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Bees by Bryony Marsh "New kid, eh? I'm Baker. Stick to me like glue today, and you'll be OK." The new worker stood out prominently, his clothing yet to be stained by the pollen. He looked excited, and anxious. "Is it true about the bees?" he asked. "I mean, you hear things, but... if they sting you...?" "It's not a sting; it's a bite. And of course they're not exactly bees - although close enough. If they bite you, they'll inject you with a poison that makes your nuts shrink. Gibson over there," he raised his voice, "he's been out here for years, and he's got a pair the size of raisins." Gibson replied with a middle finger. "Isn't there an antidote...?" the new kid began, but was interrupted by a shout from a gang boss. "Sector nine! Harvesting crew move out: transport on the ramp." He quickly checked through his gear, and finished by settling his breathing mask in place. Its filters were now the only thing that stood between him and the pollen. Everybody loved pollen. It was a benign, exhilarating narcotic. There were no addictive tendencies, and no side effects. It was the perfect drug - except that nobody had worked out a way to synthesize it: pollen had to grow naturally, and that was the reason why teams of men came to harvest it. Some they used themselves, but most they sent home, where it was worth its weight in gold. The 'transport' waiting for them was just an all-terrain; some of the older harvesters called it a 'pickup'. It lacked seals to keep the pollen out, so the team would have to keep their masks on all day. They bounced their way out to the assigned sector on the unmade road, and at last drew to a halt. They climbed down, and started unloading their kit. "There's a bee," Baker indicated it with a nod. The new kid just about jumped out of his skin. "Is it safe?" "Sure. Have a closer look at it. We're still a good distance from any flowers, so it'll ignore you. Also," he laughed, "they always go for Gibson first. Old lightning-rod Gibson, we call him." "Fuck you," the reply came, slightly muffled. "I've been here longer than any of you, is all." "We can tell..." The middle finger, again. Baker led the new kid towards the bee, using it as a pretext to get away from Gibson so he could talk. "I know you're new here, and you're keen to make your fortune, and everything. Maybe you've got a sweetheart back home, and you've told her you're going to come home as soon as you can afford to raise a family..." He held up a hand, rudely, to suggest he wasn't interested. "Just remember this: whatever your reasons for coming here, it's a balancing act. You want to work here long enough to make a pile, fine... but remember to get out while you can still enjoy it. Gibson won't admit it, but he doesn't ever plan to go home, because the bees have crippled him." "Crippled him?" "Yeah. Look, you've noticed there are no women at the camp?" The new kid nodded, warily. "In a few weeks, that's going to be driving you crazy. There's porn, of course, and cheaper and better pollen than you'd get anywhere else, but you'll still miss the squeeze. Then you'll get bitten once or twice by the bees... and it won't matter so much. You won't feel the need to masturbate anything like as often, and that's a kindness when you think about how we live." The kid said nothing, but he looked thoughtful. Baker was pleased: sensible kid! "Everybody gets bitten sooner or later. So you've got to decide, how much of yourself are you willing to trade away, before the wealth loses its appeal? Think about it, kid. But don't end up in exile like poor old Gibson." They examined the bee closely, while it droned back and forth in a simple flight pattern. It was almost an inch long, and covered with fine brown fuzz, coated with traces of pollen. Baker pointed out some things about it, and told the new kid to listen to its droning hum. Then he poked it with a gloved finger, and its hum became a whine. "This is the sound you have to listen out for," he said, batting the bee away. "It means the bee is going to attack. If you hear that sound, get your 'tennis racket' out, and swat him." The 'tennis racket' was a tool with a grid of fine wires, each carrying a high voltage. When brought into contact with a bee, the unfortunate creature was burnt to a crisp. Baker demonstrated this with a backhand swipe, and stowed the tool again. "Let's go get some pollen." +++ It was a long, hard day - as they all were. The new kid learned how to use a 'paintbrush' to dislodge pollen, and a 'vacuum' to collect it. At the end of the day, what he gathered would be weighed in, and his Company account would be credited accordingly. "Don't be tempted to scrub too hard," Gibson told him. "If the pollen isn't ready to fall, it isn't worth having. It'll just contaminate the batch. Anything that won't fall is best left to mature, and we can gather it next time we come this way." Gibson certainly knew his harvesting. He gathered at least twice as much