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A Daddy's Discovery By: Malissa Madison I sat watching my son playing in the back yard with the other kids in the neighborhood. 'Hmmm,' I thought to myself, "at seven years old he sure has a lot more girls for friends than I had.' There were five of them and they were playing with their Barbie's like they were dating his G I Joe's or something. Then I noticed he wasn't the least bit shy about playing with the Barbie's, at his age you couldn't have gotten me near one. But I didn't want to say anything, he was happy and it had been a while since I'd noticed him having this much fun. I popped the top on another beer and turned back to reading the morning newspaper, keeping an eye on them as I scanned the latest headlines. He got up and moved over closer to one of the girls, I think her name was Sandy. Then when he sat back down I noticed how he tucked his legs up under him the way the girls were sitting. After a few minutes he got up and came over to me. "Daddy can we go inside and have cookies and milk, please?" "Sure you can, do you need me to help?" "No we can manage Daddy. Do you want another Beer?" "No I really doubt I'll finish this one. But thank you for asking," I said looking at him kind of funny. He'd been calling me Daddy a lot lately, and while it didn't really bother me, it was unusual. I watched as they all filed into the kitchen, there was something about the way he walked. It had always been there but it wasn't until I saw him with the other girls that it stood out. 'The other Girls?' had I really just thought that? Well the neighborhood was pretty heavy on girls, he'd get to hang out with more boys in two more weeks once school started. That reminded me we still had to shop for his school clothes. Damn where had the summer gone too? I knew where it had gone, I'd been doing everything I could to try and bring us both out of our grief. Lenore had died just before summer started. And it had seemed like neither of us would survive her loss. But we had, and I had thought we'd grown closer together as a result. But now I wondered if I was missing something important about my son. I looked around the back yard and saw the shape the flower beds were in. Had Miss Delaney been gardening while she was taking care of him? They looked like they'd recently been worked. There weren't any of his toy trucks scattered around either. His tree house, though only being a play house on stilts because Lenore was afraid he might fall, looked more like a little girls play house with the flowered curtains and the flower box filled with Marigolds Closing my paper I stood up to go inside and sat back down in shock. Tommy was standing in the kitchen serving milk and cookies carrying a doll on his hip. But the biggest shock was that he had on Lenore's apron, and a pair of her heels. His long hair had been pulled back in a ponytail and tied with a ribbon, and he was so cute. It was easy to imagine that if he'd had a sister that was what she'd have looked like, a miniature version of her Momma. I just sat there watching him. He moved like a young girl. And I could see him laughing with the others. Everything inside of me said I should march in there and put a stop to it, that wasn't how I was raised. But the father in me said, 'He's happy, and who the hell is it hurting anyway. He's been through so much already.' "Dave, is Annie still over here?" asked Sarah our neighbor stepping onto the patio. "Oh Sarah, sorry. Yes they're in the kitchen having milk and cookies," she glanced at the window then back at me. "Dave, it's just harmless fun, please don't get mad at him," she said and I realized she was afraid of my reaction. "I know Sarah, besides look how sh, I mean he is," I corrected myself. And we locked eyes for a moment. "He does this at your house too doesn't he?" it wasn't an accusation it was curiosity. "Yes, only Ummm, he likes to fully dress the part," she said biting her lip. I smiled to ease the tension. "As long as he's happy and not getting hurt." I said. Suddenly there was a flurry of activity in the house and I realized they'd seen us watching. A moment later the girls came out followed by Tommy looking very much like a little boy again but blushing. Well it was my Friday off and we still had Saturday and Sunday together. "Tommy, Annie and I are going shopping for school tomorrow. How about if you and your Dad come along, and then I can help him make sure you get the right sizes?" "Can we Daddy, I mean Dad?" I realized again that he'd called me Daddy a lot, just like a little girl. Boys his age usually said Dad. "Of course we can, it'll be great having a woman's opinion on how things should fit." I'd remembered buying him a T-shirt that had swallowed him up. He of course slept in it, even though, or perhaps especially after I'd accidently put it in a washer load of reds and it had come out pink. Now I wondered about finding one of Lenore's nitie's in his room. I had thought that he slept with it since it would remind him of her. They went out into the yard and began swinging together. "Dave, are you ok?" asked Sarah. "Sarah I think Tommy might be leaning more towards becoming Tammy," a said. When she didn't say anything I looked at her. "Would you be ok if that was what she really wanted?" something in her tone of voice said she was on the edge of going protective mother on me. "Sarah, I, I just want my s, my child to be happy. I wouldn't love him any less if he wanted to be Tammy. She would still be my child, only then she would be my daughter." "She's been so afraid of how you would react. Especially after that story on the news about that girl in Chicago," she said. I remembered the news report. The seventeen year old had finally come out to her parents and her father had beat her to death. "Oh god," I suddenly realized how frightened he'd been after that, and how he'd seemed to be even more careful about keeping things picked up and put away. "How can I, I mean how should I tell her it's ok? That I will love her no matter who she wants to be?" Now grinning Sarah stood up. "Girls, could you come here a minute?" They all ran over in front of us, Tommy standing a bit behind the rest. "Mr Freeman wants to meet Tammy," she said. A lot of jaws dropped open and they stepped aside. Then I held out my arms. "Come here Sweetie," I said. Eyes wide open, half scared, and she stepped into my arms, tears beginning to run down her cheeks. "I'm, I'm sorry Daddy." Hugging her tightly I drew my head back, and then lifted her eyes to mine. "No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you were afraid to tell me about wanting to be Tammy." "But Daddy, I'm a boy." "Do you know what I've been seeing all afternoon?" I asked. "No Dad, Daddy." "I've been watching you playing with the other little girls, how happy you are. How much you are just like they are. And then I saw you serving milk and cookies to the other girls with your doll on your hip, wearing your Momma's apron and, and her heels. You're the prettiest little girl any Daddy could ever want." Her eyes got huge, still filled with tears. "What about that girl in Chicago, Daddy?" "I won't let that happen to you. I'll be here to protect you from ignorant people like that." I thought of something I'd seen the girls do throughout the summer and lifted my pinky up to her. "I pinky Promise." "I wish you were my Daddy," said Annie. "Well I'll sure look out for you too, just like a Daddy would, but I don't think your Momma's quite ready to do that yet." I told her. Could she know about me and Sarah? That I'd been outside crying last week, and her mother had come to comfort me, and that we had both ended up screwing our brains out on the lounge chair she now sat on? Or that I'd punched her father's drunken lights out two days ago when he tried to force her to have sex with him when he showed up at the door drunk at one AM? Sure I'd known why they'd gotten divorced. Lenore had even called me the night he'd put Sarah in the hospital, to tell me that was where she was with Annie and Tommy. I'd gone to their house while he was still locked up in jail and put in new locks. In reality I wasn't sure of myself, Lenore hadn't even been gone four months. Would she understand? I didn't want to marry someone I didn't love, just to give my child a mother. I had looked up at Sarah and the look in her eyes told me that she understood, and she herself wasn't ready to move forward in that direction. It had just been mutual sex between us. The smell of a grill drifted across the back yard, and then Rhonda Mills looked over the fence on the other side of us. "Hey anyone over here want to come to a Barbecue?" "That depends Rhonda," said Sarah. "Are you inviting Dave and Tommy or Dave and Tammy?" "Really, he finally found out and he's ok with it?" "Yes Rhonda, I most certainly am." I realized I was grinning. "This calls for a block party," she said. "Girls go tell your Mommies. Rachel tell your Daddy he's invited too. Dave is going to want his advice." Rhonda advised. Mr Spears was the newest resident in the neighborhood. And I suddenly realized that the rest were either divorced or widowed. The Spears' were the only couple that were still married. Rachel also had two older twin brothers. "Annie why don't you take Tammy and find her something pretty to wear?" Sarah took my hand and led me toward my own back door. "I'll help her Daddy get ready." We'd just gotten to my bedroom when Rhonda stepped through the door. "Hey I thought we were going to share," she said to Sarah. "Besides you have a head start already." She was practically ripping off her clothes as she got on the bed. Sarah pushed me back onto my bed and said you get his shirt I'll get his pants," and then they giggled. I'd never had a double blowjob before, but damn was it great. Soon though Rhonda mounted my cock while Sarah sat on my face. We soon changed positions and they took turns licking each other while I fucked them. Then as I began to cum in Rhonda, Sarah said, "Oh how I miss Lenore's sweet tongue." It had been a long time since Lenore and I had engaged in group sex. Not since Tommy was born. I'd promised her I wouldn't fuck another woman unless she brought her into our bed. And she'd promised me she wouldn't fuck any other guys unless I was there with her and approved. Of course I knew she liked sex with other women, I even knew that she and Sarah had been seeing each other after her divorce. We'd discussed it between us and she was slowly bringing Sarah around to the idea of a threesome with me. But then Lenore had died when she was hit by the speeding car in the parking lot of the grocery store. I hadn't had sex with anyone else until last week. And here I was in our bed fucking with her two best friends. As Rhonda walked on her knees up over me I knew that Lenore did understand, especially when Rhonda did the one thing that Lenore always loved. She lowered her cream filled pussy to my face. Soon I found Sarah riding my revived cock as she hugged Rhonda from behind, the fingers of one hand spreading open that hot wet pussy as I lapped up the cum drooling out of it. Another quick cum and I felt more relaxed than I had ever felt in the last four months. The two women just giggled as we hurried to get dressed before our daughters caught us. An hour later I was in Rhonda's back yard, visiting with everyone when Rachel's parents showed up. With them was Miss Delany, the only single person in the neighborhood that was neither divorced or a parent. She'd quickly become our most trusted Babysitter when Lenore was still alive. I noticed right away how she and Jennifer Spears, Rachel's step Mom got along. And then I found myself sitting at a patio table with the two of them. Lori Delany was very pretty, but her arms and one side of her face showed the signs that she wasn't a stranger to violence. I'd wanted to ask what had happened since she started babysitting for us eight months ago when she moved to the neighborhood. But I didn't want to pry in case it was too painful. "Dave," she finally said after a few minutes of silence. "I want you to know how glad I am that you are being supportive of Tammy. I know how cruel some people can be to Transgendered girls." "Yes especially parents who claim they're doing the things they do out of love," added Jennifer. Now I was confused, why would they be saying something like that? "Dave, Martin is my Transitional Therapist," Lori said. "I moved here to get away from my parents who