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I woke up with a start, a full hour before the alarm went off. Tossing and turning, I couldn't fall back asleep as worries crept into my mind. Finally I just surrendered and got up a half hour early. I went through my normal routine of washing my face, shaving, and brushing my teeth. But I also spent time trying to remove or lessen the lip stain and making sure all traces of mascara and eye liner were gone. I pulled my hair back like always, but my ponytail was now fluffy with some curl rather than being straight and flat. When I started to get dressed, I hesitated slightly in choosing my underwear. My regular attire for the past six months had been panties; now I looked at them with concern. Maybe I should just wear my men's briefs? But finally I relented. The attraction to the pretty, soft women's underwear was just too strong. I did settle for a somewhat plain pair of light blue string bikinis with just lace at the sides. A blue long-sleeve button down dress shirt and navy slacks completed the look; the total color coordination being an accident or at most a subconscious effort. When I arrived at work, I started my project updates that I would need to present at the morning planning meeting at 9:30. Our week always started this way, and I knew we would break just before lunch. That's when I would get the third- degree from Denise and Jan about my weekend. In the meeting I could hide somewhat behind my summary sheets, but once I got together with the women, it would be harder to conceal my slightly coral-tinted lips, my curly ponytail, or discolored fingernails. I would just have to do my best, and previewed several explanations as I worked. The meeting went as I expected. My role in the company was small; so I only needed five minutes for updates. As always, I got a positive look from my supervisor Gail when I finished. I felt lucky to work for her, as she let you know when you did good work, stood up for you with management, and as long as you did your job, was easy to work for. After listening to everyone's update as well as the management goals for the week, the meeting broke up at 11:30. I had tried to slip out ahead of my friends, but they soon caught me in the hall. Our normal pattern on Monday's was to eat in my office, each of us bringing a small lunch, so we'd have more time to visit. Later in the week, we'd venture out to a local restaurant for something more substantial but today it was more about conversation than food. "Doesn't it seem like those meetings get longer every week? Even if we get out at the same time, the minutes crawl by. I wish we could just do it all by conference call or skype or something, so we could stay in our own offices for two hours." "I know what you mean Jan. I'd go for anything if I didn't have to look at June fiddle with her nails the whole time, or hear Sumrall's nose whistles. I mean give me a break." Denise's comment got us both to laugh, making me feel a little better. That's one reason I liked these two so well. They'd pick you up if you were feeling down and they were always there to support you in good or bad times. But at the same time, they could gig you pretty hard too. Jan once told me that if they ever stopped kidding me, then look out because it was bad news. Maybe I could get through today without too much hassle, but I doubted it. "So, what's up with you Charlie Chaplin? You barely spoke at the meeting, looked down at your note pad the whole time, and even passed on the doughnuts. You have a rough weekend or too good of one?" "Maybe a little of both, Denise, I mean sometimes it's hard to get started on the first day of the week." "Uh-oh, someone's got a 'Case of the Mondays'. Personally, I'm betting on it being too good a weekend. I mean your lips look like your new girlfriend kissed them so much she bruised them and you seem like you're in a daze. Did she keep you up all night last night?" "Nice try, Jan, but I'm not a kiss and tell type guy." "Well you better be, because I'm not leaving your office until I get the whole scoop. Let's start slowly then. You spun a pretty sad story about your Saturday plans of drudgery. Did you get everything done?" "Yes, I should have, I spent all day cleaning, washing, and picking up. I didn't quit till after 9. It's hard to imagine one guy could make such a mess. But you know, it feels so good when you work that much and everything is in its right place, the room sparkles, and it just smells nice, you know?" "I do know what you mean. Something about a clean place makes you feel safe, secure, and on track. Maybe it's because when you were growing up that meant your mom had everything under control. But personally, I'd be happier if a maid did it all for me. So did you hear from Barbara that night?" "Oh yes, she called just like she said. We talked some and made our plans for Sunday. But before I give you any more details, how did your hunt for Princes go?" "Well it was pretty slim pickings, unless we assumed that all the frog- types we ran into were hexed royalty. But it was nice in the park, we got a good walk in, didn't we Denise?" "Yes but we did score later in the day. Jan and I went shopping and found both some bargains and some hot info." "Info, you mean like gossip?" "No, more like good background data. I have to confess we went by the Kensington Shopping Gallery and poked around the stores. Finally while we were browsing at the Fashion Place, we saw someone who fit the description you gave us. We were both dying to know a little more about a certain co-worker and his new found friend. So we did some snooping." "What? Don't tell me you were checking up on me?" "Not you so much as her. We wandered around each store a bit until we saw a saleslady