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PROXY Players: Wentworth Family: Julie, Oldest Sister, 30; Joyce, Middle, 25; Janet, youngest, 23; Jeff (AKA Jenny), Bother, 18; Ms. Abigail Albright, or Abby, the housekeeper; Mr. Harold Peabody, a venture capitalist and step father to the Wentworth girls - divorced; Synopsis: Ever wonder what it's like to be a little rich girl? Neither did Chad until the Wentworth sister's, taking a line from the Godfather, made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He had two weeks to get into his role, and the rest of his life to get out of it. Proxy: A person authorized to act for another. Story One of Julie's classmates, a self proclaimed Geek back in their day, took on an impossible task at trying to meet Julie's request. Impossible for anyone other than the CIA and this guy Brad working deep in the bowels of that agency. Brad once an activist, like Julie, had eventually gone to work for the CIA and deep inside of a windowless room he sat down at a terminal and did what he did best. Through the use of his company's software tools, and his expertise, Brad used a facial recognition technology and applied that to a program called TIA, the agency's Total Information Awareness System and waited. Six million drivers and their images were polled, then another three million students and their images were added, all of them scanned within minutes. Brad got three good hits on perspective candidates each with a match at 98% and all within eleven minutes. Brad called his old classmate Julie to show her his results. Julie, with a startled gasp, settled quickly on the first picture, a young college student named Chad and with the aid of a private investigator, working quickly over the next four days, to add information to that image, presented Julie with all she needed. Julie not long after and along with her two sisters sat on a bench watching... All of them were silent in those first few minutes. They had expected similarities but nothing prepared them for what they saw. "Unbelievable," Joyce said instantly, loud enough to catch the attention of two students walking past as she added, "It's impossible. I'm seeing it, and I don't believe it." "What did I tell you? I still get goose bumps when I see him," Julie said grabbing her sister's arm as a tear formed. "And you are absolutely, positively sure?" Joyce said dabbing her eye with a slightly bent finger to catch another tear. She wanted to run over and hug the young man they were looking at. "Honey, I know what you are thinking, believe me. I felt the same exact way the first time I saw him, but it's not our brother. Wish it was, and yes, he could be his twin, easily, but it's not Jeff. I've checked and double checked," Julie said as she watched the young man with her own sense of disbelief. She knew it wasn't Jeff, there was more than enough proof of that, but still there was that doubt deep down because of the odds. Very great odds that there was someone that could so easily be their brother but there he was. "It really is unbelievable," Joyce said. "And it really could work," Janet said with her own surprise still tugging at her as she added, "It really could." "Trouble is making it work. You're right, it could work, would work. It would work easily with him, but how do we convince him to help us," Julie noted with that same question posed anew. "And father isn't simply going to take him at face value either," Janet noted as she added, "Definitely not as Jeff at least, and that's for sure. He could easily demand a DNA test even." "No, you're right about that. He would have to be Jenny, no doubt of that, but look at him and tell me, if he was willing, that being Jenny is going to be difficult," Julie said waving her hand towards the young man to press her point. Her two sisters nodded as all three continued watching the young man intently. Chad, unaware of the scrutiny he was under, closed the book he was reading. Yawned, stretched and began packing his backpack. Finals were behind him and another two weeks left before his Spring break started. He smiled casually over another fitful stretch before walking off. "Look's like he's leaving," Joyce noted with a touch of panic. "It's OK, I've got all of the information we'll need including where he's living," Julie noted. "So, OK, he's not our brother! Then who is he?" Joyce said. "His name is Chad Evans, Freshman, just turned 18 a few months ago which makes him about six months younger than our brother. When Chad turned 18 that put him on the streets after living in the foster care system for the past 10 of his years. Parents kidnapped when he was eight," Julie said looking at the report summery she was given before she paused. "Kidnapped?" Joyce asked and added, "You said kidnapped?" "Kidnapped. Parents were taken by rebels, with six others late in 1995 while on a humanitarian mission and haven't been heard from since," Julie said. "That poor child," Joyce said. "Gets worse which makes it a little better for us I suppose. He's going to college on a Pell Grant, some state funding, new student loan and a part time job slinging hamburgers. He's just moved into a campus residence hall sharing space with another student," Julie said. "So he's broke?" Janet asked. "If not broke, on the verge for sure," Julie noted. "Any other assets?" Joyce asked. "Nothing to speak of," Julie noted and added, "He's definitely hand to mouth right now and, of course, his debt as a student is growing monthly." "That's good isn't it?" Janet asked looking at her two sisters. She wasn't sure why that was good but she asked. "It's very good if we can put an offer together that convinces him to help us," Julie said. "We'll make him an offer he can't refuse," Joyce noted. "Like what?" Janet asked looking at her sister. "I have no idea, but I've always liked that line," Joyce said. "Line? What are you talking about?" Janet asked. "It's a line from the movie The God Father," Joyce said smiling as she added, "Like I said, always liked that line." "What about the legal side of this?" Joyce asked of Julie. "If he represents himself as our brother, legally, especially on any documents, or any legal transactions it would be considered fraud. If he just appears to be our brother and people, say someone like dad perhaps, assumed that it is in fact our brother and his step son, it's deceitful. Definitely deceitful and perhaps a little immoral, but not illegal," Julie said. "I can live with deceitful if it helps us keep the house," Joyce said. "Immoral would be OK with me as well," Janet said. "Me to," Julie added. "So as long as there is only the appearance of this guy being Jeff or Jenny, we're OK," Janet said. "Exactly," Julie noted. "He really is the spitting image of our brother, but a long ways from Jenny," Joyce noted watching the young man stand, slip his backpack on and start to walk off. "Carol," Julie said. "Carol? How so?" Joyce asked. "Assuming we can convince him to do this, and I understand that's a big if, we're going to have to do this fast and transition him home already as Jenny in case we're suddenly being watched. We're also going to have to convince dad that it's Jeff, which again means he needs to be as much Jenny as we can manage. I'm also guessing we'll most likely have to fool dad's private investigators once this starts," Julie said. "That's right. Which means he gets followed and whoever it is following him, if they find out he's a student, then they get the same background information you've got," Joyce said. "Exactly," Julie noted. "Which means what?" Janet asked. "Which means we've got to make him incommunicado relative to his world and as quickly as possible. At least till he's ready to appear in our world," Julie said. "Which he's not going to be willing to do if he's already a Freshman in college and committed for this semester," Joyce noted with concern on her face. "Didn't say it was going to be easy which leaves us with how that offer is going to look," Julie noted and added, "And, of course, how it's offered." Joyce nodded, Janet added her own nod, as all three started making their way back to their car. Dinner that night was mostly about the offer and some discussion on how fast Carol could work her magic. The offer itself, at a minimum, would be to cover Chad's entire college cost. They doubled that in the hopes of off setting the time and credits Chad would lose on a withdrawal for one semester. They added another 50% to that hoping it would be enough to convince Chad to become Jenny. With the offer put together, and agreed to, it would be up to Julie to present it. Julie decided on a dinner to die for and that of course was Abby's expertise. Abby promised them her absolute very best. Chad had no idea who the woman was or what the offer might be about other than it was an offer that needed to be discussed in private. Curiosity drove him to agree when Julie confronted him within a couple of days of that conversation she had, at home, with her sisters. The woman, Julie, had stopped right in front of him in the school library. She introduced herself as Julie Wentworth before walking him outside to make her request on the library steps. Julie had given Chad her business card and home address promising only a marvelous dinner as her guest. Chad, more than a little curious, took it upon himself to walk by her residence so he could confirm the address and get a sense of this mysterious woman. It wasn't far from campus and Chad found himself looking on the house in total awe. Meanwhile, Ms. Abigail Albright, Abby, was told to outdo herself for that dinner shortly after Chad called confirming he would be at the house at the time requested. Chad also agreed to hear whatever it was Julie had to offer. Chad had called not more than an hour after walking past the house address on the business card. Actually, it took an additional hour only because Chad had looked up the number on the ornate plaque that listed the large Victorian as a West Central Historical Site. That grand old house, still owned by the Wentworth family, Chad found after a little research, was 4800 square feet not counting the attic or basement, making it huge. At the time it was built it was on the cutting edge of architecture, designed and constructed by a New York architect. Its structure and architectural features, especially the entry foyer and front staircase with all the matching woodwork, was noted as significant in the Historical Societies write up. Noting as well that it was one of the first homes in that area with inside toilets and hot running water. It was built in 1891 at nearly the beginning of America's Gilded Age. Most of the money coming from the post-Civil War Reconstruction era. A boom that ended around 1877 after making Mr. Wentworth's father and grandfather one of America's industrial giants. Mr. Wentworth, then a banker, continued growing the family fortune even after the panic of 1893. Mr. Wentworth's grandson, the last owner and father of Julie, Joyce, Janet and Jeff Wentworth, died from complications due to a fall leaving his entire estate to the girls and his wife. Current ownership, besides the three girls and surviving brother was shared now by Mr. Harold Peabody. Harold a venture capitalist and their "x" step father was the real reason for this meeting. Chad wore a white shirt, no tie and the only real pair of slacks he had when he knocked on the door. He wasn't so much nervous as curious why three of the states richest women wanted to see him. A short time after meeting the other two sisters he got to experience what it meant to have money and from a family album a hint of the reason he was there. Chad, enjoying a delightful array of finger foods, looked on in absolute astonishment at the pictures of Jeff. They were only a few months apart, Jeff being slightly older. He was missing, Julie said, as they took tea in the living room before dinner. Jeff's absence now left them in a legal dilemma as Julie expanded on her explanation. When their mother passed away 49% of the families fortune, including the house, went to their step father, Harold. Each child, at the same time, received 12.75% with all four children making their combined holdings a controlling interest of 51%. Without their brother the three sisters only owned 38.25% combined and, of course, short that controlling interest. While Julie held, in proxy, Jeff's shares till his twenty first birthday, and while she could act on that proxy on most things, she couldn't use them to add to theirs for this particular vote or action. Even if she tried, her father already made it very clear he'd challenge any exercise of that proxy in court. Julie wouldn't have tried since there was a specific clause that disallowed Jeff's shares to be used on any estate issues without physically being there to exercise his shares. Part of that clause, when it was exercised, required all participants to respond formally within 120 days of a legal request for action should an action be warranted. That action, as a challenge for control of the house, had been taken officially on Wednesday by Harold the step father. It wasn't the house that their father wanted, but the land. His plan, and right now it was viable, was to move the house to another site, since it was historical, and develop the land it now sat on. That land was worth many millions more without the house. If Jeff did not respond within 120 days of that challenge he would be termed "absent" and his proxy would be divided among those responding. In this case Harold and the three sisters. Each would get equal parts of Jeff's shares at approximately 3.19% per person. Unfortunately, that would leave the girls at 48.75% and their step father now holding a controlling interest at 52.19%. At issue was their step father's newest attempt at calling to vote another clause, which was about to expire. A clause that allowed a liquidation of all commonly held assets between he and the children within two years of their mother's death. While the girls and Jeff's portion would be distributed equally from that liquidation they would still lose their home. It was not a historical site to them, it was their home. What they needed, Julie said just as Abby announced dinner, was for Jeff to appear, or at least to make it seem as if he had appeared. They wanted Chad, as Jeff's look-alike, to appear as Jeff. Before Chad could ask any questions, Julie rose and offered her arm for their walk to the dinning room. She promised they'd finish their talk after dinner. Chad had nearly reached his limit just on hors d'oeuvre when he was invited to the table by Abby. And it was a table unlike any he'd ever seen before this. It was a formal setting making him somewhat nervous in a room nearly as big as the recreation room at his resident dorm. At the center, as the girls circled the table to sit, a series of candles mixed within fresh cut flowers and was casting a flickering light over the sparkling settings. Before him an exquisite place as Julie guided him to sit. In front of him, like the rest, delicate china with a plate sitting on a larger plate, two forks to his left, a knife and spoon on his right. There were two wine glasses, a water glass already chilled, with a bread plate sitting above his forks. Chad had been to one formal meal on the night of his high school graduation which gave him a notion of what was going on but little else. One of those wine glasses would be removed depending on his choice of wines. One for red, the one centered but slightly ahead of his water and that second glass for white wine. Dried Cherry-Stuffed Loin of Pork was the main course he was told, and while he wasn't sure what that really was he was sure he would like it. He liked the salad and the large soft, slightly