thought they could beat it out of me." I must have looked shocked. "Did you know that Rachel is Transgendered too? Or that I am?" asked Jennifer her step mother. "When Lori told Martin about the house for sale we decided we'd like to live in a nice quiet neighborhood. So we bought it and haven't regretted it once." "Miss Lori, Daddy says I can be Tammy now, isn't that wonderful?" Tammy said as she climbed into my lap. "Yes and when school starts you and Rachel will both be in my class," she smiled. "You're a teacher?" I asked surprised that I hadn't already known that. She giggled then. "Yes I figured since I could never have children of my own, I wanted to teach those around me." I'd known that Jennifer was a teacher, but hadn't thought too much about it. I knew she was awfully young, even as a step mother. But Rachel and the twins Brad and Chad really treated her more like a mother, than a step mom. "Dave, I see you're getting to know everyone a lot better," said Martin as he joined us finally. "Have you given any thoughts to who you want to take Tammy to for her transitional therapy? She'll need a Transition letter for school you know." "Martin, I think I'd rather it be someone we know and trust. Or do you think you're too close to her situation?" I was worried about taking her to someone neither of us knew. As we talked Tammy took off to play with the rest of the girls, and I noticed how Rachel's brothers were watching out for her. Eventually the subject of sex came up. I was curious about how to have the talk with Tammy when she got into high school and became interested in boys. What could she expect, all the things I'd heard about? "Dave," Jennifer started. "I'm strictly what they refer to as a bottom girl. I take the role of wife seriously, and since I graduated college I've not used my clit to fuck anyone but another girl." "Me too," chimed in Lori. "We're both traditional girls." They giggled a moment then Lori said, "Of course it's always nice to have a man suck my clit while he's getting my Coochie ready." "Yes but your big problem is there aren't that many men around here that are either open minded enough, or that don't expect you to bang their ass too," added Martin bluntly. By the look in her eyes I realized that was one of the things she'd confided in therapy. "Don't get me wrong, I love sucking cock and getting my ass fucked until I cum. I just don't like fucking a man in the ass with my clit." Said Lori. Then looking at me she asked, "Have you ever been with a Transgirl before?" I knew she was trying to find a way to change the subject. "Ummm, no actually until I started noticing things about Tammy I'd never really given it a lot of thought," I answered honestly. "But I think I should probably learn as much as I can so that when she starts dating I'll be prepared to answer questions." I know I shouldn't have been that attracted to her, she was after all my Babysitter and would be Tammy's teacher when she went back to school. Or maybe it was the two beers I'd had with the barbecue. "Maybe I could help you learn a few things," she blushed. "Perhaps Tammy would like to come to her first sleepover?" suggested Jennifer out of the blue. "A splendid idea, I think maybe these two need some time alone to discuss the finer points of a Transgirl's charms," said Martin. We were talking and hadn't realized that the others had moved away to give us more privacy, when Tammy rushed up to us. "Daddy, Rachel wants me to come to her house for a sleep over. What should I do?" I pulled her up into my lap looking into her eyes. "Do you want to go and have fun with the other girls?" "Yes Daddy but I don't have a night gown." She answered. Now Lori got excited all over again, "If you'll excuse us I think I might have one she can wear." It never crossed my mind to ask why she would have something that would fit Tammy. But then there had been a few times that she had watched her for a few days while I had business trips out of town, and Tammy had stayed with her. She said she would help Tammy and walk her to the sleep over then meet me at my house. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. Sure I'd had anal sex with my wife and others before Tammy was born. But that was different, wasn't it? The doorbell rang about forty five minutes later and I opened it to find Lori there with her little overnight bag. I invited her in and we sat on the sofa talking much the same as we did whenever she came over to watch Tammy. The big difference here was that she sat as close as possible to me, her hand resting on my thigh. She giggled nervously and leaned in to kiss me. "Dave relax," she said. "With the exception of the size of my clit and the fact that my ass is also my pussy I'm just like any other girl you've ever been with. So treat me that way, I'll let you know if you're doing something I don't like." We were kissing and I soon forgot that she was Transsexual as her hand began massaging my stiff cock through my slacks. Her top came off and then her bra as I gently rubbed and massaged her breasts. Leaning in I was intrigued by the piercings through her stiff nipples. The little rings, catching on the tip of my tongue causing her to moan and gasp with growing desire. Soon I was naked with her in just her pantys as she knelt in the floor sucking on my cock. It felt so warm and heavenly as she slowly worked it into her throat. Her eyes never left mine the whole time and I could see her tears as she gagged a bit swallowing me down to the base. Oh how I wanted to fuck her right there, but she deserved the comfort of a bed. And I knew if I didn't act soon I was going to blow my load. I pulled her up into my lap and she giggled rotating her ass around on my hard cock as I wrapped my arms around her. One arm under her shapely little ass, the other around her waist I struggled a bit to stand up. "Dave?" she questioned. "I'm taking you to my bed," I answered. "We'll be more comfortable there." When I leaned forward laying her gently in the middle I said, "It's my turn to explore." Kneeling between her legs I let my tongue caress her stiff pierced nipples, as she rocked her hips, rubbing her panty covered crotch against my cock. Oh how I wanted to fuck her brains out, but I had to slow down, I had to do this right. I'd stopped thinking of her as a Transsexual before I'd carried her to my bed. And now feeling her stiff clit wedged back in her pantys rubbing hard against my cock it came flooding back to me. I could feel that it wasn't very big, but still it was huge compared to a real clit. I'd never sucked on a cock before, though I'd tasted another man's cum in my wife's pussy back before Tammy was born and we'd had our wilder sexual side. She looked unsure as I kissed and nibbled my way down to her pierced naval, the glittering pendant moving to the side as I swirled my tongue in deep before continuing downward. At the top of her satin pantys she hesitated, while I pressed my nose to her clit. I wasn't sure what I'd expected, but I slowly moved my hands to the backs of her wide open knees, slowly lifting them upward and letting them almost close as her ass tilted upward in front of me. I inhaled her musky scent, felt the damp drool slick crotch on my nose. Then I kissed the head of her trapped clit. The cream wetting her crotch as I sucked and nibbled before her hands caught the waist band and pushed her pantys down. I pulled my face back just enough to let them slip past and was rewarded by her stiff clit jumping up at me. I stopped thinking about it and sucked it into my mouth as she worked her pantys to her knees before pulling one leg free. She was writhing on the bed panting and moaning. Slowly I released her clit from my mouth and moved downward, my tongue finding her already excited pucker. She let out a little mew of anticipated pleasure as I pushed my tongue in deep, my previous experiences coming back to me as I prepared her for my cock. My hand gripping her clit I began to stroke it as I wormed my tongue in and out feeling her squeezing it,yet growing more excited and ready. I was pushing great gobs of spit into her, knowing it needed to be really wet first. And then her tiny hole clamped down as she began to buck and came in my hand. I did my best to catch it all as I continued to drive my tongue in deeper and deeper feeling her begin to open up even more now. When she reached down to pull me up over her I responded by easing up, my cum filled hand going to my cock making it slick with her own cream before I pressed it gently to her opening. The feel of her slowly spreading open around my cock was almost too much and I had to keep stopping to let myself calm down. The urge to just slam in all the way was nearly overpowering, but finally I felt my bloated balls pressed against her as we kissed and then she began moving her hips, and there was no more thought about her in any other way than as a woman beneath me as we began to make passionate love. My cock slamming in and out, her clit growing stiff between us. And then as I finally began to cum her clit began to squirt her cream out to coat her breasts, some reaching as far as her face. Still semi erect I lay there, my cock soaking in her tightness, I kissed her face, her lips, licked her cream off her cheek. Then bent my head and began licking her breasts clean. The taste of her cream was like a shot of aphrodisiac, my cock grew harder than before inside of her and I began rocking my hips fucking in and out. My own cum was now the best lubricant we could have. Suddenly she giggled and rolled us over so she was on top. My hand reaching up to caress and massage her breasts, the rings catching between my fingers bringing little excited gasps each time I teased them. A soft glow seemed to radiate around us as I became lost in her charms. Her strawberry blonde hair flowed out around our faces as she leaned forward to kiss me. When she drew back it was like a halo had framed her face momentarily, and my arms curled around her, my hands spreading out over her back pulling her back down for another deeper more passionate kiss. As she started to sit back up I spoke from deep in my heart the words I hadn't spoken to any other woman but Lenore, "I Love You Lori." "Wh, what?" "I love you," I answered again. When she started to get off of me I tightened my grip around her. "I, I really mean it Lori, I love you." She began to cry then, big soft tears rolling down her cheeks. "You can't love me Dave. No one loves me," she tried to get loose but I held her tightly rolling her over onto her back as she struggled to get free. Pinning her beneath me I said it again speaking from my heart. "Lori Delany, I Love You. You are the first Woman who has ever made me feel so alive, so needed since Lenore died. And I intend to marry you." "Stop it, stop right now Dave, we can't," she was crying more now. "What about, what about Tammy, Dave? She, she needs a real mother." "Yes one who truly understands what she is going to go through, who loves her and will be able to help her more than someone who is different than she is." I reasoned. "No Dave, I won't marry you just to give Tammy a step mother who understands her," she said. "Besides she won't want me to take her mother's place." She finally managed to struggle free, but didn't move to run away. As much as I wanted to grab her again and hold her there I knew I couldn't force her. "Lori, I would never marry someone I didn't love just to give Tammy a mother," I reached my hand up to cup her face, my thumb wiping at her tears. "Please don't go. Please stay here with me, now and for the rest of our lives together." "Dave I, I," she jumped up and ran into my bathroom closing the door. I got up and crossed the room. "Lori, please. I could see it in your eyes too, you love me just as much as I love you," I said. "Dave, I, I, can't love you. I just can't," she was crying again and I slowly opened the door. She was sitting on the toilet, her face buried in her hands crying. I knelt beside her my arms going around her gently. "I know you're scared Lori, I'm scared too. I'm afraid because after all these years I finally found someone else besides Lenore who doesn't make me feel used. You make me feel loved, and I do love you. And I can see it in Tammy's eyes. She loves you." "I'm scared Dave, I, I never felt loved before," she finally admitted. "But, but when, when I first realized Tommy wanted to be Tammy I, I wanted to help her. I never dreamed of it turning into something more," she finally