The Scorpion Princess. Chapter 3. free porn video

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The Akkadian awoke early the next morning. Wrapped in the arms of Cassie and Honey as he had fallen asleep the three handmaidens all rose as one. After a quick wash in the baths the assassin and Honey donned fresh loincloths whilst Cassie now dressed herself in the multicoloured robes of a Shemite moneylender. Outside of the tower the courtyard was a hive of activity with the Sorceress's Orcish guards saddling horses and camels for the journey back to Al Areth. Cassie would part company with them at the city, heading for Shem with a caravan of goods and a contingent of the Orc warriors as guards. Though he had known Cassie only a very short while the Akkadian presented her with one of the nomads horses he had taken. As the sun rose over the bleak desert surrounding the witch's citadel the caravan started it's journey. Horses and camels alike were loaded up with goods to trade. Above the caravan a pair of griffons with Orc riders kept watch for raiders although the Akkadian doubted any would attempt to molest such a well armed party. The journey back to Al Areth was uneventful, the few nomads or raiders that were spotted kept their distance respectfully. With such a large and heavily laden caravan the journey took two full days to reach the walls of Al Areth, but at last they now stood not far from the stables from which the Akkadian had retrieved Hanna. The assassin handed his white camel over to an Orc guard who was with the party that was to return to the tower. As they passed the stable a tall youth waved and shouted, pointing excitedly towards the Akkadian as he spoke to the other stable workers. The Akkadian at first tried to ignore the youth but finally waved back when it was clear the young man would not cease. "A friend of yours?" the Sorceress asked the Akkadian, raising an eyebrow. "We did chance to meet when I collected Hanna, Mistress," the Akkadian admitted, blushing furiously. "Tell me Mistress," the Akkadian asked, raising a point which had been troubling him. "What of the real Minaja? Will I not have her guild searching for me when we enter the city?" "I doubt that," the witch replied. "She is no doubt back plying her trade with the guild. Her memories of that evening I erased before she was released. The sight of you might attract some interest, but you will probably be assumed to simply be a slut who bears close resemblance to that esteemed whore." The two parties seperated and the Sorceress, the Akkadian and Honey with a small party of guards and baggage mules entered the city on foot and made their way to the docks. There a ship awaited riding at anchor in the harbour. The Akkadian was no sailor, but had travelled on more than a few ships in his time and recognised the origin of the vessal immediately. It was one of the largest ships in the harbour, lanteen rigged with black sails. Bolt throwers were mounted on it's bows and it's sleek lines indicated that it was a swift and manouvreable warship. "That is a Tortagean ship Mistress," the Akkadian commented as a smaller rowboat headed to the dock from the ship. "Yes, she is Tortagean," the Sorceress confirmed. "This ship and crew are in my service whenever I require them. The rest of the time I imagine they operate as would be expected of Tortageans." Tortage was the chief city of the Baracha isles. It was known throughout the civilised world as a haven for wanted men and runaway slaves. It's main trades were piracy and smuggling and few cities bar Al Areth would admit a Tortagean warship in it's waters let alone allow one to enter the harbour. The rowboat reached the dock and the goods carried by the mules were stowed aboard. The Akkadian was surprised when the Sorceress dismissed her remaining Orc guards and only the witch, Honey and the Akkadian himself boarded the rowboat. Evidently the Sorceress trusted her safety to the Tortagean pirates. The half dozen sailors in the rowboat did not fill the Akkadian with confidence. As was common with Tortagean crews they hailed from every corner of the known world. The only thing in common among the men was that each looked like a cutthroat of the lowest order. The Akkadian endured in silence the wandering hands that roved over his thighs and buttocks as he was assisted into the rowboat. Honey was treated in a similar fashion, although the strawberry blonde Circassian seemed to enjoy the attention. The Sorceress, the Akkadian noted was helped aboard unmolested and treated with deferential respect. They passed beneath the bows of the great ship it's prow sporting a huge carved figure of a naked woman with her arm outflung clutching a trident. The name of the ship was painted ornately on each side of the bows; "The Sea Witch". The ship rode high in the water, indicating an empty hold and access to the deck was via a rope ladder. As the Akkadian climbed the sailors in the rowboat below whistled and made lewd comments loudly as they leered up at him, the scant breechcloth hiding nothing from their view. The ship's captain and his officers were waiting to receive the Sorceress on deck. The captain was Zingaran the Akkadian judged, tall and swarthy with a neatly trimmed goatee beard and sideburns. Large gold hoops hung from his earlobes and he wore more sparkling jewellery than any whore the assassin had seen. On his right hand stood a massive Kushite with the blackest skin possible. His head was shaved bald and he was barechested, displaying impressively magnificent muscles. Tattoos formed abstract patterns in red and gold over every inch of skin the Akkadian could see. On the captain's left hand the assassin was surprised to see a woman, the Tortageans were notorious slavers and a comely wench uncollared in one of their crews was a rarity. "My lady." The captain greeted the Sorceress with an extravagant bow and kissed the back of her hand. "The Sea Witch is at your service as always." "My thanks Captain Akhbar," the Sorceress acknowledged. "I wish to sail as soon as possible." "As soon as your luggage is aboard and the ship's boat stowed my lady," Akhbar assured the witch. "My cabin has been cleared for yourself and these two delicious wenches to use." "Barbra Rosa, so you still live and a ship's officer now too, I see," the Sorceress commented in an amused tone as she turned her attention to the woman at the captain's side. The pirate woman had flame red hair that hung in tousled curls almost to her waist. She wore a white cotton shirt that was knotted at the front, probably the only method of fastening the shirt that would not burst under the strain of containing the huge round breasts she had. Her legs were clad in the tightest of breeches that ended at her knees. Inspecting the wench the Akkadian could see the pants were so tight that the crease of the woman's sex was clearly visible. She looked as though she was barely in her twenties, an exceptionally young age for her to have made first officer in a pirate crew. Her full lips were painted bright red and she had a mocking smile. She laughed loudly at the Sorceress's words. "Aye, I still live witch," Barbra Rosa answered cheekily. "And now I am first mate of the Sea Witch." "How splendid for you, to be the Captain's mate." The Sorceress emphasised her words so that it was clear she implied another meaning to the word mate than the purely nautical one. The Akkadian realised that there was some history between the two women that he should investigate. If he was to protect the witch and be restored then whatever animosity the redheaded pirate held for the Sorceress needed watching closely. Her name alone marked her as potentially dangerous, Barbarossa had been the most feared pirate on the seas until he had disappeared without trace forty years ago. His name had literally meant redhaired and by all accounts he had been a great bull of a man with a wild red beard. Could this Barbra be related to the infamous Barbarossa, perhaps a granddaughter? The Akkadian had heard many tavern tales of the famous pirate and his reckless cruelty and thirst for rape and plunder. "Barbra's skill as a navigator is second to none, she was an ideal choice for first mate," Captain Akhbar declared. "But such a devious slut needs watching closely and how better to keep my eye on her than have her on all fours each night as I fuck that magnificent ass." The redheaded pirate's smile seemed to be strained to the Akkadian when the Captain boasted of how he used her. Akhbar finished his statement by delivering a resounding and obviously stinging slap to Barbra's ass. The pirate wench squealed and for a moment the assassin saw a murderous hate in her baby blue eyes. A moment later the look was hidden and Barbra rubbed her stinging but and laughed off the Captain's actions. "As my captain says, who would serve him more faithfully than I?" Barbra said with a mocking grin. "Watch her closely Akkadian." The Sorceress's voice was in the assassin's mind. "She is more dangerous than she seems." The Sea Witch set sail shortly after. The Akkadian was not told of it's destination, but from the position of the sun he judged they were sailing south on a course running just out of sight of the coast. If their course remained true in a few days they would pass by the jungles of Kush. The Akkadian and Honey shared the floor of the Sorceress's cabin, sleeping on piled furs. Honey he soon discovered had a voracious sexual appetite and each night once the witch