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Author's note: I started writing with a very specific character for Anna in mind. Later, I just sort of built the stories around her. I'm not entirely certain whether I can take this story anywhere else, or if I even want to. I might come up with new ideas and themes for the next one, but I've definitely come to like writing. So expect more stories some time in the future, just might take a bit longer. Driving Lesson by Hazel M "And I'm telling you, driving stick is a lot of fun," Alan said into the phone. Alan was a young man in his late twenties, tall, slim, with boyish good looks. Curiously, at the moment, he was speaking in a distinctly feminine, silky soft voice. "Look, I'll be there as well. I'll show you everything you need to know. Just trust me on this. Please?", he said. His girlfriend, Kate replied, "Okay, okay, I'll do it if you insist. But I'm not making any promises." "Thanks you. This means a lot to me. Let's talk later. I need to get ready for work now or I'll be late. Love you too. Bubye," Alan said as he hung up the phone. He got up from the dining table and put is coffee cup and cereal bowl in the sink. He then walked into the bedroom. He quickly stripped out of his pajamas and walked into the bathroom. He came out quick shower later and he walked into the large walk in closet. He walked past racks full of feminine dresses and lingerie and opened a large hidden door at the back to reveal a flesh colored garment hung inside. A mask that looked like a beautiful young woman with dark hair rested on a foam head on the shelf above. Alan was an inventor. His inventions had made him a lot of money at a very young age. The realistic, anatomically correct and fully functional bodysuit that hung in front of him was just one example of his outstanding work. He had originally developed it for a big government agency. In return, he had been allowed to keep one of the suits, as long as he followed their strict guidelines. Now he spent his days as Anna, who ran a modeling agency and modeled part time. His former best friend and now girlfriend Kate knew about Anna. In fact, she was really Anna's girlfriend, since she was not attracted to men. Alan had one day surprised her as Anna and seduced her shamelessly before revealing his true self. Things had gotten very interesting since then and Alan was very curious about where they could take the relationship. But for now, Anna had to get ready for work. Alan stopped admiring his handiwork and carefully took the suit off of its hanger. He pulled the concealed zipper all the way down the back. Then he carefully placed one foot and then the other into the red toed feet of the suit. He pulled up the silky smooth "skin" over his own. Reaching one hand into the crotch of the suit, he adjusted his genitals so that they went into the specially designed pocket. He then reached behind his buttocks and pulled the gaff closed tight. He then reached his hands into the arms of the suit, pulling them on like gloves until his fingers settled under the red nails of the suit. Finally, he reached behind himself and pulled the zipper closed. The workmanship was so good that the zipper could only be found by someone who knew about it. Alan then removed the mask and pulled it down over his head. He flickered his eyelids and twitched his lips until Anna's features settled over his own like a second skin. Anna walked over the dresser mirror. She saw a young woman staring back with almond shaped, brown eyes through long eyelashes. She had high cheekbones and full, pouty lips, but beyond that, she had an ethereal beauty that was hard to pin down to any specific feature. She had firm, full breasts and a slim waist that flowed down into wide hips. A neat triangular patch of black hair was visible between her legs. She opened a dresser drawer and pulled out a set of false, white teeth. She slipped them over her own. A small device concealed in the right canine would turn his normal male voice into Anna's honey soft tones. Alan could do a passable impression of her voice for short periods of time, like he had this morning with Kate, but it was risky while pretending to be Anna in front of strangers for long periods of time. She applied a few quick touches of make up and nodded to herself, satisfied. She turned around and pulled open a drawer full of feminine underwear and pulled out a pair of black silk bikini panties. She slid them up her legs until they covered her neatly trimmed pubic hair. Next, she pulled out a matching bra. She hooked it closed behind her and then settled her breasts into the cups. The light padding in the cups made the mounds look even bigger and more inviting. Next, she pulled out a pair of seamed, black stockings out of the drawer and gently rolled them up to her thighs. She thrilled in the sight of her red toes peeking out through the stockings. She padded over to the dress rack and pulled out a black sheath dress with a high neck. She stepped into it and pulled it up over her gorgeous curves. She then slipped into a dark green blazer. Finally, she slipped on a pair of black 4 inch, peep toe pumps. She then put on a pair of gold hoop earrings and a gold necklace. A slim gold watch went on her wrist. On her way out, she grabbed her purse. It contained all