H?tel Coccinelle - Chapitre 2 - free porn video

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H?tel Coccinelle : Chapitre 2 : premi?re journ?e de service Cette journ?e de formation avait ?t? ?reintante et forte en ?motion. J'essayais de trouver le sommeil dans mon lit mais les souvenirs se bousculaient dans ma t?te. Vincent, lui n'avait pas demand? son reste et s'?tait abandonn? dans les bras de Morph?e. Le speech de J.M avec tous les serveurs dans l'uniforme du club chacun n'osant pas croiser le regard sur l'autre de peur d'esquisser un sourire malencontreux avait ?t? un grand moment. Je me disais que j'avais bien fait de me raser les jambes avant car certains des nouveaux venus ne l'avaient pas fait et cela d?tonnait quelque peu. L'exp?rience de se mouvoir dans une jupe droite pendant toute une journ?e ? la vue de tous avait ?t? une exp?rience assez particuli?re au-d?but car l'on n'a pas l'amplitude des pantalons mais on s'y fait vite. Pour s'assoir par contre, cela demande une correction plus importante du geste masculin. Il faut apprendre ? serrer les jambes ou ? les croiser d'une mani?re particuli?re pour ?viter d'exposer aux regards les parties intimes. Delphine nous avait fait r?p?ter plusieurs fois cette gestuelle en nous expliquant que l'on attendait de nous ?tait d'?viter d'avoir une gestuelle trop masculine car nous ?tions aussi pour les stagiaires une source d'inspiration. Je pouffai de rire int?rieurement en me rappelant la question d'Alexis, notre blond de l'?quipe, qui demandait s'il fallait venir avec des dessous de femmes. Ga?tan lui avait r?pondu en blaguant ?oui, mais uniquement avec un string l?opard?, ce qui eu le don de d?tendre l'atmosph?re. Il finit par nous dire qu'il n'y avait pas d'obligation dans la mati?re, c'est comme on le d?sirait. C'est sur cette derni?re pens?e prometteuse avec l'image d'Alexis en gu?pi?re et porte-jarretelle sous sa jupe stricte que je m'endormis. Le r?veil de mon smartphone sonna. J'ouvrais un ?il, puis l'autre. J'?tais bien dans une chambre de service de l'H?tel Club Coccinelle. Le soleil d'un matin d'?t? se frayait un chemin ? travers les rideaux de la chambre. Vincent dormait encore ? c?t? de moi. ?Mais dans quel gu?pier je me suis fourr?? me dis-je. ?Qu'est ce que viens faire dans cette gal?re professionnel?. Bref, ? peu pr?s les m?mes h?sitations qu'un type qui a le vertige et ? qui on demande de sauter en parachute pour la premi?re fois. Mais bon, je me raisonnais. Il fallait que je tente cette exp?rience et puis j'avais besoin de ce salaire et l'?quipe ?tait vraiment sympathique. Apr?s ma toilette, je mis les bas noirs, la petite jupe, et le polo, et les ballerines et j'?tais fin pr?t. Pas si compliqu? que cela au fond. Vincent avait ?merg? en m?me temps. Et me souriait. Il avait un beau sourire ce Vincent. C'est bizarre, je n'avais jamais ?t? homosexuel de ma vie, mais le fait d'avoir des jeunes hommes polies, bien soign?es, et aux traits fins, autour de moi, je trouvais cela plut?t sympa. J'encourageai Vincent ? se pr?parer car on ne devait pas tarder pour prendre notre service et accueillir les premiers clients. Il ?tait mignon Vincent dans son ensemble. Comme il avait une chevelure mi- longue, coupl? ? l'effet de l'habillement, ? son teint parfait, et ? son sourire avec ces l?vres charnues, tout cela produisant un bel effet dont je ne pouvais pas ?tre insensible. Je pense qu'il s'en est aper?u car son visage s'est un peu ferm?. J'essayais une diversion ?Tu es superbe? lui-dis je ?mais moins que moi?. Il ria de bon c?ur. Les premiers clients arriv?rent. J'?tais charg? de leur offrir un cocktail de jus de fruit de bienvenue en tandem avec Delphine et Alexis. J'?tais tendu, j'avais du mal ? sourire comme me le demandait Delphine. Les clients ?taient une r?plique de la population moyenne masculine. Il y en avait de tout ?ge, de toute corpulence et