Security Room Gang Bang free porn video

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We reached the construction jobsite about dusk and the work crews were in the process to putting tools away and securing the area. Debbie handed me a hard hat and we jumped out of her car. There were three buildings in different stages of construction. We headed to the largest one, which seemed to be the most finished. Before we reached the door, a pair of whistles and catcalls rang out from behind. Debbie shook her head and continued walking, apparently used to such behavior. I, on the other hand (who hadn't received a decent whistle in years), turned to check them out. The two, well built, black workers couldn't have been more than 25-years-old. Even though I appreciated their attention, I figured the whistles were probably meant for my attractive sister-in-law. I politely blushed, smiled and caught up with Debbie.

"So, I see you have some new admirers?" She observed.

"Me? I don't think so."

"Well, the guys here wouldn't dare whistle at me, being the boss's wife. No, they must be for you!"

I smiled and blushed again, as she opened the door. We headed down a long concrete hallway, with another door and an overhead surveillance camera at the end.

"Barb, this is James. He's in charge of security for the entire job site," said Debbie, and introduced me to the middle aged black man.

Seated behind a console with over a dozen monitors in front of him, he glanced up at me.

"Hi, nice to meet you, James," I smiled and offered my hand.

His huge hand completely covered mine, but politely allowed me to do the handshake.

"Likewise Ma'am," he answered quietly.

"Well, I have to deliver these drawings to Burt in Building #3. I may have to go over them with him too, if you can wait here for me?" Asked Debbie.

The small darklit room with all its lights and monitors was new to me and kind of intriguing. James seemed quiet, friendly and harmless, so I opted to stay there and wait. Debbie made her exit. Scanning the room slowly, I wondered how this whole surveillance system worked. James noticed my interest.

"So, can you figure out what you're looking at, Ma'am?" He asked, knowing I had no clue.

"Well yes... I mean no. I've never seen such an operation. These different screens show the different buildings right?" I asked, instantly aware of how stupid a question that must be.

God, he will think I'm a typical dumb blonde, for sure. I turned my face to his for a response and watched his dark eyes quickly scan my legs, cut-off jeans, and finally settle on my chest. Slowly he shifted his gaze from my cleavage and our eyes met. His rugged, but handsome face formed a wide smile and I thought I would melt.

"Yes, Ma'am. We have three buildings, with several different views of each one to keep an eye on."

I could sense, by his tone, he was not being condescending. I think he thought I was cute and opted to have fun with me. That's when I decided to keep playing the "cute" card, and perhaps be a little "blonde" in the process. I have never been with or flirted with a black man, and thought this is as good a time as any.

"Oh James, you don't have to call me Ma'am. My name is Barb." I said and straddled a stool next to him.

"Yes Ma'am...err, I mean Barb," he said, as his eyes gave my ample chest the once-over again.

"Do you ever get to see something interesting?" I asked softly, noticing his eyes glued to my tits.

"Oh yeah! I mean yes, every once in a while," he started, then nervously switched his attention back to the dull, black and white monitors.

Not wanting to jeopardize his job, his gaze remained fixed on the monitors. I swiveled around playfully on my stool and secretly unbuttoned a blouse button to show off more cleavage.

"Every once in a while, what?" I asked, teasing him to finish his statement.

He was quite nervous now, as he switched views on several monitors. I could tell that he could see down my open blouse, at least peripherally.

"Sometimes people show up in unexpected areas, ya know?" He said, starting straight ahead.

I delighted in his uneasiness and became aroused by his apparent lack of attention. I swiveled around once and again, undoing another button en route. With my blouse fully opened to the waist, I reached behind, grabbed the stool with both hands and thrust my tits out. Swiveling back and forth to get his attention, I noticed some activity on the building three screen.

"You mean like those people there?" I said and pointed at the monitor.

Once he saw the monitor and realized what he was viewing, he quickly went to change it to another view.

"Who was that James? Why'd you change it?" I demanded.

"Oh, that's nothing Ma'am, just the boss's wife talking with Burt. I don't like to spy on people I know," he noted.

"Well, I do! Switch it back for a second!" I commanded.

"OK, Ma'am. But if we get caught, it wasn't my fault," he shrugged and flicked the switch back on.

On the tiny screen, I could make out Debbie handing the blueprints to the tall black supervisor. They conversed for a short time, until Burt put the blueprints down and the two of them embraced. What! This was no friendly embrace. They kissed each other deeply and Burt raised Debbie's dress up to her head and then pulled it completely off.

"I don't think we should be watching this Ma'am!" Stated James, as he started to switch it off.

"Nonsense, James. This is definitely worth watching. Don't you dare turn it off! And stop calling me Ma'am, dam it! I only wish we could see it better!" I sneered and leaned next to him, to get a better view.

Now it was me who was transfixed on the monitor, with James examining my big boobs up close. I think it was all he could do to keep from leaning down and taking a mouthful.

"Well, I suppose, if you really want to see them better, I could switch it to the big screen, here."

And, with that, Debbie and Burt were on the big screen and we could hear them talking. Talking is probably not the correct term. Fucking is what it was: groaning, moaning, kissing and sucking. In no time, he had her stripped naked and she was doing the same to him.

"We don't have a lot of time, Burt," she said excitedly.

"Time enough for you to give me some head, bitch!" He snapped, as she went to her knees and unzipped his pants.

He tore his shirt off to reveal a perfectly toned chest, as Debbie took his cock in her mouth. From the camera angle, we couldn't see his cock. But watching this erotic scene was making me seriously horny.

"See James, isn't that better? Why are you so nervous? Haven't you watched two people go at it?"

"Yes, but not..." He stopped.

"But not what? I begged.

"I've never watched something like this with a woman, especially a white woman!" He admitted

"And I've never done it, I mean watched it with a black man either. So what? That's nothing to be nervous about. It's just a little naughty don't you think?" I said and winked.

"It's just that... you are very attractive, and..."

"You really think I'm attractive? I didn't think you even noticed?" I pouted and stroked his strong jaw line with my hand.

By the look in his eyes and the huge bulge in his pants, I could tell James would have jumped me that very second. I ignored his handsome features and watched Debbie giving Burt his requested blowjob.

"Dam, wish we could see his dick. I've never seen a black cock before. I've heard about them. Is it true what people say about black cocks?" I asked.

"And, what have you heard?" James smiled.

"Oh you know, that many of them are huge. Sometimes, even too big for fucking!"

"I think that's just a myth," laughed James.

"Oh really? Is that so?"

"Yeah, just like white woman are all either princesses or frigid," he said daringly.

"Well, I'm neither one of those! So I suppose that means you have a small dick?" I surmised.

"I wouldn't say it was small, but..." he smiled.

