about that - but his business dealings tended to be local: farm holdings, investments in coal mines and such. Lord Hurley was substantially wealthier and focused on the development of his businesses. It was probably fascinating for them but this discussion was driving her mad. "Richard darling," she said. "Don't you think we've talked about business dealings enough? I'd much rather we talked about lighter matters. There are some plays I've seen here in London that I wanted to tell my mother and Hattie about." Both the Earl and Richard instantly stopped talking but the silence was an unpleasant one and Ann sensed she'd overstepped some mark she hadn't known existed. Richard turned to face her and the look in his eyes was stern and removed. "Ann dear, if you don't mind, the men are talking. I'll thank you not to interrupt." She was so startled Ann didn't speak for a moment, then she said, "But I was hoping we could--" "Ann," said Richard firmly. "I'll thank you to keep quiet while we are discussing business. Is that clear?" She sat silent, staring at him as he turned back to the Earl and resumed his conversation. Both the Countess and Hattie were eyes-down at their plates. Ann couldn't believe it. She started to open her mouth to speak again but thought better of it and said nothing. But she went on stewing. She didn't see why she should be forbidden from talking just because she wasn't a man... 6 As he struggled back from the fields with a huge sack of grain in his arms, Burt dwelled on the reasons for his sudden demotion. He couldn't believe he'd had his duties taken away from him. As far as he now knew, he had always been a hardworking man and to have his responsibility removed was deeply demoralising. He kicked himself for not working hard enough, not following his orders to the letter and quickly enough. He was too big a dunce; that was the problem. Everyone knew how thick he was and none as well as he did himself. He should have been better rather than being so thick all the time. He hated being stupid. He couldn't be trusted to do anything! But it wasn't fair. He'd done the job for years. He didn't understand why he'd got so much worse at it lately. It was like he was even stupider than he'd always been. The memory of the exchange was still in his brain somewhere, but it had been tucked so firmly away that he didn't recall it directly at all anymore. If he had then he might have realised that he only had himself to blame. The pendant had swapped their physical forms and started them on the path toward the mental changes. It was the repeated declarations Burt had made that had guided the transformation further. He had told himself over and over again that he was a dim-witted clodhopper and each time he'd done it he had pushed the change past the point Burt's original IQ had sat. He hadn't become a duplicate of the original Burt. Far worse; he had become the Burt he had thrust himself into: an idiot good-for-nothing bumpkin who was as thick as two short planks. And now he didn't even know it anymore. He didn't have the wits to realise how much he had lost, let alone to take steps to regain his old life. He was well and truly trapped in a hole he had dug for himself. Jeb was outside the stable chatting to Harry when Burt came into view. Harry finished what he was saying and nodded to Jeb, then he set off down the drive. "Eh up Burt," said Jeb. "Ahright," he replied. "Shove that grain back in t'store then get back out ere. I've got some more work for you." "Eh?" "Arry's ad to go off and check on his wife. She's got a fever. He's left me in charge." "You? In charge?" "Aye. And there's a long list of jobs need doing before he gets back so you'd better hop to it." "But..." Burt was crestfallen. "We're mates." "Yes. Well. I got me this job now Burt, so things might be a bit different. Go and drop off that grain in the barn." Burt looked toward the barn then back at Jeb. "Go on then! Hurry up! There's lots to do and you can't drag your feet. Arry's been telling me how slow you can be but so long as I'm in charge I'll not ave that. It's a bad reflection on me if he's left me in control and I can't keep a tight ship - especially on me first day." Burt just stood there, his mouth hanging open. "Now!" cried Jeb, pointing toward the barn. Burt hurried off with the grain sack, feeling cowed. How did it come to this that his best mate was lording it over him? It wasn't right. A tiny part of him whispered that it went against nature that he be in such a position, but he knew that wasn't correct. Harry had left Jeb in charge and he had to follow his orders. As long as Harry wasn't around, Jeb was his master now. He deserved every bit of respect