de tout milieu sociaux. Certains ?taient venus en couple. J'appris plus tard que dans l'univers des travestis il y a un certain nombre d'?pouses qui sont compr?hensives, et certaines participent activement aux activit?s de leur mari. D'autres ?taient venu avec un ami qu'il soit le petit ami ou un ami de sortie. Les clients nous regardaient et nous souriaient en prenant le verre qu'on leur tendait. Le fait de voir des serveurs habill?s en serveuses les mettaient dans l'ambiance du club de suite. Petit ? petit, je pris davantage confiance en moi et sans m?me forcer je leur souriais en retour et leur souhaitait bienvenue. Alexis en faisait trop en essayant d'adopter une voix haut-perch?. Delphine le r?primanda. ?Alexis, ce n'est pas la peine de sur-jouer, il faut que tu paraisses naturel, tu n'es pas l? pour jouer la sissy? Et pan dans les dents. Il en faut toujours un qui essaye d'en faire trop. La matin?e se poursuivit avec diff?rentes taches. J'aidais les clients ? gagner leur chambre, ? r?pondre ? toutes sortes de question du mieux que je pouvais. Certaines questions ?taient incongrues comme ?vous faites quoi ce soir ?? et d?j? je percevais que certains clients n'?taient pas tous venus que pour vivre leur travestissement. Puis arriva le service. Il y avait ? l'h?tel Club une partie self inclus dans le forfait du club et un petit restaurant plus cosy pour ceux qui ?taient capable de payer un suppl?ment. J'?tais propos? au service de ce restaurant. Le restaurant ?tait dot? d'une belle baie vitr?e sur deux c?t?s qui donnait sur l'?tang de Lacanau ainsi que d'une terrasse superbe en bois de teck. Un ponton s'avan?ait vers l'?tang. Il y avait pire comme endroit pour travailler. Toutes les tables ?taient rondes, avec des si?ges en osiers. Le code ?tait simple. Si un client venait habiller en femme, on devait s'adresser ? lui au f?minin, avec un bonjour Madame ainsi que toutes les d?clinaisons propres au genre f?minin. Il se trouve qu'en l'occurrence les clients de midi ?taient encore pour la plupart en mode masculin. Probablement ils attendaient le soir avant de se r?v?ler ? tous. J.M lors du pot de bienvenue avait expliqu? tout cela avec ses formules cisel?es et son humour bien ? lui. Il avait ajout? ? l'attention des clients qu'ils devaient appeler les serveurs ?Mademoiselle? car aucun d'entre nous n'?taient mari?s. Cette remarque n'?tait pas tomb? dans l'oreille d'un sourd car le premier client, qui s'adressa ? moi pour commander me fit signe en levant la main avec un tr?s beau ?Mademoiselle?. J'avan?ais vers lui et lui demanda comme on me l'avait appris ?bonjour Monsieur, vous avez fait votre choix?. ?oui, mais avant de vous commander, je voulais vous dire que cette tenue vous va tr?s bien? me dit-t-il. J'?tais un peu embarrass?, et ne sachant pas trop quoi dire, le gratifia d'un simple sourire. C'est ainsi que mon premier service commen?a. L'apr?s-midi, je rejoins Vincent dans la chambre pour trois heures de rel?che avant de recommencer pour le service du soir. C'?tait l'occasion d'?changer nos impressions du moment et de comparer nos pourboires respectifs. Vincent, qui ?tait au self ce midi n'avait pas eu grand- chose, je m'en ?tais tir? avec 20 euros et trois compliments. Cela faisait du bien de cr?ner un peu. Vincent me proposa d'aller ? la plage et de profiter du soleil et des vagues. C'est ce que nous f?mes apr?s s'?tre naturellement chang? en mode gar?on. L'oc?an se situait ? 