"Oh yeah? Well, maybe we should just check it out," I whispered, leaned into him and reached for his crotch.

He stared defiantly at me, spread open his legs and seemed to dare me. Never one to turn away from an obvious dare, I unzipped his fly and reached inside his shorts. I was pleasantly surprised to feel his thick stiff erection and pulled it out for inspection. Glancing away from his piercing dark eyes, I looked down, took a firm grip and felt the length of him. Hmm, about the same length as my husband's eight inch erection, but much thicker!

"Very nice James, and ooh, it's so hard! Is that for me or from watching them?" I asked and gave it a few tough yanks.

He took in a deep, shaky breath, and gently pulled my white cotton blouse over my shoulders. Pulling my bra straps down, he slowly let out a long gust of hot breath. I felt my juices flow, as he leaned over and kissed my naked neck and shoulders. I undid my remaining blouse buttons and reached behind to unclasp my bra. Without a word, he pulled my blouse and bra off, and leaned back to savor his prize. My big sagging tits with hard nipples found a new home in the palms of his massive hands. For the first time, a man had hands large enough to hold them entirely. After a sweet message, he buried his face in them and licked each one, until my chest was coated with his saliva.

"Oh God YES! Suck my big white tits!" I yelled and threw my head back to give him my all.

James was intent on saturating my bosom, to the point where he could no longer hold my slippery mounds. I fixed my focus again on the large monitor, to witness my sister-in-law on top of a drafting table being reamed out by her husband's chief foreman. The erotic sight of him taking her from behind and hearing her mournful cries was incredible. Tugging and pulling on James' shirt, I pulled it off him. He unfastened my jeans, reached under my armpits and pulled me up, so my knees supported me on the stool. Until then, I had no idea how tall a man he was. When he stood to take my shorts down, my head only came to his chest. His callused hands gently lowered my panties, as my hand yanked faster and harder on his manhood.

"You WILL be gentle with me James, won't you?" I begged.

He said nothing, but inserted two black fingers into my wet pussy. Feeling his fingers caress my clitoris, I had my first quick orgasm. Quickly I pulled his belt and pants open. His pants fell to the floor, as I ripped his shorts down over his erection.

"Should we lock the door, or anything?" I asked, breathlessly.

I wanted his black cock in me, so bad, I hardly noticed Debbie and Burt were no longer on screen. James lifted my naked body effortlessly from the stool and laid me on the long console. Still standing, he spread my legs open and took hold of my ankles. His sizable cock was in perfect position. As he moved toward me, I reached down, took hold of it and guided it to its intended target.

"That's it Baby. Put that beautiful black cock in my white pussy! Oh yeah!" I yelled, as he sunk his entire length into me.

James didn't waste any time getting down to the basics. Moving his hips forward and back, each stroke sunk his forbidden cock deeper inside me. The silent room filled with the sounds of my moans and the rhythmic wet slaps of his pelvis against my thighs. Showing no signs of stopping, my black lover's constant thrusts were making me cum again. I grabbed hold of one of my melons and squeezed tight, while I massaged my clit with my other hand.

"Oooooh, that's it Baby. God dam! I'm cuming! I'm cuming all over your black cock!" I screamed.

My body thrashed wildly, as he continued to hold my ankles high and fuck me at a steady, even pace. I started to wonder how long he could keep up this sweet attack on my pussy. Suddenly, I noticed activity on one of the small hallway monitors. Two workers had a brief conversation, then started walking down the long corridor toward the camera. The closer they came, the more I recognized them as the same young men I had seen earlier. I glanced at the monitor label. It read 'Building #1'. Oh, my God they're coming this way!

"James, I think were gonna have some company!" I said, nervously.

No reply. The man was in a trance, or something. Leering down at my big tits, he tightened his hold on my ankles and never broke his stride. Even when the door flew open, he was unshaken.

"WELL, what do we have here?" Asked the taller of the two, in utter amazement.

"See Man, I told ya she would have a great set of tits!" Exclaimed the other.

"OK, you two. Have yourselves a nice look, and then go," I said, trying to hide my fear.

James acted like nobody was there, but us two.

"So lady, I don't think ole' James has ever had a booty call from a white chick," stated the tall one.

James finally sensed my uneasiness and picked up his pace. Apparently, he was going to take me all the way, even in front of our accidental audience. The faster his cock pistoned in my pussy, the more I tried to ignore the boys and refocus on James. However, I could see the boys were getting pretty heated up, watching James and I go at it. They stood at the end of the console and egged James on. I felt the huge black man's erection start to throb inside me and threw my head back. My eyes shut tight, as his cock exploded in my cunt. His thrusts pushed my whole body closer and closer to the end of the console, while his great load filled my pussy.

I heard his final grunts of pleasure and opened my eyes to see a long cock hanging inches from my face. Both boys had stripped down and were working up some nice size erections, when James pulled his spent manhood out of me.

"Move it, old man. She'll be wanting some nice young meat now," said the shorter one, pushing James aside.

Body-wise, the boy was half the size of James, but quite muscular. James was fairly exhausted by now, and didn't put up a fight. I quickly tried to react to what was about to happen, but the boy was too fast. Before I could move away, he had slipped his sizable cock into my drenched pussy. The other boy was painting my boobs with precum from his long black cock.

"Hey, come on you guys! I don't think this is such a good idea," I pleaded.

I was losing control of the situation and whatever fantasies I had about doing multiple guys at once was turning more into a sense of fear than fun.

"Lady, we think this is a great idea! Why don't you just relax and let it happen? You really are one, hot momma," winked the short boy, as he fucked me harder.

His short, youthful strokes quickened and he must have hit my clit just right, because I started to cum again. My mouth opened wide in orgasm, only to be filled with the tall one's long cock. The fact that you can't **** the willing flashed through my brain, so I gave up and eagerly sucked the tall boy's long black rod. With one young stud fucking my pussy and the other fucking my mouth, I let myself go. I was totally at their mercy, but somehow felt I wasn't in any real danger. The more I relaxed and let them have their way with me, the more aroused I became. Watching these three strangers take me like a common whore was exhilarating and intoxicating. The short muscular buck soon shot his hot load inside me, but I wanted more. Sensing the tall one was also ready to explode, I whipped his long cock from my mouth and put a chokehold around the base of it.

"OK Stud, it's your turn. Come here and fuck my white pussy with that big black dick!" I demanded.

Copious amounts of spunk seeped from my well-stretched pussy, as the tall black boy's cock easily entered me. I could hardly feel his thin dick inside me, until it hit the back of my cervix. He pumped in and out of my slushy pussy admirably, but I could tell he wasn't really enjoying it. I looked up at him, smiled and gave him a long knowing wink. Turning to my right again, I was surprised to see James's fat cock staring back at me.