warmed, slice of Italian Sour Dough Bread served under a white cloth napkin. He felt like a king as he carefully ate his way through the beginning parts of the meal. Before the pork he was served a mixed green salad with pears, pomegranates, and pecans, covered by Abby at the setting with a lightly aged gorgonzola Italian cheese. He was told the cheese was named after a small town in Milan where it was first made. With the delicate slices of pork Abby served, Chad was offered both a rice pilaf and garlic mashed potatoes, candied carrots and green beans. Chad had a choice of a Chardonnay or Pinot Noir. He didn't mention that he wasn't old enough to drink deciding wine, like beer, was considered a food. Chad chose the Chardonnay for no other reason than he liked the name and it came in a pretty bottle. Abby removed the glass for the red as soon as he chose. With Chad's second glass of wine he was served a small portion of a ginger steamed pudding, one of Abby's specialties, Julie noted. Chad was in a pleasant kind of agony when they rose to take a strong after dinner coffee in the sitting room. It was Abby again that served them. Chad was given another white cloth napkin before a matching demitasse cup and saucer. He had his choice of a Turkish coffee or an espresso. It was Julie, once again who explained happily the difference. Abby's Turkish coffee was finely ground, flavorful, strong and she prepared it traditionally in a ibrik. The ibrik was a long handled tapered pot of tinned brass and very charming. The espresso, if he'd rather have that, Julie offered, was brewed by pressure over a finely mixed ground coffee blend. Chad chose the espresso politely turning down the Greek shortbread cookies. He was stuffed to a pleasure he'd never known till now wondering as he carefully sipped his espresso if they ate like this every night and if so how they kept their shapes. He felt like royalty as he waited for Julie to talk again. He had a fair idea of their problem and a hint of why he was there since he was a look-a-like Jeff. He was surprised when Julie started discussing his college cost as part of their offer because he thought it was private. More so on how accurately she did so. As it happens, Julie noted, a private detective of some worth and a dear family friend within the CIA was the source for most of the information and Julie apologized for that. However it didn't change the information and he accepted Julie's apology as he listened. His cost for college each year, roughly, was $24,000 with $17,000 of that his tuition and fees. The rest his room and board which didn't include clothes, transportation and necessities. He smiled when he said he had no room, or very little room, for luxuries. Chad was also a little relieved when Julie made a point that he would not be breaking any laws. She did emphasize that it would be deceitful and there was a moral issue of sorts. Julie did point out that the problems with their father was theirs, not his, but she again noted why. Their step father wanted the money, period. What they wanted Chad for was to represent Jeffrey informally and in such a way that would at least give their father pause in considering that court challenge. That challenge would cost him thousands and if he lost he would owe the girls their own thousands in attorney fees. With Jeff appearing to be in the picture they hoped it would give him pause and might easily make him stop the actions he was considering. If Chad, therefore, was to consider such a notion they were also willing to pay him $25,000 dollars for his time lost this semester. However, if he was willing to skip his next semester, and Julie noted that might be necessary, they would pay him twice that or $50,000. Had Chad's cup been fuller, he might have spilled some of his espresso. As it was, he had to cover his mouth to catch what he held in it when Julie gave him those numbers. That was in cash she noted and in two parts with half up front and the other half when that clause expired. Chad was beside himself over the amount they were talking about and even more curious because of it. "That is incredibly generous, so I guess I've got to ask why?" Chad asked. "Chad, our bother left us under the worst of conditions. To put it bluntly, our step father chased him away, and he did so in such a way that we're almost positive we'll never see him again. Losing our mother was terrible, losing our brother, almost unbearable and to risk losing our home on top of that, inconceivable," Julie said and paused. She was clearly upset. "I can imagine," Chad said sympathetically. He almost asked why again but was thoughtful enough to give Julie time to compose herself and another opportunity to explain. "Chad, our most difficult issue, and the real reason for those amounts we've set aside for you, assuming you agree to this, is because our step father hated our brother for the way he was. In fact, we're counting on that hatred which we hope will drive him to stay out of our lives now and hopefully forever once that clause expires. Chad, for this to work with any hope of success, you've got to appear exactly as our brother," Julie said. "Because of your step father?" Chad asked. "Because of our step father. If you appear as our brother it will foster all of those prejudices he held against our brother," Julie noted. Chad sat there taking in what Julie was saying and there was a hint of something forming over what dressing like their brother might mean, but he didn't dare ask. He did dare a nod and another sip of his espresso before giving Julie his attention again. "Chad, for as long as any of us can remember, although I suspect most of it is our fault, our brother loved dressing as a girl. We're honestly not sure if we were the cause or simply contributors to his pastime, although it really didn't matter because we adored him anyway," Julie noted. "He dressed as a girl," Chad repeated with the connections it brought with that comment. "Chad, our brother Jeff was born prematurely and with a heart defect that wasn't corrected until he was five. He had three loving sisters, an understanding and doting mother and nurturing house keeper and all of us girls were still into dolls at the time. As you might imagine, he was extremely overprotected and loved dearly. When mother passed away it was left up to us and Abby to care for him. I'm afraid that he has spent most all of his time, since birth, in something of ours," Julie noted. "And of course your step father hated it," Chad said as he began making the connections. "That was exactly what our step father hated and the reason he drove Jeffrey away," Julie said then paused. "And for this to work then, I'd be expected to dress like Jeffrey or like a girl," Chad said taking in a deep slow breath to calm himself. Chad knew, when they made the offer that it was too good to be true. He also knew he was damned either way now. If he said no he'd be turning down a small fortune in his eyes. He would be giving up a full endowment that would allow him to finish college easily. If he said yes... If he said yes, what, he wondered as he looked at Julie. "Yes Chad, for this to work you'd have to dress as a girl," Julie said and added, "Which would require a little bit more than just the clothes and why we're adding another $25,000 on top of that $50,000. That's $75,000 if you agree to do this." "More than just clothes? I don't follow," Chad said trying to imagine what $75,000 looked like in cash. He was beginning to feel giddy over the amount of money they were considering. Ignoring the image of him as a girl to focus on the money was pleasant and he spent a few of his moments doing just that. That was 750 $100 dollar bills. A briefcase full of $100 dollar bills? A small suitcase of $50 dollar bills? He was trying to visualize it all as he waited for an answer. What did 75,000 one dollar bills look like? "Chad, our brother, as our pretend sister Jenny, was nearly perfect as a girl. He could easily pass, did pass often, and that is going to require a little more skill than simply putting on the clothes. Fortunately we have a friend that can help you... help us with that, but it will still require some extraordinary efforts on your part," Julie said. "I'm not sure what to say," Chad said as he looked at all three girls one at a time. He didn't see Abby standing at the doorway and he was hoping the blush he felt wasn't showing on his face. "Well, even a maybe at this point will at least get you a second cup of Abby's espresso," Julie said smiling. "A yes will get you all the espresso your heart desires," Abby said from behind coming into the room and directly to Chad. She was smiling at Chad as she added, "And, just so you know, if you say yes, I also get to keep my kitchen." "I guess I'm a little worried over missing a semester of school," Chad said against all four smiles as he added, "Some of the classes were really difficult to get into." He could see the anticipation in their faces. What he didn't notice was that slight change in Julie's face. Julie's expression shifted, softened. He was worried about school, she mused. Not the dressing as a girl part, but school. That, she knew was an excellent sign, hopeful, very hopeful. "Chad, what if I were to tell you that for the remainder of your college career you'd never have to worry ever again about getting a class, any class," Julie noted. "How is that possible?" Chad asked. "One of our endowments is to your college and in all modesty it's fairly substantial. Therefore asking a regent that benefits from that endowment to simply ensure you get your classes, would not be out of line," Julie said. "You could do that?" Chad asked. "Of course we could and would do that," Julie answered. "That part you mentioned... you know, about learning, what does that 'extraordinary effort' mean?" Chad asked. "Chad, being Jenny is going to involve deportment, demeanor, things like that. How you move about, present yourself as a girl, in a word it's the difference in how you move now, in your male persona, verses how you'd move in a feminine persona," Julie said and added, "Our brother, having grown up mostly feminine, did so easily. Truth is he was rarely in his male persona and even then it was more like a girl dressing as a boy. You would have to learn how to do that. Without those skills, it would be too obvious you're not Jeff." "I think I understand, but I wouldn't have a clue how to do that. So how would I go about learning that part?" Chad asked trying to unravel what he was taking in or walking into. "As I mentioned, we have a friend that can help us. She's an expert on such things and loved our brother dearly. Even better, she really wants to help," Julie said. "And how long would this last? I mean... you know, say best and worst case?" Chad asked. He couldn't believe he was sitting here in front of these four women talking about this. It was the money, he mused. "A few weeks best case, about four weeks we hope, but a bit over two months worst case. At present we've got about ten weeks before that clause expires," Julie said and added, "We don't think our step father will even consider an action once he knows, or at least believes Jeffrey is back. However, it would be prudent simply to maintain this charade till that expiration date at least so redoing the math I'd guess worst case to be those ten weeks before the clause expires. We also think you could reach a level to start to pulling this off within two weeks." "Scary. I mean the notion of doing this," Chad noted honestly. "Of course it is. How could it not be? However, and knowing that, I can promise you our total and complete support, as much of it as you can handle," Julie noted with her other two sisters nodding their agreement. "Would I be required to, you know, go out? As in outside?" Chad asked nervously. "That may be required, yes, but not before you were capable of doing so and never without a great deal of support," Julie said and added, "And not for very long. At best, perhaps just for the sake of appearance, say worst case a lunch, dinner or something like that. We think our father will try and verify that it is Jeff and take pictures and we'd like to give him the opportunity to have those pictures taken." "So how would this work? I mean if I say yes, then what happens next?" Chad asked ignoring the notions he was bringing up. "As for the money, you'll get half set aside in an escrow account. We will arrange for your withdrawal from school on an emergency basis as personal business and, of course, have you scheduled for whatever classes you desire by next semester. Your report card for this semester would reflect a withdrawal without penalty. We'll move you as soon as possible, if you say yes that is," Julie said pausing. "Move where?" Chad asked. "We will move you here and bring in Carol, the woman that will be helping. Carol Broadbent. Carol and I went to college together and she's willing to provide her expertise as well as some instructions on how to do what you're going to be doing," Julie said and added, "When you can do what you'll be doing well enough, hopefully within say a week or two, make it two, we'll figure out a way to present you as Jeff, although for you it's actually going to be dressed as Jenny. From there it's simply allowing you to be seen by our father or whoever he has watching us." "So if he's watching won't he see me now? As me that is?" Chad asked. "He's not watching now or at least we don't believe so. He's very arrogant about some things and with Jeff perhaps more so. He's sure that Jeff is out of the picture," Julie noted. "So I'd be dressing up a lot then?" Chad asked, but not sure why he asked that particular question because once would be more than enough. "If full time is a lot, then yes, you would be dressing up a lot," Julie said smiling, and added, "I know it's odd, this whole notion, but that's the way of it. As for that or anything else we've talked about, please don't hesitate to ask any questions, voice any concerns, or raise issues?" "No questions, lots of concerns I guess and a ton of issues that I'm not even sure about," Chad noted but smiled to lesson the impact and then frowned as he added, "Can I ask where your brother is now?" "We don't know and we've tried finding him. He ran away when he was sixteen and no one has heard from his since," Julie said and added, "And we've been trying for a long time now." "I'm sorry," Chad said. "We are to Chad," Julie said in a lowered voice before adding, "So what do you think, and is this something you might consider taking on?" "I think it's going to be the oddest few weeks of my life and yes, I'm willing to try this," Chad said blushing. "If it makes any difference, you're making a difference," Julie said. "I'll second that," Joyce added. "Put me on that list as well and thank you," Janet said. "Now what?" Chad said feeling very self-conscious at that moment. "Now we contact Carol and let her know it's on. Now that you've said yes, I'd rather you meet her here and not go back to school. Whatever you'll need from there we can get for you," Julie noted. "Why's that?" Chad asked and added, "Not going back to school or my dorm?" "Just a precaution really. More on the off chance our father is watching us. Like I said, I don't think so but I also don't see any reason to take chances," Julie said and asked, "Is that OK with you?" "And he'd know it wasn't Jeff if he connects me to school," Chad said before answering Julie's question, "And yes, it is OK with me." "As for our father, he'd most likely know it wasn't Jeff even faster than we did. Since you'll be staying with us from now to the end, we're going to contact our step father. Mostly to put a temporary halt to his action, and alert him that you, or rather our brother, is