the things a girl needs for a day at office, along with her government provided id. She walked out of her apartment, locking it behind her. As she did, a woman's voice said, "Have a nice day at work babe". Kate was standing in the hallway with a mug of coffee. Anna greeted her with a warm smile and a peck on her lips and walked to the elevator. She rode the elevator down to the parking garage, where she got in her expensive white convertible and drove to work. The morning commute was fairly mundane. Men and women in other cars swiveled their heads to follow her progress, but then again, they always did that when she was near. Her office was in a high rise on the waterfront. It had cost her a pretty penny, but it was worth it. She parked the car in the garage in the spot reserved for her and rode the elevator up her office. As she stepped through the door to the agency's offices, she was greeted by the receptionist, who then went over her schedule for the day and her workday began. Most days, Anna's work routine was fairly easy by Alan's standards, but it kept her busy all day and she found it quite relaxing. She would talk to various clients, fashion houses, photographers, advertising agencies and so on. She would pick which models went where. She would hold auditions for new models. Occasionally, she would deal with models throwing tantrums. And very rarely, she would stand in for a model when one of them couldn't make it to a gig. It was standard fair for an active modeling agency. But that was on most days. Today was going to be special. Around lunchtime, Anna heard a light knock on the open door of her office. She looked up from her work to see a tall, handsome man standing there. He had curling, golden hair and piercing blue eyes. His face bore a healthy tan. The white t-shirt was tight enough to show perfect abs. The blue blazer did nothing to hide his wide shoulders. A pair of khaki slacks and brown leather shoes completed the outfit. The package was topped off with a million watt smile that was presently directed at Anna. Anna took a deep breath and closed her jaw, which had somehow gone limp during the last few moments. "Can I help you?", she asked. The man said in a rich baritone, "Hi, I'm Chris. I was told this was a good place to find work for models?". Anna looked slightly disappointed as she said, "Oh, I'm very sorry, but I only manage female models.". "Ah. Sorry to have bothered you then," he said. He stood there for a moment more, looking unsure of what to do. Then, just as he was about to turn around, Anna blurted out, "But I do have a lot of contacts in the industry. I could put in a word for you. If you would like.". Chris stopped and turned back to her and said, "That would be a great help. Thanks!". "If it's not too forward, would you like to talk about it over dinner?", her mouth said without checking in with the rest of her. Chris gave her another dazzling smile as he said, "I was hoping you would be forward. I know a great Italian place. I'll pick you up at 8?". Anna said, "Please do. My secretary will give you my address," with an answering smile of her own. And with that, he was gone. Anna spent the rest of her day in a pink fog. She could barely focus on work. Her mind kept playing that dazzling smile over and over. She could hardly wait to get out of there. As soon as the clock hit 6, she shot out of the office, managing good speed despite the 4 inch stilettos. She had to keep reminding herself to slow down on the drive back. She managed to get home without getting a speeding ticket, somehow. She rushed to her apartment and into her closet to get dressed. She quickly stripped out of her work clothes and then out of her underwear. She then pulled out a white silk thong and slid it on. A white strapless bra wrapped her breasts in matching silk. She slipped into a dressing gown and sat down at the vanity and carefully started applying makeup. Soon, the professional businesswoman was gone, replaced by a femme fatale. She then stepped into a white evening gown and slid it up over her curves. She swapped the gold jewelry for a pair of diamond teardrop earrings and a matching bracelet. A diamond studded barrette on one side of her head completed the look. A pair of white sandals went over her bare feet. She transfered some of the contents of her purse into a white clutch and spritzed her favorite perfume at the nape of her neck. Finally, she went out to the bedroom and twirled once before the mirror. She winked at herself with a playful smile just as she heard a knock on the door. Chris stood outside. He was wearing a dark, well fitting suit. His smile was like a warm ray of sunshine. "Wow, you look, just wow," he said. Anna blushed and answered with a smile of her own, "Wow yourself. You clean up really well." Chris offered her his arm. She slipped her hand through his and they walked together to his car. Anna felt like she was floating on air. The rest of the evening was as good as Anna had expected, needed it to be. Chris had a lot in common with her. He was also charming and funny. He would tell her an amusing story and she would giggle girlishly. She would tell him an anecdote and he would laugh a rich, rolling laugh. Anna found herself falling in love him. Her hand moved of its own volition to reach out to his. Just before