who looked right. Her name tag said Barbara so I went up and inquired about exchanging an item, claiming I didn't have it with me. She laid out the policy, gave us her word that anything we were unhappy with, she would take back, and did it all in a cheerful way. I then asked if I could bring it to her tomorrow for a refund. She said another staff member could take it back, but she was off that day. That clinched it for us; we knew we had the right girl." "Yes and from the look of it, we think you have the right one too. Barbara is just like you described, a bit tall perhaps, but she dresses nice, was super friendly, even to two complaining witches, and seems real. She's not at all like those petite little blondes you normally chase that not only can't think and walk at the same time, but can't see their own feet below their chest. Barb has an actual normal looking body and you're right about her pretty eyes. So now that we have confessed, please tell us our investigation wasn't in vain. Did you have a good time on Sunday, maybe on in to early Monday morning?" "I should have known better than to tell you two, anything. But yes, I did have a good time. On Saturday she suggested we get together at her place for a little swimming, tanning, a cookout, and just relaxing. So that's what we did. It was a good way to get to know each other better, without all the stress of going out on the town." "So did you drive over to her place? Where does she live?" "No, she came by and picked me up. We went out for coffee at the Hot Cup. You know the one down by the bay and afterwards we went shopping to buy food for dinner. Then we went to her condo at West Valley and spent the afternoon by the pool. I met several of her friends and we cooked swordfish on her grill. It was nice, real relaxing and friendly." "West Valley, that place is swanky isn't it?" "It is very nice. Her condo is decorated perfectly and the pool is so big. They have a clubhouse with a bar and everyone was super friendly. I had a great time." "Tell me if I'm wrong, but she seems to be taking the lead on everything. I mean she's picked you up for both your dates, set the schedule, and generally taken control. You said she comes by it naturally, so did she give you the tour of her place, show you all the rooms, and maybe let you see her bedroom too?" "You guys are horrible." "Well when it has been as long as it has for us to go out on a date, we need something to keep us going. Come on spill, give us detail." I began to blush now. I knew they'd keep pressing, but I didn't want to talk about being with Barb in that way, at least not explicitly. I decided to give them some but keep most of it secret. "Well, yes we did get to know each other a bit better. Barb is really a special person, I think. Perhaps I'm just being swayed by how fast it's all going, but it seemed perfect. I love the way she kisses, soft yet demanding. She's open and makes sure we communicated so everything seemed natural. She has a way of telling you what to do that keeps the excitement going." I knew as soon as I said the last statement that I could be in trouble. I started to clarify what I meant, when Jan spoke up. "So she is running the show. I knew she take charge everywhere. I bet she has you doing just what she wants. I wouldn't be surprised if she pinned you as well." "Pinned? I don't know what you mean?" "Yeah Jan, what is that? You never mentioned that before." "Well it is just something I heard about on Twitter. A couple of the women I follow got to talking about it. Apparently, more aggressive women are pushing back on men who want to have it only their way. They talked about pinning a guy to be sure the sex is pleasurable for the women first. Basically rather than let the guy control sex during intercourse, they flip the tables, so they are on top during sex. They use a position where the woman is between the guy's legs and make him spread his legs wide open. That way they control how the penis is moved, how fast, what directions, everything is now driven by her movements. The guy has to just take it however she wants it. Plus having the guy spread wide open, laid out on his back emphasizes his vulnerabilities and makes it obvious who is taking whom. Apparently it is becoming quite common for more dominant women and their submissive men. They call it pinning, because it is like when a collector captures a butterfly, they spread its wings and use pins to hold them open for display. So, given how Barb seems to like directing the action, I assume she'd love to pin your wings open, Sammie boy." "Oh Jan that is so silly! I'm sure Barb and Sam had a wonderful time. No need to be making fun, especially since neither one of us has been as lucky as Sam has lately." As Jan made her explanation of 'pinning', I couldn't help but start to blush even more furiously than before. It all fit what Barb had made me do. Not that it wasn't enjoyable but the whole role switch was unexpected. Now he was embarrassed by how it had happened to him and especially how Jan had described it as being something dominant women force on their submissive men. I wanted to respond in some way to negate her comments but couldn't think of what to say, as my head was full of the images of Barb spreading my legs wide open. Just as I was about to deny it all, we heard footsteps and a knock on the frame of my open doorway. A delivery man was standing there, holding a vase full of roses, all red except for one large white one right in the middle of the arrangement. "Hello I have a delivery for Ms. Shaw. They told me at the reception desk that this was the right room. Is it one of you lovely ladies?" "Not really, if it is for Shaw, that would be lovely Sam here." "Oh, I'm sorry; the card says Sue Shaw, not