had fallen asleep would creep from the cabin. She would return hours later, exhausted but happy. In the dark she would cuddle close to the Akkadian and tell him which of the crew she had just been fucked by and go into intimate detail of what they did to her. Despite having bedded half the ship's company in such a short space of time Honey would caress the Akkadian's body as she spoke until his desire was kindled and they would employ their fingers and tongues on one anothers cunts. The assassin himself remained in the cabin with the Sorceress as much of the time as he was able. Honey's freely given affection gave the crew the impression that the Sorceress's handmaidens were available for the taking and whenever the Akkadian emerged from the cabin he was forced to fend off their wandering hands and unwanted advances. He was able to escape serious molestation until the fourth night out from Al Areth. Honey had already left the cabin on her nightly excursion and the Akkadian was curled on the furs alone. His bladder was full and had started to ache, as much as he did not wish to move about the ship alone at night he knew he had to relieve himself in the ship's head. He made it to the bow where the head was located without seeing a soul. Squatting, as he was forced to do since he had been transformed he quickly relieved himself and headed back below decks. Three sailors were blocking his path to the Sorceress's cabin. A bottle of some spirit was being passed from sailor to sailor and the men were obviously drunk. "Haha, it's the little doe eyed slut of the witch," the first sailor to see him slurred. "Come for a little taste of what we've been giving that big titted blonde whore have you missy?" The Akkadian kept silent and attempted to push past the drunken sailors. The pirates had other plans however and were not going to let a beautiful and almost naked wench escape their clutches so easily. The Akkadian felt three sets of hands grasping at his body and found himself pushed roughly against a door. He reached for his dagger, but his wrist was gripped by a strong hand before the blade was halfway from it's sheath. He squirmed and struggled, but the men's hands were all over him. He felt fingers beneath his breechcloth stroking at his pussy lips and hands pinching and kneading his breasts and buttocks. "I'll take the slut first," the biggest pirate said. "I'll have her on her knees like a bitch and fuck her from behind." "Yeah, well that will leave her mouth free for me then," a second pirate pointed out. "That pretty mouth can suck my cock as you fuck her." The Akkadian struggled as he was forced down to the deck on all fours. Once he would have thrashed all three of the drunken pirates barehanded. Now any one of them was stronger than he was and capable of overpowering him with ease. Both his wrists were held by one of the pirates to hold him down whilst the other two fumbled with their pants and pulled out their cocks. "Ha, I nearly forgot to give you your due missy," the man holding his wrists laughed. The pirate pulled up one of the Akkadian's hand and he felt a coin pressed onto his palm. Judging by it's size the assassin reckoned it was a gold Zingaran piece. He fumed impotently at the meaning of the coin. He might be painted with the henna markings of a whore, but to be paid and taken like a common tavern slut by drunken scum made him seethe with anger. Fingers groped at his pussy from behind and as he had become accustomed to, his traitorous female sex began to lubricate almost immediately in response. The sailor behind him wasted no more time on foreplay than necessary. Finding the Akkadian's gash already wet he thrust home his cock hurriedly and began to pump his manhood inside the assassin. "Ahh, wet and hot as the jungles of Kush," the pirate exclaimed. "The little slut might struggle, but her cunt tells me she was yearning for a good cock inside her." As the first pirate fucked him fiercely from behind another standing in front of him waved his manhood in front of the Akkadian's face. The assassin clamped his mouth closed and turned his head to avoid the foul smelling unwashed cock. Several times he shoved his cock towards the Akkadian's mouth and each time he avoided it. "Little bitch! Won't take my cock," the man growled angrily. "Hold her head, I'll pry those lips open." The Akkadian felt his wrists released as the drunk holding them shifted his hold and seized his head. The vile cock was once more thrust towards his face and this time he was unable to turn away. Balling one of his womanly hands into a fist around the gold piece the Akkadian put all his meagre strength into an uppercut punch that impacted on the hairy swinging balls of the pirate attempting to rape his mouth. The man let out an agonised cry and fell backwards clutching his aching testicles. "Hahaha, seems the little slut don't take to you," the pirate fucking his pussy chortled in amusement. The fallen pirate rolled on the floor moaning loudly as he cradled his injured balls. The man holding his head was laughing at the plight of his companion and paying scant attention to the Akkadian. The assassin now drew his dagger and stabbing downwards drove the sharp blade clean through the bare foot of the pirate holding his head and into the deck. The stabbed pirate screamed and let go of the Akkadian's head. Behind him the sailor who had been fucking him at last realised that the Akkadian was more than simply obstinate. "Fucking slut! Take our money and then assault us would you," the pirate swore. "I'll teach you, you little whore." The Akkadian's long black hair was grabbed and his head pulled back. He felt the cold metal of a blade pressed to his neck. "What's going on here!" a loud voice froze all those concerned. For a moment nobody moved or spoke, surprised by the sudden appearence of a third party. Then the Akkadian felt the blade against his neck slowly withdraw. Turning his head he saw tight breeches and shapely feminine legs that he recognised instantly. "I'll ask again. What's going on here?" Barbra Rosa demanded. "This fucking whore took our gold then attacked us," the pirate behind the Akkadian complained angrily. "Bitch stabbed me in the foot," the second pirate moaned holding his injured foot as he sat on the deck. The third of the drunken rapists groaned loudly, still curled on the floor clutching at his injured testicles. Barbra raised an eyebrow and snorted derisively. She reached out a hand to the Akkadian and helped him to his feet. To his shame the assassin moved behind the Sea Witch's first mate as if the woman was a protective shield. "What, this little slut assaulted the three of you?" Barbra laughed. "Are you men or a pack of mice to be bested by a mere girl." "I had the matter in hand," the first of the pirates insisted. "So I saw," the redhead sneered. "You were about to cut the throat of one of the witch's servants when I stopped you. How do you think she would have dealt with that?" The man looked suddenly panicked, realising just how grave a mistake he had almost made in his drunken lust. His knife slid back into it's sheath and he shoved his cock back inside his britches. He still scowled with hate at the Akkadian as he peered around Barbra Rosa's shoulder. "If the three of you feel so frisky and relish forcing a woman, perhaps you would like to take me on instead?" the first mate dared the men, her hand resting on the hilt of her sheathed cutlass. "If you can take me down and still have your cocks attached to your bodies I'll lay gold on being just as good a fuck as this slut here." For a few seconds it appeared that the first pirate was considering the offer. He looked to his two companions and soon realised they were unlikely to be of much help in such an attempt. He seemed to sag as the fight left him and he shook his head. "Right choice," Barbra said contemptuously and turned to the Akkadian. "You slut, return their gold if you do not want their custom." The Akkadian tossed the gold piece onto the deck and the pirate snatched it up with a growl. The able bodied sailor assisted his injured partners to their feet and all three hobbled and limped away. Barbra Rosa watched them until they rounded a corner in the galleyway and were out of sight. The Sea Witch's first officer then turned her total attention to the Akkadian. "Thank you Miss Rosa," the Akkadian said to the buxom redhead. "I swear I accepted no gold in payment, the coin was pressed into my hand without any agreement." "I do not doubt that at all," Barbra replied. "Every last man in the crew is a rapist and a slaver. They should have more sense than to force one of the Sorceress's slaves though." "I am no slave," the Akkadian said hotly, despite the witch's collar about his neck. "Well you're certainly no whore either," Barbra responded, studying the Akkadian's face curiously. "I bedded the whore Minaja the night before the witch left port and a few times before that. She never called me Miss Rosa once and she wouldn't be in service to that witch either." The Akkadian could think of no good answer for the redheaded pirate and for long seconds there was an awkward silence. Barbra Rosa was the first to speak. "I think that you and I have more in common than you imagine Minaja, or whatever your true name is," the pirate wench declared. "Though such things can only be spoken of in privacy. Come with me, I have the bosun's cabin for the time being and he sleeps in the crew quarters." The Akkadian was led to a