back in town to assist us in any further actions. We are also preparing to draft an answer to his action on the estate as soon as he contacts us," Julie said. "And he's going to react," Chad added. "Oh yes. Quickly I suspect. With you being here, it's going to raise his hackles immediately, and I have no doubt that we, as in all of us, will be under some kind of immediate surveillance. As you might imagine your continued connection with school would easily identify you," Julie noted. "So even though you don't think so, he might be watching you guys right now?" Chad asked. "He might be and that now includes you. Chad, we risked it all tonight. If you said no that would be that. With your yes, and if we are being watched, staying here from here on will easily hide your connection with school. Whatever you'll need we can get through someone else, but I promise you that you'll want for nothing in these next few weeks," Julie said. "So I guess it starts now then," Chad said and added, "I mean now that I've more or less said yes." "It does and I'll have the documents drawn up for you to sign in the morning," Julie said, paused and added, "There is a couple of other things we should discuss." "What's that?" Chad asked. "The weird part," Julie said smiling. "I thought I'd just discussed the weird part," Chad said smiling. "Almost. Chad, our brother loved dressing as a little girl, age play is the term most often used, and it's how Carol actually came into the picture. Within that context there was a very strong fetish for such things. Odd things for a person his age and gender, obviously, and again, some of it our fault because we indulged him when he was little, but that notwithstanding, it was part of him. Is part of him," Julie said. "So he likes little girl dresses? I mean if I'm understanding this," Chad said. "I'm afraid the word like wouldn't be strong enough, but yes, that would be the case. Our brother loved little girl dresses. Chad, I won't try and fool you because it's too important, but that also included dressing as a toddler girl at times. It's also another reason we are so strongly connected with Carol," Julie noted. "He was often one or our dolls, if that makes sense," Joyce added. "More like a little sister or baby sister for me since we were closer in age," Janet added. "So this Carol, is your brother's friend?" Chad asked. "She is but before that she was a friend of mine," Julie noted. "OK," Chad said. "Chad, as you might imagine, Jeff was going through some difficult times because of our father, and I contacted Carol one day to see if she could help," Julie said. "Got it," Chad said and added, "I think." "Carol, through our friendship in college, and very discreetly, helped our brother kind of find himself. She also helped him to acquire some of his play clothes, also discreetly. Those same things might still be necessary," Julie said. "Because of your father?" Chad asked. "Because of our father," Julie said. "I guess a dress is a dress," Chad said smiling at the notion of what he was saying and more, what he was getting into. He really had no idea what dressing as a little girl or toddler might mean. "That is a very healthy attitude and I thank you for making this easier on us," Julie said but thinking to herself that some of what their brother wore was not simply dresses. "So, how is this going to actually begin?" Chad asked. "It's already begun. I've called Carol and she is on her way here to meet you," Abby said from the doorway. Abby was trying hard to keep reminding herself it wasn't Jeff. She had, more than any of his sisters, understood his little side, and suddenly wondering if Chad might enjoy breast feeding as much as Jeff once did when he wanted to regress. Even the sisters didn't know all of it. "So I can't go back to my dorm room then?" Chad asked. "I'm afraid not, if that's OK," Julie said. "It's OK," Chad added. "Is there something you need that you can't do without," Julie asked. "I left half a pizza in the small refrigerator and some milk?" Chad said and added, "And my laptop." "We'll take care of that," Julie said smiling. They had another espresso before the door bell rang. Chad gave Julie his room key who handed it to Joyce. Chad blushed suddenly as the woman he assumed was Carol stopped to look at him. Carol Broadbent was statuesque, formal was Chad's first impressions. Dignified and definitely formidable was Chad's next set of impressions as he took her hand during their introductions. He was immediately intimidated by her, but some of that over what she was about to do with him or to him he decided. "It really is even more amazing than I imagined," Carol said and added, "And you young man... since you're already a spitting image of my little girl when she dressed as a boy, means you'll be just as adorable when I get you into some of your girl things." "Jeff's girl things," Chad said. "No honey, I'm talking about your girl things," Carol said before adding, "You are Jeff remember?" "Oh, right! I do remember," Chad said as he added, "And I apologize for that." "Not a problem," Julie noted as she rose and said to Carol, "I suppose he's all yours now." "And I've got two weeks right?" Carol asked. "Two weeks at most," Julie said and added, "I'd like to see that cut by a week if at all possible?" "I'm going to leave that up to him," Carol said as she extended her hand for Chad's before adding, "And for now, we're going to spend some time talking in her room." "Then we'll see you two late morning then," Julie said. "Till then," Carol noted without another word other than a confirming nod from Chad who she began leading down the hall towards the stairs. There was a pause as the three sisters came forward. Chad was hugged by all three sisters and then Abby. They would make sure his stay would be as pleasant as humanly possible they promised. "I'm kind of nervous," Chad said making his way down the hall with Carol. "No reason to be and of course every reason to be," Carol said and added, "Although if it helps, this should be more fun than not." "Fun? How so?" Chad asked. "Well, for one thing you get to do some things that most boys only dream about," Carol noted. "Most boys don't dream about such things," Chad noted. "That's what I'm told," Carol said smiling "I'm not sure I've ever dreamed about such things," Chad noted. "Fair enough," Carol said. "Unless I'm misunderstanding you," Chad noted. "Time enough for me to explain that later. For now some questions first beginning with the most important one. Have you ever been through any sort of transformation?" Carol asked as she made her way behind Abby to the room she would be staying in. Chad would be using Jeff's regular room till he was acclimated enough to tolerate Jenny's room. Even then it might not be enough, Carol decided, to introduce Chad to Jenny's play room. "Transformation?" Chad asked. "That's what we call it in the business I'm in. Think of it more as a feminization process," Carol noted. "Oh," Chad said smiling. The movie transformer came to mind suddenly and he said as much trying to imagine a male robot turning female. "That's cute and perhaps more accurate than you can imagine since both states can appear radically different," Carol said and added, "And you'll no doubt have a lot of things to put into your diary by the time I bring you up to Jeff's level as Jenny," Carol said. "Good things or bad things?" Chad asked in a light hearted way. "For some young men, glorious things, for others, not so wonderful. I'm hoping I can make these next two weeks for you nothing but wonderful," Carol said and added, "Attitude will make most of the difference." "In for a penny, in for a pound," Chad said. "That's the spirit," Carol said. "So what is your business?" Chad asked believing at first, based on what Julie had said, a therapist. "Without sounding too vague and in your case I'll be more of a drama coach at first. In Jeff's case, as Jenny, I acted as a kind surrogate or stand in mommy for a time so he could learn to get in touch with his child self or little as it's called," Carol said and added, "The most defining term for what I do is a dominatrix, although I also provide sex and sexual therapy." "Sounds wonderfully scary," Chad said smiling. "Think of me as a life-stylist trainer," Carol said and added, "I'm also expert in age play, transformations and a host of things that would most likely also scare you silly if I tried to describe them." "Then don't," Chad said with a grin. "I won't and here we are. This was, is Jeff's room," Carol said opening the door and allowing Chad to enter. "Nice," Chad said and meant it. For all intents and purposes it was a typical boy's room. Albeit a rich boy's room. "Meanwhile, we've got two weeks," Carol said looking around. It had been a while since she'd last seen Jeff's room as she added, "Ready to see your room?" "I thought this was my room?" Chad asked and added, "As Jeff I mean." "It is and isn't. The thing is honey, we've got to transition you, as in transform you into Jenny as quickly as possible so if you are up to it we should start that fairly quickly," Carol said and added, "As in right now, tonight." "I haven't signed any papers yet," Chad said. "Would you rather wait?" Carol asked. "No. Not really. I guess I'm yours," Chad said. "And of that I am certain honey," Carol said smiling down at Chad as she added, "So let's get you ready for bed. Tell you what, why don't we go to Jenny's room so you can become familiar with it. I wasn't going to introduce you to this side just yet, but with the schedule so tight we really should begin some of this right away. Meanwhile I've got to get some of my things from my car." "What does that mean?" Chad asked cautiously as he added, "That part about you being certain?" "Of you being mine?" Carol asked smiling. "Yes?" Chad asked. "Well, to begin with, I'm going to need your absolute and total undivided attention, but more importantly we've got to start your physical transformation first," Carol said and added, "And, if you've never done this before it's going to be very mysterious, awkward, somewhat uncomfortable in the beginning and, I'm afraid, slightly intense." "Uncomfortable and intense?" Chad asked. "When I said uncomfortable and intense, I meant mentally mostly. Although if you're looking for an analogy, in your context, consider yourself an actor learning a roll. A roll you've never played before. In this case you're going to learn to play the part of a girl. Now you can be an actor learning to play the part of a girl or, better still, you can learn to see yourself as a girl for the part. If I can teach you to see yourself as a girl your part will become much more believable and much easier." "How do we do that?" Chad asked. "By letting you see yourself as a girl," Carol said as she opened the door to Jenny's room. "So it would be girl's clothes only kind of thing?" Chad asked but then stopped to survey the room. "Girl's clothes only - yes, from here on, but not the way you're thinking about them right now. First it's your body, then your mind, then your imagination I need to work on," Carol said as she started into the room. "I didn't understand that," Chad said looking around and beginning to realize what he might be getting into. "You will honey, you will," Carol said stepping inside of Jenny's room as she added, "This is the room we will be using most of the time." It was clearly a girl's room and Chad smiled lightly, nervously. It only took a second to realize why he'd be in this room. It was a large room consistent with the design of the house. He was facing a large bay style window with a bench below it. To the left of the bench a cute round table set up with dolls as if having tea. To the right a set of book shelves. On the left side of the room Jenny's bed, or his bed, Chad mused. It was a day bed in white enamel and brass. Three sides designed with crib sides that made it look a little more juvenile. A soft looking comforter in white satin covered the bed with lavender. Pink and white satiny pillows were placed on either side of a large white teddy bear. Around the bears neck a large pink ribbon that matched the ribbons attached to the bed's flounce. On the wall near the door still to Chad's left a vanity. A cute vanity done in pastels and definitely girlish and above the mirror a softly sculptured word in a pink satin plush that read "Princess". On the vanity itself make-up arrayed neatly, nail enamels, and jewelry. Abby followed them in as she said, "All of the makeup and enamels are new. I've put fresh towels in the bathroom." "Thank you Abby," Carol said. Abby paused a moment before reaching her hand to Chad's as she added, "I can't tell you how grateful I am. Thank you." "You are welcome Abby," Chad said and added, as Abby turned to leave, "Pretty room, but it's a bit juvenile." "It is, isn't it. This was Jeff's little girl room. One of his most favorite places," Carol noted as she added, "Your stage setting if you will." "So this is a setting?" Chad asked. "For you yes. For Jeff when he was Jenny, no. Jeff always saw himself as Jenny and was only Jeff out of necessity. In his case that boy's room was his stage setting," Carol noted. "So the other room wasn't used very much I take it?" Chad asked. "Hardly at all," Carol said and added, "Strictly window dressing for the sake of his friends. For you this will be your room completely." "Pretty for a girl, odd, very odd for a boy," Chad said. "Agreed. Why don't you go brush your teeth. There is a new tooth brush in the right hand drawer," Carol said as Chad moved to the bathroom. "A little scary," Chad said. "It shouldn't be, but I understand what you mean. Very hard to imagine yourself in such a place but this setting, along with everything else, should give you enough substance to begin placing yourself into the roll," Carol noted as she added, "Now go on and brush your teeth and when you're done come sit on the bed with me." Chad moved to the bathroom and found the brush. He smiled at the only brush he found still in its package. It was Cinderella and pink as he opened it to put toothpaste on the bristles. He rinsed and painfully bent as far as he could to urinate before leaving the bathroom. Carol was still standing but instead of moving to sit with him she moved towards a large white ornate dresser. "We're going to need to get you ready for bed," Carol said. "I'm afraid to ask," Chad said. "It's OK," Carol said as she bent to the third drawer and drew out a white shimmering nightgown, then moved up to the top drawer. She was holding a pair of white panties as well when she turned towards Chad. Chad, for the first time, began to realizing what he'd just gotten himself into as Carol moved finally to sit next to him. He also wasn't sure what to say or do suddenly as Carol fused with the nightgown first by folding it neatly in her lap before laying the panties above it. "Is this going to be your first experience with panties?" Carol asked. "Yes," Chad said thankful his hands were already folded in his lap. "Can you imagine yourself wearing these things?" Carol asked. "Not really," Chad said although he began to realized part of him already was. "Chad, one of the things that's going to happen, between us that is, will be a certain amount of intimacy. It's unavoidable as you might imagine. For you it's all going to be very new and because of that there is going to be a great deal of embarrassing moments that will come with a lot of what we must do. What I want you to understand is that I've been through this a lot and nothing that happens will be new for me. In fact, what will happen, is happening right now by the way, and is something I was hoping would happen," Carol said. "Like what?" Chad asked not clear what Carol was saying. "Like that erection