Sam. Maybe they wrote it down wrong, as the delivery address is definitely right. Here you go Mr. Shaw, enjoy." The guy had begun to blush, turned, and left without even waiting for a tip. Both Jan and Denise were smiling and chuckling at me as I opened the card. I started to scan it and verified it was from Barb. As I was looking at the text, Jan plucked it from my hand. "Let me see, who sent this. I swear if Barb is sending you flowers I'm going to file a protest. She's making the rest of us women look bad. First she asks you out, drives you around, pays for the dates, and takes the lead in everything. If she is sending you flowers, then that's the final straw! Plus we have to get to the bottom of this 'Sue' name. Has she christened you with a new nickname for some reason?" As she read it quickly she broke out in a smile and handed it to Denise who giggled as she read it. "Told you so, I knew she'd be into that kind of thing. I like how she's given you a new nickname but which one is it, Sue or butterfly?" I blushed more and took it from Denise to see what it said. "Dear Sue just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed last night. You were wonderful, my new little butterfly and I can't wait to see you again. I know we are right for each other and I hope you feel the same. I'll call you later to see about dinner. Love, Barb." As I sat there stunned at how Barb had now given my workmates far too much information, I could hear the women giggle. I knew I had to be blazing red, I could feel my face getting warmer and warmer. "Come on now, are you really going to be a boy named Sue? If so, we might need to do a little shopping later. Maybe Barb would give you a special discount at her store." That comment just struck me to the core. The feeling had been building each minute since we got to my office. Although individually the little jabs from Jan and Denise weren't too much, added together I just felt overwhelmed. Both because so many of them were accurate and they made me realize how unhappy I was in my current situation. I hated getting ready this morning. Putting on my male clothes after spending a wonderful, fulfilling, and exciting weekend as Sue, dressed like I had always dreamed of, was too depressing. Sitting in the meeting room, the contrast couldn't have been greater. Six guys dressed more or less alike, with perhaps a different color shirt or tie. Their uniformity in comparison to the lively variety shown by the seven women, each with their own colorful look, from Gail's professional suit in a lovely lilac to Tara's short skirt and fluttery sleeve top in vibrant blue and green print, emphasized how much I wanted to look like a woman rather than a man. I knew I was not a typical guy. This weekend cemented it for me. I mean I had at least two guys tell me I looked really sexy. The clincher was how right it felt with Barb. I know I should have been upset with how she fucked me. She did totally pin me and essentially took my cock as her own. But in thinking about it, I loved it. I loved being dressed like a pretty present for her, as well as bringing her off with my mouth and tongue. I had tried to be upset about it, but the longer I pictured it my mind, the happier it made me. So being teased by the women for what I really wanted just triggered a release of this emotional conflict. I couldn't take it and burst out in tears. Not wanting to sit there and cry in front of them, I ran from the room toward the restrooms. Of course with my luck, Stanley was just going into the men's, but I could see the open door of the women's restroom indicated it was empty so I went straight into it. I could hear Jan and Denise following me, but I didn't care. I was running on emotion not logic. The room was empty, so I went to the far stall and sat down, tears really rolling down my cheeks now. As I suspected they were soon standing at the stall door, peering in. "Sam, what's wrong? We didn't mean to make you upset. I apologize for being so mean. We meant it as a joke. We're fine with whatever you and Barb agree on. It is really none of our business but if you want to talk we'll be glad to listen." I looked up at them. I could tell they were being sincere and by now I was just done with it. So, I stopped crying a bit and unbuttoned the top three buttons on my shirt, pulling it apart, so they could see the stark contrast between my tanned chest and the pale area around my breasts where the swimsuit top was. Letting go of the top of my shirt, I then pulled it out of my pants, and slid down the side of my pants down, reached in and pulled up my underwear. They could see the baby blue color and lace trim of my panties. Letting that go, I put my face in my hands, sobbing and tried to explain. "Take a look, at the real me. I am more a Sue than a Sam. I spent all weekend with Barb as the person I want to be, Sue. I laid out by her pool in a cute two piece bikini swimsuit. We went out and I wore lovely dresses and high heels, with pretty panties and bras underneath. We did make love like you said. I spread wide for her and loved it. I'm not the guy you think I am. I'm more woman than man, at least emotionally and spiritually. I've hidden my true self for so long, it's hard to know who I am, but I know I was truly happy this weekend. That's why my hair is curly. And my darker lips are from my coral lipstick I wore for her, with matching polish too. After being so free all weekend, it is just sad to have to hide again, but what can I do? Even telling you two, my best friends, makes me so scared and I feel like I am falling off a cliff. But I can't go on like this, trying to be someone I'm not." I burst out in tears again. Both women came to me and gave me hug, Denise lightly kissing my forehead before