and obedience that the old man did. Burt dumped the grain down with the others in storage and hurried back outside. Jeb was waiting with his thumbs hooked into his belt. "Right, good. That's better. Now get yourself a spade. There's an irrigation ditch needs digging over yonder. I'll walk up there and tell you where." Burt nodded and rushed into the stables to get his spade. "Hurry up," called Jeb. "Sorry sir." Burt quickly came out with the spade. "Right, come with me," said Jeb. "Arry'll be back later. I want enough of this ditch dug so's he'll be satisfied." "Aye ahright." "I feel bad ordering you about Burt," said Jeb as they walked, "but it's got to be done. You're beneath me now. That's all there is to it. It's nothing personal." "Yes sir," said Burt, but he felt awful. He couldn't believe what a difference one day had made and how low he'd sunk. But what other choice did he have? This was his lot in life and it always had been. 7 Tears ran down her cheeks as Ann waved her family off at the station. The Earl wasn't one for long goodbyes and had already gone inside to find his seat on the train while the Countess and Hattie made their farewells as Richard looked on. Ann was mortified that they were going and missed them terribly already. She was so happy; so glad that she'd chosen to keep this life. She occasionally felt the tiniest pang of guilt of stealing it from the original Ann but only briefly. The idiot stable hand had given it up gladly and she'd be damned if she was going to hand it back. "You've done so well for yourself Ann dear," said her mother. "Your father and I are very proud of you." "Thank you mother. Oh thank you so much." They embraced tightly, squeezing more tears from Ann's red eyes. When they broke the embrace, Ann turned to Hattie. "I'm even going to miss you." She smiled mischievously. "When you're gone." "Har har har," replied Hattie. They hugged. "Just don't be quite so big- headed when I see you next. Or I'll have to go and find my own millionaire." Ann giggled. "My impression is that millionaires want to find a woman to marry, not a silly little girl." "Har har," said Hattie. "You won't be making so many jokes when my millionaire owns more than your millionaire." "Well yours will never be as handsome," said Ann, squeezing Richard's arm. They waved goodbye and Richard and Ann watched the train pull slowly out engulfed in steam. "Oh Richard," said Ann. "I do miss Yorkshire." "It's a beautiful county," agreed Lord Hurley. "Perhaps we should go back..." "Hmmm." They started to walk off the platform and back through the station to their carriage. "Why don't we go off for the afternoon somewhere," said Ann gaily. "I'd love to spend some time together, just the two of us." Richard immediately became tense. "Ann dearest, it's important I set the record straight." He stopped and turned to her. "When we're courting is one thing, but you need to understand that my work is far more important than gadding about the capital being frivolous. My businesses don't run themselves. I want to make it perfectly clear that once we're married I will be working most of the time. Now that the engagement is set I don't see any reason to fritter away the day on frivolities when there are important matters to attend to. I love you dearly but you must understand that business will always come first. " "Oh. I see," said Ann. She remained where she was as Richard walked on for a moment then followed slowly after him. That hadn't been what she imagined from her fairy tale marriage at all. And it left her feeling less excited about the wedding than she had been. 8 Burt was not happy by the end of his long working day. He'd slaved in the fields digging the drainage ditch in the hot sun without a break. On a normal day he would have popped back and forth to care for the horses. Now he wasn't good enough for that anymore he just had to go on with his labour. And it was relentless. Just digging and digging and digging and digging with no end. And to make matters worse, Jeb appeared periodically to tell him to work harder and do it better. He couldn't even be trusted to dig a hole! And he couldn't bear his best friend ordering him about. It was awful but he'd found himself becoming just as obsequious to Jeb as he was to Harry or one of the quality. Though he knew that was only right. He was lowest of the low. He had to follow the orders of his betters without question. He didn't have no choice. Jeb had been put in charge of him and that was that. He had to do his duty. When he got down to the pub he brightened a little. As soon as he got inside the other men were calling his name and cheering. "Ere he is! The man of the hour!" "Burt!" "Get