"See Ma'am, I told you black ones come if all sizes too," he smiled and reached down to fondle my jugs again.

"Yeah James, I see that...and they're all so yummy too!" I added seductively and pulled my hand up his long thigh, and caressed his balls.

I flicked the head of his cock with my tongue a few times, before taking it fully in my mouth. Such a sweet luscious cock he had. The thickness of it expanded my mouth to the max, while I let him sink it deeper into my throat. With eyes closed, I concentrated on taking as much of it as I could. In the meantime, the tall boy gave up fucking my loose pussy and pulled out. I felt another orgasm building and reached down with my left hand to finger my clit. As I worked myself up to a nice climax, I felt another cock parting my swollen pussy lips. By the size of it, I could tell it wasn't the tall boy. It was every bit as thick as James', so it couldn't be the short stud. Whoever it was, his meat was big, and growing inside me. My pussy expanded to its fullest, as I felt the length of the stranger's cock hit my back wall. Two strong hands gripped my wide hips and the huge tool began to thrust in and out. James relentlessly continued to fuck my mouth, while the stranger's huge pole penetrated me deep with each stroke.

My body was on fire with an insatiable lust I'd never known. Spread out on the console like some white sacrificial whore, my hand dropped from James' hip and was soon filled with the tall one's hard slippery cock again. Instinctively I took hold of his long dick and soon had him grunting along with the others.

"That's it Burt; fuck her good! She loves big cocks!" I heard Debbie prodding.

I suddenly realized who was terrorizing my poor pussy. It was Burt, Debbie's secret stud. But, with three black cocks ripping into me, it mattered little whose they were. My jaw was numb and my cunt was about to burst, when I felt Debbie's naked body next to mine. It was kind of a relief to feel her soft skin against me, as the hardened crew continued their onslaught.

"Ooh Baby, you look so delicious," she whispered seductively and fondled my tits.

I shuddered in response to her touch, and she teased my hard nipples with nice wet tongue licks. On her knees and leaning over to suck my boobs, I was able to run my free hand up her thigh to her naked pussy. My fingers found her wet clit and I began to finger her, when she whispered again, "Umm, so you seem to like having all these black cocks?"

I moaned agreeably, and tried to nod as best I could, with James' thick rod in my mouth.

"I think you're more of a slut, than I ever gave you credit for, Barb," she purred.

I blinked my eyes in quiet resignation.

"Perhaps you need a slut's reward, huh?"

I wasn't sure what constituted a slut's reward, but I probably deserved it. I nodded in agreement. Still massaging her pussy, I felt another cock head inching its way inside her. The young, shorter workman had crept up behind her, and was apparently ready for more action. I reached out further and took hold of the base of his average sized dick and helped slip it inside her warm hole. Now I had a firm grip on two young black cocks, with two mature cocks in me. After several heated thrusts from her uninvited intruder, Debbie admonished him and pulled away.

"Well, what do your guys think?" She asked.

They responded with positive grunts and similar smiles, I'm sure.

"My sister-in-law is quite the white slut and I think she's earned a slut's reward, for all her hard work. I want you all to give her a nice cum bath," she said, in a more demanding tone.

"Yes, Ma'am. I could do that RIGHT NOW!" Exclaimed James, as he pulled his thick meat from my mouth.

"By all means, James. Give her your best shot!" Yelled Debbie.

Finally I was able to see big Burt's face starring down at me. With both hands full of young cock, I took note of his rugged but appealing good looks. James' first blast of hot cum left a long white stream across my tits. This got my attention, and I switched my gaze from Burt to James. Batting my eyes up at him, I opened my mouth wide and ran my tongue slowly around my lips. James shot another nice size load of nut on my face and I felt my tall young man's cock start to throb. James was squeezing the last remaining remnants of juice into my mouth, when the tall boy pushed him aside.The tall lad had been patient enough. He feverishly jacked his long dong, until it spewed forth thick white globs of pent-up cum on my forehead and nose. I clenched his dick head with the same hand I had jacked him with and milked out a few squirts of his starchy deposit onto my tongue. Starring up at him with my face coated in semen, I thanked him for being so patient.

"I just might need some help, bitch!" I turned to hear the short, muscular one say.

He had moved to my side and his semi-erect cock dripping with precum was inches from my mouth.

"I would be glad to help, but you don't have to call me names," I said, smiling first at him and then at Burt.

Looking down at Burt's huge manhood nearly buried inside my pussy, the boy apologized and politely asked if I would please suck his cock. Taking hold of my cream coated boobs, I tilted my head to one side and opened my mouth. After only a few minutes of hard sucking, his erection was back at full strength. The base of his cock thickened and started to throb against my lips.

"Oh God, I'm cumin. I'm cumin" He screamed, and yanked his ejaculating dick out of my mouth.

Grabbing the back of my head with one hand, he sprayed fresh cock juice from one side of my face to the other and back again. My eyes, my cheeks, my chin, even my hair were now coated in cum. I had been defiled like a common slut and part of me loved it. Each man's load had a distinctive delicious taste, and I looked forward to tasting Burt's as well. Wiping white goo from my eyes, I was treated to the novel sight of my sister-in-law's naked ass above me. She was standing and straddling my waist, while Burt ate out her pussy. Her short legs put her snatch at just the right height for Burt's long tongue, which I could easily see through her spread legs. The more she moaned, the deeper he thrust his swollen cock into my sore cunt.

Forget the cum bath, all I wanted now was a rock hard fucking from Debbie's black lover. With my hands free, I leaned up and grabbed my legs to spread them wide. Debbie moans intensified, as did my screams of delight. I heard her cumin and saw her legs go to spaghetti. I let go of my legs and took hold of her hips to guide her down. Once she settled on my torso, I pulled her thighs back to line us up in a 69. She licked my sensitive clit as Burt's dick started to throb inside my pussy. I raised my cum-soaked face to her pussy. My slimy face coated her thighs, as I licked and sucked her own freshly fucked cunt lips.

"Don't you come inside her, Burt! She's due for a cum bath," she reminded him.

"But..but... Baby, I can't wait!"

Laying my head back down, I braced myself for his load. All of the sudden he was gone! Debbie had yanked his honker out and was taking my reward in her mouth. And, what a reward it must be. He grunted with each powerful pump, as she took in more and more of his sweet juice. My hips writhed in painful anticipation, while my heels locked on to his strong thighs.

"Oh God! I need it! I need to be fucked NOWWW!" I screamed in utter frustration.

Looking around the tiny room for any takers, my other three friends were all doing there best to ready themselves to accommodate me. All of them were at different stages of erection, but none of their cocks could measure up to Burt.