speaking. "Oh honey we had no idea. I mean we knew you weren't like most of the guys here. You were kind, friendly without being creepy, and just seemed to be interested in all the things we were interested in. I guess we should have seen it. I mean we knew you weren't gay. Your dates with our friends told us that, but we didn't imagine that you saw yourself as feminine. Honestly, looking at you, your assessment is right. Your hair is pretty, your face has nice soft features, and your body is more lithe and trim than thick and muscular. So if you've found someone who loves you for who you really are and you are so unhappy trying to be Sam, maybe you need to just be Sue all the time." "Of course you should. No one should have to be someone they aren't just to please others. Personally l would love to have a new girlfriend at work. Really, if you are unhappy and think you're ready for the change, you should go for it. I don't think it would matter to the company; I mean the last hire, Taylor, is gay and was open about it. You might not know it, but Gail's son is gay too. So I would think you being trans-gender shouldn't be a problem to her or the company. If you want, I'd be glad to talk to her about it. We get along really well and she's shared some of her concerns about her son's problems with me. She was worried about how others would treat him, so I think she'd be sensitive about you too. Just stop crying, it will be okay, I promise." The outpouring of support from Jan and Denise did make me feel better. I had dreaded anyone ever finding out about the real me. But now that I was telling those closest to me, it wasn't anything like I had feared. I guess I should have given them more credit, but I saw myself as so different as to not be acceptable in general society. Their soothing comments stopped my tears and I finally looked up at them and smiled. They returned the gesture and we had a group hug. Jan took some toilet tissue to dry my eyes, and I stood up. Looking in the mirror, I looked hideous. My eyes were red and swollen from the tears, my lips were puffed out too, and my hair was a mess. But I felt better inside. They convinced me to return to my office and we sat and talked softly for over an hour while we ate. They told me reassuring things about my situation and I opened my inner feelings to them more. I also shared more about my life so far with Barb, including how we really met. I apologized to them for not being honest before and as they left we had a group hug again. Later that afternoon, Gail came to my office and shut the door to talk. We cleared the air about a lot of things. She told me that it would be fine for me to dress and look whatever way made me most comfortable as long as it was business appropriate. She said I was one of my most reliable and productive workers and she even expected that if I allowed the real me to come out, that I would be an even better employee. I told her I valued her support and that I always respected her as a supervisor, but even more so now. By the time she had left, we had a real plan on how I could transition to my new look and life at work. Just as I was getting my work life resolved, the phone rang. It was Barbara. "Hello little butterfly, how is work going?" "Oh Barb I can't describe how wild it has been over the phone. I'll have to tell you in person. But the big news is that I've come out to my friends and supervisor about my true self. They now know all about Sue. And they are fine with her. They've encourage me to be myself at work, as well as at home. So my life is going to change, change a lot. Are you okay with that?" "Okay, I'm ecstatic about it! If you can be Sue all the time, then I can build my life around you. I hated seeing you bounce back and forth, especially when I felt you wanted to be Sue more than anything else in the world. That's one reason I reached out to your when you bought stuff at my store. I hated thinking that you were depriving yourself of happiness. Plus now, I can be who I wanted to be as well. I loved what we've experience the past week, and you fit what I had in mind for my lover for so long, it is amazing. But I warn you, if you want to be Sue at work, you're going to need a whole new wardrobe. Most of Sue's clothes are too sexy or casual for work. But I can help you with all that. We can find the perfect combination of feminine and professional. Are you ready?" "Certainly, but I did have one question. Jan told me about some women pinning their guys, explaining what it really was. Is that what you did to me last night? Was that intentional?" "Honestly, it was. I was never comfortable with a man leading in sex. When I heard about it, I had to do it. It was so perfect with you, it exceeded my expectations. So it is something I want to continue, plus I also expect you to allow me to push other boundaries as well. Only this time I'll be more open and upfront about it. Like pegging, if you don't know what that is, I'll explain it over dinner tonight when I come to pick up Sue at her place. Say about 7? Also, I think Mark is really interested in you and perhaps eventually we could explore crossing that kind of boundary as well, but for now it will just be me and you, okay?" "Oh yes! I will allow you to lead, it suits me just fine. So I'll be ready at seven. I was thinking that maybe I could stay tonight and go straight to work tomorrow? If so, I can bring some of makeup, and maybe the top and Capri outfit we bought. Is that okay or too fast?" "No that is wonderful, little butterfly, I always wanted to live my life in an extra-large way, so let's get going." Now I could smile for real. My life was changing, maybe too fast, but it was what I had always dreamed about and I couldn't imagine being any happier.