you've suddenly developed," Carol said and added, "And you're wishing you could do something about it before I noticed, right?" "OK, so you were right on the mark about those embarrassing moments," Chad said blushing as he added, "Not sure I can explain that." "You don't need to. Some things are voluntarily, some things are not. In this case the notion of me putting you into a pair of panties has invoked a reaction you have no control over. I knew that honey and that's the reason I brought these with me to sit with you. Here, I want you to hold the panties for me," Carol said. "Why?" Chad said with no choice to say no as Carol handed him the panties. "Texture for one thing, a sense of them for another since they are so unlike anything you've ever worn, and time for the notion of you wearing them to take hold. Chad, would it surprise you to know that what you are feeling right now, what you are experiencing, if you will, is perfectly normal and something I hoped would happen," Carol said. "It is? How? I mean why?" Chad asked in a growing agony. His erection was slightly off to the side since he'd been unable to do anything since walking into that room. "You won't remember this consciously but for almost the first five years or there about, you watched your mother, perhaps a sister or female cousin in their lingerie. You've no doubt, at one time or another even touched such things and wondered. All perfectly natural I should add. For some it's gone further. For others it's just a notion or perhaps an imagining. For almost all males it's stimulating. Right now it's stimulating you," Carol said. "If that's true then it would mean I like wearing these things and I don't," Chad said. "Not knowing your history and giving you the benefit of the doubt I'll agree with that statement, but it doesn't change the fact that something about those panties is turning you on. Right?" Carol said. "I guess so," Chad said. "And the other nice thing is it doesn't matter why, just that it does," Carol said. "So I'll ask again, why is that important," Chad said. "Arousal is going to be the key to a lot of what we do," Carol said and added, "A great meany things might arouse you and for a young man your age visual stimuli is very important. Those panties may represent a female in your life and most likely a female that has aroused you at some point. It could have been recent or it could go back a ways. In any event those panties, when you first saw them, aroused you. I suspect, I'm hoping, they've made it better, or perhaps worse depending on how you feel right now." "Both," Chad said honestly. "And that's excellent. What is happening to you is that the instant you saw those panties your brain registered desire and that desire is on two levels: Intellectually and primal. Intellectually you're wishing you were not aroused, but at the primal level it doesn't really matter what you think and that visual stimuli went right to your hypothalamus gland. By the way, that hypothalamus gland is very primal and buried deep in the center of the brain," Carol said. "So my reaction is primal then?" Chad asked slightly relieved suddenly. "It is primal although, intellectually, it could be driven by a buried experience or a kernel of a fetish. Again, it doesn't matter because fortunately your hypothalamus is now driving your body and your mind. Right now as you hold those panties your hypothalamus is gathering additional inputs from your other senses. You're touching something very silky and there is a hint of perfume and clearly they are very girlish. Sight, smell and touch are all feeding signals back. Is that true or not," Carol asked. "Yes, it's true," Chad said deciding he could be honest with this woman. "Excellent and thank you for being honest with me. Anyway, those nerve signals are interfacing with your pituitary gland and that gland is making hormones and those hormones is what initiated your sexual arousal and what is keeping it as active as it is," Carol said and added, "And right now, right at this instant your entire body is screaming to have sex and it doesn't matter what that intellectual brain thinks. True?" "True," Chad said in sudden anguish. "As for that arousal, it's no longer just the hypothalamus because when your erection began your system flooded your pelvis and ultimately your penis with blood to form that erection. You're also making adrenaline in anticipation of sex so your heart is racing and your breathing is getting deeper. I would guess that right at this instant you're even beginning to secrete a little preparatory fluid. Right?" Carol said. "Can I refuse to answer that?" Chad said hoping to add a little humor to his discomfort. Truth was he was secreting more than a little at the moment. "Of course you can but what if I told you that right now you might even begin to desire wearing those panties," Carol said and added before Chad could respond, "And answer me honestly if you can and I'll tell you why." "OK, maybe," Chad said. "Thank you again for that honesty, and would it help you to know that you can't really help it," Carol said. "Yes," Chad said in agony as he added, "How come?" "You see Chad, when your body began to react so did your brain, obviously, and right now it's producing and releasing endorphins. What you are feeling is an intense pleasure and that is because there are neurotransmitters reacting along with everything else. Your pituitary gland is in high gear at the moment producing enkephalins and dynorphins and those are racing through your nervous system. It's very much like an opiate and there is a strong physiological process underway that is driving you to a state of euphoria," Carol said smiling softly. "It is," Chad managed. "I also suspect that you are also feeling this physically beyond that erection as a kind of queasy or nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach?" Carol said as a question. "I am," Chad said a bit softer but in more agony. "There are a lot of other things I could tell you like it's slightly hypnotic, and it's increasing your focus on the object, in this case those panties while lowering your inhibitions against wearing them although you are not consciously aware of that and that leads me now to the greatest benefit from all of this," Carol said. "What's that?" Chad managed to get out. "Orgasm honey. Right now that is the most important thing we can do for you, and can I make a couple of suggestions before you faint," Carol asked. "Please," Chad whispered. "You can go into the bathroom and masturbate and you're welcome to take those panties with you or, you can allow me the honor of doing that for you," Carol said. "What?" Chad said startled both over the suggestion and her willingness to do what he was wishing she'd do all along. "Honey, one of the things that thrills me and, by the way, why I'm also very turned on at the moment, is bringing my charges to this point and even better, taking them past it. It's what I do best and if you'll allow me, it's going to help us bond fairly quickly if that makes sense," Carol said as she reached over and lifted the panties from Chad's hands. Chad released the panties which revealed he was more than ready, already deciding to remain silent. He didn't care about the mechanics of this or endorphins. He wanted sex and if he was right he was about to have it in a relative sort of way and he was sure of that as Carol undid his jeans. They went down with a little help from him and then his shorts, and the relief in just those two steps was almost overwhelming as his erection leapt to life. "I want you to lay back and close your eyes honey," Carol whispered. When Carol laid the panties over his erection and then wrapped him in them he lost it. It wasn't simply an orgasm but an explosion and the intensity of it was frightfully wonderful as Carol slid the panties slowly up a little, then down again. Chad had pulses that at first remained powerfully intense although after a few waves they grew less so. His pleasure increased as he held himself intensely rigid. He was completely soft by the time Carol stopped, relaxing fully and exhausted when she carefully lifted the panties from him. There was a slight shock from his tip as they slid off but even that was pleasant as Chad released himself fully. "That was incredible," Carol whispered as she rose from the bed and added, "thank you." "For you," Chad whispered in the afterglow of pleasure he was feeling as he added, "For me as well." "Absolutely. After we've gotten past a few more of our inhibitions honey, I'll share with you the mechanics of my own sex and why I said that, but yes, it was wonderful. Now what say we get you ready for bed and take up where we left off in the morning." "OK," Chad said happily, softly. All he wanted to do was close his eyes and savor what had happened as Carol bent to remove his shoes, socks and those slacks and shorts gathered at his ankles. Chad sat up and allowed Carol to remove his shirt and then easily with hardly any notice of what was happening let the satiny nightgown slid down his arms and over his head. He stood, reluctantly and watching in a detached fascination as Carol went into the bathroom with his clothes and those panties before pulling another pair from the drawer. He lifted the nightgown when she asked him to and then his foot to step into the panties. Amazing, he mused, considering how fearful he was just a short time ago. Carol turned the bed down, allowed Chad to slid into the satiny sheets, tugged his nightgown down and then covered him in another sheet before easing the comforter over him. She moved again this time to the table with the tea set and took up a smaller white teddy bear that she slipped under the covers next to Chad. It smelled of baby powder as Carol bent and kissed him on the forehead. "Carol," Chad whispered. "Yes honey," Carol answered. "Do the girls... I mean will the girls know this is happening?" Chad asked. "Not from me," Carol answered. "Thank you," Chad said sleepily. "I'll see you in the morning honey," Carol said moving to the door. Chad nodded, or thought he did as the light went off. He didn't remember the door closing although he thought about what had been said earlier and smiled, "A month of this, perhaps two..." "Chad," Carol whispered lightly. She was sitting on the beds edge when Chad opened his eyes. Chad woke in the soft envelope of warmth remembering slowly those incredible last minutes with Carol, realizing it wasn't a dream as he found the folds of his nightgown and then those panties. He was already rigid again although driven by the urge to urinate. However, the intensity of it grew over the notion of what he was wearing and the memories of the night before and then guilt realizing what he was in and who was he was with. "Good morning," Chad said blushing. "Good morning to you. Sleep well?" Carol asked. "I did," Chad said as he realized his nightgown was obvious. The fact that she helped him into those things didn't mitigate the impact of being seen in them, this time in daylight. "They become you," Carol said. "Thank you I think," Chad said rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Shower, but don't shave, and I'll lay your things out," Carol said patting Chad's knee still under the covers. Carol stood then, hinting Chad was to get up. Chad did start to get up realizing too late that his nightgown had ridden well past his panties and it was clear what he had done to them. He had another arousal. "You'll get used to those," Carol said as she moved to the closet. Chad wasn't sure exactly what she meant, but he also knew that she must run into that sort of thing a lot. He made his way quickly to the bathroom when Carol turned her back on him and he was thankful she didn't see the blush or his excitement. Carol smiled as she sensed Chad's rush to the bathroom. It would be a little bit longer before he would be over his embarrassment she mused waiting with her back to the room till she was sure Chad had passed. The soap was feminine in a light pink and slightly perfumed. Not heavily perfumed but clearly not masculine either as he took up a washcloth and began to scrub sleep from his face first. He'd seen Carol working on those feminine things immediately as he stepped into the bathroom, and again when he stepped out. Another pair of white panties, but jeans and a tee-shirt, socks and a pair of white flats. Given that he didn't have very long hair nor a shred of make-up on his face he was going to clearly look male. Male but in girl's flats and that would be too much. "I'm going outside in those shoes," Chad asked. "Just to the car the wig shop and finally the salon. Long hair should help with your look, and when you leave the salon, your own mother wouldn't recognize you," Carol said. "But in the mean time she would recognize me, and so will everyone else if I'm wearing those things," Chad said. "Including Jeff's step father should someone be out there waiting for us," Carol noted. "You want his father to know it's me," Chad said. "No, we want Jeff's father to know it's Jeff, with just a bear hint of Jenny thrown in," Carol said. "But what are other people going to think?" Chad asked. "I'm guessing sissy by some, slightly masculine female by others, a few will see a very weird male, although truthfully most won't notice or care," Carol said. "You're not making this any easier," Chad said. "I wish I could honey, but we're under a very small window of time here," Carol said. "Not sure I can do this," Chad said as he continued to dry. "It's for your own self awareness that you must," Carol said. "Why?" Chad asked. "Consider this process a sort of exercise in familiarity and relief," Carol said and added, "I want you to be happy, and relieved. Relieved that you look more like a girl when the time comes. Until then it's going to be a little uncomfortable, as a male, but only just a little." "So there is a reason for doing this in this way?" Chad asked. "Yes and no. We've got to establish you as Jeff and hint at Jenny for his father's sake. We've also got to transition you quickly. However, as a side benefit, the more times you appear in public over the next two weeks, the less frightening it will be," Carol said and added, "And the more feminine you become, the more confidence you'll have besides becoming more convincing." "Madness," Chad mused. "Madness, yes, but there is a method to this madness," Carol said and added, "And worst case, you'll be seen by only a few people before it no longer matters who's looking till you reach a point when you hope all are looking." Chad, unsure of what else to do or say stepped fully out of the bathroom. His reluctance to remove his towel amused Carol as it always did in these transformations. She also knew that within a very short time Chad would no longer care as she took up the panties to help. "I can do that," Chad said feeling himself growing excited and wishing he had more control. "I know and you will eventually, but as I mentioned last night, you and I have got to bond some and do so quickly and me helping you dress will help," Carol said. "It's very embarrassing," Chad said. "That too is only temporary honey," Carol said as she gently tugged on the towel causing Chad to blush more. He quickly stepped into the panties. Carol put them in place and then began rubbing the front over his erection. Chad, a little shocked but too thrilled to do or say anything closed his eyes. "There we go precious," Carol said as Chad's orgasm reached the end. "I... I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do," Chad said when the pleasure passed far enough for him to focus again. His legs were still weak as he stood there panting. "Well, first things first, so let's get those panties changed," Carol said lifting another p

