The Distracted Manager - Three free porn video

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The Distracted Manager - Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on an idea provided by Honoria] Terri and Eli sat across from each other as their dinners were placed in front of them. As the waiter left them alone in the sparsely filled restaurant, Terri asked, "Can we start talking about our little arrangement now?" Eli nodded while he began to cut into his steak. Terri smiled as she said, "You know I love having you work for me..." "Really, I wouldn't have guessed," Eli retorted. "This will go a lot easier without the attitude," Terri chided. Eli glared at her for a second before she said, "This has become my company, Elise, and I think its ownership should reflect that." "Why should I give you even a percent?" Eli countered. "You've seen how I grew this company," Terri replied, self-assured. "You grew this company? Angelo grew this company..." "I...." Terri interjected before Eli continued to press his point, "Melina brought him in, not you, and he signed on to using us because of me." "He stayed because of what he thinks you are," Terri countered. "True, but none of that involves you. You're just a figurehead, but don't act like I can't see what's behind the curtain." "Just like I can't see what's underneath those pretty, black tights?" Eli crossed his legs as he ran his palms along the sides of his cream colored skirt and responded, "Angelo already knows that secret, as do all of our new clients, but they don't know that you're an empty suit." Terri shot Eli an angered look as she retorted, "But that's why you need me. You have to keep up the impression that I'm the boss. Do you think that any of our clients would stay if they knew that you were the real owner and letting me boss you around while you parade in whatever little girly outfit makes your sissy heart flutter." "You think that's the case?" Eli inquired with raised eyebrows. "I know it. You have only two choices. One is you give me what I want, or two you fess up to Angelo that this whole thing is just some bet that got out of hand, and you won't do that.' "Why wouldn't I?" Eli countered before he calmly took a sip on his drink. "Because you would have done it already. If you didn't want to be where you are right now, sitting there as my secretary in a skirt suit and pumps, you would have admitted the truth, no matter how embarrassing it was. A man wouldn't let himself get stuck in your position, unless he wanted to be there." "So you think I'm nothing but a sissy?" "In the most respectful way possible," Terri retorted. Eli leaned onto the table as he responded, "Let me enlighten you about your situation, Terri." "Okay, go ahead," Terri replied as she leaned back and crossed her arms. Her dismissive tone angered Eli while he said, "You look at your resume and it will show that you're a secretary. That's all you've been your whole career. If I tell Angelo in on the truth, you'll lose your fake position, and certainly your job if there are cutbacks due to lost business. You only have a leg to stand on if you can go get another job like the one you have now, because I'm going to bet the only office job somebody else will give you is fetching their coffee and doing all those little things you seem to enjoy making me do for you." "I enjoy making you do them? I think you'd better look in the mirror to see who really enjoys that." "Don't act like you don't." "I won't pretend otherwise if you won't," Terri countered. "Fine, but do you understand that we are in a position of mutually assured destruction with each other." "I do." "And I have a hell of lot more savings to my name to weather the fallout." "Probably," Terri weakly admitted before she added, "But I know that you wouldn't find a job like this one too." "What?" "Who's going to hire you to be their secretary?" "I could go back to being..." "What, the boss? You want to start showing up in pants again? Trying to get anyone in the office to believe that one would be a real stretch, Elise. We all know that any opposition you throw out there about what's happened to you is nothing more than act. You can try to cover it up all you want, but it shows on your face everyday that you love it." Eli stared at her blankly before Terri took a bite of her dinner and said, "You love it. There's just something in you that makes that little thing of yours twitch when I bark out an order. We all see how hot and bothered you look sometimes when we've really got you squirming and flustered trying to follow our orders." Eli slumped a little knowing that every word Terri spoke was true. He realized that the girls all knew too well how much he was enjoying his position beneath them before he replied, "I'll give you an interest, but I'm not going to make you an equal partner." "Why not?" "You haven't earned it," Eli replied as he straightened up. "Then, I'm going to walk," Terri responded as she began to stand up. "Don't go just yet," Eli said before he added, "I will give you a substantial interest." "How substantial?" "Enough to make it more than worth your while to continue playing your part in this game," Eli answered before Terri sat back down at the table. Once Terri sat back at the table, they negotiated for a few minutes while they ate before Eli agreed to give Terri a 40 percent ownership interest in exchange for an agreement that it revert back to him if she ever left the business. As the ownership issue was finished being sorted, Terri smiled and said, "I have another condition." "What?" Eli asked, flustered as he thought the deal had been settled. "I want to have Katie formally named the office manager." "Why?" "I need a formalized lieutenant to help make sure that the company's policies are being carried out." Knowing that he and his new coworker already answered to Katie, Eli shrugged as he responded, "I'll give her the formal title, but I'm not giving her another raise." "The title is enough," Terri replied with a smile. Eli rolled his eyes as he went back to eating his steak, knowing that Katie would surely lord her title over his head. Terri and Eli finished eating before they said goodbye and retired to their respective homes for the night. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When Eli returned to the office the next morning, Terri called Eli, Melina and Katie into her office. They closed the door to her office before Terri explained the deal that she had struck with Eli. Katie and Melina gave Eli curious looks before Eli confirmed the deal and announced Katie's formal change in title. Katie beamed at the sound of her title, knowing that she was formally above Eli in the pecking order. Terri then told them that she had called an attorney to formalize her arrangement with Eli. Eli nodded in silence before Katie congratulated Terri. Melina withheld comment on the deal before she exited the room in silence. As the meeting ended, Eli went to his desk. He smoothed out the back of the lace overlay of his bronze colored pencil skirt and wondered why he had agreed to the deal in the first place. The more he thought about Terri's ultimatum, the less leverage he thought she really had over him. Still, portions of Terri's assessment of the situation rang true in his head. He knew that he liked the sensations of the soft and silky fabrics that were encasing his hairless body. Being ordered around by Terri and Katie also gave him a peculiar thrill, even though he could not understand where the source of that excitement came from. While Eli tried to come to terms with his situation, Melina was sitting at her desk and shaking her head as she digested the news. After a few minutes, Melina picked up her phone and called Eli. "What's