3 km de l'h?tel et nous enfourch?mes les v?los que l'h?tel pr?tait ? son personnel. Le sentier vers l'oc?an ?tait tr?s agr?able. L'odeur des pins, la fraicheur de l'ombrage qui nous prot?geait d'un soleil de plomb, la piste rectiligne sablonneuse qui se d?ployait jusqu'? la trou?e de l'oc?an que nous apercevions au loin, la vitesse de notre course, tout cela ?tait assez grisant. L'oc?an nous attendait, majestueux, indomptablement infini, rugissant de ces vagues tournoyantes qui s'abattaient sur des groupes de surfeurs et de body-bordeurs. Tout ce beau monde coexistait non sans mal avec des baigneurs dont nous firent rapidement partie. L'apr?s-midi se passa rapidement entre baignade et bronzette. Vincent utilisait une cr?me solaire au noyau d'abricot qui para?t-t-il adoucissait la peau en m?me temps de la prot?ger. Je trouvais cela ?trange d'utiliser une telle cr?me solaire pour un gar?on mais il me dit qu'il n'aimait pas avoir la peau rugueuse et qu'il se sentait mieux avec une peau douce tout comme il pr?f?rait une peau douce chez les autres. Et la discussion d?riva sur les st?r?otypes de genres qui consistait pour Vincent ? l'un ou l'autre sexe ? abandonner un mieux ?tre parce que cela confortait un clich? ?cul? impos? par la soci?t?. Je ne pouvais qu'approuver ce militantisme ?mancipateur et mesurait r?trospectivement la petitesse de ma remarque initiale. Et pour prouver mon adh?sion, tout autant que palier ? l'oubli d'une cr?me solaire, j'obtenais de mon doux colocataire un peu de cette lotion magique. Nous ?tions rentr?s ? l'h?tel pour se pr?parer pour le service du soir. Delphine frappa ? la porte. ?bonjour, alors les filles, c'?tait bien la plage? nous demanda-t-elle ?je vous ai apport? une chemise noire cintr?e qui sera plus adapt?s pour le service du soir?. Je lui fis remarquer que cette fa?on de s'adresser ? nous sous le mode f?minin pouvait ?tre irritante et que porter une jupe ne faisait pas de nous des filles. Elle nous r?pondit que c'?tait pour casser gentiment notre armure masculine et pour nous permettre de mieux nous int?grer dans notre r?le d'homme au f?minin qui sera le notre pendant ces deux mois. Elle ajouta que la plupart des travestis s'interpellent entre eux comme le font les filles et tous portent d'ailleurs des pr?noms f?minins afin de se rapprocher de leur personnage. ?A ce propos, si vous aviez ? choisir un pr?nom f?minin, lequel porteriez-vous?, nous lan?a t-elle ? Vincent choisit le pr?nom de Chlo? qu'il trouvait jolie. J'appris plus tard, que c'?tait le pr?nom d'une fille dont il avait ?t? secr?tement mais follement amoureux quand il ?tait adolescent. Moi, je ne savais pas trop. Beaucoup de pr?noms ?taient jolies, je n'avais pas vraiment de pr?f?rence. Devant mon h?sitation, Delphine me proposa ?et pourquoi pas St?phanie ou St?phy?? St?phanie n'?tait pas un pr?nom tr?s ? la mode, St?phy me semblait un peu plus tendance mais trop court mais tout deux avait le m?rite de rester dans la m?me tonalit? que mon pr?nom St?phane. Va pour St?phy alors. ?Je vais vous faire une surprise? s'exclama Delphine et elle revient quelques minutes plus tard tout enjou?e avec deux badges bleu nuit avec marqu? Chlo? sur l'un et St?phy sur l'autre. ?Vous devriez les porter sur votre chemise noire, cela vous permettra de mieux vous faire connaitre de nos clients?. On sentait que le devriez ?tait en fait bien plus qu'un souhait. Mais Delphine avait le chic de nous faire accepter des choses sans avoir l'air de nous l'imposer. Nous voil? pr?t avec notre petite chemise noire cintr?e qui tombait bien raide sur le ventre plat qu'aider ? former notre jupe droite. Nous devions ?galement porter un foulard en mousseline arc-en-ciel pour ?gayer cette tenue avec en plus ces badges ultra-visibles de nos deux nouveaux alters-?go. Quart de tour devant la glace de la chambre. ?Difficile de faire le macho dans cette tenue? tentais-je devant Vincent. Il souria ? peine tant il ?tait absorb? par la propre image qu'il refl?tait. Il faut dire que Vincent ?tait admirable dans cette tenue. Ses jambes totalement ?pil?es ?taient interminables et le noir de la tenue affinait encore plus une silhouette naturellement mince et gracieuse. Delphine frappa de nouveau ? la porte et rompis narcisse dans sa contemplation pour nous presser de descendre pour le service du soir.