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So much for the 'sex cures morning sickness' theory, I thought, as I woke up with a start the next morning. I ran to the bathroom and barely made the toilet before it came up. My body was still relaxed from the amazing night before, but this was a bit of a reality shock that I didn't need first thing. Especially not today. I got sick several times, and then slowly felt the nausea subside. As I sat there, I heard Pete's concerned voice from the other side of the door. "Honey? You...

3 years ago
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Satans BrideChapter 20

As the luxury car pulled into the driveway, bringing them home from a nightcap at a small but posh restaurant, Darius looked over at his companion. "You've been rather pensive tonight." "I just can't get that image out of my head -- Cathy with those tears rolling down her cheeks." "Mioki, you sold her. You didn't have to. You could have kept her for yourself or simply turned her loose, but you didn't. You negotiated well with Al Fah Karim, getting a far better price than I ever...

2 years ago
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Good Samaritan

Dalia Collins pulled her red sweater a little tighter, trying to ward off the late night chill as she walked across the parking lot to where she had parked her car. Behind her, the lights of Mickey's Place, the 24-hour Truck Stop where she worked, still shone brightly, the tables still filled with customers. It had been an extremely busy night for the 49 year old waitress, made more so by the fact that one of the other waitresses had called in sick at the last minute. "Yeah, I just bet...

1 year ago
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Thanks to My Hubby pt2

The conclusion to I Thank My Hubby… A couple of days after Larry stayed over, and shared his beautiful cock big cock with me, I got a call from his wife. Elisha and I had been friends since we roomed together at a small rural college in the middle of nowhere. We had often played around sexually doing the normal girlie things, both in and out of bed. ‘Hello Elisha, how are you’ I asked ‘Fine’ she replied, continuing by asking if ‘I could help her with a surprise party for Larry’s birthday...

4 years ago
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Sex With Niece Lead To Sex With Cousin

Hey ISS i know its been very long since i wrote my last experience………………….but after i had sex with Aarti during 2013 dussera i didn’t had any action for quite some time.But then during dehradun’s chilly December days when i had another sex experience this time with my 18 years old cousin who’s in class 12, but you will be amazed if you ever have sex with her she is so natural and great in it. For those who are new i am an average looking guy with dark chocolate skin and 5.5-6 feet height and i...

2 years ago
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Fun with the gardner

I have to be the luckiest man alive. Well, at least recently anyway. I have always had a fondness for Hispanic men. Loved the sweet Cubans and Puerto Rican guys in Florida and am in heaven living in Texas with all the hot Mexican and South American guys. My yard contractor, “Mike” is a handsome, 30-something super tanned and stunningly handsome Mexican man. We have always had a cordial business relationship, but he has always been the target of my hidden lust.I was sitting by the pool this...

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Morning with sis

After having been thoroughly dominated by my wicked hot sister the day before, I woke up the next morning dazed & confused and horny as hell! I was about to want myself when Sis entered my bedroom and ordered me to get out of bed! She told me to shower & shave and meet her on the back porch. I dutifully complied. What does Sis have in mind for me now I thought! I went out to the porch and bowed before my sister/mistress who lay topless on a lounge chair! Her small firm round breasts glistened...

3 years ago
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Boundaries Ch 2

Kaylee and I hadn't spoken to each other about our interlude in the clothing boutique's dressing room, which suited me fine. Whatever was developing needed to proceed at her own pace. I didn't know if anything like it would happen again but I was sure that bringing it up would spook her. It was best for my headstrong girl to figure things out for herself.The dressing room episode broke the ice, though. It worked a reversal of sorts. I became self-conscious of my own attitudes and desires, which...

2 years ago
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Single Guys The Married Woman

This story is 100% true and happened last month, May 2015So all my adult life I swore I'd never cheat on anyone or be the reason that somebody cheated. I don't know if something changed in me personally (or shall I say specifically as a lot has changed), or if it will remain as a one off as I so swore, but last month I ended up in bed with a woman I knew from a place of employment back in 2010-11!The brief history was that Julia - a BBW aged 36 with huge perfect tits and smiling grey eyes -...

