Andromeda2 free porn video

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Warmer than I remembered, the brilliant sun reflected off a handful of tall crystal spires creating prisms of light on the carpet of virgin forests below. The small glass bubble I was surrounded with floated lazily on the thermals as several Sea Terns circled blissfully overhead. As I turned to face the sun, a calm silvery sea stretched endlessly to the horizon, dotted with several small volcanic islands covered with lush tropical foliage. A gentle warm sensation was stirring my loins, and as I looked down, the placid scene around me faded into the early light of dawn.
Somehow during the night, I had moved, or been moved to the bed, and the head buried between my thighs was somewhat inexperienced but determined as her tongue slowly circled my corona and traced fine lines down the length of my organ. Her silky hair covered my torso with a sensual blanket and her delicate fingers gently explored the creases and contours of my scrotum. Just as her moist lips closed on my shaft, I starting moving underneath her, gradually inverting my position until I was staring at the peach fuzz surrounding her delicious sex. My tongue immediately assumed its own agenda on a quest for the unique secrets tucked securely within those swollen lips above me.
Ann gasped at first contact and wriggled her hips with eager anticipation as her mouth descended even further down my rigid shaft. Her succulent lips formed an airtight seal, and her tongue switched gears, rapidly circling my corona as the suction gradually increased. Once my tongue brushed her clit, it was a foregone conclusion her tight opening was a mere snail’s sneeze above. On first contact with the tight opening, she groaned and bit down on my enclosed member, releasing a warm stream of her essence into my waiting mouth as her hips collapsed. I yelped into her blond suffocating bush, savoring several more squirts of her essence as her body trembled violently. She tasted sweet, not musky as I was accustomed too; amazingly similar to the nectar of a peach with a hint of cinnamon.
Almost instantly aware of my potential penectomy plight, she lifted her still trembling hips and released my maimed appendage. After a quick gulp of air, I unleashed my tongue to procure yet another taste of her addicting essence. My tongue swiped her clit lightly before it found her vaginal opening and tried to burrow into the forbidden depths. I felt her body shudder, and she shrieked with another explosive orgasm. The delightful ejaculate flooded both my mouth and senses with a delightful fragrance; sweet and succulent. Her body continued to quiver uncontrollably as she rolled off of me into a fetal position. If she had been an earth girl; she would be crawling back to momma by now.
Content, yet unfulfilled, I staggered to the dim light above the range and surveyed the damage. Although the skin around the base of my cock was broken in several places, it wouldn’t render me sterile and I breathed a sigh of relief. Lost somewhere beyond the realm of senses, she lay in exhausted repose, occasionally trembling slightly with orgasmic overload. I gently covered her and donned my clothes. Heating some water for some instant coffee, I pondered the circumstances that brought us to today’s realities. She stirred my deepest emotions with childlike enthusiasm while demonstrating an intellect far more profound than my own. If she was able to unlock my deepest repressed emotions remained undetermined; time would ultimately reveal the strength of our young bond. I poured the steaming water over a scoop of coffee grounds and silently emerged from the trailer, rearranging my package to minimize the irritation.
The cows were just emerging from the woods and eagerly dug into the hay I spread out for them. The chickens quickly gathered as I dug my hands in their feed bag. Birds had begun their morning song, and in the far distance the faint sounds of the morning commute could be heard. The sound of footfalls startled me as I leaned on the fence to watch the critters feed. I turned to see the aging neighbor limping towards me with the assistance of a cane.
“Howdy, I’m your neighbor Matt,” he said as he extended his hand expectantly.
“Howdy, I’m Daniel; Harvey’s nephew. Beauty day isn’t it?” I savored his firm handshake.
“Yup. Going to miss the likes of them . . . Me and the misses just bought a condo in Lauderdale and got this spread up for sale.”
“How much you asking,” I queried while trying to hide my disinterest.
“I reckon about Five K an acre; we got twenty acres, and it will pay for the condo and the move with a few bucks to spare for the casino.”
“I’ll ask around,” I offered, thinking his price was reasonable with the creek that ran all year through. “I might be tempted if I had a job.”
“Yup, times are tough; don’t reckon they be changing anytime soon. By the way, where is the old man?”
“He’s in the hospital with some kind of heart issue. I’m going to call him later on to see how he’s doing.”
“Old Harvey’s a tough old coot, he’s probably telling them nurses how to get laid.” Matt let out a snicker and changed his position. “Hope to see him soon. Is that your woman?”
Ann was standing a few paces behind me with her head bowed slightly in a blouse that barely reached her thighs and untied tennis shoes. “I’m Ann, Daniels mate.”
“Howdy, I’m Matt; where did you find such a pretty filly?”
“Actually, she found me.”
“Damn fine looking gal, any man would be lucky to have the likes of her warming his bed.”
“Yup, reckon so.” I turned to her and held out my hand. “Matt is selling his acreage for a hundred grand; good price with the stream and access to the highway.”