ordering dessert, she excused herself and walked to the ladies' room, every eye in the room following the sway of her hips all the way. But Anna herself only looked straight ahead with a happy smile on her face. On her way back, she only had eyes for one person in the room. And he in turn followed her all the way back to the table. They finished the rest of the dinner gazing into each others eyes. When it was over, Chris paid for the dinner and drove Anna back to her building. He escorted her to her apartment. As they got to the door, Anna unlocked it with her key and stepped in. Chris was about to kiss her goodbye on the cheek when her hands grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down into a kiss. He was surprised at first, but quickly relaxed into it, slipping his arms around her waist. They stayed there for a while, engrossed in the kiss. Anna broke it off first. She pulled him in and shut the door behind her. She pushed him down on the sofa and sat down on his lap. She kissed him deeply as his hand first traced a figure down to her hip and then slid up her thigh and under the dress. She let out a slight, throaty moan, her lips still locked onto his as his hand found her panties, then slipped inside them and caressed her soaking vaginal lips. She broke off the kiss again and slapped his hand away. She then knelt between his legs, her eyes gazing into his lovingly. One slim hand undid the belt of his trousers while the other pulled down the zipper. She reached inside the boxers underneath and pulled out his throbbing, 6 inch member. She smiled hungrily and placed a gentle kiss on its tip and followed it with a row of kisses all the way down to the base of it. Then she slowly ran her tongue up the shaft. At the end of the stroke, without taking her tongue off, she locked her lips around the thick head and then slowly slid it in. She stopped halfway to the base and withdrew. Her ruby red lipstick left smears along the skin. Her head started bobbing up and down, going deeper each time, until she was swallowing the whole thing on each stroke. She would occasionally stop to lick the head like a lollipop. Her eyes kept staring into Chris' eyes throughout. She clearly knew what she was doing, because he soon closed his eyes and started groaning as his hands settled on the back of her head. Her own hand slipped under the dress and into the dripping slit between her legs. Her fingers found the tip of her own hidden member in its pocket. Chris let out a groan of excitement. Anna could feel the pressure building in him. He was about to burst. She bobbed her head up one last time and then lowered it all the way to the base of the penis and she kept it there as her tongue gave one last lick to the underside of the shaft. Her own fingers sped up their attentions on her sex as Chris exploded in her mouth. She swallowed every last drop of his seed. She could not contain herself anymore and her own orgasm erupted in her panties. She got up shakily and nearly fell into his lap. After they had got their breath back, Anna climbed back onto him again. Her mouth met his and he started getting excited again. They got up, still locked in a passionate kiss and made their way to the bedroom, shedding garments as they went, groping and probing and exploring each others bodies. They made it to the bedroom door, Chris completely naked, Anna wearing only her panties and the barrette in her hair. Chris gently lifted her and carried her over to the bed. Then he climbed in after her. He placed a gentle kiss on the thong covered lips of her vagina. He then slid her panties off as she lifted her hips off of the bed to help him. He buried his head in her crotch and started returning the favor from earlier. She was soon bucking and moaning in ecstasy. She felt herself getting ready and she told Chris as much. He stopped licking her slit and knelt over her. He kissed her once. When he pulled back, she gazed into his eyes adoringly and whispered, "Take me." He guided the tip of his shaft to the entrance to her vagina. Then with a slight push, he thrust the head of the penis through the entrance. She let out a soft sigh of pleasure. He slowly started thrusting in and out, going deeper each time. She bucked in counterpoint to his thrusts. She arched her back and moved her legs to get the most pleasure out of his shaft. She felt herself nearing climax. Her eyes met Chris'. Then her eyelids drooped and her back arched at the same time that Chris thrust deep and hard. She felt his seed filling up her from the inside. Anna came in an earthshattering wave of pleasure. They collapsed on the bed in a tangle of limbs, panting. They lay there for a while, snuggling close together, merely enjoying the warmth of each others touch. After a while, Chris got up and walked into the bathroom. Anna heard the sound of him peeing through the open door. He washed his hands and came out wiping his hands on a hand towel. "You were right you know," he said with a wide smile. Anna smiled smugly and didn't say anything as he reached one hand into his mouth and pulled out a set of dentures. This didn't seem to surprise Anna in the least. Chris' other hand grabbed his rapidly hardening member and in a voice that sounded remarkably like Kate's, he said, "Driving stick IS a lot of fun. Shall we go again?"