Debbie finally finished off Burt and swung herself up and over me. Her cheeks bulged with my reward, and I figured she wanted to share it. Still eager to taste Burt's cum; I opened my mouth for her. She lowered her face to mine and winked at me in that sweet, sexy way. But, instead of unloading in my mouth, she began to spray my face with his starchy cum.

The cum dripped from my lips when I smiled up at her. I had been taking this all too seriously. This final cum bath was meant to remind me to lighten up.

"Oooh Baby, yeah. Give me all that sweet cum!" I purred, and finger-painted it all over my face. "I just love fresh black cock cream all over me." I pouted, as Debbie unloaded the rest of it.

I must of looked like a whore dipped face-first into a vat of mayonnaise. Debbie's face still hovered inches from mine, to make sure I was OK with this degree of humiliation. She smiled.

"Are you OK, Barb?" She asked with another smile.

"Oh yeah, Baby. We're just couple of cum sluts aren't we?" I answered, running my hand up her naked back.

She started to answer and I pulled her face to mine for a big wet kiss. At first she fought and tried to pull away, until she realized the damage had been done. Both of our faces now a sticky mess, she thrust her tongue into my mouth and we entertained the men with a nice, long lesbian kiss. Our staged smooching was subsiding, when I felt hands on my thighs again. I leaned up on my elbows, just in time to see Burt's revived manhood reenter my pussy.

"Well look whose back for seconds! I'm sorry, but we have we met? Why, you must be Burt. My name's Barb, and it's nice to meet ya!" I smiled and held up my right hand.

Burt smiled, shook my hand, took hold of my hips and proceeded to bury his growing erection deep in me. Debbie sent one of the young muscle man off to find some towels. This left James and the tall young man standing there with cocks again at full mast.

"God dam Barb! Don't you love black men? Look how resilient they are!"

"It IS amazing," I agreed, breathlessly trying to keep up with Burt's accelerated thrusts.

"Maybe I should take care of them?" She asked, licking her lips. "Would that be OK, Burt?"

She didn't wait for his answer, but slid down from the console and approached them. Taking both their cocks in each hand, she whispered something to them. James lay down on the floor for Debbie to straddle him. Holding his thick stiff cock straight up, she squatted down to take it in her pussy. She took his thick meat all the way with little effort. Like a bull-rida just let out of the shoot, she rode him hard -and for more than the required eight seconds. When the tall stud, hard cock in hand, came to her from behind, she stopped riding and leaned forward over James. The sight of her taking the tall one's long member in the ass really got me going.

Burt and I were back on the fast track. He reached over to tug on my tits and I leaned up to grab his upper arms. His cock couldn't go any further inside me, but I wanted more. I threw my arms around his neck; my legs around his waist; locked my fingers together and pulled myself up to him.

"Deeper Baby, deeper!" I pleaded.

With that, he reached under my arms and lifted me off the console. Standing, he lowered his hands to my ass and raised me up, only to let me slide down hard on his tool.

"Yeah Baby. That's it! Fill me up with that black monster!" I yelled and kissed him passionately for the first time.

Sucking his long tongue deep in my mouth, he raised me up and let go over and over again. I boiled over with another orgasm and fell limp against him. He sat down on a nearby stool. Remembering the stool had foot supports; I unlocked my legs from his waist and found the support. Pushing against the support with my feet I was able to ride him, which I continued to do at a slower pace.

We kissed and fucked like this for a time, before the muscular errand boy returned with the towels. Upon seeing the five of us going at it, he quickly disrobed and discarded the towels. He jacked away at his increasing boner, but seemed confused. He didn't quite know which way to go.

"Come here, Honey. You seem to be lost," I said seductively, over my shoulder.

I felt his tight muscular chest against my back and two new hands cupping my bouncing boobs. His hard cock found its way to my ass crack. Looking down at Debbie going at it with her two black beauties, I was jealous and wanted the same treatment.

"I don't know about you, but I think I can find a good home for that sweet cock of yours," I whispered and squeezed my ass cheeks together.

He prodded my asshole with his tool and tried to force it in me.

"No Baby, you have to get me nice and wet first, OK?" I stated patiently.

Apparently the young man had never done anal before. What am I saying? I had done it only once before with my husband. Hearing my sister-in-law's cries of pain and pleasure, I just had to have it again. Bouncing up and down on Burt's never-ending shaft, and feeling the young man's tongue licking my asshole, I wondered if I could actually take both of them. Whatever reservations I might have had soon disappeared, as I felt my lubed-up rectum start to spread. Stopping my bouncing in mid-air, his average sized cock slipped into my puckered hole and it felt every bit as big as Burt's rigid cock. Speaking of Burt, his huge salami, even half way inside my pussy, left little room for anything else.

"Oh God, I... I don't think I can..." I started, then bit my lower lip, as he pushed it deep into my asshole.

Somehow, I adjusted to his length inside me and tried to relax.

"Oooh, that's nice! Ummm, I kinda like that," I hummed, and felt it flex inside me.

Burt must have felt the young man's cock flexing in my ass and he returned a flex of his own. That sent me to an immediate climax, and I u*********sly lowered myself to take in the balance of Burt's raging cock.

"Christ! Oh, God, I'm coming againnn!" I screamed.

The young stud took that as his cue and started fucking my ass like crazy. Each of his deep thrusts raised me up and down Burt's thick shaft, until I was in a constant state of orgasm. Waves of erotic pleasure came over me, and I banged against both of them. My screams of pain turned into grunts of torturous pleasure. In reality, the small room was one big grunt-fest, with the six of us trading sounds that could best be described as a****ls in the wild. The sweat flew off my body, and the scent of two cum-soaked, mature women permeated the air.

My carnal lust was insatiable, even when my muscular lover shot a load of liquid warmth into my ass. I never stopped, or even slowed up to butt-squeeze his cock for more juice. His spent semi-hard dick popped out on one of the up strokes, along with a full stream of nut. His cum found its way down Burt's long shaft and must have settled in a pool on his big balls. From then on, when my pussy hit his cock base, it made a splashing sound.

"Man, I'm gonna fuck you 'til that black monster falls off! You know that? You like fucking white pussy don't you Burt? You like sucking big white tits don't you?" I yelled.

He nodded and I pussy slammed him harder.

"Why don't you quit squeezin' my white ass and tug on these a while?" I said, leaning back to give him full access.

He grabbed my boobs roughly and tried to suck them on the upstrokes.

"Don't worry Burt. These white tits can take it. Go ahead and suck 'em! That's it Baby, suck 'em HARD!"