pollen as the new kid, and didn't seem at all fatigued from all the climbing. The day went well, although they had to defend themselves against bees several times. As Baker had predicted, they seemed to go for 'lightning- rod Gibson' mostly. +++ The exotic and frightening became more comfortable after a few days. They would go out and gather the pollen, and keep a little back for their own enjoyment in the evening. When they weren't playing cards, they were using. Everybody at the camp was a pollen user. The new kid joined various different work crews, and got used to this pattern of life. It was his tenth time out when the accident happened. He was with Baker, Gibson and three other guys. They were harvesting from a profusion of flowers that looped around the branches of an immense tree. The best flowers weren't accessible from ground level, so they had climbed onto the lower branches and were working their way along them, in pairs. Several bees erupted from the blooms, all at once, and whined as they bore in towards (of course...) Gibson. "Son of a..." He grabbed his 'tennis racket' and incinerated them: one, two, three... Then he lost his footing. "No!" he cried, as he toppled out of the tree, and crashed down into the jungle below. As the most experienced men in the team, Gibson and Baker had been working the limb of the tree that extended out over a drop. The ground fell away into a steep ravine, filled with thick foliage; Gibson disappeared from view. The remaining five men fetched a rope, and used it to scramble down into the ravine, hacking at the dense undergrowth. They thought they could see damage where Gibson had crashed through the branches, and they continued to descend. Perhaps halfway down, they found Gibson's breathing mask, obviously knocked off as he fell. "He'll be high as a kite by now, if not unconscious," Baker warned. Calling out to their lost teammate would do no good, then. They continued to push on downwards, but were frustrated in their efforts by an increasing number of bees. Their whine was almost constant, and it was difficult to swat them in such a confined space. One man was bitten, and then another. "God damn bee nest!" the man exclaimed. "Let's get out of here!" They had to retreat: everybody agreed. Even back at the camp, nobody criticised them for abandoning Gibson. You didn't wade into a bee nest for a man who'd probably been killed by falling, and who'd lost his breathing mask. Baker called for a toast to "Old Shrivelnuts Gibson" and that was that. Gibson was gone. +++ Fifteen days passed. Some of the bees seemed to have been acting strangely; more aggressively, the old-timers said. The new kid had suffered his first bite, and had learned (as all did) that there was little that could be done, other than to take a testosterone supplement, and try not to get bitten again. Just as Baker had suggested, the bite actually helped him a little, as he had been feeling horny, and they were a long, long way from womankind. It had been a difficult day in Sector twelve, with the teams needing to stay close and keep a man on watch for bees all the time. They shared this task between them, so that all still had a chance to harvest the pollen, but the yields were poor. Back at the camp, the atmosphere was tense. An altercation broke out. A man was accused of cheating at cards. One of the other workers hauled him up out of his seat, and colourful bits of pasteboard went everywhere. It seemed that he did, indeed, have an extra deck concealed. These were men who earned a fortune - ten times what they would have got at home - and many of them gambled hard. In some cases, they lost fortunes. Wallace, a man who had lost a great deal in a recent game produced a knife, and before anybody could stop him, he tried to stick it in the cheater's belly. Only by luck did he avoid becoming a murderer, as his foe twisted aside, suffering a deep gash instead of a stab wound. "Enough!" roared a gang boss, savagely swinging his baton to subdue Wallace. He hit him twice, rendering him unconscious, and then stood over the bleeding, blubbering cheat, daring anybody else to try his patience. An alarm began to sound, indicating a malfunction in the ventilation system. Dozens of men scrabbled for their breathing masks, and then looked to see what might be wrong with the mechanism. "It's bees!" one worker exclaimed. "The intake is clogged with bees!" The camp's filters were designed to separate out pollen, so the men inside didn't need to wear their masks. A fine mesh trapped any stray pollen (which was added to that harvested) but now each filter was covered by the furry bodies of thousands of bees, and virtually no air was coming through. "It's getting hot," one man complained. "Will we suffocate, or die from heatstroke?" "We'll have to burn them." Nobody had any good ideas. This simply hadn't happened before, and the men's weapons were only meant for swatting individual bees, not dealing with an immense swarm such as this. They sent