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With Johnny Cole on the run from the law, he can’t take bored Bella Cole into town, but what he can do is give her his huge cock to keep her fulfilled…and filled balls deep. So after some titty sucking to get her horny, the blonde babe gets down on her knees to suck his schlong in a blowjob and then turns around to get pussy licked and ass rimmed from behind before he takes a doggy style plunge. After missionary fucking, he explodes in a messy facial and this Penthouse porn cums to...

3 years ago
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They had simply run. After her final admission in the lake house, Hannibal had taken a carving knife from the butcher’s block on the kitchen island and swiftly brought it down behind her head, sawing through her ponytail in one deliberate motion, freeing her from the imprisonment of the broken refrigerator door. Clarice’s gasp had had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with the realization that he was taking her with him. And a lot to do with the fact that she wanted to...

2 years ago
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Tales from Gullivers Planet Little Girl Blew Part I

Tales from Gulliver's Planet: Little Girl Blew Part I Dear Mr. Ames, we have received your petition and can assure you that our consideration of your requests are ongoing. Legalities aside, and because (as you so aptly wrote) "you hold all the cards", we want to impart to you our deepest appreciation of your decision, however preemptive, to refrain from releasing your version of the recent events on the PR lightwaves. The modules you requested will include all versions of your...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Sally and Barney