in ere and show off your muscles!" "It's the boxing champion of Griply valley!" "Come and tell us what it's like to be the strongest man around!" Burt grinned and bought himself a drink, briefly conscious of the impact the dip in his wages was going to have on his beer drinking and relieved he had got his winnings from the match. He started telling tales of the night before and laughing, enjoying being one of the lads and looked up to. He was such a dunce that normally everyone looked down on him. At least with his boxing he could be the best for a change. He caught Mavis looking at him from across the way with a hangdog expression but he ignored her. "Ey Burt," said Artie. "We ear Jeb's taken your place oop at'all, the bad-un." "Aye," replied Burt morosely. "He's done nothing but lord it over me since the second he got there." "And you and 'im best mates." "Not no more," said Burt, addressing the whole pub. "He's burned 'is bridges has Jeb. He ain't a friend of mine no more." "I ain't surprised," said Artie. "He can go and shove it," said Burt. "If ee wus ere now I'd give im a piece of my mind and no mistake." "Ere, look out," said Artie. "Ee's ere." Burt looked round to see Jeb enter the Dog & Pony alongside Harry. Jeb paused to look round then made his way toward the bar. "Ey up Burt," said Jeb. "Ey up, Jeb... Harry," said Burt, doffing his cap. "You didn't do a bad days work today. But you could've worked a bit faster." "Yes sir," replied Burt. "You're right. I'm sorry sir." Jeb ordered a drink for him and Harry while Artie and the other men in the pub chuckled at Burt's toadying. His face coloured from embarrassment. The barman poured the drinks then Jeb and Harry went for an empty table with Burt in tow. When Burt went to sit down, Harry gave him a sharp look. "Find your own table Burt. I've got business to discuss with Jeb. We don't want you butting in with daft suggestions." Burt's face fell. The sniggers from around the pub were getting more brazen. He bought himself another drink grumpily then stomped off into a corner. Mavis appeared a moment later and put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't mind them Burt," she said kindly. "They're just being full of themselves." He smiled a little, feeling better. "It ain't your fault you're thick." He frowned and grumbled to himself, wishing he wasn't so far down the pecking order. But what could he expect? It was the life he'd been born to. There was no point wishing to be someone better. That was plain impossible. 9 Ann went to bed early and lay there for some time, thinking about the things Richard had said to her during the day. And she thought about her family and missing them and missing being around familiar things... desiring the quiet beauty of Griply valley. Then she remembered the dream she'd had that morning and settled into her pillow, picturing it again wistfully. She knew it was wrong but it made her feel good and she was angry enough with Richard to feel justified in doing it. She pushed him out of her mind irritably and let herself sink back into the memory. She was lying on the bed... She was lying on the bed in the little tatty room and the door opened. Her grandmother's stable hand came in and approached, undoing his shirt and letting it fall to the floor; undoing his trousers. In her bed, Ann parted her legs a little, running her hands down onto her inner thighs. The stable hand kneeled beside her and she saw her hands go up to caress his muscular chest. She saw his chest come closer as she kissed it, his face come to meet hers as their lips touched. She sighed with delight, letting the fantasy overcome her fully, smiling as the dream man kissed her neck and worked his way down to her naked breasts. He kissed them, suckling her as she moaned in pleasure, then he lifted himself until he was above and looked her right in the eye. "You're so gorgeous," murmured the dream man. "So loose and slutty. Just what I like." In the fantasy she kissed him again and he returned the kisses deeply, his tongue probing inside her. "You're exactly the kind of girl I like Mavis," he said. And Ann's eyes flicked open. She sat up, touching her lips where she could almost feel the dream kisses. "Mavis?" Surely not. That was idiotic. But it was true. She hadn't just imagined she was making love with her grandmamma's stable hand. She had imagined that she was Burt's slutty girlfriend while she did it! Read the extra extended version of Lady Ann's Holiday available on Amazon For more of my stories, check out: http://transformation- For updates on releases, follow me on Twitter @emmafinnuk And read my transformation novels on Amazon or Kobo by searching for Emma Finn

