Side Effects Ch.2 free porn video

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Side Effects Ch.2 Life can be unpredictable at times. Here I am, apologizing again for missing my forecasted release date. Nevertheless, I'm happy to have finally finished the second chapter after such a long delay. I hope you guys will enjoy it. If you do, please let me now in the reviews. If you don't, your constructive criticism would very much be appreciated. Warning: This story contains TG, masturbation and identity theft. Sharing Means Caring Maggie Chaplin was certainly excited to witness the two officers storming into the Morrisons' property. They were going to be catching some robbers today, all thanks to her curiosity and swift actions. She was already thinking how the rich widow was going to reward her for her decisive intervention. Not that she cared about any sort of financial rewards as she was already quite well endowed herself, but the windows of opportunities would be opened for Maggie to share more goodies with her fellow gossipers. Having a dead but high profile billionaire husband had turned Mrs. Morrison into some kind of celebrity. The tabloid magazines and paparazzi would come knocking on the door and Maggie wouldn't want to turn them down. She loved to share and tell stories, purely to satisfy her own peculiar gossiping fetish. After this eventful afternoon, Maggie would definitely have to call for a meeting among her rumormongering friends. In fact, one of them was already making her way towards Maggie's position just underneath the Morrison's tall oak tree. 49 year-old Brenda Coburn pretended to walk her dog when her true intention was to find out what was going on with all the commotion. Her house was down the other end of the same street, but only Maggie knew that the neighbor was actually there just to poke her nose. Hence she was happy to see the bespectacled blonde housewife. Unlike herself, Brenda was more on the skinny side. Her figure was not as voluptuous as Maggie's but yet, Brenda still managed to look and dress tastefully in spite of her age. Her dark-rimmed but trendy glasses rested on her beak-like nose, barely hiding the fewest of age-lines on the outer edge of her almond blue eyes. Her long blonde hair was done up in a neat bun. Maggie had always thought that Brenda had that sort of school principal looks to her. Her white hand-knitted blouse showed the outline of her black brassiere as they hugged her size B breasts as tightly as the way her knee-length wool skirt was squeezing her butt. "Hi, Maggie. What's going on?" Brenda said. The two high-ranking 'Rumors Club' members conversed in rapid fire exchanges as if they were talking in codes until officer Le Blanc walked casually out of the Morrisons' front door. The lady officer had asked for Maggie. Brenda along with her German shepherd, nonchalantly followed her friend - not caring whether she was actually invited or not. Uniforms Deborah Le Blanc had a lot of odds to defy just so she could follow the footsteps of her father in joining the NYPD. First and foremost, she had to face the objections from her family, including her father. In fact, Mr. Le Blanc was the strongest opposition to Deborah's ambition. Despite being proud to have the opportunity to serve the force and protecting the people, the NYPD veteran didn't want his daughter to go through all the life threatening experiences he had been through. Besides, in the men- dominated law enforcement business, women especially those as pretty as his daughter would come up against social stigmata among the male counterparts. Indeed, Deborah was a beautiful young lady. At 27 year old, she had big brown eyes, narrow pointy nose, plump luscious lips and high cheek structures which was framed rather well with long wavy but natural brown hair. Those Mila Kunis-like features sat on top of a taller but equally slender figure with perky size-C breasts, narrow waist and flared-out hips which were supported by a pair of seemingly infinite long but well- toned legs. She appeared more suited for a modelling career but Deborah was defiant and chose to follow her father's path. Having a point to prove seemed to have motivated Deborah even more as she countered Mr. Le Blanc's objections with the fact that they were in a very different era and women should no longer being portrayed as weak and unreliable. She had even excelled in her class in every physical and mental aptitude test thrown at her. After graduating with the highest marks in the academy, she had been immediately posted to one of the busiest metropolitan in the world - New York City. Being raised in Chicago, the appointment didn't faze her one bit. She was even slightly disappointed when she was being moved towards the outskirts where her subdivision would handle cases among the more peaceful suburbs areas. Well, at least that was how Officer 'Le Blanc' should feel... Vanished It had taken Gwen and her teenage daughter Hannah almost two hours after Maggie's tip-off to finally steering into the compound of her vast property. Two police vehicles were seen parked on her front yard with the second only arriving shortly before. She had expected the city's traffic to be unforgiving but the number of faulty traffic lights which she and her daughter had encountered along the way was rather unusual to say the least. A small crowd was gathering, most of them friends of Maggie's. They were quickly dispersed by the burly officer standing by the tape. He duly let Gwen's BMW through after verifying her identity as the owner of the property. Gwen could see that Maggie, along with another neighbor, Brenda, was still talking to a rather lovely female officer. Maggie immediately lit up to the presence of the Morrisons, interrupting her conversation with Officer Le Blanc. As Gwen was stepping out of her vehicle, she was approached by both the neighbors and the lady officer. "What took you so long Gwen?" Maggie came over and gave her a hug as if they were longtime pals before adding, "They couldn't find anyone inside apart from a fake pest control van." Just as Maggie was finishing her sentence, a van which was apparently in pest control camouflage, was being towed out of her garage. It was shocking that such vehicle would gain access to her garage, not to mention her home with such ease. "What do you mean they couldn't find anyone?" Gwen questioned. As Maggie was about to answer, the female officer extended her hand to introduce herself, "You must be the owner of the house. I'm officer Le Blanc." "Gwen Morrison... And this is my daughter, Hannah," Gwen said before anxiously continuing with her enquiries, "What's going on here?" "We suspected that your property was broken into by a group of highly organized thieves. As soon as we've received a report from Ms. Chaplin here," Officer Le Blanc briefly looking at Maggie who was now beaming with confidence, "me and my partner rushed to the scene. It appeared that we didn't make it in time as the thieves had flee the scene..." The lean but tough and competent-looking officer proceeded with what she and her colleagues had found. Even Gwen's well tucked-away safety box had somehow been cracked open. Millions dollars' worth of jewelry had been stolen. Those were all collector's edition and their availability were extremely limited worldwide. Gwen was so furious that she managed to scare off Maggie and Brenda before Officer Le Blanc, having to calm the enraged citizen down with her partner, so that she could have her statement. Hannah just didn't give a damn as the teenager stormed into the privacy of her bedroom once the forensic team had left. ***** After the dust had settled, Gwen found herself breathing easier as she assessed the aftermath of the robbery. This was a first of such experience for the wealthy widow. She soon found that it wasn't as calamatic as she had initially thought. The house was in relative good condition with most of the furniture and electrical appliances intact. She guessed that the thieves had only wanted her jewelry as they seemed to be the only valuables that she had lost. She didn't really care about the money. With her current financial standing, a million of dollars didn't mean as much as the rarity and the exoticism of the stolen items. She would pay double the price if she had to, just to get them back. As she was pondering whether to hire her own investigator, her anger was slowly wavering. Instead, the beautiful blonde soon picked up something rather bizarre. Gwen found that everything in her bedroom was in perfect order except for her King-sized bed. There was a familiar odor as she got close to it. In the middle of the large bed among the messed-up comforters and silk linen, there laid a piece of her underwear. To be specific, it was one of her expensive black bikini panties, the one with butterflies embroidery