Prolog:   As “A Sailor’s Tale” came to a close a new life began, one that included both me and Sally as a couple with a mission, our lives would be different somehow after the tumultuous beginnings we had shared.   And though Uncle Charles had been left alone in a slumped pile of naked flesh beneath the statue, his balls still bound with the zip ties so that he would never again be able to get it up, or at least not shoot his load ever again, I think his tale is not yet over, for surely...

2 years ago
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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 10 Froggy

Our Meyer Boulevard house, the basement part, had always been sort of the unofficial HQ for the Three Mouseketeers. It was centrally located, the house, between Froggy’s and Trish’s. Plus Wandy always had snacks for us. And a welcoming manner. I won’t say Trish was the Brigadoon General of our operation, but Froggy and I usually ended up doing what she wanted. It’s probably because of the maturational thing with the females of the species. Anyway, she progressed from Doctor’s Office to more...

1 year ago
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A Driving Job

'Driver with Heavy Vehicle License needed urgently to deliver vehicle to west. Mobile 04 1234 5678' The advert caught my eye as I read my friend's paper at 4:30 in the morning. I had spent a miserable night trying to sleep on a two-seater couch. I may only be five foot eight, but I'm heavily built and need to stretch out. Now why would I be bumming a place to sleep; the reason was that I was broke. I needed to get back home to Western Australia and the only money I had in my pocket was...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Aunty Tho Naa Prayaanam From Watching Her Nude To Fuck

This is Rajesh from vizag. I am a very big fan of iss.I have been reading stories here since 5years.. Interested women can contact me at: ….. I am narrating this story in telugu. Mundhuga naa peru Rajesh, nenu MBA complete chesanu.Nenu na 1st semister exams preparation kosam evaru disturb chaya kudadhani roju ma building paiki velli chadhuvukone vadini. Mundhey ma intlo vallatho chepe vadini nenu kindhaku vache daaka evaru nannu disturb chesthu building paiki ravaddhani. Oka roju edho sound...

2 years ago
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A Car Park Quickie

For a Wednesday evening, the place was heaving. A popular destination, the hordes drawn by the ‘All You Can Eat’ buffet. To be fair, the food was excellent. A works ‘do’, one of the women starting maternity leave, a crowd of eighteen of us had descended here straight from work, and, several visits to the various food stations, showed no signs of leaving soon. The waitress brought another tray groaning with drinks. There would be a few sore heads in the morning. I had driven, so stuck to soft...