out radio messages, but they knew no help was available. Then something extraordinary happened. "There's a woman out there!" someone exclaimed. "What?" Several men checked the speaker's breathing mask, assuming he'd taken in some pollen - but no, it seemed he was right: there appeared to be a naked woman standing at the edge of the clearing. She beckoned. Some of the more educated among the men thought of the sirens of Greek mythology, luring sailors to their death. Some of the others were simply aroused by her, although those who had been bitten too many times found they could appreciate the sight of her intellectually, but not in a sexual way. Still, she beckoned. "She wants us to go out there." "Fuck that." "It's a trap." "So is this," Baker said. "I'll go an see if she's real, and ask what she wants." Pleased that he didn't suggest that somebody should accompany him, the men let him go. There didn't seem to be any bees flying in the immediate vicinity of the airtight door, so Baker opened it briskly, and slipped out. No bees whined. They kept their distance from him, and he crossed the clearing. As he drew closer, Baker could see that 'woman' wasn't quite the right word to use. This was a human-bee hybrid. She was covered in a fine golden fuzz, although in places it was black, and she had a kind of tail, extending behind her like a bustle. She gave the impression that standing erect was not entirely comfortable. He also thought he detected a little of his former comrade, Gibson, and this caused him to stop abruptly. "Gibson?" he asked. "I was Gibson," came the reply, in perfect English with feminine overtones. "But how -" "The bees needed me. They lost their queen, long ago. The enzyme in their bite was more complex than we thought." "What do they want?" "They are just drones; they want nothing." "Drones, right." Baker scratched his head. "Should I think of you as their Queen?" "That title will serve." The Queen met his gaze with eyes that appeared to have compound pupils. "And what do you want... your majesty?" "You have invaded this place. You must not disturb the Forest." Baker swallowed. "I'll tell the others. Anything else?" "There will be reparations to pay. If reparations are satisfactory, there is the possibility of trade between us." "Trade?" Baker was nonplussed. "You still desire pollen." "I imagine so," Baker admitted. The Company wasn't going to stop harvesting pollen, even if it had to fight a war to obtain it. "Fetch Green, and Hernandez. Only they have the authority to make an agreement." "Right. I'll go now." Baker turned, and trudged back to the buildings. It was disconcerting, trying to negotiate with so alien a creature, when it knew so much about the Company and its personnel - but that would be a problem for management. Baker found it much hotter inside the building. He reported his conversation, and the identity (old and new) of the woman at the edge of the clearing. He said he hadn't got the impression that the Queen meant them immediate harm (she was still partially Gibson, after all) but that with her bee swarm, she had tremendous power. Being less practical men than those who went out harvesting every day, Green and Hernandez didn't relish the idea of facing the strange, human- bee hybrid... but what alternative was there? They insisted that Baker accompany them, and the three men went outside. It took four hours to thrash out a deal that satisfied both parties. There would be no more harvesting by humans: only that conducted by bees. Seeing the huge number of bees that the forest contained, the gram or so that a bee could harvest should be more than sufficient. Humans would no longer enter the forest, but could maintain the camp as a trading post. In return for pollen, the Queen would demand such items of human manufacture as she might wish for her own purposes, with a fair price to be agreed on an item-by-item basis. What remained of Gibson knew the approximate price of many things, and the value of the pollen as a narcotic. The Queen warned them that this would be no mere exchange of vast natural wealth for a handful of glass beads, as had occurred when explorers had discovered other cultures in the past. "And you mentioned reparations?" Baker prompted, warily. "One hybrid is not sufficient for this great forest; nor do I alone provide sufficient genetic diversity," the Queen announced. "You will offer me tribute, yearly, for as long as you wish to continue trading for pollen." "Tribute?" Green asked. "Human beings," the Queen replied. "For now, I require... three." She gestured, and the bees that had been clogging the air intakes of the buildings rose into the sky. "I do this as a sign of good faith," she exclaimed. "Shall we say, two days from now? My bees will be watching." Green and Hernandez looked at each other for a moment. Hernandez shrugged microscopically, and they took their leave. The Queen turned and strode into the undergrowth, while her swarm dispersed. +++ The trio went back inside