Jessica's Story - Part 32/Michelle's Story - Part 29 free porn video

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Jessica's Story - Part 32/Michelle's Story - Part 29 It was an early wake up call on Monday for John's children. They were making their way back home after a long weekend stay with their relations in Walsall. "You'll be seeing them again in less than a week," said John, reminding the girls of the well known truth. "Just look forward to the holiday now," said Liz. "Now, we do want to start off early this morning, so when you have your breakfast, don't take your time." "We haven't," said James. "We've been doing early mornings every day while we've been here." "Ok, less of that please," said John. "Now, lets go to the restaurant." With the long journey ahead, they were all persuaded to eat well. "Now, if you want the toilet, go now please," said John afterwards. "Don't want to make a stop just a few minutes after setting off." Though he expected to make stops for such a reason, he was hoping to have done a good many miles before then. So, after they had made trips to the toilet, they made their way to the car, suitcases and all, and prepared for a lengthy journey north. For Anne and Julia, it was back to normal too. Anne was back at work, and Julia had the children to look after. She also had the added job of returning the wedding dresses. Thankfully, Carol was on hand to help. She and Sally still had their dresses to return, and so Julia stopped off to pick her up, and together, they headed into Walsall to do just that. The children stayed at home with Helen. "I appreciate the help Carol. Thanks," said Julia. "I'm sure Anne would have helped, but for her job." "Same with Sally," said Carol. "Now, we might need more than one trip." "Looks that way," sighed Julia. "We'll just have to come back to the car and get the others." The dresses were all in their cases, but there were too many to carry in one go, even between the two of them, so they picked up the bridesmaid dresses first, plus the shoes that went with them. Upon arriving at the store, they made it clear that they were bringing the dresses back in numerous visits. "No problem," said the store assistant. "We can wait for them." She made a note of the items that had been returned so far, and allowed Carol and Julia to go back for more. "I'm glad that we didn't park the car too far away," said Julia. "Do you think we'll manage the main dresses in one go?" "You take 2, I take 2. Then theres still the shoes," said Carol. "Do you think so?" "It'll be tricky," replied Julia. "Another pair of hands would have been helpful." They found out when they arrived back at the car. The dresses were not light, but they carried two each, draping them over one arm. The shoes were made easier to carry thanks to some large carrier bags that were kept in the boot. With two pairs per bag, they carried one each with their free hand. "Don't rush," said Carol. "Better dawdle and not trip, than run and end up on your face." "Agreed," said Julia. "But I'll be glad to get to the shop." Carol just smiled. They managed to carry the remaining items to the store, where they were checked off. "So, I assume your weddings went well?" asked the assistant. "As well as could be," said Carol. "Thank you so much for your help." "Always a pleasure," said the assistant. She shook both Julia and Carol's hands in turn. Upon leaving, Julia and Carol headed back to the car. "So, have you heard anything about the photos yet?" asked Julia. "Hopefully, I'll hear about them today," replied Carol. "To be honest, it wasn't the greatest reception. We needed a few more guests to make it worthwhile." "Well, we just don't have family that sympathise with us," sighed Julia. "Anne and Sally have." "I know what you mean. My parents would never have come, even if I begged on both knees," said Carol. "I haven't spoken to them since I told them that I was gay and staying that way." Julia opted to say nothing. Her story was the same: disowned for liking women. "Well, I've bigger things to do than worry about prejudiced parents," continued Carol. "I just want to be the best wife possible, and hopefully mother." "Don't put down motherhood. It's wonderful, after the 9 months of back pains," said Julia. "I've never regretted having Kelly." "Well, Sally has been hoping that we have a son. Not enough boys in the family, especially since most want to be girls," said Carol. "Just take what comes," said Julia. "But a boy would be nice, just to help even the numbers out." Carol opted to spend the rest of the morning, and early afternoon with Julia and Helen. With the girls opting to watch a DVD in the living room, the women sat in the kitchen and talked. "So, why didn't you ask some of your friends from the bar to come along?" asked Helen. "I suppose I should have," sighed Carol. "Too late now, and well, I ticked off one lingering item on my to do list: marry my beloved Sally." "Or are most of your friends androgynous or camp?" asked Julia. "I have friends of all types," said Carol. "The community I work among is a much varied sort. Sure, the one work colleague of Sally's is a type I've seen often, and one that society is well associated with. The most varied area, is the transgender one." "Because you get cross-dressers and transsexuals?" asked Julia. "Transvestites too. Its more complicated than it seems, but Sally knows better than I," said Carol. The subject was dropped, and talk moved to the holidays. "So, where are you taking Sally?" asked Helen. "The Peak District. Just walk around the hills, enjoying the scenery and getting some time to ourselves." "Any part in particular?" asked Julia. "Not far from Bakewell," replied Carol. "I just want to settle down into a slower pace. I've had enough of the rat race." "Well, someone has to remain in it," said Helen. "You need money from somewhere." "Sally is fine with being the worker," said Carol. "Plus it will help when I have our first child." "As long as you can look after yourselves, that is all want," said Helen. Julia offered to take Carol home, but before then, she called the children down to meet her. It was something that Carol was going to have to get used to. Now that she was officially part of the family, saying hello to