on the upper front of its silky material. The thought of the thieves having fun with her lingerie crept into her mind. Gwen started to feel gross, imagining some perverted criminal sniffing at the panties which she had worn to a friend's cocktail party last week. "Sick bastards," Gwen said. Her anger returned as she walked out of the room into one of her guest rooms. She wouldn't be sleeping in her own bedroom not until a thorough cleansing by the housekeeping service soon. Headquarters, Unknown Location. A middle-aged hunchbacked scientist was deep in concentration as he studied at the latest information on the computer screen extracted from the brain of Courtney Donovan - the real Courtney Donovan. Her lifeless and naked form was floating in a large glass chamber filled with liquid preservatives intended to maintain her dormant state. She seemed peacefully asleep despite the amount of tubes going in and out of all her bodily orifice. However, the most eerie anomaly apparent on the otherwise lovely young lady was her exposed brain. Having each and every strand of her beautiful raven black hair removed and individually planted into the scalp of Frank Xavier's bodysuit six months ago, the real Courtney had had her scalp and the upper half of her skull taken away as well. Three pencil-sized electrodes were being stabbed into the right hemisphere of her brain, while the same number of electrodes was positioned symmetrically on the left hemisphere. Blue- colored wires connected these copper conductors as they emerged from the greenish-substance-filled 'life chambers' before joining a collection of other cables from dozens of others similar human-containing-chambers, traveling a fair distance before ended into multiple sophisticated ports behind a big processing unit. It was a towering machine which was connected to hundreds of monitor panels, one of them displaying the decoded memories of Courtney Donovan. Its data was reflected off the thick glasses of the hunchbacked scientist who was making sure that the information would be in the suitable codes to be transferred into a carefully labeled thumb drive. He then spoke into an intercom just beside the computer screen; "Paul... Additional data for No. 53 is ready. Please proceed with distribution..." The emotionless scientist then secured the thumb drive into a container before being dispatched through the pneumatic tube system to Paul's station. "Gotcha, professor... How's her baby doing?" Paul spoke into the intercom. The scientist turned his attention towards another monitoring device before adding, "She's doing really well growing inside the subject's womb." "Awesome... By the way, we've got only one body coming in today... not the two that we're expecting," Paul said "Why didn't I get any advance notice regarding these changes?" the professor asked, slightly annoyed. "It was news to me as well. She should be here any moment now," Paul said. Sooner than expected After such an eventful day, Maggie was tired. Despite all the hype, what she really needed was a relaxing hot dip in her luxurious tub. Sauntering from her bedroom into the large attached bath, the chubby real estate agent turned on the chrome-coated tap to her jacuzzi. Once she was satisfied with the water's temperature, she began to undress in front of the bathroom's large mirror. The pair of pearl earrings were the first to be taken off as they were placed on top of the spacious vanity top. Her white knee-length skirt followed as she let it dropped to the pre-heated marble flooring - revealing her white underwear. She could feel the tightness of its high waist strap as it was serving its purpose to give her a slimmer waist. The waistline was so high that Maggie would have to remove her blouse before she could take off the high-cut panties. As she was unbuttoning the pink sleeveless blouse, her white laced brassiere came into view as it was barely containing Maggie's impressive pair of globes. Once the satin blouse was discarded into the laundry basket on the other side of the doorway, Maggie released her 40DD racks from its confinement as she unclasped her bra, letting its straps slid down her arms before tossing it into the same place. The elasticity of her control-brief's waist band made it easy for her to slip it off despite its initial tightness. As the sounds of water was running in the background, Maggie examined her reflection from the vanity's mirror. She retained a lot of her beauty from her younger days but the double chin and the small paunch around her mid-section might cause her to reconsider about her passion for food and baking. Working out was never quite her thing despite seeing how well it was doing for Gwen Morrison. Speaking of which, the events which she had 'participated' earlier in the day brought a smile to her otherwise lovely face. Maggie turned away from the mirror before walking towards the adequately filled tub to turn off the tap. After pouring some of her favorite witch- hazel-scented bodywash into the water, Maggie dipped her left foot into the bath. The rest of her naked body followed quickly as the warm water felt good against her smooth skin. Pressing a metallic button by the side, the Jacuzzi went to work giving her a soothing water massage. Resting her head on a soft leather cushion by the end of the tub, Maggie reflected on the happenings after she was summoned into the Morrisons' home by Officer Le Blanc. ***** It had gradually dawned on Maggie the fact that she and Brenda were allowed entry into a possible crime scene meant that the perpetrators had probably left. She was called in by the police officers for the purpose of showing the witness that they had done their job but the thieves had left - there's nothing else they could do. However, as the two neighbors came to the center of the Morrisons' stately living hall, Maggie realized that the 'thieves' were in fact still present. A couple of men wearing the pest control uniform walked out from the hallway further ahead. They didn't seem to be hindered by the existence of two cops in the same room as they grinned towards Maggie and Brenda. "Greetings ladies... Welcome to the Morrisons' home!" one of them even said out loud. Feeling the creep, Maggie turned away from them to look for the officers. She was horrified to find that Officers Le Blanc was having the same malicious grin as she shut and locked the front door. Her partner, Officer Walsh made his way past the two 'witnesses' towards the false pest control people. Maggie didn't like the look on his face either as he didn't appear to be in the act of chasing any criminals. Instead, the much bigger policeman just jumped into the arms of one of the thieves before French-kissing in front of Maggie and Brenda. It was the first time Maggie had seen two well-built men kissing each other in real life. One of them was supposedly the defender of the law while the other was a criminal. "What in the world is going on here?" Maggie finally said, utterly disgusted by the whole situation. "You still don't realize what you've got yourself into, do you?" Officer Le Blanc said from behind, startling the 45 year-old neighbor. At this point, Maggie had concluded that not only the pest-control people were fake but the police officers as well. They were in this with the thieves. In an instant, Maggie grabbed Brenda's hand before running towards another hallway to their left. There, she found the plush granite staircase going to the upper floor. Her adrenaline was pumping as she and her friend ran up the steps before frantically searching for rooms where they could lock themselves away from those hoodlums. Finally, they managed to get into the master bedroom as it was the only one where the door wasn't locked. Once inside, Maggie ushered her friend behind her as she secured the door's latch and bolt. Wasting no time, she quickly pulled out her iPhone to call for help. Her hand was shaking as she was contemplating whether the local authorities could be trusted seeing that two bogus cops had shown up the first time she had reached out to them. She didn't know who else to call until she saw the huge double panel windows. They might as well just open it and scream for help as that would certainly attract a lot of attention. That might scare the creeps away too. "Brenda, open all the windows and try to scream your lungs out... Your life depends on it..." Maggie ordered. "Okay... But shouldn't we be calling the police while we do that?" Brenda said. "I'm not sure we can trust them for now... Just scream as loud as you can..." Maggie said as she walked towards the nearest window. As she was casting aside the thick curtains, another man emerged from behind them. Maggie squealed before taking a step backwards. She was terrified to the point where her heart almost stopped. Unlike the others, this man was not wearing any