the camp, and the gang bosses were called into a meeting. Knight, the man who had cheated at cards, was treated in the infirmary, and Wallace, his attacker, was confined to quarters. At dawn, two days later, a pair of all-terrains were brought out, and prepared. There had been rumours circulating, but now Hernandez brought all speculation to an end. "You all saw the bee Queen," he said. "She wants three people." Uproar. "We've already decided!" he shouted, and the commotion was replaced by a distrustful silence. "That's better," he said. "We're going to give her Knight, because he cheated a lot of you..." This was a crude appeal to the vengeful nature of the harvesters, and it worked surprisingly well. There were noises of approval. "Also Wallace," Hernandez continued, raising his voice: "because he broke the law. You all know we don't permit fighting in the camp." This was greeted with muttering, but no outright protest. Through the window, gang bosses could be seen dragging Knight and Wallace out to the all-terrains; both were in handcuffs. "Who's the third man?" somebody asked, unease evident in his voice. "The new kid," Hernandez replied, in a voice like flint. "But... I haven't done anything wrong!" the newest worker yelped. All eyes turned to him. "Well, no. But it had to be somebody, and you delivered the lowest yield. Plus you still owe the Company a lot for transportation, and equipment. You owe us." "That's not fair!" the new kid objected, but nobody supported him. Baker looked ashamed, but didn't speak in his defence. Two gang bosses gripped the kid's arms from behind, and they gave him the bum's rush, out towards the all-terrains. Few of the men on the base even knew his name. They didn't drive far; just to the next clearing. That was far enough that they were out of sight for the men who remained in camp. In the clearing, three posts had been hammered into the ground, and each featured a short length of chain. It was a kindness that they had taken the breathing masks off each prisoner; atmospheric pollen took the edge off their fear, and all three were beginning to feel quite buzzed by the time one of their handcuffs was unfastened, and passed through a link of the chain instead. "It's like sacrificing maidens to King Kong, ain't it?" one of the gang bosses joked, "Only King Kong is a bee smaller than the top joint of your thumb, and these ain't what you'd call ladies... yet." Despite the narcotic effects of the pollen, the new kid could just about understand what was being said. He tried to think of a suitable comeback... and failed. He sat down on the mossy ground, and giggled to himself. The gang bosses left the keys to the handcuffs out of reach, but where the Queen would find them if she wanted them, and they returned to the vehicles. They roared away as quickly as they could. Perhaps an hour passed. The three men in the clearing felt nothing but bliss. When the first of the bees began to bite them, they weren't coordinated enough to slap them away, and after a few dozen bites they lost consciousness. +++ When the new kid opened his eyes, he no longer felt completely debilitated by the pollen. He still savoured its presence, but he found that he could think. For a few minutes he blinked madly, thinking he had double vision... but then grew used to seeing the world through compound eyes. He pushed his way out of the waxy debris and shredded clothing that covered him and stood, finding that his slender wrist slipped easily out of the shackle that had held him in place. He looked around, and saw a tremendous number of bees... but they were no longer a threat. He understood now that they were his to command. There was nothing to fear from them; they were simply the remnant that had preserved the bee genome until it had found a new host: him. Which meant... The new kid examined his body, and discovered that masculine pronouns were no longer appropriate. Her skin was covered with a delicate golden fuzz, with symmetrical black markings here and there. She had breasts (a concession to her mammalian DNA) and an impossibly small waist - plus a large abdomen that she already knew would become the origin of a new race of bee drones. The other two former prisoners were also admiring their new bodies; none of them at all disturbed to be part human, part insectoid. All they felt was an urgency to be about their task: to restore the bee species to its rightful place as keepers of the Forest. The Queen strode into the clearing, and they abased themselves before her. "Welcome... sisters," she said. --- A note from your authoress: The reproductive cycle of bees is complex, featuring both queens and 'virgin queens' (who can produce drones without mating). There is also, in some species, reproduction by a form of parthenogenesis called thelytoky, which changes the reproductive landscape completely. It's not entirely daft that all four of the transformed workmen should become females, therefore. (And this is Fictionmania, after all...)