her nieces and nephew was to become a routine. "Hello kids, nice to see you again," she said, getting bent knee to speak with them face to face. The girls hugged her, and Edward just let Carol hug him. "Where's Aunt Sally?" asked Sandra. "Your Aunt Sally is at work at the moment, just like your mommy," said Carol. "I'll have to ask her to visit you one evening." Soon, Carol was saying goodbye to them. Julia started the car and set off on the short journey. "One more thing we need to do," said Carol, remembering something. "We're the ones changing our surnames." "Ah, of course," said Julia. "Kelly is having her name changed too, but for the sake of school, she'll still be using the name Brier. Anne and I have discussed this, and we thought it better that way." "Just in case anyone asks questions?" asked Carol. "Yes," said Julia. "We'll have to tell Jessica and Sandra about not calling Kelly their sister at school, too." "It's plain stupid that we have to hide certain things, just to please some people," said Carol. "Because some people won't learn," said Julia. Carol just smiled. They arrived at her house and said their goodbyes. "Perhaps tomorrow, we can go to the solicitors," said Julia. "We might need Anne and Sally with us," said Carol. "Well, bye then." "Bye," said Julia. * * * Later that day, Julia discussed the need to see a solicitor concerning the name changes. Anne was back from work, and getting the dinner prepared. "I imagine we'll both need to go," said Anne. "I don't think we'll need Kelly though." It just so happened that they received a phone call from Sally that evening, on the very same subject. "Do you think they'll accept a signed letter from us?" she asked. "Perhaps," said Anne. "But wouldn't they want us there in person?" "We do have jobs, and we can't keep having time off," said Sally. "If you want confirmation, just phone them up." "Sure, I'll get Julia to do it tomorrow," said Anne. "So, has the euphoria settled down yet?" "Just a bit," replied Sally. "And though I've enjoyed a bedmate for a few months now, it feels all the more special now." "I'm glad to hear it," said Anne. "Ok, I'll let you know about the solicitors tomorrow." "Just let Carol know. Then you won't have to wait for me to come home," said Sally. "I'll let you get on with your evening now. Bye." "Bye," said Anne. It was around this time that John arrived home with his family. He was understandably tired after the trip, though Liz had got behind the wheel for part of the journey. The children were tired too, but got to sleep in the car. Upon getting in the house, they were soon getting reacquainted with their rooms. It was a welcome sight for the girls, despite no longer having their cousins for company. Their teddies were put back in their usual positions, and a place was found for the new Walsall FC teddy. They had yet to think of a name for him (it was already decided that he was a boy), though they were considering calling him James, just to wind their brother up more. However, they eventually chose Jonathan. The idea came after talking with their parents about it, and it was due to the Walsall FC badge featuring a swift, and the author Jonathan Swift. Even so, they called him John for short, and there was no chance of him getting mixed up with the head of the house, because they both called him daddy. With John back at work for the remainder of the week, it was up to Liz to take care of things. On Tuesday, John headed for work, with his camera memory card on hand, just so he could stop off at the chemist on the way back home. It was a necessary job, with the girls eager to show their friends what they looked like as bridesmaids, with most of them invited over on Wednesday. Lucy had gone away with her parents on Saturday, and she wouldn't be seen by Emma and Michelle until they had come back from Scarborough. For Liz, it was all about keeping the children occupied for the week, without spoiling them. That would be for next week, when they rejoined their cousins. The other planned activities were nothing really special, but just seen as a means of getting the children out of the house. Going to the supermarket for the weekly shop, or going into Newcastle city centre to browse the shops were the main things. Back in Walsall, Julia was in the same boat as Liz: looking after 4 children. She did have Helen to help her though, and no babies to change nappies on. But she did have a phone call to make, and that was to the solicitors. It was the same solicitors that Anne had used to fight her divorce case, and later to change Jessica's name by deed poll. "Hello, my name is Julia Brier, and I want to discuss changing my surname please." "Well, if you wish to do that, we can book you an appointment for Thursday," said the man on the other end. "Ok, that'll be fine. Now, I just want to make sure of one thing. I've just wed my partner in a civil ceremony, and it's her name I wish to take. Now I was wondering if I needed her to be present, to do this," said Julia. "Her presence would be ideal, but I take it that that is a problem?" replied the man. "She works 9am till 5pm, so she can't come," replied Julia. "She was wondering if she wrote a letter of consent. Not that there is any problem there. We decided this problem months ago." "We are open till 6pm, so if that is any better?" "How long will it take?" "It won't take long. Just a few papers to sign. You'll need your civil partnership certificate with you, and your birth certificate." "Okay, I'll see if we can make it," said Julia. "I also have a young daughter whose name I would like to change too." "Bring her and her birth certificate with you then as well," replied the man. "Ok. I'll do that. So, see you Thursday evening?" "Thursday evening." "Bye then, and thanks," said Julia. She put the phone down and went to speak with Helen. "They're open till 6pm," she said. "I've got an appointment for Thursday evening, if Anne can make it." "What about Sally and Carol?" asked Helen. "I'll call Carol now," said Julia. "Be back in a few." She picked up the phone once more and dialled. "Hi Carol. Julia here. Just been in touch with the solicitors, and they're open till 6pm." "Okay, but will they accept a letter off our partners?" replied Carol. "Never said. But