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Six

Chapter Thirty Six Swapping Back 1 Burt Harper had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach when he woke up next morning in Mavis's bed at the Dog & Pony. It wasn't because he was thinking about anything in particular that was troubling him but more like... more like he'd had a night crammed with nightmares that he couldn't now remember. He lay for a while, trying to piece the images he still had together but he couldn't. All he had was a vague sense of alarm; an...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Two

The Exchange 1 Burt was shoveling dirty hay from the floor of one of the stable stalls when Ann approached him, a mischievous expression on her face. His sleeves were rolled up past his elbows as he worked. She watched him for several minutes, staring at his rippling muscles; the careless attitude he had in his body language, entirely devoid of decorum. He obviously didn't care one whit about the way he carried himself or looked with his scruffy clothes and deliciously...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty

Indefinite 1 Burt was relieved it was Sunday. It meant he didn't have to put in a full day's work. He got the morning off to attend church. He'd slept a lot better on his pallet in the hayloft and the aches he'd had from going back to hard labour after a fortnight of growing soft had all but gone. He actually felt fit and strong again and caught himself enjoying it before he reminded himself that he didn't like anything about being a man. He hated every element of it. He wore...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Thirty One No Escape 1 Burt sat on the floor of his cell as morning came, slumped against the wall at an angle so that he wasn't putting pressure on his back where the Earl's whip had flayed his skin. One knee was raised, his arm propped on it, covering his eyes. He had cried in the night, feeling even more deeply ashamed because of it, but the tears had run out now. His eyes were red raw. His throat felt swollen. When he'd been locked in the stocks it had taken time...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Seven

From Head to Toe 1 Anne woke up with a stretch and a yawn. The hotel she'd slept in was the best she could find in the scummier end of the city of York. It was a bit shabby but the bed was fifty times more comfortable than her pallet back at Griply manor and there were no gaps in the walls and window. It was probably the best night's sleep she'd had since becoming Burt. Since becoming Burt... Ann tossed the covers back. She'd slept naked and she looked down the length of her...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter One

Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma In which...wishing to avoid a dull visit to her grandmother, Lady Ann Neville takes drastic steps; giving her a holiday from herself and getting a little too much information on how the lower orders live. Chapter One Lady & Servant 1 England 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church, but...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Six

To Be a Man 1 Burt delivered the second of two great metal cylinders filled with milk to the back of the hall and turned to go but stopped when he heard his name. "Burt! I want a word with you." He turned to see Powell, the butler, emerge from the kitchen doorway looking even more stern and unforgiving than he usually did. "Yes sir?" he said, remembering only belatedly a time when this man would have followed his orders to the letter, instead of now, where he was the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Four

Ups & Downs 1 The real Burt meanwhile, stared out with his new eyes at the disappearing English countryside, an elegant shawl wrapped around his shapely legs. In no time they were at the railway station and he was helped down from the carriage. It was a marvel to be walking through the milling people. Up until now Burt had only spent time in Griply Hall. Now he was outside in the real world, surrounded by ordinary people; either his equals or betters in his normal life. Now,...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Five What it Might be Like 1 Burt came slowly awake to the most profound and intense pleasure imaginable. He didn't open his eyes for a minute, just enjoying the total sense of relaxation and physical bliss. The covers were off him but the sun coming in through the hayloft entrance kept him warm. Mavis was on her hands and knees down by his legs, working his cock in her mouth with joyful intensity, stroking at his legs and stomach and coaxing his balls toward...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Thirty Two The Trial 1 Burt sat once again on the floor of his cell, his knees up in front of him, his head in his hands. He'd hardly slept. How could he, knowing what was happening to him today and how hopeless it was? Lady Ann was on her way back, at long last, and she would be just in time to witness him being carted off to prison, sentenced to years' imprisonment as a common thief. When he'd heard she was returning it had opened a crack in the certain knowledge...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Three

Chapter Thirty Three Going Home 1 Burt walked slowly up the lane toward the hall with Harry, the Earl riding ahead of them on his horse; Jeb walking behind. None of them spoke. Burt still ached from the scars on his back and all over from the general rough treatment he'd taken. Harry wore a solemn expression but there was no fear anymore of the old man in Burt's heart. Instead he had nothing but respect for him. He had seen the look on Harry's face when he was flogged; when he...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty Due Penance 1 Burt stared at Lady Harriet, wishing with all his soul that he cold wind back the last five minutes of his life; or better: the last few weeks. He had grown up as the beautiful and cultured Lady Ann Neville, first daughter of the Earl, and lavished with every possible luxury. He had been waited on by numerous servants, treated like royalty, allowed every benefit of his upper class status and upbringing. But not anymore. Now he was stuck in the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Three