uniform. In fact, he was totally naked. Just then, Maggie heard the sounds of something being unlatched and unlocked. She turned around and to her horror, she saw Brenda opening the door for the group of uniform impostors from earlier to enter. "Wh... What are you doing... Brenda?" Maggie said, obviously shaken. As if it was infectious, the familiar grin now appeared on Brenda's face as she adjusted the side of her glasses with her thumb and index finger. "Sorry Maggie... but consider yourself unlucky. It wasn't supposed to be your time yet," the 49 year-old said. The older pest-control guy appeared from the back seemingly annoyed by Brenda before yelling, "You should have just socked her sooner, Eddie! We're wasting a lot of time here. Our tech team could only do so much to delay the Morrisons!" "Sorry Frank, I thought it would be easier if we just lead her into the right place," 'Brenda' said, without any signs of her usual grace as she answered to the guy who called her Eddie. Maggie was confused. Why was her friend talking to the thieves as if they have known each other for a long time? The guy whom 'Brenda' spoke to - Frank - caught her dumbfounded expression. His annoyance was lessened slightly by the looks on Maggie face. After giving his order to the rest of the group - including the two 'cops' - to proceed with their contingency plan, he gave Maggie a brief explanation what was happening. "The thing is... Ms. Chaplin, not everyone is what they appear to be. Brenda, your friend here, has been replaced by a guy named Eddie Woods for all most two years now. Eddie was a former student of Brenda's husband until he was expelled and convicted for expressing his fondness for Professor Chaplin," Frank said as Maggie was still rooted to where she stood. She managed a glance at Brenda who was now busy looking out the windows, making sure that the coast was clear. Her German Shepherd was still barking from inside one of the washroom downstairs. "Of course, the professor has no knowledge of his wife's actual fate. On the other hand, Officer Le Blanc's boyfriend knew perfectly well who she actually is underneath that pretty skin. As a matter of fact, he's the one who had requested our help to replace Le Blanc, the then new officer who was assigned to his division. He wanted Jim Malone, to take Officer Le Blanc's identity so that the two of them could be together," Frank said looking over at Deborah Le Blanc who was now standing very close behind Maggie. She could feel the policewoman's minty breath down her neck. There were no thoughts of getting out of her current predicament - just the disbeliefs at the revelation that the Brenda whom she had been hanging out with was actually a guy named Eddie putting on her mask. So was the pretty lady cop whom in truth was some gay man wearing not only her clothes but her face and identity as well. How could they look so convincing? Even their voices showed no hint of their true gender. "You still don't believe me, do you?" Frank said, almost offended by Maggie's lack of response. "Jim... show her some proof." "Frankie... we don't have time..." 'Le Blanc' spoke with the same feminine tone Maggie had heard from before. "Here, let me show her..." 'Brenda' said from across the room before reaching for a point on her throat with her index finger. 'She' appeared to be pressing on it until a beep sound was heard. "Hello, Ms. Chaplin... How do I sound with my real voice?" a deep baritone came out of 'Brenda's mouth. Maggie then heard another beeping behind her. "Alright Frankie... Are you happy? Can we get on with it now? I have to report back to HQ in no more than an hour time" the petite lady officer said in an even deeper tone. Maggie could tell that the false Le Blanc sounded even older than the false Brenda in spite of the age of their phony personas. "Yeah, Frank... We're wasting a lot of time here," 'Brenda' said sarcastically quoting the same line she had received from the team leader. "That was why I've sent him to be suited while we toy around with Ms. Chaplin," Frank said as he directed his attention towards the luxurious King-sized bed at the center. Maggie was stunned to see that the naked man she had bumped into earlier was now lying on the bed with most of his body wrapped in some kind of skin-colored bodysuit. His face was still partially visible before a couple more men, which Maggie didn't even notice until then, pushed the rest of his features into the silicone-like material. All she could see now was a vaguely feminine form lying there as its chest rose and fell with each breath. And that was the last thing she saw before feeling a sharp pain on her neck. Then her surrounding became darker and darker. At first, she could hear men chuckling but that too became more and more muffled as she was gradually losing all of her senses. ***** As he was lying on his back inside of Maggie's Jacuzzi tub, Greg remembered the pain he had to endure to become the middle-aged woman. Due to the time constraints, they had to skip the anesthetic procedure before ensuing with the bodysuit transformation phase. Besides, waking him up from the sedatives would take at least another couple of hours. It was certainly a torture to have tenth of thousands of needles pricking into his scalp through the bodysuit as strands of Maggie's curly red hair was planted. Once he had the perfect copy of Maggie's form, he had to hustle in putting on Maggie's clothes before joining 'Brenda' and 'Le Blanc' at the front door of the Morrisons' property - pretending to have her statement recorded. It did take slightly more than an hour from the time when the real Maggie was lured into the house to the moment Greg came out of the front door as the new Maggie Chaplin. He had to mask his pain and discomfort while making sure his mannerism was as close to that of the nosy neighbor as possible when Gwen and her daughter had finally arrived. Frank suggested that they took her jewelry to make it look like an ordinary break-in so that the investigation would be straightforward. Apart from Walsh, Le Blanc and her boyfriend - the division's captain, none of the others in the local police force had any association with the 'organization'. So Frank and the rest of his team left swiftly before the second patrol arrived. Fortunately, there were no other hiccups. Their 'Plan B' was a success, though Greg wasn't celebrating. For months, he had made the necessary preparation to become Gwen - the smoking hot widow with billions of dollars in wealth. Instead of Gwen's perfect 36-24-34, 5ft 9in and 117 lbs. figure, Greg found himself in Maggie's 40-34-38, 5ft 8in and 187 lbs. voluptuous form. In other words, instead of a 'Brooklyn Decker', Greg had turned into the heavier but still very elegant 'Adele'. Having always been skinny for most of his life, Greg still found himself getting used to carry around the extra weight. It felt like he was wearing an extra layer of cushioning rather than a skin-suit. As a consolation, he was told that this was only a temporary measure as they already had someone working on becoming the next Maggie Chaplin. In the meantime, Greg would have to fill in for the nosy neighbor. Since her memories would need to be harvested for the next few weeks before being transferred into the bodysuit, Greg would have to avoid going out as much as possible to avoid meeting someone close to Maggie. 'She' would have to take a break from her clients while 'Brenda' could cover for her for the suburbs ladies' meeting. The friend could also fill her up on Maggie's habits and routines seeing that the two of them had been close. The torrents of Jacuzzi water was beating into his new skin and amazingly - despite its thickness - Greg could feel it as if he wasn't wearing any bodysuit. He really enjoyed the snugness of Maggie's underwear and clothing against his new form when he was putting them on back at the Morrisons. His hand traveled to the 40DD globes on his chest with part of them emerging from the aromatic foam bath. The nipples were at the water level as Greg used his manicured fingers to lightly touched one of them. Wonderful sensations immediately zapped through his new body thanks to the microscopic wires connected to his own tits. The false Maggie started getting aroused as 'her' other hand joined in by caressing on 'her' other breast. The caressing gradually became fondling and groping as the former Greg found the sweet spots to his new assets. 'She' could feel her encased member straining against the bodysuit as her pussy was getting hotter and hotter. "Holy... mother of... this is actually... quite... fascinating..." 'Maggie' cooed before moving one of her hand from her mammaries to her pussy as the urge to explore her body intensified 'She' felt her hand brushing against her bush as it was reaching for her slit. To her, it felt exactly like real flesh. 