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A woman gets a special reading lesson

It’d been a good week. Tips were good, the bar had a new DJ and a football camp was in town. The boys liked to watch her dance after a ‘hard’ practice. On the couch, they held her against their washboard bellies stuffed money down her g-string and told her she was nothing like the girls back home. The only down side was her damn Thursday class. She just wasn’t getting the writing. It bored her. But then HE called. The first time they met, here at the club, he...

2 years ago
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Teacher gives pupil an extracurricular lesson

Bill, aka Mr Brown the Maths teacher, meets Suzy at her mum’s house for some naughty role play but gets the surprise of his life. Suzy then makes Bill an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve not posted for a while. You might want to first read Chapter 1 - ‘Let the Sunshine In’ posted 3 months ago.The next day Suzy came into my office to tell me that her mum was jetting off on holiday for 2 weeks on the coming Monday. ‘Are you still up for meeting at my mum’s place Bill’?‘Definitely I’ve thought about...

2 years ago
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A Good Hard Lesson

THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.Mr Collins hated Mondays. It's well known that most people hate Mondays but Antony Collins loathed them; it meant the start of another week teaching rebellious, ignorant, hormonal teenage girls. Everyone had told him that teaching at a Catholic school would be a dream, but clearly they'd never taught at St Anita's. He was sure they were worst than any public school girls. On this particular Monday it was raining, not uncommon for December but it meant all the girls...

Straight Sex
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Millis Second Lesson

Milli's Second Lesson Janice entered the kitchen next morning and sat across from Elaine, drinking coffee. "Where is our sweet Milli? Shouldn't she be here making breakfast?" "I don't think she quite knows her place here yet." "Well go get her, there's no time like now to start showing her." Elaine went up to Milli's room. Milli was naked about to take a shower. "No need for a shower right now sweetie. We need you down stairs at breakfast, get...

3 years ago
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Mom teaches me a lesson

It all started when my friend came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of Indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4 months ago. He comes over my house not so often cause...

2 years ago
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I love to learn sex lesson

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Ahmed Kabeer (not real name) from Hyderabad. Before going for story I would like to my self my name is Ahmed age 24 years 65 kgs weight color fair height 5’5” tool size 6”+, I completed my Mech engg in 2004 from 2004 I am working as a design engineer (mech), so friend this is my short and sweet introduction.When I was a student of 9th standard I was unknown of sex, a girl name Saba (name change) started my new version of life the information of sex, before...

4 years ago
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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

1 year ago
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Mom Teaches Me A Lesson

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when my friend Nate came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4...

1 year ago
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The Guitar Lesson

I hated working in these “gated” communities, but lately times had been harder with lesson requests coming less frequently. My band was working a regular gig at a club in Fort Lauderdale, but the revenue from this wasn’t much of a living by the time we divided the money three ways. I knew that if things didn’t start improving soon financially, I would have to get a regular day job. This thought made me cringe, so I left no request for lessons unanswered, as frustrating as they could be. I had...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 2 Ms Marcies Kimmies Naughty Lesson

Chapter Two: Ms. Marcie's & Kimmie's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended. A new one begin. My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day. Now a warmth billowed through me,...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Subject Part 2 A Lesson

I walked upstairs to my bathroom and stripped off my clothes. As I ran hot water into the tub, I started thinking what I had let Mr. Burkle do to me. I remember him pushing his thick fingers in and out of my pussy and I unconsciously let my hand wander down between my legs. I found my clit and rubbed it back and forth. It started to swell and the feeling inside my pussy became more intense. I rubbed harder and I felt my knees almost buckle from the explosive orgasm I had. I braced one hand...

2 years ago
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Millis First Lesson

Milli's First Lesson Janice pulled the Lexus into the driveway, and noticed her bedroom light on. She was positive she turned it off before she left this morning. If her wayward Nephew was nosing around in her room there would be hell to pay. She was already extremely ticked off at having to attend a meeting with his Principal this morning. A meeting which ran on too long, causing her to miss her flight to Chicago. Thank goodness she was able to assure the Principal that Bill...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 15 Princesss Naughty Lesson

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Fifteen: Princess's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Three: Princess's Naughty Lesson Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I stared with loathing at the shelves of leather-bound tomes and tightly wrapped scrolls stacked before me. The receptacle of lore contained within the University of Az's library. The air smelled of musty sheepskin and dry...

3 years ago
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Mr Dentons Next Lesson

I got the note on the top of my paper. It said simply, “Delilah, see me after school. It is time for a new lesson.” I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t done anything wrong this time. I hadn’t been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why Mr. Denton would want to teach me a new lesson. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled at him. His face gave nothing away. I tried to flirt with him and he studiously ignored me through the entire class period. After the last...

2 years ago
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Savage Lesson

SAVAGE LESSON It is one of the unalterable facts of life that women are mysterious. There is no point in trying to rationalise, trying to account for or predict every facet of their behaviour because whatever you think you know is liable to flip over on you revealing a truth you never guessed at. Let me put it another way: You know in those naff horror films where someone looks at their reflection in a mirror? Then they put their hand out to touch the mirror and it turns out to be a pool of...