His mouth clamped on to one of my nipples, which stretched my boob out of proportion on each down stroke. What little pain that came from the stretch was delicious. I smirked and tweaked the other nipple in delight. Burt was delighted as well. Whether it was my rough language, my voluptuous body or the whole lurid scene, I could feel his cock throbbing against my vaginal wall.

"Ooooh I love a good suck-and-fuck. That's it, Baby. Fill me up, while you suck my big tit. Fill my white pussy with your hot cum. ooooooh!" I said softly.

I leaned down and pulled my other boob up to my mouth. I was about to suck it in, when I noticed my muscular lover just standing and taking it all in. I motioned him over to me and quickened my ride.

"Here Stud. Suck my tit!"

With both black men hard-sucking my tits, I bounced my way to another quick orgasm. Soon after, Burt's mammoth cock erupted inside me, sending jolts of pleasure through me. Debbie and her daring duo were piled in one big twisted naked mess on the floor, totally exhausted. I climbed off of Burt's shrinking cock and dressed. I pulled Debbie to her feet and helped her dress. She said her good-byes to Burt and I thanked James and the others for the tour.

"So, what do ya say, girl?" She asked, as we hobbled back to the car.

"Well, I'll tell ya Debbie...I have a new found perspective of gang bangs and Oreos," I laughed.

"OREOS?" She asked.

"Yeah... those black studs made me realize that it's fun being the creamy white center."

Same as Security Room Gang Bang Videos

1 year ago
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security room gang bang

"So, I see you have some new admirers?" She observed. "Me? I don't think so." "Well, the guys here wouldn't dare whistle at me, being the boss's wife. No, they must be for you!" I smiled and blushed again, as she opened the door. We headed down a long concrete hallway, with another door and an overhead surveillance camera at the end. "Barb, this is James. He's in charge of security for the entire job site," said Debbie, and introduced me to the middle aged black...

1 year ago
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Hongkong gang bang

Unbelievable! That is how I have to describe what happened last Saturday night. Fucking unbelievable. I never thought Rex was telling us the truth about lining up Carrie Leung-Peters. All the guys in the bar thought he was bullshitting us. However, Rex proved he was indeed telling us the truth. My name is Danny. It was the mid-1990's in Hong Kong and I was part of a British construction team building the new international airport. Rex was one of the gang. The last several weeks, Rex had been...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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21st birthday gang bang

"I won't do it," said Carina Tam. "No way. She angrily recrossed her legs in the tight skirt, face glowering as she faced Gary Leung. "You'll do as you're told," replied the boss of the Hongkong film world. Leung exercised total control over a large stable of chinese actresses and singers who were dependent on him to keep their careers afloat. He could make sure they didn't work again. The women were all high-class but had to whore when told to do so. Leung charged HK$100,000 a night for their...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Poker game Gang Bang

When I came home from work at 12:30 am, daddy was still playing poker with the guys. The kitchen was filled with smoke from cigars and pipe tobacco. I love the smell of pipe tobacco, it reminds me of my grandpa. When I was just a freshman in high school, grandpa use to watch me in the shower. He would always have to pee when the shower would turn on. I think grandpa was my first fingering, besides myself. Grandpa had thick furry fingers and he knew just how to slide in gently, so I...

3 years ago
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Wifes third gangbang

I thought it was time I added the next story to the previous two I've posted. Those were Sept 6 2011, and Oct 15. Just been so busy over Christmas. We have our own business and Christmas is normally very hectic, but this year was mega! We were anticipating a quieter time given the economic situation, so must not complain.Emily's third gang-bang was just 6 days after the second. We were still on holiday and had decided we would definitely go back to the scene of the second gang-bang on the...

3 years ago
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My name is Luis, for the last three years my mom and I have been having sex. I decide for my 17th birthday I would host a gang bang using her and making a couple of bucks besides a nut sack draining event. Six weeks ago I sold her ass to the neighbor for $1000; people might be wondering why I would do it. It was an easy decision, I’m not happy with my mother, I hold her responsible for breaking up our family and ruining the life. Once her and I had crossed the line into an i****t relationship,...

2 years ago
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Jennys Gang Bang

Hi, Cathy again. I promised if I got some response I'd submit some of my original ELG stories. I was actually a bit surprised at the favorable responses. I thought my stories would interest other girls more than guys and that most of the readers are guys. I wonder if there's any way to sort the voting by sex? Anyway, these four entries which I originally wrote about three years ago are probably even more girl oriented. I probably don't get into genital details as much as...

3 years ago
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Wifes First Gang Bang

Just returned from a business trip/holiday in the Aegean area to find that a story I posted on September 6 (Wife's Second Gang Bang) seems to have been well received. I will definitely post more stories, starting with this one, the story of Emily's first gang bang, which she will be writing herself.In answer to one comment we are definitely not American, and I doubt if I could ever get my wife to post a picture of herself. You will probably see why as you read more. I can only say that she is...

3 years ago
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Jacuzzi Gang Bang

Introduction: Wife agrees to gang bang This is the last interesting threesome that Tina and I have had together. We were going away for a weekend with the sole purpose of hooking up with another guy for a threesome. We posted on Craigslist assuming we would get a lot of requests to join us. We settled on an older gentleman in his early 50s because he not only was the most intriguing but he offered us the use of his place which had a jacuzzi and multiple fireplace and big screen tvs. Now it...

2 years ago
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blind folded wife tricked into gang bang

hi there im going to tell you how i tricked my wife into a gang bang she thought would never happenmy wife brenda is the kind of woman that loves to fuck and whether she believes it or not i knew once she got fucked by several men she would not only like it but ove it and want to do it again it all started one night after sex w would lay in each others arms and talk about different things nw even though im a good lover some times i wasnt enough there were and still are times she gets in a super...

1 year ago
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Gang Bang

The party had been going for a few hours and was really starting to buzz, there was the tell -tale smell of weed in the air and a lot of people were high or drunk. I chatted with a few people and had got the brush off from one girl, so I went outside for some fresh air. There were as many people outside as there were in but at least the air was clean and smoke free. A couple were by the fence, kissing each other, I watched as the man slid his hand up the girls skirt, he was began fingering her...

Group Sex
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Wifes first gang bang

We're a mid 50s MWC that has been swinging for over fifteen years. Most of our experiences have been with other couples and single men, plus we have attended private house parties and swing clubs. My wife found out early in our journey into swinging that she very much enjoyed the attention of two men and we have engaged in a number of MFM threesomes as a result, many times in which she enjoyed the pleasures of double penetration. Once this horny MILF gets going, there's not a whole lot stopping...