going on, Miss Anaxandra?" Eli asked. "Can you come into my office, Elise?" "Sure," Eli replied. "Thanks," Melina responded before she hung up the phone. Eli got to his feet and made his way to Melina's door as his tight pencil skirt restricted his stride. He came to her door and knocked upon it. "Come on in," Melina said before she asked Eli to close the door. Eli complied before he moved towards her desk and took a seat before it and asked, "What can I do for you?" Melina leaned back in her seat while she replied, "I have a slight issue with your agreement with Terri." "What?" Eli asked. "It's just not fair, really." "Why's that?" "I do all the work. I bring in clients. She hasn't brought in a single one. Even Angelo came here the first time because I kept hounding him to give us a chance." Eli nodded in agreement with her assessment, understanding how Melina felt. Melina looked at Eli and shook her head before she said, "I've been silent about this long enough, Elise. I've kept my mouth shut because I know that you like this on some level. I'm sorry, but I just can't hold my tongue any longer though." Eli was startled by her statement, even though it squared completely with the assessment that Terri had given him the day before. 'They all know I'm a sissy', Eli thought as he hung his head as he went to defend himself. Before he could muster a word in defense, Melina continued, "I was fine working for an entrepreneur because you built this company from the ground up before I got here. You got it to a point, and you gave me a shot, and I'm grateful for that. That being said, I'm pissed beyond belief that you would turn over a part of this company that I've spent years building up to that bitch." Eli was taken aback as he stared at Melina, realizing that her frustration had been clearly building over the months since his chance encounter with Angelo en femme. Melina shook her head while she added, "Terri is not a businesswoman; she's just a crafty opportunist." Terri pushed the door open to Melina's office as she heard Melina's loud voicing of her opinion. "What the fuck?" Terri screamed as she stared at Melina. Melina glared back at her as Eli sat between the two of them before Terri charged towards her and shouted, "Collect your shit and get out of here." "What?" Eli asked. "Melina's fucking fired," Terri retorted. Melina stared at Eli before Eli laughed slightly as he said, "No, she's not." "Who the fuck are you to overrule me?" "The person who owns the company," Eli responded in a low voice, not wanting the other secretaries to overhear before he got up and closed Melina's door. Terri shook her head as she retorted, "I can't have someone who doesn't respect me working for me." "Miss Anaxandra is a good worker. She's brought in a lot of business over the years for us." "Not as much as Angelo has given you with all of his..." "I know, I know, but she's the one who brought him in too." "To start with, but he'll be gone the minute he finds out I'm gone," Terri retorted. Eli looked over Terri's seething face before he glanced over at Melina, who was struggling to keep from exploding. "Are you telling me it's her or you?" Eli asked Terri. "Exactly," Terri responded with a scowl as she stomped her foot. Eli sat back down before Melina's desk and said to Melina, "This would give me a chance to move on with my life, maybe try to reclaim it a little." Terri's anger dissipated as fear overcame as she realized that Eli was going to side with Melina. Her voice broke a little as she said, "I'm sorry, Elise. I was too harsh. I was just upset about what she said about me." "I can understand that," Eli responded while he stared at her and saw her shaking hands. "I can coexist with her," Terri replied. Eli nodded his head before Melina interjected, "I'll stay on with her perched up on her little pretend throne, only if I get a piece of her ownership shares." Eli looked at Melina and asked, "How much?" "At least 50 percent!" "50 percent!" Terri bellowed, realizing that she was going to be reduced to a 20 percent share of the company. "Take it or leave it," Melina retorted. Eli turned to Terri. Her fears had clearly receded and she was back to seething before she muttered through gritted teeth, "Fine." "Go call the lawyer and tell him the new terms," Melina said to Terri. Terri stared at Melina in silence, realizing that she had been given an order. While she had received orders from Melina for many years, she had thought that those days were in the past. She muttered as she walked out of the office and headed towards her office. She slammed the door and picked up the phone and called the attorney to alert him of the changes. Eli got up and to his feet to let Melina cool off before he headed for her door. As he made his way back to his desk, he saw the new secretary was missing. "Where did Amber go?" Eli asked Katie. Katie shook her head as she replied, "She quit on the spot." Eli stared at Katie in silence before Katie explained, "Terri's screaming and Melina's statements just got to her. She said this place as a zoo and she took off." "She never appreciated Terri's attitude," Eli said in an emotionless tone. "She didn't quite get the underlying subtext to her haughtiness towards her secretaries," Katie said as smile came to her face. Eli laughed a little as he said, "I'm going to tell Teri that you called her uppity." "I didn't call her uppity!" "Haughty, uppity, same difference," Eli replied before Katie playfully slapped his arm and said, "Just get back to work. We're not paying you to gossip." "Oh, was this a one way gossip conversation?" Eli inquired. Katie smiled as she nodded her head and turned back towards her monitor. Eli rolled his eyes while he sat at his secretary's desk and began work on correspondence for Melina. As Eli typed up letter, he saw Katie get up and go into Terri's office. Katie closed the door behind her as she began to talk with Terri. Eli could hear some muffled conversation, but he tried to focus on his task at hand. Despite his best efforts, Eli was preoccupied by how Terri would handle Amber's sudden departure and the reasons for it. Once Katie emerged from Terri's office, Eli turned to her and asked, "How did she take it?" "You'll have to be more specific." Eli smiled as he asked, "I know how she feels about the whole Melina thing. I was talking about Amber's quitting." "She wasn't too happy, but she said it was better to know she couldn't handle things early on." Eli nodded before Katie said, "She's got me looking for a new secretary ASAP." "Good. We're going to need the help." "You don't have to tell me about it," Katie rejoined with a smile as she began looking through the resumes she received right before the company hired Amber. Eli tried not to listen as he heard Katie calling the girls to set up interviews, but he wondered how the new girl would treat him. Amber had been uncomfortable with him as she had been told that Eli was a transsexual. Eli believed that played into Amber's sudden quitting. Eli hoped that the next girl would be more casual around him. As the afternoon came, Terri received the contract from the company's attorney. The contract was emailed over to her before she printed copies and called out to Eli, "Elise?" "Yes, Miss Monet," Eli replied. "Can you please get the copies out of the printer and give one to myself, Melina and yourself?" "Sure," Eli responded as he got to his heeled feet. Eli walked towards the copier and took hold of the three copies of the short contract. Eli stapled each contract before he placed one on his desk. He then carried the second contract towards Melina's office. Melina smiled as she saw Eli knocking on her door. Eli smiled back as he held up the contract and said, "Courtesy of