Forever? 1 Burt felt grand thinking about his escapades the night before, regardless of his current situation. He was up to his knees in filthy water in a long drainage ditch using a spade to dig mud from the bottom to clear it. It really was dirty work and he'd been at it for two hours but even this couldn't affect his mood. It had felt so good to be with those girls last night, so great to be a man. He couldn't stop thinking about it: taking them out of the pub and down the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Five

"I Am Who I Am" 1 Lady Ann woke up feeling extremely grumpy. She'd just had what had to have been the worst night's sleep of her life. She'd staggered home pissed in the early hours of the morning, vomiting several times on the way home and then had to make her bed up when she got back to the hay barn above the stable. As a mere stable hand, Burt wasn't given proper lodging. Now she was living his life she literally had to roll out his thin straw mattress every night and put it...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Nineteen

Taking Instruction 1 The filthy stable hand who once, only recently, had been the beautiful Lady Ann Neville, came slowly awake to the stench of manure. He was lying curled up tightly on the floor of one of the stable pens, freezing cold and aching from a night on the hard floor, a great pile of freshly steaming horse dung only inches from his nose. He shuddered. Surely it wasn't possible that this was really happening; that he was still stuck in Burt Harper's body; that he'd...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Eighteen

An Unwelcome Change of Plan 1 "Burt" woke up at the crack of dawn and breathed a sigh of relief. It had been right swell to get away from his life as a prissy stuck-up lady but, despite some reservations, he'd more than had enough of being Burt and looked forward to becoming one of the quality again. He'd loved the carousing and the fights and he loved shagging that tart Mavis, but the plummeting drop in status had been horrible, knowing that everyone looked down on him; even the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty One

Bred That Way 1 Burt was snatched cruelly from a deep sleep by Harry's bellowing voice from outside at the front of the stables. "BURT! Get down here now you ignorant fool!" "What? Yes! Sorry sir!" He clambered out from under his blanket and got to his feet. "Burt, you great wazzock! You've overslept! Get down here now and scrape this horse shit up before I tan yer ruddy hide and make ye do it without a shovel!" Burt hurriedly put his clothes on, anxious to get out...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Fifteen

Constraints 1 Ann came to slowly and sluggishly to the sound of nearby giggling, his whole body aching, his thoughts muggy, unsure where he was. Then something soft and wet struck him on the side of his face and he woke up fully with a jerk. He was still in the stocks. He'd been in there all night! Children were gathered in a group nearby, laughing at his predicament as the juices of what tasted like a tomato ran down his cheek into his moustache and onto his lips. They threw a...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Eight

Diverting Pastimes 1 After breakfast, Burt was wandering through the duchess's huge town house, simply enjoying yet another day off from mucking out the stables and lifting sacks of grain. He was convinced he had the better part of the deal he and his beloved Lady Ann had made, even if he had written her a note to give her the fortnight off. It still seemed incredible to him that he'd been able to write that note - and sign it with her very own signature; but it wasn't the only...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twelve

Memories 1 Ann woke up to a tremendous racket, covered in bruises and feeling awful. After his late night fighting for money he'd gone for some hard drinking - this time shots of whisky with a couple of mates he'd made at the boxing match. Too late to find proper lodgings - and far too bladdered to see straight, let alone walk straight, Ann had stumbled into the nearest doss house. It was just a big room with stone floor and bare brick walls, a tiny cracked window at one...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Three

The Note 1 The next morning Ann was startled to wake from a deep and satisfied sleep at the crack of dawn. With no glass in the windows it was freezing and the dawn light shone right in her eyes through the open hayloft entrance. The straw mattress underneath her was little better than sleeping on a board; not like the silk sheets and thick mattress she was used to. It took her a moment to realise where she was. And who she was. Her head was fuzzy from the previous night's...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Ten