1 year ago
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Masturbation before my Birthday Gang Bang

I pick up the pink, soft-flesh dildo that was in my mouth and shove it in my drenched pussy in and out, one dildo in each hand alternating. Ramming each into me until my walls started to shake and convulse. The black one spreads me deep as the waves of pleasure over come me again. I bite my lip hard and keep the wave sweeping my body as a surfer keeps a wave alive on a mighty run. It’s coming up to my 45 birthday and I want to do something for me. Just me. The kids are grown, living their lives...

4 years ago
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Slutingit for GangBangers

Introduction: Gemma is introduced to a gang-bang Im Going Shopping (or so I thought) I was 18 at the time, and it was time to go shopping which brought a delight and pleasure to me and a lifting of my spirits. I was outrageously wearing a short skirt and no panties along with long socks and a jacket and made-up to look cute. My hair was in pig-tails for fucks sake! Maybe it was a phase but it was a hot one. As I walked towards the shops I had to pass this residential area and in my delight at...

3 years ago
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Videotaping Wifes BBC Gang Bang

Videoing my Slut WifeI had the two fixed cameras setup, and ready, and the mobile camera was on the table next to the entertainment center. The video player was ready with a hot video of a white slut ready to bang a bunch of black studs. Now, I heard my wife close the door to our bedroom, and head downstairs.“What do you think?” Cheryl asked of her outfit as she slowly turned at the foot of the stairs.“Hot, very hot and slutty,” I replied as I picked up the mobile camera, and began taping her,...

3 years ago
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Slutingit for GangBangers

I was 18 at the time, and it was time to go shopping which brought a delight and pleasure to me and a lifting of my spirits. I was outrageously wearing a short skirt and no panties along with long socks and a jacket and made-up to look cute. My hair was in pig-tails for fucks sake! Maybe it was a phase but it was a hot one. As I walked towards the shops I had to pass this residential area and in my delight at the day before me, I suddenly felt my cunt have a silly-fit and began to...

2 years ago
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Wifes Second Gang Bang

A year before Emily and I were married I had an eye-opening experience. I was on a surfing holiday in Cornwall and was in a pub one night with five mates. A local couple got chatting to us. Stan and Maureen were as ordinary a couple as you could wish to meet. Late 40s, k**s left home, Stan worked in a bank, and Maureen was a classic matronly housewife. She looked a bit like the TV chef Delia Smith.So it was a massive surprise to me when less than two hours after we had met we were back at their...

3 years ago
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A Pregnant Gang Bang

I have been arranging gang bangs for married women since 1994 here in the Tampa area. 5 years ago I had a couple contact me about arranging a gang bang for her and that he was a cuckold.She was 30 at the time, he was 41 and up front both of them told me they wanted only guys who could impregnate her. At first I thought it might be all talk but as we set a date she explained she would let me know because she was keeping records of her temperatures so she knew when she would be fertile.I...

3 years ago
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Jenny8217s Gang Bang

Hi, Cathy again. I promised if I got some response I’d submit some of my original ELG stories. I was actually a bit surprised at the favorable responses. I thought my stories would interest other girls more than guys and that most of the readers are guys. I wonder if there’s any way to sort the voting by sex? Anyway, these four entries which I originally wrote about three years ago are probably even more girl oriented. I probably don’t get into genital details as much as guys....

2 years ago
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Swinging Wifes First Gang Bang

This is a true story; the names have been changed but the way the encounter occurred is as it happened. There is video which I’ve referred to for accuracy. This story is an account of my swinging wife’s first black gang bang, which we discovered she was really into. It was about 3:30 on a cold wet Saturday afternoon. Joyce was bored she had gone to the basement to do some ironing, I was attempting to fix an old computer. The door bell rang I yelled to her I’d get it. I opened the door to a...

4 years ago
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A Reluctant Gang Bang

byTonyaTV69© This story was stolen and posted here by a LIAR claiming it was theirs but I am the real author and they were just a cheap barely literate FAKE!!! Hi all! I have been cross dressing and playing with men for many years now. One of My first experiences was being gang fucked by about 9 guys at an adult arcade. I was 18 at the time and it kind of traumatized me as it was pretty much a gang **** at an adult arcade. I was dressed up in a white flowered sundress panty hose and white...

1 year ago
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Jacuzzi Gang Bang

We were going away for a weekend with the sole purpose of hooking up with another guy for a threesome. We posted on Craigslist assuming we would get a lot of requests to join us. We settled on an older gentleman in his early 50's because he not only was the most intriguing but he offered us the use of his place which had a jacuzzi and multiple fireplace and big screen tv's. Now it was only supposed to be the three of us but Rich was part of a swingers group and wanted us to join him at a...

1 year ago
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My First Gang Bang

Years ago, after my dom of 7yrs and I split, I was lost, needing to reclaim myself, and discover what I truly enjoyed. I chatted with tons of men, women, couples, crazy people, sane people, you name it - I talked about it, thought about it, dreamed about it and wanted to try it. So I dove in, which is actually more my style than the insecure submissive I felt I was back then. For years my ex and I had discussed, flirted and toyed with the idea of mfm, fmf, and many other scenarios. Looking back...

3 years ago
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Greedy Girl Gang Bang

Married for 14 years I have had a very satisfying relationship with my husband Joe. When it comes to sex we are both usually too busy to have any fun with it because Joe travels and I work full time as a nurse. Joe has always been innovative when it comes to sex when we do have the time and is always trying to show me how much he loves me by sending me flowers, or leaving a note on my pillow before he goes to work. Not really getting much sex for the last few weeks I decide that I would try a...

Group Sex
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African Gang-Banged BrideThe first time that I ever had a black cock was when I was 18 and on a trip to Africa with my new husband Ben.We were on the 2nd week of our Honeymoon when one night in the hotel bar, Ben, my husband who is an anthropologist and is 43 years old, was talking to a group of old black men about their tribes and customs etc. It was very warm, no, very HOT.So I was wearing a bikini top and mini-skirt, no panties or stockings as I was longing for a cool breeze to waft up...

2 years ago
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Swingers gang bang

After 10 years of married life, my wife and I decided we wanted to explore the swing scene and maybe do some swapping with couples that were similar to us. My wife Nicole is a 30 year old Italian with a little Mexican mixed in she has a round curvy ass, soft full lips and nice big round tits, no silicone here. Here skin is olive and soft & smooth.I’m a 42 year old professional. I’m 5’9 and about 175, I consider my size and looks to be about average. I knew there would be no problem finding...

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Episode 149 Jennys Gang Bang

For some inexplicable reason all the trashy white girls in the gang that Jenny was initiated into were deeply heterosexual, hating lesbians or even bi-sexual girls, so Jenny kept her pussy-loving tendencies to herself.The teenage sluts spent most of their time on their knees, butts in the air, sucking off the black boys, then getting royally buggered or fucked as their masters preferred.As the newest and youngest slut in the gang, Jenny was always fucked last, giving her time for sneaky glances...