single berth cabin, much smaller than the one the Sorceress now occupied. Barbra motioned for him to sit on the bunk whilst she herself remained leaning against the only door to the small room. "There, now we may speak freely," Barbra told the Akkadian. "You wear the body of the whore Minaja of Al Areth, or it's exact duplicate if I guess rightly. That is the Sorceress's handiwork is it not." The Akkadian nodded, astonished that the first mate had ascertained the unlikely truth so accurately. In her position he would have scoffed at such a notion, only having seen the Sorceress's power for himself could have convinced him that such a thing was possible. He looked suspiciously at the pirate as the obvious reason for her knowledge of the witch's ability occurred to him. "You have seen such transformation before?" the Akkadian asked excitedly. "There have been others?" "Of course. This is not a party trick the witch performs often, but you are not unique," Barbra said smirking. "It has been forty years since I learned for myself of the extent of magical power the witch can wield." "Forty years? But you are....," the Akkadian had meant to say that Barbra looked little more than twenty. Now all the clues he should have connected earlier slotted together and he stared at Barbra in shock. "You are Barbarossa, or were. The original I mean from all the old stories. But that would mean you must be seventy years old at least." "Seventy eight to be precise," Barbra said smiling oddly. "I think I'm carrying those years well though, don't you think?" The Akkadian looked once more at the young woman standing before him. He had known many beautiful women in his time and Barbra was indeed amongst the prettiest of them. Her wild red hair and provocative pirate garb did nothing to diminish her sexual appeal. Rather it prompted the impression of a wanton and fiery lover. "And in forty years you have found no wizard or priest who could restore you," the Akkadian questioned. "I stopped my search for a cure many years ago," Barbra Rosa told the assassin. "I have not aged a single day since the witch cursed me. Wounds heal quickly and leave no scars. This is the closest to immortality that anyone but the gods could know." "Tell me how you came to be transformed," the Akkadian begged. "And how you coped with losing your manhood." "How I came to be as I am now?" Barbra said. "There's little to that story. We were hunting off the coast of Zingara and spotted a lone ship hugging the coast." "I almost let her slip by unmolested. She was a small vessal, obviously couldn't have much cargo aboard," the pirate explained. "But it had been a few days since we'd taken our last prize and I fancied she might have women aboard and I was in the mood to fuck myself a screaming wench or two." "She was a fleet ship, but the Sea Witch was then and still is one of the fastest ships afloat. We caught up with her after a merry chase and her firepower was no match for ours so we disabled her sails easily," Barbra continued. "There was a short fight on boarding her, but we had the numbers and soon enough the crew threw down their weapons." "I have heard you slaughtered all you encountered," the Akkadian commented. "Why would the crew surrender?" "Hah, you've heard tavern tales forty years old," Barbra Rosa scoffed. "Where would be the sense for a pirate in killing everyone after they had yielded? It would make every crew you encountered fight to the death. I'd kill all who put up a fight, but spare most of those who struck their colours." "Anyhow, we had the passengers aboard brought up onto deck. There were three, a tall beautiful woman in fine robes and two comely slave wenches," Barbra grinned as she remembered. "I was always the first to rape the finest girl flesh we took of course, and with my balls heavy through a few days of idleness I reckoned I'd have all three sluts before passing them on to the crew." "The Sorceress and her handmaidens?" the Akkadian interjected. "Aye, of course," Barbra confirmed. "I took the slavegirls first, an oriental and a saucy redheaded slut with tits like watermelons. Figured fucking her servants on the deck in front of that fine lady would scare her good and get her heart pounding." The Akkadian could already see where this was leading. A saucy redhead with breasts like watermelons aptly described Barbarossa as he now appeared. "There was less weeping and screaming than I was used to," the pirate said and laughed. "The Sorceress's slaves always are hungry for cock. I reckon it's that musk she wears, too much time spent at her side and it's effect must be permanant. I remember hoping the lady would be less willing than her slaves. I enjoyed a bit of fight and tears from a captive." It was hard to feel any sympathy for the pirate. They might have suffered similar fates but the Akkadian felt the man had earned his punishment. The possibility that the Sorceress's perfume might eventually make him as sex crazed as Honey seemed to be was disturbing. "After I finished with the slaves, I went to take that fine lady," Barbra licked her full lips, reliving the moment as she told her tale. "She stared me down and laughed as I approached her and then pointed at me and said a few words in some tongue I'd never heard before or since. A blue light hit me and it felt as though my body was melting away like hot wax. Next thing that I recall is lying on the deck with my crew looking at me in horror." "She used her redheaded handmaid as the form for your transformation," the assassin said. "That she did. I suppose that slut might still be out there somewhere," Barbra Rosa mused. "Though I suppose she'd be an old lady now, probably bouncing a gaggle of ginger grandchildren on her knee." "Of course none of my crew would go anywhere near the bitch after they had seen what she had done to me," the pirate chuckled ruefully. "I raged and I screamed at them to slay her, but they were far more scared of a witch than a redheaded slut struggling in clothes too big for her with a sword she could scarcely lift." "So what did they do instead?" the Akkadian asked. "Begged the bitch for mercy and bent their knees to her service," Barbra said bitterly. "And me, their feared captain, they collared as a slave. Those rats took real pleasure in having the mighty Barbarossa naked in a slave collar as the ship's fucktoy." "But now you are first mate of the Sea Witch," the Akkadian pointed out. "You were able to regain your freedom?" "In time I was given my freedom, aye," Barbra Rosa told the Akkadian. "At first the crew kept me as their slave. Usually any sluts we took would be sold off when we made it to a friendly port.." "Not me though. In those early days I'd fight like a hellcat whenever I was used," the transformed pirate laughed. "Little good it ever did me. Those bilgerats liked it rough and a screaming kicking wench was more fun for them than a docile whore. And knowing who I truly was inside that young sluttish body made the beggars hornier still." "I hate it when a man uses me," the assassin said with bitterness. "So you say now," Barbra looked into the Akkadian's eyes. "But I'd wager once a cock is inside your cunt, you whimper like a bitch in heat and reach your peak easier than any cock starved slut." "I...I...can't fight it," the Akkadian admitted, almost choking on the words. "No more than I could. For all my spitting and cursing as they laid hands upon me, once they were ploughing my wet gash I'd be crying out for more and bucking like a mule," Barbra confirmed. "Whether it's the witch's magic or the slut she used as my image or something deep inside me, I responded as the filthiest of whores when I was fucked." "At first I was kept chained below deck when the ship was close to shore or in port," the redhead continued. "But if I had escaped, where would I go? Once I admitted to myself that I was now a wench and enjoying cock was natural things were better for me." "Soon they no longer saw the need to keep me chained and collared and as I was still the wildest fuck they'd known they kept me around," Barbra told the assassin. "After a few years I was more the ship's doxie than a slave and I started learning how to use a lighter blade and use my speed and agilty instead of relying on strength." "As time went by the old crew slowly died off in battle or from disease, but I stayed young and healthy as new crew were taken on. Soon few could remember the old Barbarossa and most thought the stories of the old timers to be the tall tales of sailors," Barbra paused for breath a moment. "I proved myself time and time again and worked my way back up the rankings of the ship. I found that there were other ways than brute force to get what I wanted. Spreading my legs or ass, for the biggest and toughest pirates worked just as well at getting what I desired," the Akkadian was told. "So finally here I am, just a step away from the captain," Barbra concluded. "But surely you still miss the feel of a writhing woman beneath you?" the Akkadian demanded. "I would be restored to my body even if it meant my death to feel a soft skinned slut in the throes of orgasm one more time as my cock drove into her." "Hah, you think my old desires are quenched?" Barbra snorted. "Much as I welcome a big thick cock inside me I still have not lost my desire for women." "Yes, yes. I have learned already that my fingers and tongue can give pleasure to women well enough," the Akkadian told Barbra hotly. "But it is not the same, not at all." "No