Miss Monet." Melina shook her head and said, "I'm sure she didn't do it with much courtesy." Eli nodded with a smile while he brought the contract to Melina's desk. He placed it on top of pile of papers and headed back to his desk to read the contract. As Eli poured over the pages, he nodded, knowing that the contract was written in plain language that mirrored their agreement, except that it required Melina and Terri to make payments to him for their shares from their wages. Once Melina and Terri finished their own review of the contracts, they met in the conference room with Katie to execute the agreement. They sat down at the table. Terri signed the three duplicate original contracts first before she passed the copies of the contract to Melina. Melina looked them over one last time, not trusting Terri, before she placed her signature on the pages. Eli smiled at Melina as he perused each contract one last time, following her lead. Satisfied that Terri was not trying to pull off a con, Eli signed the contracts before Katie notarized each of their signatures. With the contracts signed, Eli, Terri and Melina each took a copy and returned to their desks. As Eli folded and put his copy of the contract into his purse, Katie began making phone calls to ascertain if the prior applicants for the open secretarial position were still interested as well. Once they began to interview new girls for the office, Eli realized that Terri was determined not to make the same mistake she made with hiring Amber. She used little subtly in making the situation known to prospective employees as she introduced herself as Miss Monet and advised each applicant that she ran a formal office. Some of the girls interviewed were put off by the level of formality with Terri, but even more of them were clearly uncomfortable with calling their prospective office manager by her last name. Terri and Katie tried to make their roles even clearer by calling in Elise to each interview. Elise would enter and ask, "Yes, Miss Monet?" Each time, Terri replied, "Can you get me a cup of tea and Katie do you want anything?" Katie never missed the chance to give Eli her order, which prompted him to reply, "Yes, Miss Millstone." The formal tone of their conversations stunned many of the potential secretaries they interviewed. Some left on the spot, noting that they would not fit in. Others waited for Eli to bring back their drinks before they were introduced to him. As Eli put down the drink in front of Katie, Terri said, "This is Elise. She's our sole secretary at the moment. You can call her by her first name as you will be her equal." That comment caused a number of other applicant's to turn away from the job. Each of the four girls that made it passed that point were then confronted with another fact by Katie, "As you may have noticed, Elise has the faintest of hints of an Adam's apple." Some of the girls would squint to see it, while some were outright shocked when they realized the truth before Katie explained, "Elise is a transsexual, but we respect her and respect her choice to live as a woman. Are you comfortable with that?" Only one of the girls turned away from that test, leaving the once crowded field for the position down to three applicants. From the final group, Melina and Terri met with the candidates before they selected Linda to join them. Linda was an older woman with significant experience in her field. Eli was slightly intimidated by her given her extensive resume and years of experience as a secretary. That Linda seemed to almost speak down to him was not lost on Eli or Terri. Terri smirked at Linda's view of Eli as a greenhorn at a role that she felt she perfected. Eli was slightly turned on by it, which only served to further his self-doubts. As Linda was set to start working beside him, Eli knew that there would no respite from his feminized position at work on the horizon. His home life had taken a similar turn since Felicia began to stop by his home unannounced. After one of those meetings, Eli sat down in his living room and looked at the feminine touches that decorated his apartment. He felt almost forced to shake his head as he thought about what life had been like before the bet. He had been a single bachelor, living in a large home. He lured girls in with his expensive European sports car and ensnared them with the trappings of wealth that his home and successful business afforded him. Now, he was living in a modest sized apartment and driving a Japanese sedan. The trappings of wealth that allured women had been stripped away from him, just like every outward vestige of his masculinity. Given Felicia's unannounced visits, Eli realized that the only safe course was to live as a woman 24 hours a day. His male life had become unlivable, and he only dressed in male clothing in his dreams. Even in his dreams though, Eli was growing more feminine. It was growing to be a rare occurrence where he was not dressed as a woman from head to toe in his dreams. Eli knew that he could not hide from his feminine existence and felt stuck in it. The rare chance to put on his male clothing always passed with him passing on the opportunity. Eli did not see any reason to wallow in his faded masculinity, knowing that pursuing two lives would do him no good anyway, since the very things that he had flashed to entice girls were excised from his life. As Linda's first day at the office arrived, Eli reconciled himself to the fact that he had to portray himself as nothing more than someone happy to be a woman at all times during the workday. Eli arrived early that morning to be sure that he was there to greet her. Eli was the second person to arrive at the office that morning after Melina. They chatted for a little while until Eli heard Linda come in. Eli went over to her and greeted her before he showed her to her desk. Katie arrived not long after and greeted them both before she pulled Linda aside to give her tasks for the week. Eli listened while they talked by Katie's desk about what had to be done while he worked on his tasks. Once Linda sat down, Katie's eyes turned towards Eli. A smile came to her face as she said, "Elise, a word please." Eli rolled his eyes as he got to his feet and walked towards her. Eli looked at Katie and asked, "What's going on, Katie?" "I need you to copy these documents for Miss Monet." "Sure," Eli said as he took hold of the papers Katie was pointing to. "How many do you need?" Katie responded, "Three." Eli nodded as he replied, "No problem. I'll get to them right after I finish typing in..." "No. Elise, I need them done now." "Now?" "Yes, they're your top priority this morning, after you get me a cup of coffee," Katie answered as she held up her coffee cup. Eli could immediately tell that Katie's show of dominance was intended as a message to Linda about the hierarchy in the office and to make him squirm in front of her. Eli took the cup from her without objection and made his way towards his desk. After putting down the stack of papers, Eli headed for the kitchen, clutching Katie's cup. He shook his head as it brewed, knowing that Katie was enjoying putting him through his paces in front of Linda, since he had no choice but to go along with the illusion of her being the boss during business hours. Once the cup of coffee finished brewing, Eli add milk to the coffee the way that Katie liked and made his way back to her desk. Eli handed it to Katie with a forced smile before she gave him an emotionless thank you. Eli then headed towards his desk and took hold of the papers he had been given to copy. After clasping the stack of papers, Eli walked over to the copier machine. Setting the papers down, Eli punched in the number of required copies before he began to