they presume that our partners can make it, due to their late closing," replied Julia. "I've got an appointment for Anne and I, for Thursday." "I'll speak with Sally. Hopefully, we can sort something out," said Carol. "Thanks for letting me know. Oh, before you go. I was on the phone to the photographer earlier. He wants to show us the folio tomorrow. So, if you and Anne want to come over tomorrow." "Ok, I'll tell her," said Julia. "Bye then." She went back and told Helen about the photos. "It will be great to see how they look," said Helen. "Now, do you want me to do sandwiches for us?" "I was going to do them, but if you want to give me a hand, then by all means," replied Julia. The children were all upstairs, playing in their rooms. For them, it was also a case of getting over the enjoyment of the wedding weekend, and looking forward to the holiday in Yorkshire. So far, there was no plan for them to meet up with their friends before they headed north for the week, though that could change. They headed downstairs, along with their brother, and had their sandwiches and drink, before returning upstairs for further games. Anne was informed about the solicitors upon arriving home, and agreed with Helen about the photos. "So, its just a case of deciding which ones we want. I wonder if John will want any?" "He did take his own, so he might not want any," said Helen. "He might send us some, if we ask." "At least those ones will be free," said Anne. * * * Tuesday evening, and John was showing off the photos that he had taken during the wedding. He had taken a few others during their stay too, that only now, James and the girls would see. "You took one of the football ground!" groaned James. "As I've told you, I supported them as a boy, and I still do support them to a degree," replied John. "Now, Emma and Michelle need ones of themselves and their cousins." He sorted out the photos which showed the bridesmaids. Two had all 5, while 1 had just Emma and Michelle. There were other photos that featured them by the married couples too. The girls were certainly enjoying looking at the photographs, for it offered them another chance to see how pretty they had looked. Until now, only a few moments in front of a mirror had offered them such an opportunity. One photo proved that John hadn't been holding the camera all the time. It was Liz who had held it for the photos that featured John standing next to Sally. "I wonder if Anne will want any of these, or Sally for that matter?" asked Liz. "I can always ask them," said John. "We can take them with us when we go to Scarborough." "But Sally isn't going to Scarborough," said Liz. "Okay, so I'll just phone her up," replied John. "I can always get more copies." The photos he had got would be put in an album, or framed. Some were easy candidates for the latter. He phoned Sally up later that evening, knowing that she would likely be in. "Hi Carol," he said, getting Sally's wife instead. "Oh, hi John. Got home safely, I assume?" replied Carol. "Did you want to speak to Sally?" "If she's there. But you'll do," he replied. "I've just got my photos printed, and I was wondering if you wanted any?" "The photos that I arranged will be ready for previewing tomorrow. But sure, if you have any better, so be it," said Carol. "You can either wait for us to come back from Scarborough, or I can email them to you," said John. "I've heard Anne has a computer. Why don't you email them to her, and we can look at them there," said Carol. "Oh, if you think that best," said John. "Anyway, any chance of speaking to my sister?" "By all means," said Carol. "Just hold on a sec." Sally was soon talking to John. "So, missing me already?" she joked. "You know I enjoy speaking with you," he replied. "I've just been talking with Carol about photos." "So she told me. I think her idea is best, so just email them to Anne. We're going over tomorrow to show them the proofs, so I'll remind her to check her email," said Sally. "Ok, I'll do it now. Will only take a few minutes," he said. "So, hows life, now that you're Mrs Brook?" "Still getting used to it, but no doubt I will. To think, I never thought I'd ever see the day," she replied. "Well, glad to hear that you got back ok. I'll see you later in the year. Bye." "Bye sis," said John. He put the phone down and headed to the computer. "They told me to email them to Anne, and they can decide at her house," he told Liz. "So, I'm doing that now." He uploaded the photos from his memory card and placed them in a newly created folder. A few minutes later and the folder was attached to an email and on its way. Wednesday was eventful for both families, as one lot were looking forward to looking at photos, while the other was looking forward to showing them off. Emma and Michelle were keen to dress up pretty for the visit of most of their friends. Only Lucy would be absent, and they wouldn't be seeing her until after their stay in Scarborough. So, they awaited the arrival of Maddy, Amy, Jenny, Louise and Becky. All were due around midday. "So, I have the photos of you and your cousins ready for you," said Liz. "What about the one of just us?" asked Emma. "We're having that here in the living room, along with the other photos," replied Liz. She pointed to the display cabinet in the corner, where a number of framed family photos stood. With the girls expected to spend most of the day in their room, James was making it clear that he intended to make the most of the living room, including hogging the television. He was watching his preferred programmes: action cartoons, when his sisters' friends arrived. However, they stayed in the living room for a short while, as it was here that they were shown the photos. "You look really pretty!" said Amy. "I wish I could have been there." "Me too," said Jenny. The girls were all sat on the couch or sat in front, just so they could get a look. However, they were being passed about so they could get a look at them anyway. They looked at the photos for a while, and chatted away happily, but all too loudly for James, who was becoming clearly agitated. His ability to watch the television was being hampered. But alas, his discomfort was noticed by the girls, and Emma opted to irk him some more. "We've got some new