admitted as she buried her face against my shoulder. "That's why you bought her the nitie's and let her sleep over at your house whenever you watch her now?" I asked gently. I'd finally realized what had been happening and she lifted her face to look at me. "Don't you see, you're already more of a mother to her than anyone else could ever be?" When she was finished I picked her up and carried her back to bed, laying down next to her. I gently caressed her cheek as I kissed her, "We'll go slowly, but I want you to know that I do love you. And Tammy loves you. And I don't care what anyone else thinks about anything." She let me hold her and I found myself rocking her gently until we both fell asleep. I woke up to the shifting of weight on the bed, and opened my eyes to find Tammy sitting there on the other side of Lori. When Lori lifted her head to look Tammy leaned over and hugged her tightly. "Are you going to be my Mommy now?" there was so much hope in her words, I knew that Lori could feel it too. "I, Tammy I don't know yet. I, I would like to be. But your Daddy and I still have to figure a few things out first," she answered. "Will you go with us to buy my new clothes?" asked Tammy. "Please Lori, you'll know better what to buy so she doesn't have problems with finding things that fit correctly," I reasoned. "Pleeeeease," begged Tammy. "Ok, but you need to let your Daddy and I get dressed and get some breakfast first," she finally answered. When Tammy was out of the room she asked, "Dave could you maybe go get my clothes from down stairs?" I kissed her lips softly. "Yes and you can have the shower first." I grabbed a robe and slipped it on before heading down stairs only to run into Tammy carrying not just our discarded clothes but Lori's overnight bag. She followed me back into the room while Lori was in the shower. "Thank you Daddy, I'm happy you want Mommy Lori to be my Mommy." She hugged me tightly. "I need a Mommy, and Lori is always like a Mommy when she watches me. She buys me pretty things too." I kissed her cheek and patted her bottom. "You better run along so we can finish getting ready," I told her. I slipped into the shower with Lori and we kissed as we scrubbed each other's backs. I got my first clear look at her pierced nipples, "Didn't that hurt when you got those done?" "Yes," she giggled. "It hurt like hell, but I was being defiant at the time. I thought the guy loved me because he was getting his done too, but we broke up a week later when I caught him with someone else." I hugged her to me as I helped her dry off. She was still a bit shy about my seeing her naked. As soon as I finished getting dressed I let her use the bathroom to do her makeup. Downstairs I found Tammy on the phone with Rachel and listened curiously. "I think it's working. They were sleeping together when I got home. And I asked if she was going to be my Mommy. I really hope she wants to be my Mommy." Tammy was saying. I crept back upstairs to my room to find Lori almost ready. "You asked me about Tammy wanting you to be her Mommy," I said as I held my finger to my lips and then pressed the speaker button on the bedside phone. "But we have to make sure they have lots of time together," Rachel said. "That's how we got our Mommy and Daddy together." "My Daddy really loves her too, you can tell by the way he looks at her all dreamy eyed," she giggled. "And Mommy Lori looks at him the same way, but she's kind of scared. I think maybe she never had anyone to love her like we do." "Don't push too much, you don't want her to get scared and run away." "Rachel who are you talking to? And what are you talking about?" asked Jennifer in the background. She hung up quickly. When we came down Tammy was waiting for us and I saw she had a pretty porceline doll that I had noticed once when I was over at Lori's to pick her up after my last business trip. The same doll she was carrying on her hip yesterday while serving cookies and milk. I decided I wanted to take us out for breakfast, I wanted Lori to get used to being seen in public with us. And I really wanted my daughter to know that I accepted her. As we walked out to the car Tammy reached up holding both our hands. Then as she got in Lori reminded her to fasten her seat belt as Sarah and Rhonda arrived to ask about our shopping plans for the day. We had a quick discussion and decided to meet up at the Mall after breakfast. Over breakfast I finally asked one of the questions that I was curious about. "How long have you known about Tammy?" I asked her. Now with a sheepish grin on her face she answered, "Since I noticed her on the playground two years ago." "What?" I asked quietly. Two years ago Tammy was in kindergarten. And Lenore was walking the four blocks to school and back every day. That was about the same time that the Lori had moved into the neighborhood. "Dave, I talked to your wife about it a lot. She was worried as was I about how you might react." "She never said anything to me about it," I began. "Dave, she thought it was best if she gradually let it show more and more to give you time to accept it." "Why would she be worried about me not accepting it?" I asked in shock. "Dave, think about it. Think about how you were both raised. I know her concerns, I, my own parents weren't accepting of me," she said absently rubbing the scars on her arms and on the side of her face. "Oh god, she, that's what was bothering her the last year? She had this huge secret and she couldn't be sure of my reaction," I looked at Tammy then, pulling them both into my arms. That seemed to break down the last of the barriers as we began to talk. Lenore had known about Tammy for at least a year before she died. And then after losing her mother Tammy had withdrawn and only recently begun to emerge more in front of me. She'd thought her Mommy had died because she wanted to be a girl. But it had taken a lot of talks with Lori to convince her that it wasn't her fault, and that her Mommy wanted her to be happy. We were shopping and had met up with the others, Lori took to her mothering role as if she'd been born to it. And I wondered how Sarah and Rhonda were going to react when I had to tell them that I intended to marry Lori. But it was Jennifer who set my mind at ease on that matter. They've been wondering when you were going to let them know that you're going to be exclusive with Lori," she said out of the blue. "They saw it happening last night before you left the barbecue." "Then I guess there's no time like the present," I grinned remembering that we'd been discussing getting Tammy's ears pierced for her. "Lori, Tammy, let's go get your ears pierced," I said holding hands as we entered the jewelry store. While she was busy helping Tammy select her first piercing studs and several pairs of earrings for after they healed, I quickly bought a ring. As Tammy giggled and showed off her new pierced ears I steered us toward the fountains in the middle of the mall. Martin had showed up by then with the twins and asked Jennifer what was going on. "Just wait and see, but I think were almost where he wants to be," she told her husband as I held Lori's hand beside the big fountain. Dropping to one knee I looked up into her eyes. "Lori Delany, will do me the honor of becoming my Wife and Mother to my Daughter?" I slipped the ring onto her finger. "D, Dave?" she glanced around at everyone before saying, "Yes, yes I will." An older woman nearby said, "Well I never!" hearing her Lori gasped in shock, but I already had my arms around her before I heard the woman say, "You can't be serious about 'HIM' to be your wife." I realized it had been directed at me. Finally Lori twisted in my arms, her right hand extending out to slap the woman across the face before Martin was there between them. "Mrs Delany, you are in violation of the restraining order. Or are you wanting to go back to jail?" The others had now placed themselves between us and Lori buried her face in my shoulder. Her tears soaking into my shirt. "I'm sorry Dave. I'm sorry she had to show up and ruin everything," Tammy tugged on both our arms for attention, and I let go with one arm to lift her into the hug. "It's not ruined Mommy," she said. "M, Mommy? Did she just call him Mommy?" I heard the woman ask. Now with her arms around us both Lori turned to the Woman. "That's right 'MOTHER' she called me Mommy. Something you never were, or ever will be." "But, how can you ever hope to be a mother to a sweet little girl like that, or a Wife?" The crowd was growing now, and I could see the hope in her eyes that she was getting support. "Lady, you best not be degrading Miss Delany. She's one of the best teachers my children have ever had." There was a lot of angry parents adding their support. "But she's not really," she never got the chance to finish her statement. "She has made no attempt to hide the facts about her birth, and she has done everything required by law and the PTA. And if you try to interfere with her life in anyway, I will personally see to it that you regret it," said a newcomer. Just before Mrs Delany was escorted out by Mall Security. "Mr Richards, I'm sorry about this, I, I," began Lori. "Lori, I meant what I said to her. You are too valuable as a teacher for us to even consider letting you leave," he held her hand. "If you look around you'll see there are quite a few here who support you." She started looking around us. And then it started, one by one at first. "Miss Delany, congratulations, when's the wedding." "Lori, I'm so happy for you dear." "You are already a wonderful teacher, I can't imagine you would be any less wonderful as a Mommy." On and on it went, parents, teachers, and students. Everyone who had ever met her congratulated her. All the while Mr Richards stood nearby. Finally as they continued on with their shopping he introduced himself. "Mark Richards, I'm with the State Board of Education." "Dave Freeman," I shook his hand. "I'm happy to know that she has so much support and so many who accept her." "Well it wasn't easy. She had a lot of opposition to overcome," he said with no small amount of pride. "She and Jennifer Spears are two of our best teachers." Smithfield, was a private school. But still it had to abide by state regulations. And I quickly found out that their acceptance as well as support of both young teachers had been the reason behind some other teachers and longtime supporting family's leaving the school. But they had found others who had accepted and supported their decisions to stand behind the two teachers. "You know we have a few new teachers and students that I'm hoping Jennifer and Lori will help to adjust," he said. Just then one of the high school cheerleaders came over and gave her a hug. "Thank you Miss Lori. You've given me so much hope and encouragement." The rest of the cheerleaders were there as well. "You just remember to not cheat on your hormones and you won't have any more problems Destiny," Lori told her. "Don't worry Miss Delany, we won't let her cheat," the others assured her. "Are you really getting married?" asked Destiny. Hugging us both tightly she said, "Yes, Yes I am." A young woman who was with Mr Richards finally asked her a question. "If you're getting married, what are you going to do with your house?" "I'm not sure, why?" "Could we rent it? I mean, me and Celeste?" "Lori, this is Ginger Horn, she's one of the new teachers joining us this year. I knew you had that three room house and I was bringing them by to see if you'd rent out a room to them since it's so close to the school," added Mr Richards. "Oh, of course," she giggled. "I hadn't even thought about what to do with it yet. Everything is just happening so fast," she hugged both Tammy and I again. "You're a real cutie," said Ginger. "I hope one day I can find a pretty little girl just as sweet as you are." "I'd settle for finding a Husband who loves me for myself," added the one who must be Celeste. We finished our shopping and I decided that as soon as we got everything home I was taking my girls to dinner. "Dave I can cook, really, I don't mind. Besides you haven't even tasted my cooking yet." Lori protested. "Yes Daddy, Mommy cooks real good," added Tammy. How could I resist, I gave in and let Lori fix dinner. Then sat back and watched as Tammy hopped up on a stool and began helping. I decided I would get the important papers around that I would need for Tammy's name change and for the upcoming wedding that we still needed to set a date for. In my little home