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I used to be in Girl Scouts, all the way from Brownies to Juniors when I finally didn’t have enough time for it anymore. But while I was in Girl Scouts I had a lot of great fun with my friends, we were rambunctious and not very good Girl Scouts. The girls I tended to hang out with in the troop watched R rated movies and knew far too much about sex, drugs, and alcohol. I thought they were great. When I was in Juniors, about 11 years old, we all went on this camping trip. Well, we get to this...

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The Unforgettable Ride

As the woman finished wiping down the sink she turned to her husband and said, "I want to come". "Pardon!" he replied. "You want to come where?" "Riding with you tomorrow", she replied. Her husband put down the magazine for her statement had taken him by surprise because for months the suggestion that she join the riding group had always been rejected. "Dawn for months I as well as other members of the riding group have been encouraging you to learn to ride. We all had to start with...

1 year ago
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Quality Time

Quality Time by Ellie Dauber © 2017 Brenda Horner snuggled down into an overstuffed chair in one of the "quiet" rooms set up for study groups in the Taite College Student Center. Not quiet tonight, though; the music from the Term's End Mixer came right through the wall, though it was much softer here than in the room where the band was actually playing. Something didn't seem quite right to her, but she decided that it was just the beer. To be exact, the one - or two, maybe -...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 90

Only about an hour after Yvette's departure, Sholandra phoned. She wanted to come over. "You must be finished by now," she said, referring to Laura's period. "Even if you aren't, we could be careful. I just want to see you. I miss you." "I miss you too," Laura said, meaning it. Even though she had just had seventeen or eighteen orgasms, a couple of them wrenching, stupendous ones (Yvette had had even more because of her g-spot explosion), and even though her pussy, and especially...

4 years ago
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Masir Dudu Misty Modhu

Khub hisu peyeche. Ghum pachhhilo. Bathroom theke pechhap kore asar somoy amader varatia manju boudir gharer samne diye jachhi. Hathat e kakimar galar awaj pelam “magooooooooo, more jabo re!” ektu chinta holo dada baire thake. Boudi barite eka thake. Dakte jabo vabchi hathat e abar awaj elo ektu aste kor na?” ebar kemon sandeha holo. Darjai kan pattei ekta cheler galar awaj pelam “kakima purota diye diyechi go, dekho kalker theker besi aram debo aj”. Byaparta poriskar hoye jai. Tarmane boudi...

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The Tunnel of Love Catesby

The Tunnel of Love - CatesbyJenny and I had been married for five years when we took a holiday down to the south coast of England. Wecouldn’t afford to travel abroad that year so we decided to travel around the various seaside resorts and just have as much fun as possible. Luckily the weather was great with blazing hot sunshine throughout our vacation. What I liked most about the heat is that Jenny always feels extra horny and wears as little as she can get away with. Jenny is twenty eight...

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Rikki Lee

So there I was standing at the front door to the beauty salon. I could not hep but look at the reflection in the glass of the door. I was dressed in a gray pinstriped skirt-suit, with the skirt riding just above my knees. Nude stockings covered my legs which stretched down to the pair of patent black pumps on my feet. The sharp lines of the suit were offset by the ruffled blouse under the jacket which peeked out from the cuffs of the jacket as well as along the neckline. At my neck...