that it is not," Barbra admitted. "But there is more magic than the Sorceress's in the world." "What do you mean by that?" the assassin demanded. "Better to show you," Barbra told the Akkadian, grinning. From beneath the bunk she pulled a small sea chest and opened it up. She rummaged through the contents for a moment and her hand emerged holding a black velvet pouch. She tipped the contents of this pouch onto her bunk. The Akkadian stared nonplussed at the contents, still none the wiser about the pirate's intentions. "This is magic?" the assassin asked doubtfully. On the bunk was a large pile of tiny pearls, a small stoppered bottle and a scrap of folded paper. Barbra unstoppered the bottle and carefully allowed a couple of drops to fall upon the pearls. She picked up the scrap of paper, unfolded it and read out a phrase in some alien tongue. "Watch," Barbra urged the Akkadian. The pearls began to move, rolling together and forming a larger solid mass. The shape wavered as the pearls each seemed to find their rightful position in the object being formed. They shifted into a long sausage like shape and merged together and finer detail appeared. The completed whole resembled a pair of large curved phalluses joined at their base. "I have heard of such items before," the Akkadian said scornfully. "Women locked in harems or widows use them. You could carve such a device from wood or ivory without use of sorcery." "True enough, crude carvings of a manhood exist," Barbra admitted. "But this magical device gives you the sensation of a living cock. I purchased it from a trader of Stygia. He claimed it was magically constructed by court wizards for the harem of King Mithras the great. Insert one end into yourself and see." The assassin looked dubiously at the double ended cock that glimmered like the pearls it had formed from. He first suspected that Barbra was playing him for a fool and meant to humiliate him. Her eager expression made him uncertain though, so he reached for the arcane device tentatively and felt how thick and solid it felt in his small hands. "Go on Minaja, shove one end up into your cunt," the pirate pressured him. The Akkadian stood and flicked aside his breechcloth and squatted slightly. The false cock's end was rounded and it's surface as smooth as glass and rubbing it along his dark henna'ed pussylips parted his sex. He pushed the blunt tip up into his gash, feeding the shaft slowly into his moist sheath until half the length was inside him. "Wait! I can feel something strange," the Akkadian gasped. As more of the pearlescent rod slipped inside him the Akkadian felt his hand gripping the pearly cock. He stroked the curved shaft and started in surprise as he felt his fingers brushing along it. He wrapped his tiny fist around the shaft and imitated the action of a man wanking on the rod and the sensation felt almost the same as if it was his own flesh. When the Akkadian looked back to Barbra Rosa, the redhead was already peeling her tight britches over her rounded ass and down her long slim legs. The pirate kicked away her tight pants and stood before the Akkadian brazenly. Her flaming red pussy hair was as wild and tousled as that of her head, tightly curled and thick. Still the Akkadian could see prominant ruddy pussylips gaping in that thick bush. "You want to feel a cock inside a woman Minaja?" Barbra asked. "Then go ahead and feel it, but you must be prepared to receive as much from me when you are done." The Akkadian looked down at the magical rod between his legs. He hated magic and sorcery with a passion, but for once the arcane seemed to giving him what he had truly desired. The rod's shape resembled that of a cock more or less, though it's pearly white surface, the lack of testicles and it's somewhat lower position on his body were all reminders that this was magical fakery. It curved up from his slit as an erect cock should and almost matched in size and girth the flesh and blood phallus he had been blessed with. Barbra, though slim and definately womanly was still a few inches taller than the diminuative form the Akkadian was wearing. The pirate wench was also more muscled than the assassin, fit from the toil of a mariner. The Akkadian ignored these facts, his confidence drawn from the pearl phallus projecting rudely from his crotch. He seized the pirates shirt and pulled apart the knot holding it to expose Barbra's big round breasts. They were firm and proud with large ruddy nipples that were already stiffly erect. The Akkadian took each breast in a hand and mauled them roughly before pinching those big nipples and twisting them harshly. "Ohhh, so you like to play rough with your sluts?" Barbra moaned, pushing her tits forward into the pain of her nipples savage treatment. "Call me Akkadian, wench," the assassin attempted to growl, his sweet feminine voice as husky as he could make it. "Mmmm, Akkadian," Barbra obliged him. "I have heard tales of you. A giant of a man who leaves a trail of bodies and satisfied women in his wake." The Akkadian ignored the hint of underlying mockery in the redhead's words. He pushed against her big breasts and the larger and stronger woman allowed herself to fall back and sprawl upon the bunk. She spread her shapely legs and smiled up at the assassin lasciviously. Her ruddy cuntlips glistened with moisture in their nest of fiery red pubes. The Akkadian thrust his hand up between Barbra's thighs and he thrust three slim fingers into her damp slit. Barbra moaned theatrically and thrust up her hips from the bunk. "Wet as a tavern slut," the Akkadian whispered to the pirate. "Yearning for cock are you Barbarossa?" A flicker of annoyance passed over Barbra's face as the assassin used her old name, but was hidden in an instant by a lewd smile. The wench spread her legs wider and sucked at her fingers before rubbing the pearl phallus's rounded head and making the Akkadian shudder as he felt her hand upon the magical rod. "Yes, always," Barbra answered. "And you are big and hard. Here I lie, soft and willing with my cunt wet and ready for you Akkadian." The Akkadian pressed foward between Barbra's spread thighs and the beautiful redhead wrapped her long legs about his womanly body. Barbra's hand upon the pearl phallus guided him to her gaping pussy and a push of his hips slid the tip of the sorcerous cock inside her. He groaned softly as he felt everything he remembered as a man as he entered the pirate. The heat and dampness and the tight but pliable walls of a cunt as his cock pushed slowly home. He paused, savouring those first sweet moments when a man first enters a woman and her cunt feels so alien and yet so welcoming as it grips a man's flesh. "Fuck me Akkadian," Barbra moaned, moving her hips and pushing herself up at the assassin. "Fuck me long and hard like you fucked so many other sluts and whores." The Akkadian did as Barbra was begging him. Lost in the sensations from the pearl phallus he fucked the redhaired pirate with frantic haste. He closed his eyes so he could no longer see his slim female arms or his slender fingers with long painted nails gripping Barbra's shoulders. The bounce of his big tits as he thrust into the slut he could still feel, but he willed himself to avoid this distraction from the fantasy of being male again. "Yes Akkadian, fuck me hard with that big beautiful cock," Barbra urged, her athletic legs pulling him harder into her groin. "Show me how you treat a willing slut Akkadian." Barbra's use of his masculine title pleased the Akkadian greatly. For a week now he had answered to no other name but Minaja apart from the few times the Sorceress had spoken in his mind using the magical collar. The flame haired wench seemed to be making every effort to ensure he enjoyed these moments with her. Through the magic of the phallus her cunt felt as wet and hot as the most willing of sluts and the assassin savoured it's embrace of the magical cock. "Ooooh yes Akkadian, feel how wet I am for you," Barbra moaned in apparent heat. "You're going to make me scream. I can feel my release coming." The assassin redoubled his efforts, his fingers digging into the smooth flesh of Barbra's arms as he pounded the phallus into her. Her muscular thighs pulled him tight against her and she began to make ecstatic mewling cries and her body shook in his grip. "Oh gods Akkadian yes," Barbra cried out. "I am there, you must feel what you are doing to me?" The pirate slut gasped and moaned as if driven wild, her body writhing and squirming wildly beneath him. The sounds and feel of a woman in orgasm under him was more than the Akkadian could endure. An orgasm of his own overtook him and his joyous female voice mingled with Barbra's as he succumbed noisily to pleasure. The two beautiful female forms crushed together, soft flesh on soft flesh, trembling in release. "Oh my gods," the Akkadian cried out, salty tears stinging his eyes from the joy of acting as a man for one more time. "That was truly amazing. Thank you for this." The Akkadian's thrusting slowed and then ceased as he panted heavily in the afterglow of his orgasm. He collapsed, almost semi conscious onto, the buxom pirate's curvacious body. His head swam for some time as he struggled to regain his breath and his wits. At last he opened his eyes to see Barbra propped up on her elbows beneath him with a smirk upon her full lips and mischief in her blue eyes. "Men!" Barbra laughed, apparently fully recovered from the mutual orgasm that had left the Akkadian feeling