office I pulled out the big family bible and started flipping through it to find the birth certificate and saw that Lenore's death certificate was just stuck in the front cover. I found the envelope that I knew held the birth certificate for Tommy Layne Freeman. Opening it I also found a letter that had been written some time before Lenore's death. "David," "I don't know why I'm writing this, but I have a bad feeling something is going to happen before she is able to tell you herself." "You know that I love you more than life itself. But I need to tell you that our son, Tommy has been expressing desires to become our daughter. I didn't know how to tell you. I only hope that you are as good and wonderful as I know you are. But I'm also still afraid because of how we were both raised. The other single mothers in the neighborhood know already as do our neighbors the Spears and a very special teacher named Lori Delany who have been urging me to tell you about her." "Please give her all of your love and understanding. And if you need help Miss Delany or Mrs Spears can give you guidance from personal experience. They are both well-known teachers as well as having grown up like Tammy. But in Miss Delany's case she was not always accepted, especially by her family, which is why she is urging caution." I'm sorry I'm not here to tell you this myself. But please try to find our Child a caring mother who understands and accepts her. You should not be alone to raise her, but I also know that you need someone who will also take care of your needs as well." "Love forever and always," "Lenore" I sat there near tears, I couldn't fault her. We'd both grown up with very prejudiced parents. And we both knew their views on not just other races and religions, but Gays, Lesbians, and Transgendered as well. I had to admit that seven years ago I probably would have had those same values. But Lenore's death had rocked me to my core, and if I hadn't had Tommy I wouldn't have gotten through it. Then another thought hit me. About the same time that she had found out about Tammy was when she'd had the huge fight with her mother. Eleanor had stopped coming to visit. She never even called after Lenore's death, let alone attend the funeral. Now I thought about my own mother, she'd been to the funeral, but had left right after it was over. Had she and Lenore had words as well? Picking up the phone I decided to call her. "Hello?" "Mom, it's me Dave," I said. "D, Dave? Hold on let me go outside where we can talk," she said. Why would she need to go outside? "Dave how are you? How's Tommy are you both alright?" she sounded desperate for news. "Yes Mom we're just fine. But I kind of need to ask you something really important. It's about Lenore and Tammy, I mean Tommy." "Dave, please let me call you back. Your father is about to go out for the night." "Uhhh, sure Mom you still have my number?" "Yes, look I've gota," "Who the hell are you talking to Agnes? It better not be another one of those Freaks you've been volunteering to help." The phone went dead and I sat staring at it wondering what was happening. Was there something going on with my parents now, and did it have anything to do with Tammy? "Daddy, Mommy says dinner's ready," said Tammy as she entered the room. Reaching out I pulled her into a huge hug and kissed her cheek. "Thank you Sweetheart," I let go and pushed back my chair, then carrying the cordless phone I followed her to the dining room which hadn't been used since Lenore had died. Wrapping her arm around my shoulder Lori asked, "Dave is everything alright?" "Oh umm yes, I was just getting Tammy's records so we could get the process started to change her name and I found something," I said, then handed her the letter. "Dave, I'm so sorry that she wasn't able to tell you all of this when she was still alive," said Lori. "Maybe we should save this for Tammy when she gets older. I mean it is from her mother." "Thank you Mommy," said Tammy hugging her tightly. We were almost finished eating when the phone rang, but I didn't recognize the number. Before I could say anything though Tammy answered it. "Hello Freeman residence, Tammy speaking," she said. After a moment she said. "Daddy the lady says she's my Gramma and wants to talk to you." "Mom, is everything ok with you and Dad?" I asked concerned by the way she'd hung up before. "Son it's complicated," she said. I could hear a loud speaker in the background. "Mom where are you?" I asked. "I'm at the airport. David I can't take it any longer, I'm leaving him. I have to see my granddaughter before, before it's too late." "You know about Tammy?" I asked now wanting to hear her say it. "Yes we know about Tammy. Son I'm sorry for the horrible things your father said to Lenore. He's been so unreasonable about everything," there was another announcement and she said, "I have to catch my flight now. I'll be in at ten forty six tonight if you want to meet me at the Airport. Or I can take a cab and get a motel." "Mom we'll be there. Besides I have someone else I want you to meet." She'd already hung up though. "Dave was that your mother?" asked Lori. "Yes I would like for you to be there with us when we meet her at the airport, please." "Is your father going to be there?" she asked with a frightened look in her eyes. "No he doesn't even know she's coming. I think maybe they're getting divorced," I answered honestly. She gathered Tammy up in her arms. "It will be ok, I think maybe she has changed since the last we met her. And your grandfather will not be there to be mean to anyone," Lori said. I think we were all nervous as we stood waiting for her to step out of the exit gate. She looked different than I remembered, and she wore a big floppy hat that covered part of her face. Seeing us there she dropped her one bag and fell to her knees in front of Tammy. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry for everything." Her tears were flowing in rivers down her cheeks, and finally Tammy stepped into her arms. "Oh god Baby I was so wrong, so very, very wrong to listen to your grandfather. To let him tell me what to think," she was crying real tears that came from her heart. Lori picked up her bag as I helped her to stand up, and still she held onto Tammy picking her up in her arms. We were almost to the car when her cell phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID and dropped it in a trash can muttering, "Blood is thicker than money asshole." Tammy giggled at that. "Tammy that wasn't meant to be funny," said Lori. "I'm sorry Mommy," she stuck her finger in her mouth and tried giving her the big sad puppy dog eyes. My mother stopped and looked at her then as if noticing her for the first time. "You're, you were there when my husband slapped my daughter inlaw. And you stood between them when he tried to hit her again. I'm, I'm so sorry he was like that, and I can't begin to forgive myself for not doing something about it then." Lori reached out and gently lifted the edge of her floppy hat. "It looks like maybe you've been paying for it ever since. Why don't we get you home and let me help you with that," she suggested. When I tried to look Lori said, "Dave it won't do for you to see it now. You will only get angry and there is nothing you can do about it at the moment." My mother hugged her then. "Did, did my granddaughter call you Mommy?" "Yes she did but it isn't official yet. We haven't set a date for the wedding." Now my mother looked between us and just smiled before she said, "Would you let me pay for your wedding please? I know that your own parents are, well they aren't really parents after how they've treated you. And you really should have a mothers helping hand with things." When we got home I had a dozen messages from not just my father but his attorneys as well, telling me that my mother was going to be penniless. He'd cancelled all of her credit cards. "Mom?" "Don't worry Son. I'm a lot smarter than he ever gave me credit for. It just took me a while to realize it." "But Mom, how are you going to live? The way you've become accustomed to?" "He isn't the only one who knows how to buy a lawyer," she grinned. "Besides I still have my trust funds from my side of the family. And my investments on the side have seen me increasing that." "Your investments?" I asked astounded that my mother had a sense for investing. "Yes your father is sure that I'm going to be bankrupt. But Trans Union Lending has been turning quite a profit, since most Trans people are better at paying their debts than others." "Trans Union Lending? That's my loan company on my house," said Lori. "Yes I know dear. And you've never missed a payment either." My mother was smiling at her. "Of course with you getting married you'll not be needing the house anymore," "Oh umm I kind of already made arrangements to rent it out to another pair of teachers like myself." "Well then maybe they wouldn't mind having another roommate?" "Mom I'll get you a lawyer I know who is the best in the business," I began knowing that she was still going to need one for the divorce. Now she pulled out a new cell phone that I hadn't seen before. She punched in a preset number. "Sheila, its Agnes. I did it, but I'm not in LA anymore. I'm at my son and granddaughters. He's about to get married to the sweetest young teacher you could ever want to meet." "Yes, of course you can meet her. Thank you dear, I'll see you on Tuesday then." "You already had a Divorce attorney lined up?" I grinned at her. "Oh no Son, Sheila Daniels is not just a Divorce attorney. She runs the largest Transgender Law Firm in the nation. I can't wait to see your fathers face when she presents my ultimatum." "What ultimatum is that?" I asked. He will openly admit to and declare his illegitimate children, make an open 'Public' apology to myself and the rest of the family. And in return I won't take him for every penny he has." "You've been doing your homework," I chuckled. "I have birth records, and bank accounts on top of photographic evidence. And Sheila has access to the houses security cameras. So she already knows what happened before I left." We put her up in the spare room. And when she opened her suitcase I was shocked that she hadn't brought more than one change of clothes. And those she had used to cushion the porceline doll collection that had graced the shelves in her study. "Tammy, do you know anyone that might like to have some pretty dolls?" Tammy was in the middle of her bed in a second holding and cuddling the dolls. "Look Mommy," she said holding them up for Lori to see. Lori looked at me then seeing the six dolls. "Those are worth about five grand apiece," I told her in a whisper. At least that had been their worth when I'd first seen them when Lenore and I got married. My mother had bought them in hopes of having a granddaughter. "Tammy you should go get ready for bed," suggested Lori. You can visit with your Gramma when you're done. Tammy frowned but then raced off to her own room to change. "Lori, I'm not going to dispute how you and Dave are raising her," said my Mom. "But please if I ever get in the way or go overboard spoiling her, just tell me alright?" "Dave would you excuse us a moment?" asked Lori. "Agnes, please don't take this the wrong way. But letting her play with those dolls," "Lori, I know they are valuable. But I also know that between us we can teach her to care for them. "Just look how she's taken care of Debbie since you gave her to her," my mother named the doll she already had. When Lori looked stunned my mother said, "I had to know what was happening with my grandchild. And everything about the persons who were taking care of her. I knew that she was living a double life, but my PI hadn't informed me that she was now living as Tammy full time." "You hired Private Detectives?" Lori was shocked. "I'm sorry dear, but I had to know. And my husband wouldn't let me come here to find out for myself. But if I ever get in the way, please promise me you'll tell me." "I will, and please remember that I only want to love them both with all of my heart." "So you will still let me pay for the wedding? Please, I never had a daughter before, and Lenore refused to have anything fancy." Now hugging her tightly Lori said, "I think you've been more of a mother to me in the last two hours than my real mother ever was." I could hear them both crying and when Tammy came back down stairs she looked confused. "Lori, Mom," I got their attention. Smiling now they both held out their arms