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Mary My niece0

True Story I live in an older house on the outskirts of a small town. For reasons too complicated to get into here, my wife and I sleep in separate bedrooms. She has the master suite on the main floor and I have a “man-cave” on the second. There are also two guest rooms with a spacious bath up here and my wife rarely comes up here. I am 30 and my wife is 31. She is a good looking woman, but totally uninterested in sex. I only some love every couple of weeks and its hurry up and get...

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Sauna Jim ColemanChapter 5

The Kingman raid was getting out of hand. The entire local club had signed up to help and they had brought along 57 more recruits. This gave Jim a total of 77 assault troops and helicopter crew, which meant he had to hire enough helicopters to transport 42 troops, 43 if he was forced to include Jane, and he didn't see how he could keep her away. Actually, Kingman was right to be paranoid; Jim could probably get several hundred troops if he was willing to advertise, but he was afraid of...

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JanetChapter 8

It seemed like a month later when the agreed day arrived for us to start. The plan was for Cathy to help John produce his sample and then she would bring it to us in the next room. We had planned on doing this on three consecutive nights. Mandy had been to the doctors to have a cap fitted to try and keep the little wigglers in the right place after they were fired up her and we were ready. We waited nervously in the room for Cathy, it seemed like it was an hour later when she came in with a...

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Kinky Old White Lad married to 4 Bangladeshi Women

I am Simon, a horny old British pervert in his mid-fifties who lusts for Indian or Muslim Bangladeshi women. I have been living in Bangladesh for 28 years and love stalking Bangladeshi women from behind in tight salwar kameez or hijab with big bums and take voyeuristic videos of their bums while I follow them from behind and go home and jizz on the videos. I go to the villages and film the village women telling them that I am just visiting on a project and want to do a documentary on women's...

2 years ago
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Fucked [part 1 of 2]By: Jo Jo ([email protected])This is about Derek And Elaine. I used to work with Derek, and he wasa sort of mentor to me, when I started work for a large comms company when I was 19. He was and is 19 or 20 years older than me. Derek writes on ES as Doctor Wankenstein, though I didn't know what hewas like at the time !! So .... by the time I'd been there a year there was a culture ofdrinking straight from work, it was a high pressure job, and in those kind of jobs...

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The Cable Slave Chapter 4

It took me most of the next two days to recover, and cable man left me alone, so I hung around the house naked and looked at my wounds. The whipping was not too bad and the red patches were all going down by the end of the day. I guess they knew what they were doing. I had read of women being marked for weeks but maybe that leather cat was designed to sting and not mark. The next day I got my instructions about the underwear party. The guests would come part way through the morning. Some...

3 years ago
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One MILF and three teens

The three of us are in a beach front hotel on the first floor. Worked out ahead in minor detail, Jim is an 18 year old guy just out of HS. He is staying on the beach with his friends Steve and Max, all teens getting ready for US service. None have had much sex with other people, just jacking off to magazines and internet porn. Steve and Max left to get some snacks and stuff, and Jim thought he’d take advantage of his alone time and jerk his cock. He put on some hotel xxx rated movie and was...

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BlizzardChapter 25

I kissed Sam goodbye in the morning. I went to work. I was not at my best: the office was only about twice as functional as we had been before I had taken charge. “Hey!” I beamed when Max called. “Sam’s hounding me! She wants me to give her the fucking boots! You gave them to me!” “Put them on and go talk it out with her.” “They’re so slutty! I love them but I can’t really walk around campus looking like that!” Max’s exclamations outlasted the energy required to earn the exclamation...

4 years ago
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Pollinic Girls Fanfiction

In the hentai anime/manga "The Pollinic Girls Attack!", instead of suffering from "normal" pollen allergy reactions, such as sneezing and coughing, people are instead targeted by pollinic people. The pollinic people will then have sex with them, regardless of where they are. Breeds of pollinic people include: Sugi Pollinic Girl - Pollinic girl with short, blonde-hair and crystal blue eyes. Hinoki Pollinic Girl - Pollinic girl with long, purple-hair and rose eyes. Butakusa Pollinic Boy - Male...