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Best Present Ever Bitch Sister

Introduction: A virgin older brother makes his 18-year-old sister his slut. Best Present Ever: Bitch Sister Note 1: A special thank you goes to the great people who read my story in advance and give me suggestions and point out errors (Julia…you will always be my pet and Greg…who has sparked a few new ideas for me). Note 3: As always, a special thank you goes to Estragon for his copy editing. You are a blessing!!! 1. PROLOGUE: HOME FOR CHRISTMAS My sister was a pain in the ass. She always...

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The President Addresses the Nation

The President Addresses the Nation By Rosie Julie Weiss carefully put the hot dish down on her dining table. Her husband, Jake, and her son, Tommy, were hungrily awaiting the steaks she served them. They didn't even wait until she sat down at the table, they dug right in. Julie looked at her men with pride. Tommy was beginning to look more and more like his father gentle faced and slim. Not quite tall as him, but Julie never cared for too tall men. She wasn't a tall woman herself,...

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Slut Things I enjoy

Slut! Things I enjoy:One of my all time favourite things is to wear high heels, black stockings and a garter belt with no panties. Put a nice skin-tight sexy mini-dress on top of this and take me dancing to a crowded club with a sexy driving beat. This is where I really come sexually alive. I love the sleazy attention of horny men when I'm dressed like this and acting like a total slut! My huge firm tits pushing the limits of the material of the skin-tight mini dress, as I dance and sway with...

3 years ago
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Slow Burn

I look at my watch. 6:38am. “Fuck,” I muttered to myself, “another all-nighter” My schedule has never been what you call normal. My workshop is at home, in my basement - and I find the stillness of the night calming. I work easier when there are no phone calls to make, no e-mails to answer to right away, no distractions - just my music, my work and me. Silver-smithing can be a quiet meditation; it can also be a pain in the ass for the person living with you – all the banging and the swearing...

Straight Sex
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HAPPILY MARRIEDI met my current wife Jane over the Internet. At the time we were both married and very unhappy. My wife was very conservative and needless to say my sexual energies were pent up beyond belief. An occasional wank in the shower and sex maybe every two weeks was par for the course. Jane married a very conservative man as well who essentially wanted missionary sex twice a week.Jane and I had an online affair for 3 months and in those three months we explored our wildest sexual...

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Home from war

She couldn’t take her eyes off him - standing tall and proud in line with his fellow soldiers. Afghanistan had really taken its toll on the heroes of the fifth regiment. Standing in line at the homecoming parade it was plain to see the desperation of the men to get off the showground to their wives and girlfriends. “Men… you are dismissed” bellowed the major. The ground cleared in an instant as the men raced into the crowds to reunite with their families. Matt threw his strong arms around his...

Straight Sex
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WildOnCam Esperanza Del Horno European Hottie

European babe Esperanza del Horno is eager to be on cam and can not wait to see just how many naughty things you’ll have her doing. She wants to fuck that cock of Marks and will gladly deep throat every inch getting nice and sloppy before letting him fuck her! She spreads her legs wide and Mark goes in eating out her sweet pussy. He fucks her from doggy and gets her to grind down on him in cowgirl making those tits really bounce! Esperanza wants that cum and soon it is going all over her...

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Introduction: A slave made of tears Her long, jet black hair carressed her shoulders as her hips swayed from left to right with each step she took. Her feet were forced into an arch and encased with shadows, her beautiful, youthful legs encased by a paper-thin layer of cream, crowned by satin bows of a silkier shade. A ruffling shadow held her hips and only consealed her thighs, the shadow meeting the silky cream at the perfect interval. Her eyes were drawn as magnets to the former place of her...

4 years ago
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First Screaming Experience With Friend

Hi, ISS readers, my name is Aakash, my age is 22 yrs. Here I m going to share my personal experience with u all. First let me introduce u all about me. I am extremely fair gym built guy and till then virgin. My father is a businessman and my mother is a govt. employee they use to go for their jobs daily. My father has to stay out of the country for 2 to 3 days in week. We live in Chandigarh and I m the student of MBA at Chandigarh. I fair color, 6 feet height and gym built with six pacs. Abs...

Gay Male
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The Girls Next DoorChapter 1 Rachel

About five minutes later my neighbour’s 17 year-old daughter came out of her house and walked down towards the bottom of their garden. Since she was carrying an airbed, a towel and a bottle of something, presumably suntan lotion, it was apparent that she had the same idea as me, to get some sun. Rachel, the same age as me, was one of the most popular girls in school and had always treated me well even though I thought she was way out of my league. I’m not a dork but, at the same time, I don’t...