teddies too, and one is a football teddy. He supports daddy's team," she said. "But we can't mention him too much in front of bro, because he doesn't like him." James was not looking, and trying to keep his cool. "Okay, leave your brother alone," said Liz. "Have you finished looking at the photos?" "Can we take this one upstairs, mommy?" asked Michelle. "Okay, you can take that one. I think James would like some peace and quiet now." James looked at Liz and though he never spoke, his face had "thanks!" written all over it. So, taking their cue, the girls headed upstairs and prepared for a few hours in Emma and Michelle's room. Sure enough, Emma and Michelle went and picked up their newest teddies and held them proudly for the others to see. "They look really nice with their clothes on," said Becky. "Did you buy them like that?" "You choose a teddy, and then you can choose clothes," said Emma. "So, this is Carol." "And this is Jessica," said Michelle. "I named her after my cousin. She has a teddy called Michelle." Emma then introduced them to Jonathan. Jenny was the first to hold him, and she looked at the badge on his one foot. "Who are they?" she asked. "Our daddy's favourite team," said Michelle. "We went to their ground and their shop." "And yes, we bought him to tease James with," said Emma. "Daddy bought him," corrected Michelle. "And with his scarf, he'll never get cold." Once the girls had got to handle all 3 new teddies, they proceeded to discuss the wedding and everything else that Emma and Michelle had done over the weekend. "I still would like to meet your cousins," said Maddy. "Can you please make them come to your birthday parties?!" "We would like them to come, but its tricky. Mommy and daddy will explain it better," said Emma. "You've been to their house, so why not them come here?" asked Louise. "Their birthdays are close together, so they have one party," said Michelle. "Our birthdays are not that close, so we have a party each. Its something to do with them having to make two trips." They got a better answer when they were invited down for sandwiches and drinks. "It's the distance," said Liz. "And the timing. They could only come if Emma and Michelle have their birthday fall on a weekend." She went over to the calender and checked the dates. She sighed upon doing so. "I'm afraid that both your birthdays are in the week this year," she said. * * * Julia was looking after the children once more while Anne was at work. For once, the girls were spending time downstairs, watching DVDs. Edward was in the kitchen, playing snakes and ladders with Helen. The girls were not really interested in going out, as they were too busy looking forward to the holiday. Edward was too, especially as they were set to see some more steam trains. The mood was shared by the adults too, especially Julia. It was a sort of honeymoon for herself and Anne, albeit letting the children have more fun. She had had a honeymoon with her ex-husband, but that was something she didn't want to remember. Now she had the female partner she had longed for, and she was certain that this honeymoon would be more enjoyable. But for now, she eagerly awaited for the chance to view the photos of her wedding day. But she realised that Carol would be waiting for Sally to return from work before heading over. Not that that was a problem. She was prepared to wait for Anne to return too. So, that evening, when Anne had returned, and was starting dinner, Carol and Sally arrived, complete with the photograph proofs. Everyone gathered in the living room, as Carol removed the photos from the large envelope and displayed them as best as possible on the floor. "Oh, and by the way Anne. John emailed you his photos," said Sally. "I was on the phone to him yesterday." "Oh, ok. We can go and have a look at them once we've decided on these," replied Anne. The photos were all 6x8, though they could order larger prints if they wanted them. Carol was pleased with how most of them turned out, as were Anne and Julia. "No matter what, we'll have to send a copy of this one to John and Liz," said Sally, pointing to a photo that showed the entire wedding group, minus the guests. "Of course, its the only way Liz and John would be in the shot together," said Anne. John was standing by Sally in the photo, and his camera was barely visible behind his feet. Liz was on his other side. After spending a while looking at them, they headed upstairs to check the photos that Anne had received from John. She had yet to check the email. Upon doing so, she read the email first. "I'm prepared to do the prints for you. Just type the file names of the photos you want, along with the size and quantity. I'll send them in the post in just over a weeks time," read Anne. "Well, at least these will be free," said Julia. Anne opened the folder and allowed all to view the photos. There were some shots that were not in the photographers folio, so they were chosen. One was the photo that featured Emma and Michelle on their own. Anne felt it a good idea to have 2 copies of that photo: one for the living room, and one for the girls to have in their room. After making a note of the photos they wanted from John's selection, they went back downstairs and looked once more upon the proofs. They chose a number from the proofs, since Carol had paid for them to be taken in the first place. The form that came with them was filled in, and placed back in the envelope. It was a relief to most when the picking and choosing had been done, for they wanted to get down to the business of preparing dinner. For Carol and Sally, that meant going home, and keeping a promise that the children didn't like. "Look, enjoy your holiday first," said Sally. "I promised I would start book 3 once you come back." She hugged them all in turn, before heading off home. "So, thats that," said Anne. "I'd better get back to the dinner. I'll email John tomorrow evening. No rush for the photos." John wasn't expecting an immediate reply, so wasn't surprised when he didn't find one Wednesday evening. He had just done Michelle's latest hair photo, and had uploaded it onto the computer. He was doing his best to assure Michelle that her hair was growing, though after 3 weeks, it was certainly not noticeable. With the