'She' could sense every touch as she spread her vaginal lips apart. Her body trembled as she inserted her middle finger while her palm came in contact with 'her' G- spot. This was where a number of tiny wires were sending small jolts of electricity to Greg's penile head whenever it was stimulated. The new Maggie jumped not only from the stimulation of 'her' G-spot but from the sensation of 'her' finger stroking at the shaft of 'her' member within the squishy wet environment of 'her' vagina. Only the thinnest layer separated 'her' box from the hidden pouch where the former Greg's manhood now resided. 'Maggie' closed her eyes as she basked in the multitudes of never-before- felt pleasures. Coupled with the massaging effects of the Jacuzzi water, the impostor felt as if 'she' was in cloud nine. Along with the jolts sent from 'her' artificial clit, the tip of her middle finger continued flicking at the head of 'her' hidden appendage. The vision of Greg's boyfriend emerged. He was the main reason why Greg had seek to join the 'organization'. The vision was replaced by that of himself - in the form of Gwen Morrison - getting pounded in the ass by his much rugged boyfriend. Instead of Gwen's sultry voice, it was Greg's significantly deeper tone coming out of Gwen's sensual mouth, seemingly calling out the name of Greg's boyfriend. "William...!!!" the false Maggie groaned as 'she' experienced a mind- blowing orgasm in the bathtub. The jerking of 'her' muscles continued for a considerable amount of time before 'her' body went limp. 'Maggie's rapid breathing gradually dawdled as she gathered herself before finally managed to turn off the Jacuzzi jets. 'She' let herself soaked in the soothing bath for a while longer thinking about 'her' next course of action. "What would Willy think about me in this body...?" 'Maggie' playfully thought. Meanwhile... A false Courtney Donovan was sitting in front of her vanity while brushing her long black hair which were neatly swept to her left in front of her shoulder. The former Frank Xavier felt in love with the shiny and silky smooth hair which were once belonged to the real Courtney. That was certainly not the only thing stolen from his victim. Not having much time to spend shopping for new clothes, the very convincing impostor was also fortunate enough to have the extravagant wardrobe left behind by the former Mrs.Donovan. As 'she' admired the image reflected from the vanity mirror, the false Courtney approved on how the sexy pink negligee looked on 'her'. According to Bob and the latest clusters of memory transferred into 'her' bodysuit, it was the old Courtney's favorite. The ex-gay fugitive could understand why. Made mostly out of silk, the skimpy nightwear felt heavenly against 'her' skin as it hugged and accentuate her every curves. Crossing her long, well-toned legs at the knees, 'Courtney' could still feel the warmth and moisture from the crotch of 'her' pink lacy panties courtesy of the precum leaking from 'her' hidden manhood. After the failure of 'Operation Morrison' earlier in the day, and the frustration of knowing that her work was not done yet, things had started to settle a little by sundown. Bob - the love of her old and new life - had somehow managed to calm down from his earlier panic attack. The couple had been overseeing the operation from the very beginning but when Maggie Chaplin decided to call 911, Bob almost had a fit. 'Courtney' on the other hand was much more composed. 'She' was the one who acted decisively in giving Alan Burnett - the local police chief - a call and that appeared to have prevent an even worse outcome. Both of them barely had anything for dinner as their appetite had understandably deserted them. However, the mood gradually improved once they were in the bedroom while getting ready for bed. Their consolation was the fact that their cover and the 'organization's operatives were still intact. It didn't really matter that instead of Gwen Morrison, Greg had to end the day as the new Maggie Chaplin while Nathan had to hide with the rest of the operatives within the van which was being towed out of the Morrisons's property. All Greg had to do was avoid social interactions as much as he could until bits and pieces of memories were extracted from the Maggie's body and transfered into his bodysuit. An angelic smile was carved onto Courtney's lovely face as she saw Bob came to a halt behind her. His hands felt big as they rested on her slender shoulders. The husband - with his eyes fixed on Courtney's reflection - leaned down to kiss his wife's impersonator on the cheek. "I think I owe you an apology for totally loosing myself earlier today...," Bob said. Placing the wooden comb back onto the vanity table, the former Frank Xavier turned away from the mirror to look into the eyes of the man towering over 'her'. Needing to tilt her head slightly, she gave the collar of Bob's pajamas a tug before pulling his lips against hers - passionately kissing the husband. 'Her' tongue was probing as it parted Bob's lips before roaming around within his oral cavity. In return, the husband invaded his wife's mouth with his own tongue and saliva as he lifted his 'woman' up from her sitting position. It didn't take long for them to rip each others clothes off before their desire took them into the vast King-sized bed, while not allowing their hands to leave each others body. There were both naked save for Courtney's scanty pink panties as they continued making out while kneeling on the comfortable love nest. The phony wife enjoyed the ticklish sensation of Bob's suckling on her neck as she felt his lips planting hickeys all over her upper body. While Bob was making good progress with his lips towards his wife perfectly shaped mammaries, the wife impostor was stroking 'her' husband's fully-erect fuckstick with her silky smooth hand. At his full potential, Bob's cock looked enormous against the svelte right hand of his 'wife'. Her beautifully manicured nails lightly scratching against the flesh as it was maintaining its slow and steady pumping rhythm. Courtney's skillful hand-job was disrupted for a brief moment when she felt her husband's tongue flicking on her stiffening nipple as his mouth had finally descended on her ample breasts. The receptors from the artificial tits were sending tremendous amount of electricity to the hundreds of microscopic receivers attached onto the former Frank Xavier's own nipples. This in turn did not only send signals to Frank's brain but to his hidden man-meat as well. "Ooooohh..." a long moan escaped from Courtney, his new identity's luscious lips. Encouraged by the response, Bob intensified the sucking and tongue- slashing on the phony wife's right nipple while groping and kneading on her other breast with his right hand. The waves after waves of mind- blowing sensations were turning her knees into jelly as she had to fall backwards to lie on her back - all the time while holding on to Bob's head against her chest, obviously not wanting him to stop. By now, Bob was climbing over of his supine-positioned 'wife' as he continued devouring on her tits while 'she' resumed pumping on his erection. In truth, Bob was not the only one with a throbbing erection as 'Courtney' could feel her own member straining against the thin wall of its restrictive confinement that it almost felt unbearable. While her well-concealed boner was screaming to be released, its precum was flowing in abundance - making her lifelike pussy and pink panties drenched in her own unique nectar. That was exactly what Bob had found after moving his right hand down from one of Courtney's boobs towards the crotch of her underwear. His strong hand rubbed the silky material of the Victoria Secret's finest against the wife's cunt, drawing ecstatic moans from her. It was only a matter of time before Bob decided to slip his fingers underneath the lacy waistband of Courtney's scanty underwear so that he would be pleasuring her directly. Having her clit skillfully stimulated at the same time as her tits, the former gay fugitive felt herself in a privileged position on the receiving end of such wonderful pampering. Her poor effort at stroking Bob's rod was nothing compared to what the husband was doing to her. Breaking away from her now swollen and adequately stimulated areolas, Bob's lips shifted back up to stop by Courtney's left ear. "I think you're dying for me to make you a 'real' woman..." Bob whispered. He was not wrong as Courtney replied by spreading her legs before guiding the husband's 8-inch shaft into her pussy. Due to the lubrication, Bob's engorged member easily seperated and opened up the former Frank's labial folds before sliding in through a mixture of the husband's and the false wife's precum. The impostor could feel her void getting filled as Bob pushed forward until their cocks came in