to her. Then after a few minutes they stood up and my Mom said, "Let's go put your dolls to bed and then I think you should get some sleep too. I'm sure it's past your bed time." She almost started to fuss but then Lori said, "Gramma will still be here when you wake up. Won't you Mom?" "Yes I will, I promise." We tucked her into bed and then my Mom said goodnight and returned to the guest room. Though we were both exhausted we still managed to make love quietly before falling asleep. I woke up early with Lori lying next to me giggling, her hand stroking my stiff cock. This time though Lori wanted my cum on her face. "A man's cum is very acidic, but also filled with proteins and nutrients that keep the skin young and fresh." She giggled again, "It also keeps girls from getting pimples. That's how I got so good at taking a cock into my throat." Her blush, and her own open admittance to her teenage activities only made me love her more. I kissed her lips licking them tenderly and she blushed and giggled. Would you be disappointed if I wanted a facial almost every night before bed? Yours is a lot better than my own, there so much more of it." Her talk had only turned me on even more and though my mother was downstairs asleep I still wanted more. With a wicked grin she pulled me over her so that I was straddling her hips as she began sucking me again. After a few moments I realized she was letting most of her spit drool out and run down between her breasts. Now with an even bigger grin she reached up and slipped out her small hoop earrings. I watched as she fastened them together between her nipple rings, a wave of pleasure rippling through her as she guided my cock to the hollow between her breasts. Looking up into my eyes she said, "Fuck my titties Dave. I love a good titty fuck." My mind reeled in disbelief, how could I get this lucky? Lenore had always liked titty fucking me most mornings before I left for work. The sight of her kneeling there with my cum all over her pretty face and breasts kept me raring to get home each night. "Oh god Lori, you have no idea how incredibly, edibly gorgeous you are," she giggled at my excitement as I gently thrust between her breasts. Each time the head popped out the top her mouth made a sucking pop as I pulled back for the next stroke. Her gasps as the nipple rings were pulled only added to our joint excitement, and I was afraid of hurting her pretty nipples. I put my hands on each side of her breast pushing them together, supporting them as I began let myself thrust faster and harder. She began to cream her pantys as I started cumming. Huge globs splashing up and over her face, between her breasts, in her hair. Then she gasped and uttered an "Oh shit." I pulled out from between her breasts afraid now that I'd hurt her, and she must have understood my fears because she tilted her face up to squinting one eye partially open, the other completely covered in my cum. "Oh shit Lori, I'm sorry." I grabbed a sheet to wipe her face but she pushed it away with a giggle. "If you wipe it off you'll just have to give me another one. But if you're really sweet you might kiss it all better." She giggled as I pushed her back onto the pillows my tongue lapping it from her eyes. "Hey not my face, remember it's a facial mask." I began to tickle her and she was squealing and giggling hysterically. "Mommy, Daddy?" we stopped and I turned to see Tammy standing in the doorway. She rushed to the bed jumping up on it then looking between Lori and I she giggled. "I thought you were arguing," she said. Then before Lori could react she threw herself into her arms hugging her tightly and kissing her face. Suddenly she drew back giggling rubbing her fingers over her own face. "I'm gonna be all pretty like you are Mommy." "Oh, ummm," we were both speechless. How to explain this to a seven year old. "Tammy," Lori finally began. But Tammy hugged her again. "I know, my other Mommy teld me I have to wait until I'm a big girl in high school to do that," she giggled. Then jumped down and went to the bathroom and came back with the jar of St Ives Collagen facial mask. "Can I still use this though Mommy?" I hadn't seen the jar since Lenore had died, but I also knew she didn't use it herself. "Yes you may Sweetie." They were sliding out of bed together when Tammy spotted her piercings and the way the earrings held her nipples almost touching. "You'll have to wait until you're old enough for these too," said Lori as she quickly unfastened her earrings before she twisted off the lid and began smearing the cream over Tammy's face, as Tammy giggled in delight. While they were busy I slid out the other side pulling on my pajama bottoms. Come on let's go fix Daddy's breakfast while this dries," Lori told her and they left the room giggling holding hands. "Look Gramma, we getted facials," I heard Tammy say. "Do you like getting facials too?" "W, w, what?" my Mom gasped. "It's a collagen facial mask," I heard Lori say. "Oh, yes sweetie, those are fun," my Mom said as I entered the kitchen. "Good morning Mom," I gave her a hug and peck on the cheek. "You know, I seem to remember interrupting a similar tradition before Tammy was born," she said. "Mom it's," I didn't get a chance to finish. "I know Tammy's came from a jar. Lenore and I talked about her morning routine before you two moved out here away from everyone else when she got pregnant." My Mom was smiling. "I used to enjoy those too before someone decided he wanted younger faces." She sounded sad and lost. Tammy ran and came back with the jar, "Here Gramma let me help." She was sitting in her lap spreading the cream around and they were joined by Lori as she giggled along with them. Then going to the fridge, Lori made a few notes on the shopping list. "Excuse me I should go change," she winked at me and I realized that my mom had been almost staring at her pierced nipples through the transparent lace of her nitie. "Lori, can we talk," Mom asked her. "Come on Tammy let's get the coffee and Oatmeal started," I said when Tammy started to follow. "I think Gramma just wants to ask Mommy about her pretty jewelry." As we got busy I was nervous trying to listen for any sign they might be having words. When they both returned laughing together I began to relax. As Lori joined me at the stove Tammy went to her room to get dressed for the day. "You two seem pretty giddy all of a sudden," I observed. They responded by giggling. Then I saw a flash of sparkle as my Mom turned from pouring her coffee. "You think I'm too old to like pretty things?" "No Mom, it's just that, well I never thought about you having your eyebrows pierced before," I admitted. "And you are not too old to like pretty things on your body Mom." I smiled at her. "Good then Lori and I are going to see about getting me a couple of others this afternoon," she blushed. "I think they'll go nice with my others." "Mom, please I don't need to know about that," I was turning red with embarrassment, my mind imagining where else she might have gotten pierced that I couldn't see. Sweeping her fingers over her ears she brushed her hair back to reveal she had triple piercings in her ears. Then she and Lori both began to laugh as they realized where my mind had gone. We were still eating when Rachel came to the back door. "Can Tammy come out and play?" then she saw my mother. "High, who are you?" "I'm Tammy's Grandma," she said. "Rachel this is my Gramma Agnes. She's my Daddy's, Mommy," explained Tammy. "You aren't going to be mean like Lori's Mommy are you?" challenged Rachel. "No, I was dumb the last time I was here. But her Grandfather doesn't decide for me anymore. I'd rather see my grandchild happy and healthy." Soon my Mom and the girls were out on the patio. And Tammy was showing off her new dolls as the rest of the girls showed up. "You, what the hell are you doing here? Dave, Dave?" began Sarah in a panic. "Sarah, my Mom is here on her own. We picked her up at the airport last night. She's divorcing my father," I said. Sarah saw how Tammy clung to her, and saw the new dolls. "I'm sorry Agnes I, I just remember," "Shhh, that was the old me that was too afraid of my husband." Lori came out on the patio then. "Dave I need to go meet the new teachers at my place. Maybe Agnes would like to go along since she'll be living there too?" "Oh yes, are they as nice and pretty as you are?" It seemed like the entire neighborhood turned out to welcome everyone as well as help move Lori's things to my house. Lori insisted that my Mom take the Master bedroom for herself. And then she was caught up in getting to know her new housemates. When I expressed my worries about her being there with strangers she shook her head. "I lived with a perfect stranger for thirty seven years. I think I can enjoy living with these lovely young ladies." Back at our house Lori and I snuggled on the couch while Tammy looked through her old school yearbooks. "You really got to be a girl in school Mommy?" She was answering Tammy's questions as best she could. And I had no trouble knowing she was sugar coating her past. Finally when Tammy fell asleep I carried her to her bed and then we snuggled together. "Lori, I'm sorry that was painful for you." "Dave, it was more than that. But I'm happy that Tammy won't be subjected to everything I had to endure. She'll get hormone therapy when she hits puberty and she'll be able to develop like the other girls." Opening her ninth grade book I turned to a photo of her with a group of other students. "I think you did pretty good, judging by this picture." "Dave I," she began to cry. "That was after I was put into foster care. Two weeks after that picture I ended up in the hospital, I, I nearly died." She said. "Someone beat you up?" I was thinking about her scars. "N, no not that time. That time I OD'd on hormones. I just wanted my own pretty breasts and I was buying them off the street and not caring about dosages and stuff. All I knew was my tits were growing." Now she looked at me scared. "I will do anything in my power to keep that from happening to Tammy." "But it was better in foster care, right?" I asked. "Yeah in a lot of ways. My first foster parents well they just wanted the money they were getting paid from the state to take care of me. I got an allowance, to keep me out of their hair that I spent on black market Hormones and pretty clothes." She was shaking in my arms. "When I got out of the hospital I had another set of foster parents. They, bought me pretty clothes and even took me to see a shrink, who got me prescribed hormones. But I had to pay for that in other ways I'd really not like to discuss. Let's just say that was when I decided I was meant to be a bottom." She cried a bit more then continued. "I used to get beat up a lot, when my friends weren't around to watch my back. And then when I graduated, I, I met Jennifer who helped me get into college, and introduced me to Martin. And they helped me get jobs and find the job at Smithfield teaching second grade. And that's when I first noticed Tammy playing with the other little girls instead of the boys. I, I talk a lot with Lenore about it. And I introduced her to Jennifer and Rachel on a more personal level. That's when she started helping to find my house here." She looked up into my own tear filled eyes, "She said if anything ever happened to her she hoped that you would find someone like me to help take care of her. Dave I never wanted to take her place," she said. "And, and now I feel kind of guilty the way things have turned out." "Lori, there is no doubt in my mind that Lenore isn't happy for the three of us." I kissed her tears. "And like you I intend to do everything in my power to make sure Tammy doesn't grow up having to fight to be the girl she was meant to be." After a few more minutes she said, "I know someone who has to be up early for work." "No I took the day off so I could get son enrolled in school but now I'm going to be enrolling my daughter and arranging for her name change and applying for a wedding license." She pressed her fingers to my lips, "Then you need to relax so you can fall asleep." She giggled nervously, "But I'm still a bit sore from the last two days, so I hope this will tide you over until tomorrow night." She slid down pushing the covers with her. I twined a finger in her long hair, "Only if you flip around here and let me help you relax too." With an excited giggle she flipped around over me, and we both began with little kisses that grew more intimate