hair at the back of her head due for further trims, she had to rely on the hair at the front to show signs of growth. It was good in a way that her hair was parted down the middle, with no fringe, as that meant the front hair could go untrimmed. For now, she was once again wearing her wig, and was involved in a game of ludo with Liz, Emma and James. It was some distraction for the news concerning their birthdays, which meant that if there was any chance of them having their cousins visit, then it would mean having their parties on a weekend, rather than on the day itself. Still, it offered hope that their cousins might be able to visit them yet. But for now, the holiday was mostly on their minds. Preparations were set to begin tomorrow, with Liz planning on doing some laundry, just to improve the clothes options. It did mean that the children would have to stay in again, but that was no big issue. They were rarely bored with the toys at their disposal. Thursday, and another busy day for the Smiths. Julia had been given instructions to start with the preparations for the holiday, and that meant sorting out clothes. Helen was on hand to help, when she had some spare time. But once again, Anne's return from work was required. With a trip to the solicitors scheduled for that evening, Julia had located Kelly's birth certificate, to add to the civil partnership one for her and Anne. Sally and Carol had the same arrangement, having called the same solicitors for the same reason. They too, were going to the solicitors that evening. The girls were showing signs of impatience, as the weekend got closer. They couldn't wait to meet Emma and Michelle again, and were ruing the fact that they lived so far away. If they lived much closer, meetings between them would much more frequent. As a result, keeping their minds occupied became really important, and Helen was keen to have them play games or watch the television. With the former, they were persuaded to let Edward join in, and with Helen involved, the games of Snakes and Ladders became a lengthy 5 player game. Helen then played games of hangman with them. She came up with the names and phrases, and the children, as a team, had to guess them, letter by letter. Wrong guesses led to part of a gallows being drawn. If the gallows and the hung man were completed, they lost the game. Julia was continuing to sort out clothes upstairs when Anne finally arrived. When she heard the front door open, she came downstairs to get ready. "You've got everything?" asked Anne. "Hope so," said Julia, showing the two certificates. "Ok kids, we'll be back shortly," said Anne. They were soon in the car and heading off to the solicitors. When they arrived, they headed straight in, and were soon being greeted by the solicitor. "Ah, Miss Smith. Seems like only yesterday when I helped you change the names of your children," he said. "Well, I'm here again to do the same thing," said Anne. "Well, for my partner and her daughter." "We recently married, and I want my daughter and I to take the name Smith," said Julia. "Ok. So you have the documents required?" asked the solicitor. Julia placed the certificates on the desk, and the solicitor took them. He then took some forms which had been retrieved prior to their arrival and handed them over to her. She was just filling them in when the receptionist knocked and entered the office. "Mrs Brook and Mrs McAllister are here to see you," she said. "They're related to us," said Anne. "Plus, they're here for the same reason as us." "Yes, Mrs Brook did mention it. Were you married together?" asked the solicitor. "Yes, just this Saturday gone," said Anne. "Ok, show them in please," he told the receptionist. Sally and Carol were soon entering the office, and filling in the details that would make the latter a Brook by name. It took just a few minutes for all the papers to be filled in, with Julia completing a form for herself and Kelly. "Okay. You should receive confirmation papers in the post, but you can start using your new names immediately," said the solicitor. It was a moment of relief for Carol and Julia, who saw this as a means of breaking away from some bad memories, once and for all. "Mrs Carol Brook," smiled Carol. "I am part of the family now." "Do you ever consider telling your parents about how happy you are now?" asked Anne. "No," replied Carol. "They disowned me for being gay. You are my family now." They were outside and making their way back to their cars. "Better get back," said Julia. "Four children will be complaining that they are hungry." With that, they got into their cars and headed off to their respective abodes. * * * And so, Friday arrived, and both families started to make the final preparations for their week in Scarborough. Anne had been forced to do her own preparations in the evenings, following her return from work. She had done some the previous evening, and hoped to finish tonight. Julia and Helen were willing to work on the dinner, just to give her some more time. They were all agreed on making sure that the children went to bed on time, as they wanted an early start. If they could get to Scarborough by midday, then they could have a hour or so to look round before having to check in to their hotel. But they had to find it first. During the day, however, before her return, Julia had asked the children to sort out a few things that were keen to take, with a few acceptions. "Okay, I think Anne and your gran will agree with me," said Julia. "Just one teddy each." The girls had intended to take all their dolls and teddies with them, so that they could spend the evenings in their hotel playing with them. Julia's rule resulted in them pondering over which teddy to take. They ended up taking the teddies that they had acquired earlier in the year: Michelle, Sarah and Katie. Edward opted to take Peter, his teddy too, though he was denied the chance to take any of his Thomas train set with him. At the same time, Julia helped them choose some clothes to take, too. Their swimming costumes were sorted out, as were any clothes for warm days. Their coats would be taken too, in case the weather got out of hand. "I know you like wearing dresses and skirts, but some trousers won't hurt," she told them. Jessica had