3 years ago
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Voyeur For the First Time But Not the Last

Tommy, who was a couple of years younger than me (a freshman when I was a senior), had been my biggest rival in my private high school. He was the typical jock, clean-cut look, always wore button-down collars with his tie normally loosened, and in my opinion, a total jerk-off. If I had to pick one guy who was always busting my balls, it was Tommy. Whether it was about my men's nylon bikinis in the locker rooms or my cum stained jack-off magazines under my bed. Tommy was always busting my...

2 years ago
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The Neighbor One Year Later

It's been a whole year since I moved out here enjoying my freedom from the ex-wife from hell. I got a great job teaching, the neighbors have been nice, and my sex life has been amazing. All thanks to one neighbor in particular. A golden brown skin african american hottie who personally gave me lessons in the subject of sex. Cynthia had been a breath of fresh air and among other things. She wanted to celebrate our first anniversary. The day that started when I first moved into the neighborhood....

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Jessica p1

My name is Brian. I was 14 years old, 5’06” mostly skinny, short and dark jet-black hair and dark eyes that would penetrate into the deepest reaches of a person. I tell you that I was skinny, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have any muscle on mean. I guess people could say that I was lean and fit; it’s just that I never pictured myself that way. I was always running around the neighborhood and used to do a lot of yard work for various neighbors, who paid me well. All of that sweating in an...

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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 2

The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on...

3 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 7 Patti Goes to School

"Holy Shit, Pete!" Cathy had said. "Don't tell me you're going to become a nun!" She was partially right in her concern. Many of the girls who went to St. Ursula's did so because they felt God had called them. Though why God would want a woman to go through life without experiencing the delight of an orgasm or getting 'prettied up' was totally beyond me. Thankfully, I was practically forced into bed Wednesday after the ride home from the hospital. Ann really fussed over me and I...

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My Mom8217s First Threesome With Two Shameless Dicks

My mom is a gorgeous and curvy woman with a curvy ass and 34DD breasts. Everyone in our neighborhood used to lust for her. She is a high school teacher.Whenever she’d walk around the class , her students tried their best to grope her ass.When we had been to Goa my mom wore a bikini which made tens of men difficult to take their eyes off her. Still my mom never had any affairs or physical relations with any man excluding my father till this incident. One day my father called a farmhand to clean...

2 years ago
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HI ALL GUESS MOST OF YOU HAVE READ PART I AND II OF MY EXPERIENCETHIS IS PART III ( FINAL PART IN TRAIN ) BUT THAT JOURNEY WAS THE ONE I HAD MOST OF THE GUYS I MET ENDED UP FUCKING ME( THATS ANOTHER STORY)-----Well as you all read in Part II, I woken up in the train and the attendant Bhanu was smiling a bit cheekily at me.So there I was sitting and he was looking at me with his cheeky smile. I finally asked him why he he was smiling. He replied he wanted to do once again. I guessed that was not...

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Fantacising My Maids

Hello People, Firstly let me introduce myself to you’ll my name is Michael Dsouza, 25 yrs old and I currently live in Coorg, Karnataka, India. I have been a great follower of Indian sex stories for years now so I thought of writing about my own experiences. Right from my childhood days i have been a great admirers of maids hot and not so hot ones who have been working at my place. I very well remember about my first encounter of seeing my maid nude, I was 8 years old then And my maids name was...

2 years ago
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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

2 years ago
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The Hitchhiker

THE HITCHHIKER           I was driving along highway 175 on my way to Lac St-Jean, in Northern Quebec. I past through Quebec City 20 minutes ago, and was beginning the long 2 hour stretch of highway that winds it’s way straight North, through dense, thick, deserted forest.  I loved driving up North, but I disliked this part of the highway.  It was full of deer and moose, and many other animals. I would often spot moose along the side of the highway, and sometimes, I would come across terrible...

3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 18

Alex and Luminia were busy going over the schematics and design of the bridge they wanted built. They had finally decided about the structure and aesthetics of the bridge when a holocall pinged them. Curious on what it was about, Alex ambled over and answered it. “Commodore Tomisic, did I catch you at a bad time?” Korsa asked over the line. “Not at all Doctor. Was just going over some details of the bridge for the crevasse with Luminia. What is it?” he asked, concerned. “The results from...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Lilly Ford Cum Covered Step Sister

Lilly Ford and her stepbrother Alex D. are playing board games with Lilly’s mom. Lilly’s mom is disturbed by the sexual flirting between her daughter and stepson, but she sets up pie face with them. Even before they start Lilly has her hand stroking Alex’s dick. When Lilly’s mom gets pied, the two teens convince her she has to leave it on for five minutes. While she waits, Lilly takes the opportunity to suck Alex off at the table. They even have fun with the whipped...

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Spirit Ch 06

Jul 12, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Six ‘Highway Murders’ Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

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Carolyns Spanish Gigolo

It was a must attend event for anyone who was lucky enough to have been selected by Exyberkraft’s board of directors. Carolyn was justifiably proud to have been named as one of only a handful of company executives chosen to attend the International Conference. This year, the conference was going to be held in Madrid, Spain. Carolyn had been with Exyberkraft for only seven years and to be selected to attend such a prestigious event, as their representative, was a dream come true. She’d never...

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Teaching My Cousin The Basics

Hey, everyone, I’ve been a regular reader of ISS from my college days which continues even now. Now coming back to me I’m Vijay 24 year old an average male of 5’7 height with broad shoulders and a tool of pleasurable length. So says, my girlfriends. I love reading incest stories and I love imagining them. So here goes one of my fantasies. Introducing the heroine, my cousin sister Shivani also of my age she more on the chubbier side, like I would say fat at the right places. Her love handles...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Daddys Girl Part Three

Daddy and I sat in silence at the dinner table after he confronted me. I was not sure what to say about what had taken place. How could I have been so stupid as to leave everything behind the way that I did? If he had not startled me the way that he did, things could have gone differently. Did I want them to go differently? “Do you think that we should talk about this, baby?” Daddy asked me, taking a small bite of his food, but neither of us seemed interested in eating. “What do you want to...

4 years ago
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Cultivating in the empire

In this nameless world, almost anything is possible from Gods to dragons or even a horde of goblins attacking cities. This world is ruled by cultivators who can be categorized into two classes on the most basic level, warriors and mages, both of those have nine levels of strength from a one-star warrior to a nine-star warrior. A one-star warrior can kill ten regular soldiers with little effort. All these skills and powers come from spirit energy that flows freely everywhere throughout the...

3 years ago
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Ryan and His dad Get Spanked

“Hullo Mrs Grant.” Audrey liked Ryan’s new girlfriend Sonia, 24 years old holding down a good manager’s position at her office, and Ryan was better behaved as well, through Sonia’s influence she suspected. She had to admit that even she felt a flutter between her legs when she eyed the young lady, slim, a good figure, long flowing hair, dressed in a figure hugging sleeveless t shirt that showed off a bare flat midriff and a very short skirt revealing slim long bare legs. Audrey took a breath...

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No Friend of Mine

It was 2:17 in the morning when I awoke to the sound of my parents returning from a party. Based on the racket they were making downstairs, it was obvious they had partied hard. I could hear my mom giggle as she struggled to climb the stairs. When I heard my parents' bedroom door close, I turned over and checked on my friend Kevin; he was snoozing away on top of his sleeping bag, unaffected by the racket they had made. Taking a hint from Kevin, I lowered my head to the pillow and let the steady...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Savannah Sixx Kit Mercer Vanessa Sky Playing Doctor

Savannah Sixx and her best friend Vanessa Sky wait in a doctor’s office lobby to be called in. Savannah reveals she’s nervous about the sports physical she’s about to get since she wants to be on a sports team. Vanessa joins her for moral support and Dr. Kit Mercer soon arrives. Savannah asks if it’s okay that Vanessa sits in on the physical examination. Dr. Mercer easily agrees. The girls follow after the doctor. In the examination room, Savannah is naked as the doctor...

2 years ago
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Dumb Fuckmeat Begging for More

If rough, brutal fucking is not your thing, stop reading. If it is, continue. The story might even give you a hard-on.I'm a fit, good looking guy, with a big fat cock. I'm a nasty fucker though. Don't give a shit about the fuckmeat I'm banging as long as I am enjoying myself, and guess what. Every cumdump I've fucked, and there's been very many, has cum multiple times on my dick! These whores just need to be treated like shit in order to cum.Just picked up a piece of FUCKMEAT the other week,...

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Venturing Again With Rajjo

Hi this is Prash again. I hope you liked my first story It was an amazing experience having an adventure with someone other than my wife. Though I love her very much, our life styles and my polygamous nature resulted to the wonderful experience with women. Rajjo and I had sex for the first time in an unplanned scenario. Though we knew we were going to get intimate at the movie theater never had we expected that we...

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Vampyre NightsPart 11

Herr Doctor Professor Hal Steinert, walked up the steps to the Institute chatting amiably to his director of finance Sylvie Dacor. His conversation was rudely interrupted in a most unfortunate way. Hal gaped as his favored postgraduate student ran up to him and announced in a clearly manic voice. "Sorry, Herr Professor but I must interject - I really must..." Anna ejaculated the phrase. If her words sounded strange, then her actions were - insane. Without pausing for breath Anna turned...