spent. "So easily flattered by a whore. You will learn in time little Minaja to twist them around your fingers. With those big doe eyes of yours and that sluttish body, men will gladly die for you." "What! Was it nothing but pretence for you?" the Akkadian asked. "Did you fake your pleasure so easily?" "Oh don't feel so hurt Minaja," Barbra chided, reverting to the Akkadian's assumed female name. "Of course it was pleasurable for me. I have come to enjoy a cock inside me and you were so sweet and enthusiastic in the way you fucked me, that I did honestly reach completion. I merely exaggerated the pleasure I felt a little." The Akkadian realised with a start that Barbra had subtly guided and controlled his every move during their lovemaking. From the position they coupled in, to how hard and forcefully he used her and even the moment at which he orgasmed. Her movements, words and the guiding force of her legs around his body had controlled him from beginning to end despite her receiving him as a woman and being beneath his body. "Ahh, I see the lesson is sinking in now, little doe eyes," Barbra laughed. "Even if you had been in your original body and had the strength to force me down instead of me allowing it, the outcome would have been the same. Though we would not have been having this little chat in that case. It is one thing to manipulate a big strong warrior. But never let him know that you did, his anger could kill you." The Akkadian felt his anger rise, believing that Barbra had played him for a fool. For a moment he even considered snatching the dagger at his waist and plunging it into the redhead's heart. He drew a deep breath and then let it out slowly and that moment passed. Certainly the slut had played him, but had been true to her word and allowed him to use the pearl phallus to fuck her as a man would have. The pirate also had taught him a valuable lesson from her own experiance of being transformed. "Why do you tell me this?" the Akkadian asked the wench. "You obviously find amusement in my misfortune. Why not sit back and laugh at my foolish ignorance." "I find amusement in the fact that you still believe you have suffered a misfortune," Barbra corrected him. "Believe it or not, I do feel a kinship with you because of our shared fate. It took many years for me to learn the lessons that set me back on the path to power. If I offer you a little advice, it is entirely up to you whether you heed it." "I find it difficult to believe that the Barbarossa of the old tales would give me advice out of kindness," the assassin said. "All the old tales are exaggerated. Besides, Barbarossa has been dead for forty years," Barbra said grinning. "Barbra Rosa on the other hand is very much alive and knowing when to make allies will keep her that way." "You see me as a useful ally?" the Akkadian said doubtfully. "Amongst other things, yes," the pirate told him. "You also have a most perfect ass and I spoke the truth when I told you my taste for women was still strong. We had an agreement that I would fuck you once you were done with the pearl phallus." The Akkadian nodded slowly. Barbra had made that condition and he had continued on and fucked her and in so doing had accepted her terms. He was aware that Barbra, though still weaker than a man, was much stronger than he was. If he balked at receiving the phallus she might well take him by force if she chose. "I am still a man of my word, even if my agreement was unspoken," the Akkadian told the redhead. "I am yours to use as you please." "A woman of your word Minaja," the pirate corrected with a smile. "And that is how I intend to use you. Get on your knees before me." The Akkadian pulled himself away from Barbra, the pearly cock slipping from the pirate's cunt as he drew back. It still reared obscenely from his own slit, long and hard and gleaming unlike the wilting fleshy cocks of mere men after use. Barbra rose from the bunk and stood close to the kneeling Akkadian. So close that the wild bush of red pubes was tickling his nose. He smelt her aroused cunt, a rich dark aroma that rekindled so many memories. "Take the pearl phallus from your cunt Minaja," Barbra commanded. "Then lick it's shaft clean. All the shaft, half soaked with my cunt's juices and the other half with your own." Doing exactly as he had been ordered the Akkadian shuffled his knees apart and gripped the pearl phallus with both hands. He tugged upon the gleaming white shaft and for a moment it seemed to be still rooted in his cunt, then with a soft wet pop the magical cock slid free. His hairless pussy gaped wide after the shaft was withdrawn, droplets of his juice dripping from his core and spattering the plank decking he knelt upon. The pearlescent curved rod was slick with the mingled feminine juices from end to end. "Good Minaja, now lick it clean," Barbra ordered again. The Akkadian set to work, the taste of pussy juice from the shaft sweet upon his lips and tongue. He found that he could distinguish his own juices from those of the pirate, the redhead's juice had a slightly saltier tang to it and it's taste was more piquant. His own juice was more subtle and sweeter, but both were pleasent to his palette. "Excellent, good slut. You look like you are enjoying that," Barbra teased him as he finished his cleaning of the pearl phallus. "Now put one half in your mouth and push it into my cunt without using your hands." "But will the rod not root in my mouth as it did in my slit?" the Akkadian queried. "No. Believe me, in the time I've had the phallus I've used it every way imaginable," Barbra laughed. "It's magic only works and finds root when it is within a woman's sex." "Maybe the Stygian trader spoke the truth about it's origin," the pirate continued. "By legend king Mithras the great had a harem numbering scores of women and was still adding teenaged concubines to it when he was eighty and and no longer functioned as a man. Perhaps in his dotage his only pleasure was watching his young concubines pleasure one another with the phallus." Barbra's assurance was good enough for the Akkadian. The pirate was devious, but had so far never lied directly to him. He slid one end of the shaft into his mouth, gagging slightly upon it's girth as it slipped over his tongue. Awkwardly he moved his head to align the free end with the flared red lips of the pirate's pussy. It took a few attempts as he craned forward to get the blunt shaft head to hit the wet slit directly and Barbra chuckled each time he missed his mark and prodded her crotch with the phallus's tip. "I would have thought an assassin would have been a surer shot," the redhead giggled. "But then I do not suppose you have ever stabbed a victim in this manner before." The Akkadian at last hit his mark and the shiny rounded head of the phallus rested between the prominant fleshy red lips of Barbra's cunt. He pushed his head forward and the gleaming white shaft slid into the pirate's gash easily. When half it's length had been swallowed by Barbra's wet gash the phallus seemed to embed itself. "Oh yes, it is there," Barbra sighed contentedly. "And your hot mouth feels so good around my cock Minaja. Now suck upon it." The Akkadian's cheeks hollowed as he sucked his end of the phallus. Since being forced into his present form the Akkadian had thus far managed to avoid having a man use his mouth. Trimon and the nomad he had killed had not shown interest in doing so and he had refused the attempt by the drunken pirate. His attempts at sucking Barbra's false cock were clumsy and he gagged and choked on the phallus repeatedly. "Hardly the technique I would expect from one painted as an Al Areth whore," Barbra chuckled. "You must not have had that body long at all Minaja if you have not yet learned to pleasure a man with your mouth without choking yourself. Here, let me guide you and learn from this." Barbra seized the Akkadian's long black hair and wrapped her fist in his silky tresses. The pirate guided the actions of his head and mouth, making him bob his head upon the cock and slide his mouth up and down the smooth shaft. "There, you are getting better Minaja," Barbra praised. "As the shaft slides out suck hard upon it's tip and use your tongue upon it as hard as you can. When it is sliding in relax your throat to avoid choking upon it." For several minutes Barbra continued to face fuck the Akkadian. Gradually he became more accustomed to the invasive sensation of the hard rod in his mouth and his gagging lessened. Barbra's breathing increased somewhat, but the pirate seemed able to temper her arousal and the Akkadian thought it unlikely that she would be fully satisfied by his mouth alone. As the Akkadian had suspected Barbra soon pulled his head back off the pearl phallus. Twisting her fist in the assassin's long raven hair pirate forced the Akkadian to his feet. She pulled him forward and possessively kissed him upon the lips, her mouth devouring his and leaving him breathless. With a screech of surprise Barbra suddenly kick the Akkadian's legs out from under him and flung him roughly face first onto the bunk. The pirate was upon him before he could recover and he felt his legs kicked apart and Barbra's strong hands holding him down on the bunk. "Oww, my hair! The Akkadian complained. "Why so rough?" "That's the way I like it Minaja," Barbra laughed. "Giving or receiving I like it hard and rough." The Akkadian squimed in the pirate's grip, but her work strengthed muscles were strong enough to hold him