4 years ago
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Incestia 8 rev

Ince.stia: Where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything---------------------------------------------------------------------Part 8.“I’ve tried, Verity. Honestly,” Avan Volka said.His niece hissed, “So, you’re telling me you can’t do it?”“I...I’ve tried Verity. I’ve fucked your little brother’s mouth over and over every day and he still wants more.”“It’s what you wanted. It’s what you begged for, and now you’re telling me it was a mistake?”“No. No, it wasn’t a mistake. I love...

1 year ago
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Passion Wagon

I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sleeper and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full.I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male.I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...

2 years ago
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28 Minutes Til Saturday Night Live

We stood on 3rd Avenue, the snow sheeting down, and I wondered how anybody could think about getting naked in this weather. Sandi and I stood on the movie line, like other couples swathed in layer after layer of clothing that almost kept the biting wind from raising goosebumps on us. Gloves, scarves, boots, hats, zipped-up coats and parkas, sweaters, and thick plaid shirts erased any evidence of sexual differentiation. We stamped our feet, stuck our hands deeper into our pockets and prayed the...

2 years ago
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BetrayalChapter 66

"Oh, this is gonna end badly, isn't it?" Finn shook his head as he reached behind the seat and dug the last remaining rocket out of the metal storage locker. He was glad to get out of his seat and stretch. He opened his door, jumped into the deep snow, and pushed his way to the front bumper. Using his free hand, he climbed on the hood, hooked the winch cable to the rocket, and knocked a sheet of ice off the launching rail. Once clear, he mounted the rocket to the rail and inserted the...

3 years ago
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I Wanted It So Bad Part 2

My wife, step-daughter and I took a vacation. It was something well-deserved, and we desperately needed to get away. To make it a bit more enjoyable, and to give my step-daughter some company, we'd agreed to let her take a friend.I knew Katie through her parents, and my step-daughter and her, although being "friends", weren't technically that close. Why my step-daughter chose to take her I'm not certain, but I knew once we started our trip, she'd made a good choice.Funny, outgoing, a bit blunt...

2 years ago
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Marrying Beth

I suppose it would be fair to say that I asked for it. It wasn't as if I hadn't been given an early warning, but still, it came as a surprise. I met Mary Beth at the beginning of our junior year at college. Even though she was not the kind of girl I was normally attracted to there was just something about her that drew me to her. The girls I normally fell for were tall, trim athletic typed and Mary Beth was just the opposite of that. Barely over five feet she weighed 130 lbs. and was what...

4 years ago
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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 11

Paul, Lilly and Lane get in to the city late in the evening. Paul persuades them this would be the best time to go see his friend. They walk in to the strip club. Paul walks over to the bar. A few minutes later Frank Gannon walks out of the office. He sees who it is and motions them to follow him. Lane is wearing his trademarked mask. Frank wonders who he is. He sits down behind his desk and says, "Hi Paul, what brings you here?" "My friend here needs some equipment." "Who is...

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Nightmare After the Opera

You are about to move beyond reality. With a single step, you move from the world of the mundane banality of your day to day existence – to the wild and carnal fantastical happenings in the empire of Dark Desires. A voyage into an incredible world of unrestrained iniquity. Where a woman's savage rape can awaken long dead passions. Perhaps even the extinguished fire of love can be rekindled in the white hot heat of fierce ravishment. What would you do to end Twenty-five years of abstinence? Say...

4 years ago
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The LottoChapter 22 Roxanne redux

While Martha and Sandi became evermore fast friends, somewhat the same was going on with Roxanne and Lisa ... Lisa told Sandi privately that Roxanne had been good after she'd been chastised and not been a problem. She referred to Lisa as Mistress Lisa when they were alone at work, but had never made any other reference to her 'correction'. But one day, Roxanne asked Lisa to go to lunch with her and, on 'neutral territory' as it were, poured out her heart. She said she'd been waiting...

1 year ago
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A trip to the Mall

I am an attractive 40 year old mother and wife. I live in the suburbs of Washington DC. I work as a CPA for a government agency. My husband of 18 years, is an attorney for the government. I have two wonderful c***dren, a boy age 14 and a girl age 10. Last weekend I had the experience of my life. I have always been faithful to my husband. But this Saturday, was the first time I was tempted and eventually cheated on my husband. Early Saturday morning, I left the house for a large shopping center...