remove the staples from the documents and run them through the machine. The sound of the shifting trays and humming of the copiers filled Eli's ears as he continued running off copies while he talked to himself through what he was supposed to do. Once the copies finished printing, Eli collected the papers and brought them back to his desk. He sorted the documents, pausing only to answer a phone call, before he carried the papers to Katie's desk. Katie thanked Eli as he put the papers down before he returned to his desk. After getting settled back in at his desk, Eli went back to doing the task that Katie had pulled him off of to make copies. Eli was forced, however, to pause several times to answer the phone while he worked. While Eli was finishing taking a message from one client, Terri walked by and dropped a document on his desk and told him to fax it. Eli nodded as he finished the telephone call. Eli hung up the phone and took hold of the paper. He looked at the number he had to fax it to and made up a fax coversheet before he printed it. Eli then walked towards the fax machine and typed in the numbers to the fax number and sent it through. Katie walked over to Eli after he finished faxing the document and inquired, "Have you collected the task list from everyone?" "Not yet," Eli admitted as he rotated his low back, swivel chair to face her. "Well, get to it. Chop, chop," Katie responded shaking her head before telling Eli and Linda that she was going to the bathroom. Eli shook his head as Katie got out of view before he got to his feet and quickly collected Katie, Terri and Melina's tasks lists. As he sat back down, he began to type up the updates to them that the girls had handwritten on the task lists they had been given the week before. While Eli got to typing, Linda got up and walked towards him and whispered, "Katie's seems like a real bitch." "More than you know, but you get used to her," Eli replied in a hushed tone with a smirk as he crossed his nylon covered legs. Linda nodded as she said, "I hope so." Linda then turned and returned to her desk to get back to work. Eli smiled at her comment about Katie while he shook his head a little as he continued making the updates to the task list. After Katie returned from the restroom, she paused at Eli's desk and said, "Elise, get everyone's lunch order and put it in. We're going to have a meeting today." "Okay, Miss Millstone," Eli replied before asking where they were ordering form. Katie smiled as she answered, "Ask Miss Monet." Eli nodded before he got to his feet and knocked on Terri's door. Terri let Eli stare at her in silence for a few moments before she acknowledged him. "Do you know where you want to order from?" Eli asked. Terri nodded and told Eli where to order lunch from before she told him what she wanted. Eli jotted down her lunch order and hurried over to Melina's office. Melina smiled at Eli while she gave him her order before he walked over to Katie and asked her the same question. Katie paused for a second before she pulled out her copy of the menu from the establishment. Katie hemmed and hawed for a bit as she perused the menu. Eli twisted from side to side while he waited for her to make a decision, feeling the hem of his black and white geometric shape patterned pencil skirt pressing against his nylon encased legs while he did so. Katie eventually came up with an order before she handed him the menu to give to Linda. Eli took it without comment and moved towards Linda's desk. Linda politely thanked Eli for the menu before she looked it over. As she finished reading it, Linda asked Eli, "Is there anything you would recommend?" Eli nodded as he told her his favorite dish from the eatery. Linda smiled as she told Eli to order it for her. "Exquisite choice, Madame," Eli said with a laugh as he turned away from Linda and returned to his desk. Eli sat down and called the number of the eatery. He placed the order and turned his attention back to his work. Once the food arrived, Eli got up and greeted the delivery man. After he paid for the meal with the company's credit card, he carried the box containing the food into the conference room. Eli separated the food and drinks by the person who ordered them and placed one meal in front of each seat in the conference room before he went back to his desk. Eli grabbed the company information documents that Terri was going to hand out to Linda just as he had once handed them out to Terri. Eli then took hold of the updated company task lists that he had printed out for the girls. Eli carried the documents into the conference room and divided them up on the table before he told Terri that they were ready to start the meeting. Terri nodded before she picked up the phone and made the announcement over the company's public address system. The girls soon filed into the conference room and sat down in front of their food before Eli walked in and sat next to the phone, knowing that he was expected to answer it during the meeting. Terri started the meeting by welcoming Linda to the company again before she and Melina began to give her an orientation on the office. Linda nodded along before they moved on to discussing the items on the company's task list while they ate. Eli listened largely in silence, only pausing to answer the phone and take messages for Melina and Terri from the various people who called. As Eli jotted down his new tasks for the week in silence, he thought about how the meetings were conducted when he was still wearing oxfords. He was every bit as in charge of the meetings as Terri was trying to portray herself as, even as Melina could not help but interject to show that she did not consider Terri above her. With every task he wrote down for himself without being able to object, Eli felt more and more removed from being the boss. Once the meeting came to an end, Eli and the girls returned to their desks. Eli stared at his to do list and went about filing the documents that had been placed on his desk by Katie, Melina and Terri throughout the morning. He made folders for each document that did not have one before he clutched them towards his two-toned lace blouse with cap sleeves and a rounded neckline and made his way to the filing cabinets. As he opened up one of the top filing cabinets, the nude sheer pantyhose covered heels of Eli's feet rose out of his shoes as he peered into the cabinet and retrieved the relevant files. Eli put away the files in them before he closed the top cabinet and opened a lower cabinet as his feet came to rest fully in his shoes again. Eli filed the documents away and moved onto another cabinet and repeated the same motions as he searched through the remaining cabinets for the relevant file folders. Once Eli finished filing the documents, he took hold of a bundle of papers that Terri had left for him to copy. Eli made his way over to the copier and spread the papers out as he began to copy the set. Katie shook her head as she saw Eli copying the set of papers. She walked over to him and said, "Elise, you look like you're positively spastic over here with all these papers strewn about." "I know where they all go." Katie shook her head as she said, "From now on, try to divide your copying job by subject. Leave part of it on your desk so you don't mix things up." "I have never mixed anything up," Eli retorted. "Elise, that's an order not a suggestion. You're bordering on insubordination, Missy!" Melina overheard Katie's comment and came out of her office to shout, "Katie, what is wrong with you?" "What?" "I saw what you just did." "I was correcting her." "You were picking the nit of nits. Let her do her job." "How else will she learn?" "She's learned enough. You're just trying to be an ass." Katie