contact with only a strong but thin layer of condom-like filament stood between them. It was the new experience which the ex-gay runaway had come to love. The tingles sent from the bodysuit's clitoris being stimulated along with the sensitivities of their meats rubbing against each other had always been the highlight of the former Frank's new sexual experience. It had been so addictive for the false Courtney that their anal encounters had been toned down significantly since Frank had assumed Mrs. Donovan's identity. When Bob was pounding away at 'her' vagina, the friction of Bob's shaft against her clitoris and the repetitive collisions of his cock against her own almost brought her over the edge in double quick time. However the frustrations of today's failures and her realization that Bob's homosexual needs might had been taken for granted, Courtney decided to strengthen her resolve. No matter how tempting it was for her to be selfish and let the ecstasy of the unusual sexual experience washed over her, she recalled the days that Bob had to consume Viagra pills so that he could satisfy the original Courtney's demands. As Bob was getting into his groove, pummeling away between Courtney's legs, a slap came across his face. The force and suddenness of the slap was such that it threw him off from the top, pulling his cock out of his lover's snatch along the way before landing on the bed beside the unexpected aggressor. Almost in disbelief, Bob turned to look at Courtney with a hand covering the site of impact on his own cheek. "What the hell was that for?!" the husband asked. Courtney turned towards him, lying sideways with her head propped up on an elbow before saying, "Watch that tone of yours!" Bob was taken aback by the harsh reply. It was the sort of speech expected from the old Courtney, not her imitator. "Considering how you've panicked like a sissy earlier, I think you deserve some kind of punishment after all," Courtney added before maneuvering her feminine hand towards her pussy. From all the lubrications and recent penetrations, it wasn't hard for her to insert her slender digits into her cunt - one finger at a time - until all five were in. The confused look on Bob's face was immediately replaced by a smug as Bob finally realized what the former Frank was really up to. By then, a glistening red and pulsating 7-inch dick emerged from between Courtney's vaginal lips followed by a set of testicles - making a lot of sloshing and squishing noises in the process. "Now wipe that stupid grin off that sorry face of yours and come suck my girl meat!" Courtney demanded, maintaining the same uncompromising tone. Bob definitely loved the direction which they were heading as he lifted himself from the bed before moving his head towards Courtney's nether region. Her nectar-covered boner was staring him in the face as he took in its musky aroma before letting it slid between his lips. Courtney was in heaven, feeling the direct stimulation from Bob's lively tongue as well as the warmth and softness of his oral cavity. After all the buildup and finally getting released from its captivity, the fake wife could not withstand any further arousal before eventually pushing Bob away from her cock. "Get up on all four, you slut!" Courtney commanded as she got up on her knees to a strategic position behind her spouse. It's been a while since she had dominated her man in such fashion as the last time when she was topping her man was the time when she was still Frank. She did remember how good it felt though as she brushed the head of her fuck-stick against Bob's anus before forcing its way through the tight orifice. Courtney could hear her husband's scream as she stopped with only the head buried inside his ass. Instead of apologizing for the hurt she had induced, the wife-turn-dominatrix buried her fingers into her husband's hair before pulling his head closer to her so that he could listen clearly what she was about to say. "Bob Donovan, you're a fuckIng disappointment! I've expected a lot more from you... Now shut the hell up and beg me to cum in your man-cunt...!" Courtney was in the zone as she let go of her husband hair with a rough forward shove before plunging her girl meat into him with even more force. "Please my lady, my Mistress... please don't stop. I want you... I NEED you to fill my shameless ass with your precious seed. I beg you PLEASE..." Bob moaned. The dick-woman complied by pounding her lover's behind with great intensity. Her hips and the front of her smooth thighs were repeatedly slapping against the back of her partner's as their balls collided whenever her girl-meat was completely buried. They maintained the doggy style position for some time before Courtney pulled her soaking wet cock out of the husband's anus. "What's wrong sweetie? Why did you stop?" Bob said with obvious disappointment. This resulted in his hair getting tucked backwards. "I'm no longer your 'sweetie'. As of now and whenever I feel like it, I'm your Mistress and you're my whore. Now flip your sorry ass over so that I can see how sorry you are while I lay down your punishment!" Courtney said in stern tone before releasing her grips on Bob's hair. Once her 'whore' was lying on his back, Mistress Courtney spread his legs apart before pushing them upwards with his knees almost coming in contact with his hairy chest. Her already well-lubricated and fully erect flesh was rubbing against his equally well-lubricated anus before pushing forward. Bob groaned to the pain and the ecstasy induced by each passing inch his Mistress was shoving into his derri?re. It didn't take long for the phony wife to resume battering his ass. As beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, the Mistress grinned at the sight of her husband's stiff penis swaying in rhythm to the ass-pounding. Shifting her right hand from the back of Bob's left knee, Courtney began to stroke at his impressive 8-in her while never ceasing her hips back and forward motion. This was something they had done so often when she was still Frank but it was usually Bob on top. Now that the role had been reversed, Courtney could see the appeal of doing it as a beautiful woman as well. The thought of dominating her man as someone as pretty as Courtney Donovan brought her over the edge. Her muscles tensed as her movement became more and more aberrant, signaling her impending orgasm. Bob, though, managed to beat her to it as the wife's expert hand-job was enough to have him spurting his cum all the way to his own chest. Courtney too, didn't waste anytime as she felt her sacs tightening and her seeds passed from her testicles along the length of her shaft before being blown into the space within Bob's rectum at an immeasurable speed. Her balls were still contracting alternately as loads after loads of warm cum were released into her lover to the point of overflowing. Considerable amount of her ejaculate leaked out onto the bed's linen while she was withdrawing her cock from her lover's bottom. Feeling totally exhausted, Courtney collapsed on top of her husband. The stickiness of Bob's semen in between their bodies didn't stop their embrace. Her boobs and nipples tickled by his bodily hair as they kissed through the post-orgasmic phase. By now, Courtney could sense nothing between her legs as her penis and the accompanying sacs had shrunken back into their hiding place. All that was left was the exact copy of the old Courtney Donovan's nicely trimmed pubic hair and vagina. "I love you, Bobby..." Courtney said, reverting back to her gentle demeanor. "Does this mean I don't have to always address you as my Mistress?" Bob said. Giving her husband a much softer slap on the chest, Courtney replied, "Unless you want me to call you my whore in public, we should just treat this as our... favorite passtime." "I love you, sweetie... I think I'm falling in love with that kinky side of yours too..." Bob said before kissing his woman on the forehead. They continued to snuggled on the bed until the ringing came from one of their phones. It was fifteen minutes past midnight and the call seemed to be urgent seeing that it didn't came from their personal lines but a specifically encrypted line. There was only one place the call would be coming from. Bob got up from the bed to pick it up from a compartment on the dresser. "Hello..." Bob answered. Courtney, lying sideways on the bed with the covers concealing the lower half of her naked body, watched on. She could immediately sense the familiar anxious look returning to her husband's face as he was rubbing his thick brows with his thumb and index finger throughout the conversation. "I'll relay the message," he said before hanging up. "What's the matter, baby?" Courtney's tone was a big contrast to her earlier dominant persona. "The real Maggie Chaplin is missing..." Bob said. To be continue?