Imbecile 1 Burt reclined happily in the long pleasure boat with grandmamma as her manservant gently guided them across the centre of the lake in the morning sunshine. "So you talked to that idiot maid then," said Grandmamma. "Yes," replied Burt. "I did." "And how did she take your kind guidance?" Burt raised an eyebrow. Grandmamma was smiling playfully. His first instinct was to be snippy, say something like, You were right. She's nothing but an ignorant lazy girl who...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Eleven

Fighting 1 Burt joined grandmamma on the balcony for breakfast feeling disconcerted by the events of the previous evening. "Good morning Ann. You look a little more tired than usual. I trust you didn't sleep badly." "I didn't sleep as well as I normally do," replied Burt, taking a seat as Gladys set out her food and took away the silver cover that was keeping it warm. "Perhaps thinking about your decision to fire that wearisome upstairs maid..." Burt looked at her,...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirteen

Life of Luxury 1 When he woke up in his cramped little hotel room, Ann reached for his coat and slipped the little framed picture he'd found in the hay barn drawer out and looked at the image of his real face. His woman's face. Lady Ann. He just stared at it for a minute or so, eyes flicking from one detail to another. He didn't think about doing it; he just did it. The woman in the photograph looked so beautiful; her eyes so bright. Her skin looked so soft. Looking down at...

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Lady Anns greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Six

Feeling at Home 1 Ann gasped as she was knocked from a deep sleep by a bucket of water being thrown in her face. She floundered about on her straw mattress, gasping and spluttering as she tried to catch her breath. It was freezing and horrible and half of it had gone down her throat. She'd never been woken up in such an awful way in her life! Harry, the groundkeeper, was standing over where she lay, laughing at the way she spluttered. "What the chuffing 'eck is goin' on?"...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Nine

Meeting the Earl 1 The next morning Ann woke up outside. She was lying in a ditch with her legs up the bank and her head and left arm in its dank muddy bottom. She raised her head and saw the half-dried vomit down the front of her shirt and on her trousers. She chuckled to herself and struggled over onto her hands and knees getting even wetter and muckier. She got to her feet and sidestepped, losing her balance as she realised how drunk she still was then fell through the...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Epilogue

Epilogue 1 Once the horses were put safely away, Burt paused, thinking about the conversation he had just shared with Lady Ann. That was who she truly was now. And he was truly Burt. For a week he had felt the crushing sense that he was going to be Burt forever but the tiny doubt had always been there that her ladyship might return and make the exchange with him. This was entirely different. By making this final decision he had closed the book on that part of his life forever...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Fourteen

Choices & Consequences 1 Being Burt had, from the first, been an exercise of extremes for Ann. At any moment, in this life, he was subjected either to hardship, humiliation or great pleasure. But there were only four full days left of being Burt and he was determined to make the most of them! Which was why he'd got Mavis dressed up in her frilliest outfit and taken her, at the crack of dawn, on the train to York racecourse. In Ann's life as a cultured lady, a day at the...

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Lady Anns Extended Holiday

LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...

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Lady Anns Holiday

Thanks as always to the Prince of editors Steve Zink! Lady Ann's Holiday By Eric England 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. Still, he had his dreams. Dreams that one day she would smile at him and say that - no it was too stupid for words. The distance between them was greater than from...

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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 9

DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through but the material is very thin and it hugs my tits like a second skin. My nipples were doing their best to bore holes in it. I’d had the bullet on charge all night and when I was getting dressed to leave I...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentySeven

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Laura with Greg as Second Husband Laura started her car; she fingered the ruby ring on her right hand before shifting to Drive. Having Dan with me in San Francisco last week was great. Fucking with Dan and Upper Floor in the fog on the balcony excited me the way I knew it would. Strapped to that thing, strapped down, whipped, and then ass fucked by that Mario was crazy, and you loved it girl, admit it to yourself. You loved the decadence of that sex, and you loved that...

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Hoppers Holiday Chapter 2

I have so far sincerely appreciated the positive response I have received for my first story. It has been very encouraging and of course it has encouraged me to write more, despite my limited availability in real life. While the first chapter sort of served as an initial placeholder, this chapter is considerably darker and more twisted, but I think you all will still enjoy the further patterns in this tangled web I weave. Thank you again. Hoppers' Holiday by DocVS WARNING:...