3 years ago
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Petra 2

There was an earlier Petra, and like this it is a stand-alone story although some of the same characters are in both. PETRA 2 Peter was happy to back in his favourite Op Shop, a good distance from home where no one knew him except the nice ladies who worked behind the counter but what he really loved most of all about coming here, it was always quite. In fact, in all his time coming here he could only remember being in the shop twice when other customers were also there. He...

2 years ago
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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy E

January 2, 2006, I had just entered the Manhattan high-rise in the heart of Times Square where I work. I was the founder and CEO of Goodfella$, a successful American men’s magazine. Everybody in the building acknowledged me because I am the playboy known as the Nature Boy. I knew most of the women in my company, married or not, would sleep with me for bragging rights or career advancement. I often heard rumors about the women speculating the size of my dick. Hey, I cannot help if I had a...

1 year ago
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A Wish Almost Come True

It was a long night at work. Sometimes things just don't go right! She was just glad the day was finally over so she could go home and rest some. Once again she would have to spend the night alone because her life-partner was still working out of town. She understood but missed him a lot, this was her usual night to come home and awaken him with one of her perfect blow-jobs. Then enjoy the way he ate her pussy till she came, leading to a nice restful sleep next to him. She was hot thinking...

Erotic Fiction
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Tokyo Valentino Atlanta glory holes

I went again ! OMG. I got dressed up in my sluttiest hot pink outfit with blond wig and red lipstick. I had on my sky high sparkly heels and a hot pink pearl necklace. I stepped out of my car in broad daylight and walked to the front door. I hesitated and acted like I dropped something bending over and exposing my hot pink panties to all the guys in the parking area ! I sent a message out that I was ready to used like a slut. I payed my entrance fee and walked in. I immediately pulled my skirt...

4 years ago
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My Evil Twin Chapter 15

Once we were in the room, Veronica said, “This is Mindy and she is here to provide some entertainment for us all. She is 14 and not a virgin. She has probably had more cocks in her than anyone one else, so don’t worry about her being able to take it.” I just stood there and listened, unable to say anything and if I did, I knew things would be worse. I hate it when I am being talked about like I am a real slutty whore, being able to take cocks like I do. But, because of my sister, that is...

4 years ago
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sexy camping foursome part 2

Morning came and I was awoken by the feeling every man dreams of, a woman sucking on his dick. Even better we were out in the woods in a tent, fresh mountain air and a blow job, life could literally not have been any better at that moment. If every woman did this to her man every day, there wouldn’t be any wars, world hunger would be solved, everyone would be too damn happy. “Good morning to you too” I said, as Alison was doing her best deep throat job on my rock hard cock. She pulled off my...

3 years ago
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Jupiter Youre Only a Star

It is said that as you grow older certain memories shine through the dense blur that is your life. As an elder, humans often reflect on the ‘What ifs.’ Not in regret, but in natural curiosity. Which is perfectly understandable, because what is life without the persistent enigma? And although I will never survey my life, pointing out my apparent flaws. I will always wonder who I would be today without those who’ve changed my life in ways beyond reason. He may come upon this. That prospect is...

1 year ago
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Fantasy of a first Bi encounter Part 2

Part twoIf you’ve read my first story, you’ll know that we were stood laughing at the incredible experience we’d just had and how we’d entered into it so easily, so fast and so quietly.Paul had just introduced himself after twice cumming in my mouth. He said “Sorry, how rude of me to not have offered you a drink. For the record you don’t need to suck someone off to get a drink, but it certainly breaks the ice”.“Breaks the ice”, I replied, “I think we just did that with a nuclear-powered ice...

4 years ago
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Sounds From the Attic The seventh chapter

Everyone in the room was naked, and Erin just asked me a very important question. To me, it was the question that literally makes or breaks any relationship forever. I knew how I felt about her, but on the other hand, she hadn’t given us any real details. What went on with Joe and her? They talked to each other for at least twenty minutes, so obviously they talked about something big. I needed to know, before I could possibly consider answering that important question. She began sparking a few...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 31 The Rescues and the Vaskat

Ken watched the Captains file out and head back to their own ships. Sitting in his chair, he smiled at Kala, and said, "I think your plan is going to work, at least the other Captains were excited about..." he said. He looked up as the doors open and Tammy walked in. "Hi, love, it's good to see you." Tammy walked in to the conference room and stopping as she saw the platinum haired woman sitting across from Ken. "Hello, Admiral, who's your friend?" 'Hello, sister, I am Kalaria,...