Same as Side Effects Ch.2 Videos

1 year ago
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Slaves Ch2

But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In fact, looking back the last dozen or so years, Laedia could remember killing only one boy during rape (either suffocated him or choked him, she wasn't sure). That was pretty good, she thought. Torturing to death, of course, did not count, for such a thing was rarely unintentional. The boy was taken to a tall table with a platform in front of it. The...

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Artificial Affection Ch2

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Time for Payback Ch2

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Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. He’d get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to purchase a replacement cellphone, since she’d destroyed hers the previous night in a fit of rage. Her husband, Derrick, had called to tell her he was staying overnight at work, but Gabby knew the truth. He spent the night with his new fiancé. Although she had already fallen madly in love with Jacob after less...

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Bow down to the one you serve Ch2

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1 year ago
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My Best Halloween Ch2

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Babygirl Ch2

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1 year ago
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Was It A Dream ch2

I sat upright in bed, and noticed I wasn’t wearing a nightie and my pussy and ass were on fire. Was it a dream, or was Michael really there. I looked around the room and didn’t see any signs that told me he had been. I put my nightie back on, crawled out of bed, and went into my computer to see what was happening online, maybe I would find someone there exciting to talk too. After turning the computer on, I chatted with a few people, but the conversations was boring, so I logged off. I sat...

2 years ago
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I want you for Christmas CH2

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2 years ago
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Hell Hath No FuryCh2

Introduction: Please read Ch1 before you begin this part as it will make much more sense.This chapter isnt nearly as long as the first thankfully. Hope you enjoy. Ch3 is finished on paper, I have yet to copy it to the computer though. Currently working on Ch4. Thanks for reading. Hell Hath No Fury&hellip, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and poor Derrick had yet to come to that conclusion. Hed get his in due time, Gabby and Jacob would see to that. Before work Gabby stopped to...

2 years ago
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A happy life begins young Ch2

The story you are about to read is actually true, unlike a lot of stories which are listed as a true story here. As you will find out I had very little education and my only exposure to writing/grammar was magazines and the very few books I found and hid away. If you would like to copy, amend and send back to me without errors that would be welcomed, if you are the grammar police I would suggest you get your thrills elsewhere. Please do not copy this text to any other sites without my...

2 years ago
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Watching Anna Ch2

Shortly after I witnessed my wife in the garden at the party I had to confront her. I had so many mixed emotions about what I had witnessed I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I won’t go into all the details of what happened as they aren’t erotic. But there was some arguing, crying and hugging, a lot of confusion and she agreed we needed some counselling for our marriage to move forward. I knew I wouldn’t divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her....

3 years ago
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Bow down to the one you serve Ch2

Introduction: If you havent read the first chapter, this one might not make sense. Her eyes shut even more tightly at his threatening words. She wasnt a virgin but she wasnt terribly off from it. Shed only had one serious boyfriend and a single one night stand. Shed fucked her boyfriend many times but he wasnt all that adventurous and stuck to simple positions that had her on her back or on her knees. It had mostly been on her knees with her riding him or him doing her doggy style. Hed never...