3 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil, a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other, as all boys do at that...

4 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil; a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other; as all boys do at that...

1 year ago
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Another Good Hard Lesson

For the prequel to this story go to:  You can do this… You can do this…You can do this… Teacher, Antony Collins had been thinking this all day, over and over again as he prepared for his English class later that afternoon with the sixth formers. With Alex. Unbidden, the memories of what they’d done a couple of days before came flooding back to him yet again, her soft, pert breasts under his hands, her wicked mouth around his cock, her tight pussy gushing cum all over him…. The sharp ring of...

Straight Sex
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The Lesson

The Lesson By GSElvis Jeff was happy with his life--almost. He was a mechanic at a new car dealership, and was good at what he did. His job gave him a comfortable life. He lived in a good apartment in a large apartment complex. His assigned parking spaces contained a shiny, new pickup truck and a big, powerful motorcycle that he enjoyed driving on weekends. The people he worked with liked him. But he was unmarried, childless and alone, and that ate away at him. He had no...

1 year ago
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Millis Third Lesson

Milli's Third Lesson When Bill walked across the stage in his boy clothes, and received his High School Diploma, he felt a pang of regret that he wouldn't be going on to Collage. Most of his Classmates were going onto the local Collage in the Fall. While Bill would be attending to his Aunts personal needs. It didn't seem right and Bill was beginning to have second thoughts about tossing out all his boy clothes. Janice took Bill out to dinner to celebrate his...

3 years ago
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The Lesson

When you got to your desk in Health and Wellness that morning, you found your term paper, face-down. You turned it over. It was a D-. There was a hand-written note on the top. "Shawn- Let's talk about this. See me after class." It was signed by Miss Danielson. You were really worried, and could hardly concentrate for the 45 minutes of class.The bell rang, and you waited at your desk while everyone else went off to lunch. Miss Danielson walked down the row of desks until she got to yours....

1 year ago
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A Lifes Lesson

A Life's Lesson Daniel became aware of the darkness first, a void with no light, no sound, no feeling. Slowly his senses began to return to him. He became aware of pain, terrible pain all over his body and a cold hard table beneath him. Sound began to assault his ears; a cacophony of voices yelling over each other to a point he could understand nothing being said. Finally his sight began to return and he saw the ceiling and realized there were doctors and nurses crowded all around...

4 years ago
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Savage Lesson

SAVAGE LESSON It is one of the unalterable facts of life that women are mysterious. There is no point in trying to rationalise, trying to account for or predict every facet of their behaviour because whatever you think you know is liable to flip over on you revealing a truth you never guessed at. Let me put it another way: You know in those naff horror films where someone looks at their reflection in a mirror? Then they put their hand out to touch the mirror and it turns out to be a pool of...

Group Sex
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The Makeup Lesson

THE MAKEUP LESSON The pings sounded almost simultaneously. Both Kris and I looked down reflexively at our phones, then back up at one another. On the screen of my laptop, I saw him lift an eyebrow. "You got that too, huh?" I nodded. "Yeah - looks like a text from the Prof. Maybe seeing if we've changed our minds?" "I guess," said Kris. He frowned. "You haven't, have you? Changed your mind, I mean." I shook my head. "Nope. I still think it's a bit weird, inviting us to go and...

2 years ago
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Mr Dentons Next Lesson

I got the note on the top of my paper. It said simply, “Delilah, see me after school. It is time for a new lesson.” I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t done anything wrong this time. I hadn’t been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why Mr. Denton would want to teach me a new lesson. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled at him. His face gave nothing away. I tried to flirt with him and he studiously ignored me through the entire class period. After the last...

3 years ago
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Suzannes lesson

Suzanne’s lesson.     “What is it this time Suzanne?” “Smoking in the toilets, Sir.” She stood in front of his desk, one hip thrust forward, deliberately provocatively. Mr. French sighed in resignation of an on-going and unfathomable problem. It seemed that he and this particular young lady were having these chastisement meetings rather more frequently than he would like. “Adopt the position.” Suzanne was a problem, a constant problem. At Saint Agnes School for girls, she was the misfit....

First Time
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Mr Collins Learns His Lesson

The stable was gloomy, and the dense aroma of horses pervaded the air. The groom’s erect member was both long and broad, and Mr Collins found himself gagging as the man thrust it vigorously down his throat. He grasped the other man’s firm thigh to steady himself with one hand, while with the other he rubbed at his own diminutive organ, which hung limply from the front of his breeches. For some reason he always found it hard to maintain an erection, even when enjoying another man’s member in his...


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