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Jennys Kinky Holiday RomanceChapter 10

Once we were home again we both just settled back into our daily routine. While we had slowed down there was no doubt that our ten days of debauchery in Scotland had put a fresh sparkle back into our love life. I was amazed at how many times we were now having sex, compared to prior to our holiday. Not only that but it seemed that Jenny was now quite often being the first one to bring up the various ‘kinky’ scenarios in bed. She quite happily, ‘re-played’ the scene (from memory?) where the...

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 5 The Extension Starts and They Go on a Holiday

The next morning Mandy was woken by the feeling of Dennis’ cock sliding in and out of her vagina. At first she panicked but less than a second later she relaxed and enjoyed her first fuck of the day. When they were in the shower together Mandy asked Dennis if he’d wake her like that every day. “On the days that I wake up first I will, but if you wake up first you have to wake me with your mouth if I’m soft and climb on and ride me if I’m hard.” “Of course I will.” The highlight of the...

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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 1

I have published this story elsewhere but wanted to rewrite it before I posted on here. The rewrite of this part is actually pretty cosmetic but later parts will be markedly different. Lindsay stood on the sandy beach, shielding her eyes from the dazzling sunlight, and looking out to sea. She was not happy even though she was on holiday, as a fifteen year old girl wanted clubs, discos and boys but all she had got was a trip to the middle of nowhere because her parents had decided it would be...

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The Creature chapter twentyseven

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN I lay there very still. I knew they were both still sleeping, based on the way they were breathing. It was really surprising to wake up like that with my brother's hand on my crotch. And I wondered how long it had been there. I didn't hurry to remove it. He was asleep, after all. And it felt pleasant. I started thinking about the dream I'd had. (I was PRETTY SURE it had only been a dream!) Remembering it, combined with having a hand on my crotch, started to make me feel...

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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 3

I have been asked by one of my friends on SOL to share a few more experiences from my wilder young days, in particular relating to a holiday abroad (in Magaluf) I had with some of my girlfriends and also about a bit of "gang" fun I had with 6 guys. I will start by relating the holiday episode. I was 21 at the time, just about to turn 22, and was having a fortnight summers hols in Magaulf with several of my then girlfriends. We were a close bunch, always going out together and yes often...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 7

Aryn woke me early in his usual way then did the same to Wren. By 8 o’clock the yacht was making its way along the coast with Wren and I on the sunbathing deck enjoying the morning sun and waving to any other boats that we saw. It was late morning when we turned into the bay and Aryn dropped the anchor. Neither Wren nor I had anything to do to get ready as we’d already put sunblock on and packed a bag with a few essentials, that didn’t include any clothes for either of us. My only difference...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 34 Holiday

We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 3

We stayed there for about an hour, talking and watching the world slowly go by. A few tourists walked by and an even smaller number did a double take at the 2 naked girls, one with her legs wide open. “Don’t worry Emily,” Aryn said, “I’m told that the tourist flock down here on an evening after being on a beach all day.” “Good,” I replied, “are we coming back here this evening?” “Either here or next door at the restaurant, it depends on what takes my fancy.” “What about you Wren?” I...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 43 Bonus Chapter The Holiday Stories 05 Easter Day

Year 4 Easter Day began with the kids getting dressed so we could all go to church. We were not a regular church going family, but we did observe the Christian high holidays. Easter is the highest. So, we dressed, not all fancy. This holiday is not about us getting all dressed up and showing off. It is about the idea that in the eyes of Christians, God sent his son to be the sacrificial lamb for all men. No more sacrificing animals before priests. No more having to go through a priest to...

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Seven

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER-2 "I can't believe it," cried Susan Barry as she walked in through the garage and on into the kitchen in front of Daphne and I and saw the grinning faces of seven people, "I just can't fucking believe it!" "Oh," said my mother turning briefly from where she was standing in her sexy underwear dishing up scrambled eggs and grilled bacon onto seven plates, "what is it you can't believe dear?" "I did it in under forty minutes this morning," her giggle was...