Same as A Daddy's Discovery Videos

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Daddys Girl chapters 78

I wake up and its Monday ... Yuck school so i get up and shower and get ready. As I walk into the kitchen daddy is sitting there and says "good morning princess, did you sleep good"."Oh yes daddy you helped me sleep very well." I say as I walk over and kiss his lips and push my tongue in his mouth. As I kiss him I hear the front door open n think shit she has the worst timing. I turn to open the fridge to get some milk and fruit for breakfast as mom walks in and says hello. We both say hello as...

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4 years ago
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Daddys reawakening Chap 9

Introduction: This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+. Thank you all for the feedback on the other stories. This one is significantly longer than all the others, but I think the action at the end is well worth the wait. ,) Chapter 9 – The Day with Jessica Life in my house the last two months or so had been odd. After my sister unexpectedly moved in it put the brakes on any potential physical or intimate relationship my daughter and I had been on the verge of exploring. It...

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Daddys girl

Daddys girl100% fiction!Stephanie was very close to her dad, she was 18 years old and I had recently lost my virginity. She is 5"4", has a big ass and 36 b boobs. Dennis (father) was a very strict dad, if she did something bad he spank her shed try to be a good girl. He"s pretty lay ed back guy as she was. She was also horny teenager.One day stephanie was sitting by her dad on the couch as they watched a film and had a steamy sex scene. It turned her on, she was eager wanting to play with...

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Daddys Little Bitch

Introduction: Katies Stepdad gets fed up with his daughters antics and trains her to be his pet bitch. Daddys Little Bitch by Katie Spencer ([email protected]) *** Chapter 1 Katie wasnt sure if she was the prettiest girl in town, but she damn well knew she was the hottest. She had just turned 18 and was beginning her senior year in high school. She was 54 and 120lbs with curves for days, long wavy brown hair, and a deep dark tan. She had developed large breasts at around the age of 12 and...

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daddys girl 2

Over the next few years I really learned alot. I was horny almost all the time and me and April had been experimenting. Daddy wouldn't fuck me like he did the other women. It was so aggravating. I begged and begged. He said I was to small to take him, so until that changed it was a no. Well fuck, I gotta do something about this. I went on daddys computer looking for stuff he liked. I knew he watched porn so I figured that was the best place to look. WOW, I never thought I would find porn like a...

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Daddys Girl Chapters 14

This is a story of how my daughter and I began and carry on our beautiful love affair. Names have been changed to protect the guilty lol. My name is Blake and i was in bed had fallen asleep when i heard a noise in the house. I got up and started down the hall and it was coming from my fifteen year old daughters room. I slowly opened the door and room was dark except for light from the street light outside that was shining in on my daughter as she was in bed. She was naked i was shocked, but...

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Daddys Girl Chapters 14

This is a story of how my daughter and I began and carry on our beautiful love affair. Names have been changed to protect the guilty lol. My name is Blake and i was in bed had fallen asleep when i heard a noise in the house. I got up and started down the hall and it was coming from my fifteen year old daughters room. I slowly opened the door and room was dark except for light from the street light outside that was shining in on my daughter as she was in bed. She was naked i was shocked, but...