2 years ago
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Prelude to a Gang Bang

****************************************************************** “You lied to me you little cunt! You said 'anything' remember? You were so fucking desperate you promised to do anything so I would help you and now you're fucking backing out on your promise? Fucking lying bitch!” “You're no better than those assholes!” I screamed, “We didn't call you just so you could be a rapist too! Fuck you Chad, get out of here!” He slammed the door to my room so hard it shook the...

3 years ago
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My Cum Swallowing Gang Bang

My Cum Swallowing Gang Bang I am an amateur adult film actress and I just made my first gang bang last week. I had made several other amateur videos before then that were good but nothing could have prepared me for the cum swallowing gang fucking I got last week There were twelve guys in the room taking turns fucking and feeding me cum for hours. The director of the video asked if I wanted to do some anal scenes but I told him I wasn’t ready for that. Fucking and sucking was O.K. but I don’t...

1 year ago
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Lisas first gang bang

Lisa always wanted a gang bang. She was married to Max and it was their fantasy for many years. Many times during their sex sessions, she indicated that she had to have a gang bang. At least 6-8 or more men. All fucking her and using her body for their complete satisfaction. Different cocks, different shapes and sizes and even colours pounding into her. Ramming into her, making her cum and ultimately using her as a cum dump. That is what she wanted, to ultimately be a cum dump for men. During...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Jennys Gang Bang

Jenny and I met when she was 17 and I was 16. She was the girlfriend of a moderately successful football player. We started an affair that went on for several years. I thought it was great, here was I, an ordinary looking guy, not big, not beautiful, with this drop dead gorgeous, raven haired beauty, with an unreal body. She was someone else's girlfriend, but who cared, I was having the sex of my life, and I got incredibly turned on by the stories about the boyfriend. He was a meathead, dumb,...

2 years ago
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I met her at a gangbang

I hope you enjoy the scene. I wrote it in one go this morning because I saw a clip on this site which gave me the idea. It's also unedited, etc., so there are likely to be errors and/or typos in the text. Apologies for any errors. I just wanted to smash this scene out and then get on with something which actually earns me money!Anyway. Here it is. Comments and feedback are welcome, as long as it's constructive and not just, "Your story sucks."Thanks for reading.Ricky - Cambridgeshire, UK - 19th...

3 years ago
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Wife gang bang

Hi to all the ISS readers and thanks for your response for my last story. Those who are reading me for the first time, I must tell you all that I am 28 yr old good looking single guy from Delhi working in an IT MNC. I am today gonna tell a true incident happened just 15 days back and it seems a lot of you would not like to believe on the same but yes it had happened and the same was hard to believe for me also. This incident happened around 15 days back when one of my friends who got married...

1 year ago
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Sumayas first gang bang

Sumaya leans against the backyard wall of her parents house. She's eavesdropping on a conversation between a group of college boys on the other side of the fence. Sumayas parents house is right next door to a community public park and the only thing separating her from having access to the park is a low fence. Sumaya listens to the boys talking about exams, and about their teachers, and she realizes they're college students. Sumaya is able to distinguish five different voices, and she...

3 years ago
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Lisas first gang bang

Lisa always wanted a gang bang. She was married to Max and it was their fantasy for many years. Many times during their sex sessions, she indicated that she had to have a gang bang. At least 6-8 or more men. All fucking her and using her body for their complete satisfaction. Different cocks, different shapes and sizes and even colours pounding into her. Ramming into her, making her cum and ultimately using her as a cum dump. That is what she wanted, to ultimately be a cum dump for men. During...

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My first gang bang

Please bear with me, its my first story here.It was seven years ago, I was 18 years old. Still a gang bang and that really bothered me.I have long brownish blondish hair, at that time almost always had it down. Blue eyes, and about 5ft1. I have a curvy body, and a few extra lbs. . I enjoy horse riding and jogging in the woods, seeing a few close friends, chatting online. I was always a bit shy and didn't have many friends. I had a couple of friends I was very close to. Still am. I had a couple...

1 year ago
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Maggies Gang Bang

One day when Maggie and I were out hitting the bars and having a good time, we ran into a couple of our friends, Don and Ken. Ken was Maggie's boyfriend and fucking her at every chance when he managed to get away from his wife and sneak up to our place. Don was his friend and neighbor. He wasn't married and had tried to fondle Maggie a couple times while we had been staying with Ken before he got married. As they were best of friends and had shared women on occasions, Don knew that Ken was...

Wife Lovers
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Rhianons first gang bang

Rhianon was dirty, passionate, absolutely sexy and loved having men cum on her chest. One night when giving her grey haired co-worker a blow job she started thinking about him, their part-black co-worker and her boyfriend all cumming on her tits at the same time. She went into autopilot on the old guy and started massaging his balls while swirling her tongue around the tip of his throbbing boner. He was half grunting, half moaning because he hadn't felt anything that good since he slept with...

3 years ago
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After the gangbang

After the Morgantown Gang-Bang…because I am a sucker for a big black cock.Following a nice session Sunday night the white guy (Jed), said he’d leave me alone for a while and let me recover. I really appreciated that because all of my ‘equipment’ was wrecked. But…I have two problems. Most of the time, following a good fucking and, I’ve rested a little – I want fucked again. The other problem is that I am a real lover of taking big black cocks – I just crave satisfying a well endowed black top....

4 years ago
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Friday Gang Bang

I wrote this after our "wonderful" Friday Gang Bang. I still can't believe it happened. We had just gotten a letter from someone after they had  seen her picture. Hope you enjoy it.... Well, your letter did the trick. She read it this morning and there were a couple of detectable moans as she was reading. I thought I would help her out, so I pushed aside her robe and pulled her panties down. I licked up her leg till I got to her pussy. It was already juicy. I ate...She read.She said she lost it...

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SRU The Gang Bangers

SRU and The Gang Bangers by Carol Collins Marvin Smith, known as Blade to his fellow gang members, pushed his tousled dreadlocks back out of his eyes as he and his fellow gang member, Alfonso Green, known as Sticks, wandered the big shopping mall in search of more young female prey. Blade felt a stirring in his silk boxers as he remembered the last teen girl that they had enticed into accompanying them back to their clubhouse. Suzy Colbert had been a fourteen...

2 years ago
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Police Guns And Gangbang

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers I know this may seem like a long one but plot matters doesn’t it? Mera naam janvi hai. Main 21 saal kii hun size 37-25-36 fair colour, main delhi m apne mummy ,papa ,choti behen , aur bde bhaiya jo 25 saal k hai. Mera bhai police force m kaam karta h aur sabko uspar bohot garv h.Main bhi ek din uss hii trha banna chahti hunn lekin ladki hone ka karan m shayad uski itni brabri naa kr paaun . Ek din mera bhai jab ghar lauta toh maine dekha uske hath m goli...