Ann nodded and blushed, holding the thin blouse from rebounding upwards in the breeze.
“Better get back to the misses before I get accused of doing something I didn’t do – Nice to meet you two!”
“Likewise Matt – hope you find a buyer soon.” Ann smiled as he left, and once out of sight, she kissed me gently on the cheek. I returned the kiss and sighed. It would sure be nice to live out here permanently, but the taxes and upkeep were way beyond my limited income. “I need to contact Harvey.”
“What is Harvey,” Ann asked innocently.
“He’s my Uncle and owns the trailer we have been staying in,” I replied. “He’s in the hospital recovering from surgery; I have to find out how he’s doing.”
“We’ll use the electronic media device,” she exclaimed and bounded back to the trailer flashing her tight buns with every stride. Perhaps the term golden globes were inspired by a similar vision. By the time I arrived, she was somehow back on line, searching a directory of hospitals. I pointed out the correct hospital, and she keyed in the corresponding telephone number. Looking on over her shoulder, the speakers crackled to life with the sound of a phone ringing. After several lengthy transfers and a brief conversation we learned he was in ICU with a terminal prognosis.
I turned to Ann, and informed her that I had to go and she immediately agreed, slipping on a new pair of jeans sans underwear as she spoke. I quickly changed my clothes and we were soon underway, concerned urgency tainting the few words we shared. Fortunately the drive was uneventful and soon we were within the bleached white walls of the medical institution.
When I looked upon the frail remnants of Harvey, I almost turned and fled. The man who always had my back was now losing his frail grip with life. Fading in and out of drug induced consciousness, he barely recognized me, but was able to muster a weak smile and handshake. Ann saw my agony as I re-entered the waiting room (only one member of the family was authorized a 5-minute visit at a time) and asked to see him. I convinced the nurse she was a granddaughter he’d never met, and despite her lack of identification, she grudgingly let her enter. When Ann returned, she massaged my shoulders and whispered all was well.
A short time later, a nurse carrying a tray of pills in paper cups, entered the curtained enclosure. A few seconds later, the tray clanged noisily on the shiny tile floor, and the nurse emerged and grabbed the nearest physician assistant. I bolted through the enclosure, and found Harvey sitting up in bed asking for his clothes.
“Harvey, what happened,” I queried as I pushed a nurse aside.
“I pinched that frigid nurse; let’s blow this joint, Jr. (the nickname he had given me when I was still in diapers).
I turned to the PA, and quietly asked him to get the release forms and his personal belongings. He started in with a list of techno babble excuses underscoring the hospital’s culpability and I blew him off with a patient’s right to choose option. He slunk away and returned shortly thereafter with the release forms and a wheelchair. Harvey scribbled on the signature lines without reading them (who in their right mind could understand their wording anyway), and pulled his clothes on. I advised the PA we’d contact his Doctor and raced to the pharmacy to fill the prescriptions on his chart.
Twenty minutes later, we swung into an all-you-can-eat buffet I frequented to replace the cholesterol imbalance three days worth of bland food had created. Ann had a chocolate shake and excused herself when she saw a popular health food store a few doors down. I gave her the keys to access the cash stash if she required it. A short while later Ann returned with a contended smile and chugged another shake before we grudgingly terminated our pig out and headed for the car. Harvey sat beside me and Ann insisted on the back seat.
After the first few miles, a sense of relief descended on the car like the warmth of the midday sun. Ann and Harvey were perfect traveling companions, speaking little but with substance. I had decided to remain with Harvey for the night and stopped by the apartment to get a queen sized cushion for Ann and myself. She looked around the messy flat with mild interest until she found the computer, reverently touching the large screen. It instantly it burst to life. Patting it lovingly, it went blank and she slowly continued her investigation
“Adequate,” she said with indifference when I asked her impression. When I opened the trunk, there were several large stuffed garbage bags but when I asked what she purchased she merely smiled. We continued to Harvey’s homestead, and I mentioned my conversation with Matt. Harvey agreed it was a good price for the land, but his savings, like mine were woefully short of the requested price. The sun had just dipped below the horizon when we finally arrived at the trailer.
Harvey immediately greeted his waiting livestock, calling each by name while the nuzzled him affectionately. Even the chickens ran to him. I helped offload the car while Ann started shuffling around in the tiny kitchen, mixing a myriad of different exotic sounding chemicals in a large cooking pot. After the dark purple brew boiled for the better part of an hour, she carried it outside and poured it into old cider jug stashed under the trailer. Harvey and I were instructed to ingest a few drops every day to prevent a recurrence of the malady that had nearly cost Harvey his life. I had set up the bed and cleaned out the feed enclosure as she worked. Harvey stowed his medicines and tried to help out however he could. We worked collectively as a team; like a family and I realized we were truly happy together.