glared at Melina before she Melina said, "Don't try to take your insecurities out on Elise." Katie blushed as Eli smiled at Melina. He wanted to thank, but he figured that doing so would only cause the situation to escalate. Consequently, he decided to revel in Katie's humiliation in silence. After that, from time to time, Melina upbraided Katie or Terri for the way they treated him. Katie suffered it in silence, but Terri fought back, rejoining in private that Eli liked it. While part of that was true, Eli felt that the girls crossed the line from time to time. He was happy that Melina was actively helping try to get him comfortable with his feminized self. He sometimes wondered, however, if she merely did out of some sort of pity that she had for him. It was not long after Linda started that Melina arranged a dinner for herself, Eli and Felicia. Eli was excited to go along with it. They met after work and had a few cocktails at the bar before they were seated for dinner. As they began to eat their dinners, Melina looked at Eli and said, "How are you handling Katie and Terri?" "They're fine," Eli replied, a bit confused by the statement. "I don't think that they're fine." "What's wrong?" Felicia asked Melina. "The other girls are teasing Eli for transitioning," Melina replied truthfully, but without explaining the meaning behind her use of the word transitioning. "How come you didn't tell me that?" Felicia turned towards Eli and asked. Eli saw the hurt look on Felicia's face before he said, "I try not to make too much of it." Felicia shook her head and said, "I know. I get it. The same thing happened to me. It's bound to keep happening to you. It's a shame you two can't fire or drive off those bitches like Angelo did to protect me." Eli and Melina turned towards each other as they thought about Felicia's comment. Each knew that Eli could fire Katie, and possibly Terri, if it was not for the business that Felicia's brother was giving them. "You know, I could probably talk to my brother about hiring you," Felicia then said. Eli and Melina gave each other worried looks before Eli said, "Thanks, but I don't want to complicate our relationship." Felicia nodded her head as she replied with a laugh, "Yes, it would be weird having you report directly to me." "Totally," Eli replied as he thought, 'Did I just say totally? What am I becoming a Valley girl?' "Now, you mentioned transitioning," Felicia said to Melina. "Yes," Melina replied. Felicia turned towards Eli and said, "Are you going to be starting hormones soon?" Eli gave her an aghast look. Felicia read his reaction and began to backtrack before Eli answered, "I'm not ready for that yet." Melina nodded as she said, "Well, Elise, if it's something that you want, you really can't put it off forever. At some point, you've just got to take the plunge." Eli nodded in silence, figuring that Melina was implying that she believed that his feminization was about more than a bet gone wrong. Eli thought that Melina seemed to believe that he was a transsexual in denial. Melina realized that she had touched a raw nerve with Eli and changed the subject as they continued eating dinner. Eli was quieter than usual throughout the evening as he wondered if Melina was right. He started to doubt that he was really a man. As he chewed on his food, Eli looked around and realized that he was more fixated on what the pretty women around him were wearing and that thoughts of physical relations with them were not entering his head. The men still did not seem very appealing to Eli though. Eli tried to focus on fantasizing about being on a date with one of the men and getting below the table and giving his date oral sex. The thought made his member twitch as he began to squirm, wondering what it meant about his sexuality. Eli had never identified as anything other than a straight man. He could not understand the source of the fantasy that replayed in his head several times while they finished their meal. 'What the fuck is happening to me?' Eli wondered as he split the cost of the meal with the girls before they said goodbye for the night. Eli returned to the office the next morning, trying to put the thoughts he had the night before out of his head. Eli focused on his work, while he toiled beside Linda, under Katie's ever watchful and scrutinizing eye. Despite Katie's scrutiny, it was Linda who was upbraided by Katie that morning. Linda strolled into the office wearing a conservative, smart looking black skirt suit with an A-line that Eli admired a little. Terri gave it a disapproving look before Katie sprung to her feet. Katie went over to Linda and said, "Linda, that outfit is not appropriate for the workplace." Linda gave Katie a strange look as she looked down at her professional looking outfit and asked, "What is wrong with it?" "It's too similar to what Miss Monet and Miss Anaxandra wear. We don't want anybody coming in here and getting confused about each girl's role." Linda gave her a curious look, as did Eli, before Linda responded, "I had no idea." Katie nodded as she said, "It's not your fault. It's our fault really. We should get a written dress code. In fact, I'm going to speak to Miss Monet and Miss Anaxandra about it." Linda nodded before Katie turned and went into Terri's office to talk about formalizing a dress code. It was not long before they went and got Melina to consent to creating a written dress code. Katie smiled as she walked back towards Eli and Lind and said, "Girls, we're going to work on a dress code and get it to you as soon as possible. For the time being, just try to think about what Miss Monet and Miss Anaxandra and try to coordinate your outfits to be a notch below them, okay?" "Yes, Miss Millstone," Eli and Linda replied in near unison. Despite Linda's lapse with the dress code, Eli quickly realized that the other girls in the office all viewed Linda as the superior secretary of the two. As her first few weeks passed, it became clearer to Eli that Linda was getting the more mentally stimulating tasks, while he was left to answer phones, make copies, file papers and send faxes. Linda seemed to gain the girls' trust quickly as her abilities largely outstripped Eli's. Eli rationalized that it was her decades of experience that had made more complicated secretarial tasks positively mundane for her. Katie never ceased to praise the new employee in front of Eli. Eli knew Linda deserved it, but he also realized that Katie was trying get in a few playful dig at him in the process. When she called Linda the "senior secretary" in front of him, Eli's head jerked towards Katie. The smile on her face told Eli all he had to know about Katie's intent and implication that he was the junior secretary in the office. Eli's manhood swelled between his legs when she said as much, knowing that he was excited that it was undeniably true. Linda noticed his lack of objection and began to treat Eli as more of her assistant than a peer. The other girls noticed it as well. Katie and Terri could barely contain their smiles when Linda practically ordered Eli to get her a cup of coffee while she worked on an important file for Melina. Eli's arousal drove him to comply with the command and kept him from fighting against the normalization of his role in the office hierarchy that was sinking far lower than that of the much more experienced new secretary. While Eli was sure that Linda's experience was a separating factor in their competencies for their job, he knew that there was more to it. As much as he tried to focus on the mindless tasks in front of him, Eli frequently found himself wondering about where his life was heading. Eli was growing more and more divorced from the male life he had led exclusively until he found himself