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Wifes Slutty adventure before marriage while away

Before she met me my wife was in California for some classes she found out that her crush from High School was working in the same town. She quickly got in touch with him through an old friend and met up. She had sex with him multiple times during the week she stayed out there and did things she never thought she would do. This was her first time swallowing cum, being fucked in the ass, and a MFM threesome over the course of just a few days. She found a few pictures left over from the set that...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 100

Laura ran into Rhonda in the hallway at work. "Long time no see," Rhonda smiled. "Why don't we have a drink after work?" Even though they had once hated each other, and now only tolerated each other's predations, their eyes exchanged a crackling current that both recognized easily. "I'm exhausted," Laura said. "Didn't you just take three or four days off? Rest and relaxation? You must've been rutting, dear girl." She bent close and whispered. "Who was it? That delicious...

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Something About Pinay Mary Chapter 3

I had been fucking Pinay Mary for a few months and the more I fucked her the more she wanted it and the wilder she got. It seems when a Pinay at any age starts getting dicked good it messes with their sex drive and Pinay Mary was in sexual overdrive it seems with a desire for more. I must admit it was fun getting daily text pictures of her shaving her pussy or fucking her self with dildos. One picture had a large red "rabbit" type slammed all the way in her fuck box and a smaller blue one...

3 years ago
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Thw weekend she became a slut

This is a fantasy story, names are made up.let me know what you think.many thanks.As i stood there looking at my fiancée covered in load after load of cum I could not help but let my mind wonder back to the start of the most amazing weekend of my life so far. Let me tell you all about it. It was friday afternoon, 3pm and Tina had just finished work. It had been a long week and she was looking forward to having the weekend off. As she made her way home her mind wondered through the week that had...

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WildOnCam Aidra Fox Naughty Aidra is Loving It

Naughty schoolgirl Aidra Fox is ready to tease you in her sexy satin panties under her pink little skirt. You’ll be studying something and it will not be the books as she lets her tits fly free from her bra and Jay Smooth works his magic tongue all over those wet pussy lips! Aidra never got a pile driver and she is one to not disappoint her fans requests! Jay gets her down on the floor drilling that cock of his deep into her wet hot pussy! She begs for more until Jay gives her the facial...

3 years ago
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Jenola and Anita Ch 02

CONTINUED FROM PART 1 As soon as I walked back into my apartment, I went straight to bed and lay down. I was still very fucked up from the weed brownie and probably would be for about another hour. And my hard on was already back. This was the first time I’d ever been so simultaneously consumed by two women, and I loved it. I wanted to continue to worship Anita’s soles, as well as she and I get fucked up and completely explore our sexuality together. I hoped that she would eventually let all...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 67 Postscript

As she looked around the dazzling, obviously brand new surroundings in the waiting room, Carly Brewer tried to be interested in all of the photos, mounted posters and even some ballet shoes under a lit glass dome. But the truth was, all she wanted to do was move. Not dance, necessarily; she would have been perfectly content to skip around the spacious parking area atop this amazing hill? Mountain? Plateau? She had no idea. But she did know this was the go-to place on the West Coast for...

4 years ago
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Property of Devils Outlaws Part 13

Less than 50 miles away from where Hannah was suffering, inside a tavern also owned by the Outlaws, another whore was having a miserable night of her own. Ellen Duffy, the incredibly hot redhead and Miss Washington contestant, was on her back with her legs spread while a fat, greasy Mexican fucked her pussy raw. He was the fourth Mexican in the past 20 minutes to fuck the young redhead, and he was in a state of euphoria as he pounded into Ellen like a savage. “So boys, we got a deal?”...

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I Dream of Demie 5 Clucking Hell

--- I Dream of Demie 5 - Clucking Hell (MF, cons, magic, safe, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- A week ago... Marsha Patterson walked along the park path, her poodle Mookie ahead on her leash, sniffing at this and that. Marsha was up early, getting her bit of exercise before heading to work. Nobody else was up so she had the park to herself. The sun was just beginning to appear on the horizon. She was lost in thought and didn't notice anything wrong until Mookie...