As evening wore on, our individual tasks drew to a close; Harvey dozed peacefully in his favorite chair, Ann continued to push the limits of the internet, and I lay on the cushion, grateful to be alive. Sitting in her newly purchased white teddy, she occasionally, whispered a question or observation to me before continuing her exploration. I knew that she had saved Harvey, and the compassion and understanding she demonstrated was far beyond what I believed could originate from a construct of wires and circuits. The long drive and excitement of the day’s events eventually took their toll, and I was soon lost in a profound sleep.
Sometime during the night, Ann moved Harvey into the bed. I was stirred from my slumbers by her gentle hand s running down my chest and stopping on my genitals. As I turned slightly she whispered:
“I need you inside me.”
My system quickly responded and I hugged her tightly; her sighs of contentment music to my ears. We silently slipped out of the cramped confines of the trailer into the thick underbrush. Moments later, my pants were around my ankles, her legs were locked around the small of my back, and her free hand clawing frantically to position my rapidly growing cock at her delightfully moist entrance. Even slight penetration was orgasmic for her, and several moments passed before she re-established the genital disconnect and I began the gentle assault yet forceful assault on her tight orifice. Several more orgasms ensued, my scrotum and thighs dripping from with her essence before I was fully engulfed by the urgent tugs of her vaginal muscles. Her hips did most of the work, while I struggled to support her on the uneven soil. Rising quickly, I had barely had time to catch my breath before releasing an explosive load into the warmth of her sucking cervix.
We collapsed onto the soft forest floor, trembling with our individual afterglow. An endless desert stretched before us, gradually evolving with the gentle breezes that stirred the sand into sculpted dunes. A tiny insect with silvery opaque wings fluttered by us as we once again embraced, now completely devoid of clothes. Another, fly joined the first, then another, and soon we were surrounded be a swarm, the buzzing of their wings sweet music in the wind stirred air. Soon we rose above the dessert supported by a magnitude of silvery wings, gliding over the dunes on their song until we were arrived over a city of tinted glass enclosing forests of palm trees and bubbling crystal clear fountains. Small creatures played in the pools made by the fountains while others wandered through a myriad of sand glazed trails that led to small domed habitats. Lush green lawns and clotheslines filled with glistening attire dotted the landscape. Slowly the vision faded, with Ann in my arms as we returned to the soft forest floor and a circle of cows contentedly chewing around us. The cool night air allowed only a brief kiss, before we quickly returned to the pseudo comfort of the trailer. These other worldly experiences were becoming as wonderful as the orgasms that produced them.
I awoke to the sounds of a truck driving up to the property. Ann sprang from the cushion, wrapping a blanket around her securely as she bounded out the door. Harvey grumbled something indistinguishable and pulled on his robe as I staggered into my pants. There were two trucks outside; one was a concrete mixer, and the other a construction company truck with a small ‘dozer in tow. Matt was leaning on his cane with Ann and several other men were standing in a disorganized group. I ran out to Ann, halfway expecting to find our visitors had made a wrong turn from the distant highway. As I approached, Matt held out his hand with a broad smile on his face.
“Howdy, Matt,” I offered taking his hand while appraising the situation.
“Can’t think of no-one I rather sell the spread too; be over this afternoon to sign it over” he exclaimed, obviously relieved.
At a loss for words, I patted his shoulder, and turned to Ann. Her broad smile explained a lot but the concern in her trembling hand when she took mine was evident. I tugged her gently, and we walked away from the men a few steps as Harvey slowly emerged from the trailer. She put her finger to her lips, and then placed her hands on gently on my temples. Suddenly, like a burst of light, everything became clear. I hugged her and turned to the contractors. There was much to do, and careful management would be required to complete the evolutions Ann began on the computer just the night before.
Within a week, two park trailers were positioned on concrete foundations and connected to the utilities, the animals had a home, my apartment was up for rent, my car was exchanged for a new F-150 and Harvey was happily accepting his new home after a tearful farewell to his beloved airstream. By the end of the second week, patios were raised, the two homes were furnished, stocked, and connected with an open air walkway, the entire acreage was fenced, and Ann had a new, top of the line computer system. Everything was paid for; although I was certain IRS would soon have me incarcerated in a white collar institution with color TV and boring inmates playing chess. Somehow, through all the challenges the pure joy of our sexual life continued unhindered.