in skirts. The powers that he had once exercised in the office were almost entirely stripped of him due to Linda's hiring. The feeling of powerlessness that he had regarding his workplace and home life were becoming normalized for him. They were no longer strange, just as the luxurious, sensual feelings of tights, the foot pain from heels and the restrictions of his hems were all things he came to expect throughout the course of the day. Every conception that Eli had about himself before he became a skirted employee seemed to be challenged. He knew that with every challenge, his self perception was being forced to change as his formerly cemented perceptions rarely met the new reality of his life that was being cemented around him. His concerns were something that he could not share with Katie or Terri, knowing how much they would likely use them against him. Linda was too indifferent and dismissive of him to entertain them either. The only outlets he had to share his feelings were with Felicia and Melina. Melina had become his sole confidant in the office. He had often leaned on her over the years when he was the boss, and he was happy to see that she would give him a sympathetic ear from time to time as he tried to sort out what had happened to his life. A few weeks after Linda's wardrobe snafu, Terri released the office's new dress code that she had worked out with Katie and Melina. The three page handout was given to each employee. The breakdown was into two classes of employees, managers and sales in the first class and administrative staff in the second. Eli read the limited restrictions on the managers and sales staff that allowed them largely free reign in their selections, mandating only a professional appearance at all times. His eyes veered down to the section for the administrative staff and opened wide as he read the restrictions. The options for secretaries seemed to Eli to be as limited as the options for the managers and sales staff was open-ended. The restrictions did not surprise Eli while he read the outright prohibition of secretarial staff wearing pantsuits or skirt suits. Eli shook his head and wondered which of the girls wrote the explanation for the rule, "Suiting is too formal for administrative staff and may lead to confusion regarding a girl's role in the company among our clients." Eli wondered if the language came from Katie or Terri or was collaboration as he proceeded to read what he was permitted to wear, "Administrative staff must maintain a presentable appearance at all times. Day dresses may be worn by all administrative staff. Acceptable bottoms include skirts and pants separates. Acceptable tops include blouses, sweaters and cardigans only. Tops cannot include t- shirt or camisoles." While Linda looked over the dress code as well, she turned to Eli and said, "This is how we normally dress anyway, right?" "Yes," Eli admitted before he continued to read the restrictions, "If an administrative staff wears a skirt or dress, hosiery must be worn to cover their legs. Acceptable hosiery includes sheer and opaque colors as well as muted, non-garish patterns." Eli wondered if the provision was simply inserted for him as his manhood pressed into the seat beneath his blue, lace trimmed, jersey, pencil skirt and black sheer pantyhose covered bottom. Eli's eyes then proceeded down to the restrictions on his footwear, "Administrative staff may wear flats, however, they must have a pair of pumps, with at least a two inch heel, to change into in the event of meetings with clients or other important persons." Eli shrugged at the provision before he read the enforcement agent provision. It was hardly a shock to his system to see that the office manager was given authority to enforce the dress code amongst the administrative staff. Melina was given the authority to enforce it over Katie, which Eli assumed was a protection measure inserted by Melina to help protect against any overzealousness by Katie. Melina and Terri were allowed to self police their own compliance with the dress code. The following day, the formalized dress code went into full force and effect in the office. Eli entered the office early and got to work at his desk before Linda and Katie walked in. Shortly after Katie settled in at her desk, she called over to Linda and Eli and told them to come over to her. Linda and Eli stood up and made their way towards her desk. It took Eli a matter of seconds to realize that they were being inspected from head to toe by Katie for compliance. Her eyes started at the black, tumbled leather, 2 ? inched heeled wedges on Eli's feet before they moved towards Linda's black, scrunched leather, ballerina flats. They then followed up Linda's black pants before doing the same with Eli's nude pantyhose and coral colored, ponte pencil skirt. Eli and Linda squirmed a little as they gave each other nervous looks, despite each being sure that they were in full compliance with the dress code. Katie examined Linda's black and white striped, three- quarter sleeve, V-neck blouse before looking over Eli's white, knit turtleneck sweater with textured knit inlays. Katie gave them an approving nod before she gave them each a work assignment. Eli returned to his desk embarrassed and aroused by the close inspection by his former subordinate. Eli tried to shake it from his mind as he got started on inputting the numbers into the spreadsheet that Katie gave him. Eli sat down and got to work inputting numbers into a spreadsheet for Melina. He tried to focus on his task and not on the feelings of being under a microscope that were overcoming him. Eli spent almost his entire day inputting the numbers and copying papers, pausing only to get lunch for himself and get coffees and supplies for Katie and Terri. The mundane nature of the work made the day seem especially grueling for Eli after his morning inspection. After work ended, Eli got together with Felicia at a local gay bar. While he had once felt out of place there, Eli was comfortable there that evening, even though there were gay men who were clearly uncomfortable with him and Felicia. They sat down together with a drink and started talking to each other. As they talked about their days, two men walked over and asked, "Can we buy you ladies a drink?" "Sure," Felicia answered for them as Eli glared at her. Felicia tilted her shoulders from side to side, clearly enjoying their attention, even while Eli did not. One man left to get the drinks, while the other stayed and began to flirt with Felicia. 'Unbelievable', Eli thought as he remembered his first trip to the gay bar involved a man hitting on him. As Felicia giggled, Eli thought, 'Why can't they just leave us alone?' "You know we're not real girls," Eli said as the second man returned and handed them the drinks. "Speak for yourself," Felicia retorted. Eli gave her a look, clearly seeing that she was offended. Eli tried to figure out why, but the man who handed him the drink interjected with a laugh, "That's not really our type." "We like girls like you," the other said as he leered at Felicia. "Like us, how?" Felicia asked. "You know, with the right plumbing." Felicia gave him a blank before a grin came upon her face while she noted, "Does my voice seem a bit higher than my friends?" "Yes," the man hitting on her said. "Do you know why?" "Hormones." "Yes, but I'm a lot further along in the process than that," Felicia replied. "How much further?" "So much so that I don't think you'd like my plumbing, as you call it," Felicia answered. The man cringed realizing that Felicia was not the girly boy he thought her to be. "How about you?" The man's friend asked. "What about me?" Eli asked. "Have you gone the whole way," the man asked. "No," Eli replied, almost in disbelief that they thought he was a fully transitioned transsexual like Felicia. As the man's eyes widened, Felicia felt jealous of her friend. The man moved in towards Eli, prompting Eli to think, 'Can I ever come here and not have someone make a move on me?' Felicia smiled as she watched man's hand began to gently stroke Eli's pantyhose, wishing it was her on the receiving end of his advances. Eli's eyes widened as he felt his manhood stirring beneath him. 