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Amanda in Taiwan Chap 3

Amanda in Taiwan – Chap 3         As soon as I left, you turned to your new friend and started asking questions that he never would have expected from another Asian. But he appreciated the honesty of your forward behavior, and as a normal thirty-something male, he found you irresistibly sexy and appealing.   First, you asked him if he thought you were hot.   When he became immediately embarrassed, you realized your mistake and started again.   “I’m so sorry,”...

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As I’ve complained previously, this social distancing and wearing masks sucks. Swingers clubs and parties are totally on hold and it means I’ve very rarely had sex other than with my husband. Plus, Paul isn't meeting me as he's older, suffers from asthma and so has Covid paranoia. I respect that.Then the Black Lives Matter thing hit home with the murder of a black man in Minnesota. I support BLM and you damn know by now that my vagina is an equal rights opportunist! I have had all races,...

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I want fuck u r wife 9

Hi, i m 29 single yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body stature and 6″ tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits.. I believe in making good friends.. And loves to explore new horizones of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned.. I love to spend time with like minded people..how loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and descret.. I would welcome the oppurtunity to meet bm and like minded cpls and females for casual or...

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Rubys New Life Part 6

“I know.” I felt myself blush a little, “Is it the body alterations or the conditioning? What is it that’s changing in me?” “It’s just your primal instinct coming out. It’s not a change so much as a regression. You’re getting back to your biological roots, your natural savage self. The more conditioning you do, the more you’ll accept your place.” “My place?” I felt my inner feminist roar. “Yes, Ruby. Your place is beside your husband, to please him and to make him proud. In...

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Futa Hotel

The sight of the breasts in front of me was mesmerizing as my girlfriend rode my cock. I reached up and pulled her sundress down as the fabric strained to contain the two huge jiggling beasts inside. As they bounced free I leaned back and enjoyed the view as they bounced up and down as she rode me. She leaned down locking me in a deep kiss as she gyrated her hips with my cock still inside her before slamming her ass back down forcing my cock deep inside her cunt. She pulled back as I grabbed...

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TyballaChapter 5 Night Out With the Girls

Renee and I glided down the hall wearing robes, mine borrowed. When we arrived in the lavatory, we hung them on hooks outside the shower stalls. Beneath the robes, we'd been naked. "Tyballa, you're really amazing!" "Thanks. You're very lovely too." She was. She was tall and supple. When she bent down, I could see her leg muscles tense and her bottom become round and firm. When she turned to me, the hair between her legs was a well trimmed and puffed out. She caught me staring and...

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I had thought about this lots of times, trying to figure out how to get it done. Most of my ideas, after further thought, wouldn't really work. But with this one, I had looked at all the angles and decided it was very likely that it would achieve what I wanted. Still, it took a full three months for me to try to implement it. I waited until Deborah had left on one of her mini-business trips, four days of traveling looking for antiques, unique knick-knacks, and sightseeing. She had...

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Another Welcome GuestChapter 20

Greek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Hestia - the virgin goddess, ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. sister of Zeus. Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the...

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Illicit Affair With SIL Rimi Continues

Hi friends, this is a continuation of . Thank you, readers, for fabulous feedback received and expect the same once you read this experience. After the first encounter, I came back to Pune. We began chatting on WhatsApp and sexting as and when time permitted.  But that was not enough. Both of us were longing to meet up and experience the entire thing once again. I made a plan to make an official visit to Mumbai on a weekend after I learned that BIL would also be not available at that time. My...

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Sex Addict

(MF, affair, work)Hi, my name is Mary and I'm a sex addict. I've tried to stop, to stay celibate but I can never contain myself for more than a week or so. I can't tell you how many times I've fucked up my life with this little addiction of mine. I've lost jobs, boyfriends and even a couple of husbands because I am too promiscuous. I just can't help it, I see a man, or in some cases a woman that attracts me and there I am again. This story is about my current job. I balled the boss again even...

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Ghar Aai Girlfriend Ki Behan Ki Chudaai

Hi Friends, I am Rishi from Delhi, my age is 25 yrs. with ok kind of personality. Apni story share karne se pehle thoda or apne baare me bata deta hu ki main Delhi me job karta hu or rented flat me rehta hu.Ye story un dino ki hai jab meri Girlfriend (Chaaru) interview ke bahane se Calcutta se Delhi 7 din ke liye mere flat pe rehne aa gai thi or uski choti behan jo karib 22 saal ki hogi, vo bhi uske saath ayi thi, jiska naam Sanchita tha. Sanchita or meri baat hoti rehti thi or thoda bohat...

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