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Daddys Little Hooker

Introduction: MY first be easy ******************************* Mike was feeling increasingly restless. Susan, his 18 year old teenage daughter was staying at her friends, and he had the house to himself. Just him, all alone. Just him and the computer, with only his frustration and loneliness to keep him company. He was flicking through some teen porn pics, the ones he liked, the ones that he secretly knew, but his conscience self denied, most resembled his Susan. For a brief, unguarded...

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Daddys girl

Stephanie was very close to her dad, she was 18 years old and I had recently lost my virginity. She is 5"4", has a big ass and 36 b boobs. Dennis (father) was a very strict dad, if she did something bad he spank her shed try to be a good girl. He"s pretty lay ed back guy as she was. She was also horny teenager.One day stephanie was sitting by her dad on the couch as they watched a film and had a steamy sex scene. It turned her on, she was eager wanting to play with herself, her waiting cunt had...

1 year ago
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Daddys girl

100% fiction! Stephanie was very close to her dad, she was 18 years old and I had recently lost my virginity. She is 5'4", has a big ass and 36 b boobs. Dennis (father) was a very strict dad, if she did something bad he spank her shed try to be a good girl. He's pretty lay ed back guy as she was. She was also horny teenager. One day stephanie was sitting by her dad on the couch as they watched a film and had a steamy sex scene. It turned her on, she was eager wanting to play with herself, her...

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Daddys New Fucktoy

Introduction: Lily gets a fucked from her daddy Oh…oh…mmm…fuck me, oh, yes! Lily moaned, imaginging she was the pornstar in the video getting her pussy reamed by the thick cock. The top part of a brush was held between the heels of her feet, the rounded 5 inch handle in her hairless 14 year old pussy as she bounced on it. She was naked, glistening with sweat with her head thrown back, her long blonde hair swishing from side to side.. Her pert Bcups were bouncing wildly as she fucked her...

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Daddys Bitch

Now the main character of this story is my Dads Friend. His name is Jeremy, but ive always called him uncle J. He was in his 50s and was tall guy. He had a perfect hairy bear body. Now i said i liked guys but he was the only one i didnt like. I was always scared of him, he was really intimidating. He had a rough voice and whenever he spoke infront of me i just went silent. He turned me into his bitch and made do unthinkable things. One day my father asked me to go visit him. Uncle J had moved...

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Daddy and Mommy are very excited! Their daughter has come home from college to celebrate her 19th birthday. It's also spring break, so she will be visiting friends while she's home, but for now she is spending all her time with her parents. She is their baby, the younger of two sisters. She's also much smaller...she's very petite and little-girl like...the antithesis of her mother and sister, who are much larger and very voluptuous.Her parents threw a birthday party for her today. Many of her...

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Introduction: Me and my Daddy Finally after all these years, Ive decided its time to write another story. My two previous stories were based on true life experiences (much to some controversial comments). This one is based on experiences in my youth but with a mega amount of fantasy thrown in to make it way more interesting. I was about 13/14 when this happened for the first time, my parents divorced when i was very young and I grew up thinking my Step-Dad was actually my real Dad until one day...

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Daddys little bitch part 1

as my bitch of a mother left us to start a new life with my dads brother, my uncle. I am a 12 years old boy, but im not like most young boys from as early as the age of 5 i have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. So from when i was around 10 i would try on my mothers clothes and after a while of doing this i decided to take a pair of knickers and bra they wasnt too sexy but they made me feel sexy i could only take them ones as im sure my mother would of noticed if i...

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Daddys little bitch part 1

Introduction: comment and let me know what you think To tell you abit about myself and my life, it is just me and my dad that live together as my bitch of a mother left us to start a new life with my dads brother, my uncle. I am a 12 years old boy, but im not like most young boys from as early as the age of 5 i have always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. So from when i was around 10 i would try on my mothers clothes and after a while of doing this i decided to take a pair of...

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Daddys Boy part 3

Introduction: Father finds not just his son is a slut DADDYS BOY PART 3 By Depraved Fucker It was a miserable drive back to the city although Justin was back to his usual perky self as if my fat ugly brother had filled him with joie de vivre instead of puddles of incest cum. I suppose I should explain at this point. Sure, Im a pervert who loves fucking cunt and female ass, the younger the better, and had been known on occasion to fuck boycunt if there was none of the real thing around, but it...

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Daddys Boy Part 2

Introduction: Uncle fucks his nephew DADDYS BOY PART 2 By Depraved Pervert DADDYS BOY PART 2 For the next week I convinced myself my son was the innocent victim of a mob of gym perverts. I mulled over ways of getting even with my mate Laurie and his gym buddies whod betrayed me, all the while jerking off to the memory of my sons gang fuck at their hands. I wondered how long it had been going on. I had no choice but to allow Justin to keep going to the gym in the afternoon until I could find...

3 years ago
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Daddys heimliche Geliebte

Daddys heimliche Geliebte Meine Mutter vermutete seit Jahren, dass mein Vater sie mit einem, wie sie es nannte, billigen Flittchen betrog. Sie meckerte ständig darüber, dass er es im Bett nicht mehr brachte. Mangelnde Aufmerksamkeit, darüber konnte ich (19 J) mich wirklich nicht beklagen. Während sie ihren Schwestern brühwarm erzählte, dass es der alte Bock nicht mehr brachte, fickte er mich im Fahrradschuppen hinter dem Haus. Ich bekam jede Menge Aufmerksamkeit, selbst wenn ich nicht willig...

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BackscatterChapter 12 The Age of Discovery

One week later. Time: Friday, June 4, 2049 10:30 AM, 30 km due east of Santa Cruz de la Palma Discovery left its home port of Funchal just before midnight and spent the next ten hours cruising southward at a leisurely pace of twenty-six knots, four knots below its rated speed and almost twenty knots below its true maximum speed. Discovery represented Madeira's very first attempt to explore outside of Golem's bubble radius. The ship was maintaining radio silence, and after ten hours of...

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Daddys time alone

She loved to sit on her daddys lap and now that she was older it was a turn on for her daddy. Today she wore a tank top with no bra and short shorts. Her dad was reading the paper and she came in a sat on his lap. She put her arms around him and kissed his cheek. He in turn kissed her cheek. He noticed her big tits in the tight tank top and it made him so horny. He had a very sexy daughter and as he looked at her his cock got hard. She could feel his cock and wiggled knowing it would make daddy...

1 year ago
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Daddys Naughty Girl

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is not important and my story although fictional, has played out in my mind in detail. I am a 38 year old father of three and when my wife and I split up it was just us four left. My X wife moved out a few years ago and following her, my two oldest boys joined the service. Now it was just me and my beautiful, striking daughter Jasmine. We’ve always had a close relationship and lately it seemed we’d grown even closer. Although she lived with her...

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Daddys reawakening Chap 13

Introduction: Wow its been a while. Work got the best of me, and I havent really had time to write. I promise there will be more to come, but they will be infrequent. —– This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+.. Chapter 13 – Aunt Jackies friend My weekend with Shannon had been amazing. We engaged in all sorts of exciting sexual exploits, but after she was called in to a late night meeting Sunday, I decided to head home. I wasnt expected back until after work Monday, I had...

4 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 5

Introduction: Father and Daughter Romance Chapter Ten Joseph slammed his car door as he got out. Lindsey was on his exs porch, crying as Brian held her. David was sitting in the back of police squad car. Instead of rushing to his little girl, he went for the car. An officer jumped in his way, but Joseph wanted to get to that stupid son of a bitch. You sorry prick! Get out here and face me! If you ever touch my baby girl again, I will rip your limp ass dick straight off and shove it down your...

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Daddys Little Minx Maria

First story — remember, this is FANTASY. ——————————————————– Marias fingers reluctantly hitched under her panties and she slowly pulled them off. I could barely restrain myself from grabbing her right there and fucking her tight pussy. But I tried to relax and told myself, get a grip, old boy. Easier said than done considering I had a raging erection that wanted, no needed, to be inside Marias wet slit. She looked at me innocently and spread her legs. Her finger flicked her little clit and I...

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Daddys baby girl

Introduction: DO NOT COMMENT IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING POSITIVE OR SUGGESTIVE TO SAY (as in any suggestions to help improve) My name is Kate, I am 16 years of age, 5 foot 3, slightly tanned skin and full 34D cup breasts with small nipples. I have straight, slightly waved blonde hair that falls just past my shoulders, my eyes are a pale blue with a hint of green flecks that are visible in the sun and full pink lips. My body is curved and my butt is round and makes my hips look a little wider, I...

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Daddys Rules Daddys Consequences

I’m lying on my back in the cage. My legs are cuffed up and open, and Daddy is stroking his magnificent cock on the other side of the mesh. His face is a mixture of concentration and amusement. My eyes pinball from his eyes to Bestie, my pet name for Daddy’s dick, who is now leaking precum. My heart is racing, aroused at the sight of Daddy’s engorgement, but also from anxiety. My “number one” job is to clean Daddy’s dick when he leaks, and in my current state, I cannot perform my task. Daddy...