easily and his useless struggles just increased his sense of weakness. Barbra pushed between his kicking legs and sharply slapped her hand onto his taut round ass and made the assassin cry out in indignation and surprise. At first the assault upon his bottom caused him to struggle harder against the more athletic woman, but Barbra laiod her palm onto his buttocks with a vengeance and the hard sharp slaps on his soft flesh soon had the writhing Akkadian sobbing with pain and humiliation. "Hold still slut," Barbra ordered. "You are just delaying me a while. Keep struggling and that cute bottom will be red and stinging for a week." The Akkadian's bottom was already stinging and he did not doubt it was glowing red too. He forced himself to quit his useless fight and lay there waiting for the pirate to use him as she wished. The rounded tip of the pearl phallus prodded against his vulva until Barbra found her target. His pussy spread easily as she pushed her hips and with the dampened excited state of his cunt it slid smoothly up inside him. The pirate pushed until the Akkadian could feel her flat muscled stomach pressing on his abused behind. "More used to this than you are to sucking a cock I'd say Minaja," Barbra commented. "How many cocks have you had inside you since you were made a woman?" "Three, just three," the Akkadian cried out honestly. "None by choice." "Till now you mean," the transformed pirate taunted. "Remember you could have left, but you chose this path of your own free will." "Yes, yes. I chose this," the assassin sobbed. "Just fuck me you bitch, and stop your mocking." "Oh you asked so prettily," Barbra giggled. "How could I refuse such a request from so pretty a slut." Barbra fucked the Akkadian with a passion more fierce than any of the men that had previously used him. The pirate slammed her crotch into his sore bottom hard and fast, each time driving the entire length of the pearl phallus into his cunt. The Akkadian's body responded with it's familiar arousal, his breath quickening and his lips betraying him to utter cries of lusty pleasure. He peaked quickly beneath the thrusting redhead, moaning and wriggling as waves of ecstasy engulfed him. "You look so pretty when you climax Minaja," Barbra told him loudly. "If I was still a man those cries and that wriggling ass would have me spilling my seed." "Akkadian, where are you?" It took a moment for the assassin to realise the words were not uttered by Barbra, but were the Sorceress's inside his head. "I'm...ohh..uhh...with one of the...oh gods...crew," the Akkadian thought back with difficulty concentrating due to Barbra's hard pounding of his cunt. "I see," the Sorceress's voice sounded amused. "I don't need to ask what you are doing, that's self evident. So which lusty pirate is having his way with you then?" "Barba...ooooh...rossa," the Akkadian answered, forgetting in his disorientated state that he was using the pirate wench's old male name. "There was a lengthy pause before the with replied again. The assassin could feel his body being swiftly swept upward towards another climax. The distraction of attempting a mental conversation as he was being fucked mercilessly was not helping his self control. "I see by your use of that name that you must have been talking to the slut as well as...What exactly is she doing to you anyway?" the witch sounded more exasperated than genuinely annoyed. "She...umm...oh yes...has be bent over a bunk...YES!...and is fucking me from....oh...oh...oh...behind," the Akkadian managed to think back. "She is?" His mistress sounded mildly surprised at that. "How exactly is the slut managing to do that?" "A pearl...oh Stygia," the Akkadian knew he could not delay his impending orgasm much longer. "I see," the Sorceress laughed. "We will need to talk, but later, you are obviously preoccupied at the moment." The Akkadian was grateful when the Sorceress's voice vanished from his head. Another few moments and she would have been hearing him in the midst of orgasm. Barbra was at last showing signs of her physical exertions, panting heavily each time she thrust into the Akkadian with the pearl phallus. Still she kept up the pace and ferocity of her fucking just long enough to bring the Akkadian to completion once more. Dazed and exhausted, the Akkadian cried out loudly as he came his vision swimming black as his mind spiralled in the throes of intense pleasure. He felt the pearly cock withdraw from him and Barbra's hands upon his body, turning him over onto his back like a limp doll. The pirate thrust back inside him, this time fucking him slowly as she waited for him to pull his senses together and open his eyes. "That's two Minaja," Barbra gasped heavily. "And one for myself. I think we can both manage one more before I am done in." This time Barbra's fucking was slow and methodical. The Akkadian, now facing the pirate could see she was tiring. Sweat dripped from her and onto his flesh, lubricating the two female bodies as they slid over one another. Summoning some reserve of energy the assassin wrapped his legs around Barbra's waist, locking his slim ankles behind her. "Fuck me Barbra," the Akkadian urged the redhead. "Fuck this sweet little slut and come with me." Both the transformed women's arousal steadily rose as Barbra maintained her pace. This more leisurely lovemaking and his new position gave the Akkadian time to gather his wits and study Barbra's face as she used him. She was clearly enjoying the act immensely, a wide smile was upon her full lips and her pale blue eyes shone with excitement. The Akkadian urged the pirate on, using his legs to assist her thrusting hips. He could feel her body beginning to tremble and her breathing was ragged. "OOOOOH YESSS". Barbra threw back her head and cried out. The Akkadian was but a second or two behind the pirate, the throes of her quaking body enough to trigger his orgasm. Both women shook and their bodies ground together, sharing each other's moment of bliss and sexual release. Barbra Rosa rolled herself off from atop the Akkadian and lay back on the bunk breathing heavily. Both sated lovers turned their heads to look at each other and simultaneously burst into a fit of giggles. The Akkadian reached out and gently stroked the pearl phallus with his slim fingers, feeling his own slick juices coating it's shiny smooth surface. "Minaja, you were the best that I have had in many years, but I am done for the moment," Barbra murmered, sighing at the sensation of the phallus being caressed. "I guessed as much," the Akkadian replied. "But I have the urge to cuddle and pet following sex which I never used to feel." Barbra kissed the assassin and her hand moved over his thigh to playfully tease his puffy gaping pussylips. Their actions were relaxed and gentle, not designed to arouse one another for sex, but simple to prolong the warm afterglow of the glorious fucking they had both just enjoyed. "You are changing Minaja," the pirate said. "The way you think and act will slowly alter to be more womanly whether you fight it or not." "I will not be in this form that long," the Akkadian insisted. "My transformation was not a punishment as your's was, the Sorceress will restore me before too long." "As you say," Barbra clearly did not wish to make an arguement of the issue. "At least with the pearl phallus you need not worry about male seed. That was a major worry for me when I was first changed." "Male seed?" the Akkadian had not given the matter much thought. He remembered the awful crusting mess on his thighs, left by Trimon the morning after he had been fucked by the warlord. "Yes, I was terrified of having that seed gaining root within me and being with child," Barbra explained. "And of course there is the woman's moon cycle, until I learned of the herbs that can keep it away I dreaded that time each month." The Akkadian remained very quiet, expecting to be restored soon he had given these matters no thought. The warlord had ejaculated inside of him on that first night, for all he knew he might already have the warlord's get quickening inside him. He did not share these thoughts with Barbra though, if such things could be remedied with herbs he would raise the matter with the Sorceress when he returned to her cabin. "I have not yet had my first cycle," the Akkadian told the pirate. "I have been in this form less than two weeks." "Truly? You are adjusting far faster than I did," Barbra declared in surprise. "For nearly a month I howled and raged at my fate and cried myself to sleep at night." "I am Akkadian, we are taught from young to accept our fate," the assassin shrugged. "For most it will be death or mutilation when we fail oneday on a mission. Strangely, this turn of events was never mentioned" There was another long silence between the two beautiful women. Their fingers and lips continued to play and tease at one another's nubile bodies. At last Barbra sighed and pulled away. "We must get some sleep," she told the Akkadian. "The first stop in our voyage is tomorrow and we will need our wits about us." The pirate grasped the pearl phallus and drew it from her cunt. Laying it upon the bunk she spoke a phrase in the arcane tongue and the shaft simply fell apart into a heap of small pearls once more. Barbra gathered the shiny pearls up and tipped them back into the leather pouch with the vial and the scrap of paper. The two transformed men shared a final hug and passionate kiss and the Akkadian left quietly and returned to the Sorceress.