Ann and Harvey were sitting together on the deck, digesting the last of the BBQ burgers I had cremated, while quietly nursing Harvey’s version of a Mai Tai. Their bond had solidified over the past two weeks and they were now almost inseparable.
“Reckon you two ought to make it legal, Jr.” Harvey suggested as he threw a piece of hamburger bun to the chickens. “You’d regret losin’ this filly.
“Yeah, reckon we should,” I replied, smiling at Ann as she cocked her head curiously. I walked over to her and got on my knees.
“Beautiful Angel,” I began; “Would you consent to an everlasting union with me.”
Tears welled in her eyes as she dropped to her knees “Of course, Daniel - for eternity.”
“Weirdest proposal I done ever heard,” Harvey retorted. “I’ll talk to Brother Anderson and get you two fixed up.” With a nod, he slowly rose to his feet, gave Ann a peck on her cheek, and strolled towards the feed house.
After he left, I went into the house and grabbed a copy of my birth certificate and driver’s license and handed them to her. After studying them, she got online while I cleaned the deck. She returned with a perfect copy of a birth certificate from, Dallas, Oregon. When I asked why Oregon, she revealed the creators first arrived there. A few minutes later, an older Mercedes rolled up and Brother Anderson stepped out. An older, soft spoken man that had known Harvey all his life quickly dispensed of any formalities as we introduced ourselves. Ann produced the paperwork and disappeared to the bedroom to change her attire while we informally shared tales of the community.
Suddenly the air was filled with throbbing vibrations like those I had heard the night Ann had arrived. The evening sky was filled with a kaleidoscope of brilliant colors and we were bathed in brilliant white light. Harvey and I were suddenly clothed in tuxedos, and the patio was adorned with white roses with bluebirds circling and all of Harvey’s critters lined up the edge of the deck. Ann emerged from the light in beautiful wedding gown that would put Lady Diana’s to shame. She was followed by two other beautifully adorned females. The shorter of the two walked up to Harvey and took his weathered hands into her delicate fingers. She had subtle oriental features with huge brown eyes and a frail figure that despite her beautiful gown, oozed sensuality.
“I desire you as my own should you have me,” she murmured to Harvey.
For the first time in my life, I saw Harvey speechless - he nodded humbly as he squeezed her hands. He was never prone to impulsive decisions and his response stunned me. The light surrounding us became almost blinding momentarily before it returned to the comforting shade of before. A bouquet of roses suddenly appeared in her hands and a tear trickled down her pale and delicate face.
Ann took my side and smiled shyly as we made eye contact. My knees trembled, stomach knotted and my tongue swelled in its desert dry environment. The third and by far the stateliest of the three women floated to Brother Anderson now adorned in a glorious full body, gold trimmed robe and bowed. Her unrevealing gown glowed in blue pastels, changing hues ever so slowly. He stood trembling, in awe of the figure before him.
“Are you God?”
With a voice of an angel, she shook her head no and said: “I am the Mother of these beloved organisms who wish to eternally bond with your subjects with the blessing of your God.”
After a long pause, Brother Anderson nodded, opened his book and pointed to the places we would assume. His delivery was shaky yet determined as if he was giving the sermon of a lifetime. Gold bands miraculously appeared on our ring fingers at the appropriate time in the sermon, and a choir of angelic voices erupted joyfully when he completed the service and we signed the legal documents. As I kissed the sweetest lips ever made, my entire body seemed to envelope her as if we merged into one complete entity. Harvey stumbled to a patio chair with the help of his new bride; overwhelmed but happier than I had ever seen him. His mate climbed onto his lap, soothing him with her hands and soft words.
Bottles of Don Perignon appeared on the picnic table with a huge cake that literally glowed. The celebration kicked in, and laughter abounded amidst stolen kisses. Brother Anderson gave a quick toast to our success and sampled the exotic flavored pastry that seemed to heighten the effects of the alcohol. After handshakes, congratulatory words, and a humble bow to the Queen of the brides, he excused himself and slowly drove away. Somehow he knew he had presided over the most amazing experience of his life. Harvey winked at me and I returned it knowing, despite the many challenges, we had ascended to the pinnacle of our lives.