1 year ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 6 Lunch on Monday

"I'm just glad it's lunch time. I'm starving. I skipped breakfast and I can feel it now." She knew Paul said he was going to spank her at lunch but she wasn't going to think about it. She moved closer to Paul before they reached the lunchroom. She knew it would be crowded and a lot of hands would be ready. "What are you going to get?" She looked around for what she might like, then she decided she would just get whatever he did, she didn't feel like splitting up. As they walked...

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First Experince with black

this is true story not any bs make up typei was 17 when i experince with black male. i always wonder how would that feel after seeing their pics online and how big they are. I never thought i will have them soon, i was talking to this black guy online for month and he really got me so horny i couldn't say no when he ask me to meet him at his place.when i got their my heart was pounding so hard i can feel it on my throat.first time i meet him he was very very nice personwe sit on his couch he...

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RevelationChapter 2

Day Two ... Morning Todd fell asleep almost immediately, his precious nine-year-old daughter, laying nude on top of him. His hand rested across her firm full ass, and his soft cock was between his legs. They both slept, deeply and untroubled, the down quilt forming a protective, cozy cover for their incestuous union. Sometime during the night, probably just before sunrise, Todd, woke to a warm feeling in his groin. Little by little as he woke he became aware that J.P. was sucking his now...

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Best RegardsChapter 12

Then the words come unbidden but sincere, "Yes Master, slam me. Fuck me hard, you fuck like no other man ever has. You fuck like no other can! You are a whore's dream and husbands nightmare! Fuck me my wonderful, beautiful Master, FUCK ME!" Within a few moments his cock swells even larger and pumps cum into her avid dripping fuck hole. After he has finished her words gush out, "I love you, Master." The reply is a scornful reply, "Of course you do. Now lick my asshole you stupid...

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Daddy Part2

So as the 4 of them crowded my bails of hay Daddy let them know that this was a Break In, Fuck this Sissy hard , I mean fucking hard,....Shes born to service my cock, and whoever elses cock I choose to put in her mouth...".....I spoke."Daddy these men have been traveling awhile, can I please allow them to go ahead and relieve their bladders into my mouth...pretty please Daddy??".......' Alright, Well get your cum guzzling ass up and start drinking these men up... 2 of them looked like...

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A friend with benefits part 1

This is a story of how I met Camille, who I knew was married at the time and still is through my friend Becky.It was a Friday night around 6:30pm I happened to be out in North of my borough where I live, I was coming back from visiting my godson and his mother. As I was walking and checking my facebook, I had noticed my friend Becky was going to an event at a nearby pub that her friend Camille had organised. Since I was about ten minutes away with nothing to do I decided to pop in and see her....

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Hi, I'm Ryan Dunmor. You probably don't know me by name, and you probably wouldn't recognize me if you saw me, but if you've been watching porn on all those free-tube sites in the last five or six years, I'm willing to bet you've heard me. I'm a dubber - a voice actor who specializes in foreign films. I work for a company called Omnivox Entertainment. "Company" is probably flattering ourselves too much. It's more like a five-man operation (and at least two of those men are actually women). It...

Straight Sex
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A Most Convienient Bank

It was spring in Montreal and my friend Adam and I had just finished our last exam of the year. As planned, we met up afterward outside the library to go out for drinks. Unfortunately it was a Tuesday night, so it seemed that it would be a pretty low key celebration. Still we had to do something. We’d just finished another semester and more or less managed to maintain our focus during beautiful Montreal spring. I don’t know what it’s like to try to study in more temperate climates, but when the...

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Alexis slumber party

He was sitting in his office working one day when he heard his wife come home. He looked at the clock and wondered what she was doing home early. She walked in and smiled "hi sweetie". He looked over to the door and smiled back "hey, you're home early". She nodded and walked over. Smiling big she blurted out with excitement "I had to run home and tell you the good news. I got the offer to go work with "Doctors Abroad" one of the other doctors pulled out at the last minute.... I leave...