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Rescuing a Princess

Rescuing A Princess? Author's Notes by Bill Hart I've been working on this story on and off since October 1996. The inspiration for this story originates with a cartoon posted by Mike Allegretto to one of the pictures' groups at that time. If you're familiar with the cartoon or the site, then I'm sure you'll be able to guess at least one of the transforms in the story. When I first sat down to write this story, I didn't expect it would be very long, but it took on its own...

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Princess LeiaJabbas Slave

PRINCESS LEIA: SLAVE TO THE DARK SIDE ?????????? PRINCESS LEIA: SLAVE TO THE DARK SIDE ????????????????????????????? ????????????????? By ????????????????????? ????????????? ???Bookmanwhb  Princess Leia screamed as the pain in her head increased. She tried to fight the drugs racing through her body but the darkness spreading through her mind seemed to block all her attempts. The young princess could feel Vader inside her head, trying to force her talk. The rebel leader used all her...

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Royal Duties Princess TG Preg

Royal Duties Act 1: New Life Peter Arrend gasped when he saw the old tome. He had always been an enthusiast for older things - he was a historian, after all - and so visiting garage sales was a frequent weekend hobby of his. He had been told he even projected the air of someone who went to garage sales, and he sort of knew what people meant by that. He had quite the professorly look about him, despite only being in his early forties, likely due to his slightly peppered hair and...

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Princess by Princess Pantyboy This is paradise, a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages. Yes life is simple after a nice stroll on the beach and now chilling with my favorite drink, especially...

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The Princess Has Come of Age

As its title, The Princess Comes of Age, suggests, this Black Widows Production, a 47-minute animated hentai film, is a bildungsroman, or coming-of-age story, that depicts, in quite graphic detail, the protagonist's maturation. In this case, her maturation is neither moral nor emotional. It is not even physical--although she is young nubile (both in the literal and the figurative senses of meaning), she has, quite obviously, already experienced adolescence. Although she does not seem...

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Princess of Castile chapter 15

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 15 Princess Alejandra had almost fully recovered from her wounds during the battle. She was still weak and having trouble standing in her bedroom this morning. The window was open and the golden morning rays from the sun lit the room. She had spent the past few days meeting the women in charge of the most powerful noble families in the empire. The powerful noble women in charge of their families. It had been a busy week with her...

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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

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Princess of Castile chapter 12

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 12 Natalia's appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman's military dress uniform...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 17 Naughty Princessrsquos Buzzing Ecstasy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I held the leash to my newest pet. Princess Naryu knelt between my dragon-mother’s thighs. A big smile spread on Mother’s...

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The Princess Backpack Diaries

October is breast cancer awareness month. With that noble cause in mind I invite you to come along on this whimsical journey during which you will learn how two very lucky guys discover the true magic only Princess Diaries backpacks can possess. The Princess Backpack Diaries By: Simonne Danielle [email protected] © 2010 All Rights Reserved "Now here's a story that ought to put every guy's sense of masculinity to the ultimate test," anchor woman Alycia...

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Princess of Trimaria Part 2

Princess of Trimaria - Part Two By Scott Ramsey CHAPTER 16 Aliana was so distracted by Marc's arrival that she didn't see the orc approaching until it was almost upon them. The creature had been hiding outside the ring of stone monoliths and used the bulk of the knight's warhorse to conceal its approach. It wasn't until Marc had whirled Keri around that the creature revealed itself, charging forward with its sword held low. The handmaiden had precious little time to act, and...

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RedTails The Paddled Princess Chapter 3

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter III: An Awakening"Oh come on, Princess," Kennewick whined, "have a heart. I mean, I don't mind you making me wearing the girls' uniform to school, but this is going too far. What will the other boys think when they see me dressed in that?" He nodded his head towards his sister. Katella was sitting daintily on Amalie's bed, brushing her silky mane.She arose to her feet, set the brush down, and smiled at her brother, "What will the...

First Time
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Slave for my Princess

So slave, I bet you’ve been looking forward to this day haven’t you, after all, it’s been a whole week since I last released you hasn’t it?”“Yes Princess.”“And have you followed my instructions about not allowing yourself to cum during that time slave?”“100% Princess.”She smiled and allowed her hand to gently slide across my stomach, towards my hard, aching cock.“Good slave, you look so gorgeous tied down like this, I could almost forget myself and…” her voice trailed off and my cock twitched...

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Princess The Pauper

This is just a quick little ditty that I thought someone might get a kick out of… not to be taken too seriously. ***** Sweetest Princess Juniper, You have stolen my heart, my sweet cherry pie. I love you more than anything in this world. I would give you the stars in the sky. You will taste so good when we finally are together. Love always, Periwinkle ‘He’s so dreamy,’ cooed Princess Juniper, clutching the letter to her substantial bosom. The lovely young princess had long golden hair,...

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The Princess Project

The Princess Project I'm Ron, and my brother Tim, along with our sisters Jenny and Suzie, are two sets of twins. At sixteen, Jenny and I were the oldest, Tim and Suzie, who were twelve, were oops kids; my parents thought that mom couldn't get pregnant anymore and got a little careless. Four years went by and the next thing you know, Tim and Suzie showed up. As Tim got older, he and I bonded against our sisters, teasing and mocking them every chance we got. We called them...

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She Ra Prisoner Of The Princess

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? SHE RA ? PRISONER OF THE PRINCESS By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] She Ra is a Conan the Barbarian type character based on the popular animated series, Masters of the Universe.  Synopsis: She Ra (character from He Man) is on the trail of an evil princess, who had imprisoned her own father and took over the kingdom herself. She Ra...

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The Princess and the Blacksmith

The Princess and the BlacksmithOnce upon a time, in a castle on a mountain surrounded by forests there lived a beautiful young girl called Princess Lilla who everyone fell in love with until they met her and realised what a spoiled, vicious tongued, vindictive, vile little madam she really was.Her father loved her and would do anything for her because she was completely impossible if he didn't, and her mother left years ago because she couldn't stand the constant tantrums.Meanwhile at the edge...

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Princess and the Pauper 2

The Princess and the Pauper: Chapter 2 It had been less than two hours in the castle from being a street beggar and I have had to dress as a fancy boy, then next as a lady messenger. In addition, I still have not been feed anything. I followed the ladies like a good servant. They lead me back toward Princess Katherine's apartments. Once there I stopped at her door. I knew that it was not correct etiquette for a male to enter a female's apartment. My father had taught me...

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The Princess and the Blacksmith

Once upon a time, in a castle on a mountain surrounded by forests there lived a beautiful young girl called Princess Lilla who everyone fell in love with until they met her and realised what a spoiled, vicious tongued, vindictive, vile little madam she really was. Her father loved her and would do anything for her because she was completely impossible if he didn't, and her mother left years ago because she couldn't stand the constant tantrums. Meanwhile at the edge of the same forest...

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The Little Princess Part Two

The day had started off badly for the Little Princess and although she’d not started work until 10 AM but by 10.45 she was on her knees sucking her bosses cock after agreeing that she was in fact a slut. As she sucked Toby Whitehall cock he gripped her head and she could feel each of tips of his fingers as he pressed against her skull it felt uncomfortable but it wasn’t painful. The Little Princess could hear his groans as they got louder so did the pressure on her head and slowly at first he...