reason to dislike trousers, since she had been forced to wear them for the first 5 years of her life. But she did wear them occasionally, especially as they were in colours she liked, such as pink and pale blue. But then, they were girls trousers. The same situation was happening in Newcastle, with Emma and Michelle making it difficult for Liz. They were taking their original teddies with them, seeing that Emma's bear was still "pregnant" with a rolled up sock. Michelle was taking her new bear too, since she wanted to have a girl teddy to cuddle too. Michelle was going to continue wearing her wig during the stay in Scarborough, and in case she opted to take a paddle in the sea, her swimming cap was included in her clothes to take. "Okay, you're sorted," said Liz. "Now to make sure that your brother doesn't end up becoming Newcastle United's advocate to Scarborough." It was true that James lived and breathed Newcastle United, and he had loads of clothes bearing the club crest, even if it wasn't replica kit shirts. He did have loads of other clothes too, that would have gone unworn, had Liz not had a say in things. "But I want to take some of my shirts!" he groaned, as Liz rummaged through his drawers, extracting clothes she deemed suitable. "You can take 2, but no more," she said. "And you'll only wear them once. Different top each day." "But mom!" "No buts! You'll wear the clothes we take," she said in her no arguing voice. James just left his room, taking his DS with him, and allowed her to continue sorting out clothes. When John arrived back from work, the chance to do some serious packing arrived. Even so, Liz had so far brought several piles of clothes into the living room, all ready to be put in cases. "Just got to sort out the toiletries, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and shampoo," she told him. "Sorted my stuff out yet?" he asked. "Leaving that up to you," she replied. "Oh, and James is keen to know if you'll be taking a certain football shirt." "I take it, that he's selected some of his shirts?" "You bet he has," said Liz. "But I've got some other shirts out for him too." "I was thinking of taking it, but not to show him up. I'm just proud of my roots," said John. When he came down later that evening, with a selection of his own clothing, the red shirt of Walsall FC was clearly among them. He placed them near one of the suitcases, ready to be packed. He then went and gathered a few other items, such as his camera, complete with charger, and his electric razor. The children were all downstairs in the living room, having all taken baths. They were all looking forward to the holiday in some way. It was a holiday of firsts. First holiday as a girl for Michelle. First holiday for Andrew, and thus the first for them as a family of 6. Plus the fact that it was to be the first holiday to be shared with their relations from the Midlands. "Okay, I'll make you all a drink now, but I want you in bed afterwards," said Liz. "Early start tomorrow." Despite the fact that they had a slightly shorter trip than their relatives, they were keen to get started early in case the roads were busy. It was the time of the year when roads did get busy with people going away for a week or two. Back in Walsall, the Smiths were getting their suitcases ready for the off. Anne had got the children to take baths that evening, straight after dinner. She and Julia decided to see whether the bathtub was big enough for both of them, afterwards, only to be disappointed. "We need a bigger bath," sighed Julia. "Well, at least the bed is big enough," said Anne. "We'll just have to snuggle up in there again." Julia opted to take a bath first, with Anne afterwards. Whilst waiting, Anne offered to help the children dry off and put on some clean underwear. Jessica waited patiently as Edward was given his clean underwear. Not until he was out of the living room, could she remove the towel that she was wearing, and put on her special panties once more. She was relieved to have them on again, and her sisters were fully understanding of her predicament. They just saw her as a girl who had had the greatest misfortune to be born with a penis. They didn't know that there was more to it than that, and that Jessia had no girl parts whatsoever. Once her boyhood was obscured again, she got on with putting on the clean clothes that had been provided. "My hair is a lot longer than last year," she smiled, remembering that she had been growing it out for little over a year. It was now starting to cover the back of her shoulders, and with her ears well hidden, she felt very happy about it. But not entirely happy, as she still trailed her sisters for length. "Well, at least you look more like a girl now," smiled Sandra. "But I am a girl, so of course I look like one," replied Jessica. "We know that," said Kelly. "It's just nice to see that your hair is long now." "Okay, so, is everyone dry now?" asked Anne. "Come on Julia. I want to have a bath tonight." "Not long now," called Julia. "I'll be out in a few minutes." Helen entered the living room, having seen to Edward upstairs. "Not only did I get him dressed, I got introduced to his trains," she smiled. "He's still playing with them." "Okay, now that you're here, I'll go and get ready for my bath," said Anne. Helen stayed with the girls and watched the television with them. When the channels proved to be boring from the girls point of view, a DVD was put on. By the time it was finished, Anne was done with the bath and drying herself off. "Okay kids. Time to go to bed and look forward to a long trip to the seaside," said Julia. "We'll be seeing Emma and Michelle again!!!!" cried Sandra as they headed upstairs. "Yippee!!!!" added Jessica. Up in Newcastle, Emma and Michelle were having similar thoughts as they headed to bed. Whilst they looked forward to meeting their cousins again, James was looking forward to visiting the railway museum. "Okay, remember. No sleeping over," said Liz. "Good night." She kissed Emma and Michelle on the forehead and left their room, turning the light off as she went. "Turn your light off and go to bed, James," she called as she passed his room. "Ok mom," came the reply. Not long afterwards, Liz was heading to bed herself, along with John.