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daddys dream

add me on msn at [email protected] Im a 23 year-old single woman, an only child. I wish I could tell your readers how I look like Pamela Anderson but that would be a lie. Im tall and thin and have smallish boobs and narrow hips. My long brown hair is straight and dull. Im not ugly but Ive been described as plain. Ive had several boyfriends but never anything too serious. Im not a virgin by any means but Ive been discovering I enjoy women more then men of late but thats neither here or there. ...

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Daddys whore

I had always been fascinated by the feel of womens clothes against my skin, and today was no different. Mom was away on a business trip to Canada, and dad was away at work for the next couple of hours.I had always had an effeminate look to me, with me being 6’1” and thin as a twig at 19, I was scrawny. I had bought a black wig to go with the outfit that I had picked out. It was black 6” heels, black pantyhose, a black garter belt and panties, with a short black skirt and a little black tube...

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Anal Discovery

Looking back I guess I was very sexually reserved as a young person. But by 18 I was beginning to feel more relaxed about have sexual desires and fantasies.I didn't start masturbating until I was 19 but it soon became a very regular thing. I would often think about touching myself during the day and I thought I was terribly sexually liberated because I knew I was going to act on it that night.I thought people would be astonished to know that I touched myself sexually. I now know that I was...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

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Night of Discovery

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

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The Discovery

The Discovery By Margaret Jeanette Tom and Kris Rhoden were happily married. He was a junior clerk and she was chief teller at a bank. She always knew he wasn't very macho. In bed she always initiated sex and led the way, but she liked it that way. Occasionally she would tell him to do something like wash the dishes or clean a window and he always did it. It was on one such occasion that she told him to scrub the kitchen floor. She hated to do any sort of house work. He...

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Children of the Gods Part 1Chapter 3 Discovery

Mark had become "the man of the house," after his father was killed. He had been forced to take his father's place in so many ways. By the time he was twelve Mark and Rachel became confidantes, rather than merely mother and son. In time, it became necessary to help her make certain business decisions. Soon after his father's funeral he began to learn how to repair things around the house. Rachel's job was more than adequate to support them. Their home was paid for and her taste in cars...

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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - This story is fiction. Pleases enjoy.----My wife Kim has many skills.She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever.You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my wife's behaviour, but there is this thing called...

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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - As always if you’d like a photo of Sharon in the nude, please send us a message. My wife Kim has many skills. She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever. You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 7 Princesss Taboo Discovery

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Seven: Princess's Taboo Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Nineteen: Catgirls Need Cock Too Sven Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch I grinned, loving the sight of my sister writhing on her back, Zanyia running her tongue through Kora's sloppy pussy, licking up the incestuous combination of my cum and my sister's cream. My dick throbbed, still slick with Kora's juices. My sister shivered, her round breasts...

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Family Discovery

1.02 Sara and Sean, A Guided Mating: 1.03 Sara and Prince: 1.04 Sean, Preparation: 1.05 Sean and Prince: 1.06 Amanda and Sara: 1.07 Amanda and Rapture: 1.01 Sara and Sean, Discovery: It was Saturday and Amanda was getting ready to go the hospital where she works in the morning as a volunteer aid in the rehabilitation center. She fed the Golden's and let them outside into the back yard to play until she returned. The six month old puppy was named Prince and the year old Golden was...

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A Nocturnal Discovery

to be true it wasn't the first time Michcs teenage hormones had gotten the better of his prudence when it came to spying on his cousins, but this time it was different. For starters, she wasn't alone like previous times. She had a man with him who, with his back turned towards him, seemed to be about his age, and was evidently on quite intimate terms with her. She even seemed to be seducing him with her stare and the gentle curves she drew on his broad back with her long nails. Yes, he was...

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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

Introduction: Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery By Kim Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randis story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years...

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A life changing discovery

With the remaining strenght left in my arms I pushed as hard as I could. The hinges finally gave up and the wooden doors opened before me, revealing a path leading deep underground. A cold gust of wind blew directly in my face which was giving me a small relief from the heat outside. But I wasn't here for shelter from the sun. Right at the moment, I was standing in front of a great discovery. Here in Egypt, a few hundred meters from an average hotel, I found a temple unknown to...

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Self Discovery

Chapter One They say that university is the place you go to discover who you are. To experiment with life to see what you like, what you don’t, your tastes, your desires, what you have a flair for or just an inclination for. Well, let me tell you. Experimenting? I thought I'd been there, tried that; got the proverbial t-shirt. I did the drug thing and discovered it just wasn't my thing. I even did the fun stuff in the bedroom. The bondage. The costumes. The rough. The wild. The teasing. The...

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Day of Discovery

Author’s info Gender: Male Age: I remember when the Dead Sea got sick. Location: Rochester, N.Y. Introduction: A story with some truth and some fiction For my pretty fourteen year old sister and me, the day of discovery would be remembered as the day when her life and mine took a mutually unexpected turn. The school bus driver had dropped us off and we’d just walked up the sidewalk to our door. Shelly had gotten off ahead of me, so she got to the door first and reached into her purse for her...

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The Discovery

The sleek star cruiser moved towards the newly discovered solar system, the captain having advised the crew to be on special alert, as it was believed this system had showed life forms living on at least one of the planets in the distant past. One of the crew commented on the large planet with an interesting red spot on it, which seemed to be a storm of some type. Another crew member was intently gathering all the data possible from another planet which had rings circling its equator. Each...

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OtherworldChapter 1 Discovery

If it hadn't been for Mrs. Martin's fourth period science class, I never would have made the discovery. I would have remained an ordinary teenager in an ordinary life. I would have continued going to school, working my ass off to get good grades. I would have kept coming home everyday to play computer games, or read comics or fantasy and science-fiction books. I would probably have graduated near the top of my class and gone off to college. But the discovery I made changed my entire...

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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 13 A Fascinating Discovery

When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...

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daddys little girlfriend

Daddy’s Little Girlfriend "Daddy, can you come help me for a second?" "Sure baby, be there in a minute." That's how it all started. My daughter had just turned 18 a week ago and was getting ready to go to school; she was a senior in high school this year. She is very beautiful with long dark hair and green eyes, nice athletic body with curves in all the right places. Long smooth legs and a perky chest make her a much looked at girl. I even look at her 'in that way' sometimes. I left my wife...

1 year ago
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Daddys Cream

Note : This story is completely fictional! They were just playing pretend - it wasn’t supposed to happen Rashmi had just turned 18 and her mom was once again inter-state on business and had even forgotten to phone on her birthday. Daddy on the other hand had taken her to the mall and allowed her to buy the most expensive new outfit she could find. He had then allowed her to have the best ever birthday party by booking out a local restaurant with about 30 of her friends and had hired a live...

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Daddys girl Casey

“What wrong Casey?” Dad ask me, when he walked in the living room and saw me crying. “It’s the other boys at school; they are always picking on me, calling me names, pushing me around, calling me girlie boy, makes wish at times if I was a girl, they would leave me alone then wouldn’t they?”. Dad smiled and sat beside, “look Casey you will always run across people like that, things will get better as time goes by, one more thing, be careful what you wish, you just might get it”, Dad laughed. I...

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Daddys Girl pt1

So there I was, lying in bed with my sweet and beautiful daughter. It didn’t take much for her to seduce me. I had always wanted her, and apparently, she had lusted after her father for a long time. I didn’t know how this might change our relationship, it was definitely new ground. It felt right, it felt good, and my guilty feelings were few. She was 18 and able to make her own decisions. I had never felt more loved, or loved someone as much as I loved her. We were meant to be together.Heather...

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Daddys Girl pt1

So there I was, lying in bed with my sweet and beautiful daughter. It didn’t take much for her to seduce me. I had always wanted her, and apparently, she had lusted after her father for a long time. I didn’t know how this might change our relationship, it was definitely new ground. It felt right, it felt good, and my guilty feelings were few. She was 18 and able to make her own decisions. I had never felt more loved, or loved someone as much as I loved her. We were meant to be together.Heather...

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Daddys New Girl Part 7

Daddy’s New Girl, Part 7 Stephanie’s Opening Being a little older now, I don’t always sleep through the night. I woke up about 2:00 and got up to use the john. I came back to bed and looked at my new little princess of the house. She was so cute, sleeping peacefully on her side. She had one knee higher than the other. I pulled back the covers being the horny old dog that I am. I lit a candle and began to check out her partially exposed backside. My mouth began to water seeing a hint of her...

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Lori sat in her room on the bed running her hands over her large D cupped breasts. She was feeling horny, but it was late and she knew her Father wouldn’t let her go out. She grunted at the injustice of it all. She was 20, and should have been able to do as she pleased at this point, but her parents insisted that as long as she lived in the house she was to abide by their rules. Her mom had gone to visit her grandparents which left just her and her Father. If only he’d gone with her Mother, she...

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Daddys Special Massage Part 2

After the girls left this morning I had alternating bouts of intense guilt followed by intense pleasure reliving the memories of this morning, intense enough to give me a steady hard-on, which just started me on another cycle of guilt. After three weeks of fucking my daughter you would think I had resolved the guilt issue. I think I had gotten this far without thinking much about it because our sex had been all one sided. It had been more like masturbating. I rationalized that I had barely been...

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