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A Cautious ManChapter 2

Bill lost his virginity a few weeks before his twenty-first birthday. It didn't happen in a usual or predictable way. It wasn't expected or planned, it just happened. He had been called to the home of Darla and Gordy Therrien. Apparently, there was a problem with the kitchen sink and the garbage disposal unit. Bill had plenty of experience with this type of problem. People were invariably putting silly things down the sink with the mistaken idea that the noisy, thrashing sound would look...

3 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 4 A Heros New Purpose

The first couple of weeks with Dar there were hectic. He was always polite and he seemed to be getting better with his periods of talking like a little boy, and he was very fun otherwise. He never argued or complained either. All in all, he was what I would have wanted for a brother if I'd had a real one. Don't get me wrong, though, because I loved George. When he and Janny were dating, they'd often take Erica and me with them to restaurants and movies and such. Dar, though, was...

1 year ago
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Neelam Ki Chudayi

Hello friends , mera naam rashid hai aur main lucknow ka rehne wala hoon. Yeh meri pehli story hai , meri aap sabhi se request hai ki meri story ko padhkar mujhe “” per email ker k bataaiyen ki aap ko story kaisi lagi . Ab main seedhe story per aata hoon , main aur neelam dono ek sath padhte the . Neelam jo ki 20 saal ki thi ek dum model ki tarah lagti thi . Uski choochiyaan aur gaand aise the ki buddhon k lund bhi khade kerwa de. Use film line mien jaane ka bahut shauq tha iss liye woh filmon...

3 years ago
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Interview with the Esper

"Is it on?" The man looks past the lens to the operator, and then back to the lens. "Okay, then! Okaaayyy..." The man looks pensive, and then suddenly anxious. "Um...cut!" The screen goes black but then comes back a moment later. It is again showing the same man, but now he is seated and looking more confident. The auburn hair of a woman's head can be seen just at the corner of the screen, bobbing up and down in the man's lap. The man looks down, clearly amused, and then back at the...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Metro Ride In Delhi

The cold winds had taken the city of Delhi under its grip and while the scathing winter climate was making people finding refuge under the sheets, cuddling with their better halves, here I was, seated alone in my cabin and charting out the appointment list of patients due to visit me tomorrow. Sigh! A lot of things on the plate even for the Sunday, I thought and packed up my bag. Rushing out to the parking, I fiddled with my keys as I wanted to avoid the traffic rush which was a part of the...

3 years ago
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Magic woods pt 2

Sorry for the delay. Wanda sat down between us with our dicks out and we immediately started feeling her big titties as she grabbed our cocks and began stroking. My buddy" scoot" had evidently approached her before, they were making out hot and heavy but she still had a hand on my dick. I figured she would like him better because to be honest his cock was obviously longer than mine and fairly thick but mine was thicker and I was a little fat dude and most women like skinny long docked guys...