Same as Jessica's Story - Part 32/Michelle's Story - Part 29 Videos

3 years ago
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Jessicas Number Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica a 17 year old girl has just recived her NFC State Meat Lottery Notice and must begin preperations to turn her meat over to her states monthly Girl-Meat Barbeque. Jessicas Number Story: #5 Copyright 2004 Written: December 15 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 – Jessicas Number The day started like any other, Jessica,...

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Jessicas Capture Part 9 of 10

Introduction: Jessica and Sara have excaped from Jerrys meat-girl processing plant, will thay be caught?, and if so will they be allowed to live? or slaughtered as an example to others?, have to read to find out. Jessicas Capture Story: #23 Copyright 2005 Written: January 30 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 9 – The Great Escape Three...

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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica is back for round two. *Ding, Ding, Ding* (Couldent resist LOL). Jessicas Fantasy Roast Story: #28 Copyright 2005 Written: March 26 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 3 – Jessicas Back Still sitting there on the floor staring in to Genes eyes Jessica began to speak I know this is difficult for you to understand...

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Jessicas Capture Part 7 of 10

Introduction: The new arivals are here Jessica and Jerry must sort though them and tag them to be slaughtered or spitted. Jessicas Capture Story: #21 Copyright 2005 Written: January 28 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 7 – New Arrivals Two large tractor trailers back into the processing plants loading dock as guards take their positions...

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Jessicas Capture Part 10 of 10

Introduction: Jessica and Sara are caught and will slaughtered along with thier sisters Molly and Susan, This is the end of this story series, I hope you have all liked it. Jessicas Capture Story: #24 Copyright 2005 Written: February 03 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 10 – Finish off A Traitor The trailer pulled up to the gate of the...

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Jessicas Capture Part 6 of 10

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Jessicas Capture Part 5 of 10

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Jessicas Capture Part 1 of 10

Introduction: While following a lost, scared kitten 18 year old Jessica has found her self captured, Why?, I cant tell you!, Read it!. Jessicas Capture Story: #15 Copyright 2005 Written: January 20 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 1 – Jessicas Capture We start here in the bedroom of Jessica A young girl who just recently turned 18...