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The Interview Part 1 Anns Story

I call this my ‘Interview’ story, I have never read or heard of another person who has experienced what I have. My story really begins when I asked a young woman named Tracy to marry me. Tracy said, ‘Not until I tell you about my family and their business interests. Then I will ask you if you still want me as your wife.’ I said, ‘Okay, tell me and then ask me.’ After listening a short time to Tracy’s story, I said, ‘Please stop, I just can’t fathom what you are saying. I have met your mom and...

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Fiftytwo Year Old Anns Sexual Passion For a Young Man with a Big Cock

For Jason, it was just like any other Thursday night. The twenty three year old loved to frequent a popular night club in the downtown business area after work. He was a good looking young man, who had a beautifully sculpted body. If Jason had any complaints from the women it would be the fact that his nine plus inch cock was way too big for them to handle. He just loved to use it on unsuspecting young women to the point that they would beg him to stop. Jason had a pretty good success rate at...

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My Friend MumChapter 6 Just Friends on Holiday

Over the next few days she showed me the joys of using the vibrators and it was wonderful having the ability to put the toys deep in me and be fucked properly. With all the excitement I had forgotten my period was due until I got the tell-tale cramps. Mum gave me some tampons and showed me how to insert them. I didn't want to use them while I was a virgin but now I was free! Our love just got even better now I had thrown off the shackles of the hymen and it became harder to switch back to...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 9 A Final Threesome With Matt and Sally

I woke early on Friday morning, and lay in bed idly strumming at my clitoris. I opened my legs just far enough to allow me to slip a couple of fingers inside my vagina, and was pleasantly surprised to find how sloppy I already was up there. It was the last full day of my holiday, and to be honest, it hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. I’d had a hell of a lot of sex, for a start, and not just of the normal “in, out and wipe yourself clean” kind, either. Peeing, fisting, anal: I’d had my...

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Hoppers Holiday Prologue and Chapter 1

Hello all. This is my first attempt at writing a bodyhopper/possession story. I have learned from some of the most talented TG authors/writers, and I hope this tale I weave will do their talents justice. Thanks for all your support. Hoppers' Holiday By DocVS Prologue It was the start of summer vacation: for Elizabeth Carter, it meant two full months off away from the grueling atmosphere and stresses of going to an out-of-state private university. Elizabeth was especially...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 1 Watching My Brother

The summer before I started at university, I went on a last summer seaside holiday with my mum, dad, and brother. We went to a lovely village on the North Devon coast where we’d been a few times before, but since it was probably going to be our last proper “family holiday”, we up-graded ourselves and booked into a rather swish hotel right on the cliffs, with its own private steps leading straight down to a little beach.We’d always looked enviously at its tennis court and manicured lawns. Every...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 7

I heard a knock at the door behind me and then the sound of it immediatelyopening and footsteps coming into the room."Don't dare move" Charlie ordered. He was holding the leash close to myneck, keeping me in position and his piss started to flow. I was consumedby the salty test, the need to swallow quickly like I was downing a pint.I could also feel the jizz drying on my face and the tightness of the tailplug in my ass."What. the. fuck" I heard Dan's voice saying, but all I could do...

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A Holiday in Paradise Chapter 2

Introduction: The secret is out.. The next week passed in a whirl for Lindsay. Each afternoon she would slip away from her family and run to the oddly shaped rocks. More often than not she would find Luis and Anna Maria and the three of them would make love for hours. Lindsay was ecstatic each time seemed to be better than the last and all she feared was the end of her holiday and the breaking of the spell. Inevitably her actions raised some suspicion, although her parents were willing to cut...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 1

This all happened a few years back now. I was 20, just finished my secondyear at University, and had just come out to my mates from home. A bunchof us still kept in touch and my mates were all from a nice part of thecity and were cool with me being gay. This is the UK after all.That summer, one of my oldest mates Dan arranged a lads holiday away, andmy being gay obviously hadn?t changed the way he thought of me, as I wasone of the first invited along. In the end eight guys signed up for...

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