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Wife uses me for lunch

Her: Are you home now? Me: Yes Her: Are you going to be home for lunch? Me: Yes Her: Ok And then the texts stopped. I did not think too much of it and just laid the phone down on the couch. I was entering the last season of my favorite show when I heard the door handle jiggle. I just turned around on the couch and looked at the door and saw my wife walk in and close it behind me. God, she looked good! My wife was about 5 foot 3 with short blond hair and a soft hourglass figure that just...

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Midnight Movie

Wendy waited impatiently for the movie to start. It was already fifteen minutes past midnight and the girl’s foul mood was obvious even to the popcorn boy. Her date for the evening had stood her up, none of her friends were around, and the only resort for entertain- ment was a lonely midnight movie. Sighing, she leaned back in the scratchy seat as the lights finally dimmed. The theatre door opened and closed quickly, flashing a spear of light at the opening curtains. A dim...

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Obituary Traudl

At first: Sorry for my bad English and translator is also not always perfect! But I think, you understand, what I like to say.My beloved wife Traudl is no longer in this world. She died on 18 May 2015 at the consequences of their peritoneal cancer in my arms. Traudl had smothered by metastases water in her lungs. She was only 58 years old. The doctors gave her 6 months, but you want to live and stay with me, she has fought 19 months and then lost it. Traudl was the happiness of my life,...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Party Part 3

Linda's second guest dressed, and went out. She cleaned herself thoroughly, douching again, and, since it seemed that everyone in attendance had already seen her naked, AND getting railed, she decided to go into the waiting room, since it was separated from the rest of the spa by a heavy curtain, still naked. There were a set of beaded curtains between the rooms and the waiting area.She opened the smaller curtain and stepped out into the waiting area. Sure as she'd thought, there were 6 or 7...

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Alien Encounters

Going home alone, I thought, ...again. It had been months since my boyfriend and I had broken up - the only thing that filled my nights after that were flings, and one night stands. It was like no man wanted to hang around for more than a day, and I felt lonely and used. Is my body the only thing people find interesting? I had to admit, I was far from hideous. My legs were thin and long, making up most of my height of 5'7". I was thin, and worked out often, keeping my stomach flat...

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My unexpected journey part 6

Life with Kendra and Violet has been wonderful as well. My girlfriend, Kendra, and I have been getting closer and closer every day. Violet and I have had the occasional fooling around but she understands that I am with Kendra and that she has my heart. Not to mention I’m pretty sure that Kendra and Violet have fooled around a bit here and there as well while I’ve been out but we all have a deep understanding of each other. Kendra and I always enjoyed going on shopping sprees here and there....

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South Indian Girl Jyotir Sathe Choda 8211 Part II

Hi bandhura kemon achho?Ami sei unknown person jar galpo Akash post korechhilo. Amar lekha “Chhatri ar ami” and “Punjabi maye Sunitar sathe chodachudi” asha kori tomader bhalo legechhe. Aaj ami aar akta story niea asechhe. Jyotir sathe amar chodachudir kahini. Bochhor dui ager ghatona. Ami tokhon banglore a akta company te chakri kori. Company ta khub akta boro noi. Okhane akjon Receptionist chhilo jaar naam Jyoti. Jyotir age aai 27-28 chhilo. Forsha tuk tuke, height 5’6” dekhte thik thak....

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Serena Santos 24829

Serena Santos is on vacation with her best friend, her best friend’s boyfriend and her best friend’s brother, Peter. Serena is super bored, her best friend has just been fucking her boyfriend the whole time, they haven’t gone out at all. All the sex her best friend is having is making her jealous and horny! Peter decides he’s going to shower, the thought of that gets Serena even hornier, she starts masturbating behind the shower wall. Peter hears her faint noises of...

4 years ago
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The Teacher is taught

Amanda walked up the pathway.The house looked normal enough, which she supposed shouldn’t have surprised her as it was like all the others in the road. She was thirty-three-years-old and was pensive as she rang the doorbell. She smiled as the door opened and she looked at a woman probably twenty years older than herself. Maternal looking and friendly, dressed in an off-white t-shirt and blue skirt with the hem just above her knee. “Come in,” the lady said standing back. “I’m Elaine,” she added....


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