'What the hell is that about? It's just the feeling', Eli thought as he forced a smile back onto his face. The man sat beside Eli as his friend searched the room for another target. Felicia felt like a third wheel while the man focused his attention on Eli and moved closer to him. "You smell so good," the man said. "It's the perfume. Felicia got it for me," Eli said staring at Felicia, hoping that she would save him. Felicia was too focused on trying to enjoy the situation vicariously through Eli to do so though. "So what do you do?" The man asked. "I'm a secretary." "Really?" The man asked in almost disbelief. "What did you think I did?" "I don't know. Girls like you are usually either in low paying jobs or in porn." "Such a charmer," Eli said with fake enthusiasm, resisting the urge to spit in the man's eye. "I try." "Well, what do you," Eli asked, trying to change the subject as he felt the man's hand creeping around his waist. "I'm a nurse." "He's a male nurse, and I'm the one sitting here in a skirt," Eli said to Felicia hopping to turn the guy's attention away from him, even as he felt strangely at ease with the man's hands on his body. Felicia laughed, but the man found Eli's response playful. He whispered into Eli's ear, "If you come home with me, maybe we could play doctor." The statement turned Eli's stomach as his heard jerked towards the smiling man. The man placed a kiss upon his lips. The lack of any feelings that had accompanied his first kiss from a man had gone. Eli realized he felt something, but his confusion prevented any chance of make sense of them. As their lips parted, Eli felt sick to his stomach. He stumbled away from the man, catching himself on a table. He turned and made up an excuse to leave that immediately struck him as scattered brained. Eli hurried out of the bar and towards his car while Felicia followed him out the door. Eli got into his car and pulled away from the bar as fast as he could while Felicia stared at him in dumbfounded silence. Eli shook as he drove his car home. He wondered how he found himself in a man's embrace as he drove. After parking, Eli rushed inside his building and made his way up to his second floor condominium unit. He closed the door behind him as tears began to stream down his cheeks. Eli hurried into his bathroom and stared at his reflection. The weeping feminine visage staring back at him seemed to mock him. Eli tried to think of himself as the heterosexual man he had always been. The reflection staring back at him made such thoughts seem beyond belief, even to him. Thoughts crowded Eli's mind about what had happened to him. He wondered how he could possibly feel the way he did. Eli wondered if it was the clothes since he had not worn male clothing in months. The idea struck Eli as absurd while he wondered if he was simply utterly desperate for human contact. He had not dated a girl since his time as Elise had begun. Eli began to hope that it was merely an unfilled desire for intimacy that made his member twitch from the man's kiss. As Eli kept sobbing in his bathroom, he heard his buzzer ringing. Eli brushed the tears away from his eyes while he made his way towards the front door. "Hello," Eli called down. Felicia's voice greeted him on the intercom. Eli smiled a little as he realized that she was concerned enough about him to come over to his home. Eli buzzed her into the building and tried to make himself look presentable. After Felicia came up to his door, Eli let her in and greeted her. Felicia gave Eli a worried look as she saw the smeared mascara and eyeliner beneath his eyes. Felicia hugged Eli while she led him towards the couch and sat him down. Eli put his head on Felicia's shoulder as she began to stroke his hair and noted, "I know it's a confusing time for you, Eli." "You do?" "I've been there too," Felicia replied as she kept stroking his hair. Tears started to well up in Eli's eyes again as he knew that Felicia had not been quite in his shoes. Felicia's transition had been fully willing, while Eli's was partially forced upon him. Eli wanted to retort that Felicia wanted to be a woman, but he could not find the willpower to do so. Felicia kissed his cheek and wiped away his tears before she looked into his eyes. She could read the confusion on his face. She gave him a slight smile while she said, "As long as you're true yourself, Elise, then you'll have no regrets." "I don't even know who I am anymore," Eli retorted, staring at Felicia's face and feeling an odd attraction to her that he figured grew from the fact that she was the only person in his life he had close relationship with at that moment. Felicia kissed his cheek again before she stood up and said, "You do. You just to have look inside and ask what do I really want out from the rest of my life?" "Is that what you did?" "Yes, but I've always wanted this. I always felt that I was a girl. I could not bear the thought of being a man to the day I died. I would have rather killed myself than spend 80 years dragging myself around this rock in pants trying to pretend to be something I'm not." Eli nodded at her, realizing that Felicia realized that his position was not as clear as her position had been. Felicia kissed the top of Eli's head before she said, "Just remember that the little voice in your head isn't lying if you're having second thoughts. Either you want it or you don't. As long as you follow it, you'll do the right thing for yourself." Eli nodded again as Felicia waved goodbye to him again and let herself out. As the front door to his condominium unit closed, Eli thought about her words in silence. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eli awoke the next morning feeling somewhat broken, but at peace. He let out a sigh as he stared at his ceiling before he forced himself out of the bed. After undertaking his typical morning routine, he stepped out of his apartment and headed to work dressed in a cap sleeved, asymmetric, gray sheath dress with a wide v-neckline and ruching at the hips, black opaque tights and grey, suede 3 inch heeled pumps. His mind occasionally drifted to his conversation Felicia the night before. Eli felt as if he was finally reconciled with the situation and what had to be done. Eli pulled up in front of his office building and parked. He stepped out of his car and made his familiar trek through the parking lot up to the door. As he entered his office, Eli saw that he was the last girl to arrive that day. 'Must have dawdled a little', Eli thought before he exchanged greeting with Terri and Katie before he headed for his desk. Eli placed his purse upon it and said hello to Linda with a smile. Linda smiled as she exchanged pleasantries with him before Eli took a seat. Eli looked over the papers on his desk and thought about where to get started before Linda said, "Elise, I'm grabbing a coffee, do you want one?" Eli politely refused before he turned his attention to the papers in front of him. As he began looking over the first document, he heard the phone ringing. Instinctively, Eli reached for the phone to answer it before he saw Angelo's cell phone number on the caller identification screen. Eli watched it ring a second time, hesitating to pick it up the phone as he wondered what he should say to Angelo.