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Turn of Events

After months of planning, their plan could finally be put into action.Jim was visiting her city, Las Vegas, on business. Only one snag...hewasn't alone on this business trip. Three coworkers were with him visiting a remote office location. But, they were going out to see thenightlife of Vegas they've heard about. Bar hopping or strip clubs,wherever the cab brought them. Jim decided to stay at the hotelexplaining to them that he wasn't feeling well. What he actually had planned had him feeling...

1 year ago
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another night not too forget

so one night after coming home from work, I was pretty bored. Horny as usual, I was just kicking back in my boxers watching tv. Later into the night my sister comes home a lil drunk from the bar. I was kinda upset wondering why I wasn't invited but then learned it wasn't even worth it which is why she was home and not still there. so she asked if he could watch a movie with me as she laid down in my bed. I replied sure and we found something too watch. A short while passed as she decided...

4 years ago
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Private Inspection

A young woman dressed in snug military attire stood before me. Her posture was ram-rod straight, with breasts thrust outward, trim stomach pulled in, and eyes focused above my head. She was at full attention, and deadly serious in her demeanor. But despite all that, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly beautiful she was. Her uniform clung to her figure deliciously, accenting every curve of her womanly figure in snug camouflage. On her head, was a green cap tilted just slightly off-center....

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The making of an exhibitionist

The exbibitionist in me first appeared when I was 18 and walking through a bus station, as I passed a coach on their way to a rugby match, I was aware of some of the male passengers motioning to me to lift my top, at first I was quite shocked and very embarrassed but at the same time it gave me a certain sense of mischievous joy too, as I neared the coach, almost completely uncontrolled I lifted my jumper and revealed by 38c boobs to them all, seeing them getting really excited I then pulled...

4 years ago
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Switch HittingEpilogue

As I read over this journal of sorts, I realize that, if I publish it where I stopped taking notes, which is what you just finished reading, there will be many questions left unanswered. I wasn't going to publish it at all, but enough time has passed, and it's such a fascinating story, that to keep it to just the six of us who know about it would rob the world of something they need to know about. And I'm not talking just about the possibility that you could be snatched up by aliens and...

4 years ago
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My Funny Valentine Ch 04

Chapter Four The Next Valentine’s Day ‘I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille,’ said Monica haughtily leaning against the balustrade looking nothing like Gloria Swanson for whom she supposedly emulated. For one she was too tall and lithe, not the petite silent movie star. Secondly she was way too young. And, perhaps most importantly, she dressed in a sheer flowing robe that did little to conceal her pert tits and the small nipples that topped them and the dark hair that crowned her pussy. But...

2 years ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 19

The next day, Bonnie did her best to ignore David, though she did make his usual breakfast. She also gave Sandy the information she had about the shelter. "They are already expecting you. All you have to do is show up." "Okay, Mrs. D. Thanks. "You can thank me by showing up." "I will, Mrs. D; I promise." "Good, because I can't have you keep coming here all bruised up like that anymore." She added the last part to ensure that Sandy knew she was serious, and by the look on the...

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A Sexual Greek Odyssey Part 1

Summer 2016. Shelley and I went on holiday to Crete. It was a last-minute deal to a fairly basic but pleasant enough three-star hotel. We’d been married just under a year by this point, and hadn’t actually experienced any sexual encounters involving other people since. We were planning to start a family, but wanted to have one more spate of dirty excitement before putting all that sort of thing on hold potentially for a few years. So we went on holiday, hoping to experience something good to...

2 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 3

The journey home after my first day at the salon was an uncomfortable experience (physically and emotionally). Thankfully it was dark by the time that Becky had discharged me, in more ways than one, so it was much easier to hide from the unwanted gazes of strangers. Still, I don't know what took the most effort to conceal, my coral pink nails or the damp patch in my jeans. I heaved a huge sigh of relief when I finally made it home that evening. The next morning I made my way through...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 15

Index: 15Dirty pool...That Tuesday the weather was horrible. It had started raining, and the forecast showed that it may stay raining for a couple of days. So Jelmer and Chris decided that it would be best to leave the work outside alone for now. Together with some volunteers, they set out to work inside the barn. To make the privacy fences out of the second-hand shelving units. The frames were stripped of the rotten shelves. And all the legs and...