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Jessicas Discovery

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Jessicas Thanksgiving Feast

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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 2 of 4

Introduction: Jessica is roasted just like she always wanted with a supprise twist in the end. Jessicas Fantasy Roast Story: #27 Copyright 2005 Written: February 27 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 2 – The Roasting Jessica awoke the next morning to the smell of hickory barbeque coal cooking in the backyard letting her nose follow the...

1 year ago
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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 4 of 4

Introduction: Round 3 is here, and Gene has decided Jessica will dance on air. Jessicas Fantasy Roast Story: #29 Copyright 2005 Written: March 29 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 4 – Round 3 After the lights dimmed from Jessicas eyes Gene began the process of butchering the her body into easy to cook cuts of meat all the while thinking...

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Jessicas Capture Part 8 of 10

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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 1 of 4

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Jessicas Capture Part 2 of 10

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Jessicas Christmas Feast

Introduction: Christmas is here and the awaited sequal to the thanksgiving feast is upon us, will Jessica meat her spit lover or will she escape her fate once again!. Jessicas Christmas Feast The Sequel Story: #36 Copyright 2005 Written: December 25 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica sat at the kitchen table bits of girl bacon left...

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Jessicas Capture Part 3 of 10

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Jessicas Number Part 1 of 4

Introduction: The end of the Gender war broght death and devistation, farm animals nearly extinct new meat had to be found. The National Female Culling Act was created to farm women as the new food sorce. Jessicas Number Story: #3 Copyright 2004 Written: December 13 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 1 of 4 – National Female Culling The year is...

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Jessicas Number Part 2 of 4

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Deidres mom

Summer of '78 would be a memorable one. A few months away from turning 18; I had just got my driver’s license. Four months prior I lost my virginity to Deidre’s cousin Donna. Donna would occasionally give me head or let me fuck her it was never quite enough. We lived it up partying and going to the beach, I was the oldest of the group, but not by much, so I started to grow a mustache to try to look older. It was scraggly and itched but I was proud of its growth, I constantly checked the...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Excitement in Paradise

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...

3 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Jessicas Choice

That said, she capitulated and lay back on her bed as she waited for him to approach. Jerry, Nick, Sam, Ashlee, Jessica and Mike were all home on Spring Break from college. She dreamed of this day for so long. Mike was Sam’s brother. Sam was Nick’s girlfriend. Mike was not as handsome as Jessica’s brother Nick, but she was not interested in his looks. She wanted him inside her now. Jerry, her current boy friend, was long wide and thick, but Mike was bigger. At least that was what Sam said....

2 years ago
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
4 years ago
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Party Naked The Grand Fina

(episode 32) A sinking depression had hit me as the spring semester of my senior year came to a close. Actually, I think it was more of feeling of being very nostalgic, but I thought I was depressed. Fraternity parties, socials with sororities, football tailgate parties at our rental house, weekends clubbing downtown as a group, fraternity intramural sports, initiating pledges, riding my motorcycle up the stairs of the frat house during parties, wearing panties on our heads, funneling beer,...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Once Upon A Summer Part 1

I’ve been told that I’m a wonderful lover. I don’t know if that’s true or not, and I laugh when I say it because it sounds so incredibly arrogant and egotistical, but to the extent that it may be true I owe it all to her, and to that summer all those years ago. I’d turned seventeen that April and planned to get a summer job when school let out. My father insisted, saying that the experience would be good for me and that I’d earn more than I had with my previous summer pursuit of mowing lawns....

First Time
2 years ago
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West Coast Games Part Three Th

Life with Roxy was like a roller coaster that both thrilled and chilled. Sometimes your stomach gets queasy with the whole thing and you swear you’ll never get on again. Then before you know it, you find yourself lining up for another ride, like the adrenaline junkie you really are. The kind of relationships that make you sweat, in both good and bad ways, can become a lot like this over time. Eventually, if you’re lucky and not doomed to a life as a perpetual fuck up, the excitement of the ups...

3 years ago
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Resolutions Part 2 of 2

It’s almost midnight and darkness has finally settled in. We’ve hung lanterns from the low-lying tree branches, and there’s a floodlight at the rear of the house blanketing the backyard in a yellow glow. The warmth of the day lingers even without the sun. The guests have become rowdier than ever now. There’s wrestling going on in one of the wading pools and a drinking game in progress. A close work colleague of mine has just flung off her bikini top. She’s straddling one of Lucas’s friends...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Jodys StoryPart 7

Chapter 7 It had been an incredible weekend. We were at my sisters farm in Eastern Oregon and had invited a couple of friends out for a "Good Time". Saturday Jodi had spent the day fooling around in the barn with our friend Phil as she posed as the naughty farmers wife. Sunday she spent with the Bob and Phil posing as the farmers daughter while Bob and Phil posed as escaped prisoners. It was an intense day of sex for all involved. I had spent...

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