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‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Kaalaiyil Office Manager Udan Kaamam

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Anuja vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Indru kathaiyil naan velai seiyum idathil manager udan epadi sexiyaaga matter poten enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukirargal, avargal palliku sendru padipaargal. En kanavan ennai sariyaga ipppozhuthu ellam matter poduvathu kidaiyaathu. Thirumanam aana sila aandu matum thaan naangal nirvaanamaaga oothu irukirom, anaal ippozhuthu ellam mathathirku oru murai matum thaan ooka mudigirathu. Naan...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Middle Manager

The Middle Managerby Ashley B. D. Zacharias?I like your logic chart,? William said. ?I’m going to run it up to Chuck personally when he gets back from Chicago. It’s about time that we made him understand how your division supports the rest of the corporation. We can’t let our CEO keep thinking that all you do is run a help line for our users. You’re central to the whole organization. We can’t let you keep flying under senior management’s radar.?Keri flushed with pleasure. She had accomplished...

2 years ago
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

2 years ago
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Store Manager the young assistant

My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...

2 years ago
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Divorce a Job at KMart and the New young Black Manager

Introduction: An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! ...

2 years ago
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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

3 years ago
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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Divorce a Job at KMart and the New young Black Manager

An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward situations! She is a 34yr old divorced woman named Ashley that needs to work in order to make ends meet. Her two children are now living with her ex or his parents. She is alone devastated and insecure from the divorce, has few friends,thinks she is unattractive has no prospects and has...

1 year ago
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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

2 years ago
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Divorce a Job at KMart and the New young Black Manager Chapter three

Introduction: An older divorced white woman with what she thinks are few prospects goes to work at K-Mart where they have just hired a new manager and the fact that he is young and black has created several awkward and numerous kinky sexual situations! Divorce, a Job at K-Mart, and the New young Black Manager Chapter three This young black womans name is Chandra she is taller than Ashley and has undone her top exposing an equally attractive set of smaller, but firmer breasts and was quite...

2 years ago
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Manager With Mother

Hello everyone, I am Ritu 43 year old guy from Guwahati the following story is completely a fiction. I hope you will like it. Please send your feedback to me Jyotsna my mother had got some complaints about her son ritu and now she had to visit his Bank as was going to rusticate him. She grabbed her handbag with some cash as she knew that she had to pay for the damage her son had caused in the Bank accidently. She took a taxi and headed to the Bank all the way she was just thinking about her...

2 years ago
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Uncle Jim Fuck Me With Manager

After that day Uncle Jim’s visit to our home increase. Obviously he choose time when my parents are not home. Many time he got time to fuck me but all those were quickly kind. He is not satisfied with that. My grandpa got sick and I got exam so we hired a nurse now. So never found me alone at home. Its almost 3 months; uncle Jim come home and he didn’t get chance to even kiss me. On my last day of exam I saw him outside my school gate. My boyfriend was with me. I went to him to say hello. He...

3 years ago
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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

3 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Velaikaariyai Manager Roomil Vaithu Oothen

Puthithaaga velaiku sernthu oru software niruvanathil velai parthu kondu irunthen, naan eppozhuthum kaama padangalum kaama kathaigalum paarthu kondum padithu kondum irupen. Ennaku velaikaari sex seiyum kathaigal thaan miga pidithum aanal naan thinamum kai adithu sunniyil kanju vara vaithu konde irupen. Naan velaiku vanthathu ilamaiyaana pengal en arugil amarnthu irunthaargal, appozhuthu oru sexyaana velaikaari sutham seiya vanthu irunthaal. Avalin mulai perithaaga pazhuthu irunthathu pinbu...

3 years ago
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

3 years ago
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Desert Treat For My Hungry Manager

It had been only four days since, I joined as an Asst. Admin, and my manager (who took my interview), started asking me for a treat. There are about 4 people in our team, two of them are from IT and, me & my manager are from Admin. The IT team has one more female, so in a team of four, 2 are males and two females. Since my manager had been asking for a treat, I decided to order lunch for all four of us and I organized a small tea party. Everyone was happy and congratulated me on getting the...

1 year ago
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Office Manager Destroyed My Newly Married Pussy

Hi all, my name is Radhika and I used to read the stories on this site from the age of 18. At last, I got the courage to write my own experience here. I hope you like it. So, let me introduce myself. As I said, I am Radhika, 26 years of age, and the most important part which you like the most is my figure which is 32-28-38. Do not ask me why I have such a huge ass because as a teenager, I felt anal was less risky as I want to preserve my pussy for my husband only. That’s all. I have been...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Innocent Virgin Girl Fucked By Manager 8211 Part 1

Hi all. My name is Reshu and when this story happened, I was 43 kg with sizes 32-38-34. This happened when I was at the age of 22 in year 2016. I finished my B. Tech and decided to move to Bangalore in search of a job. I found a job within 3 months and started working in an MNC. I was new to the city and was an innocent girl who knew nothing about the world of sex. A few months into working, I was not meeting my targets and was at a peak of losing my job. I started crying for the same. Seeing...

2 years ago
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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

3 years ago
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She looks distracted. Fuck, who am I kidding – she looks scared. My arms are on both sides of her shoulders and as I look down at her she is looking everywhere but directly at me. I whisper her name as quietly as I can and she makes eye contact….   Tonight has been an experience already. We’ve been kicking this happening around for more than a year now and we’re both expecting it. I wouldn’t use the word ‘planned’ but the doubt has faded away through hours of conversation and occasional...

2 years ago
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She looks distracted. Fuck, who am I kidding - she looks scared. My arms are on both sides of her shoulders and as I look down at her she is looking everywhere but directly at me. I whisper her name as quietly as I can and she makes eye contact.... Tonight has been an experience already. We've been kicking this happening around for more than a year now and we're both expecting it. I wouldn't use the word "planned" but the doubt has faded away through hours of conversation and occasional...

3 years ago
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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

2 years ago
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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

2 years ago
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Me And The Manager With His Son

Hello again, This is Gaggana Jodatti from Karnataka, writing my second sex story. And thank you all for the responses on the previous story, and  for most of you asking – Yes, it was a true incident and even the continuation. I was wrapped in the urine-wet whale/dupatta going towards the lift of my apartment, got into the lift, pleasured by those fucks,pain in legs and with those started moving to my floor. As soon as the lift door opened on my floor, I was shocked and ashamed to find myself...

2 years ago
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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

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