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Mother and Daughter become my Slaves

Well it all started out as just a Poly connection, Amy and I had been talking online and we really hit it off. We started to get together a couple of times a month. She was married with two young adult children and a husband that also had a girlfriend. After a while I learned that the daughter was very interested in Photography, as am I. Every time Amy and I meet her daughter wanted to come along to show off some of her Photographs, after a while I said yes have her come to dinner with us...

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High School Sweetheart

High School Sweetheart Chapter 1 It was 1971 and Halloween had come around once again and I was dreading it. It fell on a Sunday this year so I knew some time during the day my mom was going to tell me I would need to escort my brothers and sisters on their rounds tonight since my dad was working. I was in my freshman year of high school and felt that I had become too old to dress up and beg candy. I sort of regretted the candy part but I would probably extort some candy from my...

2 years ago
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CarnivalChapter 4

As Sean opened his eyes, the morning sun forced him to squint. Lifting the sheets, he could see that his morning hard-on was present as usual. The pain and pressure in his groin was not though. Sean wasted no time in getting up from the couch. It was Sunday morning and nobody was home. After getting dressed, he peered over at the clock to see that it was a little past noon. Driving home, Sean was still trying to make sense of what happened last night. He had waited a long time to pop...

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Nadias street walk part 3

nadia's Ill Advised Street Walk Part 3: *** This story (as well as Parts 1 and 2 posted previously) is a work of fantasy fiction told within the confines of current events, written by nadia877 at the instruction of Maximos9. It is NOT meant to be interpreted as true, or as something that should ever occur in reality, but in one’s mind, it can exist quite beautifully. ***As i woke up i could hear Max on the phone, “Yeah Jimmy, based on how she performed last night we are gonna go with plan B,...

1 year ago
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Vagina Dialogue

"You love the taste of cunt, don't you?" Natasha remarked. Julie removed her tongue from the thick lips and folds of her lover's vulva, and smiled at Natasha, a thin trail of saliva on her chin. "Yeah! Nothing beats it! It's got the best taste in the world." "And my pussy? How's that compare?" "It's good! Amongst the best. You've got a world class clit and I love the taste. No pussy-farts either!" "You don't like a burst of beaver wind?" "Smells better than the toilet...

1 year ago
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Nominated For Best Picture

It’s been a long, dry season. The days have slowly turned into weeks, now approaching nearly a full month. It’s a love that burns deeply in their hearts but alas, it’s complicated. Married, but not to each other, the agony of separation gnaws at them daily. They’ve run the gamut from careless abandon to strategic get a-ways to this very difficult season, deciding not to see each other altogether. They have determined it is best to just be friends. They stay in touch through emails and...

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Chauffeur for the night

Hey guys it’s been a long time since I have posted anything, and I want to tell you a story about what happened to me a little over a year ago. I was on vacation; I had taken a week off to get something done around the house. I was in the garage when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it. I noticed from the tone of the voice on the other end that she was upset. It was a business acquaintance of mine. Her name was Patricia and her and her husband owned a business that I had done some...

4 years ago
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RCAFChapter 10 Pacific Exhibition

As the linebacker-shaped two-metre-tall Marine officer announced that yes, this was indeed an extraction, Harry hauled out his cell phone. No luck – no signal. "Razor, keep control over the men. I'm going to talk to one of those Marines." "Sir," Razor acknowledged with a smart salute. No joking, not now – things were too chaotic, the need for sober minds too acute. Harry marched up to a man in a green uniform with some sort of American-style officer's rank insignia on the shoulders....

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Being HumanChapter 2

Rachele is patient. She has nowhere to be after all. Besides, sucking Ghok’s cock isn’t exactly an unpleasant use of her time. She loves cock—it’s as simple as that. She loves having it pushed through her cunt lips when it is all moist and open. She loves feeling it pounding away inside her. But most of all, she loves playing with it in her hands and mouth. She doesn’t have to make any particular effort to arouse him. Simply running her lips all around the spent member as slowly as she can...

2 years ago
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Fifty Shades Silver BulletChapter 2

Ana’s Panty Journey: Here we have a new twist in this tale. It may not seem sensible, but in a fashion unknown to Christian, Ana has defied her master’s wishes while he was away on a trip to Manhattan, Gotham, yes New York City. So, against his personal, direct directive/ wishes and broken her promise not to see Kate! Upon Christian’s hastened return shared with Ana his deep disappointment that she had disobeyed his wishes and seen Kate during his journey to New York City. Tonight she would...

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The Sister in Law episode 2 enter the plumber

This story continues from episode I (nice underwear) , you may wish to read that first!That evening after hiding the now dry sticky panties in my attic I attempted to phone Henry the plumber. He was a young lad in his twenties who I knew from the pub. He apprenticed with a big firm, did two years with them after qualifying and then went out on his own. He'd done a good job with our radiators so I was happy to recommend him. The problem was, I couldn't find my mobile! Had I left it at Alison's?...

1 year ago
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Bobby Gets Educated Part III

So it Tuesday night, Spring Break in my 8th grade year, and I’m at home. It’s about 7pm. I’m lying on my bed, butt-naked and looking at the ceiling, reflecting upon the events of the past couple of days. My recap of revelations looks something like this: 1. I had sex with my babysitter, Velma Samuels, who is 27 years old. It was great! By the way, Velma and her husband, Tom, are best friends of my parents. 2. Velma saw me fingering her 18 year-old daughter, Kelly, in the stream today. I didn’t...

3 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Travis was up early, unable to sleep. He spent a long time in the shower, enjoying the hot water, soaping himself thoroughly. When he was dry, he inspected his face in the mirror, thinking that perhaps he had grown more beard overnight. He sure felt a lot older. Standing before the sink he thought about what he had done the night before, and felt tingly all over. It hadn't been another wet dream; he had really, actually,...

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CindyChapter 36

The four of us loaded into the car, headed to an all-night pancake house just up the road. The girls exchanged knowing glances, giggling all the way from the lobby to the car. I questioned the sanity of drinking coffee at 10 o'clock at night, so we opted for hot chocolate instead. The pastries that came with it were not as sweet as the little redhead sitting next to me. I looked at Alan. "This is a new one for us. Cindy has never asked for a late-night snack." Cindy giggled. "Not one...

3 years ago
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Hot easter surprise 2

It had been two weeks since the day I had seen my mother-in-law sunbathing topless in the garden and had gone on to fuck her. Of course, with me staying with my fiancée and her family we had seen each other every day since, but we couldn't do anything and had to act normal. Occasionally I would catch her staring at my crotch lustfully, so I knew she wanted me again and I damn sure wanted her, but there was just no chance of us being alone together. So I decided to take matters into my own...

4 years ago
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Warren ButterfieldPart 3

I arrived home around 9:30 PM and I slipped quietly into the house to see where Megan was. Seeing that she was in the bedroom watching television I went back out to the garage and installed the GPS transceiver in her car. As soon as I walked into the bedroom Megan turned on me. "Why were you so rude to Carl?" Megan said. "When was I rude to him?" "It was your whole demeanor. You barely spoke to him and then when you left you called him Tredwell instead of Carl," Megan said. "So?...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Two CheerleadersChapter 7

Summary: At the end of the last two installments, both Kendal and Brit’ney were sixteen-years-old. Brit’ney had already left school before the end of her sophomore year to do her classwork online, while Kendal was more involved in school life than ever before. Brit secretly dated Preston that year. He earned her parents’ approval by passing himself off as a senior at her old school. Brit never “entertained” the brothers again, as Preston was keeping her happy, as well as respecting her...

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Following BBC home after the Gloryhole

My freshly converted sissy husband and I followed Aaron to his spacious home in the hills after the wild time in the ABS.When we got out of the car Aaron gave me a big embrace and a deep, wet kiss.He told us we were in for a great time as we entered his beautiful home.As Aaron mixed some cocktails he told my sissy to go get cleaned up, take a shower, and get ready for use. Off he went as I pulled out Aaron's delicious BBC stroking it as we sipped our drinks laughing.Aaron made a phone call as I...

3 years ago
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Aces and EightsChapter 16 Thanksgiving and Beyond

November 27th, Day 183; Walter I awoke to screaming kids, jumping on the bed. I pulled each of them down to me. I kissed them on their foreheads and gave them a tickle before I went to the next one. After I finished, I climbed out of bed, and walked into the bathroom. Going over to the urinal I took my morning piss. I was standing there when Mayra wandered in and sat down to pee. "I hate you!" she said and I looked at her in surprise. "What did I do?" I asked. "THIS, DAMN IT!" she...

2 years ago
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Jessie and the TornadoChapter 3

Two months earlier On a Tuesday in March, I began doing some work on the outside. There were three very large flower beds in the front yard that had become completely overgrown and filled with weeds, and one warm day in mid-March I put on a pair of gloves and started pulling all the weeds out. I was wearing an old pair of shorts and a t-shirt, along with an old pair of sneakers. I also had on my customary “USMC” cap I almost always wore if I wasn’t working. One of the things I was...

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