3 years ago
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Rachel and Roxanne Ch2

Tuesday, April 23rd, Day 3. Dear Diary, Nothing exciting today. Roxanne bought some really nice underwear, but it mostly was a Rachel day. I had a really long swim, then had my ass kicked at tennis by a seventy-year-old man. That was pretty humiliating until he confided that he’d once reached the second round at Wimbledon. In the evening I watched a couple of really good stand-up acts. All clean, cruise-ship approved material, but still funny. A couple of guys tried to chat me up, but...

4 years ago
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The fy Sucks A Lot ch2

Chapter 4 ‘Oh God, Jeffy!’ Dianne gasped, pulling her mouth off his. ‘Your cock is hard again.’ Instinctively, her thighs parted. She swiveled her hips upward, feeling the huge knob of his prick drag down the steamy crevice of her pussy. She paused when she felt his throbbing cockhead contact the yawning opening of her cunt. Jeff wriggled his hips, feeling his prick-knob move around in her cunthole. He grinned lewdly, his face still smeared with her pussy- juice. He thrust his hips...

2 years ago
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Rachel and Roxanne Ch2

Tuesday, April 23rd, Day 3. Dear Diary, Nothing exciting today. Roxanne bought some really nice underwear, but it mostly was a Rachel day. I had a really long swim, then had my ass kicked at tennis by a seventy-year-old man. That was pretty humiliating until he confided that he'd once reached the second round at Wimbledon. In the evening I watched a couple of really good stand-up acts. All clean, cruise-ship approved material, but still funny. A couple of guys tried to chat me up, but didn't...

2 years ago
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Slaves Ch2

Chapter 2: **** RoomThe ladies walked the boy into the **** room. Their eyes stayed on him every step of the way, drinking up his beauty. Laedia could tell from the two other women that they were as horny as she was. And the Goddess knew that she had such a burning between her legs that she could have ridden the lovely young thing to death within minutes.But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In...

2 years ago
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Andys new life ch2

Andy woke a couple of hours later, his body ached and there was significant pain from the stripes across his arse. He remembered the reason for the pain, got in the shower and diligently shaved as commanded, he then got back into his basic bed and slept again.Andy was woken by the noise of metal clanking next to his bed. “Rise and shine 61. Put them on, ankles first, chains at the back, then your wrists behind your back”Andy looked at the item on the floor, it was two lengths of chain, each end...

1 year ago
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Sophie Ch2

Full of confidence, Sophie walked into work, an extra skip in her step and an extra jiggle in her cleavage. Boosted by the looks she'd got on her way to the office she strrutted right up to Sam's desk.Standing infront of him, she lent on the desk, her ample clevage right at eye level. A cheeky smile spread across her face as his eyes bulged when he looked up." So last night was just down to the beer was it?" she asked"NO! not at all, I I I just meant" he stuttered before Sophie interupted him...

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My Step mom Ch2

I was laying in bed later that night after having fucked Erin for the third time that day. My phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was. It was a text from my idiot father. "What the fuck mother fucker? Seriously? You fucked my wife?" "Um correction asshole, I'm fucking your wife. Obviously, you can't do a good enough job.", I replied to him "That's it! I'm cutting my trip short and coming home. You and I are going to have a long talk when I get back.", he said in anger. "Whatever, dick", I...

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Alexs craigslist adventures Ch2

Local business owner fucks my brains out, (after hours in his shop)My name is Alex, I'm a 28 year old Bi guy who more than occasionally meets guys. I have a thing for older tops, and am always glad to please. I hope to share more of my true stories in the future.-----Joe was another of the random guys I've met on Craigslist, but this story is a little special. I've hooked up with guys before, mostly at their place, some times in their car, even outside (that one was pretty hot). But this time...

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Walking Dead Sex Ch2

"I have an idea" says Maggie. "I'll be right back." Maggie leaves you two alone. You look over to Beth. She is looking at you and you can't quite read her look. "I'm really sorry Beth. I never meant to do that. I never wanted to hurt you." You say. Beth looks at you. "Why with them?" She asks. "I went to go check on them and Lizzie and Mika were fooling around and.... I just... I don't know..." You try to explain. "I saw what they were doing and I just couldn't help myself. Then a walker...

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How my BBC fantasy for My Wife Went Wrong CH2

Much to my surprise, Melinda said she would be willing to try to seduce a black man for sex on our anniversary weekend out of town. She laid down some ground rules. 1) she alone got to pick the man. 2) she wasn't promising anything - she might just dance with him or kiss him or just touch or give him a bj or go all the way. It all depended on how she felt then. 3) he had to wear a condom if she did have sex with him. she knows just how fertile she is and didn't want an STD. 4) I had to...

2 years ago
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Watching Anna Ch2

Shortly after I witnessed my wife in the garden at the party I had to confront her. I had so many mixed emotions about what I had witnessed I couldn’t keep them in any longer. I won’t go into all the details of what happened as they aren’t erotic. But there was some arguing, crying and hugging, a lot of confusion and she agreed we needed some counselling for our marriage to move forward. I knew I wouldn't divorce my wife for her infidelity once I had received counselling and confronted her....

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Jim The Cuckold Ch2

Dana arrived home well before Jim and quickly fell asleep. It had been years since she'd been sexually satisfied like she just had been. Perhaps, she pondered as she drifted off, the experience that night may have been the most satisfying of her whole life! *********************************************************** Jim drove home after his shower and went over what had transpired that night in his head. He got so horny thinking about Dana being fucked by Kyle, that he had to pull over and jerk...

2 years ago
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Anna Saves the Compant Ch2

When Anna opened the door to leave the bathroom, she noticed Mr Davies had left. In a slight panic she looked around the room and found he had left her a note.Dear AnnaI know tonight seemed cruel of me but I couldn't resist. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I just simply couldn't turn down the offer once I had seen you. I have signed the contract and will keep to our agreement.Yours sincerely Alan Davies."Turn down the offer?" she said out loud to herself.Anna sat...

3 years ago
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Str8 Guy Seduced By A Tranny ch2

For a str8 friend here at xHamster... who is a fan of my writing and when I told him I would write a story with him in it... I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into..Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We entered my room, it is mid-afternoon, so it is warm; the sun is bright and there is a warm sweet scented breeze wafting in the open window... I always splurge and get the "nice view" rooms, and so, I was on the top floor of the hotel (only five floors) and had a balcony that overlooked the...

2 years ago
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Links New Look Playing Princess Ch2

Link sighed heavily as he wandered through the mansion's halls. It had been three weeks since the whole Peach fiasco, and he was glad to have it over and done with. It seemed the princess had kept her promise and hadn't breathed a word of the events to anyone else, but that didn't mean she let him forget it. Every now and then, she gave a little hint about it such as glancing at him when she was discussing her new dress or complaining about her high heels, all with a knowing...