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after school fun

About 4 years ago me and a friend were doing an after school activity when we had finished we were both hot and sweaty,so we went downstairs to go for a shower, we were talking and getting undressed. I just had my boxers on when i noticed him looking at my crotch i looked at him and he looked away so i took my boxers off and got in the shower.After we got out he went and sat down i had my back turned to him and when i turned back around he had his cock out hard and stroking it i was in shock a...

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Kasturi Goes Out Of Control

I’m Kasturi (30years). I have wanted to share my fuck experience with my owner. I have studied till 10th standard and married for 10years. I work as housemaid now. My husband, Krishna is a truck driver and we have three daughters. Recently, he has taken up loans and we are unable to meet expenses. So I suggested that i work in nearby house to earn some income. We live in Kanakpura, a place on the outskirts of Bangalore. I approached the bungalow near my house with some hopes. Lalitha madam...

2 years ago
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Emily and Tiffany Annes Hot Bath

Introduction: Two girlfriends get together for a hot bath We started with a bath tub full of warm water, but we could have just as easily started like the day before. With both of us wearing open bathrobes, me sitting on her lap, facing her, my arms around her neck, her hands inside my robe, my legs wrapped around her and the thin-backed chair that she sat on. Holding each other close, nipples to nipples, and gently kissing each others lips. Or like it did two days later, naked in my bed, warm...

4 years ago
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A New experience

He made her sit in the drawing room and told her taht he would go and get his sister. He went inside his room, stripped himself naked and holding a glass of water, he went back to where Anita was waiting. When she looked at him, she blushed and turned her face away from him and asked him why he had no clothes on and where was his sister? He laughed out loud and told Anita that there was no one at home and that he had no sisiter and this was not the flat she was looking for. On hearing this,...

2 years ago
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Banging Bosom by TiTTiPORN

It's a late afternoon and I'm just lounging around my room, completely bored, with nothing to do. Suddenly there was a knock at my door which startled me because I wasn't expecting any guests. When I opened the door I saw the guy that is staying next door to my room. He's a foreigner and he just arrived about a week ago. I've only seen him a few times and each time he just stares at my boobs. I don't mind really because everyone does that, but he should know that I have a smile and oh I have a...

2 years ago
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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 10 Blood Pressure

Reid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...

3 years ago
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Regression to the Mean

I tripped climbing inside through the broken window, fell face first on outstretched hands into the broken glass and metal debris. ‘Son of a fucking BITCH!’ I yelled, furious. I heard something, and turned quickly on full alert. She was cowering into the corner near some toppled shelving. Her hands were empty. I saw her frantic eyes searching for an escape route and started breathing again, unknotting my muscles. ‘You don’t have to be afraid of me,’ I said quietly, ‘I won’t hurt you.’ I...

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Sex With Sexy Virgin Sony

Hi ISS readers this is arun, age 28, now am living in Pune. I am reading ISS stories since 4 years and now got courage to share my sex experience with you all. Thanks to all readers and publishers for giving this opportunity to share my real incidence with you all. This real incident happens exactly 3 years before with my best friend Sony. Well I am from Coimbatore, I did my studies in Coimbatore itself, and I got job in Delhi I went to Delhi in may 2007 n stayed with my friend Raj, I met Sony...

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I had been living in Nice, in the South of France, for about two years and had always wanted to go down to my favourite nudist beach at sunrise and just enjoy it by myself, or with a woman friend and enjoy some love-making in the open air. However, I had never got around to it, but this time, on the morning of June 21st, the longest day, I vowed to do it. Sunrise was to be at 05:49 hours. I set the alarm for 5:15. I was in bed by ten and slept deeply.I was rudely woken by the alarm. I...

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SweetSinner Moka Mora Sex Cures Everything

After Moka’s boyfriend, Chad, receives some bad news about his health Moka turns on her sexual charms to distract him from the situation. Instead of fretting over what he can’t control, Chad loses himself in his gorgeous girlfriend’s wet and ready pussy. The two enjoy an afternoon of passionate sex as Chad quickly spreads Moka’s legs and glides his tongue over her tiny clit. When life gets hard, sometimes the best thing to do is what you enjoy the most – some wet,...

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motherly love 2

Jason got home about 7 from his friend’s house and went up stairs to his room. Soon as he got into his room and noticed his screen saver was different. He sat down on his computer chair and watched. It was a video of him and mother in lounge room talking. There was no audio so he couldn’t hear but it oddly seemed familiar to him. He kept watching and then it struck him, it was last week when him and his mother had some fun. When it stopped it had something typed "I know what you and your...


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