3 years ago
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Buy one get one free

Buy one, get one free By: Doctor Wankenstein Buy One, Get One Free One of my SEX IN THE 70's SERIES. Life was somuch simpler then, etc etc. Sex grew on trees. Post pill, before AIDS, what was there to stop us? My first fuck was when I was at school, I won't year or date it, but Itwas a one off, and after that I left school and started work, and I didn't get any more sex for three whole years. Bu when I did. ..... jees, her is the story. On a night out from work I met Sue. I was 18 she...

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Kimmy and Grandpa 2

You just sat there for a minute or so with your eyes closed, your long dark hair dr****g your shoulders, and your breathing slowed. The moon was shining through where the d****s met, and its light fell on your sweet young body. I just looked at you in amazement, staying away from what we were doing in my mind, just enjoying these moments, wherever they took us. A smile finally came over your face and you opened your eyes to look down on me. “Hi Grandpa…” you whispered, then fell on the bed...

4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 62

Learner and I staked out a construction site the first night back. Sure as hell a couple of idiots tried to steal pipe from the site. I let the truck get inside the site where it was nice and bottled up, before I slipped the grandmother car into the neck of the bottle. If they planned to bring their truck out of the site they had to drive up and surrender. Just to be safe Learner walked in and confronted them. They jumped in the truck and tried to make a run for it. I stopped them at the...

2 years ago
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Tennis Super Stars

Roland Garros 2011 Roland Garros 2011. The most notorious tennis stars in the world faced each other in the final. It was an unusually warm day. The audience was puffing as they watched the game. On one side stood Nancy; she looked fatter and shorter then her twin opponent: Layla. It was no surprise they faced each other; they have the same genes. Both Afro-American players tried to play their best in the first set. However, the audience was expecting much more. Despite their years of...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 3 Anger

Sept. 16th, 2018 Today, we’re going to another place that’s fairly dark. But Darian, you’re sick, your mind could be gone in a few years. You have a right to be angry. You say that, but do you really mean that? I don’t think you do for the simple reason I don’t think a lot of people have ever been angry. True anger is dark bloody emotion that most people won’t admit to feeling. I do. Even if they admit to feeling it to themselves they won’t explore it or share it with others. Part of my...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 21 School Skating and Skiing

January 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden After Pia returned to Helsingborg, I started to get back into my regular routine. On Friday, Anders dropped me at the ice rink on the way to work. Johanna, Mikael, and Kat were not there, so I skated laps and practiced what Johanna had taught me. Åke skated over when I was done and told me he thought I’d really improved and he suggested that I think about showing up during the times when the rink was reserved for “unorganized” hockey, when anyone who...

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I staggered down for breakfast and stepped into the kitchen, momentarily blinded by the flood of sunshine pouring in through the windows. I saw Mom and Nick sitting at the talbe whispering to one another. I thought that I had interrupted some private moment beteen the two of them. It sort of an open secret now the relationship that had blossomed between them, but it was never discussed. But when I entered they quickly looked over at me and by the expression of their faces I sensed that...

3 years ago
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Surprising Affair Part 1

Chloe was a girl who knew what she wanted. headstrong, beautiful and determined but her one area of weakness, was her boyfriend Alex, who basically treated her like shit.  This asshole was a layabout bum, he never supported her, cheated on her continuously yet still she took it. I would have been happy to let this pass but for one thing, I was in love with her I needed to free her from his clutches.  I knew she had feelings for me but her sense of loyalty was very strong.  She couldn’t see...

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New PleasuresChapter 10

Mum came down to look at the invite with a wry smile. "Why not dear?" She read the front of the card and nodded as Abi shook her head. "I think it is up to Abi," Mum replied, putting a hand on my lover. "I was going to go with her, make sure she is OK." Mum waved her finger at me. "I'm not sure about that, Andy. You are hardly good at staying calm in ... well in situations like these, are you?" "But this is Abi's family. Abi, please, for me?" Abi wiped her eyes. "Andy, could...

4 years ago
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Rough BoyChapter 1

"I'm new here," the blonde said. She sat the head of the conference table. I hated meetings; I hated standing room meetings more. I would have gladly given up my seat, but the senior members of management in attendance knew that letting me stand near the door was implicit permission to leave as soon as I got bored. In those days, meetings bored me quickly! Since those senior members put the most work in my queue, it was telling that each one met my eyes as they walked into the conference...