2 years ago
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Mistress StepDaughter Ch2

The events from that morning played heavily on Tim's mind all day. He had talked to his wife Cathy about giving her daughter Kassi back her freedom, and although she was a bit surprised, didn't question his motives. She simply told him she'd back whatever he decided, and was hoping that the decision would calm the tension between him and Kassi a bit. He had also thought a lot about what Kassi had made him do, and came to the conclusion it was a one time thing, and he wouldn't have to worry...

3 years ago
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Cocksucking Adventures Of Cortni Ch2

Cortni couldn't get the thought of sucking guys dirty cocks out of her mind! Her pussy would juice up at school as she thought about how nasty it was to take some guy's filsthy disgusting, unwashed cock in her mouth and suck it until it shot out it's load. She had been going to the adult theatre now for a few weeks, and during that time, she blew over a hundred guys. Most were pretty clean, some were a bit smelly, but two were down right disgusting! The first was that of an old man she seen...

2 years ago
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Sissy Butt Licker Ch2

I left the office at noon, and headed over to Steph's place. I got there, and she let me in, wearing only a robe. There was porn playing on her tv and by the smell of the place, I'd say she was in the middle of one of her marathon masturbation sessions. We sat on the couch and she asked if I'd lick her bum while she finished jilling herself. After I replied yes, she layed down on the floor, belly down, put a pillow under her midsection, propping her ass up, and reached under herself to frig her...

3 years ago
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Butt Sniffing Ch2

As I've mentioned in earlier posts, I rent out one of my rooms to college girls every year. This year is the first time I've actually had one stay the whole summer, and looks as if she's staying another school year. We do fool around and you can read about her in my "Fetish For Panties" series. But this post isn't about Kimmy, it's about a girl I rented to three years ago, and her name was Cassandra, but she prefered to be called Cass. Cass responded to my newspaper ad and met with me a few...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Sexy New Neighbours On Wecam Ch2

Okay, so my neighbour finally got her internet hooked up and messaged me last night on msn! Again I cut and pasted our session for anyone who is interested in reading it! I'll write about what happened afterwards!toosexy4u says:hey Jessie! u there?hello?it's one of the girls from last weekmessage when you get this i'll stay logged onJessie says:hey!sorry! i was out getting some beer!how are you?toosexy4u says:npthat's cool! i'm good and you?Jessie says:good........... loltoosexy4u says:ooooo...

4 years ago
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I want you Ch2

Kelly awoke first thing in the morning shivering like always. Her parents apartment did not have a good heating system, forcing her to have to dress warm even when in the house at night. That did not help her mood from the snowball attack the day before. She was just starting to feel a little sorry for the way she reacted but she was too cold to really give a damn at that moment in time. When she rolled out of her bed, she took her heavy blanket with her. She grabbed some heavy clothing and...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties Ch2

Well I hoped you enjoyed my first chapter and I will try and get more sexual in the next couple chapters, but for right now I'd like to continue sharing my earlier experiances and at the same time keep it short and sweet and in this chapter! So after my initial experiance, I continued my quest to find dirty panties, usually at friend's houses, visiting relatives etc. I would like to say though that I never once took my mothers underwear, as I never had the urge to, I know from talking to other...

3 years ago
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I want you for Christmas CH2

Chapter 2 Kelly awoke first thing in the morning shivering like always. Her parents apartment did not have a good heating system forcing her to have to dress warm even when in the house at night. That did not help her mood from the snowball attack the day before. She was just starting to feel a little sorry for the way she reacted but she was too cold to really give a damn at that moment in time. When she rolled out of her bed she took her heavy blanket with her. She grabbed some heavy...

2 years ago
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Was It A Dream ch2

I sat upright in bed, and noticed I wasn’t wearing a nightie and my pussy and ass were on fire. Was it a dream, or was Michael really there. I looked around the room and didn’t see any signs that told me he had been.I put my nightie back on, crawled out of bed, and went into my computer to see what was happening online; maybe I would find someone there exciting to talk too. After turning the computer on, I chatted with a few people, but the conversations was boring, so I logged off.I sat there...

2 years ago
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The family Sucks A Lot ch2

Chapter 4"Oh God, Jeffy!" Dianne gasped, pulling her mouth off his. "Your cock is hard again."Instinctively, her thighs parted. She swiveled her hips upward, feeling the huge knob of his prick drag down the steamy crevice of her pussy. She paused when she felt his throbbing cockhead contact the yawning opening of her cunt.Jeff wriggled his hips, feeling his prick-knob move around in her cunthole. He grinned lewdly, his face still smeared with her pussy-juice. He thrust his hips forward just a...

2 years ago
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New Job Ch2

Chapter 2 Don woke and checked the clock to see it was 2 A.M. His stocking clad toe touching the covers reminded him of his predicament. He also had to use the bathroom again. Since Mandy was asleep beside him, he quietly slipped out of bed and across the hall to the bathroom. Since he was wearing a long nightgown he figured it would be just as easy to sit down to pee, even though he resented having to do so. On returning he slipped back into bed, finding Mandy had awakened in his...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Love ch2

Sorry if this is not to some peoples liking. I have done co written tales that ran into hundreds of pages. It’s not for everyone. It’s not a one page stroke job. When the sex comes I can assure you there will be as much detail as what leads to it. Every graphic bit of it. I may have kinky little gimmicks thrown in that have not even crossed the most jaded minds. Think the most outright mockery of vows you can..... I’m not doing this for scores. I am doing it cause right now I have to write...

4 years ago
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Cum On Sis Ch2

Sis had just slammed her door, mad that I came all over her. I stood there with my dick in my hand just staring at that door.  “Fucking tease,” I mumbled.Her panties still crumpled in her shorts on the floor. I dropped my cock and bent to retrieve them. It’s not like I had never done it before. Many a night I masturbated as I pressed my sister's panties to my nose. Tonight would be no different.“You fucking pervert,” Sis hissed.She had opened the door to toss her cummy blouse into the hamper....

3 years ago
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Glory Hole Surpris Ch2

It had been three months since Daddy and I first encountered each other at the gloryhole, and he was still "punishing" me daily.I got bare-bottom spankings, belt whippings, and brutal over-the-knee paddlings. Sometimes he made me stand with my nose in the living room corner, with my skirt pulled up and my panties pulled down, so he could jerk off to my ass from the sofa. He made me blow him in every place imaginable. Sometimes he'd bark at me to go fetch the Crisco so he could grease up my big...

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