3 years ago
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Hotel Gang Bang

Introduction: It does exactly what it says on the can Hotel gang bang The knock on the hotel door seemed innocuous enough, neither of the occupants of the room had any reason to suspect that it could be anything other than room service. Bill and Anne had travel overnight, catching the red eye from Fort Lauderdale to arrive at London Heathrow early in the morning. They had slept for an hour or two, trying to adjust to the six hour delay from continent to continent. Their two weeks doing...

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Back in 1989 I won quite a lot of money on the horses so,wife Sarah and I decided to visit my american family in eastern Washington and South Dakota while our teenage son and daughter stayed with Sarah,s kind parents for the three weeks we were away. Didn,t like the fact it was mid October, but fortunately the weather in South Dakota was mild for October, the second half of our visit to take in Washington. We flew into Aberdeen to be collected by my sister Anna and her second husband Vernon on...

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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

3 years ago
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Libbys First Gang Bang

Libby’s First Gang – Bang. A True StoryIt took me a while to “click”. But eventually I worked it out…….. My wife had a secret fantasy. To be taken by a stranger….. no pleasantries….. no introductions….. Not even to see the person. Just to be bent over & fucked!. To be used as a cum dump. My reasoning was simple.. I often woke around 2.00 or 3.00am. Wide awake & horny. I would toss & turn, think about self relief… as she lay beside me, sound asleep. But, eventually she would make the...

3 years ago
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My First GangBang

I know this is one very strange story; it is true, I know it may be hard to believe. You may even think it is made up. (So be it). It is 100% true, and I am sure since I started doing gang-bangs at an age of 13 (way to young,) it has made my outlook on sex very perverted and distorted to say the least. By day I am professional workingwoman, out of the world's sight, I am a very nasty lady. Also keep in mind that I did not write this as it happen. I wrote it years later (many years later) I...

1 year ago
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My Jamaican Gang Bang

My husband Mike took me to Jamaica on our honey moon and got me gang banged by the entire staff of the resort we stayed at; plus most of the men in the area. Now ten years later Mike's taking me back again we've been back twice before only because Gregory the manager at the resort gives us free villas as long as I do a gang bang. Greg contacted Mike a few weeks ago and they set it all up, with a few new things. Mike and I flew in and were picked up by a stretched out Lincoln Navigator limo,...

Group Sex
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Janersquos first gang bang

Brian pulled the car into the pub car park.“Holy shit,” Jane said, seeing that it was full of cars. “I never expected this many… l don’t know if l’m ready for this, there must be thirty cars here.”“Mmmmm, lovely,” Suzy said, lifting her head from Jane’s breast, she had been sucking her nipples for the last ten miles. “The mood l’m in l’ll take them all,” she laughed.Brian found a vacant parking space. “It’s up to you Jane,” he said, “l’m not forcing you.”“But you want me to don’t you, l can see...

1 year ago
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All of you who see my profile here at Hamsters and on my website at , KNOW what a whoring, slutty cum lover I am! I can't ever seem to get enough cock, cum, pussy or ass and my recent favorite thing to do is take cock up my old asshole! It feels so damn good when a nice cock slips in it and when the man cums, I can feel each and every pulse of hot sperm shooting inside me. Even the feeling of it leaking back out and running down my legs turns me on and I only hate that I...

2 years ago
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Gay Excon Gang Bang

Gay Ex-con Gang BangBy billy69boyI was leaving the local adult book store, feeling pretty good after getting an unbelievably intense blowjob from someone I didn't know and never saw. I had been coming here more and more, ever since that first time when I finally let some anonymous voice talk me into putting my stiff cock through the glory hole in the booth next to me. I had always hesitated before, because I didn't want to even think of the idea that I might be gay. I knew I wasn't gay: I...

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Fucked My Dad After Six Man Gang Banging

I had to walk past some thick bushes in front of one of the houses and I‘d heard the warnings about walking by myself, down a dark street, especially passing dark, thick bushes where a robber or rapist could be hiding, waiting to jump out and grab someone walking by. I balked at the warning, since it never happened here and I had been walking at night from the time I was twelve years old. Of course, I wasn’t a well-developed woman then, like I am now, at least an older teenager anyway. I had...

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Sabrinas Biker Gang Bang

I started talking to a dude we'll call "G-Man" on xHamster. His wife "Sabrina" is a gorgeous black woman with a body made for sin. G-Man told me that he and his wife had fantasized about her being gang-banged. I've always had a "thing" for chocolate and told G-Man so. He immediately asked me if my "buddies" and myself would be interested in gang-banging Sabrina. I told him yes....and since he didn't live that far from me that I'd come and pick his lady up for a day ride. Then he could meet us...

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Gang Bang

God, I'm perverted, I thought to myself. I was old enough to be the grandmother of the three teenage Latino gangsters groping my big ass while we walked up Mission St. The tight Lycra mesh dress I wore hid nothing. In fact, it probably highlighted my sissy body. I stepped down harder to make my boobs bounce. My ass swayed and so did my flaccid cock.The night was young and the street was well lit. Passing men stared and commented in Spanish. I didn't understand but knowing the importance of...

4 years ago
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Biker Gang Bang

Peter and Tracey had been married for five years. Tracey was a tall auburn haired girl with lovely 32 C breasts and Peter was a six foot mass of muscle but slighty greying of the hair. Peter had always wanted a Harley and this year his dream came true. They had saved for a long time and ordered their bike, a Harley-Davidson CVO Softail Convertible FLSTSE . Peter was in heaven and they started riding every day and hanging out at the local biker bars. They seemed to fit in perfectly with a biker...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Head Cheer Leader Trishs Victory Party Gang Bang

My high school sweetheart, Trish, was such a slut. At the tender age of 16, she had already fucked around with several guys before me, a couple of them much older than her and had even done some amateur porn. She was desired by many, and I enjoyed hearing about her past sexual escapades. I also enjoyed her wild libido and impressively high stamina. As bored, horny teenagers, it was not uncommon for us to fuck for hours at a time. ...

2 years ago
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Swingers gang bang

I’m a 42 year old professional. I’m 5’9 and about 175, I consider my size and looks to be about average. I knew there would be no problem finding men who would want to do my wife. After much internet searching we found a swing club about two hours from our house. We didn't want to risk seeing anyone we might know in our town, so two hours away was a safe bet and we could have dinner out and spend the night in the other town. The place we found was located in an older brick building in a...

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