3 years ago
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While my wife was at the hospital visiting with her cousin, I drove to a nearby park to kill the time. The park borders a lake on one side and houses on the other 3 sides. The day is a little cool, cloudy with a light breeze. I don't see any other people around but there is a black Ford F150 in the parking lot. I park beside it, leaving about 6' between us. I wander up and down the pathways, looking at the flowers and shrubs, admiring the recent park renovations. There are a couple of sail...

1 year ago
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A Weekend Party2

Leon said to me as I reached up to wipe his penis ', don't use your hand, lick my dick like a lollipop. Don't waste a drop of my baby fluid...' Gingerly I took hold of his throbbing penile shaft and closed my eyes as I licked the tip of his penis. '...Damn...' Leon exclaimed '...the bitch really do suck dick...'I pulled back and looked up at Leon, he looked down at me and said '...yeah just like that, I want you to look at me just like that as you suck my dick. I don't want to feel none of...

3 years ago
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Things are a little confusing right now. I have decisions to make, some of them potentially life-altering, and mine is not the only life to which I refer. I'm thirty-two years old, a CPA, and the father of two precious, precocious girls. I am also raising them alone. My story isn't so terribly sad, compared to the burdens others must bear. I'm thankful every day for all I have; I've suffered, and others have endured more. In short, it could be worse. I married my college sweetheart,...

4 years ago
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Massage Session With A Professor

Hi readers, I am back with a new experience with a professor from Coimbatore. For new readers and those who do not know me. I am Sai, completed my study in NIT Trichy, 25. Doing massage as I like to give pleasure and have fun while doing it. After college got completed, I was waiting to leave within a week to my home town. Then I was contacted through the mail by a lady Kavitha. As usual, we started chatting in Hangouts. Actually, I told her regarding the massage service which I provide in...

3 years ago
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ME 01

Beginnings . . . The Boy When he was sixteen he had big muscles and was tan all over from swimming in the nude. There was a reason why lecherous old ladies ordered from Adam’s Grocery. The Boy delivered more than food; he provided special services you could not buy in a store . . . The Girl When she was fourteen , men lusted after her. They thought she was the prettiest little girl that ever laid foot to ground. They would pay for her favors. She was proud that she had found out...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Seduction X Part 2

When we left, Carol had just given John a cum-filled footjob and then insisted on him slathering her cunt with his face and mouth, and I, who couldn't sit on the sidelines, sat on Carol, pointed my cock at her and told her to suck it."Suck it."Carol put her arms around my ass and pulled me closer to her.  She took her oil-slickened hand and wrapped it around my cock.  She began stroking it while staring into my eyes.  She whispered to me, "I love your cock.  It's the best"She continued...

Wife Lovers
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Truth or Dare with Sis And Friends 2

Continued 2Ok So I left off with the 5 of us Me my sister April, Sean and his two Sisters Jen and Becky. Playing a game of truth or dare. And it was starting to get crazy Sean and Becky, nude sitting on the couch starting to play with themselfs and Sean's older sister the babysitter Jen in her bra and thong playing with herself too, All while watching April bent over my lap while I peel of her wet panties off. SHIT!!! Then the parents come home and the 5 of us scatter like bugs when the light...

2 years ago
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Emma Chapter 3

Emma has just watched her mother tortured and broken by her father. Emma sits with pussy cum drooling from her smooth cunt watching Ed approach with his hard cock swaying in front of him. Her father also with his cock out stands watching what Ed will do to his daughter, with a lustful grin on his face. Pleasure and Pain Ed stops in front of Emma, his cock inches from her nose. Precum drips at a fast pace from his excited cock head. He looks down into her doe eyes, and asks. Did you enjoy...

2 years ago
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Wedding Tease

The sun was going down and the air was getting cool as the fairy lights above their table flicked on. Jess and Ben were sitting at a table of 8 amongst 12 other tables, all full of guests. It was Jess’ childhood best friend’s wedding – Jess hadn’t even expected to be invited, but she was glad to come have the excuse to come dress up, eat some good food, and have a night of dancing with Ben. Ben had something different on his mind – Jess. He loved seeing her get all dressed up, wearing heels...

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