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RedTails The Paddled Princess Chapter 2

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter II: Party Crasher"Good evening to you too, Allisson," Arlin growled. His body shuddered, and his aching, still stiff maleness flexed at the Raccoon's touch. "I trust that you and Amanda are having a profitable night?"She nodded and flashed him a coy smile, "Yep-yep, our tails have been remarkably busy. And we have only been working for not even two hours so far tonight." She snuggled up against the Tiger, sighed, and rested her head...

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Rescuing Princess Nina And Other Tales

Wiping his broad sword on ginas beard he sapt and called his hosrse Synopsis: in a land removed in space and time a Vagabond Wanderer is hired to rescue the snotty princess from the vile hands of villains heaping unnamable tortures and humiliations on her. ?Will he stop them in time? Of course not.  Disclaimer: Strictly Adults Only Material. If you are not of legal adult age or this kind of material is illegal or considered unacceptable in your country/state or community.? please?...

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Pretty Pretty Princess Johna the Dragon Slayer

Princess Johna's faithful unicorn steed, Sparkle, teleported into the Dragon's den right behind the owner's unwilling guest. He used his horn to cut the ropes which were bidding his rider's hands. As Sir Dragon was preparing to react to his uninvited guest; the damsel, who was no longer in distress, jumped on the back of her faithful companion and got the lance from the side of the saddle. Princess Johna, the pretty pretty dragon slayer, said, as she was riding her charging unicorn...

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The Princess And The Traveller

For now, I am abandoning my autobiographical series of short stories (though rest assured I will return to them soon!) and present here a completely fictional rendering in the Medieval "Sword and Sorcery" genre. I'm doing this now partly because I had been working on my third autobiographical story for a couple of weeks now, and my computer just ate it. No backup! Augh! Anyway, until my frustration dies down and I begin writing the whole @#!* thing second time, I decided to whip...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector to save...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector...

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Princess of Castile chapter 11

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 11: Retribution Valentina got in one of her family limos and was driven to a new home she purchased in Aragon's vast countryside. They were in a small town named after their first president Manuel. It was so named after their independence from Castile. Her new estate was just outside of the town. She had it furnished for her needs and was presently examining her new bedroom. Her guards were always present because she could never...

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Princess and the MagePart 2 The Lake

The lake was set amid a lovely, pastoral meadow surrounded by tall trees. That it had been was chosen for its isolation from any human habitation only added to its beauty. They entered the waters at a point where reflections of the afternoon sun bathed them in fiery red light. It made the blonde hair of the Princess look as red as Meg’s. By the time they reached it, the Princess was frantic. The powerful aphrodisiac she had unknowingly ingested would subvert her defenses for the next six...

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Princess Ayumi and the Pirates

Princess Ayumi and the PiratesBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] 1The VoyageThe storm had been fierce and had blown the ship off course. The only girl on board woke and found that the ship was no longer tossing and pitching in the waves. The worst was over andshe might finally go up on deck.  Her cramped quartersreeked and needed airing because she and her maidservanthad been seasick. Stressed, she yelled at the older woman to clean the cabin.?You are a lazy, old hen,? she...

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The Princess Diaries Part 1

The Princess Diaries - Part 1 Foreword: The following story is partly autobiographical and part fantasy.. Having been a fan of Fictionmania for a while, I thought I would try my hand at writing my own story. This is the first time I've attempted any form of writing since I was at school, well over 25 years ago. I already have the basic outline in mind for part 2, should anyone be interested in a further installment, but I also welcome your reviews and...

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I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventionallife I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional? life.? My stories are based on my fantasies.? Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks.?? This is my first story I hope you enjoy it.? I?m working on further chapters, and I?d enjoy any constructive criticism.? Contact me at...

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Mall Princess Moves In

Mall Princess Moves In==> PrologueA little over a year ago, I met the young woman who owns me.I've told the story of how I met met my Mall Princess, whom I know now as Princess Martha, and how I, a 39-year-old average-looking guy (with a good job and a lot of money) who'd never been in a real relationship with a woman became the slave to a gorgeous, intelligent, confident and petite teenage blond girl.  I've told of how she used my submissiveness to the Female of our species to make me her...

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Princess of Castile chapter 10

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 10 Valentina ran for nearly two miles. Julia did her best to follow her friend, but eventually fell too far behind and turned back. She knew it was not Valentina's doing, but things were what they were and Valentina was a woman now whether she liked it or not. And now Valentina was training herself hard to pass the trials to enlist in the Shadow Corps. She also devoted herself to her intensive studies to attend an elite military...

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The Hidden Princess Rewritten

The Hidden Princess Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the doorway. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone; they were doing everything new including his clothes (Which had been crated away before he could see them.). Carolynn was...

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The Pucell Princess

The Pucell Princess Forced destiny: The bars of gold having been stacked neatly against the west wall of the natural cavern picked up and arranged in orderly rows and stacks for the wild dispersal that had occurred in the hectic days of transporting, as well as hectic hours of the fighting and killing, all the accumulated barrels, bags, chests, and boxes. From the devastated wreckage of the once magnificent armed galleon, "Pucell Princess" all these items had been...

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Emerald Princess Chapters 610 v2

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after the first generation characters have graduated, but I was in the midst of writing this before the 2nd Generation Canon came out - my apologies that it doesn't directly tie in there! This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy, and may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the...

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Pumpkin Honey and Princess

Story's Title: Pumpkin, Honey and Princess by Honey. Short synopsis: This is a story between Pumpkin, Honey and Princess Pumpkin, aka Princess Tuesday is a professional Femdom. Honey, aka Ryan is Pumpkin’s good male friend. He is annoying, innocent but loveable. Princess is Pumpkin’s slave and used to be Honey’s best friend. Gender Codes: F/f F/m F+/m Sexual Activities: Cbt Modification Spanking Toys Fetish D/s:?Domination/submission B/D:?Bondage and Discipline S/M:?Sado-Masochism...

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"God, I need a cigarette," I thought absentmindedly for the umpteenth time. It's been over 3 months since I quit 'cold turkey'. Sitting in traffic thinking of my snot nosed 20-something boss and what a jerk he is, looking for a convenience store, just one smoke will make me feel better. Me I'm a 41 old married women with 2 teenage daughters. The 'perfect' wife and mother. I've been married for 19 years and still look pretty good, although if I'm honest I could lose 10 pounds...oh alright 20...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 15 Rewarding the Naughty Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Wood burst, drawing me out of sleep. I groaned, groggy. Men shouted. Fear jolted through me. I sat upright to see men...

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I Princess

I, Princess Autobiography written by Dauphin [email protected] Introduction I have written a few stories under different names. People have always asked me to write about my own experiences. Until now, I have refused, because? my childhood was private. Second it was confusing and even though I was happy, I had a few hard times. Often I think that my childhood has made me what I am now. Another thing is that if I wrote my...

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Shannons Little Princess Goes Further

Cameron slowly started to wake, his mind struggling to clear the drowsy fog of morning. He smiled as he felt the warmth of his girlfriend's body pressing against his back and the weight of her arm draped over his side, hand resting on his heart. This was more or less the same position in which they always woke up together; however, as Cameron groggily opened his eyes, he looked down at himself and remembered why this was not a typical morning: Last night, Shannon had spanked him for...

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Princess of Castile chapter 6

Princess of Aragon By Jennifer Reed Chapter 6 Thomas had insisted on bathing with his new husband this morning. He thought he did. The Duke was almost a total stranger to him, but at least he was getting to know the cruel man. The Duke had not been that cruel to him, but the Duke now understood why this was happening now. The Duke was still a cruel man and intended on brutalizing Thomas even if he now knew he could not do as he originally wished. Thomas followed the Duke into the...

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